Doors play an important role in the interior of any room. That is why their installation and design should be approached with great responsibility. In order for the doors to have an aesthetic appearance, they are usually completed with additional trims. What is the function of extensions for interior doors and how to install them correctly? You will learn the answers to this and other questions from the article.

Products are special strips, which are horizontal and vertical, of different sizes and textures. They are installed in the doorway between the casing and the box. The need for this arises when it is necessary to mask defects, to give aesthetics to the door.

What else dobory need - to hide the missing width of the door frame. It is for this reason that the name appeared - dobornik, that is, covering the wide slopes at the openings. In a standard room, there are enough boats, but if an apartment or a house is built according to an individual project, then the platbands do not cope with their task, the extensions help to hide the “bare” side walls. Then the design and interior acquire a complete look.

Given the importance of the element, it is worth taking into account that the additional board should be as similar as possible to the door leaf in texture, color and style.

Reasons for installing slats

Door extensions are needed in cases where there are too wide openings in the room.

To make it more clear, let's take an example. The width of the wall is 200 mm. 70 mm of them will be blocked by a box and 130 mm will be closed with an extension. We add 20-30 mm for the groove and get the required plank size (150-160 mm). An additional element is needed only if the platbands are planned from two sides: internal and external.

Ennobling the opening with extensions is a relatively new trend that is gaining popularity. When thinking about how to expand the door frame, it is better to use specially prepared strips. Since the existing casing will not hide an empty wall. Dobors are produced in different widths and lengths, so they completely close the space between the slopes and the door leaf.

Materials and design features

Depending on the form and method of fastening, the types of extensions can be as follows:

Elements are made from a variety of materials. Depending on the raw materials used, door trims for interior doors are made of wood, plastic or MDF.

Wood dobor is made, as a rule, from natural wood. Ash, beech, oak and conifers are used. The additional beam can be edged or tongue-and-groove. It is extremely important that the door leaf and the additional element are made of the same material. This will avoid visual dissonance.

Dobor from MDF is the most requested. It is lightweight, resistant to mechanical damage and easy to install. It is made from a fine-fiber fraction, and is covered with a laminated film or natural veneer on top. Such extensions will be a good addition to both wooden doors and hollow door leaf.

Items from PVC or simply plastic Dobory for doors can be attributed to the number of budget options. They are low cost, easy to install and do not require additional maintenance. Most often used for front doors.

How to choose the right accessories

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a material for additional products is their compatibility with the door leaf. As mentioned earlier, for the reliability and harmony of the design, they must be made from the same raw material. It is best to purchase items with doors.

The quality of the selected material is also extremely important. The plank should not have any chips or cracks. A flat and smooth surface without defects indicates the good quality of the product.

If your choice fell on telescopic extensions for interior doors, then in this case, first of all, you need to make sure that there are fasteners. These should be special factory grooves, the shape and size of which are individually selected for all interior doors.

It is worth taking into account the price-quality ratio of the selected product. It is best to give preference to trusted brands and manufacturers. Cheap analogues are unlikely to be high quality.

Before buying a product, you need to accurately calculate how many additional elements you need. As a standard, 2.5 strips are installed on the door.

Dimensions of extensions for interior doors

Door extensions are available in any size, but standard trims are most suitable for an interior unit. The thickness of the additional element must correspond to the thickness of the groove located on the door frame itself. As a rule, it is from 10 mm to 16 mm. The most suitable width of extensions for interior doors ranges from 70 to 200 mm. If it turns out to be a little more, then it is adjusted by cutting. The height of the parts is 2100 mm.

In addition to standard sizes, the slats are made from the material required by the customer, suitable dimensions. Those who live in an apartment or house with an unusual layout are forced to resort to this option.

To independently determine the parameters of the addition, you need to measure the thickness of the wall, the height and width of the doorway. It is necessary to add a small margin of 1-2 cm to the measurements obtained. This is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of error.

An interior door separates one room from another and is part of the interior, so it should have a beautiful appearance. From how beautifully decorated the doorway, the impression of the room is created, since it is he who first catches the eye of the incoming person. Since the thickness of the wall is usually much greater than the width of the box, after installing the door, there remains a part of the opening that must be hidden. For these purposes, special decorative elements are used - extensions.

What is an extension for interior doors

In most cases, the thickness of the wall is greater than the width of the door frame. More recently, when replacing the box, it was necessary to carry out construction work in order to somehow ennoble the uncovered part of the opening. First, the slopes were plastered, after which they were primed, painted or covered with wallpaper. Such work requires certain skills and takes a lot of time. Now, to close the slopes of interior doors, extensions are most often used.

The extension is a decorative strip up to 10 mm thick and about 2 m long, which on one side has the same finish as the installed door. The width of the extension is chosen in each case separately, depending on the size of the door frame. Installation of this element takes a little time, any home master can do it. After installing the extensions, the doorway acquires a beautiful finished look and harmoniously fits into the interior of the room.

Dobory allow you to give the doorway a beautiful and finished look.

The door fitting must meet several parameters:

  • be made of the same material as the doors;
  • match the color of the door;
  • have the required width.

In addition to the fact that the additional strips perform an aesthetic role, hiding the defects of the slopes, they also help to strengthen the door frame.

Usually dobors are made of the following materials:

  • natural board;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • plywood.

A large selection of colors and shades allows you to choose extensions that match the door frame so that the whole structure looks like a single whole.

Types and types of additional elements

Although extensions do not differ in great variety by type of construction, before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with their types and features:

  1. Ordinary. These are just slats made of MDF, chipboard or laminate. Eco-veneer is most often used as a coating, a decorative edge is usually made at the end, although there are also raw planks. If there is no edge film on your extension, you can glue it yourself using an iron. It is better to do this, because the edge will help hide surface defects and protect the material from moisture so that it does not swell. The standard length of the additional plank is 200-220 cm, and the width is 100, 150 or 200 mm. Experts recommend buying products with a thickness of at least 10 mm. The main advantage of conventional dobors is their low cost.

    The usual dobor is a decorative bar of given sizes

  2. Telescopic. Such elements, according to the method of fastening, are similar to lining, that is, they have grooves for fastening to each other and with platbands. They can have a different color, differ in the way of finishing and are made from the same materials as regular extensions.

    With the help of a telescopic extension, it is possible to close slopes of any width.

  3. Combined. They combine dobor and platband. The combined extension is a corner that is installed in special grooves in the door frame. The disadvantage of this solution is that it is impossible to close wide piers with them. But if after installing the door there is 2–5 cm of open space left, then combined extensions are the best option.

    Combined elements combine the platband and dobor

The height of the extension corresponds to the dimensions of the door and is usually 200–220 cm. The thickness of the plank should be such that it fits snugly into the groove of the door frame. Usually the groove size is 10 mm, so the additional elements are made the same. Since the thickness of the walls can be different, they produce extensions with a width of 30 to 200 mm and more.

The additional plank can have a width of 30 to 200 mm and even more

If in apartments doorways and wall thicknesses have standard values, then in private houses this is not always the case. Ready-made extensions are often not suitable here, so if the doors and the frame are made to order, then you must immediately complete them with the appropriate decorative strips. If this is not possible, then you can simply dock several additional elements with each other. To get the desired width of the bar, it can be sawn with a regular hacksaw. When joining several extensions on the front side, it is imperative to leave a groove into which you can then insert the casing.

How to correctly calculate

In order to purchase additional sizes of the required sizes, you first need to correctly calculate them. This is easy to do, so you can do everything yourself:

Calculation example: wall width is 250 mm. You have purchased a box with a thickness of 70 mm, which means that you need an extension with a width of 180 mm. Since the nearest standard size is 200 mm, it is necessary to purchase just such extensions. Excess width is sawn off with a hacksaw.

When installing a type-setting or telescopic extension, choose the width of the slats to get the required size.

Installation of extensions for interior doors

Before proceeding with the installation of extensions, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. All dirt, excess foam is removed from the opening so that they do not interfere with installation.

For work you will need:

Before proceeding with the installation of extensions, it is necessary to secure the door block well.

Installation of conventional extensions

The order of installation of simple extensions:

  1. Cut out the material. Using a jigsaw or hand saw, cut the strips of the required length and width.

    Dobors can be cut with both a conventional hacksaw and a power tool

  2. The groove in the box is cleaned of debris, otherwise you will not be able to install the extensions correctly.
  3. First, insert the top bar, carefully level it and fill the gap with mounting foam.

    The top bar is installed first.

  4. The side bars are fixed in a similar way.

    Side rails are mounted after installing the top element

Often, ordinary extensions are fixed with self-tapping screws. To do this, holes are made in the canvas, after which they are screwed to the wall. This work is easier to do if the opening is framed with wooden bars. After installing the screws, they select the plugs to match the extensions and close the heads of the screws with them.

Installation of telescopic elements

The process of installing telescopic extensions is not very different from the previous version. If you want to close a wide wall and the width of one extension is not enough, then you need to connect several planks. Some craftsmen first connect the planks, getting the required width, and only then mount them. If you are doing this for the first time, then it is better to first fix one plank, and after the foam has hardened, another. Although the work will take a little longer, since the drying of the foam during the fastening of each element takes time, the result will be more accurate and of high quality.

The groove in the telescopic extension allows you to adjust its width

Mounting order:

Video: connecting telescopic extensions

Installation of combined extensions

With the help of combined extensions, it is easiest to sew up slopes. For their fasteners, you do not need to use mounting foam.

The work is done in the following order:

If you do not have experience in performing such work, then it will take no more than 30 minutes to finish one doorway with combined extensions, and professionals can do it in 15 minutes. But although the installation process of combined extensions is simple, everything must be done carefully and efficiently. With improper installation of extensions, even the most expensive interior doors will look unattractive.

Incorrectly installed extensions can spoil the look of even the most expensive door, so the work must be done carefully and responsibly.

Non-standard situations

Very often there are situations when the doorway has significant deviations from the horizontal and vertical.

  1. Expansion of the doorway to the outer edge. It is impossible to bend the dobor, as it will begin to break, but it is necessary to hide the slope. In this case, the creation of a frame of wooden blocks, plywood and drywall will help. Thus, an additional even wall is created, which is then closed with an extension.
  2. Skew the box vertically or horizontally. In this case, you can trim the additional elements to existing sizes, but you won’t be able to get a beautiful result. It is better to dismantle the door frame and install it correctly.
  3. The walls are sloped. If it is not more than 5 mm, then it can be corrected with plaster applied under the casing. In other cases, wedges must be used.

How to eliminate gaps after installing extensions

After the additional elements have been installed, the resulting gaps are eliminated with the help of mounting foam. It must be remembered that when solidified, the foam expands and can bend the door frame and extensions. To prevent this from happening, the following recommendations must be observed:

Video: installation of extensions

If you decide to install doors in your apartment or office, in 80% of cases you will need to install extensions on interior doors.

Why do I need an extension when installing a door?

Extensions are vertical flat panels, made in the color of the door, and allow you to "get" the thickness of the doorway and fix the trim on the other side of the wall. Extras are:

  • Ordinary, i.e. flat panels
  • Telescopic, having grooves at the end for a platband with a spike

Additional door elements are most often made of: MDF, fiberboard or coniferous wood and are flat panels about 1 cm thick and about 207 cm high.

Standard width extensions are usually 100,120, 150 and 200mm wide. It is better to buy them together with interior doors so that all elements are made in the same color.

Installation of add-ons must be calculated in advance

If it is required to install extensions on interior doors, the price for the work is calculated separately. Therefore, when measuring openings, it is necessary to immediately calculate the number of additional trims, and inform the master on how many doors the installation of extensions is required.

First of all, you need to measure the thickness of the walls in the openings, and understand how much thicker the wall in the opening is than the box of the interior door. If the extension is normal and the thickness of the wall is more than 7-7.5 cm, the extension is needed in any case

For example, if the wall of the doorway has a thickness of 10cm. - we make such a calculation: 10-7 + 1 \u003d 4cm. In total, three such elements are needed for one door: two vertical and one horizontal. In the store we order one additional element 15 cm wide, the master cuts it into 3 parts of 4 cm each and installs the additional elements.

Installation of a door extension is necessary:

  • when installing, if the thickness of the wall is greater than the thickness of the door frame:
  • when installing, for a beautiful finish on warped slopes:

  • when finishing the doorway to the portal, without a door leaf
  • when finishing the doorway to the portal with the installation of a sliding door

All of the above work is performed by our masters, the cost of installing interior doors with extensions can be found in. When ordering the finish of the slopes of the front door, you can order additional color matching from us.

Installation of doors with extensions, if the wall is 1 cm thicker than the box.

It is necessary to make extensions 2 cm wide, 1 cm will go into the grooves and 1 cm will remain. It is necessary to attach platbands to this narrow extension. In order to save material, it is allowed to saw the extensions along at least 1.5 cm. in width.

If the walls are littered vertically or the doorway has a different wall thickness at the top and bottom, then the extensions have to be made trapezoidal. For example, the bottom edge can be 3 cm wide, and the top 2 cm wide. Not very nice, is it? Therefore, in this case, telescopic extensions with extended architraves look more aesthetically pleasing.

Installation of extensions on a thick wall

If the wall is very thick (from 20 cm and above), the panels are glued together using furniture clips, glue, hardboard strips and thin pine bars.

Here is a photo of an interior door with wide slopes on a thick wall:

Installation of telescopic extensions on interior doors

Installing telescopic extensions on interior doors is not quite the same as installing conventional ones. Such a panel has longitudinal grooves up to 2 cm deep at the ends for installation. The advantage of telescopic moldings is that fasteners (studs or studs) are not visible, and it is possible to easily dismantle the platbands. Telescopic extensions do not need to be wedged during installation, as it is enough to insert them into narrow grooves in the box.

Here is an approximate calculation if the spike on the casing has a width of 2 cm:

  • If the extension is telescopic and the wall thickness is more than 10cm. , and the door does not need to be opened 180 degrees - extensions are needed
  • If the extension is telescopic and the wall thickness is more than 8.5 cm, and the door needs to be opened 180 degrees, extensions are needed

If the spike on the casing has a smaller width, then the above calculations must be revised.

As you can see, the installation of an extension with a trim on a telescopic system has its own characteristics due to the presence of a groove in the extensions and a spike on the trim.

For example, when installing conventional extensions 4 cm wide, you can order one panel 15 cm wide and “dissolve” it into 3 strips. And when installing telescopic extensions, it will no longer be possible to do this - you will have to order 2 elements of 10 cm each. width due to the presence of two grooves for trim in the ends. If the extension board has only one groove at the end, and on the other side it has a spike, then you will have to order 2.5 extensions of 10 cm for 1 door. width.

The width of the telescopic extension bars is calculated based on the fact that the architraves can be extended from the extensions to the width of the tenon. You also need to take into account the length of the spike that goes into the extension and you will understand what width is required.

The disadvantage of the telescopic system is that the extensions cannot be sawn into narrow strips due to the groove for the trim. This is especially noticeable with a wall thickness of 9 to 11 cm. the cutting line passes through the groove and therefore the dobor falls apart into 2 parts. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the extensions, to expose the door frame not flush with the wall, but in the middle, thereby deepening the door leaf, which limits the opening of the door by 180 degrees, because. the hinges begin to pull out the door.

When installing telescopic extensions on portals (openings without a door decorated with platbands and extensions), approximately the same situation almost always occurs. The wall has a thickness, for example, 13 cm, and the extension has a standard width of 15 cm. and slots on both sides. Therefore, it must be sawn lengthwise, cut off the spikes from the platbands and nail the platbands to the cut edge of the trim with studs or studs.

Extensions between the front door and the second wooden door

To enhance sound insulation, the entrance and wooden doors are installed side by side, while there is free space between them, which is best done with extensions. This type of work is considered very time consuming due to the difficulty in foaming the extensions and subsequent smooth docking with both doors at the same time.

requires a certain experience from the master. It is necessary to draw and cut all the planks, taking measurements with a ruler with the door frame installed. It is important that the gaps between the box and the extensions are minimal, and for this they need to be properly wedged around the entire perimeter of the door frame or fixed to self-tapping screws.

Sections of the article:

What are interior door trims? These are rectangular slats that serve to make the door frame wider (if it does not match the thickness of the doorway, and its thickness needs to be increased). In what cases are these rails installed? Either for the purpose of framing the doorway, or when the thickness of the wall is much greater than the thickness of the door frame.

Most of the factory-made doors are made for standard city apartments, in which the thickness of the walls between rooms is from 7 to 8 cm. But for country or private houses, where the walls are much thicker, it is necessary to adapt to the proposed factory standard products. In this case, the situation will be saved by extensions for interior doors, which are a kind of door frame expanders. Consider what it is, what types of extensions exist, and also go through all the stages of their installation with our own hands.

Varieties of dobors

There are three main varieties of these products: conventional, telescopic and combined. The characteristic of conventional extensions is very simple - these are laminated slats (veneered or not finished). The width of such rails can be 100, 120, 150 mm and so on.

The usual addition.

Telescopic extensions for interior doors allow you to cover the opening in the wall with any thickness. Such rails are made in such a way that a groove is located on one side, and a ridge on the opposite side. This makes it possible to create a shield of the required size. Telescopic slats may differ in color and type of finishing material. Another difference between these products is their width. The width of the extensions that are designed for interior doors can be 150, 120 or 90 mm.

The combined type combines the functions of door extensions and platbands. This is a decorative corner that is used in a door frame with a special design (if there are deep grooves in the ends of the frame). The platband-dobor is installed precisely in these grooves.

Telescopic extension.

These products are ideal for increasing the door frame by 20-50 mm. You can see how these types of extensions are installed on interior doors in the video.

Door fitting process

Installation of additional strips for doors for each specific type of these products will differ from others. Consider how the installation is carried out in each case, and what installation sequence should be followed.

Installation of conventional extensions

After the installation of the door block is completed and the foam is completely dry, you can install the additional rail. If the door frame has recesses for installing interior doors, then it must first be completely cleaned. If there is no recess, then the space located behind the door frame must be cleared of foam. The width of the space should be taken from 15 to 20 mm and to a depth of 10-20 mm.

Establishing the amount of the allowance.

At the end of the cleaning and preparation of the area, you can begin to fit the top bar. To do this, you must first cut it to the required length, and also cut it to width. To know how to install extensions on an interior door correctly, you must first read the exact installation sequence.

It is recommended to leave the length of the bar so that it can protrude slightly beyond the box. For a correct fit in width, you will need to put an extension on the wrong side, then you should make a couple of marks, focusing on the wall, and only after that you can remove the extension and connect the marks with a line. Cutting should be done with an electric jigsaw. After that, insert the dowel in the required position. In the same way, we adjust the rest of the side rails, paying special attention to their length.

It is necessary to install extensions for interior doors in such a way that there is no gap between the side trims and the upper extensions.

The location of the top rail relative to the two side rails must be strictly horizontal. Now let's start mounting. Using wooden wedges, we wedge the rail between the opening and the door frame in order to eliminate gaps. We check how evenly the additional bar is installed, if an unevenness is found, then we eliminate it.

Installation of extensions intended for installation on interior doors should be carried out using mounting foam, which is blown into the space between the rail and the opening. We pre-fix the extensions in width and edges using the dot method. After the foam hardens, it remains only to blow out the remaining space. After the foam has completely hardened, we carry out the installation of platbands.

Features of mounting telescopic extensions

Installation of telescopic extensions on interior doors is carried out in the same sequence as the installation of conventional type extensions. The main difference is only in the very process of connecting the planks, which are built up on top of each other. It is impossible to assemble a wide shield in one fell swoop and carry out its installation, because the whole process must take place in stages.

We install the first rail along the perimeter of the opening and fix it, then we carry out the installation of the second row. But the question immediately arises, why not put the whole shield at once? The answer is simple - there is a fairly high probability that when the mounting foam hardens, the connection of the extensions will be broken. This is especially true for sets of a large number of planks (more than three). If there is sufficient experience, as well as a lot of spacers, then it is possible to simultaneously install two extensions on interior doors. But if there is no experience, then it is not worth experimenting.

Installation of combined extensions

Combined dobors with platbands are quite easy to install. There is no need for capital fastening, and installation is carried out thanks to fastening into the grooves of the door frame. Pay special attention to the fit of the corners. First, the upper trim should be cut, and after its installation, it is necessary to adjust the rest of the side products.

Installation diagram.

Important: trimming the side extensions should be carried out only from the bottom side, since there is a notch at the top, which is not desirable to touch. After all, it is she who is responsible for the correct connection of the side extensions and the upper casing. Remember that improperly installed additional rails can spoil the beauty of even the most expensive doors. Therefore, treat the process of their installation with special responsibility.

Tools and accessories needed for the job

For the correct installation of door extensions, you will need to prepare tools and accessories:

  • Manual milling machine designed for woodworking;
  • Circular hand saw and clamp (or electric jigsaw);
  • Several stools;
  • A dozen wedges and strips (regular plywood for packaging or drywall).

The clamp must have a soft lining of the bed. To fit it, you need a heat-shrinkable tube, which must be put on in series and heated over a gas burner at a distance of no closer than half a meter. It will take 3 to 4 layers of such a tube.

If the door frame is slanted

If the door frame is skewed, there will also be a deviation of the top rail from the horizontal level. If the deviation is 5% of the length of the plank or more, and the door leaf is already fitted to the skewed doorway, then you should install extensions for interior doors only after a complete alteration of the entire door frame.

If necessary, you can adjust the size of the extension in width.

It is necessary to first correct the structural defects that caused the skew, and only then carry out the installation of the strips. If the door frame is not altered, but simply installed as is, then over time they will split, and there will not be a decent appearance. If before installation you find that the walls have a positive or negative slope, which is not more than 5 mm in height of the doors, then this slope under the casing can be removed with plaster.

If the slope is large enough, then in the process of sawing the planks for extensions, it will also be necessary to cut them into a wedge.

Benefits of door extensions

The door unit, expanded with extensions, is quickly installed. The installation process takes place without "wet" work, which could harm the wood. Also among the advantages, one can single out the aesthetic appeal of the door frame at the end of the work. The design becomes integral and will have a presentable appearance.

If you do not have sufficient experience in such work, then in order to choose extensions for interior doors and choose the right size for them, you need to consult with a specialist.

The extension of the door unit discussed above applies not only to interior doors, but also to entrance doors. The main difference will be only in how to choose the width of the additional strips. For the front door, the width of ordinary additional slats will not be enough, so you will have to connect several rails to each other. The connection can be made using slots or special adapters.

You can see how the extensions on the interior doors look in the photo. In the case where the hinge post is located near a blank wall, the door frame extension can be carried out in all directions. In the absence of a bounding sheet (when the door can open 180º), the frame must be installed flush with the outer opening plane, and the slats themselves must be located on the side that is opposite to the opening and closing of the door. That is, there should be no interference with the operation of the doors.

If you decide to install interior doors in the apartment with your own hands, you should not forget about such an important detail as the addition of interior doors. Quite often we are faced with a problem: the door frame does not match the width of the wall. In this case, extras will serve as a lifesaver. In order for the installed door to retain its external attractiveness and neat appearance, it is necessary to follow the rules for mounting and installing telescopic extensions on interior doors.

What is a telescopic extension

This is a special design that serves to mask the connection of the door frame and the wall opening. They are lined with a doorway in the wall. This is a disguise in the form of a plank that closes the wall in the opening and joins with the door frame and platbands. With its help, the disadvantage in the width of the structure is eliminated.


Installation, carried out according to the principle of a rail-lining, looks simple: on the one hand there is a groove, on the other - a comb. Thus, material of any size can be installed on the doorway. When fastening it, no glue is required, since a properly installed design provides a clear “thorn-groove” grip: the extension is firmly connected to the door frame and platbands.

You can see what the telescopic extension of the interior door looks like in the photo. It is a panel with cut longitudinal grooves in the side ends, which serve to securely fix the door with the door frame.

When installing a door in a doorway that is wider than 140 mm, it is better to use not a regular, but a telescopic extension. If the doorway is too large, it is necessary to order a design according to individual dimensions.

The materials from which this design is made can be different. It is important that they match the color of the door and be durable. Standard sizes of telescopic extensions for interior doors are 90, 120, 150 mm.


Materials from which telescopic fastening structures are made:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum.

Details of the structure are finished with veneer on 3 sides, then, to protect against moisture penetration, they are varnished. The texture and color of the veneer are selected in accordance with the color nuances of the door panels, everything in the kit looks harmonious.

How to choose sizes

Is it worth choosing the size especially carefully if any material can then be adjusted and cut? An important nuance: the wider and longer the design, the more expensive its cost. For telescopic extensions, the width of the decorative strip starts from 60 and reaches 80 mm. And the width of the shelf, which is inserted into the grooves, is usually 40-50 mm. Standard set length: 2 architraves 2.2 m each and one 1.2 m. Additional trim strip can have a width of 80 to 100 mm. The rail length is standard, it corresponds to the main casing.

You can watch the main installation steps in the video.

How to make a do-it-yourself installation

Do-it-yourself installation of telescopic extensions on interior doors is not such a difficult task.

An important element when choosing an extension is the width of the doorway.

The design of the dobor will reliably eliminate all errors in size. Installation takes a little time and does not require additional tools.

If the extension is attached to a flat wall, you can use liquid nails to avoid damaging the wall and securely fix the structure.

The standard width of an interior door is 50 mm. Before going to the hardware store, you must also measure the width of the doorways. The technological gap of the box board is covered with a platband with a minimum size of 50 mm. Based on this, the appropriate design is selected in the store.

The store will provide you with a choice of telescopic moldings, which includes a telescopic casing and an additional bar. The telescopic casing differs from the usual casing by the presence in its design of a special detail - a wing perpendicular to the casing. And the additional bar is equipped with a special groove into which this wing enters.

This structural detail serves as a quick and reliable fixation when installing the door. The design is well attached even to uneven walls. It is important that the cost of telescopic moldings is not much more expensive than usual.

Telescopic dobor installation algorithm:

  1. Installation always starts from the topmost element.
  2. The wall is cleaned, the surface of the fastener is degreased.
  3. Planks are pressed and tapped.
  4. The lengths of the sidewalls are measured, if necessary, the excess is cut off.
  5. Telescopic extensions are attached to the groove of the door frame.
  6. The lock is driven to the depth necessary for the plank to completely cover the wall.
  7. It is necessary to tap the bar around the perimeter.
  8. Now you can proceed to the installation of platbands.

Which elements to choose - simple door or telescopic - you decide. Experts advise installing telescopic extensions on the interior door, since it is they who, with minimal effort, will ensure the perfect appearance of the doorway.

This modern technology will save your time, give an attractive look to the interior of the apartment. Having spent once on a telescopic design, you will get the maximum comfort of your home. The ennobled doorway guarantees an attractive appearance for many years.

Installing interior doors with your own hands is a simple task, subject even to amateurs.

If you take measurements correctly, choose the appropriate size of the structure and not go astray, then at the end of the work you can get an excellent result and, importantly, save material resources. After the installation is completed, platbands are installed, and the doorway immediately looks ennobled and pleases the eye.