Proper nutrition is impossible without calculating the energy value of the diet. For example, an adult needs from 2000 to 3000 kcal per day, depending on his type of activity. In fact, working in an office and working in a coal mine involve different physical efforts. In order not to exceed the recommended daily allowance of 2000 kcal and thereby not gain excess weight, it is recommended to know the calorie content of meals. The table of second courses, fast food and desserts is presented in our article.

How much does borscht “weigh”

So, a full meal is not complete without a first course. As a rule, housewives cook soups with meat or fish broth, with the addition of vegetables, cereals and other ingredients. they are small, most importantly, make sure that too much sour cream or mayonnaise is not added to the dish when serving. Here is a calorie table for first courses:

Above is the exact calorie content of the dishes. The calorie table includes the most popular soups. The only thing is that the energy value is given per 100 grams of the finished product, and if you consider that there are 300 or even 400 grams in one serving, feel free to multiply the number of calories by 3 or 4. Therefore, it is best to eat first courses at lunch or dinner, but in very small quantities. This does not apply to soups on or, for example, okroshka without meat or sausage.

Calorie table of cooked meals: what do we eat for the “second”

For lunch, the second course is most often served by housewives as a side dish - rice, buckwheat, other cereals - and something meat or fish. It can also be a salad or sauce. Dinner, if there are men in the house, is also often complete without meat or something more satisfying. Here is the calorie content of main courses: the table also includes the most popular side dishes and main treats.

Second courses, calories
Name of the dish The number of kcal per 100 grams of product
Mashed potatoes65
Boiled pasta133
Fried potatoes154
with mushrooms119
Solyanka with beef100
Fish and potato casserole112
"Lazy" pigeons124
Peppers stuffed with meat160
Fried eggs119
Buckwheat porridge with butter112
fish cakes259
Cod with vegetables117
Cod in breadcrumbs373
Fried chicken266
Boiled chicken fillet153
chicken cutlets382
Chicken with various vegetables99
Braised veal103
Pork stew225
fried pork278
Cutlet "beef plus pork"284
“Hedgehogs” with rice187

Here are the calorie counts. The calorie table, we repeat, is calculated for 100 grams of the product. That is, your full-fledged second course with a side dish will “pull” at least 500 kcal. Therefore, for those who are on a diet or simply do not want to dine so tightly, it is better to limit the main meal to soup and salad. Because most of the calories in our diet are meat dishes, which, of course, are very difficult to refuse - they are painfully tasty.

Calorie content of dishes: table of calorie content of salads

So, various vegetable mixes are an excellent substitute for fatty and “heavy” dishes. What is the energy value of popular salads? It is listed in the table below.

As you can see, the calorie content of even the largest serving of vegetable salad will not exceed 150 kcal. In comparison with a full-fledged second - this is such a small thing.

Calorie Desserts

So, the third on the list of a full meal is dessert. It can also serve as an afternoon snack, or a snack before dinner. So, what is the energy value of the most popular desserts? By the way, these are quite impressive numbers. Therefore, it is best to eat desserts in the morning so that the calories that they bring you are spent by the evening. And it’s better to eat “for dessert” in general or bake the products yourself, while using sweeteners.

fast food calories

This section is especially for those who like to eat at McDonald's and similar establishments. No doubt, the food there is quite tasty, and you can get your order in a matter of minutes. That's just the calorie content of such a diet is depressing, see for yourself:

It is not at all surprising that most people who love to eat at fast food establishments are overweight.

So, you have decided to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and do not exceed the calorie content of your diet. Here are some tips on how to make the dish a little “lighter” in terms of energy value. Firstly, cook soups on chicken or fish. Of course, soup cooked on a pork bone is tasty, but very high in calories. Second courses are best cooked in a double boiler or on the grill, baked or, in extreme cases, fried with a minimum amount of oil. Instead of pork, offer lamb or veal for the second, you can also chicken or turkey - there are not too many calories, and again the taste is excellent. And do not season salads with mayonnaise! For vegetables, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, dressing with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar are perfect. But to refuse altogether. So, in our article, a table of dishes was considered - first, second and salads - and tips were given on how to reduce the energy value of the diet. We hope the recommendations and tables will help you follow the principles of proper nutrition and simply not overeat.

Soup calories: 50 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the stock base and additional ingredients

Soups are an integral part of a person's daily diet, as they are not only tasty, but also healthy. Particular attention is paid to these dishes for those who want to lose weight, because their calorie content is quite low.

The benefits and energy component of first courses

The benefits of soups are explained by the large amount of vitamins and minerals that are preserved during cooking. Due to the heat treatment, the fiber of vegetables is easily digested, so regular consumption of hot dishes “starts” the metabolism, cleansing the body is faster. First courses stimulate the intestines and quickly saturate the body. Remember that grains, fats, and pasta can greatly increase the nutritional value of a serving, so add them in small amounts.

Calorie soup, borscht and cabbage soup

When calculating the energy value of the finished portion, the indicators of each ingredient are taken into account. Naturally, dishes cooked in vegetable broth without adding meat (43 kcal) and “sweet” with fresh fruits and berries (~ 40 kcal) are less nutritious. As the inclusion of fish, meat broth, cereals increase and calories.

The calorie content of borscht, shurpa, hodgepodge is very high (~ 60-80 kcal). Therefore, they should not be consumed more than once a week.

The most useful are vegetable and soups cooked in chicken broth. Chicken contains only 80 kcal per 100 ml serving. However, this energy value is preserved if the broth was prepared from skinless chicken breast, with the addition of 1-2 potatoes or rice.

Read more about in our article.

Soup calorie table per 100 ml

The calculation of the energy value is made according to the following formula: calorie content of raw foods / weight of the finished dish * 100 = calorie content of 100 ml of soup. However, it is rather difficult to calculate this indicator on your own; it is better to use a special table.

If you are going to cook soup with buckwheat, rice or wheat groats, you will need to get acquainted with it in our publication.

Is it possible to lose weight on soups - we count calories

The soup diet is considered one of the simplest, but at the same time effective methods of losing weight. With a limited diet, the dish is cooked on water without the addition of fish or meat. Low calorie, for example, barley soup with mushrooms (43 kcal) allows you to include it in the diet. It is allowed to add rice or buckwheat, pasta is prohibited. Salt should be slightly less than usual, but seasonings and herbs are only welcome.

Even from preschool age, young children are taught to eat the first dish, which stimulates digestion and is the main way to saturate the body. Of course, this category includes various kinds of soups. Over time, the menu is adjusted, but habits remain, and as a result, if the first, second and compote are too much, then the very fact of the presence of hot in the weekly diet is unchanged. Or at least it should be. And often those who, for certain reasons, go on a diet, begin to exclude soups from the diet first. Apparently, believing that a small bun eaten at lunch will cause less harm to the figure than two ladles of borscht. Alas, this is a big mistake. But in order to understand what exactly it lies in, you need to figure out how many calories are in the soup, where they come from and where they are spent. And since there are many types of this dish, the most basic ones will be considered: after all, it is impossible to give out just an average figure of energy value that is universal for everyone. Especially such knowledge is relevant for diets that imply a clear framework for the daily calorie intake. Moreover, contrary to the fact that many believe that the calorie content of vegetable soup is a priori lower than all the others, this is not so. Why is worth finding out.

How many calories in soup

Rich borscht is one of the main hot options, saturating seriously and for a long time. Cooked on meat broth with the addition of beets, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes and herbs, with rye bread and sour cream, it becomes a really hearty and tasty dinner that allows you to forget about hunger until late in the evening. This soup has a calorie content, oddly enough, is very small - only 58 kcal per hundred grams. Taking into account the fact that the plate is usually from two hundred and fifty to four hundred grams, one serving weighs from one hundred and forty-five to two hundred and thirty-two kilocalories. For lunch, this is really not much, even if you have time to have a hearty breakfast in the morning, and then treat yourself to something sweet, and eat something vegetable or sour-milk for dinner, the daily calorie intake will not be exceeded. As for the breakdown of energy value, 45% is given to fats, 26% to proteins and 29% to carbohydrates. And in terms of assimilation by the body, borscht is certainly not the easiest, by and large because of the meat broth, since vegetables do not carry such a strong load in themselves. Moreover, sour cabbage, which is part of it, has a beneficial effect on the intestines. The calorie content of the soup can be increased by the potatoes added to it, therefore it is advised not to include it in those who want to lose weight. And to further reduce the "weight" and, in addition, fat content, it is recommended to drain the first water in which the meat was scalded and cook the borscht in the second. Or you can even replace the meat with mushrooms, getting a vegetarian option. Then the calorie content of vegetable soup like borscht is only 49 kcal.

No less loved by many and cabbage soup. Their variations, like any other soups, there is a sea, but for the basic version of cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, onions, bay leaves and herbs, on beef broth with the addition of boiled eggs and low-fat sour cream, the calorie content of the soup will be only 34 kcal per hundred grams , or from eighty-five to one hundred and thirty-six kilocalories per serving of two hundred and fifty to four hundred grams. Moreover, due to sorrel, fat burning is activated, and with the help of parsley, the absorption of meat broth improves. For proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the calorie content of the soup is divided into 10% for the first, 43% for the second and 47% for the third. Moreover, the proportion of fat can be reduced by cooking cabbage soup not on beef, but on chicken meat.

The lamb lagman is also definitely good, although it is better not to ask the question of how many calories are in the soup. Due to the high proportion of animal proteins, it is recommended for athletes when building muscle mass, but it is not advised to include it in the weight loss menu, since it will not be possible to lose weight on it for sure. However, when eating a small portion for lunch - two hundred grams - you can not harm the figure. Lamb, on the meat of which lagman is prepared, has a lower level of cholesterol than beef, contains less nitrogenous substances, but it contains much more purine bases. Also, lamb soups are not recommended for people with problems with the liver and pancreas. And because of the calorie content, it is taboo for losing weight: the calories in Lagman soup per 100 grams are as much as 172 kcal.

Fish soup today is more often prepared on the basis of canned saury than with fresh fish. This is due to both the inaccessibility of the latter, and the elementary reluctance to take out the insides and bones from it. And if this still affects the taste, moreover, some people prefer the option with canned food, then the calorie content of the soup is not at all. That for the fact that for the other it will be only 39-40 kcal. The simplest recipe for such a fish soup consists of salmon, potatoes, onions, carrots and salt to taste. Vegetables and greens are almost not added here, the emphasis is on fish. The benefits of such a soup are especially valuable during colds and the moment of recovery after them. Also, animal proteins are the easiest to digest from the ear. The only thing is that it is not recommended to eat it cold, like all first courses, except for okroshka.

The easiest to prepare is empty chicken soup. Due to the lack of an abundance of ingredients, its calorie content is very small, and hot low-fat broth will perfectly stimulate the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract, warm and even soothe a sore throat. It is enough to add potatoes, onions and a little grated carrots to the chicken. This option is most preferable for those who are losing weight, because its “weight” will barely reach 27 kcal, because the calorie content of the chicken broth itself for the same hundred grams is only 2 kcal. This soup is digested better than others, and it is most preferable for those who are losing weight, and for those who have problems with digestion, liver and pancreas. And also for those who come out of a serious illness. But best suited for those who suffer from the gastrointestinal tract, no doubt, is a light vegetable soup, calorie content of 19 kcal, cooked from tomatoes, carrots and sauerkraut with the addition of greens. You can also add beans, slightly increasing the "weight" and providing the body with vegetable protein.

From kindergarten years, milk soup with cereals or pasta entered the diet. It cannot be called low-calorie, both because of the base and because of the other ingredients, so those who want to lose weight would be better off avoiding it. Or choose skim milk and the lightest grains or pasta made from durum wheat. If you combine only low-fat milk, vermicelli, sugar syrup, butter and salt, there is a chance to get a soup, the calorie content of which will be 84 kcal, which is close to borscht. But from the point of view of nutritional value and benefits for the body, it is recommended to choose a clearly non-dairy option.

Soups for weight loss

After clarifying the issue of the calorie content of soups, as well as their value for the body, we can say with confidence that soup is certainly necessary for those who dream of a slim figure, but it should be prepared wisely. The main among the hot dishes should be chicken, and the skin must be removed from the meat, which contains too much cholesterol and unnecessary fats. It is better not to add potatoes, giving preference to other vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, cabbage. Be sure to include some greens in the recipe - parsley and dill. They help improve digestion and the breakdown of fats. And if you don’t like meat, you can cook a purely vegetable soup, the calorie content of which will float in the range from 18 to 60 kcal per 100 g, depending on the ingredients. For example, peas and rice will significantly increase the "weight" of the dish.

And there is also a well-known onion soup diet, which consists only of water, sautéed onions and parsley. It is rooted in a gourmet French dish that has many more ingredients in its composition. It needs chicken broth, caramelized onions and a little cognac. It is used with crispy toast and melted cheese. Moreover, the number of calories in the soup is only 44 kcal per 100 g, which makes it affordable even for those who are fighting for a beautiful figure.

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The calorie content of soup with potatoes per 100 grams depends on the recipe for preparing the dish. This note considers the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in soup with potatoes and vermicelli, buckwheat, fish, mushroom, vegetable, pea soup, rice dishes.

Calorie soup with cabbage and potatoes per 100 grams 30 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 0 g protein;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 3 g carbohydrates.

For such a vegetable soup, we need the following set of products:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 250 g of white cabbage;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 50 g leeks;
  • 150 g pumpkin;
  • 60 g green peas;
  • ground pepper, salt to taste;
  • some greenery;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

  • pour heated water into the pan, heat to a boil on the stove;
  • cut into small cubes peeled potatoes, carrots, pumpkin;
  • pour chopped vegetables into boiled water, cook until half cooked;
  • at this time we chop the cabbage;
  • pour cabbage and green peas into a saucepan with vegetables, cook until all the ingredients of the dish are ready;
  • chop the leek and onion, pour these 2 ingredients into the soup. Cook the soup for about 5 minutes;
  • season the dish with ground pepper, salt, herbs, sunflower oil. Boil soup for 1 minute.

Calorie soup with buckwheat and potatoes per 100 grams

Calorie soup with buckwheat and potatoes per 100 grams 34 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 2.1 g fat;
  • 3.6 g of carbohydrates.


  • 4 medium sized potatoes;
  • two thirds of a glass of buckwheat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking steps:

  • heat water in a saucepan;
  • at this time, cut the peeled potatoes into cubes;
  • wash and sort buckwheat;
  • chop the onion;
  • Boil chopped potatoes in boiling water for 10 minutes, then add buckwheat to the pan. After boiling buckwheat, reduce the heat by half, cook until tender for 10 minutes;
  • salt the soup;
  • we cook the frying in sunflower oil with onions and carrots, pour it into the soup;
  • season the soup with bay leaf and ground pepper.

Calorie fish soup with potatoes per 100 grams

Calorie fish soup with potatoes per 100 grams 35 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 4.4 g protein;
  • 0.6 g fat;
  • 3 g carbohydrates.

For this soup we need:

  • 250 g of red fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 45 g of rice;
  • salt, pepper, dill to taste.


  • cut and washed fish and a whole onion cook over medium heat in cold water. The broth is boiled to a boil, then the foam is removed, and cooking continues for another 20 minutes;
  • at this time, you need to cut carrots and potatoes into small cubes, rinse rice with cold water;
  • take out the onion and fish from the finished broth, filter it to eliminate protein flakes;
  • pour the chopped carrots into the boiling strained broth. Cook until the vegetable is half cooked;
  • add chopped potatoes and washed rice to the soup. Mix everything and cook until the rice and potatoes are ready;
  • we throw dill and pieces of skinned fish into the soup;
  • In the finished soup, add pepper and salt to taste. We insist the dish.

Calorie soup with rice and potatoes per 100 grams

The calorie content of rice soup with potatoes per 100 grams is 37 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 4.5 g protein;
  • 0.7 g fat;
  • 2.9 g of carbohydrates.

Soup Ingredients:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 PC. sweet pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of rice;
  • pepper, salt, curry, herbs to taste;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bay leaf.

Recipe of dish:

  • peel and cut into cubes potatoes and half a carrot;
  • rub the second half of the carrot on a coarse grater;
  • cut sweet pepper;
  • we rewind the half of the onion with a thread so that it does not crumble during cooking;
  • finely chop the second half of the onion for frying;
  • boil water and cook chopped potatoes, carrots, onions until the potatoes are half cooked;
  • while the broth is being prepared, pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and spread the butter. We prepare a roast from salted grated carrots, chopped sweet peppers and chopped onions. For color and taste of frying, add curry;
  • put the washed rice and frying into the broth. Boil the soup and cook until the rice is half cooked;
  • we insist the soup, not forgetting to pepper and season with bay leaf and herbs.

Calorie soup with potatoes and pasta per 100 grams

Calorie soup with noodles and potatoes per 100 grams 32 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 0.9 g protein;
  • 0.6 g fat;
  • 5.7 g of carbohydrates.


  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • half sweet pepper;
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.;
  • 100 g of vermicelli;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt, seasonings to taste;
  • 10 g butter.

Cooking steps:

  • put the pan on medium heat, add vegetable oil to it;
  • while the pan is heating, cut the carrots into circles;
  • add 10 g of butter to the heated vegetable oil, lightly fry the carrots in a saucepan;
  • cut the washed and peeled potatoes into strips, add the potatoes to the carrots, set the minimum fire;
  • cut the celery, add it to the pan to the vegetables;
  • cut sweet pepper into strips, pour into a saucepan;
  • pour 50 ml of water into vegetables to form steam and briefly steam the ingredients in a saucepan with the lid closed;
  • add vermicelli, hot water to stewed vegetables;
  • salt, seasoning soup;
  • Bring the soup to a boil and cook until fully cooked for another 5-7 minutes.

Calorie content of mushroom soup with potatoes on the water per 100 grams

Calorie content of mushroom soup with potatoes and vermicelli per 100 grams is 35 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 2.3 g protein;
  • 5.4 g of carbohydrates.

Ingredients for Potato and Mushroom Soup:

  • fresh champignons - 250 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 l;
  • peppercorns, salt, herbs to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • cut mushrooms and onions;
  • grate carrots on a coarse grater;
  • heat the pan, pour vegetable oil into it, pour onions and carrots;
  • frying is cooked over medium heat until the onion is transparent. Then we set the minimum fire;
  • cut potatoes into cubes, add it and mushrooms to the pan with vegetables. We mix the vegetables and simmer for a short time under a closed lid on a small fire;
  • pour boiling water into the pan, bring the soup to a boil;
  • at this time, cut the greens;
  • salt the boiling soup, pepper, season with spices, herbs;
  • cut the tomato into slices, add to the soup;
  • infuse the soup with the heat turned off for 15 minutes.

Calorie content of pea soup with potatoes per 100 grams

Calorie content of pea soup with potatoes without meat per 100 grams is 33 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 1.4 g protein;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 4.8 g of carbohydrates.

For soup with potatoes and peas we need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • half a glass of peas;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • a quarter teaspoon ground pepper.


  • soak peas for 1 hour in cold water;
  • boil peas until tender;
  • cut potatoes into cubes, bring them to a boil in boiling water;
  • grate the carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the onion;
  • add onions and carrots to the potatoes, cook the resulting mixture until the potatoes are fully cooked;
  • add boiled peas to the soup;
  • bring the soup to a boil, turn off the heat, salt and pepper the soup to taste.

benefits of potato soup

Potato soup has a number of health benefits, including:

  • the dish stimulates the stomach and intestines;
  • if a bay leaf is added to the soup, then it becomes an effective tool for the prevention of gastritis and diabetes;
  • vegetable soup with potatoes is saturated with B vitamins, which are necessary to maintain the health of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, nails, hair;
  • due to the low calorie and fat content, such dishes can be included in the diet for almost any diet and weight loss.

Harm of soup with potatoes

Potato soup should be discarded during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In some people, such dishes provoke heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, bloating.

In no case should you eat soup with greenish and rotten potatoes. It can provoke severe food intoxication.

We recommend making soups with potatoes without frying. Such dishes have a less intense taste, but are characterized by much greater usefulness. It is a known fact that fried vegetable oil is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract and can become one of the factors in the development of oncology.

Soups are a dish, without false modesty, unique. Very satisfying, hot, nutritious, they contain many useful substances and vitamins, and each soup has certain beneficial properties: borscht is good for anemia, pea soup improves digestion and promotes hair and nail growth, mushroom soup saturates the body with magnesium, vegetable soup burns fats and serves as a valuable source of vitamins and fiber, rice or oatmeal soup is useful for cleansing the body, chicken soup will be appreciated by athletes, pregnant women, teenagers.

A bowl of soup eaten at lunch satisfies hunger for 3-4 hours, while the calorie content of soups is quite low. Of course, fatty, thick, rich soups with meat, potatoes, cereals, pasta, frying contain a lot of calories, but most soups are still low-calorie dishes. For example, a cup of Ukrainian borscht seasoned with sour cream will contain no more than 200 kcal.

In addition to low calorie content, soups have many other valuable properties: they contain many nutrients, incl. amino acids necessary for our body, they are rich in vitamins and mineral compounds, they improve digestion and speed up metabolism.

Of course, you can lose weight on soups, but there are additional requirements for weight loss soups. The calorie content of soups for weight loss should be minimal, so they are cooked in vegetable or low-fat (second) chicken broth without potatoes. Vegetables are not fried before being put into the soup, salt is used minimally, but spices that promote fat burning are used abundantly - chili, ginger, curry, turmeric, garlic, etc. To lose weight on soup, you need to eat it at least 1 time per day, and soup diets involve eating slimming soup 3-5 times a day. Of the drinks, only pure water and unsweetened green tea are allowed. So you can lose weight on soup by 5-8 kg per week.

How many calories in soups

As mentioned above, the calorie content of soups is different. Several factors influence how many calories a soup contains:

  • calorie content (fat content) of the broth;
  • calorie content of ingredients used for soup;
  • the method of processing the ingredients (whether they are fried in oil or not before being placed in a pan, etc.);
  • calorie soup dressing, if any (sour cream, mayonnaise).

We present you with approximate information about how many calories are in the soups we eat most.

The calorie content of borscht is approximately 35 kcal per 100 g (excluding sour cream, which you fill this soup with). Beetroot contains 29 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of pea soup is 66 kcal per 100 g, fresh green pea soup - 57 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of mushroom soup is approximately 26 kcal per 100 g, and cauliflower soup is 27 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of vegetable soup is 25-28 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of the same vegetable soup seasoned with sour cream is about 40 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of vermicelli soup with 3.2% milk is 66 kcal. Bean soup contains 66 kcal per 100 g, tomato soup contains only 11 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of cabbage soup is about 28-32 kcal per 100 g (excluding sour cream), the calorie content of pickle and fish soup is the same, about 46 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of okroshka on kvass is 52 kcal per 100 g, and on kefir - 47 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of soup with chicken vermicelli is 62 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of rich mushroom stew contains 83 kcal. The calorie content of meat hodgepodge is 68 kcal per 100 g, the calorie content of mushroom puree soup with potatoes is 50 kcal per 100 g, the calorie content of lentil soup is 67 kcal per 100 g, of beans with potatoes is 72 kcal per 100 g. meat is 57 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of fish meatball soup is 48 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of mashed potato soup is 55 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of kharcho soup is 112 kcal per 100 g, 100 g of shurpa contains 78 kcal, and 100 g of khinkal soup contains 124 kcal. The calorie content of green pea puree soup is 82 kcal per 100 g.

You can reduce the calorie content of soups quite easily - refuse to fry vegetables in oil, buy lean meat for soup, cook it only on the second broth. Potatoes can be replaced with beans, also put more vegetables in the soup.

Recipes for the most delicious soups

Eggplant puree soup is ideal for a diet. Take for 500 ml of water 600 g of fresh eggplant, 1 onion, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic, fresh thyme, salt, olive oil to taste. Cut eggplant, thyme, garlic, mix it all, add vinegar and fry in olive oil in a pan until tender. Separately, in a saucepan, fry crushed garlic and onion in oil, add eggplant, cover with water and cook for 20 minutes, then chop in a blender. The calorie content of eggplant puree soup is 18 kcal per 100 g.

A hearty chicken soup with noodles is not suitable for dietary nutrition, but in order to recharge your batteries and energy, it’s quite. For 3 legs, take 3 potatoes, half a glass of noodles, onions, carrots, a bunch of fresh herbs, pepper, salt to taste. Put the chicken legs to boil, after boiling the water, put the unpeeled, cleanly washed onion in the pan. After 30 minutes, take it out, put carrots cut into small cubes in a saucepan, and 5 minutes after it - potatoes. Cook for another 15 minutes, add the vermicelli and cook for another 15 minutes. Add spices, turn off the soup and let it brew for 10 minutes, then serve. Calorie soup with vermicelli and chicken is 132 kcal per 100 g.

Very tasty and healthy tomato soup with meatballs. For 2.5 liters of meat broth, you will need 500 g of tomatoes, 400 g of onions, 300 g of minced meat, a glass of 40% cream, 100 g of vermicelli, 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, a tablespoon of red pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt , herbs, spices to taste. Add bay leaf to the broth and put on fire, put spices, pepper and onions cut into quarters there. Boil 20 minutes.

Take the minced meat, make small meatballs out of it and put them in the pan as well. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, mix, put vermicelli. When the water boils, turn on a small fire and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then salt, pepper. When the soup is ready, add cream and fresh parsley to it. Serve hot toasted white bread or crispy fresh bread with the soup. Calorie soup with meatballs and tomatoes is 55 kcal per 100 g.

Anyone who loves mushroom soup will appreciate this recipe. Take 4 potatoes, 1 onion, 100 g of vermicelli, 60 g of dried porcini mushrooms, carrots, spices and salt to taste. Soak the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water. Place a pot of water on a hot stove. Cut the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry them together in olive oil. When the water in the pan boils, add mushrooms and fried onions and carrots to it. Put the peeled and chopped potatoes there. After 15-20 minutes, add vermicelli, herbs, spices, salt to the pan, turn off the heat and leave for 10-15 minutes. Soup is served with sour cream and herbs. Calorie soup with vermicelli and mushrooms - 110 kcal per 100 g.

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