Preparation of a bath includes creating the right balance between temperature and humidity in a Russian bath, making steam. And only with the right ratio of temperature and humidity, the bath will have a healing effect.

Russian bath preparation

Aromatic additives for the Russian bath

As aromatic additives, you can use fir, menthol, lavender and | other essential oils (in 2-3 liters of water it is enough to dissolve 10 to 20 drops), coniferous extract, 1 honey, kvass, mustard, instant coffee.
It is important not only to properly prepare flavored water, but also to properly steam with it.

First, splash a ladle of hot water without additives on the top of the heater, then immediately water with some agent, then again 2-3 times clean water and again a portion of flavored water. It is not necessary to pour a lot of water, in each serving there should be no more than 300-400 g.

And one more important note: select aromatic additives strictly individually, focusing on the taste and needs of each. A fragrance that you really like and only makes you feel good, can cause opposite reactions in your friends or relatives. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the use of various drugs in family baths. In public institutions, it is better to refuse them, so as not to cause possible discomfort to others.

Brooms for the Russian bath

Saunas and various brooms saturate the air with a unique aroma. However, they are intended not only and not so much for this. A broom is primarily a massage tool that has a beneficial effect on the skin, and through it on the whole body.

Therefore, it should be prepared not only based on your own taste, but also taking into account the state of the body and existing diseases. For a broom, you can use branches of almost any tree and grass, if they do not crumble, do not have thorns and do not contain harmful substances. Let's talk about it next

Bath procedures have a strong healing effect, however, if you are often sick and want to temper your body and improve your health, you can study the book and with its help in forever get rid of many of your sores.

“In a bath, one thing can be high, or temperature or humidity.” So what temperature should be in the bath? A visit to the bath should be beneficial, cleanse the body and please the soul, but the main thing is not to harm. Benefits for the body in bath attendant competitions where maximum temperatures reach 150 ° C are very doubtful. To argue about who is steaming at what temperature, not taking into account humidity, will be categorically wrong. The same temperature, with different humidity, will cause a completely different effect from visiting the bath. The choice of the optimal temperature regime will be influenced by many factors, from the state of health to the type of bathhouse visited (Russian steam room, sauna, hammam, etc.). For example, talking about the temperature in a Japanese bath (sento or ofuro) is meaningless due to the fact that there the thermal effect is carried out directly by the water in the font or pool. Consider the most popular types of baths in Russia: Russian bath; Finnish bath (sauna); Turkish bath (hammam); infrared bath.

Steam doesn't break bones

The very name of the Russian bath "steam room" implies high humidity. The usual "comfortable" conditions of a classic Russian bath are a temperature not higher than 60-70 ° C with a humidity not higher than 65-70%. There is a variant of the Russian “hot” bath, this is when, when the humidity drops to 25-30%, the temperature is raised to 70-90 ° C. Experienced bathers claim that they feel comfortable even at temperatures above 100 ° C. However, such an effect on the body is closer to "extreme", and not restorative.

Useful advice: in a Russian bath, do not forget that the difference in temperature between the upper and lower shelves can reach up to 40 ° C.

The Finnish sauna is a dry-air bath and can be heated up to 130°C with a humidity of only 10-15%. True, it is worth noting that only seasoned sauna lovers can withstand such an effect. The optimum temperature at which both beginners and avid amateurs will feel equally good in it is 90 ° C.

In the Turkish bath "hamam" the humidity is higher than in the Russian bath (it approaches 100%), but the temperature in its different sections rises in steps, from 35 ° C in the main hall (sogoluk) to a maximum of 70 ° C in one of the sections.

Useful advice: when choosing a bath, remember that the most intense sweating in humans, at an air temperature of 40°C to 60°C. At high temperatures, the sweat glands close, at 90 ° C, sweat ceases to stand out at all.

A new word in the bath business

Recently, an infrared bath (heating the body with the help of infrared waves) has become widespread. It reaches its effect at 35-50°C and 40-60% humidity. It is the "softest" in terms of its temperature effect, even ahead of the Turkish hammam. The body is heated to a depth of up to 4 cm, as a result of which the body gets rid of toxins and when the body temperature reaches 37.5 ° C, most of the pathogenic microbes die. At the same time, the ambient temperature remains unchanged. A kind of "boiling" of the body from the inside.

Useful advice: before visiting the infrared bath, do not be misled by the words "sparing" and "softest". Be sure to consult your doctor. The "behavior" of various metal or silicone implants in the body under the influence of infrared radiation can cause unwanted reactions.

infrared bath


There are many articles, people and opinions on what should be the temperature in a particular bath. When choosing a temperature regime, you should have only one main adviser - well-being. You can independently test your body, pushing the limits of its endurance with each trip to the bathhouse. But it is not in vain that the proverb still lives among our people that every business is beautiful by measure. Easy steam for you!

Table of contents:

Heat and steam have been proven to heal

Do you love bath treatments? Do you know what temperature in the bath is best for relaxing and having fun? And you also need to take into account the humidity of the air, as well as the presence of steam. The higher the humidity in the steam room, the more the person feels the heat.

The temperature and humidity in different types of baths can vary greatly.

  1. Russian bath. The air in them has high humidity and a low level of heat. Humidity in the steam room is regulated by pouring water onto hot stones that heat up in the stove. The higher the humidity of the air, the worse it is tolerated by the body. The optimum temperature for a Russian bath is 60-70 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is 90%. High indoor humidity also has its advantages: the body warms up completely, with all internal organs and joints. Traditionally, brooms are used. They play the role of a kind of massager. It is known that massage is more useful if the body is already warmed up. In the process of steaming in a Russian bath, blood circulation increases, pores open, muscles relax, and toxins come out through sweat.
  2. Turkish bath. The air and temperature are very different from the conditions in Russian. Women like it more, because it does not tire the body and is better tolerated. The air temperature here is not higher than 50 ° C, and the humidity is almost 100%. The steam in the Turkish bath is very thick despite the low heat level. You can sit in it longer than in Russian.
  3. .Humidity in Finnish saunas is much lower than in other saunas. The air is dry, the temperature rises high. Not everyone perceives such indicators easily. Discomfort brings dry mouth, burning sensation in the nose when breathing hot dry air. The average temperature in a Finnish bath is 70-110 degrees Celsius, and maybe even higher. Humidity is only 10-15%.

How does heat affect the body?

When a person takes bath procedures, his body temperature rises. In the first 5-10 minutes, only the skin is heated, in the next 10 - all internal organs. In order for the sweating process to proceed properly, sweat should be wiped off periodically.

For health - in the bath!

When blood circulates faster, blood pressure rises. The legs and arms are filled with warmth, so such procedures are useful for stagnation of blood in the limbs. But for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, going to the steam room can be harmful.

It is contraindicated to take such procedures for patients suffering from cancer, epilepsy, asthma, ischemia and brain diseases. Regular visits to the steam room and compliance with certain rules help get rid of some ailments:

  • Obesity
  • Colds
  • allergies
  • circulatory problems
  • Temperature rise

Temperature rise

There are always three sections in the room: a dressing room, a dressing room, a steam room. Each next one is hotter than the previous one. The temperature difference in the first room compared to the last is approximately 40 degrees Celsius. In the locker room - 23-25 ​​° C with a humidity of 60%, in the dressing room - 27-29 ° C, humidity - 80%, and even higher in the steam room - 50-90 degrees with a humidity of 70%. The heat rises gradually so that the body gradually gets used to the heat. In the pool, the water should not be hot. It is desirable that it be cool, 10-25 degrees Celsius, creating a contrast after hot steam.

Scientists conducted research: what is the level of heat of dry air and how long can the human body withstand. They concluded: the higher the temperature, the less time a person can sit in the steam room:

  • 71 °С - 1 hour
  • 82 °С - 49 minutes
  • 93 °С - 33 minutes
  • 104 °С - 26 minutes

A person can breathe at 116 degrees Celsius, although there have been cases when people have endured 130 degrees and above. The high temperature of water and air differ in the effect on the human body. The more a person hardens, the easier it is for him to adapt to changes in the environment.

The temperature and humidity in the bath or sauna must be monitored. To do this, there must be devices in the room that measure these readings. If there is little moisture, you can pour water on the stones, if there is a lot, open the door. When a person feels that he is hot, it is better to move to the lower shelf and away from the stove.

With a humidity of 90-100%, the heat should not be higher than 70 degrees Celsius, and 45-55 degrees is enough for the elderly and physically weakened people. At low humidity, the heat level can be high. Sweat is more intense when the air is drier.

First visits

If you already visit a steam room, then this should be done regularly, and not from time to time. The benefit to the human body is brought by constant procedures that promote sweating. For beginners, there are a few rules that will help make bath procedures comfortable.

Getting ready for the bath

  1. A person who comes to the bath for the first time is not recommended to stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. There is no need to use brooms immediately. If the first visit went without problems, next times the time spent in the steam room can be gradually increased by 1-2 minutes.
  2. Fans of bath procedures know that you need to bathe for no more than 30-35 minutes at a time. But the procedure is not determined by time: if a person feels unwell, he needs to leave the steam room.
  3. Standing in a Russian bath or sauna is not recommended: you can get a heat stroke. The position should be such that it contributes to the outflow of lymph, that is, it is better to lie with your legs elevated. Thus, the load on the heart is reduced. If you can't lie down, sit down so that your legs are at the level of your torso.
  4. To warm up the whole body, it is good to change positions: on one side, on the other, on the back, on the stomach. You only need to breathe through your nose - it regulates the temperature of the air you breathe: hot air cools, and dry air moisturizes.
  5. It is impossible to stand up abruptly in the sauna - there is a risk of losing balance and falling. It is necessary to prepare for the exit gradually.
  6. To sweat more effectively, you can gradually drink warm tea or a vitamin drink.
  7. For one visit to the steam room, you can go 3-4 times. However, after each session, it is required to increase the rest time in the locker room or dressing room.
  8. Between visits to the steam room, contrast procedures should be taken. After the second call, you can start patting with brooms.
  9. Massage is useful for a warm body. Before him, you should not drink cold or go out into cool rooms. Self-massage takes 15 minutes, and the specialist will give you 25-35 minutes. After that, you need to take a warm shower and wash.
  10. You should dress only after drying and cooling the body. After the pool or a cool douche, you can not go outside. The body should be warm and rested.

As soon as they don’t call a bathhouse in Russia! In Russian folklore, she is both a “kindred mother”, and a “healer”, and “a savior from seven troubles”. Semyon Gerasimovich Zybelin, a student of M.V. Lomonosov, the first Russian professor at the Medical Faculty of Moscow University, in his book “On bathing, baths and baths” wrote about the process of washing in a bathhouse as a pleasure. And he called the state after the bath a rebirth of strength and a renewal of feelings. His works are still being used not only by doctors, but also by everyone who in one way or another studies the properties of the bath.

There are a lot of works about the bath in general and specifically about the Russian bath. Among those who studied how the Russian bath affects the human body was the scientist, academician Ivan Tarkhanov (1846-1908) and his contemporary Professor Vyacheslav Manassein. So, Tarkhanov wrote that it is enough to slightly prick a steamed person with a pin, and he will immediately bleed in drops. This is due, according to the scientist, with an increase in body temperature when a person takes a steam bath. Blood thickens, hemoglobin rises. However, in order for the blood to return to normal, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of water. At what temperature did Tarkhanov's subjects soar, if his further conclusions indicate a decrease in body weight at that time from 140 to 580 grams, an increase in the circumference of the chest and a decrease (envy, women!) in the circumference of the abdomen?

It makes no sense to talk about specific traditional temperature and humidity in a Russian bath. In numerous works of Russian scientists - A. Fadeev. V. Godlevsky, V. Znamensky, S. Kostyurin, N. Zasetsky and many others - they talk about a bath with different temperatures. So, in a classic Russian bath, the temperature ranges from 40 to 60 degrees Celsius and humidity is kept at about the same percentage level (40–60). In such a bath, the body heats up very slowly. A person is able to sit in the steam room for up to an hour. With such a combination of temperature and humidity, medical scientists note a very high inhalation effect of the procedure.

But try to lure a real bather into such a bath. He won't understand you. The steam must be strong. That is, the temperature is higher - the humidity is lower. Such baths warm up to 70-90 degrees, and the humidity there does not exceed 35 percent. If the temperature reaches 100 degrees and above, and the humidity drops even more, then we are talking about a bath, which we call a “sauna”. However, according to the works of the scientists already named, it is not difficult to trace that long before they got acquainted with the Finnish sauna, there were always lovers of high temperature and very low humidity in the steam room in Russia.

The temperature and humidity in a Russian bath largely depend on the design of its furnace. If an open water tank is used in the steam room, then as the temperature rises, the water evaporates - and the bath is provided with increased humidity. The temperature of the stones in the heater in such a bath does not rise above 300 degrees Celsius. If water is poured on the stones, the so-called heavy steam is formed. It hangs in the form of mist and adversely affects the respiratory tract.

On the contrary, a closed container, and even remote from the oven, does not emit moisture at all. The stones in such a steam room can warm up to 700 degrees. It is enough to pour a bucket of water on the heater, and the liquid instantly turns into dry steam, it is also called light, or dispersed. This means that water molecules and air molecules are mixed in it.

Teachers and students of the First Moscow Medical Institute, having studied modern Russian baths, came to the conclusion that they are universal. Baths are built in such a way that the temperature and humidity of the air there change depending on the place where you are. So, in the dressing room the temperature will be 20–25 degrees with very moderate humidity; in the washing room it reaches the lower level of a classic bath - 30-35 degrees at a humidity of 40%; and in the steam room it will increase depending on the preference of the steamer. If you do not pour water on the stove, then perhaps the temperature will remain at a level no higher than 80 degrees with a humidity of 25-30 percent. And if you want a vigorous park - sprinkled one or two buckets of water on the heater, and the classic sauna is ready.

The main principle of the Russian bath, which is noted by all scientists without exception: there is no maximum humidity or temperature in it. Otherwise, this is not a bath, but wandering with a broom in the fog.

The steam room is not only a great place to relax, but also a health resort. What should be the temperature in the sauna so that visiting it instead of a healing effect does not have a detrimental effect? Heat control is very important in this case, otherwise you can get seriously hurt.

In addition to observing the correct temperature threshold, there are also precautions that you should also follow to protect your health. We will cover all this in this article.


What should be the indicators of the thermometer for a safe visit to the steam room?

Permissible threshold

As we can see on the graph, the Finnish sauna is the driest and at the same time the hottest. The heat can even reach up to 120 degrees Celsius in it, which is possible precisely due to the minimum humidity. While on the rocks, you won't normally go over a threshold of plus 80 degrees.

That is why it is required to visit the sauna with a completely dry body, water accidentally remaining on the body can burn you at a centigrade air temperature.


The sauna temperature sensor is usually installed at a distance of ten centimeters from the ceiling. It can be either mechanical or electronic. Often combines the functions of a barometer.

If you are using an electric heater, then the device connected to the rheostat installed above it will automatically control the level of heat in the room, which is very convenient. Installation is easy to do by hand.

The price of electronic samples is much higher, but health is not cheap either. Keep this in mind when choosing a thermometer.

Precautionary measures

Even with precise temperature control, it is difficult to predict the individual response of each organism to such extreme levels of heat. Moreover, it can be influenced by many other external factors. In order to be able to isolate ourselves from the dangers of the sauna, let's figure out what effect it has on a person and how to visit it correctly.


The effect of dry steam temperature is less aggressive than that of wet steam. The pulse of a person in a Finnish steam room does not exceed 120 beats per minute, while in a Russian one it reaches 170.


The following instructions for visiting a Finnish sauna will help you get maximum pleasure and a minimum of negative feelings:

  1. Before visiting, you must take a light shower without washing your hair and carefully wipe off any remaining moisture.
  2. Put on a special hat, most often made of felt due to its low thermal conductivity.

  1. For beginners, it is recommended not to exceed the stay in the steam room for more than five minutes. Experienced steam lovers can afford a period of 10-15 minutes.

Tip: while inside the steam room, try to breathe evenly and calmly through your nose. Rapid inhalation of air can lead to burns of the mucosa.

  1. The best body position for taking the procedure is lying down. So warming up takes place evenly, which favorably affects the circulation of internal processes in the body.

  1. Remove sweat from the surface of the body, as its presence prevents further sweating.
  2. After leaving the hot zone, do not rush to take a lying or sitting position. Better wait, adapting to a normal environment.
  3. When you visit again, be sure to dry yourself again.
  4. Taking a shower or other water procedures is possible only after the end of the soaring process.


All the positive processes taking place in the sauna are based on the effect of high temperature on a person. The Finnish steam room, due to its dryness, allows its greatest size. So, if the favorable threshold is 80 degrees Celsius, then in the sauna it is 120 degrees Celsius.

These temperature differences also change the impact on the internal processes of the human body. For example, it is better for hypertensive patients not to get into the Russian steam room, while the Finnish one will only improve their well-being. This is due to a decrease in blood pressure under the influence of dry hot steam.

An appropriate thermometer must be installed to closely monitor compliance with the recommended heat level. The best option would be an electronic sensor in combination with an electric oven. You can then set any temperature for the required period of time.

In addition to measuring the level of heat, it is also required to follow some rules for a safe visit to the steam room. Funny-looking hats will protect your heads from heatstroke ().

Proper breathing will help avoid mucosal burns. Yes, and limit the length of stay will also not be superfluous.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional information on the topic under consideration. Take the temperature control in the sauna seriously and you will be able to avoid any negative consequences. Easy steam for you!