Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". This was reported on the Kremlin website.

"(I decide) the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure the achievement of the following national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024: ensuring sustainable natural growth of the population of the Russian Federation; increasing life expectancy to 78 years (by 2030 - up to 80 years); ensuring sustainable growth in real incomes of citizens, as well as an increase in the level of pension provision above the level of inflation; a halving of the poverty rate in the Russian Federation; improvement of housing conditions for at least 5 million families annually", the message says.

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers must ensure: the acceleration of the technological development of the Russian Federation, an increase in the number of organizations implementing technological innovations, up to 50% of their total number; ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere; Russia's entry into the top five largest economies in the world, ensuring economic growth rates above the world ones while maintaining macroeconomic stability, including inflation at a level not exceeding 4%; creation in the basic sectors of the economy, primarily in the manufacturing industry and the agro-industrial complex, of a highly productive export-oriented sector, developing on the basis of modern technologies and provided with highly qualified personnel.

The Government of the Russian Federation was also instructed to approve, by October 1, 2018, the main directions of its activities for the period up to 2024 and the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, providing for the mechanisms and resource support for achieving the national goals defined above.

In accordance with national goals, the Cabinet of Ministers must develop (adjust) together with the state authorities of the regions and submit before October 1, 2018 for consideration at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, national projects (programs) in the following areas: demography; healthcare; education; housing and urban environment; ecology; safe and high-quality roads; productivity and employment support; the science; digital economy; culture; small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives; international cooperation and export.

The Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

/ Monday, 7 May 2018 /

Topics: Ecology

Russia should enter the top ten countries in the world in terms of the quality of education. . . . . .

"When developing a national project in the field of education, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:<...>ensuring the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education; education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on the spiritual and moral values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national cultural traditions", the decree says.

The document states that at the levels of basic general and secondary general education it is necessary to introduce new methods of teaching and education, educational technologies that ensure the development of basic skills and abilities by students, increase their motivation for learning and involvement in the educational process. In addition, it is necessary to improve the methods of teaching the subject area " Technology ".

Work should also be carried out to form an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing abilities and talents in children and young people, as well as creating conditions for the early development of children under the age of three and helping parents of children receiving preschool education in the family.

In Russia, a modern and safe digital educational environment should be created and a national system for the professional growth of teachers should be introduced, covering at least 50% of teachers in general education organizations.

Employees of educational institutions should be able to continuously improve their skills and acquire new professional skills. The country needs to hold professional competitions for the professional and career growth of citizens.

"The Government of the Russian Federation needs to ensure the solution of the following tasks:<...>creation of conditions for the development of mentoring, support for public initiatives and projects, including in the field of volunteering (volunteering); at least doubling the number of foreign citizens studying in educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations, as well as the implementation of a set of measures for the employment of the best of them in the Russian Federation", - follows from the decree.

In addition, the document states that Russia should enter the top five world leaders in the field of science. The country should be attractive for the work of Russian and foreign leading scientists and young promising researchers. The government is also instructed to increase domestic spending on research and development from all sources compared to the growth of the country's gross domestic product.

"The Government of the Russian Federation needs to ensure the solution of the following tasks: the creation of an advanced research and development infrastructure; the renewal of at least 50% of the instrumentation base of leading organizations performing research and development; the creation of world-class scientific centers; the creation of at least 15 scientific and educational centers of the world level based on the integration of universities and scientific organizations and their cooperation with organizations operating in the real sector of the economy", - follows from the decree.

In addition, the President instructed to form an integral system for the training and professional growth of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, providing conditions for young scientists to carry out research and development, create scientific laboratories and competitive teams.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The document is published on the official portal of legal information.

"In connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is being celebrated in 2024, I decide to hold events in 2024 dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences", the document says.

The Government of the Russian Federation is recommended to form an organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the celebration within six months and approve its composition, as well as to ensure the development and approval of a plan of main events for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition, federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to take part in the preparation and conduct of relevant events.

The President signed a decree on the strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation until 2024

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the government to ensure the achievement of Russia's national development goals for the period up to 2024, including a two-fold reduction in the level of poverty. . . . . .

Among the instructions to be fulfilled by the Russian government are to ensure a steady growth in real incomes of citizens, to increase the level of pensions above the inflation rate, and to halve the level of poverty.

In addition, the President instructed to ensure sustainable natural population growth and increase the average life expectancy to 78 years.

Earlier it was reported that Vladimir Putin officially assumed the presidency after the inauguration ceremony on May 7.

. . . . . The text of the document is published on the official website of the Kremlin.

In particular, as one of the tasks of the government of the Russian Federation, the improvement of the housing of at least 5 million families annually is set.

Also, when developing a national project in the field of housing and the urban environment, the government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure the achievement of the following indicators:

Providing affordable housing for middle-income families, including creating opportunities for them to purchase (construct) housing using a mortgage loan, the rate of which should be less than 8 percent;

An increase in housing construction to at least 120 million square meters per year, according to the text of the decree.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister. . . . . .

"In accordance with paragraph " A " Art. 83 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to appoint Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation", the document says.

Earlier, the deputies of the State Duma gave their consent to the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin on the appointment of D.Medvedev as the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Decree "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Federal News Agency reported on Monday.

"The decree is aimed at a breakthrough scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, an increase in the country's population, the creation of comfortable living conditions for Russian citizens, and an increase in their standard of living", the message says.

Thus, by 2024, the Russian government was instructed to ensure the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and the social sphere, accelerate the technological development of the Russian Federation, improve the living conditions of at least 5 million families annually, halve the level of poverty in the country, ensure a steady growth in real incomes of citizens, as well as an increase in the level of pension provision above the level of inflation, increase life expectancy to 78 years, and ensure sustainable natural growth in the population of the Russian Federation.

Before " May " presidential decrees were signed in 2012. They concerned the long-term state economic and social policy, housing construction, health care, national policy, the development of the Armed Forces, foreign policy and demography.

. . . . .

In particular, when developing a national project in the field of education, the government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure the solution of such tasks as improving the mechanisms for financing housing construction, including through the development of the mortgage-backed securities market and a phased transition from raising funds for shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate to other forms of housing construction financing that protect the rights of citizens and reduce risks for them, according to the text of the decree.

Among other tasks in the field of housing construction, the document indicates the modernization of the construction industry and improving the quality of industrial housing construction, including by establishing restrictions on the use of outdated technologies and stimulating the introduction of advanced technologies in design and construction, improving the mechanisms of state support for the construction of standard housing; reducing the administrative burden on developers, ensuring the efficient use of land for mass housing construction, creating mechanisms for the resettlement of citizens from uninhabitable housing stock, ensuring compliance with their housing rights established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to provide affordable housing for middle-income families by 2024, including creating opportunities for them to purchase housing using a mortgage, the rate of which should be less than 8%. This is reported by the Kremlin website.

"When developing a national project in the field of housing and the urban environment, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure the achievement of the following goals and targets: providing affordable housing for families with an average income, including creating opportunities for them to purchase (construct) housing using a mortgage loan, the rate of which should be less than 8%, an increase in housing construction to at least 120 million square meters per year, a radical increase in the comfort of the urban environment, an increase in the urban environment quality index by 30%, a reduction in accordance with by this index of the number of cities with an unfavorable environment twice; creation of a mechanism for direct participation of citizens in the formation of a comfortable urban environment, an increase in the share of citizens participating in solving issues of the development of the urban environment, up to 30%; ensuring a sustainable reduction of uninhabitable housing stock", the message says.

. . . . .

In addition, the government should reduce the administrative burden on developers, improve the legal framework and the procedure for regulating activities in the field of housing construction; ensure the efficient use of land for the purpose of mass housing construction, subject to the conservation and development of the green fund and territories where natural objects of ecological, historical, cultural, recreational, health and other valuable significance are located; create mechanisms for the development of a comfortable urban environment, the integrated development of cities and other settlements, taking into account the quality index of the urban environment; create mechanisms for the resettlement of citizens from uninhabitable housing stock, ensuring compliance with their housing rights established by law.

Expanded meeting of the Government of the Rostov Region

Report of the Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region Yu.S. Molodchenko

On May 7 of this year, the President of Russia adopted Decree No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”.

The new May Decree of the President of Russia on achieving national goals in 2024 entails a large amount of work and concerns all spheres of our life. Moreover, the achievement of these goals is possible with the consolidation of efforts not only of executive and legislative authorities at all levels, but also of business, public associations, and the scientific community.

It should be noted that the implementation of the May 6 decrees of 2012 remains relevant. The task of the authorities is to ensure the achievement of targets in 2018.

The Russian government has been instructed to ensure the achievement of 9 national goals by 2024:

1. Ensuring sustainable natural growth of the population of Russia;

2. Increasing life expectancy up to 78 years;

3. Ensuring sustainable growth of real incomes of citizens, as well as an increase in the level of pension provision;

4. Reduction in 2 times the level of poverty;

5. Improvement of living conditions at least

5 million families annually;

6. Ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere;

7. Acceleration of technological development, increase in the number of organizations implementing technological innovations, up to 50% of their total number;

8. Creation in the basic sectors of the economy, primarily in the manufacturing industry and the agro-industrial complex, of a highly productive export-oriented sector;

9. Russia's entry into the top five largest economies in the world.

Achieving such large-scale goals will require serious additional resources (not only financial, but also temporary, labor, managerial) and reformatting managerial approaches to solving problems.

On Resource Support for the Achievement of National Goals

The Government of Russia was entrusted until October 1 of this year. approve the Main Directions of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 and the forecast of socio-economic development until 2024, providing for the mechanisms and resource support for achieving national goals.

In addition, in accordance with Decree 204 (clause 16), the Government of Russia was instructed annually, when drafting the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, to provide priority budget allocations for the implementation of national projects, as well as to ensure that additional federal revenues are channeled as a matter of priority. budget for their implementation.

A special development fund will appear in the federal budget, which “will be formed at the expense of large volumes of borrowings in the financial market (about 3.5 trillion rubles over 6 years), and the funds from it will go to the development of infrastructure, the digital economy, SMEs” (quote from report of Anton Siluanov at the Federation Council).

The tax maneuver can bring its contribution to the implementation of the decree. The Russian government has prepared proposals to increase the VAT rate from 18% to 20% from 2019. The additional income received will be directed to the implementation of national projects in healthcare, education and other social projects.

On the procedure for developing national projects at the federal level

In accordance with the national goals, the Government of Russia, federal ministries, together with the state authorities of the subjects, were instructed to develop national projects (programs) in the following 12 areas: demography; healthcare; education; housing and urban environment; ecology; safe and high-quality roads; productivity and employment support; the science; digital economy; culture; small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives; international cooperation and export.

In 2016-2017, within the framework of project management, work was already underway in priority areas. With the adoption of Decree 204, work began on the integration of federal priority projects (programs) with national projects (programs).

To organize work on the implementation of the decree, on May 22 of this year, the Chairman of the Government of Russia adopted a list of instructions that determines the deadlines and responsible executors for the implementation of the points of the decree.

Also, the Chairman of the Government of Russia D.A. Medvedev on June 4 of this year approved guidelines for the development of national projects (programs).

In addition to the guidelines, the Department of Project Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation sent clarifications on filling out the forms of passports for national projects (programs).

All these documents by the apparatus of the Government of the Rostov region to the regional executive authorities.

On the mechanism and timing of the development of national projects

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the guidelines, the functional structure of the project management system is used in the development of national projects.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that according to the instructions of Medvedev D.A. the formation of departmental project offices in the federal executive authorities and, if necessary, in subordinate organizations is carried out with the full employment of employees and the assignment of tasks for organizing project activities to them. We, Vasily Yuryevich, have created a Council under the Governor for project management, a regional project office. But, obviously, clarification of its tasks and powers is required.

In accordance with the list of instructions of the Prime Minister, the federal ministries by areas of activity, by June 29 of the current year, must determine:

Dynamics of target indicators by years;

The list of tasks that ensure the achievement of goals and target indicators has been specified;

Checkpoints are defined to ensure the fulfillment of tasks; sources and parameters of financing are determined;

Funded three-year detailed action plans developed;

Responsible for the implementation of national projects have been identified.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia until July 6 this year. must submit proposals on sources of financial support for the period up to 2024 of national project activities, as well as proposals on balancing the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal ministries with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must submit to the Government of Russia:

After September 15 this year. should receive methodological instructions for the implementation and monitoring of national projects, the development of which is entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia - Chief of Staff Konstantin Anatolyevich Chuichenko. The guidelines should spell out the procedure for coordinating documents prepared as part of the development and implementation of national projects in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of project activities in the Government of Russia.

About public administration

The implementation of Decree 204 is an unprecedentedly complex and additional task for authorities at all levels. Despite the fact that their time, labor and financial resources are fully utilized today.

At the federal level, a decision was made on the full-scale implementation of project management. The project approach, which has proven its effectiveness in the corporate sector, has not yet become a common practice in the state apparatus for solving complex interdepartmental problems. You spoke about this, Vasily Yuryevich, in your Investment Address in November 2017.

The same applies to document management.

Long, redundant and inefficient bureaucratic procedures for coordinating documents actually take the entire time resource of managers, which creates risks for implementation and reduces the opportunities for developing creative, non-standard regional projects and programs aimed at achieving the goals of the Presidential Decree.

In addition, the threat of non-fulfillment of the control order given on the initiative introduced does not stimulate civil servants to offer truly complex, non-standard initiative projects of decisions.

These tasks are relevant at the federal level as well. In the list of instructions of the Chairman of the Government of Russia, instructions were given to the Chief of Staff on the radical simplification of procedural procedures, minimization of document flow and reporting, and the transition to an electronic format for interaction between participants in project activities.

On the organization of work on the implementation of the decree at the regional level

In accordance with the federal orders and guidelines received today, the regional executive authorities need to:

Work with the relevant federal executive authorities on target indicators for the region, issues of financing activities;

Start developing regional projects aimed at the implementation of national and federal projects and the achievement of relevant goals;

The Ministry of Economic Development of the region together with regional executive authorities should organize:

Monitoring the progress of implementation

204 decrees of the President of Russia, starting from 2019;

Refinement of the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Rostov region for the period up to 2024 and up to 2030.

On issues in the implementation of the 204th decree

Today there is uncertainty in understanding how the work on the formation of national projects, their coordination, and reporting will be built. To what extent the region will be involved in the development of national projects (programs).

The list of instructions on this issue includes items on organizing interaction with federal ministries in supervised areas, participating in the coordination of target indicators in relation to the region, and providing the necessary funding for national project activities. As federal documents are released, we will promptly make or correct appropriate management decisions at the regional level. While there is time, specialists from ministries and municipalities should thoroughly study the methodological recommendations in order to develop high-quality regional projects aimed at the implementation of national and federal projects and the achievement of relevant goals.

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the fundamental difference in the organization of work on the implementation of Decree 204 from the May 2012 decrees is the use of a project management system.

It provides for strict vertical reporting, the participation of a representative from the relevant federal ministry in the consideration of key provisions of regional projects, the application of a system of industry criteria with the subsequent formation of an industry rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of Decree 204 to achieve national goals and strategic objectives requires all of us to be maximally mobilized, reformist, and ready to manage change.

Thank you for attention.

In order to implement a breakthrough scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, increase the population of the country, improve the standard of living of citizens, create comfortable conditions for their living, as well as conditions and opportunities for self-realization and disclosure of the talent of each person, I decide:

1. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure the achievement of the following national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024:

a) ensuring sustainable natural growth of the population of the Russian Federation;

b) increase in life expectancy up to 78 years (by 2030 - up to 80 years);

c) ensuring sustainable growth of real incomes of citizens, as well as the growth of the level of pension provision above the level of inflation;

d) halving the level of poverty in the Russian Federation;

e) improvement of living conditions for at least 5 million families annually;

f) accelerating the technological development of the Russian Federation, increasing the number of organizations implementing technological innovations, up to 50 percent of their total number;

g) ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere;

h) the inclusion of the Russian Federation among the five largest economies in the world, ensuring economic growth rates higher than the world ones while maintaining macroeconomic stability, including inflation at a level not exceeding 4 percent;

i) creation in the basic sectors of the economy, primarily in the manufacturing industry and the agro-industrial complex, of a highly productive export-oriented sector, developing on the basis of modern technologies and provided with highly qualified personnel.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) approve, by October 1, 2018, the Main Directions for the Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 and the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, providing for the mechanisms and resource support for achieving the national goals defined by paragraph 1 of this Decree;

b) in accordance with the national goals defined in paragraph 1 of this Decree, develop (adjust) together with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and submit before October 1, 2018 for consideration at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects national projects (programs) in the following areas:




housing and urban environment;


safe and high-quality roads;

productivity and employment support;

digital economy;


small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives;

international cooperation and export.

3. When developing a national program in the field of demographic development, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

increase in healthy life expectancy to 67 years;

an increase in the total fertility rate to 1.7;

an increase in the proportion of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as an increase of up to 55 percent in the proportion of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports;

b) solution of the following tasks:

introduction of a mechanism for financial support for families at the birth of children;

creating conditions for the implementation of the labor activity of women with children, including the achievement of 100% accessibility (by 2021) of pre-school education for children under the age of three;

development and implementation of a program of systematic support and improvement of the quality of life of citizens of the older generation;

formation of a system of motivating citizens to a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and giving up bad habits;

creating conditions for all categories and groups of the population to engage in physical culture and sports, mass sports, including increasing the level of provision of the population with sports facilities, as well as preparing a sports reserve.

4. When developing a national project in the field of healthcare, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

reduction in mortality rates of the working-age population (up to 350 cases per 100,000 population), mortality from diseases of the circulatory system (up to 450 cases per 100,000 population), and mortality from neoplasms, including malignant ones (up to 185 cases per 100,000 population). population), infant mortality (up to 4.5 cases per 1 thousand born children);

elimination of personnel shortage in medical organizations providing primary health care;

ensuring coverage of all citizens with preventive medical examinations at least once a year;

ensuring optimal accessibility for the population (including residents of settlements located in remote areas) of medical organizations providing primary health care;

optimization of the work of medical organizations providing primary health care, reducing the waiting time in line when citizens apply to these medical organizations, simplifying the procedure for making an appointment with a doctor;

an increase in the volume of exports of medical services by at least four times compared to 2017 (up to 1 billion US dollars per year);

b) solution of the following tasks:

completion of the formation of a network of medical organizations of primary health care using a geographic information system in the healthcare sector, taking into account the need to build medical outpatient clinics, feldsher and feldsher-obstetric stations in settlements with a population of 100 people to 2 thousand people, as well as taking into account the use of mobile medical complexes in settlements with a population of less than 100 people;

completion of the formation of a network of national medical research centers;

creation of mechanisms for the interaction of medical organizations on the basis of a unified state information system in the field of healthcare;

introduction of innovative medical technologies, including an early diagnosis system and remote monitoring of the health status of patients;

providing medical organizations of the healthcare system with qualified personnel, including the introduction of a system of continuous education of medical workers, including using distance learning technologies;

development and implementation of programs to combat cancer, cardiovascular diseases, development of children's healthcare, including the creation of a modern infrastructure for providing medical care to children;

formation of a system for protecting the rights of patients;

improving the mechanism for exporting medical services.

5. When developing a national project in the field of education, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

ensuring the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education;

education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on the spiritual and moral values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national cultural traditions;

b) solution of the following tasks:

introduction at the levels of basic general and secondary general education of new methods of teaching and education, educational technologies that ensure the development of basic skills and abilities by students, increasing their motivation for learning and involvement in the educational process, as well as updating the content and improving teaching methods in the subject area "Technology" ;

formation of an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing abilities and talents in children and youth, based on the principles of justice, universality and aimed at self-determination and professional orientation of all students;

creation of conditions for the early development of children under the age of three, the implementation of a program of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and advisory assistance to parents of children receiving preschool education in the family;

creation of a modern and safe digital educational environment that provides high quality and accessibility of education of all types and levels;

the introduction of a national system for the professional growth of teachers, covering at least 50 percent of teachers in general education organizations;

modernization of vocational education, including through the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational programs;

formation of a system of continuous updating by working citizens of their professional knowledge and the acquisition of new professional skills by them, including the acquisition of competencies in the field of the digital economy by everyone;

formation of a system of professional competitions in order to provide citizens with opportunities for professional and career growth;

creation of conditions for the development of mentoring, support for public initiatives and projects, including in the field of volunteering (volunteering);

at least doubling the number of foreign citizens studying in educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations, as well as the implementation of a set of measures for the employment of the best of them in the Russian Federation.

6. When developing a national project in the field of housing and the urban environment, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

providing affordable housing for middle-income families, including creating opportunities for them to purchase (construct) housing using a mortgage loan, the rate of which should be less than 8 percent;

increase in housing construction to at least 120 million square meters per year;

a radical increase in the comfort of the urban environment, an increase in the urban environment quality index by 30 percent, and a halving of the number of cities with an unfavorable environment in accordance with this index;

creation of a mechanism for the direct participation of citizens in the formation of a comfortable urban environment, an increase in the share of citizens participating in solving issues of the development of the urban environment, up to 30 percent;

ensuring a sustainable reduction in the uninhabitable housing stock;

b) solution of the following tasks:

improving the mechanisms for financing housing construction, including through the development of a mortgage-backed securities market and a phased transition from raising funds for shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate to other forms of housing construction financing that protect the rights of citizens and reduce risks for them;

modernizing the construction industry and improving the quality of industrial housing construction, including by establishing restrictions on the use of outdated technologies and stimulating the introduction of advanced technologies in design and construction, improving the mechanisms of state support for the construction of standard housing;

reducing the administrative burden on developers, improving the regulatory framework and the procedure for regulating activities in the field of housing construction;

ensuring the effective use of land for the purpose of mass housing construction, subject to the conservation and development of the green fund and territories on which natural objects of ecological, historical, cultural, recreational, health and other valuable significance are located;

creation of mechanisms for the development of a comfortable urban environment, the integrated development of cities and other settlements, taking into account the index of the quality of the urban environment;

creation of mechanisms for the resettlement of citizens from uninhabitable housing stock, ensuring the observance of their housing rights established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. When developing a national project in the field of ecology, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

efficient management of production and consumption waste, including the elimination of all unauthorized dumps identified as of January 1, 2018 within city boundaries;

a radical reduction in the level of atmospheric air pollution in large industrial centers, including a reduction by at least 20 percent of the total volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air in the most polluted cities;

improving the quality of drinking water for the population, including for residents of settlements not equipped with modern centralized water supply systems;

environmental rehabilitation of water bodies, including the Volga River, and the preservation of unique water systems, including lakes Baikal and Teletskoye;

conservation of biological diversity, including through the creation of at least 24 new specially protected natural areas;

b) solution of the following tasks:

formation of an integrated system for handling municipal solid waste, including the elimination of landfills and the reclamation of the territories where they are located, the creation of conditions for the recycling of all production and consumption waste prohibited for burial;

creation and effective functioning in all subjects of the Russian Federation of a system of public control aimed at identifying and eliminating unauthorized dumps;

creation of a modern infrastructure that ensures the safe handling of waste of hazard classes I and II, and the elimination of the most dangerous objects of accumulated environmental damage;

implementation of comprehensive action plans to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in large industrial centers, including the cities of Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Mednogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets and Chita, taking into account the consolidated calculations of the permissible these cities negative impact on the environment;

application by all facilities that have a significant negative impact on the environment, an environmental regulation system based on the use of the best available technologies;

improving the quality of drinking water through the modernization of water supply systems using advanced water treatment technologies, including technologies developed by organizations of the military-industrial complex;

environmental rehabilitation of water bodies, including the implementation of a project aimed at reducing by a factor of three the share of polluted wastewater discharged into the Volga River, the sustainable functioning of the Lower Volga water management complex and the preservation of the ecosystem of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain;

preservation of unique water bodies, including the implementation of a project to preserve Lake Baikal, as well as measures to clean up debris from the shores and coastal waters of lakes Baikal, Teletskoye, Ladoga, Onega and the Volga, Don, Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Ural, Pechora rivers;

conservation of biological diversity, including an increase in the area of ​​specially protected natural areas by 5 million hectares, the reintroduction of rare species of animals, the creation of infrastructure for ecological tourism in national parks, as well as the conservation of forests, including through their reproduction in all areas of felled and dead forest plantations.

8. When developing a national project for the creation of safe and high-quality roads, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

an increase in the share of motor roads of regional significance that meet regulatory requirements in their total length to at least 50 percent (relative to their length as of December 31, 2017), as well as the approval by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of such standards based on those established on federal level of road safety requirements;

a decrease in the share of federal and regional highways operating in overload mode in their total length by 10 percent compared to 2017;

reduction in the number of places of concentration of road traffic accidents (accidentally dangerous sections) on the road network by half compared to 2017;

a 3.5-fold decrease in deaths due to road traffic accidents compared to 2017, to a level not exceeding four people per 100,000 population (by 2030, striving for zero mortality);

b) solution of the following tasks:

bringing in the largest urban agglomerations the share of roads that meet regulatory requirements in their total length to 85 percent;

application of new mechanisms for the development and operation of the road network, including the use of infrastructure mortgages, life cycle contracts, the best technologies and materials;

bringing the standard for crediting tax revenues to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from excises on fuels and lubricants to 100 percent;

introduction of a publicly available information system for monitoring the formation and use of road funds at all levels (in 2019);

creation of mechanisms for economic incentives for the preservation of roads of regional and local importance;

introduction of new technical requirements and standards for the arrangement of roads, including those based on digital technologies, aimed at eliminating the places of concentration of road accidents;

introduction of automated and robotic technologies for organizing traffic and monitoring compliance with traffic rules;

strengthening the responsibility of drivers for violation of traffic rules, as well as increasing the requirements for the level of their professional training.

9. The Government of the Russian Federation, when implementing, together with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the national program in the field of increasing labor productivity and supporting employment, ensure in 2024:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

growth of labor productivity at medium and large enterprises of the basic non-primary sectors of the economy of at least 5 percent per year;

involvement in the implementation of the specified national program of at least 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation annually;

involvement in the implementation of the specified national program of at least 10 thousand medium and large enterprises of the basic non-primary sectors of the economy;

b) solution of the following tasks:

stimulating the introduction of advanced managerial, organizational and technological solutions to increase labor productivity and modernize fixed assets, including through the provision of tax preferences;

reduction of regulatory and administrative restrictions that hinder the growth of labor productivity, as well as the replacement of obsolete and unproductive jobs;

formation of a system of methodological and organizational support for increasing labor productivity at enterprises;

formation of a personnel training system aimed at teaching the basics of increasing labor productivity, including through the use of digital technologies and platform solutions.

10. When developing a national project in the field of science, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets: ensuring the presence of the Russian Federation among the five leading countries of the world carrying out research and development in areas determined by the priorities of scientific and technological development;

ensuring the attractiveness of work in the Russian Federation for Russian and foreign leading scientists and young promising researchers;

leading increase in domestic spending on research and development from all sources compared to the growth of the country's gross domestic product;

b) solution of the following tasks:

creation of an advanced infrastructure for scientific research and development, innovation, including the creation and development of a network of unique scientific installations of the "megascience" class;

renewal of at least 50 percent of the instrument base of leading organizations performing research and development;

creation of world-class scientific centers, including a network of international mathematical centers and centers for genomic research;

creation of at least 15 world-class scientific and educational centers based on the integration of universities and scientific organizations and their cooperation with organizations operating in the real sector of the economy;

formation of an integral system of training and professional growth of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, providing conditions for the implementation of scientific research and development by young scientists, the creation of scientific laboratories and competitive teams.

11. The Government of the Russian Federation, when implementing, together with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", ensure in 2024:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

increase in domestic costs for the development of the digital economy from all sources (in terms of share in the country's gross domestic product) by at least three times compared to 2017;

creation of a sustainable and secure information and telecommunications infrastructure for high-speed transmission, processing and storage of large amounts of data, accessible to all organizations and households;

the use of predominantly domestic software by state bodies, local governments and organizations;

b) solution of the following tasks:

creation of a system of legal regulation of the digital economy, based on a flexible approach in each area, as well as the introduction of civil circulation based on digital technologies;

creation of a global competitive infrastructure for data transmission, processing and storage, mainly based on domestic developments;

ensuring the training of highly qualified personnel for the digital economy;

ensuring information security based on domestic developments in the transmission, processing and storage of data, which guarantees the protection of the interests of the individual, business and the state;

creation of end-to-end digital technologies mainly based on domestic developments;

introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions in the areas of public administration and the provision of public services, including in the interests of the population and small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs;

transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere, including healthcare, education, industry, agriculture, construction, urban economy, transport and energy infrastructure, financial services, through the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions;

creation of an integrated system for financing projects for the development and (or) implementation of digital technologies and platform solutions, including venture financing and other development institutions;

development and implementation of a national mechanism for the implementation of a coordinated policy of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in the implementation of plans for the development of the digital economy.

12. When developing a national program in the field of culture, the Government of the Russian Federation should pay special attention to the need to:

a) strengthening the Russian civil identity on the basis of the spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

b) creation (reconstruction) of cultural, educational and museum complexes, including concert halls, theatrical, musical, choreographic and other creative schools, as well as exhibition spaces;

c) providing children's music, art, choreographic schools, colleges and art schools with the necessary tools, equipment and materials;

d) promotion of talented youth in the field of musical art, including through the creation of a national youth symphony orchestra;

e) creation (reconstruction) of club-type cultural and leisure organizations in the territories of rural settlements, development of municipal libraries;

f) creation of virtual concert halls in at least 500 cities of the Russian Federation;

g) creating conditions for showing national films in cinemas located in settlements with a population of up to 500,000 people;

h) training of personnel for cultural organizations;

i) modernization of regional and municipal theaters for young spectators and puppet theaters through their reconstruction and overhaul;

j) support for volunteer movements, including in the field of preserving the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

13. The Government of the Russian Federation, when implementing, together with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a national project in the field of developing small and medium-sized businesses and supporting individual entrepreneurial initiatives, ensure in 2024:

a) achievement of the following target indicator: increase in the number of employed in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, up to 25 million people;

b) solution of the following tasks:

improving the conditions for doing business, including simplifying tax reporting for entrepreneurs using cash registers;

creation of a digital platform focused on supporting the production and marketing activities of small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs;

improvement of the procurement system carried out by the largest customers from small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs;

simplification of access to concessional financing, including an annual increase in the volume of concessional loans issued to small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs;

creation of an acceleration system for small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, including infrastructure and support services, as well as their accelerated development in such areas as the improvement of the urban environment, scientific and technological sphere, social sphere and ecology;

modernization of the support system for exporters who are small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, increasing the share of such exporters in the total volume of non-primary exports to at least 10 percent;

creation of a support system for farmers and development of rural cooperation;

ensuring favorable conditions for the implementation of activities by self-employed citizens through the creation of a new taxation regime that provides for the transfer of information on sales to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation in an automatic mode, exemption from the obligation to submit reports, as well as the payment of a single payment from revenue, including insurance premiums.

14. When developing a national program for the development of international cooperation and exports, the Government of the Russian Federation should proceed from the fact that in 2024 it is necessary to ensure:

a) achievement of the following goals and targets:

formation in the manufacturing industry, agriculture, and the service sector of global competitive non-primary sectors, the total share of exports of goods (works, services) of which will be at least 20 percent of the country's gross domestic product;

achieving the volume of exports (in value terms) of non-commodity non-energy goods in the amount of 250 billion US dollars per year, including engineering products - 50 billion US dollars per year and products of the agro-industrial complex - 45 billion US dollars per year, as well as the volume export of rendered services in the amount of 100 billion US dollars per year;

formation of an effective system of division of labor and industrial cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union in order to increase the volume of trade between the member states of the Union by at least one and a half times and ensure the growth of the volume of accumulated mutual investments by one and a half times;

b) solution of the following tasks:

orientation of industrial, agrarian and trade policy, including the applied state support mechanisms, towards achieving the international competitiveness of Russian goods (works, services) in order to ensure their presence in foreign markets;

reduction of administrative procedures and barriers in the field of international trade, including the abolition of excessive requirements for export licensing and currency control, organization (by 2021) of interaction between international trade entities and regulatory authorities on the principle of "one window";

completion of the creation of a flexible line of financial instruments to support exports (by 2021), including expanded pre-export, export and equity financing, leasing and long-term support measures;

elimination of logistical restrictions when exporting goods using rail, road and sea transport, as well as the construction (modernization) of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;

creation of a unified system of export promotion institutions, providing for the modernization of trade missions of the Russian Federation abroad;

completion of the formation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union of common markets for goods, services, capital and labor, including the final elimination of barriers, restrictions and the abolition of exemptions in economic cooperation, while actively using the mechanisms of joint project activities.

15. The Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the strategy for the spatial development of the Russian Federation, to develop with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and by October 1, 2018 approve a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure, providing for the provision in 2024 of:

a) development of transport corridors "West-East" and "North-South" for the transportation of goods, including through:

construction and modernization of Russian sections of highways related to the international transport route "Europe - Western China";

increasing the capacity of the seaports of the Russian Federation, including the ports of the Far East, Northwest, Volga-Caspian and Azov-Black Sea basins;

development of the Northern Sea Route and increase in cargo traffic along it up to 80 million tons;

reducing the time of transportation of containers by rail, in particular from the Far East to the western border of the Russian Federation to seven days, and increasing the volume of transit transportation of containers by rail by four times;

formation of nodal cargo multimodal transport and logistics centers;

increasing the capacity of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways by one and a half times, up to 180 million tons;

increasing the capacity of railway approaches to the seaports of the Azov-Black Sea basin;

b) increasing the level of economic connectivity of the territory of the Russian Federation through the expansion and modernization of the railway, aviation, road, sea and river infrastructure, including through:

phased development of transport communications between the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other cities - centers of economic growth, including the elimination of infrastructural restrictions in the territories with development prospects adjacent to such transport communications;

reconstruction of the infrastructure of regional airports and expansion of the network of interregional regular passenger air routes, bypassing Moscow, up to 50 percent of the total number of domestic regular air routes;

creating the basis for the development of high-speed and high-speed rail links between major cities;

increasing the capacity of inland waterways;

c) guaranteed supply of affordable electricity, including through:

electrification of the West-East and North-South transport corridors, including the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways, in conjunction with the development of transport infrastructure;

development of centralized energy systems, including the modernization of the generating capacities of thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants in accordance with the needs of socio-economic development;

sustainable energy supply to consumers in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, primarily the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, the Kaliningrad region, as well as the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District;

development of distributed generation, including those based on renewable energy sources, primarily in remote and isolated energy regions;

implementation of intelligent power grid management systems based on digital technologies.

16. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) annually, when drafting the federal budget for the next financial year and for the planning period, to provide, as a matter of priority, budgetary appropriations of the federal budget for the implementation of national projects (programs) named in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of this Decree;

b) ensure that, as a matter of priority, additional federal budget revenues generated in the course of its execution are directed to the implementation of national projects (programs) named in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of this Decree.

17. This Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

President of Russian Federation V. Putin

Document overview

The national development goals of Russia for the period up to 2024 have been determined.

Sustained natural population growth must be ensured. Life expectancy should increase to 78 years (by 2030 - up to 80 years). Real incomes of citizens should grow, as well as the level of pensions, which will exceed the rate of inflation. The poverty level in Russia will decrease by 2 times. Improvement of living conditions is planned for at least 5 million families annually. Mortgage rates should fall below 8%.

It is necessary to achieve 100% availability of preschool education for children under the age of 3 by 2021. The shortage of personnel in medical organizations providing primary health care should be eliminated.

It is assumed that Russia will be among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education.

The number of organizations implementing technological innovations should increase to 50% of their total number. It is necessary to accelerate the introduction of digital technologies in the economy and the social sphere. It is assumed that Russia will be among the 5 leading countries in the world carrying out research and development in areas determined by the priorities of scientific and technological development.

Domestic costs for the development of the digital economy will increase by at least 3 times compared to 2017.

Russia should become one of the 5 largest economies in the world. At the same time, economic growth rates should exceed world rates, and inflation should remain at a level of no more than 4%.

In the basic sectors of the economy, primarily in the manufacturing industry and the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to create a highly productive export-oriented sector.

The key directions in which national projects (programs) should be developed are determined. Their total number is 12: demography; healthcare; education; housing and urban environment; ecology; safe and quality roads; productivity and employment support; the science; digital economy; culture; small and medium business and support for individual entrepreneurs; international cooperation and export.

The Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin held a working meeting with his deputy Vyacheslav Fedorishchev on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin " On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024».

The head of the region noted that the tasks set by the President affect all significant areas of life.

“For us, the May Decree is important, first of all, because it allowed us to once again analyze regional priorities, to better integrate into federal programs,” Alexey Dyumin noted.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev reported that currently the executive authorities of the Tula region have developed drafts of 12 priority programs and regional projects included in them.

We are talking about improving the quality of medical care, improving basic demographic indicators, as well as social support for citizens.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev also noted that when forming the budget of the Tula region for 2019-2021, regional projects will be included in state programs.

The Governor asked about the progress of the public discussion of the Development Strategy until 2035.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev said that the draft Strategy was presented by specialists from the Institute of Economic Forecasting at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In the discussion of the draft document, in addition to members of public councils under the executive authorities, representatives of public associations and the expert community took part.

The participants of the discussion noted the professional approach to the development of the 2035 Strategy and the importance of this document for the development of the region.

The main proposal was to harmonize the main goals and objectives of the document with the priorities defined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204.

The finalized draft of the Strategy will be presented at a meeting of the Expert Council under the Governor of the Tula Region in November 2018.

Alexey Dyumin also raised the issue of interaction with the federal center, taking into account the updated priorities.

According to Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, the federal executive authorities plan to finalize the target values ​​of national project indicators in October.

“Please do not slow down, we have responsible and hard work ahead of us. Continue to bring regional projects and programs in line with the goals and objectives set out in the May Decree. Separately, I would like to note the importance of strict observance of the established deadlines,” summed up Alexey Dyumin.

Latest news of the Tula region on the topic:
On national goals and strategic objectives

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Alexey Dyumin controlled the execution of the presidential decree- Shchyokino

Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin held a working meeting with his deputy Vyacheslav Fedorishchev on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On national goals and strategic objectives of development
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Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin held a working meeting with his deputy Vyacheslav Fedorishchev on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On national goals and strategic objectives of development
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Strict adherence to deadlines- nodal

Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin held a working meeting with his deputy Vyacheslav Fedorishchev on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On national goals and strategic objectives of development
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Dmitry Medvedev gave instructions aimed at ensuring the implementation, namely (resolution dated May 22, 2018 No. DM-P13-2858):

Together with the Ministry of Finance of Russia, prepare with the participation of interested federal executive bodies and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of the Main Directions for the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 and the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, ensuring the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation Federation for the period until 2024, as defined in paragraph 1 of the Decree.

a) Federal Design Office, The Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin) and the Ministry of Justice of Russia (A.V. Konovalov) to prepare draft guidelines for the development of national projects (programs) provided for by the Decree, including, among other things:

Development of financially resourced three-year detailed "rolling" action plans to ensure the achievement of control points ("milestones");

Submit the said draft guidelines for approval to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Prepare draft guidelines for the implementation and monitoring of the national projects (programs) provided for by the Decree, including, among other things:

Forms for monitoring national projects (programs);

Forms for requesting changes to national projects (programs);

Coordination of draft acts and documents prepared as part of the development and implementation of national projects (programs), in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, proceed from the need for a radical simplification of regulatory procedures, as well as minimization of document flow and reporting (keeping in mind, among other things, the transition to an electronic format for interaction between participants in project activities and reporting).

Submit the said draft guidelines for approval to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation K.A. Chuichenko

b) Ministry of Labor of Russia (M.A. Topilin), the Ministry of Sports of Russia (P.A. Kolobkov), the Ministry of Health of Russia (V.I. Skvortsova), the Ministry of the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Demography"

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Golodets (in terms of sports);

Ministry of Health of Russia (V.I. Skvortsova), Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (K.Yu. Noskov), Ministry of the Russian Far East Development (A.A. Kozlov), Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Healthcare"

To the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (O.Yu.Vasilyeva), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (M.M. Kotyukov), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Education"

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova;

Ministry of Construction of Russia (V.V. Yakushev), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Housing and the urban environment"

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation VL Mutko;

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (to D.N. Kobylkin), the Ministry of Construction of Russia (V.V. Yakushev) - in the direction of "Ecology"

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation K.A. Chuichenko;

Ministry of Transport of Russia (E.I. Dietrich), Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (V.A. Kolokoltsev) - in the direction of "Safe and high-quality roads"

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (to M.S. Oreshkin), Ministry of Labor of Russia (M.A. Topilin) ​​- in the direction of "Labor productivity and employment support"

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Gordeev

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova;

To the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (M.M. Kotyukov), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Science"

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova;

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (to M.S. Oreshkin), Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (K.Yu. Noskov), Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev), Federal Tax Service of Russia (M.V. Mishustin), JSC "SME Corporation" (to A.A. Braverman) - in the direction of "Small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives"

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov;

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (D.V. Manturov), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin), the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (D.N. Patrushev), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (S.V. Lavrov), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) with the participation of Russian Export Center JSC - in the direction of "International cooperation and export"

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Gordeev

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.N. Kozak

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova;

To the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (K.Yu.Noskov), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Digital Economy"

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation M.A. Akimov;

Ministry of Culture of Russia (V.R. Medinsky), the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East (A.A. Kozlov), the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev) - in the direction of "Culture"

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Golodets

Prepare, in accordance with the areas of competence, jointly with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals in accordance with the methodological guidelines provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of this instruction, containing:

Dynamics of target indicators values ​​by years;

Refinement of the list of tasks that ensure the achievement of goals and target indicators;

Determination of intermediate and final control points ("milestones") that ensure the implementation of tasks;

Determining the sources and parameters of financing, taking into account the delimitation of powers between different levels of government in the Russian Federation and their financing from the budgets of various levels;

Development of financially resourced three-year detailed action plans to ensure the achievement of control points (“milestones”);

Determination of responsibility for the implementation of national projects (programs), including at the level of leadership of federal executive bodies, taking into account the formation of the necessary regulatory and methodological framework, for the development (adjustment) and implementation of national projects (programs) at the level of leadership of federal executive bodies.

To ensure, together with the Federal Project Office, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia with the participation of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the development of relevant national projects (programs) and action plans for their implementation in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of this instructions with methodological instructions and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation:

c) the Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov) and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin) to submit, together with interested federal executive bodies, to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on sources of financial support for the period up to 2024 of the activities of national projects (programs) provided for by the Decree, as well as proposals to ensure the balance of consolidated budgets constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the volume of expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities for the financial support of the activities of national projects (programs) provided for by the Decree.

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (to M.S. Oreshkin), the Ministry of Transport of Russia (E.I. Ditrikh), the Ministry of Energy of Russia (A.V. Novak), the Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov), the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (K.Yu. Noskov), the Ministry of the Development of the Far East Russia (A.A. Kozlov) and the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia (S.V. Chebotarev), with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and interested organizations engaged in activities in the field of infrastructure development, on the basis of the draft strategy for the spatial development of the Russian Federation being prepared, develop and submit to The Government of the Russian Federation drafts a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation M.A. Akimov

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.N. Kozak

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.L. Mutko

A) Federal executive authorities ensure, taking into account the provisions of the Main Directions of Activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, national projects (programs), the adjustment and submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of drafts of the relevant state programs of the Russian Federation.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov

b) The Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov) to ensure the financing of expenditure obligations arising from the activities of national projects (programs) provided for by the Decree, as well as the balance of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to financially support the activities of national projects (programs) to be implemented within the "own" powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities.

5. Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin), the Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov) and the Federal Project Office to prepare proposals to ensure the integration of national projects (programs) and priority projects (programs) into the state programs of the Russian Federation, meaning the formation of a single document of strategic and budget planning, and submit them to the Government of the Russian Federation, if necessary - with drafts of relevant regulatory legal acts.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov

6. Ministry of Labor of Russia (M.A. Topilin), the Federal Project Office and the Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov) to prepare proposals on the mechanism (fund) to stimulate participants in project activities and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation with drafts of relevant regulatory legal acts.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation K.A. Chuichenko

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova

7. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation– To the Head of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation K.A. Chuichenko, the Federal Project Office, the Ministry of Labor of Russia (M.A. Topilin) ​​and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (M.S. Oreshkin) with the participation of the Center for Project Management of the RANEPA to provide training in project management for the main participants in project activities and report the results.