thermal springs or hot waters of the Earth- this is another amazing gift of nature to man. thermal springs are an indispensable element of the global ecosystem of our planet.

Briefly define what is thermal springs.

thermal springs

Thermal springs are underground water temperatures above 20°C. Note that it is more "scientific" to say geothermal springs, since in this version the prefix "geo" indicates the source of water heating.

Ecological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hot springs - sources of thermal waters with a temperature of up to 95-98 ° C. Distributed mainly in mountainous areas; are extreme natural conditions for the spread of life on Earth; they are inhabited by a specific group of thermophilic bacteria.

Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. - Chisinau: Main edition of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Grandpa. 1989

Technical Translator's Handbook

thermal springs
Sources with a temperature significantly higher than the average annual air temperature near the source.

Handbook of the technical translator. - Intent. 2009 - 2013

Classification of thermal springs

Classification thermal springs depending on the temperature of their waters:

  • thermal springs with warm waters - springs whose water temperature is above 20 ° C;
  • Thermal springs with hot water— springs with a water temperature of 37-50°С;
  • Thermal springs, which chen hot water- springs with water temperature above 50-100°C.

Classification thermal springs depending on the mineral composition of the waters:

Mineral composition thermal waters different from the composition of minerals. This is due to their deeper penetration, compared with mineral waters, into the thickness of the earth's crust. Based on the medicinal properties, thermal springs are classified as follows:

  • thermal springs with hypertonic waters - these waters are rich in salts and have a tonic effect;
  • thermal springs with hypotonic waters - stand out due to the low salt content;
  • thermal springs with isotonic waters - soothing waters.

What heats the water thermal springs to these temperatures? The answer, for most, will be obvious - this is the geothermal heat of our planet, namely its earthly mantle.

Thermal water heating mechanism

heating mechanism thermal waters occurs according to two algorithms:

  1. Heating occurs in places of volcanic activity, due to the "contact" of water with igneous rocks formed as a result of the crystallization of volcanic magma;
  2. Heating occurs due to the circulation of water, which, sinking into the thickness of the earth's crust for more than a kilometer, "absorb the geothermal heat of the earth's mantle", and then, in accordance with the laws of convection, rise upwards.

As the results of studies have shown, when immersed in the depths of the earth's crust, the temperature rises at a speed of 30 deg / km (excluding areas of volcanic activity and the ocean floor).

Types of thermal springs

In the case of water heating according to the first of the above principles, water can escape from the bowels of the Earth under pressure, thereby forming one of the types of fountains:

  • Geysers - fountain hot water;
  • Fumaroles - a fountain of steam;
  • Mud fountain - water with clay and mud.

These fountains attract many tourists and other lovers of the natural beauties of nature.

Use of thermal waters

long time ago hot water were used by man in two directions - as a source of heat and for medicinal purposes:

  • Heating houses - for example, even today, the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, is heated thanks to the energy of underground hot water;
  • In balneology - Roman baths are well known to everyone ...;
  • To generate electricity;
  • One of the most famous and popular qualities thermal waters are their medicinal properties. Water circulating through the earth's crust geothermal sources, dissolve in themselves a huge amount of minerals, thanks to which they have amazing healing healing qualities.

The healing properties of thermal waters have been known to man for a long time. There are many world-famous thermal resorts open on the basis of thermal springs. If we talk about Europe, the most popular resorts are in France, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

At the same time, one important point should not be forgotten. Despite the fact that the waters of thermal springs can be very hot, bacteria dangerous to human health live in some of them. Therefore, it is mandatory to check each geothermal source for "purity".

And in conclusion, we note that thermal springs, or hot waters of the Earth, are a vital and necessary resource for entire regions of our planet and many types of living beings.

PUBLISHING DATE: Aug 24, 2014 13:05

Thermal springs are a true gift of nature, in which a person can find health and beauty. Thermal springs should be understood as underground waters with a temperature of more than 20 ° C that come to the surface. Also, thermal springs are often called springs, in which the temperature is higher than the average annual values ​​for the area.

The healing properties of thermal springs have been well known since ancient times - the ancient Romans built baths near them. Taking baths in the terms, the soldiers healed the wounds received in the campaigns. This is how the thermal resorts of Italy, Germany and Austria, which are popular today, were founded, where you can also undergo a full medical diagnosis.


The legends of many peoples contain stories about how wounded animals driven by a hunter jumped into hot lakes or streams, from where they jumped out full of strength and healed. The most famous such story tells about the discovery of healing springs by the Czech king Charles IV in the city of Karlovy Vary. The hero of that story - a deer - was immortalized and to this day adorns the highest hill above the city.

Bathing and taking baths in hot springs has been put on a scientific basis since the middle of the 19th century. In those days, new methods appeared: contrast baths, showers, fonts, etc. A deep analysis of the mechanism of action and composition of various hot springs was carried out. Therefore, at the end of the twentieth century, balneology became a very popular science and took its place in the natural treatment of many diseases without the use of chemicals.


According to the temperature of the water, thermal springs are divided into the following types:

  • Warm (less than 37°C)
  • Hot (37-50°C)
  • very hot

There are also springs with temperatures above 100 °C and even up to 200 °C. This can be found in deep soil layers with increased volcanic activity, for example, in Iceland or Kamchatka. Water compressed by rock solids is not able to expand to become a gaseous state, so these very hot thermal waters burst to the surface in the form of geysers.

As for the composition, thermal waters are both practically fresh or brackish (sodium chloride), as well as bromine, sulfate-bicarbonate, radon, iodine, etc. It is interesting that when it comes to the extraction of artesian water, the classification is generally very similar.


There is a fairly wide range of diseases for which treatment with thermal baths is recommended. Since ancient times, bathing in thermal springs has been prescribed for people with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, skin, as well as for recovery from injuries or injuries.

Today, this list has been replenished with chronic inflammation in the genital area, rheumatic diseases and the recovery period after surgical operations. But there are also contraindications: malignant tumors and severe hypertension.

Before making a decision about a trip to a thermal spa, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In addition, upon arrival at the sanatorium, patients are carefully examined before any procedures are prescribed.

If a person is absolutely healthy, after bathing he will feel a surge of strength and vigor, the feeling of fatigue and stress will disappear. That is why Alpine ski resorts located near thermal springs are so popular.


In recent decades, thermal springs have been used to generate electricity in geothermal power plants that use the natural heat of water. The uniqueness of the technology lies in the inexhaustibility of the energy source and the environmental friendliness of the process. Thermal waters are 100% renewable. Such power plants operate in Italy, USA, Russia, Iceland.

Another area of ​​application is the heating of people's homes. Surprisingly, the city of Reykjavik is heated entirely by the thermal waters of the springs that surround the city.

A trip to the terminal spring is not just an idea of ​​an unforgettable trip and a 100% useful and interesting vacation, but also a touch on the wonderful beauty recipe that nature itself suggests.

Terminal water contains:

  • Sulfur;
  • Silicon;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium and many other compounds that benefit human skin and the entire body as a whole.

Thermal springs can be:

  • natural;
  • Man-made.

Both of them are capable of “bringing” only good and benefit to a person:

  • Strengthening the body;
  • Saturating it with useful trace elements;
  • Acting as an excellent prevention of any diseases, in particular acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, common colds and other ailments.

In particular, it is no secret that regular bathing in thermal waters significantly improves immunity and increases resistance to the effects of any harmful microbes and microorganisms.

What are the benefits of natural thermal springs for human health and beauty?

And it's true, the magical properties of thermal waters in natural springs are sung by many modern publications and Internet portals related to beauty and health. And this is not accidental - the waters of thermal springs are extremely beneficial for health and the preservation of youth and beauty. Thermal waters produce a complex and truly miraculous effect on the skin, moisturizing and cleansing, soothing and refreshing it.

This effect is ensured by the unique composition of thermal waters: they are rich not only in all kinds of mineral salts, but also in other biologically active elements. The active substances of such water are, first of all, iodine, bromine, magnesium and fluorine, as well as other equally valuable elements. Without them, the human body will not be able to function normally, and the skin is in good shape.

Another undoubted advantage of thermal waters is their absolute purity. Accumulating deep underground, they avoid harmful impurities in the form of chemicals - the inevitable products of the development of human society. And the impact of high pressure and no less high temperature only contributes to the disclosure of the remarkable properties of water.

Thermal waters are widely used as a valuable and topical ingredient in many cosmetic products, such as anti-cellulite, tightening and relaxing products. Thermal water in cosmetics acts as a moisturizing or soothing component, to protect against harmful environmental influences or to speed up metabolism, depending on the action of the product.

However, the cosmetic effect of different thermal waters is not the same and depends on their biochemical composition. In various sources, the composition of thermal waters varies significantly, and water must be selected individually, depending on the desired result.

There are the following types of sources:

  1. Hypertonic waters, rich in salts, have a tonic effect, and are especially suitable for dry skin.
  2. Hypotonic waters contain few salts and are suitable for irritated or oily skin, as they have the beneficial property of normalizing the water-fat balance.
  3. Isotonic waters soothe the skin of any type, but do not affect the metabolic processes.

In practice, thermal water is used in several ways. According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, such water is best used in the form of a spray, spraying directly onto the skin. The first step in your daily facial routine should be cleansing, then applying thermal water, and then applying a suitable moisturizer to prevent fluid loss.

Carrying out such procedures is possible both in the morning and in the evening. But for the use of thermal water after any other cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist to prevent possible allergic reactions.

Do not forget that the thermal water you purchased may have specific conditions of use or some special properties. All this is most likely reflected in the instructions for use of the product. Thermal water can also be added to face masks, as well as in small doses to creams.

The water of thermal springs, rising to the surface of the earth from deep rocks and layers of the earth's crust, is rich in minerals. It may include sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, fluorine, iron, sulfates and other salts, carbon dioxide, and also, in small doses, radioactive substances, such as radon.

Warm water and water vapor, as well as minerals dissolved in them, can be used to treat various diseases in the form of baths, inhalations or drinking cures.

The first thermal complexes, in which spa treatment was also practiced, began to be built by the Greeks and Romans in the era of antiquity. They already knew then that warm thermal springs were a panacea for many diseases. Today, the medical effect of spa treatment with the help of mineral and thermal waters is confirmed by scientific research. Sulfur-containing sources have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin with neurodermatitis and psoriasis, as it has an antibacterial and sedative effect. Hot sulfate springs relieve pain in the joints, help with rheumatic diseases, infringements of the spinal muscles and alleviate the condition of patients suffering from psychosomatic diseases. Salt baths have a similar effect. Water with a high content of carbon dioxide is useful primarily for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, because it activates arterial blood flow and improves the supply of oxygen to the body. Treatment with carbonic water has a pleasant side effect, the skin turns pink and downright glows with health. Spa treatment with thermal water is also widely used for diseases of the organs of movement, respiratory tract and nervous system.

The action of saline

Important characteristics of thermal brine are water temperature, water pressure, back pressure and mineral content. These factors have a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract, skin and reproductive organs.

Wellness aspects

Salt baths have long been used for the treatment of rheumatic diseases and rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Unlike fresh water, salt water facilitates movement and promotes healing of damaged tissues. The usual concentration of salt for such baths is 2-6%, and the water is heated to 33-37 degrees Celsius.

In addition to baths in salt-containing water of the appropriate concentration, aqua gymnastics in pools is very effective.

Beneficial effect on the lungs

Due to the growing pollution of the environment over the past decades, more and more people suffer from respiratory diseases. Inhalations with common salt or saline solution of natural origin have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Salt particles penetrate deep into the lungs and cause fine dust and other harmful substances to be coughed up. Specialists have developed many options for the treatment of respiratory diseases, which differ in form (inhalation using a device, in special rooms or in the open air), the depth of penetration into the respiratory tract and the concentration of saline.

Skin regeneration

Salt solution with 0.3 - 0.6 percent salt has proven itself well for the treatment of various skin diseases. During regular baths, salt penetrates the skin, causing irritation, and at first it may even worsen the initial condition, but after the removal of harmful substances, the skin is cleansed, and the minerals contained in the saline solution strengthen it. Ordinary water is not able to provide a similar effect.

In essence, thermal springs are springs with pure mineral water, the temperature of which is higher than the temperature usual for the area where they are located. Thermal springs have incredible healing power.
All thermal springs are divided into three types:
- warm springs (temperature of these springs - from 20 to 37 degrees);
- hot springs (the temperature of these springs water - from 37 to 50 degrees);
- very hot (temperature - over 50 degrees).

Healing mineral water

The water in thermal springs is saturated with various useful minerals. Due to the temperature of the water, the particles dissolve more completely, and, consequently, the concentration of useful substances in such water is higher.
The composition of thermal water contains such necessary elements as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine, sodium and much more. At the same time, thermal water does not contain harmful impurities. In addition to chemical elements, such water also contains a number of microorganisms, including useful thermophiles. However, in high concentrations, they can harm your health.
Depending on the location of the sources, on the composition of the soil, soil and gases, the concentration of minerals and microorganisms in the water varies.

The benefits of thermal springs

Due to the mineral composition, thermal water has a positive effect on the body. Baths with thermal water are widely used in the treatment of joints and the entire musculoskeletal system, helps to recover from stress and its consequences, restores the water-salt balance, saturates the body with essential minerals, improves the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, eliminates inflammation. Also, thermal water improves immunity and speeds up metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss.
Thermal water is also widely used in cosmetology. This elixir increases the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, scars and scars become less noticeable. Thermal water well cleanses and moisturizes the skin, tightens pores, counteracts inflammation, helps strengthen hair and nails, etc.

In addition, the thermal springs are great places to relax, which will provide an incomparable experience! This is a way to relax and have a good time together with friends and people close to you.
Among the contraindications are oncological diseases, blood diseases and tuberculosis, acute respiratory and viral diseases.

What is Hot Springs?

Hot springs - thermal springs are underground water that comes out of the ground and has a temperature above the average annual temperature in the area. All mineral springs are divided into warm - the water temperature is 20-37 degrees, hot 37-50 degrees and hypothermal very hot with a temperature of 50 degrees and above.

For example, in Iceland there is a hot spring Deildartungukver in which the water is 97 degrees all year round, this is the largest thermal spring in Europe, which also brings economic assistance. Hot water from a spring can be used to heat houses, which is what they do in Iceland.

The water in the hot springs is mineral and clean, it preserves the natural chemical composition, which belongs to food, and has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The healing properties of such water were noticed in the distant past. And today the popularity of hot mineral springs does not disappear. People are ready to travel from afar to relax and improve their health. On the basis of hot springs, entire clinics and sanatoriums were created. Visitors are welcome here all year round, and the most beautiful and bewitching sight takes place in winter, when the temperature outside drops below -10 degrees, and the water in the source is hot.

Water comes far from underground where it is heated by convective circulation, rock, or in places of volcanic accumulations by magmatic intrusions. The composition of mineral water in the springs is different, it all depends on the soil, gases, soil through which water seeps and is enriched at the same time. Which contains almost the entire periodic table.

Water enriched with useful trace elements and mineral salts helps in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of internal organs, joints, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, improves skin structure and helps keep her youthful. Visiting thermal springs at different times of the year creates a different effect on health and sensation in general.

There are also contraindications to bathing in hot springs. In many places, medical centers already exist or entire clinics have been built, in which you will be examined before going to the pool, but if you go to a wild beach, it is better to consult a doctor.

About the benefits of hot springs

Most of the hot springs are mineral, as the water, passing through the rocks, is enriched with a large number of chemicals that are beneficial to human health. Such water is considered food, suitable for drinking and even medicinal, depending on the set of minerals, it treats diseases of the digestive, respiratory, endocrine and other systems.

Doctors prescribe the use of this water, self-treatment with mineral water can worsen the state of health. Some sources cure women's diseases and can get rid of infertility, others are well suited for rehabilitation after injuries and operations. Hot mineral water can help with sclerosis, gout, inflammation of the joints, neuralgia, respiratory diseases, osteoporosis.

Bathing in such sources has a therapeutic effect on the skin, joints, immunity, the functioning of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels. As a rule, special institutions are arranged for this - baths or pools with medical stations, where visitors are told about safety rules and contraindications.

About the dangers of hot springs

Although hot springs are beneficial, in some cases they can be harmful. Contraindications are some diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors, asthma, leukemia, some eczema. Also, you can not bathe in baths with warm mineral water during pregnancy.

If the patient is considered healthy, then the adoption of geothermal waters will only bring benefits. In some cases, hot springs can aggravate the patient's morbid condition. It depends on the diagnosis. Therefore, there are some contraindications for taking thermal waters.

These include grade I and II hypertension, heart defects, conditions after massive blood loss, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, fungal skin diseases, epilepsy, etc. Those prone to low blood pressure may feel dizzy when immersed in water, so such visitors should not enter into the water up to the neck, the heart area should be open. In general, anyone wishing to improve their health at the expense of hot springs should first consult with their doctor.

The most famous hot springs in Russia are located in the Stavropol Territory in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, in Tyumen, near Lake Baikal, in Kamchatka.

Underground waters that come to the earth's surface, with a temperature that is significantly different from the usual for this region, have unique healing properties. Bathing, bathing, body wraps, even inhalations and drinking water help improve the health of people suffering from various diseases.

Thermal water has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, helps, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes. Even in a practically healthy person near a thermal spring, the skin becomes velvety and fresh, fine wrinkles are smoothed out,. After a couple of weeks of staying at the resort, they disappear, general well-being improves.

The healing properties of thermal water have been known for centuries. Even the ancient Roman soldiers healed wounds after campaigns, taking baths. One of the first thermal springs began to be used by the Greeks in ancient times, erecting terms- prototypes of modern resorts. But only in the middle of the 19th century, with the help of research, the composition of water and its effect on the human body were studied. Thus, a whole science appeared - balneology. Today, the effect of using thermal waters is confirmed by the results of medical research.

What are thermal springs and what are they?

The water that comes to the surface is heated by the hot rock of the earth or from molten magma - this is typical for volcanic zones. In this case, the water temperature can exceed 100°C. However, water can turn into a gaseous state, and it breaks out, becoming a geyser. Often, the source water also takes on a vaporous state, in this case we are talking about a fumarole, when mixed with mud deposits or clay, we are dealing with a mud source.

The composition of water contains a huge number of elements: carbon dioxide, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, etc., sulfates and other salts. And also in small quantities radioactive elements, such as radon. All these substances are capable of exerting one or another effect on the body. Therefore, each person, taking into account the composition of water and its effect on the body, can choose the most suitable place of rest to correct their health.

The temperature of the water in the source, first of all, affects the circulatory system. Even peripheral vessels expand, oxygen delivery to organs improves. At the same time, depending on the chemical elements present, biochemical processes are triggered, which will certainly affect the body.

There is an impressive list of pathologies in which thermal springs are recommended. From time immemorial, their visit has been prescribed for patients with diseases and injuries of bones and joints. Today, this list is replenished with diseases of the genitourinary region, the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system or the digestive tract.

Moreover, the water of many sources has a bactericidal effect and is effective in various skin diseases: from eczema to psoriasis. Neurosis, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue are common problems today, and staying at balneological resorts will help people suffering from nervous system disorders recover quickly and effectively.

Due to the presence of many useful trace elements, the use of water from a thermal spring can be a good means of preventing various diseases -. The fact is that the body's resistance to the action of various pathogenic bacteria increases.

Thermal treatment contraindications

  • some diseases in the acute stage (for example, acute pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), as well as severe hypertension, a recent heart attack or stroke;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy from the second trimester.

2. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic- one of the prestigious balneological resorts, which was founded in the XIV century. Water has a different degree of concentration of carbon dioxide, sodium, iron, magnesium, bromine salts, etc. Baths, bathing and suitable for patients with digestive disorders, overweight, diabetes and a number of other metabolic abnormalities.

3. Adygea and Tyumen, Russia

In Russia most of the sources are located in the south, in the Republic of Adygea and Tyumen, however, they can be found in almost every region. But there are those whose popularity has long crossed the borders of the region. Today, the famous thermal springs in Belokurikha are very famous even outside the country. Water containing radon and nitrogen-siliceous compounds is useful for people with allergic reactions, diseases of the urinary system, and metabolic disorders.

4. Mineral waters of the Caucasus

No less famous among the inhabitants of the country and abroad are Mineral waters of the Caucasus. Stunning landscapes, unique landscapes, historical monuments from different centuries - here you can spend unforgettable days with health benefits. Springs of Zheleznovodsk, the water of which contains a whole range of useful elements that are effective in diseases of the digestive system, bones and joints, endocrine, nervous systems and the genitourinary sphere. Hydrogen sulfide and radon Pyatigorsk waters are indicated for skin diseases and gynecology, problems with bones or joints. Children with neurological diseases are also brought to Pyatigorsk.

5. Lake Baikal

And of course, if you want to enjoy the unique nature, you can visit the springs located near the legendary Lake Baikal. One of the popular resorts - Goudzhekit - is located just a few kilometers from Severobaikalsk. Here, visitors can expect several outdoor pools, the water in which contains a number of health-promoting components that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and nervous systems.

Of course, when choosing a resort that is right for you, you need to consult with a specialist, then you will be able to make the most of the unique opportunities presented by nature and avoid complications caused by contraindications.

Is it possible to replace a trip to the thermal spring?

And if a stay at the resort in the near future is not included in the plans? If the planned vacation is still far away, but the health problems that have appeared cannot wait? Try to purchase special salt and prepare the bath according to the instructions. Today you can buy a variety of drugs: from Dead Sea salt to inexpensive domestic products. Of course, it is not easy to get this way, but by adding the drug with each bath, you can improve your well-being a little.

Thermal springs are a real miracle of nature! Available in any weather, containing many components useful for the body, with surprisingly clean water, they give vigor and relieve a variety of ailments. A stay at thermal springs is included in the rehabilitation program for many diseases, without which sometimes a complete recovery is impossible. But, being close to the source, a person experiences, in addition to the therapeutic effect, the complex effect of a number of factors: a change in the environment, the usual diet, meeting new and interesting people. But this is so important for psychological comfort, which is sometimes so lacking for residents of modern megacities!

Oksana Matias, general practitioner

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman