The sun is the only star in the solar system, a yellow dwarf, our daylight. It is around it that other objects turn: planets and their satellites, asteroids, meteorites, comets and cosmic dust. And what happens on our star affects the entire solar system.

Ordinary Furious Light

This is what a solar storm looks like

It seemed that nothing foreshadowed another cataclysm for a yellow dwarf in one of the arms of the Milky Way. For several billion years, a thermonuclear fire has raged in its core. Every second, a monstrous energy was released, equal to the incalculable number of explosions (billions of billions) of the most powerful thermonuclear bombs. The colossal heat of the nuclear furnace poured out in a uniform dazzling radiance, supporting life on the third planet. It seemed that it would always be like this ahead, especially against the background of short-term sparks of human lives, for an eternity ...

But then a solar superstorm struck! The stellar pulse of oscillation subtly changed, showing the first symptoms of the coming electromagnetic storm. The internal reactor of the luminary methodically continued to throw out a colossal flux of radiation, which slowly slowed down, being absorbed in the convection zone. Cyclopean streams of solar plasma arose there, twisted by the internal magnetic field into thousands of kilometers of columns. Like vertical tornadoes, they swiftly moved towards the surface and soon pierced it like monstrous needles, on the tip of which mysterious pools of sunspots blurred. At the edges of the dark chasm, colossal masses of chilled matter erupted inward. Nearby, another spot appeared, circling on a carpet of closed and broken magnetic lines. Feeling the closeness, the bipolar brethren resolutely moved towards them. Here their edges touched, and the surface of the star shuddered from a giant flash. More explosions followed. A storm has begun on the solar surface.

Discovery of Carrington

So, Carrington immediately learned nothing about the observations of American colleagues. On that first day in autumn, a British astronomer discovered a large group of unusually large sunspots. Frantically, breaking the leads of special soft pencils, he began to make sketches, trying to sketch out such an unusual phenomenon.

Suddenly, an intense white glow erupted along the edges of the family of spots. It was as if the granules of the solar surface were cracked from unbearable heat, and the core of the star peeped through them. In complete delight, Carrington rushed to look for witnesses to this enchanting phenomenon on the solar disk. Alas! To his chagrin, he found that the observatory was empty - all the astronomers had left for the telegraph station. There they unsuccessfully tried to transmit the results of their nightly observations to the main Greenwich Observatory.

In desperation, Carrington tried to get the attention of the mechanic, the keeper of the telescopes, but he was in no hurry to share the scientist's enthusiasm. Knowing the danger of solar observations and remembering the tragic fate of Galileo, who lost his sight from this at the end of his life, he categorically refused to look into the eyepiece of the telescope. The next day, an evening courier train brought the London papers. From them, Carrington learned that waves of phenomenal auroras swept across America. The "celestial spectacle," wrote the New York correspondent, turned night into day from Quebec to distant Panama. A stormy play of colors with tints of crimson and green glow did not stop from the evening dawn until early morning. Gold miners in the Rocky Mountains woke up and had breakfast at one in the morning, thinking that it was already dawn and the sun was just hidden by clouds. And everywhere there were big problems with telegraph communication. Seemed like some kind of joker

connected to the world telegraph, forcing Morse devices, both in Europe and in North America and Asia, to tap out some kind of abracadabra.

How lucky is humanity

SDO observatory before launch into orbit

Reporters from leading newspapers in the New and Old Worlds have run amok trying to complete an editorial assignment and find scientists who can somehow explain the strange celestial and terrestrial phenomena. This amazing solar-terrestrial phenomenon, later called the "Carrington event", the science of that time could not explain. Many, often quite improbable, hypotheses have been put forward about the causes of sharp fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, the riot of auroras and telegraph failures. It was assumed that a meteor shower from very small bodies fell on Earth, or fields of unusual icebergs appeared in the Arctic, reflecting light like white nights.

Scientific American, boldly juxtaposing the Great Aurora of 1859 and the Carrington event, wrote that "the connection between the flashes of light at the North Pole and electromagnetic forces is now fully established." Analysis of astronomical observations of the time shows that the Great Aurora of 1859 was indeed the inevitable consequence of the Carrington event. Apparently, then there was a series of solar flares of unprecedented power, culminating in a colossal ejection of a cloud of plasma.

For a long time it was believed that such monstrous magnetic storms, which are the echoes of solar superstorms, repeat once a millennium. However, cautious estimates have recently appeared that reduce this period to almost half a century. The last magnetic storm of comparable magnitude occurred on November 13, 1960. It led to the strongest perturbation of the magnetosphere of our planet and for some period paralyzed the work of all radio stations.

Well, what would happen if the Carrington event happened today?

Earth echo of distant storms

The first signs of an impending superstorm would have been noticed by an orbital observatory for the study

solar dynamics SDO. This state-of-the-art NASA spacecraft has taken over the observation baton from the famed SOHO Solar and Heliosphere Space Telescope. This unique orbital laboratory has been observing solar activity for many years.

Urgent measures would have been taken to evacuate the next crew from the International Space Station. All valuable equipment on numerous satellites would be hastily "conserved". Wherever possible, solar panels and parabolic antennas would be rolled up and closed, on-board computers and isotope cells would be de-energized.

Nearly two hundred geostationary communications satellites hanging in the Clark Belt would be the first to feel the gusts of a stormy solar wind. This is the name of the geosynchronous circular orbit, located 35,786 kilometers above the earth's equator, which was first described by the outstanding American science fiction writer and scientist Arthur C. Clarke. Despite all the precautions taken, the radiation flux, together with the plasma vortices twisted by the Earth's magnetic field, would instantly burn out all the microcircuits of radio-electronic equipment and irreparably damage the solar cells. Then it would be the turn of satellites in low earth orbits.

Having reached the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, the solar plasma streams would have been ejected by the geomagnetic field into the subpolar regions. There they would "burn out" giant ozone holes. From the moment the very first relatively small waves of the “cosmic surf” arrived, radio and cellular communications would cease to function. Then it would be the turn of the Internet, wire telephony and the telegraph. Finally, the induced pulses would turn on protection at power stations and transformers. The planet would be left without electricity.

The gigantic network of gas and oil pipelines that engulfed the whole world would sparkle in a stream of electromagnetic radiation and immediately explode in monstrous fires.

Undoubtedly, disabled space satellites, failure of radio communications and a global power outage would cause a great man-made disaster. It would take years to restore the destroyed communications. In general, the damage from a solar superstorm can be similar to the damage from an asteroid impact or an earthquake of unprecedented power.

This process is called a supernova explosion. A series of strong flares on the star that we observe on the Sun throughout September indicates a high probability of such a scenario.


"The processes of activation on our star have been noticeable recently. Among them, of course, are the current powerful outbreaks. However, to be honest, we still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether the Sun will die in the foreseeable future. We still know too little about the star closest to us, about what is happening to it," said research physicist Ivan Nazarenko.

According to him, if fears are confirmed and a supernova forms, earthlings will see a bright flash eight minutes later. "The whole sky will be covered with radiance from a bright white flame emitted by an exploded star. The power of this glow will be such that the night on the planet will disappear. Most likely, all living things, including people, will die at the first stage of the cataclysm," the scientist suggested.

Further, streams of radioactive radiation will fall on the planet. Under the influence of anomalous solar radiation, the temperature on the Earth's surface will rise to five thousand degrees, and all the water will evaporate and form a thick cloud cover at an altitude of tens of kilometers.

But this is not the end, the expert warned. When, due to the explosion, the Sun increases many times in size, plasma flows will reach the Earth. After that, the planet will deorbit and go on an unpredictable space "journey".

A bright flash, which was recorded on September 6, 2017 on the nearest line from the Earth, will have the most powerful effect on life on our planet for at least another five days. The fact that The most powerful explosion on the Sun in 12 years, will be a real test of strength for all people.

Powerful explosion on the Sun 2017

An unusual natural phenomenon on the day Star has already caused an increase in the X-ray background over the entire surface of the Earth. In the coming days, people will encounter interference in GPS navigation, radio communications, and will also see a real aurora over the territory of the Moscow region.

The last time an outbreak of such power was recorded in September 2005, it was assigned the highest score of solar activity X9.3. On a color scale, this corresponds to the maximum, black level of solar activity. There is, made by one futurologist

This is provided that usually geomagnetic radiations vary within green, yellow, red and violet colors.

Solar flare consequences

Scientists warn that the highest level of geomagnetic disturbance will affect the operation of the equipment of aircraft and space objects, and will also lead to x-ray exposure of passengers.

After a powerful solar flare has occurred, a real geomagnetic storm awaits the inhabitants of the Earth. A super-powerful flash has made its own adjustments to, so weather-dependent people need to quickly take precautions.

The consequences of explosions on the Sun are fraught with emotional instability, sudden accidents at work, major accidents, as well as deterioration in well-being. In the period from 6 to 15 September, direct sunlight should be avoided on the skin. It is better not to carry out planned operations at this time, and also refuse to go to a beauty salon. Be prepared for the fact that people will react more sharply than usual to your words. Consciously protect yourself from communicating with inadequate personalities and spend more time outdoors.

What's Happening to the Sun in 2017

Astrologers say that such powerful solar flares as in September 2017 are directly related to the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the daytime star experiences one magnetic storm after another, which affects the life of the entire Earth.

Such fluctuations in solar activity have already brought the inhabitants of the United States the devastating hurricane Harvey, but in Europe it suddenly snowed in the first days of September. In Russia, solar flares will lead to massive outages in mobile communications, problems with electricity, as well as an increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes and mental disorders in people. Among the positive aspects: a great opportunity to see the aurora in the night sky on September 7-9, not only in regions such as the Irkutsk region, Tyumen, Kirov, but also in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

For more than a decade, scientists from different countries have been trying to figure out how to predict such natural phenomena as solar flares. Their frequency is determined by eleven-year cycles of solar activity. However, the most powerful and unpleasant manifestations of the activity of the Sun overtake us, quite suddenly, to this day. This is due to the fact that solar flares can be predicted only by analyzing solar magnetic fields, which are not distinguished by constancy and at least minimal stability.

The impact of solar flares on outer space

Solar flares are considered the most unfavorable for space explorers. Representing the greatest degree of threat in the expanses of outer space, waves of powerful explosive energy may well damage communications satellites, and even spacecraft, completely disabling instruments and control systems. Flashes on, forming powerful streams of protons, significantly increase the level of radiation, as a result of which people in outer space can easily be exposed to strong radiation. A certain risk of exposure exists even for passengers of airliners who fly during certain periods, falling on the peaks of outbreak activity.

Under the Soviet Union, leading specialists at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory tried to predict the possibility of solar flares, and if the prerequisites for an energy explosion arose, the flights of astronauts were necessarily postponed. In 1968, the forecast of Soviet scientists about the upcoming solar flare, which was assigned the highest level of danger - three points, became a world sensation. Then the Soyuz-3 spacecraft with Georgy Beregov was landed, and after three hours they observed a powerful solar flare, which for a person in space would be fatal.

Plasma cloud danger and solar flare classification

Solar flares can pose a considerable danger to the inhabitants of our planet, even though the Earth is protected from them by the geomagnetic field and the atmospheric ozone layer. Each such flash is accompanied by a cloud of a kind of plasma and, reaching the Earth, it is this plasma that causes magnetic storms that negatively affect almost all living organisms and disable the most powerful communication systems.

After the start of a solar flare, radiation reaches the Earth's surface within an 8-10-minute period, after which powerfully charged particles are sent towards our planet. Further, within a three-day period, the plasma clouds reach the Earth. A kind of blast wave collides with our planet and causes magnetic storms. The duration of each outbreak usually does not exceed a few minutes, but this time and the power of the energy release is quite enough to affect the state of the Earth and the well-being of its inhabitants.

scientists solar flares have been classified into five types: A, B, C, M, X. In this case, A are flares with a minimum degree of X-ray emission, and each subsequent one is 10 times more intense than the previous one. Class X flares are considered the most powerful and dangerous. Numerous scientists and researchers have noticed that even typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes most often occur during solar activity. Therefore, forecasts of various natural disasters are often associated with solar flares.

The main types of danger in solar flares

Without exaggerating the level of influence of flares from the Sun on the human body and well-being, it is possible to identify groups of people who are most susceptible to the negative effects of solar system energy explosions.

It has been proven more than once that catastrophes and accidents due to the fault of the human factor increase quantitatively during the days of solar flares. This is due to the fact that during such periods, brain activity is maximally weakened, and concentration of attention is greatly dulled. In addition, for a number of people, magnetic storms are the causative agents of real torment and frustration. There are many such groups:

  • People with weakened immune systems;
  • The population suffering from cardiovascular diseases, migraines, jumps (drops) in blood pressure;
  • People with chronic illnesses that are exacerbated during each solar flare and subsequent magnetic storm;
  • Population subject to periodic manifestations of insomnia, loss of appetite, restless sleep;
  • Mentally unbalanced individuals.

There are separate opinions, repeatedly confirmed in practice, that many people begin to worry about old wounds, scars, damaged bones or sore joints during magnetic storms. Also, those representatives who have a so-called delayed reaction to magnetic storms can be attributed to a separate group. These are people who experience negative effects a few days after solar flares.

Many experts advise periodically undergoing medical examinations to detect chronic diseases. Since it is precisely this kind of disease that is significantly aggravated during solar flares, it will be possible, if not to prevent the upcoming malaise and deterioration in health, then at least to have medicines at hand.

How scientists are trying to predict solar flares

Given the degree of influence and danger from solar flares, work and attempts to find the most accurate methods for predicting this phenomenon do not stop. For a long time, scientists and weather forecasters considered two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Casual - is based on predicting the next outbreak by its simulation, for which the physical mechanisms of the outbreak are carefully studied.
  2. Synoptic - a method that involves the study and analysis of the prerequisites and behavior of the Sun before each flare.

The fact remains that the coronal origin of solar flares and their magnetic nature are directly related. This means that for a better development of forecasting, it will most likely be necessary to link both methods together.

The largest flare in the last 12 years occurred on the Sun, the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported.

Scientists noted that the outbreak is a natural result of changes in the solar corona over the past three days. During this period, as a result of the interaction of two large groups of sunspots, energy was accumulated, which was released in a large flare. At present, the consequences of this natural phenomenon are difficult to predict with sufficient accuracy.

"The observed explosion occurred in a geoeffective region near the Sun-Earth line, from where the impact of the Sun on our planet is maximum," the laboratory's website said in a statement.

Solar flares are divided into five classes depending on the X-ray power: A, B, C, M and X. The minimum class A0.0 corresponds to a radiation power in the Earth's orbit of 10 nanowatts per square meter. When moving to the next letter, the power increases 10 times.

The current flare belongs to the latter class and has been assigned a score of X9.3, making it one of the five most powerful explosions on the surface of the Sun on record.

Images of the flare were taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Vladimir Surdin, a senior researcher at the P.K.

"The Sun is a calm star, but with a frequency of 11 years, its activity increases. During a period of high solar flare activity, this is not such a rarity. But just this year - a period of low solar activity. And, frankly, no one expected that there will be such an event. Yesterday afternoon there were two class X flares on the Sun. One of medium power and the other of extremely high power. Unfortunately, both flares were quite accurately directed towards the Earth. The equipment of the satellites that "saw" this almost burned out, it went off scale - so powerful was the flow of X-ray and ultraviolet rays," said Vladimir Surdin.

According to him, the atmosphere protects people from powerful solar radiation on Earth.

"A flare is a powerful explosion on the surface of the Sun. It is incomparable with anything we are used to on Earth - no hydrogen bombs can match it. But the Sun is still far from us, and this cannot greatly damage the Earth. For Earth's atmosphere, all this is not very scary - the air covers us well. But for those who fly above the atmosphere - satellites, people - this is not a very pleasant event, "said Vladimir Surdin.

According to the scientist's forecasts, the consequences of a solar flare will manifest themselves for several more days.

"In the coming days, particles of cosmic rays ejected from the Sun will still fly up - fast protons, electrons - so the events associated with this flare will continue. There will be beautiful events, such as a very powerful aurora. But there will also be unpleasant events - interruption of radio communications and, possibly , burnout of transformers in the power supply networks of cities," said Vladimir Surdin.

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