Compilation what you need! Take away and choose the way of salting!

Method number 1

The most elementary way of salting fat.

We cut the lard into pieces the size of a fist, clean the garlic in advance at the rate of 1 clove per 1 piece of lard.

We cut this garlic into rounds. We prepare spices - suneli hops, pepper, ground dill seeds or any other that you like.

Pour some seasonings, pepper and garlic on the bottom of an enameled pan.

Then we take a piece of bacon in the left hand, in the right handful of coarse salt and rub a piece of bacon with this salt over the pan.

After that, we put the fat in the pan with the skin down and repeat the operation with another piece of fat, sprinkling everything with spices and garlic. Don't be sorry for the salt!

Then we tamp the fat a little in a bowl, cover it with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, put a small oppression on top (for example, a 3-liter jar of water) - and in a warm place for 3-4 days.

After that, the fat is almost ready - it remains only to pull it out of the bowl, shake off the juice, wrap it in a cotton cloth and put it in the refrigerator.

As soon as it freezes, you can enjoy the unique taste.

Method number 2

Dry salting.

For 1 kg of fat, 2-3 heads of garlic, seasonings (coriander, ground red pepper, cumin, garlic, basil, paprika, bay leaf, thyme), salt will be required.

We cut the bacon into pieces 10x15 cm in size, we make deep cuts in them every 3-5 cm (up to the very skin).

We stuff the lard with garlic, rub it with a mixture of seasonings, roll it in salt and tightly lay it in layers in an enameled bowl, generously sprinkling each layer with salt (remember that you can’t spoil the lard with salt).

Let's put it in a cool place now - and after 5 days the fat will be ready.

Method number 3

Wet salting

Salting lard in brine with onion skins is a very old way. So not only our grandmothers salted lard, but, perhaps, great-great-grandmothers as well.

Lard is best taken with meat layers, such as brisket, as this light welding is the optimal processing for meat.

In a saline solution (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 1 liter of water), boil the onion peel and seasonings.

Then we reduce the heat, put the lard cut into pieces 10 × 15 cm in size into the brine, and cook for 1.5-2 hours.

We take out the pieces, let them cool slightly and rub with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and seasonings.

Wrap in a cloth and leave for a day at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator.

Here are a few more ways to salt lard in onion skins. With this method of salting, lard tastes like smoked.

Method number 4

For 2 liters of water you will need a handful of onion peels and 3 tbsp. spoons of salt. Boil the brine, strain.

Put lard (about 2 kg) into this brine, boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave lard in brine for 8-12 hours.

After this time, remove the fat from the brine, rub generously with garlic and black pepper.

Wrap in parchment paper and refrigerate for a day or two. Ready.

If you've done a lot, don't worry. Such fat is stored in the freezer for a long time.

Method number 5

For 1-1.5 kg of brisket or lard, 1 small head of garlic is required.

For the brine: 1 liter of water, ½ cup of coarse salt, 1 handful of onion peel (from 5-7 onions), if desired, 3 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns.

Put all the spices, along with salt and onion peel, into a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, put the fat so that it is covered with brine, boil for 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave in the brine for a day. After the brine has cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator.

Then remove the fat from the brine and let it lie in a plate for 15 minutes to drain the excess brine. Squeeze the garlic through a press and coat the fat with it on all sides.

Remove the fat in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer.

Method number 6

Buy fresh fat. Make cuts to the skin, salt coarsely with coarse salt and put in a wide bowl, put oppression on top (you can also use a wide bowl of water or a saucepan).

After a day, put all the fat and salt into a saucepan, pour water one or two fingers above the fat.

Add all sorts of spices (whatever you like), bay leaf and be sure to have more onion peel (it is she who will subsequently give the original color, taste and smell).

All this is cooked for an hour. Then let the contents cool to room temperature.

Salo is removed from the pan, stuffed (rubbed with crushed) garlic, peppered (ground red, black pepper) to taste.

It is wrapped in tracing paper (parchment paper, foil), rewound with an ordinary thread so that the tracing paper does not unwind, and put in the freezer.

A day later, the fat is ready for use.

Method number 7

Sharp fat.

This recipe is for those who are not averse to indulging in spicy. For the brine, you will need 7 glasses of water, 1 glass of coarse salt, a handful of onion peels.

Bring all this to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Then put pieces of fat in the brine (so that the water completely covers them).

Boil for 10-20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, if young - 10). Leave overnight in brine.

After that, remove the fat from the brine, let the water drain. Rub with garlic and red pepper.

Put in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (this way it turns out tastier).

Method number 8

It will take 1 kg of fat, 400 g of salt, onion peel, ground red pepper, garlic and other spices to taste.

Prepare a saline solution (for 1 liter of boiled water - 400 grams of salt). Add a handful of onion peel to the solution.

Soak 1 kilogram of raw fat (it can be salted in one piece or cut into small pieces) in saline for 12 hours. The fat should be covered with a solution.

After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes (no more). Let the lard cool in the brine.

Grate the cooled fat with salt (a small amount), garlic and ground red pepper. Give the fat soaked in spices - and it is ready to eat.

Method number 9

Salo in brine brine.

Fat prepared in this way does not age, does not turn yellow and is stored for a long time, while maintaining excellent taste.

To salt 2 kg of fat, prepare a brine: 5 glasses of water will require 1 glass of salt. Boil the brine, cool to room temperature.

In the meantime, cut the fat into small pieces (to make it convenient to get it out) and put it loosely in a 3-liter jar, adding between the layers 3-5 bay leaves, black peppercorns, 5-8 cloves of garlic.

Fill with brine, cover loosely with a lid. We will keep it in the room for a week (it will already be ready for use), then we will take it out to the cold.

Typically, such a container (3-liter jar) goes no more than 2 kg of fat. The main thing is not to put the pieces very tightly in the jar, otherwise the fat will simply “suffocate”.

Method number 10

Salo with garlic

We take fresh fat with a soft skin, it is even better if it is with meat streaks. We cut it into pieces 5x10 cm in size. Generously rub with salt.

Place tightly in one layer in an enamel bowl. 5-7 large cloves of garlic cut into slices (not too small).

Sprinkle so that the fat is evenly processed. Sprinkle with ground black allspice (1 teaspoon is required per layer).

Then we lay, if necessary, a second layer, etc., depending on the amount of fat that we salt.

We cover the dishes with a plate that fits snugly into the pan (as if under oppression). And leave alone at room temperature for about 2 days.

On the second day, you can already smell it! But it's better to stay another day. Then we take out the fat from the pan. Pieces of lard are wrapped separately in paper.

We leave the garlic, which was in the pan along with the lard, with it. It is better to store pieces of fat wrapped in a canvas or plastic bag in the freezer.

Method number 11

Water is boiled with bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill and salt. Salt is taken in such an amount that a raw egg or potato placed in a solution does not sink.

Grated garlic and lard, cut into bars 4 cm wide and 20-25 cm long, are lowered into the cooled brine. The product is ready for use in about a week.

Before use, the fat is removed from the brine, dried with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

With this method of salting, lard retains a “fresh” taste throughout the entire storage period.

Enjoy your meal!

Salo is such an interesting product that it is salted in all sorts of ways, as they say, whoever is what. It is salted in onion peel, in brine, in a cold way, in a hot way. It is boiled and it turns out boiled-salty, and the lard is also salted in a dry way.

Separately, I would like to dwell on salting lard in a dry way.

Coarsely ground pickling salt (No. 1 or No. 2) is suitable for salting lard in a dry way. It is this salt that will cope well with the moisture that needs to be “pulled out” from the fat. Never use iodized or extra salt.

The most classic way of dry salting is to simply sprinkle lard with salt. But it's too easy. Salo is in good contact with almost any spice. Therefore, why not add some color and flavor to our appetizer.

And if you are completely new to cooking and do not understand spices, then go to the market, there is such an abundance of these herbs that your head is spinning. Ask the seller and he will give you exactly those that are ideal for fat.

When choosing fat, there are also some nuances. Without understanding the fat, you can buy, for example, a piece of fat that will not be possible to eat. Of course, such a piece can be salted and you can eat it, but it will not bring you pleasure, you will chew it like chewing gum. While the right fat will melt in your mouth.

In the right fat, the skin should be soft and easily torn off. Smooth and even in appearance, but elastic to the touch. Of course, a layer on fat is welcome. Something like this for me:

And here is such a section of fat, it will just be like rubber. Try not to buy such pieces for salting. You see, they are kind of loose.

Let's look at the most common option for salting lard in a dry way ...

Salt bacon in a dry way at home - a recipe with garlic and pepper

As I said, take non-iodized salt. Dry salting implies the presence of a lot of salt, so you won’t get off with one pack. Take two or even three, it will not be superfluous.

So, what else do we need for salting?

1. A good piece of fat

2. Seasonings for salting

5. Ground black pepper.

First of all, when you come home from the market with a piece of fat, you need to wash it. But it makes no sense to simply wash it, you need to scrape it with a knife under running water. It is necessary to wash so that the skin is without a single speck. You will see how much dirt remains on the knife. And imagine all this dirt would get into your body. So don't be lazy and wash thoroughly.

Then we cut the fat into portioned pieces, which you will salt. I advise you to cut into small pieces so that a piece is eaten in one or two times.

Let's take salt.

Pour all the salt into a bowl or into any deep saucepan, I have 2 kg. and all spices. We mix.

Now this spicy salt can be used in the preparation of certain dishes, such as broths. So you can stock up a little!

The curing mixture is ready.

It is best to take glass or enameled dishes for salting. At worst, a food, plastic container will do.

We pour our salt into it to hide the bottom, about 1 cm thick.

Next, we rub our pieces of lard with grated or crushed through a garlic press, with garlic on all sides. You can additionally stuff the lard with garlic. Therefore, I cannot say exactly how much garlic is needed for the recipe. But I say for sure that you won’t spoil the fat with garlic!

On top of the garlic, sprinkle curing salt (mixture) and put in a prepared container. We do the same with all the rest of the fat. Sprinkle the remaining salt on all our pieces so that it completely covers the fat.

And now everyone has the same question...

How many days to salt lard in a dry way

Everything is very simple here. Remember or write down. When the fat was covered with salt, cover with a lid and salt, at room temperature, 4 (four) days !!!

If you can’t stand it anymore, then you can try it in four days. But I recommend keeping it for another 3 or 4 days, but already in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

So, the week has flown by, we take out the fat and scrape off all the salt. She did her job and we don't need her anymore.

Here's what we have:

Pay attention to the layer of meat, it seems to be dried. Now, if you have just such a color, then the fat is completely salted and ready for use. And if the meat is red, then hold it in salt. But a week is usually enough to salt any amount of fat.

Then spread the fat into bags and store in the freezer. But as a rule, it is not stored for a long time))).

If you have not tried this method of salting, I definitely recommend it. Salo is very tender, soft and very fragrant.

If spices confuse you, then just take salt, garlic and black pepper. It will be delicious too.

Pork fat ... Cool, tender, fragrant, homemade, with pepper and melts in your mouth. Salting fat - has long been considered a necessary and important matter. The phenomenon of lard has long interested scientists. It would seem that fat is almost 100% fat, a huge amount of cholesterol. But there is no harm from it with moderate consumption, one benefit. The secret of fat turned out to be in arachidonic acid. This acid is involved in the body's cholesterol metabolism, hormonal and cellular activity. And this acid is found only in fat. Therefore, cholesterol in fat is “correct”, it is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Salted bacon can be carried out in a variety of ways: the “wet” method (in brine), the “dry” method (just with spices), and the “hot” method (first, the lard is scalded in boiling water).

How to choose

You will succeed in salting lard only if you choose the lard correctly. Good, not stringy fat is very easy to choose. Firstly, such fat looks quite homogeneous, a solid white-pink-white mass, with a thin pork skin. Secondly, good fat is easy, a sharp knife enters almost effortlessly. If the knife enters in jerks, this means that there are a lot of veins in the fat and you will not be able to salt the fat.

So, salting fat in a “dry” way:

You will need: Coarsely ground rock salt, ground red or black pepper, allspice, bay leaf, dried fragrant herbs - marjoram, cumin, cardamom, etc.; garlic.

Salted lard is made using such a dry mixture: for 1 kilogram of lard we take 4 tablespoons of coarse salt, add half a spoonful of ground red pepper or a tablespoon of ground black pepper. Fragrant herbs are added to the salt. Salting fat is an individual matter, because everyone can choose herbs at their own discretion.

If the fat is thicker than 5-6 cm, then it must be cut into layers, if it is thinner, you can simply take it in one piece. You will be able to salt the fat if the thickness of the layers is at least 4-5 centimeters. If you like lard with garlic flavor, then stuff each layer of lard with slices of garlic. But salting lard with garlic has one drawback - such lard is stored somewhat less than lard without additives, keep this in mind!

Part of the pickling mixture is poured onto the bottom of the dishes, a little peppercorns and a couple of chopped bay leaves are added. One layer of bacon is laid there, sprinkled with a mixture of pepper and bay leaf, then the next layer is laid and so on.

If you salt thin bacon, then put the first layer with the skin down, and the second - with the skin up, the third - again with the skin down, etc. Those. salting lard is done as follows: lard to lard, skin to skin. On the first day, salting of fat is carried out at room temperature. And the next 3-5 days - in the cool, but not in the cold. After this, the salting of the fat is completed, it can already be eaten. Store such fat wrapped in parchment paper in the refrigerator.

Salting fat in a "hot" way

For hot salting, take a thick soft piece of white-pink fat, about 3 centimeters thick. Then cut it into pieces of such a size that they can easily fit into the pan in which we will cook them. If the pieces are not well covered with water, then you will not be able to salt the fat evenly.

Hot salting of fat will require:
1 kg of fat, 1.5 liters of water, one glass of coarse salt, one head of garlic, 15 crushed black peppercorns, 5 bay leaves, one teaspoon of spicy adjika, liquid smoke 6 and 100 grams of onion peel.

The skin of fat should be carefully scraped off with a knife until white. You will succeed in hot salting only if you prepare the brine correctly: add salt, bay leaf, adjika, pepper to boiling water. As soon as the water boils again - add liquid smoke - without it, hot salting of fat will not work.
We put pieces of bacon in the boiling brine and when the water boils again, reduce the heat and cook for about 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat, and set the pan to cool in a warm place for 12 hours.
Then we take out the fat, dry it, rub it with paprika and garlic. Now we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - that's it, the salting of the fat is completed, you can start eating!
Salting fat in a "wet" way

Salting fat in a "wet" way in brine can be carried out according to various recipes. Salo prepared in the “wet” way does not age or turn yellow for a long time, while maintaining excellent taste.

For example, salting lard in a “wet” way in “Ukrainian” brine:

Prepare the brine: take 5 cups of water, 1 cup coarsely ground salt, boil together, then cool to room temperature. At this time, we cut the fat into small pieces, so that later it would be convenient to get them out and put them loosely in a three-liter jar.

If you cut the fat too large, then all your salting of the fat will be overshadowed by the fact that you will get it out of the jar with great difficulty, and the fat will simply “suffocate” there. Between the layers, add 4 bay leaves, black peas, 5 cloves of garlic and pour all this with brine.

Then cover the jar loosely with a lid. Soak for a week at room temperature - that's all, the salting of the fat is completed! Usually a three-liter jar goes about two kilograms of fat.

Salting fat in the "wet" way in the brine "spicy".
And this recipe is the best fit for those who are not averse to indulging in spicy. Salted bacon goes like this: Take 7 cups of water and one glass of coarsely ground salt, add a handful of onion peel there, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Then we put the fat there (the water should completely cover it) and boil it for 10-20 minutes, depending on how old the pig was. Then we leave the fat for a day in the cooling brine. After that, rub it with red pepper and garlic and put it in the freezer. What is good about salting lard in this way is that the resulting lard comes out spicy and goes great as an appetizer for alcohol!

Salo in brine brine.

1.7 cups of water - 1 cup of table salt, boil for 10 minutes, cool to room temperature, small pieces of bacon and place loosely in a jar, add 3-5 bay leaves between layers, black peppercorns, a few cloves of garlic and pour brine on your finger above a layer of fat, cover loosely with a lid. Week to keep in a room in the dark, then in the refrigerator. Do not pack tightly in a jar, otherwise the fat will “suffocate”. Fat prepared according to this recipe does not age, does not turn yellow and is stored for a long time, while maintaining excellent taste.

Sharp fat.

4.23 pints of water, 1 cup coarse salt, a handful of onion skins, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes. Then put the lard there (the water should cover the lard!!). Boil for 10-20 minutes (if pork from a supermarket - 20 minutes, if young and market - 10). Leave overnight in brine. Remove from brine, let drain. Rub with garlic and red pepper. Put in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (it tastes better). Wait a week before tasting.

Express - fat.

Fat (cut to the size of a sandwich), salt, garlic and other ingredients to taste are put into a glass jar. Pour boiling water, close the lid and cool. After a couple of hours, it's ready. Leftovers, if available, refrigerate for a week. This recipe, as you know, is a last resort.

Classic fat.

Sprinkle pieces of bacon 300 grams each with plenty of salt and leave in the cold and in the dark for two days. After two days, dip the onion peel and lard (do not shake off the salt from it) into boiling water. *) Add 5-6 pcs. bay leaf, peppercorns, 1 teaspoon of black pepper and 2 grams of red, salt and grated garlic (2-3 heads). Cook for 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling. Allow to cool, peel, then - in a plastic bag - and in the freezer. Salo is ready in a couple of days.

Salo is easy!

Salo is cut into fist-sized pieces, garlic at the rate of 1 clove per 1 piece of bacon and this garlic is cut into thin slices. Suneli hops, pepper, ground dill (dry), etc. - to taste. A large saucepan is taken for lard. A little spices, pepper and garlic are poured into the bottom of the pan. Next, we rub our fat with a mixture of salt and pepper with other seasonings. After that, we put the fat in the pan with the skin down and repeat the operation with another piece of fat, sprinkling the whole thing with spices and garlic. Salt can not be saved ... When the lard is depleted, it should be tamped a little in a bowl, covered with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, on top - a small spout - for example, a 3-liter jar of water), and at room temperature for 1-2 days without access to light. After that, the fat is almost ready - it remains to pull it out of the pan, shake off the juice, wrap it in a cotton cloth and put it in the refrigerator for several days. If the guests arrive earlier, then, really, this is also not a problem. An hour in the freezer and that's it! That's the whole recipe!

Salty fat.

We prepare the brine - 1 cup of salt per liter of boiling water, if there is enough salt - a popular sign - a raw egg does not sink. We cool our brine. Add spices to your taste. We keep small pieces of fat in brine for 2 or 3 days. Further, to increase the shelf life and, just like that, just in case, boil our blanks for 25-30 minutes. You can make holes with a knife and insert pieces of garlic. We rub with black or red pepper, suneli hops, etc. We put our pieces in a plastic bag. Enjoy your meal!

Salt lard in a jar.

Cut the lard into small cubes about 4 x 4 cm along with the skin. Grate the garlic on a fine grater and dilute with a little water. Dip each piece of bacon on all sides in grated garlic. Next, grate with salt of the 6th grinding, put it very tightly in a clean, dry jar and put it in the refrigerator. Done in a week.

Salo marinated for long-term storage.

Harvested lard, that is, cut into large pieces, scalded and with weathering removed (just scrape with a knife if you have market lard), put in a prepared bowl and pour strong (at the rate of one kilogram of salt per five liters of water), which has already cooled down after boiling brine. We change the brine after three days. And we lovingly shift the pieces of lard. On the sixth day, we change the brine again, shift the fat again and add salt. Day nine. We get a semi-finished product, which we sprinkle with salt, wrap in a linen cloth, put in a plastic bag and send to the refrigerator. Please note that there are no spices in this recipe. Such lard retains its taste very well. There is evidence that up to a year. Personally, I did not have the opportunity to verify this. Some went to cooking, some I stuffed with garlic and carrots and sprinkled with red pepper (garlic after a while gives a rancid taste, so you need to eat quickly), froze something in the freezer, gave something, in a word, it's time to buy bacon again! Pickled lard is a thing!


The question of choosing fat is not the easiest. If you find at home that the fat smells of urine, this is boar meat. The way to deal with this is simple. Soak the lard in water with garlic juice.

Storage periods.

Boiled bacon keeps in the refrigerator for three or four months. Salo cooked in a marinade is stored for up to a year. Salo salted dry - about a month, then the taste is not the same, but you can eat and use it in cooking. Please note that the above dates are provisional. The main assistant in determining freshness is the nose.

If it is fundamentally important for you to prepare lard with a maximum shelf life, then you can go along the beaten path of pasteurization, followed by seaming in a jar. A little vinegar and sugar are sometimes added to the brine. But this way of harvesting fat is not for everyone.

Melted lard or lard.

Soak well-washed pieces of bacon in cold water for 6 hours. Drain the water and repeat the procedure. Salt at the rate of a couple of tablespoons with a top of 1 kg of fat. Pour a little water into an enameled heavy-bottomed saucepan so that it only covers the bottom. The whole procedure takes place on the weakest fire. We put the first portion of bacon in the pan. Start mixing with a long spatula. Not in a hurry, but constantly. Gradually add the remaining fat as it melts. If the heat on the stove is too strong, place a flame spreader underneath. Cook until all the fat is rendered. In the meantime, we warm up clean, dry jars in the oven (so that they do not burst), where we will drain the fat through double cheesecloth. We fill the jars, let the fat settle in a warm place (for example, in the same turned off oven) and drain from the sediment through fresh double gauze. We get melted lard, which we store in a cold, dry place, protecting from light.

Gorilka on fat.

Here is the transcript of the text:

“It is done as follows: for 1 pound of Polish unsalted bacon, take 2 lots (2 × 12.8 g) of salt, 1 spool (4.3 g) of marjoram, 1 spool of saltpeter, 2 spools of crushed pepper, 2 spools of English pepper, with half a pound of garlic, 10 - 12 spools of granulated sugar, 1 spool of citric acid, a few drops of lemon oil, pass everything through a meat grinder, then place in a spacious bottle of good white glass and pour 4 bottles of wine alcohol into it. For extra softness, add half a pound of honey and a quarter of a pound of blackcurrant leaves, and leave the bottle firmly fixed in a cool, dark place. After a month, strain the resulting infusion through a thick cloth several times. After that, in a carefully washed bottle, it is mixed with six bottles of cold raw water, put on ice for three
days and then bottled.

Salo and fishing.

What is written below refers more simply to the advice (found on the site about fishing) "experienced":

Pig fat among the Dnieper fishermen is considered one of the best animal baits. Fresh lard taken from the abdomen is used: it is securely held on the hook and easily pierced with a sting. Solid fat is not suitable for fishing: the fish will take it, but will not be detected. Before fishing, the fat is cut into cubes 0.5 cm thick and placed in cold water, in which it hardens and noticeably turns white. You can fish with bacon and donks, and float fishing rods. Chub, carp, bream, silver bream, ide, large roach peck on it well. Although lard is used mainly in warm weather, it is possible that roach, silver bream and rudd will also be taken on it in winter, if lard is planted on a mormyshka.

Aromatic, salty salsa.
Recipe from Nikitich (Odessa-mother)

Salo - as much as your heart desires.
Garlic is fine.
Salt - 1 tbsp. l. per liter of brine.
Spices: (pea pepper, white aromatic pepper, finely chopped dried sweet pepper, cumin).

We buy fresh fat at the market, with meat veins - undercuts or without veins (someone likes something). We clean the skin with a knife, wipe it. We cut into bars the size of which is smaller than the palm of our hand. With the tip of a knife, we make holes in the fat on all surfaces and put the halves of the garlic cloves without a core (!). Roll each piece of lard in a mixture of your favorite spices and rub, pressing down. In a saucepan (6 liters) with plain water, put coarse salt (5-6 tablespoons), laurel leaves, favorite spices. Bring the brine to a boil. Turn off. Cool to 30-40C and pour it very carefully (so as not to wash off all the spices, and so that the brine covers the lard by 2-3 cm) into a high container, where pieces of lard are already tightly laid on its side. After the brine has cooled at room temperature, put the salsa in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) After 6-7 days, we take it out of the cold brine. We wrap each bar in paper (not in a newspaper or magazine) - and in the freezer ...
PySy: Before putting the bars in the freezer, I rub them again with the above seasonings ...

Salo and soup.
Fat - 200 grams, onions, tomatoes - 2 pcs., Garlic - 4 cloves, parsley, salt, black pepper, fry with flour, parsley and spices in fat. Add brown broth (see French cooking), boil and add small croutons. You can serve it on the table by turning on Tyrolean tunes, because I saw this recipe performed by an Austrian friend, who assured everyone that after such a soup in the Alps it is customary to sing before each glass.

Very old and famous recipe
Salo after boiling in onion peel looks like smoked.
It is best to take lard with meat layers (brisket) for this recipe, since such light welding is the optimal processing for meat.

1~1.5kg brisket or lard, 1 small head of garlic

1 liter of water, 0.5 cups of salt, 1 handful of onion peel (from 5~7 onions), if desired - 3 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns
Put the onion peel, salt, bay leaf, pepper in a saucepan and cover with water.
Bring to a boil, put the fat so that it is all covered with brine, and boil for 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave the fat in the brine for a day. (After the brine has cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator).
Remove the fat from the brine and let it lie down in a plate for ~15 minutes so that the excess brine is drained.
Press the garlic through a press and coat the fat with it on all sides.

Put in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer.

Salo we smoke ourselves

Because it's very easy! I'll tell you straight on the points and you yourself will understand that there are no difficulties.

1. We buy a piece of lard with layers of meat on the market. Ask for the brisket, it tastes better, let the ribs be on the brisket, it's okay, you can make awesome roast or soup from them.

2. We buy in the store "Liquid Smoke", onions, garlic (practically nothing else is needed)

3. We bring the fat home, wash it, cut it into pieces so that they enter the pan.

4. Cooking pickle. For a liter of water we take 6 tablespoons of salt, a handful of onion peels or one large onion directly with scales and 6 tablespoons of "Liquid Smoke"

5. Put pieces of bacon in the brine and cook for 30-40 minutes over moderate heat.

6. While the fat is cooking, mix red and black peppers, you can add paprika and press 2 large peeled garlic heads there.

We take out the finished fat from the brine, let it cool for 5 minutes and rub it with a mixture of peppers and garlic.

We wrap each grated piece in foil or polyethylene and put it in the freezer.

You can try in an hour, if you endure, because the smells are unimaginable, believe me.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 14 -
Part 15 -
Part 18 -
Part 19 -

Salo as a food product is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe and even America. Each country has its own unique recipes for its preparation - from baked to boiled and fried. Here, in Russia, salted lard is in special demand. It is with this cooking option that this product, when consumed in reasonable quantities, not only does not harm the body, but also helps it to function fully. Fragrant salted lard goes well with boiled potatoes, borscht and stewed vegetables. Recipes for salting lard amaze the imagination with their variety and imagination of culinary specialists. One of the most delicious types of this nutritious product is lard, salted in a jar.

Salo in a jar: dry salting
This method of salting is extremely simple both in the amount of necessary ingredients and in the cooking technology itself.
  1. Sterilize a three-liter jar, prepare a plastic lid.
  2. Cut the lard into medium-sized pieces (about 7 by 10 cm).
  3. Salt without iodine content (it will take about 300 grams), mix with black pepper. For salting, it is better to use freshly ground peas, since they are much more aromatic than what is already sold in powder form.
  4. Add 2-3 finely chopped bay leaves to the mixture, and if you want the fat to taste spicy, don't forget the red pepper.
  5. Carefully and generously rub the pieces of lard with the resulting fragrant mixture.
  6. Sprinkle a layer of salt and spice mixture on the bottom of the jar.
  7. Lay the layers as close to each other as possible in layers, additionally spilling each level and filling empty spaces with salt or smaller pieces.
  8. When the carefully compacted lard reaches the top of the jar, pour in the top layer of salt and close the jar tightly with a lid. If you plan to store the product for a long time, it is better to roll up the container in order to avoid the interaction of fat with oxygen, which can lead to yellowing of the product and loss of taste values.
  9. Store jars under plastic lids in the refrigerator, and rolled up jars in a cool, dark place (for example, in a cellar).
Cooking salo in brine
This method is remarkable in that the fat acquires not only an appetizing smell and a delicate taste, but also a pleasant softness. Salted lard in this way can be stored for a long time by placing it in the freezer in a plastic bag. At the same time, it is easily cut almost immediately after being removed from the chamber and fills the kitchen with a unique aroma!
  1. Sterilize a three-liter jar, prepare a lid.
  2. Boil the water for the brine in advance so that it is slightly warm by the time of use.
  3. Finely chop 3-4 heads of garlic, grind 15-20 black peppercorns in a coffee grinder.
  4. Mix spices with water and add non-iodized salt at the rate of 5 tbsp per 1 liter of water.
  5. Cut the lard into small elongated layers (maximum 10 cm in length).
  6. Lay out the pieces in layers, close to each other, until you fill the entire jar.
  7. Carefully pour the brine up to the top of the jar; make sure that they fill all the gaps between the pieces of fat.
  8. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 3-4 days. The product is ready to use! If you have prepared too much salted lard, after the specified period, remove the pieces from the jar, blot them with a napkin and place them in a bag in the freezer.
Salo hot salted in a jar
The recipe for cooking in this way is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but thanks to this method you will get a product with the most delicate and refined taste, since the lard languishes "in its own juice", while absorbing all the aromas of spices!
  1. Cut not too thick fat with layers into small layers.
  2. Stuff the plates with lengthwise chopped garlic cloves, making small cuts in the pieces.
  3. Prepare a mixture of coarse salt, ground black pepper, chopped allspice, pieces of bay leaf; red pepper and cumin - at your discretion.
  4. Dredge the lard generously in the salt and spice mixture.
  5. Place the plates tightly in a sterilized jar, as close as possible to each other, to the very top.
  6. Place the lidded jar of lard in a large saucepan and fill the bowl with water up to the shoulders of the jar.
  7. Keep the fat in a water bath for 1 hour, then remove the pieces from the jar and let them cool.
  8. Wrap the fat in parchment, each piece separately, and store in the freezer. To taste, such lard resembles boiled-smoked, and when frozen, it is easily cut into slices.
As you can see, there is nothing easier to prepare and more pleasant to use than the most fragrant salted lard! Good luck with your salting - and bon appetit!