Today we will analyze one interesting question related to food culture and eating behavior. These will be the traditional, religious and scientific aspects of gluttony. Indeed, Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. And if they managed to curb their senseless appetite, perhaps humanity would still be walking along heavenly tabernacles? I’ll say right away that we are talking about traditional knowledge, which we will discuss separately from religious aspects, so take the text accordingly, agreed? You probably know that traditional knowledge is an important source of health information for me. I believe that knowledge, skills, and practices that are beneficial to health survived and became fixed because they gave an advantage to their carriers (like genes in evolution). Why is gluttony (gluttony) included in the list of mortal sins?! Who seems to feel bad because of what I eat? But everything is not so simple.

What is gluttony?

Gluttony is gluttony, immoderation, greed in food, overeating, eating too much food, satiety. There was even such a definition of a glutton as - gluttonous, i.e. almost insane, obsessed. And overweight, fat, obese, “fat belly” are the usual definitions of the consequences of the life of a glutton.

In antiquity, it was believed that gluttony causes both bodily suffering and suffering of the soul, since the object of joy of the voluptuary is not a true good. The fight against the vice of gluttony involves not so much a strong-willed suppression of the urge to eat, but a reflection on its true place in life.

Gluttony is one of the gravest mortal sins. By gluttony is understood not only overeating, but also drunkenness, drug use, smoking, excessive love for pleasures and sophistication of food.

This passion becomes the desire of the soul for pleasure, an irresistible desire to eat more or more refined food than is required to maintain a healthy body. Gluttony means greed and immoderation in food, bringing a person to a bestial state. A person obsessed with the highest degree of gluttony comes to the point that, realizing the physiological impossibility of digesting the amount of food consumed, he takes pills for digesting food, or, causing a gag reflex, is released from swallowed food for further intake of regular dishes.

The holy fathers say that if a person submits to the passion of gluttony, then all other passions, fornication, anger, sadness, despair, greed for money easily take possession of him. If you control the womb, you will dwell in Paradise, but if you do not control it, then you will become the prey of death.

Gluttony is the door and the beginning of many sinful inclinations, and whoever overcomes gluttony by strength also rules over the rest of the sins.

Know that often a demon sits down on the stomach and does not allow a person to be satisfied, even if he devoured all the food of Egypt and drank all the water in the Nile.

“The beginning of all evil is the hope of the womb and relaxation of oneself with sleep”, “satiety is the mother of fornication, those who have fallen into the pit of iniquity, and “to the extent that one works for the womb, to that extent deprives himself of the taste of spiritual blessings.”

Types of gluttony.

1. The urge to eat ahead of time;

2. Satiation with any kind of food: a person is more interested in the amount of food. The limit of overeating is when a person forces himself to eat when he does not feel like it. Gastrimargia (Greek gluttony) - the desire of a person to simply fill his womb, not particularly paying attention to the taste of food.

3. Desire for gourmet food, that is, a special attachment to the quality of food. Lemargia (Greek: throatiness) - a person's desire to enjoy the consumption of delicious food, enjoying the organoleptic properties.

4. Other types: There are other types of gluttony, these are: secret eating - the desire to hide one's vice; early eating - when a person, having barely woken up, takes to food, not yet experiencing a feeling of hunger; hasty eating - a person tries to quickly fill the womb and swallows food without chewing, like a turkey.

Differences between satisfaction of hunger and gluttony.

“A person has a natural need for food, as a source of energy for the normal functioning of the human body. There is no sin in her prudent, healthy, moderate satisfaction. The passion of gluttony grows out of the abuse of the satisfaction of this need. Passion perverts, exaggerates the natural need, subjugates the will of man to the lust of the flesh. A sign of a developing passion is the constant desire for satiety.

“To eat on a whim means to want to take food not for bodily needs, but to please the womb. But if you see that sometimes the nature accepts any of the vegetables more readily than juicy, and not out of whim, but according to the lightness of the food itself, this should be distinguished. Some, by their nature, require sweet food, others salty, others sour, and this is neither passion, nor whim, nor gluttony.

And to love some food especially and desire it lustfully - this is a whim, a servant of gluttony. But this is how you know that you are possessed by the passion of gluttony - when it also possesses your thought. If, however, you resist this and gracefully take food according to bodily needs, then this is not gluttony.

History of gluttony (Gula).

Gula is a Latin word meaning "gluttony, gluttony", organically entered the Old French language and existed almost until the beginning of the New Age. Thirsty for rich dishes and fine wines, the glutton goes beyond the limits set by God, thereby destroying the order established by Him on Earth, creating a threat to the state ... The situation has gone so far that the very word "glutton" (gloz, glot or glou - in the language of that era) has become designate a brawler, a person of a dangerous and unpredictable disposition. The feminine form - gloute - among other things, received the meaning of "nymphomaniac", "prostitute", a woman who does not differ in decent behavior.

Negative attitudes towards people who abuse food can be found both in the books of the Old and New Testaments. For example, King Solomon wrote: “Do not be among those who drink wine, between those who are satiated with meat: for the drunkard and the sated will become impoverished, and drowsiness will put on rags.” And he also advised: "And put a barrier in your throat, if you are greedy."

In Catholic theology, gluttony is also one of the seven major sins (the sin against the second commandment). Together with debauchery, it is classified as “carnal sin” (Latin vitia carnalia). In the classification of the seven deadly sins by the German inquisitor Peter Binsfeld, gluttony was personified by Beelzebub. Beelzebub or Beelzebub (from Hebrew בעל זבוב‏‎‎‎ - Baal Zebub, “Lord of the Flies”, literally “Lord of Flying Things”) in the Christian religion is one of the evil spirits, the assistant of the devil (quite often identified with him along with with Lucifer

Miniatures and wall paintings of churches show us a huge number of frightening and repulsive images of gluttons. Here is a glutton with a swollen belly, like a dog, gnaws at a bone, here is a thin and wiry drunkard greedily crouched to a glass. Here is another galloping at full speed on a pig (a symbol of pleasing the womb), clutching a piece of meat in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other. Such a way of depicting was the simplest way to convey to the flock the necessary truth: excessive craving for food and wine is deadly, both for the body and for the soul!

Why is gluttony a mortal sin?

In 2003, leading associations of restaurants and cafes in France sent a letter to Pope John Paul II asking him to remove gluttony from the list of sins. They don't see anything wrong with a good table with gourmet dishes. What is the sin in this?

And indeed, why is the desire to eat counted as sins? There are a lot of things around that, it would seem, more deserve to be in the "honorary seven" than simple gluttony, to which we are most often very condescending. After all, hunger, according to scientists, is just a kind of beacon that begins to indicate to us that the body does not have enough energy. But this is only at first and very inattentive glance ...

Thomas Aquinas defined the major vices as the source of many sins as follows: "The chief vice is such that it has an extremely desirable end, so that in its lust a person resorts to committing many sins, which all originate in this vice as their main cause"

Our ancestors did not know about dopamine, but they correctly noticed that "greed has no limits." And if you satisfy emotional hunger with food, or “polish” with food, then this behavior leads to serious violations of the dopamine system. Let me remind you that normally the dopamine system works like a stick, not a carrot.

With few exceptions, this system controls punishment rather than rewards by shutting down dopamine. In such cases, the level of dopamine drops (for example, in the case of hunger), forcing us to take action. As a result, the reward system briefly returns dopamine, and we feel good. The same mechanism works, for example, when winning a sports competition, praising or condemning other people, etc. The drop in dopamine drives us to achieve the goal, which can be achieved at the cost of overexertion and stress.

That is, if you eat when there is a real need, then this behavior does not disrupt the dopamine system. This is not gluttony. And if you eat for pleasure, then this is a classic dopamine stimulant! That is, according to traditional knowledge, everything that excessively stimulates dopamine is gluttony. We learn that sugar is no different from a drug and can be addictive, especially for people with a genetic or social predisposition. Yes, yes, people who bite into sweets, cookies or sweet yoghurts are in fact no different from smokers. For our brain, both patterns of behavior are the same. The desire to eat is the absolute analogue of the desire to smoke or drink.

A serious violation of the dopamine system causes a deformation of a person's personality, similar to that of drug addicts. Therefore, we can agree with the ancient authors and warn readers against the abuse of dopamine stimulants. You can read more about this in articles about dopamine. Yes, I am working on a dopamine training course that will start in early March.

Online course Healthy eating


Encyclopedia of medieval dietology, M.

1. What is gluttony? Types of gluttony

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) enumerates the passions related to gluttony:

Overeating, drunkenness, non-keeping and permission of fasts, secret eating, delicacy, in general, violation of abstinence. Wrong and excessive love of the flesh, its belly and rest, from which self-love is made, from which non-keeping of fidelity to God, the Church, virtue and people.

Rev. John of the Ladder writes about gluttony:

“... the head of the passions is gluttony.

... Gluttony is a pretense of the womb, because even when it is full, it cries out: "Not enough!"

Abba Isaiah the Hermit:

In front of all virtues (stands) humility, and in front of all passions - gluttony.

Rev. Anthony the Great:

“... above all virtues is humility, just as above all passions is gluttony and an insatiable desire for worldly goods.

Gluttony is a violation of the second commandment: "Do not make for yourself an idol ... but do not worship them, nor serve them" - it is idolatry.

St. Basil the Great writes:

"To grovel for pleasures means nothing more than to make the belly your god."

St. Philaret Metropolitan of Moscow explains:

“Gluttony refers to idolatry because gluttons place sensual pleasure above all else, and therefore, says the apostle, that they have a “god of the belly,” or, in other words, the belly is their idol (Phil. 3, 19).”
(Large Orthodox Catechism. P. 523)

The passion of gluttony is of two types: gluttony and guttural insanity.. Gluttony is gluttony when the glutton is more interested in the quantity than the quality of the food. Gortanobesie is a delicacy, delighting the larynx and taste buds, a cult of culinary delights and gourmets.

Abba Dorotheos:

“... there are two kinds of gluttony. First, when a person seeks the pleasantness of food, and does not always want to eat a lot, but wants something tasty; and it happens that such a person, when he eats dishes that he likes, is so overcome by their pleasant taste that he keeps the food in his mouth, chews it for a long time and, because of the pleasant taste, does not dare to swallow it. This is called in Greek "lemargy" - guttural rage. Another is again struggling with polyphagy, and he does not want good food, and does not care about their taste; but whether they are good or not, he only wants to eat and does not make out what they are; he only cares about filling his belly; this is called gastrimargia, that is, gluttony.

There are three kinds of gluttony: the first forces one to rush to dinner before the established, legal hour; the second delights in filling the womb and devouring certain foods; the third desires delicious and well-prepared food. ... just as the end of the fast must not be allowed before the appointed hour, so one must reject both the gluttony of the womb and the expensive and exquisite preparation of food. For from these three causes come the most evil diseases of the soul. Hatred of the monastery is born from the first, and from there the fear and unbearability of living in it grows, which, no doubt, will immediately be followed by a speedy flight. From the second fiery ignitions of voluptuousness and lust are aroused. And the third braids the necks of captives with indissoluble bonds of love of money...

Archim. Raphael (Karelin) writes about the types of gluttony:

“In gluttony, two passions can be distinguished: gluttony and guttural insanity. Gluttony is an insatiable desire for food, it is the aggression of the body against the soul, the constant harassment of the womb, which, like a cruel publican, requires exorbitant tribute from a person, this is the madness of the womb, which indiscriminately absorbs food, like a hungry hyena prey...

Larynx - a constant desire for tasty and delicious food, this is the voluptuousness of the larynx. Man must eat to live, but here he lives to eat. He prepares the menu in advance with such a preoccupied look, as if he is solving a rebus or a mathematical problem. He spends all his money on treats, just like a gambling gambler loses his fortune.

There are other types of gluttony, these are: secret eating - the desire to hide one's vice; early eating - when a person, having barely woken up, takes to food, not yet experiencing a feeling of hunger; hasty eating- a person tries to quickly fill the womb and swallows food without chewing, like a turkey; non-observance of fasts, use of products harmful to health due to lust of the larynx. Ancient ascetics also considered excessive consumption of water as gluttony.

There are sins akin to gluttony, such as eating without prayer, grumbling over food, overindulgence in alcohol, obscene jokes, foul language, swearing, arguing and quarreling while eating."

2. Holy Scripture about gluttony

“For many of whom I have often spoken to you, and now I even speak with tears, act as enemies of the cross of Christ.
Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in shame, they think about earthly things” (Philippians 3:18-19).

“The true widow and the lonely one hopes in God and abides in supplications and prayers day and night;
but the lustful woman died alive” (1 Tim. 5:5-6).

“The night has passed, and the day has drawn near; let us put off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
As during the day, let us behave decently, not indulging in feasting and drunkenness, nor voluptuousness and debauchery, nor quarrels and envy;
but put on the clothes of our Lord Jesus Christ, and turn not the cares of the flesh into lusts” (Romans 13:12-14).

3. How does the satisfaction of the natural need for nutrition of the body differ from serving the passion of gluttony

The person has natural need for food as a source of energy for the normal functioning of the human body. There is no sin in her prudent, healthy, moderate satisfaction. The passion of gluttony grows from abuse of the satisfaction of this need. Passion perverts, exaggerates the natural need, subjugates the will of man to the lust of the flesh. A sign of developing passion is the constant desire for satiety and the pleasure of food and wine.

Rev. Barsanuphius and John:

86 . The same brother also asked the same elder: my father! What does it mean to take food according to a whim, and what according to the demand of nature?

Answer. On a whim - means to want to take food not for bodily needs, but to please the womb. But if you see that sometimes the nature accepts any of the vegetables more readily than juicy, and not out of whim, but according to the lightness of the food itself, this should be distinguished. Some, by their nature, require sweet food, others salty, others sour, and this is neither passion, nor whim, nor gluttony. And to love some food especially and desire it lustfully - this is a whim, a servant of gluttony. But this is how you know that you are possessed by the passion of gluttony - when it also possesses your thought. If, however, you resist this and gracefully take food according to bodily needs, then this is not gluttony.

88 . The same besides. Explain to me what is the sign of gluttony?

Answer . When you see that your thought delights in the presentation of food and compels you to warn everyone or bring some food closer to you, this is gluttony. Take care, then, that you do not eat such food hastily, but with dignity, and it is better to leave it to others who sit with you. As I have already said, because of gluttony, one should not immediately refuse food, but one should be careful not to take it outrageously. … Another sign of gluttony is to want to eat ahead of time; but it must not be done without some good reason. In everything we need to call on God's help, and God will not leave us.

Question 335… Answer: You know that we need food every day, but we should not eat it with pleasure. When we accept it, thanking God who gave it, and condemning ourselves as unworthy, then God makes it serve us for sanctification and blessing.

Abba Dorotheos:

So, whoever wants to be cleansed from his sins, he should be careful to beware and avoid these types of gluttony; for they satisfy not the need of the body, but passion, and if anyone surrenders to them, then this is imputed to him as a sin. As in lawful marriage and fornication, the action is one and the same, but the goal is the difference of the deed: for one copulates for the birth of children, and the other for the satisfaction of his voluptuousness; the same can be found in relation to food: eating according to need and eating to please the palate are the same thing, but the sin lies in the intention. Eating according to need means when someone determines for himself how much food to take per day: and if he sees that this amount of food determined by him has weighed him down and needs to be reduced somewhat, then he reduces it. Or if it does not weigh him down, but it is not enough for the body, so that it is necessary to add a little, he adds a few. And thus, having thoroughly experienced his need, he then follows a certain measure and eats food not to please the taste, but desiring to maintain the strength of his body. However, even the little that someone eats should be received with prayer and condemned in his thought as unworthy of any food and consolation. ... we should, as I said, when taking food according to bodily needs, condemn ourselves and consider ourselves unworthy of any consolation and even the monastic life itself, and not without abstinence to eat food: in this way it will not serve us as condemnation.

Priest Pavel Gumerov:

"A person needs food and drink; this is one of his vital-organic needs. In addition, food and drink are a gift from God; eating them, we not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also enjoy, thanks to the Creator for this. To In addition, a meal, a feast is an opportunity to communicate with neighbors, friends: it unites us.Eating food, we receive joy from communication and bodily refreshment.It is not for nothing that the holy fathers call the meal a continuation of the liturgy.During the service, we are united by the spiritual joy of joint prayer, we take communion from one cup, and then we share with people who are close in spirit and bodily and spiritual joy.

…Therefore, there is nothing sinful and filthy in eating food and drinking wine. Everything depends, as always, on our attitude to this action and on the observance of the measure.

Where is this measure, this fine line separating natural need from passion? It passes between inner freedom and lack of freedom in our soul. As the apostle Paul says: “I know how to live in poverty, I know how to live in abundance; I learned in everything and in everything, to be satisfied and endure hunger, to be both in abundance and in lack. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:12-13).

Are we free from attachment to food and drink? Do they own us? Which is stronger: our will or our desires? It was revealed to the Apostle Peter from the Lord: “What God has cleansed, do not call unclean” (Acts 11:9). And there is no sin in eating food. The sin is not in the food, but in our attitude towards it."

4. Causes and consequences of gluttony

The holy fathers say that if a person submits to the passion of gluttony, then all other passions, fornication, anger, sadness, despair, greed for money easily take possession of him.

“The results of the perversion of natural need by passion: voluptuousness, gluttony, idleness, laziness develop.

All this leads to forgetfulness of God: “And [Jacob ate, and] Israel grew fat, and became stubborn; fattened, stout and fat; and he forsook God who made him, and despised the rock of his salvation” (Deut. 32:15). Satiety provokes a weakening of attention and indulges in the development of self-pity and self-justification. In addition, gluttony causes the development of another passion - fornication: “The more firewood, the stronger the flame; the more food - the more violent lust "(Abba Leonty).
(Sacraments of the Orthodox Church)

Rev. John of the Ladder:

“Let us also ask this enemy of ours, more than the chief leader of evil enemies, the door of passions, that is, overeating, this reason for the fall of Adam, the death of Esau, the destruction of the Israelites, the exposure of Noah, the extermination of the Gomorites, Lot’s incest, the destruction of the sons of Eli the priest and leader to all abominations. Let us ask: where does this passion come from and what are its offspring? who breaks it and who completely destroys it?

Tell us, tormentor of all people, who bought everyone with the gold of insatiable greed, how did you find the entrance to us? …

She, irritated by these annoyances, furiously and fiercely answers us: “Why do you, who are guilty of me, beat me with annoyances and how do you try to free yourself from me when I am naturally connected with you? The door through which I enter is the property of food, and the cause of my insatiability is habit, while the basis of my passion is a long-term habit, insensitivity of the soul and forgetfulness of death. And how do you seek to know the names of my offspring? I will number them, and they will multiply more than sand (cf. Gen. 32:12). But at least find out what are the names of my first-born and my most amiable offspring. My firstborn son is fornication, and the second fiend after him is hardness of the heart, and the third is drowsiness. A sea of ​​evil thoughts, waves of filth, the depth of unknown and inexpressible impurities come from me. My daughters are: laziness, verbosity, insolence, laughter, blasphemy, contradiction, cruelty, disobedience, insensibility, captivity of the mind, self-praise, arrogance, love of the world, followed by defiled prayer, soaring thoughts and unexpected and sudden misadventures, and after them despair follows - the most fierce of all passions.

Abba Theona:

Gluttony must be overcome not only for oneself, so that it does not harm us with burdensome gluttony, and not only so that it does not inflame us with the fire of carnal lust, but so that it does not make us slaves of anger or rage, sadness and all other passions.

Rev. Ambrose Optinsky:

The Holy Ladder ... exposes the three main passions that fight those in obedience: gluttony, anger and carnal lust. The latter receive strength from the former, lust ignites from gluttony and bodily peace, and anger for gluttony and bodily peace. … If, following the example of the ancient ascetics, we cannot fast, then with humility and self-reproach, let us be forced to at least moderate and timely abstinence in food and drink.

Saint Basil the Great:

“If the water is divided into many channels, the whole earth lying around them turns green; so, if the passion of gluttony is divided in your heart, it will water all the senses, plant a forest of vices in you and turn your soul into the dwelling place of beasts.

If you control the womb, you will dwell in Paradise, but if you do not control it, then you will become the prey of death.

“It is not wine alone that darkens the mind.

The womb, satiated with any kind of food, gives rise to the seed of voluptuousness, and the spirit, crushed by the weight of satiation, cannot be reasonable. For not only does the excessive use of wine deprive a person of reason, but the excessive use of food also upsets, darkens him and deprives him of purity and purity. So, the reason for the destruction and debauchery of the Sodomites was not only drunkenness, but also satiety, as God said to Jerusalem through the prophet: this is what was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister and her daughters: in pride, satiety (Ezek. 16, 49). And since this satiety gave rise to the strongest carnal lust in them, the just God destroyed them with brimstone fire. If, therefore, the Sodomites were led to such iniquity by satiety, what will it not do to those who, being healthy in body, do not refrain from eating meat and wine, satisfying lust, and not the requirement of the infirmity of nature.

... And now we intend to talk about gluttony, i.e. passion for unification, against which the first war must be waged among us. So, whoever does not curb the passions of satiety, he can never suppress the excitement of fiery lust. The purity of the inner man is measured by the perfection of this virtue. Never hope that he will be able to confront stronger opponents who are defeated by the weaker in an easier fight. For the property of all virtues is one, although they are divided into many kinds and names; so the essence of gold is one, although it, according to the ability and will of the artists, seems to be different in different decorations. So, he does not possess any virtue perfectly, who does not have some of them. ... Every city is strengthened by the height of the walls and the strength of the locked gates, and by the creation of one, even the smallest door, it will be devastated. For what difference does it make whether a destructive enemy breaks into the city through high walls and wide gates or through a hidden underground passage?

Saint Nil of Sinai:

“He who fills the belly and promises to be chaste is like one who claims that straw will stop the action of fire. Just as it is impossible to hold back the swiftness of the spreading fire with straw, so it is impossible to stop the burning desire of indecency with satiety.

Rev. John of the Ladder:

“Satiety is the mother of fornication, and oppression of the womb is the source of purity.

… The mind of a fasting person prays soberly, while the mind of an intemperate person is filled with impure dreams. The satiation of the womb dries up the sources of tears, and the womb, dried up by abstinence, gives birth to tear waters.

… He who serves his womb and meanwhile wants to conquer the spirit of fornication is like one who extinguishes a fire with oil.

… When the belly is oppressed, then the heart is humbled, but if it is at rest with food, then the heart is lifted up by thoughts.

... Crush the womb with abstinence, and you will be able to block your mouth, for the tongue is strengthened by the multitude of food. Strive with all your strength against this tormentor and watch with unflagging attention, watching him, for if you work even a little, then the Lord will immediately help.

... Know that often the demon sits down on the stomach and does not allow a person to get enough, even if he devoured all the food of Egypt and drank all the water in the Nile.

When we are satisfied, this unclean spirit departs and sends the spirit of the prodigal on us, he tells him in what state we are left, and says: “Go, stir up such and such, his belly is full and therefore you will work a little.” This one, having come, smiles and, having tied our hands and feet with sleep, he does everything he wants with us, defiles the soul with vile dreams and the body with expiration.

It is an amazing thing that the mind, being incorporeal, is defiled and clouded by the body, and that, on the contrary, the immaterial is refined and purified from the mud.

... listen and hear the one who says: wide and wide is the path of gluttony, leading to the destruction of fornication, and many walk in it, but the gate is narrow and narrow is the path of continence, leading to a life of purity, and few enter by it (cf. Matt. 7, 13- fourteen)".

Rev. Neil Sorsky:

“... this passion is the root of all evil in monks, especially fornication.

... many, obeying the womb, fell with a great fall.

Rev. Barsanuphius and John:

“... after much eating, the scolding of fornication follows, for the enemy burdens the body with sleep in order to defile it.”

Ancient Patericon:

"They said about Abba Isidore, the presbyter: once a brother came to him to call him to dinner, but the elder did not want to go and said: Adam was seduced by food and was expelled from paradise. The brother said to him: you are afraid even to leave your cell! How can I do not be afraid, son, - answered the elder, - when "the devil, like a lion, roaring, goes around, looking for someone to devour" (1 Pet. 5, 8)? compelled by his daughters, he became drunk with wine, and the devil, through drunkenness, easily drew him into a lawless deed.

Abba Pimen said: if Nabuzardan the archmagir [Head of cooks] had not come, the temple of the Lord would not have been burned (2 Kings 25:8-9). This means: if the lust of gluttony did not enter the soul, then the mind would not fall in the struggle with the enemy.

Abba Pimen said: just as smoke drives out the bees, and then the sweetness of their deeds is taken out, so carnal pleasure drives out the fear of God from the soul and destroys all its good deeds.

Abba Iperechius said... the lion is strong, but when the womb draws him into a snare, then all his strength is humbled.

The elder said: gluttony is the mother of fornication.

The elder said: the wealth of the soul is abstinence. Let us tie it with humility of mind; Let us flee from vanity, the mother of evil."

Rev. Isaac Sirin:

“What happens as a consequence of another cause, i.e. if we started the business of pigs? What is the business of pigs, if not to allow the womb to know no boundaries and fill it incessantly, and not to have a specified time to satisfy bodily needs, as is characteristic of the reasonable? And what follows from this? Hence - heaviness in the head, great burden in the body and relaxation in the muscles ... obscuration and coldness of thought; a mind emaciated (hardened) and incapable of judgment from confusion and great clouding of thoughts, thick and impenetrable darkness spread throughout the whole soul, severe despondency in every deed of God, as well as in reading, because a person does not taste the sweetness of God's words, great idleness from necessary deeds (i.e. due to their abandonment), an unstoppable mind, wandering everywhere on earth ... at night, impure dreams of bad ghosts and inappropriate images, full of lust, which penetrates into the soul and impurely fulfills its desires in the very soul. … so that for this reason a man also turns away from chastity. For the sweetness of excitement is felt throughout his whole body with unceasing and unbearable kindling. ... because of the clouding of the mind in him. ... And about this it was said by one of the great sages that if someone richly nourishes his body with pleasures, then he will subject his soul to battle ... And he also says: bodily pleasure, due to the softness and tenderness of youth, produces that the soul will soon gain passion, and death surrounds it, and thus a person falls under the judgment of God.

Saint John Chrysostom:

“Gluttony drove Adam out of paradise; it was the cause of the flood in the time of Noah; it also brought down fire on the Sodomites. Although voluptuousness was a crime, the root of both executions came from gluttony.

There is nothing worse, nothing more shameful than gluttony. It makes the mind fat; it makes the soul carnal; it blinds and makes it impossible to see.

Flee from gluttony, which gives rise to all vices, removes us from God Himself and brings us down to the abyss of death.

Whoever greedily indulges in food undermines the strength of the body, as well as reduces and weakens the strength of the soul.

There is, you will say, some pleasure in satiety. Not so much pleasure as trouble... Satiety produces... worse (than hunger). Hunger in a short time exhausts and brings the body to death ... and satiety, corroding the body and causing decay in it, subjects it to a long illness and then a grave death. Meanwhile, we consider hunger unbearable, and we strive for satiety, which is more harmful than it. Why do we have such a disease? Why such madness?

Just as a ship, loaded with more than it can hold, sinks under the weight of the load, so exactly both the soul and the nature of our body: taking food in sizes exceeding its strength ... overflows and, unable to withstand the weight of the load, sinks in the sea of ​​death and at the same time destroys the swimmers, and the helmsman, and the navigator, and the sailors, and the cargo itself. As it happens with ships in such a state, so it is with satiated ones: no matter how quiet the sea is, nor the skill of the helmsman, nor the multitude of sailors, nor the proper equipment, nor the favorable season, nothing else benefits the ship so overwhelmed" and here: neither teaching, nor exhortation, [nor censure of those present], nor instruction and advice, nor fear of the future, nor shame, nothing else can save the soul so overwhelmed in this way.

Saint Nil of Sinai:

Gluttony destroys everything good in a person.

Saint Isidore Pelusiot:

If you hope to depart to God, then listen to my advice and quench the frenzy of gluttony, thus weakening in yourself the kindling of voluptuousness - this betrays us to eternal fire.

Venerable Simeon the New Theologian:

It is also impossible to fill the flesh to the full with food, and spiritually enjoy intelligent and divine blessings. For to the extent that one works for the womb, to such an extent deprives himself of the enjoyment of spiritual blessings. And vice versa, to what extent one begins to refine his body, in proportion to that he can be saturated with food and spiritual comfort.

Rev. Abba Theodore:

He who fattens the body without abstinence in food and drink will be tormented by the spirit of fornication.

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov):

“From pleasing the womb, the heart is burdened, coarsened, hardened; the mind is deprived of lightness and spirituality; man becomes carnal.

The fatness and darkness imparted to the body by abundance and promiscuity in food are gradually communicated by the body to the heart and by the heart to the mind.

The root of all sins ... is the love of money, and after the love of money ... gluttony, the strongest and most abundant expression of which is drunkenness.

If you please the womb and feed yourself excessively, then you will fall into the abyss of prodigal filth, into the fire of anger and rage, you will make your mind heavy and dark, you will bring your blood into a fever.

Abba Serapion:

“Thus, these eight passions, although they have different origins and different effects, the first six, i.e. gluttony, fornication, love of money, anger, sadness, despondency, are interconnected by some kind of affinity or connection, so that the excess of the first passion gives rise to the next. For from excess of gluttony necessarily comes fornication lust, from fornication greed, from greed anger, from anger sadness, from sadness despondency; and therefore it is necessary to fight against them in the same way, in the same order, and in the struggle we must always pass from the previous to the next. For every harmful tree will soon wither if its roots, on which it rests, are exposed or dried up.

Archim. Raphael (Karelin):

“Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit; it is a wide field in which all passions flourish; it is the first rung of the sheer, slippery staircase leading to the underworld. … Gluttony disfigures a person. At the sight of a glutton, one involuntarily recalls the market, where the bloodied carcasses of animals brought from the slaughterhouse hang. It seems that the body of the glutton hangs on his bones, like skinned carcasses on iron hooks.

The womb, heavy with food, plunges the mind into a gloomy slumber, makes it lazy and dull. A glutton cannot think deeply and reason about the spiritual. His womb, like a lead weight, pulls the grounded soul down. Such a person feels his weakness especially acutely during prayer. The mind cannot enter prayer words like a dull knife can cut bread. In this sense, gluttony is a constant betrayal of one's prayer.

It should be noted that gluttony also darkens the intellectual and creative powers of a person.

5. Means of combating the passion of gluttony

The main means of combating the passion of gluttony is fasting and abstinence when eating. It's good to leave the table a little hungry. The pleasure that naturally accompanies the intake of delicious food loses its character of sensuality and becomes spiritualized if one eats with grateful feelings towards God.

The Holy Fathers instruct that this passion must be fought in two ways: one needs both bodily abstinence and spiritual care. The latter includes vigil, spiritual reading, the memory of sins, the memory of death, frequent contrition of the heart., “for we cannot despise the pleasures of food unless the mind, given over to divine contemplation, delights in the love of the virtues and the beauty of heavenly things,” writes teacher John Cassian the Roman.

St. Basil the Great:

Avoiding immoderation in pleasure, the goal of eating food should not be pleasure, but its necessity for life, for to servility to pleasures means nothing more than to make the womb your god.

Rev. John Cassian the Roman:

“The first war must be waged against the spirit of gluttony.

Therefore, we must first enter the war against gluttony, which, as we said, is the passion for overeating.

If we do not free ourselves from the vice of gluttony, we cannot possibly enter into the struggle of the inner man.

Likewise, we must first prove our freedom by conquering the flesh. For “he who is conquered by whom is the same slave” (2 Pet. 2:19). “Whoever commits sin is the slave of sin” (John 8:34). … For it is impossible for a full stomach to enter into the struggle of the inner man, it is impossible for him who is defeated in an easier battle to fight with the strongest.

How can you overcome the passion of gluttony.

So, first we should suppress the passion of gluttony. And the mind must be refined before that not only by fasting, but also by vigil, and reading, and frequent contrition of the heart about what it recognizes itself as deceived or defeated, now contrite from the fear of vices, now ignited by the desire for perfection and purity, while such care and reflection, does not realize that eating is allowed not so much for pleasure as it has served as a burden to him, and will consider it a necessary need of the body, and not of the soul. Engaged in such an exercise of the mind and contrition, we will suppress the voluptuousness of the flesh, which is intensified by the heating of food and its harmful sting; and thus the furnace of our body, which is kindled by the Babylonian king (i.e. the devil), who constantly gives us occasions for sins and vices, burning us like oil and tar, we can extinguish with an abundance of tears and weeping of the heart, until the heat of carnal lust is completely gone. will be extinguished by the grace of God, blowing in our hearts with the spirit of its dew. So, this is our first competition, our first experience, as in the Olympic battles, with the desire for perfection to destroy the passion for overeating and gluttony. For this, not only the excessive desire for food must be suppressed for the sake of the virtues, but I also write the most necessary for nature, as contrary to chastity, must be accepted not without grief of the heart. And the course of our life should be established in such a way that at no time should we be distracted from spiritual pursuits, except when the weakness of the body prompts us to condescend to the necessary care for it. And when we submit to this necessity, then, satisfying the needs of life more than the desire of the soul, we must hasten to leave it as distracting us from salvific occupations. For we cannot despise the pleasures of food unless the mind, given over to divine contemplation, delights in the love of the virtues and the beauty of heavenly things. And thus everyone will despise everything present as fleeting, when he continuously directs the gaze of the mind to the unshakable and eternal, while still in the body, he will contemplate the bliss of the future life.

… For otherwise we will not be able to fight them in any way and we will not deserve to enter into spiritual warfare if we are defeated in the battle with the flesh and defeated in the struggle with the womb.

About the property of gluttony, compared with an eagle.

The image of this passion, to which even a monk of a spiritual and high life necessarily obeys, is rather correctly indicated by the likeness of an eagle. Although in an exalted flight he rises beyond the clouds and is hidden from the eyes of all mortals and from the face of the whole earth, but at the request of the stomach he is forced to descend again into the lowlands of the valleys, descend to the ground and feed on carrion. This clearly proves that gluttony cannot be stopped, like other vices, or completely exterminated, but only excessive excitations and desires can be limited, curbed by the power of the soul.

... try not to leave our soul without the necessary virtues, but diligently occupy all the bends of our heart with them, so that the spirit of gluttony, returning, will not find us empty, not occupied by them and, not content with opening the entrance for himself alone, he did not bring the seven passions into our souls. For after this, that soul will be more vile, more filthy, which boasts that it rejected this world, while all eight passions dominate in it, and will be subjected to a more severe punishment than when it was in the world and was not yet obligated to either deanery or the name of a monastic. For these seven spirits are called the most evil of the previous spirit because the desire for the womb would not in itself be harmful if it did not introduce other more important passions, i.e. fornication, love of money, anger, sorrow or pride, which, no doubt, are harmful and fatal to the soul. And therefore, he who hopes to acquire it by abstinence alone, i.e., can never achieve perfect purity. bodily fasting, if he does not know that abstinence is necessary so that, after pacifying the flesh with fasting, he can more easily enter into a struggle with other passions.

“Gluttony is divided into three types: one type encourages eating before a certain hour; the other loves only to be satiated, whatever food it may be; the third wants tasty food. Against this, the Christian must be careful in three ways: to wait for a certain time for eating; do not get fed up; be content with the humblest food."

Rev. John of the Ladder:

“Let us also ask this enemy of ours, more than the chief leader of evil enemies, the door of passions, that is, gluttony, this reason for the fall of Adam, the death of Esau, the destruction of the Israelites, the exposure of Noah, the extermination of the Gomorites, Lot’s incest, the destruction of the sons of Eli the priest and leader to all Let us ask: ... who crushes her and who completely destroys her?

Tell us, tormentor of all people... how do you come out of us?

“... The memory of sins fights against me. The thought of death strongly opposes me, but there is nothing in men that can completely abolish me. Whoever has acquired the Comforter prays to Him against me, and He, being implored, does not allow me to act passionately in him. Those who have not tasted His heavenly consolation seek in every possible way to enjoy my sweetness.

“He who caresses the lion often tames him, and who pleases the body, he increases his ferocity.

Know that often a demon sits down on the stomach and does not allow a person to be satisfied, even if he devoured all the food of Egypt and drank all the water in the Nile.

... Sitting at a table full of food, imagine death and judgment before your mental eyes, because even in this way you can hardly tame the passion of overeating. When you drink, always remember the taste and gall of your Lord, and in this way you will either remain within the limits of abstinence, or at least, having groaned, you will humble your thoughts.

Rev. Barsanuphius and John:

Question 87, the same besides. My father! How, then, if passion does not first fight me, but appears at the very time of eating, what should I do then: whether to leave food or not?

Answer. Do not leave immediately, but resist the thought, bringing to mind that food turns into a stench and that we are condemned by taking it, while others in every possible way move away from it; and if the passion recedes, take food, condemning yourself; if it does not retreat, call on the name of God for help - and you will calm down. When passion overcomes you so that you are unable to eat decently, then leave food; and so that others who sit with you do not notice, take a little. In case of hunger, eat bread or other food for which you do not feel scolded.

Question 499. What should I do, I am disturbed by the scolding of gluttony, love of money and other passions?

Answer . When the passion of gluttony wrestles you, then strive with all your might for God's sake not to give the body as much as it requires.

Question 500. A brother who lived with a certain elder asked the same elder John about the measure in food ...

Answer. ... Give the body as much as it needs, and you will not get harm, even if you eat three times a day. If a person eats once a day, but recklessly, then what good is it for him?

Ancient Patericon:

"Abba John Kolov said: if the king wants to take an enemy city, then first of all he withholds water and food, and thus the enemy, dying of hunger, submits to him. This happens with carnal passions: if a person lives in fasting and hunger, then the enemies, being exhausted, will leave his soul.

Abba Pimen said: the soul is humbled by nothing more than if someone is temperate in food.

They said about Abba Pior that he ate while walking. When someone asked him: why do you eat like that? I do not want, - he answered, - to deal with food, as a business, but as a share. He also said to another who asked him the same thing: I want my soul not to feel any bodily pleasure even while I am eating.

The elder said: send the demon of gluttony away with a promise, saying: wait, you won’t be hungry, and eat with more care. And the more he encourages you, the more regularity you observe in food. For he so incites a man that he wants to eat everything, as it were.

Rev. John Cassian the Roman (Abba Serapion):

“Since the passions of gluttony and fornication are present in us from birth, sometimes without any excitement of the soul, according to the mere attraction of the flesh, they occur, however, they need a substance for their implementation. ... Also, fornication is committed only through the body, as everyone knows. And therefore, these two passions, which are fulfilled through the medium of the flesh, apart from spiritual care, are also in particular need of bodily continence. For the curbing of these passions, mere thoroughness of the spirit is not enough (as is sometimes the case with anger or sadness and other passions that the thoroughness of the spirit can suppress, without any contrition of the flesh), unless bodily taming is also added, which is accomplished by fasting, vigil, contrition through labor ... carnal [vices], as it is said, are healed with a double medicine. Therefore, it is of great benefit to those who care about cleanliness that they first of all remove from themselves the objects of carnal passions, from which a cause or a memory of these passions can be given to a sick soul. For it is necessary for a twofold disease to use a twofold cure. So that carnal lust does not turn into action, it is necessary to remove the seductive object and its image; and for the soul, so that it does not perceive it even in thoughts, it is very useful to carefully read the Holy Scriptures, sober vigilance and solitude. And in other passions, the human community does not harm at all, even brings a lot of benefit to those who sincerely desire to leave them, because with frequent intercourse with people they are exposed, and when they are more often discovered, then by using medicine against them, you can more quickly achieve health.

Archim. Raphael (Karelin):

"How to get rid of gluttony? Here are some tips. Before a meal, you need to secretly pray that the Lord would give abstinence and help put an end to the harassment of the stomach and larynx; remember that our body, greedy for food, sooner or later will itself become food for worms, taken from earth - a handful of earthly dust; imagine what food turns into in the womb. You need to mentally determine for yourself the amount of food that you would like to eat, and then take away a quarter of it and put it aside. At first, a person will experience a feeling of hunger, but when the body gets used to it, then it is necessary to take away a fourth part from food again - this is what St. Dorotheus advises in his teachings.Here is the principle of gradually reducing food to the amount necessary for life.Often a demon tempts a person, frightening that from a lack of food he will become weak and sick, he will not be able to work and become a burden to others.Homeworkers will also be worried and anxiously look at his plate, insistently urging him to eat more.

The Holy Fathers advise at first to limit the consumption of spicy and irritating food, then sweet food that pleases the larynx, then fatty food that fattens the body. You should eat slowly - so a feeling of fullness appears sooner. You need to get up from the meal when the first hunger is satisfied, but you still want to eat. In the old days it was customary to eat in silence. Extraneous conversations distract attention, and a person, carried away by a conversation, can automatically eat everything that is on the table. The elders also advised reading the Jesus Prayer while eating."

6. Bodily taming of gluttony - abstinence, moderation, fasting

Rev. Neil Sorsky writes about how to learn moderation in satisfying natural needs:

“... in moderation and at the right time, eating food, conquer passion.

... The measure of food is this, the fathers said: if someone decides for himself how much to take [it] per day, and if he understands that this is a lot and weighs him down, then immediately let him reduce it, if he sees that it is small and cannot so that his body is supported, let him add a little. And thus, having studied well, he will establish [the amount] by which he can strengthen his bodily strength - not for pleasure, but out of need, and so he accepts, thanks to God, but condemns himself as unworthy and that small consolation. Yet [the diversity of human] nature cannot be encompassed by one rule, because bodies in a fortress have a great difference - like copper and iron compared to wax. However, the general measure of beginners is to stop [eating when] a little hungry; if he is satisfied enough, and that is without sin. If, however, when he is a little fed up, let him reproach himself, and so, thanks to his falls, he wins.

Rev. John of the Ladder sings of the cleansing effect of fasting on the soul of the ascetic:

Fasting is the violence of nature, the rejection of everything that pleases the taste, the extinguishing of bodily kindling, the extermination of evil thoughts, the liberation from bad dreams, the purity of prayer, the luminary of the soul, the preservation of the mind, the extermination of insensitivity of the heart, the door of compunction, a humble sigh, joyful contrition, the retention of verbosity, the cause of silence, the guardian of obedience, the relief of sleep, the health of the body, the originator of dispassion, the resolution of sins, the gates of paradise and heavenly pleasure.

Abba Dorotheos says that how to fast:

“So, everyone who wants these days to be cleansed of the sins he has committed during the whole year, first of all, must abstain from a multitude of dishes, for the immensity of food, as the fathers say, gives rise to all evil for a person. Then he should also be careful not to break the fast without great need, not to look for tasty food and not to burden himself with a lot of food or drink.

... But we must not only observe the measure in food, but also refrain from any other sin, so that, as we fast with the stomach, we fast with the tongue, refraining from slander, from lies, from idle talk, from humiliation, from anger and, in a word, from every sin committed by the tongue. It is also necessary to fast with the eyes, that is, not to look at vain things, not to give freedom to the eyes, not to look at anyone shamelessly and without fear. Likewise, hands and feet must be restrained from every evil deed. Fasting ... with a favorable fast, moving away from every sin committed by all our senses ... "

Rev. John Cassian the Roman also teaches the correct approach to fasting:

“So, the fathers quite rightly thought that fasting and abstinence consisted in moderation, and that all who strive for perfect virtue, taking the food necessary to maintain the body, should abstain when they are still hungry.”

« On the inner world of a monk and spiritual abstinence.

We have nothing to fear from an external enemy; The enemy is hiding within us. There is an internal war going on within us every day; after gaining victory in it, everything external will become weak and everything will be reconciled with the soldier of Christ and will submit to him. We will not have such an enemy that we should be afraid of outside of us, if the inner in us is defeated and subdued by the spirit. We must believe that one bodily fast cannot be sufficient for the perfection of the heart and the purity of the body, if the fast of the soul is not combined with it. For the soul also has its own harmful food, having been sated with which, and without an abundance of bodily food, it will fall into voluptuousness. Backbiting is her food and, moreover, pleasant; anger is also her food, although not at all light: it saturates the soul with unfortunate food for an hour, and at the same time strikes with a deadly taste. Envy is the food of the soul, which corrupts it with poisonous juices and incessantly torments it, the poor one, with the well-being of someone else's success. Vanity is her food, which delights with a pleasant taste for a while, and then makes the soul empty, deprives of all virtue, leaves it barren, devoid of all spiritual fruits: it not only destroys the merits of extraordinary labors, but also brings great punishment. Every lust and wandering of the fickle heart is the food of the soul, nourishing it with harmful juices, and then leaving it not to share in the heavenly bread. So, abstaining from these passions during fasting, as much as we have the strength, we will have a useful bodily fast. The labors of the flesh, combined with the contrition of the spirit, will constitute a most pleasing sacrifice to God and a worthy abode of holiness in the secrecy of a pure, well-decorated spirit. But if, while fasting bodily, we are entangled in the fatal vices of the soul, then the exhaustion of the flesh will not do us any good, while defiling the most precious part (the soul), which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. For it is not so much the corruptible flesh as the pure heart that is the temple of God and the habitation of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, while fasting for the outward man, one must abstain from harmful food also for the inward man, whom the holy apostle especially urges to present himself to the pure God, in order to be worthy to receive a guest, Christ (Eph 3:16, 17).

We need to practice bodily abstinence in order to pass through it to spiritual fasting.

So, we must know that we will lift up the labor of bodily abstinence in order to achieve purity of heart through this fast. However, this labor is used by us in vain if, knowing the goal, we indefatigably raise the labor of fasting, but we cannot achieve the goal for which we endure so many sorrows. It is better to abstain from the forbidden food of the soul (i.e. sins, vices) than bodily abstain from not forbidden and less harmful food. For in bodily food there is a simple and harmless use of God's creation, which in itself does not have any sin, but in spiritual food (vices) there is first a disastrous devouring of brothers, about which it is said: 20, 13). Blessed Job also speaks of anger and envy: “anger kills the reckless, irritability kills, and envy kills the frivolous” (Job 5:2). And it should also be noted that the one who is angry is reckless, and the one who envies is considered frivolous. He is justly considered reckless, who by anger causes death to himself; and the envious person shows that he is stupid and petty. For when he envies, he thereby testifies that the one whose happiness he mourns is higher than him.

... Gluttony is divided into three types: one type induces to take food before a certain hour; the other loves only to satiate himself with any kind of food; and the third wants tasty food. Against this, a monk must be careful in three ways: to wait for a certain time for eating; should not be overwhelmed; must be content with any low-grade food."

Priest Pavel Gumerov writes about the meaning of the post:

“What is the cure for the passion of gluttony? The Holy Fathers advised any passion to oppose its opposite virtue. And the demon of gluttony "is cast out only by prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:21). Fasting is a great educational tool. Blessed is he who is accustomed to abstinence of soul and body and strictly observes the established Church fasts and fasting days.

Here I would like to say a little about the meaning of Orthodox fasting. Many are now fasting. But are they doing it right? A special Lenten menu has appeared in restaurants and cafes during the Lent. Television and radio announcers talk about the beginning of Lent. There are many cookbooks on the market with recipes for lenten dishes. So what is the point of the post?

Fasting is not a diet. Lent, especially the Great Lent, was called by the holy fathers the spring of the soul; this is the time when we are especially attentive to our soul, inner life. Marriage carnal relations and amusements cease. Before the revolution, theaters were closed during Lent. Fasting days are established so that we sometimes slow down the crazy run of the vain earthly life and can look inside ourselves, our soul. Orthodox Christians fast and partake of the holy mysteries.

Lent is a time of repentance for sins and an intensified struggle with passions. And in this we are helped by eating lean, lighter, low-calorie foods and abstaining from pleasures. It is easier to think about God, to pray, to lead a spiritual life when the body is not satiated, not burdened. “A glutton calls fasting a time of weeping, but a temperate person does not look gloomy even in fasting,” writes St. Ephraim the Syrian. This is one of the meanings of the post. It helps us to focus, tunes in to the spiritual life, making it easier for us.

The second meaning of fasting is the sacrifice to God and the education of one's own will. Fasting is not a new institution, but an ancient one. It can be said that fasting is the first commandment to man. When the Lord commanded Adam to eat from all the fruits of the Garden of Eden, except for the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He established the first fast. Fasting is obedience to a divine institution. God does not need burnt offerings and blood sacrifices; He needs a “contrite and humble heart” (Ps. 50:19), that is, our repentance and humility, obedience. From something (even from meat, milk, wine and some other products) we refuse for the sake of obedience to Him. We sacrifice our abstinence, the infringement of our will.

Another meaning of fasting is in educating the will and subordinating it to the spirit. By fasting, we make it clear to the womb, “who is the boss in the house.” It is very difficult for a person who is not accustomed to fasting, to discipline himself, to curb passions, to fight them. A Christian is a warrior of Christ, and a good warrior is in constant combat readiness, constantly trains and learns, keeps himself in shape.

There is nothing accidental and meaningless in the Church. Those who do not fast, the satiated will never know the real taste of food, this gift of God. Even a festive meal for those who do not fast becomes something quite ordinary, and for those who fast, even a modest feast after a long fast is a real holiday.

Fasting is extremely useful in married life. Spouses who are accustomed to abstinence during fasting will never get fed up with their intimate relationships, they are always desirable for each other. And vice versa, satiety leads either to mutual cooling, or to excesses and sophistication in intimate life.

7. Sobriety. Prayer. Contrasting evil thoughts with good thoughts

Rev. Neil Sorsky teaches spiritual warfare against thoughts of gluttony:

“There are different ways of fighting, by which we gain victory over evil thoughts, said the fathers, according to the measure of each of those who struggle: to pray against thoughts, to contradict them, to humiliate and drive them away. [The matter] of the novice and the weak is to pray against them and replace evil thoughts with good ones. for [and] Saint Isaac commands passions to be replaced by virtues. And Peter of Damascus says: “A good addition of thought must be ready to be turned into deeds,” and other fathers teach like this. Therefore, if we are ever overwhelmed with thoughts, unable to pray in peace and inner silence, it is fitting to pray against them and apply them to useful ones.

... If the thought of gluttony annoys, bringing to mind various and sweet delicious dishes, so that without need, at the wrong time and beyond measure, it is appropriate then to remember first of all the word spoken by the Lord: “Let not your hearts be weighed down with overeating and drunkenness” (Lk. 21 , 34) - and, having prayed to the same Lord and called for His help, to think about what the fathers said, that this passion is the root of all evil in the monks, especially fornication.

8. Reasoning in the exploit of temperance

The Holy Fathers teach that both in the matter of abstinence and in observing fasting, one must act with reason, avoiding both deviations into excessive zeal and unreasonable indulgences.

Rev. John Cassian the Roman:

« Not everyone can observe one rule of fasting.

So, with regard to the image of fasting, one rule cannot be conveniently observed; since not all bodies have the same strength, and fasting is observed not only by the strength of the soul, like other virtues. And therefore, since it does not consist only in the courage of the spirit, but is commensurate with the strength of the body, we have accepted such a definition, transmitted to us, that the time, method and quality of nutrition should be different, precisely because of the unequal state of the body or by age and sex; but all should have one rule of taming the flesh for temperance of the heart and strengthening of the spirit. For not everyone can keep a fast for weeks; some cannot go without food for more than three or two days, while others, due to illness or old age, find it difficult to go without food until sunset. Not everyone is equally nutritious vegetables or dry bread. One needs two pounds to be satisfied, while another feels heavy if he eats a pound or half a pound; but all abstinent people have one goal, that, taking food according to their ability, not to go into satiety. For not only the quality of food, but also the quantity relaxes the soul, kindling in it, as in fattened flesh, a harmful sinful fire.

The weakness of the flesh cannot hinder purity of heart.

The infirmity of the flesh will not prevent purity of heart if we use only the food that is needed to strengthen the infirmity, and not that which lust requires. We see that those who abstained from meat food (the moderate use of which in need is permissible) and for the love of abstinence renounced everything fell faster than those who, out of weakness, used such food, but in moderation. And with the weakness of the body, abstinence can be maintained if only a person consumes the permitted food as much as is necessary for the maintenance of life, and not for the satisfaction of lust. Nutritious food preserves healthy bodies, and does not deprive of purity, if only moderately consumed. Therefore, in every state one can maintain temperance and be blameless.

How can you desire and eat food.

So, the fathers quite rightly thought that fasting and abstinence consist in moderation, and that all who strive for perfect virtue, taking the food necessary to maintain the body, should abstain when they are still hungry. And the weak in body can equal in virtue with those who are healthy and strong, if they curb lusts, which the weakness of the flesh does not require. For the apostle also says: do not do fleshly pleasures in lust, i.e. he does not forbid taking care of the flesh, but only says that this should not be done in lust; forbids pleasing the whims of the flesh, and not the care that is necessary for the maintenance of life, and forbids because, indulging the flesh, we do not begin to fulfill lusts to our own detriment. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take care of the body because, having spoiled it with neglect, not to lose the opportunity to fulfill our spiritual and necessary duties.

How to fast.

Therefore, the essence of abstinence is not only to observe the time of eating food, and not only in the quality of food, but above all in the judicious use of it. Everyone should fast as much as is necessary to tame the carnal struggle. It is useful and absolutely necessary to observe the canonical rules regarding fasting; but if, after fasting, moderation in eating is not preserved, then keeping the rules will not lead to cleanliness. For if, after abstinence for long fasts, you eat food to satiety, then this will produce more relaxation in the body than purity of chastity; for purity of spirit requires temperance of the stomach. Whoever does not know how to observe the same measure in abstinence, he cannot have constant purity of chastity. Strict fasts become futile when they are followed by excessive eating, which soon reaches the vice of gluttony. Therefore, it is better to use food in moderation every day than to doom yourself to long and strict fasts from time to time. Immoderate fasting can not only relax the spirit, but, by weakening the body, weaken the power of prayer.”

Rev. Neil Sorsky:

« About the discrimination of food: “We should take a little from all the delicious food available - this is the reasoning of the prudent,” said Gregory of Sinai, “and not choose one, but postpone the other, and God is grateful, and the soul does not ascend, for in this way [and] we will avoid the elevation, and we do not disdain the good creation of God. But for those who are weak in faith or soul, abstinence from food is beneficial, because, he said, they do not believe that they will be preserved by God; the apostle also commanded them to eat vegetables (Rom. 14:2). But if any food is harmful to someone, either because of some weakness, or by nature, let him not force himself to take it, but let him take what is good for him. After all, Basil the Great says that it is not befitting food, which supports the body, to fight against it.

O distinguishing bodies. If someone has a healthy and strong body, it is appropriate to tire him as much as possible, let [it] get rid of passions and enslave the soul by the grace of Christ, and if it is weak and sick, give it a little rest, but it will not completely fall away [from doing]. It is fitting for the ascetic to live in poverty, not being satisfied, and to give the body a little less than what is needed, both in food and drink. During the time of carnal warfare, from the enemy [raised], it is fitting to refrain from the most, since many, unable to hold the womb, fell into shameful passions and an inexpressible ditch of filth; and when the womb is in the order of temperance, there is a joint entrance of all the virtues. For if you hold the womb, you will enter paradise, says Basil the Great, but if you do not hold it, you will become the prey of death. But when someone, because of the labor of travel or some hard work, descends a little to the body and adds a little to what is usually needed, this is not shameful, both in food and drink, and in every rest, because with reasoning, according to his strength [such] acted.

Rev. John of the Ladder teaches us to listen to ourselves and identify the motives for our actions in order to cut off passion in the bud, and thereby teaches a reasonable struggle with passion:

“When a wanderer comes, the glutton is all moved towards love, instigated by madness, and thinks that the opportunity to comfort his brother is a solution for him too. He regards the coming of others as a pretext for allowing wine to be drunk, and under the guise of hiding virtue, he becomes a slave of passion.

... Often vanity is at enmity against gluttony, and these two passions quarrel among themselves for a poor monk, as for a bought slave. An announcement compels permission, and vanity inspires to show one's virtue; but a prudent monk avoids both abysses and knows how to use convenient time to reflect one passion by another.

... I saw elderly priests, mocked by demons, who allowed the young, who were not under their guidance, with a blessing to drink wine and other things at feasts. If they have a good testimony in the Lord, then we can allow a little with their permission; if they are negligent, then in this case we should not pay attention to their blessing, and especially when we are still struggling with the fire of carnal lust.

... The ungodly Evagrius imagined that he was the wisest of the wise, both in eloquence and in the height of thoughts, but he was deceived, poor man, and turned out to be the maddest of madmen both in many of his opinions and in the following. He says: "When our soul desires various foodstuffs, then we must exhaust it with bread and water." To prescribe this is the same as to say to a little boy, so that he ascends to the very top of the ladder with one step. So, let us say in refutation of this rule: if the soul desires various foods, then it seeks what is proper to its nature; and therefore, against our cunning belly, we must also use prudent caution; and when there is no strong carnal warfare and there is no opportunity for a fall, then we will cut off first of all fattening food, then kindling, and after that delighting. If possible, give your belly sufficient and digestible food to get rid of its insatiable greed by saturation and get rid of the kindling like a scourge through the quick digestion of food.

ancient patericon tells about the reasoning with which the holy fathers acted, depending on the circumstances, either weakening or strengthening the measure of abstinence:

“They said about Abba Macarius: when he happened to be with the brethren, he made it a rule for himself: if there is wine, drink for the brethren; but for one glass of wine, do not drink water for a whole day. Therefore, when the brethren gave him wine to calm down, the elder with He accepted it with joy in order to torment himself, but his disciple, knowing the matter, said to the brethren: For the Lord's sake, do not give him, otherwise he will torment himself in the cell. The brethren, having learned this, offered him no more.

Once, Abba Silouan and his disciple Zacharias came to the monastery: there they were begged to eat some food for the journey. When they got out, the student found water on the road and wanted to drink. Abba Silouan says to him: Zechariah, fasting now! Didn't we, father, eat? the student said. What we ate there - it was a matter of love, - answered the elder, but we must keep our fast, my son!

One day, the fathers went to Alexandria, being invited by Archbishop Theophilus to pray and perform the sacred rite. When they ate food with him, veal meat was offered. They ate without thinking at all. The archbishop, taking one piece of meat, offered it to the elder sitting next to him, saying: here is a good piece, eat it, abba. The elders said to this: Until now we have eaten a vegetable; if it is meat, we will not eat. And none of them began to eat more. (1 Cor. 8:7ff; 10:27ff)".

9. Drinking, smoking, drug addiction

According to Saint Theophan the Recluse, to fight such passions as drunkenness and smoking, you can only "decide stronger." "There is no other way." But in the fight against any passion it is impossible to win if a person does not turn to God for help.

Priest Pavel Gumerov:

“Manifestations of the passion of gluttony, intemperance are drunkenness, drug addiction and smoking. These vices are very vivid examples of sinful, passionate dependence, dependence not only spiritual, but also painfully bodily.

Wine is a far from safe thing, but Holy Scripture does not refer to it as something bad, sinful and unclean. On the contrary, Christ blessed the marriage in Cana of Galilee, making up for the depletion of wine supplies by turning water into wine at the wedding. The Lord Himself shared a friendly meal with the apostles and His followers and drank wine. The holy prophet, the psalmist David, sings: “Wine gladdens the heart of man” (Ps. 103:15). But the Bible also gives a warning: "Do not get drunk with wine, from which there is debauchery" (Eph. 5, 18).

“The drunkards…they will not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:10). We are given a warning: wine contains danger, we must not revel in it, we must be careful and know the measure.

A person does not become an alcoholic out of nowhere. Both alcohol and drugs are a very simple way to instantly get joy, euphoria. And while alcohol or drugs act in the body, a person has a certain ersatz of happiness. What he, perhaps, could not get in life, for which you need to make a lot of effort, is given instantly. After all, to get real happiness, you need to work hard.

Especially often a person becomes an alcoholic or a drug addict when he is unfavorable in his family, personal life. American researchers claim that 100% of cases of drug addiction are associated with a sense of loss of the meaning of life.

… That is why the percentage of remission is so high in the centers for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction at churches and monasteries. After all, those who suffer are shown the true meaning of life - in God, in faith, in work for the good of the Church and people. They repent of sins (and without repentance it is impossible to overcome passion), participate in the sacraments, and pray together for healing.

If there is such a trouble in the family and one of the members is ill with alcoholism or drug addiction, he can cope only with the support, help and love of loved ones. He must feel that he is loved, that he is not alone, that they are fighting for him, that they are not indifferent to his misfortune. The demons of alcoholism and drug addiction are very strong, they hold a person very tightly, their power over him is great. No wonder alcoholics, drug addicts even begin to see these dark entities in reality.

… Why do alcoholics see demons? Fortunately for us, the world of spirits is closed from our eyes. Our earthly bodily shell, the so-called “leather robe” (see: Gen. 3:20), does not allow us to see angels and demons. But in some cases people see them. Very often this happens when the soul is ready to be separated from the body. Cases are described when sinners saw crowds of demons standing by their bed and stretching their paws towards them. A person suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction thins his earthly shell so much, being practically in a dying state, that he begins to see spiritual entities, and since he serves passions and sin, he naturally sees not angels of Light, but quite the contrary. Therefore, a person who drinks is often an instrument in the hands of the devil. Most crimes, especially murders, are committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

… But, despite the strength of this passion and the power of the devil, hope always remains. If a person sincerely wants to get rid of addiction and fervently asks God for healing, the Lord will definitely help.

… A person who has embarked on the path of recovery, who wants to break with the passion of alcoholism, needs to be remembered once and for all: even if he gets rid of the disease, he will not stop being sick, therefore he is strictly forbidden to even touch vodka and wine. What is allowed to an ordinary healthy person, that is, to get fun from wine and observe the measure, is no longer given to him. It is not for nothing that people who attend Alcoholics Anonymous groups, even after they have completely stopped drinking, still call themselves alcoholics. It is impossible to get rid of drunkenness completely without “tied up” with alcohol. Compromise is not possible here. This demon is driven out only by fasting, that is, complete abstinence."

10. The fight against gluttony continues until death.

Rev. John of the Ladder:

... it would be wonderful if someone, before his descent into the tomb, was freed from this passion.

11. Virtue of temperance

The passion of gluttony is opposite - and conquers it - the virtue of abstinence.

St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) writes that it includes:

“Restraint from excessive eating and drinking, especially from drinking wine in excess. Preservation of the exact posts established by the Church. The curbing of the flesh by a moderate and constant identical use of food, from which all passions begin to weaken in general, and especially self-love, which consists in wordless love of the flesh, the stomach and its peace.

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Nika Kravchuk

The sin of gluttony is the worship of one's own stomach

Eating food is a natural process for every person. But the danger begins when food is turned into a cult. The absorption of large portions, the desire to feast, secret eating and intemperance before food indicate sin of gluttony.

Through eating the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world

Yes, eating is natural. Even the first people, living in the Garden of Eden, ate the fruits. Amazingly, in this way they learned God's plan for the world, learned how everything works. And then there was the most famous global catastrophe in the history of mankind - the fall of Adam and Eve. It turns out that vice entered the world through the human womb (and it all began with a thought).

When Jesus Christ prayed and fasted for 40 days, the devil appeared before him and tried to tempt him with food, they say, if you are God, then turn these stones into bread. The passion of gluttony is also included in the list of the seven deadly sins. So why is she so dangerous?

Every person is dependent on food. Here are just some of the righteous reached such a state of piety that they ate only bread and water, and even then once a week. For some, food was brought from heaven by angels. The Virgin Mary also ate heavenly food when her parents gave her to the service of God.

To modern man, even to hear such a curiosity. In addition, worldly people cannot carry out such feats as monastics. Yes, and God does not order anyone to do just that. The problem is different.

The danger lies in the fact that a person becomes darkened: he does not eat in order to live, but lives in order to eat. This can manifest itself in many ways: addiction to delicious food, excess in food, delicacy, constant concern about what to cook and try new things. You can make a whole bunch of gastronomic passions. All of them testify to one thing: a person is very dependent.

Gluttony gluttony strife

There are different types of sin of gluttony. If a person absorbs immoderate portions - this is gluttony.

If it is the taste of food that brings him pleasure, and he can talk for a long time about how beautiful and exquisite the dishes of Catalan cuisine are, he is firmly on the hook of guttural insanity.

When a person pretends to be in public and eats moderately, but after returning home he "breaks away" in private - secret eating does not let him go.

If he woke up in the morning and first of all runs to the refrigerator, regardless of whether the feeling of hunger has come, this is early eating.

When a person fills his stomach in a hurry, without chewing, just to quickly, from this you have to absorb large portions - hasty eating.

Sometimes dependence on specific products manifests itself: there are those who cannot live a day without meat, and someone without sweets.

Often different kinds of passions of gluttony are focused in one person. He constantly wants to "devour" something tasty and more. By the way, the Slavic “devour” means “to make a sacrifice”. So to whom does the glutton sacrifice? It turns out that his stomach.

That's how easy it turns out to go from overeating to idolatry. And not only. When a person is fed up, he cannot pray properly. He also gets lazy. Remember the classic: "I ate - you can sleep"?

Moreover, gluttony, as pleasing one's own body, can become the cause of another mortal vice - fornication, which is associated with the flesh. It is not for nothing that a wild life is often portrayed as such: laziness, satiety not only with food, but also with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, fornication ...

Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in oneself at an early stage and prevent the state when metastases go to all organs. But how to do that?

We declare war on the sin of gluttony

Since this passion is the work of demons, the well-known gospel advice will do just fine: “This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)

Every meal should begin with a prayer, and end with it. Thus, we thank the Lord for giving us life and the food necessary for its maintenance. The Church Fathers also advise to be very careful during the meal.

There is evidence of how Paisius the Holy Mountaineer struggled with larynx. For 18 (!) years he ate cabbage. It is even hard for us to believe that this is possible. But why doubt when a person is strengthened and nourished by God himself?

Of course, a newly-made Christian should definitely not take this saint as an example and start eating only cabbage or carrots every day, they say, let's hit the passion of gluttony with vegetables.

It's about self-education. You have to control your stomach. Abba Dorotheos suggests doing it this way: first, figure out how much food you need to get enough, and then eat a quarter less. When the body gets used to such a portion, gradually transfer to a new mode of reduction until you learn how to eat exactly as much as you need to maintain life.

Fasting also helps to control oneself, of which there are four in Orthodoxy: Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas, as well as fasting days - Wednesday and Friday. Usually at this time they abstain from meat, dairy, and at some time fish. But the essence of the post is not limited to this.

You can cook yourself a salad with expensive seafood, overeat with "lean" sweets and say: I'm fasting.

Fasting just serves to ensure that a person curbs his flesh: he eats moderately and simply. Then he will not be burdened by lustful thoughts, prayer will go easier.

But if a person only peers into the composition of products, is constantly irritated, walks with a “lean” mug and thinks of himself as a great righteous man, then there is no sense. On the contrary, it will only exacerbate the problem.

Another effective method of dealing with the sin of gluttony is humility.

You constantly humble yourself, including the understanding that without the help of God it is difficult for you to cope with this illness. In another case, there is a danger, along with supposedly getting rid of overeating, noticeable weight loss, to get an asterisk of pride in the forehead. And it will be even harder to fight it.

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It's easy to be a believer when things go well. A person has a family, work, housing, clothes, good food, time for himself and his family, funds for foreign travel. You can go to church, light candles, thank you that everything is so successful. What if grief breaks the peace?

It would be wonderful if someone, before his descent into the tomb, freed himself from this passion.

Saint John of the Ladder

About gluttony. Its modern manifestations

Although to many people the talk of gluttony seems to be something outdated and archaic, this passion lives firmly in the people of our time. True, it can be called completely different words, more modern and more familiar to our ears. "Obesity", "overweight", "overeating", "eating disorders". All these are different names for this terrible disease, which leaves its mark both on the soul and on the human body.

The life of modern people is full of excess food. Of course, there are still many poor people and poor countries where things are completely different. However, harsh statistics show that currently every sixth inhabitant of our planet suffers from obesity. Never before have so many varieties of food been available to people. Go to any supermarket and you can easily see how every time sellers come up with new ways to present their goods in the most attractive way. And this is at a time when manufacturers make their dishes as fresh as possible, portions for the same money are even larger, and the taste is fuller and richer. Recently, even synthetic flavor enhancers have appeared to replace natural seasonings, the main task of which is to make even completely artificial food tasty, devoid of at least some taste before. But that's not all. The presence of such flavor enhancers (emulsifiers) in foods can become addictive over time. The cult of food, the stimulation of human gastronomic needs and preferences is another step towards gluttony, which, having become a habit, causes obesity and many other diseases.

Obesity and excessive, unbridled passion for food is an additional burden on all body systems, primarily the cardiovascular system. As a result, this leads to an increase in blood pressure, the occurrence of arrhythmias, angina pectoris, etc. And undoubtedly, this also creates an incredible load on the gastrointestinal tract, which is now forced to work without rest, around the clock. The endocrine system also changes, which causes metabolic disorders. In the end, you can see the impact of gluttony on the functioning of the human brain. After an excessive meal, laziness, fatigue appear, thinking processes slow down. A person cannot concentrate and do business as well as he did just before. "A full belly is deaf to prayer." That is why self-restraint and fasting are a necessary practice for ascetics of all world religions. And the ascetics of piety - Orthodox monks - are directly called "fasters", thus defining the nature of their main service - the pacification of the flesh with the help of restrictions on food and other pleasures.

Eating food in moderation for a person is a vital necessity, because hunger is biologically determined. When the balance of sugar, water, or another important substance is disturbed in a person’s blood, an impulse automatically appears to replenish this deficiency with what the body needs right now. The centers that regulate the process of eating are located in a special part of the brain - the hypothalamus. Its individual zones are responsible for the feeling of hunger, thirst and satiety. In a normal state, this well-coordinated system maintains the existence of our body and weight at an optimal, genetically fixed level.

However, human nature afflicted with sin made possible distortions of this, completely neutral in itself, physiological need. So doctors know that when the food craving is weakened, a person ceases to feel hunger and thirst, up to the complete disappearance of appetite. And vice versa - gluttony, the use of even obviously spoiled food, is typical for people with congenital or acquired mental retardation.

Illustration: Hieronymus Bosch "Gluttony" from "The Seven Deadly Sins", 1475-1480

St. John of the Ladder, like other ascetics of piety, in his ascetic writings noted three main ways in which a person can violate the spiritual norm established by God, using the process of eating to spite and harm himself.

  • 1) First of all, people sin by gluttony when they take food in excessive quantities, significantly larger than what the body actually needs. For such a person, it is important to fill his own stomach with food as much as possible, almost through force.

    2) The second sin is voluptuousness or throatiness. This passion is realized in a person who seeks to enjoy refined food, gourmet, all kinds of spices and unusual, complex ways of cooking. In this passion, unlike the previous one, it is not the amount of food consumed that is sinful, but its sophistication, the search for unusual tastes, impressions and pleasures by a person. It should be understood that we do not eat in order to enjoy the taste, but to give the body the necessary amount of nutrients. It is known that the enjoyment of taste almost does not depend on the refinement of dishes. Even a piece of stale bread will bring more pleasure to a hungry person than a piece of cake to a pampered gourmet in the middle of a meal.

  • 3) The third sin is secret eating. This sin is predominantly monastic, the danger of which is primarily experienced by monks living in cenobitic monasteries. The essence of this passion lies in non-observance of the monastic charter and daily routine, in untimely eating, more often when needed, after prayer or secretly from the brethren. Of course, the laity can also sin with this, eating food that is not according to the daily routine, doctor's prescription, or the requirements of the church charter.

In addition to these three main passions associated with food, St. Ladder recalls two more, no less dangerous cases.

    The first passion is an unrestrained craving for a favorite food, an addiction to a particular dish. Saint John the Prophet describes people affected by this infirmity as follows: such a person constantly dreams, fantasizes about a particular dish, often imagines it and tells others about it, and at the meal asks to serve it first or move it closer. "In the passion of gluttony, the belly and satiated cries out:" I want more! And even sighing from satiety, he laments: "I am hungry." This passion teaches us to devour everything that stands before our eyes "(Ladder 2.1.4: 1).

    And the apogee, the extreme point of the development of the sin of gluttony, is the complete darkness of the mind to the questions of food and pleasure of the stomach. In the language of the fathers, this sin is called the terrible word "belly-madness." A person with such a mental illness lives for food, and does not eat in order to live.

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The passion of gluttony is one of the most dangerous human passions, known as a mortal sin in the tradition of the Western Church, and in fact, “passion” in the tradition of the Eastern Church. Often appearing under a pious pretext, she seduces even the strongest in faith. Therefore, special wisdom is needed in order to learn to distinguish between objective reality and the temptation of the devil or our own passion.

“What, then, lowered Esau so much that it made him a slave of his brother? Is it not one meal for which he sold his birthright? And vice versa, did not prayer with fasting give Samuel’s mother? still in the womb? (Judg. 13). Fasting gave birth to him, fasting nourished him, fasting he matured - that fast, the angel commanded his mother (Basil the Great. About fasting 1.)

Only those who have managed to curb their body, their own passionate flesh, will be able to make a good start in the struggle with more subtle spiritual and spiritual sinful states. It follows from this that the struggle with one's stomach and carnal passions is the beginning of a person's struggle with his other, more dangerous spiritual vices. Gluttony, like other bodily passions, is only a means, and the goal of demons is to subdue the human soul through them.

Not a single spiritual warfare can begin without fasting and self-restraint. And vice versa: weakening in food leads to the development of other passions in the human soul. For example, in the classical scheme of the dependence of some passions on others, voluptuousness (love of pleasures) gives rise to gluttony, and it, in turn, gives rise to fornication thoughts and impure deeds. Thus, in order for a person to overcome fornication, one must first overcome gluttony. From here, we can conclude that it is important for every person, and not just for a monk, the ability to control one's desires, actions and dreams. Including in the field of their own gastronomic preferences.

Testimony of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition

"Look after yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with overeating and drunkenness and the cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly" (Luke 21:34)

"Do not be among those who drink wine, between those who are sated with meat: for the drunkard and the satiated will become poor, and sleepiness will put on rags" (Prov. 23: 20-21).

"You found honey - eat as much as you need, so as not to get fed up with it and not vomit it" (Prov. 25: 16).

"The one who keeps the law is a wise son, but he who knows the spendthrifts (gluttons) will shame his father" (Prov. 28 7).

“For many of whom I have often spoken to you, and now I even speak with tears, act as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in shame, they think about earthly things” (Phil. 3:18-21).

"For there are many disobedient, empty talkers and deceivers, especially from the circumcised, which should block the mouth: they corrupt entire houses, teaching what they should not, out of shameful self-interest. Of them, one poet said: `Cretans are always liars, evil beasts lazy wombs" (Tit. 1:10-11).

“But I subdue and bring my body into subjection, lest, having preached to others, I myself should not become unworthy” (1 Corinthians 9:27).

"The true and lonely widow hopes in God and continues in supplication and prayer day and night; but the lustful woman has died alive" (1 Tim 5:5-6).

"As in the daytime, let us conduct ourselves with dignity, [indulging in] neither feasting and drunkenness, nor lust and wantonness, nor strife and envy; but put on our Lord Jesus Christ, and do not turn the cares of the flesh into lusts" (Rom. 13: 12-13).

"It is natural for a person to feel hunger. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take the food necessary to maintain life, and not according to passions and not for satiety. Sleep is also natural for a person, but not to satiety, effeminacy of the body, so that we can subdue the passions and vicious desires of the body." (Sayings of nameless elders)

"The perfect goal of restraint is to achieve not only the curbing of the body, but to become more favorable for serving spiritual needs" (St. Gregory of Nyssa).

"... Gluttony is a deception of the stomach, because even being saturated it cries out: "Not enough!", Being filled and expanding from excess, it cries out: "I want!" (Ladder).

"Ahead of all virtues is obedience, and ahead of all passions is gluttony" (Abba Isaiah the Hermit).

"Gluttony is a violation of the second commandment:" Do not make yourself an idol ... do not worship them and do not serve them. It really is idolatry "(Anthony the Great).

"Gluttony destroys everything good in a person" (Rev. Nil of Sinai).

What contributes to gluttony?

Very often people serve this vice by inventing various excuses for themselves. The Holy Fathers of the Church, as subtle psychologists and connoisseurs of human souls, have learned to see these cases and warn us about them.

The first and most common way to be captured by this dangerous passion is to attribute indulgence in food to concern for one's own health and a craven fear of possible diseases associated with abstinence. In fact, it is very rare to speak of such a categorical abstinence from food that it could pose a threat to our life and health. The Orthodox Church preaches the "royal way" - the golden mean, from which there is only benefit. Its goal is not to starve us to death, but to teach us to control everything we do. Including, to teach how to properly worry about your own body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

"Fasting is always useful for those who welcome it. For those who fast will not dare to attack evil spirits. On the contrary. The quick guards of our life - angels help those who purify their soul (and body) by fasting. (St. Basil the Great, O post 2).

The Fathers even recall such a reason for the fall as negligent, indifferent to their ministry priests, often recklessly blessing others for indulgence in fasting. Such a blessing, at first glance, may indeed look like a good deed, a deed of love, but for the soul of a person it can bring death, because it not only serves to satisfy the flesh. It also teaches people about the alleged non-obligation of fasting for the salvation of a person, and in general, gives rise to doubts about the inviolability of church requirements, rules and canons. ("Ladder" 14:11-12)

Another way of gluttony is imaginary hospitality, the desire to visit friends or receive guests for the sake of a good meal and wine. This is a very subtle passion that not everyone can notice in themselves. Especially this danger increases when the great Christian or national holidays come. It seems that on such days gluttony gets all the excuses for itself. However, there is no doubt that gluttony and the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as laziness and fornication on holidays or on any other days, are unacceptable for Christians. "Instigated by the insatiability of the stomach, he believes that the opportunity to please the guest is also for him a permission for everything" (Ibid. 14: 8)

Sometimes, the holy ascetics write, the passion of vanity wants to fight the passion of gluttony. This is when some observe a fast in order to prove to themselves and others - "How cool I am, strong in spirit, have great patience, etc." The desire to show oneself as the best fights for a person, as for a bought slave. Which is better: to observe a strict fast or to give yourself an indulgence? Overcome pride or taste food? St. Diodochus advises nevertheless to eat food, because a mournful heart will bring more benefit to the soul, reminding a Christian of his imperfection than pride about his own fasting. (Ibid 14:9)

It should also be said about the psychological causes of the passion of gluttony. The pleasure that a person receives by eating high-calorie foods can become a strong drug that can cause a person to become addicted. While eating, a person produces hormones of pleasure, which for some time can improve mood and general psychological state. Thus, food, most often in combination with alcohol and smoking, becomes a fairly simple way to ease the pain of stress or depression. Many try to "jam" their problems: lack of fulfillment in life, low self-esteem, unsuccessful family life, anxiety, negative emotions. And since the problems themselves are not solved, very soon a person will need another portion of pleasure. So a person falls into a vicious circle of passion of gluttony. In the desire to find happiness and get rid of suffering and slavish fetters, people receive another shackle. Only an experienced specialist can help in this - a priest and a psychologist, a psychotherapist. Of course, now we are talking only about the spiritual and mental causes of gluttony, leaving aside the physiological causes: various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, metabolic disorders or invasions.

Practical steps in the fight against passion

As we have repeatedly mentioned, the most effective way to overcome any passion is to develop in yourself the traits and virtues that are opposite to this passion. Thus, gluttony is overcome by abstinence and fasting. Although this vice is considered the first among other carnal passions, this does not mean at all that it is the easiest to eradicate. Vice versa. Since gluttony is the foundation of other human passions and sins, there are a number of reasons that directly or indirectly affect the development of this passion in a person and contribute to it in every possible way. Since passions are deeply rooted in human nature, in order to overcome them, efforts must be made at all levels: mental, spiritual and bodily.

In the spiritual realm. First of all, a person needs to realize and honestly acknowledge the presence of this passion in himself. The Sacraments of Repentance and Communion, as well as an active prayer and spiritual life, can become invaluable helpers in overcoming it. Looking at the sincerity of a person, the Lord will surely help him to receive spiritual and physical healing faster.

In the spiritual (psychological) sphere. There are a number of effective practices that allow a person to more consciously approach the solution of psychological problems associated with gluttony and other gastronomic abuses. Of course, the greatest result here can be achieved by consulting a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. And already together you can try existing techniques. In particular, keeping a food diary, establishing personal reasons for gluttony, working with motivation, setting goals, overcoming situations that provoke excessive eating.

in the physical realm. First of all, a medical consultation is necessary to make sure that food abuse has not yet led to irreversible changes that are life-threatening. At the same time, together with a nutritionist, you need to develop an individual diet and strictly adhere to it. And, of course, increase physical activity. A professional trainer can help you create an individual, most optimal and effective exercise schedule.

The main means to combat the addiction to gluttony is fasting and abstinence. It's good to leave the table a little hungry. The pleasure that naturally accompanies the intake of delicious food loses its character of sensuality and becomes spiritualized if one eats with prayer and feelings of gratitude to God.


And in conclusion, I will repeat the most important thing. According to the testimony of the majority of the Holy Fathers - ancient ascetics and ascetics - the subordination of the soul to carnal passions is direct evidence that the human soul has estranged from God. By themselves, appetite and desire to eat cannot have a negative connotation. They can only have spiritual states of voluptuousness (irrepressible desire for pleasure). That is why the passion for gluttony is considered by us not as an exclusively bodily vice, but as a mental and spiritual state of the fall of a person. Careful observance of the fasts established by the Church contributes to the humility of the flesh, which weakens voluptuousness and all our other passions. Why does a person sin? Through selfishness, pride, desire for the pleasure of the flesh. All this is eradicated by love for God, the fear of God, sorrow for committed sins, cutting off passions, and, undoubtedly, self-restraint and self-control. Help us in this Lord!

Archpriest Evgeny Zapletnyuk,

PhD in Theology


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Every person needs to eat food, drink water and breathe air for normal life. Have you often seen how eagerly they swallow air just like that, for their own pleasure, for no apparent reason? Probably not. But with food, the situation is completely different - people sometimes overeat, turn a natural need into a cult. These people, who eat immeasurably for their own pleasure, are great sinners - gluttons.

Signs of addiction

In total, there are seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy, one of them is gluttony. There are certain points that distinguish gluttony from the natural consumption of food:

The last point is considered the most terrible and unacceptable in Christianity.

From a religious point of view, there are clear arguments Why is gluttony considered a sin?

People who do not strictly adhere to religious prohibitions know that gluttony is an extremely unpleasant effect on the physical condition. People with big bellies live much less and are regular visitors to clinics and hospitals.

Overeating as a mental problem

It is worth noting that science rarely finds common ground with religion, but in this case they reached a consensus. Recently, there has been a lot of gluttony in the world and no one can overcome it. The international medical community has officially recognized that overeating is the root cause of many complex diseases.

Overeating Symptoms

The main symptoms of overeating, from a medical point of view:

It is noteworthy that sick people are embarrassed in public to show that they are engaged in gluttony. They prefer to retire and eat, but if someone catches them doing this, the patients will be embarrassed. Such people have a sense of guilt, they scold themselves for every bite they eat, but they do not stop.

Thoughts of the Holy Fathers

In recent times, more and more people have begun to commit this sin. For many, food has become a kind of cult: they always talk about it, add a lot of spices and spices.

As Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, says: "Gluttony is idolatry because sinners put their pleasure above everything else, for them their own womb is god, and this is nothing but an idol.

Anatoly the Great also believes that gluttons are idolaters, because the second commandment says: "Do not make yourself an idol", but in reality, many people are the strongest idols of food.

Abba Dorotheos believes that there are two varieties of gluttony. In the first case, people do not tend to eat a lot of food, but they add a lot of spices, which greatly enhance its taste. A person holds it in his mouth for a long time and chews it because of the pleasant taste, not daring to swallow it. In Orthodoxy, this kind of gluttony is called guttural insanity.

The second case of gluttony is gluttony, when people want to eat a lot. At the same time, it doesn’t really matter to them whether the food tastes good or not. They just care about filling their womb as much as possible.

Eating habits

Many of you have probably already understood how not to eat, but now you need to figure out how need to eat food so as not to become a glutton. The Holy Fathers report that:

There are quite a few people who adhere to proper nutrition. However, God forgives everyone. And if you realize that you behaved incorrectly, then all is not lost.

Ways to deal with sin

First of all, the Christian you need to understand the gravity of the sins he committed. After that, start to fight against gluttony. Need:

By following these simple rules, everyone can cope with gluttony.

As you can see, gluttony is a very terrible sin that entails endless retribution. Therefore, it is extremely important not to become a slave to your stomach, to refrain from excessive consumption of food, not to use spices for everyday food and adhere to fasting.