Cyanosis or cyanosis of visible mucous membranes is always a frightening sign! It is not an independent disease, but at the same time, it can be a symptom of several (including life-threatening animal) diseases.

Why do mucous membranes turn blue?

The color of the mucous membranes depends on the saturation of the blood with oxygen and carbon dioxide. If for some reason the blood does not receive enough oxygen, the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.
In the event that cyanosis is persistent and the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen for a long time, a serious condition for the animal's body can develop, up to and including death.

Normally, the color of visible mucous membranes is pink (from intense to pale pink). The color is easy to see in the oral cavity: gums, lips, inside of the cheeks, tongue, if the cat is aggressive and there is no way to open her mouth, you can see the color of the conjunctiva (the inner surface of the eyelid).

The most common causes of cyanosis in cats

pneumothorax and hydrothorax

Most often it occurs as a result of injuries in the chest area, falls from a height, car accidents, bites. Pneumothorax- accumulation of air in the chest cavity, hydrothorax- accumulation of fluid. Under these conditions, the lungs do not have the ability to fill with air normally, and in some cases part or one entire lung collapses (does not function). If the process of fluid or air entering the chest cavity does not stop, then the animal dies from suffocation.

If you notice that for some time your animal begins to breathe worse, shortness of breath develops (breathing is frequent and with an open mouth) and cyanosis (from several minutes to several days after injury) you need to contact the clinic to rule out these life-threatening states! To confirm this diagnosis, the doctor will need to take x-rays. And then the liquid or air from the chest cavity is removed. This procedure is usually performed under sedation (a small dose of a sedative drug) in some cases, general anesthesia is required.

It is also necessary to identify the cause of this condition. This may require examination of the fluid removed from the chest cavity. Further treatment will be aimed at preventing the onset of symptoms and treating the disease that caused them.

In cats, when falling from a height, it is often found diaphragmatic hernia(rupture of the diaphragm and prolapse of the abdominal organs into the chest). In this condition, the lungs are also inadequately filled with air due to their displacement. A lack of oxygen and cyanosis develops.

This problem is solved by surgery - all organs return to their places, and the gap in the diaphragm (the tissue that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity) is sutured. However, such an operation is appropriate only if the rupture of the diaphragm has occurred recently, with chronic injuries and the normal quality of life of the animal, the operation is not always indicated.

Causes that also cause chest effusion in cats are FIP, or feline infectious peritonitis, And lymphosarcoma(viral feline leukemia).
With these diseases, fluid accumulates in the chest and abdominal cavity (not always), the general condition of the animal worsens, the cat refuses to eat, and cyanosis appears.
To make such diagnoses, a study of the detected fluid will be required. Blood tests and ultrasound of the chest and abdomen.

Pulmonary edema

A very life-threatening condition - requires urgent assistance and immediate treatment to the clinic! In addition to cyanosis, pulmonary edema is also accompanied by other symptoms: incessant shortness of breath (the cat breathes with its tongue hanging out), anxiety. Upon receipt of an animal with such symptoms for admission, the doctor will urgently assess the condition of the animal and decide on the need to place the animal for inpatient treatment (which is indicated for animals with severe symptoms of respiratory failure). Also, at the very initial stages of diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the nature of the edema - its cause (since this is not an independent disease, but only a clinical manifestation of some hidden problem of the body).

An x-ray of the lungs is required to confirm the diagnosis, determine the severity of the condition, and discover a possible cause. To relieve the symptoms of edema and improve the condition of the animal, active diuretic (diuretic) therapy will be carried out.

After normalization of the animal's condition and identification of the cause of pulmonary edema, the cat should receive treatment for its underlying disease, in order to avoid the recurrence of this symptom.

cat asthma

Asthma in cats is a disease of cats of different ages, accompanied by coughing and worsening of breathing, in severe cases, respiratory failure and cyanosis develop. This disease can be suspected by detecting characteristic changes in the lungs (on an x-ray in a lateral projection) and confirmed by the detection of an increased number of eosinophils (blood cells responsible for the body's immune response) in the blood.

This disease in cats is of an immune nature - therefore, for its treatment, the cat is prescribed and selected the minimum dose of glucocorticoid hormones for life.

congenital heart defects

Also, the cause of these disorders can be congenital heart disease.

The strong, long, spiked tongue of cats performs many functions. According to the state of this body, an attentive owner may notice that the cat is sick. For example, if a cat has an ulcer on its tongue, calcivirosis is suspected. Knowing how a healthy cat's tongue should look like, how cats use their tongue in a given situation, why a cat sticks out the tip of its tongue and other useful "little things", the owner understands the pet better.

The cat's tongue, like the human one, consists of many transverse and longitudinal muscles, with the help of which our pets can not only stretch and hide the tongue in the mouth, but also move it in different directions and fold the tongue into a ladle. The latter is especially convenient when drinking - the water lingers in the recess without splashing out of the mouth.

One of the reasons why a cat sticks out the tip of its tongue is the function of thermoregulation. A wet tongue quickly releases some of the heat accumulated by the cat's body, somewhat easing the pet's condition in extreme heat. If the pet is very hot, the cat breathes heavily with its tongue out. For dogs, this behavior is the norm, but for cats it is a signal that the ambient temperature has reached a critical norm. If you do not help your pet, it is possible.

Although the reason why the cat sticks out the tip of the tongue may be much more banal - the pet has recently eaten or washed, and simply “forgot” to put the tongue in her mouth. Especially often the owners of Persians and exotics notice this - the cat shows its tongue, as if teasing others. It's all about the shortened bones of the skull: the shape of the muzzle is changed by selection, as is the structure of the jaws - the tongue either does not fit in the mouth, or the tip sticks out between the teeth (malocclusion, in which the cat shows the tongue, which normally rests on the inside against tightly interlocked teeth when the mouth is closed ).

An inexperienced owner, especially if he has previously interacted closely with dogs, is always surprised why a cat has a rough tongue. Touches of the cat's tongue can even be unpleasant - the surface of this organ is so hard and prickly. The inhabitants of Ancient Russia did not have the opportunity to examine the cat's tongue close-up, but they had enough tactile sensations to give the cat's tongue the apt nickname "grater". It's all about the many papillae, similar to spikes and growing inwards towards the pharynx. Long “scales” help the cat keep food and water on the surface of the tongue, thoroughly clean the fur coat and remove small litter from the surface of the wool - the dog will never be able to wash itself so cleanly.

Knowing why a cat has a rough tongue, it is easy to imagine what happens to the tinsel or thread that gets into the cat's mouth: the pet cannot spit out the thread (thorns on the tongue that hold a thin foreign object interfere). The cat swallows a thread or tinsel - she simply has nothing left to do. Noticing this, you can not drag the end of the thread: carefully cut off the visible part and give the pet a couple of tablespoons of petroleum jelly.

If you look at the cat's tongue in close-up, you will notice that in addition to the "thorns" it is covered with short "sticks", flat dots and other "growths" - these are also papillae, and they all perform certain functions. In particular, many of them are equipped with taste chemoreceptors, which allows the cat to taste salty, sour and bitter tastes. When examining a cat's tongue under a microscope, scientists were unable to detect receptors that are sensitive to sweet taste, so it is believed that cats do not feel this taste at all. Or they can taste it, but only in high concentration, which is harmful to their health.

Dark spots and dots on the tongue and lips in cats are a consequence of the hyperactivity of the cells that secrete the pigment responsible for skin tone. Furry pets are prone to pigmentation. Black dots on the tongue of a cat can appear from birth. In this case, the tongue can be either heavily pigmented or weakly, with barely noticeable spots. Pigmentation can spread to the nose, mucous membranes of the mouth and lips. This phenomenon is absolutely harmless and does not require treatment.

Black dots that suddenly appeared on the tongue of a cat are a consequence of the activity of cells responsible for skin color. Due to the increased production of pigment, some areas of the mucosa are stained in a darker color. This phenomenon is not dangerous, regardless of whether it is acquired pigmentation or the cat has had spots since birth.

Age spots can form with age. If the cat is prone to such formations, dark spots appear before the age of three. If the animal does not have a tendency to pigmentation, the tongue and nose can remain clean throughout life.

Many owners mistake black spots on the tongue for symptoms of a fungal infection. Candidiasis and other dermatological diseases of the mucous membranes and skin in cats are manifested by the formation of light spots and dots, but not dark ones. Pigmentation does not cause discomfort. When dark spots appear, the behavior of the pet does not change, the appetite does not suffer, and in general there is no cause for concern.

Interestingly, pigmentation in cats is often hereditary and occurs in animals with dark coats and dark paw pads. In fair cats, white or red with pink paws, pigmentation is very rare.


A disease caused by a lack of vitamin PP and B6 is called pellagra. In cats, this pathology is quite rare and is associated with a monotonous diet. In most cases, hypovitaminosis is encountered by animals that eat low-quality dry food of a low price segment.

The composition of such feeds is not balanced and does not always meet the needs of the animal's body for certain vitamins. Pellagra can also be encountered by street animals that do not have a regular diet and eat what they need. Often, cats taken from the street suffer from hypovitaminosis, and the owners cannot immediately understand what is the reason for the lethargy and drowsiness of a fluffy pet, as well as dark spots on the tongue.

Pellagra in cats is manifested by dots on the mucous membranes of the mouth, sometimes spots on the tongue, nose and ears. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a veterinarian, as plaque in the ears and nose may be the result of tick damage, and dots on the tongue may be harmless pigmentation.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is carried out by adjusting the diet. It is recommended to purchase special vitamin supplements for cats, depending on the age of the pet. If the cat eats natural food, the following foods should be introduced into the diet:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • milk;
  • carrot.

These products are rich in vitamin PP and quickly eliminate its deficiency. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to combine a therapeutic diet with the intake of special vitamin supplements. The recommended dosage of vitamins PP and B6 is up to 5 mg per kilogram of pet weight.

Plaque on the tongue

Quite often, a cat's tongue has black dots after eating or drinking water. In this case, we are talking about the usual plaque that appears when eating dark-colored food. Often a coating on the tongue is found after the cat plays with some dark-colored objects. Dots on the tongue may remain if the animal has chewed on plastic or painted wood. Particles of dye clog between the papillae on the tongue and give the impression of dark dots and spots.

Distinguishing plaque from pigmentation or beriberi is very simple, just rub your pet's tongue with a toothbrush. If the dark spots come off easily and do not reappear, we are talking about plaque. With pellagra, dark areas may clear, but reappear after a while. Pigmentation in the tongue cannot be removed by any means at hand.

Owners should be concerned if a dark coating forms on the lips and nose of the pet, and there is also a pronounced putrid smell from the cat's mouth. In this case, it is recommended to show the animal to the veterinarian and examine the oral cavity. A possible cause is dental disease, gum inflammation and bacterial stomatitis.

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What is the reason?

Cyanosis can give the skin or mucous membranes a bluish or reddish hue, this is due to a lack of oxygen or a decrease in hemoglobin. Blueness can be caused by hereditary diseases, congenital heart disease, various respiratory diseases, exposure to certain chemicals.

Cyanosis in cats is usually a wake-up call for owners and veterinarians.


  • A red or bluish tinge to the tongue, gums, lips, and skin may indicate blood disorders.
  • Impaired or difficult breathing
  • Coloration of paw pads in bluish or reddish colors.

When your cat has blueness and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment on your beloved cat. The fact is that there are a lot of reasons for cyanosis in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Pulse measurement
  • Other studies, depending on the disease that caused cyanosis.


The treatment of this disease depends on the diagnosis.

  • Surgery is required for congenital heart disease.
  • With low hemoglobin, drug treatment is prescribed.
  • If breathing is impaired, which is the cause of cyanosis and can be caused by pneumonia or chronic bronchitis, antibiotics are prescribed
  • With stagnation of fluid in the lungs, diuretics are prescribed.
  • A thoracocentesis (surgical procedure) is performed to remove fluid or air from the chest.
  • Supply of oxygen in case of its shortage.

Emergency help

Emergency care includes clearing the airways of foreign objects and assisting in oxygen delivery: oxygen masks, oxygen tubes for the nose, tracheal intubation (insertion of a tube into the trachea and larynx in case of a threat of suffocation).

Care and maintenance

There is no home treatment for cyanosis. If pet cyanosis is detected, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment.

How to call a veterinarian at home?

What questions will need to be answered?

Sholicheva Alisa Andreevna
veterinary cardiologist

Cyanosis or cyanosis of visible mucous membranes is always a frightening sign!
It is not an independent disease, but at the same time, it can be a symptom of several (including life-threatening animal) diseases.

Why do mucous membranes turn blue?
The color of the mucous membranes depends on the saturation of the blood with oxygen and carbon dioxide.
If for some reason the blood does not receive enough oxygen, the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.
In the event that cyanosis is persistent and the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen for a long time, a serious condition for the animal's body can develop, up to and including death.
Normally, the color of visible mucous membranes is pink (from intense to pale pink). The color is easy to see in the oral cavity: gums, lips, inside of the cheeks, tongue, if the cat is aggressive and there is no way to open her mouth, you can see the color of the conjunctiva (the inner surface of the eyelid).

The most common causes of cyanosis in cats are:

  • pneumothorax and hydrothorax
    Most often it occurs as a result of injuries in the chest area, falls from a height, car accidents, bites.
    Pneumothorax- accumulation of air in the chest cavity, hydrothorax- accumulation of fluid. Under these conditions, the lungs do not have the ability to fill with air normally, and in some cases part or one entire lung collapses (does not function).
    If the process of fluid or air entering the chest cavity does not stop, then the animal dies from suffocation.
    If you notice that for some time your animal begins to breathe worse, shortness of breath develops (breathing is frequent and with an open mouth) and cyanosis (from several minutes to several days after injury) you need to contact the clinic to rule out these life-threatening states!
    To confirm this diagnosis, the doctor will need to take x-rays. And then the liquid or air from the chest cavity is removed. This procedure is usually performed under sedation (a small dose of a sedative drug) in some cases, general anesthesia is required.
    It is also necessary to identify the cause of this condition. This may require examination of the fluid removed from the chest cavity. Further treatment will be aimed at preventing the onset of symptoms and treating the disease that caused them.
    In cats, when falling from a height, it is often found diaphragmatic hernia(rupture of the diaphragm and prolapse of the abdominal organs into the chest). In this condition, the lungs are also inadequately filled with air due to their displacement. A lack of oxygen and cyanosis develops.
    This problem is solved by surgery - all organs return to their places, and the gap in the diaphragm (the tissue that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity) is sutured. However, such an operation is appropriate only if the rupture of the diaphragm has occurred recently, with chronic injuries and the normal quality of life of the animal, the operation is not always indicated.

    Causes that also cause chest effusion in cats are FIP, or feline infectious peritonitis, And lymphosarcoma(viral feline leukemia).
    With these diseases, fluid accumulates in the chest and abdominal cavity (not always), the general condition of the animal worsens, the cat refuses to eat, and cyanosis appears.
    To make such diagnoses, a study of the detected fluid will be required. Blood tests and ultrasound of the chest and abdomen.

  • pulmonary edema
    A very life-threatening condition - requires urgent assistance and immediate treatment to the clinic!
    In addition to cyanosis, pulmonary edema is also accompanied by other symptoms: incessant shortness of breath (the cat breathes with its tongue hanging out), anxiety. Upon receipt of an animal with such symptoms for admission, the doctor will urgently assess the condition of the animal and decide on the need to place the animal for inpatient treatment (which is indicated for animals with severe symptoms of respiratory failure). Also, at the very initial stages of diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the nature of the edema - its cause (since this is not an independent disease, but only a clinical manifestation of some hidden problem of the body).
    An x-ray of the lungs is required to confirm the diagnosis, determine the severity of the condition, and discover a possible cause. To relieve the symptoms of edema and improve the condition of the animal, active diuretic (diuretic) therapy will be carried out.
    After normalization of the animal's condition and identification of the cause of pulmonary edema, the cat should receive treatment for its underlying disease, in order to avoid the recurrence of this symptom.
  • feline asthma- a disease of cats of different ages, accompanied by coughing and worsening of breathing, in severe cases, respiratory failure and cyanosis develop.
    This disease can be suspected by detecting characteristic changes in the lungs (on an x-ray in a lateral projection) and confirmed by the detection of an increased number of eosinophils (blood cells responsible for the body's immune response) in the blood.
    This disease in cats is of an immune nature - therefore, for its treatment, the cat is prescribed and selected the minimum dose of glucocorticoid hormones for life.
  • congenital heart defects
    Owners notice persistent cyanosis in their pets at an early age.
    The so-called "blue" (causing cyanosis) defects include:
    • atrial septal defect
    • ventricular septal defect
    • combined defect "tetralogy of Fallot".

The incidence of these congenital heart defects in cats is very low.
To make such a diagnosis, it will be necessary to undergo a full cardiological examination: ECG (electrocardiography), ECHO (ultrasound of the heart) and chest x-ray.

The presence of cyanosis always indicates that the body does not have enough oxygen and there is an excess of carbon dioxide. It is always life threatening. Your task is to deliver the animal to the clinic as soon as possible.

Sholicheva Alisa Andreevna