Throughout the year, we fortify our body with the help of such a fruit as an apple. We gnaw them, cook juices and compotes out of them, preserve, freeze, exist. But what to do with apples so that in winter they do not lose their nutrients and vitamins? We suggest you dry them.

If you follow all the rules for drying and further storage of this fruit, then it will retain all its useful properties until spring. In addition, the calorie content of dried apples will surely please those who will follow the figure in the winter.

Due to the abundant loss of water during drying, the concentration of useful substances in apples increases by 3-4 times. Thus, 100 grams of dried apples should have only 150-200 kcal, and the amount of carbohydrates should fluctuate within 30-50% of the total energy value.

However, one must take into account the fact that during drying, apples are peeled and core, and therefore the composition of fruits may differ slightly from what we are used to in the case of fresh apples.

On average, for every 100 grams of dried apples, there are:

  • up to 2 grams of protein;
  • about 0.3 grams of fat;
  • up to 60 grams of carbohydrates

Thus, it turns out that the calorie content of dried apples is 240-250 kilocalories for every 100 grams. By the way, dried apple slices have a very high content of micro and macro elements, acids and vitamins. There are more than 400 mg of potassium in 100 grams of dried fruits.

Dried slices are rich in malic, citric and tartaric acids, contain essential oils and pectin substances, as well as all kinds of mineral compounds.

If you are planning to go on a diet, then the benefits of dried fruits are obvious. Dried apples, not peeled, have a low glycemic index, and therefore they are recommended for those who follow the figure and people with diabetes.

How to choose apples for drying?

To make your dried fruits tasty and healthy, it is better to choose fruits with a high sugar content. It is desirable that the fruits are hard varieties. You should not buy imported fruits in the supermarket: in order to preserve their presentation, such fruits are often rubbed with paraffin.

If you use chemically treated apples for drying, then you can harm your health. It is best if you opt for country varieties growing in your area.

How to dry apples?

After sorting, the fruits must be washed and dried. Then you can start peeling and removing the core. Peeled and processed apples can be cut into either rings or slices 0.5 cm thick. If you do not want your dried fruits to darken due to oxidation with air, soak them in lightly salted water for a while.

The drying process can be carried out in the sun, in an oven or an electric fruit dryer. If you have a dryer available, then it is important to know how many apples to dry. As a rule, in one day a device with an average volume is able to process up to 2 kilograms of fruit. Also keep in mind that out of 10 kg of fresh fruit, no more than 1.5 kg of dry fruit is obtained.

Dried slices can be added to teas, brewed compotes or eaten like regular chips, replacing high-calorie sweets.

What are the benefits of dried apple fruits?

The benefits of dried apples cannot be overestimated by people who suffer from atherosclerosis, gout, rheumatism and all sorts of dermatological diseases. Dried fruits perfectly strengthen hair and nails, improve eyesight and nervous system. They are also good for people with low blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, due to the high sugar content, dried apples are great for stimulating mental abilities. They are recommended for use by people engaged in intellectual work. This product is indispensable for both pregnant women and nursing mothers. And how much joy will such a useful sweetness cause in a child?

Dried fruits will be an excellent substitute for the usual chocolate, but only without fat and with a high concentration of vitamins and minerals.

It is good for people in old age to eat dried apples as a prevention of sclerosis. But does such a miracle product have a "dark side", won't magic apples harm us? Let's figure it out.

Side effects of apple drying

We figured out how great the benefits of dried fruits for our body are, so it's time to move on to the issue of harm.

By and large, no matter how much you look for, but dried apples do not carry side effects that are dangerous to our health. Any unpleasant phenomena that can sometimes be observed after eating drying are characteristic of all types of dried fruits and are due solely to the specifics of this product.

Of course, a person who does not know a sense of proportion can harm his body himself. The fact is that due to the high fiber content in apples, excessive consumption of drying can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you overeat with dried apples, then gas, stomach cramps, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea may occur. You can not increase the amount of fiber intake in one sitting. This will take at least a few weeks.

Including dried fruits in your daily diet often leads to weight gain. But this only happens if you do not change your usual menu, but simply increase its calorie content by drying.

Dried apples can harm the sweet tooth. Perhaps everyone already knows how much fruit sugar this product contains. Therefore, it is obvious that the benefits of apple slices for teeth are very doubtful. In addition, due to the sticky consistency, fruit pieces often stick to the teeth. This stimulates the growth of bacteria that damage tooth enamel. It is for this reason that dentists recommend thoroughly brushing your teeth after each intake of dried fruit.

If you want to buy ready-made drying in a supermarket, then you should know that in industrial production, before drying fruits in the sun, they are fumigated with burning sulfur. Such dried fruits can cause great harm to your body. Therefore, think carefully whether it is worth buying ready-made drying in the store?

And remember that sweeter doesn't mean better. When preparing dried fruits at home, refrain from adding salt and sugar to them. Vitaminize your body wisely. Enjoy your meal!

Drying apples are considered champions among all the variety of dried fruits available. Due to the prevalence of raw materials, many housewives make preparations for the winter. Later, drying is consumed by the whole family; compotes and desserts are prepared on their basis. All this becomes possible thanks to the useful qualities of the composition. But with inept reception, apples can do harm. Therefore, we will consider the main aspects that will help you get only one benefit from food.

Composition of dried apples

Dried fruits are not deprived of vitamins, such as beta-carotene, retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, vitamin K, tocopherol, B vitamins (thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, etc.).

Natural saccharides are presented in the form of fructose, glucose and a small proportion of sucrose. Of the total volume of apples, only 12% are allocated to sweeteners. Sugar maintains a supply of strength and vigor, is responsible for the activity of the nervous system.

The product is rich in minerals. Among them are iodine, magnesium, iron, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and others.

Dried fruits contain pectin and dietary fiber. In combination, this duet increases all metabolic processes in the body, and also cleanses the blood channels of cholesterol plaques.

It is worth mentioning organic acids separately. The most obvious representatives are lemon, ascorbic, wine, apple, chlorogenic, arabic. Organic acids are assigned no more than 3% of the total volume of apples. But this amount is enough to maintain the body's defenses at the proper level.

Catechin, tannin, flavonoids are natural tannins that are necessary to cleanse the body and protect against radionuclides. These compounds have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. The systematic consumption of apples prevents the formation of cancer.

Dried fruits are not deprived of easily digestible proteins and a small amount of fat. Dryers also contain starch, essential oils, fiber, phytoncides.

With such an extensive chemical list of substances, the calorie content of dried apples is relatively low. It is only 248 kcal. per 100 g serving. But, as a rule, no one eats such an amount at a time. If you dry apples like chips, you will reduce the calorie content to 62 kcal. per 100 g serving.

Who shows the reception of dried apples

  1. Since fiber, pectin and minerals have a positive effect on the digestive system, people with constant constipation should eat apples. Also, the product will be useful to those who have difficulty with the activity of the rectum. Fiber frees the gastrointestinal tract from slagging and improves digestion.
  2. A lot of iron accumulates in the composition of the product, so dried apples will become a real lifesaver for people with anemia. Drying has a positive effect on the composition of the blood, improving the production of red blood cells. The product should be eaten with low hemoglobin and frequent dizziness, as well as girls during the menstrual cycle.
  3. Dried apples will positively affect the health of people who have problems with the genitourinary system. The musculoskeletal system needs calcium, so the product will benefit the categories of people at risk of fractures. In a short time, you will make up for calcium deficiency without taking medications.
  4. Very often, dried apples are introduced into the menu of people who are overweight or obese due to diabetes. Drying speeds up metabolism and does not allow carbohydrates to be transformed into fat, converting them into energy.
  5. Due to the mild diuretic effect with the help of dryers, you can cope with excess fluid in the body. If you suffer from edema, are pregnant or lactating, make it a habit to carry a bag of dried apples with you.
  6. Drying is shown for categories of citizens who have relatively recently undergone a serious abdominal operation or illness. Such a simple-looking product will speed up recovery and saturate the body with the missing nutrients. The same applies to people with naturally low immunity.

  1. For the gastrointestinal tract. Since the product contains a lot of dietary fiber and fiber, including, dried apples are necessary for the digestive tract. With their regular intake, you will increase the absorption of food by an order of magnitude, prevent its fermentation in the esophagus, and increase the absorption of valuable substances into the blood. Drying also removes congestion, increases peristalsis and intestinal microflora.
  2. For allergy sufferers. If you have an allergy to food or pharmaceutical preparations, well-dried apple slices will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. The fruit suppresses the allergic reaction, removing the first and lingering signs. Newly made mothers even give drying to babies, because such apples are hypoallergenic.
  3. For the immune system. The restorative properties of dried fruits have been known for a long time. To this day, people widely use drying to strengthen immunity, prevent diseases during the spread of viral infections. It is useful to consume the product with beriberi, a sharp change in climate and in the off-season. In such a simple way, you will replace expensive pharmacy vitamins.
  4. For cardiovascular activity. Sushki are famous for their accumulation of minerals, but magnesium and potassium are of particular value. These compounds are needed by "cores", that is, people who have a tendency to develop heart thresholds. Drying also helps to recover faster after a stroke, increase the tone of the main muscle, and normalize the rhythm.
  5. For the nervous system. The psycho-emotional environment of a modern person suffers due to constant exposure to stress. You can encounter negativity at work, on public transport, at home, and even places to relax. Dried apples with prolonged use help to abstract from negative reactions, keep calm and improve sleep.
  6. To suppress hunger. Often apples are used in the menu of losing weight. Carry them with you to suppress a sharply raging hunger and not break loose from the method of losing weight. It is better to eat drying than chips or buns. Such a natural apple snack will not cause indigestion, glucose surges and wrinkling at the waist. In addition, snacking is good for the brain.
  7. For beauty. Apple dryers contain calcium, which is indispensable for bones, hair, teeth and nails. Drying improves the condition of the skin, nourishing the dermis with the necessary substances. Tocopherol with retinol are natural antioxidants that prolong a person's youth.

  1. Diabetes mellitus is a failure of metabolic processes in the body. In tissues, the synthesis of water and carbohydrates is disrupted. From such manipulations, the activity of the pancreas is lost. Endocrinologists recommend consuming dried fruit with extreme caution.
  2. Separately, it is worth noting that dried apples are contraindicated to combine with other products and dishes for diabetes. This advice can be explained by the fact that most of the moisture in the raw material evaporates after drying. As a result, the concentration of glucose increases significantly.
  3. From dried fruits with a disease of this kind of ailment, it is recommended to prepare various compotes without adding sugar. Such a drink is allowed to drink even instead of water. If you decide to include dried apples in your daily diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

Dried apples for pancreatitis

  1. It is important to follow a special diet if you have been diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the pancreas. In this case, the menu is drastically reduced. From here you can face the problem of beriberi and a lack of important enzymes.
  2. During the acute phase, the patient may even be prescribed fasting for a while. Also, with pancreatitis, foods containing fiber are strictly prohibited. If you have an ailment diagnosed in a chronic form, then dried apples are on the short list of allowed foods.
  3. With pancreatitis, it is important to observe the measure of consumed dried fruits. For the pancreas, you need to cook apples in a gentle way. Cook compote only from dried fruits with a high-quality sweetener. As a result, you will get a tasty and harmless drink.

  1. If you start eating dried raw materials during pregnancy, you will be able to strengthen the health of the baby in advance. After birth, the baby will have a stable immune system. Do not forget, it is always important to observe the measure of consumption of products.
  2. If you decide to get hooked on dried fruits, you need to cook them yourself, and not buy them in a store. This way you will know for sure that the fruits were picked in an ecologically clean place.
  3. In the case of purchased goods, manufacturers often add flavor enhancers and other preservatives to raw materials. Such substances can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. It's easy to make your own apples.
  4. To do this, it is enough to chop the fruits into small slices no more than 1 cm thick. Dry the composition until fully cooked. When the apples have cooled, they can be eaten. During gestation, it is allowed to eat no more than 25 grams. raw materials.
  5. To improve health, it is recommended to brew a healing drink. To do this, combine in a heat-resistant container of 40 gr. dried apples and rose hips. Pour in the components 750 ml. steep boil. For convenience, use a thermos. Drink the composition 3 times a day for 1 glass (250 ml.)
  6. Regular intake of dried fruits increases lactation and milk quality. The baby is not threatened with adverse reactions and allergies. Fresh apples can cause a number of troubles. Do not abuse dried fruits. Otherwise, you may become overweight.

Harm of dried apples

Dried apples are prohibited for consumption only by people who are prone to obesity and those who have been diagnosed with diabetes of the last stage. In other cases, the product is safe for humans and useful. Dried fruits provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Without a drop of doubt, we can say that dried apples are a storehouse of useful elements. Dried fruits accumulate all the same substances as fresh fruits, but the shelf life of such a preparation is much higher. Eat a snack during a snack to improve the functioning of the digestive system, prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Video: useful properties of dried apples

Everyone knows about the benefits of fresh apples, even small children, and it cannot be exaggerated. These fruits are one of the first complementary foods for babies, they are used in the diet and, in general, are shown to absolutely everyone. They are eaten raw, mashed and mousses are prepared, compotes and jams are cooked, and dried. Not with any processing, apples remain as useful as fresh ones. But whether the rich vitamin composition of these fruits is preserved during drying - let's figure it out and at the same time find out to whom dried apples are shown, how and with what they can be consumed in order to get the maximum of useful substances.

Calorie content and BJU

The number of calories in dried foods varies within 229-260 kcal per 100 g. The fact is that it directly depends on the variety and the method that was used to dry them. On average, the calorie content of this product is 240 kcal.

And the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, that is, BJU, it contains the following:

  • - 2 g (~ 8 kcal);
  • - 0.2 g (~ 0.9 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g (~ 231 kcal).

Vitamin and mineral composition

Surprisingly, when dried, apples do not lose their beneficial properties at all, but even multiply them. This product contains vitamins, and. In addition, apple drying is saturated with, such as, copper, and. It also contains a lot of amino acids and flavonoids.

Did you know? The alchemists of the Middle Ages made the five-pointed star a symbol of knowledge, noticing that the core of an apple in a section has a similar shape.

Useful properties for the body

Dried apples are shown to almost everyone, and all this is due to the good and mineral composition.
Their main benefit is as follows:

  1. Favorably affect the digestive system, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Helps to eliminate toxins.
  3. Favorably affect the intestines.
  4. Enhance metabolism.
  5. Promotes fast saturation and perfectly energizes.
  6. Prevent.
  7. Strengthen the heart muscle.
  8. Increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
  9. Shown for and .
  10. Effective against.
  11. Able .
  12. Normalize blood glucose levels.
  13. Reduce the level.
  14. Positive effect on the nervous system.
  15. Prevent mental disorders and.
  16. Slow down the cells and the body as a whole.
  17. They have a positive effect on the condition.
  18. Strengthens teeth and hair.

Important! Dried apples are a great alternative to sweets, they are tasty and satisfying, while not affecting the figure and will only benefit your health.

What can be done, where to add, and what are combined with

This product is considered universal, since it can be added to various dishes, as well as eaten as a separate and self-sufficient delicacy, as a snack during a work or school day.

By adding a handful of drying to your morning porridge, you will provide yourself with a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. Apple drying is very often added to rich pies and pies. Also, this product is used for the preparation of compotes and infusions.

Dried fruits are added to various desserts, such as jellies, mousses or ice cream. They can act as a great snack for wine or. Apple drying goes well with any, and in such a tandem it can become a nutritious and complete dinner.

Is it possible to eat dried apples on a diet

Those people who are constantly puzzled by counting calories may think that this is a too high-calorie product, and it is better not to use it if you want to lose extra pounds, but this is not at all the case.

Dried apples can get full very quickly, and at the same time the body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as recharge with energy for the whole day, and they certainly will not add weight and extra centimeters on the waist and hips, you can be sure of this. During this time, it is an indispensable product, as it is able to speed up metabolism.

And another plus is that such fruits can be easily taken with you. Thus, you will have a tasty and healthy snack at work, while walking or traveling and will not get better at all.

Important! When buying dried fruits in a store or market, you should give preference to those that have the most faded and nondescript appearance. This is easily explained by the fact that they were prepared in a natural way and without the use of chemicals to color and enhance their attractiveness.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Women in an “interesting position” and with not only can, but also need to add this product to their diet. During pregnancy and lactation, the body of mothers is depleted, so they simply need such a source of nutrients as dried apples.
Naturally, we are talking about the fact that it must be consumed in doses and in reasonable quantities, and then the benefits will be enormous. A future or nursing mother will be able to restore and replenish the supply of vital vitamins and elements, improve her well-being and mood, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the baby.

At what age can children

Children can get acquainted with this product even in infancy. After the introduction of the first complementary foods, babies can be given non-concentrated dried apple compote, but, of course, only after consulting a pediatrician. Up to a year, its dosage should not exceed 100 ml per day, and it is prepared at the rate of 2-3 slices of dried fruit per 200 ml of water.

For older children, that is from 1 year to 3, you can cook a richer compote, without sugar and increase its daily volume. And from the age of 3, drying can be an excellent alternative to sweets and other sweets and be present in the child's diet every day. 1 slice of dried apple every 2-3 days is incredibly beneficial for the baby's body.

FROM 6 years you can increase the amount of dried fruit in the diet up to 4-5 slices per day. In any case, all this is individual and it is necessary to adjust the dosage and method of application for each child and discuss these points with the pediatrician.

Did you know? Until the 19th century, Europeans decorated Christmas trees with apples, but in the middle of the century before last there was a severe crop failure of these fruits, so French glassblowers came up with their own version of replacing traditional dyeing. They say that since then the history of Christmas balls familiar to us has begun.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindications to the use of dried apples include (at the last stage) and. In the first case, it is better to completely exclude the product, and in the second - just use it in doses. The calorie content of such apples is quite high, but despite this, they have a beneficial effect on metabolism, so it’s still worth using them, even for those who have them, but at the same time they should be present on the menu no more than 1 time in 7 days, and their number should not exceed 2-3 slices.

In moderation, this product cannot harm a person, but, on the contrary, will only bring benefits, saturate it with useful substances and cleanse the body.

Now you know that not only fresh, but also dried apples are useful. They can favorably affect the vital organs and systems of the human body. Their presence in the diet will add strength, help overcome stress, and also contribute to the normalization of weight.

Good day, dear readers! The benefits of apples for the body, that's what we'll talk about. The fruit contains many essential substances. At the same time, it will be useful both in fresh and dried form. So, dried apples are the benefits and harms to the health of the body.

Composition and calories

Drying involves the almost complete removal of water from the fresh fruit, but with the preservation of all useful properties. It consists of:

Minerals - potassium, iron, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus. They are necessary for the normal course of hematopoietic processes, the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, and metabolic reactions.

  • Vitamins in dried apples. The fruit contains vitamins A, B, E, K, PP, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene.
  • Sugar in large quantities. Therefore, snacking on dried apple slices helps to quickly restore strength after various types of exercise.
  • pectin substances. Responsible for improving metabolic / digestive processes, normalize cholesterol levels.
  • organic acids. They are necessary for the body to maintain the physiological level of acid-base balance.
  • Tannins. It is found in large quantities in the peel and has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Phytoncides.

How many calories are in dried apples? In dried fruits, the number of calories increases many times over. In a fresh fruit, an apple per 100 grams is 50-55 kcal, then in a dried one it is 360 kcal.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of apple drying are due to the composition of the product.
The present fiber stimulates the digestive tract, preventing constipation, and also helps to remove accumulated toxins. Phosphorus improves brain function. Consumption of dried apples contributes to a more complete absorption of calcium - a mineral that provides bone strength.
A handful of this product will replace dinner and can be a good alternative to dessert.

Possible harm

Dried apples can cause certain harm to the human body.
It contains a lot of sugars, therefore, with diagnosed diabetes and severe obesity, the product is recommended to be limited or completely banned. A day is allowed to eat no more than a handful.

The use of the product must be completely abandoned during the period of exacerbation of ulcer pathology.

If fresh apples with gastritis with high acidity are almost completely prohibited, then drying with this diagnosis can be included in the menu without fear.

Diagnosed pancreatitis (acute and chronic format) also becomes a ban. Before introducing drying into the menu, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Application for diseases

Dried apple slices, due to their composition, will be useful in many cases. Drying can be used for a light snack, but in small quantities.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Apple drying normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: intestinal motility improves, stool normalizes (constipation disappears). The disturbed microflora is restored.

During childbearing

Dried apples during pregnancy will be useful, but in limited quantities. The reason is a possible weight gain, which can negatively affect labor activity.

During the period of breastfeeding

Dried apples while breastfeeding can also be included in the diet. But in this case, it is necessary to monitor the baby's reaction to a new product, as it can cause allergies. It is necessary to introduce dried apples with hv gradually, starting with 2 slices per day. If the child is doing well, then the allowed daily allowance for a woman is 25 grams.

For diabetes

For diabetes, a violation of the processes of carbohydrate metabolism is typical, the cause of which is diseases of the pancreas. When dried, a large amount of liquid is removed from the fruit, which leads to an increase in the concentration of sugars present. That is why dried apples for diabetes are recommended to be consumed in limited quantities. From apple drying, it is desirable to cook compotes without adding sugar.

With pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis requires a person to follow the principles of dietary nutrition. This significantly limits the list of allowed products, which reduces the amount of vitamins entering the body. Dried apples for pancreatitis are a source of vitamins and minerals.

Doctors are allowed to include apple drying in chronic pancreatitis on the menu, but only outside the period of exacerbation of the disease. To reduce the load on the pancreas, you need to cook compote from it. It is allowed to add a little granulated sugar, or its substitute, to the drink.

For the cardiovascular system

Apple drying contains a lot of potassium - an element necessary for the full functioning of the heart and maintaining blood vessels in good condition. Its regular consumption helps to strengthen the myocardium, increases the elasticity of the vascular walls and serves as an excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack.
Dried apples have more fiber. And as it dries out, the amount of vitamins in it increases, but vitamin C becomes less. 100 g of dried apples contain 50% of the daily value of indigestible dietary fiber. Pectin removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Some people may find dried apples to be helpful for anemia as they are high in iron. But this is not so due to the fact that this iron is practically not absorbed by the body.

There is a very common myth that apples contain a lot of iodine. But in fact, both apples and their seeds contain very little iodine, and in order for a person to make up for the daily iodine deficiency, they will have to be eaten in kilograms.
Dried apples contain a lot of fiber, coarse dietary fiber, and therefore these dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the intestines and improve digestion.

The amount of potassium in dried apples is greater than in fresh ones, and this makes drying an easy, diuretic, respectively, removes excess fluid from the body and reduces swelling.

Slimming with dried apples

Kefir-apple diet

To throw off 1.5 - 2 kilograms very quickly, you need to "sit down" on a kefir-apple diet. Its total duration is 3 days.

During the day, you need to drink 200 ml of kefir and eat 4 pieces of drying. This is the norm for one visit. In total, during the day you need to eat 5 - 6 times.

During the diet, you need to use kefir with an average fat content of 1 - 2.5%. You cannot buy a completely fat-free drink, as it will be very difficult for the body to cope with serious dietary restrictions.

If hunger is too strong, then you can drink 7 glasses of kefir. During the day, it is allowed to drink 2 liters of kefir, but no more - this is the maximum allowable.

Fasting days

To maintain the achieved weight, it is recommended to practice a fasting day once a week, when you can eat only dried apples. Due to the full-fledged composition, they will help not to experience a feeling of severe hunger, and will contribute to a better metabolic process.

How to dry apples

To get a quality product, you need to know the technology of fruit drying. There are several ways.


This option is practiced in the summer, when there is a strong heat. Drying in the sun allows you to harvest a large number of apples at once.

The scheme is simple, first prepared apple slices are laid out on nets and covered with a layer of gauze to protect them from flies and other insects. They are turned over daily. The process takes up to 4 days in the open air, and a little more if the apples are in the shade.

In the oven

Dried apples in the oven for the winter, as we do, the fruit must be cut into thin slices and laid out on a baking sheet pre-covered with parchment paper. The oven must be heated to +80 degrees.

  1. We put the baking sheet in the oven at this temperature for 30 minutes.
  2. Then we reduce it by 10 degrees and leave the apples for the next 5 hours. This time is enough for the fruits to give up the bulk of the water.
  3. We turn the pieces over to the other side and reduce the temperature to +50 degrees. Drying should be continued for another 4 hours, periodically turning the apple slices.

In an electric dryer

Prepared fruits are laid out in pallets in one layer. They dry at +60 degrees for 8 hours.

In the microwave

Dried apples in the microwave, what we do, the drying process in the microwave takes only 5 minutes, but you can cook a small amount of apple slices at a time.

  • Sliced ​​fruit is laid out on a plate.
  • You need to dry it at a power of 200 W for 30 seconds.
  • After each cycle is completed, the fruits must be turned over and assessed for readiness.

It must be understood that when the temperature rises above 60 degrees, vitamin C is destroyed by almost 100%. Therefore, if the drying process was in the air, then there is a chance to preserve vitamin C. If you dried in the oven or in the microwave, then it is unlikely that vitamin C remained there. But the pectin definitely remained.


How to store dried apples at home so that they do not lose their taste? There are several recommendations.
Store apples in a glass or ceramic container with a tight lid and in a dark place. The place where apple drying will be stored should be cool and dry. A dark pantry or a tight-closing closet works well. It is necessary to ensure that strong-smelling foods, in particular spices, do not lie next to dried apples. Otherwise, they will absorb their flavor.

How to choose

We choose those apples that are dried without chemical treatment. Some manufacturers use special preparations to treat apples before drying. The result is light gray apple pulp, beautiful, but not useful. Well, if you dip the apples in a lemon solution before drying, then they will remain white and will not be chemically treated.

How to use

You can use them in different ways, washing and eating, for example, with nuts.
Or cook compote from dried apples. But, so that the compote is not only tasty, but most importantly, useful. What happens to vitamins in the process of cooking and boiling dried fruits. During this time, up to 85% of vitamin B1, up to 98% of vitamin B9, up to 90% of vitamin C and up to 80% of vitamin E are destroyed. And here is the correct compote recipe that I saw on the Health TV program and, in their opinion, vitamins in dried fruits after preparation of compote, up to 60% will remain.

So, take apple drying, rinse it and soak them in a saucepan in the evening in warm and boiled water. The next day, the fruits are swollen, you add a little sugar there, it is better not to add sugar, stir and put on the stove. Bring to a boil, and as soon as the compote boils, quickly remove it from the stove. An important detail, in the process of boiling, the lid of the pan must be closed. The destruction of vitamins occurs not only due to temperature, but also upon contact with air.

The full composition of dried apple slices makes them a valuable product for the body. From it you can cook not only healthy, but also surprisingly tasty compotes and decoctions that quench your thirst and at the same time have a healing effect. But excessive use of apple drying can cause weight gain and, accordingly, deterioration in overall well-being.

When writing the text, materials from TV programs were partially used

"Health TV" and "Live healthy."

The benefits and harms of dried apples are a question that homemade lovers need to know the answer to. Dried fruits look completely safe, but you need to understand their properties to understand if this is really the case.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dried apples

The benefits and harms of dried apples for the body differ from the beneficial properties and potential harms of fresh fruits. The fact is that the composition of dried fruits is slightly different - there are more of some elements in them, and some less.

Dried apples contain:

  • fiber;
  • antioxidants;
  • natural sugars;
  • vitamins A, K, H and PP;
  • vitamins B - there are more of them in dried fruits than in fresh ones;
  • vitamin C - its share is significantly reduced, but still it is present in dry slices;
  • potassium - there is a lot of it in dried fruits, thanks to which the product serves as an excellent diuretic;
  • copper and iron - their content is also increased;
  • magnesium, sodium and phosphorus;
  • manganese.

Dried fruits are rich in carbohydrates, occupying about 58 g, they contain proteins and fats - about 2 g and 0.2 g, respectively. The product has a high calorie content - since dried fruits are almost devoid of water, their nutritional value increases dramatically. 100 g of dried apples contains about 250 kcal.

Useful properties of dried apples

The benefits of dried apples for the human body are expressed in their beneficial effect on almost all systems and organs. It is worth considering in more detail the positive impact of the product on health.

For the heart and blood vessels

Dried apples are high in potassium and magnesium. These elements are especially important for the good functioning of the vascular and cardiac systems. Regular consumption of dried fruits prevents the development of atherosclerosis, ischemia, protects against heart attacks and strokes, and normalizes heart rhythm. Dried apples are recommended for use even after a heart attack, their properties allow you to quickly restore the body's strength.

For the stomach and intestines

The benefits of homemade dried apples for the intestinal and gastric systems are undeniable. The product contains a lot of fiber and pectin, so it helps to regulate the bowel movement and improves peristalsis. Valuable mineral components, thanks to dietary fiber, are better absorbed into the blood and absorbed by the body. The properties of the product improve the intestinal microflora and eliminate congestion.

For immunity

Since all vitamins are preserved in dried apples, and the volumes of some of them become even larger, dried fruits are very useful as a prevention of viruses and infections. They will be especially useful in winter and autumn, when many people begin to experience beriberi. If you use ordinary dried apple fruits, then you can do without expensive vitamin complexes - dried slices will eliminate the potential harm from changing climatic conditions at no extra cost.

For skin and hair

Dried fruits contain a lot of calcium and antioxidants. Therefore, the benefits of dried apples for the body of women are especially great - their use helps to strengthen hair, increase the volume of curls. Apples improve the condition of the skin and allow you to stay young and attractive longer.

The beneficial properties of dried apples will not harm almost anyone, and yet for some people this delicacy is especially important to include in their regular diet. Dried fruits are indispensable:

  • with a tendency to constipation, swelling and rapid weight gain- the diuretic properties of dried fruits and their beneficial effect on peristalsis will help to quickly establish the metabolic system, and toxins will no longer accumulate in the body;
  • with high bad cholesterol- trace elements in the composition of dried fruits will help cleanse the blood vessels, strengthen their walls and relieve excess stress from the liver and heart;
  • with joint diseases- dried fruits contain a lot of calcium, so they effectively strengthen bones, help relieve inflammation and pain in arthritis and osteochondrosis;
  • with weakened immunity- the properties of dried fruits will quickly restore the balance of nutrients in the body.

Important! You need to regularly eat dried apple fruits in old age or during intense stress, both mental and physical.

Their beneficial properties improve memory and concentration, have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Is it possible to give dried apples to babies

Apple dried fruits are digested rather slowly. The stomach of a small child is not ready for such loads, so it is not recommended to give dried apples to children. However, from the age of 6 months, you can offer babies a compote cooked from dried fruits in a volume of no more than 100 ml per day. After a year of life, the dosage can be gradually increased.

Attention! Since dried apples can be very harmful for certain diseases, you should consult a pediatrician before offering dried fruit compote to a child for the first time.

Dried apples for pregnant and lactating women

Dried apple fruits are very useful for pregnant women. Their properties not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also help get rid of edema, which often occurs during the period of bearing a child. However, do not forget about the calorie content of the product - the use of dried apples should be moderate.

During lactation, dried fruits will also not cause harm, their properties will be useful for both the mother and the newborn. But you need to stick to small portions and monitor the reaction of the child. If the baby has an allergy, the use of dried fruits will have to be stopped.

Are dried apples good for weight loss?

Despite the fact that the calorie content of dried fruits is increased, they will bring great benefits during the diet. The benefits and harms of dried apples for weight loss are that the delicacy significantly improves peristalsis and helps to remove accumulated toxins from the body in a few days. To make the effect of the diet more noticeable, you can not only introduce dried fruits into your regular diet, but also completely replace your evening dinner with them. In this case, in a month it will be possible to part with 3-4 extra pounds.

The properties of dried fruits are beneficial during a fasting day. During the day, you need to eat exclusively dried apples and drink plenty of water, and the daily dose of apples should be no more than 200 g. If you spend fasting days regularly, then the weight will be stably kept within normal limits. But in order not to harm the body, unloading should not be abused - useful fasting is shown no more than once a week.

Are dried apples allowed for pancreatitis

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, any apples from the diet should be temporarily removed - this also applies to fresh fruits and dried fruits. But with chronic pancreatitis in remission, dried apples are allowed for use. The main thing is not to eat them in too large quantities, otherwise the high fiber content will lead to the fact that the body will receive harm, not benefit.

The benefits and harms of dried apples for diabetes

Fiber and microelements in the composition of dried fruits are of great benefit in diabetes. The properties of the product allow you to maintain the correct metabolism and prevent the development of complications. At the same time, the glycemic index of dried apples is only about 25 units, depending on the variety, so dried fruits do not lead to sharp jumps in blood glucose.

Drinks based on dried fruits - compotes and decoctions will also benefit. Of course, they must be cooked without adding sugar, otherwise all the beneficial properties will turn into harm.

How many dried apples can you eat per day

The benefits and harms of drying apples depend on the volume of dried fruits consumed. A healthy person is recommended to eat only 4-6 pieces of treats per day, in such an amount apples will improve health and will not cause harm.

Children and adolescents should be offered dried fruits in smaller quantities - only 3 pieces per day. And for kids under 6 years old, it is completely allowed to use only 1 slice and no more than once every 2 days.

Healthy Dried Apple Recipes

Dried apple fruits are consumed not only in the form of soft slices. Healthy and quite tasty drinks are prepared from vitamin dried apples. You can drink them for general health promotion, and sometimes home remedies even help to cope with the symptoms of certain ailments.

Dried apple compote

The simplest drink based on dried fruit is a regular compote. They do it like this:

  • 100 g of dried apple slices are poured with a liter of water;
  • after the water boils, the apples are boiled for another quarter of an hour over low heat;
  • after the compote is ready, it is insisted for 12 hours under a closed lid at room temperature.

Warm or cold compote can be drunk by the whole family, it is allowed even for the diet of young children. The benefits and harms of dried apple compote are that it strengthens the immune system and helps to improve digestion. Regular use of compote relieves the problem of constipation, the work of the heart and nervous system also improves, and the level of blood pressure normalizes.

It must be remembered that the properties of compote can also cause harm. It is better not to use it for gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis, at least in a state of exacerbation.

Decoction of dried apples

Another useful remedy with healing properties is a strong apple broth. Prepare it as follows:

  • about 200 g of dried apple slices are poured into 1.5 liters of water;
  • after boiling, the compote is boiled for 40 minutes;
  • the finished drink is cooled, then filtered.

To increase the benefits, you can add a large spoonful of honey and lemon juice to the decoction, they will make up for the lack of vitamin C in the drink. Drinking a decoction is very useful for colds and in order to strengthen the immune system. Also, the benefit of a decoction of dried apples is that the drink has strong tonic properties - you can drink it even instead of coffee, there will be more benefits, and the vessels and heart will not receive an excessive load.

Dried apple infusion

A useful and quick to prepare remedy is an infusion based on dried apple fruits. In order to cook it, you need:

  • take a few dried apple slices;
  • pour them with a glass of boiling water;
  • add a lemon slice and half a teaspoon of honey to the drink;
  • insist the remedy under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

Since dried fruits are not exposed to prolonged temperature effects when preparing a drink, the benefits of dried apple infusion remain even higher than the beneficial properties of compotes and decoctions. The infusion is very good for colds, drinking it is useful for prevention in the cold season.

There will be no harm from the drink if there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, the infusion will quickly replenish the supply of necessary substances. The tool will help with constipation and sluggish digestion, improve the condition of blood vessels and strengthen the heart system.

Important! The infusion quickly loses its benefits and medicinal properties, so it can not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator.

It is better to prepare a new drink every day, it takes very little time.

What varieties of apples are best used for drying

The benefits and harms of dried apples are approximately the same for fruits of any variety. However, there are recommendations on which fruits to choose for creating blanks:

  • All the benefits of dried fruits are concentrated in their pulp, respectively, for drying it is better to choose varieties with small seed boxes and thin skins.
  • Since the apple slices greatly decrease in size during the drying process, medium or large fruits should be chosen. Dried slices from small apples will turn out to be too small, it will take too much fresh fruit to prepare a small serving of goodies.
  • When dried, the fruits of sweet varieties become almost tasteless. Although their beneficial properties are preserved, it is no longer possible to call such dried fruits a delicacy. But sour apples, when dried, acquire a very pleasant and distinct taste, so it is better to use them to create blanks.

Fresh apples of varieties Antonovka, Titovka, Pepin, Aport, Cinnamon and White Bulk are ideal for drying. They meet all the basic requirements, and their preparations are juicy, fragrant and very healthy.

How to dry apples at home

You can buy dried apples in the markets or in stores. However, it is much more convenient and practical to dry fruits at home on your own - this will not require special efforts and will not take much time. There are several ways to dry fresh apple fruits.

Drying apples in the sun

If in winter you have to use household appliances to dry fruits, then in summer it is easiest to dry apples in the hot sun. To do this, they must be laid out on a grid or perforated pallet in a thin layer so that the slices do not overlap each other. From above, apples are covered with gauze so that insects do not sit on the slices.

On average, the drying process in clear hot weather takes about 4 days if the apples lie in the sun. Fruit will take a little longer to dry in the shade. Slices must be turned daily so that they wither evenly on all sides.

Advice! Drying apples in the sun is especially recommended in cases where it is necessary to preserve a maximum of vitamin C in dried fruits.

The useful substance is destroyed at high temperatures, and in the process of natural drying, quite a lot of it remains, although less than in fresh fruits.

Drying apples in the oven

If the weather outside the window no longer allows drying outdoors, or for some reason you want to cook dried fruits faster, you can use a gas or electric oven.

  • Fresh apples are cut into small thin slices and laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper in one layer.
  • The baking sheet is placed in the oven, preheated to 80 ° C, and left for half an hour.
  • After this time, the temperature must be reduced to only 70 ° C and the apples should be kept in the oven for another 5 hours.

After most of the moisture from the slices has evaporated, they will need to be turned over to the other side on the baking sheet and reduce the temperature inside the oven by another 20 ° C. At a temperature of 50 ° C, the apples are left to dry in the oven for the next 4 hours, turning them over from time to time.

Drying apples in the microwave

Drying apple slices in the microwave has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that you will have to dry the fruits in small portions - a large baking sheet with apples simply does not fit in the microwave. But on the other hand, the process of preparing a serving takes only about 5 minutes, which means that in the end, in a couple of hours, you can cook quite a lot of dried fruits.

Drying is done as follows:

  • thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh apples are laid out on a plate and put in the microwave;
  • the kitchen appliance is turned on for 30 seconds, and then the plate is taken out and the slices are turned over, assessing the degree of their readiness.

In total, one portion will require several drying cycles.

Drying apples in the microwave is especially convenient when there is no oven or when it is not possible to keep the oven turned on for about 10 hours in a row.

Apples in an electric dryer

It is most convenient to dry apples in a special electrical appliance - a dryer, designed specifically for preparing dried fruits. The dryer is equipped by default with convenient perforated trays for slices, the user has the opportunity to set the desired temperature, depending on how quickly you need to cook dried apples.

According to the classic recipe, apple slices on pallets must be spread out in a thin layer and the drying temperature set to 60-75 ° C. In this mode, the fruits are dried for about 8 hours, in the process, completely dried slices can be removed and new ones placed in the vacant place.

If you put the device at a temperature of about 100 ° C, then the apples will dry faster. However, there will be much less vitamins in them, since useful substances are destroyed at extremely high temperatures.

How many sushki are obtained from a kilogram of fresh apples

When creating blanks, it must be taken into account that the total mass of dried fruits will be very different from the mass of the feedstock. In the process of drying, all the moisture leaves the apples, and they lose up to 90% of their mass, respectively, only 100 g of drying can be obtained from a kilogram of raw materials.

Harm of dried apples and contraindications for use

The medicinal properties and contraindications of dried apples are not the same for all people. Sometimes healthy dried fruits can harm the body. They are not recommended for:

  • pancreatitis in the acute stage - to replenish the supply of vitamins, it is better to drink compote from dried apples, since it affects the pancreas much softer;
  • exacerbation of an ulcer or gastritis with high acidity - dried fruits will irritate the mucous membranes and cause mainly harm;
  • allergies - if there is an individual intolerance to apples, then in dried form they will be no less dangerous than in fresh.

With caution, you need to use dried apple fruits in diabetes. In small quantities, apple slices can be left in the diet. But there will only be harm from the abuse of the product, since the sucrose content in apple drying is increased.

How to store dried apples

Qualitatively dried apple slices can retain their beneficial properties up to 2 years. At the same time, they must be stored in clean glass jars or in linen bags in a dry place with good ventilation.

For a long time, dried fruits retain their beneficial properties even when stored in the kitchen, in conditions of slightly high humidity. But the shelf life is reduced - you can eat drying for food only throughout the year.


The benefits and harms of dried apples are a matter of their proper use. If you do not eat dried fruits in the presence of contraindications and control portions, then dried apples will only benefit your health. The product will strengthen the body's defenses and contribute to the good functioning of the metabolic system.

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