Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technology

Department: “Economics and Finance”

Control robot

subject: “Labor Economics”

on the topic: “Characteristics of the working area”.

Revised: Art. vikladach

E.I. Panchenko

Rozrobiv: art. in absentia f. n.

D. O. Martinenko

Code: 99-MO-203

Introduction 3
Workplace layout 5
Equipping and equipping workplaces 12
Working conditions 16
Lighting 19
Influences of microclimate and noise effects. 23
Psychophysiological working conditions 29
Conclusion 31


The office reception is the center of the company's work, its heart. The most talented and intelligent leader will not be able to cope with the work if the work of the receptionist is poorly organized. The main person in the reception is the secretary. Increasingly, the position of secretary is even combined with the position of office manager.

The quality of the work of the reception is directly related to the competent organization of the intra-company space in general and the space of the reception in particular.
From where the reception is located, how it is equipped, what design of its interiors depends on the speed of resolving issues and the overall impression of the company from its clients, customers, business partners.

A modern office must meet the requirements of cost-effectiveness, which is especially important given the high prices for office space, high technical equipment, organic design and security in terms of both information protection and personal safety of company employees. That is why the issues of organizing office space are now worrying all thinking leaders.

A cramped, dark, poorly equipped "dressing room" in front of the head's office will immediately present the company in an unfavorable light in front of possible valuable clients.

In addition, in the reception area, there must be a place for placing the appropriate equipment for the secretary's workplace, for documents of current office work, reference literature, advertising publications, for the necessary office equipment and, of course, for company visitors.

The rational organization of the secretary's workplace is of great importance. To do this, you first need to clarify and identify the main functions of the secretary, information communications, the working day, the list of materials that he should have. Then choose furniture, inventory, technical equipment, office equipment and stationery.

Workplace layout

Its rational variant involves the placement of 1STV and objects of labor within the zones most convenient for the implementation of labor processes. They are called work areas.

Work area - a space in a stationary workplace in a horizontal or vertical plane, in which the employee, without moving, can perform work. Distinguish between normal and maximum.

The normal working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc delineated by the ends of the fingers of the right and left hands, bent at the elbow joint with the shoulder freely lowered. Such a zone occupies about 1000 mm along the front and 300 mm in depth. The most frequently used tools and objects of labor are located here and the main work is performed.

The maximum working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc delineated by the ends of the fingers of a fully extended human hand. In this zone (the worker acts with outstretched arms) are the means of labor used less frequently. The overlapping area
(for two hands) is determined by about 1500 mm in front and 500 mm in depth.
Typically, the dimensions of the table are taken somewhat larger than the maximum reach area.

Five zones are distinguished in the vertical plane: the lower uncomfortable zone (up to
750 mm from the floor); the lower one is less comfortable (from 751 to 925 mm); comfortable (from 925 to 1675 mm); upper in comfortable (from 1675 to 1925 mm); upper uncomfortable (from
1925 mm and above).

The main requirement for a rational layout of the workplace is to save time searching for funds and objects of labor and reduce the physical effort of the employee. For this, the following rules must be observed:

there should be nothing superfluous on the working surface of the table;

each object and means of labor must have its place, since their disorderly arrangement causes unnecessary movements and waste of time. In foreign practice, the law of the “free table” is used: only one work can be on the table with the documents and tools necessary for it, everything else should be inside the table;

stationery (pencils, pens, paper clips, etc.) should be stored in a desk drawer with special dividers;

all means of communication technology (telephone, etc.) must be placed on the left or on a special stand so that they can be used with the left hand, leaving the right hand free for work;

documents that the secretary works with are placed in an area that provides them with an overview; it is advisable for processed documents to have special trays or compartments in a box;

documents and tools are arranged in such a way as to ensure the best sequence of work;

the movements of the worker must be optimal, i.e. shorter and more economical in terms of time and effort.

The organization of the secretary's workplace, taking into account the requirements of the scientific organization of labor for its planning and maintenance, as well as taking into account the requirements and possibilities for using modern office equipment, its equipment and equipment, is a necessary condition for achieving high efficiency, efficiency and quality of labor, maintaining efficiency throughout the working day, providing really helpful secretarial service.

The secretary's workplace is an important cell in the organization of the labor process in an institution. Since the secretary is the "face of the institution", then his workplace should be a model of proper organization, an indicator of a high work culture. Indeed, the work of the entire institution is often judged on how the secretary's workplace looks like.

The layout of the secretary's workplace should provide maximum convenience in the performance of the duties assigned to him and at the same time meet the requirements for saving space:

the secretary's workplace in the reception room is usually located next to the manager's office, in the center of the room, not far from the doors to the office and so that you can easily see everyone entering;

in the reception room there should be only items required by the secretary and other employees directly in the process of work;

furniture for visitors should be located in an area that is well viewed by the secretary, convenient for its placement.

Most of the working time, the secretary works sitting, and this is tiring, so he must be able to comfortably stretch his legs, stand up freely, change his posture for writing, working on a typewriter, reading.

The secretary's workplace is, first of all, a convenient and rather spacious desktop. Experts recommend using a universal table at which you can work with documents, as well as conduct a conversation with visitors. For these purposes, a table that is narrower directly in front of the seated person than on the sides is best suited. This design allows you to have enough space on the table to accommodate documents in progress and at the same time to carry on a conversation with visitors.

Its plane is mentally divided into two fields. In the left, in addition to the current work and related documents, there are telephone equipment, a table lamp, a stationery, a tray with incoming documents. A tray with completed documents and writing instruments is placed on the right margin of the table. Here they put a tray with documents that need to be filed into the case.

All tools are placed on the plane of the table within 160 x 160 cm, which allows you to take them with your hand without getting up. Each item is allocated a specific place, certain items are arranged in a complex
(for example, pens and notepads for recording telephone conversations are placed next to telephones). It is necessary to separate office supplies that have different purposes.

In addition to the desktop, it is better to use a separate table for a personal computer. These desktops provide convenient placement of the display, keyboard and processor, as well as a scanner, printer, modem, etc.

At the same time, it is better to place the PC table in such a way that the display screen is turned in the opposite direction from the visitors. This will protect confidential information that may be on the display screen at the time of the arrival of an unexpected visitor.

And now a few general requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with a PC.

the design of the desktop should provide optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used, taking into account its quantity and design features (the size of a PC, keyboard, etc.), the nature of the work performed.

the height of the working surface should be adjusted within 680 - 800 mm; if this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

the desktop must have space for the footrest, which is: height - at least 500 mm, depth at the level of the knees - at least
450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs - at least 650 mm.

the design of the working chair (chair) must maintain a rational working posture when working with a PC, allows you to change the posture in order to reduce the statistical tension of the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent fatigue.

the work chair (chair) must be swivel and adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat.

the surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (chair) should be semi-soft with a non-slip, non-electrifying and breathable coating that provides easy cleaning from dirt.

the computer keyboard is best placed at a distance of 10 - 15 mm from the edge of the table, then the wrist will rest on the table. It is advisable to purchase a special lining under the wrist, which, according to doctors, will help to avoid bone disease.

for the effective use of the manipulator type "mouse" you need a special "rug" - a tablet. The pad-tablet should meet the main criteria: firstly, it should stick well on the table surface, and secondly, the material of the upper surface of the tablet should provide good grip with the ball, but not impede mouse movement.

the center of the monitor screen should be approximately at eye level, and the distance between the eyes and the plane of the screen should be at least 40 - 50 cm. It is desirable that direct sunlight does not fall on the screen.

in relation to the person sitting at the table, the window should be on the left or in front.

from bright light should be protected by thick curtains on the windows. However, it is not recommended to look at the monitor screen in complete darkness; an additional source of diffused light is required (you can turn on a chandelier, a table lamp).

It is better to place the secretary's desk and the PC desk closer to natural light sources, because. the secretary has to work a lot with documents by the nature of his duties.

The chair for the work of the secretary should correspond in size to the desktop. It is best to use a swivel chair with wheels that can be adjusted in height. This will allow the secretary to quickly switch from working with technology to working with documents or with visitors, i.e. will meet the practical tasks of the work of the secretary.

Cabinets for tables, including roll-out ones, have a set of interchangeable drawers. The secretary must skillfully use the drawers of his desk, giving each of them certain functions. For example, drawers for paper and stationery are allocated; working documents - directories, catalogs, etc.; folders with current documents and completed works; folders with controlled materials; personal items.

All service documents in the process of work should lie as follows: received and necessary constantly - on the working plane of the table; used periodically - in drawers of the table, on the working planes of attachments and in cabinets. Every movement of the document from or to the table must be controlled; all processed documents must be located in a strictly defined place; one must be able to determine by indexing in which box or folder the desired document is located; all documents placed in folders must be immediately indexed in accordance with their temporary storage plan.

Equipment and equipment of workplaces

The equipment of workplaces with technical means for performing various duties, means of communication and office furniture, the so-called office equipment, has a decisive influence on labor efficiency.

There are the following types (classes) of means of labor:

means of drawing up documents: typewriters (manual and electric), voice recorders, means of copying and duplicating documents, automatic pens, pencils;

means of processing and processing documents: cutting, fastening and gluing equipment and materials, addressing and stamping devices, machines for applying protective coatings;

means of storing and grouping documents: means of fastening documents
(staplers, special folders with clips), various kinds of file cabinets, special cabinets and racks for storing documents, drawings, magnetic tapes, machines for destroying unnecessary documents;

means of performing computational operations: counting and reference rulers, various types of microcalculators, mechanical computers, PC;

means of ensuring operational communication: telephone communication, radio communication, director's switches that allow you to talk (hold meetings) with several subscribers at the same time, concentrators, answering machines, two-way radiotelephone paging, etc.;

When choosing the necessary office equipment, it should be borne in mind that the acquisition and use of office equipment is not an end in itself, but a means to increase the efficiency of execution and reduce the labor intensity of managerial work, as well as solving a number of social problems of managerial work
(reducing the share of costs for performing routine operations, a means of motivating work, prestige of work, etc.). Therefore, before choosing and purchasing technical equipment, it is necessary to analyze the real needs for a particular tool and evaluate the benefits of its use.

When choosing a specific type of equipment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the operations performed, the volume and complexity of work, service relationships between individual workers and various services. You should choose the option that allows you to perform the work more economically.

Solving the problem of choosing certain means of office equipment, the expediency of their introduction into labor processes, take into account not only the benefits, but also the costs *.

The composition of the workplace of the secretary must necessarily include cabinets for documents and reference literature. In order to save working space, such cabinets can be placed on a wall or partition near the desktop. The cabinet for documents in order to ensure the safety of the latter must be locked with a key. In the event that the secretary also keeps documents constituting a trade secret, it is better to equip his workplace with a special safe for documents.

Shelves for office supplies, phone, and it is also better to fix on the wall or partition, leaving more space on the table for work.

It is advisable to equip the secretary's workplace with a special intercom that will allow the secretary, without once again entering the manager's office, to quickly inform the latter of the necessary information.

The secretary's workplace should include three zones: the main one - a table with attachments; auxiliary - combined cabinets; visitor service.

The total area of ​​the workplace should be within 12 - 16 sq.m. According to experts, the visitor service area is the visiting card of the institution, by which people evaluate the culture of work and the quality of work. This area should be thoughtful and comfortable. If the visitor for one reason or another cannot immediately be received by the head, then the visitor should sit comfortably, he should be surrounded by a beautiful color and light artistic ensemble, including the coloring of the room, light sources and landscaping.
Next to the main and auxiliary parts of the secretary's workplace should be a coffee table and one or two comfortable chairs. Fresh newspapers and magazines, clean paper, pencils or pens should be placed on the table.
It is inappropriate for visitor furniture to take up too much space and differ from the general style of furniture used in the firm.

That is why the specialist does not recommend putting upholstered furniture in the reception room. It takes up a lot of space, quickly gets dirty and deformed. At the same time, the use of chairs and ordinary tables on wheels will allow you to quickly change the purpose of the reception room, using it as a meeting room, etc.

In the event that the company does not have a special wardrobe, the reception room should have either a hanger or a wardrobe where visitors can hang their outerwear.

For visual comfort and the overall impression of the reception room, its aesthetic design is of great importance. First of all, you should use fresh flowers in the interiors. They replenish oxygen reserves, partly neutralize the harmful effects of computer and organizational equipment, and, in addition, give comfort to the working room.
The flower arrangement should be in harmony with the general style in which the interior is designed.

In addition to flowers, paintings, graphics, small plastic arts and other elements of decorative design are used to decorate the office and its reception area.

Working conditions

Working conditions are a set of elements (factors) of the working environment and the labor process that affect the functional state of the human body - health, performance, job satisfaction and its efficiency.

The following groups of factors of working conditions can be distinguished:

1. Sanitary and hygienic, characterizing the microclimate (temperature, humidity and air velocity), lighting, noise, vibration and the color of office premises and equipment associated with lighting;

2. Aesthetic, including color decoration of interiors, landscaping of service premises, use of paintings and works of applied art in the interiors of premises;

3. Psychophysiological, related to the implementation of measures of a psychophysiological nature, providing conditions for highly efficient activity and maintaining the health of employees (gradual entry into work, rhythmization of work, normal alternation of work and rest, change of forms of activity, active forms of work and rest, and a number of other factors);

4. Socio-psychological, associated with the implementation of measures aimed at shaping the psychological readiness of a person to work with new technology, to various kinds of innovations (removal of psychological barriers), with the creation of a normal psychological climate in the team, the establishment of normal relationships between the leader and subordinates and, in in particular, using the principles of communication between managers and subordinates developed by science and practice.

Working conditions are regulated by unified legislative acts, norms and standards.

Work to create favorable working conditions should be of a comprehensive systemic nature. The beginning of their formation is laid in the design of enterprises and institutions. This applies primarily to sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic working conditions, which are formed under the influence of the designed equipment and technology, the architectural design of buildings, the internal placement of service units and equipment, work furniture, etc. At this stage, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting of office premises are designed in accordance with sanitary and building codes.

No less important is the development of measures to form and improve working conditions at existing facilities. Here, work should be introduced for the entire complex of elements of working conditions, but special attention should be paid to psychophysiological and socio-psychological factors that are formed under the influence of work performed, interpersonal relationships, i.e. factors that cannot be taken into account at the design stage of enterprises.

Since in modern economic conditions more and more importance is attached to the activation of the human factor, the role of socio-psychological working conditions will also increase, because they contribute to strengthening the social motivation of work, the desire for greater creative output of specialists.

An integrated approach to ensuring favorable working conditions is reflected in special intersectoral requirements and regulatory materials that should be taken into account when designing new and reconstructing existing enterprises, technological processes and equipment.


The most important factor in the working environment is lighting. The value of rational lighting during work can hardly be overestimated.

The requirements for rational lighting are as follows: the right choice of light source and lighting system, the creation of the required level of illumination of the working surface, the neutralization of the glare effect, the elimination of glare, and the provision of uniform illumination.

The most appropriate is natural lighting. It has been found to cause the least fatigue. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use it all the working day, especially in the autumn-winter period, when daylight hours are short. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial lighting - both general and local.

Artificial and natural light should have the same direction.

If it is recommended to use fluorescent and metal halide lamps as a general-purpose artificial light source, then the local lighting system must be organized from incandescent lamps or white light lamps. White light bulbs emit a soft white light that is warm and soothing, enhancing visual perception. All types of luminaires must necessarily be equipped with diffusers and shielding grilles; for joint lighting, a non-translucent reflector with an angle of at least 40 degrees is allowed.

The best option is to work in natural light, when the light falls from the left side or in combined, when insufficient natural light is supplemented by local light, or when general and local lamps are working.

The illumination of the workplace should be adapted to the individual qualities of the secretary and be within 500 lux.

The color of the lighting has a psychological meaning, therefore, in low light, preference is given to warm tones, which are given by incandescent lamps, emphasizing yellow and red colors. The light in the office must have the right direction, the installation and format of the “light spot” are important factors for health, comfort and increased productivity.

Just as it is not recommended to watch TV in a dark room, it is also impossible to work behind the display only with local lighting. This is due to such a phenomenon as adaptation of vision. Periodic adaptation of the eye from one brightness to another leads to rapid fatigue, loss of vision, and negatively affects the psyche. In order to avoid eye strain, it is necessary to comply with the requirement: the difference between the brightness of the monitor and the brightness of surrounding objects in the operator's field of vision must be equal to a ratio of 1:3.

The brightness of the monitor itself, or rather its cathode ray tube, should be such that it would be possible to obtain the optimal contrast of the image. To achieve this contrast, you can use a protective screen, which reduces the overall brightness of the image, eliminates glare, increases the overall contrast, while not suppressing the dark areas of the text.

To reduce eye strain, it is necessary to take into account that dark signs on a light background are more easily perceived by the eye. The eye is less tired, good speed and reading accuracy is maintained when reading yellow-green characters on a white background. Optimal combinations of the color of signs with the background color were established: blue on white, green on white, black on yellow, black on white.

Avoid prolonged exposure to text on a monitor that is red on green, orange on white, black on magenta, orange on black.

It will positively affect the work of the eye if you follow the golden rule - place the monitor at a distance equal to two diagonals of your screen. The angle of the monitor should be such that the top edge of the screen is at eye level.

Having a working computer on the desktop, we receive electronic, electrostatic, X-ray and ultraviolet radiation in our office. The main source of harmful effects on the human body are low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations associated with the operation of electron beam scanning circuits, they affect the metabolism in the body, and can lead to pathological changes in soft tissue cells.

The electrostatic charge accumulating on the monitor screen causes deionization of the atmosphere, which leads to a harmful effect on the central nervous system. The result of such exposure can be not only depression or depression, but also hormonal imbalance.

The blue screen monitor has a partial emission in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. This effect is significant during prolonged work with a computer or diseases of the retina.

It is possible to protect yourself from these types of radiation if you have a protective screen that has a quality certificate from the Research Institute of Ergonomics or the Swedish Institute for Radiation Protection and meets the TCO 95 standard.

Unfortunately, the protective properties of the screen will help you if you are located in front of the monitor. A slight shift to the right or left, to the side, and you find yourself in the "rings of death" of the monitor.

Influences of microclimate and noise effects.

The secretary's workplace should be equipped with a sufficient set of technical equipment, office supplies, organizational equipment, and meet the requirements of ergonomics.

The microclimate affects the functional state of a person during work so widely that it can be called one of the determining factors of working capacity. It is known that an increase or decrease in temperature by 10 degrees reduces labor productivity by almost 15%. Another thing was also noted, lowering the temperature by 3 - 4 degrees relative to the comfortable one improves the quality of performing tasks related to attention and tracking.

The microclimate is characterized by such quantities as temperature, relative humidity and air speed. Temperature and humidity are quantities that depend both on the time of year, day, and weather conditions. In addition, various equipment that consumes energy, part of which is released into the environment in the form of heat, and the person himself, emitting up to 1200 kJ per hour, can be sources of heat in office premises. The most comfortable temperature for a person is 19 - 20 degrees. Taking into account seasonal and daily fluctuations, the temperature in office premises should not exceed 22 degrees - on hot days, and should not be lower than 18 degrees on cold days, regardless of the number of people in the room.

The sanitary norms for the microclimate in office premises define the requirements for humidity and air velocity. These physical quantities, according to the laws of physics, have a direct impact on the heat transfer of the human body. So, the humidity of cold air contributes to the intense release of heat from the body, because. Air saturated with moisture has a higher thermal conductivity than dry air. At high air temperature and humidity, sweat is limited, and this function of the human body performs 25% of the work during heat exchange.

From the table. 3 data shows that the temperature level is related to air humidity. At lower temperatures, higher humidity is allowed; at higher temperatures, the air humidity should be lower. In physiological terms, high humidity at high temperatures has a depressing effect. Psychologically, at the same temperature, moist air seems hot, dry air - cold. The minimum humidity should not be lower than 25 - 30%, normal - within 40 - 60%.

There is another feature that needs to be taken into account.
This is the purity of the air.

When working with paper media, as well as in rooms where operational printing facilities and high-frequency devices are located, the air is filled with various toxic substances and biological agents (bacteria), which penetrate the human body and irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, skin .
It is especially dangerous when toxic substances through the respiratory tract or damaged skin enter the bloodstream directly, which causes a disruption in the activity of the whole organism or its systems.

The most common harmful factor in the air environment in a modern office is ozone. Ozone is released by means of office equipment, which, according to the technological process, form electric charges and ultraviolet.

The other most common type of air pollution is dust, including paper dust.

Exposure to dust depends on its toxicity and concentration in the air. On the dust particles are spores, bacteria, fungi with the air flow, they are carried indoors.

More recently, scientists have discovered the existence of a microscopic dust mite. Such a tick lives in upholstered furniture, carpet paths. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it causes sneezing, tearing on the membranes of the eyes, can cause, for example, a runny nose and other allergic reactions. With constant exposure to the lungs, specific diseases occur.

You can fight against harmful microscopic substances through general hygiene measures: wet cleaning, ventilation, regular vacuuming.

It is necessary to say a few words about smoking. Smoking affects not only the lungs, but also the eyes. It often happens that some non-smokers even prefer to change jobs than to endure permanent fumes. The most perfect ventilation is powerless against constant smoke from smoking. Therefore, smoking in office premises and in general in a working building must be said resolutely “no”.

It is necessary to achieve air conditioning in office premises, i.e. simultaneous regulation of its temperature, humidity, purity and air exchange. Air conditioning is especially justified in the summer months, and more precisely in all cases when the temperature in the room reaches 27 degrees and above. Full air conditioning enhances productivity by
15%, while colds are significantly reduced.

Another rule should be careful attention to newly acquired items (for example, furniture) and tools so that they do not become a source of toxic substances in the office. When buying new office equipment, be sure to look in the passport, ask the seller what materials the equipment is made of, whether there are quality certificates for these materials, for the item itself, what substances are released during the technological process.

A special conversation is interior items. It's no secret that furniture, wallpaper, flooring can be a source of toxic substances. According to Article 4.14 of the "Hygienic Requirements ...", the materials used for interior decoration of the interior of the premises,

must be approved for use by the State Sanitary Inspection.

More drastic measures should be taken if the windows of the room face the highway or are located near industrial facilities. It is known that the car emits more than 280 types of toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Noise is also an ergonomic factor. It would be a big mistake to think that this is an insignificant factor that characterizes the workplace. The harmful effects of noise on the functional state of a person and, first of all, on his nervous system, have been established with certainty.

The term "noise" in ergonomics refers to the random mixing of sounds of different frequencies and strengths. Noise limits are well known. Conventionally, it is divided into five levels according to the nature of the reaction of the human body. The accepted unit of noise measurement is decibels (dB). Up to 10 dB is typical for the sounds of a quietly noisy sea, forest. For an urban person living in conditions of constant noise, such sounds can cause a state of monotony, impossibility of concentrated work, craving for sleep. He needs a period of getting used to the silence.

It is known that the absence of the usual sound design can become a source of depression.

Background noise, up to 60 dB, has an activating effect on the human body. Work in such conditions is carried out more efficiently. But already a background equal to 60 dB (which is approximately the noise when 5 people speak at the same time) leads to changes in physiological reactions (changes in pulse, blood pressure). With prolonged exposure to noise of 80 - 100 dB, the efficiency of behavior decreases, and the performance of intellectual operations becomes more difficult. Pathological changes in the cardiovascular system may occur. Noise at 140 dB causes a pain threshold, and at 160 dB - shock, convulsions, paralysis.

The noise level for office space, set by the European Union, is 55 dB. According to clause 6.2 of the Hygienic Requirements, the noise level should not exceed 75 dB.

However, the noise emitted by a computer, printer, and fax machine in a room without sound-absorbing materials exceeds 70 dB. Therefore, it is not recommended to put all office equipment in one workplace; noise-insulating materials should also be used.

Equipment whose noise levels exceed the maximum allowable must be moved outside the premises where the workplaces are located.

Psychophysiological working conditions

Psychophysiology has developed a number of rules and requirements that must be observed in order to ensure highly efficient activities and maintain the efficiency of employees for a long period.

1. Work must be entered gradually. The time required to enter the labor process is called the period of workability. This is the time of the formation of a dominant that provides a specific type of labor activity. The duration of the workability period varies depending on the state of the human body, overwork, the state of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, and the complexity of the work performed. Usually it lasts 15 - 20 minutes, but can reach up to 45 - 60 minutes. Reducing the duration of workability is achieved by organizational measures: the introduction of a working day schedule that streamlines contacts with the manager and other employees in time, thinking through the order of work for the coming day.

2. Work should begin with the implementation of its simpler elements with a gradual transition to more complex ones.

3. It is necessary to observe regularity and rhythm in work. Rhythmic work is more productive and less tiring than non-rhythmic work.
Consequently, organizational measures that ensure the rhythm of the work of employees during the working day, week, month - improving operational planning, streamlining information services in time, developing and introducing working day routines - help eliminate interference, distraction and streamline the distribution of various works by hours of the working day (days of the week), allocating, in particular, time to perform the most creative work.

4. It is necessary to ensure the normal alternation of work and rest, as well as forms of activity. This requirement is based on taking into account the laws of the brain: the mental process must unfold for a long time. Due to the prevailing dominant, the process of thinking can continue during breaks and after the end of the working day. In this regard, the development of a rational mode of work and rest is of great importance for the prevention of fatigue.

The mode of work and rest involves the establishment of the total amount of intra-shift breaks for rest, their distribution during the working day, as well as the establishment of the form of rest - active or passive.

To a certain extent, its aestheticization contributes to the creation of a favorable environment in office premises. The development of practical measures for aestheticization should not only be aimed at creating a beautiful interior, but also provide for the psychological impact of the light and color climate, forms of wildlife (landscaping), as well as visual media.
(various visual aids, exhibits, bulletin boards) to stimulate efficiency. In this regard, the aesthetic design of office space should be entrusted to specialists of the appropriate profile.

Assistance in the implementation of this work can be provided by methodological materials of special organizations.


1. Zhukov L.I., Gorshkov V.V. Reference manual on labor
2. Guryanov S. Kh., Polyakov I. A., Remizov K. S. Handbook of an economist on labor
3. Service NGS Management SWZD
* Costs are the costs of acquiring and operating technical equipment, attracting and training additional personnel.

Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technology

Department: “Economics and Finance”

Control robot

subject: “Labor Economics”

on the topic: “Characteristics of the working area”.

Revised: Art. vikladach

E.I. Panchenko

Rozrobiv: art. in absentia f. n.

D. O. Martinenko

Code: 99-MO-203

Introduction 3
Workplace layout 5
Equipping and equipping workplaces 12
Working conditions 16
Lighting 19
Influences of microclimate and noise effects. 23
Psychophysiological working conditions 29
Conclusion 31


The office reception is the center of the company's work, its heart. The most talented and intelligent leader will not be able to cope with the work if the work of the receptionist is poorly organized. The main person in the reception is the secretary. Increasingly, the position of secretary is even combined with the position of office manager.

The quality of the work of the reception is directly related to the competent organization of the intra-company space in general and the space of the reception in particular.
From where the reception is located, how it is equipped, what design of its interiors depends on the speed of resolving issues and the overall impression of the company from its clients, customers, business partners.

A modern office must meet the requirements of cost-effectiveness, which is especially important given the high prices for office space, high technical equipment, organic design and security in terms of both information protection and personal safety of company employees. That is why the issues of organizing office space are now worrying all thinking leaders.

A cramped, dark, poorly equipped "dressing room" in front of the head's office will immediately present the company in an unfavorable light in front of possible valuable clients.

In addition, in the reception area, there must be a place for placing the appropriate equipment for the secretary's workplace, for documents of current office work, reference literature, advertising publications, for the necessary office equipment and, of course, for company visitors.

The rational organization of the secretary's workplace is of great importance. To do this, you first need to clarify and identify the main functions of the secretary, information communications, the working day, the list of materials that he should have. Then choose furniture, inventory, technical equipment, office equipment and stationery.

Workplace layout

Its rational variant involves the placement of 1STV and objects of labor within the zones most convenient for the implementation of labor processes. They are called work areas.

Work area - a space in a stationary workplace in a horizontal or vertical plane, in which the employee, without moving, can perform work. Distinguish between normal and maximum.

The normal working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc delineated by the ends of the fingers of the right and left hands, bent at the elbow joint with the shoulder freely lowered. Such a zone occupies about 1000 mm along the front and 300 mm in depth. The most frequently used tools and objects of labor are located here and the main work is performed.

The maximum working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc delineated by the ends of the fingers of a fully extended human hand. In this zone (the worker acts with outstretched arms) are the means of labor used less frequently. The overlapping area
(for two hands) is determined by about 1500 mm in front and 500 mm in depth.
Typically, the dimensions of the table are taken somewhat larger than the maximum reach area.

Five zones are distinguished in the vertical plane: the lower uncomfortable zone (up to
750 mm from the floor); the lower one is less comfortable (from 751 to 925 mm); comfortable (from 925 to 1675 mm); upper in comfortable (from 1675 to 1925 mm); upper uncomfortable (from
1925 mm and above).

The main requirement for a rational layout of the workplace is to save time searching for funds and objects of labor and reduce the physical effort of the employee. For this, the following rules must be observed:

there should be nothing superfluous on the working surface of the table;

each object and means of labor must have its place, since their disorderly arrangement causes unnecessary movements and waste of time. In foreign practice, the law of the “free table” is used: only one work can be on the table with the documents and tools necessary for it, everything else should be inside the table;

stationery (pencils, pens, paper clips, etc.) should be stored in a desk drawer with special dividers;

all means of communication technology (telephone, etc.) must be placed on the left or on a special stand so that they can be used with the left hand, leaving the right hand free for work;

documents that the secretary works with are placed in an area that provides them with an overview; it is advisable for processed documents to have special trays or compartments in a box;

documents and tools are arranged in such a way as to ensure the best sequence of work;

the movements of the worker must be optimal, i.e. shorter and more economical in terms of time and effort.

The organization of the secretary's workplace, taking into account the requirements of the scientific organization of labor for its planning and maintenance, as well as taking into account the requirements and possibilities for using modern office equipment, its equipment and equipment, is a necessary condition for achieving high efficiency, efficiency and quality of labor, maintaining efficiency throughout the working day, providing really helpful secretarial service.

The secretary's workplace is an important cell in the organization of the labor process in an institution. Since the secretary is the "face of the institution", then his workplace should be a model of proper organization, an indicator of a high work culture. Indeed, the work of the entire institution is often judged on how the secretary's workplace looks like.

The layout of the secretary's workplace should provide maximum convenience in the performance of the duties assigned to him and at the same time meet the requirements for saving space:

the secretary's workplace in the reception room is usually located next to the manager's office, in the center of the room, not far from the doors to the office and so that you can easily see everyone entering;

in the reception room there should be only items required by the secretary and other employees directly in the process of work;

furniture for visitors should be located in an area that is well viewed by the secretary, convenient for its placement.

Most of the working time, the secretary works sitting, and this is tiring, so he must be able to comfortably stretch his legs, stand up freely, change his posture for writing, working on a typewriter, reading.

The secretary's workplace is, first of all, a convenient and rather spacious desktop. Experts recommend using a universal table at which you can work with documents, as well as conduct a conversation with visitors. For these purposes, a table that is narrower directly in front of the seated person than on the sides is best suited. This design allows you to have enough space on the table to accommodate documents in progress and at the same time to carry on a conversation with visitors.

Its plane is mentally divided into two fields. In the left, in addition to the current work and related documents, there are telephone equipment, a table lamp, a stationery, a tray with incoming documents. A tray with completed documents and writing instruments is placed on the right margin of the table. Here they put a tray with documents that need to be filed into the case.

All tools are placed on the plane of the table within 160 x 160 cm, which allows you to take them with your hand without getting up. Each item is allocated a specific place, certain items are arranged in a complex
(for example, pens and notepads for recording telephone conversations are placed next to telephones). It is necessary to separate office supplies that have different purposes.

In addition to the desktop, it is better to use a separate table for a personal computer. These desktops provide convenient placement of the display, keyboard and processor, as well as a scanner, printer, modem, etc.

At the same time, it is better to place the PC table in such a way that the display screen is turned in the opposite direction from the visitors. This will protect confidential information that may be on the display screen at the time of the arrival of an unexpected visitor.

And now a few general requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with a PC.

the design of the desktop should provide optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used, taking into account its quantity and design features (the size of a PC, keyboard, etc.), the nature of the work performed.

the height of the working surface should be adjusted within 680 - 800 mm; if this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

the desktop must have space for the footrest, which is: height - at least 500 mm, depth at the level of the knees - at least
450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs - at least 650 mm.

the design of the working chair (chair) must maintain a rational working posture when working with a PC, allows you to change the posture in order to reduce the statistical tension of the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent fatigue.

the work chair (chair) must be swivel and adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat.

the surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (chair) should be semi-soft with a non-slip, non-electrifying and breathable coating that provides easy cleaning from dirt.

the computer keyboard is best placed at a distance of 10 - 15 mm from the edge of the table, then the wrist will rest on the table. It is advisable to purchase a special lining under the wrist, which, according to doctors, will help to avoid bone disease.

for the effective use of the manipulator type "mouse" you need a special "rug" - a tablet. The pad-tablet should meet the main criteria: firstly, it should stick well on the table surface, and secondly, the material of the upper surface of the tablet should provide good grip with the ball, but not impede mouse movement.

the center of the monitor screen should be approximately at eye level, and the distance between the eyes and the plane of the screen should be at least 40 - 50 cm. It is desirable that direct sunlight does not fall on the screen.

in relation to the person sitting at the table, the window should be on the left or in front.

from bright light should be protected by thick curtains on the windows. However, it is not recommended to look at the monitor screen in complete darkness; an additional source of diffused light is required (you can turn on a chandelier, a table lamp).

It is better to place the secretary's desk and the PC desk closer to natural light sources, because. the secretary has to work a lot with documents by the nature of his duties.

The chair for the work of the secretary should correspond in size to the desktop. It is best to use a swivel chair with wheels that can be adjusted in height. This will allow the secretary to quickly switch from working with technology to working with documents or with visitors, i.e. will meet the practical tasks of the work of the secretary.

Cabinets for tables, including roll-out ones, have a set of interchangeable drawers. The secretary must skillfully use the drawers of his desk, giving each of them certain functions. For example, drawers for paper and stationery are allocated; working documents - directories, catalogs, etc.; folders with current documents and completed works; folders with controlled materials; personal items.

All service documents in the process of work should lie as follows: received and necessary constantly - on the working plane of the table; used periodically - in drawers of the table, on the working planes of attachments and in cabinets. Every movement of the document from or to the table must be controlled; all processed documents must be located in a strictly defined place; one must be able to determine by indexing in which box or folder the desired document is located; all documents placed in folders must be immediately indexed in accordance with their temporary storage plan.

Equipment and equipment of workplaces

The equipment of workplaces with technical means for performing various duties, means of communication and office furniture, the so-called office equipment, has a decisive influence on labor efficiency.

There are the following types (classes) of means of labor:

means of drawing up documents: typewriters (manual and electric), voice recorders, means of copying and duplicating documents, automatic pens, pencils;

means of processing and processing documents: cutting, fastening and gluing equipment and materials, addressing and stamping devices, machines for applying protective coatings;

means of storing and grouping documents: means of fastening documents
(staplers, special folders with clips), various kinds of file cabinets, special cabinets and racks for storing documents, drawings, magnetic tapes, machines for destroying unnecessary documents;

means of performing computational operations: counting and reference rulers, various types of microcalculators, mechanical computers, PC;

means of ensuring operational communication: telephone communication, radio communication, director's switches that allow you to talk (hold meetings) with several subscribers at the same time, concentrators, answering machines, two-way radiotelephone paging, etc.;

special service furniture: furniture and equipment for workplaces in office premises.

When choosing the necessary office equipment, it should be borne in mind that the acquisition and use of office equipment is not an end in itself, but a means to increase the efficiency of execution and reduce the labor intensity of managerial work, as well as solving a number of social problems of managerial work
(reducing the share of costs for performing routine operations, a means of motivating work, prestige of work, etc.). Therefore, before choosing and purchasing technical equipment, it is necessary to analyze the real needs for a particular tool and evaluate the benefits of its use.

When choosing a specific type of equipment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the operations performed, the volume and complexity of work, service relationships between individual workers and various services. You should choose the option that allows you to perform the work more economically.

Solving the problem of choosing certain means of office equipment, the expediency of their introduction into labor processes, take into account not only the benefits, but also the costs *.

The composition of the workplace of the secretary must necessarily include cabinets for documents and reference literature. In order to save working space, such cabinets can be placed on a wall or partition near the desktop. The cabinet for documents in order to ensure the safety of the latter must be locked with a key. In the event that the secretary also keeps documents constituting a trade secret, it is better to equip his workplace with a special safe for documents.

Shelves for office supplies, phone, and it is also better to fix on the wall or partition, leaving more space on the table for work.

It is advisable to equip the secretary's workplace with a special intercom that will allow the secretary, without once again entering the manager's office, to quickly inform the latter of the necessary information.

The secretary's workplace should include three zones: the main one - a table with attachments; auxiliary - combined cabinets; visitor service.

The total area of ​​the workplace should be within 12 - 16 sq.m. According to experts, the visitor service area is the visiting card of the institution, by which people evaluate the culture of work and the quality of work. This area should be thoughtful and comfortable. If the visitor for one reason or another cannot immediately be received by the head, then the visitor should sit comfortably, he should be surrounded by a beautiful color and light artistic ensemble, including the coloring of the room, light sources and landscaping.
Next to the main and auxiliary parts of the secretary's workplace should be a coffee table and one or two comfortable chairs. Fresh newspapers and magazines, clean paper, pencils or pens should be placed on the table.
It is inappropriate for visitor furniture to take up too much space and differ from the general style of furniture used in the firm.

That is why the specialist does not recommend putting upholstered furniture in the reception room. It takes up a lot of space, quickly gets dirty and deformed. At the same time, the use of chairs and ordinary tables on wheels will allow you to quickly change the purpose of the reception room, using it as a meeting room, etc.

In the event that the company does not have a special wardrobe, the reception room should have either a hanger or a wardrobe where visitors can hang their outerwear.

For visual comfort and the overall impression of the reception room, its aesthetic design is of great importance. First of all, you should use fresh flowers in the interiors. They replenish oxygen reserves, partly neutralize the harmful effects of computer and organizational equipment, and, in addition, give comfort to the working room.
The flower arrangement should be in harmony with the general style in which the interior is designed.

In addition to flowers, paintings, graphics, small plastic arts and other elements of decorative design are used to decorate the office and its reception area.

Working conditions

Working conditions are a set of elements (factors) of the working environment and the labor process that affect the functional state of the human body - health, performance, job satisfaction and its efficiency.

The following groups of factors of working conditions can be distinguished:

1. Sanitary and hygienic, characterizing the microclimate (temperature, humidity and air velocity), lighting, noise, vibration and the color of office premises and equipment associated with lighting;

2. Aesthetic, including color decoration of interiors, landscaping of service premises, use of paintings and works of applied art in the interiors of premises;

3. Psychophysiological, related to the implementation of measures of a psychophysiological nature, providing conditions for highly efficient activity and maintaining the health of employees (gradual entry into work, rhythmization of work, normal alternation of work and rest, change of forms of activity, active forms of work and rest, and a number of other factors);

4. Socio-psychological, associated with the implementation of measures aimed at shaping the psychological readiness of a person to work with new technology, to various kinds of innovations (removal of psychological barriers), with the creation of a normal psychological climate in the team, the establishment of normal relationships between the leader and subordinates and, in in particular, using the principles of communication between managers and subordinates developed by science and practice.

Working conditions are regulated by unified legislative acts, norms and standards.

Work to create favorable working conditions should be of a comprehensive systemic nature. The beginning of their formation is laid in the design of enterprises and institutions. This applies primarily to sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic working conditions, which are formed under the influence of the designed equipment and technology, the architectural design of buildings, the internal placement of service units and equipment, work furniture, etc. At this stage, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting of office premises are designed in accordance with sanitary and building codes.

No less important is the development of measures to form and improve working conditions at existing facilities. Here, work should be introduced for the entire complex of elements of working conditions, but special attention should be paid to psychophysiological and socio-psychological factors that are formed under the influence of work performed, interpersonal relationships, i.e. factors that cannot be taken into account at the design stage of enterprises.

Since in modern economic conditions more and more importance is attached to the activation of the human factor, the role of socio-psychological working conditions will also increase, because they contribute to strengthening the social motivation of work, the desire for greater creative output of specialists.

An integrated approach to ensuring favorable working conditions is reflected in special intersectoral requirements and regulatory materials that should be taken into account when designing new and reconstructing existing enterprises, technological processes and equipment.


The most important factor in the working environment is lighting. The value of rational lighting during work can hardly be overestimated.

The requirements for rational lighting are as follows: the right choice of light source and lighting system, the creation of the required level of illumination of the working surface, the neutralization of the glare effect, the elimination of glare, and the provision of uniform illumination.

The most appropriate is natural lighting. It has been found to cause the least fatigue. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use it all the working day, especially in the autumn-winter period, when daylight hours are short. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial lighting - both general and local.

Artificial and natural light should have the same direction.

If it is recommended to use fluorescent and metal halide lamps as a general-purpose artificial light source, then the local lighting system must be organized from incandescent lamps or white light lamps. White light bulbs emit a soft white light that is warm and soothing, enhancing visual perception. All types of luminaires must necessarily be equipped with diffusers and shielding grilles; for joint lighting, a non-translucent reflector with an angle of at least 40 degrees is allowed.

The best option is to work in natural light, when the light falls from the left side or in combined, when insufficient natural light is supplemented by local light, or when general and local lamps are working.

The illumination of the workplace should be adapted to the individual qualities of the secretary and be within 500 lux.

The color of the lighting has a psychological meaning, therefore, in low light, preference is given to warm tones, which are given by incandescent lamps, emphasizing yellow and red colors. The light in the office must have the right direction, the installation and format of the “light spot” are important factors for health, comfort and increased productivity.

Just as it is not recommended to watch TV in a dark room, it is also impossible to work behind the display only with local lighting. This is due to such a phenomenon as adaptation of vision. Periodic adaptation of the eye from one brightness to another leads to rapid fatigue, loss of vision, and negatively affects the psyche. In order to avoid eye strain, it is necessary to comply with the requirement: the difference between the brightness of the monitor and the brightness of surrounding objects in the operator's field of vision must be equal to a ratio of 1:3.

The brightness of the monitor itself, or rather its cathode ray tube, should be such that it would be possible to obtain the optimal contrast of the image. To achieve this contrast, you can use a protective screen, which reduces the overall brightness of the image, eliminates glare, increases the overall contrast, while not suppressing the dark areas of the text.

To reduce eye strain, it is necessary to take into account that dark signs on a light background are more easily perceived by the eye. The eye is less tired, good speed and reading accuracy is maintained when reading yellow-green characters on a white background. Optimal combinations of the color of signs with the background color were established: blue on white, green on white, black on yellow, black on white.

Avoid prolonged exposure to text on a monitor that is red on green, orange on white, black on magenta, orange on black.

It will positively affect the work of the eye if you follow the golden rule - place the monitor at a distance equal to two diagonals of your screen. The angle of the monitor should be such that the top edge of the screen is at eye level.

Having a working computer on the desktop, we receive electronic, electrostatic, X-ray and ultraviolet radiation in our office. The main source of harmful effects on the human body are low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations associated with the operation of electron beam scanning circuits, they affect the metabolism in the body, and can lead to pathological changes in soft tissue cells.

The electrostatic charge accumulating on the monitor screen causes deionization of the atmosphere, which leads to a harmful effect on the central nervous system. The result of such exposure can be not only depression or depression, but also hormonal imbalance.

The blue screen monitor has a partial emission in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. This effect is significant during prolonged work with a computer or diseases of the retina.

It is possible to protect yourself from these types of radiation if you have a protective screen that has a quality certificate from the Research Institute of Ergonomics or the Swedish Institute for Radiation Protection and meets the TCO 95 standard.

Unfortunately, the protective properties of the screen will help you if you are located in front of the monitor. A slight shift to the right or left, to the side, and you find yourself in the "rings of death" of the monitor.

Influences of microclimate and noise effects.

The secretary's workplace should be equipped with a sufficient set of technical equipment, office supplies, organizational equipment, and meet the requirements of ergonomics.

The microclimate affects the functional state of a person during work so widely that it can be called one of the determining factors of working capacity. It is known that an increase or decrease in temperature by 10 degrees reduces labor productivity by almost 15%. Another thing was also noted, lowering the temperature by 3 - 4 degrees relative to the comfortable one improves the quality of performing tasks related to attention and tracking.

The microclimate is characterized by such quantities as temperature, relative humidity and air speed. Temperature and humidity are quantities that depend both on the time of year, day, and weather conditions. In addition, various equipment that consumes energy, part of which is released into the environment in the form of heat, and the person himself, emitting up to 1200 kJ per hour, can be sources of heat in office premises. The most comfortable temperature for a person is 19 - 20 degrees. Taking into account seasonal and daily fluctuations, the temperature in office premises should not exceed 22 degrees - on hot days, and should not be lower than 18 degrees on cold days, regardless of the number of people in the room.

The sanitary norms for the microclimate in office premises define the requirements for humidity and air velocity. These physical quantities, according to the laws of physics, have a direct impact on the heat transfer of the human body. So, the humidity of cold air contributes to the intense release of heat from the body, because. Air saturated with moisture has a higher thermal conductivity than dry air. At high air temperature and humidity, sweat is limited, and this function of the human body performs 25% of the work during heat exchange.

From the table. 3 data shows that the temperature level is related to air humidity. At lower temperatures, higher humidity is allowed; at higher temperatures, the air humidity should be lower. In physiological terms, high humidity at high temperatures has a depressing effect. Psychologically, at the same temperature, moist air seems hot, dry air - cold. The minimum humidity should not be lower than 25 - 30%, normal - within 40 - 60%.

There is another feature that needs to be taken into account.
This is the purity of the air.

When working with paper media, as well as in rooms where operational printing facilities and high-frequency devices are located, the air is filled with various toxic substances and biological agents (bacteria), which penetrate the human body and irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, skin .
It is especially dangerous when toxic substances through the respiratory tract or damaged skin enter the bloodstream directly, which causes a disruption in the activity of the whole organism or its systems.

The most common harmful factor in the air environment in a modern office is ozone. Ozone is released by means of office equipment, which, according to the technological process, form electric charges and ultraviolet.

The other most common type of air pollution is dust, including paper dust.

Exposure to dust depends on its toxicity and concentration in the air. On the dust particles are spores, bacteria, fungi with the air flow, they are carried indoors.

More recently, scientists have discovered the existence of a microscopic dust mite. Such a tick lives in upholstered furniture, carpet paths. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it causes sneezing, tearing on the membranes of the eyes, can cause, for example, a runny nose and other allergic reactions. With constant exposure to the lungs, specific diseases occur.

You can fight against harmful microscopic substances through general hygiene measures: wet cleaning, ventilation, regular vacuuming.

It is necessary to say a few words about smoking. Smoking affects not only the lungs, but also the eyes. It often happens that some non-smokers even prefer to change jobs than to endure permanent fumes. The most perfect ventilation is powerless against constant smoke from smoking. Therefore, smoking in office premises and in general in a working building must be said resolutely “no”.

It is necessary to achieve air conditioning in office premises, i.e. simultaneous regulation of its temperature, humidity, purity and air exchange. Air conditioning is especially justified in the summer months, and more precisely in all cases when the temperature in the room reaches 27 degrees and above. Full air conditioning enhances productivity by
15%, while colds are significantly reduced.

Another rule should be careful attention to newly acquired items (for example, furniture) and tools so that they do not become a source of toxic substances in the office. When buying new office equipment, be sure to look in the passport, ask the seller what materials the equipment is made of, whether there are quality certificates for these materials, for the item itself, what substances are released during the technological process.

A special conversation is interior items. It's no secret that furniture, wallpaper, flooring can be a source of toxic substances. According to Article 4.14 of the "Hygienic Requirements ...", the materials used for interior decoration of the interior of the premises,

must be approved for use by the State Sanitary Inspection.

More drastic measures should be taken if the windows of the room face the highway or are located near industrial facilities. It is known that the car emits more than 280 types of toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Noise is also an ergonomic factor. It would be a big mistake to think that this is an insignificant factor that characterizes the workplace. The harmful effects of noise on the functional state of a person and, first of all, on his nervous system, have been established with certainty.

The term "noise" in ergonomics refers to the random mixing of sounds of different frequencies and strengths. Noise limits are well known. Conventionally, it is divided into five levels according to the nature of the reaction of the human body. The accepted unit of noise measurement is decibels (dB). Up to 10 dB is typical for the sounds of a quietly noisy sea, forest. For an urban person living in conditions of constant noise, such sounds can cause a state of monotony, impossibility of concentrated work, craving for sleep. He needs a period of getting used to the silence.

It is known that the absence of the usual sound design can become a source of depression.

Background noise, up to 60 dB, has an activating effect on the human body. Work in such conditions is carried out more efficiently. But already a background equal to 60 dB (which is approximately the noise when 5 people speak at the same time) leads to changes in physiological reactions (changes in pulse, blood pressure). With prolonged exposure to noise of 80 - 100 dB, the efficiency of behavior decreases, and the performance of intellectual operations becomes more difficult. Pathological changes in the cardiovascular system may occur. Noise at 140 dB causes a pain threshold, and at 160 dB - shock, convulsions, paralysis.

The noise level for office space, set by the European Union, is 55 dB. According to clause 6.2 of the Hygienic Requirements, the noise level should not exceed 75 dB.

However, the noise emitted by a computer, printer, and fax machine in a room without sound-absorbing materials exceeds 70 dB. Therefore, it is not recommended to put all office equipment in one workplace; noise-insulating materials should also be used.

Equipment whose noise levels exceed the maximum allowable must be moved outside the premises where the workplaces are located.

Noise levels can be reduced by using noise-absorbing materials, carpeting, thick fabric curtains (their width should be at least 2 times the width of the window), and mats for noisy equipment can be an additional condition in the fight against noise.

Psychophysiological working conditions

Psychophysiology has developed a number of rules and requirements that must be observed in order to ensure highly efficient activities and maintain the efficiency of employees for a long period.

1. Work must be entered gradually. The time required to enter the labor process is called the period of workability. This is the time of the formation of a dominant that provides a specific type of labor activity. The duration of the workability period varies depending on the state of the human body, overwork, the state of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, and the complexity of the work performed. Usually it lasts 15 - 20 minutes, but can reach up to 45 - 60 minutes. Reducing the duration of workability is achieved by organizational measures: the introduction of a working day schedule that streamlines contacts with the manager and other employees in time, thinking through the order of work for the coming day.

2. Work should begin with the implementation of its simpler elements with a gradual transition to more complex ones.

3. It is necessary to observe regularity and rhythm in work. Rhythmic work is more productive and less tiring than non-rhythmic work.
Consequently, organizational measures that ensure the rhythm of the work of employees during the working day, week, month - improving operational planning, streamlining information services in time, developing and introducing working day routines - help eliminate interference, distraction and streamline the distribution of various works by hours of the working day (days of the week), allocating, in particular, time to perform the most creative work.

4. It is necessary to ensure the normal alternation of work and rest, as well as forms of activity. This requirement is based on taking into account the laws of the brain: the mental process must unfold for a long time. Due to the prevailing dominant, the process of thinking can continue during breaks and after the end of the working day. In this regard, the development of a rational mode of work and rest is of great importance for the prevention of fatigue.

The mode of work and rest involves the establishment of the total amount of intra-shift breaks for rest, their distribution during the working day, as well as the establishment of the form of rest - active or passive.

To a certain extent, its aestheticization contributes to the creation of a favorable environment in office premises. The development of practical measures for aestheticization should not only be aimed at creating a beautiful interior, but also provide for the psychological impact of the light and color climate, forms of wildlife (landscaping), as well as visual media.
(various visual aids, exhibits, bulletin boards) to stimulate efficiency. In this regard, the aesthetic design of office space should be entrusted to specialists of the appropriate profile.

Assistance in the implementation of this work can be provided by methodological materials of special organizations.


1. Zhukov L.I., Gorshkov V.V. Reference manual on labor
2. Guryanov S. Kh., Polyakov I. A., Remizov K. S. Handbook of an economist on labor
3. Service NGS Management SWZD
* Costs are the costs of acquiring and operating technical equipment, attracting and training additional personnel.


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Module 3

3.1. Secretary's workplace

The rational organization of the work of a secretary begins with the organization of the workplace.

The secretary's workplace is conditionally divided into 3 zones:

1) Work area - the main place of work, there is a table, telephone, computer and necessary office equipment. The secretary's workplace is located next to the entrance to the manager's office, so that it is good to see everyone entering the reception room, to meet them with their faces, and not with their backs.

2) Auxiliary zone - cabinets, copier, fax, etc. are located here.

3) Visitor service area - here are chairs for visitors, a coffee table, various booklets, etc.

It is necessary to clearly maintain the separation of zones, which will allow the secretary to work more productively.

The secretary's workplace is located in the reception room, which is usually adjacent to the manager's office. It should be placed in such a way that the secretary can see everyone entering the reception area. The reception area is divided into a working area and a visitor area.

When choosing the size of the reception area, the following factors should be considered:

1) approaches to furniture and equipment;

2) arrangement and operation of furniture and equipment;

3) in some cases, the need for special conditions;

4) the possibility of installing additional equipment.

If several people work in the room, then in accordance with the current standards, the norm for the area of ​​​​office premises should be at least 4 m 2 per employee.

ADVICE. The secretary's workplace should have the necessary space for office equipment and such a location that the secretary can see all visitors, and visitors immediately see the secretary upon entering the office.

The organization of the workplace of the secretary of the head is formed on the basis of an analysis of the content of his activities, the requirements of ergonomics, hygiene and psychophysiology and is aimed at designing the optimal organization of the workplace.

An approximate list of office equipment and computer tools used in the work of a secretary:

1) small office equipment (writing utensils: pens, paper, pencils, erasers, etc.);

2) means of compiling and producing text documents (computer, voice recorder, printer, scanner, in stock - a portable typewriter);

3) means of processing paper documents (gluing and stapling machines, envelope opening and cutting equipment, addressing and stamping equipment, a machine for destroying documents);

4) means of storing and searching for documents (file cabinets of various types, cabinets and shelves, safe);

5) means of communication (telephone, radiotelephone, radio, teletype, fax, network card for a local network, means of operational dispatch communication, e-mail, modem);

6) copiers and devices;

7) a shredder for prompt destruction of confidential information;

8) office furniture and equipment:

1) single-pedestal table;

2) prefix with a cabinet for a computer, computer;

3) lifting and swivel chair;

4) auxiliary table.

Means of small office equipment are necessary for any level of automation of the secretary's work. So, the secretary should have pens and pencils in working order, paper with a margin, since visitors, members of meetings may not have them at the right time, and the technical support of negotiations and meetings is his official duty.

In the means of compiling and producing text documents, the computer is increasingly coming to the fore, even with a very small workflow. Documents created with it have an aesthetically more acceptable appearance due to the presence of various fonts and colors, which cannot but affect the attitude towards the document and helps to create a favorable impression of the author of the document.

Dictaphones are indispensable when noiseless and accurate display of audio information is required.

A scanner is a convenient tool for entering a large amount of text and graphic information into a computer, as well as documents into an automated document management system.

The means of communication can be combined in a hardware representation, for example, telephone - fax - modem, should have a compact appearance and calm, pleasant to the ear means of notification of the beginning of communication. Copiers are selected depending on the amount of work, the required quality of copies and other parameters.

A necessary effective tool for planning the working day of the secretary and manager is a weekly journal in which cases are posted by date.

You can use a software product such as Lotus Organizer installed on a personal computer for these purposes. Lotus Organizer is called a personal information system designed for efficient organization of working time. In addition to the calendar, it includes a telephone directory, address book, notepad, etc. But even with Lotus Organizer, to duplicate information, you need to have a regular diary or periodically print out some data from a computer.

Documents received by the archive of the department are stored in a cabinet in folders-registrators, folders, reference and information aids - in special cabinets.

The visitor area is completed with chairs, a coffee table and a flower girl. In the event that the building does not have a wardrobe, a wardrobe for outerwear should be placed in the reception room. Furniture for visitors should be in an area that is clearly visible to the secretary. It is not recommended to put upholstered furniture in the reception room, as long-term presence of visitors is not expected with proper organization of work.

Sometimes the secretary needs to prepare tea or coffee for the manager and visitors. To do this, it is good to provide a small "kitchenette". Of course, visually it should be isolated from places for visitors. It is strongly not recommended to turn the secretary's workplace into a pantry.

ADVICE: There should be a special section in the cupboard in the “kitchenette” in which there should not be translations: high-quality and expensive coffee, instant and natural, tea, cream, several boxes of sweets, preferably the same.

Since only a full box should be served to the manager and important visitors, as a result of which several started boxes may accumulate, from which the diligent secretary will complete the complete one.

Coffee should be served in an exquisite service on a beautiful tray.

The workplace of the secretary of the structural unit should be equipped with equipment for collective use (printers, telefax, copier, etc.) for its more productive use. The timely replacement of replaceable print cartridges, the organization of repairs should be the responsibility of this employee. The presence of a department secretary makes it possible to use a telephone exchange with one exit line outside the organization.

The workplace of the secretary of the unit must be equipped with manual, mechanical or electronic systems (such as filing cabinets, a personal computer) for fixing and controlling documents received by the employees of the unit and are in their execution. A compact typewriter (electrical or mechanical) may not be superfluous for typewritten filling in forms with accurate and fine engraving in case of failure of computer equipment, for example, due to a virus attack, or the special secrecy of the document being prepared.

The layout of the secretary's workplace should provide maximum convenience in the performance of duties and not contradict the requirements for saving space.

The secretary's workplace must meet all the requirements that ensure maximum convenience in work, minimum effort and time spent on unproductive movements. One of the main requirements that the secretary must strictly fulfill is exceptional order and cleanliness both in the workplace and in the reception room.

Secretary's task- do everything necessary to make the visitor feel comfortable in the reception. The secretary should not clutter up the aisles in the reception room with personal belongings, put things in prominent places. If there is a need to decorate a wall, then for this purpose it is better to use a picture or print that complements the interior. It is allowed to place information stands or tables on the walls indicating the time of reception of visitors, a calendar, etc.

ADVICE. Both on the table top of the secretary's workplace and in the drawers of the desk, it is always necessary to maintain order and cleanliness. Information, documents stored in desk drawers should be systematized, easily visible, and available for work.

The secretary must exercise constant control over the safety of furniture, technical equipment, and their sanitary condition.

conclusions: the secretary needs to do everything necessary to make the visitor in the reception feel comfortable, and the secretary himself should not annoy anything during a busy working day. Every employee should feel comfortable in the workplace.

Workplace - an area of ​​work of an employee, equipped with the necessary means for the performance of official duties.

The organization of the secretary's workplace begins with equipping it with furniture, special equipment, stationery.

The mandatory set of furniture should include:

§ clerical table with a movable pedestal;

§ lifting and swivel chair;

§ auxiliary table or stand for office equipment;

§ cabinet for storage of documentation;

§ a safe for storing important documents, letterheads, stamps and seals;

§ chairs for visitors.

Among stationery and special equipment, items that are often used when working with documents can be distinguished:

§ writing instrument;

§ folder or tray for current documents and paper;

§ reference and alphabetical notebooks, diary, weekly;

§ hole punch, stapler (stapler);

§ paper knife, scissors;

§ corrective note (“stroke”), glue;

§ magnetic device for storing paper clips, buttons and other metal trifles;

§ Wall Clock;

§ a folder with the inscriptions “To the report”, “For signature”, “Documents in progress”, etc.

For any employee to successfully perform the functions assigned to him, certain working conditions are required. They should provide maximum convenience for the employee during work with minimal effort and time. Working conditions are made up of a number of factors: technical, hygienic, social, psychological, psychophysical and aesthetic.

Working conditions - a set of factors in the working environment that affect the health and performance of a person in the process of his activity.

The technical factors of working conditions include equipping his workplace with modern office equipment and the use of the latest information technologies in the labor process. When organizing the workplace of the secretary, you should take care of special furniture and stationery.

Hygienic factors should ensure the safety of strength and health, minimal fatigue and good health of the employee in the process of work. These factors include the illumination of the workplace, the optimal temperature and humidity conditions in the room, the well-thought-out color scheme in the design of the premises, comfortable furniture that meets ergonomic requirements, etc.

Social factors create a sense of comfort and social security for the employee. These include meals for employees, health insurance, access to sports and gyms, care of the administration about the summer holidays of employees, etc.

Psychological factors are determined by the relationship of employees in the team, leadership style, i.e., the psychological climate of the organization. Joint holidays, "days of health", sports days, encouragement of employees who have shown themselves in work, congratulations on holidays - all these are indicators of a good psychological climate in the team. Such a psychological environment contributes to the working mood, employees appreciate it and value their workplace.

Psychophysical factors should take into account fluctuations in the physical condition of the employee's employee during the working day. The load must be distributed according to this state. For example, the first hour of work and immediately after the lunch break, one should not plan the peak of production activity, because the body at this time is somewhat relaxed and not ready for intensive work. By the end of the working day, general fatigue occurs, therefore, for this period, less responsible work should be left that does not require concentration and mental stress.

Peak human performance falls on the time from 9 to 12 hours and from 14 to 17 hours. At this time, the main production load should be planned.

Aesthetic factors contribute to the good mood of the employee, form in him respect for his work and pride in the enterprise, increase the prestige of work. Furniture, flowers, blinds, modern interiors, pleasant quiet music, colors in the design and much more can be attributed to aesthetic factors that affect working conditions.

Working conditions include compliance with ergonomic requirements. These requirements must be met by a set of secretarial furniture.

Ergometric requirements for secretarial furniture

Placement of furniture and equipment should comply with the following principles:

§ frequently used objects should be in the working area, "at hand";

§ the arrangement of objects on the table must comply with the “right and left hand” rule (on the right - what is taken and done with the right hand, on the left - what is taken and done with the left hand);

§ each object in the room must have its own place and a permanent movement zone.

Sanitary and hygienic standards for office workers equipped with computers and office equipment are regulated by SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work."

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for office workers



Natural and artificial lighting

300-500 lux

Noise level

no more than 65 dB

Square per pc

not less than 6 m2

Volume per PC

not less than 20 m3

lift-and-swivel with adjustable height and tilt back

Air exchange

normal (ventilation, ventilation, air conditioning)

Microclimate (optimum parameters)

humidity 40-60%

to air in winter from + 18 to + 21o

to air in summer from + 23 to + 25o

Distance to monitor screen (during operation)

Continuous working time on PC

no more than 2 hours, mandatory breaks

Special Measures

Complex exercises for the muscles of the body and eyes, psychological relief

Thus, the creation of a rational layout of the workplace of a secretary in an enterprise is of great importance, both to facilitate work and to increase its attractiveness, which positively affects labor productivity. As for the rational organization of work of the assistant secretary, it consists of the organization of the workplace, working conditions and planning the working day.