Asked the question “I want to know more about myself?”. Knowing yourself is a great opportunity to find inner harmony and mobilize your own strength.

Women's curious nature has always been attracted by the opportunity to learn more about yourself. That is why a woman with undisguised pleasure listens to gossip about herself and conducts psychological tests from the pages of glossy magazines. True, in the answers to them she is far from always being honest - such a purely feminine attitude is to give the “correct” answers. Therefore, the result may not be true. But there are in modern psychology and such tests in which even one cannot conduct oneself. They are called "projective" and are quite interesting in their content. And you can carry out such techniques for yourself even in the office, when you just want to relax with a cup of tea.

Tests - "how to learn more about yourself"

Test 1. Bush

So, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself ... a bush. Yes, just such a bush or bush. And now it is important to focus and finish the picture with your own imagination:

  • whether the bush is large or small;
  • what it looks like;
  • what are his roots?
  • Are there trees or other bushes nearby?
  • does anyone take care of the bush, or is it “on its own”.

And now the analysis:

  1. The size of the bush is the level of self-esteem, the higher the bush, the higher the opinion of your beloved.
  2. Flowers on a bush is a good habit to embellish everything in life, starting with your own apartment and ending with your behavior.
  3. Thorns - slight aggression, the ability to stand up for oneself. But, even if there were no leaves, it means that it is time to go on vacation, this is a sign of chronic fatigue.
  4. The roots speak of affection for one's relatives, family. The deeper and stronger they are, the stronger the connection with loved ones. But a bush without roots or with superficial roots is most often imagined by emancipated teenagers and people living like a tumbleweed.
  5. The trees around are close people, friends. The further they are, the greater the loneliness in real life.
  6. A person caring for a bush is someone close to him who gives strength and takes care of him to some extent. But "wild" plants are often imagined by women who have taken place in life with a skeptical view of the world.

Test 2

In this test, you need to take a piece of paper and draw a creature that does not exist in real life, or even in fairy tales. It can be anything, the main thing is to draw it carefully, to the smallest detail.

So now we can analyze. The first point - in what part of the sheet is the animal and what size is it? So, insecure persons often draw their fabulous animal small and somewhere in the corner. And the monster of successful ladies is definitely on the whole sheet. If you get an “average” option, you can pay attention to its location: on the left is the fear of the future, on top is dreaminess, and vice versa. The wings of an animal are vital energy, the ability to “soar” over any obstacles and problems. Claws, scales and horns - the ability to fight and protect yourself. Tail - dexterity and natural charm. The presence of ears is an interest in the opinions of others about one's own person. Wool, hair - femininity. Spread paws-handles to the sides - sociability, spaced legs - unwillingness to obey the rules and follow patterns. And in general, the less the resulting fairy-tale creature looks like a person (does not stand on two legs, for example), the more developed the personality and emotional maturity.

Test 3. Road

On this test, you can again lean back in a comfortable office chair, close your eyes and dream. You need to imagine the road and walk along it, paying attention to the weather along the way. There will be a fence along the way. It needs to get around or climb over somehow. Until the road ends in front of the house. You need to enter the house and look around.

So what was the road like? The wider it is, the more sociable and open for communication the one that represented it. Sunny and clear weather is always represented by cheerful optimists, but gloomy weather is seen as cloudy and even with rain. But the fence has the value of pressing problems. If he introduced himself as frail, wicker, it means that the current problems and eggs are not worth a damn. But a large and stone barrier is a sign of anxiety, mental fatigue. Next is the house. What is it like: a small rustic, fashionable cottage or a large and deaf stone tower? As in the tale of the Wolf and the Three Little Pigs, here the house has the meaning of personal security, isolation from others. Cheerful and open people like to present beautiful one-story bungalow houses with a large welcoming terrace in this test. And anxious and distrustful individuals erect in their imagination a huge stone tower with a single window at the top. Another would be a dragon on guard, on a chain. And, finally, the decoration of the house has the most interesting meaning - it is a mirror of the inner world. The richer the interior of the house, the brighter and lighter it is, the more harmonious the personality and the brighter its charisma. But if inside the house it is cold, dusty and miserable, it means that there is only anxiety and depression in the female soul now. If the result turned out to be just that, it's time to turn such a test into an effective relaxation technique. Every day, as soon as a quiet moment appears in the office (for example, at lunchtime), you need to close your eyes, imagine the road again, boldly tear down the fence and go into the house. And there - arrange flowers, open windows, paint everything in bright colors and mentally, with hands, “push apart” the cramped walls. After two or three days of such minute relaxations, the mood will improve significantly, and depression will slowly begin to go away.

If personal problems were found during the test, it's time to work on them in order to achieve inner harmony and become happy.

One of the main obstacles to self-knowledge is constant employment. We run, something distracts us, we try to do several things at the same time. It is difficult to tune in to self-knowledge. And you need to tune in a quiet environment, listening to thoughts and emotions, the body that speaks the language of physical sensations.

We drown out our sensitivity. Most lose touch with themselves. Being distracted by correspondence on your smartphone at lunch, you stop feeling the taste of food. As a result, you miss signals that let you know how you feel and help you figure out why.

Why is it important to understand yourself?

When we know ourselves well, it is easier for us to succeed. This is logical - if we set goals that match our skills, interests and values, we are much more likely to achieve them.

Understanding ourselves, we become kinder to ourselves - if you understand why you acted one way or another, then you see that you did everything you could do in this situation, and it is easier for you to forgive yourself for mistakes.

Understanding ourselves, we become kinder to ourselves

Knowing how you feel makes it easier for you to meet your emotional needs. You better understand what you need from others.

To truly live, you need to accept yourself for who you are. Understand what is important to you and muster up the courage to be yourself, not what others want you to be. Here are some tips.

Listen to yourself

What feelings do your thoughts evoke in you? Without judging or judging, pay attention to what emotions they evoke. This process will help you realize a lot - what affects your mood, how you feel about yourself and others.

If your own thoughts make you feel angry or helpless, a therapist can help you figure out what is hidden in the depths of your psyche.

Ask yourself the right questions

We often ask questions like “What are you doing? What do you need?". Instead, ask, “What is important to you? What are you worried about? This will help you better understand your interests and the meaning of your life.

If we are not interested in what we do, life turns into a burdensome duty, loses its meaning. On the contrary, if we do what is important, then we feel a surge of energy and gain meaning. Make a list of what is important to you and consider how these values ​​are present in everyday life.

Pay attention to what bothers you in the behavior of others

We can learn a lot by paying attention to what we don't like about others. Carl Jung suggested using the term Shadow - those parts of our personality that we do not want to know about. He pointed out that we often see things in others that we don't want to see in ourselves. If we start to understand why some people annoy us so much, then we can establish contact with these hidden parts of our personality - namely, they help us grow and develop.

As an illustration, psychologist Lisa Marciano gives a real-life example: “My former colleague was a very attractive woman and understood this very well. She loved to flirt and be the center of attention. It annoyed me. When I noticed this, I wondered why these qualities aroused such strong emotions in me.

In our family, it was believed that it was better not to attract attention to oneself, it was suggested that it was a shame to be proud of other people's attention. When I realized that I forbade myself to manifest those qualities that annoyed me in a colleague, I was able to allow myself to restore contact with my “shadow” desires - sometimes be the center of attention.

This test was created over a century ago. Leopold Sandi was a famous Hungarian psychologist who seriously studied the deep impulses that are under the yoke of personality. In order to draw the appropriate conclusion, the subject did not need to pass countless tests. It was enough just to look at a few photos specially selected by the psychologist and say what kind of feelings the appearance of this person evokes.

According to Szondi, those features that we ourselves have, we tend to project onto other people.

It is important!

The test results do not in any way refer you to one of the selected characters, be it an epileptic or a sadist. The purpose of passing the test is to identify your individual prerequisites for suppressing internal impulses.

In the original, the test looks somewhat expanded. It consists of six sets of eight cards. There are only eight photos in our test, however, with so many photos you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

How to pass the test?

Carefully study the presented 8 portraits of people. Do not try to find similarities or differences in them. Choose a portrait of a person whose appearance causes you the most negative emotions. Who would you never want to meet in your life? Who causes you disgust, neglect and even fear?

Sondi test. Your individual prerequisites for repressed inner impulses

Created 17 Oct 2019

    test result

    1. Sadist

    Before you is a portrait of an authoritarian teacher. If you chose him, most likely in childhood you hid your authoritarian inclinations and even a certain amount of despotism behind a mask of grandeur and obedience. That is why in adult life you have a very, very difficult time.

    Your subconscious constantly suppresses negative, offensive impulses towards other people. This does not mean that you are constantly angry, not at all. You do not harm anyone and at the same time do not seek to perform those actions that do not cause you delight. For example, if your boss asks you to do some routine or unattractive work for you, you will never refuse him. On the other hand, you will do everything in order to create artificial obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. For example, being late for meetings, filling your schedule with other things. And you will not do it on purpose, your subconscious will work for you.

    test result

    2. Epileptic

    Before you is a portrait of an epileptic. If you chose this particular image, then, most likely, in childhood or a distant youth you suppressed the manifestation of such traits as increased impulsivity, irritability, anger, aggressiveness. But this does not mean at all that these feelings will manifest themselves in your adult life.

    Today you are the very peacefulness and the standard of calmness. It is completely useless to try to piss you off, because it will be very, very difficult to do so. Your relationships with yourself and other people are firm and stable, you quickly make contacts. Your second having is "self-control"!

    test result

    3. Catatonic

    Catatonic syndrome is a psychopathological syndrome, the main feature of which is the presence of characteristic movement disorders.

    Before you is a portrait of a catatonic. Distinctive features of this pathology are both excessive imagination that interferes with normal living, and the denial of everything that happens. hyperactivity that interferes with a normal existence and gradually takes a person away from real earthly existence.

    You are a person who loves to make plans and strictly follow them. Any deviation from the planned program causes fear, indignation, confusion. Your conservatism and non-acceptance of anything new is strengthened more and more with every passing year. You are not inclined to trust people and rely only on yourself. You are timid and often not too confident in yourself. Resentment to any trifle, brevity does not allow you to truly open up. The worst thing for you is to move away from your own plans and lose control over what is happening.

    test result

    4. Schizophrenic

    Does a tight-smiling man with a thin "Salvadorian" mustache and a bow tie cause you negative emotions? At the sight of his portrait, small flocks of annoying goosebumps ran all over your body?

    The feelings and thoughts of a schizophrenic are a real mix of incongruous combinations. Apathy, alertness, distortion of reality. If you were frightened by the portrait of this particular person and his appearance seemed to you the most unpleasant of all presented, then in childhood you had problems with communication. Most likely, you suppressed the feeling of indifference towards the people around you. You were afraid to escape from reality and fall into the world of your own illusions.

    Without a doubt, today you are the soul of any company. You have no problem communicating with people around you. You are sure that a person is a social being and he certainly needs communication. It is communication and networking that plays an essential role in your life. And yet, there is a possibility that a closed nature is hidden behind the mask of a sociable person. Your relationship with other people can be compared to a theatrical game: you perfectly perform your role, while no one knows what is really in your soul. Very often, being alone with yourself, you realize that this communication is not what you need.

    test result

    5. Tantrum

    Emotional instability, excessive love for yourself and your appearance, a complete lack of thoughtfulness ... The woman in the portrait you have chosen has all these features, because she is hysterical. The denial of her appearance in particular and the image in particular suggests that you are eager to draw attention to your person and strive to be exalted at the expense of other people.

    The people around you consider you a modest and even timid person, but nevertheless not devoid of self-esteem. However, you would like to take a completely different position in society, namely to be popular and attract the attention of people around you. That is why, unconsciously, you are very demanding about your own appearance. You think through your image to the smallest detail. Perhaps your profession or the thing that you sincerely love is unusual and not common.

    test result

    6. Depressed person

    Depression, self-doubt and self-doubt, a sense of guilt for what has been accomplished and imperfect - all these emotions are experienced by a person who is depressed. If the portrait of this particular person was chosen by you, then deep down you are somewhat similar to his condition, but at the same time outwardly you are trying to keep the situation under control.

    You radiate a sea of ​​positive, healthy life optimism and activity. You are easy-going and always ready for any adventures and challenges. However, sometimes latent depression still makes itself felt, and you withdraw into yourself and try to communicate with other people as little as possible. Nevertheless, your condition allows you to perfectly understand other people's problems, so your relatives and friends often turn to you for advice.

    The split or even disorder of personality is called dissociative. In this state, several personalities coexist in one person at once, very often opposing each other. If you chose a portrait of this particular person, then in childhood you were probably afraid to understand who you really are.

    As an adult, you want to prove to anyone and everyone that you truly are who you are. In men, this is expressed by the manifestation of their male self: "I am a real man and I can do everything that depends on me to demonstrate this!" In women, this manifests itself in excessive femininity, a constant desire to flirt and emphasize their sex appeal.

Most people have never asked themselves these questions. And if they did, they did not try to find a truthful answer to them. It's not even about the answer itself, but about finding it. Each of these questions can lead you to certain thoughts about yourself and the world around you, even if you do not find the answer. They are able to get someone off the ground and make them think about what they usually do not want to think about.

The order of the questions does not really matter, I posted them in the order in which they came to mind. Although several questions that follow each other can be connected logically. Do not get hung up on the formulation of the question and the search for an answer to it. First of all, you must start thinking, reflecting, and this is the main task that I put into this article. Therefore, there is no need to look for any hidden background in the wording. Just think.

I warn you, many questions are uncomfortable, they can hurt your pride, make you think about something unpleasant, but you need to ask yourself them, because many problems cannot simply be ignored. And it is better to ask them to yourself now, think carefully and come to some decision than to reap the consequences of delusions and wrong choices later.

Even though these questions make you feel uncomfortable, the purpose of these questions is not to upset you, but to encourage you to take certain actions. Do not get used to problems, but find solutions for them! Many of these questions I asked and ask myself, and they help me to know myself more deeply and, using this knowledge, move on. If you are not confident in your moral strength, suffer from depression, then it is better to skip this article, as in this case, questions can plunge you into despondency.

If I understand that it is difficult for me to communicate with some people, then I think about how to avoid this.
If I understand that I am lazy, then I think about how to strengthen discipline.

In general, I am determined to solve the problem, and not just to put my head down and resign myself to the circumstances. I want you to be attuned as well.

How to answer questions?

You don't have to answer all at once. You may need to think carefully. Do not rush to immediately answer the question, it may turn out to be a template answer, due to the stereotypes that have developed in your thinking. These stereotypes are designed to simplify your thinking and protect your ego from the possibility of self-blame. They work instantly, offering you the most psychologically "comfortable" answer. But such an answer does not mean an honest one. Therefore, take time to reflect, try to get to the bottom of the matter and be as honest with yourself as possible. Refer back to the article if necessary.

Hint: most of the problems are in yourself, not in the outside world. And these problems can be solved by working on yourself.

Also, some hints can be found by clicking on the links that I will provide in the post.

Some questions include approval. For example, "why do you smoke?" If you don't smoke, skip this question, this does not apply to you. The same applies to all such questions.

Some questions may puzzle some, but leave others indifferent. This is fine. It is impossible to predict in advance which path your chain of thought will take and what can attract your attention.


  1. Why should I care what other people think of myself?
  2. How do my friends treat me?
  3. Why can't I be alone?
  4. Why am I drinking
  5. Why am I
  6. How do my children feel about me?
  7. Why is it hard for me to make friends?
  8. Am I supposed to be better than everyone else in absolutely everything?
  9. Fate is unfair to me. So what?
  10. Why do I swear a lot?
  11. What happens in the world?
  12. What is happening in my country?
  13. What's happening at my work?
  14. What do I want from life?
  15. Why are my plans not being fulfilled?
  16. Am I happy with my choice?
  17. Why be nervous and worried?
  18. Who is responsible for what happened in my life in this way and not otherwise?
  19. Who is responsible for what I have become like this?
  20. Is the life path that I have chosen for myself the only possible one?
  21. What is stopping me from living the life I want to live?
  22. Does anyone owe me something?
  23. Do I owe something to someone?
  24. Why am I arguing with my wife/husband? What's the point of this? Are we gaining something of value as a result of these conflicts?
  25. Why do my emotions take over me?
  26. I am in a bad mood. So what?
  27. Why do I need a tenth dress or a third watch?
  28. What will happen to me in ten, twenty, thirty years? Will my life change somehow if I keep doing what I'm doing? Am I satisfied with these prospects?
  29. What will happen to my health if I continue to lead the lifestyle that I lead now?
  30. What will happen to me when I get old and can't find pleasure in the things that bring me joy now (sex, food, drink)?
  31. I like my job?
  32. Am I satisfied with my job as a source of income and life's work?
  33. Why can't I organize other sources of income?
  34. What happens if I lose my job?
  35. Why am I not working remotely?
  36. Why am I not minding my own business?
  37. I'm less fortunate than others. So what?
  38. What will I do this weekend? What about the next ones? What do I do every weekend?
  39. Why do I smoke?
  40. Do I need rest?
  41. Do I have enough free time?
  42. Am I getting enough sleep?
  43. Am I in good physical shape?
  44. I feel good?
  45. Am I able to keep
  46. How to eat right?
  47. Am I making enough time for my loved ones?
  48. Why am I late at work? What happens if I leave on time?
  49. Why do I confess this one and not another? Are all other religions wrong?
  50. Am I diligently following the precepts of my faith? If not, how can I be sure of the salvation of the soul?
  51. What is the meaning of suffering?
  52. What are my interests, hobbies? What am I into?
  53. How much time do I spend in ?
  54. How long do I watch TV?
  55. How many books have I read in the last year?
  56. What other interesting music is there?
  57. Am I educated and erudite enough?
  58. Why doesn't the Earth fall into the Sun?
  59. How is genetic information encoded?
  60. What is an atom made of?
  61. How many foreign languages ​​do I know?
  62. Am I responding appropriately to criticism?
  63. When was the last time I agreed with someone else's opinion, which was different from mine and openly admitted it?
  64. What is the point in those disputes in which each participant does not want to accept the opinions of the other? Is there truth in such disputes?
  65. Why do I need to prove something to someone?
  66. When was the last time I praised people, gave them sincere compliments?
  67. How am I better than the people I don't like?
  68. Why do some people dislike me?
  69. Why do they love me?
  70. Why do I love those I love?
  71. Have I put enough effort into strengthening my strengths and getting rid of my weaknesses?
  72. How long have I been giving gifts just like that, for no reason?
  73. How long have I been visiting my elderly relatives?
  74. Are there many people who will give me disinterested help if I need it?
  75. When was the last time I cleaned my house?
  76. How often do I stay alone and reflect on life?
  77. When was the last time I did something that others disapproved of, and in the end I was satisfied with my choice?
  78. Am I getting things done?
  79. Do I have a developed sense of humor?
  80. Do I laugh a lot?
  81. Am I enjoying life?
  82. Am I happy?
  83. How often do I complain about life?
  84. Many people live in conditions of hunger, lack of housing and their lives are in constant danger. Why do I consider my problems so significant and serious?
  85. Am I doing everything to improve my life?
  86. Why do wars happen?
  87. Where do my fears come from? Why am I afraid of mice if they can't harm me?
  88. Why should I resent others?
  89. Why should I pretend to be someone I really am not?
  90. What are my biggest life mistakes?
  91. Why am I lonely?
  92. How do my principles, my worldview help me?
  93. What kind of people are my friends? Why are we together?
  94. What determines my behavior?
  95. When was the last time I tidied up my apartment or workplace?
  96. What is good, what is bad?
  97. Do I listen carefully to other people?
  98. How much suffering have I brought to others?
  99. Why am I ashamed of my loved ones?
  100. What do I know about death?