As you know, Roman Abramovich is considered one of the richest businessmen in Russia. According to Forbes, he has been in the top 10 domestic billionaires for many years in a row. Interest in his condition is largely due to the fact that the businessman, unlike other moneybags, does not try very hard to remain in the shadows, and information about his activities quite often appears on the pages of both foreign and Russian periodicals.

From this article, everyone will get an idea of ​​how much Mr. Abramovich earns specifically.

short biography

The childhood of a billionaire can hardly be called cloudless. He was born in 1966, October 24th. At just 4 years old, he became an orphan. After that, his own uncle named Leib took up the upbringing of the child. He worked as the last head of the ORS in the Lesprom of the city of Ukhta. It was in this village that Roman spent almost all of his childhood.

At the age of 8, the boy moved to another uncle Abram, who lived in Moscow. Here he graduated from school 232. Then he went to serve in the Soviet army.

After military service, he returned to Ukhta, where he entered the institute. Studying was given to him with difficulty, but he more than compensated for the weak performance there with the outstanding talent of the organizer. However, he never managed to get a higher education.

Roman Arkadievich took up business in the late 80s. His first business was the production of toys from polymers. Subsequently, business partners in the Uyut cooperative became, together with Abramovich, at the helm of such a large company as Sibneft. According to experts, the billionaire owes much of his stormy career to close relationships with such famous people as:

  • B. Yeltsin;
  • B. Berezovsky.

However, his path to the financial Olympus in 1992 was overshadowed by a conflict with the law. It was then that he was arrested on charges of stealing diesel fuel for a total of 4,000,000 rubles.

In 1998, Abramovich tried to organize a merger between his Sibneft and Yukos. But this idea remained unrealized. It was in this year that the oligarch cut off all ties to Berezovsky due to disagreements, both financial and political.

By 1999, Roman Arkadyevich had successfully earned 14 billion. Then, among his assets appear:

  • Rusal company (together with Deripaska);
  • controlling stake in Aeroflot.

Since 2001, the billionaire has been working as the governor of the ChAO. Over the next 7 years, he has been actively developing the oil industry in this region.

In 2003, Abramovich became the owner of the British FC Chelsea. Having paid all the debts of the club, the oligarch invests more than 150 million pounds in its development.

But the billionaire did not forget about domestic football.

In particular, he created the NAC fund, through which he paid for the services of Guus Hiddink, who took the post of head coach of the Russian national team.


In 2009, Abramovich became the 51st in the world rating of moneybags according to Forbes magazine. But in Russia, he never rose to the first step in wealth. For a long time he was ahead of Mikhail Prokhorov.

After the start of the economic crisis, Abramovich's capital decreased markedly. For example, in 2015 their size was estimated at only $9 billion.

The businessman owns mansions in:

  • the United Kingdom;
  • Russia;
  • France;

In addition, he has 2 yachts. One of them - Eclipse - costs more than 340,000,000 euros. Its length is 170 meters. It has a modern missile strike early warning system and a small submarine. The latter is able to move under water at a depth of 50 meters. Moreover, all its windows are made of bulletproof glass, and the side plating can withstand even artillery shells.

Abramovich also has two planes (Boeing and Airbus), for which he paid more than 100 million pounds.

The oligarch moves across the land in armored limousines, of which he has two. In addition, for many years he has been collecting a collection of sports cars, the pearls of which are considered Bugatti Veyron.

In 2006, Abramovich was awarded the Order of Honor with the wording "For the development of the social and economic infrastructure of the ChAO".

Nevertheless, Abramovich's fortune continues to decline. So, last year he was only on the 13th position in the domestic ranking of the rich. But basically there is only one reason for this - the devaluation of the ruble.

This, however, does not prevent Roman Arkadievich from continuing to be active in the global real estate market. So in 2014, the billionaire became the owner of 3 houses in New York at once. He plans to unite them all into one mansion. For these objects, he laid out over 70 million dollars.

According to the income statement of the oligarch, the most expensive real estate owned by him is located in the Moscow region. Here he owns two huge houses at once, one of which has an area of ​​​​almost 2.5 square kilometers, and the second is somewhat more modest - about 1.2 thousand meters.

In addition, he also bought houses in the United States (more than 1.3 thousand meters) and in France (910 sq. M).

Abramovich is also actively involved in collecting art objects. His collection is estimated at about a billion dollars.

What is the income of an oligarch

For a year, on average, he earns 28,652,500,000 rubles. This means that every day his fortune increases by almost 78.5 million.

Taking the above figures into account, it is easy to find out that Abramovich earns more than 54.5 thousand per minute. Which in general is the monthly income of a representative of the Russian middle class.

In a second, the capital of the oligarch increases by 910 rubles.

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich- Russian entrepreneur, billionaire, former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, deputy of the Chukotka District Duma (2008), chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (2008-2013). Owner of Chelsea Football Club (London).

Childhood of Roman Abramovich

Father - Arkady Nakhimovich Abramovich (1937−1969) - worked in the economic council of the Autonomous Republic of Komi. Roman Abramovich's mother, Irina Vasilievna Abramovich (maiden name - Mikhailenko) was a music teacher, died when Roman was 1 year old.

Abramovich's grandfather Nakhim (Nakhman) Leibovich and grandmother Toibe (Tatiana) Stepanovna (according to other sources - Semyonovna) were wealthy residents of the Lithuanian city of Taurage, after the annexation of Lithuania to the USSR, they lost their property and were deported to Siberia, having lost each other on the train. Abramovich's grandfather died in 1942 in the Reshety camp (Krasnoyarsk Territory) as a result of an accident, a tractor with Nakhim Abramovich fell into a pit, as the biography of the oligarch says. Toybe raised three sons - Roman Abramovich's father Arkady and his brothers Leib and Abram. As a neighbor of the Abramovichs recalled in an interview with SP, Tatyana Semyonovna was a seamstress, she sewed clothes even for actors in Syktyvkar theaters.

Abramovich's maternal grandmother Faina Borisovna Grutman (1906-1991) was evacuated to Saratov from Ukraine at the beginning of the war. There is almost no information about Abramovich's grandfather Vasily Mikhailenko in biographies. In Alexander Khinshtein's book "Berezovsky and Abramovich: Oligarchs from the High Road", it is said that "only the euphonious surname Mikhailenko" remained from him.

Abramovich's parents met in Saratov, where Arkady Abramovich studied in absentia at the Road Institute. Irina Mikhailenko graduated from a music school and worked as a piano teacher at a school at the garrison officers' house. Having married, Arkady and Irina left for Syktyvkar, where Abramovich's father rose to a senior position in the supply department of the Komistroy construction association. Irina for the birth of Roman Abramovich came to her mother in Saratov, and then returned to Syktyvkar with the child. Abramovich's mother died of leukemia in 1967, according to Khinshtein's book, the cause was an unsuccessful abortion.

Arkady Abramovich, who blamed himself for what happened, outlived his wife by 18 months. On May 5, 1969, during a community work day, a multi-ton reinforced concrete slab fell on Abramovich's father, flying off a crane. On May 13, 1969, Arkady Abramovich died (in the biography of Roman Abramovich on Wikipedia, 1970 is indicated as the year of his father's death).

After life took little Roman into its cold embrace, making the boy an orphan, his uncle Leib Abramovich took him into his family for education. Roman lived with his uncle in the city of Ukhta (Komi ASSR), where Leib Abramovich worked as the head of the Pechorles working supply department at KomilesURS. In Ukhta, Roman studied in the 1st-2nd grade. In 1974, Roman Abramovich moved to Moscow to live with his second uncle, Abram Abramovich. In 1983 he graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 232.

At school, as his classmates recall, Roman Abramovich was quiet and modest, he studied averagely and there were no fives in the certificate of the oligarch. At the same time, already at school, Abramovich showed commercial abilities: he traded cigarettes, “farted” at the Moscow Intourist hotels. Singer Natalya Shturm, who studied with Abramovich, recalled the signature smile of the future billionaire.

Immediately after school, Roman Abramovich entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering. However, he did not show much zeal for study and did not receive a diploma. In 1984-1986, he did military service as a private in the air defense training center (military unit No. 63148) in Bogodukhov (Kharkiv region). Later, Roman Abramovich studied for six months at the evening department at the Moscow Road Institute. In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy.

Business of Roman Abramovich

Returning from the army, the guy decided to devote himself to business, especially since Roman, even as a student, showed excellent organizational skills. At first, Abramovich went into small business (in the late 1980s and early 1990s). In 1988, he headed the Uyut cooperative, which produced rubber toys. In 1991-1993 Abramovich headed the small enterprise AVK, which was engaged in commercial and intermediary activities, including the resale of petroleum products. In 1992, the investigation issued a decision to place him in custody, suspecting Roman Abramovich of stealing 55 tanks of diesel fuel from the state-owned Ukhta oil refinery worth about 4 million rubles (criminal case No. 79067 of the Moscow city prosecutor's office). The damage to the Ukhta refinery was compensated by the actual recipient of the fuel, the Latvian-American enterprise Chikora International. Roman Abramovich himself, as reported in the news, actively helped the investigation, in December 1992 the case was dismissed due to the lack of corpus delicti.

From June 1993 to December 1995, Abramovich was the director of AOZT Petroltrans. From 1993 to 1996, Roman Arkadyevich headed the Moscow branch of the Swiss company RUNICOM S.A. In 1995-1996, together with Boris Berezovsky, he became the founder of several new companies, in particular CJSC PK-Trust.

In early 1995, 28-year-old Roman Abramovich, together with Boris Berezovsky, embarked on a joint project to create a single vertically integrated oil company based on Noyabrskneftegaz and the Omsk Oil Refinery, which at that time were part of Rosneft. In June 1996, Roman Arkadievich became the head of the Moscow representative office of Sibneft, and then joined the board of directors of this company.

It was only in 1998 that Roman Abramovich was first mentioned in the media by the ex-head of the presidential security service Alexander Korzhakov, who described Abramovich as the treasurer of the "family", that is, Boris Yeltsin's entourage.

Boris Berezovsky (left) and Roman Abramovich (right) during a meeting held by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with members of the new State Duma elected in single-member districts, 1999 (Photo: DPI-TASS)

In 2005, Roman Abramovich made $13 billion from the sale of a 73% stake in Sibneft to Gazprom.

London's serious attack on the interests of Roman Abramovich received an immediate rebuff from Moscow. Moreover, at the highest level, spoke the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to Peskov, the report of the International Affairs Committee of the House of Commons of the British Parliament "on dirty money" from Russia, published on May 21, is "another step in the direction of unfriendly and unfair competition." He recalled that in recent decades, Russian business has been growing, developing and leading a peaceful economic expansion to other countries, and suddenly this process has come to such an unfortunate ending.

Israeli citizenship gives Abramovich the right to visa-free entry to dozens of countries, including the UK, and the status of a “new repatriate” gives him tax exemption for 10 years and assistance in settling in his new homeland, the so-called “absorption basket”.

Recall that in Israel, a Russian businessman has long been engaged in philanthropic and commercial activities, investing in companies in the high-tech sector and real estate. In particular, Abramovich is building a large mansion in the prestigious tourist area of ​​Tel Aviv, Neve Tzedek.

As written in the news, Roman Abramovich left Israel almost immediately after obtaining local citizenship, having spent a few hours in the country. The billionaire went to the airport terminal on a general basis - to the room where the arrived repatriates are processed. There, Abramovich was issued a certificate of a new repatriate (“teudat-ole”) and an identity card (“teudat-zeut”), RIA Novosti reported.

The fortune and income of Roman Abramovich

In the list of the richest people in the UK according to The Sunday Times (April 2007), he ranked second; Roman Abramovich's fortune was estimated at 10.8 billion pounds. In 2009, Abramovich's fortune was reduced by three billion pounds as a result of the financial crisis - to 8.7 billion pounds.

In the rating of Russian businessmen Forbes since 2012, Roman Abramovich has been outside the top ten. In 2017, Abramovich's fortune was estimated at $9.1 billion, he was in 12th place. Abramovich's fortune over the past 5 years has varied between 7-10 billion. In 2011, Roman Abramovich had $ 13.4 billion. According to the publication, Abramovich's assets include: Evraz (31%), Channel One (24% ), real estate.

Personal life of Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich was married three times.

The first wife of Roman Abramovich - Olga Yurievna Lysova. There are no common children.

Second wife - Irina Vyacheslavovna Abramovich(Malandina, b. November 26, 1967), former flight attendant. During his family life with Irina, Roman Abramovich had five children: Anna (January 30, 1992), Arkady (September 14, 1993), Sophia (April 3, 1995), Arina (2001) and Ilya (February 18, 2003). In March 2007, Abramovich was divorced by the Chukotka District Court, the couple agreed on the division of property.

Irina Abramovich, with whom Roman Abramovich divorced in 2007, shares photos from her personal photo archive. On her Instagram page, the ex-wife of the billionaire published pictures of her children - Sophia, who had first been published, Arina and Ilya.

Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich with his wife Irena and son Arkady during a football match between Charlton Athletic and Chelsea in London, 2005 year (Photo: Mike Egerton/PA Photos/PHOTAS)

The third wife of Roman Abramovich is designer Daria Zhukova (1981), daughter of the famous entrepreneur Alexander Zhukov, founder and main owner of the international investment group Interfinance. Abramovich's third wife lived with her mother in the United States, then studied at the London Institute of Naturopathy. Daria Zhukova is the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, designer and co-owner of Kova & T.

Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS)

Roman Abramovich and his third wife Daria Zhukova have two children: son Aaron Alexander (December 5, 2009) and daughter Leya (April 8, 2013).

Abramovich's children, in particular Sofya, often post photos on Instagram, in addition, the British media publish news about the children of the owner of Chelsea. You can read even more photos and news from the gossip column about Abramovich's last wife, Daria Zhukova.

On August 7, 2017, the central news in the media was the statement of Roman Abramovich and his third wife Daria Zhukova about the decision to divorce. As the businessman's adviser John Mann told reporters, the decision to divorce after 10 years of marriage was not easy for Abramovich and Zhukova. At the same time, Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova emphasize that they remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that they developed together (the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center in St. Petersburg).

About why Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova are getting divorced, the tabloids can only guess for now. Undoubtedly, the topic of the oligarch's divorce, as in other similar cases, will be a hot topic in the news in the coming years.

After the news of Abramovich's divorce, it became fashionable in the media to write about the future new wife of the billionaire.

A former classmate of Roman Abramovich, Natalya Shturm, suggested that the billionaire had already decided on a replacement for Darya Zhukova. “I think that most likely this place has been occupied for a long time. I'm even sure. For the public, they "dotted the i's for something. Whether it will be an official marriage or Dasha, or Roman Arkadyevich, or a new union will be announced, ”Sturm noted.

Natalia also told what will be the new wife of Abramovich. “Slightly imagining the personality of Roman Arkadyevich, I think that it must be a very beautiful woman. And she's beautiful in her work too. An outstanding personality, relations with which, perhaps, have been tested for years, ”the singer made a prediction about the new love of the oligarch. Later, Natalya Shturm added that the news about the reunion of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie could have appeared thanks to Abramovich, since Roman Arkadyevich allegedly wanted to divert attention from his person and discuss his new companion.

If this is true, then the idea was not successful, at least in Russia. The yellow press of the Russian Federation continues to discuss Abramovich's new novel, in particular, rumors about the connection between Roman Arkadyevich and the star ballerina Diana Vishneva have intensified. The press recalled that Abramovich and Vishneva appeared together at the Sochi Olympics, and the oligarch is also a sponsor of Vishneva's projects. However, Diana Vishneva is married to her own producer Konstantin Selinevich. It must be said that after the news about Abramovich's divorce, Vishneva herself gave rise to rumors by posting on Instagram your picture wearing a scarf and a baseball cap from London Chelsea. "Game day. The Mariinsky Ballet and Orchestra team at the legendary Wembley Arena,” Diana Vishneva captioned her photo in the Abramovich club’s logo.

Also, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Yulia Peresild were mentioned in the tabloid news. The Moscow actress and Abramovich were photographed by the yellow press at Kinotavr in Sochi, it is also known that, at the invitation of Peresild, Roman Abramovich attended social evenings of the Galchonok charity foundation.

There is also an initiative from below, so one of the participants in the famous Dom-2 TV show, Ruslan Solntsev, decided to marry the future enviable bachelor Roman Abramovich, Olga Buzova, who, by the way, also recently experienced a difficult divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Hobbies of Roman Abramovich

Roman Arkadyevich is fond of football. In 2003, Abramovich bought the English football club Chelsea for £140 million. However, Abramovich also supports Russian football. He was one of the initiators of the invitation of the Dutch specialist Guus Hiddink to the post of head coach of the Russian national football team. The salary of Hiddink, as well as the second coach of the national team Igor Korneev, as well as all expenses associated with their stay in Russia (accommodation, transport, etc.) were paid by the National Football Academy Foundation, created by Roman Abramovich in 2004. The ex-coach of the Russian national team Leonid Slutsky noted that Abramovich did a lot to "help Russian football", in particular, he built about 300 artificial football fields and was a sponsor of the Russian team.

Roman Abramovich and John Terry (center) (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images)

In addition to football, Roman Abramovich has many other interests. Abramovich built a venue for concerts and other musical events under London's Stamford Bridge stadium. The cost of the work is 7 million pounds.

In general, a billionaire's hobbies are quite expensive. Abramovich owns five luxury yachts, in the news of the Western media they are called "Abramovich's fleet." By the way, one of his yachts - Pelorus - is equipped with a missile defense system, a plasma generator, a laser holographic projector, a helicopter and a submarine for escape in case of danger.

The yacht Pelorus of Roman Abramovich is moored to the pier of the English Embankment (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov / TASS)

In addition to yachts, Abramovich is also interested in airplanes. For example, the Russian billionaire owns a private Boeing 767-33A/ER (registration P4-MES, registered in Aruba), known as the "Bandit" because of the cockpit painting details. The aircraft was originally ordered by Hawaiian Airlines, but the order was canceled and Abramovich bought the Boeing and refitted it to his own specifications. In September 2008, on the personal order of Abramovich, Airbus completed the construction of a new oligarch aircraft - A340-313X. He also owns three Eurocopter helicopters.

Boeing 767-33A / ER Roman Abramovich (Photo: Anatoly Semekhin / TASS)

And Roman Arkadevich is also known for his love for large and expensive cars. In 2004, Abramovich bought two Maybach 62 armored limousines worth £1 million. Abramovich owns a $2,200,000 Ferrari FXX. Interestingly, only 30 such cars were produced in the world. Roman Arkadievich also has other models in his fleet - Bugatti Veyron, Maserati MC12 Corsa, Ferrari 360 and a modified Porsche Carrera GT. Sometimes Abramovich likes to drive and drive. Of course, under the supervision of numerous guards.

In 2013, a Russian billionaire bought a posh apartment in a fashionable New York area, according to the news, in an apartment located on Fifth Avenue, eight bedrooms, several bathrooms, a huge kitchen and a large central hall.

Abramovich's fortune allows him to go to good restaurants. In 2009, the oligarch had dinner with his girlfriend Daria Zhukova, his son Arkady and three of his acquaintances in a restaurant in New York for 47 thousand dollars. After Abramovich and company left the restaurant, the waiters discussed their generous tips.

At the same time, sometimes Abramovich is not averse to walking. He had long dreamed of climbing Kilimanjaro. For the ascent, Roman Arkadyevich invited six friends. In order to have everything they needed at hand, they took 13 porters with them. Naturally, Roman Arkadyevich was also accompanied by security guards. However, due to the lack of training at the level of 4,602 meters, Abramovich developed symptoms of altitude sickness, so his companions hurried to deliver the billionaire to the foot of the mountain.

Abramovich also loves to listen to good music. In January 2017, the famous "Beatle", the legendary British musician Paul McCartney performed at the exclusive New Year's party of the oligarch Roman Abramovich, which was held on the Caribbean island of Saint Barthélemy.

As you know, Roman Abramovich is considered one of the richest businessmen in Russia. According to Forbes, he has been in the top 10 domestic billionaires for many years in a row. Interest in his condition is largely due to the fact that the businessman, unlike other moneybags, does not try very hard to remain in the shadows, and information about his activities quite often appears on the pages of both foreign and Russian periodicals.

From this article, everyone will get an idea of ​​how much Mr. Abramovich earns specifically.

short biography

The childhood of a billionaire can hardly be called cloudless. He was born in 1966, October 24th. At just 4 years old, he became an orphan. After that, his own uncle named Leib took up the upbringing of the child. He worked as the last head of the ORS in the Lesprom of the city of Ukhta. It was in this village that Roman spent almost all of his childhood.

At the age of 8, the boy moved to another uncle Abram, who lived in Moscow. Here he graduated from school 232. Then he went to serve in the Soviet army.

After military service, he returned to Ukhta, where he entered the institute. Studying was given to him with difficulty, but he more than compensated for the weak performance there with the outstanding talent of the organizer. However, he never managed to get a higher education.

Roman Arkadievich took up business in the late 80s. His first business was the production of toys from polymers. Subsequently, business partners in the Uyut cooperative became, together with Abramovich, at the helm of such a large company as Sibneft. According to experts, the billionaire owes much of his stormy career to close relationships with such famous people as:

  • B. Yeltsin;
  • B. Berezovsky.

However, his path to the financial Olympus in 1992 was overshadowed by a conflict with the law. It was then that he was arrested on charges of stealing diesel fuel for a total of 4,000,000 rubles.

In 1998, Abramovich tried to organize a merger between his Sibneft and Yukos. But this idea remained unrealized. It was in this year that the oligarch cut off all ties to Berezovsky due to disagreements, both financial and political.

By 1999, Roman Arkadyevich had successfully earned 14 billion. Then, among his assets appear:

  • Rusal company (together with Deripaska);
  • controlling stake in Aeroflot.

Since 2001, the billionaire has been working as the governor of the ChAO. Over the next 7 years, he has been actively developing the oil industry in this region.

In 2003, Abramovich became the owner of the British FC Chelsea. Having paid all the debts of the club, the oligarch invests more than 150 million pounds in its development.

But the billionaire did not forget about domestic football.

In particular, he created the NAC fund, through which he paid for the services of Guus Hiddink, who took the post of head coach of the Russian national team.


In 2009, Abramovich became the 51st in the world rating of moneybags according to Forbes magazine. But in Russia, he never rose to the first step in wealth. For a long time he was ahead of Mikhail Prokhorov.

After the start of the economic crisis, Abramovich's capital decreased markedly. For example, in 2015 their size was estimated at only $9 billion.

The businessman owns mansions in:

  • the United Kingdom;
  • Russia;
  • France;

How to make money as an artist at home

In addition, he has 2 yachts. One of them - Eclipse - costs more than 340,000,000 euros. Its length is 170 meters. It has a modern missile strike early warning system and a small submarine. The latter is able to move under water at a depth of 50 meters. Moreover, all its windows are made of bulletproof glass, and the side plating can withstand even artillery shells.

Abramovich also has two planes (Boeing and Airbus), for which he paid more than 100 million pounds.

The oligarch moves across the land in armored limousines, of which he has two. In addition, for many years he has been collecting a collection of sports cars, the pearls of which are considered Bugatti Veyron.

In 2006, Abramovich was awarded the Order of Honor with the wording "For the development of the social and economic infrastructure of the ChAO".

Nevertheless, Abramovich's fortune continues to decline. So, last year he was only on the 13th position in the domestic ranking of the rich. But basically there is only one reason for this - the devaluation of the ruble.

This, however, does not prevent Roman Arkadievich from continuing to be active in the global real estate market. So in 2014, the billionaire became the owner of 3 houses in New York at once. He plans to unite them all into one mansion. For these objects, he laid out over 70 million dollars.

According to the income statement of the oligarch, the most expensive real estate owned by him is located in the Moscow region. Here he owns two huge houses at once, one of which has an area of ​​​​almost 2.5 square kilometers, and the second is somewhat more modest - about 1.2 thousand meters.

In addition, he also bought houses in the United States (more than 1.3 thousand meters) and in France (910 sq. M).

Abramovich is also actively involved in collecting art objects. His collection is estimated at about a billion dollars.

What is the income of an oligarch

For a year, on average, he earns 28,652,500,000 rubles. This means that every day his fortune increases by almost 78.5 million.

Taking the above figures into account, it is easy to find out that Abramovich earns more than 54.5 thousand per minute. Which in general is the monthly income of a representative of the Russian middle class.

In a second, the capital of the oligarch increases by 910 rubles.

Although Abramovich is not the richest billionaire in Russia, he is perhaps the most famous.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, owner of the Chelsea Football Club, is known for his mind-blowing collection of yachts, luxury cars, private jets and mansions around the world. The Wall Street Journal once called his scattered world-wide exquisite property the "Roman Empire."

Abramovich is one of the richest people in Russia. According to Bloomberg, the 51-year-old billionaire is the largest shareholder in Evraz, Russia's second largest steelmaker, and also owns a stake in Nornickel, the world's largest producer of refined nickel.

In 2008, Forbes estimated Abramovich's net worth at $23.5 billion. Today, according to various estimates, it ranges from 11.6 to 14.1 billion dollars. This is how Roman Abramovich spends his billions.

Roman Abramovich is one of the most famous Russian billionaires. His fortune is estimated at 11.6-14.1 billion dollars.

In 2008, Abramovich was considered the richest man in Russia: then his fortune was estimated at $23.5 billion.

The 51-year-old billionaire has become one of the most famous people in the UK since taking over Chelsea Football Club in 2003.

He bought Chelsea 15 years ago from the club's longtime chairman, Ken Bates, for $233m.

In a statement about the purchase of the club, it was said that Abramovich was "a devoted fan of sports and football."

He really attends Chelsea matches very often. Abramovich is pictured celebrating his home win at Sunderland in an English Premier League match on May 21, 2017.

Chelsea is one of the most highly regarded clubs in the world. The average annual cost of his sponsorship contracts is $135 million.

In September 2018, news broke that Abramovich could sell Chelsea for $3.9 billion.

According to Bloomberg, Abramovich made most of his fortune from the sale of former state property after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In 2003, he sold a 26% stake in the Russian airline Aeroflot to the National Reserve Bank and then divested himself of $2 billion of his aluminum holdings.

Today, Abramovich is the main shareholder of Evraz, Russia's second largest steel company.

In addition, he has a stake in Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of recycled nickel.

Abramovich has been married three times and has seven children. In the photo he is with his third wife Dasha Zhukova in 2014.

In 2017, Abramovich announced a divorce from Zhukova, with whom he lived for 10 years. The couple has two common children.

Abramovich and Zhukova were co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the New Holland Cultural Space in St. Petersburg.

Their divorce could be one of the most expensive in history. The couple will share a business in Russia, a large art collection, a giant mansion on the Upper East Side and other jointly acquired property.

Abramovich and Zhukova have a son, Aaron, and a daughter, Leah. Pictured is Abramovich with Aaron at a Chelsea match in 2015.

Before that, Abramovich was married to Irina Malandina for 16 years.

The couple has five children: daughters Sofia, Anna and Arina and sons Arkady and Ilya.

When they got married in 1991, Abramovich had not yet managed to make a big fortune, but at the time of their separation in 2007, he already had $ 18.7 billion.

Although the court usually awards the wife half of the property acquired in marriage, Malandina agreed to $ 300 million - 1.6% of Abramovich's fortune.

Abramovich's first marriage to Olga Lysova lasted 3 years, from 1987 to 1990.

From 2003 to 2008, Abramovich was the governor of Chukotka and during this time allocated $1.3 billion from his own money to the region in the Far North.

Abramovich has homes around the world, including a $118.4 million London mansion on Kensington Palace Gardens, dubbed "Billionaires Boulevard."

However, in May 2018, it was announced that due to an unexpectedly long delay in renewing his British visa, the Chelsea owner had acquired Israeli citizenship and was moving to Tel Aviv.

In recent years, Abramovich has paid $96 million for four townhouses on New York's Upper East Side that he planned to transform into one huge mansion. He also bought a property two blocks from this place. Pictured is a view of Google Street at 9 to 15 on East 75th Street in New York City.

However, in September 2018, it became known that Abramovich sold 4 out of 5 houses in New York (all on East 75th Street) to his ex-wife Zhukova for $91.4 million.

Zhukova is the founder and editor-in-chief of Garage magazine, now owned by Brooklyn-based Vice Media.

Abramovich owns a luxurious villa in Antibes on the French Riviera.

And in 2001, he bought the Chateau de la Croe mansion on the Mediterranean coast.

It used to be the summer residence of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

The press wrote that Abramovich spent almost $40 million on the renovation of this villa.

In September 2018, a French court ruled that Abramovich had underpriced his summer residence and underpaid taxes in 2006 and 2007.

In 2009, Abramovich added a $90 million estate on the Caribbean island of St. Barth to his real estate collection. This 28-hectare estate features several Balinese-style bungalows with ocean views, tennis courts, pools and entertainment pavilions.

However, Abramovich likes to collect not only at home. Over the course of his life, the Russian billionaire has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on yachts.

In 2004, Abramovich bought the Pelorus superyacht, which at the time was the 11th largest in the world.

Abramovich's ex-wife Irina received the yacht in a divorce and later sold it to American tycoon and film producer David Geffen for $300 million. The last owner of this yacht was the Chinese billionaire Samuel Tak Lee. Pictured is Abramovich on Pelorus in Lisbon, 2004.

Roman Abramovich was lucky with partners and friends, and even with the main one - who later became his sworn enemy. Together with Yevgeny Shvidler, in the late 1980s, he opened the Uyut cooperative and sold children's toys. In 1993, Shvidler shared Abramovich's new passion - oil trading. But rather quickly, Abramovich's "shares" rose. He met Berezovsky, and he, with the support of Boris Yeltsin, helped him create the Sibneft company. In exchange, Abramovich was to support Yeltsin in the 1996 presidential election and sponsor the Berezovsky-controlled ORT channel.

Abramovich became a full-fledged member of the Yeltsin family and entered into the confidence of Tatyana and Valentin Yumashev. The last joint project of Abramovich and Berezovsky was the creation of the Rusal company. In order not to conflict with a "difficult" partner, the businessmen agreed to consolidate assets. But in May of the same year, Vladimir Putin became president of Russia, and in August the Kursk submarine sank. ORT's coverage of the tragedy angered Putin and forever quarreled between Abramovich and Berezovsky.

Under Putin, Abramovich was the governor and donor of Chukotka for eight years. And in order to get rid of possible political risks, he sold Sibneft to Gazprom and for three years remained the richest man in Russia.

Although Abramovich rarely gives interviews, he is the most famous Russian businessman in the world. This happened thanks to the purchase in 2003 of the English football club Chelsea. Another hobby inspired by the billionaire Daria Zhukova is contemporary art: investments in the Garage center, annual visits to the Venice Biennale, visits to the Strelka Institute sites (Abramovich watched the World Cup final there and listened to his favorite singer) . Only the Western press is indignant. Residents of the same Venice have repeatedly complained that the billionaire's gigantic yacht blocks their view of their beloved city.

First business In 1988, he headed the Uyut cooperative (production of rubber toys). In the early 1990s, he engaged in the sale of petroleum products.

Deal In 2005, he received $13 billion from the sale of a 73% stake in Sibneft to Gazprom.

Capital Evraz (29.7%), ports, real estate.

Deal In March 2019, he sold the remaining stake in Channel One (20% of shares) to the investment company VTB Capital.

Second citizenship In May 2018, Abramovich became an Israeli citizen after failing to renew his British investor visa.

Number He received $13 billion in 2005 from the sale of a 73% stake in Sibneft to Gazprom.

Sport Since 2003 he has owned the English football club Chelsea. In 2018, Forbes valued the team at $2.062 billion.

Brand"Alphabet of taste".

Detail In the fall of 2017, the Caribbean island of St. Barth, where Abramovich has a house, was at the epicenter of Hurricane Irma and was badly damaged by the elements. The traditional New Year's party was held on a yacht near the shore.

Divorce Abramovich broke up with his third wife, Daria Zhukova, and gave her New York real estate worth more than $90 million.

Collection According to experts, Abramovich's art collection is worth at least $1 billion. In January 2013, he bought a collection of 40 works by Ilya Kabakov, with an approximate cost of $60 million.

Charity In 2006, he donated 26 hectares of land near Moscow for the construction of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. At the time, the site was valued at $52 million.

heirs The eldest son, 25-year-old Arkady, has his own investment company ARA Capital, founded in London in 2011. ARA Capital owns 56.2% of the ordinary shares of Zoltav Resources, an oil company with a capitalization of $23 million.

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