Grapes Kishmish came from the East. The first seedless varieties appeared in Central Asia as a result of a natural mutation. In Arabic, quiche mish means dried grapes. All varieties of this species contain a large amount of sugar. Many prefer sultanas to other grape varieties for their dessert taste and lack of seeds.

In the article:

Ripe bunch of Kishmish variety

The climate in our country is severe. Previously, grapes were grown only in the south. Now, thanks to breeding work, varieties with early fruit ripening, resistant to Russian frosts, have been obtained. Gardeners of the Urals and South Siberia successfully breed them in their backyards.

All new varieties are hybrids, there are many of them. You can always pick up a variety of raisin that winters well and ripens during a short summer. Consider the popular varieties of sultanas:

  1. Kishmish is radiant.
  2. Einset Seedless.

Bunch of grade K. No. 342

Variety K. No. 342 can be grown in the middle lane, as it tolerates frost well down to -26 ° C. K. No. 342 has been very popular for many years. It is often called Hungarian kishmish. Ripens early, within 110 days. K. No. 342 - a vigorous plant.

Large clusters weighing up to 500 g. Golden-green berries weighing about 3 g are of medium size. Rudiments (seeds) are absent. The pleasant, dessert taste of the pulp surprises with its sweetness and juiciness. Berries are grown for drying and table consumption.

Medium table Rusball in the garden

Variety Rusbol table, early - kishmish of Russian selection. The crop is harvested after 105-115 days. The plant is tall. Clusters weighing from 600 g to 1.5 kg are formed on powerful lashes. The density of the brushes is medium, the shape is conical.

The shape of the berries is oval, color is white, weight is from 2.5 g. The pulp of Rusbol is dense, with a harmonious combination of sweetness and sourness, juicy. Fruiting begins at 2 years. The variety responds well to fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. It grows best on vigorous rootstocks.

Bunch of variety Radiant

Radiant - a favorite variety of raisin growers. It is considered the sweetest of the seedless varieties. Kishmish Radiant consistently gives good yields. It belongs to mid-early varieties (125 days), harvested before September 1. Bushes spreading, medium height.

The berries are medium or large (2.5-4 g), collected in long 40-45 cm conical clusters weighing from 600 g to 1 kg (1.5 kg). The pulp is crispy, dense, juicy, sweet and sour with the taste and aroma of nutmeg. The skin is pink.

Kishmish Radiant does not differ in high frost resistance (-15 ° C), therefore, even in the south it is recommended to cover it for the period of frost. High yields are possible with good agricultural technology, which is within the power of a competent winegrower.

Ripe variety Jupiter Sidliss

Kishmish Jupiter is an early variety (105-120 days), bred in North America. It has a high yield. Bushes of medium size begin fruiting 2-3 years after planting.

Clusters are formed with a mass of 200 to 250 g. The shape of the brushes is cylindrical. The berries are oval, large (4-7 g), may have rudiments. The skin is pink, sometimes red, in mature berries it is dark blue, strong, not subject to cracking.

Pulp with nutmeg taste, juicy, dense, sweet. Kishmish Jupiter has good winter hardiness (-27°C), resistance to fungal infections. The variety is valued for its high yield - 250 kg / ha.

Einset Seedlis in the vineyard

A descendant of Isabella, the Einset Seedlis variety, bred in the USA, is early in terms of ripening. It is distinguished by good frost resistance (up to -27°C). The bush is powerful, tall. The clusters are dense, conical, small in size, the average weight of the brush is about 250 g.

Small (2-3 g), pink or bright red oval-shaped berries are covered with a dense skin that can be easily removed and does not crack. The juicy pulp is very fragrant, it can be recognized by the characteristic strawberry smell of Isabella. Berries can be dried and eaten fresh. They are easy to transport. They keep well for 2-3 months.

Table Kishmish

The table shows the advantages of the varieties described above.

VarietyFrost resistanceAttitude towards diseasesTransportabilityUsage
K. No. 342-26°Cthe variety is resistant to fungal diseasesgoodfresh, dried
-25°C (does not require shelter)goodfresh, dried
K. radiantlow (-15°C), requires shelter for the winterunstablegoodwine, compotes, fresh consumption
-27°Cmedium resistance to fungal diseases, preventive treatments are neededgoodfresh, dried
-27°Cimmunity to mildew, gray rotgoodfresh, dried

Each variety has disadvantages. For example, kishmish No. 342 needs shelter in winter, crumbles if the bunches are not cut in time. The disadvantages of Rusbol include high yields. If you do not carry out the rationing of the crop, the bushes can break from gravity. The presence of rudiments is another drawback of Rusbol kishmish.

Small clusters and brittle branches are the disadvantages of Jupiter raisins. For sultanas Radiant lack - high productivity, exactingness to agricultural technology. The variety requires rationing of ovaries.

Young seedling in the soil

Successful cultivation of raisins begins with the selection of a variety that, according to its characteristics, is suitable for specific climatic conditions. In addition, a novice grower must take seriously the choice of location, planting technology and subsequent care. In addition, landing times are important.

In the south, planting raisins is best done in autumn. The right time is the first decade of October. In order for the young plant not to suffer from winter frosts, it is sprinkled with earth and covered with non-woven material folded in several layers.

In the middle lane and in the northern regions, raisins are planted in the spring (April, May). Planting can be carried out when the soil warms up to 12 °. You need to have time to plant raisins before the buds bloom. It is easier for those who have purchased container-grown sultanas. They can plant grapes in June.

Grapes grow well in highlands, but not every garden plot has them. Suitable southern or southwestern part of the garden. It is good if from the north the landings are protected from the wind by a wall or hedge. Main conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • lack of wind and drafts;
  • 3 m distance to other plants (trees, bushes) and buildings.

Greenhouse seedlings before planting

Before you start planting and digging a hole, you need to prepare:

  1. Drainage (broken brick, crushed stone, gravel).
  2. Support stake.
  3. Mineral fertilizers (superphosphate).
  4. Humus.
  5. Ash.

Dig a landing hole 70 cm deep and 70 cm wide. Pour a 25 cm drainage layer at the bottom. Add 2-3 buckets of humus, a glass of superphosphate and ½ bucket of ash to the garden soil, which will go to the backfill.

Drive a stake into the center of the pit, fill in the prepared soil and form a hole for the seedling in it. It should be of such depth that only 2 eyes stick out above the ground. The landing hole is filled with water. Growing shoots need to be tied to a support.

Row of variety Radiant in the garden

pruning. An important point in the care of grapes. The productivity and health of the vine depends on how well it is carried out. The norm of eyes on the vine is from 8 to 12, extra shoots need to be cut off. Cut out weak branches. Carry out rationing - leave 1-2 bunches on each shoot.

Watering. If the weather is hot, water the raisins every 3 days. At least 4 buckets of water are needed per plant, more water is needed if the soil is sandy. 2 weeks before harvest, water once every 7 days.

top dressing. In spring and in the first half of summer, grapes need fertilizing containing nitrogen, and organic fertilizers will not interfere. In the second half of summer, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus to form fruits. Stop nitrogen supplements.

In addition to root top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers, foliar top dressing is needed. Spend them during the flowering period of grapes. Use the drug Ovary. Use the stimulant gibberellin to increase the size of the berries and increase the density of the grape bunch.

Kishmish leaf diseases

Vine plantations often suffer from fungal infection. For their prevention, several times during the season it is necessary to process the bushes. Apply copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid in early spring and autumn after harvest.

In summer, it is better to use complex preparations for processing:

  • Ridomil Gold;
  • Strobe.

When a white coating appears on the leaves and stems of raisins (powdery mildew symptoms), treat the grapes with Topaz.

Insecticides may be needed if the raisins are attacked by spider mites or other pests. In summer, crops often suffer from wasps. To protect the berries from them, the vineyard is fumigated with smoke or special bags are put on the bunches.

1. About quiche-mish grapes
2. The benefits of quiche misch grapes
3. Application of quiche-mish grapes

Quiche-mish grapes. Total information

Many people think that raisin is a grape variety, when in reality it is a whole group of varieties. In our country, the most common is raisins with white medium-sized fruits. This most demanded grape of this group is called White Kishmish. However, in addition to it, the group also has a lot of other varieties of raisins with dark, pink, red, black berries. The main feature of all varieties of this plant is that the seeds are completely absent in the fruits. Clean water is essential for good grape growth.

The benefits of sultana grapes

Kishmish grapes grow mainly in the vineyards of Central Asia. Here you can see both white and dark varieties. Berries are used in different ways. Any sort of quiche-mish grapes is eaten, raisins are made from it, wine and jams are made. Kishmish grapes contain a large amount of sugar. In addition, seedless grapes contain many different minerals and vitamins that the human body needs for normal functioning. Minerals include: iron, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt, calcium, organic acids, potassium. Vitamins: B12, B6, B1, C, PP, B9, P, carotene. Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of this group of grape varieties.

Despite the high level of sugar content in berries, there are few calories in quiche-mish grapes, so it can be consumed even with a diet.

Remember! In dried grapes, that is, in raisins, the calorie content per hundred grams increases dramatically. So if 100 grams of fresh quiche mish berries contain 95 kcal, then 100 grams of raisins contain almost 3 times more of them, or rather 270 kcal.

About the use of quiche misch grapes

Quiche misch is a valuable grape variety that is actively used in the wine industry. Often these varieties, due to the lack of seeds, are used to produce raisins. An excellent use is for eating fresh. You can, for example, make a delicious salad with quiche-mish grapes. It is worth noting that the greatest benefit from this grape can be obtained by combining it with walnuts.

Kishmish is great for baby food. There are no seeds in its berries, the skin is much thinner than other varieties, so it is easy for kids to chew it. In addition, it rarely causes allergies and does not provoke diathesis.

Benefits of grape juice

The inhabitants of ancient Greece used grape juice to treat almost all possible diseases. It was used to normalize metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, treated burns and wounds with it, introduced it into the diet to improve immunity, and was even used as a remedy for colds and oncological diseases.

The chemical composition of raisins is similar to that of white grapes. It is very low in resveratrol, which is essential for the heart, but it is rich in other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and chlorophyll. These components are actively involved in metabolism, growth and regenerative processes in tissues. It is these properties that make raisins an indispensable component of the children's diet.

This grape variety contains much less dietary fiber than, for example, apples or pears, which is why it is recommended for consumption after various food poisonings. That is, at the moment when the human gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the digestion of foods rich in fiber.

Kishmish helps to restore the body after illness, is useful for anemia and ailments of the liver and kidneys. Regular consumption of grapes will reduce the risk of blood clots and blood clots. Raisin is also useful for people with impaired metabolism and poor digestion, its antimicrobial and soothing properties have also been proven.

Dried sultanas or raisins are widely used in folk medicine. For example, water infused with 200 g of raisins has proven to be a good remedy for intestinal colic in children. Only the berries should be thoroughly washed before use.

Fresh berries contain about 80 kcal per 100 g, and dried - from 260 to 300 kcal, it all depends on the degree of drying.

However, excessive consumption of raisins can cause diarrhea, flatulence, and other symptoms. Such a condition should not be ignored, since fruits containing a large amount of fructose, if consumed excessively, can seriously disrupt digestion. This, in turn, threatens with possible further violations of the absorption of water and food. The diarrhea that has arisen in this case is treated in the same way as the usual one, prescribing a large number of water balance stabilizers.

In addition, raisins do not always go well with dairy products, especially fresh milk. The effects are similar to food poisoning.

You should not eat raisins for people suffering. Nutritionists also do not recommend it for those suffering from obesity, since the high content of fructose provokes fluctuations in blood sugar levels and increases appetite. Grapes are strictly forbidden to those who have a stomach ulcer.

Many people love table grapes - they are healthy, beautiful and tasty. That's just the bones to choose from it bothers. There is a way out - plant sultana grapes in the garden.
Kishmish is called grapes with underdeveloped seeds or completely devoid of them. Translated from Arabic, "kish-mish" means "dried grapes." This is a natural mutation of ordinary grapes, selected and enhanced by man. The first varieties of raisins appeared in Central Asia. Kishmish is grown for making raisins and as a dessert fruit. It also produces juices and wines with good taste.

Kishmish grape varieties contain more sugars compared to conventional ones. Seedlessness makes raisins a desirable delicacy, it can be eaten even by small children.

Dried grapes are tasty and nutritious, quickly causing a feeling of satiety.
100 g of raisins contains:

  • 8275 calories
  • a quarter of the daily value of fiber - dietary fiber
  • 762 mg potassium
  • 0.3 mg copper
  • 22 mg iron

In addition, kishmish contains folic acid, vitamins C, B12, and many other trace elements. Grapes are useful for diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, osteoporosis, anemia, neuroses and depression. Has a choleretic effect. Potassium is essential for the prevention of heart disease.
With caution, you need to use sultanas for diabetics - it contains a lot of glucose. It is undesirable to eat sultana grapes with exacerbations of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is useful during convalescence.
How to plant kishmish grapes

Boarding on time

Kishmish can be planted both in spring and autumn. Autumn planting is more often used in the southern regions. Usually planted in early October, when there is no threat of frost. For the winter, the seedlings are well insulated: they pour a soil mound, cover it with a film or other protective material on top.
In the northern viticulture zone, autumn weather is unreliable, so the grapes are best planted in the spring. Dates vary from late April to late May. Dormant seedlings are planted before bud break, when the soil warms up to 10–12°C. Green seedlings rooted in containers can be planted in June.

Landing place

The place for sultana grapes should be sunny and warm, protected from the wind. Well, if the vineyard is located on the southern or southwestern slope. It is desirable that on the north side the grapes be protected from the winds by a wall of some building. The distance between the seedlings is made at least 2.5–3 m, so that the grapes grow and the clusters are well ventilated.

Kishmish grape planting technology

To plant a seedling, they dig a hole 60-70 cm deep and wide, pour drainage into the bottom - broken brick or coarse gravel. Dig in a support. Add a shovel of ash and a glass of superphosphate. Next, the pit is filled with a mixture of soil with humus. For a seedling, a deep hole is made, planted to such a depth that 2 eyes remain above the surface of the pit. The pit is shed with warm water, the earth is mulched.
In the first year, the shoots of the seedling are tied vertically to the support, and only in subsequent years they are given a slope according to the chosen shaping.

How to care for sultanas

  • Pruning grapes. Most often, raisins are cut, leaving 8–12 eyes on the vine. Remove weak and superfluous shoots. The load in bunches must be normalized. For each shoot, 1-2 large clusters are left, the rest are removed.
  • In the heat, abundant watering is necessary every 3-4 days. The amount of water depends on the soil, on average 2-3 buckets of water per bush. Two weeks before harvest, watering is halved to prevent cracking of the berries.
  • Fertilizers are applied sparingly. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers, including organic ones, are appropriate. Liquid fertilizers are best added when watering. By the middle of summer, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped; phosphorus and potassium are needed for the ripening of the vines and berries at this time.
  • It is noticed that the stimulant gibberellin increases the size of berries and the density of raisin brushes. For summer residents, the drug "Ovary" is produced. They are sprayed with grapes during flowering.
  • Treatment for diseases and pests. Kishmish grapes need the prevention of fungal diseases. In spring and autumn, Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate is used, in summer - complex preparations Ridomil gold, Strobi. Sometimes insecticides are used, for example, in the case of the appearance of a spider mite. During the ripening period, raisins are protected from wasps with the help of special bags or fumigation with smoke.

Variety selection is important.
Over the long history of cultivation, various varieties of raisins have been bred. Eastern Central Asian varieties are thermophilic, in most regions they do not ripen and freeze out. However, raisins suitable for cultivation in the regions of Russia have been bred.

What varieties of raisins are suitable for planting in the middle lane, the Ural and Siberian regions?

  • First, frost-resistant. There are varieties of raisins with frost resistance up to -23–28С. Some varieties of the Far East and American selection can be grown as uncovered, or as arbors. But in most cases, kishmish grapes should be carefully covered in order to get a stable harvest.
  • Secondly, raisins that can ripen in the conditions of a short northern summer. For cultivation in the zone of risky farming, varieties of raisins with a ripening period from very early to early-middle are suitable. In addition, maturation depends on the sum of positive temperatures during the growing season.

famous and delicious

Kishmish №342 (Hungarian Kishmish)

Widespread hybrid form. Ripens very early - 110-115 days. Berries are golden-green, medium size, without rudiments of seeds. The pulp is juicy, sugar content is high, the taste is pleasant. Clusters are medium-large, 300–500 g each. Kishmish No. 342 is highly resistant to fungal diseases. Frost resistance up to -24–26С. Productive, vigorous grapes. Can be used as a dessert and for drying raisins.

Kishmish Zaporozhye

Early maturity (110–120 days). The clusters of this variety are large, up to 900 g, conical in shape. The berries are purple-red, oval, weighing 2–2.5 g, juicy, the flesh is fleshy, with a harmonious taste. Extremely productive, requires rationing of clusters, otherwise the bush is overloaded. Disease resistance and frost resistance are increased.

Kishmish radiant

Ripens in early-mid terms. The weight of the clusters is 200–600 g. The berries are very elegant, pink-red, large, elongated. The taste is excellent, with a nutmeg aroma. Berries are transportable, suitable for storage.
Frost resistance up to -23С. Kishmish radiant is resistant to diseases, requires repeated processing during the season. Responds well to caring care. A variety for experienced winegrowers, but it is worth some trouble with it: Radiant raisins are considered by many to be the most delicious among raisins.

Rusbol (Kishmish Mirage)

Ripens within 115-125 days. Clusters are conical, large, can reach 1 kg. The berries are white, oval, pleasant taste, there are rudiments of seeds. The fruitfulness of the shoots is high, so the vines can be cut short for 2-3 eyes. Overloaded with a crop, requires normalization. The cuttings are well rooted. Frost resistance -25С, moderately resistant to grape diseases. Rusbol is suitable for drying and as a table variety, its disadvantage is the presence of seeds. Recently, the analogue variety Rusbol improved (Elf) is more common.

Kishmish Autumn Royal (Otem Royal)

One of the largest seedless varieties. Kishmish was bred in the USA. Ripens late, tested in the southern regions. Bushes are medium. The clusters are large, weighing about 800 g. The berries are purple-black, weighing 6–8 g, thin-skinned. The taste is simple and harmonious. Frost resistance up to -21С, moderate disease resistance. The harvest is unstable. The quality of the berries depends on the load of the bush. The disadvantage is the shedding of berries in the stage of maturity. It is recommended to put covers on the bunches, which also protect the crop from wasps.

ainseth sidlis

Seedless US cultivar. Powerful tall bushes, can be grown on the gazebo. The variety is frost-resistant, like many descendants of Isabella. Ripens early. Clusters are small 180-250 g, dense. Berries are pink or red, small. The skin is dense, removed with a "pouch". The pulp is juicy, with a characteristic strawberry "Isabelle" aroma. Highly disease resistant. The berries are transportable, do not crack, suitable for food and for drying.
Other popular varieties of American selection are Relines Pink Seedles, Red Flame (Red Flame), Neptune, Jupiter.
Every gardener should plant wonderful grapes in his garden - sultanas!

Kishmish (grapes) has large clusters that can reach up to 1 kg in weight. Small berries have a characteristic wax coating (see photo). Distinctive features of this variety are sweet taste and lack of seeds. This variety comes from the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East.

Kishmish grapes can be stored fresh for a long time. Berries are considered universal, as they can be considered table berries, and they are also dried, and, in addition, wine is made from them.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of sultana grapes are possible due to the fact that it contains many vitamins and trace elements. For example, B vitamins have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and help get rid of stress and depression. There is nicotinic acid in the berries, which is very necessary for the body, primarily for normal metabolism. Due to the content of ascorbic acid, sultana grapes help strengthen the immune system and improve the protective functions of the body.

There is potassium in the berries, which has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and prevents the occurrence of various heart diseases. Raisin grapes are recommended to be included in the diet for people with vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension and arrhythmia.

There is also boron in delicious berries, which reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. Raisin grapes contain oleanolic acid, which reduces the rate of growth and reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity, which helps prevent the occurrence of caries, gum disease and some other diseases in the oral cavity.

This is such a long list of useful properties sweet berries have!

Use in cooking

In cooking, kishmish grapes are used like other varieties. Berries can, first of all, be used fresh, for example, they are put in salads, desserts, used as a decoration for various dishes, etc. Kishmish grapes are also used to make jams, preserves, and berries are also used as a filling for baking. Most importantly, golden raisins are prepared from grapes of this variety, which have a delicate taste and unique aroma. Kishmish and various drinks are prepared from grapes, for example, juice, wine, compote and others.

Recipe for homemade sultana wine

The recipe for homemade raisin wine is quite simple. First you need to make a starter. To do this, you need a container with a wide neck, where you need to pour about two hundred grams of raisins, about ten grams of granulated sugar and pour in about four hundred milliliters of boiled water. Plug the container with a cotton plug and take it to a fairly warm room for four days. Ready sourdough keeps in the refrigerator for exactly ten days.

Next, you need to start making wine from sultana grapes. Grape fruits (it will take about ten kilograms) should be separated from the twigs, the berries should be thoroughly washed and twisted through a meat grinder. Pour the starter into the resulting mass, mix well and set aside for fermentation for exactly three days. For three days, the pulp must be stirred, it is advisable to do this twice a day. At the end of the fermentation process, the pulp must be squeezed out and drained.

The squeezed juice must be poured into a glass container (with a volume of at least twenty liters), then pour in about ten liters of boiled water, in which granulated sugar was previously mixed (about one kilogram). Cover the container from above with a medical glove, tightly tied to the neck and making a small incision on one of the fingers, and then take it to a room where the air temperature will be at least twenty degrees, and where sunlight will not enter. After four days, it is necessary to pour one kilogram of granulated sugar diluted in two liters of water into the container, and then leave the container indoors at a temperature not lower than twenty-five degrees for about three weeks.

After twenty-one days, the wine should be strained from yeast and poured into a sterile bottle. Place the container in a cool room for about three weeks. During this period of time, the wine must be filtered at least four times to get rid of the sediment.

After the specified period of time, homemade semi-sweet wine from sultana grapes should be poured into clean glass bottles, sealed tightly and pour melted wax on top. Store in a cool place.

To make dry wine from sultana grapes, you do not need to put granulated sugar into the pulp. You just need to chop the grape berries and transfer them to a fermentation container. Every day for two weeks, the mass should be mixed. At the end of the first stage of fermentation, the pulp must be squeezed and drained to obtain juice. Pour the resulting juice back into the container and put it in a warm room for exactly two weeks. After fourteen days, the wort must be carefully poured into a clean container, without touching the sediment. Attach a water seal on top of the container and take the container to a fairly warm place for about thirty days. After a month, pour the wine into another clean container, and then for fourteen days the grape drink must be clarified with egg white and filtered. If the wine tastes sour, you can add fructose to it.

Upon completion of all stages of preparation of an alcoholic beverage, the finished wine should be poured into clean bottles and hermetically sealed.

The benefits of sultanas and treatment

The benefits of sultana grapes are largely due to the rich composition of the substances that it contains. It is worth mentioning the benefits of berries for the treatment of problems with the respiratory system: so they should be used by people with severe cough, sore throat, bronchitis and asthma.

Given that raisins have a calming effect, grapes can be used to relieve various inflammations.

Dried raisin grapes have a choleretic effect, and it also helps to reduce heartburn and nausea. From the berries, you can prepare a decoction that will be useful to use in the treatment of problems with the gallbladder.

Such grapes have a high energy value, which means that even eating it in small quantities will quickly replenish energy and give a person strength.

Grapes kishmish can be eaten by pregnant women as a prevention of hypertension, anemia and to relieve swelling. The recommended varieties of raisins are "red", "Novocherkassk" and "radiant". However, if there are diseases such as diabetes and stomach ulcers, the use of grapes should be abandoned. It is also not allowed to eat grapes in the last stages of pregnancy and with individual intolerance to this product.

Therefore, before you start eating grapes, you need to consult with your doctor about whether you can eat this product or not.

Harm of sultanas and contraindications

Raisin grapes can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. Avoid eating berries if you are obese. Contraindications to the use of sultana grapes are in people with diabetes. Dried grapes are not recommended for heart failure, tuberculosis and ulcers.

It should also be borne in mind that berries can bring benefits only if they are eaten in moderation.

Varieties and varieties of grapes with characteristics

There are a lot of varieties and varieties of kishmish grapes. The most popular and sought after grape varieties are:

  • « Aksai". This variety of raisin is characterized by an early ripening period (about one hundred and ten days). If the summer is hot, grape fruits can be harvested as early as the twentieth of July or early August. Ripe fruits are painted in a pink shade, resemble an oval in shape. Grapes are very sweet and can be eaten just like that. Grape variety "Aksai" can withstand temperatures below twenty-five degrees. He is also able to resist various diseases.
  • « White". The variety is characterized by late ripening. Frost and disease resistance is average. Grapes are small, oval-shaped, fragile, rich yellow in color. The pulp of the berries is juicy, with seeds, can be used for drying raisins. Transportation and long-term storage is not subject.
  • « Veles". This variety came about as a result of crossing two other varieties - "Sofia" and "Rusbola". Veles berries are characterized by early ripening. The pulp is seedless, juicy and sweet. In winter, the plant of this variety can withstand temperatures below twenty-one degrees.
  • « Hungarian". This variety also has a different name - "No. 342". Variety "Hungarian" is characterized by early ripening. The fruits are green with a golden sheen. The pulp of the berries is juicy and sweet. Grape variety "No. 342" is resistant to most diseases, and is also able to withstand frosts down to -26 degrees. This variety of kishmish is recommended to be served as a dessert or used for making raisins.
  • « Zaporozhye". The grape variety is classified as an early ripening variety. Ripe fruits are painted in a purple-red hue, outwardly resemble an oval. The pulp is juicy, sweet and fleshy. Since the raisins of the “Zaporozhye” variety are quite productive, it needs to be rationed in clusters so that the vine is not overloaded. Also, this grape is considered a frost-resistant variety and resistant to disease.
  • « Red". Kishmish "red" is a variety of early ripening. The harvest is high, harvested after the twentieth of August. Berries are oval, large, red. The fruit pulp is dense, with a taste of nutmeg. The grape variety is well resistant to severe frosts and diseases such as mildew.
  • « Radiant". It belongs to varieties with an average ripening period of about one hundred and thirty-five days. The fruits are pink. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, slightly sour. Since the "radiant" grape grows very quickly, it needs constant pruning. In winter, the plant needs to be covered, because this variety of raisins does not withstand severe frosts.
  • « Moldavian". The berries ripen for almost five months, so this variety is characterized by a medium-late ripening period. Grape fruits are round, pink with a purple tint. The pulp is sweet and fleshy. In winter, the plant must be insulated, as it can die at temperatures below eighteen degrees. Also, the Moldovan grape variety is not resistant to diseases such as phylloxera and mildew.
  • « Nakhodka". This variety is a hybrid of two other varieties - "talisman" and "radiant". It is characterized by an average ripening period (about one hundred and twenty-five days), so the harvest can only be harvested with the onset of autumn. Grape fruits have a pink tint, and the smell of the "find" grape variety is comparable to muscat.
  • « Flame". It is characterized by early ripening (no more than one hundred and ten days). The grape bush grows quickly, the vines are strong, the fruits are red. However, this raisin grape variety can die in winter at temperatures below twenty degrees. Also, the "flame" variety is susceptible to many diseases.
  • « Pink". Approximately one hundred and forty days should pass from the beginning of bud break to harvest, so the variety belongs to late ripening varieties. Grape fruits are oval, painted in pink. Berry pulp is fleshy, seedless, sweet, dense, juicy and crispy. The skin is thin, when eating grapes you do not feel it. Can be used to make raisins. Resistant to powdery mildew and oidium. However, the "pink" variety does not tolerate cold well, so it is suitable for growing in the southern regions. It needs to be grown in a sunny area.
  • « Century". It is characterized by an average aging period and good frost resistance (withstands temperatures down to -25 degrees). Harvest can be harvested from mid-September. Berries are oval, yellow-green. The pulp is juicy, seedless, tastes like nutmeg. Grape variety "century" is easily grafted onto other varieties. The plant also resists various diseases and pests.
  • « Black". Belongs to varieties with an early ripening period (after the appearance of the kidneys, about one hundred and thirty days should pass). For planting, it is better to choose a sunny and calm area. The berries are elongated, painted in dark blue. The pulp is seedless, juicy and crispy. In cooking, it is used to make raisins. The grape variety "black" is not resistant to severe frosts, so it must be insulated before the onset of winter. Also, this variety of raisins is poorly resistant to diseases such as oidium and mildew.
  • « Jupiter". This raisin grape variety is characterized by good frost resistance: it is able to withstand low temperatures within twenty-seven degrees. Berries are oval, red or blue-red in color. The pulp is quite juicy and sweet, tastes like nutmeg.

In addition to the main varieties, there are also other varieties of kishmish grapes, which can be characterized according to this principle:

  • early ripe: "Aphrodite", "lightning", "lotus", "paradise", "rusbol", "citron", "amber", "cocktail", "taiga", "long-awaited", "gin", "attica", "Venus", "Heliodor", "Gold", "Lorus", "Potapenko", "Tsimus", "yasya";
  • mid-season: “white oval”, “premier”, “saturn”, “unique”, “red flame”, “alyonushka”, “dream”;
  • late-ripening: "Novocherkassky", "Arsenevsky".

To date, a lot of raisin grape varieties have been bred. This allows you to choose and grow the one that is more to your taste from the whole variety.

Below is a video description of the grape raisin "century".

Growing: planting, care, pruning

To grow sultana grapes in a garden plot, several conditions must be observed. Planting raisins should be carried out almost at the end of April and until the end of May, when the cold weather passes. The site for growing the plant should be sunny and contain a support along which the vine will curl. The distance between seedlings should not exceed three hundred centimeters.

Fertilizers must be applied to the soil before planting grape seedlings. To do this, first a layer of drainage in the form of gravel is placed in each hole, then a layer of a mixture of humus with sand and soddy soil is placed on top. Next, a support is placed, and then the sprouts are planted and dug in with soil.

Also, seedlings of sultana grapes can be planted in the fall (in early October). However, they require good care: before the first frosts, the seedlings must be covered with a plastic bottle, in which holes must be made for air access. In addition, it is recommended to sprinkle raisin sprouts with peat, sawdust or needles. Other gardeners advise in winter to simply dig in the soil with a hole with a plant.

After the first watering of the plant, mulch must be added to the soil. After three months after planting, the top of each sprout should be pinched.

Now, as for the care of sultana grapes. Many are interested in the question: “How to properly cut young sultana grapes?” In order for raisins to bring a good harvest, you need to prune in the fall. To do this, it is necessary to cut off about twelve eyes, since there should be about twelve vines on one meter of a grape bush. This is done so that the bunches do not overload the grape bushes. It is also necessary to cut off weak vines so that they do not interfere with the normal growth of stronger ones.

The plant needs to be watered constantly. If sultana grapes grow in black soil, then about six buckets of water are required for irrigation. Sandy soil requires approximately nine buckets of water. According to experienced gardeners, raisins need to be watered every four days. Fourteen days before harvest, watering should be reduced, the soil between the bushes is lightly irrigated to maintain moisture.

Before the plant begins to bloom, fertilizer from nitrogen should be applied to the soil, and after that - plantofol, having initially familiarized itself with the conditions of use.

Kishmish grapes are propagated exclusively by cuttings, since there are no seeds or seeds in the fruits of such grapes. Cuttings should be taken only from strong and mature enough bushes that do not get sick and give a good harvest. Cutting is best done in the fall. In length, the stalk should reach about fifty centimeters. It is necessary to plant cuttings in the spring, and before that they must be properly preserved. To do this, bunches of cuttings need to be dipped in a formalin solution (about two hundred milliliters of forty percent formalin are needed per ten liters of water), then put in a dark place, covered with a film and left for about fifteen hours. After that, the film is removed from the cuttings and the pipes are left to air for exactly three hours, and then they are removed and stored until spring.