They did not have time to dismiss the super-influential head of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB Yuri Yakovlev and the head of the “K” department of the SEB FSB (counterintelligence in the credit and financial sphere) Viktor Voronin, as last week the first deputy head of the Department of Internal Security (USB) was asked to leave ) FSB General Oleg Feoktistov, better known as "Oleg-Big" or "General Fix". Oleg Feoktistov directly supervised the 6th Service of the FSB USB, nicknamed "Sechin's special forces."

Personnel surprises

There is no official presidential decree on the resignation of Oleg Feoktistov yet, but he has already been transferred to the Office of Seconded Employees (APS) of the FSB (the position of the first deputy of the FSB CSS belongs to the nomenclature of the President of the Russian Federation, and appointments and dismissals are regulated by separate secret decrees). As a rule, they go straight from the APS to the security services of large state corporations, banks or oil companies.

“For us, the departure of General Feoktistov is like a bolt from the blue,” he told the correspondent. NT an employee of the 6th Service of the CSS of the FSB, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Oleg Vladimirovich kept everything here, and we were behind him like behind a stone wall.”

Meanwhile, a month and a half ago, sources NT reported that “Fix will soon finally spread his wings”: instead of the former head of the Department of Internal Security, Sergei Korolev, who left for the SEB FSB, Feoktistov should have been appointed head of the CSS, and his deputy was supposed to be the head of the FSB for the Kaliningrad region Evgeny Zinichev. Many employees hoped that under Feoktistov and Zinichev, the endless paperwork, constant introductory and combat duty would finally end. However, on July 28, Putin unexpectedly appointed Chekist Zinichev acting. governor of the Kaliningrad region, and Feoktistov never received a promotion.

Moreover, the transfer of the right hand of Feoktistov, the head of the "six" Ivan Tkachev, to the Department "K" of the SEB FSB, widely advertised in the media, did not take place either. According to rumors, Tkachev will also soon be transferred to the APS, and he will be replaced by Colonel Alexander Poletaev.

From border guard to special officer

Oleg Feoktistov was born in the Moscow region, served as a border guard in Karelia, and then participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan. While serving in the army, he became friends with a KGB military counterintelligence officer, Sergei Shishin, who later became the head of the special forces of the FSB CSS, and then the head of the FSB economic support service.

“Fix owes his initial career to the order bearer Shishin, who, like a steam locomotive, was promoted and led him along,” the source said. NT in the secret services.

By the way, in 2007, after a series of scandals, Shishin was also first transferred to the Office of seconded employees, then seconded to VTB Bank, and three years later he joined the leadership of Rosneft and RusHydro.

For the first time, General Feoktistov became known to the general public during the sensational criminal cases on the “Three Whales” (furniture smuggling) and Chinese smuggling, which arrived at the warehouse of military unit 54729 of the FSB Logistics Department. Then, on behalf of Putin, the now liquidated Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) took up the identification of corrupt Chekists, and Lieutenant General Alexander Bulbov headed the investigation.

For covert surveillance of the smugglers in uniform, the FSKN outdoors was involved, and the telephone conversations of the security officers were tapped by employees of the Bureau of Special Technical Measures (BSTM) from Petrovka-38. However, at some stage there was a leak, and the drug fighter Bulbov, along with the entire company, was arrested by the FSB CSS.

The drug fighter general was charged with illegal conduct of operational-search activities, fraud, taking bribes and was detained for two years. While in the cell, Bulbov stated that he acted within the law, and the initiators of his arrest were high-ranking officers of the FSB CSS, and he specifically mentioned the then head of the 6th Service of the FSB CSS, Colonel Feoktistov.

Then the name of Feoktistov flashed in the operational development of the former major of the Organized Crime Control Department Andrei Alyoshin, who privately investigated the abductions of wealthy people in the capital.

As a result, Major Aleshin, who freed one of the hostages, was himself accused of aiding the bandits and sentenced to 15 years, high-ranking customers of the abductions, including State Duma deputies, evaded responsibility, and the leader of the gang Denis Shilin (Shilo) moved to Monaco, where he planted under prostitutes with dictaphones who took a sip of Russian businessmen and thus found out about offshore accounts.

Before becoming the first deputy head of the FSB CSS, the general led the 6th Service for almost five years and became such an influential figure in the Lubyanka that the Lubyanka employees themselves mention him only in a whisper.

More than once, attempts were made to compromise General Feoktistov: on websites publishing “leaks” from the special services, notes periodically appeared that said that the general allegedly holds all Moscow judges in his fist and his subordinates drive around the capital in a drunken state and send traffic cops where away.

In 2011, in opposition to Feoktistov, an adviser to the then current Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, Sergei Korolev, was appointed head of the entire FSB “separate person”. However, according to the source, all operational issues were still decided by Feoktistov ( now Korolev headed the SEB FSB.NT).

"Sechin special forces"

The 6th FSB CSS Service was created in 2004 on the initiative of the then curator of the law enforcement agencies, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, and received the unspoken nickname "Sechin's special forces." Feoktistov personally selected the backbone of the "six", which is made up of the past hot spots fighters of the special forces of the FSB "Alpha" and "Vympel".

At first, the 6th Service was located not far from Lubyanka under the sign “Last-minute tours and vouchers”, and three years ago it moved to a separate building in Kolpachny Lane next to the Catholic monastery, which was the reason for jokes, such as: “Specialists after the service atone for sins.”

The tasks of the Service include the operational support of high-profile criminal cases and the protection of witnesses, and during special operations, the fighters use cover documents and several sets of car license plates. For example, Feoktistov himself allegedly lived for a long time under the name of Sergei A. and “aged” by two years.

Unlike other departments of the FSB, the soldiers of the "Sechin special forces" are paid two salaries, bonuses, and a year of military experience goes for one and a half.

As the former “Alfa” members admitted, they have a special dislike for the employees of the Department “K” of the SEB FSB (finances and banks) and call them majors in uniform: “Kashniks”, as soon as they see us in a restaurant, immediately go to another hall - otherwise we can roll into a turnip.”

Already being the first deputy head of the "special department", the name of Feoktistov flashed more than once in the framework of operational escorts of the CSS of the FSB in high-profile criminal cases. So, the general directly supervised the detention in 2014 of the head of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Combating Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant general Denis Sugrobov and his deputy police major general Boris Kolesnikov ( According to investigators, during interrogation at the Investigative Committee, he committed suicide.NT), who dared to take Colonel Igor Demin, an employee of the FSB CSS, into operational development.

In March 2015, fighters of the 6th Service detained the governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin, who was charged with taking a bribe in the amount of $5.6 million. accused of creating a criminal group and fraud. On the night of June 1, 2016, it was the 6th Service that “received” the mayor of Vladivostok, a millionaire (he owned the Park Group concern) Igor Pushkarev, who was immediately taken to Moscow - he is accused of abuse of power and commercial bribery. Finally, it was the "six" that took Nikita Belykh, until recently the governor of the Kirov region.

What did Fix suffer for?

There are several versions of the resignation of the powerful General Feoktistov. According to one of them, the high-profile events around the Baltic customs, which were going to be disbanded several times, and its functions could be transferred to neighboring customs posts, could be the reason. The annual turnover of the Baltic customs is $ 30 billion, and a third of all smuggling enters the country through it, so it is not surprising that a real battle has unfolded between high-ranking security forces and officials for control over all this “delicious” economy.

As a result, Putin's old colleague in the KGB, the head of the Federal Customs Service (FTS) Andrey Belyaninov, and the head of the "K" Department of the SEB FSB, Viktor Voronin, whose subordinate, the head of the 7th department of the "K" Department Vadim Uvarov, have already lost their positions, appear in the criminal case ( see details inNT No. 22 dated June 26, 2016 .

The operational support of the criminal case was carried out not by St. Petersburg colleagues from Liteiny, but by the CSS of the FSB, and, according to our sources, General Feoktistov personally gave orders for detentions and searches in the homes of those involved in the case.

According to another version, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs complained to Putin about the special officer, whose husband, communist deputy and millionaire Denis Voronenkov, is a defendant in a criminal case in connection with the raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow. According to the materials of the investigation, Voronenkov found a buyer for the mansion, for which he received an advance payment of $100,000.

The deputy himself has repeatedly told reporters that General Feoktistov is behind the initiation of a criminal case against him, who allegedly takes revenge on him for a private investigation into the smuggling case of Three Whales ( then, as a result of a purge in the central office of the FSB, 16 senior FSB officers were fired.NT).

According to the third version, the powerful special officer allegedly burned out because of too close friendship with the head of the CSS of the Investigative Committee, Mikhail Maksimenko, who was considered the right hand of the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin before his arrest.

As you know, in December 2015, after a loud shootout near the Elements restaurant on Rochdelskaya Street, the main combat torpedo of the influential thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro), Andrey Kochuykov, nicknamed Italian, was arrested.

According to investigators, Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov and deputy head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Moscow Denis Nikandrov received $500,000 from Shakro for changing the measure of restraint to Italians and were soon arrested.

According to some reports, Feoktistov supervised special officers from the Investigative Committee and recommended Maksimenko to the post of head of the department (after the arrest of Maksimenko, the Department of Internal Security of the Investigative Committee was transformed into a department - NT).

And, finally, according to the fourth version, the reason for Feoktistov's resignation was a recent publication in Novaya Gazeta about Igor Sechin's young wife, Olga, who allegedly appeared on the mega-yacht St. Princess Olga", worth $150 million ( The Sechins filed a lawsuit against the newspaper in the Basmanny Court.NT). To find the "customer" of the publication was allegedly instructed by the FSB CSS, but they did not complete the task: the attempt to "spin" the journalists on the information did not bring success. “Our service, most likely, will be disbanded,” suggested the fighter of the “six”. “We probably fought corruption too well, and our competitors from the 2nd Service will carry out operational tasks.”

But if the prospects for the fighters from the 6th Service are very vague, then Feoktistov, most likely, Igor Sechin, will be attached somewhere, as has happened more than once with other high-ranking employees from the Chekist "special". For example, Colonel Igor Demin, who acted as a “bait” in the case of the arrested head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov, now, with the rank of seconded Chekist, heads the security service of a large bank, the main shareholder of which is Rosneft Oil Company.

Search by " third service USB FSB"results: service - 10129, third - 5588, usb - 193, fsb - 4495.

results 1 to 20 from 34 .

Searching results:

1. Denis Voronenkov left politics on the wanted list. ... Voronenkov, he allegedly participated in the investigation of the smuggling case, the defendants of which were high-ranking employees FSB, allegedly including the current leader services security of Rosneft Oleg Feoktistov (former deputy head USB FSB ...
Case third: embezzlement and murder “As far as I know, Denis Voronenkov was engaged in offering to lobby certain issues in the State Duma for money.
Date: 02/15/2017 2. Who is Mr. Dvoskin? Moreover, from the explanations of the officers guarding Dvoskin FSB it became known that, by order of the UPC RF, he was taken under the witness protection program from December 19, 2007. Protection was carried out by the 6th service(physical protection) USB FSB RF close to...
... unintelligible with reference to the investigation, and FSB- a state secret. But even Shantin, deprived of the opportunity to move further along this line, managed to throw a new net on Dvoskin in another place. Episode the third: Banker Zavertyaev In non-public and ...
Date: 07/22/2011 3. Strict regime for the general. The investigation of their activities began with the fact that employees of the anti-corruption central office tried to provoke the deputy head of the 6th services 9th Directorate (Department of own security) FSB Igor Demin.
The court deprived all officers of their ranks, but at the same time removed the seizure not only from their property, but also from property third persons. The defense of the ex-police called the decision "a crime against justice."
Date: 04/28/2017 4. How the Assyrians were robbed in the Karmatov exchange office and divided 136 million rubles. Near this cell, he was detained by employees USB FSB. According to Zharov, Karamatov asked to take his share to a certain place in the Fili region, where an acquaintance of Karamatov was waiting for the former investigator in a black BMW X5, who came with him to a meeting in ...
The restrictions of the Central Bank on the purchase of currency for individuals Karamatov bypassed, using documents for the exchange third persons and their connections in banks.
Date: 08/13/2019 5. Lubyanka consultant hovered in Lefortovo. - Inset] At the same time, the head of one of the CIB divisions was also arrested in the same case. FSB Sergei Mikhailov, according to a Kommersant source. In the center of public relations, the CIB and the department of its own security ( USB) FSB did not respond to inquiries "b...
Based on this, what he was accused of is a very definite article: it is espionage or the transfer of information constituting a state secret, third persons,” Murtazin told Life.
Date: 01/25/2017 6. Nikolai Sandakov, accused of fraud, was given a bribe in kind. ... activities of the local head office USB not found. Members of the local elite who read the memo say it is a cocktail of hearsay and real information. Those whose names are referred to as "victims FSB", in a hurry to disown ...
Security at the conference was provided by the university service protection.
Date: 04/01/2016 7. Resign, admit negligence and agree to an amnesty. ... hand in hand with me in the role of human rights officers and remember the independence of the operational services within the framework of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On the OSA", i.e. about their isolation and interpretation in that the untouchables services(even USB FSB RF) in a democratic state cannot be ...
... turned out to be Glaucus as a criminal community, i.e. with the clothes of the criminal world in exposing corrupt officials by order of the President of the Russian Federation; the third the way is to make a confession for part 4 of article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a person occupying the highest position in ...
Date: 06/16/2014 8. Work at the DEB. Expensive. Guarantee! Tel. 8-905-537-56xx. Igor. The translation really took place, first in third service USB FSB, then to the department "M", followed by secondment to the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2007, a former leader helped him to transfer to such a prestigious position. USB FSB, he is also a former deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he is also a former plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, the current deputy director of the Federal Drug Control Service Oleg Safonov.
Date: 07/20/2010 9. As the first deputy head of the Federal Migration Service, Kalanda solves personnel issues. This is how all the top leaders of the migration department got their positions. services in the Sverdlovsk region. At the same time, Bryzgalov, being a freelance employee of the Office FSB in the Sverdlovsk region, visited all the heads of the largest enterprises in the city ...
The third Kalanda's friend, Berdnikov Yu.V. was the head of the GOVD of the city of Asbest.
Date: 17.04.2008 10. Four drug control officers were detained for illegal wiretapping. According to “MK”, on Monday, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor General’s Office, together with FSB four officers were arrested services drug control.
... from warehouses near Moscow FSB.) All traces again led here in the direction of the Lubyanka, whose employees, including those in general's uniform, covered this canal. It was the now detained Lieutenant-General Alexander Bulbov and the deputy chief USB FSKN Yuri Geval...
Date: 03.10.2007 11. Secrets of the SVR. In July 2016, officers raided the chief customs officer with a search. USB FSB and found shoeboxes chock-full of dollars and euros.
... snaruzhka, Illustrations: via snaruzhka Secrets of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Kanev From left to right: Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Fradkov and Sergey Naryshkin Service foreign intelligence, in fact, is a state within a state: its budget and employees are classified, it has its own ...
Date: 11/05/2019 12. From Tesla and Porsche to Rolls Royce Wraith and Maybach. They even joked about this, they say, Feoktistov was sent to exorcise demons in the Russian Orthodox Church and was nicknamed "the chief USB ROC". Chekist Feoktistov stood at the origins of the creation of the 6th Services USB FSB, nicknamed "Sechin's special forces", led almost all the high-profile ...
The third the Bentley convertible with the AAA numbers is registered to Nina Nikiforova, the wife of the former deputy head of the 6th department of the Department for Combating Tax Crimes of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Lieutenant Colonel Artem Kuznetsov (Nikiforova also owns Toyota ...
Date: 09/06/2018 13. "Jerboas", "overload" and substitution of the declaration. Didn't go to the corners Inside USB Naumov's case is dealt with by the Sixth service- one of the most secret structures FSB. She was noted, accompanied by high-profile recent arrests - governors Nikita Belykh, Vyacheslav Gaiser, Alexander ...
Third(the company with this TIN was actually called "Artreyd") was liquidated on January 14, 2014.
Date: 07/27/2016 14. Nikita Belykh received a bribe "to help the region." As follows from the materials of the case, which RBC got acquainted with, the operational support of the case is carried out by employees of the Internal Security Department. FSB. According to the interlocutor of RBC in FSB, we are talking about the operatives of the 6th services USB. They are the ones in...
Investigators say the money was third bribe tranche, RIA Novosti reports.
Date: 06/27/2016 15. Stars of smuggling. Shortly after the start of operational and technical measures against Mikhalchenko, the 6th service USB FSB detained Vyacheslav Naumov - the same "former customs officer" who, according to Zarubin, acted as a "liaison" between Boris ...
At that moment, according to him, he had a meeting with the St. Petersburg businessman Ivan Sergeev, who represented the interests third"influence groups" - Boris Avakyan, Deputy Head of the Rosreestr Department for St. Petersburg.
Date: 06/21/2016 16. Vrublevsky's case was "leaked" and "cleaned up" online. ... FSB Russia, USB FSB Russia and the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to conduct an investigation into unlawful interference in the activities of the media, as well as the disclosure of the secrets of the preliminary investigation in connection with publications in CNews. On January 11, 14 and 15, 2013, CNews journalist Igor Korolev published articles about the trial, based on the 5 volumes of the criminal case against Vrublevsky and his accomplices that were at the disposal of the editors. Third article "Investigation: how the owner of Chronopay tried to resist FSB ...
Date: 01/25/2013 17. WikiLubyanka. Or USB FSB they want to move away from the operational support of criminal cases in which multimillion-dollar sums appear. Although it is not excluded the third option: memoirs are published by high-ranking policemen who have not passed recertification or retired ...
Of course, after such "compromising materials" the chances for candidates to continue services equaled zero and, apparently, one of the dismissed could well wake up writing talent.
Date: 09/27/2011 18. What does FSB. ... until 2004, he held the position of head of department FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, then, under the former director FSB Patrushev, headed service economic security (SEB) FSB. For a long time, the Bortnikovs lived quite modestly: on ...
On September 16, another attempt was made on Usoyan in Moscow ( third by account).
Date: 09/21/2010 19. Dear bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the mid-90s, the Department of Homeland Security ( USB) appeared in a number of power departments. And they quickly acquired a bad reputation: suffice it to recall the case of Vladimir Taneyev, head of services own security of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, most ...
“Keep in mind that you need to bring in FSB, and prosecutors, and veterinary supervision, and the Moscow government, and firefighters, and tax officials, - list the interlocutors of The New Times. - If you don’t strain, then the monthly income in a “good” area is $ 200-250 thousand. ” Therefore...
Date: 05/19/2009 20. Provocateur Litvineko. That, not without his participation, the most secret Lubyanka department will be disbanded, the director will be removed FSB Kovaleva, and herself service will be at the center of a gigantic scandal.
(Already later, the experts of the philological faculty of Moscow State University admit that the text of "sincere repentance" written by Babkin was completely dictated to him third face.
Date: 11/13/2000

Recent Requests

. Smolenskaya lyudmila pavlovna
. Various Igor Petrovich
. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow
. Egorov Alexander Viktorovich
. Healthy peter
. Pushkino Police Chief
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. Dzhabrail Dagestan
. "2 2\"||SLeeP(3)" and "x"="x" or (1,2)=(select*from(select name_const(CHAR(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(CHAR(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114), 1))a) -- "x"="x
. Dmitrieva Elena
. Mikhail Verbitsky
. Vladimirov Sergey
. plant perm
. Sergey Mikhailov FSB
. House of Nazarbayev
. Kleymenov Andrey
. Vyacheslav Yashin
. ??????? ?????? ????????????? and 1=1
. poppy kings
. Pchelintseva
. Harem
. Goncharov Sergey Nikolaevich
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. никитин андÃÃ"

The FSB found the CSS. Chekists were detained for bribes and fraud.

On Thursday, it became known about the arrests of the current and two former employees of the “K” department of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB. Department head Kirill Cherkalin, who oversaw the fight against crime in the banking sector, is suspected of taking bribes worth tens of millions of rubles, and his ex-colleagues Dmitry Frolov and Andrey Vasilyev are suspected of fraud. Considering that just the other day two investigators of the central apparatus of the FSB were arrested at once, it can be assumed that a large-scale purge is being carried out at Lubyanka.

For Colonel Cherkalin, his colleagues from the FSB CSS came to work - in the SEB building on Bolshaya Lubyanka Street. Corruption fighters in their own ranks of the special services, according to Kommersant's sources, even took fighters from the anti-terrorist center with them. However, there was no intervention of the special forces: Kirill Cherkalin offered no resistance, voluntarily handing over his service certificate, the keys to the safe, the apartment and the car to the CSS employees. Searches were carried out in the Chekist's office and at home. Moreover, as the interlocutor of Kommersant noted, large sums of money, collections of watches and jewelry were seized during them.

Perhaps this will be the second Zakharchenko, ”said the interlocutor of Kommersant, summing up the preliminary results of the operational and investigative measures that were carried out in Moscow and the region last Thursday.

Colonel Cherkalin is suspected by the main military investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) of repeatedly taking bribes on an especially large scale (part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code). The drifts, according to preliminary data, were connected with a number of criminal cases on fraud in commercial banks, operational support for which was carried out by Mr. Cherkalin and his subordinates. The investigation itself has not yet specified the claims against him. It is only known that the case is being processed by investigators who previously dealt with Defense Ministry official Yevgenia Vasilyeva as part of an investigation into fraud at Oboronservis. And the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office controls the investigation.

Meanwhile, having confirmed the detention of Kirill Cherkalin, the FSB DSP said that the department is actively cooperating with the investigation in another case of former employees of the “K” department, Dmitry Frolov and Andrey Vasiliev. Both colonels were fired from the FSB several years ago due to compromising circumstances. According to some reports, they did not indicate in the declarations the property that their relatives had abroad. Now former Chekists are suspected of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 (fraud on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code. Allegedly, they acted as solvers, promising to assist in closing the criminal case, but, having received the money, they scammed their clients. Now they are dealt with by the main investigative department of the TFR, which is assisted by the CSS of the FSB. Moreover, Dmitry Frolov, before his resignation in the “K” department, headed the banking department, and Kirill Cherkalin, with the rank of captain, was his deputy.

It should be noted that Colonel Cherkalin was a landmark figure not only for the special services itself, but, possibly, for the entire financial sector of the country.

A hereditary security officer who received an economic education, he was a member of the interdepartmental commission on combating money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and also represented the FSB in the interdepartmental council for optimizing the payment turnover in Russia. Together with his subordinates, the colonel participated in the investigation of dozens of criminal cases related to banking fraud, the largest of which was the case of the former member of the Federation Council, founder and owner of Mezhprombank, Sergei Pugachev, accused in absentia of especially large embezzlement (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code). At the same time, Colonel Cherkalin actively interacted with the Central Bank, the DIA and Rosfinmonitoring, which allowed them to pursue bankers not only in Russia, but also abroad. From the same Mr. Pugachev, the DIA recovered 75 billion rubles in arbitration. Similar claims were made by the agency against him in France, but they were rejected.

Cherkalin is a highly respected person, ”said one of the high-ranking interlocutors of Kommersant, not ruling out that his criminal prosecution could lead to personnel changes in a key division of the central apparatus of the special service.

According to Kommersant's sources, Kirill Cherkalin has recently allegedly been one of the confidants of Ivan Tkachev, the head of the department "K" of the SEB FSB. Previously, the general himself served in the division of the CSS of the FSB, the so-called 6th service. According to its materials, in particular, the former head of the GUEBiPK Denis Sugrobov, along with his subordinates, were arrested and convicted. In turn, the “K” department under Mr. Tkachev distinguished himself by the developments of the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev and the Minister of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, the owners of the Summa group, the brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, as well as other high-profile cases. Now, after a corruption scandal in the department itself, questions may arise for General Tkachev.

It should be noted that another corruption scandal related to the special service is developing in parallel. As already reported by "Kommersant", last week, former investigator of the FSB Investigation Department Alexei Kolbov and his current boss Sergei Belousov were detained and then arrested, whom the ICR, based on the materials of the same CSS, suspects of extorting a bribe totaling 65 million rubles. in bitcoins for a suspended sentence to the ex-general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Izvestia Publishing House Erast Galumov, who is accused of fraud.

Moreover, according to Kommersant's sources, CSS may not be limited to cases only in relation to these security officers - other developments are being carried out by its employees. The sources of Kommersant preferred not to comment on the reason for the activation of their own security guards.

And now back to St. Petersburg.

Head of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Andrey Vladimirovich Ruchev

The said statement disappears without a trace, and since September 2013, Alexander and his family have been subjected to unprecedented criminal persecution “on behalf of” the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Gutsana A.V. with the participation of a number of employees of the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg -

Illegal transfer by employees of the FSB of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region of the statement of Skurkis A.V.

Alexander has to travel to Moscow many times, bringing his position to the leadership of the FSB of Russia.

On February 2 and 24, 2015, two meetings of Alexander with the head of the Reception Office of the FSB of Russia took place in Moscow Kondratiev V.A.

Head of the Reception FSB of Russia Kondratiev V.A.

who personally received the necessary information and materials from the applicant, reporting that the necessary measures were taken and a number of Alexander's materials were transferred to Moscow, to two Departments “M” and “K”.

The instruction to the Department “M” was given by the Director -

Order of the Director of the FSB of Russia to the Office of the "M" service

Information about the consideration of materials by Alexander Skurkis by the Directorate "K" of the FSB of Russia -

FSB Office for Counterintelligence in the Credit and Financial Sphere

Despite the measures taken by the leadership of the FSB of Russia, active opposition to the restoration of the rule of law continued in St. Petersburg.

Alexander's mobile phone begins to receive calls from a number of persons who introduced themselves as employees of the Russian Federal Security Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. At their request, several meetings were held with them, including directly in the Administration building at Liteiny, 4. Alexander insisted on this, since meetings in cafes and on the streets of the city in different places began to lead to bad thoughts. The detectives of the Department turned out to be Maxim Sergeevich Bykhanov and Oleg Olegovich Chekhun. They showed their IDs. Instead of taking measures to fulfill the instructions of the leadership of the FSB of Russia, which at that time had already arrived in St. Petersburg based on Alexander's materials, these persons behaved inappropriately. Began bargaining and blackmail.

On September 15, 2015, Alexander was invited by a call from a mobile phone to the corner of Liteiny Prospekt and Zakharyevskaya Street in St. Petersburg directly at the Reception Office -

Crossroads of Liteiny pr. and Zakharyevskaya street near the building of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

At the appointed time at this place, Alexander was approached by the police officer of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Bykhanov M.S. and said that we must wait for another person. It turned out to be about / from Chekhun O.O.

Chekhun O.O. began to shout at Alexander, saying verbatim the following -

“Yes, are you out of your mind? So many statements?

Alexander demanded to stop this informal, useless conversation on the street and, moving away from the aggressively-minded people mentioned, dialed the telephone number of the duty officer of the FSB of Russia in Moscow from his mobile phone number. The responding employee took note of the information provided about the incident.

On December 21, 2015, during the commission of crimes in St. Petersburg, the investigator of the 3rd department of the UOD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Abdullaev Farid Malikovich

Investigator of the 3rd Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Abdullaev Farid Malikovich

fabricates a decision to initiate a criminal case No. 373047 -

Fabricated resolution on the initiation of UD No. 373047

against an unidentified person on the basis of

Knowingly false denunciation of federal inspector Kubrakova T.Yu. 1 page

Knowingly false denunciation of federal inspector Kubrakova T.Yu. 2 p.

Federal Inspector of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District Kubrakova Tatyana Yurievna

Federal inspector in St. Petersburg Kubrakova T.Yu.

regarding Alexander. In this criminal denunciation Kubrakova T.Yu. uses the data of his young daughter Yulia, a student of St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 166, who distributes such shocking videos on the Internet.

Carefully! Obscene swearing, propaganda of hard drugs, debauchery.


Investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Abdullaev F.M. according to information received by Alexander Skurkis, a nephew or other close relative of the first deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in St. Petersburg Parastaeva Marina Grigorievna, perhaps a seriously mentally ill handicapped person -

Parastaeva Marina Grigorievna, 1st Deputy Head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for St. Petersburg

Parastaeva Marina Grigorievna 1st Deputy Head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for St. Petersburg

Parastaeva M.G.

Using criminal materials against Alexander Skurkis, an unprecedented criminal attack begins in St. Petersburg, which repeatedly put the applicant's life in danger.

On May 03, 2016, November 23, 2016, February 17, 2017, Alexander was forced to urgently leave for Moscow and apply to the Reception of the FSB of Russia with statements about what was happening and a request to protect his life from criminal encroachments.

The applicant received death threats and real actions were taken to carry out these threats, in particular by organizing trumped-up trials in St. Petersburg to place the applicant in a closed psychiatric hospital.

On May 04, 2016 in Moscow, at the direction of the management of the Reception Office of the FSB of Russia, Alexander Skurkis compiled and submitted a written application addressed to Director Bortnikov A.V. -

about providing state protection .

In the St. Petersburg City Court there were in the case of criminal prosecution of the applicant and criminal acts that caused property damage to his family. In particular, the main trial was won to declare illegal the above-mentioned fabricated decision to initiate criminal proceedings No. 373047 -

Decision of the City Court of St. Petersburg in favor of Alexander Skurkis 1 p.

Decision of the City Court of St. Petersburg in favor of Alexander Skurkis 2 p.

Decision of the City Court of St. Petersburg in favor of Alexander Skurkis 3 pp.

Court decisions that have entered into legal force are not enforced due to unspecified circumstances. Threats, bargaining and blackmail continue.

On numerous occasions criminal actions were taken in St. Petersburg aimed at the unlawful hospitalization of the applicant in a closed psychiatric hospital, which was eventually carried out.

Alexander was attacked by a bandit near the house, beaten, after which he was taken away in handcuffs, delivered and in a closed psychiatric hospital GPB No. 6 of St. Petersburg at the address: st. Gribakinykh, 11 (pictured) from June 28, 2017 to July 24, 2017 -

Closed psychiatric hospital GPB No. 6 of St. Petersburg

It was possible to stop the crimes only after the intervention of the Director of the FSB of Russia, who were instructed to consider Alexander's statements sent from illegal detention to the Investigation Department of the service.

Alexander was released without any conditions and continued to work to combat crime in St. Petersburg -

Order of the Director of the FSB of Russia to the Investigation Department of the service

The order has not yet been fulfilled. The fate of the material is unknown. No criminal cases have been initiated against the perpetrators of these crimes.

But the publicity of the situation made itself felt and led Alexander to the Department of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia.

Alexander was approached by the applicants from St. Petersburg, who described in detail the circumstances of their meetings with the above-mentioned Chekhun OO, naming one more person. It turned out to be the detective of the department "M" of the FSB of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich (pictured) -

Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich about / at the department “M” of the Federal Security Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Abdullaev Farid Malikovich was also named, who, according to the testimony of the applicants, turned out to be in a corrupt connection with S.A. Kiselev. and calls him by name, showing a warm relationship with him. So it became clear that Kiselev S.A. and his colleagues could use F.M. Abdullaev. as a pawn in their corrupt games.

Having prepared the necessary materials, Alexander leaves for Moscow and on April 25, 2018 submits an application on behalf of himself and the applicants under a notarized power of attorney at the Reception of the FSB of Russia -

Reception of the FSB of Russia, Moscow. Kuznetsky most street, 22.

The statements on behalf of persons personally affected by the actions of Kiselev S.A. contain a request -

“Dear Alexander Vasilyevich! Save us from this rascal.”

Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich. about / at the department "M" of the Federal Security Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Kiselev S.A. having fun in St. Petersburg in full. A large amount of photos and other materials about his activities in the city on the Neva has been received. A number of them further -

Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich o / a UFSB of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich o / a UFSB of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Kiselev Sergey Alexandrovich o / a UFSB of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Based on the results of the departure of Alexander Skurkis to Moscow with a statement addressed to the Director of the FSB of Russia Bortnikov A.V. with a request to stop the mentioned entertainments and possibly the criminal activities of Kiseleva S.A. and his wards on the material, an order was given by the Department of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia (9th Directorate of the FSB of Russia), which was sent for consideration to St. Petersburg and has not been executed to date due to unidentified circumstances -

Department of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia

Alexander's appeal to the Department with a request for a personal reception from the head, Colonel General Rodionov A.B. -

Head of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Rodionov Alexander Borisovich

in order to clarify all the circumstances of what is happening and receive a response to the instruction (see above) ignored -

Reception office of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

More than a year has passed.

Alexander Skurkis appeals to the Director of the FSB of Russia with a request to take measures to fulfill the instructions and punish those responsible for this situation.

FSB of Russia. Director of Service General of the Army Bortnikov Alexander Vasilievich

Director of the FSB of Russia Bortnikov Alexander Vasilyevich

The process of cleansing the FSB from Igor Sechin is gaining momentum

First Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Security (9th Directorate) of the FSB, General Oleg Feoktistov transferred to the office of seconded FSB officers.

The story of Oleg Feoktistov - one of the serious characters in the KGB history of recent years - deserves attention. Feokistov was a nominee General Sergei Shishin .

In general, his main profession is a saboteur. In the 80s - special forces in Afghanistan, head of the special detachment "Killer Whale" [meaning Murmansk ROSN) "Kasatka" - Ruspres] in the Northern Fleet, head of the Vympel detachments, deputy chief of staff of the FSB Special Forces Center. From 2000 to 2002, he headed the FSB for the city of Sochi and dealt with the development of presidential residence. Here he looked Igor Sechin. And at his suggestion, in 2002, he was sent to head the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB. In 2004-2007, he was a member of the FSB Board and Head of Operations Support.

In the conflict between the FSKN and the FSB (2004-2007), the CSS of the FSB, and at that time it was headed by Alexander Kupryazhkin, turned into the main hero of the conflict. And Oleg Feoktistov, allegedly, was personally responsible for the arrest and obtaining testimony from General FSKN Bulbov .

During 2008-2012, the opposing clans in the FSB itself, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the Federal Drug Control Service collected dirt on each other and tried to take a monopoly position as curators of business structures, curators of courts and investigators; divided spheres of influence.

In July 2011 - on the eve of the decision on Medvedev's second term - head of the 9th department of the FSB Kupryazhkin transferred to the post of Deputy Director of the FSB. And the former St. Petersburg comes to the CSS from the outside Chekist Sergei Korolev, who worked in recent years with [Defense Minister Anatoly] Serdyukov. Oleg Feoktistov, who hopes to take the vacant seat of Kupryazhkin, is forced to be content with the position of deputy Sergei Korolev.

It did not work out with the appointment of Feoktistov as the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here two people opposed this appointment at once: [Eugene] schools- Assistant to the President Vladimir Kolokoltsev - Minister .

In July 2011, Comrade Feoktistov was fired - 1st Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs General Andrey Khorev(later his patrons from the group [ex-director of the Federal Drug Control Service] Viktor Ivanov get him a job at the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation).

As journalists reported, the union of Khorev and Feoktistov ideally “played” in the field of relations with the business world, including collecting and storing information.

Khorev's people were purged in 2011 by the new head of the DEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Denis Sugrobov .

General Sugrobov was appointed president Dmitry Medvedev. They say that at the suggestion of the Deputy Minister of the Interior Valery Kozhokaria, classmate of Medvedev. But the real flowering of Sugrobov's activity begins with the arrival in May 2012 of Yevgeny Shkolov as presidential aide.

Sugrobov, apparently, had the task of cleaning up the channels of unrecorded income of the security forces as much as possible. Widely known is the special operation of Sugrobov's people to close the cashing system in Master Bank, cashing in St. Petersburg banks. Information appeared in the media about the withdrawal of funds abroad by certain employees of law enforcement agencies.

Sugrobov dug the ground in the hope of finding dirt on the activities of the 6th Service of the CSS and Feoktistov personally. All his contacts and communications were studied, conversations were tapped. CSS officers were taken into development. In particular, the Deputy Head of the 6th Service Igor Demin .

In response, Feoktistov received a personal order from Korolyov to deal with the organized provocation. It is reported to the first persons. CSS officers arrest Sugrobov, [Boris] Kolesnikova and a number of officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs turns out to be completely cleaned out, and FSO officer Dmitry Mironov comes to lead the unit.

But, as it turned out, Feoktistov's tactical victory became his strategic defeat. He made a lot of powerful enemies.

His name increasingly began to flicker in scandalous publications. matrimonial deputy couple [Denis] Voronenkov - [Maria] Maksakova in 2015, on TV and in the press, she openly accused Feoktistov of organizing custom-made criminal cases as revenge for Voronenkov's participation in the Three Whales case on the side of the Federal Drug Control Service.

And Voronenkov himself even unexpectedly hinted that the information Feoktistov had was being replicated for some reason. Alexei Navalny .

Probably, as they say on the Internet, recently Feoktistov has been trying to build relationships with his immediate superiors, General Sergei Korolev. They say that Korolev is now openly representing the interests of Sergei Chemezov's group in the FSB. On a par with the director of the Counterintelligence Service Vladislav Menshchikov.

Feoktistov took an active part, and even leadership, in the development and implementation of high-profile arrests of recent times. In particular, he seriously helped clean up the former leadership of the FSB Economic Security Service.

Apparently, he really had a chance to take the place of the head of the FSB CSS.

However, as some journalists noted, when the generals of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation were detained, the FSB DSB officers were not involved, but employees of the “M” division of the FSB Economic Security Service, which was already headed by General Korolev.

And since there was talk that Feoktistov had good friendly relations with [Mikhail] Maksimenko from the UK, perhaps this argument played its role in the fate of Feoktistov.