The largest scientist of his time, I. M. Sechenov was an outstanding progressive public figure of the Russian revolutionary-democratic movement of the 60s and 1970s. The consistent and focus materialist in science, Democrat and a convinced opponent of autocracy in politics, I. M. Sechenov boldly defended and promoted his progressive views, which was of great importance for the spread of materialistic ideas in domestic natural science, psychology and philosophy. The active participation of I. M. Sechenov in the acute ideological struggle of the Russian revolutionary democracy against reactionary idealism in science and philosophy had a huge impact on the development of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia.

I. M. Sechenov was born on August 14, 1829 in p. Warm camp of the Symbirian province. In 1843, he entered the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, where he received good preparation for mathematics (including the highest), physics and chemistry, which was of great importance for his subsequent scientific work. After graduating from the School in 1848, he was sent in the position of the sapper battalion as soon as possible to pass the service. However, the military service is very much I. M. Sechenov and in 1850 he achieves resignation. In 1851, I. M. Sechenov enters Moscow University for the Medical Faculty. There he listens to the lecture of such well-known scientists as Ru-Lie, Glebov, Inozem residents, Basov, visits the lectures of the historian Granovsky, reads a lot of additional literature on psychology, philosophy and physiology. And the end of studying I. M. Sechenov decides to devote himself to physiology. After graduating from the university and passing the exams, giving the right to defend the doctoral dissertation, I. M. Sechenov in 1856 leaves abroad to continue the teachings and conducting scientific work. I. M. Sechenov worked in the Laboratory of Johann Muller, K. Ludwig, Dubois Reimon, Funkey, Hoppe Zapeler, Helmhol-Ca to others. Interest in issues of neurophysiology originated from I. M. Sechenov from the very first year of his foreign internship, After acquaintance with the publications of the works of Bernard, and especially thanks to the practical work in the Dubian Reimon laboratory, the young extraordinary professor of the Department of Physiology of the University of Berlin. "The laboratory consisted of him from one room," recalled Ivan Mikhailovich, - in which he himself worked (where there was no access to anyone), and related to the Corporation of the Republic of Armenia with a window and the only simple table at the window. Nevertheless, I managed to do in the corridor by installing the Saurwald galvanometer for physiological purposes, to make experiments with the muscles and nerves of the frog repeat, at the request of the professor, in the thief just published then the experiments of Pflugher, with spinal-reflexes. "

The use of accurate electrical measuring devices was a new step in the physiology of the nervous system, served by one of the impetus to the development of electrophysiology, the Laboratory of Dubois Reimon was then one of the first centers for the study of the electrophysiology of the central nervous system in Europe. The persuasiveness and visibility of experiments with electronic registration were very impressed by Sechenov, as well as the use as an irritant electrical pulses obtained using a device developed by Dubois Reymon. Reproducing the experiments of Claude Bernard with action on the nerve of sulfur-cyano potassium, Ivan Mikhailovich received results that did not coincide with the given physiologist. Repeatedly repeating the impact, the sechens stated that the error in the experiment is not allowed by them, but by Claude Bernarr, who used electroplated tweezers as a stimulus, the branches of which were made of copper and zinc plates. "A description in the German language of your own experiments, with amendment of a selected error, became my first, very nomaded by the work of the work that was printed," wrote Ivan Mikhailovich in "Autobiographical Notes". This work was published in 1858. It is characteristic that two other works published by I. M. Sechenov in the same year in the Moscow physiological medical newspaper ", called" Electricity in Physiology "and" Do Nerves affect nutrition ", i.e. . The most relevant issues of the physiology of the nervous system were devoted. Experience with electrophysiological attitudes, found in the Laboratory of Dubois Reimon, especially the presence of devices that were bought by Sechenov in Mania at their own expense (mirror galvanometer, Sanna Arat, Miographs, tripods) later served a large service. During this time, he fulfilled several scientific works and prepared a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Materials for the future physiology of alcoholic intoxication." It presents information about the concentration of alcohol in the blood through different times after its administration, the temperature of different areas of the body under the action of alcohol and data on the effect of alcohol on blood, liver, breathing, heart activity and locomotion. For its implementation, I. M. Sechenov mastered a number of physiological and biochemical research methods. In scientific relations, it was the first thorough study on the effect of alcohol on various physiological functions.

In 1860, I. M. Sechenov returned to Russia well prepared for professorship by physiologist. After defending the thesis, he was elected at the Department of Physiology of the Medical and Surgical Academy, on which he worked until 1871. These years in the life of I. M. Sechenov were very fruitful. In addition to ordinary lectures for students of the Academy, he read the course of lectures "On Animal Electricity" for a wider audience. Lectures were accompanied by a demonstration of experiments and enjoyed great success; They were published and awarded the Demidov Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Works I. M. Sechenov on the physiology of the central nervous system.

"Only impartiality makes us

recognize that Ivan Mikhailovich laid

truly cornerstone stones in the doctrine of

mechanisms of the central nervous system ... "

I. P. Pavlov

In 1863, I. M. Sechenov makes its outstanding discovery - establishes the presence of special centers in the brain of special centers depressing the spinal reflexes. This discovery brought him world fame. In the same year, I. M. Sechenov published his brilliant work "brain reflexes" or at the initial name "Attempt to reduce the method of origin of mental phenomena for physiological bases."

By the time of writing this work, I.M. Sechenov was a recognized physiologist, whose work on the physiology of the central nervous system was published both in Russians and in European magazines. Nevertheless, the brilliant scope of thought was needed to summarize the scattered facts and information into a single slender system of ideas about the physiological foundations of mental phenomena in their entirety and infinite diversity. Ivan Mikhailovich managed to make such a generalization and prove that the principle of reflex, as a response of the body on the impact of a certain irritant environment, is valid not only for the spinal cord, but fully applicable and to explain all the processes of the highest nervous operations of the brain and components The basis of mental activity. As for any protective reflex (for example, turning out of the hand with a cooler, the closing of the century, the exposure to the external environment, and for the occurrence of arbitrary movement or thought, mental impulse or feelings, it is necessary to influence the material irritants around us. The existence of central braking and memory mechanisms in the brain allows you to move back to the completion of the reflex - muscle exposure - any period of time (reflexes with the oppressed end, contemplative activity). At the same time, the amount of irritation can lead to the occurrence of reflexes with an enhanced end - emotional manifestations. But in all cases, the cause of the most difficult, I would have an arbitrary, mental reaction, is the impact of the external environment - real, material determinants (determinants) of any mental pen.

The content of this work, as well as the name of the article "Attempting to make physiological fundamentals in mental processes", seemed to the Censored Committee at the moral state of the state, one of whose cornerstone was religion. The author's materialistic approach to "mental activity" and the absence of theological ideas about the "primary properties of the soul", which flowed out of the author's withdrawal, was the reason for the publication of the work in the "contemporary". Too many people discharged and read this magazine, which was a horn of advanced ideas. Censorship demanded to change the name, exclude some and final paragraphs so that the recycled article was allowed to publish in special | Eediinsky minor, and not the popular edition of the brain reflexes - this is the second version of the name forced by I. M. Sechenov for In order for the work to see the light in the magazine "Medical Bulletin".

Hard censorship restrictions were unable to hide from readers novelty and attractiveness of the materialistic theory of consciousness, which was particularly relevant in the 60s - during the lifting period of the revolutionary-democratic movement. Despite the small circulation, the work was extremely widely known and distribution. This is evidenced by the memories of contemporaries, who noted that "in the autumn of 1863 they appeared in the" Medical Bulletin "" Brain Reflexes "... Not one youth, and people more mature generations read" reflexes "with the most serious attention; The number of "Medical Bulletin" passed from hand to hand, he was carefully wanted and paid a lot of money. The name I. M. Sechenov, the most known only in the close circle of scientists, immediately swept throughout Russia. When after three years I found himself in Siberia, and I lived in her for eight years, "L. F. Panteleev recalled," I even had to meet people there, not only with great thoughtfulness of the "reflexes", but also learned those ideas, To which they logically led ... ".

In 1866, "brain reflexes" were published by a separate book in the amount of 3000 copies. However, the Council of the General Directorate for Press Affairs issued a resolution on the imposition of arrest on the book and on the initiation of prosecution of its author. The prosecution motives were formulated by the Censored Committee as follows: "The composition of Sechenov explains the mental activity of the brain. It comes down to one muscular movement, having its initial source, always external, material action. Thus, all acts of human mental life are explained purely mechanically ... This materialistic theory, leading a person, even the most sublime, into a state of a simple car, deprived of any self-consciousness and free will, acting fatalistically, is paying all the concepts of moral duties, permanentness. crimes take away from our actions any merit and all responsibility; Destroying the moral basis of the Society in Earth Life, thereby destroying the religious dogma of the life of the future, it disagree with either Staened, or with criminal law and leads positively to the corruption of morals. " For almost a year, the case passed from the office to the office, faster all the new documents, opinions, conclusions and resolutions. Only the unwillingness of the royal government even more advertising the book by the lawsuit led to the fact that the case was not given a course and a year later, the book went on sale.

THEM. Sechenov was so sure that he was right that when friends asked him who of the lawyers he thinks to attract defend on the upcoming court, he replied: "Why do I need a lawyer. I will take a frog to the court and I do all my experiences before the judges; Let the prosecutor refute me then. "

He spent all the experiments on the frogs using the methodological technique proposed by the German physiologist of the Turk: one of the rear legs of the experimental frog was immersed in a weak aqueous solution of sulfuric acid and the time was noted until this paw remained fixed.

In the extremely fine experiments of Sechenov, four cuts of the brain at the frog and then observed how reflex movements were changed under the influence of each of them. Experiments gave curious results: the oppression of reflected activity was observed only after cuts of the brain immediately before visual strumies and in them.

Summing up the experiments of the first series - with cuts of the brain, Sechenov expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bexistence in the brain of centers, delaying the reflected movements: the frogs are in visual shoots and maybe in the oblong brain.

But this thought, although it relied on a series of experiments, was still a hypothesis. In search of the scientific truth, he called for help multiple times proven and fully justified himself in the first scientific works of the brain irritation method.

So the second series of experiments began, during which Sechenov produced chemical irritation of various parts of the brain frogs of a cook salt.

It turned out that the salt applied to the cross-section of the brain in the rhombic space always caused an equally strong oppressive activity as the cut of the brain in this place. Infertility, but not so strong was observed and when irritating the transverse cut of the brain behind the visual bugs (consequently, the top of the oblong brain), the same results also gave an electric irritation of the brain transverse cuts.

So, it was possible to formulate conclusions. Firstly, the frogs have mechanisms that delay reflected movements lie in visual shoots and the oblong brain. Secondly, the mechanisms of ATI should be considered as nervous centers. Thirdly, one of the physiological ways to initiate these mechanisms to activities represent the fibers of sensitive nerves.

Thoughtful physiologically reasonable experiments I. M. Sechenov were crowned with a wonderful result - the discovery of central braking, the special physiological function of the brain. The braking center in the Talalamic Area was called the Siechensky Center.

It should be added that experiments with irritation of visual bumps with crystals of the cook salt allowed Sechenov to make two cardinal discoveries. But if the first of them is the opening of the braking process - it was assessed by its contemporaries, the second - the opening of the reticulous spinal effects (the effects of the reticular formation of the brain trunk on the spinal reflexes) - was widely recognized only since the 40s of our century, After finding out the functions of the reticular formation of the brain.

By the same time there is another opening of the Russian scientist. Exploring in the experiment an irritant effect of electroplating and induction currents on the flexing spinal nerves of the frog, Sechenov found out that the nerve centers are little sensitive to the tough shocks on the nerve, and individual shocks are summed up by nerve centers into a coordinated movement. The scientist proved that the nervous centers have the ability to "summarize sensitive, one, do not actually irritate (induction blows attached to the seeded nerve) to the pulse, which gives movement, if these irritations are often followed by each other."

The phenomenon of the amount is an important characteristic of nervous activity, first open by I. M. Sechenov in experiments on the frogs, was then established in experiments on other animals, vertebrates and invertebrates, and received a universal value.

The discovery of I. M. Sechenov's phenomena of the summation as a special form of activity of nervous centers received a high assessment of physiologists.

Sechenov formulated the situation about the "machine-formation" of a living organism in which the nervous system inserts a collection of various regulators of activity. These regulators, however, are not easy. In the animal, as a consuming machine, regulators, obviously, can only be automatic. "

In total, during this period, it was published about 30 original works, a textbook "Physiology of the nervous system" was written, translated from the German textbooks "Basics of Physiology" Herman and Physiological Chemistry, was edited by the translation of a two-volume essay, Ch. Darwin "Origin of species": and . M. Sechenov becomes one of the most famous scientists of Russia! But for the same years, the royal government begins to persecute I. M. Sechenov for his progressive democratic beliefs. After the release of the work of I. M. Sechenov "brain reflexes" of a separate book against him was a criminal case on charges of spreading harmful to the brush of views and a police supervision was installed behind him. In protest I. M. Sechenov filed a statement about the departure from the Academy and temporarily remained without work. Then, at the proposal of D.I. Imeleeva, begins to work in its chemical laboratory to study the dissolution of gases in salt solutions.

In Novorossiysk University I. M. Sechenov conducted scientific research in the main areas: the study of blood gases, physiology of the nervous system and psychophysiology.

In 1876 I.M. Schechenov was elected to the position of head of the physiology of St. Petersburg University and moved to St. Petersburg. In the St. Petersburg laboratory I. M. Sechenov, work was continued on the study of central braking and absorption of carbon dioxide solutions of salts. At this time, such outstanding scientists were trained in the laboratory under the leadership of I. M. Sechenov, such as N.E. Vervedhensky, B. F. Verigo, N. P. Kravkov,

Studies on the study of blood gases were launched by I. M. Sechenov in 1859 in Ludwig's laboratory in Vienna, when implementing it one of the sections of the doctoral dissertation. It was designed by an original device (absorptioner or mercury pump of Sechenov), which made it possible to produce a quantitative determination of blood gases with very great accuracy. Work on the study of blood gases was carried out by I. M. Sechenov throughout his scientific activity. It is the first to fulfill all gases from the blood and determined their quantity in serum and red blood cells. Especially much attention was paid to the study of the state of carbon dioxide in the blood. This question was, apparently, the main thing in the scientific activity of I. M. Sechenov in Novorossiysk University. As a result of a large experimental work, they obtained important data on the respiratory function of the blood. Some of them are the discoveries of paramount importance. Thus, studying the absorption and separation of serum carbon dioxide, I. M. Sechenov comes to an important conclusion that "the liquid part of the blood is better adapted to perform the respiratory function than the aqueous solution of bicarbonate." It absorbs the carbon dioxide from the body tissues and gives it faster to the lungs alveoli than bicarbonate. These serum properties are due to the presence of globulins in it.

Especially important results were obtained by I. M. Sechenov, when studying the role of erythrocytes in transferring and exchanging carbon dioxide. It was first shown to them that carbon dioxide is in red blood cells not only in a state of physical dissolution, and in the form of bicarbonate, but in the standing of the unstable chemical compound with hemoglobin. Based on I. M. Sechenov, it came to the conclusion that the erythrocytes are carriers of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide - from the tissues to the lungs.

The work of I. M. Sechenov "Physiology of the Nervous System" (1866) and especially the "Physiology of Nervous Centers" (1891) were also of great importance (1866), and especially the "physiology of nervous centers" (1891), which were summarized and critically analyzed both the results of their own experiments and . The idea developing in them is that the regulatory activity of the nervous system is carried out reflexively, the leading leading in all studies on the physiology of the central nervous system.

IM Schechenov is one of the founders of domestic electrophysiology. His monograph "On Animal Electricity" (1862) was the first work on electrophysiology in Russia. She attracted great attention to himself and contributed to the appearance of physiologists of interest in electrical phenomena in living fabrics and electrophysiological research methods. Of great importance for the development of domestic electrophysiology was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the excitation process developed in it. Based on a number of facts, I. M. Sechenov comes to the conclusion that the process of excitement both in the nerve and the muscle, by its nature, is electrical and that when studying it, the only right direction is a physico-chemical, molecular direction. In 1881-1882 I. M. Sechenov published the results of his own research of electrical phenomena in the spinal and oblong frog brain. For the first time, the background electrical activity of the oblong brain and its change under the influence of irritation was studied in detail. The nature of these changes is very similar to the reaction of desynchronization currently known. I. M. Siechenov believed that the main reason for the oppression of background activity with sensitive expansions is the development of the braking process in the oblong brain.

THEM. Sechenov armed with the domestic physiology of the proper methodology. The main principle of Sechenov was consistent materialism, a persistent belief that material physicochemical processes are based on all physiological phenomena. The second principle of scientific methodology I.M. Sechenov was that the study of all physiological phenomena should be carried out by the experiment. Electrophysiological works I. M. Sechenov contributed to the spread of the electrophysiological method for studying the physiology of nerves, muscles and nervous centers.

"The honor of creating a real large Russian physiological school and honoring the creation of a large degree of development of world physiology belongs to Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov," wrote an outstanding Soviet physiologist, Academician Leon Abgarovich Orbel.

The greatest contribution was made by I. M. Sechenov in such sections of physiology, such as blood gases and respiratory gas exchange, neurophysiology with electrophysiology and psychophysiology.

St. Petersburg State University

named acade I.P.Pavlova

Abstract on the topic:

Contribution to I.M. Suchenova in physiology

Prepared a student group 235

Duganov Pavel

Lecturer Litvinova N.N.

St. Petersburg, 2003.


1. M.B. Mirsky "I.M. Sechens. People of science. "

2. V. A. Berezovsky "Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov"

3. H.S. Koshostz "I.M. Sechenov. "

4. Physiological magazine Volume XXV No. 5 1979.

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (1829-1905) - Physiologist, naturalist, doctor of medicine, professor, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Laureate of the XXXII Demidov Prize.

Education. In 1848, I. M. Sechenov graduated from the main engineering school in St. Petersburg.

In our university.He graduated in 1856, he worked as a private professor, head of the Department of Physiology. With the participation of I. M. Sechenov, a physiological institution was founded.

Internships abroad.After the end of our university, it was also abroad. Of the professors on I. M. Sechenov, Emil Dubua Raymon, Karl Ludwig, German Helmgoltz, Claude Bernard had a particularly deep influence. K. Ludwig became a teacher and a friend of Russian physiologist for the whole life.

Short biography.Ivan Sechenov was born in the village with a warm camp of the Symbirian province (now with. Sechenovo Nizhny Novgorod region). In 1856, after the end of the medical faculty, at his own expense went abroad to prepare for professorship.

During his stay abroad, there was a friendly relationship with future outstanding figures of Science S. P. Botkin, D. I. Mendeleev, A. P. Borodin, who continued all his life.

In 1860, he became a professor at the Department of Physiology of the Medical and Surgery Academy of St. Petersburg. It was then that he organized one of the first physiological laboratories in Russia.

I. M. Sechenov actively supported the progressive desires of women to the highest medical education. He trained the hope of Prokofievna Suslov and Maria Alexandrovna Side (his future spouse), who became the first in Russia with doctors in Russia.

Working in different institutions of Russia I. M. Sechenov, always sought brilliant results, both in science and in the education of students, in the organization of scientific and social activities. Among his colleagues and friends were outstanding people of different areas of science and culture. So, for example, in Novorossiysk University in Odessa, he communicated with I. I. Mesnikov (Laureate of the Nobel Prize 1908).

In 1889 I. M. Sechenov returned to Alma-Mater at the Department of Physiology, and two years later he headed her. Ten years of leadership of the department (1891-1901) were fruitful: physiological laboratory was created by the efforts of the scientist. Here, I. M. Sechenov conducted a study of gases and respiratory function of blood, human labor activities, was able to establish optimal regimes of labor and recreation.

Leaving the post of head in 1901, I. M. Sechenov continued to actively conduct scientific research in his laboratory.

The scientist has always supported any form of popularizing science, in recent years he has lectured on anatomy and physiology in the Prechistan work classes.

He died in 1905 was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. In 1940, his dust was postponed to Novodevichi cemetery.

Scientific achievements.In 1860, I. M. Sechenov defended his thesis on the degree of doctor of medicine "Materials for the future physiology of alcoholic intoxication".

I. M. Sechenov discovered and described in detail the fundamental physiological phenomena of the activities of the CNS: the central braking, the amount of excitations and thesis.

He put forward the provision on the originality of reflexes, the centers of which lie in the brain, and about the reflex basis of mental activity. Gave a scientific substantiation of the optimal duration of the working day in the workers.

I. P. Pavlov, an outstanding physiologist, Laureate of the Nobel Prize (1904), the doctrine of the reflex character of the brain activity called the genius of the Siechensky thought, and the author himself is "the hedge of his native physiology and the carrier of truly free spirit." To explain the mental life, this teaching is crucial, since it reveals the specific brain mechanisms of mental, shows under what conditions it is formed and what value is in the vital activity of the body. Ingenious guess and M. Sechenov about the reflex character of the brain activity found experimental confirmation and development in Pavlovsk teaching. I. P. Pavlov exclaims:

"Yes, I'm glad that, together with Ivan Mikhailovich and a regiment of my expensive employees, we acquired for the mighty authority of the physiological research instead of the entire inhabitant animal organism. And this entirely our Russian indisputable merit in world science, in general human thought. "

Perpetuating memory in our university. In 1955, our university was assigned the name I. M. Sechenov, a monument to the scientist before the museum building was established in 1958 (the work of the sculptor L. E. Kerbel). In 2015, the Center for Profile Training of Schoolchildren of Moscow "Medical Siechin Properversary" was opened, in which the Sechenovsky audience was created dedicated to the Great Physiologist.

In our museum.The Museum Foundations store Publications I. M. Sechenov, among them the books and articles published in Germany, Austria in German: Physiologische Studien Über Die Hemmungsmechanismen Für Die Reflexthätigkeit Des Rückenmarks Im Gehirne des Frosches. Hirschwald, Berlin 1863; Ueber Die Elektrische und Chemische Reizung der Sensiblen Rückenmarksnerven des frosches. LEUSCHNER & LUBENSKY, GRAZ 1868.

A significant number of devices that a scientist used in their experiments are presented in the branch of the museum - the exposition "Memorial Museum of I. M. Sechenov". Among them: ergographs, kimographers, sphygmomanometer, galvanometer, reflex meter, etc.

The contribution of this scientist to science metka characterized by I.P. Pavlov, who called Sechenov, "Father of Russian Physiology". Indeed, with his name, physiology not only entered the world science, but also took one of her leading places.

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was born on August 13, 1829 in the village of Teply Stan Meschi County of the Symbirian province. His father, Mikhail Alekseevich, in his youth was a military man, served in the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but then resigned in the rank of second-major and settled in the village. Mother, Anisya Egorovna, was a peasant, whom only marriage (she married his barin) freed from serfdom.

The childhood of the future scientist-physiologist passed in the village, until fourteen he did not leave the warm mill. After the death of the father, the financial situation of the family was worsened, and the boy had to know the bale of the science at home.

Then Ivan was determined in a military school so that he began to study on the engineer. In 1843, Ivan went to St. Petersburg, where in a few months he prepared and successfully passed the entrance examinations to the main engineering school.

However, Sechenov did not get along with the bosses and was not allowed to become a senior class of school to become a military engineer. In the rank of ensign, it was released and sent to the usual self-based battalion. Two years later, Sechenov resigned, left the military service and entered the medical faculty of Moscow University.

Thoughtful and diligent student, Siechens at first studied very diligently. Interestingly, in junior courses, he dreamed, according to his own admission, not about physiology, but about comparative anatomy.

In senior courses after acquaintance with the main medical subjects of Sechenov, disappointed in medicine of the time.

"I wines my betrayal medicine," he wrote later, it was that I did not find in it, which I expected - instead of theories, naked empirism ... Diseases, on their mysteriousness, did not excite in me the slightest interest, as the key to Understanding their meaning was not ... "

Sechenov became interested in psychology and philosophy. During these years, Sechenov entered a circle of progressive Moscow youth, which was grouped around the famous writer Apollo Grigoriev. Silives in the student years lived very modestly - she filmed small rooms. Money that sent him from the village of Mother, barely enough for food, and then it was necessary to make a training fee.

At the senior courses, finally making sure that medicine is not his calling, Sechenov began to dream of physiology. After graduating from the course of study, Sechenov, among the three most capable students, passed not ordinary medicine, but more complex - doctoral exams. Successfully withstanding them, he received the right to prepare and defend his doctoral dissertation.

After the successful protection of Sechenov, went abroad "with the firm intention to engage in physiology." Since that time, physiology has become the matter of his life. Since 1856, he spends several years abroad, working as the largest physiologists in Europe - Helmholts, Dubois Reimon, Bernard. There, he writes the doctoral dissertation "Materials to the physiology of alcohol intoxication", the experiments for which puts on themselves!

Returning to Russia after the protection of thesis on March 8, 1860, he becomes a professor of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy. Already the first lectures of the thirty-year professor of physiology were attracted by universal interest. His performances differed not only and not so much simplicity and clarity of presentation, how many novelty, unusual content, saturation, the facts of the latest achievements of science. Sechenov lectures on electrophysiology caused such a wide interest that the editorial office of the "military medical journal" decided to publish them. From the very beginning of work at the Department of Physiology of Sechenov resumed intensive scientific research.

"The laboratory was given to me in the lower floor of the surviving Flegene, next to the anatomical theater, - recalled Sechenov. - She consisted of two large rooms that served once a chemical laboratory."

In these non-bright rooms with an ice cellar under their feet, remarkable studies were performed on the physiology of the nervous system - studies that made the name of Sechenov with a banner of progressive Russian natural science.

Already the first scientific works of Sechenov, performed at the time, and his lectures on electrophysiology, awarded the highest awards of the Academy of Sciences, clearly showed that a large, original talent entered Russian science. And it is not by chance that a group of scientists decided to put forward Ivan Mikhailovich in real members of the Academy of Sciences.

In the autumn of 1861, Sechenov met Maria Alexandrovna Side and her girlfriend N.P. Suslova. Both young women wanted to receive higher education, become doctors. But they could not enter the university - at the time in Russia the path to higher education for women was closed. Then Bokova and Suslov began to visit the lecture in the Medical and Surgical Academy as a freelancer and, not looking at difficulties, to study medicine.

Sechenov hotly sympathized with the desire of Russian women to higher education and therefore with a big hunt helped them in teachings. Moreover, at the end of the academic year, he gave both studies for scientific research. Both student of Sechenov under his leadership you have fulfilled the doctoral dissertations and defended them in Zurich.

Subsequently, Maria Alexandrovna Bokova became his wife Sechenov, his unchanged friend. In the fall of 1862, the scientist received an annual vacation and went to Paris. In the capital of France, he led to the desire to get acquainted with the studies of the famous Claude Bernard and work itself in his laboratory. It succeeded. Moreover, in the famous college de France, he listened to the course of thermometry lectures.

The most significant result of the research conducted by Sechenov in Paris was the discovery of the so-called central braking - special mechanisms in the brain of frogs, overwhelming or depressing reflexes.

In the same year, the Russian magazine "Medical Bulletin" published Article Sechenov "Brain Reflexes". The scientist first showed that the whole complex mental life of a person, his behavior depend on the external stimuli, and not from some mysterious "soul". Every irritation causes one or another response of the nervous system - reflex. Reflexes are simple and complex. During the experiments of Sechenov, it established that the brain can delay the excitement. It was a completely new phenomenon that was called "Sechenovsky braking".

The open-airing phenomenon of braking made it possible to establish that all nervous activity develops from the interaction of two processes - excitation and braking. Siechens experimentally proved that if the dog turns off the smell, hearing and vision, then she will sleep all the time, because no signals from the outside world will not flow into her brain.

This article immediately, as contemporaries show, has become famous in the widest circles of Russian society.

"The thoughts set out in the" reflexes "were so bold and new, the analysis of the naturalist penetrated into the dark area of \u200b\u200bmental phenomena and highlighted it with such art and talent that the amazing impression produced by the" reflexes "on the all thinking society becomes quite clear, - wrote a prominent Russian physiologist N.M. Tantnikov.

It is not surprising that the materialistic views of Sechenov caused persecution by the authorities. He was prosecuted.

Sechenov extremely calmly met the news of an attempt to argue against him. On the questions of friends about a lawyer who will defend him in court, Siechen replied: "Why do I need a lawyer? I will take a frog to the court and I do all my experiences to the judges: let the prosecutor refute me then."

Obviously, the fear is finally offended in the eyes of Russian society, and all of Europe, forced the royal government to abandon the trial over the author of "reflexes" and, fastening the heart, allow the publication of the book. However, the great physiologist, the beauty and pride of Russia, for the whole life, remained for the royal government "politically unreliable".

In 1866, the classic work of Sechenov "Physiology of the nervous system" comes from the press. In the preface to this book, he briefly, in several phrases, outlined a peculiar Credo of the Physiologist-Experimentator: "Write the physiology of the nervous system prompted me the most importantly, the fact that in all, even the best textbooks of physiology, the basis for the private description of nerve phenomena is a purely anatomical beginning. .. From the first year of teaching the nervous system, I began to follow another path, it was described at the lectures nervous acts as they occur in reality. "

Of particular importance in the "physiology of the nervous system", according to the famous Soviet psychologist M.G. Yaroshevsky, has an idea of \u200b\u200bself-regulation and inverse relations expressed here, one of the General Sechenovian ideas, developed in further cybernetics. This idea led Sechenov to the concept of signal and on the level of organization of signals as behavior regulators.

The nervous system studied Sechens and during a year-old vacation in 1867; He spent most of this vacation in Graz, in the laboratory of his old friend Professor Rolleta. Even Ivan Mikhailovich's vacation always used to work.

After ten years of work, he left the Academy and worked for some time in the laboratory, which was led by D.I. Mendeleev. Then, for a number of years, he was a professor of Novorossiysk University.

Without ceasing to engage in the physiology of the nervous system, Sechenov became interested in a new, extremely important and poorly studied problem - the condition of carbon dioxide in the blood. "This, seemingly simple question," wrote Siechens, "demanded not only experiences with all the main components of the blood of the blood and in various combinations with each other, but even more experiences with a long side of salt solutions." In an effort to reveal the secrets of the most important physiological process of absorbing blood from tissues and recoil carbon dioxide, Sechenov deeply studied his physico-chemical entity, and then, expanding the research framework, makes large discoveries in the area of \u200b\u200bthe theory of solutions.

In September 1869, he became a corresponding member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In the spring of 1876, Sechenov again came to the city on Neva and joined the office of the Department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University.

Inappropriate, however, for these difficulties, Sechenov unfolded here a variety of physiological studies and received valuable results. It mainly completed his works associated with the physicochemical patterns of gas distribution in the blood and artificial saline solutions, and in 1889 he managed to formulate the "Siechen equation" - an empirical formula that binds the solubility of gas in the electrolyte solution with its concentration. This equation is now in service with science.

By this time, it is the beginning of the study of the human gas exchange. Siechenov, like a broad scientific community, was of great interest to the sensation of those years - the flight of three French aeronautics at the aerostat "Zenit", which rose to the height of 8 kilometers. However, this flight ended tragically: two aeronautics died from choking. Sechenov analyzed the reasons for their death and in December 1879 in the report on the VI Congress of naturalists and doctors expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of physiological processes occurring in the human body under reduced air pressure.

An exceptionally gifted and a bright person, progressive in their scientific views and public beliefs, a brilliant lecturer, Sechenov used a huge authority among students, but he did not tolerate him.

So now he is forced to leave Petersburg. "I decided to replace the professorism more modest privat-associate profession in Moscow," Siechen wrote from the irony.

In the fall of 1889, the Petom of Moscow University, the famous scientist returned to his native fenats. However, there was still a scientist who created the obstacles, in every way prevented his scientific work.

But he could not refuse research work. His long-time friend Karl Ludwig, who was perfectly understood by the mood of Sechenov, while Professor of the University of Leipzig, said his maternity student that while he was alive, in his laboratory there would always be a room for Russian physiologist. And Sechenov, devoid of almost three years of opportunity to deal with their lives, physiological studies, almost agreed to work in Ludwig's laboratory, and in Moscow to read only lectures. However, Professor of Physiology Sheremetyevsky died, a vacancy appeared, and in 1891, Sechenov became a professor at the Department of Physiology of Moscow University.

With the former energy, the scientist continues his experiments. It completely completes, finally, studies on the theory of solutions that have received a high assessment and in the coming years confirmed by chemist specialists in Russia and abroad.

Sechenov begins research on gas exchange, designing a number of original devices and developing its own methods for studying the exchange of gases between blood and tissues and between the organism and the external environment. Recognizing that "the study of breathing on the go was always my dream, which seemed to be precisely impracticable," the human gas exchange is studied in the dynamics of Siechens.

It still pays great attention to neuromuscular physiology. It comes out of printing his generalizing capital labor "Physiology of Nervous Centers".

In December 1901, Sechenov left teaching at the Department of Physiology of the Moscow University and went into the so-called pure resignation, that is, refused to read even private courses.

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was an outstanding scientist, a psychologist, a physician, a biologist, a physicist and a well-deserved professor. It is integrally related to constant teachings, self-development and science. It is not in vain called genius, creator and father of Russian physiology! He lived 76 years old, of which about 60 devoted to education. How did the life of the future professor begun, and what did his love for knowledge? Next, the brief biography of Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ivan Sechenov began in the village of a warm camp of the Nizhny Novgorod region (now this village of Sechenov). In 1829, on August 13, the ninth child is born in the noble family of Sechennye. His father Ivan almost did not remember, he was only 10 years old when he died. However, it was his father who inspired children from childhood that education is the most important thing (he himself was poorly educated, like the mother), and children should treat their teachers as benefactors.

Ivan, at the insistence of an elder brother, it was decided to give to the engineering school. That is why he lived in the village under 14, studying at home, and the only one learned foreign languages. Next, the biography of Sechenov will be associated with constant formation.

From the memories of Ivan Sechenov:

The boy I was very ugly, black, whirl and strongly disgraced smallpox, but it was, it should be not stupid, very fun and possessed art to imitate gaits and votes than often fun and acquaintances. Perseners in the years of the boys were not in families acquaintances, nor in the courtyard; I gone all my life between women; Therefore, I didn't have boring people, nor contempt for the female floor; Moreover, it was trained by the rules of courtesy. On all these grounds, I enjoyed love in the family and the favor of acquaintances, not excluding the lady and the ladies.

Consider how the life of Sechenov was further.


At the age of 14, Ivan Mikhailovich enters the school of military engineers and leaves for St. Petersburg. The school had 4 younger class, where training lasted 4 years, and 2 officers who came after. The institution supported military regime: the rise at 5 am, studying from 7 hours and construction preparation. The boys also gave oath and were considered already civil servants, which saved them from corporal punishment.

In the engineering school, the slope was on mathematics, drawing, algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In high school, he studied analytical mechanics, integral calculus, French literature. But the main items, which was all 6 years of study, was fortification (Military Engineering Science of Strengthening the Area for Maintaining Battle.) However, the Engineering Sciences of Sechenov did not get carried away, then he was passionately loved one thing - physics where he did great progress. In high school classes, the boy showed interest in chemistry. As Ivan Mikhailovich himself admits in his memories:

Mathematics was given to me, and I get out of the engineering school directly to the university on the physico-mathematical faculty, from me could come out a decent physicist, but fate, as we would see, decided otherwise.

After the end of the engineering school in 1848, the rank of Unter-Officer Sechenov was distributed to Kiev, during the 2nd reserve sapper battalion. Two years later, the newly represented officer will resign, with a solid intention to go to study medicine. This step was pushed to acquaintance with the young widow of Olga Alexandrovna, a girl very educated and enthusiastic medicine. As the episode of their biography itself recalls:

In her house, I entered the young men who sailed to that inert along the row, in which fate threw me, without a clear consciousness, where it can lead me, and from her home I came out with a ready-made life plan, knowing where to go and what to do. Who, as she, did not bring me out of the situation, which could become dead loop for me, indicating the possibility of exit. What, as not to suggests, I must go to the university - and it is the one that she considered advanced! - To learn medicine and help your neighbor. Perhaps finally, that some proportion of her influence has affected my later ministry to the interests of women who made themselves to an independent road.

With this intention in 1850, Sechenov enters Moscow Medical University. He is waiting for 6 years of interesting learning, the first discoveries and complete awareness of the goals of his life. Although buying medical theory, first disappointed the future scientist, he was perfectly mastered by biology, anatomy, surgery and physiology. At the third year of the University of Sechenov, he is interested in psychology. At the same time, he entails philosophy. He studied Sechenov very willingly, which eventually allowed him to finish the university in the top three of the best students. After a medical university in 1856, Ivan Mikhailovich leaves learning to Berlin.

During the border of Sechenov, 4 years will stay, where his career flourished.


In Berlin, the scientist worked for a year, studying physics and chemistry. There he begins to work in famous laboratories. Next - Paris, where the discovery of the so-called central braking was made - special mechanisms in the brain of the frog. Next, there are publications in medical journals, the work of "brain reflexes" opened the term "reflex" for a wide audience. From this publication, a career of the future professor of physiology began.

In 1860, the scientist returns to St. Petersburg and defends the dissertation, having received a degree in the academy, he will work for 10 years, making a lot of discoveries in medicine and physics.

In 1869, he has already a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (after a number of discoveries in the theory of physiological solutions). At this time, he is the head of the Zoology Department, organizes its physiological laboratory.

In 1889, a professor becomes president of the First International Psychological Congress in Paris, at the same time receiving the title of Associate Professor of Moscow University.

In 1901, I. M. Sechenov receives the title of professor of physiology and officially resigns. Schienov Ivan Mikhailovich in 4 years.

Personal life

Considering the further brief biography of I. M. Sechenov, it can be noted that, upon returning from Berlin in St. Petersburg, he meets Maria Alexandrovna Sidera. The girl dreamed of becoming a physician, which was impossible in Russia. Women then closed the road to science. Sechenov always outraged such injustice, he hunting a girl with a listener to his lectures. At the end of the course, he invites her to write scientific work. Maria will work and successfully protect his doctoral dissertation in Germany. Later, this purposeful student will be his wife.


Professor worked in several basic areas: physiology, biology and psychology. For his long scientific career in magazines, many articles were published, several books were written.

Biography I. M. Sechenov and the main works will consider below:

  • the book "Brain Reflexes" (1866) (now this book can be bought at any bookstore, it was reproving in 2015);
  • "Physiology of the nervous system" (1866);
  • the book "Elements of thought" (1879), reissued in 2014;
  • "On the absorption with 2 solutions of salts and strong acids" (1888);
  • "Physiology of nervous centers" (1891);
  • "On alkalis of blood and lymph" (1893);
  • "Device for quick and accurate gases analysis" (1896);
  • "Portable breathing apparatus" (1900);
  • "Sketch of human working movements" (1901);
  • "Subsession and reality" (1902);
  • the book "Notes of the Russian Professor from Medicine" is an autobiographical work, memories of a scientist about childhood and years of study, reissued in 2014;
  • "Autobiographical Notes" (1904).


The biography of Sechenov and the contribution to the science of the scientist still causes the interest of the people of the whole world. Ivan Mikhailovich created a physiological school, which during its existence committed a number of the most important discoveries for humanity. One of them is the concept of nonspecific brain systems.

Many studies in the field of medicine led to the discovery that the erythrocytes carry oxygen from the lungs in the tissue, and from the tissues to the lungs - carbon dioxide. As a result of these discoveries, the first portable breathing apparatus was developed.

Professor Sechenov dedicated a lot of time psychology. His scientific work "Psychology of Thought" is still one of the most important in the study of human thinking.

One of the main achievements in the field of biology is the opening of the braking action. He also revealed the reason for the emergence of motor reflexes.

Awards and titles

For his long life, Academician I. M. Sechenov committed many important discoveries, many of which we still use in science and education. The names of Sechenov are now named streets, the institute, he has a monument, his works are reprinted annually.

The scientist who lived for more than a century ago from physiology is accurate science. Its discoveries in medicine made it possible to make a huge step forward in the future. The following lists the titles and degrees of the scientist:

  • honored Professor of Moscow University;
  • academician of the Medical and Surgical Academy;
  • corresponding member on the biological category;
  • honorary Member of the Imperial Petersburg Academy of Sciences;
  • cavalier of the Imperial I degree;
  • cavalier of the Imperial Order of St. Anne III degree;
  • cavalier of the Imperial Order of St. Vladimir III degree;
  • a scientific degree of doctor of medicine;
  • academic degree of Dr. Zoology.

The life path of many outstanding people may be of interest to the modern generation. After all, studying the biographies of famous scientists and various outstanding figures, we can not only understand exactly how they managed to achieve so significant heights, but also to make certain conclusions regarding their own life, and may even change something in it. An amazing scientist, whose life path may be interested in modern people and Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, whose brief biography will tell about his life and how his contribution to medicine was.

Sechenov appeared on the light of the thirteenth of August 1829, at that time the village was called a warm standard and was located in the Symbirian province, now this village Sechenovo, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. His father was a landowner, and the mother was a former serf. The boy's father died early early, which was the cause of the deterioration of the material state of the family. Because of this, the young Ivan had to know all the basics of science at home.

In 1848, Ivan Petrovich was completed the main engineering school located in St. Petersburg. Without having done one course, the young man went to the Sapper battalion, and soon after the resignation he entered Moscow University, namely, the medical faculty. During the training, Ivan managed to be disappointed in medicine, he became interested in psychology, as well as philosophy. At that time, the future scientist lived extremely poorly, he often did not have enough money even for food. Closer to the end of the University of Sechenov, he made sure that he was much closer medicine, but physiology.

Young Ivan passed the complex doctoral exams, which gave him the opportunity to take preparation and protection of the doctoral dissertation, which he successfully defended.

Further, the future scientist went to internship to Germany, where she crossed and even became close to Botkin, Mendeleev, as well as the composer Borodin, etc. The Personality of Sechenov was quite noticeable and had a strong influence on the artistic intelligentsia of Russia of those times. So it was from him that Kirsanov was written off from the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?", And bazaars from the work of Turgenev "fathers and children."

During his stay abroad, Siechen wrote a doctoral dissertation on the physiology of alcohol intoxication. And experiments for this work he put on himself.

In 1960, Sechenov returned to St. Petersburg, where he defended his thesis and received a well-deserved degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Further, he became headed by the Department at the Medical and Surgical Academy and Multidisciplinary Laboratory. Even the very first lectures of Professor Sechenov caused the special interest of the listeners, because they were simultaneously simple, and rich modern scientific information. Ivan Mikhailovich actively worked in the laboratory, engaged in scientific activities. In 1961, the scientist married his student, who also experienced a huge interest in medicine. The work of Sechenov was critically perceived by the authorities, and he almost was given to the court. Fortunately, it did not reach this, but for life the scientist remained politically unreliable.

Starting from 1876 and 1901, Ivan Mikhailovich was a teacher at Moscow University. At this time, he continues to actively engage in science, engaged in gas exchange research and creates many original devices, developing its own research techniques. Also, the scientist pays a long time to work with neuromuscular physiology. In the end, Sechenov issued a major scientific work, after which he went to full resign, and four years later (in 1905) died in Moscow.

What new gave us Sechenov Ivan Mikhailovich, contribution to medicine?

More than twenty years of his life of Sechenov engaged in the study of gases, as well as respiratory functions of blood. However, the most fundamental studies are considered to consider the study of brain reflections. Just Ivan Mikhailovich made the discovery of the central braking phenomenon, which received the name of Sechenovsky braking. At about the same time, the scientist tried to print an article under the name "Attempt to introduce physiological fundamentals into mental processes in the magazine, but censorship did not miss it because of the propaganda of materialism. A few years later, Sechenov still issued this work, but called the "brain reflexes", and printed her medical messenger.

In the 90s, Ivan Mikhailovich actively studied the problems of psychophysiology, as well as the theory of knowledge. So it created the work of "Physiology of Nervous Centers", in which he considered quite a lot of different nerve phenomena, among which there were unconscious reactions from representatives of the animal world, and the highest forms of perception in humans.

So in 1895, the work was published in which criteria were viewed to establish the optimal duration of the working day. The scientist proved that the duration of the working day should be at least eight hours.

Thus, the contribution of Sechenov to science is sufficient to be proud of them as our compatriot. Sechenov lived a saturated and fruitful life, leaving behind the meaningful heritage to his descendants.

Catherine, www.Syt (site popular about health)

P.S. The text uses some forms of characteristic speech.