Tender and airy meat - it also happens if you make a soufflé out of a turkey

Hello my dear friends! :)

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

If you think that soufflé is only sweet, that it is such a dessert, then I have great news for you! It can be made with mushroom, fish, meat, and vegetables - for example, from zucchini :)

And today we will prepare one of the best options - turkey soufflé! Why is it the best? Yes, because everything is in it - as we love ...

  • Great look and amazing taste ;)
  • And, of course, low calories!

So, getting rid of extra pounds and increasing self-esteem will go according to plan. Souffle to help us ;)

By the way, I also prepared a video recipe - to the delight of everyone who asked me about it! And who did not ask - can still ask. He is waiting for you below... :)

Oh yes! It is also perfect for a baby, for baby food. A little later I will explain why ;)

But first, for inspiration, let's turn on...

Musical accompaniment

This time I suggest listening to Whitney Houston "I Have Nothing" - a very beautiful song :)

Well, shall we get down to business? :)

Let's prepare everything we need.


Is everything at hand?

Then watch the promised video! Here you will see in detail how to prepare this dish. :)

Video recipe:

I also wrote a short step-by-step recipe (what if your video won't load?).

Immediately after it, we will quickly calculate the calorie content, BJU and talk a little about different ways of cooking this dish. So...

Step by step recipe:

But don't take it out right away - if you don't want it to settle down a lot. Let it rest for a few more minutes in the oven with the door ajar.

With a little practice, you'll be making soufflé very often, with or without reason! :)

Soon I will tell you why turkey souffle for children is so good, but for now it's time to find out about its BJU and calorie content!

Let's do the math

In 100 grams of our diet food - 125.9 kcal!

  • Proteins - 13.31 gr;
  • Fat - 5.88 gr;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.29 gr;

Willpower is needed to refuse such a soufflé - but why, if it is not only tasty, but also dietary ?! :)

What goes well with such a wonderful dish? Let's get a look…

Good company

Well, of course, first of all - vegetables: fresh, stewed, baked. They are always the best side dish for meat.

Salads go great too...

  • simple ,
  • or .

Can I use other kitchen utensils to make soufflé? Of course!

A few words about other options

  • Instead of an oven, a slow cooker is perfect. In the "baking" mode, such a dish will be cooked for 50-60 minutes.

  • Soufflé is easy to make and steamed. It will take even a little less time than in a slow cooker - 40-45 minutes. And it will turn out even more tender, and more suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems or for young children.

By the way, speaking of children!

Let's take care of the kids

In the children's menu, soufflé is always a welcome guest. :)

Why? Yes, because it is a very tender, airy dish. It is tough even for those who do not have so many teeth yet. :)

And also, let me remind you, turkey is not just dietary meat. It contains tryptophan, which normalizes sleep, and tyrosine, which is responsible for brain function, as well as a lot of vitamins and trace elements.

How can you not want to give children such a darkness of useful substances :)

Do you have any favorite soufflé recipes?

If there are, please write to me about them! I want to know as much as possible about this wonderful dish!

If not, then take my recipe into service! I bet you won't be disappointed! And when you try it, don't forget to share your experience in the comments. :)

Good mood and health to you!

5 weight loss myths Get free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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P.S. Do you want to lose weight effectively, without bad mood and damage to health?

There is one such method. It is to eat. There are tasty, healthy dishes :)

From the moment we started eating meat (about 8 months), steamed turkey puree was regularly on the table. So I decided to diversify, I found an interesting recipe - steamed turkey soufflé, also very fast, and it turns out beautifully ... if you take interesting molds, you can interest any little kid;)) ... who is interested - I share))


Turkey fillet - 100g.

Chicken egg - 1 pc.

White bread - 1 slice

Milk - ¼ cup

Salt - a pinch

Butter for greasing molds

(Enough for 2-3 servings)


Finely chop the turkey meat, add milk, white bread (without crust) and grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Divide the egg into yolk and protein, mix the yolk with a spoon into the mass, and beat the protein separately with a pinch of salt into a strong foam and also add to the puree.

Grease the molds with butter and spread the puree.

I cooked in a slow cooker on a wire rack in the "Steam" mode for 40 minutes, but I think it will be the same in a double boiler))

Served with pumpkin puree, photos attached))

Before cooking:


Well, the finished portion (then the truth crushed the turkey with a fork and mixed it with pumpkin), ate it with pleasure))

Bon appetit!))

Girls, what else do you make from turkey for kids?

Who said that dieting is unappetizing and boring? And if the hostess herself is on a diet? Then it may turn out that the households eating from the “common table” will quickly run away to the “diet”. Just imagine: a slightly soaring, in the form of an elegant cupcake, a dish. Delicate, like an omelet, fragrant with light spices... Not only is turkey soufflé easy to digest, it can be adjusted to any calorie content with the help of additional ingredients. You can use a combination of vegetables to make a simple tasty dish or make it suitable for people with weak digestion.

Turkey Soufflé - General Cooking Principles

The main component of the dish is turkey. It is better to use chicken breast fillets, such meat is less high-calorie and more tender. The fillet is chopped several times in a meat grinder or chopped into minced meat with a blender, after which other products are added.

Delicate soufflé is impossible to cook without eggs. They are added raw to minced meat. A whole egg is laid extremely rarely, almost always the meat mass is first combined with the yolks. Proteins are introduced last, when all other components have already been added. They are thoroughly beaten to a strong foam, which is then gently mixed with the soufflé mass. Protein foam must be introduced correctly, making movements with a spatula from the bottom up, the airiness of the finished dish depends on this.

To improve the taste in minced meat, before introducing proteins, you can put boiled mushrooms, cottage cheese, processed cheese, vegetables. Products, as well as meat, are twisted several times in a meat grinder or interrupted with a blender.

Turkey soufflé is best prepared in silicone molds. Such containers do not need to be lubricated with oil, which is a big plus in the preparation of dietary dishes. In addition, the flexible material from which the molds are made makes it easy to remove the finished soufflé without damaging its delicate structure.

The soufflé is steamed or baked. When baking, the molds are placed only in a preheated oven. The optimum temperature corresponds to 180 degrees if it is a gas oven, and 200 degrees in an electric one. For steaming, you can use a slow cooker or a regular double boiler.

The classic recipe for the most delicate turkey soufflé


Turkey breast (fillet) - 600 gr.;

One egg;

Two tablespoons of wheat, high-grade flour;

250 ml liquid medium-fat cream;

Two peas of allspice.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the turkey fillet well and rinse with cold water, cut into pieces and twist twice in a meat grinder using a fine grill. Season the minced meat with pepper, salt, mix well and soak for up to ten minutes.

2. In the cream, add the yolk separated from the proteins, flour and, carefully breaking the flour lumps with a whisk, beat. Stir the prepared mixture into the minced meat.

3. In a separate container, beat the protein with a small pinch of fine salt. Beat until you get a dense foam. Then, gently, using a spatula from top to bottom, fold the egg whites into the ground turkey.

4. Put the meat mass in a mold, pour cream or melted butter on top before sending it to the oven. After about forty minutes of baking at 200 degrees, the most delicate soufflé will be ready.

Steam souffle from turkey with pumpkin in a slow cooker


Fresh turkey fillet - 400 gr.;

A tablespoon of semolina;

200 gr. fresh pumpkin;

Three eggs;

160 ml low-fat store milk;

Butter 82% butter - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the pumpkin, removing the peel and all the seeds, leaving only the hard pulp.

2. Rinse the turkey meat in cold water, cut it into small pieces.

3. Grind pumpkin pulp in the same way and combine both products in a blender bowl. Grind everything with the device, using the turbo mode, to a puree state.

4. Add butter, softened butter, add semolina and go through the blender again.

5. Break the egg into the meat mass, pour in the milk, add a little salt and beat again, but with a mixer or a whisk.

6. Line a steaming container with double-folded gauze, and transfer the prepared mixture into it.

7. Fill the cooking bowl one-third full with hot water, place a filled steam container on it.

8. Start the multicooker in the "Steam" mode by setting the timer to 40 minutes.

9. Let the finished dish stand for a while so that it grabs a little. Then carefully remove from the container, cut into pieces and serve.

Recipe for a turkey soufflé with champignons for a slow cooker


Two medium carrots;

Half a kilo of fresh champignons;

800 gr. turkey meat;

Two eggs;

Two heads of bitter onions;

Salt and spices;

200 ml liquid cream 20% fat (you can use unskimmed homemade milk).

Cooking method:

1. Peel onions and carrots. Rinse the vegetables with water, cut into pieces.

2. Rinse the mushrooms and boil until tender, cutting large mushrooms into pieces. Then fold in a colander, dry.

3. Having installed a fine grate in the meat grinder, grind the turkey twice through it. After the meat, twist the prepared vegetables and boiled mushrooms.

4. Mix the minced meat with the vegetable mass. Add cream (milk), break the eggs, season with spices and salt to your liking, mix.

5. To make the cooked mass more homogeneous and fluffy, beat it well with a blender.

6. Thinly cover the bottom and walls of the cooking bowl with butter and carefully transfer the lush meat mass into it.

7. Close the lid of the appliance, set the baking mode to 40 minutes and turn it on.

8. Do not take out the finished souffle immediately, let it cool down a bit.

Recipe for a tender turkey soufflé with melted cheese for the oven


Half a kilo of fresh turkey meat;

Two processed cheeses;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Sweet creamy soft butter - 1 tbsp. l.;

One third of a glass of starch;


Breadcrumbs white breadcrumbs.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the washed, sliced ​​turkey meat a couple of times in a meat grinder or beat well with a blender.

2. On a fine grater, chop the garlic and melted cheese. If the curds are rubbed badly, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes, then grate.

3. Separate the squirrels from the yolks, pour them into a separate bowl, and mix the yolks with the minced meat.

4. Add chopped garlic and melted cheese to the minced meat, add starch. Lightly salt, season with spices that you choose to your liking. You can just sprinkle with ground pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

5. Whip the whites into a strong foam. Mix half with a spoon with the soufflé mass, and gently fold the rest into it. In order not to disturb the airiness of the protein foam, enter carefully, stirring the meat mass from the bottom up.

6. Moisten the bottom and walls of the mold a little by rubbing with oil, and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

7. Gently transfer the souffle mass into the form prepared in this way, level its surface with a knife. Top with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

8. Cook the soufflé at 180 degrees without opening the oven for about 40 minutes.

How to cook a healthy diet turkey soufflé for a baby


One quail egg;

100 gr. fresh turkey fillet (breast);

A quarter glass of milk;

A teaspoon of semolina (groats);

A small piece of pumpkin pulp - 50 gr.;

A teaspoon of quality butter.

Cooking method:

1. Separated from the seeds and peel, cut the dense pumpkin pulp and the washed turkey meat into pieces. Collect all prepared products in a blender bowl, then carefully grind into a puree.

2. Add semolina and a small piece of soft butter to the resulting meat mass, beat again.

3. Pour in the milk, salt a little, break the quail egg and beat again with a mixer.

4. Lubricate a small silicone mold with butter and put the prepared soufflé mass into it.

5. Place the filled container in the steam container of the slow cooker or steamer and steam for at least 30 minutes.

Turkey soufflé


Low-fat elastic cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

Two eggs;

100 gr. stale loaf;

Turkey meat - 600 gr.;

40 gr. "Russian" cheese;

A quarter cup of pasteurized milk;

Creamy "Farmer" butter - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the peels from the loaf, fill the pulp with cool milk. After 10 minutes, remove and squeeze, but not hard, a little liquid should remain.

2. Combine the double-twisted turkey with cottage cheese, add the crumb soaked in milk and grind again with a meat grinder with a fine grate.

3. Enter the yolks, add two tablespoons of soft butter, add a little salt and mix. Minced meat can be lightly peppered or seasoned with your favorite spices.

4. Beat the chilled egg whites to stiff peaks and carefully fold them into the soufflé mixture.

5. Slightly grease the bottom and walls of small molds with butter and spread the prepared mixture over them. You can take one large form. The souffle does not rise, so it is advisable to fill the forms to the top.

6. Sprinkle the surface of the soufflé with coarsely grated cheese, and bake at 180 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes.

Turkey Soufflé - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

A turkey soufflé won't be fluffy if the egg whites are not beaten well. It is better to beat them chilled, with a small pinch of fine salt. If there is even a small amount of yolk in the proteins, they will not whip.

When preparing a non-dietary dish, add a little butter to the meat mass - it will be juicier.

Almost any vegetable is added to the turkey pulp soufflé. It can be broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cauliflower, pumpkin. It is better to cook such a dish in puff, it will look more appetizing.

For flavor, you can put some spices or fresh herbs in the minced meat, and garlic will not hurt either.

Ready souffle is desirable to serve immediately. As it cools, it usually settles.

Children's food requires special attention when cooking. After all, the baby's body is not always able to perceive the food that adults eat.

Dishes prepared in the form of a soufflé are the most preferable for a child, especially for the little ones. There is a huge variety of products that are suitable for preparing this delicacy.

Usually this includes various dietary meats, vegetables, fruits and even sweet berries. But the most relevant souffle for meat and fish dishes, because kids are not always happy to eat them. One of the main advantages is simplicity and the fact that even adults, especially gourmets, can eat soufflé.

Turkey soufflé is the best option for a meat dish for a child. In addition to the fact that it turns out to be very tasty, it cooks extremely quickly, and it looks very attractive in a plate or cocotte maker. You can cook in different ways: in the oven, in a slow cooker or even steamed.

The classic way to make soufflé

Information: Cooking time - 50 minutes; Calorie content - 212 kcal; Type of dish - baby food, snacks; The number of servings - 6 pieces; The cuisine is Russian.


  • Turkey fillet - 300 grams
  • Milk - two thirds of a glass
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces
  • Salt - to taste
  • White bread (loaf) - 2 slices
  • Butter
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece
  • Broccoli - 100 grams

Cooking progress:

Cooking healthy meat soufflé

How to make a dish in the oven?

You can use the previous recipe, or try variations of it. For example, replace milk with fatter cream, add other vegetables, such as green beans (also preferably chopped in a blender) or green peas.

You can also exclude bread pulp from the ingredients. The main condition for the soufflé to be juicy and suitable for baby food is to add a little water to the baking sheet.

So it will turn out impromptu steamer. The souffle will be tender, airy and very light. Preheat the oven to no more than 220 degrees and bake for half an hour.

The most delicate turkey soufflé in a slow cooker

As a variation, we offer you a slightly different option.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of turkey meat
  • Two quail eggs
  • One medium bulb
  • Some greens (to taste)
  • A glass of full fat milk
  • a pinch of flour
  • Salt to taste
  • one carrot

Cooking progress:

Video recipe for a gentle soufflé for children

How to cook a meat dinner for a child for a couple?

An excellent option would be to cook a soufflé for a child in a double boiler. If you have it, it will greatly facilitate and diversify the children's menu.

  • Take: 200 grams of meat (turkey can be replaced with rabbit or chicken meat), 30 milliliters of heavy cream, fresh herbs (in this case, spinach), one quail egg and salt to taste.
  • Preparing everything is also simple: the meat needs to be washed, scalded and ground until puree, wash the greens and finely chop, add to the meat. There will also send heavy cream and an egg. Whisk everything well and season with a little salt.
  • Put everything in a large silicone mold and put in a container - a double boiler. Add water to the indicated mark and turn on the steamer for 30 minutes. Serve warm soufflé.

Cooking Tips:

  • Try not to open the oven doors, the lid of the multicooker, so that the souffle turns out to be more magnificent and airy.
  • Use only the most fresh meat for preparing children's meals
  • Beat egg whites to stiff peaks
  • Fill the form not to the very edge, leaving room for the soufflé to rise slightly.
  • Serve the soufflé not too hot so that the child cannot burn himself.

What sauces are suitable for turkey soufflé?

One of the most common sauce options is to mix flour, butter and a little milk.

The mass must be brought to a homogeneous state, lightly salted and served in a separate bowl or immediately pour over the soufflé. In addition, ordinary sour cream can be used as a sauce.

Another version of the sauce that is suitable for baby food: take two glasses of milk and two tablespoons of starch, which must first be diluted in cold milk. Boil it the way you would cook jelly. Cool slightly and serve to any children's meal. You can optionally add boiled vegetables or herbs to it.

Soufflé is served as a main course for children, but can also be used as an appetizer on the adult menu. The dish turns out to be very satisfying and tasty, and the younger flaxes of your family will definitely like it. Make yourself and your family happy! Bon appetit!

Today we will tell you how to cook a turkey soufflé for a child. This wonderful diet dish can be offered to the baby after meat supplements have been introduced.

Turkey soufflé for kids

If you are the proud owner of a multicooker, then you can easily prepare healthy meals for your kids. To make a turkey souffle for a child, you will need the following products:

  • Turkey fillet - 100 grams.
  • Chicken egg - one piece.
  • White bread - one small piece.
  • Cow's milk - a quarter cup.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Butter - 15 grams.

Turkey soufflé for children in a slow cooker is prepared as follows:

  • Wash the meat well, and then cut it with a knife into small pieces.
  • Transfer them to the blender bowl, send the bread there and fill the products with milk.
  • Grind the products, add the yolk and mix everything.
  • Whip the protein into a high foam, and then add it to the meat.
  • Grease silicone molds with oil and fill them with minced meat.
  • Set the mode to "Steam" and place the molds on the steamer grate.

Cook the dish for 40 minutes and serve it to the table with boiled vegetables.

Turkey soufflé for children in the oven

Dietary meat is a source of protein, which is so necessary for a growing body. Therefore, we offer you a simple recipe for a delicious and healthy dish. Take for him:

  • 100 grams of meat (turkey breast).
  • One chicken egg.
  • Half a glass of milk.
  • A tablespoon of butter.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • Salt.

How to cook turkey soufflé for a child? The recipe is very simple:

  • Cut the fillet into pieces, boil it until tender, and then chop it with a blender.
  • Fry flour in butter. As soon as the product begins to change color, add milk to the pan. Boil the sauce for five minutes, stirring constantly.
  • In a separate bowl, combine meat, sauce, one egg yolk and remaining butter.
  • Beat the protein with salt and combine it with minced meat.
  • Pour the resulting mass into small silicone baking dishes.

Preheat the oven and cook the soufflé in it until done.

Soufflé with carrots

Turkey meat is very soft, it is perfectly digestible and contains many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is recommended to give it to children from a very young age. To prepare a delicious poultry soufflé, you should stock up on the following products:

  • Turkey fillet - 100 grams.
  • An egg is one thing.
  • Milk - a third of a glass.
  • Carrots are one thing.
  • Half an onion.
  • Grated cheese - two tablespoons.

Turkey soufflé for a child is prepared as follows:

  • Boil the fillet, and then cut it into pieces and chop finely with a blender.
  • Peel onions and carrots, chop and fry in a pan until golden brown.
  • Combine prepared foods and chicken yolk.
  • Beat the protein and mix with minced meat.
  • Transfer the future soufflé to a mold greased with butter.

Bake the dish for half an hour, and at the very end (about five minutes before cooking), sprinkle it with grated cheese.

Delicate soufflé

This dish can be included in the menu of children of middle and older preschool age.


  • Turkey - 300 grams.
  • Soy sauce - two tablespoons.
  • Sweet paprika - half a teaspoon.
  • Fatty sour cream - one tablespoon.
  • Chicken egg - one piece.
  • Butter - one tablespoon.
  • Flour - one teaspoon.

To make a turkey soufflé for a child, use the following recipe:

  • Pass the fillet through the meat grinder twice.
  • Combine minced meat with sour cream, soy sauce and paprika. Salt may not be added.
  • Mix the products by adding egg yolk to them.
  • Beat the white of one egg in a high foam with a pinch of salt.
  • Gently introduce the fluffy mass into the minced meat.
  • Lubricate the ceramic molds from the inside with oil and lay out the meat mass. Put the pieces of butter on top of it.

Put the molds in a preheated oven and cook the dish for about half an hour.

Broccoli and turkey soufflé

A delicious and healthy dish that will fit perfectly into your baby's menu.

Required products:

  • Minced turkey fillet - 300 grams.
  • Egg - three pieces.
  • Cream - 50 ml.
  • Frozen or fresh broccoli - 500 grams.
  • Salt and black pepper.
  • A pinch of nutmeg.
  • A little butter (for greasing the mold).


  • Chop fresh or thawed broccoli and combine it with minced meat.
  • Add the yolks to the meat, and beat the whites into a thick foam.
  • Add cream and egg whites to minced meat.
  • Lubricate the form with oil and put the minced meat in it.

Cook the dish in a preheated oven for 45 minutes. When the soufflé has cooled, cut it into squares and garnish with frozen cranberries.

Turkey breast soufflé pie

Juicy and tender dish can be eaten both hot and cold.

List of required products:

  • 800 grams of fillet.
  • Two bulbs.
  • Two eggs.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • Four tablespoons of semolina.
  • Salt, herbs and spices to taste.
  • Prepare minced meat.
  • Chop greens and onions.
  • Mix the products, add semolina, milk, eggs, salt and spices to them.
  • Transfer the minced meat to a mold and grease its surface with sour cream.

Bake the dish for half an hour in a preheated oven.