LAND AND WILL (populist organization)

LAND AND WILL, a revolutionary populist organization of the 1870s, founded in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name since 1878. Organizers: M. A. Natanson, (cm. NATANSON Mark Andreevich) A. D. Mikhailov (cm. MIKHAILOV Alexander Dmitrievich), A. D. Oboleshev, G. V. Plekhanov (cm. PLEKHANOV Georgy Valentinovich) and etc. governing body- "Administration"; composition: group of "villagers", "working group", "disorganization group"; branches: Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, etc. Program: peasant revolution, nationalization of land, replacement of the state by a federation of communities. Activity: settlements among the "people", revolutionary propaganda among the workers and intelligentsia. Published the newspaper "Land and Freedom". (cm. LAND AND WILL (illegal newspaper)) Disagreements between supporters and opponents of the political struggle led to a split (1879) into "Narodnaya Volya" (cm. NATIONAL WILL) and "Black Repartition". (cm. )
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"EARTH AND WILL", secret society populist revolutionaries (1876-79).
The emergence and composition of "Land and Freedom"
The society arose in St. Petersburg as a result of the union of St. Petersburg residents with the Kharkov-Rostov circle. The name "Land and Freedom" was given in 1878, initially it was called the "Narodnik Society" and the "Northern Revolutionary Populist Group". Founders and leaders of the organization - M. A. Natanson (cm. NATANSON Mark Andreevich), A. D. Mikhailov (cm. MIKHAILOV Alexander Dmitrievich), O. V. Aptekman (cm. APTEKMAN Osip Vasilievich), G. V. Plekhanov (cm. PLEKHANOV Georgy Valentinovich), A. D. Oboleshev, V. A. Osinsky (cm. OSINSKY Valerian Andreevich), A. A. Kvyatkovsky (cm. KVYATKOVSKY Alexander Alexandrovich), M. R. Popov (cm. POPOV Mikhail Rodionovich) and etc.
In 1878, the former "Chaikovites" entered the "Land and Freedom" (cm. CHAIKOVTS) S. M. Stepnyak-Kravchinsky (cm. STEPNYAK-KRAVCHINSKY Sergey Mikhailovich), D. A. Klements (cm. KLEMENTS Dmitry Alexandrovich), N. A. Morozov (cm. MOROZOV Nikolai Alexandrovich), S. L. Perovskaya (cm. PEROVSKAYA Sofia Lvovna), L. A. Tikhomirov (cm. TIKHOMIROV Lev Alexandrovich), M. F. Frolenko (cm. FROLENKO Mikhail Fedorovich). In 1877, the organization included about 60 people, and about 150 more revolutionaries joined it. Printed organs - the social-revolutionary review "Land and Freedom" (St. Petersburg, No. 1-5, October 1878 - April 1879) and its appendix - "Leaflet" Land and Freedom "(St. Petersburg, No. 1-6, March-June 1879) ).
The emergence of society was the result of a revision by the populist revolutionaries of their organizational and tactical principles after the failure of "going to the people" (cm. WALKING TO THE PEOPLE).
Goals and program
The purpose of the organization was "the implementation of a popular uprising in the near future as possible." The landowners have moved from the abstract propaganda of socialist ideas to putting forward demands that are "realistically feasible in the near future." These demands were expressed in the slogan "Land and Freedom". From "flying" propaganda, the landlords moved on to "settlements" among the people with the aim of rapprochement with the peasantry. Settlements were organized in the Volga region (the center is the Saratov province), the Don region and some other provinces.
The landowners created a working group and conducted propaganda among the industrial workers of St. Petersburg, Kharkov and Rostov. They held the first demonstration in the history of Russia on December 6, 1876 at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, at which Plekhanov delivered a speech and a banner with the slogan "Land and Freedom" was unfurled.
The program of the landowners included actions aimed at the "disorganization" of the government, that is, terror. Terror did not initially occupy a leading place in their activities, it was considered only as an instrument of self-defense and revenge. However, under the influence of disappointment in propaganda activities that do not bring visible results, as well as repression by the authorities, some of the landowners actually turn to terror, gradually embarking on the path of political struggle. Circle of Osinsky - D. A. Lizogub (cm. LIZOGUB Dmitry Andreevich), acting in Kyiv and Odessa, organizes in 1878 - early 1879 the murders of police agent A. G. Nikonov, gendarmerie officer G. E. Geiking, Kharkov governor-general D. N. Kropotkin; from March 1878 on proclamations about assassination attempts, a seal appears with the image of a revolver, dagger and ax and the signature "Executive Committee of the Social Revolutionary Party"; the terrorist struggle, having begun in the south, is being transferred to the capital; August 4, 1878 Stepnyak-Kravchinsky killed the chief of the gendarmes, General N. V. Mezentsev (cm. MEZENTSOV Nikolay Vladimirovich), March 13, an attempt was made on his successor, General A. R. Drenteln.
The split of "Land and Freedom"
In "Land and Freedom" there are sharp disagreements about the use of new tactics, which actually marked the transition from anarchism to political struggle. “The leaflet of Land and Freedom, edited by N. A. Morozov, becomes in essence an organ of terrorists. Acute controversy caused the assassination of A. K. Solovyov (cm. SOLOVIEV Alexander Konstantinovich) on Alexander II (cm. ALEXANDER II Nikolaevich) April 2, 1879; Some members of the organization protested against the preparation of a terrorist attack, believing that it would ruin the propaganda work.
In May 1879, the terrorists set up the Freedom or Death group, not coordinating their actions with the "villagers," that is, with the supporters of propaganda (Aptekman, Plekhanov). On June 15, on the eve of the general congress of landowners, "politicians" gather in Lipetsk to develop additions to the program of organization and a common position; some supporters of the political struggle who were not members of the Land and Freedom were invited to the Lipetsk congress, including A. I. Zhelyabov (cm. Zhelyabov Andrey Ivanovich). At the congress in Voronezh on June 19-21, 1879, the Zemlyavolya tried to resolve the contradictions and preserve the unity of the organization.
However, the compromise turned out to be fragile, and on August 15, 1879, Land and Freedom ceased to exist, splitting into a faction of “politicians” (Mikhailov, Tikhomirov, Kvyatkovsky, etc.), who took the name “Narodnaya Volya” (cm. NATIONAL WILL), and the faction of "populists" (Plekhanov, Popov, Aptekman, etc.), who took the name "Black Repartition" (cm. BLACK PEREDITION (populist organization)).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what "LAND AND WILL (populist organization)" is in other dictionaries:

    1. LAND AND WILL, secret society in 1861 64 (name since 1862), federation of circles. It arose under the ideological influence of A. I. Herzen and N. G. Chernyshevsky. Organizers and leaders: N. A. and A. A. Serno Solovievichi, A. A. Sleptsov, N. N. Obruchev, V. S ... Russian history

    - "Land and Freedom", a secret revolutionary society of populists in the 70s. 19th century Founded in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name “Z. and in. given to the society at the end of 1878, with the advent of the eponymous printed organ; former name: "Northern revolutionary ... ...

    Leader: Period 1861 1864 N. N. Obruchev S. S. Rymarenko I. I. Shamshin and others Period 1876 1879 A. D. Mikhailov G. V. Plekhanov D. A. Lizogub Later S. M. Kravchinsky N. A Morozov S. L. Perovskaya L. A. Tikhomirov. Date of foundation ... Wikipedia

    1) revolutionary populist organization of the 1870s, founded in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name since 1878. Organizers: M. A. Natanson, A. D. Mikhailov, A. D. Oboleshev, G. V. Plekhanov and others. body "Administration"; composition: group ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Revolutionary populist organization of the 1870s, founded in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name since 1878. Organizers: M. A. Natanson, A. D. Mikhailov, A. D. Oboleshev, G. V. Plekhanov and others. ; composition: group ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    I secret revolutionary society of raznochintsy in Russia in 1861 64 (name since 1862), federation of revolutionary circles. It arose under the ideological influence of A. I. Herzen and N. G. Chernyshevsky. Organizers and leaders: N. A. and A. A. Serno Solovievichi, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    For the newspaper, see Zemlya i Volya (newspaper). Land and Will is a secret revolutionary society that arose in Russia in 1861 and existed until 1864, from 1876 to 1879 it was restored as a populist organization. Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

    I Zemlya i volya ("Land and volya"), a secret revolutionary society in Russia in the early 1960s. 19th century The appearance and activity of "Z. and in.” due to the revolutionary situation of 1859 61 in the country. Education and the beginning of the activity “Z. and in.” relate … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Earth and Will- 1) existed in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century. revolutionary society; 2) a revolutionary populist organization of the 70s of the last century, conducting socialist propaganda, agitating for “land and freedom. The failures of populist propaganda in ... ... Popular political vocabulary

    - "BLACK PEREDEL", a populist organization in St. Petersburg in 1879 81. Arose after the split of "Land and Freedom", retained its program; denial of political struggle and terror, propaganda among the workers. Center St. Petersburg Circle (G.V. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

The inspirers of the society were Herzen and Chernyshevsky. The participants set their goal as preparing a peasant revolution. Among the organizers were N. N. Obruchev, S. S. Rymarenko, I. I. Shamshin and others. Policy Documents were created under the influence of the ideas of Herzen and Ogarev. One of the most important demands put forward by the members of the organization was the convening of a classless people's assembly.

The first Executive Committee of the organization included 6 of its organizers (N. N. Obruchev, S. S. Rymarenko, brothers N. A. and A. A. Serno-Solovyevichi, A. A. Sleptsov, V. S. Kurochkin). Land and Will was an association of circles located in 13-14 cities. The largest circles were Moscow (Yu. M. Mosolov, N. M. Shatilov) and St. Petersburg (N. I. Utin). The military organization of Land and Freedom was represented by the "Committee of Russian Officers in Poland" under the leadership of Lieutenant A. A. Potebnya. According to the data available to A. A. Sleptsov, the number of "Land and Freedom" was 3,000 people ( Moscow branch consisted of 400 members).

In the summer of 1862, the tsarist authorities dealt a serious blow to the organization, arresting its leaders - Chernyshevsky and Serno-Solovyevich, as well as the radical journalist D. I. Pisarev, associated with the revolutionaries. In 1863, due to the expiration of the statutory charters, the members of the organization expected a powerful peasant uprising, which they wanted to organize in cooperation with the Polish revolutionaries. However, the Polish underground was forced to organize an uprising ahead of the promised time, and the hopes for a peasant revolt did not come true. In addition, the liberals for the most part refused to support the revolutionary camp, believing in the progressiveness of the reforms that had begun in the country. Under the influence of all these factors, Land and Freedom was forced to self-destruct in early 1864.

2. The second composition 1876-1879

The second composition of the “Land and Freedom”, which was restored in 1876 as a populist organization, included such figures as A. D. Mikhailov, G. V. Plekhanov, D. A. Lizogub, later S. M. Kravchinsky, N. A. Morozov, S. L. Perovskaya, L. A. Tikhomirov, N. S. Tyutchev. In total, the organization consisted of about 200 people. Land and Freedom in its activities relied on a wide range of sympathizers.

Voronezh Congress of members of the populist organization "Land and Freedom", convened in June 1879 in Voronezh in connection with disagreements among revolutionary populists on the question of the future direction of activity. About 20 people participated, including G. V. Plekhanov, A. D. Mikhailov, A. I. Zhelyabov, V. N. Figner, S. L. Perovskaya, N. A. Morozov, M. F. Frolenko, O. V. Aptekman. Supporters of the "politics" of political struggle and terror (Zhelyabov, Mikhailov, Morozov, and others) came to the congress as a close-knit group, which was finally organized at the Lipetsk Congress (June 1879). Plekhanov's supporters ("villagers") took a conciliatory position, considering main task work among the peasants: they did not object, in essence, to the terror. Plekhanov, who was arguing the danger of being carried away by terror for the prospects of working among the people, formally withdrew from Land and Freedom and left the congress.

The resolutions of the congress were of a compromise nature: along with the activity, the people also recognized the need for political terror.

The organization lasted until 1879, after which it disbanded. The terrorist wing formed new organization"People's Will", and the wing that remained true to purely populist tendencies is the "Black Redistribution" society. After the split of "Land and Freedom" at the Voronezh Congress, the Executive Committee of the Lipetsk Congress laid the foundation for a new organization "

Created under the influence of awareness of the reasons for the failure of "going to the people." It was originally called the "Northern Revolutionary Populist Group", renamed "Land and Freedom" in 1878. The organization made itself felt by a political demonstration on December 6, 1876 near the Kazan Cathedral. The action was dispersed and beaten, up to 30 participants were brought to trial and sent to hard labor and exile. Plekhanov managed to escape.

Organization. Cell - closed fives, each knew only the members of his five. Structurally, the organization was divided into groups:

· "Center" ("Administration") - leadership. Elected by the "main circle" of 30 people (the core of the organization)

Villagers - agitation in the village

· Working group- agitation of workers

· Intelligentsia group - agitation of students

Disorganization group - reconnaissance, obtaining information from punitive institutions, attracting officials and the military to their side, terrorist acts)

· "Heavenly Chancellery" - preparation of passports, residence permits, etc.


Transfer of all land to peasants with the right of communal use

Introduction of self-management

· Assertion of civil liberties (words, creeds, assembly)

Creation of production agricultural and industrial associations


Propaganda among peasants, workers, students, artisans, military

Influence on the liberal opposition circles of Russian society in order to win them over to their side

Like Bakunin, they abandoned the idea of ​​political struggle (because the masses are indifferent to the nature of the political system). The problem of terror has not yet been raised - it came to the fore in 1879. Previous acts of violence were caused by the bad behavior of the authorities or self-defense (1878 - Zasulich vs Trepov)

In January 1879, Kletochnikov joined the 3rd department and got access to secret materials, and for 2 years leaked important information to the revolutionaries. In the end, he was discovered and sentenced to death, replaced by eternal hard labor, to which he did not live - he died in Pertropavlovka.

The "Southern Rebels" group organized the "Chigirinsky plot" (1877), which consisted in the transfer of the revolutionary program to the peasants under the guise of a royal decree. Gathered 2 thousand peasants. In June, the organization was opened. The organizers themselves escaped from prison, four peasants were sentenced to hard labor.

In 1879 there were many supporters of terror tactics. 04/2/1879 - unsuccessful attempt by Solovyov on A2 on Palace Square. Repressions on populists. There were sharp discussions within the organization about the expediency of terror and political struggle. Supporters of terror created the Freedom or Death organization. On June 18-24, 1879, a congress of landowners took place in Voronezh. Supporters of terror had already gathered in Lipetsk to determine the course of action. At the Voronezh congress, a sharp controversy unfolded between Andrei Zhelyabov (for terror) and Plekhanov (against terror). Zhelyabov won. 08/15/1879 "Land and Freedom" was divided into "People's Will" (most of the landowners) and "Black Repartition" (followed the same principles)

"Land and Freedom", a secret revolutionary society of populists in the 70s. 19th century Founded in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name “Z. and in. given to the society at the end of 1878, with the advent of the eponymous printed organ; former name: "Northern revolutionary-populist group", "Society of populists". Prominent figures "Z. and in. Since its foundation, there have been M. A. and O. A. Natanson, A. D. Mikhailov, A. D. Oboleshev, G. V. Plekhanov, A. A. Kvyatkovsky, D. A. Lizogub, V. A. Osinsky, O. V. Aptekman and others. Later, S. M. Kravchinsky, D. A. Klements, N. A. Morozov, S. L. Perovskaya, L. A. Tikhomirov, M. F. Frolenko joined it ( all are former Chaikovites). Platform Z. and in. V. N. Figner’s circle shared and collaborated with it (A. I. Ivanchin-Pisarev, Yu. N. Bogdanovich, A. K. Solovyov, and others). "Z. and in. had a close relationship with the revolutionaries operating in Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa.

Education "Z. and in. preceded by a discussion of the experience of "going to the people" 1873-75. As a result, the foundations of the political platform were determined, which was called "populist". The landowners recognized the possibility of a special (non-capitalist path of development of Russia, the basis for which was to serve as a peasant community. They considered it necessary to adapt the goals and slogans of the movement to independent revolutionary aspirations, which, in their opinion, already exist in the peasantry. These requirements, summarized in the slogan “Land and freedom!”, were reduced by the society’s program to the transfer of all land “into the hands of the rural working class” with its “uniform” distribution, to “complete worldly self-government”, to the division of the empire into parts “according to local desires”.

"Z. and in. defended the need to create permanent "settlements" of revolutionaries in the countryside in order to prepare a popular revolution. The peasants saw the main revolutionary force in the peasantry, the labor movement was assigned a subordinate role. Proceeding from the inevitability of a "violent upheaval," the landowners put forward "agitation" to a particularly important place, mainly "through action" - riots, demonstrations, strikes. They represented the "rebellious" stream in the revolutionary movement of the 70s. The essential merit of the landowners, noted by V. I. Lenin, was the desire "... to attract all the dissatisfied to their organization and direct this organization to a decisive struggle against the autocracy" (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 6, p. 135). The principles of organization were discipline, mutual comradely control, centralism and conspiracy.

To arrange their “settlements”, the landowners chose Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Astrakhan, as well as Tambov, Voronezh, Pskov provinces, the Don region, etc. Attempts were made to revolutionary activities in the North Caucasus, the Urals. "Z. and in. organized the publication and distribution of revolutionary literature on a large scale for underground conditions (the issue of Land and Freedom, the Land and Freedom Leaflet, etc.), conducted propaganda and agitation among the workers; the landowners participated in several strikes in St. Petersburg in 1878-79. "Z. and in. influenced the development of the student movement. She organized or supported demonstrations in St. Petersburg, including the so-called Kazan demonstration of 1876, which “Z. and in. for the first time openly declared its existence.

The program "Z. and in. It also provided for actions aimed, in the opinion of its members, at the "disorganization of the state", in particular the destruction of "the most harmful or prominent persons from the government." The most significant terrorist act "Z. and in. was the murder of the chief of the gendarmes N. V. Mezentsov (1878). However, Z. and in. did not yet consider terror as a means of political struggle against the existing system, regarding it as self-defense of the revolutionaries and revenge on their government. Disappointment in the revolutionary activities in the countryside, increased government repression, a sharp aggravation of political discontent during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78 and the maturing of a revolutionary situation contributed to the emergence and development of new sentiments within the organization. In "Z. and in. Gradually, a faction of terrorist politicians was formed, which in March 1879 founded its own organ, Listok Z. and c. "". Differences between supporters of the continuation of the former line of society - "village people" (Plekhanov, M. R. Popov, Aptekman, etc.) and "politicians" - defenders of the transition to political struggle through the systematic use of terrorist methods (Mikhailov, Morozov , Tikhomirov, Kvyatkovsky, and others), demanded that the Voronezh Congress be convened in June 1879, which led only to a formal and short-term compromise between these two groups.In August 1879, Z. and V. finally split into 2 independent organizations:


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    At the turn of the 1850s and 1860s, a number of student circles operated in the largest cities of Russia. They were under the ideological influence of The Bells by Herzen and Ogaryov and were engaged in propaganda of liberation ideas. Some societies were disclosed by the authorities, so information about them has been preserved: the Kharkiv-Kiev secret society, the Perm-Kazan secret society, the Library of Kazan students, the Argiropulo-Zaichnevsky circle that separated from the latter.

    The first composition 1861-1864

    The inspirers of the society were Herzen and Chernyshevsky. The aim of the participants was to prepare peasant revolution. The program documents were created under the influence of the ideas of Herzen and Ogarev. One of the most important demands put forward by the members of the organization was the convening of a classless people's assembly.

    The first Executive Committee of the organization included 6 of its organizers (N. N. Obruchev, S. S. Rymarenko, brothers N. A. and A. A. Serno-Solovyevichi, A. A. Sleptsov, V. S. Kurochkin). "Land and Freedom" was an association of circles located in 13-14 cities. The largest circles were Moscow (Yu. M. Mosolov, N. M. Shatilov) and St. Petersburg (N. I. Utin). military organization"Land and Liberty" was represented by the "Committee of Russian officers in Poland" under the leadership of Lieutenant A. A. Potebnya. According to the data available to A. A. Sleptsov, the number of "Land and Freedom" was 3,000 people (the Moscow branch consisted of 400 members).

    Second composition 1876-1879

    The second composition of the "Land and Freedom", which was restored in 1876 as a populist organization, included such figures as A. D. Mikhailov, G. V. Plekhanov, D. A. Lizogub, later S. M. Kravchinsky, N. A Morozov, S. L. Perovskaya, L. A. Tikhomirov, and N. S. Tyutchev. In total, the organization consisted of about 200 people. Land and Freedom in its activities relied on a wide range of sympathizers.

    The name "Land and Freedom" was given to the society at the end of 1878, with the advent of the press organ of the same name; former name: "Northern revolutionary-populist group", "Society of populists".

    The organization's propaganda was based not on former socialist principles, incomprehensible to the people, but on slogans that came directly from the peasant environment, that is, the demands of "land and freedom." In their program, the program proclaimed the ideal of "anarchism and collectivism." The specific requirements were as follows:

    • transfer of all land to the peasants in equal shares
    • introduction of full communal self-government
    • introduction of religious freedom
    • giving nations the right to self-determination

    The means of achieving these goals included organizational (propaganda, agitation among peasants and other classes and groups) and disorganization (individual terror against the most objectionable government officials and Okhrana agents). The organization had its own charter.

    The organization consisted of the main circle (subdivided into seven special groups according to the type of activity) and local groups located in many major cities empire. "Land and Freedom" had its own printed organ with the same name. The agent of "Earth and Freedom" N.V. Kletochnikov was introduced into the Third Section. The landowners organized rural settlements as a transition to "sedentary" propaganda. However, this action, as well as "going to the people", ended in failure. After that, the populists concentrated all their forces on political terror.

    The landowners participated in several strikes in St. Petersburg in 1878-79. Land and Freedom influenced the development of the student movement. She organized or supported demonstrations in St. Petersburg, including the Kazan demonstration on December 6 (18), 1876, to which Land and Freedom for the first time openly declared its existence. The Kazan demonstration was the first political demonstration in Russia with the participation of advanced workers. The demonstration was organized and carried out by populist landowners and members of workers' circles associated with them on Kazanskaya Square in St. Petersburg. About 400 people gathered on the square. G. V. Plekhanov delivered a passionate revolutionary speech to the audience. A young worker, Ya. S. Potapov, unfurled a red banner with the words "Land and Freedom." The demonstrators resisted the police. 31 demonstrators were arrested, of which 5 were sentenced to 10-15 years of hard labor, 10 were sentenced to exile in Siberia, and three workers, including Ya. Potapov, were sentenced to imprisonment for 5 years in a monastery. The Kazan demonstration marked the beginning of the conscious participation of the Russian working class in the social movement.

    The Lipetsk Congress of the members of the populist organization Land and Freedom took place in June 1879 in Lipetsk. Convened in an atmosphere of aggravated disagreement among the revolutionary Narodniks on the question of the future direction of the organization's activities. A. D. Mikhailov, A. A. Kvyatkovsky, L. A. Tikhomirov, N. A. Morozov, A. I. Barannikov, M. N. Oshanina, A. I. Zhelyabov, N. I. Kolodkevich, G. D. Goldenberg, S. G. Shiryaev, M. F. Frolenko. The congress decided to include in the program "Land and Freedom" the recognition of the need for a political struggle against the autocracy as a primary and independent task. The participants in the Lipetsk Congress declared themselves the Executive Committee of the Social Revolutionary Party and adopted a charter based on centralism, discipline and conspiracy. The Executive Committee, in the event that the general congress of the “Land Volunteers” in Voronezh agrees with new program had to take over the implementation of terror.

    Voronezh Congress of members of the populist organization "Land and Freedom", convened in June 1879 in Voronezh in connection with disagreements among revolutionary populists on the question of the future direction of activity. About 20 people participated, including G. V. Plekhanov, A. D. Mikhailov, A. I. Zhelyabov, V. N. Figner, S. L. Perovskaya, N. A. Morozov, M. F. Frolenko, O. V. Aptekman. Supporters of the "politics" of political struggle and terror (Zhelyabov, Mikhailov, Morozov, and others) came to the congress as a close-knit group, which was finally organized at the Lipetsk Congress (June 1879). Plekhanov's supporters ("villagers") took a conciliatory position, considering the work among the peasants to be the main task: they did not, in essence, object to terror. Plekhanov, who was proving the danger of being carried away by terror for the prospects of working among the people, formally withdrew from Land and Freedom and left the congress.

    The resolutions of the congress were of a compromise nature: along with the activity, the people recognized the need for political terror.

    The organization lasted until 1879, after which it broke up. The terrorist wing formed a new organization "Narodnaya Volya", and the wing that remained true to purely populist tendencies - society