Description and instructions

Mod Name: Sigerous Mod
Destination: - Call of Pripyat
Author: Nikolai Bolotov (GeJorge or Nick_Mondyfic)
Required patch: or or
Mod release date: 06/15/2010
Mod version: 1.6

Creating your own storyline, introducing new key characters, a new quest line that changes and expands the original game world.

[Short list of changes]
- Changed the storyline
- Number of added quests (45)
- Organized a large number of scenes.
- A huge number of new characters.
- At night, all NPCs are practically invisible.
- Changed HUD, with the addition of new features.
- Taking into account various innovations, a menu with additional mod settings has been added, in which you can configure the "MOD" as you like.
- New types of weapons, armored suits, artifacts, medicines, products, partings, etc. Of course, new weapons and armored suits can be improved.
- Now a corresponding silencer is required for each weapon caliber.
- Changed the description of all weapons and armored suits.
- Added a new phenomenon - eclipse.
- All locations are crammed with new secrets and caches, at the moment there are more than 110 of them.
- New character specializations: Commander-in-Chief, Bodyguard, Saver, Breeder, and Merchant.
- Revised characteristics of all types of weapons.
- Artifacts can be upgraded.
- With the help of characters such as "Savers", you can carry out a huge number of all kinds of monetary transactions.
- There is an additional opportunity to place orders for rare goods.
- A new item - a book of combat tactics. Allows you to study a certain type of weapon, so that in the future when firing from the studied weapon - to cause more damage.
- In the line of upgrades - added new improvements.
- Added four huge faction bases: (Zaton), Dawn (Jupiter), Mercenaries (Jupiter), Monolith (Pripyat) You can join each of these groups.
- With the death of mutants, there is a possibility of loss of body parts. The dropped part will lie near the corpse.
- The system of mechanical modifications has been reworked, so now when upgrading it will be possible to affect all upgrades.
- Being in freeplay, the GG will be able to independently travel between locations.
- And much more.

[Version History]

[Version 0.2]
. 70 min stretches.
. New item in mod options.
. Due to mine-stretch marks, I added the item "Scanner of stretch marks UPK-1", which displays on the map the places where the stretch marks are installed.
. 232 anomalies
. Fixed a lot of crashes and shortcomings, as well as corrected many dialogues.
. Fixed many grammatical errors (corrected by: Pavel Tomilov)
. Fixed Gromoboy's quest (for a named vintar), and the quest to accompany scientists.
. Adjusted the balance of trade and prices.
. 1 merchant, in the scientists' bunker.
. 2 types of suit of scientists.
. There was an opportunity to learn from the trader - the description of the ordered goods.
. And a lot of small tweaks.

[Version 0.3]
. Introduced 4 new quests to search for weapons from Shustroy. Three quests are available immediately, the fourth is activated after 1-2 days after the previous three have been completed.
. Upgraded the BRAIN-8 system, now this item really gives a bonus.
. 1 armor suit (Mercenary)
. In the mod options, a separate item has appeared, thanks to which it will be possible to remove armor from corpses. In the name of balance, duplicates of all types of armor were created (but with degraded characteristics), and placed in corpses.
. Adjusted the assortment of some merchants.
. Upgrading new armor suits and weapons will now require tools.
. Cut weapon without textures.
. Prohibited standard spawning of a large number of mutants by linking it to a separate item in the mod options.
. Fixed all the shortcomings associated with pumping trunks, the mechanic.
. With the phrase -cheat_mode added to the icon, all cheats will be unlocked. Here is their description (performed in the main menu):

[Version 0.4]
. The plot parallel of the mod has been extended.
. Returned the old relationship between monsters.
. Revised the quest to defend the Dawn base.
. Changed the logic of the base of bandits. For the better.
. Fixed a crash when chasing Kassilov.
. From now on, you can enter the Monolith only after the main quest - "The Lost Sentry". By the way, now the base of the monolith is initially neutral, which allows you to walk and shoot past - with impunity.
. After joining the Dawn faction, the GG receives his personal ammo box.
. After joining the groupings: Dawn, Bandits, Monolith - there will be discounts from merchants.
. Now, when searching the corpses of stalkers, in their backpack it will be possible to meet - artifacts.
. Increased NPC running speed to make quests for "pursuit" more difficult.
. Fixed a bug with Thunderbolt, in which money was given endlessly.
. With the death of mutants, there was a possibility of loss of body parts. The dropped part will lie near the corpse. You can sell trophies to local bartenders, or St. John's Wort, in dialogue mode.
. 2 new tracks for the MP-3 player, in the "Club" section.
. 3 GPS guides (2 on Zaton and 1 on Pripyat)
. And much more.

[Version 0.5]
. The plot parallel of the mod has been extended, reaching the climax.
. The pricing policy has been changed. Fixed the damage of all weapons.
. Fixed all errors when using repair kits. The capabilities of the armor repair kit have been expanded.
. It became possible to upgrade the detectors. Held in the scientists' bunker.
. Due to the impossibility of selecting and detecting new artifacts, an automatic selection system was created, subject to a certain distance. It is used only in relation to artifacts that are made by the mod.
. The old relationship between Duty and Freedom has been restored.
. Disabled nightly spawning of mutants in the Emerald area, in order to successfully complete Gonta's quest to gop-stop the sleeping Chimera. After completing the quest, the spawn point is activated.
. Now you can complete the scientists quest "Variable psi-radiation", even taking into account the fact that the tunnel is the base of the dawn grouping.
. A new SGM achievement, after which a new section will open in Degterev's PDA.
. Now DUMDUM cartridges are intended for caliber 9x39, and for some types of weapons: Cobra, Desert Eagle, SVD Tiger.
. One new point has been added to the GPS explorer, on the map of Jupiter.
. 3 tracks in the MP-3 player, namely in the "Club" section.
. And much more.

[Version 0.6]
. 7 side quests:
+ At Chapaev, after joining the bandits.
+ At Kochubey (bandit merchant), after joining the bandits.
+ At the Beard, after receiving quests to inspect helicopters.
+ At Kostoprav, after meeting with the contact on the helipad.
+ At Uncle Yar, after completing his quest to fire on mercenaries.
+ At the Hawaiian, after collecting a team for a trip to Pripyat.
+ At Nazar (the leader of the dawn), after entering the dawn.
. Hidden items:
+ "Tools for rough work" (but there is one BUT, as it turned out - the developers made these tools in two places, in one place I demolished them, and in the second place, in the attic near the sawmill, I could not. I had to leave one extra set tools, and create a script to remove this most redundant set when you try to put it in your backpack, so don't be surprised if you pick up a set and it's not in your backpack.)
+ "Tools for fine work"
+ "Tools for calibration"
. The cant associated with ordering armor from the Monolith merchant has been removed, and its range has also been expanded.
. Corrected many quests, for the purpose of a logical failure of the mission. If the character who gave the quest becomes an enemy, the quest will fail.
. Fixed damage to booby traps. Now the mine calmly breaks even the most greyhound pseudo-giant.
. I added my dynamic hood script, and the textures are taken from the ABC mod as I imagine. To activate the dynamic hood, you need to go to the mod options, click on the "HUD settings" button, find and activate the item "Dynamic hood of the current armor", then click the "apply" button.
. Fixed bugs due to which some breeders did not upgrade the " " artifact.
. Now you can get to Pripyat with not only "Seva", but also other suits with a closed breathing system. Quest requirements for finding the right costume have also been corrected.
. Fixed a large number of jambs that made themselves felt after some weapon upgrades for mechanics.
. Removed previous modification requirements for all mechanics. And now you can pump weapons and armor by affecting all upgrades.
. Now, when throwing out Leon's case, the mission will not fail.
. After the onset of freeplay, mass chaos will begin, newcomers and stalkers who are outside the shelter turn into zombies .. in short: after the onset of freeplay, a bunch of zombie people (557 people) spawn, in all locations, and a new plot quest pops up - clear the zone from zombie, trite, but still, so that at least some thread of interest arises.
. When using helicopters, before the initial plot parallel of the mod is completed, a message will be displayed stating that the GG has no specials. key. To avoid shock, some.
. Added a new parting - "Geiger counter".
. 4 tracks in the MP-3 player, namely in the "Club" section.
. And a lot of small tweaks.

[Version 0.7]
. After hiring a bodyguard, it became possible to re-equip him properly: give him any type of weapon, from Pmm to Gauss .. and, more importantly, give him a spare first-aid kit so that in case of a huge loss of lives, he would use it.
. The tools of the mechanics were completely hidden, and the old tools that were located in their original places were wiped off the face of the zone. The stalker tips were also rewritten.
. The firing range of all types of weapons has been revised.
. The base of the "Mercenaries" grouping has been created.
- Number: 20 guards, 8 patrols, 1 commander in chief, 1 merchant, 1 bodyguard.
- Location: Jupiter, west of the factory.
- Dress code: "Mercenary jumpsuit".
- Introduction: not implemented yet.
. Reskinned barrels: AK-101, AK-102, AN-94 "Abakan". And finally, the weapons "FN P90" and "XM8 Lightweight Rifle" have been restored, which can be ordered from the "mercenaries" trader.
. Points of fire have been fixed in all new weapons, now bullets will fly off the table. And also corrected the position of weapons in the hands of the NPC.
. Now, having completed the quest to free the SBU agent, the entrance to the scientists' bunker will not be locked, and the mercenaries themselves that guard the bunker will be neutral as always.
. Leon's Case is now picked up at the Monolith's base.
. In the game options, it became possible to assign keys to change the view of the cameras.
. Decreased the chance of food and medicine dropping from a corpse.
. When transferring a quest item to an NPC, the item will be automatically deleted.
. Fixed a glitch with Vobla's brigade. Now it will not immediately appear on the arrow.
. "Unknown Weapon" can no longer be repaired using a repair kit.
. Extended additional mod options, in the directory: gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx
. The xr_move schema has acquired a unique "PATROL" sub-circuit, which in my opinion can be considered a true alternative to waypoints.
. And much more.

[Version 0.8]
. The mod is purely hypothetically adapted for patch v1.6.02. For a full adaptation test, I'm waiting for a crack.
. The rank points system has been changed. More specifically, at: "path to the game\gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx".
. Entry into the group "Mercenaries". The entry quest turned out to be very difficult to implement, so I simply did not have time to do more than one quest.
. Playing on Master difficulty has become much more difficult.
. Added 3 sets of tools that were missing for the second mechanic. And also hidden "Tools for rough work", those that lay on the territory of the processing plant - in the radioactive focus (they were there since version 0.6). They are hidden in the same vicinity of the processing plant.
. Added 12 pistols, and 36 rifles, with mechanical upgrades (some) already pumped. Added for the purpose of arming quest characters and not only.
. The quest "Anomalous Activity" can now be completed with Novikov's improved scientific detector.
. Requirements for ordering items from merchants have been introduced, now for ordering, for example, AK-102, a rank>=300 is required.
. Increased prices for armor and weapon upgrades by ~3.15 times.
. Fixed an issue with SGM stashes that made it possible to use the stashes several times and thereby increase the counter of SGM stashes found. We need a new game.
. Rolled back the carry weight to default values. Minimum = 50, maximum = 60.
. Fixed characteristics of artifacts after selection of the 3rd type. Previously, the fact of a huge bonus was not noticed.
. New barrel FAL "Paratrooper", can be purchased from mercenaries. (Thanks to Albor59)
. For weak machines, I recommend disabling before starting a new game:
- spawn SGM min. You can do this by going to the directory: "path to the game\gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx", and changing the value of the create_mines_permition parameter from true to false.
- spawning SGM anomalies. This can be done by going to the directory: "path to the game\gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx", and changing the value of the create_anomaly_permition parameter from true to false.
. The game has a new object, the so-called "recycling box". Each location has 1 crate. How to use it: we take any damaged (whole) item, put it in the recycler, go for a walk .. we return to the box, use it, and get money for those items that were in the recycler. In this way, you can deal with weapons and armor that local merchants do not want to buy.
. And a lot of small tweaks.

[Version 0.9]
. The original enmity between the factions "Stalkers" and "Bandits" has been restored. Corrected the grouping of the Elbrus detachment.
. Fixed the system of mechanical upgrades, in the direction of logic.
. A new medic has been added, in Skadovsk. Appears after the death of Tremor.
. The military mechanic in Pripyat now requires special tools to upgrade. Tools are hidden on the territory of Pripyat.
. Rephrased many dialogues and corrected a huge number of grammatical errors. (Worked for: Spitfire)
. Hidden tools for fine work, which were previously located on the territory of the VNZ "Circle".
. Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible, after entering the Dawn, to come to the scientists in the bunker while the mercenaries acted as guards there.
. For completing many quests, both original and modded, rank points will be awarded.
. A hidden flamethrower. Now it can be found in the vicinity of Jupiter.
. A system has been introduced to populate empty places with random groups (although not always, for example, a processing plant will always be under the control of mercenaries). Produced once a day. Operates in areas:
- Waste processing station (12 people respawn)
- Substation workshops (11 people respawn)
- Sawmill (17 people respawn)
- VNZ "Circle" (14 people respawn)
- Dredger (8 people respawn)
- Checkpoint (20 people respawn)
- SAM "Volkhov" (29 people respawn)
. Fixed a bug with the durability bar of the current weapon, the one in the upper right corner. Now the strength scale will indicate accurately.
. As well as many minor tweaks.

[Version 1.0]
. The mod has been adapted for patch
. Reskin weapon "MP-5 Octopus". (Thanks Albor)
. Hidden almost all SGM caches and GPS guides.
. There was an opportunity to find out in Degterev's PDA - whether the tactics of warfare for a certain type of weapon have been studied.
. Added 4 sleep zones, which will be located on the territory of the bases introduced by the mod. However, you won’t be able to immediately use the sleep zones, they will be available only if you join the group that owns the base.
. Now you can terminate relations with the faction you joined by neutralizing the commander-in-chief.
. Being in freeplay, the GG gets the opportunity to independently travel between locations.
. The monster respawn system has been improved, the one that is activated using a separate item in the mod options. Now there will be more monsters, and random monsters will appear on spawn points.
. The system of settling vacant places has been expanded. Now also valid in the following areas:
- Gas station (10 people respawn)
- "Iron Forest" (8 people respawn)
- Cooling Tower (6 people respawn)
- Warehouse of containers (15 people respawn)
. Added anomalies: Zaton - 71, Jupiter - 65, Pripyat - 131. And also figured out why new anomalies did not appear on Jupiter and Pripyat. Now the number of new anomalies in all locations will be about 668 pieces.
. New section in MP-3 player.
. And also fixed a lot of serious bugs.

[Version 1.05]
. New item - "Personal Beacon".
. Oblique front sights have been fixed on the new weapon. Adapted for widescreen.
. On rifles "HK-G36E" and "L85" can be installed under the barrel grenade launcher.
. The quest to protect the base of the "Dawn" grouping has not been changed much.
. In the quests "Find a named vintar" and "Search for an unknown artifact in the sawmill" the spawn points of the target item have been changed, now they are random.
. The GPS conductors are again hidden, only now they will spawn randomly (for each conductor there are two spawn places, from which one is selected). Each location has 6 GPS guides, 18 in total.
. Random appearance of tools for the military mechanic.
. Removed anomalies that prevented the completion of some tasks.
. Fixed a bug that prevented the bounty from picking up guards for scientists.
. I went through the entire game with the mod, correcting my jambs along the way. Departures for the entire game - not a single one. I went through patch, and oddly enough - I never met a black column of textures, now I can consider that this problem is extremely rare, and in my opinion not problematic.
. Lots of fixes.

[Version 1.1]
. A new command for the bodyguard - "Go away", after which the bodyguard leaves in his own way.
. From now on, rank and headshots are awarded only for defeated enemies (and not friends and neutrals).
. Slightly corrected the quest to find the SBU reward cache.
. The capabilities of the "Personal backpack" have been expanded, now it can be picked up.
. New design for the PDA Degterev.

[Version 1.2]
. A new high-quality quest with a mysterious name - "Volcano". Available after picking up an unknown weapon (item #62), from Kovalsky, in Pripyat. For the quest to work correctly, it is necessary to save it before the first hit on Pripyat.
. New look: main menu, options, mod options, and save/load menu.
. From now on, weapons will be upgraded if the technician has parts. To replenish the number of parts, you will need to bring abandoned weapons or armor to local technicians, and store the found in a special container. Who doesn't like it - it is possible to disable this character by going to: gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx (parameter - need_mechanic_details)
. New SGM achievement, directly related to point 3.
. Reskinned weapons: FN-F2000, FAL "Paratrooper", SVD "Tiger". (Thanks to Albor59)
. Ukrainian voice acting of the bandits, and a reskin of the Omega detector. (Thanks WESKER)
. All new artifacts can now be detected by the appropriate detector.
. And much more, including minor fixes.

[Version 1.3]
. The postscript "-cheat_mode" will now work again. For normal operation of cheats, it is necessary to have only one phrase "-cheat_mode" in the postscript, without quotes.
. Changed the consequences of the bodyguard command, which allows you to let him go about his business. The bodyguard will disappear, there is no other way.
. Returned the old night vision devices that were still in version 1.1.
. Transferred the new FN 2000 model to the FN 2000 Uragan. The FN 2000 "Uragan" model does not have an underbarrel grenade launcher.
. The Ukrainian voice acting of the bandits has gone into oblivion. Made it in the form of an add-on.
. Fixed financial fraud with Gromoboy's "Name Vintar".
. Fixed the initial quest to escort the GG to Skadovsk.
. Those quest items that are not needed in the freeplay can be thrown away.
. Fixed a crash when entering the game options. The whole problem was because of the patch.
. Implemented random (random) appearance of tools. Each random house has its own tips from stalkers. In connection with this event, it became possible to buy from Owl the location of the set of tools you need.
. Now GG should sleep at least once every 12 hours. If the GG does not sleep for more than 12 hours, he falls asleep forcibly. There is also a sleep indicator.
. And much more.

[Version 1.4]
. Increased GG fatigue time. GG should sleep every 20 hours (you can adjust it for yourself in mod_parameters). Also now using: 1) Energetic - you can delay forced falling asleep. 2) First aid kit - you can bring forced falling asleep closer. 3) Alcohol - you can bring forced falling asleep.
. To join the Monolith, it will be necessary, in addition to everything else, to get the "Marked by the Zone" achievement. Intro dialog rewritten (Thanks to user OLD)
. Two armored suits have been added: the exoskeleton of the "Military", and the exoskeleton of the "Bandits". It will be possible to purchase, respectively, from the merchants of the Bandits (not immediately) and the Military.
. Fixed the logic of the doors on Pripyat, in the laundry. Now even if the GG is hostile, the door will still open.
. Added new quests:
(1 quest) Access can be obtained from the Beard, immediately after searching all the turntables on the Zaton. (Thanks to user OLD)
(Quests 2 and 3) Quests of the storyline in the lavas of the Monolith. Can be taken from the Cyborg after joining the Monolith. (Thanks to user OLD)
(4 quest) On Pripyat. You can take the quest on the top floor of the building, which is located between the "Laundry" and "Kindergarten", but closer to the "Laundry". (Thanks to user STALKER--2011)
. From now on, artifacts will periodically appear in new SGM anomalies, depending on the chance. Time of appearance: night or morning of each day.
. New parameter in gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx file - monsters_cleaner_interval. It is an automatic cleaner of the corpses of a dead animal, due to which it is designed to increase the performance of the game. There is also a manual version of this cleaner, it is described in the paragraph below.
. A new section called "Optimization" has appeared in the mod options, thanks to which you can manually clean: SGM anomalies, monster corpses, and booby traps.
. Fixed jambs with a deposit from savers. Now, having put any amount on the deposit, you can immediately find out what percentage of it will come up tomorrow. Also in the Degterev PDA, in the statistics section, you can find out the amount of your money on deposit with savers.
. Fixed the achievement bonus "Technician's Helper".
. Added 19 tracks to MP-3 player. 10 in Club, 7 in Soundtrack, 1 in Fun, and 1 in New. Ey I like the new music and everything!!!
. Without the completed quest of scientists "Variable psi-radiation", in the tunnel, there will be no base of the Dawn group.
. Added a new SGM achievement.
. New mod option.
. And much more.

[Version 1.4.1]
. I put the chief of security at the base of the mercenaries. It will be possible to agree on the passage to the base with him. Requirements to get the pass: Mercenary overalls, and a password. (Will work with the start of a new game, or if you haven't hit Jupiter yet and are about to)
. The quest of mercenaries - "The Lost Squad" - has been brought to mind.
. Added a personal flash drive to Molfar, the leader of the mercenaries. Almost all personal caches have also been enriched, each will contain a bag of money and more.
. Dawn merchant sells AK-47, without order.
. The skin of mercenaries, which in previous versions were in American uniform, has been replaced.
. The coefficient of the effect of selection has been increased, and, accordingly, the cost of its implementation.
. The system for calculating the "number of boxes with parts" for the mechanic has been improved, now many factors will be taken into account, I will list them: price, uniqueness, condition (if very bad, get less points, if good, more points, and if average, then the usual number of points) , and the presence of the SGM achievement "Technician's Assistant".
. My experiment showed:
1) When playing on static lighting, there are practically no crashes and saves work correctly.
2) When playing on any lighting that is better than static, serious crap is detected (because with a change in lighting, other processes follow in the engine than on static), such as broken saves and disabling restrictors (so some doors do not open), but not all it's so simple, crap is not always observed, most often the game works correctly after the start of a new game, and this correctness is often enough to complete the mod. There is only one advice here: after starting a new game, run the mines. 10-20 by location, and test save and load, if everything is in order, feel free to load the "start game" autosave, and start playing the game with confidence.
3) Item 2 seems to have been fixed (xr_logic and utils rules): I started a new game on advanced lighting 5 times, and climbed for 10 minutes, took all the quests, completed some quickly, switched to Jupiter, everything seems to work. If everything is also critical for you, switch to static lighting, 100% will help. And do not be offended because of the sorties on me, I am not yet able to do anything on the road with these remaining crap, but I will not dare to give up positions :)
. And much more.

[Version 1.4.2]
. Added the third quest of the Sins storyline, for the monolith. The quest is very good, so it turned out to be the most time-consuming to implement. A new game is not needed, the main thing is to play from the moment before joining the monolith. (thanks OLD)
. Fixed a critical crash when completing the "Operation Volcano" quest. I had to rewrite the logic of the base of the monolith, and as a result: the quest will work if you load the save before the first arrival at Pripyat. (No other way)
. Finally fixed the texture of the soles of the Monoliths.
. Improved work of bodyguards:
1) Hired bodyguards will not only protect you, but also earn a rank for you.
2) The teleportation system now works flawlessly. You can freely use the GPS-conductor and not be afraid that the bodyguard will get stuck somewhere.
. For completing quests and getting medals, the coordinates of the SGM caches will be issued.
. I decided not to add new tracks, but to replace some obsolete ones: in the club section "Trek_5", "Trek_14", "Trek_28 (duration 22 minutes)", and the bonus section "Bonus_16".
. And much more.

[Version 1.4.3]
. BREAKTHROUGH!!! Solved the problem with broken saves due to INCORRECT LOAD. The xr_motivator script turned out to be rotten. Basically, this problem concerned people playing on non-static lighting.
. On FAL "Paratrooper" it will now be possible to wind optics and a silencer, according to NATO standards.
. Added 3 new weapons: FAN "", G43 Gewehr, L85 "Tactic". As well as the corresponding skill books for them. You can buy new weapons from some merchants, or remove them from a defeated enemy. (Thanks SEA_CAT)
. Replaced models for: AK47, AKM74 "Taktik", APB, Mossberg590. Changed the textures of some weapons. (Thanks SEA_CAT)
. All anomalies and restrictors of the mod are translated under all.spawn. Thanks to all.spawn, access to the filling of standard caches has opened up... (NEW GAME REQUIRED)
. If you order a weapon from a merchant, he will sell you not only your order, but also the necessary cartridges.
. Replaced tracks in MP-3 player: in the Bonus section "Bonus_11" "Bonus_19" "Bonus_20", and in the Stalker section "Track_16".
. Freeplay changed.
. And other very important changes.

[Version 1.4.4]
. You can now enter the monolith after the quest to clear the "Books" store.
. The condition for crediting statistics on headshots has been corrected, now hitting the head is 100% headshot. A headshot will be credited even if the tactics of conducting a battle have been studied (previously it was also credited, but only "rank increased" was written in the upper left corner). Also fixed mod parameter - allow_monsters_headshot, however sometimes explicit headshot is not protected.
. The mod option "Forbid NPCs to throw grenades" has been returned. I tested it properly, I did not reveal any lags.
. A new quest for the "Dawn" faction. Available immediately after completing the Dangerous Job quest.
. With the inclusion of the create_alfa_permition parameter from gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx, a special unit "" will actively progress in the game, the main goal of which will be to neutralize Oleg Degterev. Number: Zaton - 7 squads, Jupiter - 4 squads, Pripyat - 2 squads. For this option to work, a NEW GAME is required.
. The mod's options "Dynamic thin current armor" and "Use respirator" now function independently of each other.
. Increased mechanical upgrade prices by 50%.
. And other little things.

[Version 1.4.5]
. Now the Alpha has become really dangerous: the range of vision and the protection of their armor has been increased. Previously, problems with the alpha were due to the fact that the squads were given simulation by smarts (it was sim_avail = true, it became false), but now the reaction of the Alphas will be logical.
. The quest of the bandit merchant Kochubey for the "Messler" flashlight, now you can pass (complete) without problems. Having previously taken this quest, and joined any group other than a bandit, it was impossible to complete the quest.
. Fixed the immortality of the Monolith "Fiend", which made itself felt in the final quest "Evacuation". Also, the Monoliths, who belong to the base of the monolith (the cinema "Prometheus"), have become neutrals for the military, and the military for them .. this will allow you to go through the final quest with less difficulty, and not quarrel
. Fixed a problem with the disappearance of artifacts that were in their usual places in earlier versions. For example: the anomaly "Sosnodub" and the artifact "Kolobok" in it.
. The AK-47 submachine gun supports the installation of an underbarrel grenade launcher and an optical sight. Rifle "XM8" got the ability to mount an underbarrel grenade launcher. Rifles "FAN FALL" and "Colt M4A1" support the installation of all addons.
. Fixed the reaction of the GG bodyguards. Example: you took a bodyguard in Skadovsk and went with him to the Forestry. The forestry is run by bandits. Initially, they are neutral to you, so the bodyguard does not touch them, but as soon as these bandits become enemies for the GG, the bodyguard immediately begins to react to the enemy.
. In the quests: "Nominal weapon", "Missing reconnaissance group", "Scientific report" - an emergency execution system has been introduced.
1) "Nominal weapon" - if you take this quest, and without having time to search the corpse of a Monolith (to take a quest item) go to another location, the corpse of this quest Monolith will disappear (because the second cleaner of corpses is sewn up in the game engine, the first is release_body_manager) . As a result, without the corpse of a Monolith, it will not be possible to obtain its quest item, and the quest will not be possible to complete ... now, if this corpse disappears, the required quest item automatically appears in the GG's backpack.
2) "Missing reconnaissance group" is a story quest of the original game. The same problem as point 1: if you do not search the corpse of the deceased commander of the reconnaissance group, go to another location, the corpse disappears and the quest becomes impossible. After my edits, the corpse of the commander will disappear anyway, but now if you return to the place where this corpse was (even if the corpse disappears, the mark remains), the quest will go further in the story.
3) "Scientific report" - as in paragraph 1: when the corpse of Professor Tyagnibok disappears (in whose backpack quest documents are stored), the professor's quest documents will be received in the GG's backpack.
. Fixed a crash on the final quest "Evacuation", which occurred if the GG was wearing the "Military" exoskeleton.
. The idea with the eclipse after the departure of the evacuation helicopters has been corrected, now the eclipse will be accurate.
. In version 1.5, it will be possible to recruit monsters. At the moment, all the necessary scripts have already been written, and the recruitment function works without problems. Now I'll start testing the Persian, and I'm sure that everything will be ready by version 1.5.
. And other edits.

[Version 1.5]
. Fixed a mod error due to which, during the passage of the game: doors did not come off, quests were not issued, and the conductor did not lead. Definitely a breakthrough! I learned a lot about autosaves and the has_alife_info() function.
. Alpha is now filed as a mod option. While in the game, you can either turn Alpha on or turn it off. Also, Alpha respawns less often, and at the very beginning of the game, not seven squads appear on the Zaton, but three, it all depends on the rank of the GG.
. Due to the impossibility of selecting boxes with 7.62x54 cartridges under the bridge in the center of Jupiter, Degterev had to be sent to gymnastics courses. Now Degterev has learned to squat even lower.
. New parameter artefacts_spawn_chance, in gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx.
. Fixed the quest "Named Weapon". Now, if any NPC picks up the quest vintar before the GG, the GG will still be able to get it, but in a different place, and at the same factory.
. Now, after passing the Pripyat-1 overpass, it will be possible to return to it. Also on this overpass, I started one freeplay quest.
. New item - "X8P25". Thanks to this drug, GG will be able to tame some mutants. Tamed mutants run after GG and try to protect him. There are several irreparable shortcomings (although they, in principle, give realism), in terms of protecting the GG:
1) Suppose you have tamed a pseudo-giant .. if your pseudo-giant sees another pseudo-giant (or some kind of monster that is initially his friend, in terms of relationships), he will ignore him, because your pseudo-giant is of the same species as the second one.
2) Tamed mutants do not react to NPCs that are friendly to the GG, however, unlike mutants, these NPCs attack your mutants.
. Translating mod objects under all.spawn not so long ago, I missed something: as it turned out, many objects from early 1.4 versions were missing in the current versions (including the radio on Yanov and in the laundry. As well as mutant ambush zones ). Corrected.
. Fixed an issue in the quest "Psychic Burst" that made it impossible to complete the quest if you were using a weapon with learned tactics.
. Improved enemy recognition system for bodyguards.
. The tracks in the MP-3 player have been replaced. Club section: "Track_1", "Track_9", "Track_16".
. And other major changes.

[Version 1.6]
. Now, even if you sleep in a sleeping place all night, the respawn of monsters will work. (Only with the "Spawn more monsters" mod option enabled) Also, now all bankers will easily accrue legal interest from the deposit account.
. Recruited mutants almost brought to mind:
+ Mutants safely follow the GG, and, if necessary, protect him.
+ If you shoot at a mutant several times, he will get angry and will give change.
+ Mutants have a special mark on the map. The label disappears if the GG teased the mutant too much.
+ NPCs that are friendly to the GG will not fire at the mutant you recruited.
+ The recruited will not attack the same recruited mutants.
+ Now you can recruit many different types of mutants and keep them under control at the same time. If you have captured a pseudo-giant, for example, and want another chimera, despite the fact that the chimera is already 10 meters away from you, and hastily began to attack your monsters, immediately use the drug to tame the chimera. As soon as you use the drug, the chimera will switch to you, and you can keep it for as long as it takes to recruit.
+ Now you can tame the chimera.
- Example: you recruited a Snork, and immediately met another one (not recruited). In this case, your snork will not attack the snork hostile to you, because he considers him his brother. (This bug is 100% unfixable)
. Fixed a problem due to which the quest "Disappearance of stalkers: meet with the Grouse later" disappeared when the GG tried to teleport (using GPS) from the place where the quest needed to disperse with the Grouse.
. Fixed problems in the quest "Deal" (for stalkers or bandits), which arose due to the base of bandits.
. In the second quest of the "Atonement for Sins" series, after filling the 9th cache, a quest reloading system has been introduced, as a result, there will be no crash.
. Solved the problem with emissions, due to which the GG, even while in cover, died.
. Implemented a system for cleaning up frozen inscriptions from saves and autosaves. The maximum time for displaying the inscription is 5 seconds.
. Due to the ability of the GG to instantly get rich thanks to the percentage of the deposit, through frequent sleep, the ability to use sleeping places in the territories of the bases has become limited. Now, after the experienced sleep, it will not work again (and immediately), you need to walk around the zone for at least 1 hour, after which the possibility of sleep will be allowed. This restriction only affects designated sleeping areas.
. If suddenly in the game, you will have crashes when you try to remove or replace the current armored suit, use the magic button: while in the game, press ESC, the main menu appears, and press the T (not Russian) button. A window will appear that will ask you - "Delete the current armor suit?", Answer YES, and that problematic item will disappear. There will be no more flight, and you can put any armor in the slot. Didn't come up with any other solution.
. Bodyguard relations rewritten. Now bodyguards will correctly react to any enemy, including a recruited mutant.
. An unsuccessful attempt was made to optimize the mod, alas, I can’t do anything about the loss of FPS. I turned off the constant updating of almost all large scripts, and the FPS increased by only 4-7 FPS points, I don’t understand anything. All the problems are connected, it seems to me, with the large size of the locations and their original content.
. In the MP-3 player, the track in the "Bonuses" section has been replaced, called "Bonus_4".
. Rewritten behavior schemes: xr_move, xr_bodyguard, mob_move.
. Added "Mercenary Exoskeleton". You can buy it from a mercenary merchant.
. A huge number of other fixes have been made.

[Version 1.7]
. New quest in freeplay.
. Now you can join the DUTY and FREEDOM groupings. (As requested by Dignition)
Condition for joining the DEBT:
- Bring Shulge PDA Morgan.
- bring Shulge the CCP of the founder of Duty.

Condition for joining FREEDOM:
- Bring Locke PDA Morgan.
- bring Loka the PDA of the founder of Debt.
- Complete the task at the warehouse of Debt.
. The mini-game "21 points" has been introduced into the game. Details in the game.
. A new currency appeared in the zone - electronic rubles. We will assume that ordinary rubles in the game are transferred from pocket to pocket, and electronic ones from PDA to PDA. Electronic currency can be exchanged for money from savers, at a certain rate, which is generated every six hours of game time.
. The "Diplomacy" section in Degtyarev's PDA will be available in freeplay, and not as before - after the "Diplomat" SGM achievement. In this section, the GG, for certain money, can make peace or war with other groups.
. In the Degtyarev PDA, additional statistics have been added.
. Restriction of sleep in specially designated places is now associated with the use of a mobile sleeping bag GG.
. After the defeat of any of the bases, the merchant and the bodyguard who was present at the base before it was defeated will leave. Settings: gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx
. On Jupiter, hidden cache with artifact "Basilisk".
. Halved the number of crows in the sky.
. Changed the immunities of people and monsters, in the direction of complication.
. Lots of new tracks in MP-3 player.
. Corrections:
- Killing the mercenary commander-in-chief Molfar is now correctly counted in the SGM statistics.
- Fixed script for cleaning quest items of the mod. Unnecessary items will be removed in time.
- Fixed the problem of displaying Degtyarev in game videos.
- Fixed a problem with the speed of the game time, which was observed after loading an autosave before the ejection.
. Other minor and technical fixes.

[Add-ons mod]
""German voice-over of mercenaries""

"Ukrainian voice acting of bandits"

"Transparent Inventory"

"New Weather"

[What not to do in my mod]
Do not put items in the fast slot in the cells of which there is more than one. Or: Place items only those that occupy one square in the inventory.

Install on top of the mod, here is this mod:
Open the gamedata\configs\mod_parameters\mod_params.ltx file with notepad and change the following settings:
respawn_bases_permission = true
create_anomaly_permission = true
create_mines_permission = true
on the:
respawn_bases_permission = false
create_anomaly_permission = false
create_mines_permission = false
If possible, defragment the local drive where the game is installed.
Start the game. Start a new game or load a save. Go to main menu. Press F5. In the window that appears, click on the button with the name "Optimization". In the new window, click on the following buttons and then click OK:
Remove SGM anomalies
Remove SGM mines
Remove monster bodies
Save the game.
Exit the game, and re-enter by loading the saved game from STEP 5.
If during the game, a large number of dead monsters have accumulated near you, use cleaning the bodies of monsters, as in STEP 4.
The game will run almost without brakes, almost like in the original, but at the cost of disabled mod anomalies and booby traps.

If you play on static lighting, and the game slows down to put it mildly - install on top of my mod - NO BUMP mod, from the authors: Celdor, here -Kryak-
Here is the link to the NO BUMP mod below

If, while playing my modification, a crash suddenly occurred, there is no need to rush and write to the topic, instead try to load again. If subsequent downloads do not help, and the flight did not capitulate, then please come to me in Temko. When you begin to formulate the text of the message, be sure to try to describe the possible reason for the departure (maybe you got to the wrong place), and the situation in which you were at that point in time + attach the LOG of the error (departure) to the message.
Q: What is LOG error and how can I find it?
A: This is a crash debugging system that is provided by the game in the form of text, although not always. In order to find the LOG, you need to go here:
My Computer-->Shared Documents-->S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat-->logs-->Then open the first file in TXT format, and select 25 lines from the bottom. After throwing these 25 lines in a message to the forum.

The mod is completely incompatible with other global modifications.

1) reVision - for ideas, help, dialogue, and support.
2) STALKER--2011 - for the creation of many 3d models of new fashion items and the idea for the quest.
3) gG - for correcting the grammar in all texts of the mod, and for the huge support.
4) Pavel Tomilov - for correcting the grammar in all texts of the mod, and for the huge support.
5) Spitfire - for correcting grammar in all texts of the mod.
6) akaund - for correcting the grammar in the texts of the mod and for the huge number of paraphrased dialogues.
7) Shoker and his fashion - for food like: biscuits, beer, etc. And for the anomaly spawn script.
8) Simbion Mod - for new sky textures.
9) [email protected]- for the design of the background, for the installer.
10) JeLome - for ideas for quests.
11) albor59 - for help in creating the mod.
12) SEA_CAT - for help in creating the mod.
13) WESKER - for help in creating the mod.
14) [YAR] and Sin - for the TOS-33 model with an optical sight.
15) ABC Team - for dynamic skin textures in armor suits.
16) Hemul - for testing and moral support.
17) MUTANT7 - for testing and moral support.
18) Bulat - for ideas for quests.
19) OLD - for ideas for quests, and many dialogues.
20) Dunin - for ammo repacker.
21) Modelers - for models of new items and weapons.
22) Narodnaya hodgepodge - for the script for creating restrictors.
23) Everyone who helped the project.

[How to install]
1.Before installing, completely delete the gamedata folder from the game directory.
2.Run the installer and follow its instructions.
3.After installing the mod, be sure to start a new game.

Fix for v1.7

1) Fixed a crash when trying to buy the location of caches from Owl.
2) In the "21-point" mini-game, in the second field, the opponent's name will be displayed.
3) Saver. Expanded the amount of a single deposit, when making a deposit. For one approach, you can put: 25, 50, 100 thousand.
4) Fixed flaws in the rules of the mini-game "21 points".
5) The rules for entering into DEBT and FREEDOM have been simplified. Previously, to join, it was necessary to bring both PDAs: Morgan and Tkachenko. Now one PDA will suffice.
6) Fixed a problem with the stamina bar that occurred after drinking honey. drugs. It was in the "eat_max_power" parameter.
7) Fixed the logic of some characters.
8) Fixed a problem with buying caches from Owl.

Like 929

Mini F.A.Q.

Well, it's time to create a small development on the most frequently encountered issues. Here the achievements of comrades will be used Serg2526(, Hemulen(, mine, and of course yours, if you have a desire to help in this matter. This "work does not claim to be complete, some issues may be controversial or incomplete. Therefore, we work together, write your suggestions and your work on F.A.Q. in PM. We take version 0.9 as a basis. Although many story quests are identical in other versions

Q: Where is the mercenary base located?
A: The mercenary base is where in the original there were tools for fine work on Jupiter. (to the south from the anomaly Concrete bath 100 m)

Q: Tell me what you need to do on the quest in Kopachi? Thunderbolt complained that he was stunned there, a task appeared to break into the house.
1. You need to go to the village by the mark, you will find a corpse with a PDA;
2. Take the PDA to Gromoboy, he directs you to the cement plant;
3. At the cement plant, find the named Vintorez;
4. Give the anomalous weapon to Thunderbolt.
Oh yes, after taking the quest, you can’t move from loca to loca. Until the selection of the PDA from the corpse of the Monolith.

Q: Where is the Dawn grouping? Tell me more.
A: The group "Dawn" in the railway tunnel behind the cooling tower, where scientists are sent to investigate the psi-field.

Q: I go to the scientists' bunker and... "The camp was attacked." And all the security knocks me down. I don't understand what's what...
A: If you joined the Dawn, mercenaries and bandits become enemies forever. The scientists are guarded by mercenaries. There are two solutions here - complete the quest to find docks at the Jupiter plant (the mercenaries from the bunker will dump them there and you will kill them), and the second is to shoot all the mercenaries near the bunker from afar, preferably with a silencer. But it is better to collect documents.

B: People! I have in Pripyat, the Zulu does not appear. After I talked with Kowalski, I moved to the Zulu, but he was not there.
A: He appears in the original only after the quest for an unknown weapon. Yes, if you don’t immediately rush to him, but leave Loki, he may even be offended and leave

Q: How to solve the problem with Neon's quest?
A: The problem is that this bandit runs fast - catch up with him and kill him.

Q: How to join the "Monolith"?
We go through almost the entire game, to the place where you need to check the moving signal (Arrow);
We do not open the box for the Cyborg before joining the Monolith, otherwise joining the clan will fail;
We approach the Cyborg and then he agrees to accept the GG, taking into account the rank (drives of course);
We take the task of killing the "saiga";
We lay explosives under the bodyguard, move away, blow up;
We are trying to catch up with the saiga, of course it doesn’t work, but we know that he is running towards the bus;
Valim Kasimova;
We run/fly to the Cyborg, speak and get a reward, and what kind of reward (exa monolith, docks on Grom, 10 elite first aid kits, Arctic Warfer L96A1 sniper rifle, 100 ammo for it, 50 ammo for a regular SV sniper rifle, backpack, bonus track in MP-3 player).

Q: How to complete the mission to protect the base of the Dawn group?
We approach the tunnel behind the cooling tower (the task is triggered at the entrance);
We shoot all the monsters without exception (especially the pseudo-giant);
The task is counted, we go and talk with the leader of the Dawn, we receive a reward.

Q: The detector is removed from the slot. How to solve this problem?
A: This is not a problem, but a feature. Batteries are in vogue for a reason...

Q: Where can I get batteries for the detector?
A: They are on sale from Mod merchants at Skadovsk, Yanov, in the bunker of scientists on Jupiter, in Pripyat, sometimes they come across in corpses and caches

Q: How to join a group of bandits?
A: On Zaton, where in the original there was a deal with weapons - their base. How to get 40-50 points so come, the price is 4500r. After verification, you will be enrolled in the clan and become the right hand of Chapai.

Q: Quest with a cooling tower and Tachenko. If Svarog was inadvertently improved, then the quest is not completed, i.e. there is a check for Svarog ordinary (0.8 in 0.9 corrected)
A: Yes, Svarog does not detect an anomaly at the Cooling Tower with the upgrade. But it detects artifacts at a greater distance than the original.

Q: There was a question about joining groups. Can I enter them in order? 0.8
Oh yeah. First into bandits, then Dawn, into the Monolith, and only then into mercenaries.
And 0.9 is not much different in this from 0.8, the order is about the same: bandits, dawn, (further on as you please) mercenaries, monolith or monolith, mercenaries.

Q: Tell me how to use the bodyguard correctly? He hired Khan in the Forestry, as a result, he started a war with friendly stalkers and was killed.
A: Read the conversation thread with them, everything is written there: do not use weapons, wait well and protect me. So you need to manage them, and not expect something beyond natural from them.

Q: Where can I find a hire suit?)) Traders do not have such a rank under 500.
A: It is located in the cell of the SBU. Appears after returning to the backwater from Yanov to examine the crashed helicopters. Ahead of the question about the helmet - is in a cache at the cleaning station in the sewer.

Q: I can't complete the Bandit Deal quest! Someone is killing someone all the time! Tell me what to do?
A: Before completing this quest, you need to clear the entire base on the instructions of the Sword (meeting with Elbrus). Do not forget the bandits also have their own tasks.

Q: How many rank points are awarded for killing:
Novice NPC - 1.0
NPC Experienced - 2.0
Veteran NPC - 3.0
NPC Master - 4.0
Boar - 0.9
Burer - 2.9
Bloodsucker - 2.5
Controller - 4.0
Chimeras - 3.0
Blind dog - 0.6
Flesh - 0.8
Pseudo-dogs - 0.9
Jerboa - 0.4
Snork - 1.5

Q: What medals are in the mod and how much money is issued when they are activated:
Beginner Championship rank 50 - 3500 r
Pathfinder Championship rank 100 - 6000 r
Stalker championship rank 150 - 10000 r
Superiority experienced rank 200 - 11000 r
Veteran championship rank 300 - 12000 r
Master's championship rank 400 - 14000 r
Elite Championship rank 500 - 16000 r
Champion of the Hero of the Zone rank 600 - 25000 r

Q: Where to look for tools in version 0.9
Tools for rough work on Zaton.
Recycling station in the pipe upstairs (3 thick pipes extend from the non-play area). Climb into the pipe from the backyard along the stairs on the concrete pillar (one of the racks that support these pipes).

Tools for fine work on Zaton.
Anomaly "Iron Forest" - in the very corner of the building with a descent into the basement to the door with a combination lock. In front of this building, the pipe comes out of the brick cube and goes to the roof. The tool behind the brick cube.

Tools for rough work on Jupiter.
SAM "Volkhov". Under UAZ.

Instruments for fine work on Jupiter.
Entrance to the oasis. In the corner, behind the corpse.

Instruments for calibration at Pripyat.
Pripyat. River port. In the elevator cabin.

Pripyat. Deli. Near the stairs to the basement, behind the column.

Pripyat. Near the hospital, in the building, on the windowsill.

Then to the right

To the end of the corridor

And to the left

Tools for military technicians on Pripyat.
Pripyat. Near the KBO, in the pipe.

Used achievements of comrades RemWay(AMK) Barabek(SP)

Q: How to complete Chapaev's "order" quest for one mercenary or get a named weapon.
Description: Chapaev instructed us to "fill up" one mercenary named "Jackal" and take Chapaev's signature weapon from him
Quest issues: Chapaev
Issue conditions: rank over 50
Reward: PP-19 "Bizon-2", box with charges VOG-25 x10, GP-"Bonfire", 5.45x39 mm BP x240, repair kit for weapons, grenade converter, 5000 rubles.
Option 1) we go to the substation workshops (be sure to take Vintorez with us) where a group of mercenaries is located, led by Tesak, "shoot" the grenade launchers on the roof of the building, and then we "bring down" everyone else, take the trophy "Beretta92FS" and collect swag. Next, either we go, or we teleport to Skadovsk, "push" everything unnecessary to Sych, and then we go to hand over the trunk to Chapaev
Option 2) After completing the "bring food to the mercenaries" quest, the passage to the substation workshops will be free. We go to the base, go to the containers, there are 3 mercenaries sitting there - we put a mine, we go into the house with the Jackal, we undermine the charge, we bring down the Jackal and the bodyguard, we get up in the doorway, we shoot the Sailors, which go into the frontal, then we go in from the rear and bring down the grenade launchers . (Thank you [email protected]"u)
Tip: mercenaries are not bandits with sawn-off shotguns, so it will not be easy, use grenades more often
P.S. for those whose GG is prone to corruption (takes bribes), the bandits will quickly set their brains in place.

Q: Where are the GPS conductors in version 1.0
A: Read and watch
Near "Skadovsk", under the pipeline

At the base of the bandits

waste recycling plant

"Shevchenko" on the bridge

Fault near the pioneer camp "Emerald"

Container warehouse

Cement factory

Behind the burker of scientists at the opposite wall to the doors

Plant "Jupiter" near the entrance to the workshop, where you need to inspect the helicopter

Railway tunnel, Dawn base, room where we take Izolyator

Thanks for the information and screenshots comrades [email protected] and Elephant Silver
I will add as it comes.

Q: Where to correct the weight displayed in the backpack, well, there below.
A: Changing the carry weight is edited in two files:
1 gamedata\configs\system.ltx line Max weight=50 - change to any number
2 gamedata\configs\creatures\actor.ltx line max walk weight=60 also by any number, but more than the previous one in system by 10, as you can see... you can just open these two files with notepad and search down the text for the word weight . .and then edit what you need ...

Q: How to join the "Mercenaries" faction?
A: We arrive in a mercenary costume at their base, approach the leader, carry out his task (consists of tasks: go to the Jupiter plant, clear the territory of the plant, follow the mercenaries to the 2nd floor, get out of the plant, bring the drug, follow to territory, clean up the zombies), hand over the task. The leader, upon completion, offers to join them.

Q: People how to withdraw money from corpses???
A: Buy a PDA hacking disk from a merchant in Skadovsk ($5,000). Then put it in your backpack and you will begin to withdraw money from corpses.

Q: Locations of the appearance of GPS conductors in SGM 1.05 from Avadon


1. Shevchenko, "rest room" near the fire.
Screenshot from Geralt of Rivia

2. Near Skadovsk, the beginning of the pipe towards the forestry, where the electr. ibelieveinyou
Screenshot from Geralt of Rivia

3. A cave under a burnt farm. It is in a large cave near the wall behind the stones. old gold
Screenshots from Vaiteria

4. Behind the processing plant, at the mesh fence (the edge of the location), from the side of the booth. algaloff
5. Gas station, descent to the snorks, broken room, in the corner of the empty half
Screenshots from straj_ilua

6. Forestry, truck body in the hangar ibelieveinyou
7. Behind the workshops of the substation, 15m from the fence. near the bush [email protected]
Screenshot from Geralt of Rivia

8. VNZ circle - from the main entrance to the territory in the left, far corner, near the fence Vaiteria
Screenshot from Geralt of Rivia


1. Cement plant. The building where the monolithic cache. 2nd floor behind pipes. ibelieveinyou
Screenshot from straj_ilua

2. Checkpoint in the center. ibelieveinyou
Screenshot from straj_ilua

3. Plant Jupiter in the room next to the crashed helicopter (blade in the wall). Santori
Screenshots from vdv5549

4. Quarry under the excavator bucket zloydyavol
Screenshot from Vaiteria

5. Helipad near the wall somewhere in the middle of mines zloydyavol
Screenshots from Vaiteria

6. Container warehouses, in a straight line from the entrance to the opposite wall Fret
7. "East tunnel", you need to jump off the hill from the side of the plant "Jupiter", on the ledge.
Info and screenshots from Geralt of Rivia

8. Plant "Jupiter", near the elevator, which we go down to the subway in Pripyat.
Info and screenshots from Vaiteria


1. Book store under the stairs zloydyavol
2. River port. Next to calibration tools ibelieveinyou
Screenshots from vdv5549

3. Old KBO. The second floor is where the burrer is. In a small room ibelieveinyou
4. School, 1st floor (where we save the Zulu) vdv5549

Backwater map with secrets (version 1.0-1.1)

Q: How to turn in forestry quests (Elbrus, arms deal)
A: I never had any problems with Elbrus. maybe because I'm doing the following:
1. I pay for the entrance to the base
2. I take and turn in the quest (s)
3. I lay a mine
4. Signing up for the Sword quest
5. I detonate a mine, clear the base, return to the sword (Elbrus and the brigade remain in the forestry)
6. After the Sword I go to the Beard (!!!)
7. I take a quest for a deal with weapons (by the way, a little trick: it would be nice to lay a mine exactly in the middle of those places where the bandits will stand and the debtor with mercenaries will capture everyone. There is a minus though: nothing will go to the rank)
8. With stalkers, I go to the sawmill and watch the plot video. here (!!!), judging by the marks on the map, there are only stalkers, bandits, mercenaries, a debtor, a bodyguard and a merchant at the sawmill. The Elbrus group is already dead!!! It remains only to remove the flash drive from it.
Helped comrade petrov
Q: Can you tell me where the Basilisk artifact is located in version 1.0 of the mod?
О Instead of answering, I will give a few screenshots, but we must take into account that the content of the caches changes with the start of a new game (I always had a Basilisk in this cache, but other things were different):

"Basilisk" in version 1.2 found by a comrade vdv5549

Algorithm for passing "monolithic quests" from Buusty
1. It is better to give Lyon's case to the head of the monolith's security immediately upon arrival at Pripyat.
2. After completing the quest to "Clean up the monolith accumulation in the" Books "store, you can go to the Cyborg and ask to join the Monolith - we get the "Dirty work" quest, we bring down Kasilov's bus, we pick up the PDA, we give it to the Cyborg, we get a reward, we go to sleep (come needed next day)
3. A day later, we take the quest "Atonement for Sins", consisting of 3 quests, the first - "Living Water" + 10 antibiotics - to treat the Monolith brothers who fell under the influence of the controller. We go to the Zaton to the local doctor in Skadovsk, we get a tip on the scientists’ bunker, we move to Yanov to the scientists, we get information from Herman about the living water that is in the Oasis (you can immediately buy 10 antibiotics from him, if not in your own stash) . We find living water in the Oasis, we carry the Cyborg to Pripyat, then we communicate with the Fiend, we receive gratitude from him and listen to the story about his group that fell under the influence of the controller (the group that disappeared on Jupiter are former mercenaries).
4. After a day, we take the quest "Filling the caches of the monolith." We buy in advance (we get from the stash) 90 charges for gauss from Mitrofan, we will still need 9 first-aid kits, 9 bandages, 9 antirads, 9 AK-74s (LR300, Spas 12) and a clip of cartridges for them. We go to Zaton, fill in the caches, return with a report to the Cyborg, do not forget to receive a reward from Mitrofan.
5. In a day we get the quest "Find a repeater". We go to Yanov to Hawaiian, we are interested, we part with 10,000 tugriks, we get information, but this is not enough, we go to the bunker to Ozersky, we get the final location of the repeater - at the Jupiter plant. We find it - we can’t raise it (still, such a “fool”!). We run to Pripyat and report to Cyborg, he praises and asks to clean up all the same "Books" from the infidels (mercenaries accumulated there and interfere with repairing the antenna). You can clear one, you can with a group of the Fiend. After cleaning, a repairman appears and "asks to come tomorrow." We come in a day - we communicate with the Monolith - that's it, sins are atoned for! We're going to rest.

P.S. In parallel, you can perform other quests, there were no overlays. Version 1.4.4

Spawn points of gps conductors in version 1.6 (respect Dedushka48)

1. at the exit of the pipeline from the ground towards Lesnichestvo, under a concrete canopy, east of Skadovsk.
2. in the Forestry in the back of a truck, in a non-main building.
3. Shevchenko, 2nd floor, room north of the fire;
4.behind the Processing Plant, near the fence approximately in the middle.
5. in a cave, south of the Burnt Farm, in the largest hall, near the stones.
6. VNZ Circle, near the fence on the western side, approximately opposite the entrance.
7. anomaly Boiler, in one of the faults, on the north side.
8. gas station, in the half of the room that fell into the rift.
9.behind the stone, at the eastern edge of the location, between the Dredger and the Cauldron anomaly.
10. South of the Substation Workshop, under a bush, opposite the western corner.
11. north of the Iron Forest 2 stones at the slope, to the left of the stones at a distance approximately equal to the distance between them.
12. in the upper part of the southernmost puddle, in a straight line between VNZ Krug and Emerald, approximately in the middle, but closer to Emerald.

1. northwest tunnel, where the Dawn base is, in the ventilation box in the corner of the room with the anomaly.
2.near the fence in a puddle to the south of the Ashes anomaly.
3. Eastern tunnel, on the ledge of the southern wall.
4. Jupiter plant, in the room next to the crashed helicopter.
5.Zavod Jupiter, in the main hall, where the entrance to the overpass, in the northern part of the hall, under the cistern, where there is a red barrel nearby.
6. Helipads, where the helicopter crashed, near the eastern wall, approximately in the middle of the mines, at the first bend of the wall.
7. KPP, in the yard, next to the UAZ, on the left.
8. Cement plant, south two-story building, 2nd floor, on the east side, on a grate, behind a vertical tank;
9. Warehouse of containers, opposite the entrance, behind the containers, at the western iron gate, between two buildings.
10. Anomaly Plavni, in the reeds, in the northwestern corner of the reservoir.
11. ZRK Volkhov, between 3 and 4 islands formed by paths, clockwise from the entrance, at the fence on the western side, under the Christmas tree.

1. Bookstore, under the stairs.
2. Old KBO, 2nd floor, a room with a wardrobe and drawers.
3. River port, on the north side of the building, behind the water dispensers.
4. KBO Yubileiny, on the top floor, on a broken flight of stairs, in the southwestern part of the building.
5. From the Kindergarten to the left, a horizontally located house, in the corner near the fence, on the western side of the house.
6. house to the left up from the Department Store, northern descent to the basement.
7. a small building below the Hospital, a room in the northeast corner of the western building;
8.inside the Fiery anomaly;
9. under a bush just to the right of the arch of a horizontally located house, below the Laundry Room, in the southeastern part of the location.
10. building to the left of the Grocery Store, north descent to the basement.
11. School, southeast corner of the building, 3rd floor.

It should be borne in mind that Arty is round, they can roll back somewhere not far away, so you need to search everything around.

Preparations for enslaving monsters (can be bought from Herman, in the bunker of scientists) version 1.6 (respect Dedushka48)

X8P25 for the pseudo-giant.
. Time to enslave - 40 seconds. Expiration date after opening - 80 seconds. This drug was invented in the X8 secret laboratory, and got into the zone thanks to marauders. The main advantage of the drug is that due to its biological properties, it is possible to tame a pseudo-giant of any suit. To perform the operation, you need to open the drug and hold it in your hands. The longer the target of enslavement is within the range of the drug, the sooner the expected effect will come.
X8P25 for Chimera
Impact radius - 10
Time to enslave - 30
Expiration date after opening - 70
X8P25 for wild boar.

Time to enslave - 20 seconds
Expiration date after opening - 40 seconds
X8P25 for the flesh.
Impact radius - 8 meters

X8P25 for a blind dog.
Impact radius - 10 meters
Time to enslave - 12 seconds
Expiry date after opening - 24 seconds
X8P25 for pseudo-dog.
Impact radius - 10 meters
Time to enslave - 15 seconds
Expiration date after opening - 30 seconds
X8P25 for snork.
Impact radius - 10 meters
Time to enslave - 18 seconds
Expiration after opening - 36 seconds
X8P25 for jerboa.
Impact radius - 20 meters
Time to enslave - 10 seconds
Expiration after opening - 25 seconds

Spawn locations for tools and their options, version 1.6 (respect Dedushka48)

Option 1
Backwater: -for calibration: -2, dredger behind the boxes on the main deck.
VNZ-circle, on the antenna support, northwest of the building.
Jupiter: - for fine work: -2, rear Jupiter, straight from the entrance, in the skeleton of the machine. Or in the underpass, near the cistern.
Anomaly "Ashes", behind the stones, near the hill.
Pripyat-for rough work: -2, bookstore, on the bus.
Dormitory, kitchen, behind the closet.
Option: -2
Backwater - for rough work, waste processing station, in a ventilation pipe, climb stairs from the street on a concrete support.
For fine work, an anomaly is an iron forest, behind a support at the entrance to the building.
Jupiter: - for rough work, for fine work - the entrance to the ventilation complex Oasis, ZRK-Volkhov.
Pripyat: - for calibration: -2, Deli Basement, before descending into the room with columns. river station, in a green booth.
Option: -3
Backwater: -for rough work-2, Emerald, left house (see from the bridge), there is a cache under the table, in the room, on the left instr., go to the scene on the right of the house under it there is a cache, on the roof of the scene there is a cache in the roof break.
Forestry. In the northern part (behind ZiL), there is a cache in the back of the zilka, between the anomalies on the right in the corner of the tool. In a straight line from Zil lies the body of the Stalker in the bush, take swag.
Jupiter: - for fine work, Jupiter, from the entrance directly, in the skeleton of the machine, or in the underpass, near the cistern.
for calibration, cement. rear, under the bridge on the right and there is also a cache.
Pripyat: - for fine work, school, assembly hall, on stage, in the corner.
for calibration, hospital, west wing, nearby toilet, window sill.
Option: -4
Backwater: - for rough work, behind the boxes on the main deck.
for calibration, Behind the VNZ "Circle", on the antenna support, northwest of the building.
Jupiter: - for fine work, Z-d "Jupiter", straight from the entrance, in the skeleton of the machine, or in the underpass, near the cistern.
for calibration, nomalia Pepelishche behind the stones, near the hill.
Pripyat - for rough work, hostel, kitchen, behind the closet.
for fine work, near the bookstore, on the bus.
Army tools in Pripyat:
1. Hospital, west wing, far toilet, window sill.
2. In the pipe on the street, to the west, behind the Yubileiny KBO.
3. In a green trash box, at the monument, at the Prometheus cinema.
4. Kindergarten, veranda, not surrounded by anomalies.

Spawn of vintar Gromoboy at the cement plant, version 1.6 (respect Dedushka48)

Do not forget that he can spawn in different places.
Here in these places I found, if it doesn’t work out, you need to reboot
because of this glitch, I always saved on cement.z-de.
1-where for Nitrogen you take the parts on the barrel, there is also a cache with a helmet.
2-Opposite behind the building on a metal balcony.
3-on the observation tower on the roof where the Stalkers hang out.
4-and in the same place at the bottom where the stairs begin, the room is the entrance to the basement right on the edge.
5-on the street next to the cistern on the grate of a broken ventilation box.

Complete walkthrough V.1.6. from Dedushka48
Download walkthrough V.1.6.

Passage of the quest "Wave of Mutants" from Buusty

Copyright 2009 GeJorge.

Expression: !m_error_code
Function: raii_guard::~raii_guard
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_storage.cpp
Line: 748
Description: .... - Call of Pripyat\gamedata\scripts\xr_motivator.script:260: attempt to index field "object" (a nil value)

Departure depends on the patched version of the pure "Call of Pripyat". Just restart the game.

FATAL ERROR (due to the buggy animation of Shustroy) - advice: just either save (not inside Skladovsk) or when loaded (the first 2 seconds we stand still - then we start moving).

expression: 0
Function: ErrorLog
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_engine_script.cpp
Line: 49
Description: Illegal call of add animation. Weapon is strapping now!!! zat_a2_stalker_nimble6657
stack trace:

Who has such a flight:
1. On version 0.9.1 - FATAL ERROR
Expression: fatal error
Function: CModelPool::Instance_Load
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
Line: 117
Arguments: Can"t find model file "dynamics\weapons\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_no_gl.ogf".

Expression: fatal error
Function: CInifile::r_section
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
Line: 475
Arguments: Can"t open section "skill_book_ak105". Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

Go to Call of Pripyat\gamedata"\scripts\SGM_dialogs. We are looking for the line: pri_deliever_monolith_bla_bla_bla..., in general, just enter pri_deli in the search and find the function of the same name with the number _25 at the end. Just change skill_ak105_book in the body of the function, for example, to detector_omega.
For help in solving the problem, respect comrade aqraccy

Sigerous Mod CoP 2.2 modification guide. This article discusses all the additional goodies of the SGM mod. (Author of the walkthrough: Stalker77Alex)

1. Tools - possible spawn points

Note: Tools should be found by pointing Owl and subsequent loading. This way you can save time and money.

1. On the dredger, behind the boxes on the main deck.
2. Behind the VNZ "Circle", on the antenna support, northwest of the building.
3. On the territory of the Iron Forest, behind the support at the entrance to the building.
4. Base of Bandits, Forestry, in the northern part (behind ZiL), between the anomalies, in the corner.
5. Former pioneer camp "Emerald", left house (see from the bridge), in the room, to the left.
6. Waste processing station, in the ventilation pipe, next to the place where the laptop of the mercenaries was. Step back along the passage between the units... look a little higher, there is a break in the pipe... you need to jump into the hole and pick up the tools.
1. Anomaly "Ashes", behind the stones, near the hill.
2. In the Oasis bunker, in the corner, behind the box, to the left, down the stairs.
3. Z-d "Jupiter", from the entrance directly, in the frame of the machine (or something like that).
4. Z-d "Jupiter", in the underpass, near the cistern.
5. SAM "Volkhov", under a broken UAZ.
6. Cement plant, to the right of the destroyed bridge.
Pripyat (for Kardan and Azot)
1. Hospital, west wing, nearby toilet, window sill.
2. Dormitory, kitchen, behind the closet.
3. School, assembly hall, on stage, in the corner.
4. At the "Books" store, on the bus.
5. Deli basement, before descending into the room with columns.
6. River port, near the green booth.
Pripyat (for Kirillov)
1. Hospital, west wing, far toilet, window sill.
2. In the pipe on the street, to the west, behind the Yubileiny KBO.
3. In a green trash box, in the pool near the monument, near the cinema "Prometheus".
4. Kindergarten, veranda, not surrounded by anomalies.

GPS guides.
Finding and using 12 GPS Conduits will unlock the Anomalous Conduit achievement.
1. Shevchenko, "rest room" near the fire
2. Near Skadovsk, the beginning of the pipe towards the forestry, where the electr.
3. A cave under a burnt farm. It is in a large cave near the wall behind the stones.
4. Behind the processing plant, at the mesh fence (the edge of the location), from the side of the booth.
5. Gas station, descent to the snorks, a broken room, in the corner of the empty half
6. Forestry, truck body in the hangar.
7. Substation workshops. Behind them, from the fence 15m. At the bush.
8. Behind the stone, 200 m from the anomaly towards Noah's swag
9. Not far from the Emerald (see screenshots)
10. At the anomaly "Boiler"
11. Near the "Iron Forest" (see screenshots)
12. Over VNZ circle
1. Northwest tunnel, where the Dawn base, in the vent. a box in the corner of the room with an anomaly;
2. At the fence in a puddle to the south of the Ashes anomaly;
3. Eastern tunnel, on the ledge of the southern wall;
4. Jupiter Plant, in the room next to the crashed helicopter;
5. Plant Jupiter, in the main hall, where the entrance to the overpass, in the northern part of the hall, under the cistern, where there is a red barrel nearby;
6. Helipads, where the helicopter crashed, near the eastern wall, approximately in the middle of the mines, at the first bend of the wall;
7. Checkpoint, in the yard, next to the UAZ, on the left;
8. Cement plant, south two-story building, 2nd floor, on the east side, on a grate, behind a vertical cistern;
9. Container storage, opposite the entrance, behind the containers, at the western iron gate, between two buildings;
10. Plavni anomaly, in the reeds, in the northwestern corner of the reservoir;
11. SAM Volkhov, between 3 and 4 islands formed by paths, clockwise from the entrance, at the fence on the western side, under the Christmas tree (she is there alone);
1. Book Store, under the stairs;
2. Old KBO, 2nd floor, room with wardrobe and drawers;
3. River port, on the north side of the building, behind the water dispensers;
4. KBO Yubileiny, on the top floor, on a broken flight of stairs, in the southwestern part of the building;
5. From the Kindergarten to the left, a horizontally located house, in the corner by the fence, on the western side of the house;
6. House to the left up from the Department Store, north descent to the basement;
7. Small building below the Hospital, room in the northeast corner, west building;
8. Inside the Fiery Anomaly;
9. Under a bush just to the right of the arch of a horizontally located house, below the Laundry, in the southeastern part of the location;
10. Building to the left of the Deli, northern descent to the basement;
11. School, southeast corner of the building, 3rd floor;

Code caches. Backwater.
Stash #1 - 5 spawn locations
1.preobrazhensky bridge (the southernmost support of the pipeline at the top)
2. iron forest (parking near the truck)
3.vz circle (entrance room in the corner behind the luggage rack)
4.dredger (in the entrance booth)
5.shevchenko (in the middle of the hold in the bow)

Stash #2 - 5 spawn locations
1. - old barge (on the left of Noah)
2. - port cranes (in the back of a Zila)
3. - emerald (first house, to the left of the main entrance)
4. - sawmill (near the western entrance to the main building under the tree)
5. - refueling (in a crevice near the descent into the cave with the Cossack)

1 - down circle far left corner from the main entrance (upside down cabinets)
2 - sawmill (from the south gate behind a pack of logs)
3 - at the anomaly "Iron Forest" (parking with a zil)
4 - Substation workshops (at a dead end on a box)
5 - waste recycling station (iron garage)
6 - Waste processing station - (near the distant building on the east side on the step)
7 - Refueling (on the roof)
8 - old barge (under the captain's cabin)
9 - Old barge (upper observation deck)

1 - "Shevchenko" (right diesel)
2 - Emerald (on the right side of the stage)
3 - Emerald (boat under the bridge)
4 - Forestry (middle building north entrance near left corner)
5 - Dredger (on top of the iron container)
6 - Anomaly "Kotel" (north-western fissure on the edge of the anomaly)

Code caches. Zaton and Jupiter. Detection method from IGOR.
Stash #1 - 5 spawn locations
place_1 = 424.90319824219.38.008037567139.-351.2373046875.1665279.74
place_2 = -347.06423950195,41.128829956055,-288.08709716797.259157.303
place_3 = -402.4714050293,10.998484611511,-19.450788497925.170264.51
place_4 = 401.20416259766,-6.3591351509094.240.46385192871.1625092.7
place_5 = 6.9317774772644,-0.51661044359207.35.307090759277.958187.19

Stash #2 - 5 spawn locations
place_1 = 159.39025878906,-6.9754457473755,-140.53561401367.1239204.13
place_2 = 235.01103210449.8.4191341400146.-17.846033096313.1368002.55
place_3 = -178.3671875.9.4127473831177.79.412651062012.582895.145
place_4 = -380.9104309082.17.833827972412.347.54278564453.204904.120
place_5 = -147.64343261719.3.7691006660461,-168.24476623535.640050.307

[Spawn locations for flash drives from caches in Zaton:]
Cache flash drive #1 - 10 spawn locations
place_1 = -409.93890380859.11.432676315308,-33.737419128418.161873.51
place_2 = -343.15347290039.20.234375.337.31433105469.268333.121
place_3 = -336.34841918945,39.596565246582,-281.98309326172.277377.303 - for the "Iron Forest" anomaly
place_4 = -141.12423706055,26.172834396362,-414.61907958984.658255.4 - Substation workshops
place_5 = 403.76235961914.33.292037963867,-441.41662597656.1629861.74
place_6 = 378.58984375.34.220317840576,-444.01226806641.1590982.1 - Waste recycling station
place_7 = -160.37620544434.23.836875915527,-174.42910766602.620842.57 - Gas station
place_8 = 165.93237304688,-0.77736532688141,-137.61859130859.1252417.13
place_9 = 156.26167297363,20.01580619812,-139.80184936523.1231925.13 - Old barge
place_10 = 195.79577636719,-4.8214030265808,-24.880825042725.1293970.84 - Port cranes

Cache flash drive #2 - 6 spawn locations
place_1 = 62.21208190918,-3.3512806892395,38.626136779785.1070821.19 - "Shevchenko"
place_2 = -163.28732299805.16.761199951172.141.79182434082.612524.11 - Emerald
place_3 = -184.79077148438,-3.974977016449,11.8255443573,573548,262 - Emerald (boat under the bridge)
place_4 = 432.41757202148,42.48380279541,2.0285348892212,1667085,293 - Forestry
place_5 = 397.74304199219,-3.5754837989807.223.74337768555.1620735.7 - Dredger
place_6 = 382.58157348633,-3.832200050354,453.63311767578,1599255,241 - Boiler anomaly

[Cache spawn locations around Jupiter:]
Stash #1 - 4 spawn locations
place_1 = -334.18746948242,8.6758279800415,13.486989974976.151038.625
place_2 = -316.53665161133,-1.0253590345383.169.77708435059.180264.556
place_3 = 369.12551879883.7.452495098114.325.20855712891.1305119.351
place_4 = -135.20445251465.27.108880996704,-498.27960205078.491000.344

Stash #2 - 3 spawn locations
place_1 = 402.46447753906.27.526525497437,-240.27212524414.1351495.642
place_2 = 393.32803344727.8.3377285003662.-112.09545135498.1335027.531
place_3 = 98.921356201172,18.86403465271,-466.94451904297.882878.320

[Spawn locations for flash drives from caches in the vicinity of "Jupiter":]
Flash drive for stash #1 - 9 spawn locations
place_1 = -122.26747131348,6.0861563682556,334.61810302734,514302,431 - Cooling tower
place_2 = -191.35214233398,16.175535202026,377.96124267578,395725,428 - Cooling tower
place_3 = -325.77420043945,10.180108070374, -22.706060409546,168305,372 - Volkhov air defense system
place_4 = -337.87347412109,1.5259602069855,263.9098815918,144407,380 - Kopachi
place_5 = -215.1407623291,-2.6192228794098,78.965126037598,353141,385 - Scientists Bunker
place_6 = 227.61846923828,4.7051568031311,151.86380004883,1102233,507 - Excavator
place_7 = 223.79414367676,4.3032450675964,152.9674987793,1099905,507 - Excavator
place_8 = 220.62644958496,4.7020859718323,151.8822479248,1098706,507 - Excavator
place_9 = 353.43075561523,40.773323059082,335.92150878906,1280475,349 -Cement Plant

Cache flash drive #2 - 7 spawn locations
place_1 = 58.593116760254,24.37929725647,-179.1661529541,816369,363 - checkpoint
place_2 = -14.465196609497,23.639026641846,-323.12261962891.691050.483 - Ventilation complex
place_3 = -99.91902923584,27.874181747437,-497.78356933594,552135,344 - Helipads
place_4 = -414.51425170898,1.2277468442917,-393.96432495117,22824,324 - Container warehouse
place_5 = 452.69592285156,31.235864639282,-458.21313476563.1437905.555 - Jupiter Plant
place_6 = 62.857429504395,3.5935339927673,346.84674072266,823338,510 - Station (toilet)
place_7 = -350.16265869141,2.9349331855774,-10.847288131714.124463.374 - Volkhov air defense system

Next, on the command line ("yo" or Tilda), we write the function: rs_cam_pos on and press ENTER, the GG location coordinates appear on the HUD,
now it remains to compare the coordinates of the GG and the cache (flash drive), in order to remove the coordinates from the HUD, we prescribe: rs_cam_pos off. The method is effective, while looking for hiding places, you can still find all sorts of goodies. Good luck searching.

Description of the location of various items in the mod Sgm Mod v1.6 - v1.7 for the game Stalker call of Pripyat

Spawn of the vintar Gromoboy at the cement plant.

Do not forget that he can spawn in different places.
Here in these places I found, if it doesn’t work out, you need to reboot
because of this glitch, I always saved on cement.z-de.
1-where for Nitrogen you take the parts on the barrel, there is also a cache with a helmet.
2-Opposite behind the building on a metal balcony.
3-on the observation tower on the roof where the Stalkers hang out.
4-and in the same place at the bottom where the stairs begin, the room is the entrance to the basement right on the edge.
5-on the street next to the cistern on the grate of a broken ventilation box.
Here in these places I found, if it doesn’t work out, I need to reboot.
That's why I wrote save there, and repeat the search.

Where to find tools.

Guys, here are the tools for you 4 options:
The location of tools v,1.6 and v.1.7 is exactly the same.
I checked v.1.7
Guys, is it really not clear if 4 options mean that with a new beginning of the game
the spawn of the tools will be different to get 4 options, I started the game 8 times.
You even manage to present your claims to me, I can’t find it, you’re looking badly.
It’s already inappropriate to buy everything ready from Sych, I’m amazed at you.

Option 1
Backwater: -for calibration: -2, dredger behind the boxes on the main deck.
VNZ-circle, on the antenna support, northwest of the building.
Jupiter: - for fine work: -2, rear Jupiter, straight from the entrance, in the skeleton of the machine. Or in the underpass, near the cistern.
Anomaly "Ashes", behind the stones, near the hill.
Pripyat-for rough work: -2, bookstore, on the bus.
Dormitory, kitchen, behind the closet.

Option: -2
Backwater - for rough work, waste processing station, in a ventilation pipe, climb stairs from the street on a concrete support.
For fine work, an anomaly is an iron forest, behind a support at the entrance to the building.
Jupiter: - for rough work, for fine work - the entrance to the ventilation complex Oasis, ZRK-Volkhov.
Pripyat: - for calibration: -2, Deli Basement, before descending into the room with columns. river station, in a green booth.

Option: -3
Backwater: -for rough work-2, Emerald, left house (see from the bridge), there is a cache under the table, in the room, on the left instr., go to the scene on the right of the house under it there is a cache, on the roof of the scene there is a cache in the roof break.
Forestry. In the northern part (behind ZiL), there is a cache in the back of the zilka, between the anomalies on the right in the corner of the tool. In a straight line from Zil lies the body of the Stalker in the bush, take swag.
Jupiter: - for fine work, Jupiter, from the entrance directly, in the skeleton of the machine, or in the underpass, near the cistern.
for calibration, cement. rear, under the bridge on the right and there is also a cache.
Pripyat: - for fine work, school, assembly hall, on stage, in the corner.
for calibration, hospital, west wing, nearby toilet, window sill.

Option: -4
Backwater: - for rough work, behind the boxes on the main deck.
for calibration, Behind the VNZ "Circle", on the antenna support, northwest of the building.
Jupiter: - for fine work, Z-d "Jupiter", straight from the entrance, in the skeleton of the machine, or in the underpass, near the cistern.
for calibration, nomalia Pepelishche behind the stones, near the hill.
Pripyat - for rough work, hostel, kitchen, behind the closet.
for fine work, near the bookstore, on the bus.

Army tools in Pripyat:
1. Hospital, west wing, far toilet, window sill.
2. In the pipe on the street, to the west, behind the Yubileiny KBO.
3. In a green trash box, at the monument, at the Prometheus cinema.
4. Kindergarten, veranda, not surrounded by anomalies.

One more tip: buy their location on Owl!

Where to find GPS guides?

1. at the exit of the pipeline from the ground towards Lesnichestvo, under a concrete canopy, east of Skadovsk.
2. in the Forestry in the back of a truck, in a non-main building.
3. Shevchenko, 2nd floor, room north of the fire;
4.behind the Processing Plant, near the fence approximately in the middle.
5. in a cave, south of the Burnt Farm, in the largest hall, near the stones.
6. VNZ Circle, near the fence on the western side, approximately opposite the entrance.
7. anomaly Boiler, in one of the faults, on the north side.
8. gas station, in the half of the room that fell into the rift.
9.behind the stone, at the eastern edge of the location, between the Dredger and the Cauldron anomaly.
10. South of the Substation Workshop, under a bush, opposite the western corner.
11. north of the Iron Forest 2 stones at the slope, to the left of the stones at a distance approximately equal to the distance between them.
12. in the upper part of the southernmost puddle, in a straight line between VNZ Krug and Emerald, approximately in the middle, but closer to Emerald.

1. northwest tunnel, where the Dawn base is, in the ventilation box in the corner of the room with the anomaly.
2.near the fence in a puddle to the south of the Ashes anomaly.
3. Eastern tunnel, on the ledge of the southern wall.
4. Jupiter plant, in the room next to the crashed helicopter.
5.Zavod Jupiter, in the main hall, where the entrance to the overpass, in the northern part of the hall, under the cistern, where there is a red barrel nearby.
6. Helipads, where the helicopter crashed, near the eastern wall, approximately in the middle of the mines, at the first bend of the wall.
7. KPP, in the yard, next to the UAZ, on the left.
8. Cement plant, south two-story building, 2nd floor, on the east side, on a grate, behind a vertical tank;
9. Warehouse of containers, opposite the entrance, behind the containers, at the western iron gate, between two buildings.
10. Anomaly Plavni, in the reeds, in the northwestern corner of the reservoir.
11. ZRK Volkhov, between 3 and 4 islands formed by paths, clockwise from the entrance, at the fence on the western side, under the Christmas tree.

1. Bookstore, under the stairs.
2. Old KBO, 2nd floor, a room with a wardrobe and drawers.
3. River port, on the north side of the building, behind the water dispensers.
4. KBO Yubileiny, on the top floor, on a broken flight of stairs, in the southwestern part of the building.
5. From the Kindergarten to the left, a horizontally located house, in the corner near the fence, on the western side of the house.
6. house to the left up from the Department Store, northern descent to the basement.
7. a small building below the Hospital, a room in the northeast corner of the western building;
8.inside the Fiery anomaly;
9. under a bush just to the right of the arch of a horizontally located house, below the Laundry Room, in the southeastern part of the location.
10.building to the left of Gastranoma, northern descent to the basement.
11. School, southeast corner of the building, 3rd floor.
It should be borne in mind that Arty is round, they can roll back somewhere not far away, so you need to search everything around.

Preparations for enslaving monsters.

Preparations for Enslaving Monsters
Preparations for enslaving monsters.v.1.6 1.7
Drugs for enslaving monsters, it can be bought from Herman
scientists' bunker.
X8P25 for the pseudo-giant.
The radius of influence is 10 meters. Time to enslave - 40 seconds. Expiration date after opening - 80 seconds. This drug was invented in the X8 secret laboratory, and got into the zone thanks to marauders. The main advantage of the drug is that due to its biological properties, it is possible to tame a pseudo-giant of any suit. To perform the operation, you need to open the drug and hold it in your hands. The longer the target of enslavement is within the range of the drug, the sooner the expected effect will come.

X8P25 for Chimera
Impact radius - 10
Time to enslave - 30
Expiration date after opening - 70

X8P25 for wild boar.
Impact radius - 8 meters
Time to enslave - 20 seconds
Expiration date after opening - 40 seconds

X8P25 for the flesh.
Impact radius - 8 meters

X8P25 for a blind dog.

Time to enslave - 12 seconds
Expiry date after opening - 24 seconds

X8P25 for pseudo-dog.
Impact radius - 10 meters
Time to enslave - 15 seconds
Expiration date after opening - 30 seconds

X8P25 for snork.
Impact radius - 10 meters
Time to enslave - 18 seconds
Expiration after opening - 36 seconds

X8P25 for jerboa.
Impact radius - 20 meters
Time to enslave - 10 seconds
Expiration after opening - 25 seconds

Where to find weapon skill books.

Guys I immediately warn you not to ask unnecessary questions.
In SGM Caches where there are skill books, the caches spawn in different places.
There will be no exact definition.
As the game progresses, I will replenish everything.
Here Guys left skill books in question.
pkm - RP-74
ak74u - AKS-74u


2-skill_book_abakan - USB flash drive Brass knuckles guard booth of the processing plant.

3-skill_book_ak74 - Flash drive Chapaev Port cranes, container.


5-skill_book_beretta - Lieutenant Smolyak's flash drive processing plant.

6-skill_book_bm16 - Nimble under a chair

7-skill_book_colt1911 - hunting for a chimera with Gonta, St. John's wort gives.

8-skill_book_desert_eagle - Gaiduk's Cement flash drive. wd first floor.

9-skill_book_fn2000 - Gives Ozersky for art. the heart of the oasis.

10-skill_book_fort - Grants Elbrus Fort-12 Clear Chapai's base.

11-skill_book_g36 - D. Yar Kopachi hiring.

12-skill_book_gauss - Cyborg gives for the quest to find living water.

13-skill_book_groza - Gives Gaunt for Magpie OTs-14 Thunderstorm

14-skill_book_hpsa - Gives Owl for HPSS-1M laptop

15-skill_book_l85 - Gives Noah a wave of mutants

16-skill_book_lr300 - Gives Beard for art compass.

17-skill_book_mp5 - Gives Spartak for the quest hitting.

18-skill_book_pb - Gives St. John's wort east tunnel burer PB-1s

19-skill_book_pm - Capercaillie flash drive refueling.

20-skill_book_rg-6 - Zulu flash drive Jupiter factory old building.

21-skill_book_rpg7 - Flash drive Driftwood checkpoint, second floor.

22-skill_book_sig220 - Gives St. John's wort to clear the nipples

23-skill_book_sig550 - Gives Bear for Mityai

24-skill_book_spas12 - Gives Vano an armor to go to Pripyat.

25-skill_book_svd - Knave's flash drive Near the Yanov station, bushes near the tree.

26-skill_book_svu - Gives St. John's wort night hunt for the chimera the last quest.

27-skill_book_toz34 - Gives the Beard to find the artifact Strange yavlenie.

28-skill_book_usp - Gives German the installation of UDP-Compact scanners.

29-skill_book_val - Gives Shulga for the PDA of the founder of Debt.

30-skill_book_vintorez - Gives Shulga for the PDA of the founder of Debt.

31-skill_book_walther - Nitrogen gives for tools.

32-skill_book_wincheaster1300 - Given by Herman for guarding the bunker.

33-skill_book_protecta - Gives Herman a psi field.

34-skill_book_ak47 - Noah at the stern of the barge.

35-skill_book_ak101 - Gives Spartak for the quest hitting the AK-101M.

36-skill_book_ak105 - Give the Monolith for Leon's AK-102 case.

37-skill_book_apb - Skadovsk where Capercaillie sits behind a net in the corner.


39-skill_book_grom - Given by Cyborg for killing Kasilov (breakwater)

40-skill_book_m4a1 - SGM cache of the firefly cafe opposite the magic book.

41-skill_book_m14 - SGM stash of the common room 5th floor.

42-skill_book_m82 - SGM cache east tunnel Barett - M82A1

43-skill_book_mosina - Lies on the stage under the shelving on top of the SGM cache.

44-skill_book_mossberg590 - SGM cache of the Debt warehouse in the trailer.

45-skill_book_ppsh41 - SGM cache PPSh-41 cooling tower near the gondola car, and can be on
cement plant between pipes.

46-skill_book_xm8 - At the mercenary block post in the box when you enter you will pick it up.

47-skill_book_p90 - Shulga has them on the table.

48-skill_book_fnfal - Given by Molfar for the controller quest.

49-skill_book_l85_tactical - Flash drive Shishak Railway tunnel.

50-skill_book_fanfall - SGM-Secret.for an.cauldron near the stones under the hill

51-skill_book_g43 - G43Gewehr Given by Nazar Dawn to clear the area.

52-skill_book_knife - under the Preobrazhensky bridge on the rocks in SGM-Tyne.