• phrase is a combination of independent words related in meaning and grammatically.
  • subordination- this is a way of connecting words in a phrase, when one word is the main one, and the other is dependent. From the main to the dependent, you can always put a question.

A phrase consists of a main and a dependent word.

For example: Sergei handed in his work on time.
Let's find all the phrases:

  • handed over work - handed over (whom? what?) work; passed - the main word, work - dependent;
  • handed over on time - handed over (when?) on time; passed - the main word, on time - dependent;
  • their work - work (what? whose?) theirs; work is the main word, your own is dependent.

There are two words left: Sergey passed. This is a grammatical basis, both words are the main members of the sentence, neither of them is more important than the other. It turns out that subject and predicate cannot be called a phrase.

What combinations of words cannot be called a phrase

  1. main members of the proposal.
  2. Equal combinations - in the sentence these are homogeneous members ( red and blue, thought and understood, relatives and friends). They are connected not by a subordinating, but by a coordinating (equal) connection.
  3. An independent word (noun, adjective, pronoun, verb and other significant parts of speech) with a function word, more often it is a preposition, less often - a particle ( for training, in the story, did not agree, let him think). Between an independent and an auxiliary word, the semantic connection is not formalized by a question. You cannot ask a question from the verb "agreed" to the particle "not" or from the noun "training" to the preposition "on". Such combinations are necessary for the grammatical connection of words in a sentence.
  4. Compound forms of words - the future tense of the verb (will + infinitive), comparative or superlative degree of adjectives, adverbs ( more successful, most interesting, less strong).
  5. Inseparable lexical units - ( neither fish nor meat, through the sleeves).

Types of subordination


Consent is a type of subordinating relationship in which the form of the dependent word fully corresponds to the form of the main word. When agreed, the main word is expressed by a noun, the dependent - by an adjective, participle, pronoun, numeral, the gender, number and case of which is consistent with the gender, number and case of the main word:

  • serious challenge: test (what?) Serious - case, gender, number match;
  • serious trials: tests (what?) Serious - the case, the number of the dependent word changed after the change in the case and the number of the main word;
  • for serious testing: for tests (what?) Serious - another change in the case ending.

No matter how much you change the main word, the dependent word will immediately take the form of a leader word. This type of subordination is called agreement.


Management is a subordinating relationship, in which the main word requires that the dependent with it stand in a certain case:

  • to hear (infinitive) a friend: to hear (whom?) a friend (Vin. p);
  • I will hear (I) a friend (Vin. p);
  • hear (you) a friend (Vin. p);
  • hear (they) a friend (Win. p);
  • would have heard a (conditional) friend (Win. p);
  • hear the (imperative) friend (Vin. p).

The conjugation of the verb, the change in its moods does not affect the form of the dependent word in any way: with the verb "hear" the noun "friend" is used only in the accusative case.
The main word can be a noun, but the principle of connection is the same:
sand figures - for sand figures - about the figures of their sand.


Adjacency is type of connection, when there is no grammatical connection between the main and dependent word, only semantic. A dependent word is an invariable part of speech - an adverb, a participle. Infinitive (indefinite form of the verb) and possessive pronouns ( him, her, them- answer the question whose?), are part of phrases, adjoining the main word.


  • jumped up: jumped (where?) up; dependent word - adverb;
  • stands leaning on: stands (how?) leaning on his elbows; dependent word - gerund;
  • hit harder: hit (how?) harder - the comparative degree of the adverb also does not change;
  • lover to complain: amateur (what? what?) to complain - the infinitive is adjacent to the main noun;
  • order from above: order (what? from where?) from above - unchangeable adverb;
  • her request: request (whose?) her - possessive pronouns are adjacent to the main word.

Difficult cases

It is important to remember the existence of derivative prepositions (formed from independent parts of speech - during, about, in view of) in order to correctly find the phrase and determine the type of subordination. Adverbs that are formed in the same way (forever, first, deep) can also be confusing:

  1. Came out towards car: went out (where?) towards the car - control. The derivative preposition "towards" can be replaced by the usual preposition "K": went out to the car.
  2. Decided to come to a meeting with journalists: to come (where?) to a meeting (management); to a meeting (what?) with journalists (management).
  3. The sail has melted in the distance ocean: melted (where?) in the distance (noun with a preposition) - management, in the distance (what?) of the ocean - management. To make sure that the sentence has a noun with a preposition and not an adverb, you can change the type of subordination - V oceanic gave(consent).
  4. away a cyclist appeared: appeared (where?) in the distance (adverb) - adjoining.
  5. We will talk to you after: let's talk (when?) after (adverb) - adjoining.
  6. let's talk after meetings: let's talk (when?) after the meeting (noun with a preposition) - management.

A subordinating relationship is such a relationship between parts of a complex sentence or phrase, in which one part is controlling, and the second is subordinate to it. Based on this, we will analyze the types of subordination in the phrase and in the sentence. For clarity, each of the above cases will be considered with an example.

Types of subordination in a phrase

There are only three of them. This is coordination, control and adjacency.


The gender, number and case of the main word in this type of connection is consistent with the dependent word.

Examples: a beautiful flower, another world, the ninth day.

As you can see, this type of connection is typical for phrases, where the noun is the main word, and the adjective, participle or ordinal number is dependent. Also, a possessive pronoun can act as a dependent word, for example, in the phrase “our souls”. The type of subordination here will be agreement.


The main word in management puts the secondary in dependence with the help of a case. The combinations of parts of speech here can be quite diverse: verb and noun, participle or gerund and noun, noun and noun, numeral and noun.

Examples: sitting on a bench, knowing the truth, entering a room, a bowl of clay, ten sailors.

In the tasks of the GIA and the Unified State Examination, students are often faced with the task of changing the type of phrase from control to coordination or vice versa. Without understanding the material, the graduate may make a mistake. In fact, the task is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to know the types of subordination and be able to apply them.

The classic version of the task is a connection of two nouns. For example, "porridge from corn." The subordinate word must be changed into an adjective. Then “corn porridge” comes out, respectively, no other types of subordinating relationship, except for coordination, are suitable here. So, everything is done correctly.

If it is necessary to change the connection from agreement to control, then we change the adjective to a noun and put it in a certain case in relation to the main word. So, from a "strawberry cocktail" you get a "strawberry cocktail".


In this case, the main word is associated with the dependent only in meaning. Such a connection is between a verb and an adverb, a verb and a gerund, a verb and a verb, a verb and an adjective or an adverb of a comparative degree.

Examples: "smile happily," "says sobbing," "I can swim," "be smarter," "it got worse."

It is quite simple to determine this connection: the dependent word does not and cannot have a case and gender. It can be an infinitive, a participle, comparative degrees of an adjective and an adverb.

We have considered all types of subordination in the phrase. Now let's move on to a complex sentence.

Subordinating relationship in a sentence

Types of subordination in a complex sentence can be distinguished in the presence of several subordinate clauses. They connect with the main sentence in different ways. For this reason, it can be noted that the subordinating relationship, the types of which we will analyze, can be expressed in various ways, depending on the nature of the subordination.

Sequential submission

With this type of connection, the subordinate clauses are subordinate to each other sequentially. Such a proposal scheme resembles a nesting doll.

Example. I asked for a guitar from a friend who was helping me put on a show where we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

The basis of the main sentence here is "I asked." The subordinate clause, which enters into a subordinating relationship with it, has the basis "which helped to arrange." Another subordinate clause departs from this sentence, subordinate to it - "we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Parallel subordination

This is a kind of complex sentence in which several subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main sentence, but at the same time to different words.

Example. In that park where lilacs bloom luxuriantly in the spring, I was walking with a friend whose image seemed sweet to you.

The main sentence is: “I was walking in that park with a friend.” The subordinate clause "where lilacs bloom magnificently in spring" is built into it. It obeys the phrase "in that park." From him we ask the question "in what?". Another subordinate clause - “whose image seemed cute to you” - is built from the word “familiar”. We ask from him the question "what?".

Thus, we see that the subordinate clauses are connected by a subordinate relationship with one main sentence, but at the same time with its different parts.

Homogeneous submission

Subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination are associated with one main clause. They refer to the same word and answer the same question.

Example. They guessed that their action would have consequences, that it was better to leave the idea and let everything be as it is.

The main sentence is "they guessed". From him we ask the question "about what?". Both adjectives answer this question. In addition, both the first and second subordinate clauses are connected with the main clause with the help of the predicate “guessed”. From this we conclude that the proposal with homogeneous subordination.

All the examples given refer to sentences where there is precisely a subordinating relationship, the types of which we have analyzed. This information will be necessary for everyone who is going to take exams in the Russian language, especially the GIA and the Unified State Examination, where there are a number of tasks to test such knowledge. It is important to remember that without understanding how phrases and sentences are built, it is impossible to fully master literate speech. This is a must-know for anyone who wants to learn how to write without errors.

writing connection

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases

III. Adverbial phrases

1. Phrases with an adverb (for example: very well, still good).

2. Phrases with nouns (for example: far from home, alone with my son, shortly before exams).

Syntactic connection - formal constructional relations between the components of syntactic units, revealing semantic connections (syntactic relations) and expressed by means of the language.

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases and simple sentences:

1) word forms:

the case form of nouns;

number, gender, case of adjectives;

person, number, gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) word order;

4) intonation (in written speech it is expressed with the help of punctuation marks).

Syntactic links are divided into coordinating and subordinating, which oppose each other on the basis of the presence / absence of the relationship of "master" and "servant" in the syntactic construction.

At composition single function components. This connection is characterized by the number of combined structural components, i.e. sign of openness/closedness.

At closed coordinative communication only two of its components can be connected ( brother not sister; you love sadly and hard, and a woman's heart is joking). Necessarily expressed by opposing unions ( A, But), gradation ( not only but; yes and), explanatory ( namely, that is).

With an open coordinative connection, an indefinite number of components can be connected at once. It can be expressed without conjunctions or with the help of connectives ( And, Yes) and separating ( or, or, Also etc.) unions.

At subordination the role of the components in the creation of the structure is different, they are multifunctional. The Russian language has different formal means of expressing the subordinating relationship. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view the formal expression of dependence is likening the form of the dependent word to the forms of the dominant word; such assimilation is carried out in those cases when the dependent word changes in cases, numbers and gender (this is an adjective, including pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles), in cases and numbers (this is a noun) or in cases, except for them. n. and, for some. excl., wine n. (numerals); eg: new house (new home, new home...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; tower house, giant plant; three tables, four tables, several athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility that the connecting words of the case, number and gender coincide - with the dependence of the adjective, or the case and the number, or only the case - with the dependence of the noun ( tower house, in the tower house..., nursery-new building, V manger-new building...).

Second view formal expression of dependence - setting a dependent word in the form of an indirect case without a preposition or with a preposition (attaching a case form of a name to a word); the main word in such a connection can be a word of any part of speech, and a noun can be a dependent one (including a pronoun-noun, a quantitative and a collective numeral): read a book, get angry at a student, enter the yard, marry the groom, watch the instruments, be in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, award to the winners, math exam, city ​​on the Volga, capable of science, alone with myself, stronger than death, someone in a mask, first on the edge.

Third view formal expression of dependence - the addition to the dominant word of a word that does not have forms of change: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund, which syntactically behave like independent words. In this case, the main word can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, a quantitative numeral, and also, when combined with an adverb, a pronoun-noun. With this type of connection, the immutability of the dependent word itself serves as a formal indicator of dependence, and the resulting relationship serves as an internal, semantic indicator: run fast, right turn, beige, overcoat saddle, golden side, sixth from left, three upstairs, order to advance, decide to leave, act smarter, older people, someone more experienced.

In modern Russian, three types of subordination are traditionally distinguished: agreement, control and adjunction. When distinguishing and defining these connections, not only strictly formal types of connection should be taken into account, but also the significant side of the connection that is inseparable from these types, i.e., the relations arising on its basis.

Coordination- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by likening the form of the dependent word to the form of the dominant word in gender, number and case, or in number and case, or only in case, and means proper attributive relations: new house, someone else, tower house, nursery-new building. The main word in agreement can be a noun, a pronoun-noun and a cardinal numeral in the form im.-vin. n. With informatively insufficient words, agreement combines a definitive meaning with a complementary meaning and thus acquires signs of a strong connection: funny business, incomprehensible things.

Control- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by attaching a noun to the dominant word in the form of an indirect case (without a preposition or with a preposition) and means a relationship that is complementary or object or contaminated: object-supplementing or object-defining. The main word in control can be a word of any part of speech: become a scientist, be ignorant, master of fiction, contemplative, two students, alone with myself; read a book, buying a house, angry at everyone; run into rudeness; get home, drive off the mountain..

adjoining- this is a subordinating relationship that exists in two forms, of which each receives an independent definition. There is a distinction between adjacency in the narrow sense of the word (or adjunction proper) and adjunction in the broad sense of the word (case adjacency). Adjacency proper - this is a connection in which invariable words act as a dependent word: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive, or a participle. In this case, various relations may arise: when adjoining the infinitive - complementary (), object ( learn to draw, agree to go), or adverbial adjectives ( come talk); adjoining adverbs, gerunds - definitive ( To talk slowly, read faster, extremely interesting, city ​​at night, second from left) or defining complementary ( be nearby, get expensive, be listed here, get smarter); when adjoining an invariable adjective - proper definitives ( indigo, tsunami waves, mini skirt, older boy). The word of any part of speech can dominate in this connection.

case junction- this is an attachment to the main word (any part of speech) of a case (without a preposition or with a preposition) form of a name with a definitive meaning: come May 5th, come in the evening, wooden spoon, city ​​on the Volga, house with two windows, gray checkered, handsome face, teapot lid, one step ahead, someone in blue, first in line. With case adjacency, there are attributive, subject-determinative relations, or - with informatively insufficient words that require a circumstantial distributor, - adverbial-replenishing ( be on the coast, be in the factory, cost a hundred rubles, long before dawn).

In a phrase, dependent words are associated with the main three ways: coordination, control, adjunction . The classification of methods of subordination is based on what part of speech the dependent word is expressed.

Coordination- this is a method of communication in which the dependent word is put in the same forms of gender, number and case as the main word. For example: shady garden(masculine, singular, nominative), after a long separation(feminine, singular, genitive) fallen leaves(plural, nominative). When the form of the main word changes, the form of the dependent word also changes accordingly: shady garden, shady garden(Genitive), in a shady garden(prepositional).

When agreed, the dependent word can be expressed: by an adjective (difficult task), pronoun-adjective (our friend), communion (incoming wave), ordinal number (second entrance) quantitative numeral in indirect cases (with three friends).

Control- a method of communication in which the dependent word is placed with the main one in a certain indirect case with or without a preposition. For example: buy a magazine(the dependent noun is in the accusative case), talk to him(the dependent pronoun is in the instrumental case with the preposition "s"). In control with changing the form of the main word, the form of the dependent word does not change. Wed: buy a magazine, bought a magazine, bought a magazine, buy a magazine.

When controlled, the dependent word can be expressed: noun (break vase) pronoun-noun (tell him), cardinal number (divide by five) and other parts of speech used in the meaning of a noun (care for the sick).

adjoining- a method of communication in which a dependent invariable word (or form of a word) is associated with the main one only in meaning and intonation. For example: go limping, very happy.

When adjoining, the dependent word can be expressed: adverb (crying loudly) infinitive (ready to help), gerund (work non-stop) form of the comparative degree of an adjective or adverb (older boy, come closer) invariable possessive pronouns (her friend).

Types of communication - coordinating and subordinating.

  • Posted in Syntax
  • Read 439294 times
  • In Russian, there are two main types of communication between words and sentences - coordinating and subordinating.

    writing connection is present in equal parts: in this case it is impossible to ask a question from one part to another. Such a connection between words in coordinating phrases (forest and mountains). In simple sentences, these are homogeneous members (“... We will dance the forest and mountains!” I. Krylov). A coordinating connection is also between parts of compound sentences (“... And we have notes, and we have instruments ...” I. Krylov). Coordinating conjunctions contribute to the coordinative connection: and, but, but, or, or, then - then, not that - not that, etc.

    subordination combines the main part and the dependent part. From the main part, a question is asked to the dependent part. Such a connection occurs in subordinating phrases (let's sit down next to each other) and in complex sentences ("... we'll probably get along, under what condition? If we sit next to each other" I. Krylov). The subordinating relationship is carried out with the help of the endings of dependent words, specified with the help of prepositions and formalized by subordinating conjunctions: what, which, where, because, if, when, etc. complex sentence. In the phrase “everything to him”, the subordinating relationship is expressed by the ending -him, supported by the preposition to, from the main word to the dependent, the question is asked to whom? The main and subordinate clauses are connected by a subordinating conjunction so.

    If in a phrase both words are unchangeable parts of speech, that is, they have no endings and prepositions are not used with them, then the connection between them is carried out with the help of intonation. In a non-union complex sentence, the connection between simple sentences is also carried out by the intonation of enumeration.

    Types of subordination in a phrase and sentence

    There is such a thing in linguistics as a subordinating relationship. In Russian, the subordinating connection occurs in phrases and sentences. This happens all the time in speech. But what is a subordinating phrase and a sentence?

    First, let's look at what subordination means. It connects independent (significant) words and phrases through the fact that one part is main and the other is dependent. It is very easy to check this. From the main part, you can ask a question to the dependent. Such a connection is determined both by meaning and grammatically. For example, a beautiful flower, where from the word "flower" you can ask the question "what?" to the word "beautiful" and determine that the dependent here is an adjective.

    Types of subordination in a phrase


    The gender, number and case form of the dependent part are fully consistent with the main part, that is, it is likened to it. From the main word, you can ask questions “what?” and "whose?" (These questions may vary depending on the form).

    This is interesting: compound sentences, examples in the literature.

    When agreeing, the noun is always the main one, and the dependents can be:

    1. Adjectives: blue sea, clear image, bright light.
    2. Ordinal numbers: first place, (on) the tenth floor, hundredth film.
    3. Participles: a writing person, a running kitten, a bouncing ball.
    4. Possessive pronouns (other than them, him, her): our hearts, my treasure.

    Coordination also is complete and incomplete. In the first case, the dependent word in all forms is likened to the main one, and in the second case, only partially. But the incomplete form concerns rather only exceptions and vernacular. An example of incomplete (or partial) agreement is the case when a word denoting a profession (as we know, many such words are in the masculine form, but the person himself can be a woman) has an adjective next to it, but in a different gender (our doctor).


    When controlling, the dependent word changes under the influence of the main word only in case, one word “controls” another. A word combination with control can be: a verb + a noun, a gerund + a noun, a participle + a noun, two nouns or a cardinal number + a noun. Happens two types of control: with a preposition when there is a preposition, or without a preposition. When managing a dependent word, the question of the indirect case or the adverbial question (where, where, where from) is asked, since the word can answer two questions at the same time.

    Examples: smoking a cigarette, living in a house, a cat toy, six players, dropping out of school, writing books.


    With this type of connection, one part "adjoins" the other. In other words, these phrases determined only by meaning, since both parts retain all their shapes. The main sign of adjacency is that the dependent word is an invariable part of speech (verb infinitive, gerund, adverb, pronouns his, her, them).

    The main difference from management and coordination is precisely the “independence” of the parts and dependence on each other only in meaning. Adjacency is the connection of two nouns if they denote a name (Lake Baikal, the country of Russia, the Volga River). You can ask a circumstantial question (not to be confused with management!): what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, and whose (him, her, them).

    Examples: his jacket, planet Earth, live well, drive without stopping, grew up quickly.

    Phrases that do not have a subordinating connection

  • Word and service part of speech (near the house).
  • Compound words (more vivid).
  • Words joined by "and".
  • Phraseologisms.
  • Verb and subject.
  • Subordination in sentences

    Sentences also have a subordinating relationship, but this only applies to non-compound sentences. A complex sentence differs from a compound one in that both parts cannot be broken. If they are used separately, then the sentence will lose its meaning, while parts of a compound sentence are quite possible use separately and on the letter to divide by a dot.

    Separate the types of subordination in such sentences only if there are several subordinate clauses. For example: he told me that he would only go to the place where he was sent. Here we see one main clause and two dependent ones.

    • sequential;
    • parallel;
    • homogeneous.
    • Sequential a sentence can be defined if a question goes from the main part to a subordinate clause, and from this clause to another clause. For example: I bought a jacket (which one?), which was sewn for me in an atelier (in which one?), which is far from my home.

      At parallel in the form of subordination to all subordinate clauses, questions are asked from the main part, but from different words. Thus, a kind of "parallel" is obtained. In such cases, usually the main part is between the dependents. (Example: when the bell rang at school, I was talking to a new classmate who had recently moved into our class).

      At homogeneous type dependent sentences refer to the same word in the main part. (For example: today I went for a walk in the park, which is usually very few people and where I forgot my jacket).


      Types of subordination in phrases

      With the help of 5-ege.ru you can easily learn how to determine the type of subordination.

      subordination- this is a connection that unites sentences or words, one of which is the main (subordinate), and the other is dependent (subordinate).

      phrase- this is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically.

      green eyes, writing letters, hard to convey.

      In the phrase, the main (from which the question is asked) and the dependent (to which the question is asked) word is distinguished:

      Blue ball. Rest outside the city. The ball and rest are the main words.


      The following are not subordinating phrases:

      1. The combination of an independent word with a service: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing;

      2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: beat buckets, fool around, headlong;

      3. Subject and predicate: night has come;

      4. Compound word forms : lighter, will walk;

      5. Groups of words united by a coordinating link: Fathers and Sons.

      Video about types of subordination

      If you like the video format, you can watch it.

      There are three types of subordination:

      seashore, young people reading, first snow, my home

      Questions may vary by case!

      Remember! The prepositional case form of a noun can be a circumstance, therefore questions of circumstance are asked for these forms (see below)

      listen carefully, go without looking back, soft-boiled egg

      4. possessive pronouns (his, her, them)

      2. What are you doing? having done what?

      3. how? Where? Where? where? When? For what? Why?


      Her coat is adjoining (whose), to see her is control (whom).

      In the categories of pronouns, two homonymous (the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) categories are distinguished. The questions of indirect cases are answered by the personal pronoun, and it participates in the subordinating connection - control, and the possessive answers the question whose? and is immutable, it participates in adjacency.

      Go to the garden - management, go there - adjoining.

      Distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb. They may have the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent, then you have control.

      Algorithm of actions No. 1.

      1) Identify the main word by asking a question from one word to another.

      2) Determine the part of speech of the dependent word.

      3) Pay attention to the question you ask to the dependent word.

      4) According to the identified signs, determine the type of connection.

      Parsing the task.

      What type of connection is used in the phrase CAPTURE MECHANICALLY.

      We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch - main word, mechanically - dependent. Determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically- is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question How? and is an adverb, then the phrase uses the connection abutment.

      Algorithm of actions No. 2.

      1. In the text, it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

      2. If you need agreement, look for the word that answers the question Which? whose?

      3. If you need control, look for a non-nominative noun or pronoun.

      4. If you need to find an adjunction, look for an invariable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

      5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.

      From the sentences, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

      I was in third grade when I had a bad cold. I have otitis media. I screamed in pain and pounded my head with my hands. Mom called an ambulance, and we went to the district hospital.

      When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. Let's try to find these parts of speech: strong (how?) adverb. We find the main word for it, from which a question is asked to the adverb: caught a cold.

      Thus, write out the phrase got a bad cold.

      Home » Preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language » Types of subordination in phrases

      Ways of subordination

      The methods of subordination are as follows: coordination, control, adjacency

      Coordination as a way of subordination

    • Coordination- this is a type of subordination when the dependent word takes on the grammatical forms of the main word, for example: a beautiful picture.
    • main word when agreed, there are a noun, a substantiated adjective or participle (that is, it has passed into the category of nouns), as well as a pronoun, a noun, for example: high spirits, student canteen.

      dependent word can be an adjective, pronoun-adjective, ordinal number or participle, i.e. such categories of words in which the categories of gender, number and case are not independent, for example: the right decision, our meeting.

      Management as a way of subordination

      • Control- a kind of subordinative connection, when the dependent word is used in that indirect case that requires the main word, for example: write a book, click teeth, advise a friend (to whom? dative case);
      • main word when driving, it can act as a verb (to enjoy meeting), a noun (love for people), an adjective (worthy of regret), an adverb (not far from the city), ordinal (first in class).

        When driving dependent word nouns, noun pronouns, substantiated adjectives (cover with snow, conversation with workers) always appear.

        Adjacency as a way of subordination

      • adjoining- this is a kind of syntactic connection when an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main one in meaning. For example: Very nice (how nice?).
      • Adjoining invariable words: infinitive, adverb, form of a simple comparative degree, gerund, some invariable adjectives (order to advance, door to the left, a little south).

        Infinitive adjoins the verb (try to answer, came to visit), noun (desire to make peace), adjective (intends to rest)

        Comparative forms adjoin the verb (answer better, run faster), to the noun (the news is more interesting, the drink is stronger)

        Participles adjoin the verb in cases where the meaning of the adverb develops in them (read lying, sleep sitting).

        Invariable adjectives such as beige, mini, maxi, Hindi, midi, flared, etc. adjoin nouns (Hindi language, peak hours).

        Distinguish between connection and control

      • Her shoes- this is an adjunction (whose?),
      • To see him- management (of whom?).
      • In the ranks of pronouns there are two homonymous ranks. The personal pronoun answers the questions of indirect cases, and it participates in the subordinating connection - this is control, and the possessive participates in the adjunction.

      • run to the store- management,
      • go here- junction.

      It is important to distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb, because there may be the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main and dependent word, then this is management.

      Rules of drawing e and SIMULATOR FOR THE SPELLING OF UKRAINIAN MOVIE With whom there are such regularities. Rewrite, inserting a patch of missing letters about […]

    • Description of Sonya from Crime and Punishment Sonya Marmeladova is the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. This article presents a quotation portrait of Sonya Marmeladova in the novel "Crime and Punishment": a description of the heroine's appearance in quotations. […]
    • Fast loading: Gibbd Dear visitor, you have entered the site as an unregistered user. We recommend that you register or enter the site under your name. Information Visitors who are in the Guests group cannot leave comments on this […]
    • To check which suffix (-ova- or -yva-) to write in the verb, you need to put the verb in the form of the first person singular. If the suffix does not change, you need to write -yva-: scout - scout, add - add. If in the suffix there was an alternation -ova-/ […]
    • 20. The concept and goals of punishment in Russian criminal law. The law defines punishment as a measure of state coercion, imposed by a court verdict and applied to a person found guilty of a crime. The punishment lies in the stipulated […]
    • Rules of terms /П Т/ П Т - 1 . Each syllogism should have only three terms. If this rule is violated, a logical error "quadrupling of terms" occurs, consisting in the fact that one of the terms is used in two meanings. For example: Life is a struggle Life is […]


    With the help of the site, you can easily learn how to determine the type of subordinating relationship.

    subordination- this is a connection that unites sentences or words, one of which is the main (subordinate), and the other is dependent (subordinate).

    phrase- this is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically.

    green eyes, writing letters, hard to convey.

    In the phrase, the main (from which the question is asked) and the dependent (to which the question is asked) word is distinguished:

    Blue ball. Rest outside the city. The ball and rest are the main words.


    The following are not subordinating phrases:

    1. The combination of an independent word with a service: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing;

    2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: beatbuckets, fool around, headlong;

    3. Subject and predicate: night has come;

    4. Compound word forms : lighter, will walk;

    5. Groups of words united by a coordinating link: Fathers and Sons.

    Video about types of subordination

    If you like the video format, you can watch it.

    There are three types of subordination:

    connection type What part of speech can the dependent word be? what question is asked to the dependent word
    agreement (when the main word changes, the dependent word changes):

    seashore, young people reading, first snow, my home

    adjective, participle, ordinal number, some categories of pronouns Which?

    Questions may vary by case!

    control (when changing the main word, the dependent does not change): noun or pronoun in the indirect case with or without a preposition questions of indirect cases (of whom? what? - about whom? about what?)

    Remember! The prepositional case form of a noun can be a circumstance, therefore questions of circumstance are asked for these forms (see below)

    adjunction (dependent word is an invariable part of speech!):

    listen carefully, go without looking back, soft-boiled egg

    1. infinitive

    2. gerund

    3. adverb

    4. possessive pronouns (his, her, them)

    1. what to do? what to do?

    2. What are you doing? having done what?

    3. how? Where? Where? where? When? For what? Why?


    Her coat is adjoining (whose), to see her is control (whom).

    In the categories of pronouns, two homonymous (the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) categories are distinguished. The questions of indirect cases are answered by the personal pronoun, and it participates in the subordinating connection - control, and the possessive answers the question whose? and is immutable, it participates in adjacency.

    Go to the garden - management, go there - adjoining.

    Distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb. They may have the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent, then you have control.

    Algorithm of actions No. 1.

    1) Identify the main word by asking a question from one word to another.

    2) Determine the part of speech of the dependent word.

    3) Pay attention to the question you ask to the dependent word.

    4) According to the identified signs, determine the type of connection.

    Parsing the task.

    What type of connection is used in the phrase CAPTURE MECHANICALLY.

    We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch - main word, mechanically - dependent. Determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically- is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question How? and is an adverb, then the phrase uses the connection abutment.

    Algorithm of actions No. 2.

    1. In the text, it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

    2. If you need agreement, look for the word that answers the question Which? whose?

    3. If you need control, look for a non-nominative noun or pronoun.

    4. If you need to find an adjunction, look for an invariable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

    5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.