Sometimes just saying the right things is enough to get your hands on it.

It is easier for men to give pleasure, it is easier to understand what they need. And it doesn't cost much to impress a man. Sometimes just saying the right things is enough to get your hands on it. But, unfortunately, we focus on our appearance, forgetting about words. But here is what every man would like to hear from his woman, and more often:

1. "You're so strong!"

There is a macho in every man. Of course, he wants to impress the ladies with his strength, masculinity and sexuality. Treat him with compliments about it.

2. "Did you know that you are very sexy?"

In continuation of the first paragraph. Men often envy women because we hear compliments more often. Especially when it comes to his appearance. Most importantly, when you say this, be sincere.

3. "I admire you as a person."

But compliments should not only be about appearance. This phrase connects you to him on a deeper level.

4. "I'm crying this time!"

Usually a man takes care of everything related to organizing a date. Therefore, he will be pleased if you take on some part, at least once. You will show that you appreciate his efforts, and that you are not just taking advantage of him.

5. "I love you."

Everyone wants to hear this. It is important for everyone to know that he is loved and desired.

6. "Let's make love."

Men want to see the initiative in sex from their woman, they do not want to feel like males who only use a woman, and she only deigns to agree to it.

7. "You're not like everyone else I've met."

Instead of saying what all the guys are goats, or how terrible your exes were, say this phrase, help him feel special, if that's really the case.

8. “You are my breadwinner/such a good father…”

Men feel a great responsibility to provide for their families. Therefore, often assure him that you appreciate his efforts for you.

9. "I feel safe around you."

One of the most magical phrases for a man. After all, for him one of the biggest fears is to be called a coward or weak. Therefore, when he knows that he is a protector for you, it inspires him.

10. "Shall we experiment?"

Most men have a secret fantasy that he would like to realize. This is again a sexual initiative from a woman and an opportunity to relax a man, get close to him and prevent adultery.

11. "I respect you."

For men, respect from a woman is even more important than love. Keep this in mind not only in words, but also in your behavior.

12. "You have great friends!"

For a man, a very good indicator is if his girlfriend can get along with his friends.

13. "Sorry."

This is generally a rare word in our everyday life, unfortunately. But, perhaps, on your example, he himself will learn to admit his mistakes more often.

14. "You had a hard day..."

There is indeed a lot of social pressure on men. And when something doesn’t work out for him, he can feel uncomfortable. Especially if it happens in bed. Help him relax and not worry about it.

15. "It was amazing."

A great ending to a good date, sex or just a new experience together. Men thrive on praise, just like everyone else, so don't skimp on nice words.


Women, men... Sometimes it seems that we are absolutely from different planets... Even more - from different galaxies! When we think about our strong halves, we consider them to be some kind of unearthly, unusual creatures, whose desires and needs are so different from our feminine, sweet whims. They say about us: they say, girls love with their ears, and this is partly true: sincere words can easily turn our heads, we need them, we want to hear them every day. For men, we assign another “feeling” of love: the path through the stomach. However, this does not mean that the guy does not want to hear kind words from you! We decided to conduct an experiment by asking both men and women the same question that every man wants to hear! As we expected, the fact that we are completely different was confirmed. The ideas about the words that the strong half of humanity wants to hear did not coincide with what women say to them. For me, they are all greedy for praise - everyone deep down wants to be the best. From a woman it is only required to make a young man believe in himself ..

To start, I decided to ask this question to 10 women. As it turned out, many girls believe that a man should be praised, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Remember, as in the TV series "Interns", when Lyuba came for advice to Kupitman about the behavior of Boris Arkadievich. He actually gave her very valuable advice about what to say, namely, to praise, to make it clear that he is the best. "Why praise something if he does nothing?" Luba rightly asked. "Say that he does nothing divinely," Kupitman replied to her. And here's what happened in the end:

1. "You are so strong, smart, reliable!" (Aida, 27 years old)

2. "You are my best adviser!" (Janelle, 27 years old)

3. "It was the best sex of my life!" (Nurgul, 21 years old)

4. "Honey, I have so much fun with you!" (Love, 39 years old)

5. "You're doing so well!" (Adel, 23 years old)

6. "Dear, why aren't you sitting with your friends in a pub now?" (Alexandra, 25 years old)

7. "I have confidence in you! This feeling gives me peace and stability!" (Veranika, 25 years old)

8. "When you're so close, I'm out of breath!" (Julia, 21 years old)

9. "Let's not talk too much, there are more fun things to do..." (Aliya, 30)

10. "I'll go to my parents myself, you can rest at home while I'm gone" (Tarbiya, 35 years old)

Men reacted to this issue with humor. But seriously, it is important for them (as well as for us) to feel needed and significant. The words that men want to hear depend very much on what he needs in life at the moment. All representatives of the stronger sex are different, everyone has their own emotions, goals and feelings. Of course, for this reason, everyone wants to hear something of their own, but still there are phrases that any young person will like.

1. "Sorry, I was wrong. How can I make amends"? (Timur, 26 years old)

2. "I don't talk too much?" (Eugene, 22 years old)

3. "I've decided to walk around the house naked from today!" (Azamat, 29 years old)

4. "I'm behind you, like behind a stone wall!" (Amir, 25 years old)

5. "Do you want to repair the car together?" (Nurlan, 31 years old)

6. "You will soon become a dad!" (Azamat, 27 years old)

7. "Can we have a whiskey tasting?" (Artem, 23 years old)

8. "Score a goal in my honor!" (Aleksey, 25 years old)

9. "Listen, dear, I make good money. Why do you need to work, you better learn how to play poker!" (Alisher, 35 years old)

10. "You can not hurry home, work!". (Dmitry, 33 years old)

I think it turned out pretty funny! Of course, many of the things that the men named are just jokes, although since they said it, apparently, they really would like to hear it. A loving woman should be able to find the right approach to her man. Criticize him as little and as little as possible, even if he is wrong. You can politely tell a man not to grumble and get angry. This can only spoil the mood for everyone. No need to tell a man that he is bad. On the contrary, men need to hear words of love from a woman that he is desirable and good, then everything will be fine in family relationships. In general, I think that you can just ask what your man would like. No doubt he would be touched that you are interested!

Modern women are businesslike and independent individuals, but in relationships with men they become completely helpless. Even if the smallest disagreement arises between a couple, the woman is lost, not finding the right words for reconciliation. As they say in the East, good words can appease even the most evil snake. In order to strengthen or restore relations with a man, sometimes just a few pleasant and affectionate words are enough. In addition, a woman should know to whom, when and what words to speak.

Let's decide who to say these words to. Of course, these words will be addressed to the beloved man. Now let's clarify when he should say nice words? Yes, all the time! It remains to find out what words a man needs to say? Even after a long relationship, partners often complain that they no longer understand each other and speak different languages. These words are repeated endlessly.

Maybe stop repeating a hackneyed phrase and just try to understand the language of a loved one? Find a shortcut to his heart? This can be done in the simplest terms. For example, how often does a woman say to a man: "Sit with me for a while." By the way, psychologists say that men also utter such words. A man feels more comfortable when he goes anywhere with the woman he loves.

In a family, from the very beginning, you need to develop a rule that partners will do everything together. However, unlike a woman, a man needs verbal stimulation from time to time. Praise him and thank him for his help. There are times when a man will need the assistance of a woman in special cases, for example, advice on what gift to buy for the boss. In such cases, you can not refuse him. No need to refuse a man, it is better to use this situation to your advantage.

Do not spare words of praise and gratitude. Your husband will ever be able to appreciate your support. Often it is enough for men that a woman notices his victory, even the smallest one. If she can still mark this success with words, we can assume that he is at her feet. The phrase that has set the teeth on edge: “a woman loves with her ears, and a man with her eyes” is not entirely accurate. Pleasant words like to hear men too. Therefore, do not skimp on praise, although you can not overdo it. Everything is good in moderation.

The word is a tool that anyone can use. However, not everyone can use this tool rationally. Moreover, with a word you can make a man “fly”, but with a word you can “kill” him.

It is not necessary to say these words, they can be written on a postcard or sent by email. A man will be pleased to receive such a visual message when he is in the office.

What words do men like to hear? Is there a specific list of such words? Hardly? ! But you shouldn’t even affectionately call a man animal names: “bunny”, “bear”, etc. It is better to replace them with traditional ones: “dear”, “cute”, “beloved”, etc. It is difficult to say what words you like to hear men in certain situations. This can be determined by trial and error. A woman will have to hone her skills. She should be generous and open the heart of a man with kind words.

Words of love and compliments are recommended to be accompanied by a touch. When talking about touch, sexual contact is not always meant. You can walk down the street or shops holding hands. Watch TV on the couch, embracing, and at breakfast briefly pat your man on the head and add the words: “How good you are, dear.” After such a breakfast, a grateful kiss from a man is guaranteed. Who knows, perhaps such relationships were lacking for partners for a long time. In a love relationship, the parties must be careful. It is worth paying attention to the serious or comic statements of your other half. It is necessary to listen to your loved one and pay attention to what he "requires". What pleases him the most: nice words, gifts, joint walks, etc.?

Naturally, lovers have sex. What does a man want to hear during sex? Science has proven that the female brain is designed in such a way that it can do several things at once. Here men, having sex, can concentrate only on one occupation. Therefore, most often during sex, men are silent. However, this does not mean that they cannot hear during sex. By nature, the stronger sex is a hunter. That is why he likes it when his woman is as excited as possible during sex. A woman will best show such a state not only with actions, but also with words. The girl must inform the man with words at what stage of the process of satisfaction she is. Words during sex contribute to increased male arousal.

Words should not only increase the sexual attraction of a man, but can help a girl win over her lover. Therefore, partners during sex should voice all their desires. You can not regulate the words during sex. Someone likes to hear intimate words at this time, someone - gentle, someone - sophisticated, and someone even vulgar. But most often, men are pleased when during sex they hear how good his partner is. A compliment expressed by a girl quietly in her ear will give him no less pleasure than sex itself. Moreover, these words can be the simplest and most banal, for example, to say that he is a god in bed or unique.

Say nice things to women! Talk to your chosen one, your beloved about your feelings. Yes! Not all men can do this! Yes! Men don't like to talk. And, yes, you are men from another planet and your psychology is completely different, not the same as ours - women! But, damn you, you men! Be them to the end!

Do you want to be happy with a woman?

Do you want to live in peace and harmony with your chosen one? Do you just want to drag the lady you like to your place? Just accept the fact that a woman loves with her ears. That's the way we are, period! It is not enough for a woman to be chosen, she needs to constantly hear why you chose her, to hear how you love her and what you are ready to do for her.

Of course, actions are more important! But words are also very important.

Do not expect a woman to ask “do you love me?”, Do not smile and joke about this topic. Don't know how to say nice things to a woman? You are worse off! Start studying immediately! You absolutely do not need to be a poet, compose poems for your woman in order to win her favor or cheer her up. Just sincerely tell the object of your dreams about what you like about her. Tell her how you feel when you look at her. What do you feel when you touch her, when you make love to her, sorry.

Fools are those of men who expect admiration, complete submission and admiration from a woman, without giving any emotions in return. Sooner or later, a wave of reproaches from your woman will cover you. And we, women, are able to endure, and we endure and accept our share as we got it. But believe me, the hour will come and blood will be shed. Your nerves will be spoiled and you will be rewarded for your silence! And do not wring your hands and do not tear the remnants of your hair, wondering, “What did I do? She just freaked out!"

Remember the joke where the husband complained to his neighbor that his wife had terribly tired him with her untidy appearance, that she didn’t cook delicious food, didn’t caress her husband, and was generally angry all the time? And how did it all end in a joke? Exactly! The woman has become what she should be - a beauty singing with pleasure, famously managing all affairs, she can handle everything. And why? You know the answer - she is loved, and she knows it. Knowing that we are loved and important in the life of our man is our inspiration! Create a favorable atmosphere of peace and love in your home.

List of words your woman needs to hear more often

So, let's sketch out an approximate draft, so to speak, list of words that your woman urgently needs to hear more often. It is necessary for her good mood, and therefore for your peace of mind. These are the words:

  1. darling
  2. desired
  3. tender
  4. the most beautiful (very beautiful)
  5. darling
  6. amazing hostess
  7. passionate and insatiable
  8. flexible
  9. graceful
  10. you look great
  11. you look so young
  12. you have amazing eyes
  13. you won my heart once and for all
  14. only with you I'm happy
  15. You are wonderful
  16. I will never get tired of telling you that I love you
  17. I admire you
  18. you are so funny and communication with you is easy and relaxed
  19. I will always love you
  20. you have an amazing sense of humor
  21. you have great taste in everything
  22. I will never understand how you manage everything so easily
  23. what you found in me, I don't deserve you
  24. I admire you, you are always on top
  25. I never cease to be amazed at your talents.
  26. this dress really suits you
  27. These pants flatter your figure
  28. this blouse (dress, blouse, etc.) favorably emphasizes your breasts
  29. you are beautiful in any dress
  30. I love your ears, shoulders, arms, legs, chest, dimples, etc.
  31. I can't take my eyes off you
  32. I don't want to be separated from you for a minute
  33. you always smell very nice
  34. I constantly think about you at work (on a business trip, trip, etc.)
  35. I look into your eyes and drown
  36. melting from the thought of you
  37. I can't find words to express how much I love you
  38. If I could, I would write poetry or a song for you
  39. my heart beats faster when i think of you
  40. you are a wonderful wife (friend, colleague, etc.), mother of our children

The list of words can be much longer. It all depends on you and your feelings. When speaking to a woman, pleasant words, remember that they must correspond to the moment. Roughly speaking, you should not tell your woman “you are the most beautiful” at the moment when she was just mopping the floors in your apartment or taking out the trash in a tracksuit. Feel the situation, when and what words to say. Do not overdo it with admiration, because it can be boring and seem untrue.

It is just as important HOW you say your nice words. Intonation, context, and the conversation leading up to your wonderful words - it all matters!

A little practice and you will succeed! And, believe me, your woman will be grateful to you!