Tatyana (translated from Greek - “establish”, “prescribe”) means the sovereign, organizer, founder. The name appeared in Russian in the 9th-13th centuries and remained unchanged.

According to one version, it comes from the Latin "Tatius" - the name of the Sabine king. According to another, the name "Tatiana" comes from the ancient Assyrian name Tation, which was sometimes written as Tatian. It may be that Tatyana (church. Tatiana) could have arisen from the genitive case of this name.

According to the registry office of Tatarstan, a once very popular name today can be classified as rare. Every year there are less and less Tatyana. So, in 2013, 68 newborn girls were named in Tatarstan, in 2014 - 59, in 2015 - 50, in January 2016 - 3. In the republic, the name Tatiana is comparable in popularity to Aigul (54), Olga (51), Delay (51), Rufina (50), Irina (49), Maya (47), Nargiza (45). However, in the West, such names as Tatyana, Nadia, Elena are considered fashionable.

Lena, Ira, Tanya

In pre-revolutionary times, the name Tatyana was unpopular in our country. Massively calling girls Tanya began from the middle of the 20th century. So, out of 2000 girls registered in Leningrad, 295 girls received the name Elena, 212 Irina, Tatyana - 201. Thus, it was one of the three most popular female names.

In 1988, in the Leningrad Palace of Birth Registration, a registration of names was carried out, which showed that among the generation over 50 years old with the name Tatyana, 58 women lived, among the middle generation (from 35 to 50 years old) - 84, young (from 20 to 30 years old) - 201, among newborns - 72.

“The name Tatyana has lost its former popularity in our time. Most likely, this is due to the fact that it is simply tired. Nowadays, parents prefer foreign, exotic names. In 2015, the top ten most common names in Tatarstan included Yasmina (691), Amina (677), Arina (591), Sofia (573), Victoria (572), Azalia (567), Ralina (543), Milana (535) , Anastasia (523), Samira (506),” said leading consultant of the sector of control and methodological work of the Civil Registry Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan Zemfira Negmadyanova.

Why celebrate Tatyana's day?

Orthodox Christians celebrate Tatyana's Day on January 25 in memory of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, who lived in the 3rd century AD. The holiday is associated with the veneration of St. Tatyana and the founding of Moscow State University, therefore it is also Student's Day.

Tatiana was brought up in strict Christian traditions and did not tolerate pagan symbols, including Greek and Roman temples and statues. But the Christian faith was persecuted in those days, and one day, during the persecution, the pagans seized the girl. According to legend, they tortured the great martyr for a long time, but Tatiana's prayer caused an earthquake and destroyed their temple. The pagans mocked Tatiana for a long time, trying to force her to change her faith, but the girl did not succumb. As a result, she was executed along with her father.

Why is Tatyana's Day celebrated with Student's Day?

On January 12 (January 25, New Style), 1755, Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University. Subsequently, in one of the wings of the university, a house church of St. Tatiana was built, and soon the martyr herself turned into the patroness of all Russian students, as well as knowledge and study.

So many holidays are celebrated in Russia that, probably, the majority of the country's population does not even need to be reminded of which particular holiday is approaching. Only the name is enough, and the date of the holiday itself has already been deposited in the minds of people. For example, Victory Day is associated with May 9, New Year - with December 31, Women's Day - with March 8, etc. Thus, Tatyana's Day is traditionally considered a holiday of students, i.e. the day of students. From the 18th century to our time, not a single university can do without this fun holiday.

Tatyana's Day took its name from the name of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. This holiday was celebrated on January 12 according to the (old style), and now we celebrate it on January 25.

Tatiana was born into a Christian family of a wealthy Roman during the reign of Alexander Severus, an opponent of the Christian faith. In those days, pagans executed Christians, and Tatiana was no exception. According to legend, when she was taken by force to worship in the temple of Apollo, an earthquake occurred in which many pagans died in the temple. But this did not stop the tormentors. They say that they gave her to the lions to be torn to pieces, but they did not touch her, then they wanted to burn her, but the fire was dying out. As a result, she was killed, but they did not force her to renounce her faith.

In 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University" in honor of the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. The opening day of the university was accompanied by celebrations. All noble persons were invited to the inner chambers, where they were treated with liquors and wines, tea, coffee and various sweets. And it just so happened that the name Tatiana, translated from Greek into Russian, means - the founder, organizer. Nearby was erected a church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr. And this holiday was always marked by a prayer service.
Alexander Polezhaev, being a student, at the behest of his superiors, wrote "Poems uttered in memory of the day of the founding of Moscow University, January 12, 1826":
Delight, delight, pets of the Muses!
Blessed this day
Science and happiness union
We celebrate sacred!

In the middle of the 19th century, Tatyana's Day became an unofficial student holiday. This holiday to this day consists of two main parts: official and unofficial. On this day, awards, certificates were traditionally distributed, and people were encouraged to study in every possible way. Professors, lecturers, university doctors, lawyers, teachers spoke. This was the main idea of ​​the official part of the holiday. But in the evening, the unofficial part actually began: the student brethren dispersed to taverns and pubs in order to pass a couple of glasses in black. But the greatest number of reasons to drink were those who had acquaintances of Tatyana. The police received orders from their superiors not to take students away for political speeches. Students everywhere sang the student anthem:
"Long live Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana.
All our brothers are drunk, all drunk, all drunk...
On Tatiana's glorious day ...
- And who is to blame? Are we? asks one voice, and the chorus answers:
- No! Tatiana!
And hundreds of voices pick up:
Long live Tatyana!
The rest of the verses are sung in the same way: the soloist begins, asks a question, and the choir answers.
Leo Tolstoy scolds us, scolds us
And he doesn’t order us to drink, he doesn’t order, he doesn’t order
And drunkenness exposes! ..
"And who is to blame? Are we?"
"No! Tatyana!"
"Long live Tatyana!"
In a pocket without flaw, flaw, flaw
It can't be Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana.
All empty wallets
Hours set...
"And who is to blame? .."
And so on.

On this day, student vacations also began, and this event is the most long-awaited for students.

Happy student day dear students!

Tatyana's day for the hearing of a modern resident of a big city, most likely, seems to be a holiday of students, when all students attract Fortuna to their side with their gradebooks stuck out of the window at midnight. However, this day has another side, a deeply religious one, which should never be forgotten.

History of Tatyana's day

Student Day on January 25 is due to the fact that it was on this date that Moscow University was founded. At first it was celebrated as the birthday of this educational institution, and then the holiday spread to all student associations, thus becoming all-Russian.

But the name day of all Tatyanas on this day is not at all connected with university affairs. On January 25 of each year, the church pays tribute to the memory of St. Tatiana of Rome. As the legends say, this great martyr was a thunderstorm of false gods in Rome: from her words and fervent prayers, the ancient idols of Apollo and the goddess Diana fell and turned into ruins. Tormented by torture and wild animals, she remained alive, and her wounds healed without a trace. For her strong faith and steadfastness, Tatiana eventually paid with her life. She was executed by cutting off her head, but her memory remained for centuries, in the memory of the church and many peoples.

Traditions of Tatiana's Day

In Rus', Tatyana's Day was celebrated in connection with the name of St. Tatiana. This day was also called Babi Kut or Tatyana Kreshchenskaya. On this date, it was customary to pray for women's difficulties, and in later times also for success in discipleship and the sciences. But the people did not only offer up prayers. There were many traditions that made this day a family holiday. For example, young girls guessed at the betrothed, and also arranged whole rituals to find the groom: they knocked out rugs together with the guys, competing, whose one would be cleaner, or deliberately tried to hide a broom in the groom's house so that the future mother-in-law could not find it. Naturally, they pretended not to find anything if they approved of the daughter-in-law.

During the time of the Russian Empire, noisy student festivities were organized on Tatyana's day. Celebrations at that time were of a more secular nature, associated specifically with the formation of the University. It is known, for example, that even the gendarmes on such an occasion were condescending to students who overdid it with alcoholic libations.

Then they forgot about Tatyana's Day for a long time, and only now he has been restored to his rights. Since 2005, it has been celebrated, as before, as a holiday for Russian students, but services in the church never tire of reminding us of St. Tatiana, whose life was dedicated to God and faith.

Celebrate Tatyana's day in a way that is closer to your heart. Do not forget to remember both the holy Roman great martyr and the church traditions of this feast. And press, having learned something new and useful, on the buttons and

At the end of January of each year, Russian students traditionally celebrate their holiday - Tatyana's Day. The Day of Russian Students, although intermittently, has been celebrated for more than two centuries, but only recently has it acquired an officially recognized status and has become one of the memorable and festive dates of our country. Recall what date Tatyana's Day is celebrated in 2019, when the Day of Russian Students is celebrated, what is the history of this holiday.

What date is Tatyana's day in 2019

The holiday of all students of Russia - Tatiana's Day - is celebrated annually on the same date, The 25th of January.

January 25 in the 20th and 21st centuries is January 12 according to the Julian calendar of the Orthodox Church - the date when the church celebrates memory of the martyr Tatiana and those who suffered with her in Rome. Martyr Tatiana of Rome died in 226, during the reign of the Roman emperor Alexander Severus, for her faith.

A pious, faithful to Christianity woman refused to worship pagan deities, to which they tried to persuade her during the Roman persecution of Christians. Tatiana, at the moment when she was forced to bow to the idol of Apollo, began to pray to Jesus Christ, and an earthquake descended on the temple, as a result of which the idol was overthrown from the pedestal.

Tatiana was tortured, but the traces of torture instantly disappeared from her body. In the end, angels descended to earth, and a voice was heard from heaven addressed to the martyr. This caused some of the tormentors to believe in the Christian god. However, the end of the saint, strong in her faith, was predetermined - on January 12, according to the old style, she was executed.

By itself, the story of Tatiana's life and death, of course, has nothing to do with students. The patroness of the University of Moscow State University and students of Russia, in principle, made her a case.

In 1755, it was on this date, January 12 according to the Julian calendar, that Empress of Russia Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the founding of Moscow University, the first in the country (now it is Moscow State University). This date was both accidental and not accidental. The fact is that Ivan Shuvalov, a favorite of the Empress, oversaw the opening of the university, and his mother's name was Tatyana. January 12, thus, was the name day of Shuvalov's mother, and he submitted historical documents for the signature of the empress on this date.

The founding date of Moscow University has become a holiday for all students. First in Moscow, and then throughout Russia. Student Day in pre-revolutionary times was celebrated quite cheerfully and noisily. History brought us an interesting detail - the police in pre-revolutionary Russia on this day not only turned a blind eye to the state of drunken students, but also helped them, if necessary, to get home. Students could expect such kindness towards themselves from the police only one day a year.

After the revolution, in Soviet times, Tatyana's Day was either not celebrated at all, and many did not know about it at all, or it was celebrated behind the scenes. The Soviet government did not particularly encourage the old pre-revolutionary traditions, even at the end of its existence.

The revival of the holiday of students happened already in modern times, in the 1990s. By 2005, the unofficial holiday of students became so widespread that it entered the calendar of Russian holidays and memorable dates - the president signed an official Day of Russian students January 25 of each year.

Tatyana's day in our time falls at the time when students end the winter session period and student winter vacations begin.

Of course, this time is very convenient for such a general holiday of those who study in higher educational institutions of the country. The holiday in our time brings back old traditions and establishes new ones. His official recognition is also a reason to celebrate Tatyana's Day, students were also helped by the leadership of universities. On January 25, festive events with games, competitions and tea parties are held at the country's universities.

P.S. As you know, January 25 in Russia is also the birthday of one of the greatest poets and artists of the last century, Vladimir Vysotsky. One of the idols of many generations of Soviet and Russian people was born on the day of St. Tatyana, and for many these two events are inextricably linked. Remembering Tatyana's day, people remember Vysotsky. In 2018, we celebrated the anniversary - Vladimir Vysotsky would have turned 80 on January 25.


People have a lot of holidays. There are personal holidays, for example, birthdays, there are general holidays, say March 8, there are professional, memorable dates. There are holidays inspired by time, some events. Tatyana's day is special among them. Born in the Russian Empire to celebrate the founding of a university in Moscow, it is also religious in nature.

On this day, Christians honor the Great Martyr Tatiana. The Orthodox call him Tatyana Kreshchenskaya. According to some reports, January 25 is timed to coincide with another event. Elizaveta Petrovna, establishing the first higher educational institution in Russia, at the insistent request of one of her subjects, Ivan Shuvalov, ordered to honor the memory of his mother Tatyana. This is such a multifaceted holiday.

Students rejoice

And yet, Tatyana's Day in Russia is more perceived as a student holiday. Moreover, Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of students throughout Russia. January 12 (according to the Julian calendar), 1755, the opening of the first higher educational institution in Russia took place. The initiator was the great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna approved the creation of the university by her decree. At first it was just a date. It was celebrated exclusively by Moscow students.

They organized festivities, festivities, invented interesting amusements, many of which eventually turned into traditions. For example, on this day it was strictly forbidden to talk about studies, classes, lectures, exams, seminars. You couldn't even open the notes. It was believed that those who violated this ban were expected to fail in their studies. And the observance of this tradition gave hope that the upcoming studies would be a joy, but not a burden. But it also needed to have some fun.

At the same time, there was a custom to look out from a balcony or from an open window and, waving a grade book, shout out: “Shara, come!” The answer should be: “Already on the way.” This meant that only success awaited in their studies. It was considered a sign of successful study to draw a small house on one of the pages of the student's record book with a very long smoke flowing from the chimney of the painted house. The larger this stream turned out to be, the more significant success was expected in the new academic year.

By Easter in 1791, a temple was opened at the university in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana. It was placed in the old building. At that time, the construction of a new university building on Mokhovaya Street was completed. Following this, Emperor Nicholas I officially instituted a solemn celebration of the founding date of the educational institution. Quite by accident, the secular holiday turned out to be on the same day as the church holiday - the day of honoring St. Tatiana. At first, only Muscovites took part in the festivities.

It all started with a visit to the temple. A prayer service was held here, then proceeded to the solemn part, during which awards and certificates were presented for success in studies and public affairs. At this time, the doors of the university were wide open for guests of honor, former graduates, officials. And the party began.

Students celebrated not only their holiday, but also the onset of the holidays. They walked around the city in noisy companies, sang songs, the wealthiest made parties in restaurants. On this occasion, the owners of drinking establishments hid expensive furniture, brought food and drinks in cheap dishes, because often the festivities turned into brawls with breaking dishes, as well as everything that came to hand. Interestingly, the police were not very strict about the hooliganism of walking youth. They did not take the most raging students to the station, but tried to take them home.

With the advent of new educational institutions, and not only in the capital city, Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated throughout Russia. And even there they celebrated this day, where there were no universities or institutes, but at least one of the graduates lived. This was facilitated by the religious background of Tatyana's day. Over time, it turned into a celebration of all representatives with the name "Tatiana".

There lived a girl Tatiana Rimskaya

According to legend, Tatiana lived at a time when Christianity was just emerging. The girl grew up in a family where love and kindness reigned. The family was noble and wealthy. Tatiana's father held high positions. From a young age, she absorbed the love of Christ and could not imagine life without worshiping him. With age, Tatiana established herself in her faith. In the community, which she constantly visited, she later became a deaconess. This title was received until the VIII century by the ministers of the church who took the dedication.

Poor and sick people began to turn to the girl, knowing that she would not refuse to help anyone. A new time has come, another power has come, which forced us to worship the pagan gods. Tatiana resisted, remaining faithful to Jesus. The legend says that the girl was tortured. But the injuries on the body quickly disappeared, and suffering from unknown forces awaited the martyrs. On January 12, 226, the girl, along with her father, was brutally executed.

But the death of Tatiana forced the doubters to establish themselves in the faith, as miracles of healing continued to occur, as soon as the needy turned to her name. Later, Tatiana of Rome was canonized, and the date of her death was proclaimed Tatiana's day. In the folk calendar, it is called the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya. Snowfall foreshadowed summer with rain. The sun peeking out from behind the clouds promised the imminent arrival of birds.

Since Saint Tatiana is considered a martyr who lived during the formation of Christianity, she is equally revered by both the Catholic and Orthodox churches. After the October Revolution, Tatyana's Day was canceled. The temple at Moscow State University was converted into a reading room. The Soviet government established a new holiday - the Day of the Proletarian Students. In 1958, the Moscow State University Theater was opened here. It existed for nearly 40 years.

The theater is famous for the fact that the great directors Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, artists Alexei Kortnev, Iya Savina and many others began their creative activity within its walls. In 1995 the theater was closed.

And the holiday is back

At the initiative of the rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, in 1992, Tatyana's Day returned to the walls of the educational institution as a student holiday. Since 2005, the holiday has become official, a decree was issued by President Vladimir Putin. Since that time, it began to be widely celebrated, moreover, only in Russia. It should not be confused with International Students Day, which is celebrated on November 17th.

Currently, Tatyana's Day is celebrated very widely, especially where he was born and where he was reborn again, at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Shuvalov is not forgotten either. Today, two awards have been established here, which are awarded to university employees. One bears the name of Lomonosov.

An employee can be awarded this award only once in a lifetime. Another, the Shuvalov Prize, can only be awarded to those who, at the time of nomination, were under forty years old. By the way, at present there are students whose merits are so significant that they are nominated as candidates for prestigious awards.

Recently, honorary scientists, whose merits have made a great contribution to the development of the country, have been awarded the title of “Star of Moscow University”. Only one person can receive an honorary title, and only on Tatyana's day. In all educational institutions, students arrange concerts. Traditionally, meetings are held with leading scientists and statesmen. On this day, graduates meet in some universities.

One of the features of the celebration of Tatyana's Day at Moscow State University is the treat of the rector with mead. It is usually prepared with honey, which is brought to the university by the rector. Sadovnichiy himself treats students to a traditional Russian drink, which was typical even at the time of the birth of the holiday, more than two hundred years ago. This tradition is now beginning to take root in other universities of the country.

Many famous artists take part in the celebration. Concerts are often free, because almost all of them were or are now students. Well, Tatyana is not counted among the artists. This name in Russia is traditionally one of the most common. Cinemas, museums, skating rinks open for free admission. Discounts are given to young people in the cafe, dessert is served free of charge.

People walk in parks, streets and squares. Student groups perform with concerts. Contests and fun rides are organized, in which the owners of the name Tatyana most often win. The festivities take place until late in the evening and end with festive fireworks.

When all the people are celebrating

Almost every Orthodox person has a name day. But not a single name day is celebrated as solemnly and magnificently as Tatyana's day. This happened due to the imposition of a secular holiday on a religious one. If for some this is a holiday of students, which is celebrated everywhere, then for others it is the veneration of St. Tatiana.

Even where there is no higher or secondary educational institution, there will definitely be at least one person for whom student years are a holiday for the rest of their lives. Well, there is also a name day for each Tatyana. Whether she is a believer or an atheist, everyone brings flowers and gifts. It has become a long-standing tradition to give the name of Tatyana to every girl who was born in the first two winter months.

In ancient times, January 25 was the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya or the Sun. There was a belief that on this day the sun would definitely come out. And then spring will come early, which will give people spawning fish. And if Epiphany frosts hit on this sunny day, it means that there will be a good harvest.

Many signs were associated, as often happened, with a loaf of bread. Good luck was expected in the family if a mound grew in the middle of the loaf. A measured, calm life was predicted if it turned out smooth. It was considered bad luck for bread to crack during baking. Well, a burnt loaf to joy. That's just the burnt crust went to the birthday girl. She had to eat this crust.

In peasant houses, the place near the Russian stove was called the woman's kut, the sun. On Tatyana's day, the hostess of the house baked a large round loaf of bread like the sun. The hostess had to take the carpet out of the oven herself and let it cool down. After that, she broke off a piece and distributed it to all family members. Everyone had to eat this piece in order to get at least a little solar heat.

Tatyana's day was especially expected among unmarried girls. On this day they lured their chosen ones. In the morning, the girl carefully cleaned the rug, knocked it out. Then she spread this rug in front of the front door. The girl tried to lure the guy who was handsome to her, so that he would definitely enter the house, but before that she wiped her shoes on the rug. It was believed that after that the young man would always be drawn to this house.

Future brides prepared special panicles from various feathers and rags. Such a panicle had to be quietly brought into the house of a young man and hidden. If the girl can do this, the young man will definitely become her fiancé, and in the future - her husband. It was difficult to do this, since the groom’s mother usually strictly ensured that her son was not bewitched, especially if an unsuitable candidate, from the mother’s point of view, was stuffed into the daughter-in-law.

Holiday holiday strife. But there are those that people are waiting for, celebrating the way they used to spend the most desirable days, for example, New Year, Christmas or Easter. It is very important to see Tatyana's day in this series. This is evidence that the old half-forgotten traditions are returning, bringing joy, hope for a wonderful tomorrow, for spring, which will surely come, will bring the awakening of nature, love and good studies.