In the Donbass, the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed by artillery fire.

This is reported by Ukrainian "volunteers" from the Come Back Alive Foundation.

“Almost a dozen shells destroyed one of our forward positions, weapons and thermal imagers,” the report said.

Position location is not specified.

Ukrainian militants blew themselves up in a minefield near Gorlovka while trying to penetrate the DPR

Map of shelling of the LPR: The situation on the line of contact in a day. September 24, 2018

Special project “I'm not afraid”: Lydia Lavshuk. Issue #58

Victims of the shelling of the UAV UAV spoke about the incident

Explosion in a residential building in the LPR: four injured

A tragic incident with a grenade occurred in a residential building in the village of Georgievka in the Luhansk People's Republic: four people were injured of varying severity.

“In the village of Georgievka, Lutuginsky district, in a residential building from the explosion of a hand grenade (presumably RGD-5), four people received shrapnel wounds of varying severity,” the ministry said in a statement.

All victims: two women and two men were taken to the Lugansk Republican Clinical Hospital. All four received injuries of varying severity: some are severe.

The logic of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: We were subjected to severe shelling - there are no losses, but the “shooters” have

In the reports of the headquarters of the so-called Joint Forces Operation (JFO) of Ukraine, they no longer hide the use of various weapons against the people's republics of Donbass. The Ukrainian command stopped playing fairy-tale games about the implementation of the Minsk agreements, and therefore openly talks about delivering strikes on the DPR, which is a violation of all the obligations assumed.

As a result of strikes by Ukrainian security forces on the adjacent territory, four people were killed and four more were injured. The headquarters of the JFO say that they are all “militants”. This is how representatives of the armed forces of the republics of Donbass are called in Kyiv.
In order to somehow justify their actions in the Donbass, it was announced at the headquarters of the Ukrainian operation that "return fire was fired."

“Since the beginning of the current day, the enemy has fired at the positions of the Joint Forces three times, including from heavy weapons. So, the strongholds of our troops near the settlements of Krymskoye and Shirokino were shelled by the invaders from grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms, and the defenders of Yuzhny carried out a fire raid using 120-caliber mortars. losses among the personnel of the Joint Forces No".

If there are no losses, then the question arises: was there any shelling from the DPR, not to mention some kind of “fire raid using mortars”? And one more question: what are the Ukrainian "knights" doing in the Shirokino area, if this area should belong to the demilitarized zone?

Meanwhile, the operational command of the DPR reports that 11 settlements of the republic were shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including Dolomitnoye, Zaitsevo, Vasilyevka, Shirokaya Balka, and others.

For those who want to help the soldiers of the armies of the DPR and LPR in the fight against ukrokatel: Map Sberbank 4276 3800 5378 2368 or Yandex wallet 410012273300268

or by payment to MTS phone (not Qiwi) +79780454589

Yesterday at 10:39

Message from bloggers

"The fortified area, which was dug by the Azov Nazis for two weeks and the local dill was destroyed by a shaft of fire." Azov "suffered losses and retreated to Mariupol. The passage to Mariupol is open. The battalion commander Biletsky is alive and calls with tears to help them with heavy weapons. As part of" Azov" there are 50-60 people left."

Yesterday at 11:11

Message from the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Ivan Grachev

"The price of gas for the residents of Donbass should be lower than the European average. We recognize that they are in a humanitarian catastrophe. The supply of gas at reasonable prices is part of humanitarian assistance for the destroyed and bombed regions. The price of gas for the population of Donbass should be slightly more expensive than "$200 per thousand cubic meters. The exact cost of fuel is a matter of negotiation. The average annual gas price for Ukraine should be $385."

Yesterday at 11:15

Message from bloggers

"During the night assault on Mariupol, from 15 to 20 fighters of Novorossiya were killed. Up to 50 Nazis died, their checkpoints were covered by militia artillery. The second stage of the liberation of Mariupol can begin today. Ukrainian punishers have no opportunity to improve the situation at checkpoints in the Mariupol region. "Before the start of the second stage of the liberation of Mariupol, the criminals will be given the opportunity to leave Mariupol. A green corridor will be offered for them. As of 10:52, the militia is conducting an operation to destroy roadblocks in the Mariupol region. Combat missions are being carried out from the north-eastern part."

Yesterday at 11:24

A message from the militia

"The armed formations of Ukrainian nationalists, initially advanced to the village of Bezymennoe, left without supplies, interrupted by Mariupol partisans, and also periodically subjected to artillery shelling, were forced to leave their positions. First, at the turn to Sakhanka, they met a completely destroyed Ukrainian checkpoint, and the spectacle that they saw "Ukrovoyaks passing by on it did little to raise their morale: the checkpoint was destroyed by a strike by Gradov. But the worst thing awaited the nationalists at the entrance to the village of Shirokino. Tank snipers sat in the bushes. Thanks to the powerful and long-range tank gun, the militias no longer needed close approaching the enemy, and they opened fire from more than a kilometer away.The open terrain allowed the ukrams to maneuver and even counterattack, but the demoralized tankers, abandoning their combat vehicles on the move, hid in roadside ditches.Their tanks were burning, thus creating smoke behind weight. Taking advantage of this, the column could already get out from under the fire of the militias, but Grads began to work, and only a small group of jeeps and Hummers, on which the officers were probably riding, managed to hide in the greenery near Shirokin and make their way to Mariupol through Berdyansk, Sopino and Pioneer ."

Yesterday at 11:38

"During the night of September 4-5, the situation did not undergo significant changes. The troops of the Kyiv junta continued to retreat from their previously occupied positions.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy regrouped and brought up reserves.

As a result of the successful ambush actions of the reconnaissance group of the DPR Army in the area of ​​n. n. Krasny Derkul, a column of punishers was defeated, transporting ammunition and personnel. Destroyed: APC, 2 trucks with ammunition, 3 off-road vehicles. Killed and wounded up to 20 personnel of the junta troops, 1 was taken prisoner.

In the Luhansk direction, under the onslaught of the forces of the Army of the South-East, the punishers continued their retreat in the western (to the Debaltseve region) and in the north-western (to the Novoaydar region) directions.

As a result of the bold and decisive actions of the militia detachment, the enemy was knocked out of the settlement. settlement Faschevka. A mortar with a crew, an armored personnel carrier and a Ural vehicle were destroyed. Killed and wounded up to 15 punishers.

During a clash with an enemy mobile mortar group in the Shishkovo area, an all-terrain vehicle and a mortar were captured, 1 occupier was killed, 3 were taken prisoner.

The artillery of the Army of the South-East in the areas of the settlements of Vasilyevka and Shchastye destroyed 2 armored personnel carriers, up to 5 units of vehicles, a fuel depot. Enemy losses in manpower amounted to more than 20 people killed and wounded.

In the Mariupol direction, the main efforts of the junta forces were focused on strengthening their positions, increasing the number of checkpoints and strongholds on the northeastern and northern outskirts of Mariupol.

The total losses of the Nazis during the night amounted to 1 mortar, 4 armored personnel carriers, up to 12 vehicles, a warehouse with fuel and lubricants. 1 mortar and a car were captured. More than 50 enemy soldiers were killed and wounded, 3 were taken prisoner.

Yesterday at 11:42

Summary of last night from militia Jan

"The situation escalated sharply in the evening. The Nazis were shelling the Petrovka, Kievsky, Oktyabrsky, Leninsky districts from "hurricanes" and heavy artillery, ours responded with artillery strikes on the enemy's firing points with MLRS. Three Nazis were captured in Donetsk, who installed stretch marks in residential houses in Donetsk and Makeevka.
By evening, the fascists struck Gorlovka with an operational-tactical missile system (presumably "moon"), the missile fell into the private sector and did not explode. The use of Soviet-made missiles and OTRK from the grandfather period speaks of serious problems with the junta's weapons. Moreover, at one time, funds were allocated to the former Ukraine for the disposal of such machines, and not small ones. And it already threatens with a serious scandal.
During the day, fighting continued in the area of ​​​​Trudovsky and the airport, on the outskirts of Yasinovka, and work was also underway to destroy the enemy's DRG. At the airport, as a result of the battle, 20 Nazis surrendered - mostly mercenaries (Italians, French, many Poles), the rest moved to the bunker of the old building. It won't be long, but as one of Gaidai's movie characters used to say, "I'll hit carefully, but hard." No one will take unnecessary risks.
In Mariupol, active hostilities are still on the outskirts. As a result of the excellent work of the militia artillery, the Nazi checkpoint on Vostochny was completely destroyed from the very first shot. A mortar battery, drugs, military equipment, a "slingshot" were destroyed. Maneuvering battles unfolded on Vostochny. Closer to the night, a slight lull, but no one is going to relax."

Yesterday at 12:00

Eyewitness report

The movement of Ukrainian military equipment is observed on the streets of Mariupol. 10:35 a.m. — Ukrainian punishers are preparing a trap for the Novorossiya army at the coking plant. The Ukrainians mined a warehouse with liquid chlorine at the wastewater treatment plant in Mariupol (the village of Shlyakh Ilyich), and a machine gun was also seen on the building by workers. Snipers were also seen at ATS 24 and gipromez. Ukrainian punitive forces place the RZSO systems in residential areas, thus hiding behind the civilian population as a human shield.
Explanation to the photo from an eyewitness: Mariupol, behind Stary Krym, on a tractor brigade, there are hailstones in a combat position right in the middle of the building.

Yesterday at 12:28

Map with an overview of the combat situation

Yesterday at 12:32

A message from the militia

“The main checkpoint of the Ukrainian forces at the entrance to Mariupol was defeated at 8.00 Moscow time by the militia forces. 50 people.
This is confirmed by the commander of "Azov", who stated that sixty people remained in the city of "Azov" personnel. They don't have heavy equipment.
Nevertheless, the punishers continue to resist, from 7.00 Moscow time in Mariupol in the Ilyichevsk region loud volleys are heard, either single heavy ones, or in a series similar to the Grad installation.

Yesterday at 12:46

Report from journalists of Channel 1

Pay special attention to 02:16. For those who have not yet opened their eyes to what is happening, this will clarify a lot.

Yesterday at 13:30

Photo from eyewitnesses

In Krasnoarmeysk, Ukrainian symbols are being hastily eliminated.

Yesterday at 15:24

Information from Ukrainian info-resources

"In total, 114 officers perished in one hour of the ATO, including 15 colonels, 16 majors, 36 captains, 237 officers were wounded, including 19 colonels, 43 majors, 72 captains," - Oleksandr Danylyuk, military officer of the Minister of Defense, told about it on his side ."
Five months ukroSMI fed everyone with the fable "no losses", and then suddenly this. Many are slightly bewildered.

Yesterday at 15:26

Message from the HQ:

"Today, 1,500 Novorossiya fighters from the training center will be sent to carry out combat missions. 3,000 volunteers will begin training at the training center."

Yesterday at 15:41

Eyewitness report:

"In Volnovakha, on the Donetsk-Mariupol highway, the Ukrainians mined a bridge located near LUKOIL. The bridge goes over the railway line going to Zaporozhye. There are two anti-tank mines under two posts near the embankment. There is a white VAZ nearby, soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are located nearby in the woodland.
In the village of Ukraine, Ilyichevsk district, near the terminus of route 108, 2 concrete structures with incomprehensible contents were dug right into the field.
At 10.00 on the street. Shevchenko (Mariupol), a column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from three KAMAZ trucks with trailed guns, three vehicles with personnel and a camouflaged covered vehicle with open rear doors proceeded towards the Volodarskaya highway.
At 70 Stroiteley Ave. (Mariupol), in the former children's factory, the punishers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been staying for three days.
Near the dam of the Kamenskoye reservoir, there are three S-300 APU air defense systems.

Yesterday at 15:51

Video by Graham Phillips

The army of Novorossia sends greetings to everyone from Lugansk airport: "We will win!"

Yesterday at 16:00

Eyewitness report

"These are 3 machines that were constantly working - these are mobile field crematoria. Now they are in Slavyansk."

Yesterday at 16:18

message from the headquarters of the militia

"An assault detachment of the militia entered the districts of Talakovka and Sartana. This is somewhat away from the Vostochny microdistrict, where battles are taking place between the militia and the security forces, so the detachment managed to freely enter Mariupol. The militia also managed to push the security forces from the Vostochny microdistrict to the brewery and to the Left Bank district .Now the battle continues, despite the promise of a ceasefire from both sides."

Yesterday at 16:20

Yesterday at 16:22

Message from the political department of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR at 14:00

“At the moment, the artillery forces of the DPR army are actively shelling the area of ​​the Spartak state farm (a suburb of Donetsk), where large forces of Ukrainian equipment and manpower of the enemy are concentrated. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, according to the intelligence of the DPR army, a large number of enemy troops advanced towards Donetsk, including armored vehicles."

Yesterday at 16:24

Message from journalists

"The first sabotage groups, including those with armored vehicles, are already in Mariupol. The DPR headquarters claims that sabotage detachments of the militia participating in the assault on Mariupol entered the city. A source in the DPR Ministry of Defense told Interfax."

Yesterday at 16:55

Overview of the combat situation from the militia Prokhorov.

“Shooting continues in Mariupol. Moreover, at 3 am, the Ukrainians themselves began a massive shelling towards Novoazovsk. In response, the Novorossiya artel began to work on them. Now the shelling continues.
I don’t know - from what hangover did they decide that near Mariupol the militia had an advantage (in particular in armored vehicles)? Everything is just the opposite. I told you - the reserves of the command were transferred there, and by the way - a lot of dill border guards. Almost everyone. And the border guard is a trained fighter, who in some moments is cooler than the landing force. They, bastards, even carry out raids in the rear of the DPR troops. These are, of course, pinpricks, but still unpleasant.
Do not count Aidar - there are marines, border guards, the 79th airbed, Dnepr-1, now there is a Donbass tactical group (the fourth part of the Battalion of Donbass mercenaries), parts of the ZSU and national guards - at least 6 thousand, dozens of armored vehicles, artillery boats (at least 2 already fighters of Novorossiya sank). Reinforcements are constantly coming from Zaporozhye, in particular today - several tanks and a dozen MLRS (including Hurricanes).

By the way, a Swedish mercenary was wounded near Mariupol.

In the city of Shchastia (LPR), a battalion of Aidar mercenaries tearfully asks to be evacuated, moreover, leaving a warrior from the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the outskirts of Metallist. Fearing a flank attack, the mercenaries blew up the bridge across the river. Aidar in the area with. Gay.
At s. Nizhny Menchenok (northeast of the city of Shchastya) from Gradov covered the base of dill - in fact, a lot of equipment was destroyed.
Near Trekhizbenka, when a group of LPR scouts was discovered, the Ukrainians in a panic blew up a pontoon bridge across the Siversky Donets, leaving Ukrainian troops without a crossing.

Artillery skirmishes continue in Popasna, and in the village. Golden fighters of the LPR from Pervomaisk multiplied by zero the ukrov checkpoint. By the way, Pervomaisk was shelled from Popasnaya and Zolote.

And once again about the phenomenon of villages free from invaders - now in the LPR, on the border. At s. Red Derkul was ambushed by a border guard of dill, in the village. Pobeda (north of the occupied Novoaydarsky district of the LPR).
Near the village of Makarovo (near Stanytsia-Luganskaya) they covered dill from Gradov - many died. Similarly - in Stukalova beam, Nikishino and with. Lugansk.

Fighting continues in the DPR near Zhdanovka (near Novoorlovka), Gorlovka (where hail was shelled for about 2 hours), in the area of ​​Verkhnetoretskoye, Makeevka and Debaltsevo. From the last come out, the command stopped the flight of paratroopers from the 25th brigade just a couple of hours ago. So, until they die there.

Now there are fights in the area of ​​Maryinka (near Donetsk) and Donetsk airport.

The shelling of the positions of the punishers near Avdiivka continues.

Yesterday at 17:04

Message from journalists

"A protocol on a peace plan was signed in Minsk. A ceasefire is scheduled for 18.00."

Yesterday at 17:13

During the night from September 4 to 5, Ukrainian troops continued to retreat from their previously occupied positions. In the Donetsk direction, the enemy regrouped and brought up reserves.

As a result of successful ambush actions by the reconnaissance group of the DPR Army in the area of ​​​​the village of Krasny Derkul, a convoy of punishers transporting ammunition and personnel was defeated. Destroyed: APC, 2 trucks with ammunition, 3 off-road vehicles. Up to 20 junta troops were killed and wounded. One is taken prisoner.

In the Luhansk direction, under the onslaught of the militia forces, the punishers continued their retreat in the western (to the Debaltseve region) and in the northwestern (to the Novoaydar region) directions.

As a result of the bold and decisive actions of the militia detachment, the enemy was driven out of the settlement of Fashcheevka. A mortar with a crew, an armored personnel carrier and a Ural vehicle were destroyed. Killed and wounded up to 15 punishers.

Measures are being taken to identify and destroy enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the areas of Tsvetnye Peski, Svetloye and Liman.

During a clash with an enemy mobile mortar group in the Shishkovo area, an all-terrain vehicle and a mortar were captured. One invader was killed, three were taken prisoner.

The artillery of the Army of the South-East in the areas of the settlements of Vasilyevka and Shchastya destroyed two armored personnel carriers, up to five vehicles, and a fuel depot. Enemy losses in manpower amounted to more than twenty people killed and wounded.

During the fighting on the outskirts of the city of Donetsk, a platoon of howitzers was also destroyed. The Tochka U missile system was destroyed near the Donetsk airport. Also, in the area of ​​the airport named after Sergei Prokofiev in the north of Donetsk, two mortar crews were destroyed. 15 security officers were killed. The command post of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Tonenkoye in the Yasinovatsky district.

About 40 enemy soldiers were killed in the battles near the village of Severnoye, Yasinovatsky district, and an armored personnel carrier was destroyed. In addition, the militias destroyed a platoon of 152-mm howitzers and personnel - about 30 fighters.

In the southeast of the Donetsk People's Republic, the remnants of Ukrainian armed formations were driven out of several villages in the Starobeshevsky district: Kumachevo, Berestovoe, Glinka, Kamenka, Styla, Vorovskoye and Luzhki.

The LPR army continues to liberate the outskirts of the capital of the republic. On September 4, the LPR army liberated the village of Vergunka. Ukrainian units retreated under the onslaught of the army of the Luhansk People's Republic, abandoning weapons, ammunition and several armored vehicles.

Today, the area of ​​the village of Metalist was also cleared. From there, the security forces retreated to the north. According to the head of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, the army of the republic will soon liberate the city of Shchastia.

Yesterday at 18:07

Statement by the head of the LPR: Signing the protocol does not mean abandoning the course of secession from Ukraine

"The head of the Luhansk People's Republic, Igor Plotnitsky, said that the signing of the ceasefire protocol in Minsk does not mean a change of course towards the separation of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics from Ukraine. He stressed that the DPR and LPR are ready to fulfill their ceasefire obligations."

Yesterday at 19:16

A message from the militia

“The militia destroyed a mortar battery and 30 armored vehicles. In the area of ​​the village of Vodnoye, the militia managed to destroy a mortar battery and several vehicles carrying ammunition. According to operational reports, more than 200 mercenaries were located in the village at the time of the attack. near the village of Bakhmutovka, a large number of Ukrainian armored vehicles came under artillery fire. As a result of the artillery strike, 29 armored vehicles were destroyed. Another armored personnel carrier was knocked out by the militia at a checkpoint near Zhdanovka."

Yesterday at 19:18

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrey Purgin

"The Minsk agreement on a ceasefire will be respected, but it will be canceled if at least one shot is fired from Kiev," the spokesman said. shot by the Ukrainian army, then the ceasefire agreement will be immediately canceled, because the agreement implies a bilateral ceasefire."

Yesterday at 19:55

A message from the militia

"In the DPR in the city of Khartsyzsk, while patrolling the city with a commandant's company, a call was received from a resident of the city. The woman said that she found cartridges in her garden plot, there was also a digital radio station, a turator, and food nearby. As a result, a sabotage group of Ukrainian punishers was detained ."

Yesterday at 20:41

Message from bloggers

"DPR militias occupied one of the microdistricts of Mariupol. According to available information, a detachment of the DPR militia carried out a "diversionary maneuver", attacking the village of Sartana and the Vostochny microdistrict."

Yesterday at 20:55

Photo from the militia

"The first part of a large photo report from Novosvetlovka and its environs, where, in heavy battles, the army of Novorossiya first stopped the breakthrough of the junta troops to the Krasnodon-Lugansk highway, and then managed to throw it off the" road of life. "Traces of large-scale destruction and burned equipment, abandoned positions and various military belongings, clearly demonstrate the intensity of the battles that took place here and decided the fate of Lugansk.

Yesterday at 21:02

A message from the blogger "colonelcassad"

"Information agencies report that a truce has been signed in Minsk between the Ukrainian junta and the DPR and LPR. It begins to operate today from 18-00.
On the whole, as I wrote earlier, it is rather beneficial for the junta, which urgently needs a military respite to regroup its forces and restore the connectivity of the front. Well, the negotiations themselves are a step towards "Greater Transnistria" with the separation of two more regions from Ukraine, but at the same time they also distance the prospects for creating Greater Novorossia, which, in fact, remains under the rule of the fascist junta in such situations.

The question of whether the leadership of Novorossia could not sign a truce is not significant, the necessary rearrangements for this decision were made a little earlier and all possible obstacles to achieving a truce were removed starting with Strelkov. Therefore, this agreement, if it is actually concluded (and so far its text has not been published and references are made to insider sources) and starts to operate, reflects, first of all, the Kremlin’s current foreign policy towards Donbass.

However, the terms of this truce are not yet clear, whether it will be observed at all and what the line of demarcation will be. Given the position of the United States, which is interested in continuing the war, there are good reasons to believe that even if a truce is reached, it will only be a pause before the resumption of hostilities.

Well, if the media hurried up, and the contract was not signed, then this is completely wonderful and the army of Novorossia can continue the offensive and defeat the remaining boilers.

PS. Meanwhile, fighting continues in Mariupol, reinforced assault groups of the Novorossiya army were able to enter the city and start fighting there, freeing a couple of blocks from the junta. At the moment, the battle is going on and, apparently, it will still continue until the evening."

Yesterday at 21:13

Message from the militia Prokhorov

"Gorlovka continues to be shelled, as well as Makiivka (see photo). Fighting in the city in Dzerzhinsk. Such a truce."

Yesterday at 21:21

Chronicle of the "truce" from the militia

"18:10 Civil defense sirens are turned on at Gvardeyka (Makiyivka), Ukrainians are firing from heavy artillery. Black smoke rises in the area of ​​​​mine 88.
18:35 Intensive shelling of Makiivka and Donetsk continues, there are hits in the area of ​​the Oktyabrskaya mine, the outskirts of Petrovka, railway (smoke in the area). The sirens continue to work. The Nazis are firing artillery from the Volnovakha region with large-caliber MLRS systems.
19:05 Kyiv Nazis continue shelling of Donetsk (Budenovka, Petrovsky).
19:20 An explosion was heard again in the Makiivka area.
20:00 The shelling of the cities of New Russia by Nazi artillery continues. Blows were inflicted on Yasinovka and Chervono-Gvardeyka. There is an accumulation of fascist units in the Volnovakha area.
20:40 Cannonade is still heard in Horlivka."

Yesterday at 21:23

Report from Militia Jan

“In Mariupol, closer to the morning, activity increased; the Nazis launched an artillery strike with MLRS on Kamenka, on the dam, hit the pumping station.
In the central districts of Mariupol, the Nazis are driving the population from residential buildings representing the dominant heights in microdistricts, setting up mobile artillery firing points, and heavy artillery is being brought up to Vostochny. Sniper firing points are placed on the upper floors of residential areas and industrial areas.
In the morning, at least four times artillery strikes were carried out on Gorlovka (three of them were from Rszo). Yesterday, the fascist junta for the first time launched an artillery strike on Donetsk with the largest caliber MLRS ("tornado"), Petrovka was covered with a tornado.
Yesterday, thanks to our DRG, 8 BMP2s and 4 BM-21s (together with drugs) were destroyed, and eight units of enemy armored vehicles in good condition were also captured.

Yesterday at 21:46

Message from the militia "oleg_melnikov"

"Fights and shelling from those who are "ready to reconcile" are being fought in many directions. There is an accumulation of Ukrainian units in the Volnovakha region. Apparently, the truce will not be long ... A direct violation of the ceasefire agreement."

Yesterday at 21:54

Photo from militia "oleg_melnikov"

“I don’t know where to put the captured equipment, the whole location is already full of it! About 75 units, and this is only for 2 days. I would like to thank the Ukrainian military for the wonderful homemade pickles and pomegranates that they left us!”

Yesterday at 21:59

Message from the militia

"The truce is in full swing. The Ukrainians are transferring reinforcements to Mariupol. Oh, I feel, Mariupol, in all likelihood, will get it. residents to leave the city. In general, there will be a truce only with the complete surrender of the fascist reptile. An example of 1945."

Yesterday at 22:00

Message from the press center of the DPR

"The ceasefire agreement has entered into force.
Today at 18.00 an agreement on a mutual ceasefire between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all armed formations of Ukraine - and the army of Novorossiya came into force.
The humane agreement was framed in a protocol signed at today's meeting in Minsk, which was attended by representatives of Novorossiya, Ukraine and Russia. The Donetsk People's Republic was represented by Chairman of the Council of Ministers Alexander Zakharchenko and First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Purgin.
The leadership of the republic noted that the ceasefire agreement will be canceled if the Ukrainian side fails to comply with it.
Press center of the DPR ©

Yesterday at 22:05

“Last night, Ukrainian troops again shelled Luhansk, the closest Kamennobrodsky district of the city to their current positions. Houses along Pochtovaya Street and in the Vatutina quarter were damaged. At least eight people were injured, no deaths.

In response, the LPR units launched a powerful artillery and missile attack on enemy positions in the area of ​​the town of Shchastya and the village of Petrovka.

In the first half of the day, the LNR units continued to clean up Krasny Yar and finally drove the enemy out of Zhelty towards Lobachevo.

Information about mining by the enemy of the Shchastya dam and thermal power plant was confirmed.

The day before, information appeared about the formation of a column by the aggressor in the area of ​​​​the village of Belorechensky, a little later there were reports that “grads” were worked out on it and it was completely destroyed. However, the latter requires confirmation.

In the Starobelsk area, the enemy concentrated the Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems.

At the moment, LPR units are fighting for the regional center of Stanytsia Luhanska, in the vicinity of which the Ukrainian military surrendered and captured four armored personnel carriers.

Yesterday at 22:59

Fresh review of the combat map

Yesterday at 23:20

Report from the headquarters of the militia

The settlements of Gorlovka and Yenakiyevo were shelled by the Ukrainian army. Six residential buildings were destroyed. Two civilians were killed and four wounded.
The settlements of Shevchenko and Maloorlovka - DPR artillery destroyed two tanks, two armored combat vehicles and up to five vehicles of punishers on the approaches. Enemy losses in manpower amounted to more than forty people killed and wounded.
1. District of the city of Zhdanovka - the reconnaissance complex "Zoo 1 M" was destroyed, up to 60 armed men.
2. Telmanovo area - an attempt to break through parts of the Ukrainian army from the encirclement was thwarted.
3. Novobakhmatovka area - 16 units were destroyed. ukrtehniki.
4. The village of Berezovoe - 2 Grads, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, up to 20 guards were destroyed.
5. Kurakhovo area - 1 Uragan, 2 infantry fighting vehicles, 4 Urals with ammunition, up to 30 armed men were destroyed.
6. The village of Vasilievka - 4 tanks, 2 armored personnel carriers, 2 Urals, up to 40 armed men were destroyed.

In the Lugansk direction, the enemy did not take offensive actions.
The units of the LPR continued to clean up Krasny Yar and finally drove the enemy out of the settlement. Yellow towards Lobachevo.

Settlement Vesela Gora - released. An armored personnel carrier, two cars were destroyed, up to ten punishers were killed and wounded. One is captured.
In the area of ​​Georgievka, three armored personnel carriers and two mortars were put out of action by artillery of the NAF. Up to twenty invaders were killed and wounded.

In the Mariupol direction, the main efforts of the troops of the Kyiv junta were focused on strengthening their positions, increasing the number of checkpoints and strongholds on the northern and northeastern outskirts of Mariupol.

The total losses of the enemy amounted to two tanks, six armored fighting vehicles, up to eight vehicles, and three mortars. Killed and wounded up to eighty punishers. Two are taken prisoner.
A ceasefire was introduced from 18.00.

Yesterday at 23:30

Message from bloggers

“The right-wing radical gangs do not intend to obey Poroshenko’s order for a truce. This was stated by the journalist of the indicated persuasion Elena Belozerskaya, arguing this position with Poroshenko’s refusal to consider them a legitimate military formation. Political scientist Vladimir Kornilov, quoting a Nazi on the social network, warns where to look for a gun that will shoot first. "Truce, you say? And in Donetsk they continue shamelessly firing. In particular, the Pravoseki proudly announced that they were operating directly near Donetsk. And when Right Sector spokeswoman Olena Bilozerska was asked about the truce, this is what she answered in her blog: “He (Poroshenko) has not legalized us so far... If they want us to follow their orders, let them legalize us first. In the meantime, there is no official status - we are de jure an illegal armed formation (illegal military formation), an ordinary gang, and we can do whatever we want."

Yesterday at 23:44

Video from the militia

A tank with the inscription "To Moscow" crashed on a concrete pillar with the inscription "No to War".
The Ukrainian tank destroyed during the morning assault on Mariupol, despite the fact that it was practically torn apart by a direct hit, its engine continues to work.

Yesterday at 23:59

Photo from the militia

"In Novosvetlovka, a temple suffered from the terror of the Ukrainian army. The second part of a large photo report from Novosvetlovka and its environs, where, in heavy battles, the army of Novorossiya first stopped the breakthrough of the junta troops to the Krasnodon-Lugansk highway, and then was able to throw it off the" road of life. "Traces large-scale destruction and burnt equipment, abandoned positions and various military belongings clearly demonstrate the intensity of the battles that took place here and decided the fate of Lugansk.

Today at 0:12

Message from the headquarters of the militia

"At the time of the "ceasefire", the punishers retreated from three more settlements of Donbass. The militia forced out Ukrainian punishers from three more settlements of Donbass. After the fire damage inflicted by artillery of the DPR army on Ukrainian punishers in the Debaltseve region, the enemy, having suffered significant losses in manpower 2 tanks, 9 armored personnel carriers, 3 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 mortars, 12 vehicles were put out of action. Losses in manpower - 21 people. The suburb of Gorlovka - the village of Fashchevka was liberated. The liquidation of the RDG punishers is underway. in the districts of Razdolnoe, Styla, Komsomolskoye. Militia units occupied the settlements of Zheltoe and Krasny Yar (LPR). To contain the offensive, the National Guard blew up a bridge across the river in the village of Trekhizbenka. Retreating, the RDG of the punishers mined key infrastructure. Thanks to the decisive actions of the militia, these plans did not come true Mine clearance is currently underway Art Illeriya LPR fired at the positions of punishers near Starobelsk (LPR). As a result of the shelling of the camp of the 27th Sumy Artillery Regiment near Starobelsk, from 15 to 18 punishers were killed.

Today at 0:35

Message from the Information Bureau of the headquarters of the Army of the South-East

"The command of the punishers intends to organize provocations contrary to the order of Poroshenko. According to reliable intelligence of the Army of the South-East, the leadership of the "anti-terrorist operation" does not agree with the decision on a ceasefire adopted by the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko. During the announced truce and the ceasefire regime, the Ukrainian command planned a series of provocations using the "wandering" Smerch multiple launch rocket system, which will constantly change its firing position. It is assumed that the targets of this MLRS will be the positions of the militia who received the order to "cease fire". destruction at long distances of almost any group targets.The maximum firing range is 120 km, the minimum is 20 km.MLRS, due to the range and effectiveness, is close to tactical missile systems.In terms of accuracy, the complex is close to artillery pieces.Rockets are equipped with a cluster warhead and with capable of hitting manpower and lightly armored vehicles on an area of ​​​​up to 672,000 sq.m."

Today at 2:18

Message from the correspondent of "Day-TV Donetsk"

“There was shooting in Maryinka 2 hours ago. In Donetsk, there are some signal flares in the sky again. Just like yesterday.
23:53 Moscow time. It is reported that fighting continues in the Debaltsevo region and near Yenakiyevo.

Today at 2:30

Overview report from the 1st International Brigade of the South-East for 09/05/2014

During the past day, intense battles were going on on the fronts of Novorossia, successful for the militia; at 18:00, the ceasefire decision signed in Minsk that afternoon came into force.

We begin our review, by tradition, with the Donetsk People's Republic and its capital.
Making peace plans and continuing the genocide of the civilian population is in the spirit of Svidomo creatures: at night, Donetsk was subjected to a barbaric attack by punitive artillery and the Uragan MLRS, which killed 5 people (Petrovka, Kievsky, Oktyabrsky, Leninsky districts). In the area of ​​the Donetsk airport, local clashes with the junta grouping that have settled there do not stop (15 punishers were destroyed; 20, including foreign mercenaries, were taken prisoner; Tochka-U and 2 mortars were destroyed). Also taken prisoner was a group of national guards who installed "stretch marks" in residential buildings.
Fighting also continued in the suburbs: the settlement of Gorlovka - shelling from the MLRS "Grad" (it is reported that the use of the Soviet-made TRK "Luna" with an unguided ballistic missile did not explode); in n.p. Makeevka - clashes. In the Maryinsky district - fighting in the settlement. Maryinka and shelling of the positions of the national guards in the settlement Lugansk.

Other settlements
Debaltseve - the cauldron is boiling (parts of the 25th OVDBR are surrounded, from which they cannot leave because of the command ban).
Shakhtyorsky district: fighting does not subside near the settlement Zhdanovka (village Novoorlovka). The militias fired at the positions of the punishers in the area of ​​the settlement. Nikishino from the Grad MLRS.
Yasinovatsky district: n.p. Verkhnetoretsk - battles; n.p. Avdiivka - artillery suppression of the positions of punishers; n.p. Experienced - the ammunition depot was destroyed. East of the settlement Severnoye smashed a convoy of 2 cars and 1 armored personnel carrier, liquidated 40 punishers. In the area of ​​N. p. Khimki destroyed a platoon of howitzers and 30 national guards. In the area of ​​N. p. Thin, the command post of the 93rd Motorized Brigade was liquidated. N.p. Spartak - the positions of the punishers were fired upon by the artillery of the militia.
Volnovakha district: punishers mined the bridge over the railway tracks on the Donetsk-Mariupol highway and fired at the railway tracks in the village of Volnovakha. Yelenovka (two civilians were wounded).
Novoazovsky district: a mortar battery and 30 units of unspecified equipment, as well as 47 punishers, were destroyed in the area of ​​the settlement Vodnoye.

In general, on the Donetsk sector of the front, the invaders tried to hold their positions, carried out provocations and regrouped forces.

Now an assessment of the situation on the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic.
There is no information on the shelling of Lugansk. The army of Novorossia managed to recapture the height in the area of ​​the settlement. Vergunka, from where the capital of the LPR was previously shelled (the national guards retreated, leaving equipment and ammunition). The areas of the settlement were also cleared. Metalist.

Other settlements
D. Happiness: militia artillery destroyed 2 armored personnel carriers, 5 vehicles and a fuel depot.
Stanichno-Lugansky district: in the area of ​​N. p. Red Derkul destroyed a convoy with ammunition (1 armored personnel carrier, 5 vehicles, 20 punishers were killed and wounded, 1 was taken prisoner). The retreating punishers blew up another bridge across the river. Aidar in the village Gay. In the area of ​​N. p. Nizhny Minchenok and Makarovo shots from the MLRS "Grad" by the militia destroyed the bases of the ukrovermacht, the number of dead and destroyed armored vehicles is described as "many".
Novoaydarsky district: artillery skirmishes continue near the settlement. Popasnoe. In the area of ​​N. p. Bakhmutovka artillery destroyed 29 units of unspecified armored vehicles of the ukrovermacht.
Pervomaisky district: in the village Zolote destroyed the ukrovermacht checkpoint, losses are not specified.
Perevalsky district: liberated n.p. Fashcheevka (1 mortar, 1 armored personnel carrier, 1 car were destroyed; 15 punishers were killed and wounded).
Slavyanoserbsky district: activities of the DRG of national guards were recorded, countermeasures are being carried out in the area of ​​the settlement. Liman, Colored Sands and Shishkovo (1 car and 1 mortar were captured; 1 punisher was killed, 3 were taken prisoner). In the area of ​​the village of Trekhizbenka, the fleeing invaders also blew up a bridge across the river. Seversky Donets. Under n.p. Stukalova Balka, the positions of the ukrovermacht were fired upon by the militia from the Grad MLRS (the exact number of dead was not reported).

In general, the offensive of the militias continued on the Luhansk sector of the front, the punishers either retreated with battles, or fell into an operational encirclement.

Mariupol became the main focus of the fighting. Information about the number of personnel and equipment involved in this sector of the front comes in different ways: both about the advantage of the militia, and about the predominance of punishers, and about the equal balance of forces.
Since yesterday evening, bloody battles have been going on in the suburbs of the city surrounded by the militia. An artillery strike destroyed the checkpoint of the national guards in the Vostochny m / d (mortar battery with personnel, armored vehicles), after which maneuvering battles unfolded in this direction. At night, the punishers (the remnants of the Azov battalion, which suffered losses of up to 50 people) began to use artillery in the direction of the militia positions in the direction of Novoazovsk, the militia hit in response. In the morning, the fighting continued: the main checkpoint of the National Guards at the entrance to Mariupol was destroyed. As a result of these battles, the punishers retreat deep into the city (fights took place in the northeastern part). The Svidomo have not been deprived of the right to use the humanitarian corridor, but the ideological Nazis from the punitive battalion are resisting and whining in social networks that the command does not provide them with artillery cover. Attempts to send reinforcements were frustrated by the militia forces, and only part of the shelled column of the ukrovermacht was able to seep through the settlement. Berdyansk, Sopino and Pioneer.

In general, despite statements about the readiness to cease fire, the fighting continued in all directions throughout the day. It is too early to talk about a change in the situation in connection with the signing of agreements in Minsk.

Every evening fresh psaki.
Firstly, the commander of the Australian Armed Forces, Mark Binskin, said that the officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would undergo retraining on the green continent. They will probably learn the secret Australian race from Australian fighting kangaroos.
Secondly, special sweets with the inscription “PTN PNKh” will be sent to the Donbass to support the Bandera underdogs fighting there from Lviv (such a Svidomo creative - a nation of bastards and punishers can neither create nor fight). About the supply of Maidan tea to these candies is not specified, although it would not hurt: the dill in the boilers has completely withered!
The mouthpiece of Goebbels (NSDC) finally heeded my remarks and ceased to "enter into contacts" with the mythical Russian troops (of which the citizen Geletei had already seen 6,000 in a narcotic kumar). The press center reported on the fighting in the areas of n. p.: Maryinka, Avdeevka, Thin, Kominternovo, Maloorlovka, Verkhnetoretskoe, Nikishino, Donetsk, Zolote, Vesela Gora, Stanitsa Luganskaya, Stukalova Balka, Makarovo.

For losses:
Civilians (killed / wounded) - 5/18.
Militias: up to 20 people died at the initial stage of the fighting for Mariupol.
National Guards: 187 killed punishers have been clarified, 85 more have been combined into the “killed and wounded” category, 24 have been taken prisoner (according to the militia), 7/59 / according to the National Security and Defense Council
Destroyed equipment: 4 armored personnel carriers, 12 vehicles, 4 mortars, 1 fuel and lubricant depot and 1 ammunition depot, 1 Tochka-U fuel dispenser and about 60 units of unspecified armored vehicles.

Thus, I am firmly convinced that, despite the announced truce, the ukrovermacht will continue provocations - not so much against the militia forces, but against the civilian population, and also uses the lull to pull up reserves and regroup forces. You need to understand that a truce is not the desire of Svidomo, but a forced necessity caused by the complete economic, technical, human and military failure of Kyiv. The ceasefire began to operate only three hours ago, and we will see what happens tomorrow.

Today at 3:20

Photo from the militia

OSCE Special Representative in the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine Martin Sajdik said that the organization promised to discuss the possibility of an international investigation into the death of the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, which was proposed by Russian representative Boris Gryzlov.

"Mr. Gryzlov raised this issue, and we decided to discuss it in the near future," Interfax quoted Saidik as saying.

As previously reported "Russian Spring", Gryzlov said that the murder of the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko.

The SBU began checking the headquarters of the "OOS" after the leak of information about the preparation of an offensive in the south

A resident of Spartak “They don’t work from heavy, but bullets whistle over their heads”

Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred ammunition and weapons to the areas of Krymsky and Mironovsky

Tank biathlon-2018 started in the LPR

Armed Forces of Ukraine report a large number of losses to aggravate the situation in the "JFO" zone - Marochko

Serviceman of the NM DPR “Young”: shelling is ongoing. APU shoot and want to kill

Threat in the Mariupol direction

Regarding the threat of an offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is voiced by the military department of the DPR.

Eduard Basurin, deputy commander of the operational command of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), said that the Ukrainian military had formed an offensive strike group of 12,000 people in the Mariupol direction.
“An offensive strike force of the enemy has been formed in the Mariupol direction. The total number of these formations and military units exceeds 12 thousand people, ”the Donetsk News Agency quoted Basurin as saying.
According to him, the purpose of the operation is to reach the border with Russia, this is planned to be done in five days.
“We are ready to meet the enemy both in the air and at sea. We will protect our citizens. Our units are absolutely combat ready. The enemy will not pass, ”Basurin added.

“Four mobile morgues based on cargo refrigerators were seconded to the 66th military mobile hospital,” he said.
According to him, this step may be associated with preparations for an offensive, which will result in numerous casualties.
“The enemy understands that during such offensive operations, the number of victims will be in the hundreds, if not thousands,” Basurin said.
He also added that during possible hostilities, mobile crematoria could be used to hide the real losses of the Ukrainian side during the hostilities.
“We do not rule out that mobile crematoria used by Ukraine to hide their losses in 2014 will be delivered to the Mariupol direction,” the DPR representative said.

1. By itself, the plan of a local offensive to the border is quite logical. It’s not far from the border with the Russian Federation, the positions of the DPR south of Telmanovo are already constantly under pressure, under the cover of routine battles, it is possible to sharply increase the number of troops on the front line and cut through the front right up to the border (for example, through Telmanovo or to the south).
2. Having reached the border, you can try to fix the "achievements" associated with the cut off Novoazovsk and turn on the "positional barrel organ" again. For similar purposes, in 2016-2017, the Armed Forces of Ukraine kept the Volnovakha group, which could take part both in the encirclement of Donetsk and in the breakthrough to the border through Yelenovka and Dokuchaevsk.
3. Such obvious plans do not come true due to the fact that there is an extremely high risk that units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine breaking through to the border will fall under the blow of the units of the Southern Military District deployed in the Rostov region, as well as under the flank attacks of troops concentrated in the Novoazovsk region and south of Donetsk, with another boiler and large losses in mat.chasti.
4. In my opinion, Ukraine can go on such an offensive in two cases:

a) If it is completely sure that Russia will not interfere (in this case, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can really try to solve a number of operational tasks)
b) If the United States directively demands to warm up the front in the Donbass (for example, during the operation of the Russian Federation and Iran in Idlib, in order to create an additional load on the Russian military machine, while the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the United States will be insignificant).

If the republics take the necessary preparatory measures for a possible strike south of Donetsk, and Russia makes it clear that an attempt to break through to the border will lead to sad consequences for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then events will most likely continue to develop in a positional manner.

Reports from the militia of New Russia 07/05/2015 (updated)

07/05/2015, Message from the Operational Cooperation Center:

23:05. Donetsk. Kuibyshevsky district, 1-2 Sites: under fire from Nazi heavy cannon artillery, for example, north-west.

22:40. Donetsk. Spartak village: under fire from heavy cannon artillery, shooting battle. Metro, airport (new terminal): shooting battle. Increased UAV activity.

22:20. Donetsk. Sands: shooting battle. One enemy battery behind Opytny was destroyed.

22:00. Donetsk. Four firing positions of the Nazis are active in the western, north-western direction from Donetsk.

21:55. Lugansk. Stanytsia Luhanska: dense intense battle with the use of all types of small arms and artillery of different calibers.

07/05/15. Message from the head of the regional administration Ivan Prikhodko.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting a massive shelling of the Kievsky district of Donetsk. Putilovskaya Roshcha turned out to be under fire. The shelling began at about 21:00 and is still going on. There is no information about the victims and destruction yet."

07/05/15. Message from the Gorlovka militia.

"Very strong echoes of artillery are heard in Horlivka. From the South-West, very far away, but clearly heard. Verkhnetoretskoye is active."

Message from the military correspondents: "Donetsk They are bombing hard, something heavy. They are hitting Putilovka with heavy ones, the battle in Pisky is an airport. It rumbles very loudly. rifle and artillery of various calibers."

07/05/15. Operational summary.

19:50. The artillery positions of the Ukronazis are active in the settlement of Zarya, they are shelling the settlement of Chermalyk.
21:10. Donetsk.
From the direction of Experienced, the Ukronazis are shelling the area of ​​Putilovka and (possibly) Yasinovataya from heavy cannon artillery.
21:17. Donetsk.
From positions in Avdiivka, the Ukronazis are shelling the village of Spartak.
21:20 to 21:30 Return fire.
21:40 Return fire

"The artillery positions of the Ukronazis are active in the settlement of Zarya, they are shelling the settlement of Chermalyk. Mariupol also hears a roar now. Gorlovka. A Ukronazi tank has worked out from the settlement of Shumy. The shooting has begun to work in the area of ​​​​mine 6/7, so far sluggishly."

A message from the Minister of Defense of the DPR V. Kononov: "Ukrainian security forces have not withdrawn their units from Shirokino according to the demilitarization plan. A demilitarization agreement was signed in Shirokino. We have withdrawn our units. leave when they should."

07/05/15. A message from C.O. John Trust.

“Questions from the residents of Novorossia to the Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission Alexander Gugu. Probably everyone noticed that there are calls for the OSCE in many reports from the shelling sites and most often come down to the question “Where is the OSCE looking?”. Tonight, an hour and a half ago, I was during an exclusive A quick interview with the Deputy OSCE Special Monitoring Mission Alexander Hug addressed this question to him.Here is the exact transcript of my question and his answer (translated from English - mine, video of the full interview with subtitles will be on Monday on Channel 17):

John Trust: "When I visit various places after (and sometimes during) the shelling - people very often ask: "Where is the OSCE mission? Why are they not here and come?" There are many similar questions from residents of Donetsk, Gorlovka and other cities: "Why does the OSCE mission ignore such cases? And why are they so afraid to witness [the shelling], [to find out] who started it, how it happened... Such cases are indeed sometimes ignored and [because] residents ask me for it - and now I'm relaying it to you"

Alexander Hug: “Yes, I know. It is clear that the citizens in these hot spots are very desperate after being shelled for weeks and months… For fifteen months these people have been suffering from shelling from both the DPR and the Ukrainian side. We are the only ones who, apart from journalists, visit these places, but we cannot be everywhere at the same time all the time. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission does not ignore such incidents. If we can't be there, it's only for good reasons: it's either too risky, or it happens where it shouldn't happen. We have four hundred and eighty-nine observers in Ukraine, which is certainly a large number - but this is not enough to cover all the places of hostilities that [suddenly] appear near the contact line."

07/05/15. Message from correspondents of the "Save Donbass" Foundation.

"Simple joys and sorrows of Donbass in wartime.
Summer is in full swing, children are swimming in the pond.
Volunteers of the foundation deliver humanitarian aid to the elderly.
Repairing the fund truck...
Life goes on."

07/05/15. "Military report from the Deputy Commander of the Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR Eduard Basurin.

“The intensity of shelling by the Ukrainian side over the past day amounted to 32 violations of the ceasefire. 120 mines of caliber 82 and 120 mm were fired across the territory of the republic. “The enemy also used anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers and small arms. According to the available data, the territory of the Donetsk air terminal, the Gagarin mine in Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk, the settlements of Oktyabr, Lozovoe, Spartak, Zhobunky, Nikolaevka and Styla came under fire."

Briefing Alexander Zakharchenko. Head of the Donetsk People's Republic. 07/05/2015

"Deputy chief of staff of the 1st MRB of the DPR Ministry of Defense "Voevoda" that the world is in for a big war. The states want to crush Russia, but they won't. The states and the EU will collapse, but Rus' will stand."

"Deputy Chief of Staff of the 1st MRB of the DPR Ministry of Defense "Voevoda" on how the war began, on the defense of Donbass and the succession of its defenders. Interviewed by Alexander "Gusar."

July 5, 2015 Fighter "Dava", international brigade Pyatnashka, about the military situation in the Maryinka area
Volunteer David, call sign "Dava", international brigade Pyatnashka on the air of the program "Actually"

07/05/15. Message from the militia.

"Ukrainian invaders are burning the grain crop in the DPR. The Armed Forces of Ukraine opened fire on the Telmanovsky district. As a result of shelling, 100 hectares of wheat are burning in the area of ​​​​the village of Tavrichesky. Massive shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine led to a large-scale fire - 100 hectares of wheat are burning. The shelling continues for more than 40 minutes. The village of Tavricheskoe was also under fire from the punishers. There is no information about the victims and injured yet, but it is known that there is destruction in the village. Several attempts were made to burn the fields in the DPR, this case was the most successful of all the attempts made by the punishers to leave Novorossia without bread.

"Interview with a Cossack of the 1st Regiment of the Cossack National Guard of the Great Don Army named after Platov (Now the regiment has been transformed into the 6th separate Cossack regiment. Platov. LPR).
“It is about 3 km to the neo-Nazi trenches. It is not clear who is standing there, every creature in pairs, they carry out rotations, - a Cossack told our military commander. - Shooting every night. No mode of silence is observed. They are shelling mostly civilians. They want to turn him against us. They beat from tanks, artillery. The tank comes out and shoots and leaves. It is difficult to get into them, they hide in greenery.
I would have caught a Muscovite and hung it on a tree for intimate places. He turned off the water: people in the village live without water.
Residents of the Nazi-occupied territory in Lisichansk and other settlements, let them come to us and see how we live here. And then they are told on TV there that we live here, as if under the Gestapo. Our people want to work, they receive pensions. The children will go to school in the fall."

07/05/15. message from a local.

"Today at 17:20 a powerful blow was dealt in Donetsk and heavy smoke was observed."

Message from Eduard Basurin: "Spartak was subjected to the most massive shelling over the past day from the position of the 11th motorized infantry battalion. In total, one militia was wounded as a result of the shelling. There were no losses among the civilian population over the past day."

07/05/15. Message from the LNR militia.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine have recently violated the ceasefire many times. From the direction of the village of Krymskoye, Novoaydarsky district, the Kiev security forces fired at the village of Zhelobok from an infantry fighting vehicle. and a mortar of 120 mm caliber (5 min.) Kiev security forces repeatedly shelled the area of ​​Slavyanoserbsk from the side of height 175.9 from a mortar of 82 mm caliber (5 min.) The area of ​​Slavyanoserbsk again came under fire from the side of height 175.9 from an anti-aircraft gun. Luhansk, the area around the monument to Prince Igor was shelled from an SPG (mounted anti-tank grenade launcher), an anti-aircraft gun and small arms.

07/05/15. Analytical note from the military observer Boris Rozhin ("colonelcassad").

“Today is the anniversary of the retreat from the Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration. I have published a lot of materials on this topic, so this is thesis.
1. The immediate military reason for the abandonment of Slavyansk, the operational encirclement in which the Slavic group found itself after the breakthrough of the junta near Nikolaevka.

Her fate in the case of sitting in Slavyansk would be unenviable, after the capture of Nikolaevka, the enemy would strengthen the barriers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe road to Kramatorsk and in conditions of a lack of supply, he would simply begin to ruin the city with artillery, while not having a significant amount of equipment, the garrison of Slavyansk would not could show offensive activity, in conditions of multiple superiority of the enemy in forces. The reasons for the fall of Nikolaevka are quite trivial, given the superiority of the enemy forces (in technology dozens of times), the militias could not cover a wide front and build an echeloned defense. As a result of the attack, Nikolaevka was cut off, the Motorola group was actually surrounded, on the eve of the attack, the Miner deserted from the front, simultaneously removing mines from the tank-dangerous direction. Most of the anti-tank weapons on hand from the militias did not work. On the fact of the latter, I had a chance to talk with people who directly transported arms shipments to Slavyansk. Of course, there weren’t any 12,000 machine guns (there simply weren’t so many people - about 2,500 people retreated to Donetsk), but there were interesting moments on anti-tank weapons - some of the ATGMs were inoperative, plus what worked was often used incorrectly - there were no trained operators. Actually, when the junta shows on its videos a few trophies that it managed to capture in Slavyansk, among them you can notice the same batch of defective ATGMs (about which disputes are still raging on the topic of whether this is negligence or deliberate sabotage).
As a result, in an open area, enemy tanks, with massive artillery support, quite easily broke through the defense of the militias, cutting off the last road to Slavyansk along which supplies were going. Actually, already in June it became clear that the main problem was not even in small arms, of which there were already a lot, but in the lack of anti-tank weapons, artillery and tanks. Therefore, until the end of August, enemy tank groups in both the DPR and the LPR easily broke through the front and went for a walk along our rear to a great depth, which later played a cruel joke on the enemy when these breakthroughs turned into boilers.

2. It was necessary to leave not only Slavyansk, but also Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka both for military reasons (the enemy is just as easy, taking advantage of the lack of anti-tank weapons and equipment, to cover the positions of the militias and go to communications), and due to the fact that in the rear the junta garrisons continued to remain in Artemovsk (the tank base was never captured and the more or less valuable junta was subsequently taken out of there - the operation to capture the base failed) and in Soledar (where the small arms warehouses were located), which were guarded by special forces (plans to seize the warehouses were also were, but they were not sold - some of the weapons from these warehouses were bought by militias and right-wingers). Accordingly, with further intensification of operations, the enemy could operate in the operational rear of the Kramatorsk group, relying on these garrisons.
From a military point of view, the situation for Slavyansk has been deteriorating since June - Krasny Liman fell, the militias suffered a painful defeat near Yampol. With difficulty, positions were held in Semenovka and on the outskirts of Slavyansk. The offensive, which the junta launched on July 1, was stopped only at the end of August. The video below clearly shows how critical the situation on the fronts was when everything was hanging in the balance.

Then, after all, there was a serious opinion that the militias would be squeezed and the war would not last long (few foresaw what happened next).

3. The exit from the operational encirclement itself was relatively successful in terms of losses, but not without losses - due to the commander’s mistake, an armored group died and the enemy was able to cover the tail of one of the emerging columns with artillery. From the point of view of the personnel, it was possible to withdraw almost everyone, although some left the encirclement after several days of wandering around the rear of the enemy, including with battles.
Naturally, there was no "free corridor", the enemy expected that Strelkov would sit passively in Slavyansk while he was surrounded by a double ring of encirclement and treated with artillery. In addition to a general assessment of the forces of the militia, in addition to a general assessment of the forces of the militias, the secret SBU certificate (the document was supposed to remain secret until 2019) dated July 3, captured near Debaltseve, contained statements that Strelkov would continue to defend Slavyansk in the coming days . At the same time, the certificate states that the leadership of the DPR is preparing for an "evacuation" from Donetsk. In this regard, enemy reconnaissance missed the preparatory measures associated with the withdrawal from Slavyansk, so Strelkov achieved tactical surprise.

4. Strelkov's arrival in Donetsk mixed up all the cards for the "peacekeepers" who were preparing to surrender the city. Somewhat earlier, back in June, they easily surrendered Mariupol (probably for the same reasons that they did not take it in September - most likely already in June there was an agreement with Akhmetov that Mariupol would be ceded to him in order to preserve his empire - according to one of the active participants of the Mariupol resistance, who took part in the seizure of equipment of the Ukrainian military and the events of May 9, for the effective development of the uprising in Mariupol, then a couple of cars with machine guns were required, which never arrived there), where, just like in Donetsk, the Ukrainian authorities and the Ukrainian police remained . After Strelkov’s arrival, officials and security forces subordinate to the junta rapidly disappear from Donetsk, and as the former mayor of Donetsk Lukyanchenko later admitted, if Strelkov had not returned to Donetsk, “the conflict would have been settled”, which actually confirmed the existence of a conspiracy to surrender Donetsk to the junta / Akhmetov in early July 2014 (on which back in June consultations were held with Akhmetov and Kolomoisky). In addition to Lukyanchenko and Pozhidaev, Pushilin and Khodakovsky lost their posts. Actually, the hysterical persecution of Strelkov, which began just then, is the result of frustrated plans that Strelkov broke. And judging by the fact that the persecution does not stop (although now it is rather an attempt to appoint a switchman, since there are a lot of questions about what happened in the Donbass in 2014), Actually, even if he will never be allowed to return to the DPR, he completed his main task, thus securing a place in history.

5. In fact, Strelkov solved the main problem. After the refusal to send troops to Ukraine, which occurred at the end of April 2014, and the loss of its military significance in Slavyansk in the rear of the group of Ukrainian troops covering the border with the Russian Federation, the Strelkov group solved the problem of covering the creation of the Donetsk People's Republic, holding down the main enemy forces near Slavyansk. This task was successfully solved, 3 months were won, during which, despite the sabotage in Donetsk, the peaceful protests of March-April 2014 grew into an armed militia, which in July-August was able to give a worthy rebuff (with the help of the "Northern Wind" of course) the regular Ukrainian army (which, despite a number of operational successes, suffered a number of severe defeats). This militia itself has now been transformed into an army, which ensures the defense capability of the republic.

In addition to gaining time, Strelkov led out of the encirclement the most fired and experienced armed core of the uprising, which played a crucial role in the battles of the summer of 2014.
The rescued troops took part in the first encirclement of this war, when the Southern Cauldron was formed, to the creation of which Strelkov had a hand in it.
Some of those who came out with Strelkov then still hold the most important positions in the leadership of the republic (for example, "Cap" was recently acting defense minister) or are well-deserved heroes, like Motorola. Strelkov saved them, too, for future victories, while it was expected that all these people would die in Slavyansk surrounded and nothing would prevent the junta from occupying Donetsk. Moreover, some even demanded that they die there in the style of Poroshenko, who demanded to keep the already surrounded Debaltseve at any cost. What comes out of this, we saw in the winter, looking at the terrible shots from the cauldron and the roads of retreat.

Therefore, a year after leaving Slavyansk, it is quite obvious that this was the right step, which, coupled with the previous months of pinning down the enemy near Slavyansk, allowed the DPR to survive at the most difficult moment of its formation, therefore Strelkov is certainly one of the actual founding fathers of the DPR, simply in fact their affairs. As a recent poll showed, in Russia Strelkov is generally treated positively, precisely as a military man. On the "Russian Spring" (the most widely read site on the war in Novorossia, in 2014, Strelkov became the person of the year - along with Mozgov, Bednov, Tsarev and an unknown militiaman). So in general, the difficult decision made by Strelkov was accepted by society (although it is obvious that no one is enthusiastic about the surrendered cities), despite the attempts of Strelkov's opponents to hang all the dogs on him.
As Churchill said about Operation Dynamo, "Wars are not won by evacuations." And leaving Slavyansk, of course, is not a victorious operation - it was a forced decision in the critical military-political situation that developed in early July around Slavyansk and Donetsk. Time has only confirmed the correctness of this decision, because despite last year's disbelief, the DPR exists and will continue to exist, thanks to Strelkov as well."

07/05/15. Reporting from Denis Grigoryuk.

"Slavyansk. A holiday in Ukraine. All patriots are celebrating a holiday cobbled together by the Kiev authorities called" Liberation of Ukrainian Slavyansk ". This action is accompanied by yellow-blakyt symbols. The whole city is stuffed with Ukrainian flags and coats of arms. the uprising is crushed and they need to submit to the new regime.

While the new Ukrainian government is arranging dances on the bones, in Donetsk, ordinary residents of the Donetsk People's Republic came out to a rally-requiem for the dead civilians of Slavyansk and to honor the memory of the fallen militiamen in the battles for the freedom of Donbass. While in the "Ukrainian" Slavyansk fake "locals" come out in support of Ukraine, in the capital of the DPR people with sorrow and genuine emotions came to the Eternal Flame to lay flowers in honor of the innocently murdered ordinary residents of Slavyansk, who did not agree with the illegal coup d'état in February 2014 and exercised the right to self-determination. But it was taken from them. They took away exactly the same as freedom of speech. Petro Poroshenko assures that now Ukraine is free like never before. But this is a lie. Freedom is to die for. Rivers of blood have to be shed for one's own rights. For the right to live freely, one has to die.

Exactly a year ago, the troops of the Donetsk People's Republic left Slavyansk. It was decided to withdraw the troops in order to save the lives of the fighters. It was no longer possible to defend the city. The Ukrainian military pulled all the heavy equipment to the small but proud and freedom-loving city of Slavyansk. The city was wiped off the face of the earth. They tried to clean him up for the selfish purposes of the Kyiv authorities.

Many militias died in the battles for Slavyansk. The freedom fighters were destroyed by the Ukrainian army. This is the way Poroshenko and company fight dissent. All dissenters will be killed. Killed but not forgotten.

Have you ever seen men cry? Today I saw them. Real tough men mourned their comrades-in-arms who gave their lives covering the retreat of the DPR troops. A group of a few volunteers stayed behind to cover their brothers in arms so they could get out of the city.

It was there at the rally that I realized what real male friendship means. Even more than friendship. This is a real male brotherhood. Brothers in blood do not always feel each other as brothers in spirit. Spiritual connection is something bigger and stronger than physical relationship. It is because of the spiritual connection that the soldiers cannot hold back their tears. The tears of the military are comparable, perhaps, only with the tears of a mother who has lost a child. Those who have never experienced such a kinship will never understand how a person who has lost his brother in arms feels at such moments. These emotions are felt even at a distance. The warriors of Donbass stood and clenched their fists from anger, from sorrow, from injustice. They are ready to tear to pieces those who killed their brothers.

I am sure that the hour will come when every killed civilian and soldier of the Donetsk People's Republic will be avenged. Not long left to feast the new Kyiv authorities. Slavyansk and other cities of the Donetsk People's Republic will be free again."

07/05/15. Video from military correspondents News Front.

"New anti-tank hedgehogs have entered service with the Bryanka USSR unit. "They have been living with us for 2 weeks already. They have eaten their muzzles on our soldiers' grubs," the fighters joke.

07/05/15. Message from Eduard Basurin.

"The intensity of shelling by the Ukrainian side over the past day amounted to 32 violations of the ceasefire. The enemy also used anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers and small arms. According to available data, the territory of the Donetsk air terminal, the Gagarin mine in Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk, and the settlements of Oktyabr , Lozovoe, Spartak, Zhobunky, Nikolayevka and Styla."

A message from military correspondents: "At the moment, explosions of 82 mm are heard in Gorlovka in the Glubokaya district. Representatives of the OSCE special monitoring mission recorded 152 explosions in the area of ​​the Donetsk airport. At 9:40, explosions were heard in the settlement of Shirokino. From From 06:05 to 07:00 in the area of ​​the settlement of Starognatovka there was a shooting battle with the use of mortars.

07/05/15. Video from military correspondents News Front.

"Researcher of KubSU, Ph.D. in Biology Nikita Volchenko, on the air of the program" Actually ". The host of the program is Sergey Veselovsky.
Nikita Volchenko: The reserve of volunteers in Ukraine is coming to an end. In the initial stages of the Ukrainian crisis, the percentage of residents who were ready to participate in the so-called peacekeeping operations was noticeable. The resource of volunteer formations has clearly already been exhausted, since they began to restrict the departure of military age outside the country. Ukraine clearly limits its territory and slows down the movement of people. In general, this does not look like democracy, European values ​​and rules, which are postulated by the current leadership of the country."

07/05/15. Message from journalists.

"There are no fighters of the DPR Militia left in Shirokino, - OSCE

There are no DPR militia forces left in Shirokino. Alexander Hug, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Ukraine, told journalists today.

“We did not notice any signs of the presence of DPR forces. Fortifications, checkpoints, private houses that were previously occupied by the DPR forces are now abandoned,” he said.

Recall that earlier, on July 1, Denis Pushilin, the official representative of the DPR at the talks of the Contact Group on a peaceful settlement, said that the People's Republic had unilaterally declared Shirokino a demilitarized zone.

Alexander Hug testified that today the situation in Shirokino has returned to normal, the hostilities have ceased. At the same time, about 80% of residential buildings in the village were destroyed.

“A special monitoring mission today recorded severe damage, especially in the southern part of the village. According to our estimates, 80% of houses are destroyed and cannot be restored. The entire area is littered with unexploded ordnance. You can see them everywhere,” said Hug.

The village of Shirokino, located between occupied Mariupol and Novoazovsk controlled by the DPR authorities, until recently was one of the most tense areas near the line of contact.

"Kyiv television crews were amazed at the ability of the Russian general to answer their question in Ukrainian. Correspondents of the Ukrainian TV channel INTER praised Lieutenant General Alexander Romanchuk, commander of the 29th Combined Arms Army of Russia, who arrived with a check in the village of Shirokino as part of a joint center for control and coordination (JCCC ) ceasefire regime in Donbass, for excellent knowledge of their language.

During the press approach, the correspondent in Ukrainian asked the Russian military to introduce himself and was very surprised when he answered him in the same language: “Romanchuk Oleksandr Voloddymyrovich, an official at the Suspension Center for Control and Coordination.”

What kind of Ukrainian guard you have, - the correspondent of the TV channel was surprised.
- You have tezh, - Lieutenant General Romanchuk answered him.

According to a LifeNews correspondent from the scene, during a visit to the village of Shirokino, representatives of the joint center for monitoring and coordinating the ceasefire in Donbass, which includes representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE, checked the conditions for observing the ceasefire.

07/05/15. Video from military correspondents News Front.

"A fighter with the call sign "Khan" talks about his path of becoming from a simple civilian to the defender of Novorossia, and also expresses his wishes to Poroshenko and the junta. "Khan": At the end of April, when checkpoints were organized, I acted as one of the organizers. We we collected tires, everyone did everything he could. People brought sticks, we stood with clubs, made spikes from improvised means, equipped a checkpoint. Then, at the SBU, I moved to the Shield organization, where I met the leader Yaroslav. to the front. I was at Mospino, Gorbachevo-Mikhailovka, where we built fortified areas, pillboxes, dug trenches, etc. I never served in the army, I learned everything during the fighting. Most of all I remember how a howitzer shell flew right into the dugout where we sat. I looked at the stove and saw how it cracked.

News Front: What would you wish Poroshenko and the entire junta.

"Khan": I wish Poroshenko ended up in a tank with those young guys he sent to war. Let him feel it on his own skin. And let the junta be in dugouts and look at the cracked ceilings, shell explosions and experience all the pain."

07/05/15 Message from journalists of the Federal News Agency.

"Sniper girl from Serbia: Everyone who is against Russia is my enemy. The correspondent met in the DPR a militia fighter who came to Donbass from distant Serbia to protect her Russian brothers. The sniper girl with the call sign Bagira does not hide her face - she is in her native Serbia outlawed for fighting in the militia of the DPR.There is no turning back for her.

Give your life for Russia

Bagheera, tell me what brought you to this war.

In Serbia, when I watched the news and saw the suffering of our Russian people in the Donbass, it was very difficult for me. I had a feeling that I needed to give up everything, give my life to Russia, to preserve the Russian people in the Donbass.

Many condemn me for this, they say that you should not risk your life here. We came here without a plan "b", we came here to stand to the end, out of gratitude, first of all, to your Tsar Nicholas I, who was the first to send his soldiers to help Serbia, and who preserved our Serbian Orthodox Church.

St. John of Shanghai and the Russian monks who came to Serbia preserved the faith and the Church, and for this, too, many thanks to our Russian brothers. And if there were no Russia now, then there would be no Serbia.

I know that there is such a policy in Serbia now – we are preparing to join the EU, but the people are not asked what they want, what we want, and what we need. I know that in Serbia I am now a terrorist, and it is very difficult for my parents, but what to do, just… just need… just need a very big gratitude…
brother help brother

How many Serbs share your opinion that the Russian people and the Serbian people are brothers?

Certainly. There is an old Serbian proverb: "If it is good for the elder Russian brother, then it will be good for the younger Serbian brother." When your President Vladimir Putin arrived in Serbia, banners immediately appeared: “Putin, please save Serbia.” We have a very strong spiritual connection with the Russian people. There are simply no words to describe how strong this bond is.

Tell me, Bagheera, when the whole Maidan story began, which later turned into a civil war in Ukraine, how did the Serbs react to this situation?

I can’t say anything for fellow citizens, I can express my feelings and opinion. Firstly, as an Orthodox girl, it is very difficult for me to condemn both Ukraine and ordinary people who sin. The world knows that this is a fratricidal war, where brother kills brother.

Of course, everything comes from Kyiv, this is real fascism, and of course America is involved in this. Serbia can now mobilize two million Serbs who can come to Donbass. I have information that as soon as Serbia enters NATO, Serbian troops will come out on the side of Ukraine. Of course it's all about America. Well, if that happens, I'll be the first to unfurl the Serbian flag and let my compatriots shoot at me.

I would give my life for peace here, they just don't want it. NATO, which is now together with Poland and Germany and with everyone who is now in Ukraine, they are heating up the situation. Serbia is now for Russia, for the Russian people, and support comes from all Serbs.
There is no way back

Tell me, how many of your brothers, our brothers, came to Donbass to fight?

Of course, a lot of people came, and they came from the Serbian Information Security Agency, which sends information, including about me. Well, what to do, it's impossible for me to go back now.

You said that it is impossible to return, and what threatens the Serbian volunteers in general? Do I understand correctly that you were declared mercenaries in Serbia?

And were any sanctions taken against Serbian volunteers who went to Donbass and returned? Did the Serbian government put them in prisons, arrested them?

Yes, right at the airport. They were immediately arrested at the airport. But those who wanted to get to the Donbass had to act smarter. By bus Belgrade - Budapest, from Budapest to Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod - Chop, Chop - Kyiv, Kyiv - St. Petersburg, then to Rostov-on-Don.

Of course, there were problems immediately at the Ukrainian border, where I was interrogated for three hours: “Why are you going to Kyiv, why did you come, why that, why this.”

I have a European passport, I say: "I need a visa to Ukraine." But as soon as they find out that I am from Serbia, they immediately label me a terrorist. The first time I came just as a civilian, and like all Serbs, I knew very well that Ukrainians do not like Serbia. This is a pity, because 80 years ago the Transcarpathian region was under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and our Patriarch Pavel presented this region to the Moscow Patriarchate. Of course, first the church was divided, then the people, and then problems began here in the Donbass.
We are from Donbass

But Donbass is not a foreign land for you either.

Of course, the Donbass is my land, now if they ask me “where are you from?”, I will answer: “From the Donbass, of course.”

Tell me, Bagheera, did you take part in big operations, for Ilovaisk and so on?

Of course, from Kirovsk we went to Krugloye, cleared Krugloye, then went to Redkodub, it was very scary there.

We were not far from there.

Yes, yes, it was very scary, a lot of our people died, and then we went to Debaltseve. The Imperial Legion died there, there were a lot of losses. We found American military rations there, we found a lot of American.

So, of course America is not here. As usual, America sent instructors to the Ukrainian side, and they arranged a fun life for themselves. I have a photo where two dill infantry fighting vehicles simply rolled over, broke down, American instructors, of course, taught how to drive a car, but the boys had no experience.

Are you planning to stay in Donbass?


An old enmity

There are various rumors, including quite verified ones, that volunteers from those states that were involved in the war in the Balkans, in particular the Croats, are fighting on the other side ...

Yes, yes, it's true. And it's very... I'm speechless. I have no words, because once we captured one Croat, he told us… I have no words, so much hatred, he said that he had come here not to save Ukraine, but because there were Serbs. “I came for the Serbs, you can kill them here,” he said.

I do not understand this. And I don't want to understand it. Why such hatred. Of course, the Lord will count sufferings, and will count here. How the Lord gave strength to Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen when they were godless and had very few soldiers. And they drew a cross on every shield, and therefore they defeated many enemies. There were very few of us in Redkodub, if the enemies hear this, let them know, there were 40 of us Serbs, and there were eight thousand of them ...

What do you think is in store for Serbia? And how will relations between Serbia and Russia develop further, taking into account the fact that Serbia is now aiming for the EU, or rather, they are trying to drag it there in every possible way?

Everyone who opposes Russia is my enemy. Serbs love Russia. Serbs are always for Russia. And of course there are many enemies on our land - this is our Ministry of Defense, everything ... everything ... the president, the prime minister ...

Not for money

Answered the questions of the FAN correspondent and another Serbian volunteer with the call sign Jaeger.

Jaeger, I understand that you were brought to the war for the same reasons that brought Bagheera. How do you generally see the future of Donbass? What will happen to the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, as you see them? As part of Russia or as independent states?

Of course, they should be with Russia. I came here not for the sake of the self-proclaimed states and Donbass, but for the sake of Russia, this is our duty to her. Many people think that the salary here is very high, in Serbia they say that we get “2-3 thousand dollars”. So, I was given a salary for 3-4 months, and it was 15 thousand rubles. More precisely, almost five months. We didn't come here for the money. We came here to save the land, first of all for the sake of Orthodoxy, it is like a duty to Russia, and gratitude, of course.

The situation in Serbia is very bad right now, I have a spiritual mentor there, Father Ilya from Optina Hermitage and Mother Marina. They say: "Serbia will quickly become a Catholic country and quickly join NATO." Every country wants something from Serbia, but we think Russia will always be there for us. Real Serbs will never turn their backs on Russia.

What do you think about the current situation in Kosovo?

I can't say anything about Kosovo. It hurts a lot, I can't talk about Kosovo.

Do you think you'll ever get it back?

With Russia, yes.

Jaeger, tell me, what did you do before the war?

Everything that was needed. Sports, construction.

And how old are you?

You, judging by the fact that you are filming without a balaclava, your way back is also cut off?

The first day I arrived, I took a photo and posted it on Facebook. And although I was wearing a balaclava in the photo, two or three days later I was on the Peacemaker website - they wrote - "Ivan Ivanovich came to fight for the DPR."

They want to show how beautiful Serbs are,” Bagheera said with a laugh.

07/05/15. A message from the military.

"Over the past 24 hours, the invaders detained 12 trucks on their way to the DPR and LPR, which were carrying more than 500 tons of goods for civilians of the republics. Even vital goods for the civilian population are considered contraband for the junta. Simultaneously with this information, news was received that at the checkpoint "Zaitsevo" employees of the State Border Service confiscated passes from two citizens.

Message from Boris Rozhin: "Regarding Shirokino, our infantry is not in the village now. The junta is also in no hurry to completely occupy the village, since it is not only almost completely destroyed, it is also mined. The OSCE today invited the DPR and the junta to jointly clear the village of mines , but it is unlikely to come to this, the junta even refused to jointly patrol the ruins of the village with representatives of the DPR.In general, the new defensive line of the NAF passes near Sakhanka, the junta still sits on the heights west of Shirokino, intelligence sometimes roams around the village. that only in the LPR today there were about fifty wounded. Well, in general, you can imagine the intensity of what is happening. Almost every day, 10-15 were killed on both sides and several dozen wounded. "

07/05/15. Writer, journalist, head of the Union of Writers of the LPR Gleb Bobrov on the air of the program "Actually".

"Gleb Bobrov: News of Ukraine is news of a madhouse. Today in Ukraine there is some kind of collective madness, I have spoken about this many times. People live in a state of cognitive dissonance. Reality itself, but what is happening in the minds of some Ukrainians - in itself. State schizophrenia blows people away and leads to some paradoxes."

07/05/15. Comment from I.I. Strelkov:

“For general information, I can say: it is necessary to hold on. Many people turn to me with the question whether it is worth going as volunteers and whether it is worth defending “separate regions”. And I answer: you are not defending the “lords”, but Russia. You are gaining time.

In 1611, King Sigismund laid siege to Smolensk, which at that time was subordinate to Tsar Vasily Shuisky. The siege continued for a year. During this time, Shuisky was overthrown and the "Seven Boyars" swore allegiance to the son of Sigismund - Prince Vladislav, the Polish garrison entered the Kremlin. But the Smolensk garrison continued to fight for several more months in an absolutely, it would seem, senseless situation. And then, after the fall of the city, released by the king, wandered to Rus'. And finally, he made his way to Nizhny Novgorod, where he became the basis of the 2nd Militia of Prince Pozharsky. But this is not even the point, but the fact that after a year-long siege, the weary army of King Sigismund refused to go further to Moscow - "put Vladislav in the kingdom" and for the most part went home.

Yes, while the situation is deteriorating, but it was deteriorating in the period described - just as continuously. And in 1941 it was much worse in September and October than in July and August. And in 1942, the situation in the early autumn was worse than in the autumn of 1941. And what? Numerous encircled people should have "bayonets to the ground"? As long as there are people who are ready to really fight for the Donbass, it is not so easy to surrender it. But if there are no such people or there are very few, he will be handed over as an "extra" pawn in a game of "giveaway."

07/05/15. Message from Russian Spring.

"Ukrainian military and Aidar militants were blown up by their own mines: five dead.

in the Lugansk region. in the area of ​​the 29th checkpoint today, on July 4, a group of Ukrainian servicemen was blown up by a mine, killing five people - two militants of the Aidar battalion and three servicemen from the 24th brigade. A militant of Aidar, named Efremov, wrote about this on his Facebook page.

According to him, three soldiers were injured.

“Sad news from the 29th checkpoint. Today a group of fighters was blown up by a mine. Two people from the 24th mechanized brigade and one "Aidar" were killed. Another person from our battalion is in an extremely serious condition, our second 300th will live for sure. In addition, two of the 24 were wounded. The data on the wounded/dead may still change,” the Aidar militant wrote.

Later, he said that a wounded Aidar militant died in the hospital, and another soldier of the 24th brigade also died.

07/05/15. Video from a volunteer with the call sign "Moskva".

“In the summer, everyone went to their dachas and on vacation, as a result of which user activity on the Internet dropped sharply. Is it worth filming something today and using important topics one after another, if there are few views, which means that you conveyed some important information to a small number of people, and maybe it’s worth waiting until the fall, stopping for a while the “Moscow Speaks” column?So I’ll shoot videos on all topics over the summer, and in the fall there will be nothing to say, but it’s important for me that as many Ukrainians as possible hear me. Because of this, for the first time I am conducting a test for seasonal activity and I will shoot the next video only after 100 reposts of this video.Maybe by the evening there will be a hundred of them, or maybe by the beginning of autumn."