
Abstract on the topic:

Kashinsky district


  • 1 Geography
  • 2 History
  • 3 Population


Kashinsky district- administrative-territorial unit of the Tver province Russian Empire. The county town is Kashin.

1. Geography

The county was located in the east of the Tver province. It bordered on the Yaroslavl province. The area of ​​the county was 2425.7 sq. verst.

It was located on part of the territories of modern Kashinsky, Kesovogorsky and Sonkovsky districts of the Tver region.

2. History

The county was formed in 1775 as part of the Tver governorship (later - the province). in 1922, the territory of the abolished Kalyazinsky district was annexed to the county. In 1927, the Kashinsky uyezd was abolished, its territory transferred to the Kimrsky and Bezhetsky uyezds, and in 1929, the Kashinsky district was formed from the Kashinskaya and Slavkovskaya volosts, which became part of the Moscow region.

3. Population

There are 933 settlements in the county, including 726 peasant settlements (84 villages and 642 villages), 9 churchyards and 198 others. settlements (estates, farms, etc.). Of the villages, the largest is Kesova Gora (1500). Population in 1863 - 90.2 thousand people. (without Kashin), in 1893 - 138,095 people, in 1913 - 151.1 thousand people. Population density - 56.1 people. per 1 sq. a mile; In terms of population density, the county occupied the first place in the province. With the exception of the Karelians (about 1300 people), the entire population is Russian; There are only 300 schismatics. In 1917, there were 19 volosts in the county, in 1924 the number of volosts decreased to 8, due to enlargement.

Kashinsky Uyezd in the modern grid of districts

This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/11/11 10:59:46 AM
Related essays: Kashinsky district, Vasily Mikhailovich Kashinsky, Mikhail Vasilyevich Kashinsky,

As part of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR. The county town is Kashin.


The county was located in the east of Tver Governorate. It bordered on Yaroslavl Governorate. The area of ​​the county was 2425.7 sq. verst. The surface of the county is flat and only along the banks of the rivers it takes on a hilly character. Soils in the south are sandy, in the east. parts - light loamy and damp, in the west - heavy clayey and loamy. Convenient land in the county is 96% of the total area, including 45% under crops, 46% under fodder space and 9% under forest. The lack of forests was felt at the end of the 18th century, in some places there was even a shortage of wood forests. Obviously, the soil, convenient for arable farming, from time immemorial contributed to the settlement of the region, and the forests were cleared for arable land and mowing. Main rivers: Volgaflowing along the southeast, and the river. Bear, flowing in the southwest. county border. The Volga is navigable, the Bear is raftable. The remaining rivers are insignificant, they all belong to the Volga system.


As an administrative unit of the Russian state Kashinsky district known since the 16th century. In 1710-1727 it was part of the Uglitsky province of the St. Petersburg province, in 1727-1775 - the Moscow province. In 1775, Kashinsky and Kalyazinsky counties were formed as part of the Tver vicegerency from the old territory of the county, and in 1781 - Korchevsk county. Since 1796 Kashinsky district as part of the Tver Governorate, from 1803 to 1922 the boundaries of the county did not change. In 1922, the Vasilkovskaya volost of the Myshkinsky district of the Rybinsk province became part of the Kashinsky district and part of the territory of the abolished Kalyazinsky district was annexed.


There are 933 settlements in the county, including 726 peasant settlements (84 villages and 642 villages), 9 churchyards and 198 others. settlements (estates, farms, etc.). Of the villages, the largest are: Kesova Gora (1500 inhabitants), Koy, Vasyanskoye. Population in 1863 - 90.2 thousand people. (without Kashin), in 1893 - 138,095 people, in 1913 - 151.1 thousand people. Population density - 56.1 people. per 1 sq. a mile; In terms of population density, the county occupied the first place in the province. With the exception of the Karelians (about 1300 people), the entire population is Russian; There are only 300 schismatics.


The main occupation of the population is agriculture (rye, oats, barley, flax, forage grasses from artificial meadows). Of the local crafts, shoemaking is developed (in the areas adjacent to the Kimry region), sawing and hauling timber and firewood, and carting. There are many carpenters, shoemakers, factory workers, merchants in the waste. Most go to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Large fairs in the villages of Koe and Kesova-Gora. In the north, the county is crossed by the Rybinsko-Bologovskaya railway.

Administrative division

Before the provincial reform of 1775-1781. Kashinsky uyezd was divided into stans:

  • Zhabinsky
  • Chudskoy
  • Kochemsky
  • Nerechotian
  • Meretsky
  • Sukhodolsky
  • Puditsky
  • Dubensky
  • Belogorodsky
  • Khotchinsky
  • Gastunsky
  • Bobrovskaya, center - with. Ramenier.
  • Brylinskaya - village Brylino.
  • Vanchugovskaya - with. Vanchugovo.
  • Vasyanskaya - s. Vasyanskoe.
  • Eliseevaya - with. Sukhodol.
  • Kesovskaya - s. Kesova Gora.
  • Kobylinskaya - the village of Bolshoe Kobylino.
  • Kozmodemyanovskaya - with. Kozmodemyanovskoe.
  • Koiskaya - with. Coy.
  • Konstantinovskaya - d. Konstantinovo.
  • Lavrovskaya - s. Lavrovo.
  • Litvinovskaya - d. Litvinovo.
  • Matveevskaya - d. Matveevskoe.
  • Medveditskaya - with. Medveditskoe.
  • Podberezskaya - d. Podberezye.
  • Potupovskaya - s. Nikolaev.
  • Savtsynskaya - with. Savtsyno.
  • Slavkovskaya - with. Slavkovo.
  • Tivolinskaya - d. Tivolino.

In terms of police, the county was divided into two camps:

  • 1st camp, camp apartment, Kashin.
  • 2nd camp, camp apartment of the village. Sonkovo.

In December 1918, there were 723 village councils in the county. On May 6-7, 1920, the inter-provincial commission established the borders between the Myshkinsky and Mologa districts of the Yaroslavl province and the Kashinsky district of the Tver province.

By a decree of the NKVD dated March 2, 1922, the Vasilkovskaya volost of the Myshkinsky district of the Rybinsk province was transferred to the county.

By a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of May 20, 1922, and by a decree of the Tver Provincial Executive Committee of May 30, 1922, the volosts of the liquidated Kalyazinsky district were annexed to the Kashinsky district. They were liquidated with reference to other volosts of the Kashinsky district: Bobrovskaya, Vasyanskaya, Podberyozovskaya, Potupovskaya, Savtsynskaya volosts. Medveditskaya volost was included in the Kimry district. Were included in the Kashinsky district from the former Kalyazinsky district (unchanged): Semendyaevskaya and Florovskaya volosts. Kalyazinsky and Kashinskaya volosts were formed. They were enlarged due to the liquidated volosts of the Kashinsky district: Litvinovskaya, Konstantinovskaya, Koiskaya, Kesovskaya, Kobylinskaya, Slavkovskaya, Vanchugovskaya, Brylinskaya, Tivolinskaya. They were included in the Kashinsky district from the former Kalyazinsky district and enlarged due to the liquidated volosts: Pleshcheevskaya, Trinity-Nerlskaya volosts.

In 1922, the county included 16 volosts: Brylinskaya, Vanchugovskaya, Vasilskovskaya, Kalyazinskaya, Kashinskaya, Kesovskaya, Kobylinskaya, Koiskaya, Konstantinovskaya, Litvinovskaya, Pleshcheevskaya, Semendyaevskaya, Slavkovskaya, Tivolinskaya, Trinity-Nerlskaya, Florovskaya.

By the decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of March 20, 1924 and the decree of the Tver Provincial Executive Committee of March 28, 1924, the following were liquidated: Brylinskaya, Vanchugovskaya, Vasilkovskaya, Kobylinskaya, Konstantinovskaya, Litvinovskaya, Pleshcheevskaya, Semendyaevskaya, Trinity-Nerlskaya, Florovskaya; were enlarged: Kashinsky and Kalyazinsky volosts; the Tivolinsky volost was reduced due to the transfer to the Kimrsky district of part settlements; Nerl and Sonkovskaya volosts were formed.

In 1924 - 1925. There were 8 volosts in the county: Kalyazinskaya, Kashinskaya, Kesovskaya, Koiskaya, Nerlskaya, Slavkovskaya, Sonkovskaya, Tivolinskaya.

By a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of October 3, 1927 and the Tver Provincial Executive Committee of October 15, 1927, the Kashinsky district was abolished: Kashinskaya, Slavkovskaya, Tivolinskaya, Kalyazinskaya and Nerlskaya volosts went to Kimrsky district, and Sonkovskaya, Koiskaya and Kesovskaya volosts - to Bezhetsky district.

Current position

Currently, the territory of the county (within the boundaries of 1917) is part of the Kashinsky, Kimrsky, Kesovogorsky, Sonkovsky districts of the Tver region and the Nekouzsky district of the Yaroslavl region.

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An excerpt characterizing the Kashinsky district

But Anna Mikhailovna took a few steps to keep up with the briefcase and grabbed her hand.
- Oh! - said Prince Vasily reproachfully and in surprise. He got up. - C "est ridicule. Voyons, [This is ridiculous. Come on,] let me go. I'm telling you.
The princess let go.
- And you!
Anna Mikhailovna did not listen to him.
- Let go, I'm telling you. I take over everything. I will go and ask him. I... that's enough for you.
- Mais, mon prince, [But, prince,] - said Anna Mikhailovna, - after such a great sacrament, give him a moment of peace. Here, Pierre, tell me your opinion, ”she turned to the young man, who, going up to them, looked in surprise at the embittered face of the princess, which had lost all decency, and at the jumping cheeks of Prince Vasily.
“Remember that you will be responsible for all the consequences,” Prince Vasily said sternly, “you don’t know what you are doing.
- Nasty woman! cried the princess, suddenly throwing herself at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching her briefcase.
Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms.
At that moment, the door, that terrible door that Pierre had been looking at for so long and which had been opening so quietly, quickly, with a noise, leaned back, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out of there and clasped her hands.
- What are you doing! she said desperately. - II s "en va et vous me laissez seule. [He dies, and you leave me alone.]
The eldest princess dropped her briefcase. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down and, picking up the controversial thing, ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily, having come to their senses, followed her. A few minutes later the eldest princess came out first with a pale and dry face and a bitten lower lip. At the sight of Pierre, her face expressed irrepressible anger.
“Yes, rejoice now,” she said, “you have been waiting for this.
Sobbing, she covered her face with a handkerchief and ran out of the room.
Prince Vasily followed the princess. He staggered to the sofa on which Pierre was sitting, and fell on him, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that his lower jaw was jumping and shaking as if in a feverish tremor.
- Ah, my friend! he said, taking Pierre by the elbow; and there was a sincerity and weakness in his voice, which Pierre had never before noticed in him. – How much do we sin, how much do we deceive, and all for what? I'm in my sixties, my friend... After all, I... Everything will end in death, everything. Death is terrible. - He cried.
Anna Mikhailovna was the last to leave. She approached Pierre with quiet, slow steps.
“Pierre!…” she said.
Pierre looked at her questioningly. She kissed on the forehead young man, moistening it with tears. She paused.
- II n "est plus ... [He was gone ...]
Pierre looked at her through his glasses.
- Allons, je vous reconduirai. Tachez de pleurer. Rien ne soulage, comme les larmes. [Come, I will accompany you. Try to cry: nothing relieves like tears.]
She led him into a dark living room and Pierre was glad that no one there saw his face. Anna Mikhaylovna left him, and when she returned, he put his hand under his head and slept soundly.
The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre:
- Oui, mon cher, c "est une grande perte pour nous tous. Je ne parle pas de vous. Mais Dieu vous soutndra, vous etes jeune et vous voila a la tete d" une immense fortune, je l "espere. Le testament n "a pas ete encore ouvert. Je vous connais assez pour savoir que cela ne vous tourienera pas la tete, mais cela vous impose des devoirs, et il faut etre homme. [Yes, my friend, this is a great loss for all of us, not to mention you. But God will support you, you are young, and now you are, I hope, the owner of great wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough and I'm sure it won't turn your head; but it imposes obligations on you; and you have to be a man.]
Pierre was silent.
- Peut etre plus tard je vous dirai, mon cher, que si je n "avais pas ete la, Dieu sait ce qui serait arrive. Vous savez, mon oncle avant hier encore me promettait de ne pas oublier Boris. Mais il n" a pas eu le temps. J "espere, mon cher ami, que vous remplirez le desir de votre pere. [Afterwards, I may tell you that if I had not been there, God knows what would have happened. You know that uncle of the third day promised me not to forget Boris, but I didn’t have time. I hope, my friend, you will fulfill your father’s wish.]
Pierre, not understanding anything and silently, blushing shyly, looked at Princess Anna Mikhailovna. After talking with Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna went to the Rostovs and went to bed. Waking up in the morning, she told the Rostovs and everyone she knew the details of the death of Count Bezukhy. She said that the count died the way she would have wished to die, that his end was not only touching, but also instructive; the last meeting between father and son was so touching that she could not remember it without tears, and that she did not know who behaved better in these terrible moments: whether the father, who remembered everything and everyone in such a way in the last minutes and such touching words told his son, or Pierre, whom it was a pity to look at, how he was killed and how, despite this, he tried to hide his sadness so as not to upset his dying father. "C" est penible, mais cela fait du bien; ca eleve l "ame de voir des hommes, comme le vieux comte et son digne fils", [It's hard, but it's saving; the soul rises when one sees such people as the old earl and his worthy son,] she said. She also spoke about the actions of the princess and Prince Vasily, not approving them, but under big secret and whisper.

In Bald Mountains, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, every day they expected the arrival of young Prince Andrei with the princess; but the expectation did not disturb the orderly order in which life went on in the old prince's house. General anshef Prince Nikolai Andreevich, nicknamed in society le roi de Prusse, [King of Prussia,] since the time when Paul was exiled to the village, he lived without a break in his Bald Mountains with his daughter, Princess Marya, and with her companion, m lle Bourienne. [Mademoiselle Bourienne.] And in the new reign, although he was allowed to enter the capitals, he also continued to live in the countryside without a break, saying that if anyone needs him, then he will reach a hundred and fifty miles from Moscow to the Bald Mountains, and that he nobody and nothing is needed. He said that there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence. He himself was engaged in the education of his daughter and, in order to develop in her both main virtues, until the age of twenty he gave her lessons in algebra and geometry and distributed her whole life in uninterrupted studies. He himself was constantly busy either writing his memoirs, or calculations from higher mathematics, or turning snuff boxes on a machine tool, or working in the garden and observing the buildings that did not stop on his estate. Since the main condition for activity is order, order in his way of life was brought to the highest degree of accuracy. His exits to the table were made under the same constant conditions, and not only at the same hour, but also at the minute. With the people around him, from his daughter to his servants, the prince was harsh and invariably demanding, and therefore, without being cruel, he aroused fear and respect for himself, which the most cruel person could not easily achieve. Despite the fact that he was retired and now had no importance in state affairs, each head of the province where the prince's estate was, considered it his duty to appear to him and, just like an architect, gardener or Princess Mary, waited for the appointed hours of the prince's exit in the high waiter's room. And everyone in this waiter's room experienced the same feeling of respect and even fear, while the enormously high door of the study was opened and the low figure of an old man, with small dry hands and gray drooping eyebrows, sometimes, as he and like young shining eyes.
On the day of the arrival of the young, in the morning, as usual, Princess Mary at the appointed hour entered the waiter's room for a morning greeting and crossed herself with fear and recited a prayer inwardly. Every day she came in and every day she prayed that this daily meeting would go well.
The powdered old servant who was sitting in the waiter's room stood up with a quiet movement and announced in a whisper: "You're welcome."
From behind the door came the steady sounds of the machine. The princess timidly pulled on the lightly and smoothly opening door and stopped at the entrance. The prince worked at the machine and, looking around, continued his work.

- Map of Kashinsky district. 1892 - GATO. F. 800. Op. 1. D. 13851. 9 sheets.
- The same. - There. D. 13850. 1 sheet.
Homesteads are marked on the maps.
- List of noblemen of the Kashinsky district, who have a real estate. 1789 - GATO. F. 59. Op. 1. D. 10. 91 sheets.
Provides information about marital status, service, amount of land and peasants, place of residence (including the names of estates).
- List of noblemen of the Kashinsky district. 1801 - GATO. F. 59. Op. 1. D. 104. 30 sheets.
- List of nobles living in the Kashinsky district and owning a real estate. 1809 - GATO. F. 645. Op. 1. D. 5166. L. 1-26.
- Alphabetical list nobles who own land in the Kashinsky district. .- GATO. F. 796. Op. 1. D. 45. L. 45-47 rev.
- Information about real estate, owned by the landowners of the Kashinsky district. 1865-1867 - GATO. F. 796. Op. 1. D. 43. 287 sheets.
- The same. - There. D. 42. 460 l.
- The same. - There. D. 44. 198 sheets.
- The same. - There. D. 45. 200 l.
- The same. - There. D. 46. 93 l.
- List of hereditary nobles of the Kashinsky district. 1 Sept. 1873 - GATO. F. 59. Op. 1. D. 4495. 6 sheets.
- List of landowners of the nobles of the Kashinsky district. 1886 - GATO. F. 645. Op. 1. D. 6894. 4 sheets.
- Information about the property administered by the Kashinsky noble guardianship due to the lack of heirs. 1889 - GATO. F. 59. Op. 1. D. 5288. L. 19.
- A letter from the Kashin district leader of the nobility of Kislovsky to the provincial marshal N. P. Olenin describing the state of affairs in the estates under the jurisdiction of the noble guardianship. 17 Sept. 1895 - GATO. F. 59. Op. 1. D. 5288. L. 130-137.
- Koshelevsky V. N. Kashin and his resort. - M .: Mosk. worker, 1975.- 199 p.- From the contents: [Kashinsky region in the war of 1812].- S. 22-25.
- List of persons with private archives compiled by TUAK member I. Priselkov. Nov 20 1912 - GATO. - F. 103. - Op. 1.- D. ​​206.- L. 3-3v.
- Message from TUAK member I. Zavyalov to the Tver Scientific Archival Commission about persons who have private archives. Nov 29 1912 - Ibid. - L. 1-2.
- Message from the Medveditsky VolZO to the Kashinsky UZO about former estates. Nov 22 1918 - GATO. - F. R - 829. - Op. 2.- D. ​​7.- L. 3-4.
- A list of former landowners left within the limits of their estates or received land for labor use outside of them. .- GATO.- F. R- 835.- Op. 8.- D. ​​207.- L. 58-59.
- Letter from the head of the Kashin Museum V.I. Kunkin to the Tver Gubernia Museum about the state of the former estates. Feb 21 1923 - GATO. - F. R - 488. - Op. 5.- D. ​​42.- L. 127.
There is a list of estates with the names of the owners that are under protection.
- List of articles included in the composition of state property from among those seized from former landowners and other non-labor land users in the period from July 20, 1925 until the end of the work of the Special Commissions for the seizure of Tver province .: [Kashinsky u.]. .- GATO.- F. R- 835.- Op. 9.- D. ​​206, v. 2.- L. 665.
- Appendix to information about the evicted landowners in Kashinsky district. Nov 8 1926 - Ibid. - L. 664.
- Protocols, lists, correspondence of various institutions and persons with the Kashinsky UZU on the eviction of former landowners. 1927 - GATO. - F. R - 835. - Op. 11.- D. ​​139.- 32 sheets.
- Sonkovsky district. Buildings and structures XVIII - early. XX centuries, surveyed as of 01.01.1969: Photo album / Artists: Ministry of Culture; V.I. Yakubeni, N.N. Chugreeva.- Sonkov. RGA.- F. 5.- Op. 1.- D. ​​295.
- Nominal list of the nobles of Kashinsky district, who, according to Art. 16 and 18 of the Regulations on zemstvo institutions of June 12, 1890, the right to participate in the 1st election meeting to select district zemstvo councilors for a three-year period from 1900 // Tver. lips. Vedomosti.- 1900.- April 4. (N 39).- S. 1.
There are 31 names on the list.
- Nominal list of the nobles of Kashinsky district, who, according to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 24 of the Regulations on zemstvo institutions of June 12, 1890, the right to participate in the 1st electoral congress, to select district vowels authorized to the 1st electoral meeting for a three-year period from 1900 // Tver. lips. Vedomosti.- 1900.- April 4. (N 39).- S. 1.
There are 12 names on the list.
- Kislovsky S.V. Kashinsky region. - Kalyazin, 1926. - 187 p.
- Compiled on the basis of 35-37 Art. Regulations on zemstvo institutions, in the final form, a list of nobles of the Kashinsky district, who have reached the age of 25, who own in the Kashinsky district. property qualification for at least one year and having under Art. 16 and 18 of the Regulations on zemstvo institutions of June 12, 1890, the right to participate in Kashinsky district. in the 1st zemstvo electoral meeting for the selection of county zemstvo councilors for a three-year period since 1900 // Tver. lips. Vedomosti.- 1900.- July 4 (N 73).- S. 1.
There are 33 names on the list.
- Compiled on the basis of 35-37 Art. Regulations on zemstvo institutions, in the final form, a list of nobles of the Kashinsky district, who have reached the age of 25, who own in the Kashinsky district. property qualification for at least one year and having under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 24 of the Regulations on zemstvo institutions of June 12, 1890, the right to participate in Kashinsky district. in the 1st zemstvo electoral congress, for the election of representatives to the 1st electoral meeting for the election of county zemstvo councilors for a three-year period from 1900 // Tver. lips. Vedomosti.- 1900.- July 4 (N 73).- S. 1.
There are 12 names on the list.
- List of vowels in the Kashinsky district zemstvo assembly for the three-year period since 1900 // Tver. lips. Vedomosti.- 1900.- 5 Sept. (N 99).- S. 2.
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Significant in size Kashinsky district It was formed, most likely, completely from the Kashinsky inheritance of the Grand Duchy of Tver, which, as is known, was the largest of the Tver inheritances. According to the spiritual Ivan III. Kashin "with volosts and roads and from the village ... for the time being, our scribe Vasily Karamyshev wrote places to Kashin" was given to his second son, Yuri. Hence, one can think that the description of 1492 finally established the boundaries of the Kashinsky district. In any case, the boundary charter of 1504 establishes the Kashinsko-Dmitrovsky and Kashinsko-Pereyaslavsky borders in perfect accordance with the data of the scribe books of the 17th century.

Stans of the old Kashinsky district

Stans and volosts of the county (XVII-XVIII centuries):

  • 1. Stan Belogorodsky. Along the river The Volga below the Kimry to the confluence of the Nerl. The name is in connection with the still existing c. White-Gorodok.
  • 2. Stan Gostunsky. On the right side of the river Dubna, from the borders of Pereyaslavsky district. before its confluence with the Volga and along the river. Volga to Kimry. The origin of the name is unclear. The first news in the boundary charter of the book. Yuri Ivanovich 1504
  • 3. Stan Dubensky. On both banks of the Volga from the current city of Korcheva to the mouth of Dubna, hence the name; in the west it bordered on the Tver district, in the south - on Dmitrovsky and Klinsky, the border of which coincided with the current borders of these counties, and on Korchevsky.
  • 4. Stan Zhabensky. On the right side of the Volga from the mouth of the Nerl to the borders of the ancient Uglitsky district. From the east it is bounded by Pereyaslavl and Dmitrovsky lands, from the north - by Rostov. Name from r. Zhabiya, a tributary of the Volga. The first news in the boundary charter of Yuri Ivanovich in 1504
  • 5. Mill Lesser Slobodka Zadubrovskaya. On the right side of the river Medveditsy, from the borders of the ancient Bezhetsky district.
  • 6. Mill Bolshaya Slobodka Zadubrovskaya. A very significant camp, south of the previous one. Stretched from the Petrovsky lakes to the east to the river. Bears, hugging the entire basin of the river. b. Nudity. In the south, its border was the river. m. Nuditsa. The origin of the name is unclear.
  • 7. Slobodka Zavostinskaya. In the northern part of the county on the river. Yakhroma and its tributaries. The origin of the name is unclear.
  • 8. Stan Kochemskaya. To the south of the previous one, along the border of the ancient Bezhetsky district; bounded from the south by the river. Medveditsa, from the east, for the most part, the course of the river. Yakhroma, a tributary of the Bear. The name is in connection with the village of Kocheml.
  • 9. Stan Nerehotsky. East of the mountains. Kashin, bounded from the west by the river Kashinka, from the north by the Meretsky camp, from the east and south by the Volga and Uglitsky district. Name in connection with the river Nerekhta.
  • 10. Stan Meretsky. north of the mountains. Kashin and from the previous camp; bounded from the west by the river. Kashinka and Bezhetsky district, from the north and east Uglitsky uyezd. Title b. m. in connection with Merey.
  • 11. Stan Puditsky. On the right side of the river m. Puditsy within the current Korchevo district, in the south it bordered on the Kimry volost.
  • 12. Stan Seredetsky. The extreme western camp of the county, within the current Korchevsky district, between the Petrovsky Lakes in the south and the course of the Medveditsa River in the north. The origin of the name is unclear.
  • 13. Stan Sukhodolsky. West of the mountains. Kashin, between the course of the river. Kashinki and Yakhroma. From the north it bordered on Bezhetsky u.
  • 14. Stan Chutsky (Chensky). south of the mountains. Kashin, between the course of the river. Yakhroma, Ursa, Volga and Kashinka. The name is probably in connection with the ancient Finnish population of this area.
  • 15. Stan Khodchesky. On the right bank of the Volga, along the river. Khodchi near the Dmitrov-Pereyaslav volost Yulka and the palace lands of the Kimr volost. Name from r. and s. Hodchi.
  • 16. Volost Kimrskaya. On both banks of the Volga around the village of Kimr.
  • 17. The palace village of Inaltsevo in Zhabensky Stan.