It's good when work and hobbies coincide. In this regard, girls and young people who are representatives of creative professions are very lucky. They can be divided into truly creative and those that have points of contact with other areas.

For example, the profession of a designer is considered creative, but it can be directly related to construction, acquiring a certain "technical" shade of creation (designer of furniture, interior, facades, etc.) Professions of an artist, musician, actor, writer and others do not have such a shade , and therefore can be considered truly creative.

Name Overall rating of the profession Average salary*
Jeweler 62 0
Painter 50 0
Photographer 69 0
Florist 61 0
Stylist 66 0
Director 55 0
Hairdresser 67 0
Cartoonist 50 0
Landscape designer 64 0
Illustrator 62 0
Interior designer 76 0
Designer 80 0
Gallery owner 42 0
Visagiste 69 0
Actor 65 0

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal's editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low entry barrier in terms of knowledge and the availability of knowledge and the most promising, and 0 is vice versa.

Those who cannot live without psychological tests were not lucky this time. We propose this article instead of the test "To be or not to be a designer." Her topic will affect you - then you should be designers (if you are able to master technologies and, of course, work with customers). If it does not become close - not to be. Or not yet. The article is about the design of the environment, but if you want, you can think in a similar vein about other types of design ...

Are you ready to reinvent artistic images in your chosen art form every day? And if you are not ready, but do not imagine life without art, perhaps you will enjoy fulfilling the duties of an art manager?

In art, everything is interconnected: for example, artists are inspired by the works of composers, and they are able to translate literary works into musical works - from operas to popular hits. However, at the time of choosing a creative profession, rarely does anyone hesitate between a theater university, a conservatory and studying at the faculty of painting. Even with talents in several areas, such people from childhood, as a rule, prefer only one of the arts, attending a music school or, say, a literary circle. At the same time, another problem is very common - the problem of choosing between a creative and a "normal" profession: sometimes the entire entourage of an applicant insists on a more "realistic" version, which means anything but creative.

How to believe in your talent and convince parents and the selection committee of it? How to turn viewers, listeners and readers of your works into admirers of your talent? How to carry your inspiration through your long years of creative career? What is the role of creativity in professions that are not directly related to art? These questions will be answered by the articles in this section, as well as the history of art, for which most real creators are distinguished by their love.

In many professions there is an element of some kind of creativity. But there is a whole group of professions that are creative. For such specialties, talent is very important, without which it is impossible to develop in this area. The task of creative specialists is to create something new, based on already existing cultural values. A person who works in this area should rely more on his instinct, intuition and inner feelings, weeks on rational things. Becoming a representative of the creative profession is not easy, you need the makings for this. Although it is believed that talent can be acquired if you practice hard. Creative professions include such as musician, artist, sculptor, director, actor, writer, photographer, mass entertainer, fashion designer, journalist, presenter and many others. These professions are chosen by gifted people who can create fundamentally new things. Such professions are difficult to teach, although there are special schools and courses. Art people are always in demand.

People of creative professions have a special feeling: they have a personal approach, they see everything that happens in a special light and, most importantly, they know how to express themselves with the help of their specialty. Today, the creative professions have many points, and all of them are united by one quality - it is a useful activity using their creative potential and special vision and thinking.
The professions in this area are fashionable, in demand and modern. Web designers, artists, animators, florists, stylists - hairdressers, journalists, photographers ... When choosing a profession, you need to know and remember one simple rule - there are no high-paid or low-paid specialties, there are qualified specialists in their field who have great chances of getting decent wages fees and are always in demand in the labor market.

Do you love and can draw? Do you want to do this in adulthood and earn your talent? There are many professions associated with the visual arts. picked up 7 popular creative specialties.

Painting, creating sculptures and objects of arts and crafts is a noble, but difficult business. One of the most difficult professions in terms of career growth. To gain recognition in it will take time to hone skills, develop your own style and advance in the art world. A freelance artist creates objects of art and sells them. Professional education can be obtained in the specialty "Painting", "Sculpture", "Decorative and applied art" in one of the universities (, , , , ) or .


Popular directions among applicants with an artistic taste, developed perception and a desire to get creative work - graphic, landscape, communicative, subject-spatial, industrial, . must be proficient in the graphics programs Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, 3DMax. You can learn everything yourself or .


Are you equally interested in technical and creative fields? - just such a profession on the verge of technology and art. For this professional, it is important to draw well and be creative. To create projects of buildings, it is necessary to have spatial imagination, mathematical knowledge, logical thinking. You can study for such a specialist in , , , , .

Game artist

If you want to be in the gaming industry, this profession is just for you. The task of game artists includes the development and drawing of game characters, locations, objects, and the creation of visual effects. A person with excellent drawing skills, proficiency in professional graphics processing programs and a good imagination can work as an artist of computer games. V and prepare such.

3D Artist

Instead of brushes and pencils, these artists masterfully use the stylus. Instead of a canvas, they have a graphics tablet. They create 3D computer models for various needs: industry, game and film industries, landscape design and interior design. will not do without knowledge of 3DMax and Zbrush.

Fashion designer

Artists with a passion for apparel and accessories pursue talent in fashion design careers. Along with drawing, this specialist needs to be able to make patterns and sew, understand fashion and have non-standard thinking. Fashion designers study in and .


If you also feel a pedagogical talent in yourself, apply to teachers of fine arts. Kindergartens, schools, educational and creative centers, universities need such specialists. Suitable for working as a teacher-artist .

Also consider the rare but also interesting professions of art director, restorer, graphic designer, cartoonist, illustrator, tattoo artist, calligrapher.

You can also just draw and shoot video. YouTube is the perfect platform for promoting artists

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The concept of art is closely related to the artistic image, which can be embodied in various means. Depending on this, the types of art are also distinguished.

Kinds of art

For plastic types - fine and decorative-applied arts, photography and architecture - spatial construction of the image is characteristic. The content of dynamic arts such as literature and music are temporary compositions. The next group is the spectacular arts: choreography, theater and cinema.

What is most important for a person in a creative profession

People of creative professions, of whom a great many are known, bring artistic images to life. Their feature is not only the availability of knowledge in a particular area, but also the ability to create, to create. There are also known cases when self-taught people with talent and imagination, without special education, created true masterpieces of art. The poet Leonid Martynov, for example, had only 4 classes of education, but proved himself to be a wonderful master of philosophical lyrics.

Famous professions

Through the centuries, wonderful paintings by painters, magnificent buildings of different styles and eras have come down to us. And how not to admire the art of the 19th century mosaics who created unique images of icons in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg! Art restorers and museum researchers help preserve this beauty for future generations.

The people of the writing profession in the artistic word brought to us the invaluable experience of the life of their ancestors. Famous conductors, singers, vocalists, performers on folk instruments introduce us to the best works of world musical culture, and composers create this music.

Dancers, choreographers, choreographers never cease to amaze with dance images. Actors of theater and cinema are devoted to their profession to complete self-denial, sometimes doing the impossible. The great Alexander Ostuzhev in his youth completely lost his hearing, but this did not prevent him from playing great. We also admire the skill of the circus performers.

Unfamiliar professions

A very common profession that is in demand on the labor market can also be creative. Today it is an animator, hairdresser and photographer, and a fashion designer.


There are thousands of professions in the world. The complete list is published in reference books. It is good when a profession meets one's own interests and at the same time is well paid. In this regard, men and women who have creative professions that are popular are more fortunate.

What is the creative profession?

It is impossible to find an exact definition in dictionaries for this term. But, in order to reveal it, it should be noted that creative professions are more often referred to. Some of them are truly creative. Others, in varying degrees, are in touch with technical areas. For example, the professions of musician, writer, artist are truly creative.

Designers of different directions, architects have creative thinking and are able to express their own individuality. These professions are still associated with construction, which gives the technical color of creation. Representatives of different professions have a non-standard approach. but in creative people it is more pronounced.

The most creative specialties

It is difficult to answer which of the professions is the most creative. Indeed, in each area, in order to surprise, it is necessary to create something new. At the same time, you should express your own view of the world in such a way that others understand the message.

To be clear, the media form ratings of the most creative and creative specialties. According to the information agency RBC, the top of such ratings was occupied by the specialty of a web designer. The following points were shared by animators, florists, artists, makeup artists, etc.

The compilers say there are 630 creative professions, each of which is capable of taking the first position in the ranking. It should be noted that rating does not mean highly paid.

Anyone who chooses a creative specialty builds on. They appear from early childhood and the main thing is to see them in time and direct them in the right direction. Developing creative potential, a person does not think about the rationality of his own decision. The only advisor is the soul.

How are creative people trained?

Egocentrism, non-standard thinking and creativity are inherent in almost all creative individuals. This interferes with learning and the problems lie for several reasons.

Character traits. The desire to be the first, selfishness make it difficult to communicate and join the team. These characteristics are necessary for creative specialties, but it should be remembered that there are people around and you are not the Center of the universe.
Features of training. In Russia, it is customary to teach by associative methods. That is, they teach, instill the skills that are required in a particular specialization. At the same time, the associative scheme does not provide for the development of creativity, creative skills, a non-standard approach to solving standard problems.
The lack of culture of applicants. There is an opinion that make-up artists, florists, artists must know the intricacies of their own skill. The rest is not necessary for them. Therefore, applicants have to be forced to read literature in other specialties, visit museums and theaters.

Educated and easier to move up the career ladder in the creative field.

Features of male and female thinking

Even 1-2 decades ago, there were clear concepts of what male and female creative professions were. Among the producers, architects, photographers, there were more often men. Among makeup artists, models, animators - women. In the modern view, the boundaries and conventions between them no longer exist. Guys feel great in the profession of hairdressers and chefs, and women in the role of web designers and architects. There are no gender requirements, but there are special requirements for creative qualities:

possessing a subtle sense of taste and style;
the presence of imaginative thinking;
high sensuality of sophistication and aesthetics;
developed imagination with a non-standard approach.

List of popular professions

In the modern world, people work, the only exception is the fraction, which consists of rich people and sybarites. The rest have to work hard for 8-12 hours. Men and women work and it is impossible to say that this specialty is only for men, but this one is only for women.

Here is a list of popular creative careers where there is no gender differentiation.

Actor - plays roles in theater and cinema. A person easily gets used to another image, taking on himself along with a new disguise. It is based on the principle of masterful reincarnation, which is achieved in two ways:

internal - getting used to the role, reincarnation and acceptance of all habits and character traits;
external - reincarnation takes place with the use of makeup, makeup, clothes and masks. The gait and speech staging also change.

The designer is complex and. The designer designs and creates a user-friendly world. A professional is able to transform into a consumer and decide what is right for him and what is not. This is a specialist who has artistic taste, erudition, original thinking and quick reaction. Visual experience, the ability to draw and design are a prerequisite for this specialty.

The interior designer creates coziness in the room by arranging furniture, selecting wallpapers, curtains and decorative elements.
Landscape designer - creating a unique outdoor area. It is subdivided into three areas: biological, historical and engineering.

Makeup artist - creating an image using makeup. There are several directions depending on the responsibilities.

Stylist - creates a new image for a person, which becomes permanent for a person.

Make-up master - applying cosmetics to hide imperfections and highlight the advantages of the face. They use the services of a make-up artist-make-up artist for various celebrations.

Beautician - a specialist selects the image and teaches the basics of skin care.

It is a creative and creative profession that requires the constant development of creativity. Since fashion is constantly changing and new techniques are emerging, it is possible to quickly develop a career in the field.

Gallery owner is an expert who has complete information about existing styles and authors. The gallery owner has organizational skills. He selects premises, finds sponsors and advertises an exhibition of any format and level.

The fashion designer is a popular creative specialty in the clothing industry. It implies the development of design, the creation of patterns, the selection of suitable fabrics, decorative elements and tailoring. Since these processes require a careful approach, there are three areas that better reveal the specialty:

Fashion designer - creating new images that should be transferred to paper. A specialist in this creative profession creates a new collection, shaping fashion trends.
Constructor - realizes the artist's ideas in life. He creates patterns, selects decor and textiles, with which you can embody extravagant images.
Fashion designer of fur products - must know the nuances of manufacturing. He comes up with and embodies original images of vests, fur coats, handbags, hats and other fur products.

Animator or animal painter - requires an original perception of the world, since in order to create cartoon images, it is necessary to subtly perceive fabulous images, a plot.

Creative specialties for girls without higher education

It is possible to get a creative profession that will bring stable profits without a higher education. The most common of them require a special perception of the surrounding world and creativity.

Photographer. If you are able to create great pictures even on a soap box, feel free to develop your own talents in this direction. This is not easy work. But if you are interested in the surrounding nature, structures, buildings, you are sensitive to details, develop in this direction. Find where the masters courses take place. Take an interest in the work of other artists and develop your own style.

Extension of nails and eyelashes is a specialty that allows you to achieve results without unnecessary training costs. The owner of a sense of taste and perseverance is able to earn money for his own car and travel. To master the basics, you will have to complete special courses. The rest is up to you and your creativity.

Hairdresser - creates masterpieces from hair. Study fashion trends, hair care features. You can master the basics by attending Loreal or Wella hairdressing schools or graduating from a college that specializes in the production of representatives of the profession.

Creative professions for men

The profession of a chef is gaining popularity. Everyone is able to express their own creative fantasies. The ability to cook familiar dishes and give them original forms -. To master the basics perfectly, go to a culinary college or technical school.

Stylist is an image maker. Creates an image by choosing makeup, haircut, clothes. Remember, in big cities.

Regardless of the profession chosen, the creative fields require the daily invention of new artistic images. If you are ready for this, feel free to step on the chosen path.

March 29, 2014, 18:15