Augusta Gavrilova
Consultation for educators "Theatrical activities of children as a means of overcoming speech disorders"

March 2015

Theatrical activities of children,

how remedy for speech impairment

Creativity makes a child's life

richer, fuller, happier.

A person's life in society begins with kindergarten, and that is why the foundations of social relations laid down kindergarten teachers, are decisive in the further development of the child.

Improving the effectiveness of correctional work with children with speech disorders- one of the main tasks facing educators preschool institutions. Modern specialists in search of effective funds corrections are increasingly focused on the use of different types of art.

Theatre is one of the most democratic and accessible types of art for

children, it allows you to solve many urgent problems of modern pedagogy and psychology.

Theatre- this is also a whole world of new words, concepts that are not used in everyday life. This is the stage, the curtain, the backstage. Acquaintance with many more amazing words and concepts awaits those who wish to look behind the scenes theater ...

Theatricalization is, first of all, improvisation, animation of objects and sounds.

According to L.S.Vygotsky, problems in the development of speech in a child create the basis for the emergence of obstacles in communicating with others, the establishment of broad social ties, when violated"Normal growth of the child into the culture".

Children with speech disorders are children having deviations in the development of speech with normal hearing and intact intelligence. Speech disorders are manifold, they can manifest themselves in violation of pronunciation, grammatical structure of speech, poverty of vocabulary, as well as in breaking the pace and fluency of speech.

Any violation speech to one degree or another, as a rule, is reflected in activities and behavior of the child.

Speech disorders, having arisen as a result of the influence of any potential factor, do not disappear by themselves, and in the absence of specially organized correctional work, they can adversely affect the further development of the child.

Together with peers and adults, it affects the emotional and cognitive spheres of the child, provides correction violations communicative sphere.

It is based on an individual approach, respect for the personality of the child, faith in his abilities and capabilities.

Theatrical activities allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of expressiveness of speech, the development of the communicative qualities of a person (teaching verbal and non-verbal types of communication, the development of dialogical and monologue speech, enrichment of the vocabulary.

(Mastering expressive means of communication: verbal (by adjusting the tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, poses, gestures);

enrichment of the vocabulary: figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, etc.)

It gives every child an opportunity to get comfortable, makes kindergarten the place where they want to come.

Theatrical activity as a means of correcting speech disorders in a kindergarten does not imply the development of professional acting skills.

The main goal is to create conditions for correction speech disorders in children and developing their motivation to eliminate their speech defects.

This main goal implies the following tasks:

speech development children and correction of its violations;

development of the child's motivational aspirations to correct their speech defects through theatrical activities and specially organized speech festivals-contests;

ensuring that children understand how to correct speech;

development of cognitive abilities, voluntary regulation activities, emotional and personal sphere;

development of aesthetic abilities.

In correctional work with children with violations speech must always be based on their emotional world, cognitive interest. That is why the role of poetry in children's theatrical games and exercises.

A poetic text, as a rhythmically organized speech, activates the entire body of a child, contributes to the development of his vocal apparatus. Children especially like dialogic poems. Speaking on behalf of a certain character, the child is more relaxed, communicates with a partner. In addition, learning poetry develops memory and intelligence. Various costume attributes - animal masks, hats, capes, etc. - help to play mini-performances in speech development classes. Children should create images themselves with the help of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

The development of dialogic and monologue speech combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom speech apparatus, the ability to master the correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic and orthoepy. This also includes word games that develop coherent speech, creative imagination, the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales, and select the simplest rhymes.

It is impossible to engage in special professional training with preschoolers, since their respiratory and vocal apparatus are not yet sufficiently formed. It is necessary to strive to ensure that children understood: the speech of the actor should be more clear, sonorous and expressive than in life. Depending on the task at hand, the emphasis is on breathing, then on articulation, then on diction, then on intonation or pitch.

In your classes, you can use various types theater- for flannelegraph or carpet, tabletop theatre, shadow, flat, finger, bi-ba-bo, pictures and toys. In these games, children can create scenes, lead the role of a toy character. They act for him, portray him with intonation and facial expressions. Joint creative activity involves even not active enough in the dramatization process children and helps them overcome communication difficulties... As a rule, fairy tales are used as material for stage implementation. Russian folk tales have an energizing effect, both on speech activity and on the emotional sphere of the child.

In director's games, which include tabletop theater of toys and pictures, bench games (stand-book, shadow theatre, flannelgraph theater) the child creates the script himself, plays the role of a toy character (volumetric or planar). By predominant means expressions in this case are intonation and facial expressions. These games are used in the classroom when composing stories from pictures, series of plot pictures, traces of the demonstration of the action. Children, acting as directors, compose the script and then, using the figures of the tabletop theater, it is being played.

Dramatization games involve arbitrary reproduction any plot in accordance with the script. They are based on the actions of the performer who uses the finger theater and dolls bi-ba-bo... Since the child plays on his own, he can use everything. means of expression(intonation, facial expressions, pantomime)... These games are used for retelling stories and fairy tales. Here children are artists. Children learn to master their voice, intonation, facial expressions, clear articulation, and gestures. They develop memory, fantasy, learn to interact with each other.

When distributing the role in the play-dramatization, one should take into account speech the capabilities of every child. It is very important to give at least the smallest speech to speak on an equal basis with others, in order to give an opportunity, while reincarnating, to distract from speech defect or demonstrate correct speech. It does not matter what role the child plays, it is important that he creates an image with unusual features, learns overcome speech difficulty and fluent speech. The desire to get the role of a character is a powerful incentive for quickly learning to speak cleanly, correctly. "Aerobatics" v theatrical activities - children's participation in performances... Of course, not every child in the group can do this, but nevertheless, some children who have achieved certain success in performing stage movements, as well as who have mastered pure, clear, expressive speech, cope quite well with the role given to them.

Success of use dramatized games in correctional work is facilitated by the organization of subject-game Wednesday... They require a varied didactic material: costumes, various volumetric and plane dolls, didactic toys, all kinds of illustrations.

Theatrical games enable children to move from wordless sketches to sketches with words, improvise with elements of dressing up on a given topic, which excites imagination, develops imagination. Playing, participating in performances, children willingly develop their speech, activate their vocabulary. Along with this, children learn to express themselves in movement, to be free to hold themselves without hesitation. For children preschool age, all components are important theater and music, and costumes, and decorations, and the main word. The problem of mastering a word is relevant today for all ages. Frequent rehearsals give children the opportunity to communicate, understand the feeling of partnership, mutual assistance, relieve stiffness, and speed up the process of mastering public speaking skills.

Theatrical the games take place in stages.

At the first stage, game exercises are systematically performed, aimed at developing facial expressions and pantomimics. Thanks to them, the movements become more confident. Children begin to switch more easily from one movement to another, to understand the nuances of facial expressions, gestures and movements of another person.

At the second stage, games and exercises are introduced for the development of breathing and freedom. speech apparatus, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation.

At the third stage, one should proceed to the dramatization of poems, jokes, nursery rhymes. Children memorize texts in advance, then act them out using a tabletop or finger theatre.

At the fourth stage, you can go to a more complex view. activities- dramatization of stories and fairy tales. Different masks or elements of costumes and types are used here theaters: desktop, finger, bi-ba-bo. Children can act out the text like actors.

Theatrical the game brings variety to the child's life in kindergarten, gives him joy, surprise and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle is most clearly manifested learning: learn by playing.

The writer Gianni Rodari, known to all of us, argued that “it is in the game that the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what is needed. Not to teach and teach, but to play with him, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what a child needs. "

Our whole life is a big stage and what role a child chooses in this life depends on his first preschool experience, where he receives not only information about the world around him, the laws of society, the beauty of human relations, but also learns to live in this world, build your relationships. This requires the creative activity of the individual (attention, imagination, logic, emotional memory, well-developed speech, facial expressions, that is, the ability to keep oneself in society.

Theatrical activity is a bridge that helps children get into their later adult life and form positive experiences perception surrounding reality.

Thus, we can conclude that theatrical activity makes it possible to use it as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical speech development tool, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game.

Larisa Samodaeva
Master class "Theatrical activity as a means of correcting speech disorders"

Target: increasing the competence of speech therapists in the application theatrical activities in correctional work, the development of imagination and creativity.


Encourage widespread use theatrical activity in the correction of speech disorders.

Attract the attention of educators to theatrical play.

Find out the educational needs of speech therapists in matters speech development.

To acquaint teachers with different types theaters.

Teach teachers to make some types theatrical aids.

Participants: teachers - speech therapists.

Form of conducting: Master Class.

Methodical techniques:

conversation, productive activity of speech therapists, dialogue, theatrical play, analysis of the results.

Stroke master - class:

1. Greetings

Dear colleagues! I'm glad to see you on master class.

2. Main part

Working for a long time with children with OHP in a group of compensatory orientation, you understand that often traditional techniques and methods of teaching do not allow you to achieve the goals and objectives.

The delivered sounds take a very long time and are difficult to introduce into everyday speech. It is very difficult to work on the intonation expressiveness of speech. Emotionality, facial expressions are not sufficiently developed in many children. Children are constrained, squeezed, closed for communication. Coherent speech is formed with a delay.

I would like to see not only the pure pronunciation of the sounds of our children, but that the children are fluent in all the components of speech. So that speech is expressive, emotional, so that the child can freely and easily communicate with peers and adults.

This is facilitated by theatrical activity.

What do you think our children love to do in kindergarten? (Answers).

Quite rightly, you noticed that our children play a lot. It's no secret that the game is the leading species kindergarten activities.

Theatrical activities is perceived by children as a game, so it is easy to involve children in it.

The child is completely liberated, ceases to be shy, and under the skillful unobtrusive influence of an adult, it becomes pliable like plasticine.

By creating this or that game situation, you can consolidate the sounds set, work out certain grammatical exercises, replenish the children's vocabulary with new words, and activate the development of coherent speech. The child will not even suspect that he is learning something, because for him it is a game.

The main areas of work in theatrical and playful activities: Slide 3

1. Development of culture speeches: articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, speech breathing, correct sound pronunciation.

2. Development of general and small motor skills: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, removal of muscle tension, formation of correct posture.

3. Development of the stage skill and speech activity: development of facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, emotional perception, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, monologue and dialogical forms of speech, game skills and creative independence.

Given the characteristics of children with speech disorders, we understand how hard it is for them to take every step on the path to success. Therefore, of course, it is not very advisable to involve them immediately in staging performances and fairy tales. By this we can only achieve the opposite effect. A child, faced with an overwhelming task for him, may, on the contrary, become isolated. Therefore, it is important to follow a phased approach in working with children who have speech disorders.

2.1. The first stage - preparatory Slide 4

Here we show and teach means of expression, with the help of which children can show their emotions, and also allow them to communicate more freely with each other. This stage is also good in that, despite the fact that speech children's abilities are at an insufficient level, children can communicate with each other, using the entire arsenal of expressive funds(facial expressions, gestures).

I use in my work:

Mimic gymnastics;

Psycho-gymnastic games;

Games - pantomime

Development tasks speech intonational expressiveness;

I suggest to the participants master class assignments, aimed at the development of facial expressions, emotions, pantomime.

1. Theatre"Mimic gymnastics"

MIME GAME "Transfers"

MIME GAME "Guess what I'm portraying"

2. Theatre"Emotions"

Emotions are when we look at a person's face and understand what his mood is. This task should be easy for you. Now we just need to remember our familiar gnomes. What emotion do you see on each gnome's face?

Dwarf images: sad, funny, angry, surprised, scared.

They call an emotion, and then recite poems, conveying emotions with voice, facial expressions.

3. A pantomime game "The greedy dog"

Speech therapist reads the text, children imitate movements on text:

4. Tasks for development speech intonation expressiveness.

a) Say so that they believe you that the circus has arrived.

b) Say the phrase "Oh you, winter is winter, all the roads are covered up" (reproachfully, affectionately).

c) Convey narrative, exclamatory and interrogative intonation.

Early - early snow fell.

Surprised man:

This is snow? Can not be!

Outside? Can not be!

On the grass? Can not be!

December? Can not be!

Is it really snow?

The man did not believe.

2.2. Second stage - use dramatized games in speech therapy classes and in free activities Slide 5

At this stage, we set ourselves tasks:

Develop breathing, dynamics, tempo, intonation of speech.

Improve the articulation apparatus.

Stimulate active speech by expanding vocabulary.

Form a dialogical, emotionally rich, expressive speech.

Rhymes - tongue twisters / tongue twisters for the development of diction

There will be a bull, there will be hooves. The bull is blunt, don't blow your lips.

The house by the oak, by the Lyuba oak, we love to look at Lyuba.

Add word by rhyme

Seryozha ate for lunch, as many as five large (sausages, pancakes, cutlets).

I put on a big hat to look like (Barmaley, dad, Boyarsky).

Develop finger motor skills.

Now I invite you to be in the role of children and play a little.

Bead games.

These are exercises for the development of fine motor skills, attention, memory, imagination and fantasy. (These games require different colored beads, long ones.)

"Beads and casket"


"We draw with beads"

Logorhythmics with speech therapists

(speech play with movements and elements theatricalization)

Ay, dili, dili ...

Working with children with disabilities, we know that it is often very difficult to keep the attention of children, many children very quickly become exhausted, lose interest in the learning process, despite the numerous techniques that we use in the classroom (species change activities, movable speech games, physical minutes) all the same, children get tired and do not absorb the proposed material. And we need to achieve certain goals, teach, give knowledge, skills. Therefore, classes can include theatrical games which are very diverse.

2.3. The third stage - staging, dramatization Slide 6


Most "colloquial" view .

You can start this stage when most children have learned to master expressive means of language understand how previous experience can be used.

Game-dramatization renders:

Holistic impact on personality baby: his emancipation, independent creativity, the development of leading mental processes;

Promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual;

Creates conditions for socialization, enhancing adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize the feeling of satisfaction, joy, success.

No other kind theatrical activities does not contribute to the development of artistry, expressiveness of movements and the development of speech, as dramatization play.

As a result of targeted use theatrical games in direct educational activities as well as during free activities, children acquire speech skills, on the basis of which the construction of coherent statements will become possible, thinking, memory, imagination will develop.

Speech will become more emotional, expressive and meaningful.

Therefore, use in work dramatized games contributes to the full development of all aspects of the coherent monologue, dialogical speech of children, which becomes the main prerequisite for successful schooling.

Role out the poem "Grasshopper"

Target: encourage active participation in the performance.

Having solved the riddles, we must find out which costumes are hidden in the chest, and from the costumes we must guess the name of a fairy tale that we, as real artists, can play.

"Theater of riddles"

2.4. Views theaters used in the work. Slide 7

Finger theatre

Promotes the development of speech, attention, memory;

Forms spatial representations;

Develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements;

Increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex.

Fingertip stimulation, hand movement, finger play speed up the process speech and mental development.

Theatre pictures or magnetic theatre

Develop creativity;

Promote aesthetic education;

Develop dexterity, the ability to control their movements, focus on one type activities

Acting with different pictures, the child develops fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to a more successful and effective development of speech.

Conical theatre

Helps teach children to coordinate hand and eye movements;

Accompany finger movements with speech;

Encourages you to express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Both magnetic and tabletop theatre, theatre I use pictures in classes for the development of coherent speech. So when retelling a fairy tale or composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, children, acting with characters, remember them more easily, remember the sequence of events. This is much more interesting for children, since they themselves become the creators of this or that story.

Glove theater

Provides tremendous therapeutic impact: helps fight speech disorders, neuroses;

Helps to cope with feelings, fears;

The glove doll conveys the full range of emotions that children experience

Bi-babo puppet theater.

Through a doll wearing a hand, children talk about their experiences, anxieties and joys, because they completely identify themselves (your hand) with a doll.

When playing puppet theatre it is impossible to play silently using the B-b-bo dolls!

Therefore, it is these dolls that are often used in their work by speech therapists, psychologists and teachers.

Theatrical activities Slide 8

Develops motor activity;

Expands knowledge about the world around;

Has a positive effect on the aesthetic sense;

Affects speech activity of the child;

The foundations of moral education are laid;

Is the basis for the development of creative abilities;

Instills a strong interest in literature;

Promotes the development of communication skills - the ability to communicate with other people.

2.5. Practical activity(making an elephant)... Slide 9

Speech therapists perform the task using the scheme)

The elephant trumpets the whole district -

He has good news

And he doesn't need a pipe,

Because there is a trunk!

3. The final part. Summarizing

Dear colleagues, our meeting has come to an end.

A few final words:

Theatrical activity forms the expressiveness of the child's speech, intelligence. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude to good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt.

You took an active part in games, exercises, actively participated in joint creativity, expressed your point of view.

And in parting, I will ask you to leave your impressions of our meeting in a creative form, using markers and stickers(To the music).

3.1. Reflection "Mask" Slide 10

To all participants and guests of our master class:

"I wish you a good mood,

And a magical glow in the eyes!

May every moment be happy

Let every day be in miracles!



Theatrical activities of children,
as a means of overcoming speech disorders

Violations of the speech development of children, whether it be FFN, OHR, stuttering, etc. are considered, first of all, as communication disorders. Deviations in the development of speech are reflected in the formation of the entire mental life of the child.

Together with peers and adults, theatrical activity has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect on the affective and cognitive spheres of the child, and ensures the correction of violations of the communicative sphere. Children in a team show individual characteristics, which contributes to the formation of their inner world, overcoming communicative maladjustment.

The functions of a child's play are determined by its psychological characteristics, revealed in the studies of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin, and others. In play, the child's personality is formed, its potentialities and first creative manifestations are realized. In the theatrical and playful activities, there is an intensive development of cognitive processes, emotional and personal sphere.

Play can change a child's attitude towards themselves, their well-being, and the way they communicate with their peers. The psychotherapeutic mechanism of stage games consists in defining roles for the participants. The role can reveal a potential communication resource in the child. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. It is the child's ability to such identification with a favorite image that allows teachers to exert a positive influence on children through theatrical activity.

Theatrical activity in psychocorrectional practice should be considered as a set of techniques based on the use of this art in a free symbolic form. Its main functions:

Catharsistic(cleansing, liberation from negative states);

Regulatory (removal of neuropsychological stress, regulation of psychosomatic processes, modeling of a positive psychoemotional state);

Communicative-reflective(correction of communication disorders, formation of adequate behavior, self-esteem).

Theatrical activity of preschool children includes the following sections:

Puppet theater games;

Games - dramatizations;

Games - performances(performances).

As L. G. Vygotsky argued, dramatization based on an action performed by the child himself most closely, effectively and directly connects artistic creation with personal experiences. Theatrical activity contributes to the development of speech(monologue, dialogue).

This section combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, the ability to master correct articulation, clear diction, various intonation, logic and orthoepy. This also includes word games that develop coherent speech, creative imagination, the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales, and select the simplest rhymes.

These exercises are divided into three types:

Respiratory and articulatory;

Dictation and intonation;

Creative (with word).

It is impossible to engage in special professional training with preschoolers, since their respiratory and vocal apparatus are not yet sufficiently formed. It is necessary to strive to ensure that children understand: the speech of an actor should be clearer, sonorous and expressive than in life. Depending on the task at hand, the emphasis is on breathing, then on articulation, then on diction, then on intonation or pitch.

In corrective work with children with speech disorders, it is always necessary to rely on their emotional world, cognitive interest is precisely why the role of poetry in children's theatrical games and exercises is so great.

The poetic text as a rhythmically organized speech activates the entire body of the child, contributes to the development of his vocal apparatus. Poems are not only training in nature for the formation of a clear, competent speech, but also find an emotional response in the child's soul, make various games and tasks exciting. Children especially like dialogic poems. Speaking on behalf of a certain character, the child is more relaxed, communicates with a partner. At the next stage, you can create a whole mini-performance from the poem and play it in the form of sketches. In addition, learning poetry develops memory and intelligence.

The impact of theatrical activities on the psychological development of a child is based on the assimilation of the experience of the people. Fairy tales, folklore, miniature forms of Russian ethnic wealth have a positive emotional impact on children at an early and preschool age.

A child, assimilating his role in a fairy tale, getting into a specific ethnic environment, shows activity and interest in participating in theatrical activities, despite the limited speech abilities.

Communicative actions in theatrical play are mediated through the leading activity of preschool age - play. It is play that has the most significant impact on the development of a child, and above all because in play, children learn to fully communicate. The play role is that external support that helps the child to control his behavior. The role can reveal a potential communication resource in the child.

Creative play - dramatization is a condition in which communicative activity develops, the ability to understand your partner, relying not only on verbal statements, but also on the emotionality and expressiveness of his face, actions and deeds, the ability to show his attitude, both in personal and consciously. The formation of expressive means for the transmission of the image of the hero involves the development of the skill of expressive speech, the accumulation of motor experience in the transmission of images of different nature, as well as the formation of the partner's feelings, that is, the ability to act together with other children.

The child's acceptance of the role of a character is a very essential prerequisite for the development of the processes of understanding another person. Giving him the opportunity to try different ways of interacting with people performing a different role: the child begins to comprehend what role behavior is. In a close relationship between acting in the role of a character and his personal characteristics and communicative qualities, the child is provided with a pattern of behavior. Thus, his ideas about the essence of social interactions between people are enriched, the illogicality of behavior, as well as emotional instability, are overcome.

The play activity of children is characterized by syncretism, as it contains elements of a wide variety of types of creativity: verbal, motor, musical, visual. A distinctive feature of the dramatic form is the combination of an artist, spectator, decorator in one person, that is, theatrical creativity has the character of synthesis, in the process of which psychophysical, emotional, and speech processes are indirectly corrected.

Theatrical activity helps the child to convey their emotions, feelings, not only in ordinary conversation, but also in public. The habit of expressive public speech(necessary for subsequent schooling)can only be raised by involving the child in speaking in front of an audience.

Work on word formation includes the use of all means of expression in different variations and interpretations, allowing children to realize their communicative needs:

Expressive-mimic(look, smile, facial expressions, expressive vocalizations, expressive body movements);

Subject-effective(locomotor and object movements, postures).

In theatrical activities, dialogue is actively developing as a form of socialized(communicative)speech. Stage dialogues are ideal, "correct", that is, verified chronological, logical, emotionally. The literary images of speech learned during the preparation for the performance are later used by children as ready-made speech material in free speech communication.

A theatrical developmental environment for a child with speech impairment provides a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to emotional well-being, his self-development, and the satisfaction of the leading needs of the age; maximum correction, compensation for violations, development of speech, concomitant disorders(motor, emotional and others)... And the prevention of secondary deviations: purposeful social and emotional development, the formation of mechanisms for the conscious regulation of their own behavior and interaction with others, cognitive needs.

Theatrical activity organically entered the pedagogical process of the speech therapy group of the kindergarten. The group is equipped with a specialized mini-center for theatrical activities, where there are: dolls for table theater, as well as mittens, glove and other types of theater; caps-masks of various animals and birds; elements of costumes and decorations; curtain screen.

The music hall has a stage, a curtain, stylized theatrical columns, where a place is reserved for a mini-theater. There is a dressing room and a dressing room.

Not only specialists are involved in the creation of the theatrical environment, but also parents who are actively involved in the production of elements of scenery, attributes, tailoring of costumes, compilation of posters and invitation cards. Of course, the most grateful spectators of children's performances are moms, dads, grandmothers and grandfathers.

Features of theatrical activities of children with speech impairments:

When distributing the role in the dramatization game, one should take into account the speech abilities of each child in a certain period of speech therapy work. It is very important to allow at least the smallest speech to speak on an equal basis with others, in order to give an opportunity, while reincarnating, to distract from a speech defect or demonstrate correct speech. It does not matter what role the child plays, it is important that he creates an image with unusual features, learns to overcome speech difficulties and freely enter into speech. The desire to get the role of a character is a powerful incentive for quickly learning to speak cleanly, correctly. Children are more willing and more active in individual speech therapy lessons: they learn to “growl like a bear”, “buzz like a bee”, “hiss like a goose”. "Aerobatics" in theatrical activities - participation of children in performances. Of course, not every child of the speech therapy group can do this, but nevertheless, some children who have achieved certain success in performing stage movements, as well as who have mastered pure, clear, expressive speech, cope quite well with the role given to them. The kindergarten has a theater group "Fairy Tale" for the most artistic children. The music director deals with them separately.

The use of theatrical activity as a means of correcting the emotional and communicative sphere of children with speech disorders has a positive effect on the development of emotional expressiveness, expressive speech, imagination, the formation of the foundations of figurative thinking at the stage of preparing children for school. There is a significant increase in speech activity and communicative orientation of speech, the use of various types of communicative utterances(appeal - urge, appeal - question, appeal - message); mastering the semantic aspect of human facial expressions, natural and expressive gestures, using them in the practice of communication; the development of a coherent, diagnostic speech.

Thus, the art of theater, the theatrical activity of preschoolers is an effective means of correcting communicative spheres in preschool children with speech impairments and can be recommended in work not only with speech pathologists, but also with children with normal development.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 26 "Swallow"

Arishina L.Ya. ,Teacher speech therapist

the highest qualification category.

Vyksa city district.

« … dramatization,

based on the action performed by the child himself, most closely, effectively and directly connects artistic creation with personal experiences.

Theatrical activity contributes to the development of speech (monologue, dialogical). "

S. S. Vygotsky


Diagnostics of the development of speech. Processing and analysis of diagnostic data.

Identifying the problem field

Determination of the content and forms of implementation of activities

sufficient speech practice as the basis for the practical assimilation of important laws of the language.

Performance analysis

Purpose: Correction

impaired speech of preschoolers with OHP through theatrical activities

Implementation through GCD, game

activity. Security

Speech correction tasks solved through theatrical activities of children with OHP

  • Improving cognitive processes.
  • Development of all components, functions and forms of speech activity.
  • Development of creative abilities and creative independence of the preschooler.
  • 4. Fostering interest in various types of creative activity.

    5. Mastering improvisational skills.

    Consolidation, activation and enrichment of the vocabulary.

    Development and improvement

    grammatical structure of speech. Education of the sound culture of speech. Formation of the ability to convey basic emotions by facial expressions, intonation, gesture, posture, movement.

    Development and strengthening of interaction between children, fostering respect for each other.

Creative word games that develop coherent speech, creative imagination

Composing short stories and fairy tales, selection of the simplest rhymes

Games and exercises

Types of dramatization

games-imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters;

role-playing dilogies

based on text



staging performances based on one or several works;

games-improvisations with plotting (or plots) without preliminary preparation.

Features of theatrical activities of children with speech impairments:

When distributing the role in the dramatization game, we take into account the speech abilities of each child in a certain period of speech therapy work.

We strive to allow the child to speak on an equal footing with others with at least the smallest speech, in order to give an opportunity, by reincarnating, to distract from a speech defect or demonstrate correct speech.

It does not matter what role the child plays, it is important that he creates an image with features unusual for him, learns to overcome speech difficulties and freely enter into speech.

Stimulating the desire for the role of a character is a powerful incentive for quickly learning to speak clearly and correctly.

Experience shows that children are more willing and more active in individual speech therapy lessons, knowing that they will participate in theatrical activities.

Cooperative activity

Moose. supervisor




The content of the work

  • Working with parents: preparing attributes, questionnaires, conducting round tables, attracting parents to participate in theatrical activities.
  • Musical director: selection of music, dances, teaching theatrical sketches with children, exercise for the development of expressiveness of facial expressions, pantomimics, listening to music.
  • Educators: watching puppet shows and talking about them, dramatization games, consolidating material in productive activities.
  • Speech therapist: preparatory work diction exercise (articulatory gymnastics), finger training, tasks to consolidate speech intonation expressiveness, correctional and developmental games, consolidation of learned sketches and exercises in correctional classes.

work planning

Plan structure

Speech tasks

Breathing exercises.



Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing

Emotional and musical tasks

Exercises to develop a sense of rhythm






Experience has shown:
  • Theatrical activity is an effective method of developing speech, communication skills, emotional
  • volitional sphere of senior preschool children. This activity is interesting, accessible, emotionally attractive to children, teachers, parents, which is proved by the positive dynamics in the development of children.

 Purposeful speech correction of children with OHP through age-appropriate joint activities and a specially organized system, including the organization of theatrical activities -

allow you to successfully compensate for speech underdevelopment

The value of theatrical activities

Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;

  • The knowledge of children about
  • the outside world


analyzers: visual, auditory,

speech motor;

  • Activated and improved
  • vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech,

    sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills,

    intonation side of speech, tempo,


  • Improves motor skills, coordination, purposefulness of movements
  • The emotional-volitional sphere develops;
  • Behavior correction occurs
  • Behavior experience is formed
  • The development of creative, search activity, independence is stimulated

Titova Anastasia Nikolaevna
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №29 "At Lukomorya"
Locality: Republic of Khakassia, the city of Sayanogorsk
Material name: article
Theme:"Theatrical activities of children as a means of overcoming speech disorders"
Date of publication: 20.05.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Theatrical activities of children,

as a means of overcoming speech disorders

The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky said that if you teach a child “...

some five words unknown to him - he will be long and in vain

suffer, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will assimilate them into

Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions

child in preschool childhood. The process of speech development, according to O.V.

Akulova, “... is considered in modern preschool education as

general basis for the upbringing and education of children ”.





enhancing the vocabulary of preschool children through the theatrical


due to


in sleeping and educational

o r g and n and z and c and and






is improving


culture of speech, its intonation structure.

Speech - a wonderful gift of nature - is not given to a person from birth. Must

pass the time for the child to start talking, and adults must apply



in a timely manner.







behavior, and hence on the formation of the personality as a whole.

Timely and complete mastery of speech is the first important





its correct development.


the existing





carrying out all other activities. It is a means of communication










performs many functions:










is an

the formation of oral speech and skills of verbal communication with others on

the basis of mastering the literary language of their people.

Violations of the speech development of children, whether it be FFN, OHR, stuttering, etc.

are considered primarily as a violation of communication. Deviations in

the development of speech are reflected in the formation of the entire mental life

Joint theatrical activities with peers and adults

has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect on affective and

cognitive sphere of the child, provides correction of impairments

communicative sphere. Children in a team show individual

features that contribute to the formation of their inner world,

overcoming communicative maladjustment.

Realizing the goal of developing children's speech in a theatrical game, we set

the following tasks are in front of you:





familiarization with the surrounding life;

Education of the sound culture of speech - the development of speech hearing, training


sound pronunciation,


by means



working out



speech behavior;




practical mastering of all parts of speech;

The development of coherent speech;

Acquaintance with fiction;

Preparing children to learn to read and write.

The tasks of the development of speech of preschoolers are solved by both traditional and



is an

organization of theatrical play.






the participants

get hold of





the possibilities of theatrical play are enormous: its theme is not limited and

to satisfy


By participating

dramatized game, children get acquainted with the world around it in all its

diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music, and skillfully delivered

the educator, questions encourage thinking, analyzing, drawing conclusions and

generalizations. Therefore, it is the theatrical play that makes it possible to solve many




an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional

discoveries, a way to get involved in spiritual wealth. As a result, the child

learns the world with mind and heart, expressing an attitude towards good and evil, learns

associated with overcoming communication difficulties, lack of confidence in

Theatrical activity in psycho-corrective practice should be

considered as a set of techniques based on the application of this

art in a free symbolic form. Its main functions:

Catharsistic (cleansing, liberation from negative states);

Regulatory (removal of neuropsychological stress, regulation

psychosomatic processes, modeling a positive psycho

emotional state);

Communicative-reflexive (correction of communication disorders,

formation of adequate behavior, self-esteem).

Theatrical activities of preschool children include

yourself the following sections:

Puppet theater games;

Games - dramatizations;

Games - performances (performances).

As L.G. Vygotsky argued, action-based dramatization

committed by the child himself, most closely, effectively and

directly connects artistic creation with personal

experiences. Theatrical activities contribute to the development

speech (monologue, dialogue).

This section combines games and exercises aimed at developing

breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, the ability to own the correct

articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic and

orthoepy. This also includes word games that develop a coherent

speech, creative imagination, the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales,

pick up the simplest rhymes.

These exercises are divided into three types:

Respiratory and articulatory;

Dictation and intonation;

Creative (with word).

Engage in special vocational training with preschoolers

impossible, since their respiratory and

the actor's speech should be clearer, sonorous and expressive than in

life. Depending on the task at hand, the emphasis is on

breathing, then on articulation, then on diction, then on intonation or pitch


In corrective work with children with speech disorders, always

it is necessary to rely on their emotional world, cognitive interest

that is why the role of poetry in children's theatrical games is so great and


The poetic text as a rhythmically organized speech activates the entire

the child's body contributes to the development of his vocal apparatus. Poetry

are not only training in nature for the formation of a clear,

competent speech, but also find an emotional response in the child's soul, do

exciting various games and tasks. Children especially like

dialogical verses. Speaking on behalf of a specific actor,

the child is more relaxed, communicates with a partner. In the next step

from a poem, you can create a whole mini-performance and play it in

the form of sketches. In addition, learning poetry develops memory and intelligence.

Impact of dramatized activities on psychological development

the child is based on the assimilation of the experience of the people. Fairy tales, folklore,

miniature forms of Russian ethnic wealth provide

positive emotional impact on children in early and preschool


A child, assimilating his role in a fairy tale, falling into a specific ethnic

environment, is active and interested in participating in

theatrical activity, despite the limited speech


Communicative actions in a theatrical game are mediated through

leading activity of preschool age - play. It is the game

has the most significant impact on the development of the child and above all

because in the game children learn to communicate well. The playing role is that

external support that helps the child to manage their behavior. Role

can reveal a potential communication resource in a child.

Creative play - dramatization is a condition in which to develop

communicative activity, the ability to understand your partner, relying not

only on verbal statements, but also on emotionality and

the expressiveness of his face, actions and deeds, the ability is formed

show your attitude, both personally and consciously.

Formation of expressive means to convey the image of the hero

involves the development of the skill of expressive speech, the accumulation

motor experience in the transfer of images of different nature, as well as

the formation of feelings of a partner, that is, the ability to act in conjunction with

other children.

The child's acceptance of the role of a character is very essential

the prerequisite for the development of the processes of understanding another person. Giving him

the opportunity to try different ways of interacting with people,

performing a different role: the child begins to comprehend what role-playing

behavior. The close relationship between acting as a character and

their personal characteristics and communication qualities

the child is provided with a pattern of behavior. So enrich him

ideas about the essence of social interactions between people,

the inconsistency of behavior is overcome, as well as emotional


The play activity of children is characterized by syncretism, since

contains elements of various types of creativity: verbal,

motor, musical, visual. Distinctive feature

dramatic form - a combination of an artist, spectator, decorator in one

face, that is, theatrical creativity has the character of synthesis, in the process

which indirectly corrects psychophysical, emotional,

speech processes.

Theatrical activity helps the child to convey their emotions,

feelings not only in ordinary conversation, but also in public. The habit of

expressive public speech (necessary for subsequent school

learning) can only be brought up by involving the child in

speaking to an audience.

The work on word formation includes the use of all

expressive means in different variations and interpretations, allowing

children to realize their communication needs:

Expressive mimicry (look, smile, facial expressions, expressive

vocalizations, expressive body movements);

Object-effective (locomotor and object movements, postures).

In theatrical activities, dialogue is actively developing as a form

socialized (communicative) speech. Stage dialogues

ideal, "correct", that is, verified chronological, logical,

emotionally. The literary learned during the preparation for the performance

children use images of speech later as finished speech material in

free speech communication.

Theatrical developmental environment for a child with speech impairment

provides a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to

emotional well-being, his self-development, the satisfaction of leading

age needs; maximum correction, compensation of violations

development of speech, concomitant disorders (motor, emotional and

others). And the prevention of secondary deviations: purposeful

social and emotional development, the formation of mechanisms

conscious regulation of their own behavior and interaction with

surrounding, cognitive needs.

Theatrical activity organically entered the pedagogical process

speech therapy group of a kindergarten. The group is equipped

a specialized mini-center for theatrical activities, where

available: dolls for table theater, as well as mittens, glove

and other types of theater; caps-masks of various animals and birds; the elements

costumes and decorations; curtain screen.

The music hall has a stage, curtain, stylized theater

columns, where a place is reserved for a mini-theater. There is a dressing room and a dressing room.

Not only specialists are involved in the creation of the theatrical environment, but

and parents who are actively involved in the production of decorative elements,

attributes, tailoring of costumes, drawing up posters and invitation cards.

Of course, the most grateful spectators of children's performances are

mums, dads, grandparents.

Features of theatrical activities of children with speech impairments:

When distributing the role in the play-dramatization, one should take into account speech

the possibilities of each child in a certain period of speech therapy

work. It is very important to give the performance on an equal basis with others, at least with the very

small speech to give an opportunity, reincarnating to distract from

speech defect or demonstrate correct speech. Does not have

meaning, what role the child plays, it is important that he creates an image with

features unusual for him, learns to overcome speech difficulties and

speak freely. The desire for character role is powerful

an incentive to quickly learn to speak clearly, correctly. Children are more willing and

they are more active in speech therapy individual lessons: they study

“Roar like a bear” “buzz like a bee”, “hiss like a goose”. "Higher

aerobatics "in theatrical activities - the participation of children in performances.

Of course, not every child of the speech therapy group can do this, but

still, some children who have achieved some success in performing

stage movements, as well as mastered clean, clear, expressive

speech, cope quite well with the role given to them. In kindergarten

there is a theater club "Fairy Tale" for the most artistic

children. The music director deals with them separately.

The use of theatrical activities as a means of correction

emotional and communicative spheres of children with speech impairments

has a positive effect on the development of emotional

expressiveness, expressive speech, imagination, formation of the foundations

figurative thinking at the stage of preparing children for school. Observed

significant increase in speech activity and communication

direction of speech, the use of various types of communicative

statements (appeal - urge, appeal - question, appeal -

message); mastering the semantic aspect of human facial expressions,

natural and expressive gestures, their use in practice

communication; the development of a coherent, diagnostic speech.

Thus, the art of theater, theatrical activity

preschoolers is an effective means of correction

communication spheres in preschool children with speech impairment and

children with normal development.


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