The Arkan of Strength implies the deepest inner harmony gained through self-awareness and the resolution of internal conflicts. The strength of the personality is in its integrity, victory is in meeting your fears, and not suppressing them, not avoiding or hiding your negative manifestations; find something new in order to take over the established old. The falling out of the Tarot card Strength makes you think about the harmony of all components of the personality, about its most striking manifestations in situations of crisis, self-development in overcoming difficulties on the path of life.

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      General value

      The Tarot card Strength in the upright position has a positive meaning and personifies the easy victory of higher forces over lower ones, the pacification of one's passionate nature by the power of the spirit; marks the overcoming of obstacles. The enigmatic person goes his own way, but at present he is waiting for the trials of fate: courage, patience, endurance are required from him. The card calls for decisive action, a courageous confrontation with life's troubles. The alignment with the 11 lasso indicates a test of a person’s knowledge and the strength of his position, readiness to defend his principles, sincerity of desires. This is a challenge that cannot be broken, it is time to show emotional maturity instead of self-pity.

      • The individual is faced not only with external enemies, but also with internal demons, with which the battle is to be fought. To achieve victory will turn out to be gentle and inner steadfastness, verified actions, it is necessary to curb feelings, longing, disappointment, and also remember that violence and cruelty abhor true strength. In a crisis situation, self-confidence will lead to success. Strength warns of the futility of the manifestation of aggression, otherwise the result will upset. The more internal strength, the less external is required for the battle. This is the best time for self-knowledge, the accumulation of energy that will be useful in the near future. Surrounded by negative cards, positive values ​​turn into negative ones, this is a warning about vain efforts.

        Symbolic correspondences: test of the path; lust; strength; lion tamer; living space and perfection of individuality.

        On a deep level: the removal of internal obstacles unites the conscious with the subconscious. Victory is gained through inner righteousness, not aggression. The obstacles are actually illusory, driven into the depths of the soul. If the energy that was spent on suppressing fears is released, then it is enough to achieve goals.

        A lesson for self-development: a person is able to transform physical, mental and sexual energy into spiritual, which will expand the field of perception.


        A woman alone and without weapons subdues the lion thanks to her inner strength. Higher consciousness tells her a way to overcome obstacles. Humility and love have more power than brute force.

        The lion symbolizes an obstacle to spiritual development, including fears, passions that tear the soul apart. It is not permissible to fight the beast, but it is also impossible to surrender to it. Victory over a predator is possible only due to self-development and spiritual growth of the questioner.

        Direct position, basic values:

        • feminine, hot temperament;
        • the triumph of intuition over physical perception;
        • creative upsurge;
        • perseverance, inner strength;
        • wisdom, tolerance;
        • power of persuasion;
        • health.

        Reversed position, main meanings:

        • worldly experience with a lack of intuition;
        • fear, anxiety, apprehension, timidity;
        • dependence, ignorance, self-flagellation;
        • fatigue, weakness, illness;
        • abuse of power, impudence, despotism;
        • rebellion, vanity, fanaticism.

        The meaning for the situation is not the most positive: impotence, shameful weakness, defeat, shame, mismanagement of resources, dependence on the situation, acceptance of one's failure, self-affirmation through violence, loss of control, lack of intentions. A positive answer is only in the case of a question about breaking up and stopping something.


        The Strength card describes a person in full bloom, often alone. It contains courage, powerful energy, spiritual strength, generosity, humanity, patience, determination, heroism, passion, fearlessness, the desire to survive and win, despite the pain of past disappointments. The card advises a person to follow the chosen path, not to retreat, to have clear intentions when tested by fate.

        Positive personality traits: charisma, influence, great magnetism, emotional stability, ability to manage oneself. Someone envies him, but for someone he becomes an idol. A person knows what he wants and continues on his way, not being distracted by the fleeting maneuvers of fate. He has a life full of pleasures, he feels pride in himself, a passion for hobbies, easily gets rid of bad habits.

        Description of the profession: athletes, gymnasts; people whose activities are related to animals; arbitrators; healers; common sense; controlling sexual energy.

        Reversed Strength indicates the spinelessness of a person, his unscrupulousness in resisting temptations. The fortuneteller in the description of this card is stupid and cowardly, constantly depressed, distrustful, strangers and circumstances affect his life. A person could suffer from the actions of stronger personalities, therefore he uses tyranny and despotism, does not know how to control emotions, internal discord occurs in him, and as a result he will fail. Fear and anxiety lead to a fall, abandonment of plans, retreat in the face of difficulties, loss of self-confidence, apathy, loss of strength.

        Love and relationships

        The Strength card is a mature conscious self-giving in love, the personification of a gentle approach, conquering attention, taming, harmonization, due to which a full disclosure of feelings occurs in combination with sexuality, contradictory aspects of the personality create a single experience. There is no need to fight, conflicts are resolved, relationships are improved. The art of sensuality is transformed into the art of living, the acceptance of emotions occurs without self-suppression. In the presence of interference, intractability of the partner, the questioner fights for love with spiritual qualities and wins.

        Strength characterizes a partner as temperamental, passionate, sexual attraction is pronounced in a relationship. This is not about platonic love - the sexual aspect is important for the fortuneteller, physical satisfaction will affect the strength of the union. It is not excluded the inequality of partners in charisma, in temperament. The union is long-term, based on deep affection, tenderness, love.

        In the love story:

        • Justice, the Hermit, combined with the Force, indicate tight control of the sexual sphere, which will lead to problems.
        • The presence of the Devil card portends betrayal and many partners, attempts to manipulate.
        • The magician nearby means that the fortuneteller will achieve what he wants thanks to great patience. When a card falls out in a love layout, the value of neighboring arcana increases.

        In relations with people, balance awaits, disagreements are not expected, the fortuneteller is filled with positive energy for mutual exchange, getting vivid impressions.

        Reversed Force speaks of uncontrolled passion, destructive emotions, indicates a break in communication, disagreement. People have different life positions.

        Sometimes Strength is an indication of a destructive union, from which the fortuneteller will be freed through his determination to start everything from scratch. Relationships are filled with passion, but a share of wisdom is required from partners, otherwise the joy received from love will devastate, and communication with a partner will turn into indulgence of instincts.

        Advice to a woman: be humble, accommodating, refuse to sort things out; for a man - to find a partner who will help to become stronger, to transform fears and prejudices into awareness, to develop the masculine principle.

        business, work

        The Tarot card Strength in the layout of the professional and labor situation is positive. At present, the fortuneteller has sufficient resources to implement his plan, has extraordinary abilities, conducts business on a grand scale, has a motive and is ready to take risks in order to achieve goals.

        A person is ready to work on a project, dedicate himself to the task, he will come to material enrichment through development and perseverance. For everything to happen, it is recommended to go in one chosen direction. In terms of making deals, the outlook is positive.

        When choosing a profession, the card recommends focusing on one related to physical activity. The activities of the Strength card are related to the army, sports, work in law enforcement and prison structures, as well as psychology. Financial success is possible through hard work and talent development, but the goal will be determined by higher motives.

        Reversed: Loss of money, delayed wages; target spending. It is also an indication of dismissal, conflict situations, destruction of contracts and plans.


        The Strength Tarot card in the health spread symbolizes vitality, good health, and the beauty of the body. The patient foretells recovery. The card recommends taking care of the body to ensure its harmony with the soul. Maintaining health will contribute to psychological development. And the purity of the mind will help to move forward, to the well-being of the soul.

        With a stationary lifestyle, as in the case of intellectual employment, the advice is to include physical activity in the daily routine.

        Reversed Strength speaks of weakness, spiritual and physical. A person has significant problems - deterioration of health, energy exhaustion, weak immunity, impotence, disability are manifested.

        Map of the day

        In the "Card of the Day" layout, Strength portends a day of testing for strength and courage. Advice: use the will and prudence to control the unsightly qualities inside that spoil life. In a general sense, luck is on the side of the fortuneteller, today everything will work out.

        By area of ​​life:

        • relationships: skillfully use sexual energy to freshen relationships;
        • work: to invest unrealized potential in business;
        • money: require a careful approach, a warning about the infinity of needs;
        • health: moderate use of force will save you from overwork.

        Card Combinations

        Strength in combination with other cards will describe in detail what is happening.

        Combination with major arcana:

        • The jester is a waste of energy;
        • Mag - activity time;
        • High Priestess - advice to be silent;
        • Empress - advice to direct forces to gain what you want;
        • Emperor - a chance for a new business;
        • Hierophant - to improve relations with loved ones, a person has surpassed mentors and is in search of authority;
        • Lovers - advice to choose a faithful life partner in a changing system of values;
        • Chariot - an unstable situation, tight control;
        • Hermit - lack of will, melancholy;
        • Wheel of Fortune - luck favors the fortuneteller;
        • Justice - the desired will be achieved;
        • Hanged Man - additional time will be required;
        • Death is an inner emptiness, a turning point, a cardinal change in thinking;
        • Moderation - it is recommended to slow down, accumulate resources;
        • Devil - energy devastation, temptations, a test that will affect fate;
        • Tower - loss of self-control, aggressive mood;
        • Star - success in getting rid of a bad habit;
        • The moon is a beast in disguise;
        • The sun is an attempt to take over the lower manifestations;
        • Judgment - recuperation;
        • The world is a victory over your ego.


        • Two - do not rush things;
        • Three - advice to reveal the real attitude to what is happening;
        • Four - time for action;
        • Five - do not listen to gossip, search for resources to win;
        • Six - success nearby;
        • Seven - the ability to overcome obstacles;
        • Eight - advice to think before acting;
        • Nine - distrust, stability;
        • Ten - the lack of strength of the hidden person;
        • Page - it is recommended to adhere to your own measure;
        • Knight - indecision spoils the matter;
        • Queen - self-confidence will lead to success;
        • King - luck smiles at the strong;
        • Ace - advice to stick to your roots.


        • Two - excellent relationships with people of the opposite sex;
        • Three - money, luck is on the side of the fortuneteller;
        • Four - noble motives;
        • Five - news, communication with higher powers;
        • Six - cancellation of the meeting;
        • Seven - negative influence from the outside;
        • Eight - fast wedding;
        • Nine - success dishonestly;
        • Ten - confusion, ambiguity of circumstances;
        • Page - strengthening, concentration;
        • Knight - close communication;
        • The queen is a whore;
        • The king is the influence of an empowered person;
        • Ace - skillful control of feelings, intuitive flair.


        • Two - misunderstandings with loved ones;
        • Troika - accumulation of problems;
        • Four - rest from problems;
        • Five - parting and regret of the fortuneteller;
        • Six - get recognition;
        • Seven - departure, change of residence;
        • Eight - illusory belief;
        • Nine - bad news;
        • Ten - official troubles, willingness to sacrifice less for more;
        • Page - hostility;
        • Knight - the responsiveness of a true friend, inverted - win the battle;
        • The Queen is a woman under the influence of hatred;
        • The king is a powerful man;
        • Ace - the pressure of the rulers.


        • Two - violence;
        • Troika - humiliation;
        • Four - receiving gifts;
        • Five - a difficult situation, competition;
        • Six - vigilance will not interfere;
        • Seven - profitable deals;
        • Eight - vain things;
        • Nine - instability;
        • Ten - troubles will come to an end;
        • Page - violation of accepted norms;
        • Knight - a new interesting acquaintance;
        • The Queen is an insatiable woman;
        • The king is a rich man;
        • Ace - absolute success.

        Taro Manara

        Tarot Manara represents the Strength card in the form of an ambitious girl who tamed a mystical huge phallus, which was not easy for her. This can be seen from her unkempt clothes and disheveled hair.

        In the upright position, the card means great internal strength, which is enough to win. It is impossible to imagine what potential you need to have in order to conquer the monster, but no matter how hard it is, the result will be achieved. Sometimes the card warns of the disproportion between the forces of the fortuneteller, who does not feel tired in the process of struggle, and the task at hand.

        The inverted Strength shows the impossibility of realizing the plan - too high a goal, the wrong ways to achieve it: you should not hope for success. In a positive sense, the card indicates the enormous possibilities of a person who does not know what he is capable of. In a negative sense, desire becomes the meaning of life, and a person is able to suppress it.

        Relations on the map are unequal, dependent, there is an intention to keep a partner, despite the difference in age, differences in society, as opposed to logic or moral responsibility.

        Tarot Thoth

        The meaning of the card is more than physical strength, it is an emotional impulse, passion, a riot of colors, as well as lust, which includes the pleasure of this power. 11 lasso in the Tarot deck of Thoth is the image of the Lion. Its meanings: strength, passion, creativity in any field, talent, integration of lower energy into higher, overcoming fears and conventions.

        Description: a woman sitting on the back of a lion holds a grail with a flame as a symbol of divine ecstasy, intoxication, she is absorbed in the process of transformation, which is characterized by complete dedication, awareness of every moment, its acceptance entirely, without rejection. The lion has seven heads, representing holiness, creativity, adventurism, adultery, satire, the lion-serpent and the angel, and symbolizing the unification of points of view in a single power of perception, one orgaistic experience. Energy forms are not limited by morality and the concept of rationality.

        The lowest form of personality manifestation is integrated through affirmation, not struggle. The ten radiating circles are the image of the old principles, which are scattered and losing their brilliance. They will be replaced by fresh ideals that destroy the world and create it anew. Lust unleashes creativity after it has been experienced, tasted, and included in the becoming of awareness. The path to light, self-knowledge passes through all areas of darkness.

        Tip: if the fortuneteller is ready to accept all the qualities that he possesses, his movement through life will be accompanied by sensitivity, awareness, love. The map invites you to answer the question of which areas you would like to live more fully, and whether there is a willingness to start this experience again. It is recommended to increase susceptibility and awareness, in any emotion there is a potential energy that can be used.

        In relationships, according to Crowley's interpretation, the loss of the Force can provoke conflict due to the inability to control emotions. Anger, anger, aggression can manifest between partners, destroying the personality. No matter how wrong the partner may seem, the manifestation of inner strength should be gentle, without harming others.

        Tarot Waite

        Divinatory meanings of Strength: energy, power, fortitude, courage, self-control, action, generosity, honor, courage; the victory of the spiritual over the material.

        Reversed: Despotism, violence, weakness, disgrace, strife.

        In the Waite Tarot deck, a woman with a symbol of life above her head closes the mouth of a lion that has already been tamed, and a garland of flowers is used as a leash for him. In this interpretation, the Force has a connection with the divine mystery of unity, innocence, the source of power, which is in contemplation. A flower garland is a symbol of the tender bonds of divine laws that are accepted by the heart and make a person strong without a hint of self-confidence.

        The Tarot card Strength in the layout calls for pulling yourself together if you overcome anger, passion, fears, not to act on the lead of animal instincts, to direct destructive power into a creative direction. Power should not be wasted.

        Tarot 78 doors

        The power of Tarot 78 Doors reminds of the possibilities of energy accumulation; about smooth progress towards success; resolving conflicts with gentleness and words; about the existence of the body and its desires. In the opposite position - about the inability to take correct actions, create harmonious relationships; burning life. One of the meanings is that the future is vague, the present is ambiguous, the essence of things is incomprehensible: intuition in this situation will be more useful.

        The lions assigned to guard the door of the Force can be both allies and feared monsters. The questioner is able to use the power of instincts, transforming it into self-control.

        Relationships require a fair alignment of forces, honesty, openness, and recognition of the interests of the other. Perhaps someone will have to part with their previous ideas about living together, change their behavior in order to achieve harmony.

        In the financial sector - honesty, equality in the distribution of income. With the card Justice - issues of property or money will be resolved in favor of the fortuneteller.

        The work will require: honesty, decency, balance, equal distribution of forces, conscientious responsibility. A period of problem solving, a decline in overall tension is not ruled out. Sometimes it is a symbol of a confusing issue and the help of the judiciary.

        In terms of self-development: leave differences; work on shortcomings; focus on kindness, tact, disinterestedness; advice to achieve balance in all spheres of life; don't forget about those around you.

        In the upright position, the advice of the card is to gain faith in yourself. At present, the fortuneteller is able to resist pressure and assert himself, control himself and shape events.

        In an inverted position - preoccupation with current events can cause depression, weakness, but at present it is not recommended to rush things. To achieve success, it is important to get rid of guilt, to face your fears. With more self-confidence comes a sense of stability. The card advises not to go ahead, but instead to deal with tasks that the questioner can handle.

When learning to guess, pay special attention to the lasso Strength. Tarot meaning is quite complicated. The deck covers all manifestations of a person, possible situations and energy currents that form society. Our lasso is very complex. The Strength Tarot card combines many aspects that are revealed in an unusual way, depending on the nearest one should be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes in forecasts.

Description and inner meaning

Let's look at the lasso Strength. The Tarot meaning is encrypted in what is shown in the picture. Many people do not study the thick books of the masters, but are guided precisely by it. By the way, they give quite successful forecasts. The card depicts a young beauty, carelessly playing with the terrible king of animals - a lion. The animal completely submitted to her will, fascinated by the beauty and kindness of the girl. Pictures vary around this semantic plot. You have probably met a slightly different lasso of Strength. The meaning of the Tarot does not change due to design variations. The meaning of the card is that there is nothing in the world that weakness cannot cope with. It contains a special mechanism that allows you to curb any power. A baby who does not have physical strength wins hearts, a beautiful flower makes a rude warrior shed tears of delight, forget about the harshness of the fights in which he participated. In a practical sense, the lasso speaks of the enormous potential of a person. He is ready to fight for his positions. And he perceives the battle with optimism. Negative emotions, such as anger, fear, nervousness, jealousy, this person transforms into a positive direction. Approximately in this way, the lasso of Strength should be interpreted. The meaning of the Tarot for self-development is as follows: the personality has matured in order to realize and overcome the internal negativity. A person understands the destructiveness of some of his aspirations and attitudes. He fights them bravely and successfully. His inner beast is already almost subdued.

Influence on the alignment (direct position)

Fortune telling on the Tarot is a rather complicated matter. It is necessary to analyze the mass of information provided by the meaning of each lasso. If the Force fell out in a direct position, one should pay attention to the positions of the personalities involved in the situation. One of them is a very unusual, outstanding personality. This person has a positive influence on events. He is probably not trying to stand out, to declare himself at the top of his voice. But his quiet words are listened to with great respect. He tames anger, reconciles enemies. Strength (Tarot) in the layout is perceived positively. It portends hope for a harmonious and favorable development of the situation. We can say that a person is going in the right direction. He was able to realize his own destiny and find the possibility of its realization. That is, whatever question is asked, the answer is quite optimistic. You need to listen to the wise advice of others, but trust your intuition. Naturally, the combination of Tarot in the layout also affects the forecast. But Strength softens negative cards. For example, the Tower next to this lasso does not portend strong shocks. Rather, good friends will come to the rescue in trouble. A change will occur, but it will bring the fortuneteller to a new, higher level.

The meaning of the inverted lasso Strength

This position of the card has two meanings. Firstly, he says that a person is ready to give up under the pressure of adverse circumstances. He lost faith in success. His potential was spent in an unequal struggle. He was tired of the constant confrontation. This is indicated by the inverted Force. At the same time, the Tarot value does not lose the positive characteristics of the direct lasso. The individual still has enough energy to pull himself together. You just have to redistribute it. Don't give up. Life seems like a brutal fight until you learn to enjoy the process. We are constantly overcoming something. Fatigue accumulates only when you perceive the process as hard work, and not as a chain of natural events. In a practical sense, the Force reversed tells you to take a breather. It should be used to analyze your perception of the world. Somewhere a serious mistake has been made. It needs to be identified and corrected. Strength, even upside down, is not a negative lasso. It pushes for a more thoughtful attitude to the issue, concentration on important points, to the detriment of secondary ones. No need to listen to gossip, react to critics. They only lead astray. You need to find the strength in yourself to achieve the goal. The path is not as far as it seems. Brush aside those who exaggerate problems, trust yourself.

(straight position)

The couple has every prospect of building a stable union if the lasso of Strength appears in the layout. Relationship tarot considers how the mutual desire of individuals for harmony. Everything is important here: their intentions, assessment of the partner, the ability to respect and obey, lead and lead. Our lasso says that people correspond to each other in terms of the strength of their personalities. They do not allow distortions, they keep pace, so to speak. These are mature self-sufficient individuals striving for an alliance. It is important for them to get a response, to satisfy a partner. When you start guessing at the Tarot, you need to perceive reality from a distance. A loved one has flaws, just like you. They should be understood and accepted, and not tried to ignore. Strength hints at the fact that passion prevails in the union. Lovers are able to show animal instincts, they are open, they have no forbidden areas and topics. However, they sometimes face conflict situations. Tenderness towards a partner helps to overcome them. If we are talking about a quarrel, then the recommendation of the lasso Strength is this: do not be afraid of your weakness, trust your loved one. The partner should do the same. Sincerely loving people are able to overcome any obstacles, even internal disagreements. You should trust the current that is rapidly carrying you to happiness. In the study of relationships, the Tarot combination is negative: Strength - Tower. This is a sign of a serious scandal that will lead to a terrible loss.

The influence of the inverted lasso on relationships

The couple has an unenviable future, passion has left them, leaving boredom. This is how the lasso of Strength should be perceived if fortune-telling is carried out for a long-standing couple. Their relationship has run its course. People are no longer able to give each other anything. The network of the problem should be determined from neighboring maps. If the Moon falls nearby and one of the sevens, then the deception has been revealed (or it will happen in the future). This event does not allow you to trust the partner anymore. He is perceived as a liar, an unworthy person. Love no longer creates magical worlds. The feeling gradually dies, unable to cope with the troubles that have piled on people. The Arcana Strength (Tarot) in the alignment of relationships leaves hope for change. If it falls out in the “advice” position, then you should get rid of boredom, shake yourself up. The couple needs to change something in the relationship. It's time to look at your partner with different eyes or in a new environment. It is recommended to go to the resort, go hiking, go to the country. The Reversed Force says that it is still possible to change, but the initiative is required from the partners, the desire to breathe new life into the relationship. And none of them, unfortunately, lacks the spirit to do so. Here a shake-up is needed, a sea of ​​​​pleasant impressions, and no one, except for the former lovers themselves, is able to help. It’s bad when, next to the lasso of Strength in the Tarot layout, the Knight of Swords appears upside down. This is a sign of male weakness of a partner. He no longer desires love pleasures.

Impact on the business sphere (direct position)

Arcana Strength suggests that a person has chosen the right professional field. He works hard and achieves good results. In addition, the lasso Strength portends an exit to a higher level in the business that a person is currently engaged in. He has already gone beyond his current position. It is necessary to strive for more. In a practical sense, this is a promotion, participation in a new promising project. The person on whom the alignment is made is a professional. He should expand the sphere of application of forces and talents. If there are no negative cards, then there are no obstacles. If they are, then you should not give up without a fight. Strength indicates that a person has the energy to overcome all existing obstacles and avoid the appearance of new ones. In the layouts for material well-being, the lasso is a harbinger of a beautiful, fully financed period of life. The work will be well paid, new sources of income will appear. If the Tarot layout is performed for a man, he should actively implement his own projects. They are very promising and will bring good results. In general, Strength in material terms recommends trusting your intuition. Do not listen to people who have not achieved anything in the professional field. They act out of jealousy. And the personality itself moves exactly where it is needed in order to secure a comfortable and prosperous future.

The meaning of the inverted Force in the layout for work

A person has fallen into a vicious circle, out of which he is not able to see. Wrong decisions lead to trouble or loss. The person reacts to this too emotionally and impulsively. This makes the situation even more complicated. New problems cause even more nervous reaction. This leads to apathy, unwillingness to deal with a bunch of complexities, to put everything in its place. You need to stop and calm down. You should not create additional difficulties for yourself, build fences, which then have to be dismantled. There is an exit. He is in confidence in professionalism. If you can't figure it out on your own, seek advice from a wiser person. Neighboring arcana will point to him. For example, the King of any suit (upright) hints that you have an influential friend who can clarify the situation indicated by the inverted lasso Strength (Tarot). The combination with Death is also favorable. It is interpreted in a positive sense. You may not see a way out of the circle of trouble at the moment, but soon everything will change. Veredi looms a ray of hope. It's bad when an inverted Strength falls next to a straight Tower. This is a sign of serious irreparable losses. You have to start your career from scratch. The acquired skills will not be needed in another place where you will be forced to go. Circumstances are beyond the control of the fortuneteller. He's going through a lot of stress.

Value in the layout of health (direct position)

If you are overcome by ailments, then the lasso Strength should be taken positively. He suggests that a person is too pessimistic about reality, tends to paint it in black colors. He has enough strength to cope with illnesses, to gain the desired health. You need to communicate more with nature, trying to pacify your negative passions. Often, it is precisely the presence of bad habits that have a bad effect on the body that is indicated by the lasso of the Tarot Strength. Health was crippled not by unknown microbes, but by the person himself. He also has every opportunity to correct the situation. It is necessary to analyze habits and preferences, identify and eliminate distortions. It's a simple matter, but one that requires courage. As the girl on the map pacifies the lion, so the fortuneteller must subdue his passions. If we are talking about methods of treatment, then refuse for the time being from surgical intervention. The disease can be defeated by medical methods in combination with moderate physical activity. Strength recommends that the fortuneteller limit himself. This may be a reasonable diet, the rejection of excessive laziness, gluttony, and so on. The body needs respect for consciousness. It is necessary to love yourself and try to give the body what is useful to it.

Influence on the health of an inverted lasso

Not very good if the card fell out in this position. This is a sign of lack of strength. Man is tired of the constant struggle with ailments. He has no motivation, he is ready to give up. And you shouldn't do it. A little more - and the disease will be defeated. You don't have to accept the current state of affairs. On the contrary, you should actively resist. You are on the right track. The treatment is chosen correctly, it is necessary to persistently and methodically follow the recommendations of the doctor. You will soon feel the desired changes. Reversed Strength indicates that a person has lost heart too early. He does everything, albeit more slowly than he would like. The presence of the Ace of Swords nearby indicates the need for surgical intervention. This radical method in this case is the most optimal, but the fortuneteller is afraid of it. You should pull yourself together and trust the doctors. If the question was about the general state of health, then the inverted Strength speaks of excessive indulgence in negative aspirations. Do you abuse alcohol or smoke? Do you eat too much fatty or sweet things? Card recommendation: pull yourself together and try to limit desires. Otherwise, the disease cannot be avoided.

Map of the future

If the force fell out in a straight position, then you should confidently look into the future. You have enough energy to overcome obstacles, build happiness with your own hands. Ahead is a great time for the full realization of abilities and talents. We need to be more active. In addition, when you pull out Tarot cards for the future, the Force portends internal changes. Your efforts in the field of self-improvement will be crowned with success. Achieving the maturity of the individual - this is the inner meaning of the lasso. You will get the opportunity to look deeper into the essence of events, to understand what was previously hidden. An inverted lasso has a different meaning. It encourages spiritual growth. A step back has been taken on the path of self-improvement. You failed to master the lesson, gave up under the pressure of circumstances, sank to the bottom of malice, jealousy, resentment. All this should be rethought. It is necessary to understand what caused such a retreat in order to transform the negative into a positive direction. This is serious work, which the map suggests doing in the near future. And more trust in your own intuition! There is nothing in life that a creative person cannot handle. And it all depends on who got the lasso Strength. The Tarot deck is sure that the fortuneteller has energy for this, confirmed by the internal basis. And how to act, depends on himself. Tarot can advise, but they will not do anything for you. Therefore, it is necessary to shake off despondency and depression, they do not help to build a wonderful world of harmony and prosperity. Namely, it is necessary for a person to feel satisfied with the current state of affairs. Work! And everything will definitely work out. Good luck!

Direct position

The image on this card is a girl who subjugated a lion to her will. Thus, the card symbolizes not brute physical strength, but moral superiority. Strength speaks of complete confidence in one's rightness, moral superiority, energy, spiritual independence, determination.

At the same time, the appearance of this card should not be taken as a hint of the intervention or will of higher forces. Its nature is earthly, the card symbolizes the power that can be perceived through flair or intuition. It can mean willpower or creative energy.

The Force denies the primitive containment of its "black sides", calling to deal with them once and for all with the help of high moral aspirations. It can also indicate the need to give up something in order to gain something better.
Reversed position

The map in an inverted position indicates excessive use of force (moreover, rude), aggression, stubborn assertiveness. He points to a person who is weak in reality, unable to achieve harmony in his own soul, unable to restrain the manifestations of his base instincts.

Sometimes the inverted Force says that a certain third party interferes in the fate of a person in an undesirable way, and he is unwilling or unable to resist this, although such interference destroys all his plans. It may be the other way around - the fortuneteller himself cannot achieve the goal because he is too actively getting into the affairs of others, he really wants everything to be done according to his criteria.

Strength: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

In the upright position, the Force speaks of passionate, sensual, emotionally charged relationships. The card can also talk about sexual passion or the possibility of its manifestation in the very near future.

If such a card falls to a family person or to someone who is already in a permanent relationship, this means that the novel is not in danger of “breaking into everyday life”. Strength shows that it represents a relationship in which fire and romance will always be preserved.

Arkan in a straight position may indicate that, finally, a declaration of love will follow, which for some reason was postponed for a long time, or portend a particularly successful romantic date. She also has a not very pleasant meaning - she can symbolize jealousy.
Reversed position

Reversed Power symbolizes a romance similar to a third grade Mexican series - with excessive emotions, simulated dramas, noisy strife and other extremes. She speaks of the instability, instability of relations, the desire of one partner to force the partner to act in his own way at all costs, the inability to compromise, negotiate and act jointly.

Sometimes the inverted Strength in relationship divination hints at deception on the part of the partner - false promises of marriage or any other steps. She can also talk about the fact that the fortuneteller himself is not sure of his feelings and has not yet decided what he actually needs. It is also possible to indicate existing or upcoming problems in the intimate sphere.

Strength: Significance in the situation and the question

Direct position

In any case, the card portends success, which a person will owe to his own qualities and efforts. So, if you were guessing for a career, Strength says that the fortuneteller is creative in relation to his work. He will succeed, although this success will not necessarily be expressed in getting a high position or an increase in salary. Rather, it will be just a very good result of actions. But the card can also promise material gain - it says that a person can achieve such a goal, he just needs to formulate it for himself.

If it was about health, you should not worry - the Force speaks of a surge of vital energy.

If a question was asked about some problem, the card must be interpreted as advice to bravely confront troubles, fight them. A person has enough strength for this, and the problem will be solved.

Reversed position

Depending on the situation that was being divined, the inverted Strength may indicate quarrelsomeness, despotism, lack of one's own opinion, abuse of the problems of others. Also, the card may indicate that the fortuneteller's problems are explained by strict extraneous control over all his actions, the lack of his own will.

In some cases, the inverted Strength indicates that the fortuneteller cannot solve his problems due to the fact that he really does not take it up, retreats before difficulties, and lets things take their course.

In many cases, the inverted Force warns that the problem cannot be solved rudely, "on the forehead." Aggression is unacceptable, it is she who causes the problem and can only aggravate it.

In matters of health, an inverted Strength can speak of a drop in immunity or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Strength: The meaning of the card of the day

As a card of the day, Strength symbolizes passion and the success of undertakings. She recommends putting your talents to work or becoming more active on a personal level. On the day on which such a card fell, there will be enough strength for everything.

If there are any problems and obstacles, do not be afraid. They will be overcome, but it is necessary to act without aggression, but decisively, not to be afraid and go over to the counterattack. Then all undertakings will surely end successfully, and the enemy will be forced to surrender.

The card recommends not to be afraid of problems and "black stripes" in life. You need to do any business with full dedication, be open and sincere with dear people, without trying to play some tricky politics with them. It is better to formulate your goals for yourself clearly and unambiguously. Once a decision is made, it must be carried out, no matter how difficult it is.

However, one should not rely on direct pressure and rudeness, the worst manifestations of one's character must be controlled even in the worst situations. Such behavior will certainly help to pass the unfavorable period and achieve what you want.

Strength: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

You are wasting too much energy

Ace of Wands

Loyalty to tradition

Ace of Cups

Emotion management, intuition

Ace of swords

Pressure from superiors

Ace of Pentacles

happiness, success

It's time to act

King of Wands

Luck smiles only on a strong-willed person

King of swords

domineering man

King of Pentacles

Rich man

Keep your mouth shut

Queen of Wands

Believing in yourself is the key to success

Queen of Cups

depraved woman

queen of swords

A woman ruled by hate

Queen of Pentacles

Greedy woman


Put all your energy into getting what you want.

Knight of Wands

Shyness doesn't suit you

Knight of Cups

close friendship

Knight of Swords

Help from a devoted friend

Knight of Pentacles

Meeting an interesting person


You have a chance to start your own business

Page of Wands

Know your measure

Page of Cups


Page of swords

Bullying, enemies

Page of Pentacles

Violation of established rules

Now it is necessary to establish good relations with relatives

Two of Wands

Don't rush things

Two of Cups

Good relationship with the opposite sex

Two of Swords

Fight with relatives

Two of Pentacles

Violence (moral or physical)


Need to find the right partner

Three of Wands

Discover your true relationship to the state of things

Three of Cups

Luck is on your side, getting money

Three of Swords

Problems pile up like a snowball

Three of Pentacles




Four of Wands

It's time to act

Four of Cups


Four of Swords

Rest from problems

Four of Pentacles

Surprises, gifts

Five of Wands

Pay no attention to gossip

Five of Cups

Receiving news, connection with the subtle worlds

Five of Swords

Breaking up a relationship, you will regret it in the near future

Five of Pentacles

Distortion, fight


Anxiety, apathy, melancholy

Six of Wands

luck smiles

Six of Cups

The meeting will not take place

Six of Swords

Recognition, victory

Six of Pentacles

The meaning of this card is mostly good. The card has an extremely strong energy that helps a person to do things that previously lacked the spirit. Now is the time when life will send you checks, the results of which will affect the rest of your life. Life does not like weaklings, it needs the most adapted and striving.

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in direct entry

If you get this card, then wait for the test. Your qualities, both physical and moral, will be tested. Fate needs to know how much you can trust a person. If you want to show weakness or give up, then fate will be disappointed. And in the future, things will be difficult, people will begin to treat you worse, feeling weak.

Forget self-pity, now is not the best time for that. You need to reach a higher level, and fate will help if you prove that you are able to withstand such a burden of responsibility. Much will interfere with you, both waking enemies and inner demons that will tempt you with temptations. Arkan advises to persevere and overcome all difficulties, and then it will become easier.

It is worth starting to believe in yourself, and that you will succeed if you make due efforts. The card may have a different meaning if it is combined with other, negative cards, then this means that you are imposing your life position on other people, which is not worth doing. The best solution is to take a short break and calmly think about your recent problems.

In no case should you use rudeness or cruelty in solving your problems, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

The Meaning of the Strength Tarot Card Reversed

Reversed Strength is not the most pleasant card in the layout. The lasso will mean a manifestation of meanness or weakness. The person dropped his hands, and does not want to take any initiative, but simply goes with the flow. It is possible that some strong personality is to blame for this, which greatly hurt you. You should overpower yourself and continue to live no matter what!

The fortuneteller becomes a tyrant and despot, humiliating individuals who are weaker than him in order to exalt himself in his own eyes. This person cannot control his actions, such a person is controlled by every second emotions. If there is at least some kind of power, then this person will not miss the moment, and will mock the poor fellow. But, you must understand that such behavior does not bode well, because good always triumphs over evil. And the tyrant will get what he deserves.

Tarot card Strength and its meaning in relationships

In the layouts of love, this card says that physical intimacy will dominate in relationships. If the lovers are doing well sexually, then it will be no worse spiritually. On the other hand, if one of the partners refuses or thinks that this is too much, then at this time, this relationship will be in crisis, which can lead to separation.

In relations with people, everything will be fine. Life can throw you good partners and comrades, the main thing is to be more attentive to people. Also, at this time, an aura of kindness will radiate from you, which people will notice, and they will have a desire to be closer to you. This is a good time for rest and travel, which at this time will be very bright and memorable.

The main meaning of the Strength card in a relationship is the ability to have a great influence on a partner, doing it subtly, gently, without resorting to pressure.

In the upright position, the meaning of this card indicates that the existing relationship is full of harmony, healthy sexuality, passion. In such relationships there is no place for boredom and routine - they are always filled with emotions. The lonely Strength card speaks of their ability to attract, interest and charm.

An inverted card speaks of a negative manifestation of one's influence, of excessive pressure on one's partner. Emotionally, this means conflicts, intolerance towards each other, stubbornness and intransigence. In combination with other tarot cards, the lasso of strength will reveal the situation in detail.

The meaning of the Tarot card in the layouts for work

This card portends a very productive work. You will have a lot of energy and the support of fate to complete all the tasks. A change of profession is not expected at this time, but a promotion at the current job is possible. You can even take a risk, which at this time will be justified.

You are ready to give your all to your project and it will count. But, it is worth doing only one thing, so as not to waste energy on unnecessary activities. The team will support your undertakings and colleagues will help in any way they can. Therefore, everything is in your hands, act!

Strength Tarot card combined with the Major Arcana

With "Jester" - a waste of energy;

With the "Magician" - active actions;

With the "Empress" - to make efforts to achieve the desired;

With the "Emperor" - give everything to the maximum, achieving your goal;

With "Papa" - try to restore harmony;

With "Lovers" - the need for understanding;

With the "Chariot" - rampant emotions, brute force;

With the "Hermit" - emotional decline, suppressed will;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - grab luck by the tail;

With "Justice" - the struggle for truth;

With the Hanged Man - stubbornness, aggravating the conflict;

With "Death" - fatigue, inner emptiness;

With "Moderation" - at the right time there will be the necessary forces;

With the "Devil" - dishonest use of his influence; excesses;

With the "Tower" - an emotional breakdown, destructive rage;

With the "Star" - to be cured;

With the "Moon" - hide flaws;

With the "Sun" - brilliant self-control, taming of instincts;

With "Court" - to be filled with energy, to overcome fear;

With the "Mir" - to find spiritual harmony, to prevail over weaknesses.

Strength Tarot card in combination with some of the Minor Arcana

With the "Ace of Wands" - keep emotions under control;

With the "Three of Wands" - secrecy;

With the "Six of Wands" - this combination promises that luck will smile soon;

With the "Nine of Wands" - to show possessive feelings;

With the "Ten of Wands" - to be broken;

With the "Knight of Wands" - to cope with the complexes;

With the "Queen of Wands" - confidence;

With the "King of Wands" - to show will.

With the "Ace of Cups" - love will be above all;

With the "Two of Cups" - to conclude a conspiracy;

With the "Four of Cups" - apathy;

With the "Seven of Cups" - overestimate your strength;

With the "Nine of Cups" - the power of desires;

With the "Ten of Cups" - team up with someone;

With the "Page of Cups" - help;

With the "Knight of Cups" - passion, romance will reign in relationships;

With the "Queen of Cups" - to be dependent;

With the "King of Cups" - a strong influence.

With the "Ace of Swords" - common sense will prevail;

With the "Two of Swords" - hesitation;

With the "Four of Swords" - a period of recuperation;

With the "Seven of Swords" - to envy;

With the "Nine of Swords" - weakness;

With the "Page of Swords" - incite conflict;

With the "Knight of Swords" - a rude intrusion;

With the "Queen of Swords" - aggravate the confrontation;

With the "King of Swords" - promotion.

With the "Ace of Pentacles" - excellent health;

With the "Four of Pentacles" - stability;

With the "Five of Pentacles" - lack of will;

With the "Seven of Pentacles" - patience;

With the "Ten of Pentacles" - people with influence;

With the "Page of Pentacles" - a strong man;

With the "Knight of Pentacles" - a confident movement forward;

With the "Queen of Pentacles" - a solid foundation for family relationships;

With the "King of Pentacles" - strengthen your position.

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This is one of the most powerful and auspicious tarot arcana. Its astrological meaning is the sign of Aries. The card always depicts a beast that is conquered by a woman, usually young and beautiful.

The beast personifies the spirit in which the nature of his state is lost, which happened to him due to the fact that he was stuck in materiality.

To help him, the soul regulates him, tames the power contained in the spirit. Strength in this case is manifested in understanding, in indirect influence, in the bonds of love and understanding. In a general sense, the card shows the connection of the material and spiritual, active and passive principles, love that conquers. Mystically, the girl subduing the Lion shows those very “bonds that are not burdensome and the work is not heavy,” which obedience to the Divine imposes on a person.

This card gives a sexual character to any relationship, but depends on neighboring cards, demonstrating how much the needs and capabilities of the partner allow sexuality to be realized. Indicates fearlessness, a large amount of vitality, as well as confidence in one's rightness and capabilities, as well as the fact that moral or spiritual strength prevails over physical.

The Arcana Strength points to strength captured with the help of instincts or instincts, and not to the power of a higher order, spiritual or mystical. Indicates, in conjunction with other cards, the possibility of an ability, a power given for something - another lasso will tell you what it is for.

Power in reverse.

In the opposite position, the Strength tarot card shows a lack of self-confidence, fears and interference in the life of any extraneous forces, people, etc. Also, the reversed card shows that many efforts are doomed to failure, because the Questioner is afraid of difficulties in his path. In practical divination, the meaning of the Force in an inverted position is the loss of money, as well as misappropriation, as well as a quarrel with business partners. Often Strength also means conflicts or partings. Can predict future dismissal or refusal to increase pay, conflicts with colleagues.

The plans of the Questioner are violated. In terms of health, it indicates the presence of injuries or wounds, loss of strength, a drop in the strength of immunity. The card does not indicate death, however, it may accompany cards with such a meaning. In general, the meaning of the lasso carries quarrels or disagreements, disagreement and parting. In personal relationships, the card shows that people have completely different views on relationships and how they should be built, which leads to separation. This position of the card gives the answer "Yes" to the question of separation or termination of actions or relationships and "No" in other cases.

Strength in a straight line.

The direct position of this Tarot card represents a symbol of the affirmation of life, passion, love for the pleasures of the flesh, as well as pride. It represents willpower, the intention to endure even when hurt. The card shows a high ability to give up the most expensive in the name of something higher. And in order to gain strength, it is necessary to silence the heart. In general, the card shows the ability to fight against the vicissitudes of fate and withstand pressure.

The direct place of the tarot arcana will show any kind of Strength, as well as the manifestation of the power of money, as well as beneficial aspects in partnership and all kinds of contacts. In professional terms, it will show an occupation or a place for which they fairly fairly pay. Often, the lasso denotes love magic, which is used for a good deed, or the charm of the natural magic of beauty and attractiveness, speaks of the use of healing, including magical.

Regarding the sphere of health, the map indicates high energy, health and bodily strength, endurance. When divining for personal intimate relationships, it shows the best option for healthy and fulfilling physical and spiritual relationships, but has nothing to do with legal marriage.

The meaning of the power card suggests people who act in certain periods - from violent activity to periods of prolonged rest, while being very developed and with strong intuition. It does not imply loneliness - for the situation of this lasso, it is natural to look for partners, allies or friends and be attentive, attract with the very “soft power” of charisma and love. In the field of working relationships, the appearance of a card indicates the need to make efforts and work hard. The card means a confident “Yes” to a directly asked question in the field of money, health and business.

Tarot says that you should make an effort, spend the right money, influence the situation, but look for harmony. You should not restrain your feelings, you should, on the contrary, completely surrender to business, give yourself all. However, if the situation is critical, for example, during quarrels or at competitions, when making an important decision, you need to control emotions and defeat yourself, curb your temperament.