In this article, we will consider not only the question of where to get a policy for a newborn, but also important points about the timing and nuances of the CHI itself for a child that you need to know.

The policy is required to receive free medical care throughout the Russian Federation. The child will be able to receive medical assistance regardless of where he is registered, however, the amount of this assistance may differ depending on the region where the policy was received and the region of actual residence.

How long does it take to complete this document?

It is required to issue a CHI within 3 months from the date of birth - this is exactly the information that the Internet provides us with. Almost all sites that talk about the timing of obtaining compulsory medical insurance indicate exactly this period, but at the same time, all websites of insurance companies indicate:

Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date of state registration of birth is carried out by an insurance medical organization in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the birth of a child and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires legal capacity in full, compulsory health insurance is carried out by an insurance medical organization chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

And here there is already a specific source in the form of the federal law of November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation."

It was not possible to establish where the 3-month period came from, if someone knows, then write in the comments.

Issue a policy according to registration, registration or actual place of residence?

The Internet, as always, gives us conflicting data about whether it is possible to issue a policy for a newborn without a residence permit. Somewhere they write that the registration of the policy is possible only with the registration of the parents, somewhere they write that the registration does not matter. There is also ambiguous information about registration at the actual place of residence, whether it is required for registration of CHI or not. Let's see where the truth is.

We personally called 3 largest insurance companies to clarify this issue. Everywhere they said that you can apply in another city, registration is not required, but when clarifying how much medical care can be received, it was said that the policy is attached to the actual place of residence and upon registration, you can count on the full amount of medical care in the region where the policy was issued.

In another region, you can only count on emergency assistance, but if you need a full amount of medical care when moving to another region, then you need to reattach it to the new actual place of residence. The hotline operators of insurance companies were also asked about the need to confirm registration at the actual place of residence, to which they said: “Registration is not required, the actual place of residence is determined from your words.”

Recorded from the words of employees of insurance companies.

I have personal experience with this. We received a policy for our first child in St. Petersburg, and at the age of three months we underwent various procedures at a children's clinic in the Volgograd region. The employees of the polyclinic grumbled about the fact that our policy was not local, but they provided services in the form of a warm-up course and several visits to the doctor.

Personal experience with compulsory medical insurance for an adult confirms that if you live in the region for a long time, you will need to take out insurance in the region at your actual place of residence in order to receive the full amount of medical care. Registration or registration for an adult was not required. It was in Sochi.

Where is the policy issued?

  • at the MFC;
  • in an insurance company;
  • in the clinic.

Documents for registration

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Application according to the established sample (issued on the spot).
  • Passport of the Russian Federation of one of the parents.
  • SNILS if available. Rumor has it that they wanted to pass a law that SNILS would become mandatory when applying for a policy, but so far there is no exact data that this law has come into force and so far SNILS is provided only if available, but it is better to clarify this point by phone with the insurance.

Usually within 30 days you are given a ready-made policy; while it is being made, you will be given a temporary one.

Who can get

You can receive a ready-made policy in person or another person can receive it for you by proxy. Practice confirms this. For one of the children, the mother (grandmother) received the policy while our family was in another city.

From the moment a baby is born, he immediately comes under the close attention of doctors. For this to continue in the future, parents are obliged to insure their child as soon as possible. And this is not a whim, but a requirement of the law of the Russian Federation. Every person living on the territory of the Russian Federation must receive medical care. And for free. For this, there is a mandatory medical insurance. Making a CHI policy for a newborn is a simple matter, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time. But how exactly this should be done, we will tell in our article.

Baby needs a policy

In the first couple of months of a child's life, according to the documents, he is still inseparable from the mother. Therefore, all the necessary medical procedures for him are supported by her policy. But later it will be very difficult and expensive for you to communicate with doctors if you fail to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn in time. If you take out insurance in a timely manner, you can qualify for special baby food (dairy cuisine), as well as the provision of free medicines if necessary.

Some mothers shy away from the compulsory medical insurance program, arguing that the whole family is voluntarily insured under the VHI policy and this is quite enough. However, such arguments do not stand up to scrutiny. Although a voluntary policy provides a much wider range of medical services and, possibly, provides better and more expensive treatment, it has one disadvantage that, on closer inspection, outweighs all the advantages. The point is that in the current difficult conditions, no one can guarantee you that by the time the insured event occurs, your insurance company will still exist.

If this happens, then your sick child runs the risk of being completely left without the necessary medical care. In extreme cases, you will have to pay for the treatment yourself.

So it does not cancel the CHI policy for a newborn, rather complements it.

and child

Correctly and timely issued insurance gives the baby the right to receive timely and free medical care in any state clinic of the Russian Federation. So if you went to visit your grandmother on the other side of the country and suddenly fell ill there, you can be sure that your baby will not be left without help. But whether it will be paid or not depends on whether your baby has a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.

In addition, with compulsory health insurance, children under the age of 3 years are entitled to use free medicines in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician. Without OMS, this is not possible.

Mothers should know that even without an insurance document, during the first three months of a child’s life, he is required to provide all necessary medical services free of charge. But during this time, the document should still be issued.

Where to go

To apply for a policy, parents must contact any insurance organization. If you do not know how to approach her choice, you can use a little advice. In the first months of the baby's life, decide on the clinic where you are going to continue to be served.

It doesn't have to be the closest place to home - it's likely that you'll like the pediatrician on the other side of town and want to be treated only by him, regardless of the difficulties of the road.

When you have decided on a doctor and a medical institution, ask the employees what kind of insurance company they have an agreement with, and feel free to go there. In this case, you are guaranteed not to have any difficulties. By the way, if you suddenly want to change the selected UK to another one, you can easily and free of charge do it once a year.

How to prepare documents

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for newborns, documents must be prepared in advance. This is due to the fact that the baby has not yet drawn up any papers and the case may drag on.

First of all, the baby needs to write out a birth certificate. It is very easy to do this. To do this, you need to contact the local registry office and submit an extract from the hospital and parents' passports. You need to do this within a month from the moment of birth.

When the certificate is received, the child must be registered, that is, registered at the address of the parents (or one of them if they do not live together). To do this, you need to go to the passport office. Failure to register a child is an administrative offense and entails a fine or a warning.

Now you need to go to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit documents for registration of SNILS. This item, although not mandatory, should not be neglected. You will definitely need SNILS in the future.

Here, in fact, are all the documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn:

  • passport of one of the parents (the one with whom the baby is registered);
  • birth certificate;
  • an application form filled out in the prescribed form;
  • SNILS.

Although according to the law, three months are allotted for all the running around with papers, it is not worth delaying the registration.


When all the documents for the MHI policy for the newborn are collected, we go to the insurance company. An employee of the IC will check everything and give you a temporary certificate. It is valid for 30 days and completely replaces the permanent policy. This is done so that the baby does not suffer from bureaucratic delays and receives free medical care from the moment the parents apply to the insurance. A month later, a permanent document will be issued for the child, which will be valid throughout life.

There is one nuance here. If the child (as well as his parents) has only temporary registration, then the insurance will be issued only for the period of its validity. The policy will be automatically renewed along with an increase in the registration period.

How to order OMS insurance remotely?

Many young parents are very interested in the question: “Is it possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn remotely, through electronic services or mail?”

Unfortunately, technical progress, although it has gone far, is not provided by Russian legislation for the remote issuance of an MHI insurance document. The fact is that in order to receive such a document, you will have to sign in a special journal, because these forms belong to the category of strict reporting.

But it is very possible to use postal services for submitting documents. To do this, it is enough to send notarized copies of the necessary documents and a completed application form to the address of the selected insurance company.

Many insurance companies have their own websites and offer to fill out an application online and scan documents. You can do so, but to get the policy itself, you still have to appear in person.

In some regions of the country, a compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued using the public services website. You only need to fill out an electronic application form, and all other documents will be obtained as a result of interaction between various departments.

What happens if you don't get insurance

You probably already understood that the CHI policy for a newborn is very important. Without this document, only emergency doctors will serve you free of charge. Without CHI, it will not be possible to register with a polyclinic, and there can be no talk of a free hospital.

A few days spent on proper paperwork is certainly not worth the health of your child. The risk in this case is absolutely not justified, so it is better to take out insurance faster.

How to recover a document

If you have lost or damaged the CHI policy for a newborn, as well as in the event that the baby's personal data has changed, the document must be replaced. It's easy to do. You need to contact the same IC where it was issued and report the loss of the document or a change in personal data. The employee will record the information and issue you a temporary policy. A month later, you will receive a new document with all the changes.

Like any other individual residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, a newborn has the right to use almost all medical services that are provided for each citizen on the basis of a gratuitous relationship, that is, without requirements for payment of funds.

However, in order to fully exercise this right, the parents of a newborn child must properly, and within the time limits established by law, issue a medical policy that gives the right to receive it in any medical institution that has the status of a state one.

Documents and deadlines for issuing a medical policy for a newborn child

For registration in accordance with the norms of the law in the name of your child, one of his parents, or, if they are absent, a legal representative, you need to contact one of the many companies providing insurance services that are located on the territory of the state.

To obtain this document, you need to collect a certain number of documents:

  • Completed application form, drawn up in accordance with a single sample, which can be obtained directly from the office of the company providing insurance services to the population.
  • Copy and original passport or, in exceptional cases, another document capable of confirming the identity of the applicant.
  • A copy, as well as the original document confirming the identity of the newborn i.e. birth certificate.

After the appeal, immediately on the same day, the legal representative of the child will have the status of a temporary one. The validity of this document is very limited and is no more than 30 days. It fully replaces the policy, that is, gives the right to newborns to receive a full package of medical services provided by the state to citizens.

The original sample of the medical policy is made within a month from the moment the representative of the newborn child applied to the company with a corresponding application.

Any child is provided with medical services free of charge within three months from the date of his birth. That is, after the expiration of the specified period, any hospital or clinic may refuse admission, or offer the provision of services on a paid basis. Parents or legal representatives of the newborn must submit documents for registration and no later than within three months from the date of birth of the baby.

The need for a residence permit to obtain a medical policy

Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to register a newborn child at the place of his residence, that is, to issue a residence permit in accordance with legislative norms. Otherwise, the insurance company has the right to refuse to provide services.

In order to register a child in accordance with the address where his parents live and are registered, you must contact the passport office in whose jurisdiction this territory is located. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.

For registration (registration) it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  • Copies, as well as original samples of identity documents both the child and the parents. That is, birth certificate and passport, respectively.
  • A photocopy of the certificate of paternity, or of the registration of the marriage of the parents.
  • A document that confirms the right of one or both parents to own a living space where the newborn will be registered directly.
  • Arrival sheet issued in the passport office.
  • Statement, the form of which should be filled out in accordance with the accepted model.

Patronage and payment of honey. services

During the first month of a child's life, the doctor of the polyclinic where the parents of the child are registered must visit the newborn at least three times for inspection. Also, parents have the right to apply to a medical institution themselves, if the need arises.

Primary care of a newborn baby

All services for treatment, as well as preventive examination of the child, are provided absolutely free of charge, even in the absence until the newborn is three months old.

Newborn baby care

If for some reason parents are not satisfied with the quality of services provided by a medical institution serving the relevant territory, they have the right to contact any other hospital or clinic. According to the legislation, a child under three months old who does not have a policy, as well as being at an older age, possessing the specified document, has the right to be observed, as well as receive a number of necessary medical services in any institution located on the territory of the state.

What you need to do to apply for an OMS

In the name of a newborn child, it is necessary due to the fact that the presence of this document gives the right to apply to any medical institution for the provision of appropriate assistance, or for a preventive examination. The parents of the baby, having health insurance in their hands, can receive not only free medical services, but also a number of certain medications that are required for any child under the age of one year. Need a child.

In the absence of a policy, the parents of a newborn may be denied not only most medical services. There may also be problems with obtaining preferential meals in the dairy kitchen, as well as with the admission of the child to a preschool child care institution.

The presence of medical insurance is often required even when contacting a paid clinic, although this is not a mandatory item. Accordingly, for a full-fledged residence in the state, it is extremely necessary to carry out a procedure of this kind, such as issuing a compulsory health insurance policy.

Where to get a policy

For a newborn, parents need to contact any insurance company operating within the Russian Federation. Currently, there are quite a lot of different organizations providing services of this kind, and each citizen has the right to independently choose which one is more convenient for him to apply to. Prices for services at the same time can vary significantly not only depending on the choice of the company, but also on its location.

The procedure for obtaining medical insurance is carried out directly in the organization where the application for its execution was submitted.

Document replacement

Currently a single accepted model of a health insurance policy has been introduced throughout the country.

In a number of regions, plastic cards are introduced into circulation, which completely replace the paper version of this document.

However, individuals who, for a number of valid reasons, have not yet gone through the procedure for exchanging old-style insurance for a new one, do not lose their legal right to receive medical services of any kind free of charge. That is, they can also, where they have no right to refuse treatment, preventive examinations, as well as the issuance of a number of preferential drugs.
In the event that in any medical institution a citizen has received a refusal to provide medical care, justified by the fact that the policy is an outdated model, the person whose rights have been infringed must file a complaint about the incident with the relevant authorities.

The procedure for replacing the CHI policy

In order to carry out the procedure for exchanging an outdated policy for a new model, it is necessary prepare the following documents:

  • an application, or a standard form replacing it, containing a request to replace the document;
  • passport;
  • SNILS.

For the period that will take place, each individual is issued a temporary insurance certificate, which has the same legal force as the permanent one. Its validity is only thirty days, while the replacement of the policy may be delayed for a longer period. However, in the event of such a situation, the person whose temporary medical insurance has expired, the right to apply to the company that issued it, in order to extend the validity of the document until such time as a permanent policy is issued.

Accordingly, having only an insurance certificate in hand, which has lost its validity due to the fact that its period of validity has expired, a citizen also has the right to apply to any medical institution for appropriate services if such a need arises.

Call a doctor at home

The policy is one of the primary documents that must be issued at the birth of a child. as it gives the right to receive the necessary medical services and drugs.
Due to the fact that the prices for services of this kind in various insurance companies can vary significantly, any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to apply for registration and not only to the office of the organization in whose jurisdiction is the address of his registration, but also to any other institution.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The main thing, after receiving the metric and registering the baby, is the execution of his medical policy (that is, CHI). It is he who gives the child the right to free (almost in all its forms) medical care in any medical institution of the Russian Federation. How and where can I get this document?

When is it necessary to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child after his birth?

As soon as your crumbs have their own official documents that can confirm his identity and, of course, his place of residence, you can go for a medical policy. Within 3 months from the day your baby was born, you can do without a policy . After 3 months, the child loses this right. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone the receipt of such a necessary document.

Where to get a medical insurance policy for a child, where to make a medical policy for a child?

As a rule, parents draw up a medical policy for a baby:

  • In an insurance company at the place of direct residence (registration).
  • At a specialized pickup point(for example, at your local clinic).

A policy for a newborn without a residence permit - does a child need a residence permit when applying for a policy?

A medical policy is issued at the place of direct registration of the mother or father of the child. Not everyone has time to register the baby right away, so lack of rigid binding of the policy to the place of residence crumbs greatly simplifies the life of parents. A permanent or temporary policy is issued in accordance with the type of registration - permanent residence or temporary (stay). The second version of the policy is extended along with registration at the place of residence of the crumbs. Registration is a prerequisite for obtaining a policy.

Documents for a policy for a newborn - a list of required documents for a policy for a child

To obtain a document for a baby, a father or mother must contact the point of issue of compulsory medical insurance, presenting:

  • Baby's birth certificate . It is issued at the registry office from the date of birth of the child until the age of 1 month.
  • Statement according to the established pattern.
  • Russian passport of one of the parents with registration. The requirement for registration is the territorial affiliation to the point of issue of compulsory medical insurance.

When will the health insurance policy for the child be ready?

You won't have to wait long for the document to be issued. This procedure is very simple and does not require either a solid package of documents, or long queues at various authorities, or an endless wait for the issuance of a policy. As a rule, the parent receives the CHI policy in his hands, only a couple of minutes after his appeal to the insurance company. Individual organizations can issue you a temporary policy for the period while a permanent document is being prepared. You will only have to drive up at the appointed time and pick up a permanent policy.

Newborn children, along with adults, become participants in the program, which is implemented throughout the country.

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What is it and why is it needed

A health insurance policy is a document that is the basis for providing a person with free medical services throughout the state, regardless of the place of registration of the person.

The certificate of health insurance is issued after the conclusion of the contract with the insurance company. The data displayed in the medical certificate must fully comply with the data provided by the person to the insurance company.

Medical policy represents:

With this document, the person deserves help medical organizations of the following categories:

  1. emergency medical care;
  2. outpatient;
  3. dental;
  4. dispensary.

Medical services are provided free of charge to a person regardless from his permanent place of residence.

In accordance with the regulation on health insurance, one of the categories of persons who must have a medical certificate of insurance are children.

For newborns The certificate of insurance is a rather important document, which parents should immediately take care of obtaining.

Without this document newborn cannot free of charge:

  1. Be attached to a children's clinic;
  2. If necessary, receive medical assistance provided by ambulances;
  3. See a local therapist, as well as get the opportunity to call a specialist at home.

You can apply for a health insurance certificate during three months from the moment of his birth.

As a rule, within 30 days from the date of birth, the newborn's medical expenses are covered by the mother's insurance document. However, after this period, medical services may require the provision of a personal certificate of insurance for the baby and refuse to provide free medical care.

Collection of documents

To issue a child insurance certificate need to get documents:

  1. . Get it in the registry office or the MFC. To receive it is:
    • a certificate from the medical organization where the baby was born;
    • passports of both parents (or mother);
    • certificate that the marriage was registered in the prescribed manner.
  2. Certificate that the child was registered at the place of residence;

Directly to the insurance company appear:

  1. Baby's birth certificate;
  2. Parent's identity document.

In case of submission of documents representative, in addition to the above information, the package is accompanied by:

  1. Representative's passport;
  2. A power of attorney certified by a notary in the prescribed manner, reflecting the right of the representative to submit information to obtain an insurance policy.

Design rules

The procedure for obtaining a policy for newborn children does not differ from the procedure for obtaining a certificate for adults, except for one feature: employers do not provide insurance for children.

The bodies to which you can apply for insurance are:

Insurance Company parents or legal representatives are chosen independently. As a rule, insurance is carried out in a fund in which one of the parents is insured. If for some reason this fund is not suitable, then you can choose an insurance company on the website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. It lists all companies that insure individuals throughout Russia.

After the choice of the insured is made, it is necessary to visit the site of the insurance service and make an appointment. When making an appointment, you must select the day of admission, time, and also indicate your contact details.

On the day of the appointment, you must come with the documents and, before filling out the application for the service, consult about the procedure, as well as the services that will be available after the process is completed. Next, you need to submit documents and appear on the day indicated by the representative of the fund.

If it is not possible to personally submit documents, you can send documents by mail. To do this, on the official website of the insurer, you must download the application form, fill it out and certify it with a notarized signature. After that, documents should be sent by registered mail with a list of all documents.

Multifunctional centers, located in every city throughout the country, also provide a health insurance service. In order to process the receipt of a document with the help of the MFC, it is necessary to come with a package on the receiving day. An employee of the center will consult on the insurance services available in the region and issue an application form. After filling it out, you will need to attach documents that will be registered. An employee of the center will be informed of the date when it will be possible to pick up the document.

You can get health insurance without leaving your home with the help of Internet portal "Gosuslugi". To do this, you should go to the portal and enter the user's account. After that, in the “Category of services” tab, select “Obtaining a medical policy”. The page will display the fields that must be filled in, then the service will offer to add photos of documents. After that, an application for a policy will be generated.

Documents are checked and a policy is issued on the basis of the Law on Compulsory Insurance by Organizations within a month.

After submission of documents, mandatory issuance is subject to temporary compulsory health insurance policy. This certificate is a document giving the right to receive the same categories of free assistance provided by medical institutions as a regular policy, only its validity period is limited to one month from the date of receipt.

The registration procedure at the place of residence of a newborn is a mandatory procedure that parents must carry out before submitting documents for insurance.

Child registration bodies carry out:

Regardless of which body will be registered, parents are represented the following information:

  1. Identification documents of the parents (of one of the parents);
  2. Birth certificate of the child;
  3. Certificate confirming the conclusion of marriage in the prescribed manner;
  4. Statement of no objection regarding the registration of the child at the place of registration of the other parent.

It is important to know that if one of the parents is not the owner of the residential premises, the procedure for registering a newborn will be carried out regardless of the desire of the owner. It is not permissible to register a newborn separately from the parents.

The procedure for issuing an insurance policy is described in the following video: