6. Cases

Cases determine the syntactic functions of words in a Korean sentence.

For example)

철수가 공을 쳤어요. - Cheol-soo hit the ball.
공이 철수를 쳤어요. - The ball hit Cheol-soo.

Basic case

은 / 는
The name, which is the subject of the sentence, is drawn up in the main case
(when the word ends in a consonant) or (when the word ends in a vowel).

For example)

책 book - 책은 , 노트
notebook - 노트는

Nominative 이 / 가
The subject most often has the form of the nominative case in sentences, where it is a means of expressing an unknown, new subject of thought and, unlike the subject,
formalized in the main case, cannot be omitted, as there will immediately be ambiguity,
who or what is being talked about, as, for example, in sentences like "It's raining."

It serves to express the belonging of an object, and also expresses attributive relations in general, for example: 남동생의 노트 - Little brother's notebook.

It serves to formalize the circumstance of a place, i.e. answers the question "where", with verbs,
denoting inactive actions, for example:
서울에 있다 - to be in Seoul; may indicate
on the direction of action with verbs of motion, i.e. answers the question "where", for example:
학교에 가다 - Go to school; can formalize the circumstance of the time of the action,
those. answers the question "when", for example:
저녁에 - In the evening; can also denote the addressee of the action, corresponding to the Russian "what" or "to whom" (in the case of animate names
nouns has the form
에게), for example: 한국에 편지를 보내다 - send a letter to
친구에게 편지를 보내다 - send a letter to a friend.

local case 에서
Serves to formalize the circumstance of place with verbs denoting active
action and answers the question "where", for example:
대학교에서 공부하다 - study at university; can also indicate the place where the action comes from, corresponding to the Russian "from", "from", "from", for example: 한국에서 왔다 - come from Korea; may indicate the person from whom
the action comes, corresponding to the Russian "from whom" (in this case it takes the form
에게서), for example: 부모님에게서 편지를 받다 - receive letters from parents.

Accusative/ 를
Decorates the action object, or direct object, i.e. answers the question "what", for example: 신문 을 보다 - read a newspaper. Formused when the stem ends in a consonant, and when the stem ends in a vowel.

Instrumental case () 로
Denotes a tool or means of performing an action, i.e. answers the question "how", "what", for example: 볼펜 으로 쓰다 - write with pen; indicates the place towards which
an action is performed, i.e. answers the question "where", for example:
학교 로 가다 - Go to school;
denotes the reason for which or for the sake of which an action is performed, i.e. the meaning of the case in this case is conveyed by the Russian words "because of", "because of", for example:
급한 일 로 서울에 가다 - go to Seoul on an urgent matter; instrumental form attached to nouns with final vowel or finalㄹ (ex.: 노트 , 연필 ); To
nouns ending in a consonant are joined with the form
(ex.: 볼펜 으로 ).

Joint case 와/과
Corresponds to the Russian connecting union "and" and the preposition "s" ("together with"). For example: 여동생과 조카 - younger sister and nephew 조카와 - (together) with a nephew.
For example) 서울에 가요 . - I'm going to Seoul. 학교에서 공부해요 . - Study at school. 택시로 가요 . - I'm going to

In Korean, as in English, nouns do not have a gender category, but change in number and case. Also, there are no articles in Korean.

The plural is formed very simply - by adding the ending rear/dyl. For example: chip"house" - chiptul"Houses", ce"bird" - saddle"birds". However, if you have already indicated that there are several objects, for example, using the words yORO"several" or mani"a lot", and also if you specified the exact number of items, for example Tu haxen“two students”, then the plural ending is usually omitted, because it is already clear that the subject is not one.

Now let's move on to cases. Let's say right away that, unlike most European languages ​​(Russian, German or Latin), Korean does not have noun declension types. However, some cases do have two variants of the case ending, but it is very simple to determine when which variant should be used - it depends on whether the word ends in a vowel or a consonant.

Nominative , denoting the subject of the sentence, answers the question “who? What?". The word in this case gets the ending -And if it ends in a consonant, for example chip - chibi"house", Saram - sarami"man" and ending -ha- if it ends in a vowel: ke - kega"dog", chingu - chinguga"Friend".

Accusative denoting the object of the proposal and answering the question “who? What?" also has two endings. After the consonant is placed -eul: saramyl pomida"I see a person" chaegul iksimnida"reading a book". After the vowel, put -snout: succheril hamnida"doing my homework" mekchuryl masimnida"drinking beer".

The dative case has only one ending, -e. This case has several meanings. First, it indicates the time, for example that this"at two o'clock" Chinan hee"last year". Please note that the words oneil"Today", nail"Tomorrow", Oje"yesterday" is usually used without any endings: Oje Chkhinguryl Mannassymnida"I met a friend yesterday" neil kykchanyro kagessymnida"I'm going to the theater tomorrow."
Secondly, the dative case can indicate direction (where to?). For example: Hakkyoe kamenida"I'm going to school" chibe toravassymnida"I returned home." However, it is rarely used in this sense.
The third function of the dative case is to indicate location (where?). Here there is some difference from the Russian language. When we speak Russian, we use the same case in sentences like “he is listening to music at home” or “he is at home now”. In Korean, these sentences will use different cases. The dative is used when someone is somewhere or is absent. Accordingly, it is used with verbs itta"to be, to be, to have" and Wholesale"to be absent, to be absent." For example koyaniga panye Opsymnida"there is no cat in the room" khaksendyri kyosire issymnida"Students are in the classroom."

As for the place where the action takes place, it is indicated by a special local case, which has the ending -esO and also answers the question "where?", for example: konjjanyeO kynmukhamnida"work at the factory", tehakkyoesO konbukhamnida"study at university". Another meaning of the locative "of, from", for example chibesO nagassymnida"I've left home", khangugesAbout vassymnida"came from Korea."

To the question "to whom?" answers the dative case of a person with the ending -ege. In oral speech, its substitute is also used -hanthe. For example: hyeonyege japjireul chuossoyo“I gave my elder brother a magazine.” To the question "from whom?" answers the local case of the person, ending -egesO or in colloquial -hanthesO: pumoegesoh hyonjireul padassoyo"I received a letter from my parents."

The instrumental case has two endings: -ro after vowels and -yro after consonants. For example: machhiro mosyl paksymnida"I hammer a nail with a hammer" kyohvero kamenida"I'm going to church" hangunmallo marhamnida"I speak Korean." This case denotes the direction of movement and as such is used much more frequently than the dative case. For example: soullo kamenida"I'm going to Seoul." The instrumental case also indicates a mode of action: Posyro Kamenida"I'm going by bus (by bus)", khyn soriro vechimnida"screams in a loud voice" phokhyro moksimnida"I eat with a fork", yysaro irhamnida"I work as a doctor." In addition, it means "through", for example suphyro korogamnida“I walk through the forest (forest)”; "because of": pyongyro hakkyoe an vassymnida“He didn’t come to school because of illness.”

The genitive case has an ending th, which is pronounced like e. He answers the question "whose". For example: harabojie angyon"grandfather's glasses", hyongye chajeongoh"big brother bike". Note that the word ending -e is always placed before the word to which it is a definition. If in Russian we say "my friend's car", then in Korean the word order will be "my friend's car" - ne chingue chadongcha and nothing else.

In addition, the Korean language has a special connecting case that replaces the unions "and" and "with" and connects two nouns. It has an ending -va after vowels and -kwa/gwa after consonants. He also has conversational options. -hago And -range after vowels and -yran after vowels. For example: Chinguwa Narani Anja IssOyo“I am sitting shoulder to shoulder with a friend”; sungsaengnimgwa jeomsimul mogOssOyo“I had lunch with the teacher”; nahago yoja chinguga paro cayo"My friend and I are going to a bar." In Korean, there is a union "with" - mit, but it is used mainly in the book language.

Now consider the main particles. In Korean, particles such as "too", "or", etc. are attached to nouns, as are case endings. In this case, the particles usually displace the endings of the nominative and accusative cases, but are combined with the rest of the case endings.

Particle then/to has the meaning "too", for example: It is necessary khancharyl peuryOgo khamnida"I'm also going to learn hieroglyphs"; Gee Sarami Shinmundo IlgOyo He also reads newspapers.

Particle man means "only": Gee yojaga tosOsiresoman sukchereul heyo“She only does her homework in the reading room.”

Particle Mada means "each", for example: nalmada suyOnyl hamnida"I swim every day" hemada ilbonyro cayo“I go to Japan every year.”

Particle chhorom means "as, like, like": Cheolsuga sagwa chhorom ppalgaejiOssOyo“Cheolsu blushed like an apple”; And aiga oryn chhorom marhamnida This child is speaking like an adult.

Particle putho/butho means "from, from". Unlike the case ending -esO used primarily in the temporal meaning "from some time", for example: MyOs si butho suObyl sijakhamnikka?"From what time do you start classes?"; Ahop si buthO irhamnida"We've been working since nine o'clock."

Particle kkaji means "before", is used in both temporal and spatial meaning "to some place, time". For example: tu shi kkaji oseyo"come before two o'clock"; sodaemun kkaji capsida"Let's go to the West Gate." This particle can be combined with -esO, so with putho/butho, For example: ahop si butho tu si kkaji konbukhamnida"We study from nine to two o'clock."

The most difficult is the application of the particle -un/now. Usually it forms the subject and in this case is close in meaning to the end of the nominative case. However, there is a difference. Ending -i/ha forms some new information, while -un/now shows that we are talking about something already known. At the same time, the subject with the particle -un/now can be omitted (because it is already clear from the context), and the subject with the ending -i/ha- No.

Consider the following example:

And sarami chanmuneul remember This man is looking out the window.

And saramyn chanmuneul remember This man is looking out the window.

The first sentence answers the question: “who is looking out the window?”. The second sentence answers the question “what is this person doing?”. It can be shortened to Changmunul remember, omitting the subject, since it is already clear who is being referred to.

Particle -un placed after a consonant, a particle -now after a vowel: Saramyn, changmunun, caneun, ainin.

This brief outline of the morphology of the Korean language is intended to introduce one of the most interesting languages ​​of the Far East.


Nouns in Korean do not have a gender category, but are inflected by case and number. The plural is formed by adding the ending -tyl (-dyl) to the stem. For example: saram "person" - saramdyl "people", chip "house" - chiptyl "at home". The plural is usually not used if the exact number of objects is named, but it is said that there are several, many or few of them, or their exact number is named, that is, in cases where it is already clear from the context that there are several objects.

The main case in Korean does not have an ending, it matches the form that is listed in the dictionary. The nominative case (who? what?) has the ending -i after a consonant and -ga after a vowel, for example: saram-i “man”, ke-ga “dog”.

The genitive case (whose?) has the ending -e, while the word in the genitive case precedes the word to which it is a definition. That is, in Korean, the word order will not be "student's book", but "student's book": haksengye chaek (hakseng "student", chaek "book").

The accusative case (whom? what?) has the ending -ul after a consonant and -ryl after a vowel, for example: chaek "book" - chaegul "book"; ke "dog" - caryl "dog".

The dative case of a person (to whom?) has the ending -ege, for example: aboji "father" - abojiege "father".

The dative case in Korean has the ending -e and several meanings. Firstly, it denotes the time of action, for example: achhim "morning" - achhime "morning". Secondly, it shows the direction of movement, for example, hakkyo "school" - hakkyo "to school". Thirdly, it indicates location and is used with the verbs itta "to be, have" and opta "not to be, not to be", for example: hakkyo-e itta "to be at school", chibe opta "not to be at home".

The local case has the ending -eso. First of all, it means a place of action and is used with active verbs, for example: irhada "to work" - hakkyeso irhada "to work at school". Its other meaning is “from, from” (in space), for example: chibeso nagada “to leave the house”.

The local case of the person has the ending -egeso and answers the question "from whom?", for example: omoni "mother" - homoniyegeso "from mother".

The instrumental case has the ending -ro after a vowel and l, and -yro after a consonant. First of all, it means an instrument of action (by whom? What?), for example: yysa "doctor" - yysaro irhada "to work as a doctor"; mannyeongphil "fountain pen" - mannyeongphillo ssyda "to write with a pen", yeolchha "train" - yeolchharo kada "to travel by train". Another meaning of this case is the direction of movement, for example: hakkyoro kada "to go to school."

The connective case ends in -va after a vowel and -kva/gva after a consonant. It corresponds to the Russian conjunctions “i” and “s” and connects two nouns, for example: chingu “friend” - chinguwa “with a friend”, nampyeong “husband” - nampyeonggwa “with her husband”.


Personal pronouns. There are two pronouns for "I" in Korean, cho (more formal) and na (less formal). In the nominative case, they have the forms chega and nega, respectively.
We are uri (less formal), chokhi (more formal)
You - but (in the nominative case niga)
You are Nochi
He is ky
She is a kinyo
They are scumbags

Possessive pronouns are formed by adding the genitive ending -e. The pronouns choe, nae (my) and noe (your) have abbreviated forms che, ne and ni.

There are three demonstrative pronouns:
And - indicates an object located next to the speaker
Ky - indicates an object located next to the interlocutor or mentioned in the conversation
Cho - indicates an object remote from both speakers.

There are also three pronouns denoting a place:

Yogi is here
Kogi is there
Chogi - over there

Pronouns change by case in the same way as nouns.


There are two types of numerals in Korean: native Korean (from 1 to 99) and borrowed from Chinese (from zero to infinity).

Native Korean numerals

Khan - 1
tul - 2
set - 3
no - 4
tasot - 5
Yosot - 6
ilgop - 7
yodol - 8
ahop - 9
spruce - 10

Names of tens

symul - 20
soryn - 30
mahyn - 40
pig - 50
yesun - 60
irhyn - 70
Yodeun - 80
akhyn - 90

el tasot - 15; simul tul - 22, akhyn akhop - 99

The numerals khana, tul, set, no, simul have the form khan, tu, se, not, simu before nouns, for example, tu saram “two people”, mekchu simu penh “twenty bottles of beer”.

Chinese numerals

il - 1
and 2
himself - 3
sa - 4
o - 5
yuk - 6
chil - 7
phal - 8
ku - 9
sip - 10

isip - 20, osip - 50, yuksipsam - 63, chilsipphal - 78

pack - 100
cheong - 1000
man - 10 000
penman - 1000 000
cheonman - 10,000,000
ok - 100 000 000

Ordinal pronouns are formed in native Korean numerals with the ending -che, for example, tasotchche - fifth, in Chinese numerals - with the prefix che-, for example, chesam - third.

Korean alphabet

The Korean alphabet is called Hangul and contains forty letters. The order of writing letters is from left to right and from top to bottom.

Paired consonants

ㄱ - q/g
ㄷ – t/d
ㅂ – p/b
ㅈ - h/j

These letters are read dull at the beginning and end of the word. In the middle, words are voiced after voiced consonants and in positions between vowels. In other cases, they are also read deafly.

Voiced consonants

ㄴ - n
ㄹ - l / r
ㅁ - m
ㅇ - nasal n (nb)

The letter ㄹ at the beginning of the word is read as "r", at the end of the word as "l". In the middle of a word, it is read between vowels as "r", in other cases - as "l" or, sometimes, as "n". The letter ㅇ reads approximately like the English ng.

In addition, there is a letter for the voiceless consonant "s" - ㅅ.

Aspirated consonants

ㅋ - kh
ㅌ - tx
ㅍ - ph
ㅊ - chh
ㅎ - x

They are read as "k", "t", "p", "h" with a slight aspiration. ㅎ - light inhalation.

Tense consonants

ㄲ - kk
ㄸ - tt
ㅃ - pp
ㅆ - ss
ㅉ - hh

These are all consonants in Korean. Let's move on to vowels

Simple vowels

All simple vowels are formed from the base vowels ㅣ (u) and ㅡ ы with short horizontal and vertical strokes.

ㅏ - a
ㅑ - I
ㅓ - not rounded about
ㅕ - undestroyed yo
ㅗ - rounded about
ㅛ - rounded yo
ㅜ - at
ㅠ - yu

Compound vowels are made up of simple

ㅏ + ㅣ = ㅐ - e
ㅑ + ㅣ = ㅒ – ye
ㅓ + ㅣ = ㅔ – e
ㅕ + ㅣ = ㅖ - ye
ㅜ + ㅣ = ㅟ - vi
ㅗ + ㅣ = ㅚ - ve
ㅗ + ㅏ = ㅘ - wa
ㅗ + ㅐ = ㅙ - w
ㅜ + ㅓ = ㅝ - in
ㅜ + ㅔ = ㅞ - ve
ㅡ + ㅣ = ㅢ - th

The modern language has lost the distinction between ㅐ and ㅔ, as well as between ㅙ, ㅚ and ㅞ.

Rules for composing syllables

Letters in the Korean alphabet are composed into syllabic characters, each of which can contain from two to four letters.

1) Consonant + vowel

The consonant is written to the left of the vowel if the long stroke of the vowel is written vertically: 가, 비, 너. If the long stroke of the vowel is written horizontally, then the consonant is written on top: 구, 뉴, 므.

2) Consonant + vowel + consonant

In this case, the final consonant is written under the vowel: 감, 독.

There can be two consonants at the end of a syllable, of which only one is read in this case: 값, 몫, 젊.

If the syllable begins with a vowel, the letter ㅇ is placed before it in writing, which in this case is not readable. For example: 암 (am), 옥 (ok).


Actually, from the course of phonetics, it should be remembered that in the Korean language there are two sounds "o" - rounded and not rounded. This plays a certain role in grammar, it will be clear later which one.

A Korean verb in its dictionary form can have three endings: -ta, -da, and -tha (the latter is rare). Verbs are divided into two classes: action verbs (in fact, what we mean by verbs) and state verbs, which are translated into Russian as “to be somehow”, for example, chotha “to be good”, yeppyda “to be beautiful”.
The verb has three bases. The first is formed by simply discarding the ending, for example, the mokta “is” - mok; kada "to go" - ka. The third stem is formed by replacing the ending -ta / da / tha with the ending -chi / ji, for example: mokta - mokchi, kada - kaji.
The second stem is formed by adding the vowel a or the unrounded o to the root. It depends on the root of the verb. If it contains vowels a or rounded o, then a is added, if there are other vowels, then unrounded o. For example, kamda "close your eyes" - kama; mitta "believe" - ​​mido.
Sometimes there is a contraction of vowels.
a + a merge into a: kada - ka-a - ka
undead o + undead o merge into one o: soda - co-o - co.
and + o merge into yo: kidarida - kidari-o - kidaryo
y + o merge into: miracles - chu-o - chvo
rounded o + a merge into va: ode - oa - va.

If the verb ends in -neda, then the second stem will be the same as the first, for example: poneda "send" - pone.

There is a very common verb hada "to do". With its help, verbs are formed from nouns, for example, konbu "study" - konbu-hada "study". In the second stem, it has the form hayo in written language, but the form he is usually used in spoken language.


The present tense is the same as the dictionary form of the verb. The Korean verb has no face changes.
The past tense is formed from the second stem of the verb by adding the suffix ss (read at the end of the syllable as t): kada - katta, poneda - ponetta, hada - hatta.
The future tense is formed by adding the syllable kess / hess (read as ket / get): for example, alda - algetta; kada - kagetta; hada - hagetta. This suffix is ​​used with the first and second persons (I, we, you, you). The future tense can also be expressed through the present, as in Russian (“tomorrow I’m going to the cinema”).


In Korean, conjunctions can connect two sentences. There are few unions. First of all, it is kyrigo “and, but”, hajiman (less colloquially used kyrochkhiman and kyrona) “but”, kyronde (colloquially shortened to kynde) “however”, kyromen (colloquially shortened to kyrom) “then” , animon "or", maniac (manil) "if".
Nouns are connected by the already mentioned ending of the connecting case, as a union "or" between nouns, the particle -na after the vowel and -ina after the consonant is used: chha-na khophi "tea or coffee"; sinmun-ina japchi "newspaper or magazine".

Styles of politeness

A distinctive feature of Korean (as well as related Japanese) is the presence of politeness styles, which are expressed primarily by verb endings. The formal style of politeness, which is used when addressing a person much higher than you in social status or age, as well as in a formal setting, is formed by replacing the ending -ta / da / tha with -mnida / symnida. The ending -mnida is added to the verb if its root ends in a vowel, for example, kada - kamenida, ode - omnida. The ending -symnida is added when the root of the verb ends in a consonant, for example, mokta - moksymnida, ipta - ipsymnida.
The informal polite style is formed from the second stem by adding the ending -yo, for example, kada - kayo, oda - vayo, mokta - mogoyo. It is also polite and is recommended for foreigners to use.
The colloquial style (panmal) is expressed by the second stem of the verb, for example, kada - ka, mokta - mogo. It corresponds to the Russian address for "you" and is used in conversation between close friends.


The gerunds in Korean are not at all the same as the gerunds in Russian. In Korean, these are special verb forms that essentially serve as a substitute for conjunctions.
The ending -ko/go means either the simultaneity of two actions performed by different subjects, for example: Chega sinmunul ikko, che chinguga ymagul tyroye "I read a newspaper, and my friend listens to music", or a sequence of two actions performed by the same subject, for example : Kyga osyl ipko nagassoyo "He got dressed and went out."
The ending -myeon-seo / imyeong-seo means the simultaneity of two actions performed by the same subject, for example: Aiga noreryl purimyongso korogayao "The child goes and sings a song."
The ending -so after the second stem can mean a reason, for example: moriga aphaso an wassoyo "because I had a headache, I didn't come." Or it means the completion of one action and the beginning of another: Pabyl mogoso chhingyege jeonghvaryl hessoyo “After having breakfast, I called a friend.”
The ending -myeon/myeon has the meaning of "if", for example: Piga oyeon, kykchanye an kagessoyo. "If it rains, I won't go to the cinema."
The ending -chiman / jiman means "but", for example: Gyga ttukttukhadzhman, tony pujokheyo. “Although he is smart, he does not have enough money.”
The ending -ryogo/yryogo means "to", for example: che shigane oryogo ilchchik ironassoy. "To be on time, get up early."
The ending -ro/yro also has the meaning "to", but is used with verbs of motion, for example: Khangugoryl peuro Hanguge wassoyo. "I came to Korea to learn Korean."

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We remember the lessons of the Russian language. The number, and even the name, of cases in Korean is significantly different from Russian. Declension includes 9 simple cases: main (infinitive), nominative, genitive, accusative, dative, local, creative, joint, vocative and many so-called constituent(2-3 suffixes) cases. In spoken language, many cases can be abbreviated or omitted.

Cases 케이스



There are three nominative suffixes (Who? | What?).

First- defines the subjects in the sentence.
~이 (~and consonant
~가 (~ka) - if the word ends in vowel

Second- highlights an addition or main topic, it can also stand at the subject. They are used as an expression of contrast, to highlight the topic, the subject of conversation.
~은 (~un) - follows after consonant
~는 (~now) - follows after vowel and both endings

Third- respectful suffix / ending, especially polite particle of the nominative case.
~께서 (~kei-so) is an ending expressing reverence about the speaker


학생이 책을 읽습니다 (hack-sen-and haek-eul irk-syp-ni-da ) student reading a book
누나가 시장에 간다 (come on si-chang-ee can-ta ) older sister goes to the market
드 분은 가수이에요 (you pun-eun kasu-i-ee-yo ) He is a singer
이 사과는 맛이 아주 좋아요 (and sa-koa-neung mas-i a-ju joh-a-yo ) these apples are delicious
그 영화만은 봏 수가 없어요 (ky yong-hoa-man-eun poh su-ka ops-oh-yo ) I just can't watch this movie.
아버지께서 영화를 보십니다 (ah-bo-ji-hyo-so yong-hoa-reul pu-sip-ni-da ) father watching a movie


There is only one genitive ending (Whom? | What?).

He is also called attributive, means that the particle of this case, joining the nominal word, translates it into the category of attributive words. This particle conveys the meaning of belonging of one object to another.
~의 (~yi) - put in any case


할아버지의 옷 (hal-apo-zhi-yi os ) grandpa clothes(literally: grandfather's (whom?) clothes)
동생의 가방 (ton-sen-yi ka-pan ) brother's bag(literally: brothers (of whom?) bag)
선생님의 책 (son-saeng-nim-yi chek ) a teacher's book(literally: teacher (of whom?) book)
친구의 수첩 (chin-goo-yi soo-hop ) friend's notebook(literally: friend (whom?) notebook)

+ 나의 my
+ 저의 my
+ 너의 [ ] is yours


The accusative particle is attached to a noun and serves to express a direct object.
~을 (~eul) - if the word ends in consonant
~를 (~snout) - if the word ends in vowel


나는 숙제를 합니다 (na-neung suk-jae-reul hap-ni-da ) I'm doing my homework


Look carefully at the endings of the words listed below and substitute endings for them.
사과 (sa koa ) apple
가방 (ka-pan ) bag
편지 (pyongji ) letter
동생 (ton-sen ) brother or sister
포도 (pho something ) grape
은행 (eun-hyun ) bank
주스 (zhu-si ) juice
연필 (yon-phil ) pencil
지우개 (chi-wu-ke ) eraser
볼편 (pol pyong ) ball pen
다람쥐 (ta-ram-zhui ) squirrel
병원 (pyon-won ) hospital


In Korean, the dative case answers 3 questions at once (To whom? | From whom? | From whom?).

First- an addition that is animated.
~어게 (~oh-hyo) - in oral speech
~한테 (~han-te) – for animate nouns


아기에게 (a-ki-yo-hyo ) to kid
동생에게 (ton-sen-yo-hyo ) sister or brother

Second- an addition that is inanimate.
~에 (~yo) – for inanimate nouns


나무에 (na-mu-yo ) on the tree
대사관에 (te-sa-koan-yo ) at the Embassy
낮에 (naj-yo ) afternoon
옷에 (os-yo ) on clothes

Third- an addition that indicates special reverence.
~께 (~hyo) - when expressing respect, deep respect for elders


할머니께 (hal-mo-ni-hyo ) grandmother
아버지께 (a-bo-ji-hyo ) father
원장님께 (won-jang-nim-hyo ) Mr. Director

Fourth- an addition that answers the question From whom?
~에게서 / ~한테서 (~ey-ke-so / han-tae-so )


부모님에게서 (poo-mo-nim-e-ke-so ) from parents
친구에게서 매월 편지를 받습니다 (chin-ku-e-ke-so mae-oul pyoyon-ji-reul pat-sip-ni-da ) I receive letters from a friend every month

P.S. The Korean language learning materials on this site are written by one of our users who is studying in a Korean school. Since such lessons were created by a non-professional teacher, they may contain errors (typos in Russian) and inconsistencies (in the rules of the Korean language, such as: "zh" and "j" or "wa" or "wa"). We ask you to treat such materials as an additional tool to test your knowledge. Basically, these lessons are published on the site for users who cannot attend Korean courses in their hometown.

📚 Cases in Korean

✅ Take it to your wall and be sure to learn it!

🔸 Basic case

The main case does not have a positive sign. Its form coincides with the basis of the name. A name in the stem form is often accompanied by particles, such as the emphatic particle -는/은. If the main case of the name ends in a vowel, -는 is added, otherwise -은.

For example: 학교는 - school, 대학은 - institute.

A name with this particle most often acts as a subject in a sentence.

🔸 Nominative case

The nominative case is formed by adding the ending -가/이 to the stem of the name. -가 is added if the stem ends in a vowel, otherwise 이.

The case indicates that the name in the sentence is the subject (니나가 한국말을 공부해요. - Nina is learning Korean)

🔸 Genitive

An indicator of the genitive case is the ending -의. The case functions are the same as in Russian.

For example: 나의책 is my book, 그분의 이름 is his name.

🔸 Dative

The dative case is formed by adding the ending -에 to the root.

The dative case serves as a sign:

Location Meaning Circumstances (잭은 도서관에 있어요. - The book is in the library)

Circumstances with direction meaning (나는 도서관에 가요.

I'm going to the library)

Circumstances with the meaning of the time of the action or the time of being in a particular state (나는 밤에 자요. - I sleep at night)

The dative case of animate names is formed by adding the ending -어게 or -한테. One of the most used functions of this case is an indication of the addressee of the action: "to whom".

For example:

그는 어머니에게 편지를 써요. He is writing a letter to his mother.

🔸 Dative locative

The dative-local case is formed by adding the ending -에서 to the dictionary form of the name.

For example: 나는 대학교에서 공부해요. - I study at University.

Also, the case can indicate the starting point of the movement.

For example: 나는 대학에서 기숙사에 가요. - From the institute I go to the hostel.

An indicator of the dative-local case of animate names is the ending -에게서/-한테서. The name in this case denotes the person from whom the action comes: "from whom", "from whom".

For example: 나는 아버지에게서 배워요. - I learn from my father.

🔸 Accusative

The accusative case is formed by adding the ending -을/를 to the stem of the name. If the name ends in a consonant, -을 is attached, otherwise -를. The case indicates a direct object.

For example: 그는 신문을 읽어요. - He is reading a newspaper.

🔸 Instrumental

The indicator of the instrumental case is the ending -로/으로. The ending -으로 is added to stems ending in a consonant other than the sonorant ㄹ, otherwise -로.

The case has several functions:

The designation of a tool or means with which an action is performed (우리는 한국말로 말해요. - We speak Korean)

Indication of the place towards which the movement is made (나는 도서관으로 가요. - I'm going to the library)

Waypoint sign

🔸 Joint case

The joint case is formed by adding the ending -과/와. -와 is added if the stem ends in a vowel, otherwise -과. Serves to connect two homogeneous names, acting as a union "and" between names.

For example: 책과 교과서 - book and textbook

(c) Education and recreation in Korea. Korean.

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