For most applicants, education in Europe seems to be an unattainable goal, primarily because of its cost. In fact, there are many ways to get a European diploma absolutely free.

I propose to start with countries with free education not only for their own, but also for visiting students.

Choosing a country

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic provides foreigners with the opportunity to study for free at state universities in the Czech language. In most cases, you will need to pass exams and have a basic knowledge of Czech. Living expenses - at your own expense.


Another real option for free study abroad for foreigners. It is not difficult to enroll, there are a fairly large number of English-language programs.

To enter a Polish university, you need to present a certificate or a bachelor's degree (if you want to study for a master's degree). In addition, most Polish universities cooperate with the Erasmus Mundus program (more on that later).


It also provides an opportunity for foreigners to study for free. In order to enter, you need to pass an exam in German and have at least 1-2 years of study at the university at home behind your back. Or complete a one-year preparatory program.

You should also take into account the fact that quite often universities charge fees for using the library or, for example, the gym. Therefore, if you do not have third-party funding, you will have to have the necessary amount of money in your bank account, which will be frozen for the entire period of study. During your studies, you will be able to withdraw from your account only the amount specified in the documents for accommodation.

Belgium, Norway

There is also free education, including many programs in English. In some universities, foreigners need to pay a registration fee upon admission and pay for textbooks (about 1000 euros for everything). In Norway, knowledge of their language is required.


Foreigners can study for free at public universities in Greece. You can apply, but on the basis of the average score in the certificate. Some universities require an annual fee (up to 600 euros). Also, if you do not know Greek, you will have to enroll in courses and learn the language in the first academic year (courses can be either free or paid). A study visa for Greece gives you the opportunity to work 20 hours a week.


By law, foreigners have the right to study at public universities free of charge. They pass on an equal footing with the French, which means they pay the same fees upon admission. Another requirement is knowledge of French. Despite the fact that in France it is possible not to pay for studies, you should pay attention to living expenses, since life in the country is quite expensive. Therefore, most of the students work part-time during their studies.


When choosing a country, you should also pay attention to living expenses. Even if you don’t have to pay for your studies, universities do not provide free housing and do not cover pocket expenses. In this case, scholarship programs come to the rescue.

How to find a scholarship to study

To do this, one can and should consider various non-profit organizations, grants and programs.

Erasmus Mundus is one of the most famous European student exchange programs. It fully covers the costs of studying for a master's degree and living expenses. A feature of the program is that, often, you cannot choose a specific university. Erasmus Mundus cooperates with dozens of European universities, and in each specific program there can be from 4 to 15 universities, two of which you will be asked to go to.

There are also scholarships to study in specific countries. You should start looking for them from the official websites of the government of the country where you want to go. For example, the Chevening grant or the Commonwealth Scholarship for Developing Countries - education in the UK. These grants cover tuition, accommodation and flight costs in full.

You can approach from the other side - decide on the university, and then find out about the scholarship. Most European states provide scholarships for foreigners.

Recently I decided to get a second education, but just not in Russia. Knowing about the quality education that my peers in Europe and America receive, I also wanted to follow their example. According to statistics, 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. The issue of free education abroad is still relevant today.

In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would be cheaper for me.

Note that you can only study for free at public universities. They provide free education to foreigners.

In other organizations, tuition is paid.

Many people call the training "free" in quotation marks. The reason is that you should provide for themselves , you will have to spend not only on food, but also on a library, a gym and other services of an educational institution. Everything is paid annual contribution ... In addition, if you yourself are not applying to the university under the funding program, then you will need to transfer money to your bank account, which would be enough for accommodation and meals throughout the entire period of study .

Since I work and can provide myself, I did not pay attention to the "free" education. Studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and meals. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on renting housing, and if I will live in a student dormitory then my costs will be much reduced.

So, I will list foreign countries where you can get free education and with what entrance requirements:

Note that educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide the opportunity to receive free education for Russian students.

But education at universities is not conducted in English, but only in the native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

Foreign applicants can enter universities, taking into account the following requirements:

Documents required for study abroad

A standard package of documents includes:

Each document submitted to the commission plays an important role.

If you do not submit any document, you may be refused admission.

5 ways to study abroad for free

There are several methods of obtaining free education abroad. All forms directly associated with gratuitous aid ... It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, a representative of a public fund.

I will list 5 ways of such training:

  • Grants or so-called social assistance to students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, courses, etc. The grant is issued in a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can receive it again.
  • Scholarship ... When receiving a scholarship, which can cover the cost of all or part of the training, a motivation letter plays a huge role. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic fields, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
  • Research scholarship ... This way of getting an education is intended for those who have graduated from the "HSE" and are planning to enter the master's degree for further research activities. This scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public funds.
  • Assistant ... Designed for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to training, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Global Education Program ... A program was developed so that a student studying at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation abroad, after graduating from the university under the master's, postgraduate, doctoral programs, returned to Russia and worked at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have a job after graduation.

So, as you understood, get free education abroad is possible ... The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice: think over everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money will be needed for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

Most foreign universities, high schools, colleges and universities work according to the generally accepted Bologna educational system. According to its principles, higher education abroad is divided into several stages:

  • Diploma programs, certificates of education

Short programs (up to 1-2 years), providing for the acquisition of a basic foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities. Graduates of diploma and certificate courses can already begin their labor activity (this is especially true for practical, working specialties). Also, the diploma course will be an excellent option if you have not fully decided on the profession: having received the necessary minimum of general knowledge, you can transfer to the desired bachelor's program without losing time and money.

  • Undergraduate

The first and main stage of higher education - the stage is designed for 3-4 years. Usually (in particular, in the USA, Canada and the UK), the main specialties (Major) and additional, secondary (Minor) specialties are distinguished, with which the student can supplement his skills and classification.

A big plus (in particular, relevant for American universities): in many of them a student can enter “in general,” and not some specific specialty - there is even a special status of “undecided”. Subsequently (after 1-1.5 years), the student can already choose the most interesting and priority faculty and profession for him. However, this rule does not work for complex specialties: law, medicine and pharmacology, veterinary medicine, dentistry, architecture and some engineering sciences.

  • Master's degree

Additional stage of higher education, designed for 1-2 years. Many call it an analogue of the Russian graduate school, residency, internship - there are indeed common points between them, but there are also significant differences. As a rule, studying for a master's degree and obtaining a degree is chosen by students who want to occupy a prestigious, highly paid, management position, want to know all the subtleties of the chosen specialty. Also, the master's degree is great for students who want to slightly adjust the chosen course, choose a narrower specialization and field of knowledge. For example, if a bachelor's degree was obtained in the specialty "Hotel business", then on the master's degree the student can focus on the direction "Hotel management in the luxe segment".

Separately, it is worth noting such a kind of master's program as MBA - Master of Business Administration. Many students from Russia choose it abroad, not paying attention to other options for a master's degree. And this demand is quite justified: today, almost any manager, top job in the world labor market cannot do without the MBA requirement. The MBA diploma gives the graduate the opportunity to work in a managerial position in almost any segment of business (especially finance, commerce, personnel and human resources management) and in any country in the world.

  • Doctorate

The highest stage and level of higher education, to which, of course, not all students reach. Doctoral studies can add 2 or 5-6 years to your study period - it all depends on the chosen specialty. But obtaining a PhD degree abroad is also quoted incredibly high: it means an exceptional, deep level of knowledge and an unsurpassed level of training, a high level of abilities.

As a rule, doctoral studies are chosen by those specialists who want to work in the scientific field: to be researchers, inventors, scientists, etc.

Of course, there are a large number of additional courses: advanced training, development of additional skills, acquisition of an additional specialty, preparation for language or professional exams, and much more. Our experts will help you choose the best option depending on your capabilities and desires.

List of leading universities abroad: how to quickly choose a university abroad

Smapse presents to your attention an expert list: the catalog contains the best educational institutions in the world - you can choose the best one in various ways.

Our guide provides the ability to sort information based on specific parameters. In this section, you will find blocks indicating the countries in which training is available, the types of educational programs. Direct sampling will allow you to sort institutions of a technical and humanitarian profile by academic criteria.

Filter by program type will optimize the time spent on finding an educational institution. Do you need special preparation for admission? Select the appropriate program. In the search results of the catalog, you will see all universities in the world in which a specific course is available.

You can also choose universities abroad by country. An extended form of information search is also available in the catalog. It allows you to add a priority language of instruction to the selection.

Foreign universities: types and characteristics of universities abroad for Russian and foreign students

In the SMAPS catalog, universities abroad are presented in assortment. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. You can familiarize yourself with them, as well as the conditions for admission, residence, study, scholarships and grants (if any are provided for by the chosen program) on the page of a specific educational institution.

The foreign institutions presented in the catalog can be divided into several categories, educational institutions are classified by size and level. Large educational institutions that are in the world TOP, small private specialized universities offer their services to foreign students. In the catalog we have placed options, the receipt of which is absolutely real.

You can also classify options at the average cost of training - the cost depends on many factors. One of the most important is, of course, the rating. Studying in prestigious international institutions will cost more than in less well-known ones. The cost of the programs also varies depending on the country of study. So, studying in branches of prestigious universities in Asia, Latin, Central America is cheaper than on main campuses in Europe, USA, Canada.

Separately, we note the famous groups of legendary, most prestigious universities in the world, admission to which is very difficult, but a diploma of such an educational institution is a pass to the world of the business elite of our planet:

  • Oxbridge

As the name implies, this is a shorthand for the two most elite universities in the UK - Oxford and Cambridge. It is still impossible to call them a single group: from time immemorial they compete and try to bypass each other in all directions, but the term "Oxbridge" is used quite often.

  • Rusell Group

An association of the best British universities, which includes 24 institutions. These are Oxford and Cambridge, the Universities of York and Birmingham, the Imperial College London, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and others. According to statistics, Rusell Group universities account for 2/3 of all UK research grants, 56% of awarded doctoral degrees, 70% of promising scientific potential.

  • Ivy League

The American analogue of the Rusell Group is not inferior in prestige, but includes only 8 of the oldest and most rated universities in the United States: Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Intensive University, Columbia University, Cornell, Dartmouth College. Almost all of them are located in the northeast of the country, and almost all have an incredibly high cost of training.

  • Swiss Education Group

Professional association of the best Swiss higher schools of hospitality, tourism, hotel and culinary business. The SEG includes Cesar Ritz Сolleges, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, School of Hotel Management (IHTTI), Hotel Institute Montreux, The Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS). Studying here is a guarantee of successful employment in the promising global industry of the hotel and restaurant business.

Which university is better to enter: public or private?

Universities Abroad: Individual Selection of an Educational Institution

Have you studied the collection of universities for applicants, have you decided, or Europe, but have not decided on the choice of educational institution? SMAPS experts are ready to help you with professional advice. We offer an individual selection of establishments.

Online, the online chat operator can recommend you interesting universities, taking into account the priority specialty and type of program (preparation for admission, bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies). You can also get expert advice via Skype. We accept applications for the search for an educational institution and by e-mail.

Also, SMAPS experts are ready to advise applicants by phone. For you, dear customers, a multichannel telephone (free in the Russian Federation) works. The catalog presented on the site also provides for the possibility of ordering a call back. Fill out a simple form and our managers will contact you shortly.

Education in foreign universities is still a dream for many. It's time to turn it into a goal, to take the first step towards achievement. Call or write to us, SMAPS experts will select for you foreign universities that meet the stated requirements free of charge.

A significant number of applicants dream of getting a good education abroad and staying there. However, many are repelled by the price, because it usually turns out that the guests of the country pay more for education than their native residents. The question often arises: is it possible to get a quality education abroad for free?

Free education in Denmark

One of the countries providing free education for international students is Denmark. Only residents of the European Union countries or students who have come officially on an exchange can study at free universities in Denmark (there must be a formal agreement between the universities). In all other cases, you will need to pay for your studies. Free education is offered by universities in the most beautiful Danish cities: Copenhagen University, Olboge, Aarhus and Odense. All of them teach in world formats in English.

Copenhagen University

Why is it worth choosing the country Denmark for studying without payment:

  • Denmark is a country with one of the best teaching systems.
  • Each university has a wide range of specializations.
  • The education process takes place in English.
  • If you are an EU citizen or came for an exchange, then you will only need to pay for living in a hostel - 300 euros per semester.
  • The university provides an opportunity for part-time work during training.

To apply for a Danish university, you need to have the following documents:

  1. Certificate of English proficiency. You can get it for free.
  2. A letter of recommendation in the language of instruction (from the place of previous training).
  3. A letter of motivation from you in English (tell us why it is worth choosing you, what you can do and what you want to learn).
  4. Mandatory presence of a visa.
  5. A bank statement on the status of your account (confirmation that you have enough to live in a foreign country).

The list of other papers should be checked with the university administration.

Free education in India

To obtain free knowledge in this eastern country, the applicant must obtain an ITEC certificate, which confirms your passage of the Indian program of technical and economic cooperation. Every year the Indian government issues a decree with different professions that fit this program. Most often, visitors apply to the University of Calcutta, Mumbai, Delhi and Indian State University of Management. The list of documents can be found at the Indian Embassy in your country, or on the website of the university where you will study. Each has its own list, so you need to learn it personally there. One thing can be said - a visa is required.

Anyone can apply to the University of Unity in India, even an ordinary tourist. This famous institution is engaged in the spiritual development of a person, teaching him the moral values ​​of the world. The university is also called the "Golden City"; there are branches in many cities of the world, including Russian ones. Anyone can come there. Money usually goes only for room and board.

Free education in the UAE

UAE universities have long attracted students from all over the world. There are several types of them in this country: public (only for UAE citizens), private (some of them only for citizens) and international universities. It is precisely the latter who are engaged in free teaching. They have connections with many universities in other countries, so they develop many programs for foreigners.

Although the language of the state is Arabic, nevertheless, all training takes place in English.

You can enter and receive knowledge for free only if you have passed the entrance exams perfectly. But before that, you must collect and display such documents:

  • Certificate for 11 classes of education in a school with a rating score of at least 3.5.
  • Certificate of proficiency in English.
  • Study visa.
  • Certificate of passing the state testing Academic IELTS or Internet Based TOEFL.

Exams for admission are determined by profession.

Free education in the Baltics

Universities of Latvia do not give free knowledge to visiting applicants even if they pass the entrance tests with excellent marks. Free grants and places are available only for citizens of the country. Therefore, there is no point in talking about Latvian universities.

But Lithuanian and Estonian universities with open doors will accept literate foreign students for free education. Therefore, you are obliged to show all the necessary documents on time and pass the introductory test perfectly. If everything succeeded, you can safely apply for participation in the competition for the grant and budget places. Here are the documents you need to collect:

  • High school diploma.
  • Application for enrollment in Lithuanian and Estonian universities.
  • Motivation letter for the institution.
  • Certificates of the TOEFL or IELTS form of knowledge of the English language (if the submission of the material will be taught in it).
  • Copies of passport and photographs.
  • A statement from the bank about sufficient funds for living in a foreign city (approximately 100 euros per month).

Advantages of obtaining a qualification in the Baltics:

  • Specializations of the Russian or Kazakh model are considered equal to the Baltic ones.
  • Subjects for some programs are taught in Russian.
  • The Baltic diploma is quoted all over the world.
  • The university is obliged to send you for an internship.
  • During the training, you will be assigned a mentor - a native of the city, who will help you understand the system.
  • It is not necessary to know English perfectly, it will be easy to communicate with you in Russian.

In addition to grants, the Baltic States often finance loans for training with further working out of the amount in distribution companies.

Free education in Greece

Universities in Greece provide university education without payment only to visiting citizens! All residents of the country are forced to study in private institutions. That is why prospective students should choose this place:

  • Everything, including food and education, is free of charge for visiting students.
  • Registration at the university is carried out during the certificate competition. At the same time, you don't even have to be in the country.
  • Knowledge of Greek is not required.
  • Greek diplomas are in demand all over the world.

To do this, you need to make only one payment - for the selection of the faculty and assistance in signing papers. The sooner the applicant thinks about it, the less the amount will be. Different universities in Greece have different amounts.

To study in Greece without payment, you must provide:

  • Secondary education certificate with a score of at least 4. Otherwise, the applicant will not even be able to participate in the competition.
  • Certificate from the bank about the financial condition of the student's family.
  • Motivation letter.

The rest of the documents can be found on the website of the selected university.

Free education in Belgium

Difficulties in obtaining knowledge at universities in Belgium are that only 2% of visiting students are taken there annually. This means that the selection is very tough. According to the rules, the number of Belgian citizens in universities should be higher.

Of course, in order to get their place, a citizen of another country can make an additional contribution - 2000 Euro. But this must be done 10 months before the start of enrollment in the course.

Foreign visitors to the University of Belgium, of course, are given grants for knowledge and free places. Just after passing the entrance exams, you need to apply for participation in the NATO, WHO, UNESCO and UN competition. All conditions can be found on the websites of these organizations. Each applicant must be proficient in the state and English languages.

Knowledge of the language of communication is necessary at least at the initial level.

Free education in the Balkans

Serbian universities give their foreign applicants grants to acquire knowledge. Budget space includes scholarships, tuition-free tuition, and health insurance. But getting such a grant is not easy. You need to collect the following papers:

  • A school leaving certificate or a certificate of the first higher education already received.
  • Bank certificate confirming financial security.
  • A certificate stating that you are not convicted.
  • Conclusion about the healthy state of the body.
  • Passport (copy and original).

In addition, entrance exams are held, which determine whether the applicant will give money for training or not. If you did not succeed in enrolling in a university, you can send papers to 16 more Serbian universities.

Universities in Romania and universities in Hungary have the same laws. But the universities of Croatia and the universities of Slovenia cannot provide education without payment to their students from other countries. There, for a year of acquiring knowledge in a regular university, you will need to pay about 2000-2500 euros.

Free study in Portugal

If you are a citizen of the European Union or go to Portugal to exchange knowledge from another university, then you can safely apply for a free place. It is not so easy for those coming from the CIS to get there. But there are still free places.

The requirements for newcomers are no less than for the indigenous ones. All must know perfectly well the Portuguese language and the culture of the people, it does not matter whether you are a local or a newcomer. This is taken into account when passing the introductory test. Before him, you need to show a list of papers:

  • Secondary education certificate.
  • Health insurance.
  • A certificate from the bank about financial stability.
  • Assessment for the Portuguese language proficiency test.
  • Visa.

To get an excellent mark in Portuguese, you can enroll in advance for courses hosted by your chosen university. It is best to start preparing for admission in advance, rather than a few weeks before applying.

Universities in Portugal are approved as one of the highest quality and cheapest in the world.

But there are other countries that are popular with foreign applicants. So, for example, the universities of Mexico, Brazil, Thailand do not provide grants for budget-funded places for newcomers, but it is possible, because of excellent studies, to start receiving a scholarship. Thus, at least some money is returned to your hands. It is not difficult to start studying at universities, the same documents are required everywhere. It is clear that the level of education there is significantly lower than in Europe, but their diplomas are also valid all over the world.

Universities in Ireland and universities in Iceland are also not distinguished by free teaching. They train future qualified employees, teaching knowledge in these states is able to compete with the teaching system, for example, in Britain. Thus, the registration of admission to institutes there is far from cheap. Educational institutions in Ireland very often give their students a side job.

Of course, there are many universities abroad, waiting for newcomers. Many easily give budget places, while others teach with the help of a grant only to newcomers. Do not forget that it is possible to get a higher education abroad if you have a valid visa, which will not end in the middle of the semester. If this happens, it will be difficult to recover in an educational institution.

Free training outside your country is quite real! You can study in many of the above countries.

Foreign universities are attractive because they are prestigious. A graduate of such an educational institution will certainly be competitive in the Russian labor market. Some of the students dream of working in one of the Western companies, and with a diploma from a good European university, this is also real.

It is believed that entering one of the universities in Europe is possible only if you have an oligarch dad or talent. In fact, our compatriots were able to penetrate foreign universities without such advantages. You just need to competently approach the choice of the university.

Problems and first steps

You can't just go and enroll in a foreign university overnight. Even in order to become a student of a Russian educational institution, preparation is needed. First of all, you should consider the peculiarities of the foreign education system. In many universities with 11 grades, there is nothing to do; an extra preparatory course is needed. The easiest way out of the situation is to unlearn a year at a domestic university, and then apply to the university of your dreams. There are also special courses that prepare school graduates for admission to a foreign university.

Another problem is the language barrier. Entering a university in any country, you need not just know the language. Universities require a standardized certificate stating that the applicant knows the language at a high level. Standard English is not always enough.

The third problem will be material support. Even if the applicant has received a grant to study, he will have to live abroad for something. And this means that you need to already be quite independent. You can start the path to independence - writing coursework or test papers is well paid.

So, given the problems described above, you need to follow a series of steps:

Choose a country for study, university and department;
- learn more about the requirements for applicants;
- get acquainted with the teaching staff;
- learn about the current research work carried out by the department;
- enroll in language courses;
- prepare financially.

All of these steps are very important. For example, having familiarized yourself with the teaching staff and current research work, you can think about going to a university on a grant. A grant can be issued if the applicant is interested in problems that are already being dealt with at the department.

By attending language courses, a prospective student prepares for a specialized language proficiency test. You just need to remember that a standard hour a day is unlikely to be enough. You will have to devote time to the language at home, studying on your own. Otherwise, you cannot deeply immerse yourself in a foreign language and learn it like your own. These are the very first steps that an applicant must take. Without them, you cannot enter a serious university.

The problem of choosing a country and a university

Ideally, an educational institution is chosen as follows:

You decide in which country you want to get an education;
- you choose a university and department;
- then you just need to prepare and submit documents.

However, this method is not available to all students for one simple reason - for sure, tuition will be paid. Although sometimes a graduate manages to enroll in a dream university on a grant, here you are so lucky. More often, applicants look for a university like this:

Choose universities offering grants or high scholarships;
- prepare thoroughly;
- submit documents.

In order not to lose the opportunity to make your dream come true, it is better to first check all the decent universities in the country where you want to spend a few years. If there are absolutely no opportunities for admission, then in this case it is worth looking for universities in other countries.

Grant receipt

It is easier to enter a university on a grant for a master's degree or for a doctoral degree. The requirements for such applicants are different. The applicant must have scientific work or research in the relevant field.

You can search for grants on the sites, information is provided by:

The universities themselves;
- platforms for working with foreign students;
- government websites;
- Russian resources of large companies.

Sometimes Russian firms are willing to pay for the training of specialists abroad. As a rule, these are large organizations. However, you should not rely on such luck. It is better to take a closer look at the proposals of the universities themselves and the foreign government. The authorities may be interested in attracting students from other countries.

Admission to a university on credit

You can also enter the university on credit. In fact, it is quite possible, banks are willing to cooperate with such students. However, in order to receive funds for training, you do not need to immediately run to bank offices.

To begin with, a prospective student will have to go the same way as an applicant applying for a grant or having money. That is, it is necessary:

Pass a language test;
- prepare for admission;
- submit documents;
- get a certificate that the commission has been successfully passed;
- conclude an agreement on paid education.

Already with a contract in hand and a package of documents, the student can go to the bank. Such applications are considered carefully, and a positive response from the bank is almost guaranteed here. The desired borrowers for banks are students who enroll in business departments. For example, MBA students will almost certainly get paid.

Unexpected demands from universities

Foreign universities can be expected to require confirmation of their knowledge, for example, with the help of additional testing. In some cases, you will also have to take an additional course after leaving school. However, admission conditions can sometimes be confusing. For example, it is known for sure that universities in the UK and Japan need confirmation of the financial solvency of students.

If you decide to become a student at a Japanese or English educational institution, then you will almost certainly have to provide a bank statement. It must have a certain minimum amount that will be considered a "safety cushion".

When a student enters a university in Turkey or the Czech Republic (as well as in universities in some other countries), he may be offered to learn the language during the year in specialized courses. This is the optimal solution, because in these courses the applicant will get comfortable not only with the language base, but also with special terms. They will come in handy when passing the commission.

Language exams

In many universities, for admission, it is required to present a document on knowledge of the language. As a rule, this is a certificate with a certain period of validity. Individual certificates have no expiration date and are always valid. Language tests are almost always paid, some types of testing are only taken a couple of times a year. The most popular exams are conducted over the Internet, making life easier for applicants.

You should prepare carefully for testing. The test affects all aspects of language proficiency, including writing and speaking skills. For example, you can ask. Almost all types of language exams are similar to the most popular test.

There are several common tests that students take before admission:

- "TestDaF" (DSH).

TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT - tests in English. The first two tests are almost similar, TOEFL can be considered the American equivalent of IELTS. Before preparing for admission to a university, it is better to clarify which certificate will be preferable. Certificates are valid for 2 years after passing the exam. Some universities require that no more than one and a half years have elapsed after passing at the time of admission. The GMAT is passed by applicants entering business departments like the MBA. The results of this test are valid for 5 years.

The DELE certificate is permanent and is accepted by all universities in Spain. TestDaF is a test of knowledge of the German language. The DALF certificate will be required for applicants entering educational institutions in France (for example, the Sorbonne), and the results of the CELI test are needed for admission to Italian universities.

There are other specialized tests as well. For example, all universities in Japan accept Nihongo Noryoku Shiken certificates. The Japanese language test takes place only twice a year. The certificate is valid only for 2 years, then you need to be tested again.

Final steps

Sending documents to the university

If you have chosen a country and a university, have the results of the language test on hand and are ready to storm the university of your dreams, then all that remains is to prepare and send a package of documents. In no guide can you find an accurate and complete list of documents for admission to a foreign university, because each educational institution has its own requirements. However, some papers are required in most cases. So, you probably need:

- a copy of the document on education, certified by a notary and translated in a foreign language;
- language certificate;
- autobiography in a foreign language;
- several letters of recommendation in a foreign language;
- documents on financial position;
- completed form.

As a document of education, you can use a certificate, diploma or a certificate from the university. Students who have not yet completed their studies have the opportunity to take an extract from the statement. As for the transcript, this paper can cause some problems. After all, not every school gives it. If the educational institution does not provide the transcript, then you will have to prepare it yourself.

Not all universities require financial documents from applicants. It has already been said that an account statement will definitely be needed when applying to universities in England and Japan.

When preparing documents, it is very important not to forget about the deadlines for submitting applications. Indeed, in Europe, many universities finish admitting students by the end of July. If you delay, then you can be late. Although being late in this case will give the applicant an extra year to prepare, so you should not despair.

When to get a visa?

Applicants often make mistakes when obtaining a visa. Some people start applying for a visa before they have sent their documents to the university. In fact, there is a clear sequence of actions to be followed. A visa can be obtained without problems only after the applicant has been enrolled in the university, and the funds have been transferred to the current account of the educational institution.

Only then follows:

Fill out a questionnaire on the embassy website;
- collect a package of documents for visiting the visa center.

The package of documents must include:

Payment confirmation document;
- document of enrollment;
- a statement that you have paid the visa fee;
- financial document.

An account statement is suitable as a financial document. The data from the sponsor's account is also considered. You will receive a student visa in about two weeks. Formally, the processing time for such applications is 15 days.

There is no need to rush to obtain a visa, you need to wait for the funds to come to the account of the university, but it is also not recommended to hesitate. After all, you can get a place in a student hostel only after obtaining a visa. If you delay visiting the visa center, you may be left without a place to stay.

Where to live abroad?

Abroad, you can live in a student residence, on campus, in an apartment, or with a family. Places on campus may not be available, and living in a dormitory does not suit students for some reason. Renting an apartment is sometimes expensive, especially since there are not always free living quarters. For example, renting an apartment in London is difficult.

Homestay is an excellent option for a student. Homestay and rental may seem like the same thing, but in reality there are major differences. It is cheaper to live in a family, and this is only one of the advantages. Families usually accept several students at once for living.

When you are with a family, you get a unique opportunity to observe the life of foreigners and their habits. This experience is simply invaluable.

What else do you need to consider?

There are little things that applicants do not pay attention to during admission. Then these shortcomings cause a lot of problems. For example, students daydreaming about Paris need to be aware of the bureaucratic red tape they have to go through when living in this city. France offers free education to international students, but it also requires a number of formalities.

When leaving for a foreign country, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its norms and customs, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an uncomfortable position. This applies to both Western and Eastern countries. It would be unwise to travel to a foreign country without knowing its culture.

We should also say about language tests. Many prestigious institutions have a minimum admission score. The higher your language test score, the better. After all, Harvard or Oxford will not be accepted with the same results with which you can get into any average university. Therefore, preparation for language testing should be given special attention. By the way, before passing the exam, it is recommended to look at the requirements for the minimum passing score for such an exam.

Is a prestigious university always the best choice?

Western psychologists have recently been investigating the problems faced by students at prestigious, internationally renowned universities such as Yale or Oxford. Some of them concluded that a prestigious university is not always the best solution for a student. These universities have several disadvantages. Having entered such an educational institution, you:

Find yourself in a highly competitive environment;
- you can not count on help;
- you will experience psychological pressure;
- you will have to meet high standards, including academic performance.

Most students are far from the first in the group. There is always someone smarter, more capable, talented. Of course, if you are a genius, then you have a direct road to a prestigious university. Then they will look up to you and feel envy. But the average student will always catch up with someone ahead. Psychological dissatisfaction and competition lead to the fact that many students drop out of university in their second or third year. Someone can not stand it after the first course. In any of the prestigious universities, an intensive training program.

Psychologists have called this phenomenon "the effect of a small fish in a large pond" - in other words, you can always be "eaten". Going to an average university that is not popular and does not appear on the editorials of specialized publications, on the contrary, you become “a big fish in a small pond” and receive benefits.

In such a university, there is less competition, and students are more likely to come to the aid of a friend. Here you can stand out and even become the first. After graduating from such a university, you will still receive advantages in the labor market. Some of the little-known universities occupy a solid place in international rankings. Which educational institution to choose is up to you, but you should always remember about the results of the research.

Conditional offer and unconditional offer

If you are admitted to a university, then you will receive an unconditional offer - this is a letter of unconditional admission. There is also a so-called conditional offer. Similar letters are sent to applicants who can be enrolled, but subject to certain requirements.

Often, young people who have expired their language test certificates receive conditional admission letters. Sometimes an applicant is required to pass some kind of exam. Conditional admission is not such a bad sign anyway.

Universities that are available for admission

There are universities where you can study almost free of charge or for a nominal fee. Sometimes it is even cheaper for a student to enroll in one of the foreign universities than to study in his hometown. These are not some kind of supernumerary educational institutions, but decent institutions like the Sorbonne and Charles University in Prague.

Charles University: oldest university in Central Europe

This university is called the most prestigious institution of higher education in the Czech Republic. And this is really so, because Charles University is known all over the world. It was founded in the 14th century, and today this university has as many as 17 faculties. Charles University has been compared to Bologna, the Sorbonne and Oxford. One of the advantages of the university is that you can study here completely free of charge with one amendment: the student must be trained in the Czech language.

There are English-language programs at Charles University, but they are paid. Therefore, before entering, you need to think carefully. The Czech language is difficult, but it is still possible to master it. Moreover, Charles University offers specialized annual courses for language learning. In such courses, the applicant receives all the necessary knowledge in order to successfully pass the exams.

At Charles University, upon admission, you will have to pass from 2 to 4 exams in Czech. The minimum level of language proficiency is B2. This is the so-called "high average". The Institute for Language and Vocational Training at Charles University provides the necessary knowledge, level B2 is achievable in a year. The preparatory courses take into account the future specialization of the student.

Theoretically, you can prepare for exams on your own, mastering the language at home, but you will not be able to get special knowledge. The applicant simply will not be able to take into account all the subtleties of the upcoming testing.

Sorbonne: the pride of France

There is a university in France whose name is known all over the world. More precisely, this is not even a university, but a system of universities. We are talking about the Sorbonne - an educational institution that is on a par with Oxford and Bologna. This is a prestigious university available to Russian students. In France, public education is free, so the doors of the Sorbonne are potentially open to everyone.

It is only important that the applicant is ready to go through the notorious French bureaucracy. As for the language exam, some of the Sorbonne programs are taught in English. TOEFL and IELTS certificates are accepted here. To study in French, you need to obtain a DALF certificate.

Many Russians study at the Sorbonne. They say that it is easier to enter here for a master's program on the system of "double degrees". This is true, but future bachelors also have every chance of settling within the walls of this educational institution. There is a lot of information about the documents that are needed for admission to this university, even on Russian sites. Some students managed to publish articles about successful experience of entering the university. So, if desired, the applicant will find everything he needs to prepare.

German universities

There are dozens of higher education institutions in Germany where foreign students can study. Moreover, the state allocates quotas for free education, but only if two conditions are met:

The applicant must be fluent in German;
- the level of knowledge of the applicant must correspond to the level of knowledge that is given by a German gymnasium.

Of course, the latter can become a problem for a Russian graduate who has just left the walls of the school. After all, according to German standards, 1 year will not be enough for him. However, you can learn the language, as well as get all the missing knowledge, at the Studiencolleg courses. This is a preparatory one-year program for international students. Courses in Germany are paid, but this investment will definitely pay off. After all, in the future it will be possible to study completely free of charge, the main thing is to find the means to live in the country. The most expensive city to live in is Frankfurt am Main.

University of Helsinki and other universities in Finland

In Finland, you can get a free education or get a diploma for a nominal fee. This institution regularly offers educational grants to students. Probably the only drawback of the university is that almost all undergraduate programs are conducted here in Finnish. The language can be mastered in additional courses.

But the University of Helsinki is very attractive for masters with knowledge of English. Approximately 40 programs are available to future masters if they intend to enroll here. The most important thing is that it is possible to get a grant here. in this university it is also possible.

In Finland, private universities offer expensive education, but public universities are relatively affordable. In some cases, the student will have to pay no more than $ 150 per semester. Living in the country will cost about $ 1,000 a month, if not very chic.

The University of Turku is another university in Finland where you can get higher education for free. Moreover, the programs here are conducted mainly in English, so the applicant does not need to learn any other language.

It is worth enrolling in a university in Finland for several reasons:

In many universities, a Russian certificate is recognized here;
- students can count on scholarships;
- students are allowed to earn extra money.

Advantages of Austrian universities

In Austria, most universities are paid, but fees in some educational institutions are moderate. It is cheaper to study here than in Zurich or London. However, this is not the main advantage of Austrian universities. Teaching in universities is conducted mainly in German, so it is enough to pass the standard DSH test.

Upon admission, they do not look at the passing score. Universities do not offer entrance exams either. If a student has any shortcomings, he can then retake the exams at a convenient time. If you want to enroll in a stress-free environment, Austrian universities are ideal.

In Austria, they deliberately decided not to arrange exams for admission. After all, many students after a semester of study begin to understand that they have chosen the wrong specialty. If students had to constantly pass exams, they would hardly change faculties. And the system adopted today facilitates the transition of a student from one faculty to another.

Universities in Poland, Lithuania and Estonia

Free education in Poland is available only to applicants who have a "Pole card". If you still plan to enroll in one of the local universities, then in this case:

Choose a private educational institution;
- learn Polish.

Programs are mainly conducted in Polish, the requirement for applicants for admission is a level of knowledge of at least B1. Some universities require a B2 level. Private universities in Poland are more affordable, here education is about 2-3 times cheaper than in state educational institutions.

In Lithuania, the ISM University is worthy of attention. This is one of the most famous business schools, so you should not expect that the study will be free. For a semester, you will have to pay about 1700-2000 euros.

In Estonia, an applicant may be interested in the University of Tartu, which is known for being a member of the Coimbra group. This university cooperates with fifty other higher educational institutions from 19 countries. The annual tuition fees at the University of Tartu can exceed 3,000 euros. But the student will receive a "crust" of one of the most prestigious educational institutions.

Universities of the CIS countries are not so accessible, it is much easier for an applicant to enter a university in Germany or Austria. It is sometimes difficult to get a visa to countries such as Poland and Lithuania - there are too many requirements for entry. Moreover, living expenses in these states can be the same as in large German cities.

Online education at a foreign university

In some universities, you can get an education without leaving your home. Online learning is not uncommon today. In fact, a Russian student can easily graduate from a Russian university remotely or from one of the most prestigious universities in Europe or America. The only difference will be in the difficulty of preparing for admission.

Benefits of Online Education

It is worth choosing distance learning for several reasons:

Such education will be cheaper;
- the student will not need to break away from work;
- you can study anywhere and anytime.

If you are entering the most ordinary faculty, then you will have to live in the country where you study, or make regular trips to take exams. With distance education, this is excluded, therefore, you save time and money. The student does not need to think about where to live, where to get funds for living abroad and how to deal with bureaucratic problems.

Online learning is ideal for busy people. If a person works and has a family, then a trip abroad can become only a dream. But this is not a reason to give up quality education. European universities even offer advanced training courses. In America, some of the universities also provide free study programs.

Prestigious universities also participate in the distance learning program. After the student has passed the final exams, he will receive a full-fledged diploma. Online education is an opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and "crust" without unnecessary stress.

How is the study going

Typically, distance education groups have 15 students, although sometimes their number may be higher. Students listen to lectures, receive homework assignments, and even take exams. The student is provided with a library for classes, lists of literature and much more.

End-of-semester exams can be held either online or in a real classroom. In the latter case, you will have to make a trip to the university, and this is not always convenient. Online you can get a bachelor's or master's degree, thus studying in an MBA takes place, which only attracts managers. Distance education is very beneficial for moms, because it is a continuous punishment.

Online university admission

Requirements for admission to a foreign university online depend only on the specific university. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. Usually everything goes according to the following scheme:

The applicant undergoes preliminary testing;
- the university sends documents to be filled out if a person has passed the exams;
- the applicant fills out the documents and sends them back.

After the documents arrive at the university, the applicant is admitted. From that moment on, he is considered a full-fledged student of the university, he is immediately given access to the electronic resources and bases of the university.

You can study online at universities in many countries, including American, Canadian and European universities. Institutions offer both long-term programs and short-term courses of one to two semesters. Taking such courses will quickly increase your competitiveness in the labor market, which is very important for a busy person. In any resume, mentioning a foreign university looks solid.