Recently, more and more Russians are applying for loans. There are many financial institutions that offer to borrow money. The requirements for the borrower are no longer as stringent as they used to be, because there is a lot of competition between banks.

You can easily take out a loan for a large amount of money. But, by providing a loan to almost everyone who wants it, the bank risks losing its money.

The National Credit Bureau estimates that 15% of the population who borrowed money never made a monthly payment. In total, these are 660 loans issued, for which no one pays.

But, nevertheless, financial institutions continue to provide their services, and the people of Russia continue to take loans, despite the increase in interest rates and wage cuts.

Some consumers are blinded by the availability of credit to the extent that they take large amounts unnecessarily. However, the answer to the question "?" it remains unresolved...

Paying off a loan is a matter of honor!

Many Russians take a loan for their own needs and forget that it has to be paid. And in foreign countries, this is approached responsibly, where people do not forget to pay their debts regularly and on time. Analysts say that the situation in Russia will not change, the number of "bad" loans will continue to increase, because the demand for them is growing, and the requirements for borrowers are reduced.

Measures must be taken to limit borrowers, otherwise they will continue to increase their debts, which they will not be able to pay off.

Fortunately, there are conscientious borrowers who, before taking out a loan, will think carefully and calculate their finances in order to make sure of their solvency. Such people are looking for financial institutions with the most favorable conditions, so that in the future there will be no problems with repaying the loan.

Finding such an institution is quite difficult, because almost all offer the same conditions. To solve this problem, some consumers resort to the services of credit brokers.

They have special websites where everyone can get help, can leave an online application with a request to select a credit institution. But before you take out a loan at all, think carefully, or you can do without a loan. Take out a loan only when the situation is really hopeless, and it needs to be urgently addressed.

Loan to make dreams come true:

Recently, consumer credit has been very popular, which is taken for the purchase of household and computer equipment or mobile communication devices. People buy new items on credit and at the same time still pay interest, and completely forget that when the hype for newly appeared equipment passes, it will immediately fall in price.

Therefore, it would be more reasonable to wait a little, save money and buy the long-awaited thing much cheaper. This happens with mobile phones. For example, you took a phone on credit and pay it in good faith, but after some time the model lost its relevance, and the price fell by half, and you continue to pay the initial amount, although you could save.

But with big technology, the situation looks different. If you need to buy a refrigerator, then it would be quite advisable to take out a loan. But choose a bank as a borrower, not a store, because even taking into account the promotion, a loan for equipment from a store will cost you more than a bank can offer.

Other side of credit:

Due to the availability of loans, the demand for car loans has increased. Now, in order to buy a car, you do not need to save money for a long time, car companies began to offer preferential terms, thanks to which you can pay for the car in installments. But do not immediately run to the nearest car dealership before making such an important decision - think carefully.

Distribute your finances, calculate whether you will be able to pay such a large loan. Do not forget that in addition to the cost of the car with interest, you will also need to pay for its maintenance: insurance, repairs, gasoline, parking, and so on.

And every car owner must pay additional taxes. Considering everything, it is better to refuse such a tempting offer - but if you have additional finances, then feel free to agree to offers from automakers. If you decide to take a car on credit, it will be more profitable to pay a large down payment.

Then the overpayment and monthly payments will be much less. There are times when you urgently need to buy a car in order to resell it later under the trade-in system, but here you cannot do without a loan.

But it is quite possible, in order to collect the necessary amount for the long-awaited car, of course, you will have to sacrifice something, for example, limit yourself in pleasures, but then you will not need to take a car loan and overpay for it.

Credit card for all occasions:

There is another popular and demanded banking service - a credit card, which, along with a consumer loan, provides a good profit to the bank. Applying for a credit card is a simple matter. Anyone can get it.

There are paid and free options. It all depends on the type of card and its limit, but even with a small limit, it will be a full-fledged payment instrument. Many Russians prefer to issue credit cards as if just in case, if unexpected expenses suddenly appear. Or to not carry cash with you.

It is difficult for credit card holders to resist the temptation to buy themselves something that, in principle, is not necessary, but they really want to. Such reckless spending is committed very often, and banks are aimed at this.

The psychological moment plays a big role, for example, you would not exchange a large bill for buying ice cream. Paying with a credit card, you can not think about such moments.

A study was conducted during which a link was found between credit cards and being overweight. It lies in the fact that credit card holders are generally fatter than people who prefer to pay in cash.

This is due to the fact that people with credit cards often buy goodies without noticing the amount of money in the account, and thereby spoil their figure.

Another disadvantage of a credit card is that during which no interest will be charged. The system is quite floating, so it is better to repay the debt as soon as possible, and not delay until the last.

To avoid having to overpay for interest and a penalty in case of a late payment, some credit card holders can spend all the money in a short period of time. And then the end of the grace period comes, and they have nothing to pay, and the card is empty. As a result, he ends up in debt, because. interest is charged for the use of money and a penalty for late repayment of the debt.

Think carefully before you take such a step. You can take out a loan at any time, but whether you can pay it back is another question.

Today, it is possible to acquire the desired material goods at the expense of borrowed bank funds. Insofar as bank loans have become widely available to almost every able-bodied citizen of our country, many of them do not neglect this opportunity. Of course, if you take loans recklessly and inappropriately, then you can simply end up in a debt hole. And to prevent this from happening, you need, among other things, to know when it is most profitable to issue a bank loan.

In different periods of time, bank loans become either cheaper or more expensive, this largely depends on the economic situation in the country as a whole. It follows that it is important for each borrower to determine whether it is possible and worthwhile to take out a loan now, or is it better to wait for some time, when the Central Bank of Russia will lower the key rate on short-term loans. This will help the borrower, first of all, to issue a bank loan on favorable terms for themselves and minimize their own risks.

The feasibility of bank lending

The financial services market is full of various kinds of offers. Among other things, due to fierce competition between financial institutions, each bank tries to offer its potential client the most comfortable conditions for cooperation, in order to win their niche, lenders reduce the annual interest on loans and make loans more accessible to the public. Clients, in turn, actively use banking offers and do not even think about the question of whether it is profitable to take a loan now, and in fact, literally after a short time, it will be possible to significantly save on interest payments.

Unfortunately, the big problem of most borrowers is the low level of financial literacy, few people think about the fact that bank loan rates for the population also largely depend on the economic situation in the country. If we characterize the economic situation, then bank lending becomes cheaper for the end consumer when the inflation rate in the country is minimal, it is during this period that the Central Bank reduces the key rate on short-term loans.

Here is a simple example: the last crisis in our country came in 2014 due to sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union, as well as conflicts in Ukraine. It was this year that the dollar exchange rate sharply increased against the national currency, and banks suspended the issuance of large loans to the population, that is, they suspended housing lending, even the largest banks Sberbank, VTB24, although they did not abandon mortgage lending, but significantly reduced the volume of targeted loans issued loans. This was associated with a high risk when the inflation rate rises and purchasing power decreases significantly.

Please note that the key rate of the Central Bank changes quite often, so if you are thinking about applying for a bank loan, be sure to clarify this information, it will not be difficult to find it from open sources on the Internet.

The situation in the credit market in 2018

At the moment, in 2018, the situation in the domestic Russian market has more or less stabilized, although it requires some changes. Indeed, in a few years, Russia managed to overcome pressure from the United States and the European Union, but nevertheless, the financial situation has not reached the level where banks could issue cheaper loans to the population. In fairness, it should be noted that the Central Bank is 100% fulfilling its function and is striving to maintain the inflation rate and reduce the key rate.

Although credit organizations depend on the Central Bank of Russia, they still conduct an internal policy and, on the basis of their own regulations, issue loans to customers. Loan rates have indeed become lower than a few years earlier, and loans have accordingly become more affordable, but not for everyone. Due to the high percentage of insolvency, banks incur losses and are more selective about their customers, first of all, you need to know the basic requirements of credit institutions for customers:

  • working age from 21 to retirement;
  • a permanent source of income, that is, the client must be registered in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • positive credit history;
  • permanent registration in Russia.

This is the minimum list of bank requirements for a potential client, but at the same time there are additional requirements. For example, credit institutions rarely approve loans to borrowers who work for individual entrepreneurs, and preference is given, on the contrary, to employees of large, preferably state-owned companies.

Please note that it is important for each bank to maintain its business reputation, because if you conduct an ineffective credit policy, that is, approve loans to all applicants, then the bank’s loss grows along with this and it may lose its license at the initiative of the regulatory authority.

When applying for a bank loan, each potential borrower, first of all, should think about the appropriateness of the loan. That is, if the bank offers a high percentage, then it probably makes sense to refuse cooperation. In fact, many borrowers have a chance to get a bank loan, even those who, for one reason or another, do not fit the basic requirements of the bank. But here you need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will tighten the terms of cooperation and offer a higher annual percentage, hence the question arises whether it makes sense to take a loan on unfavorable terms.

It is also worth noting that over the past few years, overdue debt in the bank's loan portfolio has been growing rapidly. This is probably due to the fact that during the crisis many of our fellow citizens found themselves in a difficult financial situation or completely lost their source of income. Therefore, banks are more selective in the selection of applicants. By the way, in the financial services market, you can get a loan only from a bank, but also from microfinance companies, which everyone has probably heard of. True, it is worth considering here that the transaction will be enslaving for the borrower, which means that there is no point in such lending.

How to get a loan correctly

I would like to start with the fact that each client must answer a number of topical questions for himself, which we will give below. But still, you should not abuse borrowed funds, because in any case they are subject to return. The fact is that some borrowers uncontrollably issue bank loans and eventually fall into a debt hole, from which it will be quite difficult to get out later.

So, before you go to the bank you need to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I need a loan. Sometimes borrowed funds are taken for uncertain needs, that is, the borrower first draws up a loan, and then distributes the borrowed funds. This should not be, if you really have a need for bank funds, then, undoubtedly, here a loan will help solve current material problems, if there are no specific goals, then you should refuse to go to the bank.
  2. How much to borrow. Before going to the bank, determine the exact amount that you need to meet your current consumer needs; you should not borrow more than you need, for example, to repair an apartment or buy new furniture. Of course, sometimes, in addition to the mandatory ones, you want to realize your other desires, but it is better to do this at your own expense, but non-bank ones.
  3. Determine how much of the monthly payment you can make towards paying off the loan without compromising your personal consumption needs, it must be reasonable and not burden your budget.

What is the best loan to take today?

Banks offer a wide range of loans for various needs, so the choice of a banking product will largely depend on the goals that you are pursuing. For example, if you want to purchase any goods, then you can choose a non-targeted consumer loan, if you want to buy a car, then the car loan program is ideal for you, if it degenerates in a residential building, then a mortgage is the only way out for you. Therefore, now we will consider which loan is profitable to take today, and which purchase should be postponed until better times.

consumer credit

Here we will consider not only a bank loan for consumer needs, but also plastic cards with a credit limit. It would be advisable to take a consumer loan if you are planning any purchases. Here you need to determine the exact amount of the loan and then only contact the bank. If you wish to make any small expenses or need cash as a financial cushion, then credit cards would be the best option.

If we talk about interest rates, then consumer credit is cheaper for the consumer, especially since today the annual percentage has actually fallen by about 2-3 points compared to previous periods. But on a credit card, interest rates have not changed, which is due to the fact that the bank provides an opportunity to avoid paying interest if you use credit plastic correctly.

Please note that the main problem of every credit card holder is the inability to use the grace period correctly, therefore, before making purchases on a card with a credit limit, be sure to carefully study the terms of service.

Target car loan

If you want to buy your own car, most borrowers study the market for services and offers for car loans. Although today it is not at all advisable to take a car loan, and there are several main reasons for this. First of all, car loan rates are higher than consumer loans. The second reason is that it is almost impossible to get a loan without CASCO insurance, and an expensive policy significantly increases the cost of the loan. Finally, the third reason why you should refuse car loans is the need to make a down payment.

Although in fairness it should be noted that you can get a car on credit, but only under the state subsidy program. Here, the borrowing scheme will look like this: you issue a bank loan, and part of the overpayment to the bank will be paid from funds from the Federal budget. True, here the choice of the buyer will be limited by the conditions of the programs.

mortgage loan

Oddly enough, but now is the most comfortable period for obtaining a mortgage loan. First of all, banks have significantly reduced the annual interest on mortgage loans compared to the previous period. The second reason is the decline in real estate prices, so if you are thinking about getting a mortgage, now is the most favorable period for this. Among other things, if the mortgage was issued earlier, then today you can get a loan for refinancing and thus reduce the overpayment.

Please note that banks today are more willing to issue mortgage loans for the reason that, thanks to various government programs, part of the funds is compensated from the state budget.

To summarize, applying for a loan is a strictly individual matter, that is, the borrower must first determine how much he needs borrowed funds, how much he needs, and how he will repay the bank loan. As for interest rates on various loans, the annual percentage has actually decreased by several points for some types of loans, which makes loans more accessible to a wide audience.

We are already accustomed to the fact that with the help of a loan you can solve your problems right now, without waiting for any events. Loans open up new opportunities - a prestigious education, quality goods, a new car or apartment. Yes, you never know what desires each of us has. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many are interested in whether it is profitable to take a loan now, given the situation in the country. Probably the second most popular question will be - do they give loans now? We will try to answer both of these questions here.

Let's start with the second.

There are several opinions here - someone thinks that they give, someone thinks that they do not. But in reality, both will be right, since banks give loans, but not all banks and not all loans. And to be honest, not all of them. Do you think that we have confused you even more? Believe me, we didn't want this. It's just that the situation now is such that it is simply impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether banks now give loans.

Six months ago, almost every bank could offer all types of lending: mortgages, car loans, consumer loans and cards. And the question - is it profitable now to take a loan in practice was determined by only one word "where". Where is the best place to get a loan? Now banks have revised their programs. Someone refused mortgages, someone from consumer loans, and someone completely postponed credit matters until better times. In this regard, it will be somewhat more difficult to take a loan now, especially if you are not a payroll client of any bank.

Now back to the first question

Is the loan good now?

The concept of benefit can be viewed from different angles - beneficial for whom? Or advantageous compared to what? It seems to us that it is better to look at the purpose of the loan here. If these are some cases, events that improve the quality of life for a long time, then most likely it will be profitable to take a loan now. For example, if the purpose of the loan is the construction of a house. If you leave it for later, then most likely, building materials will increase in price. And if now with the help of this loan you can quickly build your house and move out of a rented apartment, then the benefit is obvious.

But, is it worth taking a loan now, let's say, for an expensive and fashionable new smartphone, the issue is debatable. The interest on the loan is not small, and phones quickly lose value. Yes, and there are no guarantees that in a couple of months a new one will not come out, and you have not yet paid off the old loan ...

Of course, whether to take a loan now, everyone decides for himself. But we would like you to soberly assess your strengths before making a choice. All other issues related to obtaining a loan can be resolved with the help of us.

you don't really need


The ruble is falling: is it worth taking a loan?

In case of delays, you pay fines


As a rule, it is not profitable to take loans. You overpay for things and lower your standard of living in the future. Buying on credit is easy. You may not even need a down payment. But any debt will have to be paid.

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12 reasons why you shouldn't take loans

Many are convinced that without loans it is impossible to make large purchases. In fact, if you bought an item on credit, then you have the opportunity to buy it without a loan. Seems like a paradox? Let's see why you shouldn't take loans and how they affect your financial condition.

1. Buying on credit is more expensive than without a loan

When buying a thing on credit, in addition to the cost of the thing, you pay interest. In the case of consumer loans, they can be substantial. You give the banks money that you could spend on other purchases.

There are people who find it difficult to save money. They prefer to buy things on credit in order to give a certain amount to the bank every month. But what prevents you from saving the same amount without a bank? It turns out that due to psychological problems or the inability to manage finances, you are harming yourself.

2. Along with a loan, insurance is often imposed

Often, insurance is required to obtain a loan. The desire of the bank is understandable. If something happens to the borrower, the insurance company will pay off the loan. But for the borrower, insurance is an additional cost that increases the final cost of the thing.

3. Loans encourage impulsive buying

You come to the store and see a new smartphone. You want to buy it, but there is no money. The seller offers to issue a loan, to which you agree. After two weeks, the joy of buying passes, and the loan will have to be paid for another year or two.

The ability to buy a thing on credit without a down payment or with a minimum payment stimulates impulsive purchases. You can buy an item that you don't really need. You just got emotional. When you save money, you buy more intelligently. Because the accumulation of funds takes time, during which emotions pass.

4. Loans reduce the level of future income

Since you are forced to pay interest, your future income will decrease. This may force you to take out new loans to maintain your standard of living, which in the future will result in an even greater decrease in your wealth.

5. You spend time applying for a loan

Calculate how much time you will spend on loan processing, payments, various certificates that the bank requires? To keep track of due dates for mandatory payments? To solve problems in case of errors on the part of the bank? At this time, you could do personal business.

6. In case of delays, you pay fines

If the borrower fails to repay the loan on time, he may be subject to fines. Their size can be significant. The value of the thing will increase not only by the amount of interest, but also by the amount of such fines.

7. The importance of a credit history is overstated.

It is beneficial for banks to give a loan to a person with good income, who is guaranteed to repay the loan. Therefore, to obtain a loan, it is enough to have a stable job and official income. It makes no sense to specifically take small loans in order to earn a credit history and in the future to take a mortgage at a better interest rate. At least in Russia.

8. You do not receive income from savings

When you live on credit, you don't create savings. You do not have funds "for a rainy day", and any force majeure can bankrupt you. Instead of living on credit, it is better to save money and form savings from which you can receive interest income. For example, making a bank deposit at a favorable interest rate.

9. You feel indebted

Living on credit is psychologically difficult. The joy of shopping quickly passes, and it's time to pay off debts. You are nervous if your salary is delayed. Forced to take out new loans to pay off the old ones. And all this for the sake of buying things that are quickly getting cheaper (any equipment, cars) and, perhaps, you do not need (impulse purchases).

10. Loans often have pitfalls.

Everyone knows the stories about the fine print in contracts that contain various conditions for loans. Many have heard of hidden fees. Sometimes it is difficult to understand all the conditions of a loan, and some conditions come as a surprise to borrowers.

11. Loans encourage people to live beyond their means.

You can buy a budget foreign car, but decide to buy a car of a higher class on credit, with many expensive options. As a result, most of the salary begins to go to repay the loan and maintain an expensive car. You save on food to fill the gas tank.

Without a loan, you would buy a car within your means and would not save on everything to drive an expensive car.

12. Loans can lead to bankruptcy

If there are a lot of loans, and the borrower starts to make delays, the amount of accrued interest and fines can lead to bankruptcy and a significant decrease in living standards.


As a rule, it is not profitable to take loans. You overpay for things and lower your standard of living in the future.

Is it worth taking out a loan now? Expert opinions

Buying on credit is easy. You may not even need a down payment. But any debt will have to be paid.

If you have already taken loans and cannot repay them, the following articles will help you solve this problem:

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- allow you to raise funds for business, develop it more actively

- using a mortgage, you buy real estate, which grows in value. It turns out that the mortgage pays off, and you don’t have to pay more for rent.

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Source: Hi!))

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After the conclusion of the contract, the bank issues a printout of monthly payments to the borrower. The monthly payment cannot exceed 40% of the borrower's monthly income. Family people should be aware that the loan amount can be calculated based on the joint income of the spouses.

Most often, banks can choose from several loan programs, depending on various factors: the presence or absence of a down payment, the amount of the loan, the year of manufacture of the car, the package of documents provided by the borrower (the more papers and certificates, the lower the rates and the greater the choice of loan programs).

Required documents

But modern Russia has already firmly entered the world of a market economy and joined the processes of globalization, where the banking system and credit as one of the tools play an important role. Ultimately, it is up to everyone to decide whether there is a loan in his life or not.

Section: Loans

10.04.2012, 18:01

They can only live on credit abroad, because they have a normal interest rate, for example, in the USA it is 2 percent, while in our country it is an order of magnitude higher. So, for our countries it is unrealistic, the debt hole is simple!

I think it is worth taking a loan only for business, when you have a business plan, but there is no money, then there will be none. But if you know that your business plan will not burn out, but will allow you to make good money, then you just need to take it.

Why live without TV for a year? Buy the one that you can afford! How do people live who do not take loans, and at the same time do not earn millions?

Is it possible to take a loan from banks (is it worth it when is it better how to do it right where is it profitable)

They live normally, with TVs. You know, once the owner of a large bank said a very clever phrase in my opinion: "Credit is for the rich." I do not consider myself to be such and buy things that I can afford. And in spite of everything, everything is exactly the same with me as with people who take half their salary to the bank. You just need to follow one simple rule: "There is a patient for every Wishlist." Again, I will make a reservation - we do not take into account hopeless situations when money is needed here and now.

If you have an idea and a calculated way to generate income, you cannot do without a loan. In a year, the idea will become obsolete and all calculations can be thrown away. Taking a loan, you start production and make a profit. Most importantly, any risk must be justified.

I agree 100%. If a person is confident in his calculations, and correctly assesses his payment abilities and wants to start earning, but there is no starting money, a loan is the only way out. The main thing a person must understand is that this is not his money and they will have to be given away, and it doesn’t matter whether he succeeds or not.
I will add that a person should not only understand that the money will have to be given away, but also immediately foresee where to get it if the business does not go well. Taking a loan at your own peril and risk is a dangerous business and can then drive you into bondage for many years.

Above we discussed the main arguments for and against lending, but in conclusion I would like to add - whatever loan you end up choosing, be careful when reading its terms.

It is necessary to carefully read the terms of the agreement and service rates even before submitting an application to a particular bank, so that upon further repayment, you will not find any unpleasant surprise in the form of an additional commission for maintaining an account, etc., which can lead to an increase in the initial interest loan rates at times (see our article Types of interest rates / fees charged by banks).

Andrey Lipov

Imagine the situation: your neighbor in the stairwell, who never shone with his mind and reason, suddenly began to drive a brand new Honda. How did it happen? After all, it seems that all he spends his salary on is feasts with dubious friends. He works as an electrician, and how could he even afford a car for that kind of money? While your old Volkswagen is looking plaintively at you with dimmed headlights ... Maybe it's time to change it to something no worse than your neighbor's? Take out a car loan and buy a new car?! Is it worth it?

A tricky business! Banks will gladly give you the amount you need. A minimum of documents - and here you are, in a car fragrant with new leather and expensive plastic, cutting through the yard. You park next to your neighbor, splashing his Honda a little with water from a puddle, and go home satisfied. So far satisfied...

Why not fall for this illusion? What will all this eventually lead to? After all, millions of people take loans and do not seem to buzz. Why you can not take a loan in any case: neither auto nor consumer.

Reason 1. Huge overpayments

Well, this is certainly not news. Why is everyone ignoring her? Banks are so happy to give you money for even a more expensive car than you bargained for just because they plan to cash in on you. You are a cash cow for them. They look at you and see the percentage of the probability of emptying your current account.

You will pay for everything: for the car, for imposed services (insurance, registration, money transfer). Consumer credit is no better. Microloans... The percentage of overpayment there is so high that not a single microfinance organization gives indicators of interest per annum (because they reach several thousand). And they operate with daily or monthly figures. If this does not upset you, read what other tricks there are in microloan agreements.

It will seem to you that all this is not scary, because you pay for your comfort. But in fact, you pay with things that you could buy with the amount of contributions to the bank. You will not buy a new TV, you will give credit. You will go on vacation cheaper because you will repay the loan. You'll be walking around in old shoes because... Well, you get the idea.

Reason 2. You will never become a rich hamster

Credit is an illusion of wealth. All these shiny expensive things are just outward signs of status. Buying them if you do not have such a status is complete nonsense.

See also this example:

Our hamster took the money to the bank and deposited it. The bank gave money to the credit client and he ran to buy a new Honda.

A year has passed. Honda got old, broke down, and the client shipped so much money to the bank in payments that they could buy another used foreign car. The bank returned to our rich hamster the invested money and additional income from the loan client: he gave half as interest on the deposit, and kept the greater half as profit.

Test. Should you take out a loan?

With this money, the hamster bought the same used car.

Of course, he drives a more modest car. But wait, who actually paid for it? Credit client! Instead of one car, he bought two: himself and a rich hamster.

Dragging a loan on yourself, you will never become rich, because this loan is a liability, it pulls you to the bottom. Wealth is achieved through investments in assets. Therefore, you should never take loans for consumption objects.

Reason 3. Financial vulnerability

For a rich hamster, his deposits, investments in real estate and various currencies bring a stable income. If suddenly one of the banks goes bankrupt, it's okay - his money invested is distributed among several banks. If he loses his job, interest and savings will feed him for some time.

A person who pays more than 40% of his salary to pay off a debt is vulnerable to losing his job like a little kitten before a flayer's noose. No matter how pitifully he squeaked, the flayer is deaf and dumb to such pleas.

Reason 4: Indulging Financial Illiteracy

People who take loans sign contracts without even understanding what is written in them. Do you know what is the effective interest rate, annuity payment? What exactly is the interest free period on a credit card?

Banks make money on the fact that people do not want to know this, slipping them simple solutions with beautiful names: "Confident Credit", "Stable Pension", "Young Family Program". And then the poor fellows pay for their illiteracy, not even understanding where they were shod.

Reason 5. Almost drug addiction

Look at the requests in Yandex: an incredible number of people take out loans to pay off other loans. In reviews of credit organizations, people admit that they have two, three, four loans. This is a form of madness, which bankers indulge in every possible way.

The entry threshold is very low: show your passport and the second document - and voila, a hundred thousand rubles is yours. Planted, the word drug dealers first free dose. Well, of course, because they know that in the end they will take their profits, and even more.

When can I take a loan

So, you can never take any loan at all? A rich hamster is ready to justify two cases when you can take out a loan for personal consumption:

  1. For profit. That is, if you take a thing and know that you will resell it in a short time for a lot of money. Then the use of borrowed funds is very justified (with a moderate risk of failure of the transaction).
  2. To buy a home with a mortgage instead of rent. You're paying rent for nothing (perhaps even paying off your landlord's mortgage), so it's logical to change it to paying for your own home.

What to do?

Here are tips from a rich hamster:

  • If you already have a loan, pay it off as soon as possible. Do not put money in the bank, most likely early repayment of the loan will be more profitable.
  • Roll up your lip. Believe me, happiness is not at all in the possession of a status car, technology, telephone or a trip abroad. Life beyond its means is good only at first. Then you will find a bitter depression from lack of money.
  • Reduce senseless spending, save and invest. Only in this way will you become rich and get those very expensive things just for change.

We hope we have convinced you to be more reasonable. Learn financial literacy and get rich.

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Is it worth taking a loan? What do experts think about this?

Very often in life one can observe situations when a person, on his own whim, without really needing it, runs to the bank to get a new loan to buy something that is, in fact, completely unnecessary for him. There are many people who get into credit addiction and can no longer imagine their life without a new loan. But such financial illiteracy leads to sad consequences that promise serious trouble for the greedy borrower.

Do you need a loan?

Every literate person, before deciding on a loan, will definitely think a hundred times whether he really needs it so much at the moment, or can he somehow manage with his own resources. After all, when applying for any loan, a person automatically assumes credit obligations, failure to fulfill which can turn into huge risks for him, and as a result, a bad credit history. Thus, before taking a loan, you need to take into account your total family income from all sources and calculate whether the loan will not become an endless bondage for a person.

Of course, there are different situations in life when it is really difficult to do without a loan. As a rule, such situations rarely happen. In most cases, people take out loans only because they can afford it yet.. But here we must understand that constant lending can eventually cause a real addiction, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

There are a lot of reasons that push people to get a loan. It can be a wedding, a vacation trip, buying new equipment or treatment. However, here it must be understood that the reasons for obtaining a loan from a bank should always be objective, and not due to the desire to keep up with progress or to wipe your neighbor's nose. That is, if a person urgently needs funds, for example, to study at a higher institution or to travel to a sanatorium for recovery, then it is difficult to say that this would be an inappropriate decision. But if a person who already has a good car runs to the bank for a loan to buy a newer brand of car, this is, to put it mildly, too much. Especially if this borrower does not have sufficient income in real life. Wealthy people or simply financially literate citizens always calculate a loan in advance, based on their needs and capabilities. And the main thing here is that these desires always coincide with real possibilities.

How not to make a mistake?

In order not to make gross and fraught with consequences mistakes, when applying for a loan, a person needs to weigh all the pros and cons, and decide whether it is really worth taking a loan. Or you can still do without it. And for this you need to understand what mistakes are most often made when making a decision on a loan. Well, in order not to repeat them, you need to use the following tips.

If you nevertheless decide to take a loan and, as a result, find yourself in a difficult financial situation that has developed into a confrontation with the bank, then do not despair, our online lawyer will answer all your questions about your rights and obligations to a financial institution for free and help competently and with minimal losses to get out of a difficult situation. You can ask your question in the form at the bottom of the window.

Credit can be both useful and harmful if it is not used for its intended purpose or does not fit the person's situation. You can not say that credit is evil. It often happens that you can earn or save your money on it. Especially for, financial adviser Natalia Smirnova talks about five cases when borrowing is profitable.

1. When inflation is higher than lending rates

Using a loan when the rate of price growth of a certain product is higher than the cost of the loan, and the yield on conservative instruments in which you could save up for the desired purchase (for example, deposits) is lower than the price increase. A classic example is use with a grace period, when the bank does not charge interest within the grace period. Or use interest-free installments.

For example, you plan to make a small repair for 200 thousand rubles. within a couple of months. You can either buy all the materials at once with a credit card, or - buy gradually, or - postpone repairs until you have accumulated the required amount. You have been choosing materials for a year and have seen that on average prices grow by 12% per year (i.e. 1% per month). If you pay now, it will be 200 thousand. If you pay 100 thousand now, then in a month you will have to pay 101 thousand. repairs will cost you 201 thousand already. And if you save, then after 2 months the repair will cost you 202 thousand rubles. And if the deposit rate is below 12%, then saving is less profitable for you than buying now. Moreover, if you have these 200 thousand, then it is more profitable for you not to spend them, but to pay with a card, put these 200 thousand at least for 1.5-2 months. (depending on the grace period), and after 1.5-2 months. you will return the bank 200 thousand, and leave yourself the interest on the deposit.

Important: it is difficult to predict price increases more than a year ahead, so this option is only applicable for a short period of several months, and ideally only with a credit card with a grace period, where the cost of borrowed funds is zero.

2. When there is a sharp devaluation

Using a loan in the event of a sharp devaluation of the ruble (more significant than the cost of borrowing), especially if you want to buy something that is pegged to the rate of a stronger and more stable currency.

For example, you want to go on vacation at the end of the year, and the vacation is not planned in the Russian Federation. You can pay for the trips in advance, but then you will need to take out a loan or use a credit card, or save up so that at the end of the year everything will be paid from your own funds. If it were 2015 and it happened in the summer, then one could assume that in December, which then accounted for the largest payment on the external debt in foreign currency, a drawdown of the ruble could be expected. If you saved up on a ruble deposit in the fall of 2015, then in December the amount might not be enough for a vacation, because. the ruble sank more significantly (from summer to December 2015 by 30%) than the percentage on the deposit. If you had taken out a loan in the summer of 2015 and paid off the vouchers in full, you could then repay the loan before the end of the year. The overpayment would be negligible compared to the 30% appreciation of the dollar.

Important: this is a very risky option. You can’t guess with currency fluctuations, so this scenario is ideal only for purchases a couple of months in advance, and the cost of the loan should be minimal, ideally zero (credit card), and you should be 100% sure that you will repay the loan as quickly as possible, and it will not stretch for years with a corresponding overpayment. If you have the necessary amount for the purchase, then you do not need to take a loan. The loan option is only if you do not have the required amount on hand and you are afraid of a sharp depreciation of the currency in which you receive income and save money.

3. When you can make money on interest difference

Using a loan when you can earn more on investment instruments, but at a reasonable risk. For example, I recommended to many of my clients who had loans at the end of 2014 not to repay them, but to place free funds on deposits at 20-22% per annum, which became possible after the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank. Of course, I compared the overpayment on the loan and the total earnings on the deposit, and if it turned out that you could earn more on the deposit, we opened a deposit instead of getting rid of loans.

Important: It is important to understand the risks of investment instruments so that you do not mistakenly consider aggressive instruments to be conservative. For example, so that you do not decide to send all your savings to Forex instead of paying off your mortgage.

4. When a loan is more profitable than rent

Using a loan if it is unrealistic to save up for the necessary purchase within a reasonable time, but it is vital, and the rent is not comparable with the amount of the loan payment for this object. For example, you choose between for 45 thousand rubles / month. and a mortgage for 50 thousand thousand / month. In the case of a lease, you will end up not owning real estate, plus you are not immune from rising rental prices. In the case of a mortgage, the payment is the same for the entire term of the loan (or even decreases) and at the end you have an asset.

Important: you must be sure of the stability of your income and have a serious reserve fund so that during the term of the loan you will not delay and not lose the collateral (the very object for which you took the loan). And yet - the object must be really necessary. Buying an apartment on credit, if you are not sure that you will live in this country in 2-3 years, is not the best idea, because. you overpay on a loan for an asset that you do not need and it is not a fact that its growth in price will cover your overpayment.

5. When a loan is an alternative to selling property

Use of a loan instead of an urgent sale of existing assets when money is urgently needed, if the urgent sale will lead to a depreciation or drawdown of assets greater than an overpayment on borrowed funds.

For example, you have savings of 100 thousand rubles. in cash and 500 thousand rubles. in Russian blue chips. And now you urgently need 300 thousand rubles. Let's remember 2008: from September 2008 to March 2009 the Russian market sank by 80%. Suppose you needed these 300 thousand just in March 2009. Of course, it is more reasonable not to record a loss, but to take borrowed funds, wait for a rebound and repay the loan.

Important: in order to avoid such situations, you need a reserve fund in the amount of 6-12 monthly expenses. Plus, if you take out such a loan, you must be sure that you will be able to repay it over the entire period, because you may not be able to sell assets before the end of the loan term in order to repay it ahead of schedule.

As you can see, there are reservations and clarifications for each item, which once again confirms that there are no unambiguous recipes, everywhere you need to act based on the situation, clearly assessing all the risks associated with using a loan.