The Maltese archipelago is located south of Italy and consists of five islands, of which three have a permanent population - this is Malta, Gozo and Comino . Small islands attract many tourists - about a million every year, and this with its own population of 400 thousand! Malta has everything for a great holiday: soft mediterranean climate , beautiful nature, developed tourist services, numerous entertainments, cultural heritage - what civilizations have not inherited here over the millennia, from the Phoenicians to the British Empire. The small state seemed to have absorbed the entire Mediterranean, becoming it in miniature - after all, at different times the islands were owned by most of the Mediterranean civilizations.

Description of the weather in Malta for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

But the first thing that attracts in Malta is its climate. There is no frost or snow here, not even cold rain, and fogs are an extraordinary phenomenon - these are always sunny and warm islands, and even at the height of summer they are not suffocatingly hot thanks to a pleasant breeze. At any time of the year there is a great temperature to walk around the area, marveling at how many sights fit here!

The archipelago provides all the opportunities for a wide variety of recreation: in Malta and Gozo there are many beautiful beaches and quiet lagoons for those who want to spend their holidays at sea in peace, for lovers of a fun life, nightclubs, casinos and other entertainment venues in Sliema are always open. Want an even more active holiday? Rock climbing, diving, beach sports - everything is at your service.

tourist seasons

There are no gloomy months here, in which fogs constantly stand or clouds cover the sky all day, just as there are no cold weather - Malta is sunny and beautiful all year round, and you can have a great time here in winter, examining numerous ancient monuments, fortunately, the weather will be conducive to walking, but still, Malta is not in the tropics, but in the subtropics, which means that if you go to the sea, you need to aim for the summer months - it is on this principle that the high and low seasons are distinguished here.

High season

They are considered three summer months, when the islands are filled with tourists from all over the world - primarily from the West. In addition to the fact that these months are the warmest, and therefore ideal for relaxing on the beach, the time of numerous festivals, carnivals and holidays begins. And it’s true, prices are going up at this time! You can save a lot of money by booking flights and a hotel in advance - you can do this already from February.

low season

If in May, as well as in September and October, which are not included in the high season, there are still a lot of tourists on the islands, then for the period from November to April there is a decline in tourist activity. At the same time, there is something to do here in winter too - because the climate is mild, and there are very few tourists, so you can safely immerse yourself in the Maltese atmosphere. Malta is also known for its language schools, and in winter it is quite inexpensive to study in them.

Carnival is the main holiday of the year in Malta. It starts before the Catholic Lent and lasts a whole week. This is a very beautiful and large-scale spectacle, for which it is worth being in Malta in the low season - 1,500 dancers, musicians and mummers take part in the grand defile that completes the carnival week!

Transition months

And yet it is better to go to Malta either in the high season, or in the transitional months - spring and autumn. They are the best for excursions, and there are countless sights in Malta. In April-May or in September-October, the weather on the islands is optimal in order to explore all the local castles with feeling and plainly. Do not forget about the cruise season, which opens by the end of March and lasts until mid-October - if spending time on cruises seems wasteful in the summer, then these months are just right, and from Malta you can go on a cruise to Sicily , and even to Mallorca across half of the Mediterranean.

Notable places in Malta

Despite their small size, it seems that there are monuments of all eras in Malta and Gozo: from ancient temples built about five thousand years ago and catacombs of the early Christian era, to powerful palaces and cathedrals of the New Age. The island was visited at different times by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, British - and there is something left of everyone here, so Malta has turned into a real fusion of eras and cultures, these islands have become like a real museum.

The geographical location of Malta provides the island with warm sunny weather all year round. The average annual temperature is +19 0 C. The rocky island with many bays and lagoons attracts thousands of tourists every year, and the European service and the gentle Mediterranean Sea leaves a strong desire to return to Malta more than once. Monthly weather in Malta helps tourists determine the right time for a full and comfortable stay.

The island is located in a tropical climate, which is favorable for lush vegetation. The weather in Malta pleases with its constancy and the absence of cyclones, storms, strong winds in summer. During the day there is hot dry weather, at night the air temperature drops. Nights in Malta are cool throughout the year. In summer, people come to the island to enjoy the hot sun and the azure sea. In winter, you can comfortably spend time exploring the picturesque surroundings, doing sports, shopping, learning languages.

Spring is the opening of the season

In March, winter in Malta with rains and coolness is gradually losing ground. In April and May, warm weather sets in, with a minimum of precipitation, the water in the sea begins to gradually warm up. In March, the approach of spring is felt, but winter periodically shows its character. The air begins to warm up, the daylight hours increase (7.33 hours). Aromas of gladioli, orchids, poppy, goat's acid, clover, hyacinths are carried over the island. The average air temperature is +17.7 0 C, sea water +15 0 C. The average monthly rainfall is 36.8 mm.

April in Malta is distinguished by lush flowering of luxurious tropical vegetation, incessant trills of birds, warm weather without sweltering heat. This is a fertile time for outdoor recreation.

In April, the Maltese celebrate Easter and the Strawberry Festival, and hunting season opens for amateurs and professionals.

Easter Week accompanied by magnificent processions, theatrical performances of biblical scenes, traditional pastries. Also interesting fireworks festival, although the Maltese are preparing the main supply of pyrotechnics for the next months of summer. Average temperature +20 0 C, water +15.9 0 C. Precipitation rate 26.3 mm.

May rightfully opens the tourist season in Malta. The air temperature rises to +24 0 C, although it is still cool to swim - the water temperature is +17.5 0 C. But this does not stop divers, lovers of boat trips, yachtsmen. May is the time to get an even sea tan without burns. The last spring month practically does not bring rains, the precipitations are short-term and do not cause discomfort. The norm of precipitation is 9.2 mm. The sun shines 10 hours a day.

Summer - three months in paradise

Summer gives odds to all months in terms of the number of sunny days and the duration of the luminary's stay in the sky. This is the best time for a beach holiday, swimming in the sea, active sports. At the height of the season, Malta often meets world celebrities with concerts and performances.

June brings significant changes in weather conditions. The air temperature becomes hot in summer and averages +28.5 0 C. The sea coast is the means of salvation from the heat, the water temperature in the sea rises to +21.1 0 C and becomes quite comfortable for swimming. At this time, water sports are especially popular, even the locals move closer to the sea. The norm of precipitation is 5.4 mm.

July is one of the hottest months of the year. Tourists and locals literally live on the coast, escaping from the sweltering heat. It is recommended to swim before 11 am and after 4 pm. In the middle of the day, the Maltese have a siesta, as the summer heat, combined with the humidity of the air, does not contribute to sports, shopping and high performance. The temperature in Malta in July is +31.5 0 C, sea water +24.1 0 C. The sun shines 12-15 hours. There is no rain at all, the average precipitation is 0.2 mm.

August is characterized by the optimum temperature of the water in the sea (+25.8 0 С), but the heat and heat are literally unbearable (up to +43 0 С). The beaches are crowded, watercraft are actively used: yachts, boats, scooters, boats. Every day, the night sky blooms with fireworks, and music does not stop in the coastal strip until the morning. The temperature of the water in the sea is conducive to night swimming, and the general atmosphere to night festivities. Precipitation rate 6.0.

Autumn - a relaxing holiday

Starting from September, the amount of precipitation increases sharply in Malta, the autumn weather still pleases with warmth, but the length of daylight hours decreases. Autumn rains and thunderstorms bring relief to the vegetation, nature seems to wake up for a new life.

September is characterized by torrential rains that have been waiting all summer to hit the island. The norm of precipitation this month is 67.4 mm. The water in the sea resembles fresh milk +25.2 0 C. The air temperature is +28.4 0 C and is not conducive to daytime walks and excursions. The day is 9 hours long.

On 8 September falls Victory Day and traditional yacht regatta, which is convenient to observe from the bastions.

October is the velvet season, which many tourists prefer because of the comfortable water and air temperature, as well as the presence of free places in hotels and on the beach. Prices in restaurants and hotels are significantly reduced. The average air temperature is +25.2 0 C, sea water is +23.2 0 C. This is the time for sightseeing tours, shopping, hiking in nature. The precipitation rate is 77.2 mm.

The November weather in Malta is quite warm +21 0 C, and the water in the sea (+20.6 0 C) still allows you to swim on especially hot days. But the approaching wind of winter is already reminiscent of itself, with frequent rains and winds that last until February. The maximum precipitation rate is 108.6 mm. The weather is unpredictable and the hot sun is often replaced by cloudy days. Sometimes a strong wind rises, which causes sea storms. It is dangerous to go to sea on such days, therefore, when planning a boat trip in November, you should definitely study the weather forecast.

Maltese winter - a riot of plants

Winter in Malta is a time to enjoy nature and the surrounding landscape. In winter, nature breathes a sigh of relief after a dry summer, and frequent rains cause wild growth of plants. Rest in Malta in winter is a great occasion to meet New Year surrounded by the azure sea, exotic palms and fresh oranges picked straight from the tree.

December is characterized by cool weather with an average temperature of +17.5 0 С, frequent rains and winds. The average monthly rainfall is 107.7 mm. The temperature of the water in the sea drops significantly to +17.4 0 C. The local population and tourists are captivated by preparations for Christmas and New Year, feverish bustle reigns in shops and boutiques.

In January, Malta has clear weather with cool evenings and heavy rains. The average monthly rainfall is 94.7 mm. The air is cool, due to humidity and winds, the cold is felt more strongly.

January is rich in holidays, and a week after the New Year, shopping is a special pleasure - prices drop sharply for all groups of goods.

In Malta at this time you can rarely meet young people, this is the time for a sedate and calm family vacation. Before planning excursions, it is recommended to check the weather forecast. The average temperature in January is +16.1 0 С, the water in the sea is +15.4 0 С.

February is characterized by sudden changes in the weather during the day. Clear skies can be overcast with clouds, and tedious rain can be quickly blown away by the wind. The average temperature in February is +16 0 С. The norm of precipitation is 63.4 mm. The water in the sea is +14.9 0 C. At this time, the northeast wind intensifies, which brings severe storms and unrest to the sea. Watching the elements from a safe distance is one of the favorite activities of rare tourists in Malta in February.

Monthly weather in one of the most popular resorts in the Mediterranean helps you choose the best time to relax. Summer is for a beach holiday, autumn is for an even tan and barbecues on the seashore, spring is for excursions, winter is for going to museums and inexpensive shopping.

The main tourist flow in this place is observed from June to August. However, it should be noted that the best time to travel to Malta in 2020 mainly depends on your intentions. Some tourists come here to soak up the soft sand and take a break from everyday life, while others - to enrich their horizons and join the local culture.

The weather on the island is relatively stable throughout the year. But almost always, dusty sirocco winds come here from Africa at the end of the summer season, and rains begin at the end of autumn. Humidity also has an interesting feature here, which, regardless of air temperature, is often at around 70%. In general, summers in this country are sunny and winters are mild.

Malta in winter

It is customary to celebrate Christmas and New Year here on a grand scale, as in other places in the world, so tours to Malta for the New Year are quite popular. The weather on the picturesque island in winter can be described as humid and damp, but at the same time the air temperature during the day does not fall below +15 °C. In the winter months, the sea water temperature is +14 °C. Of course, you should not swim during this period, but you can go diving in a special suit. The local underwater world is very beautiful.

If you decide to spend St. Valentine or February 23, during this period it will be interesting to see the cities, such as Valletta, or scenic spots (such as Gozo and Comino). By the way, starting from February and until the onset of the high season, you can relax here much cheaper.

Rest in the spring

Spring in the Maltese archipelago is truly Mediterranean. You can spend a wonderful vacation here, for example, on March 8, visiting all the main sightseeing destinations. There is practically no rain this month, and the thermometer rises to +17 °C. In April it gets even warmer and the navigation season begins.

During the May holidays, the high tourist season starts. In this regard, the prices for tickets and hotels are gradually rising. In late spring, there is still no sweltering heat here, so if you can’t stand the heat, this is the time when it’s better to go to Malta for an interesting vacation.

Maltese summer

If you are wondering when to go on vacation to Malta to get a golden tan and enjoy the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, then summer is perfect for this. In summer, sandy and picturesque rocky beaches, wonderful resorts and entertainment venues await you here.

If you are relaxing with a child, it is worth going to the island in June, when the heat is not yet the strongest. In July and August, the daytime temperature can be +35 and even +40 °C, especially in the center of the country. It is better to leave large-scale excursion programs for autumn, as during these months the weather does not allow for long unhurried walks.

Wonderful beaches, rocky but very comfortable shores of the island of Gozo and excellent spa centers will allow you to spend a bright and memorable vacation in 2020.

Autumn Malta

Almost all holiday seasons in Malta provide excellent opportunities for an exciting pastime. Autumn is no exception to this rule. In September, the velvet season, beloved by many, begins here, during which all the country's beach resorts are still actively functioning. The “bathing” period in the country lasts until the end of October, so you can have time to relax on the beaches of Marsaskala Bay or in Mellieha.

In addition, September and October are good for excursions. Almost every stone on the island has its own history, so the cultural baggage of this compact country is very large. Definitely worth a look:

  • the medieval Cathedral of St. John in Valletta;
  • the palace of the Grand Master, also located in Valletta and built back in 1574;
  • Mdina - the heart of the island and a true museum city;
  • ancient temples and the fabulous island of Gozo, where, according to legend, the nymph Calypso lived, trying to win the heart of Odysseus.

During the November holidays, it starts to rain here and activities such as swimming and sightseeing become uncomfortable. In late autumn, you can make interesting dives or go to the medical resorts of the country. For example, the resort of Bugibba is characterized by wonderful reviews.





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Monthly weather in Malta

The climate of Malta is subtropical, characterized by cool and humid winters and dry, hot summers. Also, since the archipelago lies in the very center of the Mediterranean Sea and does not have mountain ranges, but only not very high hills (and even then only in the north of Malta and Gozo), there are enough windy days in the year. But year-round positive temperatures (which means the opportunity to wear comfortable and elegant clothes, as well as engage in a variety of leisure and sports activities - from hiking to yachting) redeem everything.

In January

January is a cold month, but it has many more clear days than December. And such days are truly beautiful: with invigorating, slightly crisp air, a deep blue sky in which herds of clouds float, bright, still fresh greenery on plateaus and rocks, as well as bright spots of citrus fruits, which in January are in the juice itself, as they say. . But the sun hardly warms - so let warm, windproof clothing do it for him.

What blooms and smells: borage, heather, goat's acid, almonds, etc.

What's Ripening: Citruses, cauliflower and broccoli

What to do: first, of course, you need to "fun, fun to celebrate the New Year." In Malta, this holiday is less popular than Christmas, but the range of entertainment is not inferior to Christmas: festive lunches and dinners offered by restaurants and hotels, parties, discos. The winter holidays season starts early in Malta (they start preparing for it as early as November) and ends on January 6 (Epiphany) - after this date, the Maltese get rid of Christmas trees and holiday decorations.

With the end of the winter holidays, hotel prices drop sharply, so if you want to get out on a really inexpensive vacation, you should go here just after the New Year. Weather permitting, take your camera and set off to explore the archipelago and its treasures - on foot, by bus, in a rented car. If you are not lucky with the weather, you can relax and unwind in the spa (in winter they are promoted by all 5 * hotels in Malta), or spend time in numerous museums, or plan in advance to dedicate this time of year to an in-depth study of English - good prices are lower than summer ones, groups of students are small, and the contingent itself is not reckless youth, but mature, serious people.

Average air temperature: + 13 °C.

Average water temperature: + 15.4 °C.

In February

February is a very capricious and changeable month in terms of weather: sunny periods can alternate with rainy ones several times a day. In February, the north-east blows, a cruel and strong wind that makes the sea wave so inspired that Aivazovsky never dreamed of. In the same month, the earth finally begins to bloom - the abundance of precipitation that fell in September last year affects. Despite the fact that February is a winter month, by the end of it, the air begins to noticeably smell of spring - perhaps the airy, joyful and spring mood is supported by almonds, blooming gently and touchingly.

What blooms and smells: borage, goat's acid, almonds, daffodils, euphorbia, clover, asphodels, crocuses, stone roses, irises, orchids, golden flowers, snapdragons, etc.

What is ripening: citrus fruits, artichokes, cauliflower and broccoli.

Things to do: the same as in January - to wait out bad weather in the spa, language school classroom or museum halls and walk through the mountains and valleys on sunny days. One of the popular February "entertainments" in Malta is watching (and photographing) storms, but you need to do this from a safe distance and from a safe shelter: the elements do not like to joke here.

February in Malta is traditionally associated with the name of St. Paul the Apostle, whose ship, according to the biblical Acts of the Apostles, was shipwrecked off the coast of Malta near the city of St. Paul's Bay. The annual festa in his honor is celebrated in Valletta on February 10 - those who are interested in local traditions should spend this day in the capital of Malta.

Average air temperature: + 12.5 °C.

Average water temperature: + 14.9 °C.

In March

If at the end of February spring begins to be felt in the air, then in March it declares itself with might and main - warm and dry (although it still rains) days, yellowing fields, some kind of easily perceptible joy in the air. However, the evenings and especially the nights are still cold, so it's not the time to give up winter clothes.

What blooms and smells: euphorbia, orchids (among them - endemic pyramidal), goat oxalis (the whole archipelago is overgrown with it), hyacinths, gladioli, poppies, thistles, asphodels, clover, golden flower, etc.

What's in time: green beans, which are good both in traditional couscous soup and fresh; artichokes.

What to do: Walk in nature, go to museums - including in the open air (megalithic temples in the first place), sunbathe (do not be lazy to smear sunscreen!). If Carnival falls in March, then you definitely need to visit the traditional Maltese (Valletta and Floriana) and spontaneous Gozitan (Nadur) and enjoy plenty of prinolata (sweet cake with pine nuts).

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of March tell us?

  • “If bugs crawl out and butterflies start to flutter, it means that the earth has warmed up and is ready to bloom” - run from boring cities to nature!
  • “March-March, you are in a coat and a hat” - in March it can be quite hot during the day (especially in the sun), but in the evening - well, it’s very chilly! (Compare Russian. “Martok came - put on three trousers”).
  • “It rains infrequently in March” - but it’s better to always have an umbrella or a raincoat with you!
  • “In March, young girls often squish their noses” - and all because they don’t dress for the weather! Do not be like them, young and stupid, and just in case, take your usual cold medicines with you.

In general, March in Malta is a controversial month, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes dry, sometimes humid. Take with you (or buy locally) an umbrella, a windproof windbreaker, strong waterproof shoes (in case of rain), a warm sweater and socks, but at the same time - a shirt with which you can turn up the sleeve, dark glasses and - yes, yes - sunglasses cream.

Average air temperature: +14 °C.

Average water temperature: + 15 °C.

In April

"Spring is coming - spring is the way!" April in Malta is probably the best month of the year, as the winter cold has already left, but the summer heat has not yet settled on the earth. Moreover, everything is blooming around, and the Maltese celebrate Easter - the most joyful holiday of the Catholic year. The birds are flooding in with all their voices (unfortunately, the hunting season also opens in April, so don't be surprised by the "men with guns"). The archipelago in all its glory should be seen this month: so what, it's too early to swim - when the sea warms up, all the flowering splendor of Malta will come to naught, losing, as always, to the ruthless southern sun.

What blooms and smells: citrus fruits (oh, this divine aroma!), Orchids, chamomiles, thistles, poppies, birdmen, stonecrops, gladioli, endemic Gozitan immortelle, feces (Holy Week flowers), snapdragons, bindweeds, etc.

What's ripe: Strawberries, Japanese loquat, green beans.

Things to do: Walk in nature, go to open-air museums, sunbathe. Catholic Easter usually falls in April - be sure to visit the magnificent Great Friday processions with statues of the Passion and the procession of Old and New Testament characters, as well as the Easter procession, where they run (literally) through the streets with the statue. The most magnificent processions are those in Ormi, Most, Zebbuj (you can order an excursion there) and Zeytun. Easter is also a must-try figolli (gingerbread with almond filling), and before it, during Lent - sfinage (anchovy puff pastries), quarezimal (nut cookies) and zeppoli (something like small eclairs).

In April, you can also visit the traditional village festivals, the most famous of which, perhaps, is the Strawberry Festival in Mgarra. At the end of April, a fireworks festival usually takes place (however, local pyrotechnicians save their best creations for the summer season of religious fests).

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of April tell us?

  • “April reveals all the flowers, and glory goes to May” - you will see such a variety of flowering plants in Malta only this month.
  • “There is a lot of lamb, few potatoes” - lamb meat is traditionally cooked for Easter, well, all the potatoes go for a side dish!
  • “A drop of rain in April is worth a pound of gold” - water from heaven this month nourishes, not destroys crops.
  • "When the wasp begins to buzz, winter is gone" - in April, with the end of winter showers, many insects appear.

In general, April in Malta can be considered a full-fledged spring month, blooming and warm. Take with you (or buy locally) a windproof windbreaker, or even better - a quilted vest, long and short sleeves, a hat from the sun, sunglasses and cream, and comfortable hiking shoes: this is the best time to explore the cities and weigh.

Average air temperature: +16.5 °C.

Average water temperature: + 15.9 °C.

In May

The Mediterranean spring is so beautiful - and, alas, so short. In May, flowers and grasses wither and wither rapidly, as there is practically no rain anymore. The sun is starting to get hotter. If you like to walk in nature, May is your last chance (and then until the middle): then the days will be too hot to make long trips. But sunbathing (and especially the brave - and dipping into the water) is already possible with might and main.

What blooms and smells: pomegranate trees, poultry, poppies, bindweeds, acanthus, capers, wild artichokes, peaches, tamarisks, irises, etc.

What is ripening: strawberries (running out), Japanese medlar (running out), first apricots

Things to do: Walk in nature (this is your last chance before summer, don't miss it!), go to museums - including open-air ones, sunbathe (don't be lazy to smear sunscreen!), take a quick dip in the sea (the water is still cold but tolerable).

Village festivals are still going on this month as well. By May, however, the navigation season opens, so all those colorful boats, boats and yachts that attract the eye are at your service!

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of May tell us?

  • “The winds blow in May, and the sea is ready for it” - there are such days in May when, as if from nowhere, a strong wind flies - and flies away to nowhere.
  • “May is the month of flowers and heat” is the last spring month, when there is still an opportunity to admire the flowers, but you should not put it off: the greenery begins to wither rapidly.
  • “May is a fidget child” - the weather forecast in Malta this month is very unpredictable!
  • “A mother who loves her child will dress him warmer in May” - it is not yet the time to wear summer clothes.

In general, May in Malta is a transition from spring to summer: sometimes it's warm, sometimes it's already hot, sometimes a breeze blows, sometimes a heavy wind blows. Take with you (or buy on the spot) a windproof windbreaker, long and short sleeves, a sun hat, sunglasses and cream - and do not be lazy to use it regularly: alas, it's time to go.

Average air temperature: + 20 °C.

Average water temperature: + 17.5 °C.

In June

If May is a rehearsal for the Maltese summer, then June is its dress rehearsal. This month, hot (but still relatively tolerable) days are set, by the second half of it the sea warms up so much that the locals reluctantly begin to climb into it, and the vegetation struggles with its last strength for survival, although this occupation is useless: the sun turns from a friend into enemy. There will be no more rain all summer, so you can safely put away raincoats and umbrellas (and at the same time all demi-season long-sleeve clothes) in a distant drawer.

What blooms and smells: paleocentaurea (national flower of Malta, paleoendemic), wild artichokes, thyme, prickly pear, acanthus, pomegranate trees, capers, etc.

What is ripe: figs (first harvest, “baitra”), blackberries (wild), capers (can be harvested and pickled / pickled) - but it’s easier to buy, of course.

Things to do: Finally - sunbathing and swimming! All useful (and useless, but pleasant) pastimes move closer to the sea - all kinds of water sports (kayaking, water skiing, wakeboarding and others), day cruises and evening discos on deck, as well as diving. Active life is also shifting closer to the dark time of the day - there is nowhere for an apple to fall in bars and clubs on summer evenings and nights.

In the same month, the "great and terrible" season of religious fests begins - fireworks begin to rattle and sparkle in different parts of the island. Traditionally, the festivals in the south of the island are more magnificent and authentic than the "northern" ones.

From now on, walks in nature can only be done early in the morning (until 8 am) or after sunset: local amateur walkers arrange evening outings with a flashlight.

For lovers of folklore, however, there is an outlet in June - the traditional feast of St. Peter and Paul, aka Mnarya (June 29), when cheerful villagers with songs go to the Busquette forest. A local analogue of VDNKh is also arranged there - farmers exhibit the best fruits of their labor - from wheat and pumpkins to chickens and rabbits.

Average air temperature: + 24 °C.

Average water temperature: + 21.1 °C.

In July

In July, the Mediterranean summer finally reigns in Malta. With all its "charms" - heat, days without a single gust of breeze, humid hot air. However, not everything is so scary: just do not go out from 11 am to 4 pm (it is best to have a bite to eat and have a siesta during this time - all Maltese do this, and they already know a lot about it!). But the rest of the day - a fresh warm morning, when it's so nice to swim and walk along the embankment, and a languid summer evening, which is undoubtedly created for gatherings in close friendly company with wine, barbecue, fruit salads and ice cream - yours without a trace!

What blooms and smells: almost everything is in "summer hibernation" - until the first autumn rains. Only oleanders and various decorative flowers in the flower beds are pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, there is nothing to do outdoors in July.

What is ripening: peaches, watermelons and melons, tomatoes, eggplants.

Things to do: The same as in June: sunbathing and swimming, going on cruises, doing water sports, dancing until you drop at night discos, attending festivals (I recommend Tal Karmna in Zurri). Keep an eye on the posters: at the height of the tourist season in Malta, there may be well-known performers on tour.

Average air temperature: + 27 °C.

Average water temperature: + 24.1 °C.

In August

Survive August and ... actually, why worry about it, you need to enjoy it to the fullest, as this is the apotheosis of summer: the hottest days, the warmest sea, the noisiest festivals, the most delicious vegetables and fruits ... Behave wisely ( that is, just like in hot July) and everything will be as it should!

What blooms and smells: except for garden flowers that are watered.

What is ripening: tomatoes (according to the Maltese expression, they can paint the walls red - it's time to dry them in the sun), watermelons and melons, figs (second crop, "tin"), prickly pear fruits, grapes (in the second half of August)

Things to do: The same as in June and July: sunbathing (a little and carefully) and swimming (from the heart), sailing and boats, scuba diving, playing water sports, hanging out in the local mecca of nightlife - Paceville, admire skills of Maltese pyrotechnicians at village fests, drinking wine with friends and frying kebabs on the seashore, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the all-Maltese holiday of August - the Assumption of the Virgin, aka Santa Maria (August 15). Malta and Gozo are celebrating it simultaneously in 8 villages and cities with a single impulse (if you climb the Tas-Salib hill near Sijivvi, you can admire all the pyrotechnic shows of Malta at once). The same date is associated with the breaking of the blockade of Malta, when on August 15, 1942, a British convoy delivered food and fuel to the island. And, of course, this is a favorite day (or rather, evening) of family gatherings, a kind of summer Christmas.

Average air temperature: + 30 °C.

Average water temperature: + 25.8 °C.

In September

In early September, summer begins to give up its positions, however, not without a fight. At the beginning of the month, it is as hot and stuffy as in August, but not so sunny anymore. Nature seems to be hiding before the first rains, which, as a rule, fall on the archipelago in this very month (September showers, by the way, helped the Knights of St. John to win the Great Siege of 1565). But the first autumn rains and thunderstorms are a real blessing for the earth scorched by the summer sun, they are short, warm and carry a huge charge of positive energy: the earth wakes up to a new life.

What blooms and smells: elecampane.

What is in time: in the first half of September, you can still find almost everything that was in August - except, perhaps, figs.

What to do: The same as in summer: the water in September is at “fresh milk” temperature, by the second half of the month the heat begins to subside, so you can stay on the beach a little longer. It's getting windy. The tourist audience is beginning to change: teenagers and children are leaving, who have time to go to school in the fall, people of an age who like the velvet season are starting to arrive.

The last festivals are thundering (the most grandiose of September is the Madonna Tal-Grazia in Zabbar). Separately, it is worth mentioning the local Victory Day (September 8), which coincides with the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin. On this day, a traditional regatta is arranged, which can be viewed from the bastions of the Three Cities or Valletta.

It is still impossible to go for a walk for a long time - it is still too hot, well, perhaps by the sea, into which you will periodically need to climb in order to cool down. And how to stock up on drinking water: it's stuffy in September.

Average air temperature: + 24.5 °C. Average water temperature: + 25.2 °C.

In October

Velvet season in all its glory! This month in Malta you can "combine the incongruous", namely, walking and swimming. After the September showers, the earth begins to wake up, and the first greenery and flowers appear. This is an unusually romantic time with a slight sadness: it’s still warm during the day, but the wind is already cool, and it’s raining, no, no, but it’s coming. Very soon you will have to put your beach towels and swimsuit with swimming trunks away in the closet, get warmer and long-sleeved clothes... but in October you can still enjoy the echoes of the Maltese summer. “Autumn” travelers are not at all like “summer” ones: they are serious and inquisitive, they walk a lot and travel around the archipelago (fortunately the weather in Malta allows) or they learn English - not “for show”, but for themselves.

What blooms and smells: dubrovnik, kermek, elecampane, rosemary.

What is ripe: olives, pomegranates.

Things to do: Sunbathe and swim (without too much risk of roasting in the sun), and also - hooray! - walk around the island at least all day long. After a long summer season, I really want to stretch ... not only my legs, but also my brains, which once again almost melted from the heat. So in October, God himself ordered to equip yourself more comfortably and go through the Maltese and Gozitan valleys and hills - or, conversely, through the cities and villages. Combining the study of the archipelago with the study of English, which after classes you can practice in your “wanderings” around the islands, is a great option for October. The more traditional tourist may prefer to visit museums and exhibitions. And those who cannot live without the sea need to hurry: the main navigation will soon close with the approach of the Mediterranean winter, so hurry up to go on the last more or less long cruises of the year.

Average air temperature: + 22 °C.

Average water temperature: + 23.2 °C.

In November

Almost the same as in October, except that the air is steadily getting colder, and rains happen, and there are more and more cloudy days. However, all this in Malta is treated with understanding: the land and crops, which have survived once again the harsh Maltese summer, so need coolness and moisture. The wind becomes cold and sometimes quite strong, so that lovers of sea storms can observe the raging elements - of course, from a safe distance. In general, the weather in Malta this month is quite unpredictable.

November, however, is not as harsh as it wants to seem. It gives the Maltese and guests of the island a delightful Indian summer in local latitudes, which is called the summer of St. Martin. The colors of the sky and the earth, already covered with the first greenery, are delightful, there is no wind, the sun is hot, and you can even swim.

What blooms and smells: dubrovnik, kermek, elecampane, arizarum, heather, etc. What ripens: olives, pomegranates, pumpkins. At the festival of St. Martin, children traditionally receive the so-called “St. Martin”, which contains delicious gifts of nature: dried figs, dates, nuts of various varieties, etc. What to do: Walk, study, go to museums ... If you like this type of active tourism and you do not want to spend a lot money, then November is the very thing: the high tourist season ends in October, and hotel accommodation is much cheaper.

November in the archipelago is the "month of the dead", when the gates of the cemeteries remain open, and the islanders come in droves to visit their dead, decorating the graves with flowers. There are several historical cemeteries in Malta (Addolorata, Ta’ Braxia, Garden of Rest), so you can walk through them, quenching your thirst for the celebration of Halloween (which did not take root in Malta).

Average air temperature: + 18 °C.

Average water temperature: + 20.6 °C.


December - the beginning of the Maltese winter, that is, the cool season. In December, winds and prolonged rains are not uncommon (sometimes in the form of absolutely crazy downpours, so only a thick raincoat and rubber boots will save), but warm, clear days also happen. In general, dress for the season and you will be comfortable in December. This month, the ground is finally covered with a green carpet, which will make walking more interesting.

What blooms and smells: heather, daisies, etc.

What's ripe: citrus.

Things to do: Depending on what the weather is like outside - on a clear day it is worth running to nature and enjoying the greenery, on a rainy day - or hiding under a roof, learning English in language schools or spending time in museums. And at any time (would be in the mood) - stroll through the local "shopping hubs" such as Sliema, Valletta, Mosta, Paola and look for gifts for Christmas, for which they begin to prepare in Malta from mid-November! They decorate the streets and shop windows, put on the shelves all the most delicious (for example, the traditional honey kolko a'-ta-asel) and seductive ... Here and there they set up "prezepyu" - Christmas nativity scenes, not only static, but also "live", as, for example, in the Gozitan village of Ghajnsielem.

It seems that Christmas is not as important in Malta as preparation for it (shopping! shopping!), however, it can also be celebrated traditionally, on the eve of the holiday, going late in the evening to a solemn mass (in which children dressed as Joseph, Mary, angels, etc.) .p.), and the next day, having gathered in a pleasant company at the Christmas table in a restaurant or even a hotel (many hotels offer bookings for festive lunches and dinners on Christmas Eve and Day). And the New Year is just around the corner...

Average air temperature: + 14.5 °C.

Average water temperature: + 17.4 °C.

It attracts with a wonderful climate, rich history and incredible hospitality. Thanks to the hospitality and friendly atmosphere, thousands of tourists feel absolutely comfortable on this small island. And you can come here not only in the beach season. At different times of the year, Malta attracts with educational, ecological, event and, of course, gastronomic tourism. For every tourist there is an optimal season when it is better to go to Malta.

Types of tourist seasons in Malta

The favorable climate of the island attracts visitors to Malta at any time of the year. Therefore, the division into seasons is very arbitrary, although there is still a difference.

beach season

This, of course, is summer - it's time for vacations and vacations. It is believed that the swimming season here lasts from May to October. In reality, the water temperature in May does not exceed + 19 degrees and is not suitable for everyone for swimming, although the sun is already baking. The beaches become crowded in June. They are small and cozy in Malta, located mainly in picturesque bays. Sandy beaches - multi-colored, to choose from. The sand is white, golden, red. There are pink sand beaches. Sandy beaches are popular and therefore full of tourists. Solitude lovers choose pebble or rocky beaches, there are also many of them. The absence of many kilometers of beaches makes it possible to "specialize" separate places - for family holidays, for noisy youth, for fans of windsurfing, for divers from cliffs, etc. Many beaches are awarded the Blue Flag annually - evidence of the purity of the sea and the safety of swimming.

Peak beach season is July and August. At this time, the warmest water in the sea and almost no wind. The high season attracts a huge number of visitors to Malta, which is reflected in prices. You can improve the situation by early booking.

diving season

Although the sea water temperature on the island allows diving all year round, it is believed that in the summer in Malta there are fewer undercurrents and better visibility of the water. Therefore, during the beach season, diving and underwater photography enthusiasts also come to the island, who are attracted by the incredible richness of underwater landscapes and the diversity of Mediterranean flora and fauna. Every year, an international photo contest "The Blue Dolphin of Malta" is held for them on the island.

In addition to underwater landscapes, divers are attracted by sunken ships of different times, stunning underwater caves and a forty-meter underwater statue of Jesus Christ. This famous sculpture with arms raised can be seen under the waters of St. Paul's Bay.

Climate of Malta

The climate is Mediterranean subtropical - mild warm winters and dry hot summers. In winter, it rains, which alternate with clear sunny days. Humidity remains sufficient throughout the year. Average annual daytime temperatures on the islands are +20-22°С, nighttime temperatures are around +15°С.

Summer in Malta

The country is the southernmost of all European states. In summer, a sultry wind sometimes blows - the African neighborhood affects. There is practically no rain. And only the sea breeze softens the hot wind of the Sahara. Due to the absence of high mountains and forests, the island is completely blown by the sea wind. Already in July, the daily temperature exceeds the 30-degree mark. The architectural features of Malta - the narrow streets of the Middle Ages - save from the heat. As in all southern countries, in the summer many establishments close for siesta. After 4 p.m., the activity of the sun decreases and the activity of residents and guests of the island increases. And so - until the end of August.

Autumn in Malta

In September, the heat drops to a pleasant temperature, leaving warm sea water. Young people return to study, older tourists come to replace them. And it's still considered beach season.

You can swim perfectly in October, although the wind is already blowing more often, by the end of the month it starts to rain. A great time to visit the country: prices are falling, the beaches are empty. And the temperature for swimming and sunbathing remains suitable. It is possible, without fear of the heat, to attend excursions.

November, by European standards, can be called the first autumn month. It is rainy and foggy, although still warm. The water temperature in the sea is also kept at an average mark of + 20 ° C.

The highlight of the velvet season is the regatta in honor of the end of the Turkish siege. It ended in victory, September 8, 1565. This is an important holiday for residents and spectacular for guests.

Winter in Malta

In winter, rains are frequent - small and drizzling, humidity rises. But there are enough fine days, when the temperature drops to + 10 ° C only in the evening. No sub-zero temperatures, snow and frost. And in February, fresh greens already appear, almonds and citrus fruits bloom. During this period, prices are much lower, but there are still many tourists.

A bright event of the winter months is the carnival. With a few exceptions, believing Maltese are Catholics. Religion is quite influential here - over 350 churches operate on a small island. All mass holidays are religious in nature - in honor of one or another saint. The traditional carnival is timed to coincide with the beginning of the Catholic Great Lent. Here you can see everything - giant puppets on multi-colored platforms, performances by artists from among local enthusiasts, Maltese in bright carnival costumes. Very picturesque and fun.

Spring in Malta

March is a wonderful time. Everything blooms, the islands are covered with greenery. Swimming is still far away, but the beauty of nature and the air make spring a wonderful season. The temperature during the day reaches + 19°С.

April can be considered the beginning of summer: the temperature rises to + 22 °, sunny days prevail, the embankments are filled with tourists. But the water in the sea has not yet warmed up and is kept at + 15-16 ° С. In May, the heat begins, sea water often heats up to + 20 ° C.

The main event of the spring cultural program is the Easter procession. People dress up in costumes of biblical characters, carry or carry themed sculptural compositions on platforms.

The island has everything for recreation, treatment, sports and cultural activities. Therefore, the season when it is better to go to Malta, everyone chooses for himself - depending on interests.

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Climate and weather in Malta by months and water temperature in summer, autumn, winter and spring

Not far from Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea is an island nation called Malta. In total, the country includes three islands and it is unlikely that the country would ever become noticeable to tourists if the authorities did not decide to make the island a popular place for a beach holiday. Decided and done. Now many people know about Malta and the rest on its shores, and someone even strives to buy real estate here in order to stay forever in the country. Let's find out what the weather is like in Malta for months at different times of the year, what is the temperature of the water in the sea off the coast of the island in summer, autumn, winter and spring. And then you will decide for yourself whether it is worth coming here and when.

Since the island is located in the Mediterranean off the coast of Italy, the weather here is almost the same as in Sicily - near the nearest land neighbor. Of course, the climate is not exactly the same, but there are some similarities.
The high season is in the summer. It is three summer months that there is an influx of tourists and almost all hotels are occupied. But the beach season lasts much longer. It starts in April and lasts until the end of October. True, tourists do not always swim in April and October, but there are many of them on the island.
Malta is also interesting for diving enthusiasts. The underwater world near the island is rich and diverse, so there are always thousands of people who want to scuba dive. Plus, you can try to find treasures from sunken ships!

Winter in Malta

There is no snow here in winter. It rains often, but there is absolutely no snow. And where does it come from, if the average air temperature in winter is +16 degrees.
Such a high temperature is not always and not everywhere. In December, the air can still warm up to +20 degrees Celsius, but in January there is no such temperature. In the first month of the year, during the day, it is hardly worth expecting above +15 degrees. February is a little warmer, but still not much. Very rarely in February the air warms up above +16 degrees. But what is missing in winter is rain.

In December, January and February, there is a large amount of precipitation, at least 110 millimeters every month. In such weather, a beach holiday is excluded, and sometimes walks do not bring pleasure. But such weather is a holiday for nature. In the absence of cold weather and with heavy rains all winter, Malta stands in the greenery of trees and grass.

Spring in Malta

Spring on the island begins calmly, without sudden temperature fluctuations. In March, all the same +16 +18 during the day, and it can rain up to five days a month. In April, the temperature already rises significantly, the sun becomes more. No one is surprised when the thermometers show +20 degrees. But when lower, it becomes a little uncomfortable. In May, the weather is almost summery with an average daytime air temperature not lower than +23 degrees. There is almost no rain, and the thermometers at lunchtime are slowly approaching +28 and above.

If from month to month the air temperature rises steadily, then the water in the sea is in no hurry to warm up. In March it is cold and not higher than +15 degrees, the water in the sea is one degree higher in April. In May, the picture is not much better. At the beginning of the month, the sea warms up to +17, and swimming is still not very comfortable. Toward the end of the month, in some places on the island, the sea is quite warm and reaches +20 degrees.
The best time for a beach holiday in Malta in the spring is the end of May. Prices are not the highest, and the weather has stabilized and you should no longer expect unpleasant surprises from it.

Malta in summer

Summer is the main time to relax on the island. In June, the average daytime temperature is always above +27 degrees. You can forget about heavy and prolonged rains, the sun is in abundance.
The sea is not the warmest yet, but you can swim in it without much fear. The water temperature becomes +21 +22 degrees and in sunny weather it is a pleasure to swim.

July and August are peak temperatures. These two months are the hottest on the island. During the day, the thermometers easily overcome the mark of +30 degrees, and more often stop at +35. In this heat, you need to be careful and drink plain water as often as possible.
The sea becomes very warm and has a water temperature of at least +26 degrees. July and August are the most visited months for tourists. Beach lovers, diving enthusiasts and just lovers of the sea and walks on the water arrive on the island. At this time of the year off the coast of Malta a huge number of yachts and ships, boats and other water transport. But the prices are several times higher than usual.

Autumn in Malta

The beginning of autumn is a kind of continuation of summer. The temperature drops a little, but the sea is still warm. Downpours can spoil the rest, which are getting bigger. But there are not fewer tourists, and finding a free hotel room is not so easy.
In September, the air temperature during the day is +28 degrees, and the water is about +26 degrees. October also pleases with warmth and sun. But the length of daylight hours has been noticeably reduced. It is getting more and more rainy, and these are no longer downpours, but prolonged autumn rains that can go on for a day or two.
In November, the weather becomes close to winter. There is little sun, the sky is more often covered with clouds, and it rains more often than not. During the day, the air almost does not warm up above +20 degrees, and the water in the sea becomes the same temperature. The beach season is over and you can swim only in the pools where the water is heated.

Prices drop on the island in autumn, but this happens most noticeably in November. November is the month when Malta has the fewest tourists. If the purpose of your trip is just relaxation and excursions, then choose this time for the trip. In a month, an influx of tourists is expected here again, because a series of holidays is coming.

The island itself is small, but the number of bees living here is large. The island is unofficially called the capital of honey. If you divide the area of ​​the country by the amount of honey produced per year, you get just an incredible figure.
As we have already said, the state of Malta is three islands. There are actually seven islands, but to this day only three are inhabited. It makes no sense to populate the rest of the islands, because there are stones, and huge investments are needed for their development.

High season in Malta

All schools in Malta publish information on tuition and accommodation prices depending on the season. The high (summer) and low (autumn, winter, spring) season in Malta starts differently in different schools. During holidays and school holidays in the summer, the influx of tourists is maximum and, accordingly, the prices for school services increase by 1.5 times compared to the low season. Learning English in Malta in the summer is ideal for children and parents who want to send their child on vacation. Schools are ready to offer their services in organizing trips to special children's camps where children can actively engage in learning English and get new impressions of the beautiful island. Traditionally, in the summer, everyone who loves diving and other water sports comes to visit. The high season in Malta is characterized by hot weather and the maximum flow of tourists from all over Europe and Asia.

Low season in Malta

The decline in tourist activity begins somewhere in mid-September and ends at the end of May. The course of study in Malta during this period takes place at the lowest prices, the most attractive for those who can afford to break away from work and take a vacation in the low season. This is the time for the older audience, for those who are used to spending their time efficiently and traveling abroad at the best price. Language learning in Malta in the autumn-winter period is the most comfortable time for adults, since the flow of incoming tourists is sharply reduced, there is no sweltering heat, and the pricing policy of restaurants, cafes, hotels and museums is becoming more democratic.

Malta in winter

The air temperature does not fall below +15 in winter. The swimming season in Malta ends at the end of November. It rains in Malta in winter, but strong winds are usually rare. Going to Malta in the autumn-winter period, you should know that despite the rather high temperature, the risk of catching a cold is still quite high due to the Mediterranean climate, so be sure to bring warm socks and a scarf. There is no central heating in Malta, and electricity is expensive, so all Maltese try to save on heating during this period.

Malta in summer

Summer in Malta is characterized by high humidity and hot weather without rain. Since June, the temperature rises to +28 degrees. Summer is an active time for young people and those who love to swim, sail on yachts, go diving and other water sports. High humidity can cause additional discomfort for tourists coming in July and August. Fortunately, the heat during these months is partly offset by the characteristics of the island territories and winds that help to endure high temperatures. In summer, all schools offer a rich entertainment program with many options for spending time: yacht parties, city tours, diving clubs, surfing, horseback riding, club parties, etc.

The holiday season in Malta lasts all year round, but it is best to come here in May - September. It should be noted that in summer there are no precipitations at all, and in October-February short rains are possible (5-6 days per month).

Features of holidays in the Maltese resorts by season

  • Spring: in spring, just like in autumn, wellness treatments can be performed on the island, for example, in SPA complexes at hotels or in one of 3 specialized thalassotherapy centers. In April, it's just the right time to go on picnics and admire the riot of greenery and colors (chamomile fields, the kingdom of orchids). Even if you don’t dare to swim in the sea in May, you definitely won’t refuse sunbathing (daytime temperatures can reach +25 degrees).
  • Summer: in summer it is hot on the island (+30-35 degrees), but the heat is easily tolerated here, thanks to the sea breeze.
  • Autumn: the whole of September can be devoted to a beach holiday, but from October the weather will gradually worsen (heavy clouds, cool winds). Since it gets dark early on the island in autumn, sightseeing should be planned for the morning hours.
  • Winter: there are no frosts and snows on the island - this season is characterized by windy and rainy weather. But, despite this, in Malta there are fine days with clear skies.

Beach season in Malta

The beach season starts at the beginning of May and ends at the end of September. If you are not a fan of the heat that occurs in the 3 summer months, then you should relax on the island in September (complete calm, water temperature - +25 degrees).

Despite the fact that Malta is a small island, each cove or bay has its own unique beach. For example, near the town of Meliha there is a sandy beach Meliha Bay with a gentle bottom (family couples with children will appreciate the rest here). In addition, water activities are available here (you can rent water skis, scooters, sea bikes, canoes here). Great places for swimming and sunbathing are the beaches of Golden Beach, Preity Bay, Paradise Bay.


Diving is possible throughout the year, because even in winter the water temperature is at the level of +14 degrees. But still, the ideal time for diving is summer, characterized by the best visibility of the water. At this time, underwater photography is also very popular.

In local waters, you can meet groupers, moray eels, sunfish, seahorses, crabs, starfish, brightly colored hard and soft corals. Popular dive sites: Cirkewwa, St. Paul's Island, Anchor Bay, L-Ahrax Point, Delimara Point.

Malta is an opportunity to spend your holidays in an exciting and varied way, get acquainted with ancient history and learn English in a relaxed atmosphere.

Every year they come to Malta hundreds of thousands of tourists. Someone goes there to look for warmth and sun, someone wants to get acquainted with the ancient culture, someone goes there on business trips and summer language schools.

But it is important for each of these types of tourists to know the weather in Malta by months in order to prepare for the trip “from” and “to” and get the most out of and enjoy the trip.

Climate of Malta

The island of Malta is tropical island. It is conveniently located at the crossroads of sea routes from Asia and Africa.

The island is attractive for tourists: many lagoons, warm climate, dense tropical vegetation - there is everything for a comfortable stay at any time of the year.

The island of Malta itself is part of large archipelago, which includes two more islands: Comino and Gozo.

Average the temperature on each of the islands does not fall below +25°C. In winter, the thermometer on the Maltese archipelago shows amazing figures for us: + 22-23 ° С.

Rains here the phenomenon is rare and short-lived: about 520 mm of precipitation per year, while the rainiest season is winter.

Summer in the Maltese Islands hot, as befits a resort: during the day you will be expected by an average of + 35 ° С, and at night + 23-26 ° С. The only thing to consider when choosing the islands as a place to stay: it heats up rather slowly. Therefore, it will be too early to open the swimming season in May.

What is the weather and air and water temperature by month?

If you have planned a trip to Malta, then you should think about what season is best for this: what is the air and water temperature, how much rain lies ahead?

in winter

    March. As soon as the Maltese winter, peculiar to us Russians, loosens its grip and gives way to spring, you will immediately feel it.

    March will bring with it mostly sunny and warm days. Even the sea will start to warm up: the water temperature will reach +20-22 degrees. Nature will slowly begin to move away from the winter chill. The air will become warmer: the thermometer will show stable + 23-25 ​​° С.

    It is at this time that you should go on a tourist trip to the islands of the archipelago, look at the sights and just take a walk without fear of sudden storms and storms.

    April. You should not expect hot days in April. The air temperature will still remain at a comfortable average of +22-25 degrees, so April is also suitable for excursions and research, and not for the opening of the beach season.

    April is notable for the fact that on all the islands nature begins to flourish, so you should visit the islands this month at least to look at this beauty.

  1. May. Usually the last month of spring is the most attractive for tourists, because at this time there are big discounts on tours. But do not rush to choose. The weather in May is similar to the weather of the other two spring months: the air is warm, but not hot (+22-25°С), at night it becomes, however, a little warmer than before - +13-16°С.
  2. This month, unfortunately, you still will not be able to swim in the sea, because the water in it is still too cold for this.


    June. If you are still not tempted by cheap May tours and decide to wait another month, then you definitely did the right thing. June will definitely please you with a lot of warm days.

    This month can be considered perfect for a holiday in Malta: you can swim in the sea (the water temperature is + 24-26 ° C), and walk around the island, and go on all kinds of excursions. During the day, the thermometer shows an average of + 25-28 ° С, and at night + 15-20 ° С. Rains are rare this month, so you should not be afraid of sudden precipitation.

    By the end of June, summer will already be fully in its possession. The temperature during the day will already reach +35-45°C, so be careful when going out into the sun. sunscreen and hat.

    July. This month in the Maltese archipelago is rightfully considered "king" of the season. The temperature more and more often exceeds + 45 ° С, the water in the sea warms up to + 27 ° С.

    The heat is unbearable, so when choosing the time of your trip to Malta in July, take air-conditioned rooms, try to stay in the open sun as little as possible and try not to overheat. This month is made for a beach holiday, a sightseeing trip will drive you crazy.