Having encountered a young man or a girl in his life, we are increasingly trying to search for a compatibility test on the Internet. For this, we look at the horoscopes, we calculate the simple mathematical equations, judging by the blood group, etc. Do you know that compatibility can be determined in the color of the eyes. Yes, yes, quite right - it is exactly the color of the eyes, as it turned out, a lot to say about that or in a person, including compatibility in color of the eyes.


Option One: Brown and Green Eyes

If there were two people, brown eyes and green eyes, then initially their relationship will be completely not even courtesy, and nothing can afford to think that their relationships can develop in a good direction. Cary and green eyes are symbols of fire and water. And as you understand, in nature, they can not exist together, or rather can, but in special cases. Also with people.

Permanent conflicts, different views on certain things, principled - all this on face. But, this is originally and mainly on this and ends. In the event that the owners of these eyes still became friends with each other, their union was doomed to a promising future. Remember the truth - water boils under the influence of fire! This means that the carbohylase is able to stimulate green-eyed to decisive actions, to fight and creativity. And now - what is able to repay the fire? True, only water. That is, green-eyed will always save the brown eyes from unwanted actions.

In this union, mutual understanding remains a very important condition, that is, listen to each other's opinion. And since the leader in such respects still remains water, the fire must remember this every minute!

In the event that a brown eye at least for some time will allow you to take over the palm of the championship, then such a beautiful tandem, most likely collapses. At the same time, the water, the water is rather cool to this, in principle, everything will be taken painless for her, which cannot be said about fire. He will suffer and suffer and suffer.

Option Second: Brown and Gray Eyes

Most likely, you have already had to observe when brown eyes in a relationship observe a certain distance with gray eyes. Such people cannot entrust each other any secrets, and they cannot become close friends. But at the same time such people will never refuse to a friend in the provision of any service. Brown eyes and gray eyes are magnificent work colleagues. They just complement each other.

Getting Started with decisive actions, fire can always hope for the strength, wisdom and confidence of the Earth. And the land, communicating with fire, can always borrow courage and dynamism. And that is why any advice to each other always enjoy success and have the right to life. There is no leader in this tandem, and there can be no leader - everything is interconnected here!

Option Three: Brown and Blue Eyes

The following statement is perfect for such people: "Pyzny - boring, together - closely." Such people are interested in communication, and although sometimes it is not too comfortable, but always good. Good because their communication is not without disputes, prosperity, etc. But they are only excited from this. At the same time, the instigator of all sorts of oscillations, as a rule, always perform brown eyes, because in this union the fire acts as a leader.

Blue eyes do not even claim leadership - they do not need it. But if it becomes bored with brown eyes, he can always run away to the third. The air from such actions is never moral experiences, so such a union has the right to a long existence, but only if the brown eyes are sparing blue eyes, and do not overtake beyond the limits of a dangerous feature.

Option Fourth: Brown and Brown Eyes

Do the brown eyes have compatibility with brown eyes? How do you think. Let's find out. They understand each other perfectly, but sometimes it becomes closely in Tandem, I want freedom, I want to be considered with you, etc. Such people often can drag the blanket on themselves, and if suddenly your ally has success in any matter, it will cause envy, also karyich.

The brown eyes can be mutually weave intrigue, but at the same time understand exactly: if you need a help hand, you will always withdraw it without informing it. And such assistance is usually always disinterested.

Relationship between brown eyes is always durable and fruitful, especially if you are united by one goal in life or at work. You are always in Tandem to give good rebuff to your "enemy" - a harmful chief, neighbor, company, etc. But in the event that you will not have such an enemy, then in order to "smash the muscles", you can read each other. Remember that there will be no winner in such battles - you both lose, and think about why? Ah, these brown eyes ...

Option Fifth: Gray and Blue Eyes

You can not be very different and friendship between you. Mutual activation is manifested in your relationship. If the air becomes the wind, then it will sweat the water without problems, it will replenish it, the shielding, worsens ... And this indicates that blue eyes can inspire green eyes at a decisiveness, on movement and searching for a new one. Water can achieve a lot in their lives, especially if it responds to the wind appeal.

All this is good, but the wind waves can extinguish ...


Neither the gesture, nor the word can not give a person like eyes. No wonder the eyes are considered a mirror of the soul. A person who has health, will and temperament often has beautiful and attractive eyes. Big eyes testify to the courage, the presence of leadership qualities, emotionality and sensitivity. But the owners of large dreamy eyes talking about the artisticity of nature sometimes oppose the truth. Large eyes with a twinkle, with live glitter characterize a person as an amicant, aspiring to power.

Little eyes, on the contrary, belong to people closed, gloomy and non-pass. But they differ in constancy of views and beliefs. Eyes are of different colors and shades. Each eye color is informing something to us, saying something. Black, brown and green eyes talk about the energetic person; Blue - about emotionality; Light brown - about shyness; Gray - about constancy and loyalty.

Eyes can still be divided into several signs: Dry eyes talk about vanity; wet - about eloquence; Restless - about the feeling of guilt; Deeply planted - about high morality and courage; convex - about underdevelopment in intellectual plan; Pensive - about impressionability, tenderness and abilities on a musical field. There is a theory that is based on the combination of color of the partners. This theory is designed for women and for men.

If you have blue, blue or gray eyes

When choosing a partner, rejoice more on logic than emotions. In no case are not marked by the calculation, it promises you misfortune and troubled life.

Partner's eye color:
1. Blue, blue, gray. In the young years, your partner will attract you very much, especially your adventurous actions, but after years it will start taking you. Partners with thy color are good for irregular meetings. Marriages between serulyzimi partners often disintegrate. Therefore, refrain from criticism and desire to releasing each other.

2. Brown. It is not easy to achieve reciprocity, but this combination is considered very good for a serious relationship. In this case, if you want to keep a long good relationship, the criticism of the partner is excluded completely, and it is necessary to learn to guess the desires of the partner. Even his guilt will have to take over. Marriages with carboylase are good. But over time, deep disappointment may come, especially if the woman wants to seem weak and defenseless.

3. GREEN. If the heart of the green-eyed partner is busy, then do not even take attempts to take possession of them, it will be a short connection. To cope with green-eyed, you just need to match his ideal, and learn how to think, talk and dress, like her (Him) like it. Green-eyed woman is a wonderful wife. She is faithful, caring, much will forgive and always come to the rescue. The green-eyed man, on the contrary, tired his woman with stiff requirements, and will be wary of literally to each step.

4. gray-carie. These people are completely unpredictable and do not look for some logic in their actions. However, such a partner is a wonderful couple for you. With him your life will definitely not be boring.

5. gray-green-carie. Bring such a partner to themselves will not be difficult, but over time, infidelity can destroy your relationship. Mixed eye type suggests that the partner is able to obey someone else's will. Bring such a partner to yourself you can only suppress his personality.

6. SERO GREEN. This type of eye needs a weak partner. If you decide to attend, it is easy to rush to search for someone else. Here you need to be afraid of not strong, but weak competitors.

7. Green-carie. In communicating with this partner you will need self-confidence. Feelings to him are contradictory: then his helplessness repels, it attracts.

If you have green eyes

Consent with ourselves is the main thing in the life of green-eyed partners. The green-eyed man is a strong shoulder for his family and a patron of all who protects. Green-eyed woman can rush at any time to help those who need. Green-eyed really want to be loved and give their partner with incredible love.

Partner's eye color:
1. Blue, blue, gray. Green-eyed and people with cold eyes, like a magnet, pulls each other. They quickly converge and the relationship proceeds violently, but they can also end up quickly, and even mutual dislike. Green-eyed should not be afraid to show that they need a partner and do not try to "iron him against wool", it will only lead to parting.

2. Brown. Bagglazaya Woman is always ready to be a faithful companion and take into account the interests of his green-eyed man. In this case, in this case, the man does not need to "exercise a stick" and demand the impossible. This can cause a resentment and then the situation can become unmanageable. The passion of the carbonous man calms down very quickly, but later it will be possible to count on loyalty and on the prerequisite care for children.

3. GREEN. This is a wonderful couple. As they say, for life. Only it is impossible to allow even small conflicts and quarrels, otherwise the small crack in your relationship can turn into the abyss.

4. gray-carie. You will never be boring together for sure, but it is fraught with contradictions and will not lead to anything good. If you need peace, then it is better not to even meet such partners.

5. gray-green-carie. This is a partner that must be patronized and be responsible for him. If you do not want to offend such a person, and to offend him - it's like to offend a child, go around. Remember Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those who have tamed."

6. SERO GREEN. Color combination of green and gray-green eyes conflict. Do not impose your views and interests to the partner. Be indulgence to each other, and then your union will be long and happy.

7. Green-carie. This is a very good combination of living together. You both will feel the attention and care from each other. The criticism of the partner will not damage relations in this pair, and on the contrary will serve as a manifestation of interest in him.

If you have brown eyes

The ability to like everyone and everyone, charm and attractiveness - these are the main advantages of the holders of the brown eyes. All that is written about the brown eyes, with the same justice can be attributed to the owners of ferrous eyes.

Partner's eye color:
1. Blue, blue, gray. People with cold-color eyes and carbohylase can make an almost perfect pair, if Karcheglase did not blame their partner in inconsistency. After all, it is difficult to achieve love of such a person, and losing is very easy.

2. Brown. In this union you are equal. Offend and conflict will not. "Mile is worried - only to themes," this is about you. But sometimes the similarity of characters can be more dangerous than the difference.

3. GREEN. Passion from them can not be expected. Complaints of your character you are hardly hearing from green-eyed. It is better to negotiate with them and act according to the laws, in advance, and then you will acquire a reliable partner.

4. gray-carie. This is a very dangerous couple. Here it is already in advance the possibility of breaking relationships. But if it still happens, do not hold the partner, most likely, he cares and returns, as if nothing had happened.

5. gray-green-carie. If the owner (owner) of such eyes, suddenly decides to conquer you, then the head awaits you, which is better not to succumb. Otherwise, she will quickly disappoin to you, and you will also be to blame.

6. SERO GREEN. This union will be quite successful, a friendly relationship becomes a partner. In this case, we are not talking about a dazzling passion, but about the partnership, about mutual respect.

7. Green-carie. Constancy Here is the motto of these relations. Novelty in relationships can scare a partner. Save the habits of the period of love, and the partner will gladly fulfill your whims.

If you have gray-green eyes

Usually you choose a partner. You largely depend on the opinions of friends. If they do not like your chosen one, you can easily break up with it. Therefore, it should be traced that your partner finds a common language and with your friends.

Partner's eye color:
1. Blue, blue, gray. This union is similar to the partnership of two people united by friendship. It seems that you have long known. Do not put pressure on each other, demanding the impossible and then everything will be fine with you.

2. Brown. Karglase seem for carriers of gray-green eyes are not independent, and they constantly feel their responsibility towards them. For a man, the Union with the carrage special will be marked by stability in relations and feelings; For a woman - happiness that will be on the background of concern for the fate of his chosen one.

3. GREEN. In this union, you should not focus on the social difference if it is. Enjoy each other, and then your life will be calm and happy.

4. gray-carie. You will immediately want to communicate with the owner of gray-brown eyes. They will call you delight and admiration. However, this novel can not be called successful. But as a result, all the same friendships will remain.

5. gray-green-carie. This union can be strong and stable if you look at the elect (chief) through your fingers and you will not notice it (her) disadvantages. Caprises and injections add to each other can cool feelings.

6. Green-carie. For you, this is the perfect partner. For quiet and calm relationship, it is better not to find. But incorrecting habits and views can overshadow your happiness.

7. SERO GREEN. You will be too similar with a partner, it can lead to a coldness in a relationship, even after a stormy novel. Responsibility for each other can save your relationship. And the impact will also have belonging to the social circle, the main lack of social inequality.

If you have a gray-brown eye

Holders of gray-brown eyes are contradictory people. At one time they want to obey, to another - to subordinate. It's quite difficult to get along with such a person, he can break a lot of destinies, but himself does not get happy. It will continue until you find a couple for many years.

Partner's eye color:
1. Blue, blue, gray. You can relax with this person. It will be fascinated by your character and will understand your faders with understanding. This person is a find for family life.

2. Brown. What to say, this union is not for you. Karich's eye holders will be interested in themselves more than you, and it is not acceptable to you. Relationships are practically no possible.

3. GREEN. Green-eyed can conquer you with their loyalty and devotion. But they will demand this and from you. Errors, they do not forgive. If you still decide for marriage with green-eyed (green-eyed), then it should be remembered that it is not necessary to be overly open and sincere.

4. gray-carie. In this union it is important to compromise. Rales can be painful and heavy. You initially so charming partner that get blind, and weakness you are ready to take for strength. First you rule over the partner, then he is on you.

5. gray-green-carie. These are people who may be close to you since first glance. But between you and the partner there should be a distance, otherwise you risks to get under the mood of the partner's mood with gray-green-brown eyes.

6. SERO GREEN. The short union is guaranteed to you, because your partner can only have a person who shares all your dreams and impulses.

7. Green-carie. This person is not for you. The relationship between you is unlikely to arise, therefore there are no prospects.

According to the studies of American scientists, the inner power of a person directly depends on the color of his eyes. Previously, we already wrote that the eye color determines the character of a person. And now we will talk about the love compatibility of people, which can be established on the basis of this theory. What partner fits you in the color of the eyes?

Karglase with carragelasm. Partners with such an eye are well understood by each other, but they are not so easy and easy to get along with one roof. They will constantly fight for leadership in a pair, envy the success of each other and even build a goat. But when someone in this pair will need help, another will definitely respond and will do everything to resolve the problem. The union of two carrage glasses is good if both have any single goal and together it is achieved.

Karglase with green-ventilation. Compatibility in the love of this pair is good. Everyone will refuel the green-eyed. And if his carbohylase partner perceives this as proper, the relationship will develop in a positive direction. Such a couple will perfect each other perfectly. In order to avoid mistakes, they should easily listen to each other's advice.

Karaglase with serunezim. There is no obvious leader in this union. For such a pair, mutual respect and support. But, most often, people with such eyes are far from each other at the spiritual level. It is difficult for them to admit to each other and talk to frank topics. In order to preserve the relationship, you will need to show more openness and trust.

Karaglase with blue-eyed. In this pair, many passions and contradictions. The relationship of Karglase and Blue-eyed is like a volcano. They are very interesting together. Oddly enough, but communication in this union is reduced to mutual reproaches, tips, disputes and provocations. And it suits both. As a rule, in such a pair, the leader and instigator of all emotional shake is the carrage. This is completely tripled. Sometimes, however, the leader can pass a stick, which will provoke blue-eyed to rapid acts and even treason. In order to preserve the previous feelings in relationships, the carbonous times should calm down to somehow balance the relationship.

Green-eyed with blue-eyed. The love compatibility of partners in this pair is not quite successful. There is no trust and sincerity between them. However, despite this, one will complement the other. Blue-eyed can inspire green-eyed on active actions and creative ascent, and he, in turn, will give him support and mutual assistance. Relationships in such a couple are most likely will not be strong, since one partner will constantly press another.

Green-eyed with green-ventilation. This union is successful. People in such a pair perfectly understand each other. They are frank and able to share everything that is happening in the shower. In any situation, they will support each other and will never condemn. Destroy such an alliance can be measured life and jealousy. So this pair must be done everything to diversify your relationship and not give reasons for jealousy.

Green-eyed with serunezim. This union has excellent compatibility in love and marriage. But under one condition: if the leader is serulygic. He will be able to send the energy of his partner in need the channel and helps him become more successful and achieve a lot. In exchange for this, seruginous should support green-eyed, create comfort and console in a difficult moment.

Blue-eyed with serobismism. In this pair there is little common among people. Their love compatibility is unlikely. Most often, the romance of blue-eyed and serunous lasts long, and together they hold simple curiosity. The leader in this union is blue-eyed. If his serum partner suddenly wants to stand at the head of the relationship, then love will collapse as a card house.

Blue-eyed with blue-eyed. Supplement in love This pair is high. Partners are interested in spending time with each other, they both strive for lightness and romance. Their union can destroy life and everyday home care. In order to preserve the relationship, they need to go together to one goal and have more similar interests.

Seruogrozzy with serobismism. Such an union is built on mutually beneficial conditions and support. People just comfortably next to each other. Special feelings to each other they rarely experience. However, their pair has strong support and mutual respect. All this makes the Union so strong that any difficulties are under force.

The definition of love compatibility with the color partner will help not only find out if you come to each other or not. You can also identify strengths and weaknesses in your relationship and find the way to go both to strengthen and save happiness in your relationship. Be happy in love! And do not forget to press and

19.10.2013 12:14

In color, you can learn a lot about a person. Including how good ...

Wise people say that eyes are a soul mirror. Based on this approval, it becomes clear that the eyes are the main structural part of our body, which gives the most complete information about all internal psychological and emotional features.

Many psychologists seeking to determine the prospects for the development of relations between people, one of the main factors determine the color compatibility. How can this be done, now let's try to tell.

So, people with usually know what they want, and confidently go to the goal. The character and mood is very volatile: then cheerful, then sad, then thoughtful. Enough Pleasters, allow others to lead themselves, but only until a certain point. If you overtake the stick in the "domination" above them, they may be rigidly revenge and quickly will understand what should not be done. Elements of these personalities - water.

Karglase and emotional. Often cause conflict, confident in their rightness, straightforward. Envy, tend to intrigue. But if a person needs their help, unconditionally and quickly provide it, using all its capabilities.

Compatibility to determine quite difficult, because some people have blurred eyes, fuzzy, fuzzy. Yes, and exceptions are enough everywhere. Described, as a rule, classical cases.

Blue-eyed representatives are subject to air elements: romantic, sentimental, are inconstant in relations, entirely depend on their mood.

People with gray eyes are representatives of the earthly element: leopard, calm, easy to communicate. Balanced, but if they are taken out of themselves, not to decide anyone.

Compatibility of people in color eye is observed as follows:

  1. Green-eyed - green-eyed (water element - water element). This union is a tandem of mutual understanding and support from both partners. Relationships will be built on trust and love. However, the long-term union is fraught with the fact that partners will simply get together. Feelings can be stuck, so they must be constantly refreamed. Another Beach of these relationships is jealous: if it is too much, there will be a constant battle between people and contradiction. Moreover, here, as in war, all means will be good.
  2. Compatibility of the color of the eyes between the green-eyed and the cararelase partners is defined as initially incredible, but as a result of strong and durable. Fire (brown eyes) warms water: pushes the partner to the action. The relationship will lead water. If the fire tries to take the dominant position, the union sends.
  3. Green-eyed - blue-eyed (water element - aerial element) - the union is practically impossible. Constant disputes, prosperity, but also mutually beneficial communication. You can get a lot from communication, but it is rare to meet, but to maximize the benefit of this.
  4. Green-eyed - Seruoglas (Water Elements - Earth poems). Compatibility of eye colors in this case is very promising. But only if the leader will be an artistic partner. He will be supported, and support will help to achieve green-eyed a lot in life.
  5. Carbonous-carbonous. Compatibility in the color of the eyes in this case is very ambiguous: understanding at the highest level, but the mutual coexistence is problematic. Relationships are usually just friendly. If you have a common opponent, you can unite against him. If you fight with each other, you will die together.
  6. Karglase - blue-eyed (fire element - air element) Union emotional and active. Partners constantly heat the relationship with disputes and shakements. The most important thing is not to overload the stick (I started the carrageglose here).
  7. Karglase - Seruoglasie (fire-earth). Relationships are equal, there is no leader. Pretty Tandem in work. In privacy, strive for mutual respect.
  8. Blue-eyed - blue-eyed. Positive relationships, the union is strong and favorable, especially if the interests of partners coincide.
  9. Blue-eyed - artistic (air-land). Points of contact is not enough, the Union is working. If the seruginous will dominate, the blue-eyed partner will leave and will not prove his point of view.
  10. Seruoglasy-serulyasy. Relationships are built on the benefit, there are no romance in them. Good luck will be accompanied only under the condition of an equal contribution to your union, mutual respect.

It should once again note that the color compatibility is composed on the basis of astrological coincidences and centuries-old observations. But this is not a guide to action! Your happiness depends entirely on you!

The recent surveys of American scientists confirmed the fact that the internal force of each person directly depends on the color of his eyes. He will also determine the character of a person, often affects life in general. There is a theory that determines love color compatibility.

How does the eye color affect the character?

There is a theory that the color of the eyes and a group of human blood is directly connected. And while scientists are just looking for a way to confirm such an assumption, it is already known that the nature of the owner depends on the colorage. To ensure that it is enough to just watch your close, familiar, colleagues and simultaneous people. Often, the color of the eye affects some of the properties of nature - the character is determined:

  • Karglase people are witty enough to become a soul of the company, they are rather emotional and sociable. However, they are often strongly offended, and they apply to them a soul wound quite simple. But all this does not prevent them from being hardworking, diligent and dreamy.
  • Green-eyed people are pretty straightforward, slyers and stubborn, often categorical and principled. They have a pretty high temperament, differ by the passion of nature and in love.
  • Blue-eyed people are sentimental, their mood can be changeable, and flashed soft. However, they can also become a soul of the company, often come to revenue, accept someone else's suffering as their own.
  • Holders of kara-green eyes are creative people, wounded and passionate, they can dive into despondency, while often even in critical situations can keep the vigor of spirit and optimism.

Those who have gray eyes inherent in the courage of nature, purposefulness and severe will, but such people can be dismissible, and pretty cruel. And if the color of the eyes and blood type are not always connected, the scientists are practically not mistaken with character and compatibility. So, at the owners of gray-green eyes, there are quite often such features of character, as a focus on the result, sociability, trick, courage and passion. However, it is not worth only in the color of the color of the conclusions about a particular person, it is important to communicate with him to draw out their own conclusions and not mistaken.

How to determine the color of the eyes?

Finding out how to determine the color of the eyes, you should contact the observations of scientists. They determined that there are only 8 paintings of the eye:

  • blue,
  • grey,
  • brown,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • red (iris color with such rare disease, like albinism),
  • walnut,
  • amber.

Many want to learn how to determine the color of the eyes. However, one glance in the mirror will not be enough for those who have no clean, but mixed shade. However, even for such cases there is a hint, how to accurately determine the color of the eyes. A special scale of Martin-Schulz has long been developed. To answer the question of accurately, you can go to the Anthropology Institute and use the Special Program. However, it is enough to know exactly the names of all shades to learn how to determine the color of the eyes. Just comply with several rules to get the most accurate answer:

  1. Wear a neutral tint t-shirt.
  2. Wait for the day - it is possible to determine the correct tone only with natural light.
  3. View in the mirror and determine the shade.

It is important that the person at the time of such mini-research has experienced strong emotion and was in a comfortable environment. Otherwise, the pupil can expand or narrow, which distorts the result.

Correctly learn the shade is needed to correctly determine the color compatibility.

What does eye color depend on?

Statistics of the eye color changes from the place of residence of the owner. In Africa there are more carbohylase people than in Norway or other countries of Scandinavia. This is a proven fact, like that of what the color of the eyes depends. The shade is determined by the number of melanin - painting pigment - in the iris. The final color of the eye is determined by the thickness and number of melanin, which also affects the skin color, the number of moles, hair color.

At one time, scientists set forth the goal of finding out what the color of the eyes depends. During the test, it was found out that the more melanin, the darker the shade of the eyes. This directly affects the tone of the hair. It is because it often happens that blondes have blue eyes, and brunettes are brown.

However, in some cases there may be exceptions. Nature itself determines how the eye color will depend on, and therefore some people get "soul mirrors" of different colors. This phenomenon was called heterochronis, when two eyes have different shades or even one - several colors. This can not be called a serious illness, and no one will treat it.

What is the color statistics of the eyes?

Statistics of the eye color will vary depending on the place of residence of people. Climatic zones, light strength strength, temperature regime and genetic predisposition - all this affects. In Scandinavia, more light-eyed people, in Asia and Africa - carbonous. Statistics of the color of the eyes in Russia also varies somewhat depending on the climatic zone and the nationality of the owner. On the middle of the country, most of the sermoral people (their 50%), the holders of Karich and the marsh shade of the eyes are a total of 25%. But the share of serublas and blue-eyeds accounts for a total of 20%. Green and black shades are considered the most rare - there are only 5% of them at all.

The indicated data allowed to determine the compatibility of eye colors.

Love compatibility

Scientists have proven that there is some regularity when choosing a partner for marriage and love. There is a certain color compatibility, which derived patterns and "formulas".

Color Compatibility - Karglase with Karglazy

Partners will be perfectly understood each other, put in chapter common interests. However, the compatibility of the color of the eyes in this case cannot be called perfect, since both strong personality will be measured by the characters and the power of the Spirit. The Union will be durable and durable, if people have common interests and there is one goal for two.

Karglase and green-eyed

People will be able to form a pretty durable alliance that will develop in a positive atmosphere. These are people who will be able to listen to each other and feel the mood. However, the green-eyed man is dominated most often in such a union.

Eye color compatibility - Seruoglasie and carbonous

In this case, the compatibility of people in the color of the eyes is possible. In such a pair there will be no obvious leaders, it is important only for the goal to be united. Otherwise, people can become distant on the emotional plan, and therefore conversations for souls and intimate topics will be stretched. It is important to reveal to the partner and enter the trust relationship to save the relationship.

Carbonous and blue-eyed

These relationships will never be smooth and quiet, will always resemble the volcano passion. It is often in pairs and provocations, disputes, but it is precisely such a procedure for relationships and arranges two. In order to balance the attitude, it is precisely the judgmental Karglase who often has to "come" to their interests and act for the common benefit.

Blue-eyed and carbonous

It is not always a successful compatibility of eye colors, because there is no confidence between rather emotional and wounded people. Each partners want more attention to their side. However, not everything is so sad - creative people will be able to fold the perfect pair, because they will have common, although not always interests. The world of Bohemia attracts both partners, and therefore there are common interests.

Eyes color compatibility - green-eyed with green-ventures

This is a rather successful union in which people live in the interests of each other and perfectly understand the soul mate. At any time they are ready to support each other, and therefore partners are always interested and good together.

Seruralous and green-eyed

If the leader is a gray eye owner, everything will be folded successfully. It is he who is able to send the energy of his beloved to the right channel, and therefore there will always be silence and comfort in the house.

Sergious and blue-eyed

Little common between two people, and therefore compatibility is unlikely. The novel will be bright, but in a speed. Seruogrozzy will definitely want to be the leader, which is not always like blue-eyed, which leads to the collapse of the relationship.

Color compatibility - blue-eyed blue-eyed

High degree of confidence and common interests, similarity of characters and federation - all this is only a union that will be harmonious and long. Romance in the shower and color-compatible blue-eyed color will be restricted, even in everyday life.

Seruoglasie and seruragraphs

These are real leaders who in alliance with themselves can well give and be fit. Cutout and understanding - often becomes the basis where there may not be love, and therefore it can be the most successful color compatibility.