Here comes the long-awaited ultra marathon of the great steppe Kazgeo Tengri Ultra Trail 2016!!! Tengri is held for the second time and I hope not for the last;) The competition takes place on the banks of the Ili River, not far from the city of Almaty. This year, as in the past, the event promised to be very large-scale, in which not only lovers of cross-country running from Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan, but also participants from Russia and a whole list of other countries should take part.

Last year there were 3 distances of 10, 25 and 50 km., I ran 25 km. and somehow ran to 3rd place in his age category. This year the organizers have increased the distances of 15, 35 and 70 km. I decided to try my hand at a distance of 70 km., This distance is the smallest with about 30 people, 3 of which are girls. In total, there are about 400 participants. Having evaluated the rivals in my age category, it was clear to me that the probability of getting into the winners is zero))

My goal is to overcome the distance without loss and finish as many people like to say with a smile)) in 10 hours (control time 12 hours).

On the eve of the race, the organizers promised a 40-degree spring day)) Before the start, I cover myself with sunscreen from head to toe, I don’t want to be roasted in the steppe for dinner. The start was given at 6:00, the leaders from the start ran at such a pace, as if they could not run 70 km. across the steppe, and 10 km. on asphalt, I decided not to cling to them, for me this distance is the first time and it is not known how I will endure it.

The first part of the track I tried to run no faster than 6 min / km, go up the hills with a quick step to save strength. At every 7th km. There were checkpoints and food stations along the route. At the food points, they fed so well that I didn’t want to leave)) water, cola, bananas, chocolate, cheese, raisins, dried apricots. The track was in the form of two loops, the first loop was 35 km., with a finish line for those who run 35 km. and the second loop in the other direction for another 35 km., with a total climb of 1384 meters.

For the first 35 km. 1 liter of water was enough, 0.5 liters of isotonic (a sip every half hour), gel every hour, water, bananas and chocolate at food stations. 35 km. I ran easily, in one place I only got a little off the route, but everything was clear there, it was impossible to get lost even after a couple of kilometers. went to the marked track;) It took exactly 4 hours for the first part of the track with a climb of about 500 meters, not bad for me, but I understand that it was a warm-up and everything is just beginning;)

In the transit zone, I add 1 liter of water, stock up on gels and smear myself with sunscreen again (it bakes very well already).

The second part of the route is much more picturesque and more difficult, I reach the first checkpoint, there I find out that I am 16th, 1 hour 20 minutes behind the leader (those 15 are definitely people ahead? With a smile) After a few kilometers I approach one of the participants, he often takes a step, and I catch up with him very quickly, now I'm 15th and it's not very happy))

The most protracted and difficult climb begins, on it I run out of all the water, I have to drink isotonic. At the top of the mountain 50th km. there is a checkpoint with food, here I already eat everything I see)) I fill up with water and see 2 participants on the horizon.

Then the track runs along the plain for about 10 km., I try to catch up with that couple on the horizon to no avail. I can’t run for about a kilometer after the 52nd, I alternate 400 meters running, 100 meters walking, by the 55th kilometer I catch up and overtake another participant, he also runs and walks, but slower and now I’m already 14th)) I have less and less strength, I can’t look at the gels anymore)) I switch to the mode of 350 running, 150 walking. From time to time I look back neither in front nor behind anyone, after some time one of the participants catches up with me and so cheerfully hides behind the horizon, as if he had eaten somewhere, slept and decided to run across the steppe)) well, here I am again 15th)) I get to the checkpoint, at about the 60th kilometer, then they tell me that the group of leaders got lost, and I run 11th. Then a long descent along the canyon begins, I walk there, my legs are already tired, I'm afraid to stumble and curl up with something. I managed to rest in the canyon and after it overtook a couple of participants who ran away from me at the 50th kilometer, now I am 9th, this is already better than 16th)) After the canyon I am full of energy, I run well, I overtake another participant and I go astray a little... I don’t want to return to the last marking, intuitively, without marking, I go down the mountain to the camp.

And here is the finish ... according to the sensations, I could master another 20-30 kilometers))

They hand over a very beautiful medal for memory, I have never seen such a place;)

The goal of finishing without losses was achieved;) I only rubbed a couple of calluses, tapes helped keep my calves clean (last year the calves were stone after the 25th km.) until the end of the race. Result: 6th in the age group and overall, my time is 8:58:57, the absolute winner's time is 6:49:33.

Many thanks to the organizers for the work done!!!

I almost forgot, it was a great idea to put an inverted height profile on the participant number. When it was not clear what to look at the profile next and you understand that there is a very protracted junkie and you need to somehow overcome it)) or vice versa a long protracted descent.

Everyone who is tired of asphalt, come and fly to Kazgeo Tengri Ultra Trail2017, it will be fun;)

The international cross-country ultramarathon Home Credit Tengri Ultra 2018 will be held for the fourth time in the Tamgaly-Tas tract on the Ili River on May 6 and 7, and, according to the forecasts of the organizing committee, will bring together more than 2 thousand participants and guests from all over the world.

Ecology and technology

This year, the marathon will be held under the flag of two main concepts - environmental protection, and technological innovations. According to Timur Artyukhin, director of the Tengri Ultra, this year the main motive of the competition, which will be emphasized, is ecology. For example, in food outlets, the organizers have abandoned plastic cups. “We cannot completely abandon plastic dishes,” says Timur, “But we ask all participants not to use household chemicals in the river, these are shampoos, detergents. Traditionally, before the event, we take out a large amount of garbage, as well as after it, so that after us the place remains even better than it was before us.” He recalled that for the second year in a row the event is supported by Home Credit Bank.

Ondrej Kubik, Chairman of the Board of Home Credit Bank he runs 70 kilometers, the hardest and longest distance. Co-organizer of the ultra marathon Vadim Vinokurov spoke about the technical component of the marathon. According to him, the marathon is not only running, there is a lot of technical work behind it to ensure the competition. Competition is a result, and the faster a person understands his result, and the more reliable the result, the competition is considered a higher level. Last year, an electronic timing system was used at the ultra marathon. But the organizers decided not to stop there and this year the online result system will work. “Each person immediately after the finish can go to the site and see their result. We are pioneers in this area in Kazakhstan, - says Vadim, - The marathon takes place a hundred kilometers from the city, communication and Internet were provided by the Beeline Kazakhstan company.

Social responsibility

This year, for the first time, there will be a separate program for paraathletes. These will be participants with hearing and vision impairments. For them, the organizers have prepared a special distance of 7 kilometers. The most difficult sections were removed, but dirt trails were left. There will be more than 10 such athletes, they will go to the start along with everyone else. “We don’t want to separate them into a separate group to show that they are the same participants as everyone else and have equal rights,” says Timur Artyukhin, “The only condition is that their distance will be somewhat shorter, but with the same number, timing , with the same medal at the finish line. Paraathletes will be accompanied by special volunteers. Timur noted that these paraathletes take part in city races a lot, and participate in the big Almaty-Astana race, and now the organizers want to show the possibility of their participation in such races as Tengri Ultra.

Running associations

Ultra marfon Tengri Ultra is the largest in Central Asia. It has long gone beyond the Almaty region in importance. Every year we welcome hundreds of guests from different countries. So, an elderly lady from New Zealand took part in one of the marathons, who flew to Kazakhstan specifically for this, and ran 15 kilometers.

“We strive to make our marathon attractive to foreign participants,” says Vadim Vinokurov, “We want to show that our marathon meets international standards, that they can fight here for international points.”

Tengri Ultra has joined several different world associations. Among them are the international Trail Running Association, which Tengri Ultra joined a long time ago, and the Russian Association, which they joined this year. In addition, Tengri Ultra is a member of Asia Trail Master, which makes it possible to collect rating points throughout the Asian region - from the Pacific Ocean to Kazakhstan.

This year, a separate topic for pride - Tengri Ultra entered the Russian association, which accepts only Russian participants. But due to the fact that our marathon has become very popular in the Siberian region, many guests come to the Kazakhstan marathon.

Race around Mont Blanc in France

Membership in international associations allows you to collect qualifying points for participation in other famous world marathons. In particular, the race in France around Mont Blanc, which is the unspoken World Cup. The first participants from Kazakhstan were there two years ago, this year 2 people from our country will take part - the director of the ultramarathon Timur Artyukhin and the famous cyclist Sergey Yakovlev. Yakovlev is going to run 180 kilometers, and for him one of the qualifying conditions was participation in the Tengri Ultra marathon, which he successfully completed last year. He came fourth, winning in his age category.

There are a lot of great races in Russia where Kazakhstan is not represented, and “we want to fix that,” says Timur Artyukhin.

nordic walking

This year there will be several satellite competitions. In particular, Nordic walking competitions with a distance of 35 kilometers.


The organizers of the ultra marathon have prepared a surprise for the athletes. All participants in the race, regardless of the result, will receive specially ordered medals. It will be something more than a medal, say Timur, this is a feeling, the emotions that a person experienced, a victory over himself.

In addition, the novelty of the year - award plates in the national style - made of metal and leather, made in Kazakhstan. “We try to support the domestic manufacturer as much as possible,” says Timur Artyukhin, “and we order everything here.”

The cost of participating in the marathon

4 thousand tenge - for participation at a distance of 15 kilometers,

7 thousand tenge - for participation in a distance of 35 kilometers,

10 thousand tenge - at a distance of 70 kilometers.

For comparison, in neighboring Russia, participation in similar marathons on rough terrain is 3 times higher.


This year, 1200 people will take part in the races. Plus - fans, volunteers, relatives and friends of the runners - that's about 800 more people. At the same time, the geography of guests of the ultramarathon is expanding every year, and this year amateur athletes fly to our Kazakhstani ultramarathon not only from Almaty, Astana, Shymkent and other regions of the country, but also from the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, China, neighboring countries of Central Asia.

The Tengri Ultra Great Steppe Marathon is the largest cross-country ultramarathon (trail running) in Central Asia, held annually since 2015. It is held 120 kilometers from the largest metropolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city of Alma-Ata, on the Ili River. The base camp is deployed in the picturesque rocky canyon Tamgaly-Tas (Written rocks), rich in rock paintings. Administratively located in the Ili district, Almaty region. Tengri Ultra trails are laid across the steppe, as well as gorges and canyons.

It consists of three races for 15, 35 and 70 km. Sprint 15 km - recommended for beginners. Altitude difference - 250 meters, without steep climbs.

Trail 35 km - for a test of strength over long distances. Altitude difference - 650 meters.

Ultra 70 km is a test for experienced athletes. Altitude difference - 1450 meters.

All race distances are certified by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and marked with signal tape or other visible elements.

The season of preparation for a unique cross-country ultramarathon has started. А decided to find out what awaits outdoor runners this year and asked one of the organizers, the master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in orienteering running, the president of the Skyrunning and Trailrunning Federation of Kazakhstan Timur Artyukhin .

Hello Timur. Tell us how you got into long-distance running?

Suddenly! By the end of the 9th grade, I was struggling to pass the 500-meter run. And I decided to fix it. I started with morning runs of 1-2 km. A year later, I got into the city's orienteering team by running, where I began to train seriously. My first long competition was the orienteering competition in East Kazakhstan, I had to run a distance and meet it in 3 hours. Those 3 hours felt like an eternity. But I realized that I liked it. He began to intensively prepare, train, study sports literature. As a result, I became a two-time champion of Kazakhstan in orienteering at ultra-long distances (about 8 hours of running, team competitions of 2 people), took part in 5 forced marches (about 100 km), in October 2015 I became the tenth 110 km distance in the ultra marathon Cappadocia in Turkey.

Why do you love trail running?

This is the healthiest run, the most interesting and the most productive. You have to run along nature trails and paths, which is less traumatic compared to asphalt. When you're trail running, you're surrounded by great views, nature, you don't have that in the urban jungle.

When running along the “crossroads”, much more effort is spent than when running smoothly, which affects very well the speed and endurance. After training on the terrain, when you start to run a smooth run, the speed is much higher than if you train only in stadiums and parks. An integral part of the trail is fresh air, which is so lacking in megacities.

Have you ever seen how popular cross-country running is outside of Kazakhstan?

Yes, sure. I have been to many countries near and far abroad. I can say with one hundred percent certainty that cross-country running is becoming more and more popular every day. More and more people want to break out of the reinforced concrete boxes in which they spend most of their lives. For example, I took part in competitions in Sweden. There were about 20,000 participants! Even for urban marathons, this is a very massive attendance.

How did the idea to organize an ultra marathon on rough terrain in Kazakhstan come about?

Traveling around the world and taking part in various competitions, I realized that there are much more places in Kazakhstan where races can be more interesting, more difficult, more beautiful and longer than in other countries. We have mountains and deserts and alpine meadows. All these thoughts led to the idea to make an ultra-marathon of the great steppe Tengri Ultra Trail.

How was the route selected for the first Tengri Ultra last year?

I really wanted to show people new, beautiful places near their “home”. I wanted to find a place where few people have been. And at the same time, the track should be interesting, moderately difficult. And after analyzing suitable places, we decided to stop on the ground in the Tamgaly Tas area. This is a section of the ancient Silk Road, and a real steppe and the beautiful Ili River.

It is convenient that almost anywhere on the route can be reached by car. This is very important to ensure the safety of the runners.

Who are the people who decided to participate in such an unusual running event for Kazakhstan?

The people gathered are very interesting. There were professional athletes, businessmen, military personnel, students, housewives. People who decide one day to change their lives. It's nice to see the participants who came specially to Tengri Ultra from 12 countries of the world.

For many, this ultramarathon was the first trail race of their lives. People have never run off-road before. After the race, many people said that this is what they were looking for. After Tengri Ultra, the world of Kazakhstani trail running began to boil. Many began to purposefully train specifically for off-road running, whole teams appeared that train together and come to competitions.

What awaits Tengri Ultra participants this year?