Tricolor, the largest Russian satellite television operator, provides its customers with a full range of high-quality services. Despite a decent level of service, subscribers experience problems during use - Tricolor shows only the Info Channel. To return the broadcast, you need to find out the reason and take certain measures.

Infochannel from Tricolor TV is a TV program containing information about the latest changes in broadcasts included in the paid service package. The TV program broadcasts about promotions, special offers and contests. Users can get information about new services introduced and upcoming updates.

The information channel has its own entertainment content, divided into age groups: 0-3, 3-9, 9-16 and 18+. After the termination of the broadcast of TV programs, you can access the info channel at any time.

Why don't they show channels on Tricolor TV except for info channels?

The tricolor does not show any channel except the info channel - the reasons:

  • Receiver or channel list failures after update.
  • Technical violations of the receiver.
  • Smart card dysfunctions and problems with the identification process.
  • Mechanical damage or contamination of the plate.
  • Carrying out planned or unscheduled preventive maintenance by the provider.

It should be remembered that the equipment can independently change the list of TV channels. Federal television can be automatically moved to the end of the list. Before restoring channels, you should review the complete list to make sure that the desired item is missing. If it was not possible to find the desired element, then you need to clarify why Tricolor shows only the information channel.

What to do if Tricolor TV shows only the info channel?

You can deal with the problems that have arisen on your own. The measures taken will depend on the cause of the dysfunction:

  1. Outdated software. First of all, we reboot the receiver and reset the settings to the factory settings. Next, re-set the desired parameters. You need to make sure that the installed software is updated to the latest version. To check, enter the menu - the item "System Description" and compare the version with the latest one. Timely updates eliminate the need for hardware firmware.
  2. Smart card problem. To use satellite TV services, you must be identified in the system. If this does not happen, then you will not be able to use the services. To fix the problem, you should check whether the Smart Card is properly installed and make sure that the card is not damaged or dirty. To do this, you can call the customer support service and clarify information about identification.
  3. Equipment breakdown. Malfunctions and technical problems of equipment also cause malfunctions in the system. To begin with, we check the antenna (dish) - there should be no ice, water and foliage on it. We pay attention to its position, which can change under the influence of strong winds. We also check the integrity of the cable, on which there should be no kinks and visible damage.

Tricolor TV is the largest company in the field of satellite television. It regularly updates the system, offers new products that have more features, options and functions.

The quality of Tricolor TV products is at its best, however, even when watching the channels of this operator, some problems may arise. In such cases, the system gives recommendations that are best implemented immediately.

Whatever system failures are observed during the operation of satellite television, Tricolor TV asks subscribers to perform a few simple steps.

Perhaps this is just a temporary failure or error, and after the recommendations the receiver will start working properly. In this case, you can even cope with everything yourself, without involving the masters and without spending extra money.

What to do if the system crashes

Before contacting the wizards or starting any operations, try simply turning off the tuner completely. To do this, you need to press the appropriate button and remove the power source. Now wait ten or five minutes.

The Tricolor TV company asks its subscribers to reset the settings to the factory settings at least once every twenty to thirty days (how to do this can be found in the instructions for your receiver.

If you followed the above recommendations, but this did not help you (that is, after trying to turn on the TV and watch TV channels, the message “List is empty”, “No signal”, etc., or just a dark screen) appears, you need to do the following. Be sure to find out what interferes with the proper viewing of TV channels.

Perhaps the point is not at all in the Tricolor receiver, but in the TV. To do this, press the "Menu" button on the remote control. If after that the settings do not appear, then your tuner is simply not connected to the TV, and therefore, the message comes from the TV.

It is possible that all problems arise due to the fact that the receiver is simply poorly connected.

Tricolor is not looking for channels? Check tuner connection

It seems elementary, but in fact, some subscribers forget to check how well the receiver is connected to the power source and to the TV.

Take the remote from the tuner, find the red icon and press. If the device is connected as needed, then the number of the channel that you have selected will immediately appear on the screen. If the screen shows the time, then your device is simply in standby mode.

For most models of Tricolor TV receivers, the following features are characteristic:

  • if the indicator flickers, then the device is turned off;
  • if the indicator is on at the top, then the HDMI output is connected;
  • if the indicator is on at the bottom, then AV.

You can switch the output using the "Input signal" icon. If the command doesn't execute right away, don't worry. In a typical case, the execution takes from five to fifteen seconds.

What should I do if the "List is empty" message persists?

The Tricolor TV company, if there are problems with the list of channels, offers two ways to correct the situation:

How to reset settings?

If you want to cope on your own and do not want to call for help from the masters, then this method is for you. Resetting the settings is a very simple procedure. Tricolor TV recommends its implementation in case of any system failures.

To reset your settings, do the following:

  1. Take the remote control of the receiver. Look for an icon called "Menu" on it.
  2. Several sections will appear, you need to select "Settings" (sometimes the same option is shown under the name "Settings").
  3. Most likely, a window will immediately pop up asking for a pin code. Enter it. The default is 0000.
  4. Now among the settings, find the factory settings (that's what they are called).
  5. Confirm factory reset.

After you complete the factory reset, the tuner will reboot. You will see the message "1st Setup Wizard" on the screen. Then the “Masters” process takes place, in the “Operator” section, specify Tricolor TV.

Most likely after that your tuner will start working properly. Otherwise, you need to seek help from professional craftsmen.

If there are no channels in the list or there is “No signal”

In such cases, it is imperative to check how good the signal level that is received from the antenna is.

To check the signal, you need to double-click on the red button (it is located on the remote control from the receiver) - usually it is "F1", "i" or "INFO". If necessary, it is also recommended to press the green button. After these actions, an expanded info banner window will pop up on the screen. At the bottom of this very window you will see two values ​​- these are the strength and quality of the signals.

In order for the signal to be received without problems and to allow normal viewing of channels, it is necessary to ensure that the values ​​​​are not less than seventy percent.

The Tricolor TV provider develops reliable equipment necessary for broadcasting satellite channels. Today, the majority of Russians use the services of this company. However, even in the work of modern and proven technology, failures occur.

Colossal importance is given to the competent connection of equipment and software configuration. If certain violations occur, they are displayed on the TV screen. Now let's look at why error 0 appears on Tricolor, and try to determine why television broadcasting does not work. Let's analyze ways to treat a software failure.

Error value 0

A zero error is not an indication that the equipment has failed. Therefore, if you saw an error 0 Tricolor TV on your TV screen, then this indicates a general failure - there are certain problems with connecting the receiver to the satellite. Troubleshooting shouldn't be a problem. Often a problem code appears if the user has not logged into Tricolor TV for a long time.

Thus, zero failure is a denial of access to channels due to incorrect operation of the receiver. To solve a problem, you first need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

What does she look like on TV?

It is necessary to emphasize that on older TV models a slightly different error code “Encoded DRE channel” appears. However, the essence remains unchanged - the device does not show channels.

As for modern equipment models, the message will be somewhat different “No access to view. Unplug the receiver from the mains for a few seconds, and then turn the channel back on. The image will appear no later than 8 hours later. If the device writes such an alert when you turn on the channel, then you have encountered a zero failure.

Regardless of the hardware model, if there is no access to view due to error 0, the information channel should still work. If this is not the case, then be sure to contact customer support so that specialists can quickly resolve the problem.

Why does this error occur

Consider the main reasons for the lack of access to TV channels.

  • Subscription issues.

First, make sure that the subscription is paid, and there are no problems with this. It is possible that there is no access to TV channels due to the fact that the payment of the tariff plan was overdue. Go to the official website of the provider and log in to your personal account. Open the "Check Subscriptions" section. In addition, the subscription is checked through the receiver's menu.

  • The smart card is installed incorrectly.

If everything is paid, then why does the error text 0 appear? It is possible that the cause of the failure was the incorrect installation of the conditional access card. Perhaps the Smart-card just got dusty at all. To solve the problem, take it out and wipe it. Then diagnose whether the receiver reads the card, to do this, press the buttons corresponding to the ID number on the remote control, as a result, an information table will be displayed on the display. Pay attention to the DRE ID item, if the Smart-card number is displayed here, it means that it is working correctly.

  • Long downtime of equipment.

If the receiver has not been connected to the network for a long period of time, then an error could occur due to this.

  • Problems with antenna tuning.

Sometimes the null glitch intermittently disappears and another "No Signal" alert pops up in its place. In this case, the problem lies in the incorrect installation of the antenna. Set up your satellite dish. You can do it yourself or contact specialists.

  • Outdated software version.

For the correct version of the receiver, it is necessary to install software updates in a timely manner, otherwise failures will occur periodically. To check the relevance of the software version used, go to the provider's website, and then go to the "Software" section.

How to fix error 0

Mostly subscribers in the event of all kinds of failures in the operation of television equipment sin on problems with paying for a subscription. However, the situation changes markedly after checking the balance. How to fix error 0 on Tricolor TV if all money is paid on time?

As noted earlier, problems with access to TV channels due to the appearance of a zero software failure are far from always related to payment, there are other reasons. Consider the main ways to solve the problem that has arisen.

Check Signal

First you need to make sure that the satellite signal is correctly received by the antenna and transmitted to the receiver. If there are any failures in this circuit, the activation commands will simply not reach the equipment. Therefore, be sure to test the quality of the connection:

  1. Press the i button on the remote control.
  2. Assess the parameters of the satellite signal quality and power scales.

The scale values ​​will be displayed on the TV screen, they must be at least 80%. If the indicators are lower, then you need to re-tune the antenna. What to do if the signal is normal, but the error does not disappear? Use an alternative way to solve the problem.

Activation codes

  1. Unplug the equipment (TV and receiver) from power for about 15 minutes.
  2. Plug in the appliance and wait for the receiver interface to load.
  3. Switch to a scrambled channel, leave the receiver on for about 8 hours.

During this period, television codes are updated. They are sent by the satellite in automatic mode at the moment when it is in the same region as the subscriber. Therefore, there is no need to take additional actions, TV broadcasting will be restored automatically.

Please note that in no case should you turn off the receiver for 8 hours, but you can turn off the TV, since it does not participate in the process of updating activation keys in any way.

From time to time, satellite malfunctions occur, due to which the sending of activation codes is delayed. Each subscriber will be able to significantly speed up the process, for this you need to do the following:

  • Log in to your personal account on the official website of the provider.
  • Go to the "My Services" section and click on the "Sending activation commands" button.

And now you can activate broadcasting yourself, as described earlier.

If you don't have access to view

Perhaps the most radical way to solve the problem is to reset the receiver's user settings. Channel access will resume, but all data will be deleted. The user will have to reconfigure absolutely all TV channels. To reset the settings, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the receiver's menu and select the "Settings" section.

  1. Enter a 4-digit code.

  1. Select "Factory settings" or "Default settings".

  1. Confirm that you really want to delete the saved settings.

  1. When the receiver reboot is complete, turn it off for a short period of time, and then turn it back on.

Now you can start searching for channels.

If an error occurs after subscribing

In principle, there is no radically different solution to the problem, turn off the receiver and wait 8 hours. Basically, zero error occurs after paying for a tariff plan or after updating the software. If the situation does not improve after the above period of time, contact Tricolor TV specialists for help.

What are the consequences of an error

The actions described above mainly help to restore the correct operation of the equipment, however, sometimes only partially. No sound or picture, stuttering of the picture, malfunctions of devices connected to the receiver - all these are possible consequences of the appearance of a zero error. You can eliminate these negative consequences without contacting the support service. Provider Tricolor offers several ways to solve the problem.

This has already been discussed earlier, rebooting the receiver will help get rid of not only the error, but also its possible consequences. Simply unplug the receiver for a few minutes and then plug it back in again.


If the reboot did not give the desired result and the failures did not disappear anywhere, then you should try to return the receiver to the default settings. Instructions for rolling back parameters to base values ​​have already been given earlier. If the device continues to give errors after reconfiguration, request activation keys.

Software Update

Some receivers lose access to channels due to an outdated software version. If the failure appears on a regular basis, be sure to update the firmware. Go to channel 333 and follow the instructions.

If none of the suggested ways to solve the problem did not help, then just contact customer support. Tricolor's experienced specialists will help you set up the operation of the equipment, thereby restoring correct television broadcasting.


When watching TV channels, the Tricolor-TV receiver may show one of the common errors numbered from 0 to 9. In this case, the TV gives you the phrase “No access to viewing” and advises you to leave it alone for 8 hours. The situation is not pleasant, especially when you have already tuned in to a quality pastime while watching a movie or program. Also, you know that usually nothing is solved just like that, every error has its own reason and waiting 8 hours to stumble upon the same problem later is just a waste of time.

Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of this page after reading the instructions. There you can find useful tips from real users. Do not settle for replacement equipment immediately!!!

Usually, error 0 appears when for some reason you are denied access to channels. The normal access signal is interrupted and the receiver is unable to display the picture on the screen. In this case, it is logical that the cause of the malfunction is in the receiver itself. Something in it failed and now you will not see the last episode of the show and will not hear the news.

Causes of failure

The most frequent The reasons for this error are:

  • receiver overload
  • end of subscription and no payment for the package
  • Receiver turned off for a long time and activation commands failed
  • incorrect installation of the smart card
  • dish (antenna) problems or bad weather conditions
  • software update
  • purchase of the "Single" package.

Receiver overload means that as a result of exploitation, the module simply “could not stand” the intensity of passions. This may be due to the age of the equipment or excessive enthusiasm of the user, as well as due to a power failure.

End of subscription for a channel package means that you have not paid for access on time or the money has not yet been credited to TricolorTV's account. In this case, the TV will give you "Error 0" until you fulfill your obligations to the provider.

Receiver turned off for a long time(from three days or more) can lead to this error due to the fact that he no longer "recognizes the signal" from the satellite. In this case, the decryption key fails and the equipment can no longer distinguish between channels to which you have or do not have access. Accordingly, it begins to block the display of channels of any encoding.

Incorrect smart card installation does not allow to read it adequately and, accordingly, configure the equipment to receive the signal available to you.

Antenna problems may include both weather conditions and physical obstacles in the path of the signal. It can be branches, leaves, tall buildings, any foreign objects caught in the antenna. Also, a 0 error can be caused by the dish antenna being displaced, as a result of which it is no longer able to receive a signal.

Often error 0 occurs after receiver software updates. If your receiver is out of date and you have updated the software on it, error 0 may indicate that the software is not supported by your receiver. Or you have not updated the software, and the receiver cannot give you access due to the absence of the entire update package.

For unknown reasons connection of the "Single" package can also cause such an error due to the conditions (often - promotional) of its connection.

How to fix if there is no access to view?

If the failure occurred due to tuner overload, you need to:

  • wait five minutes, because there is a possibility that everything will correct itself
  • reboot the receiver - unplug it and turn it on after 3 minutes.

Most often, this helps if something went wrong with the receiver, and not with the signals. At the same time, waiting for 8 hours is completely optional, but a short wait until the picture “appears” can help.

If the failure occurred due to the fact that you did not pay for Tricolor-TV services , it will be possible to eliminate error 0 only by replenishing the account and deducting money from it for the service package. For this:

  1. Check your subscription - is it still valid or not. You can do this in your personal account on the Tricolor-TV website;
  2. If there are not enough funds on the account, replenish it in any way possible for you (by bank card, electronic money, using online banking or a telephone account);
  3. Wait for the payment for the package of services.

If everything is paid, check the following:

  • Is the card installed correctly in the receiver?
  • if there is any interference with your plate.

You can check the correct installation of the smart card by holding down the No. ID button on the receiver's control panel. If the number is displayed on the screen, the card is installed and configured correctly. If not, check and insert the smart card according to the instructions.

When you leave the receiver turned off for a long time or purchase the "Single" package, be prepared that you will not be able to watch TV channels right away. In this case, it is required to leave the equipment turned on for the first 8 hours, during which the appropriate settings will be made and the signal transmission from the satellite will be restored after access is activated.

Important! Leave the receiver on on one of your pay channels so that the reconfiguration takes place and the signal resumes.

If you have left the receiver for a long time, you will need to transfer the activation keys to it again. For this you need:

  • enter your personal account
  • click "Send activation commands"
  • wait 8 hours or less.

The most radical way to restore access to television is to reset the receiver. It is important to remember that your data will not be saved - only the latest firmware. All lists of favorite channels and in general all channels will be deleted so that later you can return them and configure them correctly. In order to reset, you must:

  1. Select “Settings” in the receiver menu;
  2. Enter a four-digit code (0000);
  3. Select factory settings;
  4. Confirm that you are really going to "wipe" the receiver.
  5. After the tuner reboots, turn it off for a while, and then turn it back on.
  6. Make a new search for Tricolor-TV channels.

All other causes of problems should be eliminated with the help of technical support if you cannot eliminate them yourself. For example, if you have ruled out all the causes and tried all the methods described above, and the TV is still silent, like a partisan, and annoys you with error 0, the problem may be in the dish antenna. In this case, you will not be able to eliminate it yourself and without qualified help, because you risk even more damage to the equipment.

In this case, it would be advisable for you to call the Tricolor-TV hotline number and call the wizard for diagnostics and repair.

Video tutorial on how to fix the error

Watching Tricolor TV channels is guaranteed only if your receiver has up-to-date software installed. Please check that the software version installed on your receiver is up to date.

  • The inscription is displayed on all channels of one or several packages (for example, on all TV channels of the main package and the "Children's" package).

You need to check whether the subscription to the TV and radio channels of the packages you are interested in is active in the Personal Account of the Tricolor TV subscriber.

1. Subscription is active

To resume viewing the service, you must repeat the activation keys to your receiving equipment.

To do this, in the Tricolor TV subscriber's Personal Account on the My Services page, click the "Repeat activation commands" button.

Then reboot your receiving equipment and leave it switched on on one of the scrambled channels. The image will appear no later than 8 hours later. During this time, the receiver will receive an activation key, and you will again be able to watch paid TV channels.

Note! Watching Tricolor TV channels is possible only if your receiver has up-to-date software installed.

2. Subscription is not active

To continue browsing, you need to pay for the service you are interested in. Note! Watching TV channels "Tricolor TV" is possible only if the latest software is installed on your receiver.

3. I have never used (was) my Personal Account and do not know the password

We have created a Personal Account for you when registering you as a Tricolor TV subscriber

If you have not received or lost your password from your Personal Account, you can easily and simply get it again. Just click "Get Password". Then enter your ID number and choose a convenient way to get a password.
In the Personal Account, select the "Service Management" item. Is the subscription to the service you are interested in active?

  • On one\several channels (for example, on one TV channel of the main package or on the Nash Football TV channel and on three TV channels of the Children's package

​If the Infochannel shows, and the image is missing only on some channels of the paid service, this may be due to a change in the broadcasting parameters of the channels. In such situations, channels with old broadcast parameters may be stored in the channel list on your receiver. You need to update the channel list.

To update the list of channels, press the "Menu" button on the remote control from the receiver and select the "Search for Tricolor TV channels" item in the "Main Menu", start the search and wait for it to finish. After the search is completed, save the found channels.

1. Channels show

Thank you for contacting and enjoy watching "Tricolor TV"!

2. Channels are in the list, but do not show

Switch off the receiver from the power supply and switch it on again. After that, check if the channels you are interested in are showing.

3. Channels not listed

From time to time, changes may occur in the composition of the Tricolor TV packages, which, first of all, are justified by the decisions of the TV channels themselves - some channels stop broadcasting, others appear in the packages.