In ancient China, black rice was considered the food of emperors and his entourage: a mere mortal who dared to taste the food was faced with the death penalty. Now everyone can taste the valuable cereal. What are the benefits and harms of black rice and how to use it for the benefit of health, slimness and beauty?

Composition, properties and benefits of black rice

Most of the nutrients in rice accumulate in the shell. Black cereal is not polished before eating, therefore it is much more useful than white (polished).

As part of wild rice:

  • amino acids (black contains almost 2 times more proteins than its white counterpart);
  • folic acid (5 times more than brown), thiamine and other B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • oryzanol;
  • macro- and microelements (iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium, copper, etc.);
  • cellulose;
  • anthocyanins (antioxidants), etc.
  • The darker the product, the more antioxidants it contains.

    The rich chemical composition of black rice provides its healing power

    Due to its unique composition, the product:

  • enhances immunity;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • provides anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, as it suppresses the production of histamine (a substance that causes asthma, allergic reactions, etc.);
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the risk of developing oncology;
  • improves vision;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • slows down the absorption of sugar;
  • smoothes the symptoms of menopause;
  • improves condition with increased physical and mental stress;
  • increases potency;
  • restores the structure of hair and nails.
  • High quality black rice is not cheap. This is due to the rarity of the product and the laboriousness of its procurement: the cereal is harvested by hand.

    Video: Wild rice, its varieties and useful properties

    Application in traditional medicine

    Sprouted rice

    Black rice is called "live" because the shell is not removed from it. The grain can be germinated and used for medicinal purposes.

    Japanese physicians claim that eating 1–2 tablespoons of rice sprouts (or rice flour) every day can help keep your bowels running smoothly.

    How to germinate

  • Rinse the rice well.
  • Pour the cereals with water at room temperature and discard the grains that will float to the surface.
  • Place the remaining cereal in a deep glass container, add water and cover with gauze.
  • After 9-10 hours, rinse the groats and cover with clean water.
  • After 2–3 days (periodically you need to add water to the container), white sprouts will appear on the grains - rice can be used for medicinal purposes.
  • The sprouted product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    How to apply

    Grind with a meat grinder or coffee grinder and add to yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, tea, pastries and other dishes.

    Rice sprouts can be added to familiar dishes, such as cottage cheese.

    Cleansing the body

  • Prepare 4 glasses (or half-liter jars) and number the containers.
  • In the morning of the first day, pour 2-3 tablespoons of well-washed black rice into container No. 1 and pour water over the grains. Put the container in the refrigerator.
  • In the morning of the second day, put 2-3 tablespoons of rice in glass No. 2 and, pouring water over the cereals, send the container to the refrigerator. Rinse the product from container No. 1 and soak in clean water.
  • In the morning of the third day, rinse the grains in containers No. 1 and 2, fill them with fresh water, soak 2-3 tablespoons of cereals in a glass No. 3.
  • The next morning, repeat the manipulations with containers 1, 2 and 3, and pour fresh into the fourth glass.
  • On the fifth day, cook rice from container No. 1 in a small amount of water (5 minutes), without adding salt, and eat it for breakfast, after drinking a glass of water 20-30 minutes before the meal. After taking it, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 4 hours.
  • Soak 2-3 tablespoons raw in a glass that has been freed. Rinse the rice in containers 2, 3 and 4 and fill with clean water.
  • On the sixth day, cook and eat cereals from glass No. 2 and pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into an empty container and cover it with water. In other containers, mark the water as clean.
  • For 30-40 days, eat a soaked and boiled product instead of breakfast. During cleansing, eat a balanced diet and avoid alcohol.
  • Prolonged soaking frees the grains from starch, inorganic salts and sugars. The resulting product, due to its cellular structure, "absorbs" slags and toxic substances.

    The use of the product for medicinal purposes should be discussed with your doctor.

    Slimming application

    Inclusion in the diet

    Boiled rice

    Boil black rice for about 30-40 minutes in a cast iron or Teflon saucepan or stainless steel dish: the enamel container may stain.

    To shorten the cooking time of the product, the cereal can be pre-soaked for several hours. This will help prevent the loss of nutrients from cooking.

    The high nutritional value of the wild product, coupled with its low calorie content (100 kcal per 100 g), makes the product an important component in the diet.

    Wild rice lacks 2 types of protein - glutamine and asparagine, so the product is recommended to be served with legumes to make the dish as nutritious as possible.

    Dishes with black rice are good for your health and shape

    Video: the right preparation of the product

    Recipe: Black Rice Diet Salad

  • Tear 1 fork of lettuce with your hands.
  • Process raw carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Cut 4 large tomatoes into small cubes.
  • Chop the red onion finely.
  • Peel the avocado and cut into cubes.
  • Combine vegetables, add half a cup of boiled black rice and 2-3 tablespoons of boiled red beans.
  • Season the salad with olive oil, add your favorite seasonings and a pinch of sea salt.
  • Video: Cooking black rice with beans and beef

    Black rice bran

    Rinse the rice and dry the grains well. Grind into flour with a coffee grinder.

    Add to baked goods or use as a sprinkle.

    Rice Diet Options

    Express diet

    Boil black rice and eat as much product as you want during the day in 4-5 meals. You can drink any amount of water (but not less than 1.5-2 liters) and unsweetened herbal teas.

    The duration of the diet is 1-3 days.

    The rice diet can only be resorted to after consulting a doctor.

    During the rice diet, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water to prevent dehydration

    Rice breakfasts

    Before going to bed, soak 2-3 tablespoons of the product, boil the cereal the next morning without salt and have breakfast with porridge. After that, do not eat or drink anything for 2-3 hours.

    During the rest of the day, you can eat your usual meals. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to abandon flour and sweets, fatty, smoked and fried foods, carbonated drinks, purchased juices and alcohol.

    Cosmetic use

    Fortification of the diet

    The inclusion of the dish in the usual menu will ensure the saturation of the cells of the skin, hair and nails with nutrients.

    Home cosmetics

    Brightening lotion (to nourish and moisturize the skin)

    Pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice sprouts into a dark glass bottle and add 2/3 cup of unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Insist in a dark place for 30 days, shaking the container occasionally.

    2-3 hours before bedtime, apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck, after 20 minutes, remove the unabsorbed lotion with a dry napkin.

    Face mask (to restore skin tone)

    Combine 2 tablespoons of chopped rice sprouts with 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, stir in 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Apply the composition to clean, dry skin for 15–20 minutes, remove with clean water. Apply the mask every 7 days.

    As part of homemade masks, lavender essential oil exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Rice decoction for hair

    Pour 2 tablespoons of rice with 400 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, drain.

    Use as a rinse after shampooing, or add 1-2 tablespoons to homemade masks.

    Contraindications, precautions and harm

    The consumption of the product in large quantities can provoke constipation. Nutritionists are advised to combine the product with vegetables and fruits.

    Individual intolerance to wild rice is extremely rare. When taking the product for the first time, it is recommended to eat a small portion to check the body's response to the grain.

  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer.
  • The simultaneous intake of sprouted grains and dairy products can provoke flatulence.

    Cleansing the body with rice and rice diets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation and in the presence of:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • The benefits and harms of black rice have been known since ancient times. This cereal was called forbidden in China; ordinary citizens of the country had no right to use it. Black rice was for the emperor only. This black cereal is currently sold in health food stores.

    How is black rice different from white

    Black or wild rice has nothing to do with white rice grains. These are the grains of the aquatic plant Zizania aquatica, which grows naturally up to 3 m in height.

    Other differences:

    Important! Healthy and tasty milk can be made from black rice, the value of which is almost identical to that of an almond drink.

    Rice can be of different colors, as they differ in nutrient content per 100 g of product:

    The table shows that it is black rice that has the richest health benefits. In addition, it contains the most antioxidants. No wonder even in ancient China, wild rice was called "the grain of longevity and youth."

    Types of black rice

    There are only 2 types of black or wild rice, which differ in the way they are used:

    1. Thai. These cereals are mainly used for making sweet puddings.
    2. Nanking. Purpose - salads and spicy dishes of oriental cuisine.

    Chemical composition of black rice

    The chemical constituent of wild rice is so multifaceted that it is almost impossible to list all the useful components. Black rice consists of:

    1. Vitamins B, A, E, K, H, PP, C and folic acid.
    2. In terms of the presence of antioxidants, it is no different from blueberries, natural red wine, red grapes, strawberries, red cabbage.
    3. More than 40 macro- and microelements such as iodine, copper, fluoride and others.
    4. More than 18 amino acids.
    5. Lecithin, protein, biologically active substances and fiber.
    6. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and glucose.

    Even this short list allows you to realize the benefits and value of black rice for the human body.

    Nutritional value and calorie content of black rice

    Wild rice is a low-calorie food. Content of one serving (100 g):

    • 105 Kcal;
    • fats - 1.6 g;
    • carbohydrates - 34 g;
    • fiber - 2 g;
    • proteins - 5 g;
    • iron - 4% of the daily value.

    The benefits of black rice for the body

    Before you start eating black rice, you need to study the health benefits and harms of the grain. First, about the beneficial properties. This cereal contributes to:

    • increased immunity;
    • normalization of the digestive system;
    • freeing the body from toxic substances and toxins;
    • preservation of youth;
    • normalization of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
    • lowering cholesterol levels;
    • reducing the risk of developing oncology and diabetes mellitus;
    • improving the state of the body after various types of operations and physical exertion;
    • restoration of the structure of hair and nails, skin rejuvenation.

    Helps recover from illness or childbirth

    Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, doctors recommend black rice to patients after serious illnesses and to women in labor in the first months after the baby is born. This product is not harmful to newborns.

    Protects the heart and blood vessels

    It contains a large amount of anthocyanin or glycoside. That is why the grains are black. The trace element has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels, relieves the inflammatory process. People who regularly eat wild rice have improved brain function.

    Removes harmful substances from the body

    It is also beneficial that black rice contains more antioxidants than other varieties of this crop. Together with fiber, they bind toxic substances in the body. This product is especially important for elimination from alcohol poisoning.

    Improves the digestive tract

    Black rice dishes are recommended for people with serious problems with the digestive system. You can forget about constipation, bloating and other troubles with the gastrointestinal tract due to its beneficial properties. In addition, due to its high fiber content, satiety lasts longer, although the serving of black rice may be small.

    Prevents the development of diabetes

    Dietary fiber contained in black cereals is useful in that it is able to relieve inflammation in the human body. And the carbohydrates that make up the grains are absorbed slowly. These two ingredients in wild rice can prevent the development of not only diabetes, but other diseases as well:

    • oncology;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • obesity.

    Gluten Free

    Virtually all cereals contain gluten. It is part of the protein. For many people, this sticky substance is harmful because it causes allergies.

    There is no gluten in black cereals. It contains other proteins - glutamine and asparagine.

    Important! Black rice is a hypoallergenic product.

    Protects the liver

    The liver is known to be a hematopoietic organ. Almost the entire human body depends on its health. Black cereal dishes cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, reduce cholesterol. Detoxification removes toxic substances from the liver.

    Contains antioxidants

    The shell of black cereal contains a large amount of antioxidants or glycoside. This substance has useful properties, since it normalizes the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of oncology, and contributes to the normal functioning of the brain.

    The benefits of black rice for weight loss

    Wild-grown product is low in calories. But even a small serving of boiled black rice satiates faster than regular food. Besides, I don't feel like eating for a long time.

    This feature of wild cereal is widely used by nutritionists, making up a healthy menu for those who want to lose weight.

    Is black rice suitable for pregnant and lactating women

    Women during pregnancy and lactation may not refuse to use the product, because it does not harm. Wild rice restores the body after childbirth, promotes lactation.

    Attention! Infants can also be given black rice as a complementary feeding option, but only from 7 months of age. Before that, you must consult a pediatrician!

    The use of black rice in traditional medicine

    A wild product in folk medicine is called "live" and is widely used for various medicinal purposes. In Japan, since ancient times, members of the royal family ate 1-2 tbsp daily. spoons of sprouts or flour of this useful product to eliminate problems with the digestive system, as well as for rejuvenation.

    And now about how to properly germinate a cereal without harm to the body:

    1. Rinse the grains by changing the water several times.
    2. Soak the groats in warm water, select the emerging specimens.
    3. Cover the black rice with gauze and leave for 10 hours.
    4. Rinse the groats again and add water.
    5. After 2-3 days, rice will begin to germinate, grains with white sprouts can be eaten.

    Attention! Sprouted grains are stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

    Before use, the rice is ground in a meat grinder or in a coffee grinder. The crushed mass is mixed with yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese or tea. You can add rice to baked goods.

    How black rice is used in cosmetology

    Not only nutritionists are eyeing wild rice. It is also used by cosmetologists to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. We first noticed the anti-aging properties of cereals in antiquity. Japanese geisha still use black rice powder to protect their skin from the harmful effects of makeup.

    Face masks based on black rice

    Healing face masks are prepared from black rice grits, because this product:

    • rejuvenates;
    • whitens;
    • protects from the sun;
    • mattifies and exfoliates.

    It should be noted that wild rice masks are harmless for all skin types. It is enough to apply them twice a week and keep them on the face for a third of an hour.

    Mask recipe for tired skin

    A tired woman can be identified by the skin of her face. She becomes faded and flabby. So it's time to use a nourishing mask.


    • rice flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • apple and orange;
    • low-fat yogurt.

    Features of preparation and use:

    1. Turn apple and orange into puree.
    2. Add flour and stir until smooth.
    3. Pour in yogurt.
    4. Refrigerate for half an hour to swell.
    5. Cleanse face and apply mask.
    6. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes, cool the skin with an ice cube.

    Black rice for hair beauty

    Rice masks are useful for strengthening hair, restoring its structure and oiliness, and removing dandruff.

    Attention! Regular use of exotic rice for hair without harm will prevent the appearance of early gray hair.

    Wild rice can be used as:

    • shampoo;
    • hair styling product;
    • nourishing mask;
    • rinse aid.

    Recipe number 1

    • 2 slices of black yeast-free bread;
    • 1 tsp honey;
    • water - 2 tbsp.;
    • 0.5 tbsp. infusion of wild rice.

    How to cook:

    1. The bread is poured with warm water.
    2. In another container, combine the infusion and honey.
    3. When the bread softens, it is wrung out and combined with a mixture of rice and honey, mixed.

    The mask is applied to the hair, the head is massaged for 2 minutes and washed off with warm water.

    Recipe number 2

    This is an excellent mask for hair prone to frequent coloring.

    Would need:

    • 2 tsp rice infusion;
    • 1 tsp castor oil;
    • 1 tsp burdock oil.

    The ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the scalp every day. You do not need to rinse off, as the mask is not harmful.

    Recipe number 3

    Such a mask is suitable for dandruff, which includes:

    • 1 tbsp. l. decoction of oak bark;
    • 2 tbsp. l. decoction of black rice;
    • 1 tsp honey.

    Combine all products until smooth and rub into the scalp. After an hour, rinse with warm water.

    Using black rice for hair accelerates hair growth and gives a healthy shine.

    How to cook black rice

    For cooking wild cereals, cast iron, Teflon dishes or a stainless steel pan are used. But the enameled container is not recommended to be taken, since it is stained, and it is almost impossible to wash it.

    The volume of cooked rice is increased by 3 times. The container is left on the stove for 15 minutes. You cannot mix the contents.

    What is black rice combined with

    The healthy grain can be used with a variety of foods:

    • with vegetables and fruits that do not contain starch;
    • with meat, fish products;
    • Rice groats go well with sesame seeds, nuts and legumes.

    Black rice can be used to make soup, snacks and light salads.

    Harm of black rice and contraindications to use

    Despite the beneficial properties of black rice, it is worth checking its effect on yourself, whether it will cause a negative reaction associated with the individual tolerance of the product. Moreover, excessive consumption of cereals can harm the body.

    Advice! Rice should be eaten in small portions as directed in the recipe.

    1. With chronic intestinal diseases, especially during an exacerbation.
    2. In diseases of the kidneys and bladder, since wild rice has a great diuretic property.

    How to choose and store black rice

    Since the cost of exotic rice for a small package varies within 300 rubles, there are many dealers who have decided to raise a lot of money. They are mixed with wild cereal and red rice. That is why you need to purchase the product in special stores.

    Selection rules:

    1. Real wild rice has an anthracite color and a shiny surface.
    2. It is easy to check a real product or a fake: you need to put the seeds in water acidified with vinegar. If the liquid turns pink, then the cereal is natural.
    3. If the black layer comes off when scratched, then it is a fake.
    4. The package with cereals should not be damaged.
    5. The shelf life of black rice is only 2 years from the date of harvest, so the date on the package is also important.

    You need to store cereals in a glass jar with a tight lid, as it oxidizes in the open air. There should be no products with a pungent smell next to exotic rice.


    The benefits and harms of black rice are of interest to many health conscious people. This product is truly powerful. The main advantage of wild cereals is the elimination of toxins and toxins.

    There are many varieties of rice grains, but traditional white rice is more common in our area. And if we at least remotely heard about other varieties of this cereal - brown, brown, basmati rice, then black or wild rice most often causes surprise and genuine interest, since it is not so often found in local stores.

    The history of consumption of rice grains has more than one millennium, but we are gradually beginning to discover the benefits and harms of wild rice for ourselves only now. But even in ancient China, this product was in demand among the nobility, while ordinary people could not afford it because of the high cost of black rice. Even now, the high price of wild rice does not allow this product to be made publicly available for consumption, but those who have tasted this delicacy at least once note the difference in taste, and nutritionists and doctors repeat about the incredible benefits of black rice, many times higher than the beneficial qualities other varieties of it.

    Black rice in detail

    Cultivated, wild rice grows in the state of Minnesota, which is now the world's largest exporter of this product. The process of growing and harvesting black rice, which is an annual plant, requires a lot of labor, which is why the cost of this product is very high (from 250 rubles per 0.5 kg).

    On the territory of the States and European states, you can often find wild-growing black rice, which is often used as an ornamental plant and decorates ponds and artificial reservoirs.

    Grains of cultivated black rice can have the color of chocolate brown or charcoal black (the hue depends on the degree of maturity and processing of the grains), and they are thin and oblong in shape.

    Black rice is non-toxic and contains a minimum of sodium, which is known to retain excess fluid and salt in the body. This is not the end of its beneficial properties. Residents of Japan, India, Thailand, China regularly consume black rice, which is considered a source of youth, longevity, good mood and a means of protection against cancer.

    Black rice is cooked much longer than the usual white rice - from 40 minutes to an hour. When cooked, wild rice takes on a purple hue. Most often it is used as a side dish, added to soup, snacks, salads, desserts, and baked goods are stuffed with it.

    In addition to long-term processing, wild rice differs from white in composition, nutritional value, taste (wild rice has an exotic sweetish taste), smell (slightly nutty) and a wide range of useful properties, which we will talk about later.

    Composition of grains of black rice

    The multicomponent composition of wild rice provides incredible health benefits.

    Black rice contains:

    • vitamins of group B, A, E, K, H, PP, C. In 150 g of wild rice contains almost all the necessary daily intake of folic acid (B9).
    • antioxidants. Their content in wild rice makes it possible to place it on a par with blueberries, natural red wine, red grapes, strawberries, and red cabbage.
    • macro- and microelements (there are about forty of them in wild rice - iodine, copper, fluorine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, boron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, sulfur, silicon, nickel, iron)
    • amino acids vital for the body (18 items)
    • lecithin
    • protein
    • biologically active substances
    • plant fibers (fiber)
    • protein
    • carbohydrates
    • healthy fats
    • glucose

    The indisputable advantage of black rice is the low calorie content of the boiled product. There is only 105 kcal in 100 g of cooked wild rice.

    Health Benefits of Black Rice

    1. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps to overcome stress.
    2. It is used for the prevention of cancer due to its ability to prevent the destruction of DNA strands.
    3. Slows down aging, prolongs youth.
    4. Helps to make blood vessels elastic and strengthen arteries and capillaries, cleanse the blood of toxins, cholesterol, fats.
    5. Boosts immunity.
    6. Prevents heart disease by improving the nutrition of the heart muscle.
    7. Helps reduce blood pressure.
    8. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
    9. Good for women during menopause.
    10. Helps to restore the body after illness, exhaustion, childbirth, accelerates rehabilitation after operations.
    11. Essential for anemia.
    12. Normalizes the work of the adrenal glands.
    13. Helps to strengthen the visual system.
    14. Contains little sodium, an excess of which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, an increase in pressure.
    15. Supports the muscular system.
    16. Helps the body to be in good shape.
    17. Eliminates puffiness, having a beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder, helps with diseases of the genitourinary system.
    18. It has a good effect on the digestive tract, normalizes digestion.
    19. Strengthens hair, prevents early graying.
    20. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.
    21. Normalizes metabolic processes.
    22. It is allowed for allergy sufferers, since it belongs to the number of hypoallergenic products.
    23. Supports the skeletal system, reducing the risk of fractures.

    What is the possible harm to the body of black rice?

    Contraindications for black rice are quite limited and incomparable with its benefits for humans. The harm from the consumption of wild rice can be caused in the following cases:

    1. Individual intolerance to wild rice.
    2. Overeating black rice. Its bonding properties can easily provide you with constipation or other digestive problems if consumed uncontrollably. To avoid this, eat black rice in dosage, preferably in combination with plant foods, remembering to drink plenty of fluids.
    3. In case of diabetes mellitus, it is better to ask your doctor about the admissibility of including this product in the diet before consumption.

    First, it is advisable to soak wild rice in cool water overnight before boiling. In the morning we drain the water, pour the rice into boiling water (ratio 1: 3), bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for at least 45-60 minutes. The readiness of rice can be determined externally - it will increase three to four times. After that, put out the fire and let it stand for about 15 minutes without stirring.

    Secondly, when purchasing a product, pay attention to the composition - sometimes it is not pure wild rice that is sold, but a mixture of black and brown cereals. There is nothing wrong with that, the benefits of brown rice are also considerable, but black rice is much more useful.

    Third, be aware that after boiling black rice, the white enamel pot may stain. Consider this fact when choosing a container in which you will cook rice.

    Fourth, the flavor of wild rice can be significantly improved by combining it with sesame seeds, Japanese sauce, nuts, and legumes. It is best to consume it as a side dish for vegetable, meat, fish dishes, cook snacks, desserts and salads based on wild rice.

    In oriental cuisine, wild rice pilaf is popular, with the recipe of which we invite you to get acquainted.

    Pilaf from black rice

    • 0.5 tbsp. pre-soaked black rice
    • 0.5 tbsp. broth or water
    • 0.5 tbsp. apple cider
    • 1 small carrot (cut into rings)
    • 1 garlic clove (chopped well)
    • a small handful of dried cranberries or lingonberries
    • Bay leaf
    • some chopped celery
    • 1 tsp vegetable oil
    • salt pepper

    Mix celery with carrots and garlic and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

    After that, add all the remaining ingredients and simmer under a closed lid until the rice is cooked (about an hour).

    Video on this topic

    In ancient China, black rice was considered the food of emperors and his entourage: a mere mortal who dared to taste the food was faced with the death penalty. Now everyone can taste the valuable cereal. What are the benefits and harms of black rice and how to use it for the benefit of health, slimness and beauty?

    Composition, properties and benefits of black rice

    Most of the nutrients in rice accumulate in the shell. Black cereal is not polished before eating, therefore it is much more useful than white (polished).

    As part of wild rice:

    • amino acids (black contains almost 2 times more proteins than its white counterpart);
    • folic acid (5 times more than brown), thiamine and other B vitamins;
    • vitamin E;
    • oryzanol;
    • macro- and microelements (iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium, copper, etc.);
    • cellulose;
    • anthocyanins (antioxidants), etc.

    The darker the product, the more antioxidants it contains.

    The rich chemical composition of black rice provides its healing power

    Due to its unique composition, the product:

    • enhances immunity;
    • normalizes the digestive system;
    • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
    • slows down the aging process;
    • provides anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, as it suppresses the production of histamine (a substance that causes asthma, allergic reactions, etc.);
    • has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
    • reduces the risk of developing oncology;
    • improves vision;
    • lowers cholesterol levels;
    • slows down the absorption of sugar;
    • smoothes the symptoms of menopause;
    • improves condition with increased physical and mental stress;
    • increases potency;
    • restores the structure of hair and nails.

    High quality black rice is not cheap. This is due to the rarity of the product and the laboriousness of its procurement: the cereal is harvested by hand.

    Video: Wild rice, its varieties and useful properties

    Application in traditional medicine

    Sprouted rice

    Black rice is called "live" because the shell is not removed from it. The grain can be germinated and used for medicinal purposes.

    Japanese physicians claim that eating 1–2 tablespoons of rice sprouts (or rice flour) every day can help keep your bowels running smoothly.

    How to germinate

    1. Rinse the rice well.
    2. Pour the cereals with water at room temperature and discard the grains that will float to the surface.
    3. Place the remaining cereal in a deep glass container, add water and cover with gauze.
    4. After 9-10 hours, rinse the groats and cover with clean water.
    5. After 2–3 days (periodically you need to add water to the container), white sprouts will appear on the grains - rice can be used for medicinal purposes.

    The sprouted product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    How to apply

    Grind with a meat grinder or coffee grinder and add to yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, tea, pastries and other dishes.

    Rice sprouts can be added to familiar dishes, such as cottage cheese.

    Cleansing the body

    1. Prepare 4 glasses (or half-liter jars) and number the containers.
    2. In the morning of the first day, pour 2-3 tablespoons of well-washed black rice into container No. 1 and pour water over the grains. Put the container in the refrigerator.
    3. In the morning of the second day, put 2-3 tablespoons of rice in glass No. 2 and, pouring water over the cereals, send the container to the refrigerator. Rinse the product from container No. 1 and soak in clean water.
    4. In the morning of the third day, rinse the grains in containers No. 1 and 2, fill them with fresh water, soak 2-3 tablespoons of cereals in a glass No. 3.
    5. The next morning, repeat the manipulations with containers 1, 2 and 3, and pour fresh into the fourth glass.
    6. On the fifth day, cook rice from container No. 1 in a small amount of water (5 minutes), without adding salt, and eat it for breakfast, after drinking a glass of water 20-30 minutes before the meal. After taking it, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 4 hours.
    7. Soak 2-3 tablespoons raw in a glass that has been freed. Rinse the rice in containers 2, 3 and 4 and fill with clean water.
    8. On the sixth day, cook and eat cereals from glass No. 2 and pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into an empty container and cover it with water. In other containers, mark the water as clean.
    9. For 30-40 days, eat a soaked and boiled product instead of breakfast. During cleansing, eat a balanced diet and avoid alcohol.

    Prolonged soaking frees the grains from starch, inorganic salts and sugars. The resulting product, due to its cellular structure, "absorbs" slags and toxic substances.

    The use of the product for medicinal purposes should be discussed with your doctor.

    Slimming application

    Inclusion in the diet

    Boiled rice

    Boil black rice for about 30-40 minutes in a cast iron or Teflon saucepan or stainless steel dish: the enamel container may stain.

    To shorten the cooking time of the product, the cereal can be pre-soaked for several hours. This will help prevent the loss of nutrients from cooking.

    The high nutritional value of the wild product, coupled with its low calorie content (100 kcal per 100 g), makes the product an important component in the diet.

    Wild rice lacks 2 types of protein - glutamine and asparagine, so the product is recommended to be served with legumes to make the dish as nutritious as possible.

    Dishes with black rice are good for your health and shape

    Video: the right preparation of the product

    Recipe: Black Rice Diet Salad

    1. Tear 1 fork of lettuce with your hands.
    2. Process raw carrots on a coarse grater.
    3. Cut 4 large tomatoes into small cubes.
    4. Chop the red onion finely.
    5. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes.
    6. Combine vegetables, add half a cup of boiled black rice and 2-3 tablespoons of boiled red beans.
    7. Season the salad with olive oil, add your favorite seasonings and a pinch of sea salt.

    Video: Cooking black rice with beans and beef

    Black rice bran

    Rinse the rice and dry the grains well. Grind into flour with a coffee grinder.

    Add to baked goods or use as a sprinkle.

    Rice Diet Options

    Express diet

    Boil black rice and eat as much product as you want during the day in 4-5 meals. You can drink any amount of water (but not less than 1.5-2 liters) and unsweetened herbal teas.

    The duration of the diet is 1-3 days.

    The rice diet can only be resorted to after consulting a doctor.

    During the rice diet, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water to prevent dehydration

    Rice breakfasts

    Before going to bed, soak 2-3 tablespoons of the product, boil the cereal the next morning without salt and have breakfast with porridge. After that, do not eat or drink anything for 2-3 hours.

    During the rest of the day, you can eat your usual meals. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to abandon flour and sweets, fatty, smoked and fried foods, carbonated drinks, purchased juices and alcohol.

    Cosmetic use

    Fortification of the diet

    The inclusion of the dish in the usual menu will ensure the saturation of the cells of the skin, hair and nails with nutrients.

    Home cosmetics

    Brightening lotion (to nourish and moisturize the skin)

    Pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice sprouts into a dark glass bottle and add 2/3 cup of unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Insist in a dark place for 30 days, shaking the container occasionally.

    2-3 hours before bedtime, apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck, after 20 minutes, remove the unabsorbed lotion with a dry napkin.

    Face mask (to restore skin tone)

    Combine 2 tablespoons of chopped rice sprouts with 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, stir in 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Apply the composition to clean, dry skin for 15–20 minutes, remove with clean water. Apply the mask every 7 days.

    As part of homemade masks, lavender essential oil exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Rice decoction for hair

    Pour 2 tablespoons of rice with 400 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, drain.

    Use as a rinse after shampooing, or add 1-2 tablespoons to homemade masks.

    Contraindications, precautions and harm

    The consumption of the product in large quantities can provoke constipation. Nutritionists are advised to combine the product with vegetables and fruits.

    Individual intolerance to wild rice is extremely rare. When taking the product for the first time, it is recommended to eat a small portion to check the body's response to the grain.

    • individual intolerance;
    • stomach ulcer.

    The simultaneous intake of sprouted grains and dairy products can provoke flatulence.

    Cleansing the body with rice and rice diets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation and in the presence of:

    • hemorrhoids;
    • urolithiasis;
    • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

    Reviews of black rice

    The rich chemical composition of black rice makes it possible to use the product for the benefit of health and beauty. Grain will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, improve the condition for many ailments, help to gain or maintain a slim figure, take care of the skin, nails and hair.

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    Diets and healthy eating 09.06.2018

    Dear readers, many of us now eat healthy foods. Surely your eyes run wild when choosing cereals from a wide range in supermarkets. So many things, including how many varieties of rice are presented. Today we will talk about the benefits and possible dangers of black rice for our health. Surely, you paid attention to him. Perhaps someone bought it and cooked it.

    Wild black rice in ancient China several centuries ago could only be afforded by emperors. The high cost of the product is due to its value and nutritional value. It is not surprising that the sages called this rice "the grain of longevity."

    The main differences between black rice

    It came as a surprise to me that wild rice has nothing to do with regular rice. This is an annual cereal plant - Zizania aquatica. And from the point of view of botany, this is a marsh grass, reaching a height of 2-3 m.

    Wild rice also has nothing to do with brown rice, which is often confused with. Let's see what black rice looks like in the photo.

    Interestingly, the black hue changes from chocolate to charcoal. This appearance depends on the maturity of the grains and the method of further processing.

    In ancient China, this cereal was considered forbidden and was not available to commoners. This is largely due to the importance attached to the product.

    The sages believed that it was in black rice that the secret of longevity and health was contained.

    You can also find other names for this cereal: Canadian or Indian rice, water oats. It is removed only by hand. To do this, the plantation worker swims in a canoe to the marsh grass, tilts the stem and hits the ears so that the grains fall off. An experienced worker can harvest up to 10 kg of wild rice in 1 hour.

    The differences between black rice and the usual white rice for us are not only in its oblong and thin shape, but also in the fact that black grains are tougher and must be pre-soaked before cooking.

    In addition, white rice is rich in sodium, while black is a source of thiamine. Manufacturers often pack a mixture of these cereals in a package to increase the value and nutritional value of the cereal. Wild rice grains are also distinguished by their taste. This exotic product has a subtle nutty aroma and sweet taste. Adherents of vegetarianism often prepare vegetable milk from this cereal, which is compared in nutritional value with almond milk.

    Composition and calorie content

    The uniqueness of wild rice lies in its chemical composition. This product is rich in:

    • vitamins of group E, B, D, A;
    • antioxidants and anthocyanins;
    • folic acid;
    • minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium);
    • proteins with 18 amino acids;
    • fiber.

    One serving of black rice contains two-thirds of the daily mineral requirement for humans. There are 16g per 100 g of raw product. proteins, 3g. fat and 79g. carbohydrates.

    The calorie content of black rice varies depending on the cooking method. After heat treatment, the nutritional value decreases, but the nutritional value of the cereal remains the same. Therefore, this product is recommended to be included in the diet of athletes and people on a diet.

    The table shows the calorie content of dishes based on black rice:

    Beneficial features

    Yet it is not for nothing that the Chinese sages prized black rice so much. Many scientists continue to study this product, marveling at the value of the composition and the unique combination of useful elements.

    Recent scientific research has shown that black rice has the following health benefits:

    • replenishes the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, which is especially important after a cold winter;
    • due to the low sodium content, which cannot be said about white rice, this cereal controls the water-salt balance in the body;
    • black rice has a diuretic effect and prevents fluid retention in the body;
    • the composition contains the substance orinazole, which reduces the unpleasant symptoms of PMS, menopause;
    • including in the diet of dishes based on this type of rice, women recover faster after childbirth;
    • due to dietary fiber in the composition, this cereal improves intestinal motility and the processes of food digestion;
    • this rice is allowed to be consumed by patients with gluten intolerance.

    Watch an excerpt and programs "Life is great!" with Elena Malysheva to learn more about the benefits of the cereal culture "Black rice - the food of aristocrats."

    The benefits and harms of black rice

    More and more scientists are convinced that this cereal can become a real panacea for many diseases. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle are attracted by this product for its rich composition and the fact that there is no need to additionally take vitamins and nutritional supplements for immunity.

    It is in this grain crop that there is everything the body needs. Let's take a closer look at when it is recommended to add black rice to the diet.


    Groats improve kidney function and gently cleanse the body, removing toxins and toxins. An additional effect is observed due to the improvement of metabolism against the background of detoxification.

    Plant antioxidant

    Scientists have found that the black color of rice indicates a high concentration of antioxidants in the composition. And the amount of these substances is greater than in blueberries, raspberries, cranberries.

    Every person's body contains healthy cells that are negatively affected by free radicals throughout their lives. Therefore, doctors recommend regularly eating black rice, which neutralizes oxidative processes. This grain also contains anthocyanin, which prevents cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and improves brain activity.

    Benefits for the stomach

    Black rice, like any other unpolished cereal, is rich in fiber. Gastroenterologists keep repeating the importance of regular consumption of these foods. Black rice improves intestinal motility, eliminates signs of bloating, upset stools in the form of constipation. In addition, fiber has binding properties and removes waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. All these functions in a single complex are aimed at improving bowel function.

    Black rice for weight loss

    Unpolished rice is well digestible, so it can be eaten even by children in small quantities. But the main benefit of black rice is to help you lose weight. 100 g of boiled rice contains a small amount of calories, so the product can be included in the diet.

    At the same time, a portion of steamed rice with vegetables saturates the body for a long time, which often happens during food restriction. Regularly consuming this cereal, weight loss occurs smoothly, while the body is provided with all the necessary vitamins and minerals and does not experience stress. It is clear that one must be wise, when losing weight, give up flour, sweets, and include feasible physical activity.

    Lowering cholesterol

    The unique combination of components helps to normalize blood pressure and heart function. In one of the scientific studies, it was found that black rice grains, entering the body, reduce the total level of cholesterol in the blood. Due to this, the walls of blood vessels and arteries are strengthened, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is minimized.

    In another clinical trial, wild rice prevents the build-up of cholesterol plaques, inhibits lipid oxidation, and thereby protects the body from heart attacks. For these reasons, cardiologists strongly recommend this product to the elderly.

    Black rice for diabetes

    Several years ago, it was found that at the risk of obesity, diabetes, consumption of whole grains is much healthier than processed grains. White rice is more often present in our diet, and in fact it does not contain useful antioxidants, fiber and other substances that slow down the absorption of sugar.

    Black rice is evenly digested by the body and provides energy for a long time. Due to such features, after its use, there is no risk of a sharp jump in blood glucose. Doctors recommend including this cereal in your diet to prevent type 2 diabetes.

    Clear vision

    It has been clinically established that regularly consuming meals based on wild unpolished rice reduces the risks of developing cataracts and other vision problems (glaucoma, myopia). This is explained by the positive effect on the optic nerves of anthocyanins in cereals.

    How to choose and not buy a fake

    In 2014, a local resident Li contacted a well-known magazine in China with indignation. She was upset that after cooking black rice in a double boiler, her kitchen appliance turned completely black and could not be washed. Everything could be attributed to the fact that the anthocyanins in the composition are to blame for everything, but in reality everything turned out to be somewhat different.

    To clarify this case, the journalists conducted an experiment and bought several packs of black rice in different supermarkets. According to the results of the study, it turned out that if you run your fingernail along the grain, then the black shell will peel off and ordinary long-grain white rice appears in front of us.

    It was decided to go further and complicate the quality control of the cereal. Grains of black rice were dipped into several glasses of water and left for several hours. In each of them, the water almost immediately turned black and, changing the liquid, the shade became lighter and lighter.

    Then they began to add a few drops of vinegar to the glasses. In some containers, the water turned bright pink, while in others it did not change at all. This reaction was explained by scientists by the fact that in an acidic environment, anthocyanins in rice change the water to pink or red. Accordingly, in those cups where there was no such staining, there was fake rice.

    Remember that quality black rice is nearly impossible to buy in regular supermarkets. You can buy it in trusted online stores or bring it from a vacation where it is grown. The price will be strikingly different from other cereals. On average, the cost of a package of 1 kg costs from 300 rubles and more.

    Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the production date.

    Black rice is often blended with brown rice to keep costs down. Therefore, it is worth choosing grains with only a shiny shade.

    There are only two types of black rice: Thai and Nanjing. The first variety is usually used for sweet puddings, while the second is used for salads and spicy oriental dishes.


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    To learn more …

    How to store at home

    After purchasing black rice, pour it into a glass container and close tightly so that it does not oxidize in the air. Store containers with cereals in a cool place and away from products with strong odors. Remember that this type of rice has a short shelf life and gradually its beneficial properties disappear, so do not postpone culinary experiments for a long time.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    It must be remembered that not everyone can use even the most useful product. Before including black rice in your diet, you need to make sure that there is no intolerance to its constituent components.

    Doctors warn about the following contraindications to the use of black rice:

    • the presence of an allergic reaction should not be canceled. Although rice is a hypoallergenic food;
    • after overeating, you may feel stomach discomfort, constipation;
    • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines, black rice can provoke an exacerbation. Its positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract in the form of increased muscle tone, improved peristalsis is observed only in the absence of pathologies;
    • doctors refer to kidney disease as a relative contraindication. Black rice has a diuretic effect, so in case of dysfunction of the excretory system, you should not exceed the recommended portions of the product.

    I hope I managed to convince you, dear readers, of the benefits of black rice. Numerous clinical studies confirm its positive effect on many organ systems, therefore we can agree with the opinion of the ancient Chinese sages that this product prolongs youth. Be sure to include this cereal in your diet and you will notice how positively it affects your health.

    Have you tried black rice yet? Be sure to share your experience, and next time I will tell you about simple recipes based on it. And soon we will talk with you how you can cook it tasty and healthy.

    Read about other healthy grains on the blog:

    Why brown rice is useful? Millet is a surprisingly healthy grain Bulgur is a familiar stranger Oatmeal is a guarantee of health!

    And for the soul, we will listen to you today a wonderful composition Ernesto Cortazara Sicilian Romance.

    see also

    Miracles where people believe in them Black rice dishes are exotic on our table Why brown rice is useful Brown rice - we cook simply and tasty Fasting day on rice. Benefit. Reviews. Results Green buckwheat - health in every grain

    • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
    • How to make Ivan - tea. Medicinal properties. Application
    • chamomile

    Rice is a traditional food in Asia. When the emperor ruled in China, black rice was called "Forbidden" because it was grown only for the supreme ruler.

    You can find black rice at health food stores.

    Nutritional Value of Black Rice

    One serving of black rice contains 160 kcal. Rice is rich in iron, copper, plant proteins and flavonoid substances.

    In 1 serving of black rice:

    • 160 kcal;
    • 1.6 grams of fat;
    • 34 gr. carbohydrates;
    • 2 gr. fiber;
    • 5 gr. squirrel;
    • 4% of the daily value for iron.

    Black rice contains more antioxidants, protein and dietary fiber than other types of rice.

    The benefits of black rice

    Black rice contains a lot of dietary fiber, which has anti-inflammatory properties. They prevent the development of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity.

    Restores the body

    Black rice is consumed in the postpartum period, when the body needs vitamins. To restore the body after illness, doctors recommend including it in food.

    For problems with nails and hair, black rice will be useful, as it contains vitamins that strengthen nails and hair follicles.

    Contains antioxidants

    The shell of black rice contains high levels of antioxidants. This level is not found in any of the food products.

    Black rice is black or purple in color, indicating a high amount of antioxidants like blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries.

    Black rice loses nutrients when the outer layer is removed. The outer shell contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

    In addition to anthocyanin, black rice is rich in vitamin E, which is beneficial for the health of the eyes, skin and the immune system.

    Protects Heart Health

    Black rice reduces the possibility of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries and prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes.

    Thanks to phytochemicals, cereals support healthy cholesterol levels.

    Removes harmful substances

    Eating black rice helps detoxify the body and cleanses the liver of harmful toxins.

    Improves Digestive Function

    Black rice, red and brown rice contain a lot of fiber. It eliminates constipation, bloating and other pathologies in the digestive system. Fiber binds waste and toxins in the digestive tract, helping to eliminate them and promote normal bowel function.

    Fiber can help you stay full longer and help you burn fat.

    Slows down the absorption of sugar

    Consuming black rice prevents the development of diabetes and obesity due to the slow absorption of carbohydrates.

    Eating white rice tends to induce the body to develop diabetes and obesity more, due to the lower content of fiber and bran.

    The harm of black rice

    The harmful effects of black rice are associated with its excessive consumption. When trying black rice for the first time, eat a small portion and make sure there is no personal intolerance to the product.

    Diversify your food. Eating only black rice increases the risk of pathologies in the digestive system.

    Cooking tips

    • Black rice stains enamel cookware. Choose cookware from a different cooking material;
    • Pair black rice with nuts and legumes. Serve with fish, vegetables and meat.
    • Soy sauce and sesame seeds will help enhance the special taste of black risk.

    Cooking black rice

    Black rice comes in several varieties: Indonesian black rice, Thai jasmine and regular black rice. All types of black rice have the same effect on the body.

    Black rice takes longer to cook than white rice. Before cooking, it is advisable to soak black rice for 3 hours - this way rice will bring more benefits to the body.

    After soaking, be sure to rinse the rice with clean water and put it on fire, adding 2 cups of water to a glass of rice. If you have soaked rice, then the cooking time will be half an hour, if not, then an hour.

    Black rice tastes like popcorn and nuts.

    Zizania (zizaniya) aquatic (Zizania aquatica), it is also wild or black rice, tuscarora or chumiza, is an annual species of cereal plants that has nothing to do with rice and is called so only because of the external similarity of their seeds. It originates from North America, where it grows in nature along the shores of water bodies. The natural area of ​​its growth today is small: this is the Great Lakes region on the border of Canada and the American

    Another name for chumiza is Canadian or Indian rice: it was the indigenous peoples of America who were the first to appreciate its properties, collecting this cereal for many hundreds of years. Currently, black, which is indisputable for the body, is cultivated, in addition to Canada and the United States, in China and Korea. It is unpretentious and resistant to frost; its grains are used to make cereals and flour, and the stems and leaves are used as livestock feed.

    Black rice is much higher than most cereals: for example, 100 g of this cereal contains 15 g of protein. It contains eighteen of the twenty amino acids that the human body needs to synthesize proteins, B vitamins, as well as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Black rice contains a large amount of folate (vitamin B9), which is involved in many processes in the body. For example, hematopoiesis and the formation of new cells. It is especially necessary for pregnant women, as it contributes to the correct formation of the organs and systems of the fetus.

    The human body does not produce and can only receive it from the outside, with food or drugs. Black rice is the leader in folic acid content: to cover the daily need for it, it is enough to eat just one glass of this cereal. Anthocyanins - colored flavonoids - are found in it in large quantities. In addition to tsitsaniya, many of them are found in berries - blackberries, blueberries, black currants, grapes, as well as eggplants. It is to these substances that these cultures owe their color. Anthocyanins are natural antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body. However, rice (tsitsanii) is not limited to this: it helps to maintain the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, increases immunity and lowers blood pressure. Thus, it is a valuable dietary product, the only drawback of which is its high price: it costs several times more than ordinary rice.

    Oddly enough, but the taste of Indian rice growing in natural conditions is more pleasant than that of cultivated rice. Black rice, which is sold in supermarkets, is very tough and requires a long cooking time, at least forty minutes. Nutritionists advise pre-soaking it overnight in cold water - without this, the cooking time may increase even more. As a last resort, soaking black rice in boiling water for an hour, under a tightly closed lid, helps.

    That is why it is often used in a mixture with regular, long-grain - it can also be bought in supermarkets (in the health food department) or in online stores. Black rice is pre-steamed so that the cooking time does not differ from the white one. Both this cereal itself and the mixtures in which it is included are used, for example, for making pilaf. To do this, the cereals are placed together with the meat in a saucepan, spices and salt are added, poured with water (2: 1) and stewed for about an hour. A combination of rice with cranberries or lingonberries will be successful - at the end of cooking add 2-3 tbsp. l. berries.

    The wild rice salad with chicken (smoked or boiled) and fresh cucumbers is very tasty. Season it with a mixture of orange juice and apple cider vinegar, add crushed garlic, basil and cilantro for the smell. Finally, a dessert can be made from wild rice by boiling it and mixing it with chopped apples, raisins, a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Sprinkle the dish on top with lemon or lime juice.

    Previously, black rice was considered a product that only noble people could eat. Because of this, it was even called "Imperial" at one time. This was due to the rarity and high cost of the product. Today, store shelves abound in various varieties of this cereal, however, black or wild rice still has not become a product of mass consumption, since it costs more than other varieties. This is due to the fact that to this day the plant is harvested by hand, and this greatly affects its cost.

    By and large, the black rice "Southern Night" is not rice at all, but the seeds of tsitsania - an aquatic herb. Let's see why this fake is so popular and has such a high price tag.

    Features of storage and preparation

    There are two types of black rice - thick-grain and fine-grain. It is on its type that the cooking method depends. If the grains are thick, then they should be soaked before boiling. It needs to be cooked from 40 minutes to one hour. Fine grains do not require pre-soaking, and boiled, as a rule, no more than half an hour.

    Even if the cereal is cooked for an hour, its core remains a little tough, so it is almost impossible to digest the product. You don't have to worry that the side dish will boil down and turn into porridge.

    Black rice can use as a side dish or as an addition to salads cold. Like white, it is ideal when paired with seafood and meat. In addition, it can be used to prepare desserts and main courses.

    To avoid the appearance of food moths in the cereal, it must be kept in a dry, cool place in a tightly closed container. Observing this rule, the cereal can be stored for up to 12 months.

    The chemical composition of the cereal

    Black rice has much more useful properties than white. It is enriched with protein and contains 18 amino acids, which are essential for protein synthesis in the body.

    In addition, it contains fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, folic acid, which have a beneficial effect on human reproductive function, improve brain function, and stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid, in general, is considered a beauty vitamin, since it significantly improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, therefore, it is especially useful for women.

    Due to its composition, cereal has many beneficial properties. Due to its high fiber content and lack of gluten, it promotes weight loss, normalizes the digestive tract, and prevents the formation of constipation. Its high protein and vitamin content makes it extremely beneficial for pregnant women and people who are actively involved in sports.

    It is considered a dietary product, therefore it is included in the diet during weight loss and proper nutrition. During the period of adherence to a strict diet, people often observe a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair, as well as a weakening of the immune system, rice helps to avoid these consequences.

    Slimming Black Rice:

    • Slowly digested due to its high fiber content;
    • Has a low calorie content;
    • Provides a feeling of fullness for a long time, contributing to weight loss;
    • Provides the intake of vitamins, the deficiency of which is especially acute during the period of weight loss;
    • Improves the digestive tract, helping to cleanse the body.

    Regular use of the product helps to improve immunity, prevent hair loss, and normalize blood pressure. It is also believed that the cereal is extremely beneficial for vision.

    Doctors recommend regular use of this product for people with diabetes. The fact is that wild rice has no the composition of simple carbohydrates, which means that it does not affect the increase in blood sugar levels. Due to the high fiber content, black rice is digested for a long time and provides the body with energy for a long period, therefore, a diabetic is not threatened by a sharp jump in sugar.

    Wild rice has a positive effect on:

    To whom the product may be contraindicated

    As such restrictions on the use of the product does not exist. Grain is good for both adults and children. However, the hardness of the grains can make it difficult to chew and swallow the rice, especially in children. You can solve the problem by grinding it in a blender.

    According to doctors, the increased rigidity of the product can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. However, such a reaction is possible if you eat exclusively black rice for a long time.