Hello again. Here comes the winter. A lot of snow has fallen, the frost is getting stronger, and the children are glad that a lot of snow has appeared. winter fun. After all, now you can make snowballs out of fluffy snow, build fortresses and make snowmen, ride slides, skate and ski.

Even this time of year has an indescribable beauty. All nature freezes and becomes magical. It is especially pleasing to the eye that when the trees stand in hoarfrost, the sky becomes blue and without clouds.

And when blizzards sweep and the temperature drops, it's great to sit in the house, warm and comfortable, drinking hot cocoa and having conversations. On such evenings, you can talk about a lot, or wrap yourself in a warm blanket and watch your favorite movie, but I suggest diversifying your leisure time and reading poems about winter. Such entertainment will be especially pleasant for children.

Our Russian poets and writers composed a large number of understandable winter rhymes for children. Children, thanks to such listening, will learn about all the features of the winter season. Also, by memorizing the lines by heart, they will train their memory and be able to speak on.

In children's institutions, they always learn the seasons, talk about them characteristic features. And to make it easier and easier for the children to remember all the signs, teachers use rhymed lines in their work. So learning becomes simple and takes place in a playful way.

I made a small selection of beautiful and interesting poems about winter, I hope you, dear teachers and parents, it will come in handy.

For children 3-4 years old

The day has come.
And suddenly it got dark.
The world was lit.
We look out the window.
Snow falls white-white.
Why is it so dark?

Burning frost crackling,
It's dark outside;
Silver frost
Launched the window.


Noisy, roamed
Bad weather in the field;
Covered in white snow
Smooth road.
Covered with white snow
No trace left.
Dust and blizzard rose
Do not see the light.


Sat on my mitten
light snowflake
And fluffed up like a bird
Ice back.
I froze quietly
To not fly away.
Soon my mitten
Will become white-white.


Like on a hill - snow, snow,
And under the hill - snow, snow,
And on the tree - snow, snow,
And under the tree - snow, snow.
A bear sleeps under the snow.
Hush hush. Keep quiet!


Snowflake Dandelion
Bring winter to your lips
Just blow - and fluff
The seeds will scatter.

Dandelion flies around
Fire is burning in the windows
Winter evening substitutes
White stars palm.


Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Rolled up like snow.


Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
Falls great!
Why is nobody
Not happy?!


Silver through the trees
The veil was thrown -
Snow-white, fluffy,
Lace beauty!
And the sad birch itself
I couldn't find out myself
So skillfully adorned
Winter tree branches...


Who are the snowflakes
Did you do these?
For work
Who is responsible?
- I! Santa Claus answered
And grabbed me
For the nose!

For children 4-5 years old

Everyone is cold in winter
Run faster to the house.
The sun remains.
Who will keep him warm?

It used to be warm
They were happy with the sun.
And now admire
Snowfall dance.

I will draw the sun
In my album
And it seems to be
Lighter in the house.

I'll write a note -
I already know:
Don't worry, sunshine!
I'll warm you.


Frost is magic!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet.
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all the windows for us overnight!


Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -
Winter brought him.
Hurry up to us
She brought us snowmen.
From dawn to dawn
Glory to the winter bullfinches.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing at the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.


Everything is angrier, angrier, angrier
It's frosty outside.
And everyone is warmer
Wraps up nose.
Both people and machines
Now is not up to beauty.
Both people and machines
They covered their noses.


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out snow.
We whitewashed the trees
Roofs covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And saved from the cold.


On the trees, on the alleys
Snow flies whiter flour

Soft, fragile and fluffy.
Squeeze snow in hand
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
How happy he is for everyone.


The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With magic old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!


The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.


Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen.
Arrived, arrived
The flock was met by blizzards!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them rowanberries.
Well sweetened.
Winter evening late
Bright scarlet bunches.


Three on a snowy meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.
Only snow will cover the ground -
We are going to three.
Having fun in the meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.


I dreamed of mountains at night ...
High mountain,
The one with whom
We rode yesterday.
We are near the village
Rushed across the virgin land,
And at night snow and skiing,
Shiny snow and ski tracks
I dreamed all the time.

For children 5-6 years old

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.
Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry.
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.


White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest - what a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...
God's Days short,
The sun shines a little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.


I've been painting all night
Worked conscientiously
Peace did not know.
And here on the windows
Already turned white
tall pines,
Fluffy firs.
Then we saw
There is a sky
Where the stars are merry
They led a round dance,
Snowflakes fluttered
One by one -
So the windows frost
Decorated in winter.


The hedgehog looks at the snowflakes.
“This,” he thinks, “hedgehogs ...
White, prickly
And besides, they are volatile.

Spider on a cobweb
He also looks at snowflakes:
"Look how brave
These flies are white!”

The hare looks at the snowflakes:
"It's rabbit fluff...
It can be seen that the hare is all in fluff -
He scratches his fur coat at the top.

The boy looks at the snowflakes:
"Maybe it's a joke?.."
He won't understand why
Very fun for him.


We are the snowman
Blinded to glory.
For glory, for glory
For your own amusement.
On us she is black
Looks with eyes
As if laughing
Two coals.
Although worth it
Our woman with a broom
But don't let it show
She is evil to you.
Bucket instead of a hat
We gave her...
With a snowman
The game is more fun.


On the trees, on the alleys
Snow flies whiter flour
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
Squeeze snow in hand
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
How happy he is for everyone.


Until March, the ponds are chained,
But how warm are the houses!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Careful winter.
Snow falls from birches
In drowsy silence.
Summer frost paintings
Draws on the window.


Go around at least all the yards -
Better not to find mountains.
Carefully! Watch out!
The kids are going down
Standing, sitting, kneeling
On cardboard and plywood.
Don't yawn ahead
Don't get in the way!
Oh hoo, see for yourself
What a miracle this sleigh is:
Barely five of us sat down,
And rushed off with the wind!
In a straight line to the turn
Someone left behind...
Ran into a snowdrift:
Who arrived, on the side - clap!


Rushing in an ice carriage
The wind beats its wings
Sleepy houses.
Blooming squares, parks
Snow white.
And frost builds arches
Above the forest path.


There is a birch
In a cape
Ringing on the branches
The easier
The more tender snowflakes -
The colder
Worth the winter!


Who knits snowflakes and throws them from the sky?
Even mom doesn't know patterns like that
And the yarn has never been seen like this -
Our city is all white, slightly blue.

Or maybe they are cut out of calico
And quietly lowered to my eyelashes?
Tears on the cheeks, they slowly melt ...
Where are the snowflakes from? Does anyone know?

For children 6-7 years old

White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest - what a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short
The sun shines a little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.


The whole earth is covered in snow
I'm skiing
You run after me.
Well in the forest in winter:

The sky is bright blue
Spruces, pines in hoarfrost,
Snow sparkles underfoot.
Hey guys, who's behind us?


Behind the window - a blizzard,
Behind the window - darkness,
Looking at each other
They sleep in the snow at home.

And the snowflakes are spinning
They don't care at all! -

Bare shoulder.

Teddy bear
Sleeping in your corner
And half an ear listens
Blizzard outside the window.

old, gray-haired,
With an ice stick
The blizzard hobbles
Babo Yaga.

And the snowflakes are spinning
They don't care at all! -
In light dresses with lace,
Bare shoulder.

thin legs -
soft boots,
White slipper -
Ringing heel.


The wind sings a song
On the edge of the forest
Calls me to dance
In a round dance to girlfriends.

Wind, wind, blow harder
To dance more cheerfully
ice mug -
Little snowflake.


morning cat
Brought on paws
First snow!
First snow!
He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!
He's spinning
The guys over their heads
He managed
Down scarf
spread out
On the pavement
He turns white
Along the fence
I crouched on the lantern, -
So, soon
Very soon
The sleigh will fly
From the hills
So it will be possible
build a fortress
In the courtyard!


I walk in the garden
Under the inaudible
And I'm guessing:
Is that garden
I passed
Hour ago?

He was gloomy
Old and cramped
This one is festive
And cheerful
He was black
This one is a seat
And younger
For a hundred years!


Silver through the trees
The veil was thrown -
Snow-white, fluffy,
Lace beauty!

And the sad birch itself
I couldn't find out myself
So skillfully adorned
Winter tree branches...


One - hand, two - hand -
We're making a snowman!
Three - four, three - four,
Let's draw a wider mouth!
Five - let's find carrots for the nose,
Let's find coals for the eyes.
Six - put on a hat askew,
Let him laugh at us.
Seven and eight, seven and eight
We will ask him to dance.
Nine - ten - snowman
Over the head - somersault!!!
Well, the circus!


Still smoking and spinning
free river,
But do not melt the puddles
Already for sure. Still in a cheerful panic
Snowflakes don't fly
But the roofs are like gingerbread,
Shine under frost. Still boring desert
closed skating rinks,
But impatience twisted
"Snow Maiden" proboscis! And cross-country skis dream
And dream of steepness.
Long live frost!
Long live winter!


Deep snow all around
Wherever I look,
A blizzard sweeps and swirls.
Do you recognize winter? The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
Frozen motionless,
Snowdrifts burn with silver.
Do you recognize winter? On skis we rush from the mountain,
The wind blows at our backs.
There is no more fun than that time!
Do you recognize winter? We will bring thick spruce
For the holiday, our beloved,
We will hang beads on it.
Do you recognize winter?


Again in the worries of winter-needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmly.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
White things tirelessly knits:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Christmas trees - mittens knits on the paws.
She sewed, knitted and was very tired!
Ah, spring will come soon...

Short poems about winter to memorize

Now I propose to read together the lines I have selected, and then choose with the child the option that he liked the most. Maybe it will be a description of nature, or winter entertainment and fun, or maybe the kid will choose a rhyme about a snowflake. The main thing after the choice, talk with him about what in question, disassemble incomprehensible words, and only then begin to memorize.

Quiet, as if in a dream
Spinning in the sky
First snow
And whispered:
How long have I not flown!


Winter-winter rushes in an ice carriage
The wind is knocking on sleepy houses with its wings.
Squares and parks are blooming with snowy whiteness.
And the frost builds arches over the forest path.


In the cold
In frost
On a white birch
suddenly blossomed
Two white roses.
One -
Rose for the Snow Maiden.
Other -
For Santa Claus.


Snow on the street and cold.
hard ice filled puddle.
From the road timidly
Twigs of the trail
Reach for the houses:
- Can you warm up?


Like light fluff
Quietly falling snowflakes
They circle, curl, as if alive,
Naughty, lacy.
But although the frost is angry,
We walk - one fun.
And the children's faces are burning
And from the snow
And from laughter.


On the road in a straight line
Winter came with frost
Winter came to his home -
The snow was pink.
Two blizzards after winter
That snow was blown, shallow,
The snow was blown as they wanted,
And they threw crystals.


I am Winter. I love frost.
I bring people to tears.
And I don't waste them.
However, when I leave, I cry.


Near the house snow grandfather
Dressed in a snow coat.
He groans all over the district,
He calls his girlfriend.
We became at full speed
Sculpt a snow woman.
And she said: - Boredom!
No granddaughter, no grandson!
We blinded and grandchildren -
Little snowmen.


Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball
And it will become a snowman.
His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will bake a little -
Alas! - and no snowman.


On a winter day I do not miss:
I quickly put on my skis
I take two sticks in my hands,
I play tag with the wind!


Cold ice bound puddles
And threatens passers-by: “Hey!
Take care of your ears!
Home - well, live!
Danka laughs in response to her,
Sitting in the hole already:
“Give me some more cold!
I like frost!


Pinched my nose
Broken frost!
I rubbed my nose with my palm,
He stomped on the ground with his foot.
- Do not pinch me, frost,
I'm already cold!


Frost crackles. The rivers are frozen.
Birch trees tremble by the river.
It is warm here. In a hot oven
Fires crackle.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warmth
Fine patterns melt
On painted glass.


Oh, under a fur coat, under a shirt
Goosebumps running down the back -
Played catch up
They don't feel sorry for me at all!
Wow, now I'm running away
With a breeze from the mountain I jump!
"Here's the heat!" I sighed.
And the ants?
The wind blew!


Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden has become quiet.
And birches and aspens
Boring stand.
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,
Apparently she is brave.


In little mittens
Hidden palms.
Help for boots
I have to wear boots...
The first snow fell at night.
We got dressed first.
I'm rolling a sled
I want to play.


If the wind whirls around,
Puddles glazed during the night,
And they packed me
In a hundred clumsy clothes,
On the trees, on the eaves
Lace and fringe
It means - on snowflakes
WINTER has fallen to us.


Once in a thaw friends
Gathered up the hill.
I noticed in the snow
Ice crust.
What is this strange hard layer?
It's called NAST.


Waiting for warmth
In the middle of a winter day
Flowers have blossomed
On my window.
I went to the flowers
My cheek got wet
Because windows
I touched lightly.


Rushed into the forest
First snow.
But overnight...
Not a joke
Try on began
Bunny fur coat!
Without a needle
Without a tailor
The new coat is ready!


Like white fluff, the snow flies,
Meet winter-winter!
And on the palm of the snow melts,
He's very warm there.

Poems about the winter of Russian poets and writers

Long poems can also be chosen for memorization at any winter holiday. Just divide the work into quatrains and let several guys read the creation at once.

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain down…

Is the winter sun mosque
On him his ray oblique -
Nothing trembles in it
He will flare up and shine
Dazzling beauty. (F. Tyutchev)


White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falls, lies down. And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him. Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strongly, soundly ... The days have become short,
The sun shines a little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come. (I. Surikov)


The whole earth is covered in snow
I'm skiing
You run after me.
Well in the forest in winter:

The sky is bright blue
Spruces, pines in hoarfrost,
Snow sparkles underfoot.
Hey guys, who's behind us? (A. Vvedensky)


So recently to us in the window
The sun shone every day.
And now the time has come -
A blizzard took a walk in the field.
Ran away with a ringing song,
She covered everything like a diaper,
Fluffed with snow fluff -
It became empty everywhere, deaf.
The river does not ring with a wave
Under the clothes of ice;
The forest is quiet, looks sad,
Birds are not heard troublesome. (I. Kupala)


Our windows with a white brush
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the field with snow,
Snow covered the garden.
Can't we get used to the snow
Can we hide our nose in a fur coat?
How will we go out and how will we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
We ride, have fun!
The sled is light - take off!
Who rushes like a bird
Who will roll right into the snow.
Fluffy snow is softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake it off, let's run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold. (L. Voronkova)


Wind on the terrace
It's cold in the stroller!

Andrey is wearing quilted jackets,
Sweatshirts, mittens,
Striped scarf Andreyka
The sisters brought

He sits, barely breathing,
In a quilted jacket motley.
Like a pole, baby
Equipped sisters.

Get used to the cold!
Sveta explains.-
And winter comes to us
And not just summer. (A. Barto)


White birch under my window
Covered with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snowy border
Tassels have blossomed with a white fringe.
And there is a birch in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily going around,
Sprinkle the branches with new silver. (S. Yesenin)


Skating like the wind
Along the forest edge…
Mittens on hands
Hat on top…
One-two! this is where it slipped...
One and two! almost tumbled...
One-two! tighter on your toes!
Crunched, grunted ice,
The wind blows from the right.
Christmas trees-wolves! full speed -
From pond to ditch...
One-two! on a slippery slope...
One and two! funny feet...
One-two! forward and forward ... (S. Black)


I know what to think
No more winter
So that instead of high snowdrifts
Green hills all around.

I look into the glass
Green color,
And immediately winter
Turns into summer. (A. Barto)


Light fluffy,
snowflake white,
What a pure
How brave!

Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not in the sky azure,
Asking for the ground.

Azure miraculous
She left
Myself into the unknown
The country has fallen.

In the rays of shining
Slides, skillful,
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind
Trembling, uplifting,
On him, cherishing,
Light swings.

his swing
She is comforted
With his blizzards
Spinning wildly.

But here it ends
The road is long
touches the earth,
Crystal star.

lies fluffy,
Snowflake is bold.
What a pure
What a white! (K. Balmont)


Mother! look out the window -
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
“Well, hurry up for a walk!” (A. Fet)


Winter sings - calls out,
hairy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Chilled little birds
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty. (S. Yesenin)

Poems about winter by A. S. Pushkin for elementary school children

And separately we single out the rhymes of the wonderful A. S. Pushkin. I also like how S. Yesenin wrote about this time of year. How many emotions, beauty are conveyed by ordinary words! Just a miracle!

Through the wavy mists
The moon is creeping
To sad glades
She pours a sad light.
On the winter road, boring
Troika greyhound runs
Single bell
Tiring noise.
Something is heard native
In the coachman's long songs:
That revelry is remote,
That heartache...


Neater than fashionable parquet,
The river shines, dressed in ice;
Boys joyful people
Skates cut the ice loudly;
On red paws a goose is heavy,
Having thought to swim in the bosom of the waters,
He steps carefully on the ice.
Slides and falls; funny
Flickering, winding the first snow,
Stars falling on the shore.


A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.
Our ramshackle shack
And sad and dark.
What are you, my old lady,
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired
Or slumber under the buzz
Your spindle?
Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth

The heart will be happy.
Sing me a song like a titmouse
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a damsel
She followed the water in the morning.
A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child.
Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be happy.


Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?

Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.


What a night! Frost crackling,
Not a single cloud in the sky;
Like a sewn canopy, a blue vault
It is full of frequent stars.
Everything is dark in the houses. At the gate
Locks with heavy locks.
Everywhere people rest;
The noise and the shout of the merchant subsided;
Only the yard guard barks
Yes, the ringing chain rattles.
And all of Moscow sleeps peacefully...


Here is the wind, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.


Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow;
Reins fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window ...


Through the wavy mists
The moon is creeping
To sad glades
She pours a sad light.

On the winter road, boring
Troika greyhound runs
Single bell
Tiring noise.


The dawn rises in a cold haze;
On the fields, the noise of work ceased;
With her hungry wolf
A wolf comes out on the road;
Feeling him, road horse
Snoring - and a cautious traveler
Rushing uphill at full speed;
Shepherd at dawn
Doesn't drive the cows out of the barn,
And at midday in a circle
They are not called by his horn;
Singing in the hut, maiden
Spins, and, winter friend of nights,
A splinter crackles in front of her.

I hope that after reading the wonderful lines, you will have good mood and you will certainly want to go outside and enjoy the winter beauty with your own eyes. And try to come up with short ones yourself or together with the children. winter poems, after all given time of the year not only freezes, but also inspires, encourages to something new and wonderful. Bye bye everyone!

In our selection you can find short poems about winter for children 3-4 years old in a light, interesting form convey the whole fabulous atmosphere of winter fun.

Toddlers can quickly memorize simple rhymes and tell them at matinees or family gatherings.

Short poems about winter for children 3-4 years old

Short poems about winter

Who meowed at the door?
Open soon!
Very cold in winter.
Murka asks to go home.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Short poems about winter

Bear, bear!
What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!

Short poems about winter

Snow everywhere
Laughter everywhere
Snow everywhere
And snowballs
Everywhere laughter
And laughs!
From high
On the guys
Like fluff,
Not snowflakes
are flying,
And the laughs!

Short poems about winter

Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
But it falls great!
Why isn't anyone happy?

(V. Berestov)

The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

(S. Ostrovsky)

Short poems about winter for children

Three on a snowy meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.
Only snow will cover the ground -
We are going to three.
Having fun in the meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.

(A. Bosev)

Short poems about winter for children

Oh my dear
Bullfinches, titmouse!
I made a feeder for you -
Eat up, birds.

(I. Ageeva)

Short poems about winter for children

— Who are the snowflakes
Did you do these?
For work
Who is responsible?
- I! Santa Claus answered
And grabbed me
For the nose!

(G. Novitskaya)

Short poems about winter for children

Frost is magic!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet.
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all the windows for us overnight!

(K. Bilic)

Short poems about winter for children

Children on a sled in the snow
Rushing down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid to fall into the snow -
Don't get on the sled.

(Yu. Garey)

Short poems about winter for children

Snow fell on the threshold
The cat baked himself a cake.
In the meantime, sculpted and baked -
The pie flowed in a stream.
Bake pies for yourself
Not from snow - from flour.
(P. Voronko)

Winter, winter, winter
Snow huts.
Brought us joy
Snowballs, rides.

(A. Maltseva)

Poems about winter for children 3-4 years old

We want to play in winter
throw snowballs,
Drive sleds down the mountain
smile a lot


Poems about winter for children 3-4 years old

winter trees
Dressed up in coats
From needle to needle
Hoarfrost covered

(A. Maltseva)

Poems about winter for children 3-4 years old

Hello white winter
Snow beauty.
We are your gifts
Very, very like it.

(A. Maltseva)

Poems about winter for children 3-4 years old

We love winter for snow
Mittens and sleds
For a hot pie
And with bagel tea

(A. Maltseva)

Tatyana Bokova

Winter-winter rushes in an ice carriage
The wind is knocking on sleepy houses with its wings.
Squares and parks are blooming with snowy whiteness.
And the frost builds arches over the forest path.

I'm going!
Tatyana Bokova

I'm going! I'm going down the forest path!
I greet oak, birch, pine.
I'm going! I catch snowflakes with my hands.
I'm going! I love sledding.
Downhill faster. Up is harder.
And the birds chirp: "Have pity on the horse!
Run with your feet to the house
And help grandma to carry the sled."

winter meeting
I.S. Nikitin

The night has passed. It's dawn.
There are no clouds anywhere.
The air is light and clean
In yards and houses
Snow lies in sheets
And shines from the sun
Multicolored fire.

Winter evening
A. S. Pushkin

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.
Our ramshackle shack
And sad and dark.
What are you, my old lady,
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired
Or slumber under the buzz
Your spindle?
Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth
The heart will be happy.
Sing me a song like a titmouse
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a damsel
She followed the water in the morning.
A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child.
Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be happy.

Winter morning
A.S. Pushkin

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!
Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?
Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

Mother! look out the window...
A.A. Fet

Mother! look out the window
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, hurry up for a walk!"

Winter has come
I. Chernitskaya

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!

Came fun winter
V. Korkin

Snowflakes all around.
Don't sleep, get up early
Get your skates.
Happy winter has come!

The sun froze to ice
I go to the skating rink in the morning.
And pinches a painful nose
Angry Santa Claus. -

The sun froze to ice.
Snowballs are flying fast -
None of the guys are cowards.
And a fierce fight broke out

Even though we are friends.
Snowballs are flying fast.
A merry winter has come -
Snowflakes all around.

Don't sleep, get up early.
Get your skates.
Get your skates.
Happy winter has come!

A. Prokofiev

Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen.
Arrived, arrived
The flock was met by blizzards!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them rowanberries.
well treated,
Well sweetened.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet bunches.

I know what to think
Agniya Barto

I know what to think
No more winter
So that instead of high snowdrifts
Green hills all around.

I look into the glass
Green color,
And immediately winter
Turns into summer.

All the trees are in white coats,
Soft falling snow
In the windows the lights sparkle -
Coming New Year!

Even the Christmas tree, my mother and I
Dress up in your outfit.
Let the beauty of the forest
Blinding every glance!

Let's sing and have fun
Lead a friendly round dance.
The most wonderful and magical
There will be this New Year!

New Year's miracle
Shakirov Shamil

On this shining winter day
Everything was like in a fairy tale:
The trees burned with cold fire
Blazing white colors.
But in the park, pale as a shadow,
The kitten was miserable.
It did not seem to him a shining day
And so beautiful.
But the New Year is not just a day,
And the time when miracles
They come and, brother, you believe it or not,
Come true forever.
And maybe that's why
The kitten has a roof
And now purrs in the ear of that,
Who took him under cover.

Bewitched by the Enchantress in Winter, the forest stands ...
Fedor Tyutchev

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light downy chain…

Is the winter sun mosque
On him his ray oblique -
Nothing trembles in it
He will flare up and shine
Dazzling beauty.

New Year's dreams
Shakirov Shamil

White flakes fly and fly
This winter is leaving its mark.
You can see the fairy tale of winter
And sweet New Year's dreams.
If you believe in winter
fairy world,
Can be understood and seen again
Old dreams.
White flakes fly and fly
Understand the story...

Tricky sled
I. Bursov

My sled drives by itself
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.
I can't get on top
Sledge - from a place and running ...
My sled drives by itself
Carrying a motor, without a horse.
And under the hill my sled
Behind the snowdrift they are waiting for me.
Naughty, bored them
Climb up alone.

A. Bosev

Three on a snowy meadow
Me, Winter and sleds.
Only snow will cover the ground -
We are going to three.
Having fun in the meadow -
Me, Winter and sleds.

The creak of steps along the white streets, Lights in the distance...
Athanasius Fet

The creak of footsteps along the white streets, the lights in the distance;
Crystals gleam on the icy walls.
Silver fluff hung from the eyelashes in the eyes,
The silence of the cold night occupies the spirit.
The wind sleeps, and everything goes numb, just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself is shy to die in the cold.

How many different hats!
Emma Moshkovskaya

How many different hats!
Blue, red, clean, dirty!
IN different hats many different -
even sad and unhappy.
The snow was falling thickly
and fell asleep sad, sad ...
There are neither sad nor grouchy -
many white and happy!

Blue and white
Frantisek Grubin

White winter. All in frost.
The snowman is blue from the cold.
He doesn't eat lunch or dinner.
Snowman, do you have a cold?
- What are you, an eccentric, I do not need heat.
I live in harmony with the blue cold.
What could be better than frost and hoarfrost?
The earth is white. The sky is blue.

Semyon Ostrovsky

The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

With the advent of cold
Semyon Ostrovsky

Why with the advent of cold
Are the tracks crunchy?
Because puddles at night
Glass was inserted into the windows.

Winter brightened up...
M. Pozharov

Winter brightened up:
Fringe on the dress
From transparent ice
Snowflake stars.
All in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights
Radiance pours around
Whispers a spell:
- Lie down, soft snows,
To forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
light visions,
Tricky weaves.
You, blizzard, weirdo,
Round dance backwaters,
Fly up like a whirlwind of white
Gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Save magical dreams:
Wait, dressed in brocade,
New dawn!

Feed the birds
A. Yashin

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is poor.
Need a handful of grain
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring!

Winter sings - calls out
Sergey Yesenin

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Chilled little birds
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

Semyon Ostrovsky

I roll like a locomotive -
A pair of legs instead of wheels.
The guy is strong - first class ...
From under the cap - a pair of eyes.
Emits mouth and nose
Steam clubs. The steam is white.
On a wheelless locomotive
I turned into frost.

Well, winter! .. Snowdrift, cold ...
V. Aleksandrov

Well, winter! .. Snowdrift, cold,
Sweeps, twists, vyuzhit,
It burns with frost, chokes with ice,
Drives into a hot house.
Christmas tree catchy
It will fly into the house almost like a dragonfly.
Fluff up, laugh,
Snow moisture will be shed.

Well, the wind!
Walter De la Mer

Well, the wind! Well, the wind!
How strong and cheerful!
He hung his snow caps
Unprecedented beauty
On fences and bushes.
Where summer time
In daisies a gentle meadow,
Now with a veil of snow
Pulled all around.
Waiting for sunrise
Under the big moon
Shines, sparkles nature
Silver and gray.
All covered in white
Wind, blizzard and frost.
Why in winter - not in summer -
Is my nose red?

The cold has come
Agniya Barto

Wind on the terrace
It's cold in the stroller!

Andrey is wearing quilted jackets,
Sweatshirts, mittens,
Striped scarf Andreyka
The sisters brought

He sits, barely breathing,
In a quilted jacket motley.
Like a pole, baby
Equipped sisters.

Get used to the cold! -
Light explains. -
And winter comes to us
And not just summer.

Freezing day...
Valentin Berestov

Frosty day... But overhead
In the interweaving of branches, in the black mesh,
Flowing down the trunks, down each branch
The blue sky hangs like an avalanche.

And I believe that spring is about to begin.
And strangely enough, she has already arrived.
And not a single twig will sway
So that the sky does not accidentally collapse.

Valentin Berestov

Snowstorms, blizzards and snowstorms...
How much rigmarole with them,
How much noise, push!
How tired I am of them!"
So grumbled the gloomy frost,
And ice bound the river without noise,
Trees covered with gray hair
And there was silence.

Favorite winter
Larisa Kasimova

beautiful winter,
It's frosty outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
And warm as much as possible!
I wear gloves
My mom knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I'll pull straight.
The whole lake is in ice
The trees are silver
And all around in the snow
And I'm going to ride.
I will ski down
From a steep mountain rather
I'll ride on a sled
And, falling, I will warm up.
How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times in the year
Where It is raining unexpectedly.
When mushrooms grow
And buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.
Winter is the most beautiful!
Let it be cold, but still
Blush, more fun
It looks like a holiday!

Sleight of hand
Semyon Ostrovsky

The trick master was frosty.
And turned into snow
I responded with a trick to a trick.
A moment - and a snowflake
I turned it into a mess!

Who draws so skillfully...
M. Lesna-Raunio

Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all the same artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus out of boredom, or something,
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
But there was also a barrier.
Glass windows were everywhere
And Morozko from vexation
Decided to hurt people.
He estimated with a cunning eye,
I took brushes, whitened, enamels -
And in the morning all the glass windows
There was no light in the house.

V. Leikin

And quietly dreaming about the summer:

I don't waste my tears
Semyon Ostrovsky

I am Winter. I love frost.
I bring people to tears.
And I waste them myself.
However, when I leave, I cry.

Winter is the most fun
Sasha Black

Winter is the most fun
Sit down by the stove by the red coals,
Hot cakes to eat
Climb into a snowdrift with bootlegs,
Run around the whole pond on skates
And jump straight into bed.

Spring is the most fun
Screaming through the green fields
With barboska sit on the hill
And think about the white winter
Fluffy willows break
And throw stones into the lake.

And summer is the most fun
Cherry bite glue,
Swimming, float on the wave,
Drive a squirrel from pine to pine
Light fires by the river
And pick cornflowers in the field ...

But autumn is even more fun!
Then you pick plums from the branches,
Then you pick peas in the garden,
Then you will blow up the moss with a horn ...
The thresher is knocking in the distance -
And rye on carts to the ground ...

Winter dream
Agniya Barto

I dreamed of mountains at night ...
High mountain,
The one with whom
We rode yesterday.
We are near the village
Rushed across the virgin land,
And at night snow and skiing,
Shiny snow and ski tracks
I dreamed all the time.

Winter forest
Semyon Ostrovsky

Golden autumn forest -
Jewelry work.
And he took it and suddenly peeled off -
All the gilding is gone.

winter wonders
Alexandra Myasoedova

Everyone is in white hats.
Here! Winter has returned to us!
How many miracles in winter?
Snowflakes are falling from the sky.
And frost on the window
And shadows on the wall.
And the snow sparkles in the sun
And if it's spring, then it melts in the sun.
Puddles form.
The cold will calm down
And sadly I look into the distance
Wonderful winter...
What a pity!
It was like a dream.

winter colors
V. Fetisov

Harvested winter
Paint all for all by herself.
Field - the best whitewash,
Dawns - scarlet ink.
All trees are clean
silver sequins.
And on the street - guys
decorated in a row.
As an artist, paints in different ways:
who plays - paints red.
Who is afraid to move -
blue paint is fine.
Don't beg for anything
paint differently!

Winter morning
Viktor Lunin

The blizzard groans, the clouds drive
Close to the lake
Down in the sky.
The trails hid, whitened
delicate lace,
Light, snowy.
A sparrow, a small bird,
Little bird, foolish,
Wants to hide from the blizzard
He wants to hide, but he doesn't know how.
And his wind circles the sky,
And carries it in a pure field,
From the slope, into the dusk of the forest ...
Goryushko bitter, Poor little bird!
The blizzard groans, the clouds drive
- Hid all the ways, so as not to pass.
Everything around is white - covered with snow,
Snow covered everything around ...

E. Yavetskaya

Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
White things tirelessly knits:

She sewed, knitted and was very tired!

I. Surikov

Like a veil all dressed him.

Petr Komarov

Like a bear in a den
The river is covered with ice
And the winter sun shines
And in the field - a frosty haze.
All in hoarfrost - in a dove-gray scrawl -
The birch stands behind the bridge,
And writes funny scribbles
Fox with fluffy tail.

E. Rusakov

Until March, the ponds are chained,
But how warm are the houses!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Careful winter.
Snow falls from birches
In drowsy silence.
Summer frost paintings
Draws on the window.

Winter evening
Mikhail Isakovsky

Behind the window in the white field -
Twilight, wind, snow...
You are probably sitting at school,
In his bright room.

Winter evening is short,
Leaned over the table
Do you write, do you read?
Whether you think about what.

The day is over - and the classrooms are empty,
Silence in the old house
And you're a little sad
That you are alone today.

Because of the wind, because of the blizzard
Empty all the ways
Friends won't come to you
Spend the evening together.

The blizzard swept up the track, -
It's not easy to get through.
But the fire in your window
Seen very far.

I walked in the winter along the swamp
Daniil Kharms

I walked in the winter along the swamp
In galoshes, in a hat and glasses.
Suddenly, someone swept along the river
On metal hooks.

I ran to the river
And he ran into the forest,
I attached two planks to my feet,
Sat down, jumped up and disappeared.

And for a long time I stood by the river,
And I thought for a long time, taking off my glasses:
"What strange
Planks and incomprehensible hooks!"

This will be a cat house
M. Lapisova

I'm rolling a snowball
This will be the cat's house.
I'll make a path to the house -
To make it more comfortable for the cat.
There will be a room inside.
You don't need windows
Cats see everything in the dark!
I'll crumble crumbs for a cat -
There will be a snow sandwich!
For some reason the cat
In his cat's house ... Does not go ...

The creak of footsteps along the white streets
Athanasius Fet

The creak of footsteps along the white streets,
Lights away;
On the icy walls
Crystals sparkle.
From eyelashes hung in the eyes
silver fluff,
Silence of the cold night
Takes the spirit.

The wind sleeps and everything goes numb
Just to sleep;
The clear air itself is shy
Breathe in the cold.

wonderful picture
Athanasius Fet

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

Mother! look out the window...
A.A. Fet

Mother! look out the window
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, hurry up for a walk!"

Winter has come
I. Chernitskaya

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!

Happy winter has come
V. Korkin

Snowflakes all around.
Don't sleep, get up early
Get your skates.
Happy winter has come!

The sun froze to ice
I go to the skating rink in the morning.
And pinches a painful nose
Angry Santa Claus. -

The sun froze to ice.
Snowballs are flying fast -
None of the guys are cowards.
And a fierce fight broke out

Even though we are friends.
Snowballs are flying fast.
A merry winter has come -
Snowflakes all around.

Don't sleep, get up early.
Get your skates.
Get your skates.
Happy winter has come!

Valentin Berestov

Snowstorms, blizzards and snowstorms...
How much rigmarole with them,
How much noise, push!
How tired I am of them!"
So grumbled the gloomy frost,
And ice bound the river without noise,
Trees covered with gray hair
And there was silence.

Sleight of hand
Semyon Ostrovsky

The trick master was frosty.
Frost said: "Enough tears!" -
And turned into snow
Rain for the third day in a row.
I responded with a trick to a trick.
My trick is called "Sleight of Hand".
A moment - and a snowflake
I turned it into a mess!

Who draws so skillfully...
M. Lesna-Raunio

Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all the same artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus out of boredom, or something,
IN warm house decided to climb.
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
Through the window climbed to them soon.
But there was also a barrier.
Glass windows were everywhere
And Morozko from vexation
Decided to hurt people.
He estimated with a cunning eye,
I took brushes, whitened, enamels -
And in the morning all the glass windows
There was no light in the house.

When winter comes, the forest will whiten with snow ...
V. Leikin

When winter comes, the forest will whiten with snow,
Here the bunny turns white.
He did not jump to the south, but climbed into the hole,
So what, tell me, is he interested
Risk your small body?
From the fox will be buried in white snow
And sits like a snowdrift. And I don't care.
And quietly dreaming about the summer:
How will he ride on the green meadow
Light green coat.

I don't waste my tears
Semyon Ostrovsky

I am Winter. I love frost.
I bring people to tears.
And I don't waste them.
However, when I leave, I cry.
Winter is the most fun

Winter dream
Agniya Barto

I dreamed of mountains at night ...
High mountain,
The one with whom
We rode yesterday.
We are near the village
Rushed across the virgin land,
And at night snow and skiing,
Shiny snow and ski tracks
I dreamed all the time.

E. Yavetskaya

Again in the worries of winter-needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmly.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
White things tirelessly knits:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Christmas trees - mittens knits on the paws.
She sewed, knitted and was very tired!
Ah, spring will come soon...

I. Surikov

White snow, fluffy in the air is spinning
And quietly falls to the ground, lays down.
And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
Like a veil all dressed him.
A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat
And fell asleep under it soundly, soundly ...
God's days are short, the sun shines little,
Here come the frosts - and winter has come.
A peasant worker pulled out a sledge,
Children build snow mountains.
For a long time the peasant has been waiting for winter and cold,
And he covered the hut with straw from the outside.
So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks,
Blizzards and blizzards would not inflate snow.
He is now calm - everything around is covered,
And he is not afraid of the evil frost, angry.

This will be a cat house
M. Lapisova

I'm rolling a snowball
This will be the cat's house.
I'll make a path to the house -
To make it more comfortable for the cat.
There will be a room inside.
Cat, here is your house, look!
You don't need windows
Cats see everything in the dark!
I'll crumble crumbs for a cat -
There will be a snow sandwich!
For some reason the cat
In his cat's house ... Does not go ...

lucky so lucky
Kindness Nastya

Outside the window white-white,
There has been a lot of snow.
To all girls and boys
Lucky so lucky!

Skis "to the feet", poles to the hands,
They are not bored today.
Straight from the early morning
The kid ran away.

Who is on the hill, who is on the tower,
Fresh air is better than books!
Who has his horse
The one with the skates on the rink.

Sledges are now anywhere,
They rush to the very pond.
Be careful guys
There is melt water in the river!

Someone fortress made of snow
Protects from attacks
Someone is making snowmen -
Winter days are full of fun.

Outside the window white-white,
There has been a lot of snow.
To all girls and boys
Lucky so lucky!

Why? The answer is simple:
After all, today is a day off.

Kvitko L. M.

I'm warm in my earflaps!
I grab the sled
I'm climbing the mountain
I'm flying downhill.
For me it's empty
The easiest -
Ride standing:
See - I'm rolling!
Suddenly the sled rushed...
My earflaps are missing.
She fell into the snow!
I'm falling too.
The sledges go on
They spin merrily.
Rope through the snow
Curls like a snake.
I found earflaps
I'm chasing the sled
I'm climbing the mountain
I'm flying downhill.
For me it's empty
The easiest -
Ride standing:
See - I'm rolling!

Kvitko L. M.

I ran over the fence
And Frost stands and waits,
He walked beside me
Not one step behind.
Our shirts are in the yard
They dance on a rope with the wind.
I'm running - Frost is after me!
Frost attacked the linen,
Sharp ice dust
Ran right through him.
Grabbed and hard made -
And the clothes are frozen.
Put it on the snow - it won't fall.
Push it - it will go.
I barely pushed
The sheet went first
And the shirt walked
Spread out the sleeves.
And tailor Frost
Pricks the cheeks, cuts the nose.
The wind rushed towards
He jumped on my shoulders.
Wind - ice rider -
It whistles loudly in the back.
Ate the frozen ones are cracking,
The sleigh creaks in the snow.

On the rink
Kvitko L. M.

Run, run,
run, run,
Meet the violent wind
To ring
To carry
To burn your cheeks!
roll out early morning
Both on sleds and without sleds
on the logs,
On the log
On the knees,
On the back,
If only down, if only in the snow,
If only to move out before everyone else!
The frost sends snow-blizzards
Get the kids out of bed.
Bored in the field alone
We will sing a song to him:
"Naughty and bold,
You come from the mountains
Pull us out into the yard.
You are with us all winter
Rushing after the sled
Pinch your ears painfully
All roads dry.
On the ponds, by the river
You built us skating rinks
Spread them wide and far,
Made strong as steel!"

First snow
Hamal Gella

It snowed late at night
He surprised everyone in the morning,
Dad came out on the threshold:
- Well, business!
This is winter snow
Mom sees snow in the garden:
– Oh and ah!
And which one will I go to now?
Leshka came out early in the morning:
- Snow! Hooray!
Get skates and sleds
It's time!
Keshka-cat looks out the window
On the road:
"Someone spilled milk...
so many!"

Here comes the winter
(V. Kalinkin)

In the morning on the puddles
Thin ice.
Spinning in the air
First snow.

The guys came out
From kindergarten.
First snow -
Rejoice for the kids.

Curls in the street
light fluff,
Children admire:
How good!

(P. Obraztsov)

Frost crackles. The rivers are frozen.
Birch trees tremble by the river.
It is warm here. In a hot oven
Coals crackle.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warmth
Fine patterns melt
On painted glass.

(A. Barto)

Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Rolled up like snow.

(P. Voronko)

Snow fell on the threshold.
The cat made himself a cake.
In the meantime, sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed in a stream.
Bake pies for yourself
Not from dough - from flour.

We rode on sleds
(L. Dyakonov)

We rode on sleds,
And said goodbye
and met...
We said goodbye to winter!
We met with spring!


In warm coats and earflaps
Snowy winter time
Kids on a fast sled
A whirlwind rushes from the steep mountain.

Childish faces in the wind
They flared up with a flare.
Let the prickly snow gather dust
Let the angry frost get angry -
All the guys do not care!

(S. Ostrovsky)

The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

(K. Bilych)

Frost is magic!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet.
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all the windows for us overnight!

(I. Surikov)

White hats on white birches
White hare on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
I'm running on white snow on skis!

Like on a hill, on a mountain
(A. Prokofiev)

Like on a hill, on a mountain,
In the wide yard
Who is on the sled
Who is skiing
Who is taller
Who is lower.
Who is quieter
Who on the run
Who's on the ice
And who in the snow.
From the hill - wow
Up the hill - wow!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Skis are coming down the hill - closer, closer!
Sleighs are coming down the hill - themselves, themselves!
Children's fun - left, right!
There is an echo - laughter, laughter!
It pours so much snow - from the sky, from the sky!
Frost on the trees - blue, blue!
Rushing from a snowy hill - happiness, happiness!

The cat sings, squinting his eyes;
The boy is napping on the carpet.
A storm is playing outside
The wind is whistling in the yard.
“It’s enough for you to wallow here, -
Hide your toys and get up!
Come to me to say goodbye
Yes, go to sleep."
The boy stood up, and the cat with his eyes
He spent and sings everything;
The snow falls in tufts at the windows,
The storm whistles at the gate.

(N. Nekrasov)

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass

Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

(V. Bokov)

Winter is white
The wires are thin.
Drop things
Get your skates on!
Devils monogram,
Start dancing.
Winter is not winter
If you don't ride.

Winter in the forest

Has piled up,
All trees
In lace:
Snow on the pines
On the bushes
They ate in white coats.
And tangled in the branches
Stormy blizzards.

(A. Krylov)

Klen shakes his head.
-Give me your gloves!
- Happy winter! -
Tits whistled.

White yard, white garden,
White tracks.
And hang under the roofs
Blue earrings.

The sun looked into the face -
Almost blinded!
Blizzard on the porch at night
She came to cry.

And the magpie at the gate
spreading rumors,
What fly to our garden
Blue flies!

Only such a gossip
We no longer believe.
There is a big frost in the yard -
Close the doors.

Sledges are asking for a walk,
The skis creaked.
And climbs into the stove to sleep
Our kitten is red.

He is not a sled rider
And not a skier.
Only paws warms.
This is what he can do!

Winter is the quietest time of the year. The forest sleeps, covered with a snow-white blanket of snow. Silence, only occasionally heard the crunch of branches and the howl of a blizzard.

Small light poems for children clearly convey the charm of the winter landscape of nature, tell children about winter events nature, snow, frost and, of course, the new year. All this is reflected in bright children's poems about winter.

Winter morning

Fell into the trees at night
Frost as thick as a finger.
Became a fabulous village
And so dear, dear!
Silence pours into the fence
Everything is silent, I am also silent;
Only heard in the well

Timofey Belozerov

First snow

Oh mama, look
All over the yard
How many white
So many of them
I've never seen-
- No, my little one,
These are not butterflies
Butterflies flew away
Along with flowers.
This It is snowing,
These are snowflakes
On white butterflies.

Hovhannes Tumanyan

Blue and white

(translated by I. Tumakova)

White winter. All in frost.
The snowman is blue from the cold.
He doesn't eat lunch or dinner.
Snowman, do you have a cold?
- What are you, an eccentric, I do not need heat.
I live in harmony with the blue cold.
What could be better than frost and hoarfrost?
The earth is white. The sky is blue.


In frost

Snow on the street and cold.
A puddle is filled with hard ice.
From the road timidly
Twigs of the trail
Reach for the houses:
- Can you warm up?

Valentina Lanzetti


Again in the worries of winter-needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmly.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
White things tirelessly knits:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Christmas trees - mittens knits on the paws.
She sewed, knitted and was very tired!
- Ah, spring would come soon ...

E. Yavetskaya


White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Sergey Yesenin

winter colors

Harvested winter
Paint all for all by herself.
Field - the best whitewash,
Dawns - scarlet ink.
All trees are clean
silver sequins.
And on the street - guys
decorated in a row.
As an artist, paints in different ways:
who plays - paints red.
Who is afraid to move -
blue paint is fine.
Don't beg for anything
paint differently!

V. Fetisov

Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Where is the snow being transported in cars?
Probably in hot countries
They distribute it to the children
New Year's gifts
Get full bags -
And everyone is running to play snowballs!
Snowballs don't fly
Melting in the hot sun
And only puddles here and there...
Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Irina Tokmakova

puppy and snow

The puppy looked at the first snow
And I couldn't understand anything.
- Why so many white flies
Crawled into our yard?
Or maybe it's bird fluff
Flying over the fence?
He opened his mouth - and grab the snow -
And began to chew thoughtfully.
Chews, chews, but that's the trouble!
There is only water on the tongue.
Completely confused puppy
And lay back in the kennel.
He wasn't stupid, just small
And I saw snow for the first time...

L. Dyakonov


Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass

Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

Nikolai Nekrasov

Hello winter winter!

Hello winter winter!
Covered us with white snow
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello winter winter!
An intricate trace winds
From meadow to hill.
This is a hare printed -
Hello winter winter!
We put bird feeders
We fill them with food,
And pichugs sing in flocks -
Hello winter winter!

G. Ladonshchikov


Snowflakes, snowflakes
On the cheeks of Ninka,
Stuck in pigtails
Hanging on eyelashes
They interfere with watching.
She clasped her hand,
wanted a little
Warm up snowflakes.
Pressed tighter
But what happened to them?
What trouble!
The snowflakes are gone
In the palm of Nina
Only one water!

M. Klokova


(translated by M. Sidorenko)

Through the snowdrifts, through the bushes
Jumping white hare.
No hole here or there
What is a rabbit to do?
He's afraid of the hunter
He is trembling with fear.
The hare jumps, the hare rushes
The hare runs to the tree.
Hide me, tree
Hide me green.
Have pity!
And covered quickly
herringbone branches
poor bunny
With long ears.
Only the tail is visible
Well, don't worry:
Tail can be hidden
Into the snow

D. Khorol


(translation (Berestov V.))

snowman, snowman
Used to living in the cold.
Don't be afraid for him
And in the frosty haze
Leave alone
Winter night stellar.
In the snowman's tube
Hoarfrost instead of tobacco.
And, armed with a broom,
He is standing, not breathing.
And the house clock chimes
He hears through the walls.

Karem Maurice


Snowstorms, blizzards and blizzards...
How much rigmarole with them,
How much noise, push!
How tired I am of them!"
So grumbled the gloomy frost
And ice bound the river without noise,
Trees covered with gray hair
And there was silence.

Valentin Berestov

What is New Year?

What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance.
These are pipes and violins.
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
That's what New Year means!

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs.
That's what it means
That's what New Year means!

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

Our Tree

Look through the door crack -
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And toys hang on it -
From pedestal to crown.

E. Ilyina

New Years is soon

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers...
Santa Claus is coming soon
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, candy...
Santa Claus, where are you?!

Z. Orlova

Old year

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I - sorry Old.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it
I became friends with him for a year.
I became friends with him because
That learned to swim
What the sea saw for the first time
And that a little sister was born.

I really felt sad
That the year is leaving Old.

E. Grigorieva


Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen.
Arrived, arrived
The flock was met by blizzards!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them rowanberries.
well treated,
Well sweetened.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet bunches.

Snowflake Dandelion
Bring winter to your lips
Just blow - and fluff
The seeds will scatter.

Dandelion flies around
Fire is burning in the windows
Winter evening substitutes
White stars palm.
(T. Shorygina)

2. Winter planet

Living in Antarctica is not easy:
No place is colder!
There is a hundred kilos of snow falling
Seven Fridays in a week.
It's minus a hundred when it's winter
And minus forty in the summer,
It's cold day and night
And everything is covered in snow!
There's always a New Year's holiday
And castles, like in a fairy tale.
The chilly wind carries
Ice sleds.
In the sleigh - winter-winter,
Dressed in fur and silk:
She flies, she hurries faster
Away away from summer
To a palace of snow, of ice,
To the winter planet
Strain canvases from snow
And send it around the world.
(E. Tsegelnik)

3. Hello Winter!

Still smokes and spins
free river,
But do not melt the puddles
For sure.

Still in a cheerful panic
Snowflakes don't fly
But the roofs are like gingerbread,
Glitter under frost.

Still desert boring
closed skating rinks,
But impatience twisted
"Snow Maiden" proboscis!

And skis dream of crosses
And dream of steepness.
Long live frost!
Long live winter!
(O. Fokina)

4. Winter has come

White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

The days have become short
The sun shines a little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.
(I. Surikov)

5. Do you recognize winter?

Deep snow all around
Wherever I look,
A blizzard sweeps and swirls.
Do you recognize winter?

The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
Frozen motionless,
Snowdrifts burn with silver.
Do you recognize winter?

On skis we rush from the mountain,
The wind blows at our backs.
There is no more fun than that time!
Do you recognize winter?

We will bring thick spruce
For the holiday, our beloved,
We will hang beads on it.
Do you recognize winter?

6. Winter needlewoman

Again in the worries of winter-needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmly.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
White things tirelessly knits:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Christmas trees - mittens knits on the paws.
She sewed, knitted and was very tired!
Ah, spring will come soon...
(E. Yavetskaya)

7. Time of Winter

The time of winter with December comes,
Only she does not know this subtlety
And in November it will cover the earth with snow,
The rink will equip the children in the puddles.

So slowly the work will go,
Zimushka knows that time does not wait.
Blizzards, blizzards she will bring,
Snow powder will sweep the way.

The branches of the trees will cover everything with snow,
Their primordial nakedness will hide.
Strong frost will hide us at home,
And on the glass weave lace for everyone.

On a clear, frosty, fine day
Children will run to the skating rink in a crowd.
Adults - skiing is more likely to be preferred
And in winter forest will go for a walk.

In the waltz snowflakes are spinning in winter,
They are cut with thin openwork.
Children will play snowballs in the yard,
The snowman is then sculpted.

Only with winter comes magic:
Songs, carols for Christmas.
Looking forward to winter coming
With a new dream to meet the New Year.
(N. Belostotskaya)

8. Our windows are brushed white

Our windows with a white brush
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the field with snow,
Snow covered the garden.
Can't we get used to the snow
Can we hide our nose in a fur coat?
How will we go out and how will we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
We ride, have fun!
The sled is light - take off!
Who rushes like a bird
Who will roll right into the snow.
Fluffy snow is softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake it off, let's run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold.
(L. Voronkova)

9. Oh you, winter-winter

Oh you, winter-winter,
You came with frost
We have snowdrifts
Ice braids.

ran barefoot
The paths are fun
Lace us later
Curtained the windows.

We love to drive in winter
Round dance at the Christmas tree,
And make snowmen
And ride down the hill

We love the winter chill
But for all that
We sit and drink tea
The one that smells like summer.
(T. Shatskikh)

10. Birch

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.
(S. Yesenin)

11. Winter stroller

A carriage rides across the sky -
Dark gray color.
And in a wheelchair on the bed
White blizzards are dozing.
She cradles them herself
Snow white winter.

How do these babies wake up
How to rise to their feet
Yes, how these children whistle -
Everything will turn white.
(V. Orlov)

12. The Coming of Winter

Winter has passed unbidden
Winter came in secret
The next morning - powdered
All the streets are covered in snow.
Hello, it's fun time -
Get your skates ready!
And next to our school
Snowmen are growing.
(V. Nesterenko)

13. The cat sings, squinting his eyes;

The cat sings, squinting his eyes;
The boy is napping on the carpet.
A storm is playing outside
The wind is whistling in the yard.
"It's enough for you to wallow here, -
Hide your toys and get up!
Come to me to say goodbye
Yes, go to sleep."
The boy stood up, and the cat with his eyes
He spent and sings everything;
The snow falls in tufts at the windows,
The storm whistles at the gate.
(A. Fet)

14. What are you doing, Winter?

What are you doing, Winter?
- I'm building a miracle tower!
I pour snow silver
I decorate all around.
The carousel spins
Rampant blizzard!
I'll try so that in the morning
Didn't miss the kids
To light up the tree
So that the trio rushed!
Winter has countless worries:
Soon holiday - New year!
(R. Farhadi)


15. Zimushka-winter

On the road in a straight line
Winter came with frost
Winter came to his home -
The snow was pink.
Two blizzards after winter
That snow was blown, shallow,
The snow was blown as they wanted,
And they threw crystals.
(A. Prokofiev)

16. Well, winter! .. Snowdrift, cold ...

Well, winter! .. Snowdrift, cold,
Sweeps, twists, vyuzhit,
It burns with frost, chokes with ice,
Drives into a hot house.
Christmas tree catchy
It will fly into the house almost like a dragonfly.
Fluff up, laugh,
Snow moisture will be shed.
(V. Alexandrov)

17. Frost

Frost for service
Brings out winter.
big frosts
Freeze at home.

Frost is less
Car, horse.
And the smallest one
Freezes me.

Home - who is faster -
We run with him.
And he seems to me
Terribly big.
(I. Shevchuk)

18. Wonderful Winter

With happy songs
In the old dark forest
Zimushka has arrived
With a chest of miracles.

Opened the chest
Took out all the outfits
On birches, maples
She threw on the lace.

For tall firs
And gray oak
Zimushka got
Snow coats.

I covered the river
thin ice,
As if glazed
Blue glass.
(E. Nilova)

19. Winter in the forest

Has piled up,
All trees
In lace:
Snow on the pines
On the bushes
They ate in white coats.
And tangled in the branches
Stormy blizzards.
(N. Goncharov)


20. Wonderful picture,

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

21. Meeting winter

Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have a space -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We can't get used to it,
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
Burning in the cold!
(I. Nikitin)

22. Ponds are tied up until March,

Until March, the ponds are chained,
But how warm are the houses!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Careful winter.
Snow falls from birches
In drowsy silence.
Summer frost paintings
Draws on the window.
(E. Rusakov)

23. So recently to us in the window

So recently to us in the window
The sun shone every day
And now the time has come -
A blizzard took a walk in the field.
They fled with a ringing song,
She covered everything like a diaper,
Fluffed with snow fluff,
It became empty everywhere, deaf.
The river does not ring with a wave
Under the clothes of ice.
The forest is quiet, looks sad,
Birds are not heard troublesome.
(I. Kupala)

24. Winter has come

At night the wind howled like a wolf
And hit the roof with a stick.
Looking out the window in the morning
It's a magical movie
Rolled out the white canvas
Sketched bright stars
And hats at home
Winter hit.
(V. Fetisov)

25. Chrysanthemums

On the window, silver from hoarfrost,
During the night the chrysanthemums bloomed.
In the upper glasses - the sky is bright blue
And stuck in the snow dust.
The sun rises, cheerful from the cold,
The window shines golden.
The morning is quiet, joyful and young,
Everything is covered in white snow.
(I.A. Bunin)

26. Enchantress in Winter

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain downy...

Is the winter sun mosque
On him his ray oblique -
Nothing trembles in it
He will flare up and shine
Dazzling beauty.
(Fyodor Tyutchev)

27. Arithmetic of winter

Deprives a lot
We have a frosty winter.
And what to deprive, decides
Without consulting myself.
Minus the leaves, minus the grass -
Minus the long days
Minus the warm shop
And swings, horizontal bars.
Minus fruit fresh flavors,
Cold - minus twenty-five.
But, of course, the pros
We will find in winter again.
Plus skates, snowballs and skis,
Plus New Year's gifts.
Plus more desirable and closer
With every day of spring coming.
(G. Dyadina)

28. Hello Mother Winter

Hello, in a white sundress
From silver brocade.
Diamonds burn on you
Like bright rays.
Hello Russian girl,
Coloring soul.
white winch,
Hello Mother Winter!

29. Like a bear in a lair,

Like a bear in a den
The river is covered with ice
And the winter sun shines
And in the field - a frosty haze.
All in hoarfrost - in a dove-gray scrawl -
The birch stands behind the bridge,
And writes funny scribbles
Fox with fluffy tail.
(P. Komarov)


30. Winter morning

What a miracle this morning
A feast for the eyes - just ah!
Santa Claus had time everywhere:
The city is in white lace.
In white gentle curls -
All the trees, all the bridges...
Like white lambs -
Bushes behind fences.
Well, the sun above the pipe -
Like scarlet candy...
We wish we were like this with you!
Oh yes the sun, well done!
(O. Kulnevskaya)

31. Winter sings ...

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Chilled little birds
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.
(S. Yesenin)

32. Winter colors

Harvested winter
Paint all for all by herself.
Field - the best whitewash,
Dawns - scarlet ink.
All trees are clean
silver sequins.
And on the street - guys
decorated in a row.
As an artist, paints in different ways:
who plays - paints red.
Who is afraid to move -
blue paint is fine.
Don't beg for anything
paint differently!
(V. Fetisov)

33. Cheerful winter has come

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!
(I. Chernetskaya)

34. How winter worked!

What a winter has done!
What a smooth border
without breaking the outline,
She lay down on the roofs of slender buildings.

Around the whitening ponds -
Bushes in fluffy sheepskin coats.
And a wire of wires
Lurking in snow-white tubes.

Snowflakes fell from the sky
In such a random mess
And lay down in a smooth bed
And strictly bordered the forest.
(S. Marshak)

35. Winter fun

How much snow in the bins
At the blizzard!
On the heavenly millstones
The clouds are rolling.

At the hostess-blizzard
So many things
Furnace snowdrifts-pies,
Fluffy, white!

How much snow does winter have!
Threads of white fringe
hung on the branches,
Woven thin lace,
Invited everyone to the party.

36. Winter came with frost

Winter came with frost
With frosts, with blizzards,
Snowdrifts under birches,
White-white under the fir trees.

On the elms outside
White beaded dress.
And the air burns and pricks,
And it smells like watermelon.

Invigorating winter has come
Ringing, crispy,
With school tasks
And hot ovens.

We love frosty days
Elastic ice rink,
night sky starry
And a noisy New Year!

Winter came with crackers
With sweets, toys
And festive, prickly,
Decorated Christmas trees.

Winter with a cheerful mask
Comes to our houses.
Magical, good fairy tale
We think it's winter!
(O. Vysotskaya)

37. Winter has come to us again!

Snow falls on the houses
Winter has come to us again!
Brought in a knapsack
Blizzards and snow,
Cold, snowdrifts, ice
And, of course, New Year!
(M. Druzhinina)

38. Winter has come

Winter has finally come
Covered everything with snow
Blue ringing ice
Glazed the river

Slender Christmas trees in the forest
I told a fairy tale
And lace on the windows
I knitted one at night.

And on the branches of birches
IN quiet time dawns
I laid down, breathing a little,
Sparks of gems.
(D. Popov)

39. Silver winter

Here comes the winter
Covered with white snow
the field is clean.
Happy ice skating with kids
everything is rolling
At night in the snowy lights
Writes a pattern in the windows
ice needle
And knocking on our yard
with a fresh tree.
(R. Kudasheva)

40. Hello, winter-winter!

Hello winter winter!
Covered us with white snow
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello winter winter!
An intricate trace winds
From meadow to hill.
This is a hare printed -
Hello winter winter!
We put bird feeders
We fill them with food,
And pichugs sing in flocks -
Hello winter winter!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

41. Elegant winter

Winter brightened up:
Fringe on the dress
From transparent ice
Snowflake stars.
All in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights
Radiance pours around
Whispers a spell:
- Lie down, soft snows,
To forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
light visions,
Tricky weaves.
You, blizzard, weirdo,
Round dance backwaters,
Fly up like a whirlwind of white
Gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Save magical dreams:
Wait, dressed in brocade,
New dawn!
(M. Pozharova)