The great Russian realist writer, denouncer of the world of vulgarity, philistinism and philistinism, A.P. Chekhov said his new word in dramaturgy and raised the short story genre to an unattainable height. The writer always considered the main enemies of man to be lies, hypocrisy, arbitrariness, the thirst for enrichment. Therefore, he devoted all his work to the decisive struggle against these vices.

The story "Ionych", like many of his other works, became a response to the most pressing and acute issues of our time. In the story "Ionych" we see a typical picture of the philistine life of a provincial town, in which all visitors were oppressed by boredom and the monotony of existence. However, those who were dissatisfied were assured that it was good in the city, that there were many pleasant, intelligent people. And the Turkins have always been cited as an example of an interesting and educated family. However, peering into the lifestyle, inner world and customs of these characters, we see that in fact they are small, limited, insignificant and vulgar people. Under their pernicious influence, Startsev falls, gradually turning from an intelligent and talented doctor into a layman and money-grubber. At the beginning of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev appears before us as a sweet and pleasant young man looking for an interesting company.

He reached out to the Turkin family, because you can talk with them about art, about freedom, about the role of labor in human life. And outwardly, everything in this family looked attractive and original: the hostess read her novel, Turkin repeated his favorite jokes and told jokes, and their daughter played the piano. But all this is good, new and original for the first time, but in fact, the Turkins do not go beyond this monotonous and meaningless pastime.

As the plot develops, we are more and more immersed in the philistine vulgarity of the society into which the Chekhov hero finds himself. The author, step by step, reveals to us the life story of a young talented doctor who chose the wrong path of material enrichment. This choice was the beginning of his spiritual impoverishment.

The main object of the writer's critical analysis is not only the deadly force of vulgarity and narrow-mindedness, under the influence of which Dr. Startsev turns into a disgusting Ionych, but also the hero himself. The inner evolution of the hero is clearly revealed in his love for Ekaterina Ivanovna Turkina. Startsev really fell in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna. However, in his feeling there is no life, no soul. The romance of love, its poetry, are completely alien to him. “And does it suit him, a zemstvo doctor, an intelligent, respectable person, to sigh, to receive notes ...”, he reflects.

And we see how his heart hardened, how he spiritually and physically grew old. The hero's attitude to work is also indicative. We hear good and correct speeches from his lips “about the need to work, that it is impossible to live without work…”. And Ionych himself works constantly, every day. However, his work is not inspired by the "general idea", he has only one goal - "in the evenings to take out of his pockets pieces of paper obtained by practice" and periodically take them to the bank.

Chekhov clearly makes it clear that the spiritual development of the hero stopped and went in the opposite direction. Ionych has a past, a present, but no future. He travels a lot, but along the same route, gradually returning him to the original Point. His whole existence is now determined only by the thirst for enrichment and hoarding.

He fences off both from space and from people. And this leads him to moral death. In just a few years, the hero was completely defeated by the philistine vulgarity that he so hated and despised at the beginning. In fact, Startsev does not even resist these disastrous circumstances. He does not fight, does not suffer, does not worry, but simply concedes easily. Losing his human appearance, soul, Ionych ceases to be a good specialist.

So, gradually a person, personality, talent perishes in Startsevo. At the end of the story, even the Turkins, whose mediocrity and limitations the author makes fun of all the time, turn out to be spiritually superior to Ionych. In them, despite all the vulgarity and pettiness of their interests, there is still something human left, they at least evoke pity. There is absolutely nothing positive left in Startsevo.

“It seems that it is not a man who is riding, but a pagan god,” the author says about him, summing up his complete moral degradation. A.P. Chekhov is an excellent writer of the late second half of the 19th century. He made a huge contribution to the great Russian literature with his wonderful stories and plays. All Chekhov's works are aimed at describing the everyday life of people.

The writer tells us not about specific characters, but about all together, showing their everyday problems, boring existence. Anton Pavlovich in his trilogies and plays ridicules the vulgarity of people and philistinism as a social disease.

In the story "Ionych", the author shows us an active person, Dr. Startsev, who came to the provincial town to work. But, with his getting used to the routine of everyday life, he degrades as a person. At first, Startsev liked to go to the Turkins’ house, the most educated family in the city, where Vera Iosifovna talks “about what never happens in life”, and Kotik with his “talent” as a pianist, and Ivan Petrovich with his “non-state” and, hello please ”, - all this attracted and liked Startsev at first. After some time, he falls in love with Kitty, but is refused. Startsev quickly calmed down and it was then that he embarked on the path of a complete spiritual fall. He has thoughts about a large dowry, and thoughts like: “Does it suit him, a zemstvo doctor, an intelligent, respectable person, to sigh, receive notes, drag around cemeteries? ..

» In general, Startsev more and more immersed himself in the vulgar, monotonous life of the provincial town. To more vividly show the fall of the hero, Chekhov depicts Startsev four years later, focusing on his appearance: “He gained weight, grew fat and was reluctant to walk, as he suffered from shortness of breath.” By that time, the hero was no longer interested in those around him, he condescended to them only to play cards.

His favorite pastime was sorting out the money received during the day. Even in the city they noticed that Startsev had not changed for the better. It can be concluded that existence in such a warm environment can drag out any smart, active person, make him an ordinary, spiritually devastated creature, and this is exactly what the hero of the story "Ionych" became.

Another, no less attractive and truthful work is The Cherry Orchard. In which the author shows the narrow-minded life of people. The play combines good humor and tragedy. Chekhov speaks of the extinction of the nobility, depicting Ranevskaya throwing money around and her brother Gaev, who ate his entire fortune on candy. But, in general, Chekhov pays great attention to time in the play, it is central in comedy.

Ranevskaya, Gaev, Firs - they all live in memories of the old days, about how good it was for them then. Accustomed to doing nothing, they cannot even accept Lopakhin's correct proposal regarding their estate, namely, the fate of the cherry orchard depends on them.

In this play, Chekhov also very clearly shows the degradation of individual heroes, saying that their century has passed and the time has come for a new generation, with progressive thoughts, smart and active people. A feature of A.

P. Chekhov is that he was one of the few who could so accurately, vividly portray the everyday existence of people of his time. During his life, the writer wrote many wonderful works that made a huge contribution to Russian literature.

Essay on the topic: Spiritual degradation of the personality in the story of A. P. Chekhov "Ionych"

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  3. After Chekhov's death, L. N. Tolstoy said: “The merit of his work is that it is understandable and akin not only to everyone ...
  4. The main theme of the works of the outstanding Russian writer and playwright A.P. Chekhov is the life of ordinary people, his contemporaries, which the author...
  5. The outstanding Russian writer A. Chekhov began his career as the author of short humorous stories. However, small in size...
  6. The hero of the story is a young cheerful man. Dmitry Ionych Startsev arrives in a provincial town. He works hard, seeks communication with cultural...
  7. The provincial town in the works of Chekhov is perceived by me as a kind of collective image. Grey, boring day. It's just as gray and boring as...
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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov entered Russian literature at the very beginning of the 80s of the XIX century. This era was poor in major historical events and even began to be called "stagnant times." Therefore, the writer's work reflected both disappointment in the salvation and renewal of Russia, and a rethinking of the system of spiritual values. All of Chekhov's artistic activity is a call for spiritual liberation and emancipation of man. The voice of inner freedom, and not an attempt to find the truth, sounds in almost every of his works. The writer writes simply and clearly, not at all like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. This original feature was reflected not only in the language of stories and novels, but also in the plot of his works. In Chekhov, they, as a rule, unfold calmly, smoothly and clearly. In his prose there is no external conflict between the characters, an energetic and fierce struggle, or a fatal combination of circumstances. Chekhov's skill is the art of great generalizations in a small form. He shows life not in full, like Goncharov or Turgenev, but in miniature, taking into account all the touches and details. Humor, especially in the depiction of people's characters, is one of the leading features of Chekhov's style.
He ridicules stupidity, lack of culture, vulgarity, narrow-mindedness, careerism, sympathizes with “little people”, etc.
From the end of the 80s, the second period of A.P. Chekhov’s work began, marked by a significant deepening of the problems of his works (themes such as the “case” life of the intelligentsia, problems of social significance, and heroes who see clearly and degenerate) appear. In these “serious episodes”, the humor that was present in the early works was preserved, only acquired other shades, connecting with new themes. Here the writer critically depicts social passivity, vulgarity, indifference, the absence of public inquiries among the intelligentsia, and so on. The heroes of most of these works belong to the middle social stratum. These are doctors, teachers, students, officials and, to a lesser extent, landowners. But Chekhov is now more interested in the human qualities of the characters than their social affiliation. The author does not focus much attention on the hero's conflict with society, presenting him as part of this environment. Chekhov explored the inner world of a person, the influence of everyday life and circumstances on the consciousness and psychology of the layman. It was during this period of creativity that such famous stories appeared as “Anna on the Neck”, “Little Trilogy” (“The Man in the Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”), “Literature Teacher”, “Boring Story”, “House with a mezzanine”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Ward No. 6”, “Ionych” and many, many others.
Anya is the main character of the story "Anna on the Neck". This is not at all an inactive person who does not care about anything. On the contrary, she actively participates in the life of society, enjoying the pleasures and entertainments of the world.
At the beginning of the story, this young girl marries a wealthy old man, Modest Alekseich, to help needy and hungry brothers. This episode even causes sympathy, because we have a typical “unequal” marriage. Anya was exhausted, forced to “take care of her drunken father, mend stockings for her brothers and go to the market.” For the sake of her relatives, she is ready for anything, even to become the wife of the rude, vulgar and hated Modest Alekseich. But will her life change? With a stingy husband, it is even more difficult for her than at home, where it was fun and she felt free. And it turned out to be impossible to help the family. Now Anya was rich: her husband gave her "rings, bracelets, brooches", while recently she was ashamed of her "cheap hat and holes in her shoes smeared with ink." And now the heroine appears for the first time in high society. This episode is the climax, a turning point in the structure of the story, in which two main parts can be distinguished: the marriage of the main character and life in secular society. At the ball, Anya transforms from a “downtrodden”, timid girl into a lady, “proud and self-confident”: “And for the first time in her life, she felt rich and free. Even the presence of her husband did not embarrass her ... ”. Having liked her husband's boss, Anya acquired power over Modest Alekseich. She, who was so afraid of even the sound of his steps, now clearly says to his face: “Go away, blockhead!”. Now she lives as she wants, in luxury, self-confidence and complacency appear in her. Yes, indeed, Anya laughs merrily, flirting with influential people, she got the better of her husband, but this victory was given to her at a very high price - at the cost of losing her own soul. This is clearly seen at the end of the story, when the heroine, riding horses, does not notice her own father and brothers. With this scene, the author ends the story. The process of spiritual degradation, according to the author, cannot be prevented. Anya was swallowed up by secular society, she lost the ability to sincerely feel, love. “Anna on the neck” is the story of the impoverishment of the human soul, the loss of spiritual qualities, which are the main wealth of man.
Important for Chekhov is the ability to stop, look around, interrupt the series of repetitive events, open oneself to the perception of the spiritual world. It is in this ability that the key to victory over vulgarity, but the heroine of the story did not understand this.
Consider the evolution of the character of the protagonist of the story "Ionych", Dmitry Ionych Startsev. There are four stages in the life path of Dr. Startsev, in the disclosure of the content of which Chekhov succinctly demonstrates the gradual impoverishment of the hero's spirit, the weakening of his will, the strength of resistance, the loss of activity, the lively human reaction.
At the first stage, Dmitry Startsev is a young man who has just been appointed by a zemstvo doctor and settled in Dyalizh, not far from the provincial town of S. This is a young man with ideals and a desire for something high. He is full of strength, energy (“... After walking nine miles and then going to bed, he did not feel the slightest fatigue”), he is so passionate about work that he does not even have free time on holidays. He is interested in literature, art, he feels like a stranger among the townsfolk. Dr. Startsev meets the Turkin family, "the most educated and talented" in the city. The way of their house suggests that even the life of the Turkin family is surprisingly monotonous (the same jokes, entertainment, activities), ordinary, typical.
And this is the best family in town. And if the best people are like that, then what are the rest? Here Chekhov accurately notices the phenomenon of narrow-mindedness on the example of one family. Here the young doctor Startsev plunges into this life. He tries to fight her, is in love with Kitty, full of hope, etc.
But at the second stage, Dmitry Ionych, having made an unsuccessful proposal to Kotik and having been refused, no longer tries to resist the circumstances, he understands what a quagmire he is plunging into, but does not try to do anything; thus, Startsev hides in a “case”, fences himself off from the whole world.
He stops walking, suffers from shortness of breath, likes to eat. Rides a pair of horses. He does not yet have close friends, the townsfolk annoy him with their views on life less and less. The doctor's chief pastime, into which "he got involved imperceptibly, little by little," was in the evenings to take out of his pockets the white and green pieces of paper obtained by practice.
Already at the third stage, Startsev moves away from the zemstvo hospital, his attention is absorbed by a large private practice. Now he is getting even fatter, he suffers from shortness of breath even more: “He went out not on a pair of horses, but on a troika with bells.”
Finally, at the fourth stage, Dmitry Startsev’s life is completely devastated and impoverished, he is infected with hoarding, he has an estate and two houses in the city, but he does not stop there, he remembers with pleasure about the pieces of paper that he took out of his pockets in the evenings and reverently sorted through them . Startsev worked all his life, but activity devoid of purpose turns out to be disastrous. And we see how, as a result of the loss of meaning, the purpose of life, the personality is destroyed. Gradually, Dr. Startsev turned into Ionych. The journey of life is complete...
It can be concluded that Startsev, understanding everything perfectly, did not try to change anything. Chekhov himself blames him for this.
Showing the evolution of Startsev from a young doctor, a lively and emotional person, to an obese plump Ionych, who, on his troika with bells, seems not to be a man, but a “pagan god”, A.P. Chekhov thus exposes the environment that affected the main character of the story's pernicious influence, and of himself.
Using the example of Dr. Startsev, the story shows the interaction of a weak and passive character with a spiritually impoverished society and the influence of this society on a person who is not capable of resistance and upholding positive principles in himself.
The ability to show the small in the big, the combination of humor with sarcasm are the main techniques by which Chekhov's stories reveal vulgarity and philistinism that can ruin even smart, educated people...
In his works, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov appeals to readers not to succumb to the influence of the philistine environment, to resist circumstances, not to betray eternal ideals and love, to preserve the human in themselves.

Other writings on this work

Analysis of the second chapter of A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" What is the meaning of the finale of A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych"? Degradation of Dmitry Ivanovich Startsev in A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" Degradation of Dmitry Startsev (according to A. Chekhov's story "Ionych") Degradation of the human soul in the story of A. P. Chekhov "Ionych" Ideological and artistic originality of A. P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" Depiction of everyday life in the works of A.P. Chekhov How Dr. Startsev became Ionych How and why does Dmitry Startsev turn into Ionych? (according to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych".) The skill of A.P. Chekhov the storyteller The moral qualities of a person in Chekhov's story "Ionych" Denunciation of philistinism and vulgarity in A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" Denunciation of vulgarity and philistinism in A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" The image of Dr. Startsev in Chekhov's story "Ionych" Images of "case" people in the stories of A.P. Chekhov (based on the "little trilogy" and the story "Ionych") The fall of the human soul in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych". The fall of Startsev in the story of A. P. Chekhov "Ionych" WHY DOCTOR STARTSEV BECAME IONYCH? Why does the doctor of elders become the layman Ionych? (according to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych") The transformation of a person into an inhabitant (according to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych") The transformation of a person into an inhabitant (according to Chekhov's story "Ionych") The role of poetic images, colors, sounds, smells in the disclosure of the image of Startsev Composition based on the story of A.P. Chekhov "IONYCH" Comparative analysis of the first and last meeting of Startsev and Ekaterina Ivanovna (according to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych")

A.P. Chekhov can be called an expert on the human soul. His works are notable for their unobtrusive psychology and depth of analysis of a person's personality. One of the main themes of the writer is the vulgarization of a person, his departure from life into a case. This theme is clearly revealed in his story "Ionych".

The story begins with the fact that a young man, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, appears before us. He is a zemstvo doctor, has only recently taken office and is full of enthusiasm in work and in life. The hero comes to the city of S., dreams of working fruitfully, of being a good doctor, dreams of finding personal happiness. He wants a meaningful life, saturated with various impressions, cultural, spiritual. He begins to act in this direction, very quickly he meets the most interesting family in the city - the Turkin family.

The whole city of S. considers the Turkins the most educated, talented, unusual people in the city. Receptions are constantly held in their house, they are hospitable with guests, they are happy to demonstrate their talents to them. The owner of the house, Ivan Petrovich, knows many anecdotes, often arranges amateur performances and takes part in them with pleasure. His wife, Vera Iosifovna, is a writer who loves to read her novels to her guests. Daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, plays the piano for guests, dreams of leaving for Moscow to study at the conservatory. Even the cheeky Pava, the young servant of the Turkins, has his own talent to "depict", that is, to speak grandiloquent phrases with a tragic expression on his face.

But it's all just a shell. With several features, Chekhov shows us the true face of this family. These are kind, good-natured people, but all their talents are false. Ivan Petrovich's jokes are actually vulgar and mediocre, Vera Iosifovna's novels are boring, untalented, Kotik's playing the piano is compared to how "stones are falling from a high mountain."

But Dmitry Ionych does not yet see this. Of course, he suspects that Kotik's playing on the piano is not as good as everyone pretends, but on the whole he is fascinated by this family, extremely glad to meet them. He likes Ekaterina Ivanovna, and then, after frequent meetings with her, he falls in love with this girl. We can say that the whole story is built around two declarations of love, around two meetings of heroes, between which several years pass.

Startsev does not find an answer to his feelings in Kotik's soul. She is still quite a child, does not understand life, does not know how to appreciate love, devotion. Ekaterina Ivanovna considers herself a great pianist, she believes that she cannot live without music, therefore marriage is not for her.

We see Kotik's childishness in everything: the name of the writer Pisemsky makes her laugh, in a childishly stupid way she appoints Startsev a date at night in the cemetery. Ekaterina Ivanovna refuses the young man in response to his marriage proposal, but ... It cannot be said that Startsev was very upset because of this refusal. And we begin to understand that in fact, this hero is not quite like a man in love with all his soul. He did not suffer from insomnia from love, did not look for every minute of meeting with his beloved. Everything happens to him somehow gray and casual. Even after receiving a note from Kotik about a nightly date, Startsev hesitates whether to go there. He understands that Kotik is fooling around, that it is “not fitting” for a respectable person to do stupid things, “to drag around cemeteries”, and is afraid of public opinion. And when he nevertheless arrives on a date and does not meet his beloved there, he sits in a stroller with thoughts: “Oh, you shouldn’t get fat!” At the time of the matchmaking, Startsev absent-mindedly thinks about the dowry, and after Ekaterina Ivanovna’s refusal, he tears off his stiff tie and “sighs with all his chest.” Much like a sigh of relief. Of course, the hero has negative emotions about the rejection. The author writes that “for three days things fell out of his hands, he did not eat, did not sleep, but when he heard a rumor that Ekaterina Ivanovna had gone to Moscow to enter the conservatory, he calmed down and healed as before.”

Then, from the third chapter, we begin to observe a very rapid degradation of the protagonist. He stopped letting any feelings, emotions come to him. From that moment on, only money and the food process begin to worry him. Startsev begins to inevitably turn into Ionych. Already four years after the event with the matchmaking, the hero "stollen, grew fat and was reluctant to walk, as he suffered from shortness of breath." Of course, part of the blame for this degradation can be attributed to the environment of the hero. After all, all the locals could play cards, drink, eat and that's all. Spiritual development was of no interest to anyone. But, if the hero wanted to develop, I'm sure he would find a way not to succumb to the influence of the environment.

The second appearance of Kotik in his life also could not change anything: “And now he liked her, liked her very much, but something was already missing in her, or something was superfluous - he himself could not say what exactly, but something already prevented him from feeling as before. And now the hero was even glad that he had not married Ekaterina Ivanovna - that would have been "excessive trouble."

The ending of the story is not so much sad as scary. Here is the summary of everything that happened: “He is alone. He is bored, nothing interests him. Outwardly, Ionych succeeded. He became rich, distinguished, everyone in the district knew his name, only in his still young years he turned into an eternally grumbling, irritated, unceremonious old man. In his life there was only money, financial well-being. So, we see a vivid example of how a person almost voluntarily drove himself into a case, gave up life. And the title of the story perfectly reflects the degree of degradation of the protagonist. Young, full of life and hopes, Dmitry Startsev turned into an “empty shell from under a person”, already called simply Ionych.

With his story, Chekhov wanted to convey to the reader that everyone needs to resist external circumstances, the flow of life, keep their best qualities inside themselves and always maintain mobility, responsiveness of the soul.

In the story "Ionych", written in 1898, A.P. Chekhov turned to a topic that had long been studied by Russian literature - the spiritual degradation of the individual. It was painful for Chekhov to see how everyday vulgarity and dullness cripple human souls, gradually entangling a person with their networks, depriving him of activity, purposefulness, and interest in life. In his work, he described the fall of a man, clearly depicting his "road down."

The story "Ionych" is the story of the life of a talented young doctor who came to the provincial city of S. to work. They tried to dissuade all visitors who saw boredom and monotony in the everyday life and customs of this city, and as proof they were introduced to the Turkin family, "the most educated and talented" in the city.

This family really shone with "talents". The owner of the house, Ivan Petrovich Turkin, entertained the guests, speaking "in his unusual language, worked out by long exercises in wit and, obviously, had long become his habit ...". His wife, Vera Iosifovna, read her tiresome novels to the guests about "what does not happen in life." And the daughter of the Turkins, who was affectionately called "Kotik", according to rumors, was going to become a great pianist and "surprised" the guests with her ability to "hit with all her might" on the keys. Against the background of this extremely "intelligent" and "gifted" family, the life of the rest of the inhabitants of the city of S. flows monotonously in idleness, idleness and empty talk while playing whist. However, peering into the way of life and the inner world of the Turkin family, we see how small, limited and vulgar people really are. Under their destructive influence, a young doctor Dmitry Startsev falls.

At the beginning of the story, we have a nice young man, active, full of strength and energy, passionate about his work. He perfectly sees the stupidity and narrow-mindedness of local residents, they annoy him "with their conversations, views on life and even their appearance", because he himself has quite serious interests and high aspirations, is interested in literature, art (music). He was looking for an interesting company and therefore reached out to the Turkin family, believing that he would be able to talk with them about art, freedom, and the role of labor in human life. Soon, however, Startsev understands what the Turkins are, but does not run away from them, on the contrary, he remains and soon becomes one of the inhabitants.

The first sprouts of degradation appeared, oddly enough, in Startsev's love for Kotik. He watched how Kitty, playing the piano, "stubbornly hit everything in one place, and it seemed that she would not stop until she drove the keys into the piano." But Startsev was pleased "to look at this young, graceful and, probably, pure creature." And he stopped noticing the home-grown entertainments of the Turkins.

During love for Kotik, Startsev experiences the only emotional upsurge for himself: he admires nature, loves people, endows Ekaterina Ivanovna with the best qualities: "she seemed to him very smart and developed beyond her years." He admires the girl's erudition, considers her intelligent, worthy of respect, but fright is mixed with his "tender, joyful, painful feeling ...". "Where will this novel lead?" - Thinks Startsev, having received a note from Kotik; and besides, "what will the comrades say when they find out?". Going to propose to his beloved girl, our hero thinks not so much about the joys of family life, but about the benefits, that the Turkins "must give a lot of dowry" for their daughter. The received refusal does not lead Startsev to despair, but only offends. For three days, Startsev “did not eat, did not sleep,” and then he began to forget his love, only occasionally lazily recalling how much trouble she caused him: “how he wandered around the cemetery or traveled all over the city and looked for a tailcoat.” We see that Startsev's love was in fact shallow, although it was only love that kept him from spiritual degradation.

As the material well-being of Dr. Startsev grows (at first he walks, then he has a pair of horses, and then a “troika with bells”), his spiritual development stops, and by the time of the final meeting with Ekaterina Ivanovna, he falls completely. Now the inhabitants of the city of S. no longer see him as a stranger, their interests become the same. Continuing to complain about the environment, Ionych, as they now call him in a related way, lost everything that distinguished him from other residents. "We grow old, we grow fat, we sink ... life passes dully, without impressions, without thoughts ... During the day we make money, and in the evening the club, a society of gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing, whom I cannot stand. What's good?" - he complains to Ekaterina Ivanovna, who, having matured, has become smarter, more serious.

The hero's attitude to work is also indicative. We hear from his lips good and correct reasoning "about the need to work, that one cannot live without work ...". And Ionych himself at first works every day. However, his work is not inspired by the "general idea", the purpose of the work is in one thing - "in the evenings to take out of the pockets of papers obtained by practice" and periodically take them to the bank.

Chekhov makes it clear that the hero's spiritual development did not just stop, it went in the opposite direction. Ionych has a past, a present, but no future. He travels a lot, but on the same route, gradually returning him to the same starting point. His whole existence is now determined only by the thirst for enrichment and hoarding. He fences himself off from space and from people. And this leads him to moral death. In fact, Startsev does not even resist these disastrous circumstances. He does not fight, does not suffer, does not worry, but simply concedes easily. Losing at the same time his human appearance, soul, Ionych ceases to be a good specialist.

As you can see, activity, devoid of a lofty goal, very quickly had a detrimental effect on Startsev. Only four years have passed, and he no longer regrets youth, love, unfulfilled hopes, he is no longer embarrassed by the vulgarity and meaninglessness of life around him. The "bourgeois swamp" finally sucked him in. Everything died for him, even his only poetic memory died. But inversely proportional to these human losses, the degree of wealth increases, interest in money and real estate becomes the main content of life. Now only money received from patients can please Ionych. And he continues to work only for the sake of "papers". The rest of the time he plays cards and has "small" conversations with other townsfolk. There is absolutely nothing positive left in Startsevo. His appearance is also deformed: Ionych "has become even more stout, obese", acquired an outward disgrace, and when he, "chubby, red", passes on his troika with bells, "it seems that not a man is riding, but a pagan god."

In the story "Ionych" A.P. Chekhov, with his characteristic skill, showed how detrimental a gray philistine environment affects a person if he refuses to resist it, follows public opinion, lifestyle, his own weaknesses and does not strive for spiritual growth. If the inclinations, high aspirations are not realized, then there is a wormhole in the person himself, which means that such a person did not have inner strength and firm convictions, which means that he was initially ready to come to terms with the outside world and merge with it.

It seems to me that the problems that Chekhov touches on in this story will always remain relevant. The writer warns of the dangers of philistinism and worldly vulgarity. After all, imperceptibly for ourselves, each of us can fall into the "case" of our own prejudices, ceasing to think and work, love and dream, seek and doubt. And this is really scary, as it leads to spiritual devastation and degradation.

Department of internal and personnel policy of the Belgorod region

regional state autonomous educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Yutanovsky Agromechanical College"



Designed by:

Russian teacher

language and literature

Kodenko E.V.

Considered at the meeting

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to use

in the educational process

Protocol No. ____

from "___" _____________ 2014

Chairman of the Moscow Region _________

V.P. Taranovskaya


Topic: Mental degradation of a person in the story "Ionych"

Lesson Objectives:

    to acquaint students with the features of the artistic method of the writer A.P. Chekhov on the example of the story "Ionych";

    trace the history of the spiritual degradation of Dmitry Startsev, find out the reasons for the spiritual impoverishment of the hero;

    to make a semantic analysis of the story "Ionych", to develop the ability to justify one's point of view;

    contribute to the rethinking of the concept of “man and environment”.


texts of the story by A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”, handout, computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson type: reflection lesson


There are people who live without any purpose, who pass through the world like blades of grass in a river: they do not move, they are carried.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher

Today we continue our acquaintance with the work of A.P. Chekhov. In the foreground in the works of the writer is a person, his inner and outer world, his individuality, because, according to Anton Pavlovich, “then a person will become better when you show what he is.”

(Repetition of the material covered in the formtest ) (presentation)

1. Where and when was A.P. Chekhov born?

A) 1824 - 1890 Moscow

B) 1860 - 1904 Taganrog

C) 1854 - 1902 Eagle

D) 1841 - 1896 Kyiv

D) 1836 - 1901 Petersburg

2. What stories are included in A.P. Chekhov's "Little Trilogy"?

A) "Ward No. 6", "Jumper", "Man in a Case"

B) "The Man in the Case", "Gooseberries", "About Love";

C) "Darling", "About love", "Jumper";

D) "The Man in the Case", "Ionych", "Ward No. 6"

3. From which work of A.P. Chekhov is this remark: “No matter what happens!” ?

A) "Ward No. 6"

B) "About love"

B) "Darling"

D) "Man in a case"

4. What statement belongs to A.P. Chekhov?

A)“Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts”

B)“You have to joke in order to do serious things”

IN)"Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from the human face"

G)"Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very short time"

5. About what work of A.P. Chekhov N.S. Leskov said: “It depicts in miniature our general orders and characters”?

A) steppe

B) "Gooseberry"

B) "Unter Prishbeev"

D) "Ward No. 6"

D) "darling"

6. A.P. Chekhov graduated from Moscow University. Which faculty?

A) chemical

B) physical;

C) historical and philological;

D) medical;

D) philosophical

7. Name the magazine that first published the stories of A.P. Chekhov:

A) "Dragonfly";

B) "Contemporary";

B) "Domestic Notes";

D) "Shards"

8. What theater did A.P. Chekhov closely cooperate with?

A) Maly theatre;

B) "Contemporary";

B) Moscow Art Theatre;

D) Stanislavsky Theater

10. The names of the heroes of many Chekhov's stories have become household names. "Chameleonism" - the ability of a person, for the sake of circumstances, to change their views, "prishibeevshchina" -

A) readiness to use fists at any moment;

B) readiness to always demonstrate their insignificance in front of those in power;

C) readiness to always arrange the fate of another person;

D) the ability to always be at the center of scandalous stories.

1. B 2. B 3. G 4. A 5. G

6. G 7. A 8. In 9. G 10. A

(10 - "5", 8-9 - "4", 6-7 - "3")

Teacher's word

The main feature of Chekhov's prose is laconism and hidden subtext, in which difficult life situations are outlined only by a dotted line. The writer does not say directly where is good and where is evil, he allows the reader to draw conclusions. Counting on the moral sensitivity and active co-creation of the reader, A.P. Chekhov wrote: “When I write, I fully rely on the reader, believing that he will add the subjective elements missing in the story himself ...”. The value of A.P. Chekhov lies in the fact that, using the example of everyday trifles, everyday relations of people, he highlights the ideals to which a person should strive.

In the lesson we will analyze the story "Ionych". Paying special attention to artistic details, we will try to justify the writer's trust in us, the readers, and understand what the author is only hinting at. The topic of our lesson: Mental degradation of a person in the story "Ionych"

Clarify the meaning of the word degradation. (Slide)

Degradation". [fr. degeneration] - gradual deterioration, decline.

III. vocabulary work

Pay attention to the meanings of the words that we will need in the lesson.

Common man- a person deprived of a public outlook, living only in petty personal interests.

Philistine- (contempt.) - inertia, narrowness of interests, lack of public outlook.

Philistinism- trans. - the psychology and behavior of a person with petty interests and a narrow outlook.

IV. Work on new material

1. Let's listen to the commentary on the story. (Individual communication of the student)

The story “Ionych” was written in 1898 and is connected with the problems of the development of capitalism (capitalism is an economic system of production and distribution based on private property, universal legal equality and freedom of enterprise) and capitalist relations in Russia, when material interest becomes the main priority. A person as a person, the self-worth of a person become unnecessary and fade into the background. The problems of poverty and humiliating poverty are combined with the need to strive to accumulate money, which often gives rise to dependence on them and, as a result, leads to lack of spirituality, spiritual degradation and devastation. The story also raises questions of interaction between man and the environment.

2. Let's start working on the text of the work.

Is the environment the only one to blame? Was there something in Dmitry Ionych himself that favored the spiritual rebirth of the hero? When, from what moment does spiritual mortification begin? (The author masterfully depicts the moral fall of a person. And it all began, it would seem, with minor flaws in the character of the hero: the desire for profit in love, lack of sensitivity to people, irritability, inconsistency in one's convictions, inability to defend them, laziness and unwillingness to fight vulgarity , the desire to live for oneself, and not for others. The personal qualities of the hero, aggravated by the soulless atmosphere of the city of S., the lack of lofty goals led to the degradation of the human soul.)

What qualities did Startsev acquire that made him Ionych? (Ionych: desire for peace, opportunism, greed, mental laziness, lack of bright ideals.)

Work with anthologies (reading and analysis of excerpts from the work).

I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle according to the content of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych". Having solved it, you can read vertically the key word encrypted in it, which characterizes the life position of Startsev. (Work is done in pairs.)

1. The name of the song that the choir performed in the city garden. (“Lucinushka”.)

2. The name of the coachman Startsev. (Panteleimon.)

3. An object that became the meaning of Ionych's life. (Money.)

4. The character of the novel by Vera Iosifovna. (Countess.)

5. Residents of the city of S. (People.)

6. The sound that reminded Kitten playing the piano. (Thunder.)

7. What did Ekaterina Ivanovna dream of devoting her life to? (Music.)

8. One of Startsev's entertainments. (Screw.)

9. What was the holiday when Startsev first visited the Turkins? (Ascension.)

10. The disease that Vera Iosifovna suffered from. (Migraine.)

Students read the keyword conformity. The teacher gives an interpretation of the lexical meaning of this word.

Conformism (beginning of the 20th century) - passive acceptance of the existing order, prevailing opinions; accommodating, conciliation. (From French.)

Compare your observations with the epigraph: "There are people who live without any purpose, pass through the world like blades of grass in a river: they do not go, they are carried." (Seneca Lucius Annei (the Younger) - Roman philosopher, writer, politician.)

(The soulless life, to which Startsev deliberately doomed himself, excluded him from the ranks of living people, deprived him of the ability to think and feel. He passively accepts reality, does not try to resist it. His life is monotonous and boring, “passes dully, without impressions, without thoughts” He slowly goes with the flow, because he is so calm and comfortable. Life passes imperceptibly. He submits to circumstances, his ability to resist gradually fades away, spiritual deadness occurs - the most terrible retribution that life pays for conformism.)

V. Generalization

1. What is the ideological meaning of the story?

(The author in the story emphasizes that the philistine, the petty-bourgeois environment, the love of satiety and peace “capture” a person very quickly and lead to his self-degeneration. Chekhov calls to develop the strength of resistance to circumstances, not to betray the bright ideals of youth.)

2. What is the relevance of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"

(Chekhov makes the reader think about what prevents people from living a full, meaningful life, creative work, sincere and strong love. Therefore, the story remains relevant today, helping us to notice the features of Ionych in ourselves and those around us and fight them. This a warning story that it is very easy to lose oneself, one's soul.We must remember that a person must be responsible to himself, not engage in empty dreams, not compromise with his conscience, not adapt to circumstances, have an active life position, build a decent life for yourself.

Teacher's word

As parting words to you, the young generation entering into life, I want to quote the words of N.V. Gogol: “Take with you on the road, leaving your soft youthful years, severe hardening courage, take with you all human movements, do not leave them on the road, you will not pick them up later.”

And I would like to add the words of A.P. Chekhov: “Don't calm down, don't let yourself be put to sleep! While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good.

VI. Homework

Conduct a comparative analysis of two episodes: the first and last meeting of Ekaterina Ivanovna and Startsev. Based on the analysis, prove that the development of Ekaterina Ivanovna was ascending, and Startsev's was descending.

VII. Lesson summary

VIII. Reflection

Complete the sentence: “The most important thing I learned in the lesson is…”.