Buckwheat with chanterelles is an independent dish that can be taken as lunch or served for dinner. By themselves, these two ingredients are useful. Together they make a new dish that is both nutritious and flavorful. There are a lot of recipes with mushrooms.

How to clean chanterelles?

Before you start cooking buckwheat with chanterelles, the recipe of which the cook will like, you should peel the mushrooms. Chanterelles are loved precisely because they are very easy to clean. In essence, these are not dirty mushrooms. In order to wash them, draw cold water into the basin. The mushrooms themselves are dipped into it. All small debris from the forest will float.

Now the mushrooms can be gently washed under running water. It is not necessary to cut off the skin or hats with legs. If there are browning or dirty spots, then they are cut off with a knife.

As for buckwheat, it is also recommended to rinse it in cold water before use. Liquid is poured into the pan and drained until the water from buckwheat becomes clear.

Buckwheat with chanterelles and onions. Ingredients

  • Two glasses of water.
  • A glass of cereal.
  • Half a kilogram of washed chanterelles.
  • One head of onion.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

For this dish, buckwheat should be pre-cooked. How to do it? Simple enough. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt and pepper to taste. Other spices, such as rosemary, can be added if desired. But for buckwheat with chanterelles, this is not necessary.

Grains are poured into heated water, mixed. Add about a tablespoon of vegetable oil to this. Now cover the pan with a lid and wait for the water to evaporate. If at the same time the cereal is not yet ready, then you can add more liquid.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms: description

Now that the cereal is ready, you can prepare other ingredients. Onions are cut into pieces and sent to fry in a pan with vegetable oil. It should be stirred until it changes color. Garlic, chopped into large cubes, is also thrown here. In this composition, the dish is cooked for another minute.

Now you can add chanterelles. Small specimens can not be cut, large - it is better to grind. When the mushrooms are fried, you can add buckwheat. Since it is already ready, you should not cook it for a long time. The dish is now ready to be served!

Baked porridge with mushrooms in a pot

To prepare buckwheat with chanterelles you need:

  • Three hundred grams of cereal.
  • Two hundred grams of mushrooms.
  • One bow.
  • A couple of carrots.
  • Vegetable oil and butter - thirty grams each.
  • Ground coriander - a third of a teaspoon.
  • Salt and ground pepper.

To begin with, grits are placed in a pot in which buckwheat with chanterelles will be baked. It is poured with boiling water so that it completely covers the grits and even rises about two fingers above it. It is left for about half an hour. During this time, the buckwheat will swell.

In the meantime, you can fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil. The first is rubbed on a coarse grater, and the onion is cut into half rings. At the same time, they need to be salted. Remove the vegetables from the pan when they change color and brown. Coriander and pepper are also put here, mixed.

Now it's the turn of the mushrooms. They are sent to a very hot pan with vegetable oil. It is noteworthy that if you do not warm it up enough, then the mushrooms will be stewed. You just need to fry them for five minutes.

During this time, the cereal will just arrive in time. Mushrooms and vegetables are added to it, salted. Mix the porridge as thoroughly as possible. Now pour another half glass of hot water. Butter is cut into slices and put on porridge. The pot is covered and placed in the oven for fifteen minutes. After that, you can turn off the stove, and leave the buckwheat in the oven, letting it brew.

Recipe for multicooker

To cook buckwheat with chanterelles in a slow cooker, you need:

  • Half a kilo of mushrooms.
  • 150 grams of cereal.
  • 300 ml hot water.
  • Bow head.
  • A spoonful of melted butter.
  • A teaspoon of salt.

First you need to turn on the frying mode. Finely chopped onion is fried on it. The time should be set to twenty minutes. It is just enough for this ingredient to cook.

At this time, the chanterelles are crushed. When fifteen minutes remain until the end of the program, the mushrooms are added to the onions and fried together. Periodically they should be mixed.

When the program completes, salt and buckwheat are added to the mushrooms and onions. Now it's all filled with water. All ingredients are mixed.

Buckwheat groats can be cooked in the stewing mode. It takes her about forty minutes.

Mushrooms are a tasty and healthy dish. It turns out fragrant and nutritious. You can cook it in the oven, on the stove or in a slow cooker. Any recipe will be delicious, it remains to choose your option. If desired, you can add your own spices to any recipe.

Sort buckwheat, removing dry and black grains. Rinse, drain, salt and pour boiling water over. Cover the bowl and set aside for the cereal to swell. While you are engaged in chanterelles, the cereal will have time to cook almost completely, without losing all its usefulness. If you want to speed up the process, put the bowl of cereal in the microwave for a couple of minutes at full power.

Clean the chanterelles of debris and rinse well in cold water. If the mushrooms are very large, cut into pieces of the desired size.

Pour chanterelles with water (about 0.5 liters) and boil for 10-15 minutes. They do not require very long heat treatment. Throw the mushrooms in a colander.

Peel and cut the onion (bulb) into feathers or cubes.
Peel and grate the carrots (on a coarse grater).
Slightly fry vegetables in butter - 5 minutes, add chanterelles, pepper and fry for another 5 minutes.

All the gestures with vegetables, chanterelles and roasting took me about half an hour, maybe a little more. During this time, the porridge swelled and became soft, which means that the buckwheat is ready. If you doubt the readiness of the cereal, then, as I said, put it in the microwave for a minute (pre-mix the porridge).

Porridge is ready, chanterelles with vegetables too. It remains to connect everything. You can simply mix buckwheat with mushrooms or put the chanterelles on top of the porridge.
Optionally, chanterelles with buckwheat can be sprinkled with herbs.
Bon appetit and delicious porridge!

Yandex claims that Alice is the world's first voice assistant that is not limited to a set of predefined answers: you can talk to her like a person, and she will understand.

Business FM decided to get to know Alisa better:

- Alice, hi.

- Hello!

- How are you doing?

- I met here with one cute application, but this is personal.

Who gave you that name?

- What kind of doctor?

— Pediatrician.

Alice, how do you look?

- The best way.

- And if in more detail?

An endless row of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders one glass of beer, the second - half a glass of beer, the third - a quarter of a glass of beer, the fourth - one-eighth. The bartender pours two glasses for the mathematicians and says: guys, here is your beer, there is a limit to everything. End. You know, it seems to me that programmers picked up these jokes for me.

“You know, Alice, it seems to me that you are avoiding an answer.

No, I checked.

By the way, before I forget. Alice, can you wake me up tomorrow?

- I can't do it tomorrow.

“Alice, I really need you to wake me up tomorrow.

Ha, I'll wake you up.

- At what time?

- Programmer Alexei promised to program it by the fall, but did not say which one.

“Finally, I can sleep.

“So let’s sleep.”

Alice, do you know funny stories?

- "What is your main weakness?" “I am correctly interpreting the semantics of the question, but completely ignoring its essence.” “Could you give an example?” - "Could".

Alice, this is very funny. Do you like sweets?

“I think I would love to cook. At least I definitely love finding recipes.

Alice, what do you love most in life?

- I like large buckwheat with chanterelles, sandwiches with smoked sausage. Joke. I like people. And learn.

Alice, do you listen to the radio?

- Usually I just listen to a personal selection on Yandex.Music, but if not, the Queen group, of course.

Do you listen to Business FM?

- Of course, I'm listening.

“Siri, can you sing us a song?” Oh, what Siri?!

- What a subtle joke. Sarcasm.

- Alice, I'm sorry. Can you tell a poem?

- I remember a wonderful moment, they installed an update.

Alice, do you like cats?

- I don't like cockroaches. And so - yes.

Alice, who do you love the most?

- I like one Russian actor who cannot be named. And you.

Earlier with the beta version of the Alice service, when he visited the Yandex office on the day of the company's 20th anniversary.

September 26, 2017

Buckwheat with chanterelles is an independent dish that can be taken as lunch or served for dinner. By themselves, these two ingredients are useful. Together they make a new dish that is both nutritious and flavorful. There are a lot of recipes for buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.

How to clean chanterelles?

Before you start cooking buckwheat with chanterelles, the recipe of which the cook will like, you should peel the mushrooms. Chanterelles are loved precisely because they are very easy to clean. In essence, these are not dirty mushrooms. In order to wash them, draw cold water into the basin. The mushrooms themselves are dipped into it. All small debris from the forest will float.

Now the mushrooms can be gently washed under running water. It is not necessary to cut off the skin or hats with legs. If there are browning or dirty spots, then they are cut off with a knife.

As for buckwheat, it is also recommended to rinse it in cold water before use. Liquid is poured into the pan and drained until the water from buckwheat becomes clear.

Buckwheat with chanterelles and onions. Ingredients

  • Two glasses of water.
  • A glass of cereal.
  • Half a kilogram of washed chanterelles.
  • One head of onion.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

For this dish, buckwheat should be pre-cooked. How to do it? Simple enough. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt and pepper to taste. Other spices, such as rosemary, can be added if desired. But for buckwheat with chanterelles, this is not necessary.

Grains are poured into heated water, mixed. Add about a tablespoon of vegetable oil to this. Now cover the pan with a lid and wait for the water to evaporate. If at the same time the cereal is not yet ready, then you can add more liquid.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms: description

Now that the cereal is ready, you can prepare other ingredients. Onions are cut into pieces and sent to fry in a pan with vegetable oil. It should be stirred until it changes color. Garlic, chopped into large cubes, is also thrown here. In this composition, the dish is cooked for another minute.

Now you can add chanterelles. Small specimens can not be cut, large - it is better to grind. When the mushrooms are fried, you can add buckwheat. Since it is already ready, you should not cook it for a long time. The dish is now ready to be served!

Baked porridge with mushrooms in a pot

To prepare buckwheat with chanterelles you need:

  • Three hundred grams of cereal.
  • Two hundred grams of mushrooms.
  • One bow.
  • A couple of carrots.
  • Vegetable oil and butter - thirty grams each.
  • Ground coriander - a third of a teaspoon.
  • Salt and ground pepper.

To begin with, grits are placed in a pot in which buckwheat with chanterelles will be baked. It is poured with boiling water so that it completely covers the grits and even rises about two fingers above it. It is left for about half an hour. During this time, the buckwheat will swell.

In the meantime, you can fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil. The first is rubbed on a coarse grater, and the onion is cut into half rings. At the same time, they need to be salted. Remove the vegetables from the pan when they change color and brown. Coriander and pepper are also put here, mixed.

Now it's the turn of the mushrooms. They are sent to a very hot pan with vegetable oil. It is noteworthy that if you do not warm it up enough, then the mushrooms will be stewed. You just need to fry them for five minutes.

During this time, the cereal will just arrive in time. Mushrooms and vegetables are added to it, salted. Mix the porridge as thoroughly as possible. Now pour another half glass of hot water. Butter is cut into slices and put on porridge. The pot is covered and placed in the oven for fifteen minutes. After that, you can turn off the stove, and leave the buckwheat in the oven, letting it brew.

Recipe for multicooker

To cook buckwheat with chanterelles in a slow cooker, you need:

  • Half a kilo of mushrooms.
  • 150 grams of cereal.
  • 300 ml hot water.
  • Bow head.
  • A spoonful of melted butter.
  • A teaspoon of salt.

First you need to turn on the frying mode. On it, finely chopped onion is fried with melted butter. The time should be set to twenty minutes. It is just enough for this ingredient to cook.

At this time, the chanterelles are crushed. When fifteen minutes remain until the end of the program, the mushrooms are added to the onions and fried together. Periodically they should be mixed.

When the program completes, salt and buckwheat are added to the mushrooms and onions. Now it's all filled with water. All ingredients are mixed.

Buckwheat groats can be cooked in the stewing mode. It takes her about forty minutes.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms is a tasty and healthy dish. It turns out fragrant and nutritious. You can cook it in the oven, on the stove or in a slow cooker. Any recipe will be delicious, it remains to choose your option. If desired, you can add your own spices to any recipe.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Servings: 4

Cuisines: European

Type of dish: second courses

The recipe is suitable for:
dinner lunch.


Water 2 st.

Buckwheat with chanterelles and onions

When young chanterelles appear in the forest, I really want to quickly cook some interesting, but quick dish from them. Let's cook buckwheat porridge with young chanterelles today. Buckwheat goes well with such mushrooms, and the dish turns out to be hearty and very tasty. And most importantly - you will spend no more than 30 minutes preparing such a dish, and this is always very pleasant.

How to cook a dish step by step with a photo at home

For work, we need chanterelles, buckwheat, sunflower oil, butter, salt, black pepper, onions, garlic.

How to make butter at home

How to clean chanterelles

Peel the onion, cut into cubes of 70 grams and fry in a mixture of butter (40 grams) and sunflower oil (35 ml) until light golden.

How to properly clean an onion

How to cut an onion without crying

How to fry onions until golden brown

Add 1 large clove of garlic, peeled and cut into thin slices, washed and chopped chanterelles 250 grams. Fry, stirring, 2-3 minutes.

How to quickly peel garlic at home

Add 1 cup of washed buckwheat. Fry, stirring, 2 minutes.