Rushing in an ice carriage


The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path.

T. Bokova


The winter is merry

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On a decorated tree

The lanterns swing.

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

I. Chernitskaya

Winter, winter, winter!

Where were you?

She carried a cold in a bag,

The snow shook the ground,

Legs-handles shook,

I let the cold into the house,

All paths swept

And piled up the snowdrifts.

Winter-winter has come

Harnessed the horses to the sleigh,

Brought out the path,

Swept the ice on the river

Tied to the shore

Chained to the ground!

small guys

yes cute girls

I sat on the sled,

Yes, it rolled down the mountain!


Today from the snow

Wet coma

We are the snowman

Blinded at home.

This woman is standing at the very gate -

Nobody will pass

Nobody gets through.

Adults and children love it

Gun hair

The wind shakes her.

She is familiar

Already all the kids

And the Bug keeps barking:

Alien in the yard!

I. Demyanov

“Snowstorms, blizzards and blizzards…

How much rigmarole with them,

How much noise, push!

How tired I am of them!” -

So grumbled the gloomy frost,

And ice bound the river without noise,

Trees covered with gray hair

And there was silence.

V. Berestov

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

Z. Alexandrova


Light snowflakes flutter.

The pines are graying across the river.

The crow croaked from the vine:

“Zim-ma, zi-ma is not far away!”

And I know better than myself

I'm getting ready to go skating.

Just in case in every puddle

I'm testing ice for strength.

T. Dmitriev


light, winged,

Like night butterflies

Circling, circling

Above the table by the lamp.

Gathered for a picnic.

And where should they go?

After all, they, too, icy,

I want to warm up.

I. Bursov


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We are ballerina snowflakes

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out snow.

We whitewashed the trees

Roofs covered with fluff.

The earth was covered with velvet

And saved from the cold.


Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -

Winter brought him.

Hurry up to us

She brought us snowmen.

From dawn to dawn

Glory to the winter bullfinches.

Santa Claus, like a little one,

Dancing at the rubble.

And I can too

So dance in the snow.

A. Brodsky


White snow-snow

It burns, it pricks

Come out buddy

For the neighborhood.

There is a snowy mountain


There's a ski track yesterday

I have laid.

Let's run with you

To the blue forest

Let's bring it home

Winter joy.

G. Ladonshchikov

Everything is angrier, angrier, angrier

It's frosty outside.

And everyone is warmer

Wraps up nose.

Both people and machines

Now is not up to beauty.

Both people and machines

They covered their noses.


Opening the calendar

January begins.

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

Stoves are heated in our house,

Smoke rises into the sky.

S. Marshak


The winds blow in February

Howling in the pipes loudly.

Serpentine winds on the ground

Light ground.

Above the Kremlin wall -

Aircraft links.

Glory to the native army

On her birthday!

S. Marshak

Run out quickly

Look at the snowmen.

Arrived, arrived

The flock was met by blizzards!

A Frost-Red Nose

He brought them rowanberries.

Well sweetened.

Late winter evening

Bright scarlet bunches.

A. Prokofiev


At night the wind howled like a wolf

And hit the roof with a stick.

Looking out the window in the morning

It's a magical movie

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And hats at home

Winter hit.

V. Fetisov


Like on a hill, on a mountain,

In the wide yard:

Who is on the sled

Who is skiing

Who is taller

Who is lower

Who is quieter

Who on the run

Who's on the ice

And who in the snow.

From the hill - wow

Up the hill - wow!


A. Prokofiev


early early


Surprised man:

"This is snow?

Can't be!


Can't be!

On the grass?

Can't be!

In October?

Can't be!

Is it snow?!” -

The man did not believe.

G. Sapgir


The puppy looked at the first snow

And I couldn't understand anything.

Why so many white flies

Crawled into our yard?

Or maybe it's bird fluff

Flying over the fence?

He opened his mouth - and grab the snow -

And began to chew thoughtfully.

Chews, chews, but that's the trouble!

There is only water on the tongue.

Completely confused puppy

And lay back in the kennel.

He wasn't stupid, just small

And I saw snow for the first time...

L. Dyakonov


Covered the city with snow

Hoarfrost hung like a lace ...

From porch to fence

Boris is clearing the snow.

And with a shovel in hand

Next to him is Marina.

The heat burns on the cheeks -

The path is getting longer.

And my ears are not cold

How the frost does not get angry,

If only babies

Want to work.


Reluctant in the morning

Winter was busy -

Fallen leaves

Sweeping in the garden.

Then to work

Got it hot

And covered with ice

Silent stream.


Higher and higher,

Winter has turned white

fences and roofs,

Wrapped up the branches

Oak and pines,

So that they can sleep sweetly

Until the spring.

V. Mezinov

It came to us

One letter

It was strange.

Instead of stamps -

three snowflakes,

And the envelope

From pure ice

And the letter is not on the sheet,

And on the white snow:

Soon soon

I will come to you

I'll fly to the blizzards

I will dance and spin

I will cover the earth with snow,

And trees, and houses ... -

And signed:

I. Pivovarova


On the road in a straight line

Winter came with frost

Winter came to his home -

The snow was pink.

Two blizzards after winter

That snow was blown, shallow,

The snow was blown as they wanted,

And they threw crystals.

A. Prokofiev


Come on buddy, be brave buddy

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a snowball

And it will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

But the sun will bake a little -

Alas! - and no snowman.

V. Egorov


In the middle of our yard

The snowman stood yesterday.

We made it ourselves

He had a lush mustache.

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around.

At night the snowman disappeared.

Maybe he went into the forest?

We kindly ask you guys

If the snowman is mustachioed

Meet on the way

Help us find.


Who is that at the hillock?

You won't even understand right away.

This is little Yegorka

Doesn't look like Yegor.

Eyebrows covered with snow

Hat, nose and collar.

And from the snowdrift

Yegorka the snowman got up.

V. Simonov


Snowfall, snowfall!

The garden is covered with snow

And swamps, and meadows,

And river banks

And mountain paths

And the fields are spacious.

Everything around is white-white,

All roads are covered.

Oaks in white quilted jackets,

They ate in white dresses.

White hares are happy:

It will be easier to hide.

I. Vasilevsky


On the trees, on the alleys

Snow flies whiter flour

Light-light, clean-clean,

Soft, fragile and fluffy.

Squeeze snow in hand

And we throw snowballs.

The first snow is light snow,

How happy he is for everyone.

I. Melnichuk


Such frost!

Takes by the nose

Moves to tears!

Such a crackling frost

Got tired, bored.

Such frost!

Such frost!

Cover your nose -

Grown to the eyebrows.

Such frost!


Goes - crunches


At my sister, at Marina,

There are two snowflakes on the palm.

I wanted to show everyone

Look - no snowflakes to be seen!

Who took the snowflakes

My Marina?

M. Rodina

Go around at least all the yards -

Better not to find mountains.

Carefully! Watch out!

The kids are going down

Standing, sitting, kneeling

On cardboard and plywood.

Don't yawn ahead

Don't get in the way!

Oh hoo, see for yourself

What a miracle this sleigh is:

Barely five of us sat down,

And rushed off with the wind!

In a straight line to the turn

Someone left behind...

Ran into a snowdrift:

Who arrived, on the side - clap!

N. Gorodetskaya


Masha put on a mitten:

Oh, where am I doing my finger?!

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger! How are you?

N. Sakonskaya

Near the house snow grandfather

Dressed in a snow coat.

He groans all over the district,

He calls his girlfriend.

We became at full speed

Sculpt a snow woman.

And she said: - Boredom!

No granddaughter, no grandson!

We blinded and grandchildren -

Little snowmen.

M. Vainilaitis

White birch under my window

Covered with snow, like silver.

On fluffy branches with a snowy border

Tassels have blossomed with a white fringe.

And there is a birch in sleepy silence,

And snowflakes burn in golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily, going around,

Sprinkle the branches with new silver.

S. Yesenin

The creak of footsteps along the white streets,

lights away;

On the icy walls

crystals sparkle.

From eyelashes hung in the eyes

silver fluff,

Silence of the cold night

occupies the spirit.

The wind sleeps and everything goes numb

just to sleep;

The clear air itself is shy

to die in the cold.


Hello, well done January,

Hello, sir!

Ride us on a sled

Give me frost

Let heaven bloom on the windows:

Dahlias, roses.

Rides like a squirrel at dawn

New Year in January

Through the tall firs

For the kids to eat

Chocolates in kindergarten -

Well, at least once a year.

M. Sukhorukova


We tear off the calendar, January begins.

In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

Stoves are heated in our house -

Smoke rises into the sky.

S. Marshak

It was in January

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And next to this tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Once upon a time, at night,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

Sparrows flew past

Sat at the top.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated Christmas tree.

A. Barto

Our friends

Every day,

When we get up

Together with my brother,

Taking cereal

And bread crumbs

Let's run to the porch.

Many affectionate, good

Flies to us friends.

Sitting on the feeder, birds

They clean their wings.

There are carduelis, siskins, tits

And sly sparrows

Waiting for us also patiently

And handsome bullfinches...

Everyone is used to - not shy,

Take them with your hands!

G. Ladonshchikov

Here is my village

Here is my village;

Here is my home;

Here I am on a sled

Uphill steep;

Here the sled turned

And I'm on my side - clap!

head over heels

Downhill, into a snowdrift.

I. Surikov

Santa Claus walks the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

Walks, shakes his white beard,

He stomps his foot, only crackling comes.

S. Drozhzhin

Frosty frost on the glass

Frosty frost on the glass

How many dashes and lines!

I only know,

Who is standing there at the window.

Snow Maiden breathes on the glass

And diligently writes letters,

Leads with her finger:

"C" - snowflakes, "3" - winter.

N. Frenkel

snow fairy tale

Danced through the snow


Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

By the snowy river

In the snow lane

Skates run loudly

Snowmen cut ice.

S. Pogorelovskiy



Outside by the door.

I poured over the threshold

Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.

And when I went out into the garden

I heard from them:

You are better than all the guys

Well done, Grisha!

P. Voronko

Fly under the window

Snow-snow, snow-snow

All covered in bird footprints

Sparrows jumped around

Apparently, they were looking for food.

The difficult time has come:

The grains were covered with snow.

bobtail family,

Our guests and friends

Fly under the window -

There is grain in your feeders.

G. Boyko

Both summer and winter

Like a white blizzard

The birch was swept up;

Both summer and winter

She is white,

Only black spots

Like thawed patches in the snow.

S. Wheat

Everything was covered with thick snow,

Like warm, white fur.

V. Fetisov

What does the snow sing about

Snow sparkles, circles, sweeps,

She covers the fields with a blanket:

Sleep, earth, you must be tired -

The harvest was generous in autumn!

Sleep now until spring, rest.

S. Wheat


In white and blue February

A blizzard rushes on a broom,

But longing will take her

And in the sun side

This blizzard warms

February is getting better.

Our February is not so bad

He knocks down the horn from the winter.

I am with a slingshot in the meadows

I'm going to knock off her horns.

M. Sukhorukova


The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.

A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance,

Glory to the native army, on her birthday.

S. Marshak

black ice

Does not go and does not go

Because ice.

But it falls great

Why is no one happy?

Winter sings - calls out ...

Winter sings - calls out,

Shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

Like orphan children

Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,

Hungry, tired,

And they huddle tighter.

A blizzard with a furious roar

Knocks on the shutters hung

And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze

Under these whirlwinds of snow

At the frozen window.

And they dream of a beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Spring beauty.

S. Yesenin

frosty wind

Hop - sideways, lope - sideways

A jackdaw walks past the windows.

The wind is all tousled,


Heavy, shaggy wire ropes.

Each call is like a string -

The whole country was buzzing.

Immediately the thermometer noted -

A frosty wind came

Between dashes and dots

The blue bar has become shorter.

E. Trutneva

Winter evening

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting.

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child.

That on a dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

Like a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window ...

A. Pushkin

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich:

A handful of grain is all you need,

Let alone, and not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count.

It's hard to see

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed together

Winter with people.

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

You meet spring.


Run out quickly

Look at the snowmen.

They've arrived, they've arrived!

The flock was met by blizzards,

A Frost Red Nose

He brought them a mountain ash,

well treated,

Well sweetened

Late winter evening

Bright scarlet bunches.

A. Prokofiev

What do sparrows sing about?

What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We survived!

We are alive!

B. Berestov

Snow fell on the threshold

Snow fell on the threshold

The cat baked himself a cake.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked -

The pie flowed in a stream.

Bake pies for yourself

Not from snow, - from flour.

P. Voronko


When I ate an icicle,

It was delicious.

And when I got sick

It got very sad...

M. Druzhinina

moose letter

Winter night at the window

Elk left a letter for me.

On a white window frame

He imprinted with horns -

Branches, paths and foliage...

Everything is clear: waiting in the forest.

“Capture,” he writes, “the sled,

I'll ride in the meadow."

V. Stepanov


Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where were you at night, huh?

I twisted around all the yards,

I sewed fur coats for trees,

Dressed them up in furs.

And frost them - nonsense!

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

What did you do in the morning, huh?

Wandered along the streets,

All fences whitewashed.

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where did you circle during the day, well?

Tore hats off people during the day,

Throwing snow behind the collar ...

To make it beautiful around

I mixed the sky with the earth!

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where will you be tonight, huh?

What an evening I'll circle

I'll tell you tomorrow morning!

G. Gerasimov

Breaking the ice

We broke.

Flying shreds

E. Blaginina

Winter's last darkness

February is the heir of January.

The river is flowing, drifting snows are floating,

They fall into the snowy seas.

And me from the rainbow shine

Do not hold back happy tears.

On the southern slope of the copse -

Funnels at the roots of birches.

And, having listened to the tunes of spring,

Parting the withered grass,

A snowdrop will hatch with a sprout

Through last year's leaves...

A. Ivanov

Blue expanses do not see themselves,

And, in the eternal cold, bright, clean,

The snowy mountains do not see themselves,

The flower does not see its own beauty.

And it's sweet to know if you're walking through the woods

Are you going down the mountain path:

With your insatiable eyes

Nature admires itself.

Poems about winter for children are filled with a fabulous atmosphere. There are snowballs, sleds, snowmen, and a lot of snow, loved by everyone.

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting and understandable poems for children about winter. Kids will quickly remember them and will be able to tell them at the matinee in kindergarten or just family.

First snow

On the trees, on the alleys
Snow flies whiter flour

Soft, fragile and fluffy.
Squeeze snow in hand
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
How happy he is for everyone.

(I. Melnichuk)

Frost is a wizard

Frost is magic!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet.
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all the windows for us overnight!

(K. Bilic)

On the hill

Go around at least all the yards -
Better not to find mountains.
Carefully! Watch out!
The kids are going down
Standing, sitting, kneeling
On cardboard and plywood.
Don't yawn ahead
Don't get in the way!
Oh hoo, see for yourself
What a miracle this sleigh is:
Barely five of us sat down,
And rushed off with the wind!
In a straight line to the turn
Someone left behind...
Ran into a snowdrift:
Who arrived, on the side - clap!

(N. Gorodetskaya)

Who will warm the sun?

Everyone is cold in winter
Run faster to the house.
The sun remains.
Who will keep him warm?

It used to be warm
They were happy with the sun.
And now admire
Snowfall dance.

I will draw the sun
In my album
And it seems to be
Lighter in the house.

I'll write a note -
I already know:
Don't worry, sunshine!
I'll warm you.

(Lydia Slutskaya)


White birch under my window
Covered with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snowy border
Tassels have blossomed with a white fringe.
And there is a birch in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily, going around,
Sprinkle the branches with new silver.


Come on buddy, be brave buddy
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball
And it will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will bake a little -
Alas! - and no snowman.

(V. Egorov)

Snow everywhere

Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -
Winter brought him.
Hurry up to us
She brought us snowmen.
From dawn to dawn
Glory to the winter bullfinches.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing at the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.

(A. Brodsky)


Until March, the ponds are chained,
But how warm are the houses!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Careful winter.
Snow falls from birches
In drowsy silence.
Summer frost paintings
Draws on the window.

(E. Rusakov)


Rushing in an ice carriage
The wind beats its wings
Sleepy houses.
Blooming squares, parks
Snow white.
And frost builds arches
Above the forest path.

(T. Bokova)


Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen.
Arrived, arrived
The flock was met by blizzards!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them rowanberries.
Well sweetened.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet bunches.

(A. Prokofiev)

We are snowflakes

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out snow.
We whitewashed the trees
Roofs covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And saved from the cold.

Winter has come

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!


The sleds are going down by themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races from the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

(S. Ostrovsky)


Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen.
Arrived, arrived
The flock was met by blizzards!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them rowanberries.
Well sweetened.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet bunches.

(A. Prokofiev)

puppy and snow

The puppy looked at the first snow
And I couldn't understand anything.
Why are there so many white flies?
Crawled into our yard?
Or maybe it's bird fluff
Flying over the fence?
He opened his mouth - and grab the snow -
And began to chew thoughtfully.
Chews, chews, but that's the trouble!
There is only water on the tongue.
Completely confused puppy
And lay back in the kennel.
He wasn't stupid, just small
And I saw snow for the first time...

(L. Dyakonov)

snow family

Near the house snow grandfather
Dressed in a snow coat.
He groans all over the district,
He calls his girlfriend.
We became at full speed
Sculpt a snow woman.
And she said: - Boredom!
No granddaughter, no grandson!
We blinded and grandchildren -
Little snowmen.

(M. Vainilaitis)

snow woman

Today from the snow
Wet coma
We are the snowman
Blinded at home.
This woman is standing at the very gate -
Nobody will pass
Nobody gets through.
Adults and children love it
Gun hair
The wind shakes her.
She is familiar
Already all the kids
And the Bug keeps barking:
- Alien in the yard!

(I. Demyanov)


Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.
Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry.
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

morning cat
Brought on paws
First snow!
First snow!

He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!

He's spinning
The guys over their heads

He managed
Down scarf
spread out
On the pavement

He turns white
Along the fence
On the lantern -

Very soon
Will fly
From the hills.
Can be
build a fortress
In the courtyard!

First snow

On the trees, on the alleys
Snow flies whiter flour
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
Squeeze snow in hand
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
How happy he is for everyone.

Folk songs and nursery rhymes about winter for children

(From the collection of A. Sobolevsky)

Like thin ice

A white snow fell;

White snow fell

Vanyushka-friend rode,

Vanya rode, hurried;

From the goodness of the horse fell.

He fell and lies

Nobody runs to Vanya.

Two girls saw

Soon they ran up to Vanya,

Soon they ran up to Vanya,

They put Vanya on a horse,

They put Vanya on a horse,

Showed the way...

We are two young brothers

Two frosts removed.

- I am Frost red nose.

- I am Frost blue nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!


Do not pull home by the nose.

Do not studio, do not indulge

Go paint the windows!

Poems by Russian poets about winter for preschoolers

O. Vysotskaya "On the sled"

The sled rolled down.

Hold on, baby doll!

You sit, do not fall -

There's a groove ahead!

You have to drive carefully!

And not that you can break.

O. Vysotskaya "Asterisks"

The stars began to spin

They began to lie down on the ground,

No, not stars, but fluffs,

Not fluff, but snowflakes!

O. Vysotskaya "Cold!"

Who meowed at the door?

- Open quickly!

Very cold in winter

Murka asks to go home.

O. Vysotskaya "Snow Bunny"

We made a snowball

The ears were made later.

And just

Instead of eyes

We have coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't pull -

They are from straws!

Long, shiny

Exactly real!

S. Drozhzhin "Walking the Street"

Walks the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

stomping foot,

There is only crackling...

R. Kudasheva "Winter Song"

Here comes the winter


Covered with white snow

The field is clean.

Happy ice skating with kids

Everything is rolling;

Night in snowy lights

Falling apart...

Writes a pattern in the windows

Ice - and golochkoy

And knocking on our yard

With a fresh Christmas tree.

I. Surikov "Childhood"

Here is my village;

Here is my home;

Here I am on a sled

Uphill steep;

Here the sled rolled up

And I'm on my side - bang!

head over heels

Downhill, into a snowdrift.

And boy friends

Standing over me

merrily laugh

Over my trouble.

All face and hands

Made me snow...

I'm in a snowdrift grief,

And the guys laugh! ..

Sasha Cherny "Wolf"

The whole village sleeps in the snow.

The moon disappeared for the night.

Snow is blowing.

The kids are all on ice

On the pond

Sledges squeal in unison -

Let's go in line!

Who is in the harness, who is the rider.

Wind to the side.

Our baggage stretched

To the birches

Suddenly the leader shouts:

"Damn, stop!"

The sleds stopped, the laughter fell silent:

"Brothers, the wolf! .."

Wow, how they splashed back!

Like a city

Scatter everything from the pond -

Who where.

Where is the wolf?

Yes, it's a dog

Our Barbos!

Laughter, roar, laughter and sense:

"Ah yes wolf!"

S. Mikhalkov "White verses"

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Happy gray titmouse:

The birds freeze in the cold.

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

Puppy on a black back

White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered

Everything around is white-white:


Enough business for shovels,

For shovels and scrapers,

For big trucks.

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Only a janitor, only a janitor

Says: "I am this Tuesday

I will never forget!

Snowfall is a disaster for us!

All day the scraper scrapes,

The broom sweeps all day long.

A hundred sweats have left me

And the circle is white again!

Snow! Snow! Snow!"

S. Mikhalkov "Skating"

I'm skating like the wind

Along the forest edge...

Mittens on hands

Hat on top...

One-two! That's where I slipped...

One and two! Almost tumbled...

One-two! Hard on your toes!

Crunched, grunted ice,

The wind blows from the right.

Christmas trees-wolves! Full move -

From the pond to the ditch...

One-two! On a slippery path.

One and two! Funny feet...

One-two! On and on...

S. Mikhalkov "Ski track and stump"

I walked through the snow

It was easy and hard for me

And behind me

A fresh ski track lay down.

Through the clearings, through the bushes,

I skied for half an hour.

And I see: to my right -

Another fresh track...

And I thought

"I'll catch up!"

And went to that ski track.

I got on a new ski track -

And I went out to a big stump.

Again I run through the bushes,

Up the hill here, down the hill there

And I go out to the same stump,

On the same track...

And so all day

and so all day:

Ski track and stump!

Ski track and stump!

Well, what a tricky ski:

Fooled me all day!

D. Harms "Winter"

Snow falls on everyone

Nobody is afraid.

Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't sink in water.

Lies all winter

And in the spring he will run away.

D. Kharms "Frost - old grandfather"

Frost is an old grandfather,

He is two hundred years old

Bridge knocked down

He paved the whole river,

And spring has come

The bridge has been torn down.

A. Pushkin "Here is the north, catching up the clouds"

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil;

Frost flashed.

And we are glad

Leprosy mother winter.

N. Nekrasov "Frost, Red Nose"(excerpt)

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest paths brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

Are the tops of the pines fluffy,

Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?

And are the ice floes tightly bound

In great and small waters?

Walks - walks through the trees,

Cracking on frozen water

AND bright sun plays

In his shaggy beard...

I. Nikitin "Meeting of winter"(excerpt)

Hello winter guest!

Please have mercy on us

Sing the songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

We have a space -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

We can't get used to

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

Burning in the cold!

A. Pushkin "Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant"

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

Planting a bug in a sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scoundrel already froze his finger:

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window.

A. Fet "A wonderful picture"

wonderful picture,

How are you related to me?

white plain,

Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,

And shining snow

And distant sleigh

Lonely run.

A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window"

Mother! Look out the window -

Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat

Washed the nose

There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,

Brightened, whitened, -

Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue

Frost is hung on the branches -

Just look at you!

Like someone with a beef

Fresh, white, plump cotton

Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:

For the sled, and uphill

Have fun running!

Really, mom? Do not refuse:

"Well - hurry up for a walk!"

S. Yesenin "Birch"

White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

Rhymes about winter for children

Quietly, as in a dream

Falls to the ground ... (snow).

We didn't eat, we didn't drink

Snow woman ... (sculpted).

Winter sports are closer to us now

Help in this ... (skiing).

From the hill down I fly on them,

I myself am rolling up the hill ... (them).

The lights went out on the ice -

I take off my ... (skates).

Visible on a winter evening

There is yellow in the sky ... (moon).

I'll clear the snow guys

Only I need ... (shovel).

Rings fly from the pipe -

This is smoke from our ... (stove).

White birch

Gets cold from ... (frost).

Riddles in poems about winter for children

fluffy carpet

Not hand-woven,

Not sewn with silk,

Shines silver in the sun. (Snow)

White bird

Hovering over the earth.

Howling, flying -

Covers the path. (Snowstorm)

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled. (Winter)

What kind of star is this

On a jacket, on a scarf,

All through, cut out,

And you squeeze - water in your hand? (Snowflake)

The old man at the gate

Warmly dragged away,

Doesn't run on his own

And he doesn't want to stand. (Freezing)

Fish live warm in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (Ice)

White carrots grow upside down. (Icicle)

What only grows in winter? (Snowdrift)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They run, they run after each other.

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave on the run. (Skis)

I ride it.

Until the evening time

But my lazy horse

Carries only from the mountain. (Sled)

Inseparable two brothers

Stored in a closet until winter

And in winter they run on ice

And draw on the go. (Skates)