Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound system of a language and the sounds of speech in general. Phonetics is the science of combining sounds in speech.

Phonetic analysis, or sound-letter analysis, is an analysis of the structure of syllables and the sound system of a word. This analysis is proposed to be done as an exercise for educational purposes.

Analysis means:

  • counting the number of letters;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word;
  • stress setting;
  • distribution of sounds into consonants and vowels;
  • classification of each sound;
  • compilation of transcription (graphic form of the word).

When parsing, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of "letter" and "sound". After all, the former correspond to spelling rules, and the latter to speech rules (that is, sounds are analyzed from the point of view of pronunciation).

Before proceeding with the sound-letter analysis, you should remember

There are ten vowels in Russian:

The first five indicate that the preceding consonant is hard, while the second is soft.

And twenty-one consonants:

voiced unpaired sounds [Y'] [L] [M] [N] [R]
deaf unpaired [X] [C] [h'] [SCH']
voiced paired [B] [AT] [G] [D] [AND] [B]
deaf pairs [P] [F] [TO] [T] [W] [FROM]

Voiced consonants are called, which are formed with the participation of sound, and deaf - with the help of noise. Paired consonants are those that form a deaf / voiced pair. For example, [B] / [P], [V] / [F], [G] / [K]. Unpaired - those that do not form a pair: [L], [M], [P].

When analyzing a word phonetically, it is worth remembering that the consonants [H '], [U'], [Y '] are always soft, regardless of which vowel forms a syllable with them. Consonants [Ж], [Ш] and [Ц] are always solid.

[Y ’], [L], [L ’], [M], [M ’], [N], [N ’], [P], [P ’] - sonorous sounds. This means that when pronouncing these consonants, the sound is formed mainly by voice, but not by noise. All sonorants are sonorous sounds.

In the Russian alphabet there are also letters b, b. They don't make sound. b (soft sign) serves to soften the consonants after which it is placed. Ъ (hard sign) has a separating function.

Sound Parsing Rules

  1. Transcription is written in square brackets: .
  2. The softness of the sound is indicated by the symbol "'".
  3. Before the deaf, voiced consonants are deafened: nails - [noct'i].
  4. The sounds [s], [h] in word prefixes are softened: disconnect - [raz’y’ed’in’it’].
  5. Some consonants in words are not readable: bone - [inert '].
  6. The combination of the letters "sch", "zch" are read as "u": happiness - [sh'ast'y'e].
  7. The doubled consonant is indicated by ":": gradual - [past'ip'en: y'].

An example of sound-letter parsing of a word

  1. Write the word according to the spelling rules.
  2. Divide the word into syllables.
  3. Mark the stressed syllable.
  4. Say the word aloud and, based on this, perform transcription.
  5. Describe the vowel sounds in order, indicate which of them are stressed and which are unstressed. Describe consonants. Describe them: paired / unpaired, voiced / deaf, hard / soft.
  6. Count the number of sounds and letters in a word.

In the word online:
1. 2 syllables (o-nla yn, he-la yn);
2. stress falls on the 2nd syllable: online

  • 1st option

1 ) Transcription of the word "online": [ʌnla j❜n].

about - [ʌ] - vowel, unstressed; see below. § 32.
n - [n] - acc., solid. (par.), The sound [n] is pronounced softly only before soft [t❜], [d❜], [n❜], [h❜], [sh ❜].
l - [l] - acc., solid. (par.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. The sound [l] is unpaired voiced, so it is pronounced the same way as it is written.Before letters a, about, at, uh, s syllables paired in hardness-softness are always pronounced firmly.
a - [a ] - vowel, percussion; see below. § 15.
th - - acc., soft (unpaired), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. Before sonorants, the deaf do not sound (see Musatov V.N., p. 73). See § 69 below.
n - [n] - acc., solid. (par.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. At the end of a word, sound replacement occurs only in voiced pairs.At the end of a word, all consonants, except for unpaired soft ones ([h❜], [u❜], [y❜]), are pronounced firmly.

6 letters, 6 sounds



§ 15

§ 15. Letter a denotes a stressed vowel [a] in the following positions: a) at the beginning of a word: act, arka, aly; b) after vowels: zaahat, poahat; c) after solid consonants: there, ladies, myself, din, you, poppy, tank, marriage, step, toad, prank, pity; d) after soft hissing [h] and [u]: hour, head, pump, mercy.

§ 32

§ 32. In the 1st pre-stressed syllable, after solid consonants, except for the vowels [s] and [y], and at the beginning of a word, except for the vowels [i] and [y] (for them, see §§ 5-13), it is pronounced vowel [a]. The vowel [a] in this position on the letter is indicated by the letter i or o.

Thus, in place of the letters a and o, the vowel [a] is pronounced: 1) after solid consonants: a) gardens, gifts, mala, pashu, old man, grass; naughty, hut, fry, hot e, tsar zm, scratch; b) water (pronounced [vada]), leg (pronounced [naga]), thunderstorm (pronounced [graza]), fields (pronounced [pal❜ a ]), seas (pronounced [mar❜ a ]), tables (pronounced [ steel]), fruits (pronounced [plady]), please (pronounced [prashu]), went (pronounced [pasho l]), driver (pronounced [shaf❜ o r), juggler (pronounced [zhangl ❜ o r]); 2) at the beginning of a word: a) pharmacy, Armenian, arshin, chord, barn; b) window (pronounced [akno]), one (pronounced [adin]), cucumber (pronounced [agurchik]), wasps (pronounced [asiny]), dress (pronounced [ade t❜]) .

The vowel [a] of the 1st prestressed syllable is somewhat different from the stressed [a]: when it is pronounced, the lower jaw is less downy, the mouth opening is narrower, the back of the back of the tongue is slightly raised. Therefore, with a more accurate transcription, these sounds should be distinguished, for example, to designate unstressed [o], use the sign Λ, retaining the letter a for stressed [a]: [vΛda] (water). In this reference dictionary, the letter a is used to denote both unstressed [a] (more precisely [Λ], and [a] stressed.

§ 69

§ 69. Consonants [h], [u], [zh❜ w❜], [th] are only soft. For sounds [h] and [u] in Russian graphics there are special letters h and sch: cf. chin, vat, forelock, boat (pronounced [choln]), niello, shit, pike, silk (pronounced [sho lk]), sliver, food. However, the consonant [u] is also indicated in the letter by combinations of sch, zch and some others (see § 124 on this): account (pronounced [schot], driver (pronounced [converter]).

1 Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Eskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesov. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang., 1988. - 704 p.

Before proceeding to perform phonetic analysis with examples, we draw your attention to the fact that letters and sounds in words are not always the same thing.

Letters- these are letters, graphic symbols, with the help of which the content of the text is conveyed or the conversation is outlined. Letters are used to visually convey meaning, we will perceive them with our eyes. The letters can be read. When you read letters aloud, you form sounds - syllables - words.

A list of all letters is just an alphabet

Almost every student knows how many letters are in the Russian alphabet. That's right, there are 33 of them in total. The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are arranged in a certain sequence:

Russian alphabet:

In total, the Russian alphabet uses:

  • 21 letters for consonants;
  • 10 letters - vowels;
  • and two: ь (soft sign) and ъ (hard sign), which indicate properties, but do not in themselves determine any sound units.

You often pronounce the sounds in phrases differently from how you write them down in writing. In addition, more letters than sounds can be used in a word. For example, "children's" - the letters "T" and "C" merge into one phoneme [ts]. Conversely, the number of sounds in the word "blacken" is greater, since the letter "Yu" in this case is pronounced as [yu].

What is phonetic parsing?

We perceive sound speech by ear. Under the phonetic analysis of the word is meant the characteristic of the sound composition. In the school curriculum, such an analysis is more often called “sound-letter” analysis. So, in phonetic parsing, you simply describe the properties of sounds, their characteristics depending on the environment, and the syllabic structure of a phrase united by a common word stress.

Phonetic transcription

For sound-letter analysis, a special transcription in square brackets is used. For example, the correct spelling is:

  • black -> [h"orny"]
  • apple -> [yablaka]
  • anchor -> [yakar"]
  • tree -> [yolka]
  • sun -> [sontse]

The phonetic parsing scheme uses special characters. Thanks to this, it is possible to correctly designate and distinguish between the letter record (spelling) and the sound definition of letters (phonemes).

  • the phonetically parsed word is enclosed in square brackets - ;
  • a soft consonant is indicated by a transcription sign ['] - an apostrophe;
  • shock [´] - with an accent;
  • in complex word forms from several roots, a secondary stress sign [`] is used - grave (not practiced in the school curriculum);
  • the letters of the alphabet Yu, Ya, E, Yo, b and b are NEVER used in transcription (in the curriculum);
  • for double consonants, [:] is used - a sign of the longitude of pronouncing the sound.

Below are detailed rules for orthoepic, alphabetic and phonetic and parsing words with examples online, in accordance with the general school norms of the modern Russian language. For professional linguists, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is distinguished by accents and other symbols with additional acoustic features of vowel and consonant phonemes.

How to make a phonetic parsing of a word?

The following diagram will help you conduct a letter analysis:

  • Write down the necessary word and say it out loud several times.
  • Count how many vowels and consonants are in it.
  • Mark the stressed syllable. (Stress with the help of intensity (energy) singles out a certain phoneme in speech from a number of homogeneous sound units.)
  • Divide the phonetic word into syllables and indicate their total number. Remember that the syllable division in differs from the hyphenation rules. The total number of syllables always matches the number of vowels.
  • In transcription, disassemble the word by sounds.
  • Write the letters from the phrase in a column.
  • Opposite each letter, in square brackets, indicate its sound definition (how it is heard). Remember that sounds in words are not always identical to letters. The letters "ь" and "ъ" do not represent any sounds. The letters "e", "e", "yu", "I", "and" can mean 2 sounds at once.
  • Analyze each phoneme separately and mark its properties with a comma:
    • for a vowel, we indicate in the characteristic: the sound is a vowel; shock or unstressed;
    • in the characteristics of consonants we indicate: the sound is consonant; hard or soft, voiced or deaf, sonorous, paired / unpaired in hardness-softness and sonority-deafness.
  • At the end of the phonetic analysis of the word, draw a line and count the total number of letters and sounds.

This scheme is practiced in the school curriculum.

An example of phonetic parsing of a word

Here is an example of phonetic analysis by composition for the word "phenomenon" → [yivl'e′n'iye]. In this example, there are 4 vowels and 3 consonants. There are only 4 syllables: I-vle′-ni-e. The emphasis falls on the second.

Sound characteristic of letters:

i [th] - acc., unpaired soft, unpaired voiced, sonorous [and] - vowel, unstressed in [c] - acc., paired solid, paired sound [l '] - acc., paired soft, unpaired . sound, sonorous [e ′] - vowel, percussion [n '] - consonant, paired soft, unpaired. sound, sonorous and [and] - vowel, unstressed [th] - acc., unpaired. soft, unpaired sound, sonorant [e] - vowel, unstressed ____________________ In total, the phenomenon in the word is 7 letters, 9 sounds. The first letter "I" and the last "E" represent two sounds.

Now you know how to do sound-letter analysis yourself. The following is a classification of sound units of the Russian language, their relationship and transcription rules for sound-letter parsing.

Phonetics and sounds in Russian

What are the sounds?

All sound units are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds, in turn, are stressed and unstressed. A consonant sound in Russian words can be: hard - soft, voiced - deaf, hissing, sonorous.

How many sounds are there in Russian live speech?

The correct answer is 42.

Doing phonetic analysis online, you will find that 36 consonants and 6 vowels are involved in word formation. Many have a reasonable question, why is there such a strange inconsistency? Why does the total number of sounds and letters differ for both vowels and consonants?

All this is easily explained. A number of letters, when participating in word formation, can denote 2 sounds at once. For example, pairs of softness-hardness:

  • [b] - peppy and [b '] - squirrel;
  • or [d] - [d ’]: home - do.

And some do not have a pair, for example [h '] will always be soft. If in doubt, try to say it firmly and make sure that this is impossible: stream, pack, spoon, black, Chegevara, boy, rabbit, bird cherry, bees. Thanks to this practical solution, our alphabet has not reached a dimensionless scale, and the sound units are optimally complemented, merging with each other.

Vowel sounds in the words of the Russian language

Vowel sounds unlike melodic consonants, they flow freely, as if in a singsong voice, from the larynx, without barriers and tension of the ligaments. The louder you try to pronounce the vowel, the wider you will have to open your mouth. And vice versa, the louder you strive to pronounce the consonant, the more vigorously you will close the oral cavity. This is the most striking articulatory difference between these classes of phonemes.

The stress in any word forms can only fall on a vowel sound, but there are also unstressed vowels.

How many vowels are in Russian phonetics?

Russian speech uses fewer vowel phonemes than letters. There are only six percussive sounds: [a], [i], [o], [e], [y], [s]. And, recall, there are ten letters: a, e, e, and, o, y, s, e, i, u. The vowels E, Yo, Yu, I are not "pure" sounds in transcription are not used. Often, when parsing words alphabetically, the letters listed are stressed.

Phonetics: characteristics of stressed vowels

The main phonemic feature of Russian speech is the clear pronunciation of vowel phonemes in stressed syllables. Stressed syllables in Russian phonetics are distinguished by the strength of exhalation, increased duration of sound, and are pronounced undistorted. Since they are pronounced distinctly and expressively, the sound analysis of syllables with stressed vowel phonemes is much easier to perform. The position in which the sound does not undergo changes and retains the main form is called strong position. Only a stressed sound and a syllable can occupy such a position. Unstressed phonemes and syllables remain in a weak position.

  • The vowel in the stressed syllable is always in a strong position, that is, it is pronounced more distinctly, with the greatest force and duration.
  • A vowel in an unstressed position is in a weak position, that is, it is pronounced with less force and not so clearly.

In Russian, only one phoneme "U" retains unchanging phonetic properties: kuruza, plank, u chus, u catch - in all positions it is pronounced distinctly like [u]. This means that the vowel "U" is not subject to qualitative reduction. Attention: in writing, the phoneme [y] can also be indicated by another letter “Yu”: muesli [m’u ´sl’i], key [kl’u ´h’], etc.

Analysis of the sounds of stressed vowels

The vowel phoneme [o] occurs only in a strong position (under stress). In such cases, "O" is not subject to reduction: cat [ko´ t'ik], bell [kalako´ l'ch'yk], milk [malako´], eight [vo´ s'im'], search [paisko´ vaya], dialect [go´ var], autumn [o´ s'in'].

An exception to the rule of a strong position for “O”, when unstressed [o] is also pronounced clearly, are only some foreign words: cocoa [kaka "o], patio [pa" tio], radio [ra" dio], boa [bo a "] and a number of service units, for example, union no. The sound [o] in writing can be reflected by another letter “e” - [o]: turn [t’o´ rn], fire [kas’t’o´ r]. Parsing the sounds of the remaining four vowels in the stressed position will also not be difficult.

Unstressed vowels and sounds in Russian words

It is possible to make the correct sound analysis and accurately determine the characteristics of the vowel only after placing the stress in the word. Do not forget also about the existence of homonymy in our language: for "mok - zamok" and about the change in phonetic qualities depending on the context (case, number):

  • I'm at home [ya to "ma].
  • New houses [but "vye da ma"].

AT unstressed position the vowel is modified, that is, it is pronounced differently than it is written:

  • mountains - mountain = [go "ry] - [ga ra"];
  • he - online = [o "n] - [a nla" yn]
  • witness = [sv'id'e "t'i l'n'itsa].

Similar vowel changes in unstressed syllables are called reduction. Quantitative, when the duration of the sound changes. And a qualitative reduction, when the characteristic of the original sound changes.

The same unstressed vowel can change its phonetic characteristic depending on its position:

  • primarily with respect to the stressed syllable;
  • at the absolute beginning or end of a word;
  • in open syllables (consist of only one vowel);
  • under the influence of neighboring signs (b, b) and a consonant.

Yes, different 1st degree of reduction. She is subject to:

  • vowels in the first prestressed syllable;
  • open syllable at the very beginning;
  • repeated vowels.

Note: To make a sound-letter analysis, the first pre-stressed syllable is determined not from the “head” of the phonetic word, but in relation to the stressed syllable: the first to the left of it. In principle, it can be the only pre-shock: not-here [n'iz'd'e´shn'y].

(bare syllable) + (2-3 pre-stressed syllable) + 1st pre-stressed syllable ← Stressed syllable → stressed syllable (+2/3 stressed syllable)

  • forward-re -di [fp'ir'i d'i´];
  • e-ste-ve-nno [yi s’t’e´s’t’v’in: a];

Any other pre-stressed syllables and all pre-stressed syllables in sound analysis refer to reduction of the 2nd degree. It is also called "weak position of the second degree."

  • kiss [pa-tsy-la-va´t '];
  • model [ma-dy-l’i´-ra-vat’];
  • swallow [la´-hundred-ch'ka];
  • kerosene [k'i-ra-s'i'-na-vy].

The reduction of vowels in a weak position also differs in steps: the second, third (after hard and soft consonants, - this is outside the curriculum): study [uch'i´ts: a], numb [atsyp'in'e´t '], hope [nad'e´zhda]. In a letter analysis, the reduction of a vowel in a weak position in a final open syllable (= at the absolute end of a word) will appear very slightly:

  • cup;
  • goddess;
  • with songs;
  • turn.

Sound letter analysis: iotized sounds

Phonetically, the letters E - [ye], Yo - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often denote two sounds at once. Have you noticed that in all the indicated cases, the additional phoneme is “Y”? That is why these vowels are called iotated. The meaning of the letters E, E, Yu, I is determined by their positional position.

During phonetic analysis, the vowels e, e, u, i form 2 sounds:

Yo - [yo], Yu - [yu], E - [ye], I - [ya] in cases where there are:

  • At the beginning of the word "Yo" and "Yu" always:
    • - cringe [yo´ zhyts: a], Christmas tree [yo´ lach’ny], hedgehog [yo´ zhyk], capacity [yo´ mkast’];
    • - jeweler [yuv ’il’i´r], yule [yu la´], skirt [yu´ pka], Jupiter [yu p’i´t’ir], briskness [yu ´rkas’t’];
  • at the beginning of the word "E" and "I" only under stress *:
    • - spruce [ye´ l '], I go [ye´ f: y], huntsman [ye´ g'ir '], eunuch [ye´ vnuh];
    • - yacht [ya´ hta], anchor [ya´ kar’], yaki [ya´ ki], apple [ya´ blaka];
    • (*to perform sound-letter analysis of unstressed vowels “E” and “I”, a different phonetic transcription is used, see below);
  • in the position immediately after the vowel "Yo" and "Yu" always. But "E" and "I" in stressed and unstressed syllables, except when the indicated letters are located behind the vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd stressed syllable in the middle of words. Phonetic analysis online and examples for specific cases:
    • - reception mnik [pr’iyo´mn’ik], sing t [payo´t], kluyo t [kl’uyo ´t];
    • -ay rveda [ayu r’v’e´da], sing t [payu ´t], melt [ta´yu t], cabin [kayu ´ta],
  • after the separating solid “b” sign “Yo” and “Yu” - always, and “E” and “I” only under stress or at the absolute end of the word: - volume [ab yo´m], shooting [syo´mka], adjutant [adyu "ta´nt]
  • after the dividing soft "b" sign "Yo" and "Yu" - always, and "E" and "I" under stress or at the absolute end of the word: - interview [intyrv'yu´], trees [d'ir'e´ v'ya], friends [druz'ya´], brothers [bra´t'ya], monkey [ab'iz'ya´ na], blizzard [v'yu´ ha], family [s'em'ya´ ]

As you can see, in the phonemic system of the Russian language, stresses are of decisive importance. Vowels in unstressed syllables undergo the greatest reduction. Let's continue the literal analysis of the remaining iotated sounds and see how they can still change their characteristics depending on the environment in the words.

Unstressed vowels"E" and "I" denote two sounds and in phonetic transcription and are written as [YI]:

  • at the very beginning of a word:
    • - unity [yi d'in'e´n'i'ye], spruce [yilo´vy], blackberry [yizhiv'i´ka], his [yivo´], egoza [yigaza´], Yenisei [yin'is 'e´y], Egypt [yig'i´p'it];
    • - January [yi nva´rsky], core [yidro´], sting [yiz'v'i´t'], label [yirly´k], Japan [yipo´n'iya], lamb [yign'o´nak ];
    • (The only exceptions are rare foreign word forms and names: Caucasoid [ye wrap’io´idnaya], Eugene [ye] vge´niy, European [ye wrap’e´yits], diocese [ye] pa´rchia, etc.).
  • immediately after a vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd stressed syllable, except for the location at the absolute end of the word.
    • in a timely manner [piles vr'e´m'ina], trains [payi zda´], let's eat [payi d'i´m], run into [nayi zh: a´t '], Belgian [b'il'g'i´ yi c], students [uch'a´shch'iyi s'a], sentences [pr'idlazhe´n'iyi m'i], vanity [suyi ta´],
    • bark [la´yi t '], pendulum [ma´yi tn'ik], hare [za´yi ts], belt [po´yi s], declare [zai v'i´t '], I will manifest [prayi in 'l'u´]
  • after a separating hard "b" or soft "b" sign: - intoxicates [p'yi n'i´t], express [izyi v'i´t'], announcement [abyi vl'e´n'iye], edible [sii do´bny].

Note: The St. Petersburg phonological school is characterized by "ekanye", while the Moscow school has "hiccups". Previously, the yottered "Yo" was pronounced with a more accentuated "ye". With the change of capitals, performing sound-letter analysis, they adhere to Moscow standards in orthoepy.

Some people in fluent speech pronounce the vowel "I" in the same way in syllables with a strong and weak position. This pronunciation is considered a dialect and is not literary. Remember, the vowel “I” under stress and without stress is pronounced differently: fair [ya ´marka], but egg [yi ytso´].


The letter "I" after the soft sign "b" also represents 2 sounds - [YI] in sound-letter analysis. (This rule is relevant for syllables in both strong and weak positions). Let's conduct a sample of sound-letter online analysis: - nightingales [salav'yi´], on chicken legs [on ku´r'yi' x "no´shkakh], rabbit [cro´l'ich'yi], no family [with 'yi´], judges [su´d'yi], draws [n'ich'yi´], streams [ruch'yi´], foxes [li´s'yi] But: The vowel "O" after a soft sign "b" is transcribed as an apostrophe of softness ['] of the preceding consonant and [O], although when pronouncing the phoneme, iotization can be heard: broth [bul'o´n], pavillo n [pav'il'o´n], similarly: postman n , champignon n, shigno n, companion n, medallion n, battalion n, guillotina, carmagno la, mignon n and others.

Phonetic analysis of words, when the vowels "Yu" "E" "Yo" "I" form 1 sound

According to the rules of phonetics of the Russian language, at a certain position in words, the indicated letters give one sound when:

  • sound units "Yo" "Yu" "E" are under stress after an unpaired consonant in hardness: w, w, c. Then they denote phonemes:
    • yo - [o],
    • e - [e],
    • yu - [y].
    Examples of online parsing by sounds: yellow [yellow], silk [sho´ lx], whole [tse´ ly], recipe [r'ice´ Fri], pearls [zhe´ mch'uk], six [she´ st '], hornet [she´ rshen'], parachute [parashu´ t];
  • The letters "I" "Yu" "E" "Yo" and "I" denote the softness of the preceding consonant [']. Exception only for: [w], [w], [c]. In such cases in a striking position they form one vowel sound:
    • ё - [o]: voucher [put'o´ fka], light [l'o´ hk'y], honey agaric [ap'o´ nak], actor [act'o´ r], child [r'ib' o´ nak];
    • e - [e]: seal [t'ul'e´ n '], mirror [z'e´ rkala], smarter [smart'e´ ye], conveyor [kanv'e´ yir];
    • i - [a]: kittens [kat'a´ ta], softly [m'a´ hka], oath [kl'a´ tva], took [vz'a´ l], mattress [t'u f'a ´ k], swan [l'ib'a´ zhy];
    • yu - [y]: beak [kl'u´ f], people [l'u´ d'am], gateway [shl'u´ s], tulle [t'u´ l'], suit [kas't 'mind].
    • Note: in words borrowed from other languages, the stressed vowel "E" does not always signal the softness of the previous consonant. This positional softening ceased to be a mandatory norm in Russian phonetics only in the 20th century. In such cases, when you do phonetic analysis by composition, such a vowel sound is transcribed as [e] without the preceding softness apostrophe: hotel [ate´ l '], shoulder strap [br'ite´ l'ka], test [te´ st] , tennis [te´ n: is], cafe [cafe´], puree [p'ure´], amber [ambre´], delta [de´ l'ta], tender [te´ nder], masterpiece [shede´ vr], tablet [tablet´ t].
  • Attention! After soft consonants in prestressed syllables the vowels "E" and "I" undergo a qualitative reduction and are transformed into the sound [i] (excl. for [c], [g], [w]). Examples of phonetic parsing of words with similar phonemes: - grain [z'i rno´], earth [z'i ml'a´], cheerful [v'i s'o´ly], ringing [z'v 'and n'i´t], forest [l'and snowy], blizzard [m'i t'e´l'itsa], feather [n'i ro´], brought [pr' in'i sla´], knit [v'i za´t'], lay down [l'i ga´t'], five grater [n'i t'o´rka]

Phonetic analysis: consonant sounds of the Russian language

There is an absolute majority of consonants in Russian. When pronouncing a consonant sound, the air flow encounters obstacles. They are formed by organs of articulation: teeth, tongue, palate, vibrations of the vocal cords, lips. Due to this, noise, hissing, whistling or sonority occurs in the voice.

How many consonant sounds are there in Russian speech?

In the alphabet for their designation is used 21 letters. However, performing a sound-letter analysis, you will find that in Russian phonetics consonants more, namely - 36.

Sound-letter analysis: what are consonant sounds?

In our language, consonants are:

  • hard - soft and form the corresponding pairs:
    • [b] - [b ’]: b anan - b tree,
    • [in] - [in ’]: in height - in June,
    • [g] - [g ’]: city - duke,
    • [d] - [d ']: dacha - d elfin,
    • [h] - [h ’]: z won - z ether,
    • [k] - [k ’]: to onfeta - to engur,
    • [l] - [l ’]: l odka - l lux,
    • [m] - [m ’]: magic - dreams,
    • [n] - [n ’]: new - n ectar,
    • [n] - [n ’]: n alma-p yosik,
    • [p] - [p ’]: r chamomile - r poison,
    • [s] - [s ’]: with uvenir - with a surprise,
    • [t] - [t ’]: t uchka - t tulip,
    • [f] - [f ’]: flag flag - February,
    • [x] - [x ’]: x orek - x hunter.
  • Certain consonants do not have a hardness-softness pair. Unpaired include:
    • sounds [g], [c], [w] - always solid (life, cycle, mouse);
    • [h ’], [u’] and [y ’] are always soft (daughter, more often, yours).
  • The sounds [w], [h ’], [w], [u’] in our language are called hissing.

A consonant can be voiced - deaf, as well as sonorous and noisy.

You can determine the sonority-deafness or sonority of a consonant by the degree of noise-voice. These characteristics will vary depending on the method of formation and participation of the organs of articulation.

  • Sonorants (l, m, n, p, d) are the most sonorous phonemes, they hear a maximum of voice and a little noise: lion, paradise, zero.
  • If, during the pronunciation of a word, both a voice and noise are formed during the sound analysis, then you have a voiced consonant (g, b, s, etc.): factory, b people, life from n.
  • When pronouncing deaf consonants (p, s, t, and others), the vocal cords do not tense, only noise is emitted: stack a, chip a, k ost yum, circus, sew up.

Note: In phonetics, consonant sound units also have a division according to the nature of formation: a bow (b, p, d, t) - a gap (g, w, h, s) and the method of articulation: labial-labial (b, p, m) , labio-dental (f, c), anterior lingual (t, d, h, s, c, f, w, u, h, n, l, r), middle lingual (d), posterior lingual (k, d, x) . The names are given based on the organs of articulation that are involved in sound production.

Hint: If you are just starting to practice phonetic parsing, try placing your hands over your ears and pronouncing the phoneme. If you managed to hear a voice, then the sound being studied is a voiced consonant, but if noise is heard, then it is deaf.

Hint: For associative communication, remember the phrases: “Oh, we didn’t forget a friend.” - this sentence contains absolutely the entire set of voiced consonants (excluding softness-hardness pairs). “Styopka, do you want to eat cabbage soup? - Fi! - similarly, these replicas contain a set of all voiceless consonants.

Positional changes of consonant sounds in Russian

The consonant sound, like the vowel, undergoes changes. The same letter can phonetically denote a different sound, depending on the position it occupies. In the flow of speech, the sound of one consonant is likened to the articulation of a nearby consonant. This effect facilitates pronunciation and is called assimilation in phonetics.

Positional stun/voicing

In a certain position for consonants, the phonetic law of assimilation by deafness-voicedness operates. The voiced double consonant is replaced by a voiceless one:

  • at the absolute end of the phonetic word: but [no´sh], snow [s’n’e´k], garden [agaro´t], club [club´p];
  • before deaf consonants: forget-me-not a [n’izabu´t ka], hug [aph wat’i´t’], Tuesday [ft o´rn’ik], tube a [corpse a].
  • making sound letter parsing online, you will notice that a voiceless double consonant standing before a voiced one (except for [d'], [v] - [v'], [l] - [l'], [m] - [m'] , [n] - [n '], [r] - [r ']) is also voiced, that is, it is replaced by its voiced pair: surrender [zda´ch'a], mowing [kaz'ba´], threshing [malad 'ba´], request [pro´z'ba], guess [adgada´t'].

In Russian phonetics, a deaf noisy consonant does not combine with a subsequent voiced noisy consonant, except for the sounds [v] - [v’]: whipped cream. In this case, the transcription of both the phoneme [h] and [s] is equally acceptable.

When parsing by the sounds of words: total, today, today, etc., the letter "G" is replaced by the phoneme [v].

According to the rules of sound-letter analysis, in the endings of the "-th", "-his" names of adjectives, participles and pronouns, the consonant "G" is transcribed as a sound [v]: red [kra´snava], blue [s'i´n'iva] , white [b'e'lava], sharp, full, former, that, this, whom. If, after assimilation, two consonants of the same type are formed, they merge. In the school program on phonetics, this process is called contraction of consonants: separate [ad: 'il'i´t'] → the letters "T" and "D" are reduced to sounds [d'd'], silent smart [b'ish: u ´many]. When parsing by composition, a number of words in sound-letter analysis show dissimilation - the process is the opposite of assimilation. In this case, the common feature of the two adjacent consonants changes: the combination “GK” sounds like [hk] (instead of the standard [kk]): light [l'o′h'k'y], soft [m'a′h' k'iy].

Soft consonants in Russian

In the phonetic parsing scheme, the apostrophe ['] is used to indicate the softness of consonants.

  • Softening of paired hard consonants occurs before "b";
  • the softness of the consonant sound in the syllable in the letter will help determine the vowel that follows it (e, e, i, u, i);
  • [u’], [h’] and [th] are only soft by default;
  • the sound [n] always softens before the soft consonants “Z”, “S”, “D”, “T”: claim [pr'iten'z 'iya], review [r'icen'z 'iya], pension [pen 's' iya], ve [n'z '] spruce, face [n'z '] iya, ka [n'd '] idat, ba [n'd '] um, and [n'd '] ivid , blo[n'd'] in, stipe[n'd'] ia, ba[n't'] ik, wi[n't'] ik, zo[n't'] ik, ve[n' t '] il, a [n't '] personal, co[n't '] text, remo[n't '] to edit;
  • the letters "N", "K", "R" during phonetic analysis of the composition can soften before soft sounds [h '], [u ']: glass ik [staka′n'ch'ik], changer ik [sm'e ′n'shch'ik], donut ik [po′n'ch'ik], mason ik [kam'e′n'sh'ik], boulevard ina [bul'var'r'shch'ina], borscht [ borsch'];
  • often the sounds [h], [s], [r], [n] in front of a soft consonant undergo assimilation in terms of hardness-softness: wall [s't'e'nka], life [zhyz'n'], here [ z'd'es'];
  • in order to correctly perform sound-literal analysis, consider the words of exception when the consonant [p] before soft teeth and lips, as well as before [h ’], [u’] is pronounced firmly: artel, feed, cornet, samovar;

Note: the letter "b" after a consonant unpaired in hardness / softness in some word forms performs only a grammatical function and does not impose a phonetic load: study, night, mouse, rye, etc. In such words, during literal analysis, a [-] dash is placed in square brackets opposite the letter “b”.

Positional changes in paired voiced-voiced consonants before sibilant consonants and their transcription in sound-letter parsing

To determine the number of sounds in a word, it is necessary to take into account their positional changes. Paired voiced-voiced: [d-t] or [s-s] before hissing (w, w, u, h) are phonetically replaced by a hissing consonant.

  • Letter analysis and examples of words with hissing sounds: visitor [pr'iye´zhzh y], ascension [your e´stv'iye], izzhelta [i´zhzh elta], take pity [zhzh a´l'its: a].

The phenomenon when two different letters are pronounced as one is called complete assimilation in all respects. Performing sound-letter parsing of a word, you should designate one of the repeated sounds in transcription with the longitude symbol [:].

  • Letter combinations with hissing "szh" - "zzh", are pronounced as a double solid consonant [zh:], and "ssh" - "zsh" - like [w:]: squeezed, sewn, without a tire, climbed.
  • The combinations "zh", "zhzh" inside the root during sound-letter analysis is recorded in transcription as a long consonant [zh:]: I drive, squeal, later, reins, yeast, burnt.
  • The combinations "sch", "sch" at the junction of the root and the suffix / prefix are ​​pronounced as a long soft [u':]: account [u': o´t], scribe, customer.
  • At the junction of the preposition with the next word in place "sch", "zch" is transcribed as [sch'h']: without a number [b'esch' h' isla´], with something [sch'ch' em mta] .
  • With a sound-letter analysis, the combinations "tch", "dch" at the junction of morphemes are defined as double soft [h ':]: pilot [l'o´ch': ik], young man ik [little´h ': ik], report ot [ah': o´t].

Cheat sheet for likening consonants at the place of formation

  • mid → [u':]: happiness [u': a´s't'ye], sandstone [n'isch': a´n'ik], peddler [razno´sh': ik], cobbled, calculations, exhaust, clear;
  • zch → [u’:]: carver [r’e´shch’: hic], loader [gru´shch’: hic], storyteller [raska´shch’: hic];
  • ZhCh → [u’:]: defector [p’ir’ibe´ u’: ik], man [mush’: i´na];
  • shh → [u’:]: freckled [v’isnu′shch’: common];
  • stch → [u’:]: tougher [zho´shch’: e], whip, rigger;
  • zdch → [u’:]: traverser [abye´shch’: ik], furrowed [baro´shch’: whit];
  • ss → [u’:]: split [rasch’: ip’i′t ’], generous [rasch’: e′dr’ils’a];
  • van → [h'sh']: split off [ach'sh' ip'i′t'], snap off [ach'sh' o'lk'ivat'], in vain [h'sh' etna], carefully [h' sh'at'el'na];
  • tch → [h ':] : report [ah ': o't], homeland [ah ': izna], ciliated [r'is'n'i'ch ': i'ty];
  • dh → [h’:] : underline [patch’: o’rk’ivat’], stepdaughter [pach’: ir’itsa];
  • szh → [zh:]: compress [zh: a´t '];
  • zzh → [zh:]: get rid of [izh: y´t '], ignition [ro´zh: yk], leave [uyizh: a´t '];
  • ssh → [sh:]: bringing [pr’in’o′sh: th], embroidered [rash: y´ty];
  • zsh → [w:] : inferior [n'ish: y'y]
  • th → [pcs], in word forms with “what” and its derivatives, making a sound-literal analysis, we write [pcs]: so that [pcs about′by], ​​not for anything [n'e′ zasht a], anything [ sht o n'ibut'], something;
  • thu → [h't] in other cases of literal parsing: dreamer [m'ich't a´t'il'], mail [po´ch't a], preference [pr'itpach't 'e´n' ie] and so on;
  • ch → [shn] in exception words: of course [kan'e´shn a′], boring [sku´shn a′], bakery, laundry, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse, bachelorette party, mustard plaster, rag, and also in female patronymics ending in "-ichna": Ilyinichna, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, etc.;
  • ch → [ch'n] - literal analysis for all other options: fabulous [fairytale'n], country [yes'ch'n], strawberry [z'im'l'in'i´ch'n th], wake up, cloudy, sunny, etc.;
  • !zhd → in place of the letter combination “zhd”, a double pronunciation and transcription [u ’] or [pcs ’] in the word rain and in the word forms formed from it: rainy, rainy.

Unpronounceable consonants in the words of the Russian language

During the pronunciation of a whole phonetic word with a chain of many different consonant letters, one or another sound may be lost. As a result, in the orthograms of words there are letters devoid of sound meaning, the so-called unpronounceable consonants. To correctly perform phonetic analysis online, the unpronounceable consonant is not displayed in the transcription. The number of sounds in such phonetic words will be less than letters.

In Russian phonetics, unpronounceable consonants include:

  • "T" - in combinations:
    • stn → [sn]: local [m’e´sny], reed [tras’n ’i´k]. By analogy, you can perform a phonetic analysis of the words ladder, honest, famous, joyful, sad, participant, messenger, rainy, furious and others;
    • stl → [sl]: happy [w’: asl ’and’vy "], happy ivchik, conscientious, boastful (exception words: bony and spread, the letter “T” is pronounced in them);
    • ntsk → [nsk]: gigantic [g’iga´nsk ’y], agency, presidential;
    • sts → [s:]: sixs from [shes: o´t], eat up I [vzye´s: a], swear I [kl’a´s: a];
    • sts → [s:] : tourist cue [tur'i´s: k'iy], maximalist cue [max'imal'i´s: k'iy], racist cue [ras'i´s: k'iy] , bestseller, propaganda, expressionist, hindu, careerist;
    • ntg → [ng]: roentgen en [r'eng 'e´n];
    • “-tsya”, “-tsya” → [c:] in verb endings: smile [smile´ts: a], wash [we´ts: a], look, fit, bow, shave, fit;
    • ts → [ts] for adjectives in combinations at the junction of the root and the suffix: children's [d'e'ts k'y], fraternal [brother's];
    • ts → [ts:] / [tss]: athlete men [sparts: m’e´n], send [acs yla´t ’];
    • ts → [ts:] at the junction of morphemes during phonetic analysis online is written as a long “ts”: bratts a [bra´ts: a], ottsepit [atz: yp'i´t'], to father u [katz: y'];
  • "D" - when parsing by sounds in the following letter combinations:
    • zdn → [zn]: late [po´z'n' y], starry [z'v'o´zn y], holiday [pra′z'n 'ik], gratuitous [b'izvazm' e′zn y];
    • ndsh → [nsh]: mundsh tuk [munsh tu´k], landsh aft [lansh a´ft];
    • ndsk → [nsk]: Dutch [gala´nsk ’y], Thai [taila´nsk ’y], Norman y [narm´nsk ’y];
    • zdts → [sts]: under the bridles [pad sts s´];
    • nds → [nc]: Dutch s [gala´nts s];
    • rdts → [rc]: heart [s’e´rts e], evina’s heart [s’irts yv’i´na];
    • rdch → [rch "]: heart-ishko [s’erch ’i´shka];
    • dts → [ts:] at the junction of morphemes, less often in roots, are pronounced and when parsing the word it is written as a double [ts]: pick up [pats: yp'i´t '], twenty [two´ts: yt '] ;
    • ds → [ts]: factory [zavats ko´y], kinship [rational tvo´], means [sr’e´ts tva], Kislovods to [k’islavo´ts k];
  • "L" - in combinations:
    • sun → [nc]: sun e [so´nts e], sun state;
  • "B" - in combinations:
    • vstv → [stv] literal analysis of words: hello [hello uyt'e], feelings about [h'u´stva], sensuality [h'u´stv 'inas't'], pampering about [pampering o´], virgin [d'e´st 'in: y].

Note: In some words of the Russian language, with the accumulation of consonant sounds “stk”, “ntk”, “zdk”, “ndk”, dropping out of the phoneme [t] is not allowed: trip [paye´stka], daughter-in-law, typist, agenda, laboratory assistant, student , patient, bulky, Irish, Scottish.

  • Two identical letters immediately after the stressed vowel are transcribed as a single sound and a longitude character [:] in literal parsing: class, bath, mass, group, program.
  • Doubled consonants in pre-stressed syllables are indicated in transcription and pronounced as one sound: tunnel [tane´l '], terrace, apparatus.

If you find it difficult to perform a phonetic analysis of a word online according to the indicated rules or you have an ambiguous analysis of the word under study, use the help of a reference dictionary. The literary norms of orthoepy are regulated by the publication: “Russian literary pronunciation and stress. Dictionary - reference book. M. 1959


  • Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language: a short theoretical course for schoolchildren. – Moscow State University, Moscow: 2000
  • Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. – Enlightenment, M.: 1967
  • Beshenkova E.V., Ivanova O.E. Rules of Russian spelling with comments.
  • Tutorial. - "Institute for advanced training of educators", Tambov: 2012
  • Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. Russian literary pronunciation. - M .: CheRo, 1999

Now you know how to parse a word into sounds, make a sound-letter analysis of each syllable and determine their number. The described rules explain the laws of phonetics in the format of a school curriculum. They will help you phonetically characterize any letter.

The Sound Word service makes it easy to find out transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click "Search". After a short pause, he gives out a transcription of the English word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, two options are offered: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphic recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphic recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be separately recorded in the recording. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Why do we need transcription of English words?

Knowing English transcription is useful. This makes it easy to read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without outside help. It is enough to look into the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on the “folding” of words from letters, but rather on the transformation of letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to find out the correct pronunciation of the English word, and, accordingly, its reading.

Oxford University researchers analyzed all types of texts, from literary works to the tabloid press, including also Internet chats, e-mails and blogs.

The study found that just 500 English words, which are listed below, cover about 75% of any English text.

500 most used English words with translation and transcription

1. hi [hi] - hello
2. hello [hello] - hello, hello
3. sorry [sorry] - sorry (those)
4. please [pli: z] - please (please); please
5. thank you [senk yu] - thank you
6. you are welcome
7. what a pity [wat e piti] - what a pity
8. (good) bye [(good) bye] - goodbye
9. people [pi: pl] - people
10. man [men] - a man (pl. men [men])
11. woman [uUmen] - woman (pl. women [uImin])
12. child [child] - child (plural children [children])
13. boy [battle] - boy
14. girl [gyo: rl] - girl
15. guy [guy] - guy
16. friend [friend] - friend
17. acquaintance [ekuEintens] - acquaintance; acquaintance
18. neighbor [nEiber] - neighbor
19. guest [guest] - guest
20. chief [chi:f] - chief; chief; main; leader
21. boss [boss] - boss
22. competitor [campEtiter] - competitor, rival
23. client [client] - client
24. colleague [if: g] - colleague
25. family [family] - family
26. parents [peerants] - parents
27. father [fA:zer] - father
28. dad (dy) [dead (and)] - dad
29. mother [mazar] - mother
30. mum (my) [mum (and)] - mother
31. husband [xAzband] - husband
32. wife [uAif] - wife
33. son [san] - son
34. daughter [dO: ter] - daughter
35. brother [brAzer] - brother
36. sister [sister] - sister
37. grandfather [grEnfA: zer] - grandfather ...
38. father-in-law [fa: zer in lo:] - father-in-law, father-in-law ...
39. uncle [uncle] - uncle
40. aunt [a: nt] - aunt
41. cousin [treasury] - cousin, cousin
42. nephew [nephew:] - nephew
43. niece [ni: s] - niece
44. job [job] - work
45. businessman [biznesmen] - businessman (pl. businessmen [biznesman])
46. ​​teacher [tI: cher] - teacher
47. driver [driver] - driver
48. worker [uO: rker] - worker
49. engineer [enginI: er] - engineer
50. doctor [dokter] - doctor
51. lawyer [lo: er] - lawyer, lawyer
52. journalist
53. nurse [nё: rs] - nurse
54. shop assistant [shop assistant] - seller
55. waiter [uAter] - waiter
56. accountant [accountant] - accountant
57. artist
58. musician [mu:zishn]
59. actor [Ekter] - actor
60. student [student] - student
61. pupil [puple] - student, student
62. animal [Animal] - animal
63. cat [cat] - cat
64. dog [dog] - dog
65. bird [be:rd] - bird
66. squirrel [squirrel] - squirrel
67. wolf [uulf] - wolf
68. goose [gu:s] - goose (pl. geese [gi:s])
69. giraffe [dzhiRA: f] - giraffe
70. rabbit [rEbit] - rabbit; hare
71. cow [kau] - cow
72. rat [ret] - rat
73. fox [fox] - fox
74. horse [ho: rs] - horse
75. frog [frog] - frog
76. bear [beer] - bear
77. mouse [mAus] - mouse (pl. mice [may])
78. monkey [mAnki] - monkey
79. pig [pig] - pig
80. elephant [Elephant] - elephant
81. duck [duck] - duck
82. country [country] - country; countryside
83. Russia [rAshe] - Russia
84. Great Britain [Great Britain] - Great Britain
85. England [England] - England
86. city [city] - city
87. house [house] - house (building)
88. home [home] - house (place of residence)
89. building [building] - building; building
90. place [place] - place; put
91. entrance
92. exit [Egzit] - exit
93. center [sEnter] - center
94. yard [i: rd] - yard
95. roof [ru:f] - roof
96. fence [fence] - fence
97. land [land]
98. village [vilidzh] - village, village
99. school [sku: l] - school
100. university
101. theater [si: eter] - theater
102. church [che:rch] - church
103. restaurant [rEstront] - restaurant
104. cafe [kefei] - cafe
105. hotel [houtEl] - hotel
106. bank [bank] - bank
107. cinema [sineme] - cinema
108. hospital [hospital] - hospital
109. police [police] - police
110. post office [post office] - mail
111. station [station] - station, station
112. airport
113. shop [shop] - shop
114. pharmacy
115. market [mA: rkit] - market
116. office [Office] - office
117. company [company] - company, firm
118. factory [factory] - enterprise, plant, factory
119. square [skuEer] - area
120. street [str: t] - street
121. road [road] - road
122. crossroads [krosroudz] - crossroads
123. stop [stop] - stop; stop
124. sidewalk [sAyduo: k] - sidewalk
125. path [pa:s] - path, path
126. garden [ga:rdn] - garden
127. park [pa:rk] - park
128. bridge [bridge] - bridge
129. river [river] - river
130. forest [forist] - forest
131. field [fi:ld] - field
132. mountain [mountain] - mountain
133. lake [lake] - lake
134. sea [si:] - sea
135. ocean [Ocean] - ocean
136. coast [coast] - seashore, coast
137. beach [b: h] - beach
138. sand [sand] - sand
139. island [Island] - island
140. border
141. customs [customs] - customs
142. garbage
143. waste [waist] - waste; waste
144. stone [stone] - stone
145. plant [plA:nt] factory; plant
146. tree [three:] - tree
147. grass [gra:s] - grass
148. flower [flower] - flower
149. leaf [li:f] - leaf (of a tree)
150. flat [flat] - flat
151. room [room] - room
152. living room [living room] - hall
153. bedroom [bedrum] - bedroom
154. bathroom [ba:srum] - bathroom
155. shower [shauer] - shower
156. toilet [toilit] - toilet
157. kitchen [kitchin] - kitchen
158. hall [kho:l] - corridor
159. balcony [belkoni] - balcony
160. floor [flo:r] - floor; floor
161. ceiling [si: ling] - ceiling
162. wall [uO:l] - wall
163. stairs [stEerz] - steps; stairs
164. door [to: p] - door
165. window [uIndou] - window
166. windowsill [uIndousil] - window sill
167. curtain [kyorten] - curtain (ka), curtain
168. switch - switch; switch
169. socket
170. faucet [fo:sit] - (water) faucet
171. pipe [pipe] - pipe; a tube
172. chimney [chimni] - chimney
173. furniture [fё:niche] - furniture
174. table [table]
175. chair [cheer] - chair
176. armchair [A:rmcheer] - armchair
177. sofa [sofa] - sofa
178. bed [bad] - bed
179. wardrobe
180. cabinet [kEbinet] - cabinet (chik)
181. shelf [shelf] - shelf
182. mirror [mirror] - mirror
183. carpet [kA:rpit] - carpet
184. fridge [fridzh] - refrigerator
185. microwave [microwave] - microwave
186. oven [Aven] - stove, oven
187. stove [stove] - stove
188. food [fu:d] - food
189. bread [brad] - bread
190. butter [bater] - oil
191. oil [oil] - vegetable oil; oil
192. cheese
193. sausage [sosidzh] - sausage, sausage
194. ham [ham] - ham
195. meat [mi:t] - meat
196. beef [bi: f] - beef
197. pork
198. lamb [lam] - lamb; lamb
199. chicken [chikin] - chicken; chicken
200. cutlet [katlit] - cutlet
201. fish [fish] - fish; to fish
202. egg [eg] - egg
203. salad [seled] - salad
204. mushroom [mashroom] - mushroom
205. corn [ko:rn] - corn; corn
206. porridge [porridge] - porridge
207. oatmeal
208. soup [su: p] - soup
209. sandwich [sandwich] - sandwich
210. rice [rice] - rice
211. noodles [well: dlz] - noodles
212. flour [flower] - flour
213. spice [spice] - spice, spice
214. pepper [peper] - pepper; Spice up
215. salt [co:lt] - salt; salt
216. onion [Anien] - onion (bulb)
217. garlic
218. sauce [сО:с] - sauce
219. vegetables
220. potatoes [potAtouz] - potatoes
221. carrot [keret] - carrot
222. beet [bi:t] - beetroot
223. tomato [tomA:tou] - tomato
224. cucumber [kyukamber] - cucumber
225. cabbage [kebidzh] - cabbage
226. squash
227. eggplant [Egpla:nt] - eggplant
228. beans [bi:nz] - beans
229. pea [pi:] - peas
230. nut
231. fruit [fr:t] - fruit(s); fetus
232. apple [appl] - apple
233. pear [peer] - pear
234. banana [benEne] - banana
235. berry [beri] - berry
236. strawberry
237. raspberry
238. cherry [chery] - cherry
239. plum [flame] - plum
240. grape [grape] - grapes
241. apricot
242. peach [pi: h] - peach
243. melon [melon] - melon
244. watermelon [otermelen] - watermelon
245. pumpkin [pumpkin] - pumpkin
246. orange Orange
247. mandarin [menderin] - mandarin
248. lemon [lemon] - lemon
249. pineapple [pineapple] - pineapple
250. sugar [shuge] - sugar
251. honey [hani] - honey
252. jam [jam] - jam
253. cake [cake] - cake
254. bun [ban] - bun
255. cookie [cookies] - cookies
256. pie [pai] - pie, pie
257. sweet [sui:t] - candy; sweet
258. ice-cream - ice cream
259. chocolate [choklit] - chocolate
260. water [water] - water; water
261. soda
262. juice [ju: s] - juice
263. wine
264. tea [ti:] - tea
265. coffee [coffee] - coffee
266. milk [milk] - milk
267. cream [cree: m] - cream; cream
268. yogurt [yogurt] - yogurt
269. curd [kyo:rd] - cottage cheese
270. dish [dish] - dish (dishes [dishiz] - dishes)
271. cup [cap] - a cup
272. glass [v:s] - glass; glass
273. mug
274. plate [plate]
275. spoon [spu: n] - spoon
276. fork
277. knife
278. saucer [sO:sir] - saucer
279. bottle [bottle] - bottle
280. napkin [nEpkin] - napkin
281. pan [pan] - pan
282. frying pan [frying pan] - frying pan
283. kettle [kettle] - teapot; boiler
284. meal [mi:l]
285. breakfast [breakfast] - breakfast
286. lunch [lunch] - lunch
287. dinner [diner] - dinner
288. transport [trEnspo:rt] - transport; [transport: rt] - transport, transport
289. plane [plane] - plane
290. car [ka:r] - car
291. tram [tram] - tram
292. bus [bass] - bus
293. train [train] - train
294. ship
295. bicycle [bicycle] - bicycle
296. time [time] - time; once
297. minute
298. hour
299. week
300. year [yIer] - year
301. century [sEncheri] - century, century
302. the day before yesterday
303. yesterday [yEsteday] - yesterday
304. today [today] - today (afternoon)
305. tonight [tunAit] - tonight (night)
306. tomorrow [tomOrou] - tomorrow
307. the day after tomorrow
308. day [day] - day
309. morning [mo:rning] - morning
310. afternoon [a: fternU: n] - day (after noon)
311. evening [And: vning] - evening
312. night
313. Monday [Monday] - Monday
314. Tuesday
315. Wednesday [uEnzday] - Wednesday
316. Thursday
317. Friday [Friday] - Friday
318. Saturday [Seterday] - Saturday
Sunday 319
320. month [mans]
January 321
322. February
March 323
April 324
325. May
326. June
327. July
September 329
330. October [October] - October
November 331
December 332
333. season [si:zen] - season; season
334. spring [spring] - spring
335. summer [sAmer] - summer
336. autumn
337. winter [uInter] - winter
338. holiday [holiday] - holiday; vacation; holiday
339. Christmas [krismes] - Christmas
340. Easter [I: ster] - Easter
341. birthday [byo: rsday] - birthday
342. form [fo:rm] - form; the form; form; Class; form, form
343. name [name] - first name, last name; title; call
344. first name
345. surname [сЁ: name] - surname
346. maiden name [meiden name] - maiden name
347. birth date
348. place of birth
349. address [edrEs] - address
350. marital status [marital status] - marital status
351. single [single] - single, unmarried; lonely); one way (about the ticket)
352. married [merid] - married
353. divorced
354. widowed
355. thing [sing] - thing
356. pen
357. pencil [pensil] - pencil
358. book [beech]
359. copybook
360. notebook
361. note
362. dictionary [diksheneri] - dictionary
363. letter [leter] - letter; letter
364. envelope
365. paper [peyper] - paper
366. newspaper
367. magazine [megazI: n] - magazine
368. (tele)phone [(teli)fon] - telephone; talk on the phone
369. clock [clock] - hours
370. comb [koum] - comb; comb
371. TV (-set) [tivi (set)] - TV
372. iron - iron; iron; iron (iron)
373. soap [soup] - soap; lather
374. radio [radio] - radio
375. bag
376. backpack
377. map [map] - map (geographical)
378. card [ka:rd] - postcard; card (playing); card
379. suitcase [sutkeys] - suitcase
380. present
381. camera [kemere] - camera; camcorder
382. vase
383. handkerchief
384. ball [bo: l] - ball
385. balloon [belu: n] - balloon (ik)
386. toy
387. ticket [tikit] - ticket
388. luggage [lage] - luggage
389. battery [beteri] - battery, accumulator
390. bucket [bakit] - bucket
391. rope [roup]
392. board [bord] - board; board; council (board)
393. calendar [kelinder] - calendar
394. laptop [laptop] - laptop
395. brush brush, brush; brush
396. keyboard [kI:bo:rd] - keyboard
397. key [ki:] - key; key
398. wheel [u:l] - wheel
399. steering wheel [stiring UI: l] - steering wheel
400. trunk [trunk] - trunk; trunk; trunk
401. gas (oline) [hydroelectric power station (oline)] - gasoline
402. purse [pyo:rs] - lady's bag; wallet
403. wallet [uolit] - wallet
404. lamp
405. ruler [ru:ler] - ruler; ruler
406. shovel [shovel] - shovel; dig
407. machine [mashI: n] - machine; mechanism; apparatus; machine
408. hammer [hEmer] - hammer; hammer
409. scissors
410. glasses [chA:siz] - glasses
411. package [package] package
412. stick [stick] stick to; stick
413. glue [glu:] stick
414. gift [gift] - a gift; gift
415. towel [towel] - towel
416. mail [mail] - mail (correspondence); send by mail
417. wire [uair] - wire; the wire
418. page [page] - page
419. torch [to:rch] - flashlight; burner; torch
420. box [box] - box, box; box
421. blanket [blEnkit] - a blanket
422. sheet [shi:t] sheet (ok)
423. pillow
424. clothes [close] - clothes
425. body [body] - body; body
426. head head, leader
427. face
428. forehead
429. nose
430. ear [Ier] - ear; ear; ear
431. mouth
432. throat [srout] - throat
433. eye [ay] - eye
434. eyebrow
435. lips [lips] - lips
436. tooth [tu:s]
437. hair [hEer] - hair (s)
438. mustache
439. cheek [chi:k] - cheek; impudence, impudence
440. chin [chin] - chin
441. neck [nek] - neck
442. shoulder [shoulder] - shoulder
443. chest
444. heart [ha: rt] - heart
445. stomach [stAmek] - stomach; stomach
446. back [back] - back; back
447. wrist [rist] - wrist
448. hand [hand] - hand, brush (hands)
449. finger [finger] - finger (hands)
450. nail [nail] - nail; nail; nail
451. elbow [Elbow] - elbow
452. leg [leg] - leg; leg
453. knee [neither:] - knee
454. foot [foot] foot; foot (pl. - feet [fi: t])
455. heel [chi:l] - heel; heel
456. toe
457. beard [beard] - beard
458. bone [bone] - bone
459. health [health]
460. healthy [khelsi] - healthy
461. sick [sik] - sick
462. sickness
463. fever [fI:ver]
464. cough [cough] - cough; cough
465. running nose [running nose] - runny nose
466. sneeze
467. pain
468. headache [hedeik] - headache
469. flu
470. bruise [bru:z] - bruise, bruise; hurt
471. event [event] - event
472. birth [be:rs] - birth
473. game
474. lesson [lasn] - lesson
475. vacation [wakeEisheng] - vacation, vacation
476. party [pA: rti] - party
477. meeting [mi:ting] - meeting; meeting
478. wedding
479. negotiation
480. trip
481. death [des] - death
482. weather [uezer] - weather
483. sun [san] - sun
484. moon [mu:n] - moon
485. wind
486. fog [fog] - fog
487. rain [rain] - rain
488. snow [snow] - snow
489. sky [sky] - sky
490. cloud [cloud] - cloud
491. air [Eer] - air
492. temperature [temprache] - temperature
493. degree degree
494. distance [distance] distance
495. length [langs]
496. height [hit]
497. depth [deps]
498. strength [strangs] strength
499. important
500. delicious [delishes] - very tasty