Whether domestic, wild, and the owners of “tails with a hook, noses with a heel” are firmly entrenched in our subconscious as unclean, lazy and stupid animals. “Ungrateful pig…”, “Dirty, like in a pigsty…”, “Champing like a piglet…”, “Fat like a wild boar…” Stop-stop-stop! There are also wonderful circus pigs in this world that cause sincere laughter from the audience; and venerable sows, the beauty and pride of farms; and adorable mini-pigs. So do not rush to write down dreams involving pigs as unfavorable. Suddenly animals dream of impending happiness?

General interpretation of dreams about boars, pigs and piglets

How can we arrange the scattered data of dream books in such a way that we ourselves do not get confused and do not miss anything important? Let's start with a general interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book and Women's Dream Book:

  • An obese, contented animal always symbolizes prosperity, while a thin and miserable animal speaks of decline. Did you see in a dream a well-fed pig or a powerful boar with fat on its sides? Focus on business, you have the opportunity to hit the big jackpot. But for those who have been watching the skinny dirty brute all night, it is better to cut expenses and curtail risky operations - now is not the time for them.
  • The piglet is considered a sign of profit. Perhaps you will have additional income, small but constant.

Small Velesov and Ukrainian dream books:

  • The domestic boar is the embodiment of a strong and quick to kill enemy, and a stern wild boar threatens the dreamer with problems.
  • But his faithful companion pig does not bode well. All you have to do is meet unexpected guests.
  • The piglet warns of an amazing event that will puzzle you.

A wild boar that has broken free is a frightening sight

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer:

  • A night dream with the participation of a boar is a signal from the subconscious to behave more restrained. Passions are seething in you, which can be fatal if they get out of control.
  • A dream about a pig also gives a reason to delve into one's own soul, as it reproaches the dreamer for laziness, gluttony and a relaxed lifestyle. No wonder luck is not in a hurry for you!
  • And only a pig serves as a pleasant sign of material well-being or a meeting with a kind and sincere person.

Dream Interpretation Hasse:

  • Wild boar predicts anxiety. Moreover, the evil, trying to attack the beast indicates that the cause of your worries will be people, and not a coincidence. But if in a dream a boar cowardly showed you its rear, rushing from all hooves to the forest, you can sleep peacefully: the problem will pass by.
  • The venerable sow, lounging in the middle of the barn yard, is a sure sign that happiness has finally found its way to your home.
  • A piglet in itself brings good luck, and in the company of a sow, an increase in income.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsies:

  • The boar, shamelessly stomping around in your dream, carries news of intensified competitors or unscrupulous business partners. Keep your business passion, now is not the time to take risks!
  • But to see a pig is advice to do exactly the opposite. You are full of energy and healthy enthusiasm in order to realize grandiose plans. And for financial investments, this period is the most successful! If you do them wisely, the dividends will pleasantly surprise you.
  • The dream of a piglet has a similar interpretation: your money affairs are in perfect order.

Forward, in all serious?

Noble dream book Grishina:

  • A belligerent boar is a sign of discord in the soul. Your peaceful "human" beginning is attacked by a passionate "animal", which persuades you to give a damn about morality and duty and rush for pleasure. But if the animal was set up peacefully, you will be able to find a common language with yourself and with one of your old enemies.
  • The pig serves as a reproach for excessive selfishness, gluttony and indulgence of one's base passions.
  • The pig, like many other interpreters, promises a pleasant rustle of brand new banknotes in your wallet.

Ivanov's latest dream book:

  • The boar promises a difficult conversation with an uncompromising person, accustomed to go ahead to his goal. To negotiate with him, you will need to use all your tact and diplomatic skills.
  • Piggy in the interpretation of Ivanova means nothing more than a pig that one of your close people will put on you.
  • A piglet is already a dirty trick created by you personally. Poorly considering your steps, you risk harming your loved ones.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • Boar means enmity.
  • Pig - well-being that will come without effort.
  • Piglet - minor chores.

Freud's dream book:

  • The boar, like any powerful animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse. Pay attention to the behavior of the animal. If the boar behaved aggressively, it is likely that your current partner is too power-hungry and, indulging his desires, completely forgets about yours. Did the beast run away? It seems that your sex life has long receded for you not even to the second, but to the tenth plan under the pressure of many problems. Isn't it time to allow yourself a little relaxation, driving off with your soul mate to rest where neither phone calls nor shameless relatives can get you?
  • The Freudian pig serves as a symbol of fertility and readiness to take on the role of a parent when it sparkles with a clean pink back. And embodies the longing for a real, sincere relationship, wallowing in the mud.

In some cases, a dream about a pig or a boar can mean a meeting with an unpleasant arrogant person, significant changes in life, or ... an upcoming bowel disorder. A sonorous pig squeal always promises misfortune, disappointment and trouble. Be careful.

Why do men and women dream

Dreamed of a piglet? Yes, you are on horseback!

Judging by the dreamer's gender, a night meeting with a boar predicts:

  • For a girl - a marriage proposal.
  • For a woman - an outbreak of jealousy on the part of her husband.
  • For a man - experiences, the reason for which will be his sexual promiscuity. Moreover, you should not dismiss the dream in which the beast tried to bite you! If you don’t get your sex life in order now, while there is still time, in the near future you will have to deal with the angry husbands of your random girlfriends, venereal disease or unplanned fatherhood.

If the animal that appeared in night dreams turned out to be a pig ...

  • The girl will meet a new boyfriend, extremely wealthy, but mean and jealous. Whether it is worth continuing relations with such a subject further, each will have to decide for themselves.
  • A married woman may be displeased to discover in her spouse previously unknown unpleasant character traits.
  • For a man, only a dream about black sow matters. Do not trust anyone on this day, and if you are planning to conclude an important deal, re-read the contract three times - there is a chance that the business partner managed to “piss off” it great.

Did you interact with the piglet at night?

  • A girl chasing a small "pig" in a dream is waiting for marriage.
  • A family lady in the same situation needs to pay attention to children: having missed their upbringing now, later the dreamer will take a lot of grief.
  • A man who met a pig in a dream stands firmly on both legs, is not subject to empty fears and is completely confident in himself.

If one of the young spouses dreams about how he fumbles with a piglet, caresses him and feeds him, plays like with a baby, the dream may turn out to be in hand. Go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test!

Did you dream big or small? One or many?

And you have an interesting life ahead of you!

How strange are sometimes the calculations of interpreters of dreams! For example, people who met a flock of pigs in the kingdom of Morpheus are advised to beware of gossips. Those who watched the big "pigs" company in the barn are congratulated on the upcoming win. Well, a person who has encountered a whole herd of wild boars is suspected of secret aspirations to change sexual orientation. I wonder why would it?

True, for the beautiful half of humanity, dream books provide a second interpretation. Perhaps in the soul of a lady who saw herself in the middle of a herd of boars, a secret desire is ripening to have offspring, although the dreamer realizes that this threatens her with tension in relations with her partner.

But the pure beautiful babies flitting around the dreamer do not carry any understatement. On the contrary, a very interesting period awaits the lucky one! There will be everything: enchanting victories, painful defeats, amazing events. In short, you won't be bored. Unfortunately, some troubles and worries associated with the family cannot be avoided... But don't worry! A friendly company with pink patches will eventually lead you to success. However, in order to get it, you will have to make an effort - piglets are not Golden Fish, they just don’t fulfill desires.

  • If in a dream the kids scurried around the rooms of your house, joy will come to it, and you will be provided with good health and vitality for a long time.
  • Grazing in thick grass - relationships with a spouse or partner will find harmony.
  • Animals rummaging in a mud puddle report that you have contacted the wrong company. Even if talking to new friends now brings you pleasure, it is not rash acts that push you. And those, in turn, give gossips food for conversation. You won't have time to look back, as your reputation will be rolled in the dirt.

And if you dreamed of one, but a very large and powerful animal?

  • A seasoned boar, while he behaves decently, predicts that your affairs are in perfect order, your financial situation is stable, and new lucrative contracts, profits and complete prosperity are ahead. At times, the same beast can become a harbinger of a meeting with a strong-willed, assertive person who will make a tremendous impression on you. And whether this acquaintance will turn into a blessing or trouble, it will become clear with time.
  • A very large cute pig is a symbol of happiness and prosperity.
  • But if the animals in your dream looked small and stunted, the upcoming events will only bring grief.

It seems that harmony has reigned in the relationship

An impressive-looking wild boar (boar), peacefully pacing next to a domestic pig, is the embodiment of marital harmony that awaits the dreamer. And a lively playful pig promises a pleasant pastime, entertainment and unobtrusive flirting.

What does the color of the pig mean?

If an unusual color of an animal catches your eye, some conclusions can also be drawn from this.

  • A large black boar predicts a collision with some dangerous force that will sweep you out of the way in no time if you decide to act impudently. Arm yourself with cunning and endurance!
  • A small animal of the same gloomy color is an internal setting that prevents you from enjoying life. Review your beliefs. Perhaps some of them are not beliefs at all, but old complexes and conventions imposed by others?
  • A snow-white boar or a domestic boar in the understanding of dream books symbolizes envy. Hopefully white too.
  • The black pig embodies the enemy and danger.
  • Did a light-colored pig wander into your yard? Wait for good news. But alas, if the snow-white beauty entered the gate, something good will follow her.
  • The black pig symbolizes either deceit and betrayal, or an interesting trip and winning. It all depends on the feelings that the hero of the dream awakened in your soul.
  • The white pig is considered a sign of wish fulfillment.

The dreamer's actions and their interpretation of the dream book

Grab your luck!

Watching piglets frolicking next to a pig and sucking her milk is a very good sign. Fortune is on your side now and you need to use it! Impress your superiors with your professionalism - perhaps a new promotion is just around the corner.

However, the grunting lady, wallowing alone in the mud, advises to be patient and put down the disagreements that arise with relatives at the root. One of them threatens to turn into a serious "fire".

If you dreamed about how you feed a wild boar or a pig, your financial situation will be strengthened, your income will increase, and the list of interests will expand. Moreover, you will achieve all this on your own - for example, by completing advanced training courses or by mastering a new necessary skill.

The dream in which you had to buy piglets has the same meaning. But to sell an adult pig or a wild boar means to acquire large real estate and, in addition, experience a sea of ​​​​positive emotions. One minus: neither one nor the other will fall from the sky, you will have to work up to a sweat.

Riding a pig - spend time in empty but pleasant entertainment. After all, you need to relax once in a while!

Boar hunting symbolizes a dangerous and laborious undertaking. And it is far from certain that it will succeed! All your efforts can easily be blown to the wind. It is important here to remember how the dream ended:

  • A bloody one-on-one fight with the beast promises a stormy showdown with the other half and no less passionate reconciliation. Of course, if you can understand each other's point of view.
  • Catch a boar in a snare - feel great joy.
  • Kill an animal - defeat your old enemy.
  • The one who in a dream received a boar's head as a gift from a hunter will be able to triumph over the enemy in reality.
  • But if it is you who shared your trophy with someone, you are in danger of being in a humiliating position.

The hunt can end in different ways

Keep in mind that dreams about hunting a dangerous beast are often explained by the dreamer's penchant for risky ventures. In search of thrills, you are able to stake both your well-being and the well-being of your family, for which you may one day pay.

Not a very pleasant dream in which you had to cut a domestic pig, however, promises an interesting and well-paid part-time job. But the same actions committed with a piglet mean large losses. In general, dead piglets are often a sign of poor health, financial loss and business problems, so pork in this case is not the best dream.

A double interpretation has a dream about the carcass of an animal, to the death of which you did not have a hand. As a symbol of fertility, a dead pig speaks of a deterioration in the financial situation and significant problems in business, and as an image of the enemy, it tells the good news: your enemy is defeated! It remains to decide what the dreaming animal is associated with you personally.

The one who cooked boar meat in a dream greatly upsets those close to him with his behavior. And the one who ate it has every chance to go on a trip ... if he does not get sick. Here is such an ambiguous prediction.

And yet, who are the representatives of the glorious family fraternity for you? Enemy? A symbol of uncleanliness and gluttony? A pet that needs care and attention? Neither dream books nor interpreters will tell you this! Consult with the subconscious, find your own associations, weigh the feelings that the dreaming beast aroused in you ... And you will easily find the right answer, and with it the correct interpretation of the dream. Good luck searching!

Sometimes we see amazing dreams that seem to have nothing to do with our real life. In this case, doubt begins to sharpen us: is this not a prophetic dream? Does it portend some misfortune? Or maybe, on the contrary, fate will give us a gift? Let's try to figure out what the pigs are dreaming of. Such a dream is very unusual for a city dweller and it is interpreted in completely different ways by various dream books.

Most of us love pork, and a pig or a pig in this case symbolizes prosperity, wealth and prosperity in your home. At the same time, the pig is a dirty animal, it is not for nothing that we call sloppy people, drunkards, selfish, greedy and narrow-minded people a pig.

But some nationalities highly value this animal: living in terrible mud, the pig remains clean, which indicates its nobility and purity of thoughts. A piglet can be affectionate and affectionate, funny and funny. Therefore, many psychics believe that the interpretation of sleep should be based on the personal relationship of a person to pigs.

What pig do you see in a dream?

Not only a personal attitude towards piglets can explain your dream, but the appearance of dreaming animals plays a huge role here.

Such a dream may also require you to sacrifice yourself in relation to your relatives or friends, but all your sacrifices will not be in vain, they will return to you with multiple profits and respect.

Pay attention to details!

Trying to make out your dream and understand what fate warns about, pay close attention to all the details. Since it is the details that will help you understand why pigs and piglets are dreaming, and what surprise fate will bring you.

A clean, white, plump pig dreams of fulfilling all desires and receiving such a gift from fate that you did not even count on.

  • It is believed that a black pig is an unkind sign, but again, modern dream books refute this opinion, since in the Middle Ages black pigs were extremely rare and were considered something unclean and dangerous. Now a black pig or a piglet is quite common, and such a dream cannot be considered as a threshold of danger.

If you still don’t know why little and pink piglets are dreaming, then we hasten to reassure you - this is a very good sign. Right now, a white streak is coming in your life, when everything will work out and work out, get down to business and luck will be on your side in all your endeavors!

If you see a pig with piglets...

A big pig with little pretty piglets portend a friendly family, financial well-being and success in all endeavors.

Miller's dream book

One of the most famous dream books believes that a fat and contented pig dreams of acquisitions or unexpected surprises, while a skinny and hungry pig dreams of losses, waste or theft of your property.

Based on the fact that people who are greedy, envious and not burdened with moral principles are often called a pig, a pig in a dream can portend a meeting with such a person. Be careful in new acquaintances!

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

This book was very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, and our great-grandmothers used its predictions with pleasure.

  1. If you saw in a dream pretty white piglets who want to slaughter, then this is a soon pleasant event in your home. If you took these piglets and refused to cut them, then you will find a reward from fate: an early successful marriage, a rich inheritance, or a meeting with a pleasant person who will play a huge role in your future destiny.
  2. Large and aggressive pigs promise meetings with unpleasant and anti-you people, or you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation because of an unscrupulous person of the opposite sex.
  3. YOU played with a piglet, and he soiled you with his feces - this, of course, is very unpleasant, but the dream portends wealth and glory. Very soon, within three days, you will receive the long-awaited news of a promotion or an expensive gift or even a huge inheritance.

Pigs in the mud

A pig or a piglet and mud are very close concepts, we can’t even imagine pigs not lying in puddles or mud, so seeing just such a dream is a common occurrence.

Seeing a little pig in the mud is not a very good sign. You will fall for the bait of clever scammers and you can lose your money, and besides, you will be disgraced in the eyes of your loved ones.

A dirty little pig warns that unreliable people are hovering around you, who speak beautifully, but do little. Most likely, they need something from you. Beware, fate tells you.

Such a dream can warn of an unpleasant meeting with people, from which a heavy residue will remain, or even you will have to say goodbye to your property.

A herd of pigs in a dream

To see many cheerful and healthy piglets for family well-being and pleasant events, long-awaited chores and surprises.

  1. Pigs playing in the grass promise happiness in love and complete harmony in family life.
  2. Loudly squealing piglets warn of rumors and gossip that close people spread about you. But sometimes such a dream speaks of imminent news from distant relatives or the arrival of guests.
  3. Piglets or a pig running after you promise an increase in salary or a bonus.
  4. Holding pigs in your arms - a crushing success awaits you.
  5. To beat or step on a pig - with your rash actions, bring trouble on yourself or loved ones.

There are a huge number of dream books and interpretations of dreams in the world, so do not be sad. If a dream portends trouble for you, it is not at all necessary to believe in it!

Perhaps all the cubs of animals cause tenderness in us. The little pink piglets are no exception. But what if these cute creatures dreamed of us in a dream? Are there any good and joyful events waiting for us, or does such a dream promise a series of problems and hardships? We offer to find out what little piglets dream of. To do this, we turn to several of the most famous and complete dream books of our time for help.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse: a pig in a dream

This source interprets a pig seen in a dream as an unusual harbinger of some amazing events. If you dreamed that you were feeding a piglet, then in real life you should beware of tricks from a person from your inner circle. promises the dreamer serious physical or mental pain.

Ukrainian dream book: why the pig is dreaming

According to the compilers of this pig, it promises the dreamer some kind of miracle or a very cheerful and joyful meeting with good friends.

Why is the pig dreaming: children's dream book

A small pink plump pig seen in a dream is interpreted by this collection of interpretations of dreams as a harbinger of the fact that someone will do you a small, but very offensive muck.

"Dream Interpretation from A to Z": why the pig is dreaming

A dream in which a person saw a clean pink piglet reflects his desire for sex with the first partner he came across. Try to think about the possible consequences of such actions, as well as about your reputation. A dirty pig in a dream promises the onset of problems, the cause of which lies in your stubbornness and intransigence. If in a dream the pig turned out to be talking, then great happiness awaits you, which will become the envy of some people from your environment. Feeding a little pig in a dream - to a trick on the part of colleagues, buying - to an increase in wealth, cutting - to financial losses. If you dreamed that you were eating a very tasty and juicy roasted pig, then you will have a prosperous life and good luck in love.

Family dream book: why piglets dream

These cute animals in a dream are considered by the compilers of this dream book as the personification of a very close mind present in your life. In life, he will be of little use, but it is likely that he can leave you a good inheritance.

Modern dream book: pigs in a dream

Answering the question of what the pig is dreaming of, this dream book claims that if this animal looks healthy and well-fed, then the dreamer will have natural success in business. Piglets wallowing in the mud warn that friends can have a bad influence on you, and your deeds and activities will cause reproaches from people close to you. For a young girl, such a dream can also be an omen of the appearance in her life of a rich, but very jealous lover. If you dreamed that you were eating a roasted pig, then you probably have a long journey ahead of you.

A pig in a dream symbolizes prosperity. A piglet promises financial troubles, but a large number of these animals speaks of imminent profit. The interpretation of the dream depends on who dreamed of the pigs. For men and women, such a dream portends different events. To correctly decipher night vision, it is necessary to remember the color, behavior and number of piglets, as well as other details.

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      What to pay attention to?

      The pig is associated with a negative image and character traits. However, in some countries the animal is considered sacred. To figure out what events the dreaming piglets predict, it is necessary to analyze the dream in separate details:

    1. 1. What the piglets looked like.
    2. 2. Where they were.
    3. 3. How many were there in number.
    4. 4. Who had a dream - a man or a woman.
    • Piglets dreaming in the plural reinforce the meaning of the image of this animal. It is important to consider how they were set up in relation to the dreamer and what emotions such a picture of a dream aroused in him.

      Key values

      A dream where there were several mischievous piglets portends a sudden surprise. He portends the imminent receipt of news that will shock the dreamer. If the animals were healthy and well-fed, then this means good prosperity. The more there were, the larger the expected profit in the dreamer's house.

      Dirty pig cubs digging in the mud predict the sleeper spending money on things that in the end will not be useful. Financial fraud is possible.

      Well-groomed piglets, who were friendly to the dreamer, portend easy money in the near future. For a person who currently has financial difficulties, the dream promises a quick way out of an uncomfortable situation.

      If you dream about how several piglets play among themselves, then good changes will soon occur in the real life of the sleeping person.

      Interpretation by color

      During the interpretation of a dream, it is important to pay attention to the color of the dreaming animal.

      Black piglets in a dream always portend trouble. The dream book recommends trusting unverified people with caution, as someone is negatively disposed towards the dreamer.

      White animals dream of implementing all available creative ideas with great success.

      Pink piglets in a dream predict career growth and a good time with old friends.

      During interpretation by color, it is worth focusing on how the animal behaved and what sensations the dreamer experienced. If you dreamed of piglets that were in the dreamer's house, then this is a sign of good health and a surge of strength.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

      Animal behavior

      A vision where the animals are in the mud means that the dreamer is being dishonest towards loved ones. Excessive discussion behind someone's back can cause a major quarrel. For an unmarried woman, a dream speaks of the appearance of a man who will not be distinguished by generosity.

      Dead piglets in a dream always portend illness. It is important to consider what color the animals were. Pink and white corpses promise minor health problems. Dead black cubs predict a serious illness.

      For a man, such a vision predicts an enemy who is trying with all his might to harm the dreamer in the workplace. For a person who is engaged in business, a dream speaks of imminent losses and waste. Such a dream warns a woman about the loss of a valuable thing.

      The meaning of sleep for women

      Several sick piglets in a woman's dream portend the stinginess of a man who hides his main income. If you saw several grown-up animals that were healthy and ate food with appetite, this means great financial success. The dreamer in the family will always have prosperity.

      Seeing how animals ride in a puddle in nature means that the girl is under the serious control of relatives, no one takes into account her interests. For an unmarried woman, a dream predicts a jealous husband.

      Eating a pig's head dreams of a long journey. If you dreamed of a feast where relatives appeared, then the trip will be associated with one of these people.

      The vision of newborn piglets near their mother portends unexpected financial assistance from a loved one.

      If a woman had a dream in which she took part in caring for newborn piglets, then soon she would have to change her job. For girls who are looking for employment, such a vision portends a good chance to prove themselves to the employer.

      Playing with a pig in night vision predicts the risk of losing money. If an animal escaped in a dream and ran away from the dreamer, then a series of monetary failures will soon come upon him. Playing with several piglets who willingly participated in this is a dream of winning a large sum.

      The dream, where the woman hugged and felt sorry for the little pig, speaks of her excessive softness in dealing with people. Detractors are able to take advantage of the dreamer's trust, so you should not open up to unfamiliar people.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Piglet dream in a dream according to 15 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Piglet symbol from 15 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Piglet dreaming?

Piglet - bring harm to the family.

dream interpreter

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Piglet is dreaming in a dream?

Piglet see- happiness is worthy of surprise.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Piglet in a dream?

A dream in which you see a clean pink pig- means willingness to sleep with every counter-transverse. Dirty pig- says that you will be damaged by events caused by your stubbornness and intransigence.

Talking pig in a dream- happiness awaits you, which many will envy. feed the piglet- beware of tricks from colleagues. Buy a pig- to the growth of well-being, slaughter- to losses.

Eat a roast pig- bathe in luxury and be loved.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Piglet according to the dream book?

Piglet - profit; anxiety; kind pure and innocent person.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Piglet - anxiety.

Ukrainian dream book

A piglet is a miracle, some kind of meeting (with a friend).

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Piglet according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, pig- promises great success in business.

More interpretations

Piglet that wallows in the mud is a warning that you may be judged.

Bought it - wait for the replenishment of cash reserves.

Eat fried - you will live very well.

Beautiful pink piglets dream- expect unexpected financial income, good luck in business.

Also, a brood of small pigs will say that one of your very small relatives will make you fuss and worry, you need to be more attentive to your relatives, show interest and participation in their lives.

Seeing an inanimate pig in a dream- it means that you will be able to give a fitting rebuff to an extremely unpleasant person, and thereby rid yourself of her annoying society.

Video: Why is the Piglet dreaming

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I dreamed of a Piglet, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Piglet is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Explain → * By clicking on the "Explain" button, I give.

    In a dream, I came to some place where there are a lot of beautiful bright flowers, most of them were in pots, some just lay - large, very beautiful. Then I saw two piglets dressed up, as if, for the holiday, either bright fabric was wound around the body, or flowers, in general, clean, decorated. One of the pigs ran up to me and poked a snout, I twitched in surprise, woke up, even a muscle in my neck cramped. What does such a dream mean? thank you in advance for your response.

    a small pig jumps into the window, breaking it, dressed in clothes - a jacket, trousers and a cap on its head. looks like a small child, but I see that it is a pink pig and I take it in my arms.

    I recently dreamed of this piglet, how he ran across the field to his parent's house, but that world was holographic matter was not there, and the piglet became either big or ordinary .. tonight I saw him in the same world on the road, the road itself flowed as the energy changed , and he looked at me and said something telepathically))))))

    I chose the little pig. Everyone was very pretty, but I needed the smallest one. He had one ear shorter than the other. And for some reason the piglets were hairy. Someone dissuaded me from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bintroducing a piglet. But I held him in my arms, stroked him, he poked me with his snout and grunted cutely ... And I decided to buy it.

    • In a dream, I was in a strange room and my mother was there, she died in May last year, my mother was lying on the bed, she had a huge belly, I began to cry a lot for her, and then my mother began to give birth to many little piglets. Please help me tell me what this dream is

  • Good afternoon! The dream began like this: I was walking down the street, a medium-sized dog came across and grabbed my hand, biting me! After that, I hit her several times and she ran away (the dog was a beige shade, or in other words, light brown), then little piglets came running from and more than 3 or more pieces began to caress me and I began to stroke them (these piglets were light colors as usual), then 3 more black pigs came running along with dogs, but they were also friendly, they all surrounded me, as it were, reaching out to me! This dream is over! I will be grateful to you for the work done! Thanks in advance)))

    I dreamed of a village and that I live there with my family. I stand in front of the fence, where a small pig runs. there is a lot of manure around it. I am surprised by this and I am going to put things in order with him. I understand that living in the countryside is a joy for me.

    i dreamed that a little pink pig was running out from under the table .. my mother screams for me and my sister to take it away .. my classmate lives with me across the fence .. I take it and throw it to her .. her brother saw this and says what are you doing. .I told him to open the gate and let her out on the road ..he left her and his mother came out and they left this pig for themselves ..and began to feed her ..

    The husband and sister-in-law brought the piglet to the house, the piglet was all in light wool .... he was in the house as a kitten, but after a while we got into a hurricane with him, a strong wind, and the piglet was already dead and I was very worried about this, it seemed to me that I started having minor troubles after his death

    I fed the piglets from specially installed bottles, they were in the barn in a circle in the feeder, and then I checked the bottle at one and said that the milk was over and I could say in a panic, and they suddenly began to jump out of their seats and go at me

    a cute little pig with short legs in clothes, like dogs are dressed (you can’t even make out at first that this is a pig). with him a little girl. all in the barn, but they themselves are clean.

    I went up the stairs, met a girl, a relative (cousin), and from somewhere above a pig fell at my feet, clean and with a smile. I got scared and threw it down, I saw how and where it would fall

    Hello! today I dreamed that I was pregnant and was about to give birth .. The day of birth came, I don’t remember who, but they took three gray piglets out of my stomach. I’m going with my husband, I say we’ll sell them, but he said no, we’ll leave them and eat them

    I saw piglets, in my opinion, only two. The first one just ran up to me ... and ran away, and the second one, he came so close that I managed to pick him up. They were pink, clean, small. It felt good when I took it in my hands.

    dreamed of very beautiful piglets, at first I bought a sow for 30,000 thousand euros, very thoroughbred, but at first she could not give birth! and then I somehow have a dream and she gave birth to such cool piglets, they are like painted, so cool, just a miracle

    I was visiting my cousins ​​as a child and stayed there until late, and then the gypsies (women and children) walked by and I asked to go with them. Closer to the house, they went one way and I went the other, and then a pig runs out and I go home with him

    I was pregnant in a dream and felt that I would soon give birth, the baby was pushing very hard there, then the contractions stopped, I went to the doctor, then for some reason I ended up in the bathroom with water, I went to the bathroom and the piglet appeared so easily, I called the doctor, he was small and dead , the doctor said not to worry that it happens to many, many give birth to piglets in such a way that she will revive him, I said that it is not necessary and went to her husband, told the doctor that she would say that the child was born dead, what is it all for?

    I dreamed of a great black pig, and her piglets were not thin, but simply in mud. I know…

    i dreamed that I fed two pretty and little piglets, black and white, then they pooped and I ran after them, I wanted to catch them to be mine and caught them and they became tame

    Today I dreamed that my mother and I (we live together in real life) got a piglet as a pet. The essence of the dream was - he is at our place, we examine him and rejoice at how good and sweet he is, we have fun. Aon is really pretty, like from children's films, cute.

    At first, I dreamed of little piglets, rats were running nearby, I was trying to drive them away from the piglets, the rats were snarling in a ball, again I was trying to drive them away, but they run away and a large gray-red rat appears literally out of nothing.

    I dream that I am trying to catch a fat and pink pig, standing in very clear water. In addition to me, a crowd of men are trying to catch a pig. And they say that this piglet must be caught and the one who catches it will be happy, etc.

    I wake up a piglet in my room, black-brown in color, runs up to my bed, raises its front legs and stands on the edge of the bed next to me, I stroke it and wonder how affectionate and clean the piglet is and I’m surprised that he will now live with me. I look at the carpet for faeces

    Hello, the dream was very frightening, because. there were 2 deaths in it ... the dream begins with the fact that I am in the hospital and I am about to give birth, there are 3 girls in the ward, but they drove me away, they said that there was no place for me here, despite the empty beds, when one left them , I asked why they were so sad and angry, they answered that one of them had a child who died during childbirth, suffocated due to the fact that she was probably overweight (in real life I am very worried that I have already gained 18 kg. overweight and I'm afraid that this can greatly harm my upcoming birth). I'm crying, I'm scared. Then my husband and I were in some kind of orphanage, we learned about the death of some boy close to us, my husband was crying, he was completely out of his mind, I behave calmly. He rushes to the crib where that boy was sleeping, when he saw his clothes, he says that he is alive, it's just a joke, but they explain to him that other children will now wear these clothes ... We look at the clothes, they are all torn. Then everyone goes somewhere to the city, apparently to bury, everyone is on transport, I'm on foot, they carry an open coffin and it prevents me from walking, as if blocking my way all the time. In order to be in time for the funeral, I run, and everyone goes, but I run with a little pig, he is everywhere with me. the ending of the dream is quite strange, while I was running I came across a very beautiful alley, all blooming with stone paths, it smelled so delicious there, and I lingered there, just walked and admired, the pig hid there under a bush and was very afraid, I had to pick it up when came out of this alley with him, on the path lay the torn off hind legs of the dog and the tail .... What can this all mean? Thank you in advance for your help ...

    I dreamed of a pig that was very ill. Vomiting and upset. I treated him, forcibly poured medicine. Everyone told me not to touch him, he would die. I answered everyone, no, I will cure him. But he looked almost dead. And woke up.

    I dreamed of the house of the late grandmother. She had pigs and many piglets from the barn. She took one in her arms and stroked it. And the grandmother was there. and then I saw my mother and sister and piglets again, but already so grimy and in new

    I ran with a pig on a leash and along the way, met cats, dogs, the pig won. We ran for a long time and in the end the pig was tired, it seems like he wants to sleep, I put him to rest, woke up ....

    in some shed I am with a shovel and a pig is lying next to me, I turn my head a little and see how another pig is born at my feet. My boyfriend is sitting to my left. and my hands are covered in pig poop. after I walk around the city I see a building. one of my friends got rich. and made her dktsky garden in several floors and a fitness club. after I go to the dachas. night and a guy is following me, I got scared and stopped. and he passed

    In a bright room, a large light-colored sow began to give birth to piglets, I took birth with her, 4 piglets were born, the last one was covered in some kind of film, in blood. I released him, washed him, he was very large, almost all bright brown with light spots. He cheerfully began to run, and the pig was still to give birth and lay. I stroked her stomach and she grunted very affectionately looked at me. For another moment, my ex-husband, with whom we have been divorced for 5 years, came in, brought me water and disappeared. And as soon as her contractions began, I woke up.

    Hello, I dreamed that I caught a normal grown piglet, and my parents caught live piglets, but with cut bellies and, apparently, without entrails (although this was not visible, but the incision and blood were visible)

    Good morning. From yesterday to today, or probably closer to this morning, I had a dream where I was looking for something and traveled around an unfamiliar city with a certain group of people. It was related to work, we were looking for a certain house, but we always turned the wrong way. I am currently looking for a job, but more passive than active. We went the wrong way again and got a little lost. We met farmers and we had to go through vegetable gardens and through a barn where pigs lived in order to get back into the city. Farmers fed the lions and held them fearlessly by their tails, apparently trained them. We (myself and someone else, I don't remember who) entered wooden rooms with straw on the floor. There were no unpleasant smells or sensations, only excitement from what this piglet could do to me? What if he's aggressive? It would hurt me? The pigs were clean and healthy looking. They acted like puppies. They wanted to play, jump and beg for food. It didn't hurt, they just ridiculously could step on their feet or push in the rush of the game. Thus we passed through about three rooms with pigs. Before entering the last paddock, the hostess joined us. For some reason, she warned that this is the most active mumps and can easily trample all the legs. We entered. It was dark there. The pig was gray and smaller than all the others, but also very cute and funny. And she didn't do anything to me. We went outside into some weeds and made our way further into the city .... And I asked the hostess about whether they eat these pigs and how they don’t feel sorry for them? Then we talked about the conflict in Ukraine, also about Georgia, and went to the city ... the city was beautiful, but in the backyards there are repairs and rubbish everywhere, like in most cities. But this is a different line of sleep and does not apply to pigs. So what could this mean? For the first time I write on a site with similar appeals, but I became curious) Thank you for the answer.

    I had a dream in which there were 2 cute little pigs, but they were dirty, and my friend wanted to wash them, and took them to the bath, and when I went in, I saw that the bath was full, and the pigs were no longer breathing, I tried to save, but to no avail .. And not long before this dream, I had a dream that I finally got a kitten, I wanted it for so long, and so we went out with him for a walk on the street, and he ran away, I began to catch up with him, and on my in his eyes, a dog killed him, biting his throat ((What is it, why do animals die in my dreams ... why would it) is very worried.

    I had a dream, my boyfriend and I are walking along the beautiful streets of some city, and suddenly I’m not with him anymore, but with my friends we go to a restaurant, we go to the counter and I see a pink little pig, he was very thin and all beaten , they sold it to visitors and could cook it there, we felt sorry for him, we decided to save him, gave 2t for him, I picked him up and we quickly went to the exit, 2 non-Russian guys came out behind us, probably take him from us , we ran from them and I woke up. Why would this be a dream?

    I was walking home, I open the door, and there is a pig, small, pink, neat, even with a bow. She ran like crazy along a small empty white square corridor and wanted to run out, she succeeded, but the door was open and she again ran into a square empty corridor. She evoked pleasant emotions in me, I even took her in my arms and hugged her, and then I realized that I had become friends with her, but I would have to leave, because she was our (or neighbor's) dinner .. she said something to me, I don’t remember. .further everything is vague

    I saw in a dream a very pretty, pink little pig that caressed like a kitten, the sun shone brightly, the mood was just fine. He tried to touch me with his snout. but it didn't work out

    i dreamed that I was carrying a small clean pig in my arms and treating it like a baby, after a couple of days I dreamed that my stomach was pulsing and this and that dream were realistic in warm colors

    I’m lying in the woods and some kind of force is leaning on me, I think it’s unclean and I start reading the Our Father, then I’m baptized, let go, then gently starts moving me like that, I open my eyes, I’m lying in a small bush and there are spotted pigs in front of me and pig droppings next to me, even with one foot I drove into it a little, suddenly the thought comes that this may be a place of treasure because the place is not far from the bay, I look around and see a small depression in the ground, I start digging the earth with my hands, the earth is so soft, a root appears, pulled it, easily so I succumbed, and a dip appeared and the croaking of frogs was heard and on the edge of the dip I saw a frog, then I hear a conversation, I look around people are standing on the balcony, the house is not far from the bay, on the other side there are high-rise apartment buildings, one house is a familiar house, it seems even ours, to dig further I can’t think, it’s morning, people, I have to come at night with a flashlight and examine this failure, I get up and go, then I return to look at the house number, but I woke up!

    Hello Tatyana, the dream that I will describe to you was a dream of my sister tonight, but with my participation. In her dream, she saw me standing near a huge, very curly (with thick thick hair) black ram with a white stripe along its body. He stood very submissively, and all the time admired and stroked him.

    I enter the room, and there are several piglets, they are clean, but probably hungry, because. one pig came up to me and grabbed my hand, but did not bite, but tried to suck my hand, I did not feel pain.

    I was in a supermarket where I often visit.
    On a shelf with nuts (I often take nuts from there in reality), a small purple pig was sitting inside the box. I released him and he ran. I worried about him. Then my mother and I took him to us.

    i dreamed of hairy piglets with long hairy tails and they ran around the room in the house and I drove them to the place from which they ran out. And there was also a bride and groom in this room, or rather a wedding.

    A little piglet got lost in our yard - I caught it, I thought it was ours - it turned out not. we have 2 piglets and they are bigger, and this little thin one, as it seemed to me in a dream, was dying of hunger. around the neck is a long chain - like a dog's. I hold it under my arm and want to give milk. but looking into the refrigerator, I notice that there are 3 bottles already sour. I find ice cream in the freezer - I put it in my mouth, melt it - pour it into a jar and start feeding it with a syringe. Then I go to the paddock where we have pigs, and I notice another small one, I call my dad and he says that he also nailed it. All the pigs look healthy, pretty. On the whole, we are certainly pleased with this. in a dream, I am very worried about my pig and really want him to recover.

    I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday: Mom gave me a little piglet and asked me to take care of him while she was gone. I forgot about him and thought he died of starvation. I started to cook porridge for him and my husband came into the kitchen (in reality I am a widow) and prevented me from cooking, saying that this would not be required. When she began to feed the pig (she only saw a piglet in a dream, she didn’t see the pig itself), he grunted and turned into a handsome man. In a dream, I was very worried that the piglet was hungry and what I would tell my mother (in life, my mother is old and very sick)

    Almost all my work colleagues are sitting at a large table. And one of my colleagues had a black-and-white piglet in her arms. As I understand it, he is purebred and it seems like she has a dog instead. But all my sleep I looked only at him and did not even hear what they were talking about at the table. And at the end of my dream, this piglet described the one in which he was sitting in his arms (you get your own mistress).

    I dream that I got on some kind of road, and then I seem to be in some kind of incomprehensible cave or shelter from the rain. I look down the road, and it is very steep and dirty after the rain. I look at someone climbing on it and it feels like I’m about to fall down, but I resisted with all my might. And then a pink pig runs up to me and caresses like a dog.

    The dream is long. Key events: first, an elderly obese woman fell into my bed, dying or already dead, either from a heart attack or a stroke. Another event: a piglet appeared, I fell on him with my whole body and stabbed him in the heart with a knife. There was no blood.

    Hello. The dream is this: my mother said that I need to buy a piglet for us. Well, of course, let's be indignant: I won't, and that's all, why do I need these troubles, especially since I never bought them. (the color is pink in a piglet)

    Thanks to.

    Today I dreamed that, together with my younger sister, we were catching fish in clean, but not very deep water, approximately, the water was ankle-deep, but transparent, fish. More precisely, it seems like a sister catches, but she does not succeed. all the time, the fish are slipping out. Then, she offers me to fish. I bend down and see something flashed very close by, I grab it, and it turns out that it is a pig's tail. I hold it with difficulty, and then I pull out the whole, live, white pig. He does not squeal, does not break out, I hold him by the neck and carry him to my mother. And that's it.

    Please help me deal with sleep. A small piglet as a pet, runs with a cat. But for some reason I need to roast it in the oven. He understands everything and does not resist. I put it on its side and put it in the oven. I'll check it for the first time - it's fried, but lies humbly and blinks, looking at everything around. I shove it back. The second time I look in - it is all fried in a crust, the eye is baked. I look closely and see two thin strips of moisture from the nostrils, and I see that he is breathing. I wake up.

    I made some kind of concrete pit, narrow and deep like a cellar with an entrance below, in order to put a string bag of bread there so that it would not spoil. Then I saw some people, like acquaintances and a few fried whole, big pigs, they were lying right on the ground ... ... I didn’t remember anything else!

    Hello, I dreamed as if I had come somewhere outside the city by car to look for someone and went into the building just like a wall, and inside the corridor and went along it, walked and some guy said to meet me, let's go together, and the corridor is narrow and turn back no way, I followed him and I see no further light and he drags me along, then he began to climb towards me and I started yelling help, cops came in large numbers, a lot of cars with flashing lights and they run into this corridor, and this guy turns out to be a cop too and he tells them everything is fine, but I yell to be taken away from there, but he won’t let go, I barely remember exactly how I ran out and began to run away with all my might, ran to the car and wanted to leave, and there was another car standing next to me and they offered me a piglet, I took it and put it in the trunk and another piece of meat, and then I woke up, and then I couldn’t sleep for a long time, and when I fell asleep I dream of continuing, as if it were not a piglet and a piece of meat, but two piglets, one bigger, and the second quite small and I as if I dragged it home and I had everyone at home and a sister with a son-in-law and a daughter (she is now in another city) and everyone feeds them, and they eat everything in a row so clean😂 and I don’t remember further

    Walked with an ex-boyfriend in the park. We saw a little pink pig. He made me feel tender, I went up to him, sat down, touched him. He was friendly. Then she got up and left with her ex-boyfriend for a walk.

    there are small pigs (white clean) on a manure bed, and in the corner there is manure with the remains of an eaten pig. Then I climb into a tall building through the window, fear of heights. But she got in. but I can't get out. you have to climb out through the shed again. There is a litter in the shed and under it chickens, a rooster. I see two eggs. I pass on, I see a relative in the coffin. She gets up, I need to lie down in the coffin and fall out through it to the first floor. It is dark in the coffin, there is not enough space and I can’t get out of it, while they tickle me. But I got out

    I had a small pig in my hands, beautiful clean. He tried to play with a somnoy biting his hand, I took him to the box to the other two pigs in the box, there were two of them there and they ate cat food

    I had a pig or a pig (like a mini pig) that needs to be looked after. I was very satisfied (because in life I would like to have a mini pig). She began to grow and I thought what to do with her further, as she became very large. Also in a dream I was riding a bike.

    Hello! In my dream, I found a small pink and clean pig on the street, took it in my arms and went home! He quickly got used to my hands and soon fell asleep! On the way, I asked passers-by where I could buy food for a piglet, but I couldn’t find it and wandered for a long time through small alleys, I met some small obstacles! At some point it seemed to me that he had changed color to black, and then the dream spontaneously turned into another story, but without a pig! that my man and I ran across the rails and waited for the train.