Immortal Regiment. Penton 2. Song. Version 1.0. Victor Kachemtsev

Inspiring the solemnity of the heart,
Full of the same feelings
May ninth waving
We are with the liberators of the country.

Let the incendiary accents be heard
But, remembering the series of wrongdoings,
Monuments unbroken by betrayal
Raise a star above the winners!
Raise a star above the winners!

© Copyright: Victor...

Probably, life is doubly valuable
To them, who did not live to see the Victory.
And like icons on the wall
Hanging portraits of our grandfathers.

Oh, time, time .... That would be back
Let for a moment, for a minute:
And now grandfather laughs again,
And grandma hurries to someone.

Here they are building a new house "by the world",
And here is a feast in this house!
… But everything will end later
One day in forty-one, in the summer.

The country will be filled with trouble
Will groan with wounds of funnels!
War, damn war
From women's tears and funerals ...

After all, she was waiting for her hour,
Without choosing...

The victory is entered into the annals.
We are relatives of those soldiers of ours,
In May, who is the ninth
Recall all the heroes from the family.

Everyone involved in the spirit of years,
Memorial column inside and out
Will carry a portrait in his hands,
Nobody else will do it.

Here in the ranks of one and a front-line soldier,
And the blockade with the baby of war,
The rear worker is worthy of them,
With a prisoner of the concentration camp trouble.

The people fought for posterity,
And people have the right to live
In the pedigree of relatives so that
Do not break the binding thread.

It's going across the country...

In my homeland, immortal regiments
They flow like a living river without ceasing,
For grandfather and father, father and mothers,
They go for them with a long-awaited victory.

What is Troy to me, what is Rome, "Flowers in the wind."
Enemies will not undermine the pulse of my memory,
They did not dream of the battles of Stalingrad,
And even the torments of Hell will not wash away.

Perhaps in the morning there will be spring rain,
And drops of tears from heaven will knock on my soul,
And somewhere the trains will run far,
That sound of wheels I hear every day.

Victory holiday with immense joy
And with tears in someone's window...
Immortal regiment? Rather, the front is immortal
The ninth will be held throughout the country.

From the Far East to Brest
That front will pass without fiery battles,
But with grandchildren and great-grandchildren together
Russian villages and cities.

And in those columns, a small granddaughter
Raise a banner above your head
Where is the photo of my front-line mother,
A military doctor, young doctors.

And in the far, and in the near abroad
History is being twisted and cut
Absolutely not...

Love makes the soul immortal
without love, it is pointless to save herself
and repent, washing someone else's blood,
and fear every action.

Love makes the soul immortal.
Love in the soul is a particle of the Higher Power,
recreating the cosmos again and again,
and we are her mausoleums and graves.

To spend with love on the last journey
and it will be with us - the dead will not condemn,
live and love and be kind -
everything is not enough - there will be no gratitude.

She doesn't even need gratitude.
Love goes its own way grain.

Immortal love captivated me
In that wasted youth of mine,
She pleasantly surprised me
I'm amazed until these glorious days...

Magical love eclipsed the mind
And there is nothing sweeter in the world
And every time I fall in love and I must
Exhausted with such a soul ...

And here is one, yearning in the evenings,
I'm going to the shore of mother OKI,
And exposing the soul, in front of you -
Looking for love to the grave...

Lyrics of the song Mikhail Nozhkin - "Immortal Regiment"

War is over. And the guns fell silent
And the years have smoothed out the great misfortune,
And we live. And we meet Spring again,
We celebrate Victory Day, the best day of the year.

And from Kamchatka to the famous Brest,
From Sevastopol to the Murmansk latitudes,
Sorrow and joy walk across the country together,
And again, memory haunts us.

And again the holy bells are calling,
And again the country rises into a single system,
Immortal Regiment, Immortal Russia
Confident in the future!

War is over. But with a singed song
It still circles over every house.
In the war of our fathers and grandfathers, millions
Gone into immortality so that we can live with you!

They fulfilled the stern duty of a soldier,
And remained faithful to the Motherland to the end,
And we look into history again,
To measure today's day as a day of war.

War is over. But there is no peace in the world
And again, enemies scare us with war,
We are not afraid of them - we have a country of Heroes,
And everyone is ready to stand up for the Motherland with a wall!

War is over. But the memory of generations
Like front-line friendship, eternal and firm.
No one has ever brought us to our knees
And will not put for anything and never!



Red Square - a place for the Parade
To the seventieth anniversary of the Victory in the war.
The participants put on all the awards,
St. George ribbons for everyone.

The immortal regiment marches across the country
To the music "Farewell of the Slav",
So that on the anniversary of the Victory in Moscow
Walk along the historic cobblestones.

Portraits of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers
They will take their places in the ranks of the regiment.
Victory came at a great price.
Immortal regiment, your feat for centuries!

Past the podium smoothly float
Portraits of the winners of the country.
They protect us all the time
From a terrible, destructive war.

Today they are with us again
They will march in columns along the pavement.
Again in the ranks and our veterans,
Brought Victory to you and me.
With them solemnly go
In one column, grandchildren, children -
The portraits of the winners are
So that everyone on the planet knows them.

Our immortal regiment is always alive,
Like a relay race of our generations.
Soldiers are marching in formation, as then,
They try to keep alignment in the ranks.

The parade regiment passes as always,
Chasing a step, alignment to the right.
Everyone has medals, orders;
Our Banner proudly flies over the ranks.

If you have to defend the country,
The immortal regiments will again be in formation.
They are always on the alert as well.
Let all our enemies know this.


Dear readers! The site "Beloved Motherland" is glad to present you touching songs about the immortal regiment, which were written by modern poets and thanks the authors for their creative inspiration, sensitivity, kindness and love for the Motherland.

Heroes - glory, memory - our strength.

The regiment marches, the immortal regiment, the regiment marches,

The Immortal Regiment marches across the planet,

Soul to soul, shoulder to shoulder in its ranks

Adults and children walk together.

The immortal regiment is our eternal talisman,

He is the unfading glory of the Motherland.

Live, Russian people, and be proud,

The Immortal Regiment gave us the right to do so.

The regiment marches, the immortal regiment all over the earth,

Soaked in holy soldier's blood.

They gave their lives for you and me

They blessed us with love.

Their souls of saints were covered with pure wings

They overshadow us and shine with a star,

We are grateful to them now and forever

All over the world adults and children.

Eyes sparkle with grateful tears

For the work of a soldier, he is in the name of life,

And covered the embrasure with my heart

Soldier in the name of us and the entire Fatherland.

Walking wide into the future

My power, Motherland - Russia,

Where in every heart lives the Immortal Regiment

It is our glory, pride, our strength.




Hear me from the depths of time
You are my native, my legendary great-grandfather!
And from a height, looking at the saved world,
Find yourself among other names.

I proudly stand in the Immortal Regiment,
After all, the memory of you is sacred to the heart,
And remember the feat of every soldier
For the great-grandchildren of the Victory - the highest duty!

Immortal Regiment!

Let the people of my country stand in line,
Let them remember villages, cities, villages
Their heroes are righteous faces,
Full of great dignity.

So that their glory survives the ages,
So that our children remember this,
So that they know the price of that holy Victory, -
Join the Immortal Regiment!

Immortal regiment - you will live for centuries!
Immortal Regiment - Victory is our flame!
Immortal Regiment - Immortal next to us!
Immortal Regiment! Immortal Regiment!

Immortal regiment - you will live for centuries!
Immortal Regiment - Victory is our flame!
Immortal Regiment - Immortal next to us!
Immortal Regiment! Immortal Regiment!
Immortal Regiment!

I took pictures from the album
What can you do again anniversary.
And the pages of his biography
Closely connected with my life.

He is my father not only by patronymic,
He protected me in that war,
Encourage positive creativity
And forgive me for all my sins.

And my son looks like him
And my grandson carries his genes.
With him I try all the time stricter,
But no more than necessary!

He entered Budapest with friends,
He took Berlin, and then Prague.
And now the photos are with us,
And the medals are "for courage."

I remember their long gatherings,
And stories about military life.
And they drank brine instead of a hangover,
They steamed in the bathhouse, drank foamy kvass.

And the family all the love and care,
And to work and craving, and passion.
And I do not believe that there is little freedom
They were given the Soviet power.

Without fear, discussed all the troubles,
Without fear, they condemned the cult:
Because they are for victory.
We walked under the whistle of shells and bullets!

They got it the hardest
And they worked like oxen.
Who will regret now, besides us,
But they were right!

There are very few left now.
And he has no age at all.
And my dad looks tired:
From a photo of old victories!

They loved the fun
They were very fond of children.
Let's ask their dream and goal:
Let's remember all these lovely people!!!

Immortal Regiment
Immortal regiment from the flames of Victory!
Goes forward his mighty system!
Immortal regiment, in which our grandfathers!
They walk on the path of human memory.
Immortal regiment in medals and envelopes,
In the frozen faces of frontline cadres.
Immortal regiment in defeat and victories,
In the remains of the fallen and in the tears of the living.

Immortal regiment of living and fallen grandfathers,
Passed the path of war.
Immortal regiment, striding for the Victory!
He brought it to the streets of the country.
An immortal regiment of the innocently slain,
Children and grandchildren, wives and mothers,
Immortal regiment, civil and military,
Goes silently in the memory of people.

Immortal regiment in seconds and centuries,
More than once the enemy will break the back
Immortal regiment in questions and answers,
Tell everyone the whole truth about the war
Immortal regiment reality is not an epic
And day and night, and in the cold and in the heat.
Walked forward from Brest to Berlin,
Immortal regiment you live in memory.



River of the Immortal Regiment.
What is this river flowing?
I dare not say...
Immortal Regiment River
Filled Tverskaya!
In her memory splashes in waves,
It is our essence and conscience.
In her immortal names
Virtue shines in the sun.

In it grandchildren with grandfathers go,
Walking in one line.
They won't drown in it, they won't die,
Souls are resurrected in her...
River of the Immortal Regiment
Fill the truth with power
And will flow through the ages
Through the streets of Russia!

We will be driven by its stream
Through the years and centuries.
Let everyone know: The Immortal Regiment!
Our children will continue!
What is this river flowing?
Hope, Faith, Strength!
Immortal Regiment River
Filled Russia! Lik D.S.

Ballad of the Immortal Regiment!

As once in Volgograd on the eve of Victory Day,
The son turned to his father .... - Tell me dads about grandfather,
I saw a photo in the album, among hundreds of our new ones,
Grandfather in an overcoat and cap in full growth against the backdrop of the house.

And there was nothing left of the house, only ruins,
Slightly to the left are two craters from a shell and from a mine.
And in the distance a broken city and the bodies of soldiers lie,
This city is the legendary glorious city of Stalingrad.

And dad answered his son to his holy question,
Your grandfather was an artilleryman without hiding bitter tears.
He fought for a long time with the fascist that he kept that hail in the ring,
Your grandfather defended that city seven decades ago.

And the house that is behind the grandfather is called Pavlov's House,
The culprits of the Victory are in it ... Glory and Valor live.
There are Soviet soldiers breaking out of the ring,
Not sparing their lives, they fought the German to the end.

The son said let's dad take the grandfather's photo,
So that they make a sign for us and let's go with that sign
To Mamaev Kurgan on a May morning on Victory Day
In the system of the "Immortal Regiment", we will stand together with our grandfather.

As once in the spring on a May morning on Victory Day
People with faces of great-grandfathers walked along the streets of Russia.
There were not just a lot of them ... The river was full of them,
The whole country entered that day ... Into the "Immortal Regiment"
Lik D.S.

When the last veteran leaves...

When the hand of a brave granddaughter
He will proudly raise a frame with a photo of his grandfather.
Then the river of the immortal regiment,
Will fill souls with truth and victory.

When the carnations lay down on the granite
And the look will shine from the eternal flame.
Then we can boldly say
That the memory of the fallen in us is still alive!

When the country passes shoulder to shoulder,
And will sing Katyusha with Victory Day
I'll raise my eyes to the sky and scream!
Thank you for everything dear grandfathers!

When, after a hundred winters and a hundred years,
My great-grandson will tell his son Happy Victory Day!
We are aware of the power of true Victories
What our grandfathers brought us in battles.

When the last veteran leaves
When they find the last soldier.
We are aware of the pain of spiritual wounds,
Irreparable true loss.

The Lord will lay a heavy cross on us,
Great truth and peace.
And we will understand what kind of day it was
And what is its purpose.

Lik D.S.

Veteran ballad

We couldn't take a single step back.
There were four of us in a damp trench,
And everyone wanted to live to win.
I, Kolka, Seryoga from one village,
And Ivan from Kostroma is with us, foreman ...
We stood as one indestructible wall,
And no one was afraid of death.

I was left alone in this world to breathe
How much I buried you friends for a lifetime
Kolka, Vanya, Seryoga are walking slowly,
On the tablets of the grandchildren in the Immortal Regiment.
I will soon come to you in heaven, men,
We will go and chat with her shore.
Bathe with souls in the waters of the river
What the grandchildren called the Immortal Regiment

Seventeen medals glitter on my chest
In them the sun plays rays in the fire.
Today I was left alone from the regiment,
And tears flow down the gray beard.
Then in the forty-first in the battle near Moscow,
Forty tanks slowly crawled towards us.
There were four of us, that last spring,
Today from the regiment, I was left alone.

Lik D.S.

Great holiday.

On this day, the granddaughter remembers his grandfather,
And he wants to go with him in the immortal regiment!

Our great holiday is Victory Day!
Do not find more truthful dates on the planet.
On this day of fascism, strength was overcome,
Russian soldiers do not spare their lives!

Great day, Mighty country!
Sacred war passed the exam!
Great day... Victorious spring!
An immortal regiment filled with tears!

Great day... Sacred freedom!
Under a hail of tears and volleys of fireworks!
Great day, great people!
That he beat the enemy without complaining about a miracle!

Our great holiday is Victory Day!
A chance to say thank you to grandfathers and fathers,
On this day, we follow the trail for the truth!
Souls and hearts beat in unison!

Our great holiday is Victory Day!
And there is no more important day in Russia,
On this day, all grandchildren remember their grandfathers,
And with a regiment of immortal grandchildren along the way!

Lik D.S.

The immortal regiment marches on the planet,

With portraits in it of adults and children,

Float in the sacred memory of the waves.

Great-grandfathers and grandfathers walk with us,

In uniforms and military awards

Great Winners

Frozen on the frames of the front.

The immortal regiment spread like a river,

Through the streets, avenues, squares.

I bathed in that river with my soul,

And realized a lot in the world

Walking shoulder to shoulder with heroes

I will shout with all my might... No to War!

May the memory never die

The immortal regiment is marching on the earth!

Nobody will stop the immortal regiment,

And she will be eclipsed by his sacred light

Who went to the regiment will remember him forever,

Leaving a bright trace in your heart.

The Immortal Regiment as Truth and Faith.
It flows like a river through different cities.

Let everyone know the great victory

Lives in his sacred names
Lik D.S.

River of great memory.

All our glorious heroes
Walking together through the ages.
They flow in victory
The river of the immortal regiment.
Frozen in photos and portraits,
Floating with the current along Tverskaya.
And spread across the world.
River of great memory.

Immortal regiment .. Marching forward!
Through the cities of the mainland
In it, the memory burns with a flame
Cranes chirp above him
Great-grandfathers and grandfathers live in it,
Looking at grandchildren, as if from icons ...
The immortal regiment lives in victory
And that's why he's immortal.

They go from small to large.
Holding the plywood over you.
In their frontline and kind faces.
The last, hardest fight
Frozen in photos and portraits,
Floating through the ages
One Great Victory
River of great memory.

Lik D.S.

1418 days

The Slavs have many numbers.
Days of great, glorious dates.
Each has a sacred meaning
Glory ... the Russian world is rich.
But one number is sacred to us,
For fathers and for children
Victory Day in the forty-fifth
Our Great May Day

We went from glorious Brest to Berlin with battles,
Our cause is right, to be defeated by enemies.
Do not erase from memory ... adults and children
In the summer of forty-one, in the spring of forty-fifth
From June twenty-first, until May, until the ninth.
Do not erase from the conscience and memory of people
One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.

The Slavs have many temples,
Monuments… holy places!
Regiment of Heroes - Veterans,
Aged, but alive.
But one thing we know is holy
And we keep it forever.
Victory Day in the forty-fifth
Day of the Immortal Regiment!

Lik D.S.


I will never allow myself or you.
Forget how my grandfather died near Moscow.
May morning in Kolomna near Moscow
I will remember all those who died in the war.

Son and daughter, I lead with a photo of my grandfather
Straight to the eternal flame on Victory Day
We will not forgive the enemies of suffering and pain.
We will remember and honor all the heroes

I will remember in the constellations of dates,
All the victories of Soviet soldiers,
On the planet by an immortal river
We walk the planet and remember

We will remember in the Immortal regiments,
All those who died in bloody battles.
I will remember and keep the memory
Happy Victory Day country ... Let's live!

My son will grow up and tell his grandchildren
How the Nazis were beaten by their brave great-grandfather.
They will then tell their children
So we will carry the memory through the centuries

Don't let your heart and soul for a moment
Forget the great date in centuries
Victory Day on planet earth
We will remember, keeping the memory in our hearts!

Lik D.S.

We remember, We are proud!

We remember the war and are proud of the victory,
We are the feats of the holy fallen soldiers,
In the immortal regiment, walking with grandfather
We are not ashamed to decorate our faces with tears.
We remember the shelves going into the distance,
Burning huts, fields and valleys.
And seeing how my grandfather kisses the medal,
I feel the price of the way to Berlin!

We remember we are proud!
Victory soldiers!
We will not surrender to the enemy!
Shouting cheers in the eyes!
Salute to the dead in battle!
Vivat in the world alive!
Great Victory Day
We will keep for centuries!

We remember how conscience left us,
When we didn't honor our veterans.
Come to your senses people God give us a chance
Have time to heal our memory wounds!
We remember that we must find many
Present their names to friends and family!
We are all just at the beginning of a long journey
Which the soul refers to as MEMORY!

Immortal Regiment

Alisa Shelikhova

A hurricane is raging over the world again,
Like a witch's feast.
You can't see the glare of the sun through the fog,
And the world is fragile.
How did fascism raise the banners again?
Land of the people
How did you let the blood flow
your children?
Can't progress be made in the world?
Without the malice of wars?
Like a planting of evil, from under the sky
The call is coming...
But the flowers are blooming again.
And the wind is silent.
And pushed back the "swamp ranks"
Immortal Regiment.
Earth, put on your best outfit
Spring suits.
We go together with great-grandchildren in a row
Protect the world!

Immortal Regiment

Arisha Sergeeva

Victory Day ... And in the festive sky of lightning -
Fireworks fly into the clouds with millions of stars....
And from the portraits, beloved faces look straight into the soul
Those who did not return to life from that war, from the holy regiment ...

Victory Day ... He does not care about hard times,
This holiday will never be taken away from us by anyone,
After all, this regiment, scorched by immortality, is always on guard,
Every day we live, we swear allegiance to him ...

Immortal Regiment

Valentina Polyanina

A holiday of joy, sadness ...
The immortal regiment is moving,
Like a river it never ends...
It is a duty to remember grandfathers and grandchildren.

Immortal Regiment

Vera Donskaya

May 9th Immortal Regiment
in line with the living nearby!
And the world of all broadcast formats could,
look into the eyes of the parade.
The eyes of the living radiate light!
Their weekdays and the day to come!
And the views from the portraits carry a covenant
going to a peaceful life!
And on a victorious march among dear faces,
unity cohesion ripens!
After all, the fate and exploits of our relatives
won't fade over time!

Our immortal regiment goes through the years,
imprinted in the history of the date!
And the world in admiration froze and fell silent.
Russian soldiers are coming!...
Immortal Regiment!

Victor Glebov 2

A sacred duty is not to forget our Grandfather,
Their fathers who died in the war.
Immortal regiment, born on Victory Day,
Solemnly passes through the country.

In its ranks both adults and children,
In the hands of portraits of relatives and friends,
Which are not in the world for a long time.
But they all go in the ranks of the living!

They pass through the squares and streets,
One thread connects us with them.
They all live in the memory of the people,
As long as we remember them, they will live with us!

Immortal Regiment

Vitaly Revyakin

The immortal regiment marches across Russia -
Soldiers go to the parade together
They left invincible for centuries,
To them our memory is above all awards!

Our immortal regiment is alive, it is our pride,
Valor of the people and honor of the Fatherland,
And the Russian spirit is true naturalness,
And willpower, truth - we have.

The immortal regiment saved us and all of Russia,
And he saved the whole world from fascism,
And still on guard, like the elements,
And he is in the ranks, and did not go to the reserve.

The immortal regiment, like armies, is huge,
And he is united by cities,
The composition of the personal multimillion,
And in different countries his spirit is united.

The immortal regiment marches across Russia,
He walks around the world, holding a clear step...
Fellow soldiers are young, beautiful...
And their photos are only slightly trembling in their hands!

Immortal Regiment

Vonter Luck

So similar to the photos
grandfather who died in the offensive,
that, without retouching and graphics,
the guy is a miracle of repetition.

You can see the pre-war genes
from a handsome sailor
awarded contemporary
guy clean shaped nose.

In years they are the same age,
by nature - stubborn,
more fun, more athletic peers,
good mother worries...

Along the broad avenue
relatives walked with portraits.
In memory of the sacred feat
both heroes and living.

They are attracted by threads
tears, difficult fates...
Here come the winners -
generations of Russia.

Immortal Regiment

Galina Rogaleva

Immortal Regiment. Immortal Regiment...
Not a cemetery, but a battlefield!
Let there be no firing, and the world is silent
Before the greatness of heroes,
But he goes on an invisible battle -
Silent battle - for you and me!

Immortal Regiment

Galinushka Nemova

Immortal regiment in victorious formation,
It will pass through days and times.
For those fathers, for those heroes,
Which memory is so necessary.

Immortal regiment throughout Russia,
After all, she has a strong memory.
That memory will only become a messiah
The country is proud of its valor.

Immortal regiment, how majestic
Sounds like an alarm in the light of day.
And stronger, and stronger power,
Resurrect from sleep.

Immortal regiment one breath,
One desire to live in the world.
Waking up early in the morning again
To serve a happy Motherland.

Immortal regiment, Victory for us,
Walks in the ranks, sounds in words.
They carry a portrait of their father and grandfather,
It's like having a memory.

Immortal Regiment

Evgeny Dukhovny

Thousands of peaceful people
Like a living river
From old people to kids...
And clouds above the river

Boy carrying a portrait
His great-grandfather...
And in the separation of years
The world has not forgotten

Remember what you brought
This terrible war
The pain of that war has not passed
The country remembers the heroes

Every heart hurts
Each family has its own warrior
Remember. Nobody is forgotten.
The memory remains alive

Immortal Regiment

Zoya Kreps

Immortal regiment of nine million,
Only those who did not come from the war.
Fifteen thousand fallen battalions
Glorious sons of my homeland.
The immortal regiment rose from the trenches.
In burning tanks came out of the fire,
Under the whistles of bombs flying from airplanes.
Remind the world about the war and about yourself.
About how life was not spared, protecting,
His country, his Soviet people.
How they drove the hordes of Nazis firmly knowing
The hour will come, retribution will come.
The immortal regiment reached Berlin,
Freeing countries, cities.
Gathering all the power of the country as one!
May the world remember this forever!
May 9th for the deceased grandfather!
A grandson will go with a poster in the parade,
Where the word "VICTORY" is written in blood!
For the Motherland, mother, for the Fatherland!

Immortal Regiment

Ivan Ivanov 211

They made history
Not in the offices on the tables,
They beat the Nazis together
In the lost powder fields.

They are all different in name
And also at his age.
Achieved general recognition
Only military valiant labor.

To protect your homeland
It is not enough for us to give our lives.
Immortality is gained by life
In deadly combat.

Fathers, and great-grandfathers, and grandfathers -
Not victims of the Moloch of war.
You are the creators of Victory,
And we are all your debtors.

And no matter how difficult it is for us,
We must remember one thing
And repeat to everyone, if necessary:
Good will always overcome evil.

Take a closer look at the faces
See the kindness in everyone
And so now the capital
In front of the whole universe.

Victory parade

Irina Krisanova

And May will come enthusiastic and bright,
With salutes, like a bright thunderstorm.
It's great that we have Victory!
How happy we are to have Spring!

And gardens of white apple trees will bloom
On the site of the most violent battles.
Russia will remember them, brave heroes,
And glorify the nightingales with songs.

And in May all the dead will be resurrected,
And the regiment will go to the festive parade
Shoulder to shoulder, as in the battles of the past, together,
Shoulder to shoulder, like many years ago...

In the Immortal Regiment...

Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

They are fading... they are fading away!
I can't hold back my tears...
But on the ninth they are resurrected again ...
They are resurrected in the Immortal Regiment.

As in the distant year forty-fifth
Their loved ones are waiting for them with victory,
On posters and photos guys
Together with loved ones they go side by side,

Forgetting about the fragments from the explosions,
About wounds, hunger and death...
Again to them - young and beautiful,
From the photos we look into the soul ...

We have no right to forget these faces!
He who has forgotten is forgotten by God.
My Hero - he was born in Poltava
And in the Poltava land sleeps soundly ...

How much blood they shed
To bring victory for us!
Only by the fact that grandfathers were betrayed -
They can't get into the immortal regiment.

But wake up in a sweat late at night
These grandchildren are from a prophetic dream:
"Grandson, granddaughter, I love you very much,
How is our glorious spring?

What will those grandchildren answer to grandfather?
What is Bandera in their heroes?
Not for this once under the bullets
There were regiments of our loved ones, relatives!

Who is brought up in spirit and honor -
The memory of the ancestors will not give offense!
We are together with our native Heroes.
This holiday is great for us!

Looking at the photo is open and clean…
The Immortal Regiment marches with victory.
The descendants of the Nazis have no chance ...
The same fate awaits traitors!

The lilac is blooming... It is blooming.
Grandfather I keep the ribbon ...
My grandfather is resurrecting ... Resurrecting,
There are many of them here - in the Immortal Regiment!

great granddaughter

Kovanov Alexander Nikolaevich

In the collection "Eternal Flame". About people and destinies in the Great War...

Never see you...
I am your great-grandfather who fell in battle.

My little... My man...
You are with me, in the Immortal ranks...

My pilot is big.
You keep the memory of me ...

While they still remember ... For now
Everyone remembers this war...

Hug tighter, loving,
You my baby...
…In the darkness
... I called fire on myself,
So that you were born on Earth ...

Immortal Regiment

Leonid Dobriden

Veterans leave for the Immortal Regiment,
Their souls fly high
To become sentries of the sky forever,
Do not let war into your homeland.

Immortal Regiment, and there are only heroes in it,
By courage, any devil is not a brother,
Who saved the company by closing the bunker with himself,
Who defended Moscow, who defended Stalingrad.

Warriors remember everything: the battles near Leningrad,
Burning Kyiv and the defeated Reichstag,
And the songs of bullets, and the close howl of a shell,
Above the lair of the enemy is a victory banner.

And let them know in heaven, those soldiers
Descendants cherish the memory of them,
And they believe that they are from adversaries,
In the eternal watch, the world will be saved again.

Veterans leave for the angelic regiment,
To the command of God, to protect the Motherland,
All the same, chestnuts will bloom in May,
Witnesses of former soldiers' meetings.

We remember everything and how we won
And how the country was saved from terrible troubles,
And so that their souls visit our world,
Carry their portrait in the column

Immortal Regiment

Lyubov Nefedova

Victorious May is sweeping the country.
People carry portraits with names.
Heroes who won the war
They march invisibly next to us.

The war has penetrated every family.
Fathers and grandfathers gave their lives for peace.
With an earthly bow to the Eternal Flame
The heirs of the Victory bear flowers.

Our country is united and strong.
There is spirit and strength in the Russian man!
History of the Immortal Regiment
Descendants will remember forever.

To know the feat of ancestors is our sacred duty.
May the memory be eternal and treasured!
Victory day! There is an immortal regiment,
Nobody and never invincible!

Immortal Regiment

Love Heart

I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy
I'm going to the parade with my great-grandfather Vanya!
He is slender, handsome: mustache, harness,
I look at him and get a little shy,
And I'm very proud! And some passerby
He said that my great-grandfather and I are terribly similar:
And the nose, and the eyes ... I would also like medals! ..
Too bad we didn't see each other
He didn't even know anything about me.
My grandfather is a hero! He died in the war.

Immortal regiment - the soul of our river ...

Ludmila Beneva-Kolegova

May the sky be peaceful
Above our head!
But let them not get
Our hearts are at peace.

We will forever remember
Gone for centuries -
To always murmur
The souls of our river...

And they stood up in the Immortal Regiment
Soldiers from the graves
To remember the saved world
What does the world cost us!

Immortal Regiment

Natalia Syrkhaeva

Passed the immortal regiment.
Like blood through the veins
Flowed through the streets of my big country
In the same ranks they marched invariably,
Those who knew the horrors of war.
The living gave their memory to the dead,
They carried portraits of great-grandfathers, fathers,
Sisters and brothers, mothers of the dead,
The victory of the fighters who gave us.
And there was so much holiness in the columns,
That the memory suddenly parted the heavens,
Prayer quiet, mournful, repentant,
Like an angel flew to heaven.
And hundreds of hands, intertwined together,
In great memory they flew over the earth.
An immortal regiment passed
Like blood through the veins
Flowed through the streets of my country big.

Immortal Regiment

Natalya Fomenko Shitova

Goes, swims "Immortal Regiment"
River on the bridge
Flows smoothly like silk
Under the slender step of a human.

Descendants, honoring the fighters,
that saved their lives,
Portraits of grandfathers and fathers
Raised proudly up!

Let with them every year
To the holiday parade
"Immortal Regiment" is in the ranks,
How many years ago.

Walks, chasing a step proudly,
Giving a covenant to the sons
So that our Russian, red banner
Would not give to enemies

To protect our land
How did they save
To be able to protect her
In case of war.

So we need his lesson
To survive in battle.
Let our "Immortal Regiment" nearby
Always on the line!

Immortal Regiment

Nikolai Karachev

Portraits, portraits. portraits everywhere
Heroically dead, but forever alive.
Sadly, I will not hide. And yet this
Tribute to the memory of the fallen of those days of war.

Immortal people walk across Russia
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren in strong hands.
They are like battle banners now.
Immortal people in the Immortal Regiments.

Immortal Regiment

Olga Antsiferova

I carry a portrait over the country
Today at the Parade
And in the portrait - my great-grandfather,
His awards shine.

He fought bravely in battles
Was a platoon leader
And he gave his life for me
For peace and freedom!

While I'm only ten years old,
I want to be like
On my dad's grandfather
And I'll be brave too.

Portraits float in the air
Under military marches.
The soldiers of that war are "coming",
As if - in battle, fearlessly.

"Immortal Regiment" is back in the ranks,
He does not give up positions.
For the motherland, for my life
Come to worship them!

Immortal Regiment

Olga Arzamasova

Immortal Regiment-
Portraits duty!
Immortal Regiment-
Memorable touch!

Immortal Regiment-
Vrazhine wolf!
Immortal Regiment-
Damn click!

Immortal Regiment-
Heroism is a duty!
Immortal Regiment-
Silence in a moment of silence...

Immortal Regiment

Olga Bazhina

Chagall Victory, minting steps,
Worthy of gold eternal rewards,
And enemies pressed their heads into their shoulders,
When a great parade went through the country.
And, even though they did not have time to fight in battle,
Great honor now fell to them,
To the boys walking in the parade -
March with the veterans alone.
To the dead, paying their debt to the living,
To all those whose feat will not be forgotten for centuries,
Flowed immortal countless regiment,
Like the memory of an eternal folk river.
Like banners carried high
In the photo, beloved faces of relatives.
Both children and grandchildren walked easily,
And something invisible seemed to be in them.
And the faces all multiplied in numbers, grew,
More and more fighters floated through the air,
And the children and grandchildren carried and carried
All the ancestors of their mothers and fathers.
And in this great innumerable formation
To all those who have not lived to this day,
I saw my father and mother
Among those who deserve to be in this regiment!

Immortal Regiment

Olga Shvykina

There is a memory of the heart dear,
And the heart knows a lot about it:
Walking around the city again
Invincible, eternal regiment!

Immortal Regiment! There is a column
Without slowing down an even step.
So we went steadily to victory
The soldiers who occupied the Reichstag,

That they lifted the blockade from St. Petersburg,
Led the Arctic convoy,
Got the glory of Stalingrad,
Taking a heroic mortal battle,

Europe was liberated
From this vile plague!
Thank you for winning
And that we were born into the world ...

A boy is walking down the street
In the ranks of the Immortal Regiment
Excited, maybe too much
But he knows for sure:

The tribute that is given to the heroes,
The debt will never be paid.
They go, go portraits in formation
Through the years and cities.

This flame is not extinguished.
Memory has no limits...
And he carries a portrait like a banner,
What proudly carried once grandfather.

Immortal Regiment

Regina Novikova

May holiday, VICTORY DAY.
We've gathered for the parade
Watch the tanks go
As the soldiers walk in a row.

With a front-line portrait of grandfather,
My friends and I stood up and lined up.
And, shoulder to shoulder - neighbors.
Everyone had their own banner.

Proudly walked, holding up portraits
Those who gave us the right to live.
We are grateful to them for this.
We will always remember and honor.

crowd of thousands
We filled out prospectuses.
Nearby - fallen and alive.
All merged into a big river.

Veterans, (there are fewer of them),
Remember that war
Friends-fighters already gone.
Who fought for the country

The world was saved at the cost of deprivation.
Bow to them low, to the ground.
For the clear sky above us,
That they were able to defeat the enemy.
Descendants of those who won!
We are taking over.
We love our native land. And sweet.
We will not give up this VICTORY.

We won't let the evil force
To break our Russian spirit.
Our free, strong homeland,
Live for thousands of years!

Immortal Regiment

Rina R-ich

Grandfathers fought, not sparing life,
Cherishing hope for a victorious day...

Carries a child's hand in a column
Portrait of a dear person,
Whose feat will not be forgotten for centuries,
Whose valor will be remembered for centuries.
Clouds float across the sky,
And the swallows fly low to the rain,
But the thunder of the cannonade is far away,
And the fireworks are just around the corner!
The immortal regiment marches through the squares,
The human river flows through the alleys.
All honors to soldiers, not leaders,
What went on the attack, not sparing life!

And the country woke up...

Stanislavskaya Galina

And the country woke up
Shaking off lethargy overnight,
And everyone saw:
We are one Soviet people!

Regiment Immortal she
Appreciated as the highest happiness,
What came in the spring
And what an incredible step forward!

Look! Gone
There are millions of people in Russia
And they became related
Because the portraits were carried

Because they found
Thank God, heart chimes
In these days of May
In the expanse of native land.

Finally he came -
This hour of long-awaited victory
Over the unconsciousness of those
Who trampled our history!

How good is that!
Defeated the heroic grandfathers
scribes - all,
Who dreamed of glossing over the Victory!

Immortal Regiment

Tatiana Gostyukhina

An immortal regiment of former soldiers.
They are like angels in columns
The victorious march of millions
Soar among the greenery of May.

Float the sacred river
Over cities, villages.
Again over the land of Victory banner
Protects our peace.

Long ago the last volley was silent.
Let the enemies of Russia know:
Do not defeat them our strength,
When the Immortal Regiment is in the ranks!

Immortal Regiment

Tatyana Muratova

The offspring line up
Portraits rise up
And they march in formation to the parade.

Soldiers and generals
Nurses and cabin boys in the ranks
Berlin who took
And they died in a fierce battle.

They go to the parade all together
Along with descendants
Sing a victory song
In a free country.

And the column is expanding in mass
On the streets and squares.
They fought near Rovno
On tanks and horses.

They broke the Nazis:
Yelets, Moscow, Stalingrad...
And the earth became clean
Birch trees rustle in spring.

The mounds are covered with grass,
A soldier made them drunk with blood.
Having passed the fatal fate,
He stood in the line of immortality.

Ukrainians, Russians - edge.
Others in the center go.
Great Victory descendants -
Heritage of the world redoubt.

Arrives in the Immortal Regiment.
The offspring line up
Portraits rise up
And they march in formation to the parade.