Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation have been at the peak of popularity among tattoos for a long time. The ancient language is inherent in mysticism and mystery, which attracts with its unusualness to this day, although Latin has long been a thing of the past. Young people are increasingly turning to tattoo parlors for tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation on their bodies. Thus, with the help of certain statements, trying to express their individuality or life position.
Mostly tattoo parlors offer catalogs of tattoos to choose from, but perhaps you want to leave something special and personal on your body. In order not to be mistaken in the correct spelling of the tattoo inscription in Latin with the translation, compare several options for analogues of such tattoos on the Internet.
If you have definitely already decided to get yourself a tattoo in the form of an inscription, then the list below will help you more clearly articulate your desire.

A. P. Chekhov

ideas ... which take possession of our thought, subjugate our convictions and to which reason chains our conscience, these are bonds from which one cannot break without breaking one's heart, these are demons that a person can only conquer by obeying them.


“For me, tattoos are all the moments of my life. Once in Scotland, I went to a tattoo parlor in the middle of the night. And I don't regret it. There are moments that you don't want to forget.
-Angelina Jolie

  • Aquilam volare docent. — You teach an eagle to fly.
  • Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi - Our gold is not the gold of the crowd
  • A caelo usque ad centrum - From heaven to the center
  • A capillo usque ad ungues - From head hair to toenails
  • A nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit. Nobody loves someone who doesn't love anyone
  • A posse ad esse - From what is possible to what actually exists
  • A posse ad esse non valet consequentia - As far as possible, one should not yet conclude about the real
  • A posteriori - Based on experience
  • A potentia ad actum - From the possible to the actual
  • A tuo lare incipe - Start from your home
  • Ab abusum ab usum non valet consequentia. - Abuse in use is not an argument against the use itself.
  • Ab aeterno - From the beginning of time
  • Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris - Expect from another what you yourself did to another.
  • Ab igne ignem - Fire from fire
  • Ab imis unguibus ad verticem summum - From the tips of the nails to the top of the head
  • Ab initio nullum, semper nullum - Nothing will come of nothing
  • Ab Jove principium - From Jupiter - the creator
  • Abeunt studia in mores - Classes leave an imprint on the character
  • Abiens, abi! - Go away, go away!
  • Abiens, abi! - Leaving go!
  • Absolvo te! - I justify you
  • Abuent studio in mores. Actions become habits.
  • Abusus non tollit usum - Abuse does not preclude correct use
  • Accusatia desiderat crimem. - The accusation presupposes the existence of a crime.
  • Acta est fabula. - The show is over.
  • Actum ne agas. "What's over, don't go back to it."
  • Ad augusta per angusta - To the high through the difficult
  • Ad bestias! - To the animals!
  • Ad captandum vulgus - For the sake of the mob
  • Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est - Man is born for thought and action
  • Ad discendum, non ad docendum - For study, but not for teaching
  • Ad futarum memoriam - For a long memory
  • Ad Herculis columnas - Before the Pillars of Hercules
  • Ad impossibilia nemo obligatur. Nobody is obligated to the impossible.
  • Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur - You can't force the impossible
  • ad infinitum. - to infinity
  • Ad multos annos - For many years
  • Ad narrandum, non ad probandum - For telling, not for proving
  • Ad opus! - For business!
  • Ad perpetuam rei memoriam - In eternal memory of the event
  • Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo. — I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.
  • Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides. “Trust given to the treacherous allows him to do harm.
  • Adversa fortune. - Evil rock.
  • Advocatus Dei - Advocate of God
  • Advocatus Diaboli - Devil's Advocate
  • Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem - Remember, try to keep your presence of mind in difficult circumstances
  • Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem - Try to keep your presence of mind even in difficult circumstances
  • Aequat causa effectum - Effect equals cause
  • Aequo pulsat pede - Death indifferently strikes anyone

  • Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Use life, it is so fleeting
  • Aetate sapimus rectius. - Over the years, we become smarter.
  • Age, quod agis, et respice finem - You do it, do it and look at the end
  • Agere sequitur esse - Action follows from being
  • Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae - I recognize the traces of the former fire
  • Agnus Dei - Lamb of God
  • Ajo! - I confirm!, I confirm!
  • Albo lapillo notare diem - Celebrate the day with a white stone
  • Alea jacta est. - The die is cast!
  • Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt - Other people's vices are in front of our eyes, and our own behind us
  • Aliis inserviendo consumor - Shining on others, I burn myself
  • Aliis inserviendo consumor - Serving others I waste myself
  • Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus - And Homer sometimes dozes, And there is a hole in the old woman
  • alis volat propriis - flies on its own wings
  • Ama nos et vale! - farewell to us!
  • Amantes sunt amentes are insane.
  • Amantium irae amoris integratio - Lovers' quarrels are renewal
  • Amat Victoria Curam - Victory loves preparation!
  • Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant - Happiness creates friends, misfortune tests them.
  • Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur - A reliable friend is known in an unreliable business
  • Amicus incommodus ab inimico non differt - An awkward friend is not much different from an enemy
  • Amicus Plato, sed magis amica est veritas - Plato is a friend, but truth is a greater friend
  • Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas. “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer.
  • Amor caecus - Love is blind
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - Even the gods are subject to love.
  • Amor gignit amorem - Love begets love.
  • Amor meus amplior quam verba est - My love is more than words.
  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - Love cannot be cured with herbs.
  • Amor omnia vincit - Everything wins.
  • Amor patriae - to the motherland
  • Amor vincit omnia - Love conquers all
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - like a tear, it is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.
  • Amore est vitae essentia is the essence of life.
  • Ancilla philosophiae - Handmaid of Philosophy
  • Animus quod perdidit optat, atque in praeterita se totus imagine versat. The soul yearns for what it has lost. Carried away by the imagination into the past.
  • Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum. - Until the victory of triumph does not sing.
  • Antiques amor cancer est. - Old love like a cancer returns.
  • Aqua cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo - Water wears away a stone not by force, but by repeated blows
  • Aquila non capitat muscas. The eagle doesn't eat flies.
  • Arcus nimium lencus rumpitur. - A string that is too tight will break.
  • Argenteis hastis pugnare - Fight with silver spears
  • Argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur. - The strength of arguments is not in number, but in weight.
  • Arrectis auribus - Ears on top of the head
  • Ars amandi - The Art of Love
  • Ars est celare artem - True art is to make it invisible
  • Ars et norma interpretandi naturam - Science and rules for explaining nature
  • Ars gubernandi - The art of government
  • Ars logica - The Art of Logic
  • Ars longa, vita brevis - Art is durable, but life (of a person) is short. (Hippocrates)
  • Ars moriendi - The Art of Dying
  • Ars oratoria - Oratory
  • Ars poetica - Poetic art
  • Ars sacra - sacred art»
  • Ars una, species mille - “art is one, its types are many
  • Artes molliunt mores - Arts soften morals
  • Assidu addisens ad senium venio. - Constantly learning, I come to old age.
  • Audaces fortuna juvat - Happiness accompanies the brave.

  • Audi, multa, loquere pauca - Listen a lot, talk a little.
  • Audi, vide, sile - Listen, look and be silent
  • Audiatur et altera pars. We need to listen to the other side as well.
  • Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare - I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey
  • Auribus teneo lupum - Hold the wolf by the ears
  • Aut bibat aut abeat! Either let him drink or let him leave.
  • Aut Caesar, aut nihil - Either Caesar or nothing
  • Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto - Either with a shield or on a shield
  • Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam - Either I will find a way, or I will pave it myself
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - Either win or die
  • Avaritia copia non minuitur. Wealth does not reduce greed.
  • Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant - Hello, Caesar, those who are about to die greet you


“You see inscriptions in Latin associated with any concept and translation to them”

  • Beatae plane aures, quae non vocem foris sonantem, sed intus auscultant veritatem docentem - Truly blessed are the ears that listen not to the voice that sounds in the squares, but to the voice that teaches the truth in silence
  • Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus - Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor
  • Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror - Benefits rendered to the unworthy, I consider atrocities
  • Bis dat, qui cito dat - The one who gives quickly gives doubly.
  • Bona fama divitiis est potior - Good fame is better than wealth


"The Romans would never have had time to conquer the world if they had to learn Latin first."

  • Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius - Kill everyone. The Lord recognizes his
  • Caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare - Thunder from the sky convinces us of the reign of Jupiter
  • Caelum, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt - The sky, not the soul is changed by those who leave through the sea
  • Calamitas virtutis occasio - Calamity is the touchstone of valor
  • Canis timidus vehementis latrat, qaum mordet. A fearful dog barks more than it bites.
  • Caput altro carbone notatum. - The fate of the disgraced is hard.
  • Caro est qui securis est - Whoever with an ax, that one with meat
  • Carpe diem - Live in the present
  • Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero - Enjoy the moment, never trust the future
  • Carthago delenda est - Carthage must be destroyed
  • Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.
  • Cave hominem unius libri - Beware the One Book Man
  • Cave! — Be careful!
  • Certum voto pete finem - Set yourself only clear goals.
  • Cessante causa, cessat effectus. When the cause ceases, the effect ceases.
  • Cetera desiderantur. - The rest remains to be desired.
  • Cibi condimentum est fames - Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
  • clavus clava pellitur. - The wedge is knocked out with a wedge.
  • Cogitationes poenam nemo patitur - No one is punished for thoughts
  • Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am
  • Cognosce te ipsum! — Know thyself!
  • Concentia mille testes. Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
  • Concitus ira. - Filled with anger.
  • Conjuguem sine prole est quasi dies sine sole. Marriage without children is like a day without the Sun.
  • Conscientia mille testes - Conscience is a thousand witnesses
  • Conseutudo est altera natura. “Habit is second nature.
  • Consultor homini tempus utilissimus - Time is the most useful adviser to a person
  • Consummatum est! - It's done!

  • Contra factum non est argumentum. “There is no evidence against the fact.
  • Contra spem spero - I hope without hope.
  • Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum - Correct the past, manage the present, foresee the future
  • Credere experto! — Trust the experienced!
  • Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida - To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice
  • Cujus est potentia, ejus est actum. - Whose strength, that and action.
  • Cujus regio, ejus lingua - What country, such language
  • Cum deo - With God.
  • Cum tacent clamant. Silently, they scream.
  • Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit - When vices flourish, the one who lives honestly suffers
  • Curae leves loquntur, ingentes stupent. - Small sorrow is eloquent, great is silent.
  • Custos meus mihi semper - my angel is always with me


“People strive to learn anything but the ability to think. They learn to write in Latin, to sing, to speak well, to feel, but they never learn to think.”

  • Damant, quod non intelegunt - They condemn because they do not understand
  • De gustibus non disputandum est - There is no dispute about tastes
  • De gustibus non est dispudandum. - There is no dispute about tastes.
  • De minimis non curat lex - The law does not care about trifles
  • De mortius aut bene, aut nihil - The dead are either good or nothing
  • De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem eat ratio. What is not visible is equivalent to what is not.
  • De principiis non est disputandum - One does not argue about principles
  • De profundis - From the depths
  • De vita nusquam abruptis - never regret.
  • Debellare superbos - Suppress pride, recalcitrant.
  • Debes, ergo potes - Must, so you can
  • Dei gratia - God's grace
  • Delectable tempus! - Fun time!
  • Deliberando discitur sapiebtia. Thinking teaches people to reason.
  • Deliberandum est saepe, statuendum est semel. - You need to discuss often, decide - once.
  • Descensus averno facilis est - Easy way to hell
  • Desine sperare qui hic intras - Abandon hope, ye who enter here
  • Destruam et aedificabo - I will destroy and raise up
  • Deus conservat omnia - God saves everything

  • Deus ipse se fecit - God created himself
  • Di meliora - Better days
  • Dic aliquam iram. - State the reason for the anger
  • Dicere non audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • Dictum factum - No sooner said than done
  • Dictum sapienti sat est. Enough said for a smart man.
  • Difficile est proprie communia decere. - It is difficult to express well-known things in your own way.
  • Dimidium facit, qui coepit, alphabet. - The one who has already begun has done half the work.
  • Disce, sed a doctis, indoctos ipse doceo. “Learn from those who know, and teach those who don’t know.”
  • Divide et impera - Divide and Conquer
  • Dolus an virtus quis in hoste requirat? “Who will decide between cunning and valor when dealing with an enemy?”
  • Duabis litigantibus, tertius gaudet. When two fight, the third rejoices.
  • Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt - Fate leads the one who wants to go, drags the unwilling
  • Dulce laudari a laudatoviro. “It's nice to get praise from a man worthy of praise.
  • Dumspiri, spero. While I breathe - I hope!
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - While I breathe, I believe.
  • Dum spiro, spero! While I breathe, I hope!
  • Dum vita est, spes est - As long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem. When two people do the same thing, it is no longer the same thing.
  • Duobus certantibus tertius gaudet - When two fight, the third rejoices
  • Dura lex sed lex - The law is harsh, but it is the law


“Do you think people who make tattoo inscriptions understand them more? I’ll tell you a secret: you can’t understand a tattoo, you can only feel it.”

  • Ecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - with you I would like to live, with you I would like to die.
  • Edimus ut vivamus, non vivimus ut edamus. We eat to live, not live to eat.
  • Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas! “Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!”
  • Educa te ipsum! - Educate yourself!
  • Ei incumbit pribatio, qui dicit, non qui negat. The burden of proof lies on the one who affirms, not on the one who denies.
  • Ejus est nolle qui potest velle - Whoever has the right to wish has the right to refuse
  • Ejus est nolle qui potest velle. - The one who has the right to them has the right to refuse claims.
  • Ejusdem farinae - From one dough
  • Elephantum ex musca facis. - You make an elephant out of a fly.
  • Emere catullum in sacco - Buy a kitten in a poke
  • Ene facit, qui ex aliorum erroribus sibi exemplum sumit - He does well who learns from the mistakes of others.
  • Epistula non erubescit. - The paper does not blush.
  • Equus Troianus - Trojan horse
  • Ergo, bibamus! - So, let's drink!
  • Erit sicut cadaver - Will be like a corpse
  • Errare humanum est. - To err is human.
  • Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas - One must eat to live, not live to eat
  • Esse quam videri - To be, not to seem
  • Est deus in nobis - God is in us
  • Est nobis voluisse satis. - It is enough for me that I had a desire.
  • Est quaedam flere voluptas - There is something of pleasure in tears
  • Et vice versa. - And vice versa.
  • Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor - Pain makes even the innocent lie
  • Eventus stultorum magister est. - The outcome of the case is the teacher of the foolish.
  • Ex malis eligere minima - Choose the least of evils

  • Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing
  • Ex parvis saepe magnarum rerum momenta pendent - The outcome of large cases often depends on small things. (Livy)
  • Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum and - We recognize the lion by its claws, and the donkey by its ears
  • Ex ungue leonem - You can recognize a lion by its claws
  • Ex voto - By promise
  • Experiencia est optima magistra. “Practice is the best teacher.
  • Experimenta est optima rerum magistra - Experience is the best teacher
  • Expertus metiut. — The tester is afraid.
  • Extrema neccessitas extremius nititur rationibis. — Extreme necessity relies on extreme arguments.


“Tattoo art has given rise to two new passions: the passion to write on yourself and the passion to do everything else.”

  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - each person is the creator of his own destiny
  • Faber est suae quisque fortunae - Everyone is the blacksmith of his own destiny
  • Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you
  • Faciam ut mei memineris - I will make sure that you remember me!
  • Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus - When we are healthy, we easily give good advice to the sick
  • Facinora ostendi dum punientur, flagitia autem abscondi debent. “Crimes must be solved and punished, but shameful deeds must be left unsolved.
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - Actions are stronger than words
  • Facta, non verba - Actions, not words
  • Factum est factam - What's done is done (a fact is a fact).
  • Fama clamosa - Loud fame
  • Fama mobilize veget. - Rumor grows as it spreads.
  • Fama volat - The earth is full of rumors
  • Fas est ab hoste doceri. “You can also learn from the enemy.
  • Fas est et ab hoste doceri - One must always learn, even from the enemy
  • fasias guam feras - Easy to offend, harder to endure
  • Fatetur facinoris, qui jidicium fugit. - The one who avoids trial confesses to a crime.
  • Fatum - Fate, fate.
  • Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes - I did everything I could, whoever can, let him do better
  • Fecit - Did, performed.
  • Felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cantum. “Happy is the one whom someone else’s misfortune teaches to be careful.
  • Felix qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audit. Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.
  • Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium - Having decided to humble the female disposition, say goodbye to peace!
  • Ferro et igni - With fire and sword
  • Festina lente - You go quieter - you will continue
  • Festinatio tarda est. - Haste delays.
  • Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus! - Let the world perish, but justice will prevail!
  • Fiat lux! - Let there be light!
  • Fide mea! - Honestly.
  • Fide, sed cui fidas, vide - Be vigilant
  • Fidei defensor - Defender of the Faith
  • Fidelis et forfis - Faithful and brave
  • Finis coronat opus - The end crowns the deed.
  • Finis unius diei est principoum alterius. The end of one is the beginning of another.
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - Life ends, but not
  • Flagrante delicto - At the crime scene, red-handed
  • Fors omnia versas - A blind chance changes everything (the will of a blind chance)
  • Fortes et veritas - courage and truth

  • Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the brave.
  • Fortis imagination generat casum. - A strong imagination creates an event.
  • Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo-Firm in action, soft in handling
  • Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas - Happiness is easier to find than to keep
  • Fortunam suam quisque parat - Everyone finds his own destiny
  • Forum delicti - Crime scene
  • Fructus temporum - The fruit of time
  • Fuge, late, tace-Run, hide, be silent
  • Fugit irrevocabile tempus - Irrevocable time runs
  • Fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium - We were Trojans, there was Ilion


“Tattooing is a special occupation that is best suited to those who do not really know how to draw or work. But on the other hand, it allows you to glue these two half-talents together and even build a career for yourself.

  • Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus - Let us rejoice while we are young.
  • Gaudeamus igitur- So let's have fun
  • Gloria victoribus-Glory to the winners
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet - Taste is not subject to laws
  • Gutta cavat lapidem - A drop sharpens a stone


“How much paint is wasted on small and short inscriptions in Latin!”

  • Habent mortalia casum. Everything that is transitory is subject to change.
  • Habita fides ipsam plerumque fidem obligat. — The given trust usually causes reciprocal fidelity.
  • Hannibal ante portas - "Hannibal at the gate!
  • Haud semper errat fama. - Rumor is not always wrong.
  • Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus - Worse than slavery remorse
  • Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat - He is terrible who reveres death for good
  • Hic et nunc - Here and now!
  • Hic sunt dracones - There are dragons here
  • Hic sunt leones - Lions live here
  • Hoc erat in fatis. - It was meant to be.
  • Hoc est in votis - That's what I want.
  • Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui - To be able to enjoy the life lived means to live twice
  • Hoc fac et vinces - Do this and win
  • Hoc pretium ob stiltitiam fero. This is the retribution I bear for my own stupidity.
  • Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt - People trust their eyes more than their ears
  • Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia - I hate not a person, but his vices
  • Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora - The more people have, the more they want to have
  • Homines, dum docent, discunt - People, teaching, learn
  • Hominis est errare - To err is human
  • Homo homini lupus est - Man to man wolf
  • Homo hominis amicus est - Man is friend to man
  • Homo liber - A free person.
  • Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit - Man proposes, God disposes
  • Homo res sacra - Man is a sacred thing.
  • Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto - I am human, nothing human is alien to me
  • Honesta mors turpi vita potior. An honorable death is better than a shameful life.
  • Honores mutant mores, sed raro in meliores. - Honor changes morals, but rarely in a good way.
  • Honoris causa - For the sake of honor, for merit
  • Horribile dictu - Scary to say
  • Humana non sunt turpia - What is human is not shameful
  • Humanum errare est - To err is human


“Is it very difficult to get tattoos? "It's either easy or impossible."

  • Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent - Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong
  • Ibi semper est victoria, ubi concordia est - There is always victory where there is agreement
  • Ibi Victoria, ibi Concordia - Where there is agreement, there is victory.
  • Igne natura renovatur integra - With fire, nature is renewed all
  • Igni et ferro - With fire and iron
  • Ignis, mare, milier - tria mala. - Fire, sea, woman - these are 3 misfortunes.
  • Ignoramus et ignorabimus - We don't know and we won't know
  • Ignorantia juris nocet, ignoratio facti non nocet. — Ignorance of the law is not an Excuse, ignorance of the fact is an excuse.
  • Ignorantia non est argumentum - Ignorance is not an argument
  • Ignorantia non est argumentum.- Ignorance is not proof.
  • Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi - Forgive others often, never yourself
  • Ignoti nulla cupido - What they don't know about, they don't want to..
  • Ille dolet vere qui sine teste dolet. - Sincerely mourns the one who mourns without witnesses.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - He who can conquer himself wins.
  • Imago animi vultus est - The face is the mirror of the soul
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - Power over oneself is the highest power
  • Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique. - Money is a king or a slave for those who have accumulated it.\
  • Imperatia pro culpa habetur. - Ignorance is blamed.
  • Imperatorem stantem mori oportet - The emperor must die standing
  • Imponit finem sapiens et rebus honesties.- The wise man respects the measure in worthy deeds.
  • In aeternum-Forever, forever
  • Daemon Deus! “God is in the Demon!”
  • In dubio abstine - When in doubt, refrain
  • In hac spe vivo - I live with this hope.
  • In hoc signo vinces - Under this banner you will win
  • In infinitum - Until infinity
  • In magnis et voluisse sat est. “In great deeds, desire itself is merit sufficient.
  • In me omnis spes mihi est - All my hope for myself
  • In memoriam-In memory
  • In pace - In peace, at rest
  • In pace leones, in proelio cervi - During peace - lions, in battle - deer
  • In partem salari - As a reward for labors
  • In pricipio erat verbum - In the beginning was the word
  • In tyrrannos - Against tyrants
  • In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - Pain and joy always compete in love.
  • In vini veritas, in aqua - sanitas! - In wine - truth, in water - health.
  • In vino veritas - Truth in wine
  • In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas - Truth in wine, health in water
  • In vituim ducit culpae fuga. - The desire to avoid a mistake involves another.
  • Incedo per ignes - I walk through the fire
  • Incertus animus dimidium est sapientae. Doubt is the first approach to reason.
  • Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est - Doubt is half wisdom
  • Indignus qui inter mala verba - Shameful to live among foul language
  • Infandum renovare dolorem - Resurrect the terrible
  • Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem - The greatest misfortune to be happy in the past
  • Injuria solvit amorem. - teaches resentment.
  • Injuriam facilius facias guam feras - Easy to offend, harder to endure
  • Injuriam qui facturus est, jam facit. “Whoever is going to offend, is already doing it.
  • Innocens credit omni verbo - An innocent believes every word
  • Innocens credit omni verbo. “The simple-hearted believes every word.
  • Intedum stultus opportune loquitur. “Sometimes even a fool will say something sensible.
  • Intelligent pauca. — For those who understand, a little is enough.
  • inter arma fratres - Brothers in arms
  • Inter arma silent leges - When weapons rattle, the laws are silent
  • Inter arma silent Musae - When the cannons speak, the muses are silent
  • Inter parietes - Within the four walls
  • Invehunt divitae avaritiam.- Wealth breeds avarice.
  • Invia virtuti nulla est via - There are no impassable paths for valor
  • Invictum qui servat idem facit occidenti. - Who saves a man against his will, acts no better than a murderer.
  • Ira furor brevis est - Anger is a short-term insanity.
  • Ira impotens siuest. “Anger has no control.
  • Ira initium insaniae est - Anger is the beginning of madness
  • Ira odium generat concordia nutria amorem.- Anger breeds hatred, consent feeds
  • Ira saepe causa injuriae est. Anger is often the cause of injustice.
  • Irreparabilium iprepara rabilium felix oblivio rerum - Happy is he who does not know how to regret the impossible
  • Is fecit cui prodest - Made by the one who benefits


“You need to write on your body only about what you yourself think or feel.”

  • Jace, tace in farnace. - Shut up!
  • Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent - Those who grieve the least flaunt their grief most of all
  • Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare - It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself
  • Judex damnatur, cum nocens absolitur. - The acquittal of the criminal is the condemnation of the judge.
  • Judex damnatur, cum nocens absolvitur - A judge who acquits a criminal is subject to condemnation
  • Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero - I swore by the tongue, but not by the thought.
  • Jus vitae ac necis - The right to dispose of life and death ..


"I wrote your name and can't write any more."

  • Labor est etiam ipse voluptas - Labor in itself is a pleasure
  • Laborare est orare - Labor is prayer
  • Lassata viris necdum satiata recessit - Gone, tired, but still unsatisfied
  • Legem brevem esse oportet. The law needs to be short.
  • Legio nomen mihi est - My name is Legion
  • Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus - We are slaves of the laws to be free
  • Leve fit, quod bene fertur omis. - The load becomes light if you carry it with humility.
  • Levis est labor omnis amanti - For a lover, any difficulties are easy
  • Levius fit patientia, quidquid corrigere est nefas. “It’s easier to endure patiently what we can’t change.
  • Littera scripta manet - What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax
  • Longa manus calami - The feather lengthens the arm
  • Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet - The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter what it comes from
  • Lupus in fabilus - Light in sight
  • Lupus non mordet lupum - The wolf will not kill the wolf
  • Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem - The wolf changes wool, not nature
  • Lux in tenebris - Light in the dark


“To make you think, you need to either make tattoo inscriptions so simple that anyone can understand them, or still incomprehensible, so that you like it only because no normal person understands this.”

  • Magna res est amor - Great deed -
  • Major longinquo reverentia. - Distance increases distance.
  • Mala herba cito crescit. — Bad grass grows fast.
  • Malo mori quam foedari - Better death than dishonor.
  • Malum consilium est, quod mutari non potest. A bad decision is one that cannot be changed.
  • Malum necessarium - necessarium - Necessary evil - inevitable.
  • Maniae infinitae sunt species - Varieties of madness are endless
  • Manifestum non eget probatione. The obvious needs no proof.
  • Manus manum lavat - The hand washes the hand
  • Maxima illecebra est peccandi impunitatis spes. “The greatest temptation of crime lies in the expectation of impunity.
  • Maximum remedium irae mora est. - The best remedy for anger is to wait it out.
  • Me quoque fata regunt - I also obey fate.
  • Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo - My conscience is more important to me than all gossip
  • Mea vita et anima es - You are my life and soul
  • Medicus curat, natūra sanat - The doctor heals, nature heals
  • Medicus curat, natura sanat. The doctor heals, nature heals.
  • Meliora spero - I hope for the best
  • Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae - A good name is better than great wealth
  • Memento mori - Remember death!
  • Memento quia pulvis est - Remember that you are dust
  • Memento quod es homo - Remember that you are human.
  • Memento vivere - Remember life
  • Memoria est signatarum rerum in mente vestigium - Memory is the trace of things fixed in thought.
  • Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body
  • Metus, dolor, mors ac formidines - Fear, pain, death and horror
  • Misericórdia - infirma - Mercy is for the weak
  • More majorum - According to the custom of the ancestors
  • Mores cuique sui fingit fortunam - Our fate depends on our morals
  • Mors nescit legem, tollit cum paupere regem - Death does not know the law, takes both the king and the poor
  • Mors omnia solvit - Death solves all problems
  • Mortem effugere nemo potest - No one can escape death
  • Multa paucis - Short and clear
  • Multa petentibus desunt multa. - He who achieves much, lacks much.
  • Multa renascentur, quae jam decidere. — Much can be reborn from what has already died.
  • Multi multa; nemo omnia novit - Many know a lot, no one knows everything
  • Multos timere debet, quem multi tement. - Many should be afraid of the one whom many are afraid of.
  • Multum vinum bibere - non diu vivere - Drink a lot - live a short time
  • Munera sunt, auctor quae pretiosa facit. - The sweetest of all are those gifts, the value of which is in the giver himself.


“Afraid of being sealed, you need to print less often. You are afraid to describe yourself - you need to write more often.

  • Nam vitiis nemo sine nascitur - After all, no one is born without flaws.
  • Nascentes morimur - When we are born, we die.
  • Natura abhorret vacuum - Nature abhors emptiness
  • Naturalia non sunt turpia - Natural is not shameful
  • Naturalia non sunt turpia - Natural is not ugly
  • Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse - It is necessary to swim, there is no need to live
  • Naviget, haec summa est - Let it float, that's all
  • Ne cede malis - Do not lose heart in misfortune.
  • Nec Deus intersit - May God not intervene
  • Nemo judex in propria causa. - Do not judge yourself.
  • Nemo solus satis sapit - One person cannot be smart enough
  • Nihil dat fortuna mancipio. - Fate does not give anything to the eternal property.
  • Nihil est ab omni parte beatum - There is nothing prosperous in all respects
  • Nihil est in intellectu, quod non prius fuerit. “There is nothing in consciousness that was not previously in sensation.
  • Nihil est in religione, quod non fuerit in vita. There is nothing in religion that does not exist in life.
  • Nihil habenti nihil deest - He who has nothing has nothing to lose
  • Nihil habeo, nihil curo - I have nothing - I don't care about anything
  • Nil aliud scit necessitas quam vincere - Necessity knows nothing but to win
  • Nil inultum remanebit - Nothing will remain unavenged.
  • Nil satis nisi optimum - Only the best is good enough
  • Nil spernat auris, nec tamem credit statum. - You need to listen to everything, but do not rush with trust.
  • Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata - We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful
  • Nolens volens - Willy-nilly

  • noli consulere ira. “You cannot follow the suggestion of anger.
  • Noli me tangere - Don't touch me.
  • Nolite dicere, si nescitis - Don't speak if you don't know
  • Nomen est omen - The name is a sign
  • Non bene olet, qui bene semper olet - One who always smells good smells bad.
  • Non bis in idem. “You don’t get punished for the same thing twice.
  • Non curatur, qui curat - He who has worries is not cured
  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • Non esse cupidum pecunia est. “Not being greedy is already wealth.
  • Non est fumus absque igne - No smoke without fire
  • Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco - Knowing misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers
  • Non multa, sed multum.- Not much, but much
  • Non pote non sapere qui se stultum intellegit. Whoever is stupid and understands this is no longer stupid.
  • Non progredi est regredi - Not going forward means going back
  • Non quae libri vita docet - Life teaches what is not written in books.
  • Non rex est lex, sed lex est rex - Not the king is the law, but the law is the king.
  • Non scholae, sed vitae discimus - Not for school, we study for life
  • Non tam praeclarum est scire Latine, quam turpe nescire - It is not so honorable to know Latin, how shameful not to know it
  • nosce te ipsum - Know thyself
  • Nota Bene! - Pay attention.
  • Nullum periculum sine periculo vincitur. “There is no risk without risk.
  • Numquam te amare desistam - I will never stop loving you.
  • Nunc aut numquam - Now or never.
  • Nunc et semper te valde amabo - Now and always I love you very much
  • Nunc scio quid sit amor - Now I know what love means.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - Not one step back, always forward
  • Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt - Nowhere are those who are everywhere


“Love is always a danger. Love jumps off the cliffs, causeless. It helps you live and destroys you. The search for love feeds your artistic soul. I'm afraid that as soon as you find love, then you will have nothing left to write songs about or get a tattoo in the form of an inscription in Latin.

  • O sancta simplicitas! — Oh, holy simplicity
  • Oderint, dum metuant - Let them hate, if only they were afraid.
  • Odi et amo - I hate and
  • Odi et amo - I hate and love
  • Omne ignotum pro magnifico est - Everything unknown appears majestic
  • Omne vivum ex ovo - All living things from an egg
  • Omnes homines agunt histrionem - All men are actors on the stage of life
  • Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - Every hour hurts, the last one kills
  • Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - Every hour hurts, the last one kills
  • Omnia causa fiunt - There is a reason for everything
  • Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur - Everything flows, everything changes
  • Omnia homini, dum vivit, speranda sunt - As long as a person is alive, she must hope for everything
  • Omnia mea mecum porto - I carry everything with me.
  • Omnia mors aequat - Death equalizes everything

  • Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis - Times change, and we change with them
  • Omnia mutantur, nihil interit - Everything changes, but nothing disappears forever
  • Omnia orta cadunt - All that is born is doomed to death
  • Omnia praeclara rara - Everything beautiful is rare
  • omnia temporaria - Everything is temporary
  • Omnia vanitas - Everything is vanity! (everything is vanity)
  • omnia vincit amor - Love conquers all obstacles.
  • Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori - Love conquers everything, and we submit to love
  • Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar - I achieve everything I want
  • Omnis homo mendax - Every man is a liar
  • Optimi consiliarii mortui - The best advisers are dead
  • Optimum medicamentum quies est - The best medicine is peace
  • Ora et labora - Pray and work
  • Ordo ab chao - Order out of chaos
  • Otium past negotium. - Finished the job - walk boldly.


“The abstract idea of ​​the inscription for the tattoo is extremely clear and understandable. This general idea is composed of several particular ideas: religious, state, moral, philosophical and artistic.

“The air is full of ideas for tattoo inscriptions. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and mind your own business. The idea will come suddenly. It's always been that way."

  • Panem et circenses - Bread and Circuses
  • Paritus pax bello. The world is created by war.
  • Paupertas non est vitium. “Poverty is not a vice.
  • Peccatum, extenuate, qui celeriter corrigit. He who quickly corrects his mistake softens it.
  • Pecunia non olet - Money doesn't smell
  • Per aspera ad astra! - Through hardship to the stars! (Seneca)
  • Per fas et nefas - By hook or by crook
  • Per risum multum cognoscimus stultum. By frequent laughter we recognize a fool.
  • perfer et obdura dolor hic tibi proderit olim - Endure and be firm, this pain will someday benefit you
  • Periculum est in mora. - Procrastination is like death.
  • Perigrinatio est vita - Life is a journey
  • Perpetuum mobile - Perpetuum mobile
  • Persona grata - Desirable person or trustworthy person
  • Pisces natare oportet - A fish needs to swim.
  • Plus usus sine doctrina, quam utra usum doctrina valet. “Practice without theory is more important than theory without practice.
  • Poenam moratur improbus, non praeterit. “There is only temporary impunity.
  • Poëtae nascuntur, oratōres fiunt - Poets are born, speakers are made
  • Populus, populi ad vitam resurgit - People come, people go, but life goes on
  • Porta itineri longissima - Only the first step is difficult
  • Post coitum omne animal triste est - After intercourse, every creature is sad
  • Post et non propter. After, but not because of.

  • Post nubile sol. - After the clouds - the sun.
  • Potestates, quas licet sentire, non dantur cernere.- We are not allowed to see those forces that we can only feel.
  • Potius sero quam nunquam - Better late than never.
  • Primus inter pares - First among equals
  • Principia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necesitatem. — Starting positions should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
  • Principles obsta! - Resist at the beginning!
  • Principium rationis sufficientis. — The Law of Logical Reason.
  • Prius quam incipias, consulto opus est - Before you begin, consider
  • Procul negotiis - Get out of trouble.
  • Promisso boni viri fit obligatio. “A decent man's promise becomes an obligation.
  • Pulvus et umbra sumus. We are but dust and shadow.


“A particular idea for a tattoo becomes general by being attached to a general inscription, that is, a term that, by habitual connection, is in some relation to many other special ideas and easily conjures them up.”

  • Qoud praecterite, effluxit. What has passed is no more.
  • Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt - What were vices, now morals
  • Quae nocent docent - What harms, teaches
  • Quantum satis. - How much is required.
  • Que e nuce nickelam. - Whoever wants to eat the core must break it.
  • Qui estis - Be who you are.
  • Qui nimium probat, nihil probat. - He who proves a lot proves nothing
  • Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis - If feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false
  • Qui non laborat, non manducet - He who does not work does not eat
  • Qui non surplus deficit. - Who does not move forward, lags behind
  • Qui quareti repetit. - He who seeks, he finds.
  • Qui scribit - bis legit. - Who writes - reads twice.
  • Qui semina mala, metet mala. - What you sow, you will reap.
  • Qui seminat mala, metet mala - He who sows evil, evil will reap
  • Qui sine peccato est - Who is without sin..
  • Qui tacet consentire videtur - He who is silent is considered as having agreed
  • Qui terret plus ipse time. - Whoever inspires fear is even more afraid of himself.
  • Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas - No one can know when to beware of danger
  • Quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem. - Everything secret becomes clear, nothing remains without retribution.
  • Quidquid latat apparebit, nil inultim remanebit. - Whoever uses his right is not Qui vincitur, vincit! - Whoever has defeats, he wins!
  • Quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus - What doesn't kill me makes me stronger
  • Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior - The smarter a person, the more modest he is usually
  • Quod cito fit, cito peri t- What is soon done, soon falls apart
  • Quod erat demonstrandum. - Which is what you need to prove.
  • Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull
  • Quod me nutrit me destruit - what feeds me is what kills me
  • Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem - Whatever the ruler pleases, then has the force of law.
  • Quod stiltius est qaum incerta pro cetis habere. “It is dangerous to keep a fool informed.
  • Quodqumque retro est. Everything that has passed is the past.
  • Quomodo fabula, sic vita: non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert - Life is like a play in a theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played
  • Quos diligit, castigat.- Whom I punish.
  • Quot capita, tot sententiae - How many heads, so many opinions


“Such is the irresistible nature of truth that it asks and desires only one thing - the free right to be born. The sun does not need an explanatory inscription in Latin - it is already distinguished from darkness.

  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - Do what you think is right, because it's right
  • Reddite que sunt Cesaris Cesari, et que sunt Dei Deo - Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God God's
  • Regula certa datur: bene qui stat, non moveatur - A clear rule is given: whoever stands well does not need to move.
  • Repetitio est mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of learning
  • Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine - Grant them eternal rest, Lord
  • Requiescat in pace - May he rest in peace
  • Requiescit in pace - Rest in peace.
  • Respice finem. - Anticipate the end!
  • Respue quod non es - Drop what you are not


“To make an inscription in the form of a tattoo is a special way to talk: you speak and you are not interrupted.”

  • Sapienti sat. - Smart will understand!
  • Scientia potentia est - Knowledge is power
  • Scio me multa nescere. I know that I don't know much. (Socrates)
  • Scio me nihil scire. “I know I don't know anything. (Plato)
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Sed semel insanivimus omnes - One day we all go crazy
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • Semper fidelis - Always faithful
  • Semper mors subest - Death is always near
  • Senatus bestia, senatores boni viri - The Senate is a beast, senators are good
  • Sequere Deum - Follow the will of God
  • Sera parsimonia in fundo est. “It’s too late to be frugal when everything is wasted.
  • Servus Servorum Dei - Servant of the servants of God"
  • Si etiam omnes, ego non - Even if everything is not me
  • Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love
  • Si vis pacem para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.
  • Si vox est, canta! - If there was a voice, I would sing!
  • Sibi imperare maximum imperium est - The highest power is power over oneself
  • Sic animum perspicuis cedere. “Just as the scales sink under the weight of a load, so our soul is affected by evidence.
  • Sic itur ad astra - This is how they go to the stars.
  • Sic transit Gloria mundi. This is how worldly glory passes.
  • Sic volo - So I want.
  • Silentium est aurum - Silence is golden
  • Silentium videtur confessio - Silence is tantamount to confession
  • Silentium videtur confesso. Silence is a sign of consent.
  • Silentium-Silence.

  • Similia similibus curantur - Like cures like
  • Similis simili gaudet - Like rejoices in like
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without.
  • Sol lucet omnibus - The sun shines on everyone
  • Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est - Only a mother is worthy of love, a father is respected
  • Solum debilis mori debent - Only the weak must die
  • solus vivis semel - We only live once
  • sono pro risus sono pro lacrima - The sound of laughter instead of the sound of tears
  • Stat sua cuique dies.- Each has his own day.
  • Stultitia morbus est animi. Stupidity is a disease of the mind.
  • Sua cuique fortuna in manu est - Everyone has their own destiny in their hands
  • Sub poena - Under threat of punishment (name of the subpoena to call witnesses)
  • Sub silentio - In silence
  • Sublimi feriam sidera vertice - My lofty head will penetrate to the stars
  • Substantia prior et dignior est accidente - Originally the essence, but the incident is also significant
  • Succedaneum - Substitute (insolence is often used as succedaneum /substitute/ for argument)
  • Sudore et sanguine - By sweat and blood
  • Sufficit ad id, Natura quod poscit - We have sufficiency when we have what nature requires
  • Suggestio falsi - False statement
  • Sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam - Morality (or manners) shape the fate of a person
  • Sui generis - One of a kind
  • sui generis - kind of
  • Suis quaeque temporibus - There is a time for everything
  • Sum quod eris, fui quod es - Look what you will be, and I was what you are now
  • Sumite materiam vestris qui scribitis aequam - Let each writer think about the adequacy of the chosen intention and his own ability
  • Summam nec metuas diem, nec optes - You should neither be afraid nor wish for the approach of your last day
  • Summum bonum - Supreme bliss
  • Summum jus summa injuria - Too harsh interpretation of the law sometimes becomes the greatest injustice
  • Sunt lacrimae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt - Tears of such suffering will touch any soul
  • Sunt superis sua jura - Higher powers have their own laws
  • Suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo - I will slay him with his own invented weapon
  • Super subjectam materiam - According to the circumstances of the case presented
  • Superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est - Every failure must be subject to patience
  • Supersedeas - You can retire or stay away
  • Supra nos Fortuna negotia curat - Bypassing us, Fate decides things
  • Supremum vale - Forgive me for the last time.
  • Suum cuique - To each his own.


“It is possible, without much wit, to choose an inscription in such a way that it would take another person a lot of wit to understand it.”

  • Tanta vis probates est, ut eam etiam in hoste deligamus. “The power of honesty is so great that we appreciate it even in the enemy.
  • Tanto brevius omne tempus, quanto felicius est - The faster time flies, the happier it is
  • Tantum possumus, quantum scimus - We can do as much as we know
  • Tarde venientibus ossa - Who comes late - to that bones
  • Te amo est verum - I love you - this is the truth
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - Before winning the main battle, you must sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis - Time flies and we age imperceptibly
  • Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis - Times change and we change with them
  • Tempus edax rerum - Time destroys everything
  • Tempus fugit - Time flies
  • Terra incognita - Unexplored land"; unknown land, unfamiliar area
  • Terra incognita - Unknown land
  • Tertium non datur - The third is not given

  • Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes - I'm afraid of the Danaans, even those who bring gifts
  • Tolle quod dat vitam - take what life offers you
  • Toties quotes - No matter how many times this is repeated
  • Totum revolutum - Complete confusion
  • Totus floreo - Everything blooms
  • Trahit sua quemque voluptas - Everyone is attracted by their own passion
  • Trahit sua quemque voluptas - Everyone is attracted by his passion.
  • Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.
  • Tuus perdite sodalis amans - forever your loving half


"Getting a good tattoo is like diving underwater and holding your breath."

  • Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it is good, there is the homeland.
  • Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it's good, there's a homeland
  • Ubi concordia, ibi victoria - Where there is agreement, there is victory
  • Ubi mel, ibi apes - Where there is honey, there are bees
  • Ubi mel, ibi fel - Where there is honey, there is bile
  • Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis - Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything
  • Una harum ultima - One of them is the last one.
  • Una in perpetuum - Together forever.
  • Unam in armis salutem - The only salvation is in the struggle.
  • Unde consilium afuerit, culpa abset. “Where there was no intent, there is no guilt.
  • Usus est optimus magister - Experience is the best teacher
  • Ut ameris, amabilis esto - To be loved, be worthy of love
  • Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas - Even if you lack strength, you should still be praised for
  • Ut salutes, ita salutaberis. - As it comes around, it will respond.
  • Ut tensio sic vis - What is the lengthening, such is the strength
  • Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest - Whoever cannot follow the dictates of the mind, let him follow the movements of the soul
  • Uti, non abuti - Use but do not abuse
  • Utile dulce miscere - Combine business with pleasure


“Long live the right to read, long live the right to write. Only those who are forced to hide the truth are afraid of a true tattoo.

  • Vae victis! - Woe to the vanquished!
  • Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me.
  • Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas - “Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity
  • Varietas delectat - Variety brings pleasure
  • Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt - True friendship is eternal
  • Vere scire est per causas scire. “Real knowledge is the knowledge of causes.
  • Veto - I forbid
  • Vi veri universum (veniversum) vivus vici - By the power of truth, I, who live, conquered the universe
  • Vi veri vniversum vivus vici - I conquered the universe by the power of truth during my lifetime
  • Via est vita - Road is life
  • Via sacra - Holy way.
  • Viam supervadet vadens - the walking one will master the road
  • Viam supervadet vadens - The walking one will master the road
  • Victoria Concordia gignitur. “Victory comes from agreement.
  • Victoria nulla est, Quam quae confessos animo quoque subjugat hostes - The real victory is only when the enemies themselves admit defeat
  • Video faciem optimism vitam specula - I look at life only with optimism.
  • Videre majus quiddam - Aiming for something more
  • Vina bibint homones, animalia cetera fontes. - Only people drink wine, other animals - spring water.
  • Vince in bono malum - Defeat evil with good
  • Vinum - memoriae mors - Wine is death to memory
  • Vinum verba ministrat - Wine loosens the tongue
  • Virginity is a luxury - Virginity is a luxury.
  • Vis unita fortior - United forces are more powerful
  • Vita brevis ars longa - Life is short - art is durable
  • Vita difficile est. Te potest esse difficilius - Life is cruel, but you can be tougher.
  • Vita multas tempestates sedat aliqua - life is striped.
  • Vita sene libertate nlhil - Life without freedom is nothing.
  • Vita sine litteris mors est - Life without science is death
  • Vitae sal - amicitia - Friendship is the salt of life
  • Vitam diligere. Amabit te - Love life, it will love you back.
  • Viva vox alit plenius - Live speech nourishes more abundantly
  • Vivamus atque amemus - Let's live and love
  • Vivere est agere - To live is to act
  • Vivere est cogitare. To live is to think!
  • Vivere est military. To live means to fight.
  • Vivere est vincere - To live is to win
  • Vivere militare est - Life is a struggle
  • Volens nolens - Willy-nilly
  • Volo, non valeo - I want, but I can't"
  • Votum separatum - Minority voice opinion"
  • Vox populi vox Dei - The voice of the people is the voice of God

Types of tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation:

Motivating is a word or sentence that defines the meaning of life or acts as a stimulus for inspiration for any action.
Love - carry the philosophy of romanticism and express love, joy or torment, the names of the chosen ones, idols, etc.
Philosophical - quotes and sayings of ancient philosophers on eternal endless topics.
Girls prefer tattoos in Latin with translation, with all kinds of drawings that emphasize the femininity and subtle nature of the beautiful half of humanity. The strong floor, on the contrary, chooses strict classical contours without any pretentiousness.

All tattoo meanings in alphabetical order

Below are 170 Latin winged expressions and proverbs with transliteration (transcription) and stress.

Sign ў denotes a non-syllable sound [y].

Sign g x denotes a fricative [γ] , which corresponds to G in Belarusian, as well as the corresponding sound in Russian words God, yeah etc.

  1. A mari usque ad mare.
    [A mari uskve ad mare].
    From sea to sea.
    Motto on the coat of arms of Canada.
  2. Ab ovo usque ad mala.
    [Ab ovo uskve ad mala].
    From the egg to the apples, that is, from beginning to end.
    Roman dinner began with eggs and ended with apples.
  3. Abiens abi!
    [Abians abi!]
    Leaving go!
  4. Acta est factory.
    [Akta est plot].
    The show is over.
    Suetonius, in The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, writes that the emperor Augustus, on his last day, asked the friends who entered whether they found that he "played the comedy of life well."
  5. Alea jacta est.
    [Alea yakta est].
    Die is cast.
    It is used when talking about an irrevocably made decision. The words spoken by Julius Caesar when his troops crossed the Rubicon River, which separated Umbria from the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul, that is, Northern Italy, in 49 BC. e. Julius Caesar, violating the law, according to which he, as a proconsul, could command an army only outside Italy, led it, being on the territory of Italy, and thereby began a civil war.
  6. Amīcus est anĭmus unus in duōbus corporĭbus.
    [Amicus est animus unus in duobus corporibus].
    A friend is one soul in two bodies.
  7. Amīcus Plato, sed magis amīca vertas.
    [Amicus Plyato, sed magis amika veritas].
    Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer (Aristotle).
    It is used when they want to emphasize that the truth is above all.
  8. Amor tussisque non celantur.
    [Amor tussisque non celantur].
    You can't hide love and cough.
  9. Aquala non captat muscas.
    [Aquila non captat muskas].
    The eagle does not catch flies.
  10. Audacia pro muro habētur.
    [Adatsia about muro g x abetur].
    Courage replaces walls (lit.: there is courage instead of walls).
  11. Audiātur et altĕra pars!
    [Aўdiatur et altera pars!]
    Let the other side be heard!
    On the impartial consideration of disputes.
  12. Aurea mediocritas.
    [Aўrea mediokritas].
    Golden mean (Horace).
    About people who avoid extremes in their judgments and actions.
  13. Aut vincĕre, aut mori.
    [Aut vintsere, aut mori].
    Either win or die.
  14. Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant!
    [Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant!]
    Hail, Caesar, those who are about to die greet you!
    Roman gladiator greetings,
  15. Bibamus!
    <Давайте>let's drink!
  16. Caesărem decet stantem mori.
    [Cesarem detset stantem mori].
    It is fitting for Caesar to die standing.
  17. Canis vivus melior est leōne mortuo.
    [Canis vivus melior est leone mortuo].
    A live dog is better than a dead lion.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky."
  18. Carum est, quod rarum est.
    [Karum est, kvod rarum est].
    What is rare is valuable.
  19. Causa causarum.
    [Kaўza kaўzarum].
    Cause of causes (main cause).
  20. Cave canem!
    [Kawae kanem!]
    Be afraid of the dog!
    Inscription on the entrance of a Roman house; used as a general warning: be careful, attentive.
  21. Cedant arma togae!
    [Tsedant arma toge!]
    Let the weapons give way to the toga! (Let war be replaced by peace.)
  22. Clavus clavo pelltur.
    [Klyavus swear pellitur].
    The wedge is knocked out by a wedge.
  23. Cognosce te ipsum.
    [Cognosce te ipsum].
    Know yourself.
    Latin translation of a Greek saying inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
  24. Crasmelius fore.
    [Kras melius fore].
    <Известно,>that tomorrow will be better.
  25. Cujus regio, ejus lingua.
    [Kuyus regio, eyus lingua].
    Whose country, that and language.
  26. Curriculum vitae.
    [Curriculum vitae].
    Description of life, autobiography.
  27. Damnant, quod non intellect.
    [Damnant, quod non intellectual].
    They judge because they don't understand.
  28. De gustĭbus non est disputandum.
    [De gustibus non est disputandum].
    Taste is not to be argued with.
  29. Destruam et aedificabo.
    [Destruam et edificabo].
    I will destroy and build.
  30. Deus ex machina.
    [Deus ex machine].
    God from the machine, that is, an unexpected denouement.
    In ancient drama, the denouement was the appearance of a god in front of the audience from a special machine, which helped to resolve a difficult situation.
  31. Dictum est factum.
    [Diktum est factum].
    No sooner said than done.
  32. Dies diem document.
    [Dies diem dotsat].
    One day he teaches another.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Morning is wiser than evening".
  33. Divide et impera!
    [Divide et impera!]
    Divide and rule!
    The principle of the Roman conquest policy, perceived by subsequent conquerors.
  34. Dixi et anĭmam levāvi.
    [Dixie et animam levavi].
    Said - and eased the soul.
    Biblical expression.
  35. Do, ut des; facio, ut facias.
    [Do, ut des; facio, ut fatias].
    I give so that you give; I make you do.
    A Roman law formula that establishes a legal relationship between two persons. Wed from Russian the expression "You to me - I to you."
  36. Docendo discimus.
    [Dotsendo discimus].
    By teaching, we learn ourselves.
    The expression comes from the statement of the Roman philosopher and writer Seneca.
  37. Domus propria - domus optima.
    [Domus propria - domus optima].
    Your home is the best.
  38. Donec erís felix, multos numerábis amícos.
    [Donek eris felix, multos numerabis amikos].
    As long as you are happy, you will have many friends (Ovid).
  39. Dum spiro, spero.
    [Dum spiro, spero].
    While I breathe I hope.
  40. Duōbus litigantĭbus, tertius gaudet.
    [Duobus litigantibus, tercius haўdet].
    When two quarrel, the third rejoices.
    Hence another expression - tertius gaudens ‘the third rejoicing’, that is, a person who benefits from the strife of the two sides.
  41. Edĭmus, ut vivāmus, non vivĭmus, ut edāmus.
    [Edimus, ut vivamus, non vivimus, ut edamus].
    We eat to live, not live to eat (Socrates).
  42. Elephanti corio circumtentus est.
    [Elefanti corio circumtentus est].
    Endowed with elephant skin.
    The expression is used when talking about an insensitive person.
  43. Errare humānum est.
    [Errare g x umanum est].
    To err is human (Seneca).
  44. East deus in nobis.
    [Est de "us in no" bis].
    There is a god in us (Ovid).
  45. est modus in rebus.
    [Est modus in rebus].
    There is a measure in things, that is, everything has a measure.
  46. Etiám sanáto vúlnĕre, cícatríx manét.
    [Etiam sanato vulnere, cicatrix manet].
    And even when the wound has healed, the scar remains (Publius Syr).
  47. Ex libris.
    [Ex libris].
    "From books", ex-libris, sign of the owner of the book.
  48. Éxēgí monument(um)…
    [Exegi monument(mind)...]
    I erected a monument (Horace).
    The beginning of Horace's famous ode on the immortality of the poet's works. The ode caused a large number of imitations and translations in Russian poetry.
  49. Facile dictu, difficile factu.
    [Facile dictu, difficile fact].
    Easy to say, hard to do.
  50. Fames artium magister.
    [Fames artium master]
    Hunger is an art teacher.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Necessity is cunning for inventions."
  51. Felicĭtas humāna nunquam in eōdem statu permănet.
    [Felicitas g humana nunkvam in eodem statu permanet].
    Human happiness is never permanent.
  52. Felicitas multos alphabet amīcos.
    [Felicitas multos g x abet amikos].
    Happiness has many friends.
  53. Felicitatem ingentem anĭmus ingens decet.
    [Felicitatem ingentem animus ingens detset].
    Great in spirit befits great happiness.
  54. Felix criminĭbus nullus erit diu.
    [Felix criminibus nullus erit diu].
    No one will be happy with crimes for long.
  55. Felix, qui nihil debet.
    [Felix, qui nig h il debat].
    Happy is he who owes nothing.
  56. Festina lente!
    [Festina lente!]
    Hurry slowly (do everything slowly).
    One of the common sayings of Emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD).
  57. Fiat lux!
    [Fiat luxury!]
    Let there be light! (Biblical expression).
    In a broader sense, it is used when it comes to grandiose accomplishments. Gutenberg, the inventor of printing, was depicted holding an unfolded sheet of paper with the words "Fiat lux!"
  58. Finis cornat opus.
    [Finis coronat opus].
    End crowns the work.
    Wed from Russian proverb "The end is the crown of business."
  59. Gaúdia príncipiúm nostrí sunt saépe doloris.
    [Gaudia principium nostri sunt sepe doleris].
    Joy is often the beginning of our sorrow (Ovid).
  60. Habent sua fata libelli.
    [G x abent sua fata libelli].
    Books have their own destiny.
  61. Hic mortui vivunt, hic muti loquuntur.
    [G x ik mortui vivunt, g x ik muti lekwuntur].
    Here the dead are alive, here the dumb speak.
    The inscription above the entrance to the library.
  62. Hodie mihi, cras tibi.
    [G hodie moment x and, beauty tibi].
    Today for me, tomorrow for you.
  63. Homo doctus in se semper divitias alphabet.
    [G homo doctus in se semper divicias g x abet].
    A learned man always has wealth in himself.
  64. Homo homni lupus est.
    [G x omo g x omini lupus est].
    Man is a wolf to man (Plavt).
  65. Homo propōnit, sed Deus dispōnit.
    [Ghomo proponit, sed Deus disponit].
    Man proposes, but God disposes.
  66. Homo quisque fortunae faber.
    [G homo kviskve fortune faber].
    Each person is the creator of his own destiny.
  67. Homo sum: humāni nihil a me aliēnum (esse) puto.
    [G homo sum: gh uman nig h il a me alienum (esse) puto].
    I am a man: nothing human, as I think, is alien to me.
  68. Honres mutant mores.
    [Honores mutant mores].
    Honors change morals (Plutarch).
  69. Hostis humāni genris.
    [G hostis g kh umani generis].
    Enemy of the human race.
  70. Id agas, ut sis felix, non ut videaris.
    [Id agas, ut sis felix, non ut videaris].
    Act in such a way as to be happy, not to appear (Seneca).
    From Letters to Lucilius.
  71. In aqua scribre.
    [In aqua scribere].
    Write on water (Catullus).
  72. In hoc signo vinces.
    [Ing x ok signo vinces].
    Under this banner you will win.
    The motto of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, placed on his banner (4th century). Currently used as a trademark.
  73. In optimā formā.
    [In optima form].
    In the best possible shape.
  74. In tempŏre opportūno.
    [In tempore opportuno].
    At a convenient time.
  75. In vino vertas.
    [In vino veritas].
    The truth is in wine.
    Corresponds to the expression "What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue."
  76. Invēnit et perfēcit.
    [Invanite et perfecit].
    Invented and improved.
    Motto of the French Academy of Sciences.
  77. Ipse dixit.
    [Ipse dixit].
    I said it myself.
    An expression that characterizes the position of thoughtless admiration for someone's authority. Cicero, in his essay On the Nature of the Gods, quoting this saying of the disciples of the philosopher Pythagoras, says that he does not approve of the manners of the Pythagoreans: instead of proving in defense of the opinion, they referred to their teacher with the words ipse dixit.
  78. Ipso facto.
    [Ipso facto].
    By the very fact.
  79. Is fecit, cui prodest.
    [Is fecit, kui prodest].
    Made by the one who benefits (Lucius Cassius).
    Cassius, the ideal of a just and intelligent judge in the eyes of the Roman people (hence Yes another expression judex Cassiānus ‘fair judge’), always raised the question in criminal trials: “Who benefits? Who benefits from this? The nature of people is such that no one wants to become a villain without calculation and benefit for themselves.
  80. Latrante uno, latrat statim et alter canis.
    [Lyatrante uno, lyatrat statim et alter kanis].
    When one dog barks, the other dog immediately barks.
  81. Legem brevem esse oportet.
    [Legam Bravem essay portrait].
    The law should be short.
  82. Littera scripta manet.
    [Littera scripta manet].
    The written letter remains.
    Wed from Russian proverb "What is written with a pen, you can not cut down with an ax."
  83. Melior est certa pax, quam sperata victoria.
    [Melior est certa pax, kvam sperata victoria].
    Better peace is true than the hope of victory (Titus Livius).
  84. Memento mori!
    [Memento mori!]
    Memento Mori.
    The greeting that the monks of the Trappist Order, founded in 1664, exchanged at a meeting. It is also used as a reminder of the inevitability of death, the transience of life, and figuratively - about threatening danger or about something sad, sad.
  85. Mens sana in corpŏre sano.
    [Mance sana in corporate sano].
    A healthy mind in a healthy body (Juvenal).
    Usually this saying expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious development of man.
  86. Mutāto nomĭne, de te fabŭla narrātur.
    [Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur].
    The tale is told about you, only the name (Horace) has been changed.
  87. Nec sibi, nec altĕri.
    [Nek Sibi, Nek Alteri].
    Not to myself, not to anyone else.
  88. Nec sibi, nec altĕri.
    [Nek Sibi, Nek Alteri].
    Not to myself, not to anyone else.
  89. Nigrius pice.
    [Nigrus pizza].
    Blacker than tar.
  90. Nil adsuetudĭne majus.
    [Nil adsvetudine maius].
    There is nothing stronger than habit.
    From the trademark of cigarettes.
  91. Noli me tangre!
    [Noli me tangere!]
    Dont touch me!
    Gospel expression.
  92. Nomen est omen.
    [Nomen est omen].
    “The name is a sign, the name portends something,” that is, the name speaks of its bearer, characterizes him.
  93. Nomĭna sunt odiōsa.
    [Nomina sunt odiosis].
    Names are hateful, that is, it is undesirable to name names.
  94. Non progredi est regredi.
    [Non progradi est regradi].
    Not going forward means going backwards.
  95. Non sum, qualis eram.
    [Non sum, qualis eram].
    I am no longer what I was before (Horace).
  96. Nota bene! (NB)
    [Note bene!]
    Pay attention (lit.: notice well).
    A mark used to draw attention to important information.
  97. Nulla dies sine linea.
    [Nulla dies sine linea].
    Not a day without a stroke; not a day without a line.
    Pliny the Elder reports that the famous ancient Greek painter Apelles (4th century BC) “used to, no matter how busy he was, not to miss a single day without practicing his art, drawing at least one line; this was the basis for the saying."
  98. Nullum est jam dictum, quod non sit dictum prius.
    [Nullum est yam dictum, quod non sit dictum prius].
    They don't say anything that hasn't been said before.
  99. Nullum pericŭlum sine pericŭlo vincĭtur.
    [Nullum periculum sine periculyo vincitur].
    No danger is overcome without risk.
  100. O tempŏra, o mores!
    [Oh tempora, oh mores!]
    Oh times, oh manners! (Cicero)
  101. Omnes homnes aequāles sunt.
    [Omnes g homines ekvales sunt].
    All people are the same.
  102. Omnia mea mecum porto.
    [Omnia mea mekum porto].
    I carry everything with me (Biant).
    The phrase belongs to one of the "seven wise men" Biant. When it hometown Priene was taken by the enemy and the inhabitants on the run tried to take with them more of their things, someone advised him to do the same. “I do just that, because I carry everything with me,” he replied, meaning that only spiritual wealth can be considered an inalienable property.
  103. Otium post negotium.
    [Ocium post negocium].
    Rest after work.
    Wed: Did the job - walk boldly.
  104. Pacta sunt servanda.
    [Pact sunt servanda].
    Contracts must be respected.
  105. Panem et circles!
    [Panham et circenses!]
    An exclamation expressing the basic demands of the Roman crowd in the era of the Empire. The Roman plebs put up with the loss of political rights, being satisfied with the free distribution of bread, cash distributions and the organization of free circus spectacles.
  106. Par pari refertur.
    [Par wager refertur].
    Equal to equal is rewarded.
  107. Paupĕri bis dat, qui cito dat.
    [Paўperi bis dat, qui cit dat].
    The poor are doubly blessed by the one who gives quickly (Publius Syr).
  108. Pax huic domui.
    [Paks g uik domui].
    Peace to this house (Gospel of Luke).
    Greeting formula.
  109. Pecunia est ancilla, si scis uti, si nescis, domina.
    [Pekunia est ancilla, si scis uti, si nescis, domina].
    Money, if you know how to use it, is a maid, if you don’t know how, then it’s a mistress.
  110. Per aspera ad astra.
    [Per aspera hell astra].
    Through thorns to the stars, that is, through difficulties to success.
  111. Pinxit.
    The artist's autograph on the painting.
  112. Poētae nascuntur, oratōres fiunt.
    [Poete naskuntur, oratores fiunt].
    Poets are born, speakers become.
  113. Potius mori, quam foedari.
    [Potius mori, kwam fedari].
    Better to die than be disgraced.
    The expression is attributed to Cardinal James of Portugal.
  114. Prima lex historiae, ne quid falsi dicat.
    [Prima lex g x istorie, ne quid false dikat].
    The first principle of history is not to allow lies.
  115. Primus interpares.
    [Primus inter pares].
    First among equals.
    The formula characterizing the position of the monarch in the state.
  116. Principium - dimidium totius.
    [Principium - dimidium totius].
    The beginning is half of everything (every business).
  117. Probatum est.
    [Probatum est].
    Approved; accepted.
  118. Promitto me laboratūrum esse non sordĭdi lucri causā.
    [Promitto me laboraturum esse non sordidi lyukri ka "ўza].
    I promise that I will not work for the sake of contemptible gain.
    From the oath taken when receiving a doctoral degree in Poland.
  119. Putantur homĭnes plus in aliēno negotio vidēre, quam in suo.
    [Putantur g homines plus in alieno negocio videre, kvam in suo].
    It is believed that people see more in someone else's business than in their own, that is, from the side it is always more visible.
  120. Qui tacet, consentīre vidētur.
    [Kvi tatset, konsentire videtur].
    It seems that the one who is silent agrees.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Silence is a sign of consent."
  121. Quia nomĭnor leo.
    [Quia nominor leo].
    For I am called a lion.
    Words from the fable of the Roman fabulist Phaedrus (late 1st century BC - first half of the 1st century AD). The lion and the donkey shared the prey after the hunt. The lion took one share as the king of animals, the second - as a participant in the hunt, and the third, he explained, "because I am a lion."
  122. Quod erat demonstrandum (q. e. d.).
    [Quod erat demonstrandum]
    The traditional formula that completes the proof.
  123. Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi.
    [Kvod litset Yovi, non litset bovi].
    What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.
    According to an ancient myth, Jupiter in the form of a bull kidnapped the daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor Europe.
  124. Quod tibi fiĕri non vis, altĕri non fecris.
    [Kvod tibi fieri non vis, alteri non fetseris].
    Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do.
    The expression is found in the Old and New Testaments.
  125. Quos Juppĭter perdĕre vult, dementat.
    [Kvos Yuppiter perdere vult, dementat].
    Whom Jupiter wants to destroy, he deprives him of reason.
    The expression goes back to a fragment of the tragedy of an unknown Greek author: “When a deity prepares a misfortune for a person, then first of all it takes away his mind with which he argues.” The more concise formulation of this idea given above seems to have been first given in the edition of Euripides, published in 1694 in Cambridge by the English philologist W. Barnes.
  126. Quot capta, tot sensus.
    [Captain's quota, that sensus].
    How many people, so many opinions.
  127. Rarior corvo albo est.
    [Rario corvo albo est].
    More rare than the white crow.
  128. Repetitio est mater studiōrum.
    [Repetition est mater studioum].
    Repetition is the mother of learning.
  129. Requiescat in pace! (R.I.P.).
    [Rekvieskat in pace!]
    May he rest in peace!
    Latin headstone inscription.
  130. Sapienti sat.
    [Sapienti sat].
    Enough for the one who understands.
  131. Scientia est potentia.
    [Science est potencia].
    Knowledge is power.
    An aphorism based on the statement of Francis Bacon (1561–1626) - an English philosopher, the founder of English materialism.
  132. Scio me nihil scire.
    [Scio me nig x il scire].
    I know that I know nothing (Socrates).
  133. Sero venientĭbus ossa.
    [Sero vanientibus ossa].
    Late arrivals (remain) bones.
  134. Si duo faciunt idem, non est idem.
    [Si duo faciunt idem, non est idem].
    If two people do the same thing, it is not the same thing (Terentius).
  135. Si gravis brevis, Si longus levis.
    [Sea Gravis Brevis, Sea Longus Lewis].
    If the pain is excruciating, it is not long, if it is long, then it is not excruciating.
    Citing this position of Epicurus, Cicero in his treatise "On the Highest Good and the Highest Evil" proves its inconsistency.
  136. Si tacuisses, philosphus mansisses.
    [Si takuisses, philosophus mansisses].
    If you were silent, you would remain a philosopher.
    Boethius (c. 480-524) in his book “On the Consolation of Philosophy” tells how someone who boasted of the title of a philosopher listened for a long time in silence to the scolding of a person who denounced him as a deceiver, and finally asked with a mockery: “Now you understand that I really am a philosopher ?”, to which he received the answer: “Intellexissem, si tacuisses” 'I would understand this if you kept silent'.
  137. Si tu esses Helĕna, ego vellem esse Paris.
    [Si tu esses G x elena, ego wellem esse Paris].
    If you were Elena, I would like to be Paris.
    From a medieval love poem.
  138. Si vis amari, ama!
    [Si vis amari, ama!]
    If you want to be loved, love!
  139. Si vivis Romaé, Romāno vivito móre.
    [Si vivis Rome, Romano vivito more].
    If you live in Rome, live according to Roman customs.
    Novolatinskaya poetic saying. Wed from Russian proverb "Do not poke your head into a strange monastery with your charter."
  140. Sic transit gloria mundi.
    [Sic Transit Gleria Mundi].
    This is how worldly glory passes.
    With these words, they address the future pope during the ordination ceremony, burning a piece of cloth in front of him as a sign of the illusory nature of earthly power.
  141. Silent leges inter arma.
    [Silent leges inter arma].
    Among weapons, laws are silent (Livy).
  142. Similis simili gaudet.
    [Similis simili gaўdet].
    Like rejoices like.
    Corresponds to Russian. proverb "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar."
  143. Sol omnibus lucet.
    [Sol omnibus lucet].
    The sun shines for everyone.
  144. Sua cuque patria jucundissima est.
    [Sua kuikve patria yukundissima est].
    To each his own homeland is the best.
  145. Sub rosa.
    [Sub rose].
    "Under the rose", that is, in secret, secretly.
    The rose was the emblem of mystery among the ancient Romans. If the rose was hung from the ceiling above the dining table, then everything that was said and done “under the rose” should not have been disclosed.
  146. Terra incognita.
    [Terra incognita].
    Unknown land (in a figurative sense - an unfamiliar area, something incomprehensible).
    On ancient maps, these words denoted unexplored territories.
  147. Tertia vigilia.
    [Tertia vigilia].
    "Third Guard".
    Night time, that is, the interval from sunset to sunrise, was divided among the ancient Romans into four parts, the so-called vigils, equal to the duration of the changing of the guards in military service. The third vigil is the interval from midnight to early dawn.
  148. Tertium non datur.
    [Tercium non datur].
    There is no third.
    One of the provisions of formal logic.
  149. Theatrum mundi.
    [Teatrum mundi].
    World arena.
  150. Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
    [Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes].
    I'm afraid of the Danes, even those who bring gifts.
    The words of the priest Laocoön, referring to a huge wooden horse built by the Greeks (Danaans) allegedly as a gift to Minerva.
  151. Totus mundus agit histriōnem.
    [Totus mundus agit g x istrionem].
    The whole world is playing a performance (the whole world is actors).
    Inscription on Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.
  152. Tres faciunt collegium.
    [Tres faciunt collegium].
    Three make up the council.
    One of the provisions of Roman law.
  153. Una hirundo non facit ver.
    [Una g x irundo non facit ver].
    One swallow does not make spring.
    It is used in the sense of ‘should not be judged too hastily, by one act’.
  154. Unā voice.
    [Una wotse].
  155. Urbi et orbi.
    [Urbi et orbi].
    "To the city and the world," that is, to Rome and the whole world, for general information.
    The ceremony for the election of a new pope required that one of the cardinals dress the chosen one with a mantle, uttering the following phrase: "I dress you with Roman papal dignity, may you stand before the city and the world." At present, the Pope of Rome begins his annual address to the faithful with this phrase.
  156. Usus est optimus magister.
    [Usus est optimus master].
    Experience is the best teacher.
  157. Ut amēris, amabĭlis esto.
    [Ut ameris, amabilis esto].
    To be loved, be worthy of love (Ovid).
    From the poem "The Art of Love".
  158. Ut salūtas, ita salutabĕris.
    [Ut salutas, ita salutaberis].
    As you greet, so you will be greeted.
  159. Ut vivas, igĭtur vigla.
    [Ut vivas, igitur vigil].
    To live, be on your guard (Horace).
  160. Vademecum (Vademecum).
    [Wade mekum (Vademekum)].
    Come with me.
    This was the name of the pocket reference book, index, guide. The first to give this name to his work of this nature was the New Latin poet Lotikh in 1627.
  161. Vae soli!
    [Ve so "li!]
    Woe to the lonely! (Bible).
  162. Veni. vidi. Vici.
    [Vani. See. Vici].
    Came. Had seen. Defeated (Caesar).
    According to Plutarch, with this phrase, Julius Caesar reported in a letter to his friend Aminty about the victory over the Pontic king Pharnaces in August 47 BC. e. Suetonius reports that this phrase was inscribed on a board carried before Caesar during the Pontic triumph.
  163. Verba movent, exempla trahunt.
    [Verba movent, exemplary trag x unt].
    Words excite, examples captivate.
  164. Verba volant, scripta manent.
    [Verba volant, script manant].
    Words fly away, writing remains.
  165. Vertas tempris filia est.
    [Veritas temporis filia est].
    Truth is the daughter of time.
  166. Vim vi repellĕre licet.
    [Wim wi rapeller litse].
    Violence is allowed to be repelled by force.
    One of the provisions of Roman civil law.
  167. Vita brevis est, ars longa.
    [Vita brevis est, ars lenga].
    Life is short, art is eternal (Hippocrates).
  168. Vivat Academy! Vivant professors!
    [Vivat Academy! Vivant professores!]
    Long live the university, long live the professors!
    A line from the student anthem "Gaudeāmus".
  169. Vivre est cogitare.
    [Vivere est cogitare].
    To live is to think.
    The words of Cicero, which Voltaire took as a motto.
  170. Vivre est militare.
    [Vivere est militare].
    To live is to fight (Seneca).
  171. Víx(i) et quém dedĕrát cursúm fortúna perégi.
    [Viks(i) et kvem dederat kursum fortune pereghi].
    I lived my life and walked the path assigned to me by fate (Virgil).
    The dying words of Dido, who committed suicide after Aeneas, leaving her, sailed from Carthage.
  172. Volens nolens.
    [Volens nolens].
    Willy-nilly; want - do not want.

Latin winged expressions are taken from the textbook.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris.
Expect from another what you yourself did to another.

Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo.
I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.

Abiens, abi!
Leaving go!

Adversa fortune.
Evil rock.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.
Try to keep your presence of mind even in difficult circumstances.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit.
Enjoy life, it's so fleeting.

Actum ne agas.
What's done, don't go back to it.

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt.
Other people's vices are in front of our eyes, ours are behind our backs.

Amantes sunt amentes.
Lovers are insane.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even the gods are subject to love.

Amor omnia vincit.
Everything wins love.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, talk a little.

Audi, vide, size.
Listen, look and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I'll find a way, or I'll make it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Either win or die.

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.
Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Certum voto pete finem.
Set yourself only clear goals (i.e. achievable).

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to a person.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Fix the past, manage the present, foresee the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
Every person is prone to err, but only a fool can persevere in error.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.

Damant, quod non intellectual.
They judge because they don't understand.

Descensus averno facilis est.
Easy way to hell.

Deus ipse se fecit.
God created himself

Dum spiro, spero!
While I breathe I hope!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas!
Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!
(From an old student song. A common motif of ancient inscriptions on tombstones and tableware.)

Educa te ipsum!
Educate yourself!

Esse quam videri.
Be, not seem to be.

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.
When we are healthy, it is easy to give good advice to the sick.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.
Acts are stronger than words.

factum est factam.
What's done is done (fact is fact).

Fama clamosa.
Loud glory.

Fama volat.
The earth is full of rumours.

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet.
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium.
Having thought up the female disposition to humble, say goodbye to peace!

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but watch who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and brave.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

Fors omnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in action, soft in handling.
(Stubbornly achieve the goal, acting gently.)

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds his own destiny.

Fructus temporum.
The fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, shut up.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
Irrevocable time is running.

Gaudeamus igitur.
So let's have some fun.

Gloria victoribus.
Glory to the winners.

Gustus legibus non subiacet.
Taste is not subject to laws.

Gutta cavat lapidem.
A drop sharpens a stone.

Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus.
Worse than slavery are remorse.

Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat!
He is terrible who reveres death for good!

Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt.
People trust their eyes more than their ears.

Homines, dum docent, discunt.
People learn by teaching.

Hominis est errare.
Humans tend to make mistakes.

Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia.
I don't hate a person, but his vices.

Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora.
The more people have, the more they want to have.

Homo hominis amicus est.
Man is man's friend.

Homo homini lupus est.
Man to man is a wolf.
(Plavt, "Donkeys")

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am human, and nothing human is alien to me.

Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent.
Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong.

Igne natura renovatur integra.
By fire all nature is renewed.

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi.
Forgive others often, never yourself.
(Publius, Maxims)

Imago animi vultus est.
The face is the mirror of the soul.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
To command oneself is the greatest power.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever.

Daemon Deus!
In Demon God!

In dubio abstine.
Refrain when in doubt.

Infandum renovare dolorem.
To resurrect terrible (literally: "unspeakable") pain
(that is, to talk about the sad past).
(Virgil, Aeneid)

In pace.
Peace, peace.

Incedo per ignes.
I walk through the fire.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
Easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memory.
In memory.

Inter arma silent leges.
When weapons rattle, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
Within four walls.

In tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
Truth is in wine, health is in water.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent.
It is those who grieve the least who flaunt their grief the most.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.
It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.

Lupus non mordet lupum.
The wolf will not bite the wolf.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes his coat, not his nature.

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

meliora spero.
Hoping for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
In a healthy body healthy mind.

Memento quia pulvis est.
Remember that you are dust.

Natura abhorret vacuum.
Nature does not tolerate emptiness.

Naturalia non sunt turpia.
Natural is not shameful.

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.
We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful.
(Ovid, Love Elegies)

Nolite dicere, sinescitis.
Don't speak if you don't know.

Non est fumus absque igne.
There is no smoke without fire.

Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.
Knowing misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers.

Non progredi est regredi.
Not moving forward means going backwards.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Nowhere there are those who are everywhere.

Odi et amo.
I hate and love.

Omnes homines agunt histrionem.
All people are actors on the stage of life.

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
Every hour hurts, the last one kills.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equalizes everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I get everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are dead.

Pecunia non olet.
Money doesn't smell.

Per fas et nefas.
By all truths and lies.

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum.
By frequent laughter you should recognize a fool.
(Medieval proverb.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. (Matt. 7:7)

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt.
What were vices are now morals.

Quae nocent - docent.
What hurts, teaches.

Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis.
If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will be false.

Qui tacet - consentire videtur.
Whoever is silent is considered as having agreed.
(Compare Russian. Silence is a sign of consent.)

Theater Curtains, Stage Curtains, Theater Curtains: Theater Curtain Theater Curtains Stage Curtain Stage Curtain Stage Drapery Stage Clothing Stage Clothing - Curtain, harlequin, backstage, flounce, backdrop - all of these together make up stage clothing Stage clothing is curtains made of fabric for decorating and dividing the space, which consist of the following elements: stage curtain (intermission) backstage - fabric curtains on the sides of the stage harlequin - front curtain of the stage, curtains - horizontal fabric curtains covering the lighting devices backdrop - an element that creates a background theaters, concert halls, cinema halls, cultural centers, palaces and houses of culture, assembly halls of schools, colleges, universities, sports halls and playgrounds. Theater Curtains, Stage Curtains, Theater Curtains: Theater Curtain Theater Curtains Stage Curtain Stage Curtain Stage Drapery Stage Clothing Stage Clothing - Curtain, harlequin, backstage, flounce, backdrop - all of these together make up stage clothing Stage clothing is curtains made of fabric for decorating and dividing the space, which consist of the following elements: stage curtain (intermission) backstage - fabric curtains on the sides of the stage harlequin - front curtain of the stage, curtains - horizontal fabric curtains covering the lighting devices backdrop - an element that creates a background theaters, concert halls, cinema halls, cultural centers, palaces and houses of culture, assembly halls of schools, colleges, universities, sports halls and playgrounds.

Stage clothing designed on an individual project. Theatrical curtain: General; on duty; For official and mourning events; Concert; Background; Planned; Prescreen; backs; decorative; Painted; Sliding and lifting; Multifunctional. stage clothes: - harlequins - backstage - pelmets - curtains - door curtains - draperies - decoration of balconies and lodges Curtains for the theatre, curtains for the stage, theatrical curtains: Curtain, harlequin, backstage, curtains, backdrop - all this together makes up the stage clothes Stage clothes are fabric curtains for decorating and dividing the space, which consist of the following elements: stage curtain (intermission) backstage - fabric curtains on the sides of the stage harlequin - front stage borders, borders - horizontal fabric curtains that cover lighting devices backdrop - an element that creates a background We decorate theaters, concert halls, cinema halls, cultural centers, palaces and houses of culture, assembly halls of schools, colleges, universities, sports halls and playgrounds. Tailoring of curtains for the stage (theatrical, stage curtains). Tailoring of curtains for a scene under the order. SEWING THE STAGE CURTAIN, THEATER CURTAINS, STAGE CLOTHING Intermission-sliding curtains Portieres, lambrequins, draperies Textile decoration of lodges and balconies Intermission-lifting curtains, harlequins Plan-by-plan and background curtains Backstage, padugs. Sliding curtain track for heavy curtains - with manual/electric winch - for heavy curtains - remote control included Electric curtain rods with remote control (for light curtains)

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Latin is considered an ancient language, but this does not prevent it from possessing the charm that is inherent in many other languages. Only a few today speak Latin, so there is charm and mystery in it, which can serve as a thread that connects a person with his tattoo. It is possible to trace the origin of some famous phrases, inscriptions and philosophical quotations. Many celebrities "immortalized" their thoughts in Latin in the form of inscriptions on their bodies. Here is a list of ideas that you might need if you are planning to make your own tattoo with inscription.

Latin phrases

o Latin phrases usually consist of several words and have a specific theme: for example, family, law, friendship. Latin phrases can be both general statements and have a special case. Among the well-known phrases in Latin are the following: "castigat ridendo mores"; (Joking to punish the funny), "aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (Either find a way, or pave it yourself) and "non omnis moriar"; (no, all of me will not die). See the most popular statements below.

Philosophical sayings in Latin

o Philosophical thoughts in Latin, unlike phrases, are usually better known. Many have been spoken by famous scientists or expressed by famous thinkers. It is quite possible to say that the most famous philosophical saying was Descartes's saying: "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), which addresses the question of the existence of mankind and the question of being. Other well-known philosophical sayings in Latin include "errare humanum est" (to err is human), "facta non verba" (not in word but in deed) and "nosce te ipsum" (know thyself).

Modern Latin phrases

o Today, modern well-known quotes and phrases are translated into Latin. For example, the immortal saying of Martin Luther King, "I have a dream," was translated into Latin as: "Habeo Somnium." And here is the famous exclamation from the movie “A Christmas carol” “Idiotic traditions!” ( Usually about Christmas. Explained in BBC video tutorials.) “Bah! Humbug" was translated as: "Phy! Fabulae" and "Catch Me, Scotty" ( from the television series Star Trek) as: "me transmitte sursum caledoni"

Tattoo translation into Latin

o The Internet is a huge space where you can get translation virtually any statement or inscriptions from Russian to another language of your choice. Latin is no exception. Using free/paid translation services, you can get a phrase in Latin for your tattoo. For example, you liked the phrase: “God is love”, type the phrase in a search engine and look for matches in Latin, it’s better, of course, to know some other language: the chances of finding what you need increase. For example, in English this phrase would look like this: "God is love", which in Latin: "Deus est diligo".

Tattoo translation in professional fields

o People of a certain profession - military or medical - also gravitate towards tattoos in the form of an inscription in Latin. As military phrases, many use sayings like: "pro patria" (for the Motherland), "semper paratus" (always ready), and "haec protegimus" (under our protection) are all popular slogans. People associated with medicine commonly use phrases like: "dei gratia" (by the grace of God), "bonadiagnosis, bona curatio" (Good diagnosis, good cure), or "non sibi sed omnibus" ("not to yourself, but to others") .

Alphabetical search for phrases for a tattoo:

To quickly search for the phrase you need, use the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F

Audaces fortuna juvat (lat.) - Happiness accompanies the brave.
Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!
Contra spem spero (lat.) - I hope without hope.
Cum deo (lat.) - With God.
Debellare superbos (lat.) - Suppress pride, recalcitrant.
Dictum factum (lat.) - No sooner said than done.
Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to err.
Est quaedam flere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.
Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember me!
Fatum (lat.) - Fate, rock.
Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the deed.
Fortes fortuna adjuvat (lat.) - Fate helps the brave.
Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.
Gutta cavat lapidem (lat.) - A drop hammers a stone.
Naes fac ut felix vivas (lat.) - Do this to live happily.
Hoc est in votis (lat.) - That's what I want.
Homo homini lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.
Homo liber (lat.) - A free person.
Homo res sacra (lat.) - Man is a sacred thing.
Ignoti nulla cupido (lat.) - What they don’t know about, they don’t want to.
In hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live with this hope.
In vino veritas (lat.) - Truth is in wine.
Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero (lat.) - I swore by the tongue, but not by the thought.
Jus vitae ac necis (lat.) - The right to dispose of life and death.
Magna res est amor (lat.) - The great thing is love.
Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.
Malum necessarium - necessarium (lat.) - Necessary evil - inevitable.
Memento mori (lat.) - Remember death!
Memento quod es homo (lat.) - Remember that you are a person.
Me quoque fata regunt (lat.) - I also obey rock.
Mortem effugere nemo potest (lat.) - No one will escape death.
Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.
Nil inultum remanebit (lat.) - Nothing will remain unavenged.
Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don't touch me.
Oderint, dum metuant (lat.) - Let them hate, if only they are afraid.
Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything with me.
Omnia vanitas (lat.) - Everything is vanity!
Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.
Pisces natare oportet (lat.) - A fish needs to swim.
Potius sero quam nunquam (lat.) - Better late than never.
Procul negotiis (lat.) - Away with trouble.
Qui sine peccato est (lat.) - Who is without sin.
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.
Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem (lat.) - Whatever the ruler pleases, it has the force of law.
Requiescit in pace (lat.) - Rest in peace.
Sic itur ad astra (lat.) - This is how they go to the stars.
Sic volo (lat.) - So I want.
Silentium (lat.) Silence.
Supremum vale (lat.) - Forgive me for the last time.
Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.
Trahit sua quemque voluptas (lat.) - Everyone is attracted by his passion.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.
Ubi bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.
Unam in armis salutem (lat.) - The only salvation is in the struggle.
Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.
Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
Via sacra (lat.) - Holy path.
Vita sene libertate nlhil (lat.) - Life without freedom is nothing.
Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live is to fight.