Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Coconut, or coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm and, according to biological parameters, is drupe. Coconut owes its name to its appearance - on the surface of the fruit there are three depressions resembling the face of a monkey (from the Portuguese coco- monkey). Coconut palms grow in many countries with a tropical climate, sandy soils and the proximity of the ocean are ideal for them, therefore Malaysia is considered the birthplace of the coconut, where the weather conditions are most favorable.

A coconut has an almost round shape (sometimes with a slight elongation), the size of the fruit ranges from 12 to 30 cm in length, the weight can reach one and a half kg, the coconuts that are familiar to us weigh 350-400 g. The coconut is a complex fruit, upper dense part ( coir) is covered with stiff hairs, the inner flesh is white ( copra) is protected by a thin brown shell. Inside the copra is a clear liquid ( endosperm), which thickens and whitens as the coconut matures. The liquid is called “coconut water”, when microparticles of oil released by copra get into it, it thickens and can completely harden. The taste and aroma of coconut pulp are unique, there are no analogues in nature.

coconut calorie content

The calorie content of coconut is 354 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The coconut pulp contains indigestible dietary fiber that normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and is a kind of “scrub” that removes deposits from the intestinal walls. Coconut is a supplier of high quality vegetable fat, which by definition cannot contain cholesterol (calorizator). The product has an impressive vitamin-mineral complex, which includes: vitamins, minerals are released, which is important for the body, it is necessary for conversion into hemoglobin and is involved in the processes of cell growth and pigmentation of the hairline. Lauric acid, which is rich in coconuts, promotes the conversion of saturated fatty acids into useful ones, has an antimicrobial property.

Coconut water is still used as a saline solution in countries where coconuts are a common staple. Coconut oil is a versatile product, it can be added to food (cereals, dough, etc.) and used to moisturize the skin.

Harm of coconut

Often there is an individual intolerance to coconut, allergic reactions after its use. Abuse of coconut is not recommended for those who have a "weak" stomach due to the high fiber content.

When choosing a coconut, you should pick it up, visually assess the integrity of the shell and the absence of dents, chips and impact marks. Then the coconut should be shaken, if the sound of splashing liquid is heard inside - you can safely buy coconut. The absence of all kinds of sounds indicates that the nut was plucked a long time ago, the liquid dried up or poured out through microcracks.

In order to get coconut water, you need to carefully make a hole in one of the three recesses on the back of the coconut. After draining the liquid, you need to arm yourself with patience and the simplest tools - a hammer, a screwdriver or a sharp, strong knife. On the surface of the coconut there is an "equator" - a visible strip that divides the fruit in half. It is along this line that you need to make several holes, and then, with some effort using a wide knife blade, divide the coconut into halves. Carefully remove the white pulp, and use the shell for decoration or as desired.

The use of coconut in various fields

Waste from the production of coconut oil is an excellent feed for livestock, the fibers surrounding the nut are the raw material for the manufacture of ropes, ropes, brushes, carpets and mats. Coconut shells are used to make handicrafts, souvenirs, buttons, musical instruments, and utensils.

In cosmetology, coconut oil is widely used, based on it:

  • Face and body masks;
  • Creams for sunburn;
  • Massage mixtures;
  • Lip balms;
  • scrubs;
  • Masks for hair and scalp;
  • Remedies for sunburn;
  • Creams for cracked skin and stretch marks after pregnancy.

Coconut in cooking

Coconut is used to make desserts, creams, add to pastries and decorate ready-made delicacies. Pieces of coconut are part of many mixtures of nuts and dried fruits, the nut goes well with some meat dishes, is a traditional ingredient in Asian cuisines. On the basis of coconut alcoholic beverages are produced - liqueurs, tinctures.

More coconut, about its benefits, see the video "Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil" of the TV program "Live Healthy".

Coconut is a palm fruit, which is distributed mainly in tropical countries, but is also often found on the shelves of our stores. The benefits of coconut have already been proven by many scientists, and even by those who not only studied, but ate this product. It is rich in various elements, vitamins and minerals. But along with this, there is an opinion that the calorie content of coconut is high.

Many people love this product. You can also try it and see that it is not only delicious, but also healthy. In the meantime, let's deal with the chemical composition of coconut. After all, it is imperative to know what we eat and how it can affect our body.

The chemical composition refers to those macro- and microelements that are in the product. Coconut is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, contains lauric and folic acids. This gives him the opportunity to successfully prevent the occurrence of a disease such as atherosclerosis and fight cardiovascular diseases.

Coconut also contains vitamins of group B, as well as C, E. They help boost immunity, fight colds and have a positive effect on the treatment of diarrhea. If you are worried about such problems - stock up on coconuts.

The ratio of BJU in coconut is close to optimal. Most of all it contains fat - more than 50%. In second place are proteins, and in third place are carbohydrates. Thus, by eating a small dose of the product, you significantly supplement the daily intake of these elements.

coconut and figure

Many girls who monitor their weight and follow diets are interested in the question: how many calories are in coconut? This product is quite high in calories, since 354 kilocalories fall on 100 grams. Coconut water is considered the most harmless to the figure. It is a clear liquid with a cooling effect. But, unfortunately, we can see it in supermarkets not so often. The thing is that it is inside young coconuts, and we mostly get already mature fruits.

Most of the calorie content of coconut is concentrated in its pulp. The longer the product has lain, the fatter it becomes. This should be taken into account when eating. The pulp is used for the production of coconut milk, oil, shavings. By the way, the calorie content of milk is already much lower - 230 per 100 grams of the product.

The calorie content of coconut, which is often used in cooking, is also not small. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, you should not get carried away with cookies and cakes with such an ingredient. But you can not completely turn out of goodies.

If we consider that the longer the fruit lies, the less coconut water it will contain and the more it will thicken, we can conclude that the calorie content of fresh coconut is slightly lower. It is fresh fruits that are recommended for overweight people. Also, do not forget that you need to know the measure in everything: do not overeat.

Can you lose weight by eating coconuts?

Despite the fact that the pulp of coconut has a high calorie content, many diets are also based on this product. After all, the most important principle of proper nutrition is that you can eat what you want, only in moderation.

The nutritional value of coconut is incomparably high. It is not for nothing that on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, coconut is a symbol of life. Modern fashionistas use it in their diets. One of the most stringent is the following. Choose a large coconut, remove the flesh from it and grate it. Divide the resulting mass into five equal parts. This will be your daily diet. Eat one part every 3-4 hours. You can drink green tea without sugar. One unloading day will be enough.

You can also take this product with you as a replacement for sandwiches at work. By eating a small piece of coconut, you will overcome the desire to eat something even more high-calorie. You can prepare “coconut portions” in advance and carry it with you in your purse.

In addition, the calories in coconut can be combined with other foods that minimize their number. Make a real vitamin bomb! To do this, you need coconut, orange, carrot, banana. All ingredients should be taken in approximately equal amounts and chopped in a convenient way: with a knife, grater, food processor. After they need to mix and you can eat. But no later than two hours before bedtime.

In addition to fruits, coconut is also combined with vegetables. For example, with beets, cabbage, pumpkin. Mix these products, add some grated coconut and you have an excellent vitamin salad. It will not only keep the figure, but also give the body a great charge of vivacity.

Let this article about the beneficial properties and calorie content of coconut help you organize proper nutrition, which is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Learn how to properly use what nature gives us and your life will change significantly for the better. You can talk about whether coconut is high in calories, but it’s better to just try it and start creating unusual tasty and healthy dishes.

Coconut: Video

Covered with a hard shell on the outside, inside of which there is a transparent tender milk and snow-white pulp, coconut remains a mysterious fruit for many residents of our country. Not everyone knows what useful properties this overseas "nut" has, for what reasons the milk or pulp of an exotic delicacy should be included in your diet.

The fruit got its name from the Portuguese word coco, which in translation into Russian means monkey. This is due to the presence of three spots on the coconut, which make it look like a monkey face. The fruit grows in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, from where it is exported to our country.

Many refer to coconut as a nut. This is wrong. The fruit is a drupe, the mass of which reaches 2.5 kilograms. He is the only representative of the genus Cocos, belonging to the Palm family. The inner part of the fruit with three pores (specks) is called the endocarp, and the outer (outer) shell is called the exocarp.

On the inside of the shell is the endosperm, as well as the white pulp, which has a valuable unique composition. Initially, completely transparent liquid endosperm contains a few drops of oil, and then from water, as a result of maturation, it turns into a milky emulsion - coconut milk. When the fruit is fully ripe, the milk acquires a thick consistency and hardens.

The tree is distinguished by the fact that it grows on the sea coast. The plant feels comfortable near sea water, but does not feel the need for it. Having shallow roots, it receives all the necessary moisture for development and growth from the soil, which is plentifully irrigated on the sea coast.

Salt water does no harm to the peel. If the fruit falls into the sea, it will remain completely unharmed. When washed ashore, it will become planting material from which a coconut tree will grow.

What substances are found in coconut?

The pulp of the fruit is rich in the following valuable components:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins of groups C, E and B;
  • natural oils;
  • fiber.

It contains a lot of potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, zinc, magnesium. There is also a certain amount of sucrose, fructose and glucose in the pulp.

Calorie and nutritional value

Coconut pulp in 100 gr. contains approximately 360 kcal. The calorie content of coconut water is almost zero (16.7 kcal per 100 gr.).

  • proteins - 3.33 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15.23 g;
  • fats - 33.49 g.

In milk, the ratio of nutrients is somewhat different:

  • proteins - 4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6 g;
  • fats - 27 g.

Exotic fruit is indicated for use:

  • with urological pathologies and diseases of the nervous system;
  • those who follow a vegetarian diet;
  • suffering from hormonal imbalance with thyroid dysfunction;
  • people with weakened immune systems, as well as those with problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • with visual impairment and eye diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome;
  • those who have joint diseases.

The healthy saturated fats found in coconut help stabilize cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, the fetus does not allow tumors to grow.

Both milk and pulp have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This feature allows you to use coconut fruits against allergic and acne rashes on the skin.

The fiber present in the exotic fruit stimulates and normalizes bowel function. The use of coconut pulp and oil can reduce the body's addiction to antibiotics. Drops that help with ear pain are made from the pulp.

The fruit does not bring any harm, but in some people it can cause individual intolerance. Those who are prone to allergies should be careful when trying coconut for the first time.

Regarding how much coconuts you can eat, there are also some nuances here. People who are rapidly gaining weight, as well as suffering from indigestion, are not recommended to get involved in exotic treats.

Where are coconuts used?

Flakes, pulp, both fresh and dried, are used in cooking. Dishes with them, subject to regular use, normalize metabolic processes. They allow you to get a good energy boost, but without excess fat.

Coconut flakes are also added to food. It has antiviral and antifungal effects, strengthens the immune system well, removes toxins from the intestines. It is put in pastries, snacks, salads, puddings and cereals. Various sauces, desserts, sweets, drinks and soups are prepared from coconut milk.

Cooking is not the only area where coconut is used. From the fibers that cover the fruit on the outside, strong ropes and cords are made, as well as brushes, carpets and other household items, and a variety of building materials are produced. Coconut shell is used to make dishes, toys, souvenirs, musical instruments.

Benefits of coconut milk

Valuable for both indoor and outdoor use. A solution of coconut milk and glucose is administered intramuscularly to those suffering from dehydration to maintain fluid levels in the body.

Milk is an excellent tonic and refreshing agent for the skin. It restores elasticity to the aging and sluggish dermis, is used in the treatment of allergic and acne rashes. Inflamed areas after the application of milk calms down and dries.

From the dried pulp of the fruit, a valuable cosmetic oil is obtained, which is widely used in beauty rituals. It is equally beneficial for both skin and hair. It has a healing effect on any burns, including those treated from prolonged exposure to the sun.

Especially coconut oil is useful for dry skin with reddened and cracked areas. Saturated fatty acids included in its composition ensure rapid absorption, hydration and velvety skin. Split and dull, they take on a shiny and healthy look.

Benefits of coconut oil for the stomach

Coconut oil is dietary. It contains lauric acid, which protects the intestines from the effects of bactericidal, viral, pathogenic and fungal microorganisms, as well as from yeast. Thanks to capric acid, the protective functions against microbes are enhanced. The oil is easily digested, does not burden the liver, and normalizes the intestinal flora.

What is coconut water and what properties does it have?

Water is present only in unripe fruits, it is strikingly different from milk, which is formed at the stage of mixing water and pulp, in taste and has almost zero calorie content. Sweet and sour and cool, it does not contain harmful fats.

Substances present in coconut water give the product properties similar to saline. It exhibits the following useful qualities:

  • perfectly quenches thirst;
  • restores the water balance of the body;
  • eliminates infections in the bladder.

A fresh fruit has the maximum value, but it is not always possible to acquire one. All the beneficial properties of coconut water are preserved during the pasteurization process, which takes place without the use of any dangerous additives and impurities.


Coconut is an incredibly healthy fruit. It has value not only for health, but also for the appearance of a person. Of course, unlike the usual fruits, it turns out to constantly eat it is not always, but if such an opportunity exists, then it is not recommended to miss this chance. This also applies to products obtained from the pulp of this exotic "nut".

Once upon a time, Christian missionaries seriously took up arms against coconuts. The priests who preached among the natives of the Pacific Islands called coconut palms "lazy trees" and cut them down mercilessly. The reason for this was the tendency of the local population to make everything that is needed for life from coconuts, ranging from clothing, furniture and ink, ending with jam, wine and vinegar, instead of extracting all this with sweat and blood, in incessant labor. By the way, coconut is not a nut at all, but a bone with a kernel containing tasty and healthy pulp.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of coconut

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calories: 354 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.33 gr
  • Fat: 33.49 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 6.23 gr
  • Dietary fiber: 9 gr
  • Ash: 0.97 gr
  • Water: 46.99 gr
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 6.23 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 29.698 g


  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.066 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (pantothenic): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.054 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 26 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 3.3 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.24 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone): 0.2 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.54 mg
  • Choline: 12.1 mg


  • Calcium: 14 mg
  • Magnesium: 32 mg
  • Sodium: 20 mg
  • Potassium: 356 mg
  • Phosphorus: 113 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 2.43 mg
  • Zinc: 1.1 mg
  • Copper: 435 mcg
  • Manganese: 1.5 mg
  • Selenium: 10.1 mcg

Unlike unripe green coconuts, whose juice is used instead of water and rivals the physical solution in sterility, the milk of ripe fruits, obtained from their pulp mixed with water, is very fatty and high-calorie.

The benefits of coconut are due not so much to its nutritional value as to the high content of micro and macro elements. In addition, coconut pulp contains all B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, PP, K and choline.

Benefits of coconut

The beneficial properties of coconut, due to its composition, are widely used in cosmetology and dietology. Coconut milk is an important ingredient in moisturizing and regenerating creams, emulsions and serums, sunscreens. Due to the lauric acid contained in the pulp, coconut is a natural antiseptic, has an antimicrobial, anthelmintic and antiviral effect on the body.

Eating coconut strengthens the immune system, tones up, reduces the level, has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, helps people suffering from constipation and increased gas formation. Coconut milk has anti-cancer properties, lowers blood sugar levels, removes toxins, promotes fat burning.

Harm of coconut

Despite such an abundance of useful properties, coconut milk, like any other product, has certain contraindications. Why is coconut harmful? Aspiring to lose weight, the abuse of a high-calorie and very nutritious dish is unlikely to help achieve the desired result. The recommended dose of coconut pulp for women is 25 g, and for men - 38 g per day.

Coconut is contraindicated for persons suffering from intestinal motility disorders with recurring diarrhea, as well as for allergy sufferers and patients with intolerance to substances that make up the pulp or milk.

The benefits of the presence of coconut in the diet of pregnant women are obvious and proven. Coconut milk is a natural isotonic drink and is excellent for replenishing salt and fluid losses in the body. Coconut milk is included in the diet of underweight children, as well as for strengthening and growth of bone tissue. A product rich in phosphorus and potassium is useful for a growing organism, for bones, teeth. In addition, the composition of this milk is very close to natural mother's milk, which in itself is a significant advantage.

If earlier coconut was a curiosity, today you can buy it in any supermarket. It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. However, people who are watching their figure and trying to eat right need to know how many calories are in coconut.

The calculator uses average values. The weight of one Indonesian or Malay coconut in the shell is on average 2.0 kg. The weight of one coconut without shell (pulp and milk) is about 1.5 kg. Coconut milk about 650g.

Calorie content and nutritional value

The calories and nutrients that make up the coconut are indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body. The high percentage of protein makes this fruit incredibly nutritious for people of all sizes and ages.

The chemical composition of coconut includes vitamins A, B and C, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and iodine. Equally important is the high carbohydrate content.

The ratio of BJU in coconut is close to optimal. Proteins make up the largest percentage - over 50%. The second place is given to proteins, and the third - to carbohydrates. Eating a small portion of coconut, a person significantly replenishes the daily norm of these elements.

Another useful coconut-based product is oil. It is perfectly absorbed in the human body, activates the endocrine system. The benefit of coconut oil is that it improves metabolism, promoting the burning of large amounts of energy and weight loss.

In fresh coconut

The calorie content of fresh coconut per 100 grams of nuts is 354 kcal. The longer the product lies, the higher this indicator. Nutritional value of coconut (bju in gr.):

  • proteins - 3.3;
  • fats - 33.4;
  • carbohydrates - 15.2.

The high calorie content of fresh coconut is due to the presence of 10 different fats and fatty acids in the fruit, which has a positive effect on the usefulness of the product. These fats are not produced by the human body, so they are indispensable. They improve the general condition and take part in synthesizing functions.

The pulp of coconut, whose calorie content is comparable to fried potatoes, is 1.5 times more nutritious than ordinary bread.

In dried coconut

Coconut flakes are a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. But it is important to remember that the calorie content of dried pulp is 660 kcal per 100 g. coconut. Nutritional information per 100 gram serving (in grams):

  • proteins - 6.9;
  • fats - 64.3;
  • carbohydrates - 23.8.

In view of the high fat content, the nut is contraindicated in exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

in coconut liquid

Coconut water is low in calories: only 16.7 kilocalories per 100 grams. liquids. Therefore, it is harmless to the figure. Coconut water is a clear liquid with a refreshing effect. It is extremely rare in supermarkets, since it is found only inside young fruits. Ripe brown walnuts often end up on Russian shelves. The calorie content of coconut milk is much higher - 230 kcal per 100 gr. product.

The energy value is as follows (bzhu in grams):

  • proteins - 4;
  • fats - 27;
  • carbohydrates - 6.


Coconut water can reduce heat. Doctors advise using it for diabetes and urolithiasis.

In coconut oil

This product is obtained from the whole nut or copra (dried oily pulp). Its value is in the high content of fatty acids, including essential ones. The calorie content of this product is 899 kcal per 100 g, with the following nutritional value: proteins and carbohydrates - o, fats - 90%, of which saturated - 90 g, unsaturated - 1.9 g.

The chemical composition of the oil includes: B vitamins, E, PP, calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, copper and sodium.

In coconut flour

Flour is made from the flesh of the coconut. To do this, it is dried, degreased and ground into powder. Its calorie content in 100 grams is 466 kilocalories. The chemical composition and benefits are the same as in the whole coconut: various vitamins, potassium and magnesium salts, iodine, nickel and cobalt. It contains more dietary fiber than its wheat counterpart. Its nutritional value (gr.):

  • proteins - 20;
  • fats -16.6;
  • carbohydrates - 60.

In coconut sugar

This product is made from coconut palm sap. It consists of 80% sucrose, the rest is glucose and fructose molecules. Calorie content of sugar - 375 calories per 100 grams.

Energy value (grams):

  • proteins - 1.08;
  • fats - 0.4;
  • carbohydrates - 93.4.

Coconut sugar is a complex carbohydrate, a source of a large amount of energy. However, its consumption does not contribute to weight gain, but all because the cost of its processing covers the kilocalories that it contains.

calories for weight loss

Indeed, coconut pulp is a high-calorie product, but nutritionists do not recommend giving it up during diets. And all because coconut is rich in healthy fat - lauric acid, which helps maintain energy balance, eliminates fatigue, and improves physical activity. The pulp of the drupe is able to maintain the health of the thyroid gland, disturbances in which inhibit the process of losing weight.

This product can be taken with you to work as an alternative to sandwich snacks. A small piece of pulp will kill the desire to eat something harmful. You can minimize the calorie content of coconut by combining it with other low-calorie foods. For example, as part of a vitamin cocktail. To prepare it you will need:

  • coconut;
  • banana;
  • carrot;
  • orange.

Take products in equal quantities and grind in any convenient way. Then mix and eat. But no later than two hours before bedtime. In addition to fruits, coconut goes well with various vegetables, such as cabbage, beets and pumpkin.

Diet for weight loss

Despite the fact that coconut has a high calorie content, it is part of many diets. After all, the main principle of a healthy diet is to eat whatever you want, but in moderation. One of the most strict diets based on coconut is as follows:

  1. Choose a large coconut, extract the pulp from it and chop it on a grater.
  2. Divide the resulting raw material into 5 identical parts.
  3. Consume one part every three hours. The last dose at night, 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is allowed to drink unsweetened green tea. One unloading day is more than enough.

A diet designed for 7 days is more sparing:

  • for breakfast - ½ coconut and 2 tbsp. l. rice porridge:
  • for lunch - ½ pack of fat-free cottage cheese + green tea without sugar;
  • at night (at least 2-3 hours before bedtime) - the second half of the nut and rice.

Due to its low fat content, coconut water can be used for weight loss without following a strict diet. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Consume coconut juice every day, preferably before meals;
  2. Exclude from the diet too fatty and high-calorie foods.

The coconut milk diet looks like this:

  • after sleep - 150 gr. milk and ½ coconut;
  • for the second breakfast - 100 gr. boiled rice;
  • for lunch - the same as in the morning - coconut milk and half a nut;
  • for an afternoon snack - 80 gr. rice porridge;
  • at night (2 hours before bedtime) - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 ml of coconut milk.

Summing up

No wonder such a high-calorie product as coconut has become popular among lovers of delicious food. After all, it has a lot of useful properties. It contains many useful elements and vitamins that are necessary for normal life.