The thermal insulation of the basement of the foundation is subjected to significant loads - mechanical and temperature influences, the influence of moisture. This determines the criteria for choosing a heater and the features of its installation.


A common erroneous opinion is the judgment that the foundation is not adjacent to the living rooms, and therefore does not need to be insulated. However, such a position is fundamentally wrong, and thermal insulation of the basement is needed for a number of reasons.

First of all, insulation serves to protect the foundation from freezing, which means it allows you to maintain the operational characteristics of the structure and extend its service life. As you know, the reliability of the entire building depends on the strength of the foundation.

An important point - high-quality thermal insulation of the foundation should include not only the insulation of the outer walls of the basement, but also the blind area around the entire perimeter of the building.

An impressive reinforced concrete base without thermal insulation becomes a cold accumulator, from which it spreads to the supporting elements. Even in the presence of an insulating layer on the floor and walls of the object, powerful heat losses are detected, the source of which is precisely the foundation. At the same time, its insulation reduces them to 20-25%.

Another important advantage of the insulated base is a significant reduction in heaving of the soil in winter. This is due to the fact that the soil near the foundation simply does not have time to freeze through. With proper insulation, the freezing zone of the soil will not reach the walls of the foundation. This, in turn, allows you to maintain approximately the same temperature regime of the foundation along its entire height. But it is they who become the cause of internal stresses of the reinforced concrete base, leading to its rapid wear.

As you know, any foundation has its own frost resistance coefficient, on average equal to 200 freeze / thaw cycles. Of course, we are not talking about 200 winters of operation, since freezing and thawing of the foundation during one winter can occur a large number of times. Proper insulation prevents the foundation from freezing and, accordingly, reduces the number of cycles of freezing and thawing of the foundation during the cold season.

In addition, the external insulation of the basement allows you to move the dew point closer to the outer surfaces, so moisture will not accumulate in the thickness of the foundation, causing erosion of concrete and corrosion of metal elements. Finally, the thermal insulation layer serves as a kind of barrier to groundwater.

If we talk about the pile foundation, then it is less susceptible to the effects of intumescent soil and groundwater. However, the reinforced concrete grillage used in this case, in the absence of insulation, becomes a source of cold. However, other problems characteristic of the strip foundation become relevant for the grillage.

In addition, usually in the space between the ground and the floor of the first floor of a private house, vital communications are laid, the freezing of which is unacceptable. It is the insulation of this part of the house that will ensure their uninterrupted operation.

An important point: these properties can be achieved only when the basement is insulated from the outside.

Internal insulation can give a slight reduction in heat loss, however, with improper insulation, there is a high risk of increasing humidity in the room. Naturally, the appearance of "cold bridges", a decrease in the level of swelling of the soil and the protection of the foundation, internal insulation cannot be provided.

Insulation requirements.

The basement part of the foundation is more exposed to low temperatures, mechanical and chemical influences, and moisture than other elements of the house. Based on this, the insulation used in the first place should be characterized by the following properties:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • high mechanical strength.

There are usually no special requirements for vapor permeability; they try to select a material whose vapor permeability indicators are close to those of the base material.

The fire hazard in this case is also not a primary characteristic, since most of the insulation will be buried underground, that is, located in the place least prone to fires.

To protect the insulation, you should immediately pick up decorative material - plates, panels, siding. Moreover, it should not be for the facade, but for the base.


Typically used as an insulating layer extruded polystyrene boards. The material has high thermal efficiency, in addition, it does not allow moisture to pass through. It is worth noting the ease of installation of plates. They have the correct geometry (produced in the form of rectangles), a smooth surface. It is enough to glue the plates on a previously prepared surface, avoiding the formation of gaps between them, as they will become "cold bridges".

Among the shortcomings of the material is its ability to release styrene, which is not useful for humans. However, with external thermal insulation, environmental requirements are not as strict as in the case of internal insulation. The material is combustible, it is attractive to rodents who like to make moves in it.

Expanded polystyrene plates can have 2 varieties - polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam. By the way, on the basis of the latter, a more modern modification of styrene heaters is also produced - penoplex. Insulation with foam plastic will give the best effect, in addition, the material has tongue-and-groove edges, which simplifies installation and makes the joining of the material more reliable.

Another effective insulation is polyurethane foam., which also has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, resistant to moisture, temperature extremes. Unlike expanded polystyrene, it is an environmentally friendly and non-combustible material.

Insulation with polyurethane foam requires the involvement of specialists - the material is sprayed over the surface of the basement, forming a powerful and warm layer.

Due to the peculiarities of the application, it is possible to achieve strong adhesion of the material to the surface, filling all cracks and voids with it. This, in turn, guarantees the absence of the appearance of "cold bridges".

Both heaters (polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam) do not allow surfaces to “breathe”. For concrete and reinforced concrete bases this is not a problem, but on wooden surfaces (for example, when using wood to fill the space between the ground floor and piles), their use is not recommended. Excess moisture will remain in the thickness of the wood, which will lead to its decay.

Another important point is that both materials are unstable to UV rays, therefore, immediately after thermal insulation, it is necessary to proceed with the installation of a protective and decorative foundation layer. It is unacceptable to store the material (foam boards or its extruded variety) without packaging. Otherwise, the products lose their performance.

Finally, insulation and penofol are popular. This is a roll material based on polyethylene foam, equipped with a heat-reflecting foil layer. Foamed polyethylene itself has low thermal conductivity, an additional increase in thermal efficiency is achieved due to the presence of a foil layer. It is able to reflect up to 97% of heat. To do this, it is not placed outside, but to the inside of the base.

The advantage of the considered heaters is their versatility - they are suitable for any type of plinth (brick, concrete, reinforced concrete), they can be covered with various finishing materials (often siding, facade panels).

It is not recommended to insulate the basement with mineral wool, which is so popular for thermal insulation of walls. This is due to the hygroscopicity of the material - accumulating moisture, it loses its thermal efficiency.

How to insulate with your own hands?

Ideally, the insulation of the basement floor should be carried out even at the stage of pouring the foundation. Let us consider this process in more detail using the example of warming the basement of a strip base. After it is poured and solidified, the formwork is stripped. Next, you need to free the surface of the foundation up to the sole by digging trenches along the base. Their width should be sufficient to make it convenient for the descending worker to perform the necessary manipulations.

If the insulation is carried out in an already built house, then it is also necessary to dig trenches with the help of shovels to the very foundation of the foundation.

The next step is to prepare the base of the foundation. Surfaces must be free of dirt and dust and dry. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve good adhesion with the insulation.

If there are concrete sags and other irregularities on the surface, they should be eliminated using a grinder with a nozzle for stone and wood. Cracks and cavities should be repaired with concrete filler having a high setting speed. When using a classic cement mortar, you will have to wait until it sets, about two weeks.

Next, a layer of polymer primer is laid on the prepared surface. It is important to apply the composition in an even layer, excluding gaps. It is convenient to use a short-haired synthetic roller for this, and a brush in hard-to-reach places. The primer will improve the adhesion of waterproofing materials.

The next stage is the fixation of the waterproofing layer, represented by rolled materials on a bitumen-polymer basis or membrane waterproofing. The choice of specific material is up to the homeowner.

Bituminous roll materials can be glued to mastic (self-adhesive products) or welded using a gas burner. Straighten the material from the bottom up. When gluing corners, it is important that the material sheet covers one side and extends perpendicular to 100-150 mm.

After the waterproofing work is completed, proceed directly to the insulation. For fixing polystyrene foam boards, you can purchase ready-made glue for thermal insulation work. Its advantage is a good adhesion index on vertical surfaces.

If you need a more economical option, a dry composition of the building mixture is purchased. Another option for the adhesive base is the use of bituminous mastic. It is suitable if the insulation is glued to the roofing material. However, it is important that the mastic does not contain organic solvents, as they destroy polystyrene foam boards. You should choose the composition that is most adapted for this type of work on a water-soluble basis.

Next, the adhesive is applied to the entire surface of the insulation board using a notched trowel. Adjust the amount of glue in such a way that its excess does not protrude beyond the plate when gluing. If this still happens, you should immediately remove the adhesive that has come out.

Work is also carried out from the bottom up, the plates are pressed against the foundation, and after setting, you can begin to fix the next one. If a two-layer insulation layer is required, the second row of plates is mounted in such a way as to avoid seams. That is, the second row is laid out with an offset relative to the first.

Fastening of heat-insulating material below the ground level should be carried out only on the adhesive composition. Above the level, it is recommended, in addition to glue, to use additional fixation with dowels - fungi. It is important that for the dowels, holes of a suitable diameter are first drilled into which the dowels are already inserted. Otherwise, cracking of the material over most of the slab cannot be avoided, which becomes a decrease in its thermal insulation characteristics.

If joints are found, they should be filled with construction foam. It is better to choose a composition produced by the same brand as the insulation.

After the foam hardens, its excess is cut off with a knife.

In fact, the insulation can be considered complete, but it will be right to protect the foundation from the chemical influence of groundwater. To do this, a fiberglass mesh is stretched around the entire perimeter of the foundation, on top of which plaster is applied in a thin layer using a composition for coating waterproofing. You can also use a special membrane. Only after carrying out these manipulations, you need to start backfilling the base.

The towering basement part of the foundation was left to be protected with a special decorative material. As a rule, these are wall panels, siding. Contact treatment with plaster or coloring composition is possible. To do this, the insulation is reinforced, covered in 2-3 layers of plaster, the final layer of which is carefully polished. After that, you can apply a decorative layer.

The basement is the part of the house above the foundation. The impact of cold and moisture on this area is more intense than on the rest of the walls. An uninsulated basement is vulnerable to low temperatures, and allows frost to penetrate inside the building. Through it, a third of the heat that the heating system gives. You can change the situation by figuring out how and how to insulate the basement of the house.

Why basement insulation is necessary

In wooden houses, the plinth can also be made of wood, which in itself is a heat insulator, but such a base also needs to be insulated.

Basically, the area at the base of the house is made of durable materials: brick, stone, concrete, but they all have high thermal conductivity. At negative temperatures, the lower part of the wall freezes, and after warming it thaws. Such cycles lead to the destruction of the material, which means that they violate the reliability of the building structure. If it is warm inside the room, then the penetrating cold turns into condensate on the inside of the plinth. High humidity provokes the reproduction of mold and fungus. All the above facts are an indisputable basis for the mandatory insulation of the basement.

Materials for insulation

When choosing the right option among insulating materials, it is necessary to take into account the effect of moisture on the basement of the house. Its lower part is in direct contact with the ground and water. Not every insulation will retain its qualities in such conditions. Preference is given to durable, inexpensive and moisture resistant materials:

  • expanded clay;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • basalt wool (for internal insulation).

Expanded clay is a durable, fire-resistant, safe and inexpensive insulation that can be used inside and outside the building. When placed on the inside, it is poured into the sinuses of the foundation before the installation of the basement floor. Outside, fired clay granules are placed in the cavities left during bricklaying. The thickness of the layer of natural insulation is at least 50 cm - only under this condition will it provide sufficient thermal insulation for the house. The high hygroscopicity of expanded clay requires high-quality waterproofing of the foundation and masonry before filling the granules.

Cheap foam has moisture resistance and good thermal insulation properties. The thickness of the cladding depends on climatic conditions; in cold regions, the material layer reaches 100–150 mm. Styrofoam plates are attached to the waterproofing layer with a special adhesive. You can use special dowels, but they will violate the tightness of the waterproofing. Insulation requires finishing, such as plastering on a reinforcing mesh.

When choosing foam as a heat-insulating material, one should be aware of its shortcomings: combustibility, fragility, attractiveness to rodents.

Mineral wool has many advantages over other heaters, the main one is its resistance to open fire. For finishing a residential building, this is an important quality. Low thermal conductivity, affordable cost, resistance to biological and chemical influences make it possible to use insulation to insulate any part of the building. The material is effective for interior work, basalt slabs are placed in a frame made of wooden or metal slats. Finishing is carried out from OSB boards or lining.

The disadvantage of the material is hygroscopicity, leading to an increase in thermal conductivity. Wet cotton wool becomes useless for insulation.

One of the popular heat-insulating materials used for plinth finishing is expanded polystyrene. Due to its structure, consisting of gas-filled granules, expanded polystyrene has a low thermal conductivity. In terms of the degree of insulation, it is superior to mineral wool, so its use reduces the cost of heating a private house. . Among other advantages of the material:

  • low water absorption;
  • light weight simplifies transportation and installation;
  • service life is 60–80 years;
  • the material is easy to cut and process;
  • resistance to the action of microorganisms and mold.

Where to place the insulation - outside or inside

The greatest effect is given by the insulation of the basement at the stage of foundation construction, you can use the fixed formwork of their polystyrene foam. This combination reduces the cost of the foundation when performing the blind area. Placing insulation material on the outside protects the walls from freezing and moisture. The insulation layer takes on the negative impact of the environment, extending the life of the safe operation of a private house.

If you have begun to insulate the finished building and do not want to carry out laborious earthworks, then choose insulation from the inside. This option will reduce heat loss and allow you to maintain a positive temperature in an unheated basement.

If the distance from the foundation to the floor of the first floor is small, it is covered with expanded clay. When constructing a basement floor, the walls are insulated with foam or expanded polystyrene plates. Liquid waterproofing is applied to the leveled surface, and after it hardens, insulating sheets are glued. The seams between the plates are blown with foam. A fiberglass mesh is attached to the finished surface and a layer of plaster is applied. The finish coating will not only give the insulation a neat look, but also become a fire protection.

The occurrence of condensation on the inside of the plinth is a serious problem for homeowners. The appearance of fungus and mold creates an unfavorable microclimate in the room. Material installed from the inside will not prevent freezing, and moisture will appear between it and the wall. External insulation is more effective in protecting the surface from moisture. Another disadvantage of placing insulation from the inside is the loss of free space. For reasons of practicality and expediency, it is better to focus on external insulation.

For houses built in difficult climatic conditions, combined insulation is used. This method is more expensive, as it involves the installation of insulating materials on both sides of the base. First, insulation is performed with polystyrene foam from the outside of the building. The inside is covered with a vapor barrier membrane, then mineral wool is laid between the guide strips. As a final finish, the installation and puttying of drywall is performed.

Warming outside

Let's figure out how to properly insulate the house from the outside:

  1. If the insulation is carried out after the construction of the house is completed, then it is necessary to dig a trench around the building up to 80 cm deep and about 1 meter wide. This will allow you to easily insulate the base.
  2. To reduce the effect of groundwater on the base of the building, drainage pipes are laid at the bottom of the ditch.
  3. The outer surface of the base is cleaned of dirt and all cracks are plastered.
  4. A layer of liquid waterproofing is applied to the walls, for which bituminous mastics or liquid polymers are used. In the warm season, penetrating waterproofing is used, which gets inside the concrete capillaries and clogs all holes and pores. Increases the strength of the foundation and resistance to chemical attack.
  5. After the insulation has dried, the insulation sheets are glued directly to it. The optimal material for creating reliable insulation is extruded polystyrene foam, which has a closed cellular structure, is moisture resistant, durable and has unique thermal conductivity. Its plates are easy to cut, and installation does not require professional skills and tools. The material is glued to a special compound applied around the perimeter and in the center. The adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam has high adhesion to the board and surface. The plates are tightly pressed against the surface of the base and are joined together. The seams are sealed with foam. In the ground part of the base, the plates are additionally fixed with plastic dowels in four corners. The area buried underground is not reinforced with dowels, it is held by the ground.
  6. If the installation of two layers of insulation is provided, the seams of the plates should not match.
  7. The finished surface is reinforced with fiberglass mesh and plastered.
  8. Finishing can be artificial stone slabs or basement siding.

Insulation of the basement will significantly reduce heating costs and extend the life of the walls of the house.

In the process of building a house, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of not only the walls and roof, but also the basement of the foundation, so that future housing is as warm as possible and inexpensive during the heating period. Today we will take a closer look at the course of action to insulate the basement of the building from the outside, and also find out which insulation is best suited for these purposes.

Material selection

Before proceeding with the process of warming the basement of the foundation, it is necessary to select the appropriate material. There are many heaters, but among the most popular are polystyrene, polystyrene foam and polystyrene. Consider how they differ and which is better.

Did you know? Penoplex was invented in the USA in 1941, but in the post-Soviet space they began to use it as a heater only in the late 90s.

This insulation is an effective modern heat insulator. It is also called plastic foam or advanced foam. There are several types of polystyrene - extruded and foamed. Between themselves, they differ in production technology and quality.

Construction professionals tend to use extruded polystyrene.
It costs more than foam, but has many advantages:

  • low heat transfer coefficient;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • durability.
Expanded polystyrene is also used to insulate the foundation, but in this case, they resort to waterproofing concrete with bituminous mastic.

The advantages of polystyrene, compared with other types of insulation, are:

  • lower cost;
  • a special structure that does not absorb or pass moisture, which preserves the integrity of the plates at low temperatures;
  • long service life;
  • preservation of thermal insulation properties throughout the entire period of operation;
  • "inedible" for rodents;
  • ease of installation of insulation structures.

The disadvantages of polystyrene include:
  • the ability to release very dangerous toxic substances in case of fire;
  • vapor permeability, due to which mold and fungus can develop, destroying structures and adversely affecting the microclimate in the room.

Did you know? Styrofoam was invented by the German pharmacist Eduard Simon in 1839. But it began to be actively used on an industrial scale only in the middle of the 20th century.

Penoplex is a new progressive insulation, which is very effective in terms of heat retention. For the manufacture of foam, high pressure and temperature are used, which affect the granules of the material, they are inflated and filled with air.
The resulting material is characterized by a finely porous structure, which has the same tiny isolated cells, which makes it possible to retain heat well.

The advantages of penoplex include:

  • long service life;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • minimum moisture permeability;
  • compressive strength;
  • simplicity and convenience of processing and installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low chemical activity;
  • maximum biostability, which means resistance to rotting and decomposition of the material.

Despite the many advantages of penoplex, it has one serious disadvantage - the ability to melt and ignite if the recommended temperatures are not observed.

Styrofoam is a special foam material, the granules of which are 98% air. Styrofoam is characterized by good thermal insulation properties, so it was previously actively used for warming rooms.

The advantages of using foam for insulation include:

  • cheapness of the material;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • high speed.

The disadvantages of foam include:

  • fragility;
  • the need for additional ventilation;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • release of toxic substances during combustion;
  • tendency to freezing during severe frosts and the possibility of damage from direct sunlight on the material.

Foundation trench around the perimeter

Before proceeding with the insulation of the basement of the foundation, it is necessary to dig out the foundation to the base. To do this, a trench is dug around the entire perimeter. The optimal width of the trench should be at least 1 meter.

If a new house is being built, then the procedure is facilitated, since it is not necessary to dig in the foundation - its insulation is carried out immediately after construction.

Surface preparation

The section of the foundation that was underground, as well as the part that was above the ground, are cleaned of dirt and pieces of concrete. To do this, you can use a spray gun or high pressure washer. If you do not have such devices, you can use a regular brush and walk it over the entire surface, thoroughly cleaning the foundation.

Important! When using water to clean the foundation, it is necessary to dry the surface; for this, work should be suspended for several days.

Performing drainage

If there is a risk of flooding the foundation and groundwater comes close to the soil surface, drainage must be done. To do this, the bottom of the trench is covered with sand, and geotextiles are laid on top, on top of which a layer of gravel is poured.

A perforated pipe is placed on the gravel, the end of which must be brought to the collector. The pipe is wrapped with geotextile and covered with a mixture of sand and gravel.

The dried walls of the foundation base are covered with a latex-based primer. This tool will fill all the cracks and pores that are on the surface, and provide better adhesion of the waterproofing to the foundation.

Laying self-adhesive waterproofing

A waterproofing layer is necessary in order to prevent moisture from entering the concrete surface. Polyurea can be used as a waterproofing - it is applied in liquid form, as a result of which a thin and strong elastic membrane is formed.

Provided that there are no mechanical impacts on the membrane, such waterproofing protection will last more than 30 years. If the film is damaged, this place is treated with a small amount of polymer - after that, the place of damage will not affect the solidity of the layer.

Also very often liquid rubber is used as waterproofing - it has a shorter service life than polyurea, but it costs much less. Such a tool can be purchased already in finished form. For use, it is simply mixed and applied to the surface with a spatula.

Video: foundation waterproofing

As an alternative to liquid waterproofing substances, bitumen-based roll material is used; it is attached with a burner, heating the material to 50 ° C, and applied to the foundation. It is necessary to glue such material in the direction from the bottom up.

There are also materials (for example, TECHNONICOL) that do not require the use of high temperatures. After applying the bituminous primer to the surface and removing the protective film, the sheets of material are simply pressed against the surface and stick to it. The upper edge of the insulation is fastened with a special rail.

Before starting to insulate the foundation, it is necessary to mark with the level the bottom line to which the plates will be attached. It is necessary to lay insulation materials, starting from the corner of the foundation.

To avoid the formation of long vertical seams, sheets can be glued in a checkerboard pattern. Initially, the insulation is laid on the lower part of the foundation, then the rest of the rows are placed from the bottom up.
For fastening, a special glue is used, which is applied to the edge and in the center of the sheet. After applying the glue, you must wait a minute and start gluing the sheets to the foundation.

Important! The adhesive should not contain traces of an organic solvent, which can have a destructive effect on the insulation.

To do this, they are well pressed against the surface and fixed on it for a few seconds. The glue dries out gradually, so if you find any errors or unevenly placed the insulation, you can fix it by simply turning the sheets at the required angle.

If it is necessary to attach another layer of insulation, it is placed in a checkerboard pattern so that the top layer overlaps the seam of the bottom layer - this will contribute to better thermal insulation. Gluing the top layer does not differ in technology from fixing the bottom layer of insulation.

That part of the foundation, which will be below ground level, does not require additional fastening - after the installation work is completed, it is simply sprinkled with earth. The part that will not be powdered must be attached with special dowels.
They are characterized by a wide plastic perforated hat, thanks to which the insulation is pressed tightly against the wall. To attach the dowels in the insulation, through holes are drilled so that they go into the concrete by 4 cm, after which the dowels are hammered.

Important! The size of the dowel is selected in accordance with the thickness and number of layers of insulation.

When the installation of the insulation is completely completed, the seams should be processed for better tightness of the insulation. To do this, use a bitumen composition or ordinary polyurethane foam.

The process of sealing the seams is quite simple and consists in processing the butt sections of the insulation with the selected agent. If a bituminous composition is used, they fill the gaps flush. When using foam, after it has completely dried, all irregularities are cut flush.

Trench backfill

After closing the gaps, you can start backfilling the trench. To do this, use coarse-grained dry sand, which fills the bottom layer of the trench. After that, gravel mixed with sand is poured over the sand. A pillow of gravel will be a good base for warming the soil layer.


To protect the insulation from the chemical attack of moisture, which is constantly in the ground, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is attached to the walls and plastered with a thin layer of mortar for coating waterproofing.

Video: do-it-yourself insulation of the foundation (basement)

Execution of formwork under the blind area

To perform formwork, it is necessary to determine the width of the blind area. It can be from 70 cm to 2 m and depends on the characteristics of the soil. If the trench was covered with sand and gravel, it is recommended to make the blind area 1 m wide. The formwork for the concrete blind area will prevent the concrete solution from spreading and determine the geometry.

The mixture of gravel and sand must be leveled as much as possible with a rake, using a level, so that the formwork is even. Further, at the width of your choice, along the entire perimeter of the foundation, pegs are hammered into the ground. In front of them, they are installed on the edge and fastened together with even wooden boards, so that an empty frame is obtained.

After the frame is made, it is necessary to make expansion joints to prevent cracking of the concrete at low temperatures. For this, boards 2 cm thick are suitable - they are installed on the edge perpendicular to the foundation and the formwork frame, the distance between them should be about 2 m.
In the corners, the boards are installed diagonally from the corner of the foundation to the corner of the formwork. Considering that the main purpose of the blind area is to protect the foundation from water during the period of rains and snowfalls, it must be done with a slope, for this the boards are installed at a slight angle from the building to the edge of the formwork.

Important! For fastening, use self-tapping screws so that it is convenient to remove them later.

The slope is recommended to be made from 2% to 10%; the recommended rate is 5%. Due to this difference, water will quickly move away from the wall of the building. Before attaching the expansion boards to the formwork frame, check that they have the same angle of inclination using a level.

When the formwork frame is ready, it is necessary to start laying waterproofing materials and insulation, as well as reinforcing mesh, the cell size of which should be 10 by 10 cm.

Video: do-it-yourself blind area around the house

After all the steps for preparing the formwork are completed, you can start pouring concrete. It can be purchased at a concrete plant or any specialty store. Make sure it's of good quality.

If you plan to save money and make concrete yourself, for this you need to use cement (1 part), sand (2 parts) and crushed stone (3 parts):

  1. Initially, a little water and cement are added to the concrete mixer to obtain a very liquid mass.
  2. Gradually, rubble is poured out.
  3. All components are mixed for 3 minutes.
  4. At the final stage, sand is added to the concrete mixer.

Important! For the production of concreteCan proceed on your own only if you previously had such experience, since there is a clear technology and many nuances, if not observed, the concrete may crack and will not last long.

Often, expansion boards remain in the formwork, but it is worth remembering that the tree is able to quickly absorb moisture and expand, and shrink after drying, which leads to cracking of the blind area.

Therefore, after the concrete is poured and not completely seized, it is necessary to remove the compensation boards and wait for the mortar to dry completely. After the concrete is completely dry, the cavities that remain from the compensation boards are filled with mastic or liquid rubber.

On top of the finished blind area, after the concrete and mastic have completely dried, tiles or other material are laid - depending on personal preferences.

Foundation finishing

After the plaster is completely dry, you can start finishing the foundation. To do this, use decorative materials in the form of artificial stone or tiles. You can limit yourself to painting with bitumen or ordinary paint.

Video: do-it-yourself plinth finishing

Thus, do-it-yourself insulation of the foundation basement is a rather laborious and difficult process. However, if you follow all the recommendations and follow the order of work, you can get a good result that will keep the house warm and cozy for a long time.

Builders claim that 20% of heat loss is produced through the foundation. Modern technologies make it possible to reduce the likelihood of this negative factor to a minimum.

Warming is carried out by means of additional materials that are attached to the base. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account not only the price. Of no small importance are the performance properties, installation method, service life and others.

The need to insulate the basement from the outside will maintain comfortable conditions not only indoors, but also in the basement. Thanks to this, it will be possible to store all vegetables and fruits in it for a long period of time. Before starting all the actions, it is necessary to study the features of the thermal insulation of the house. The right approach will save on heating, because the resources will not go into the soil.

basement insulation

At the first stage, a person must find out how to insulate the basement of the building.

It is allowed to opt for materials that fully meet the following requirements:

  • do not conduct heat inside their surface;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • when compressed, they are characterized by high strength;
  • the surface is not a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Additionally, it should be noted that the process of warming the basement of a private house should create optimal conditions for a long period of time. Environmental safety plays an important role.

It is necessary to insulate the foundation and the plinth from the inside and outside. The choice of option directly depends on climatic conditions and the material from which the walls and foundation are made.

Warming outside

Keeping the heat in the room should be taken care of even before the onset of cold weather. To do this, you should insulate the house from the outside with your own hands. Sufficient attention must be paid to the choice of material. It can be in the form of a plate or polymer-based. Before buying, you should consider the advantages, disadvantages and method of installation.

Basement insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

When choosing a material, you should focus on its main properties. Basement insulation allows you to create comfortable conditions for human life in the cold season.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • does not accumulate heat in its surface;
  • simple installation (convenient cutting, light weight);
  • acceptable price;
  • high density, which allows you to withstand mechanical stress;
  • the material withstands sudden changes in temperature and does not lose its properties;
  • will last at least 25 years.

Extruded polystyrene foam loses its flexural strength and can be damaged by rodents. The accumulation of moisture in the upper layer provokes cracking of the material.

Basement insulation with foam plastic is cheap and is rarely used today.

The main stages of installation:

  • Measuring the area of ​​the plinth and cutting the extruded polystyrene foam board. In parallel, the same amount of reinforcing mesh should be made.
  • Gluing sheets with an overlap of 10 centimeters.
  • Installation of additional fasteners by means of a dowel, nail or self-tapping screw.
  • The seams are blown with mounting foam. After it dries, the remnants of the substance are removed.
  • The insulation of the basement with expanded polystyrene ends with the elimination of reinforcement defects.

Expanded polyurethane foam

If you are thinking about how to insulate the basement of a house quickly and efficiently, then you should pay attention to this material.

It has the following advantages:

  • fast installation;
  • light weight;
  • high inertness and strength of the coating;
  • monolithic thermal insulation;
  • long service life;
  • high adhesion;
  • the material does not burn and does not become moldy;
  • comfort and versatility.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the presence of a negative reaction to ultraviolet radiation. Special equipment must be used during the installation process. It makes it possible to distribute polyurethane over the surface of the plinth.

It will be high only if the material covers the foundation without gaps. In addition, it should be noted that there is no need for preparatory work.

Mineral wool

- this is a heater for the base, which is sold in rolls or mats. Bars are used for fastening. They must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting compound.

Installation of insulation on the base is carried out using dowels:

  • Installation of a wooden crate 2 cm smaller than the size of the material. The facing part is fixed with special fasteners or brackets. To improve the decorative properties, siding or lining is placed on top.
  • Applying plaster is possible only on the reinforcing mesh. In this case, finishing in the future is possible with the help of tiles or clinker.

Expanded clay insulation

If we insulate the basement, then we should pay attention to the advantages of expanded clay:

  • well resists bad weather conditions;
  • does not rot and does not freeze;
  • does not serve as a favorable environment for the development of rodents;
  • simple installation and the possibility of deep location of the material.

If it is made with expanded clay, then you will additionally need to install a thick partition.

When carrying out installation work, you need to be prepared for material overruns:

  • formation of a trench with a foundation 1 m wide;
  • flooring made of roofing material coated with bitumen;
  • filling the ditch with expanded clay;
  • additional protection with roofing material and sand;
  • installation on the plinth of the crate of the boards, which will be covered with clay on top.

Insulation with thermal panels

You can close the bottom of the house with the help of thermal panels. They create an excellent thermal insulation layer. Thanks to this, the indoor climate will be optimal. It will be possible to minimize the likelihood of cold air entering from outside. Finishing can be done with any building materials that completely suit the owner of the house.

Before performing the installation, you should find out how to properly insulate the basement of the house from the outside with thermal panels:

  • Creation of a framework of panels - a side.
  • Panel installation. The process is carried out quickly due to the groove fastening system.
  • Additional fixation with self-tapping screws.
  • Stitching and grouting.

Insulation with warm plaster

The basement is insulated and finished with special adhesive mixtures. They are known in construction under the name. They include sawdust, vermiculite or polystyrene foam.

The material has the following advantages:

  • Monolithic thermal insulation.
  • Ease and speed of installation. Installation of reinforcing mesh is completely optional.
  • Acceptable cost.

If you plan to sheathe the base with plaster, then its disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  • Ability to absorb moisture.
  • The layer cannot exceed 5 cm.
  • Plaster cannot be used as a finishing material.

Socle insulation with soil

There is a large number of tips for insulating each part of the building. But, all builders agree that sand or soil can be used as a temporary option. The method involves filling the base with a large part of the soil.

In this case, it is not possible to achieve a minimum heat loss. The required amount of soil can be obtained only if assistants are involved in the task. One person can't handle it. The basement also contains ventilation ducts that will need to be brought out during the arrangement.

Warming from the inside

Modern technologies allow a person to choose the most suitable option for insulating the basement between internal or external. The first option will protect the room from low temperatures. However, in the absence of the outer part of the insulation, condensation may accumulate on the wall.

Against this background, the ability of the coating to protect a person from the cold decreases. Installation must be carried out in accordance with all norms and rules. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent freezing, cracking, deformation and crumbling.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene

It is most profitable and most reliable to insulate houses from the outside with polystyrene foam, but this possibility does not always exist. In some cases, it can only be fixed on the inside of the walls.

Insulation with foam boards has the following advantages:

  • noise reduction;
  • low degree of passage of steam;
  • the surface does not deteriorate under the influence of chemicals;
  • environmentally friendly and fireproof material.

Foam insulation has only one drawback - a high degree of fragility.

Installation is carried out in a similar way with the external version. You should first analyze all the pros and cons.

Mineral wool

The material can be used to insulate the basement and is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • retains its shape at any temperature;
  • counteracts chemicals;
  • simple installation process;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • saving;
  • material does not burn.

Among the disadvantages, attention should be paid to the need to use a layer for hydro and vapor barrier. If mineral wool was made on the basis of glass, then dust will accumulate in its surface.

Installation is carried out by applying an adhesive composition to the insulation and the surface. Thus, it is also possible to insulate the blind areas around the house. Sheets should be evenly spaced and joints should be avoided.

For additional fixation of the coating, it is allowed to screw a bar over the layer of mineral wool. In addition, it acts as a pad for softening. A couple of days after drying, it is recommended to screw the insulation layer with dowels or self-tapping screws.

polyurethane foam

This material has long been used in the case when it is necessary to decide how to close the basement of a house on screw piles. Also, using a similar technology, it can be used to insulate the foundation from the inside.

The work does not require much time and effort. For their implementation, special equipment must be available. Thanks to this insulation, it will be possible to protect the base not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Insulated plinth finish

The basement is an integral part of any building. After carrying out the insulation work, you should proceed to the cladding. In any hardware store, a person can find decorative plaster for this. There is also a wide range of other materials.

decorative plaster

A person may be faced with the question of how to create protection and sew up houses on stilts in order to reduce heat loss. It is best to finish the plinth with plaster.

The material is durable, but this is far from its only advantage:

  • installation directly on the heater;
  • you can cook yourself;
  • a hardware store sells many ready-made product options;
  • does not interfere with air circulation;
  • acceptable cost.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted a shorter service life than other materials. The plaster absorbs moisture, so it cracks at low temperatures.


Additional fixation of the insulation layer can be achieved with bricks. Only the cladding is done only as a decoration. Masonry can be ordinary or tied up in a multi-row system. All jobs require special skills. Otherwise, a good result is unlikely to come out. It is important to correctly overlay the corner and window sill areas. With the help of a brick, an excellent result is achieved according to external criteria.

Basement siding

The choice of proper insulation directly depends on the weather conditions of the region. Siding reduces heat loss, so it is often used when carrying out facing work. The material is lightweight and flexible. In any hardware store you can find a wide range of products of this group.

Tiles, porcelain tiles

This material is used to reliably protect the walls of the house from the negative effects of the external environment. Porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles are a popular option that is used to refine the basement. It is important to properly process each node, because it is through such an element that heat can be lost.

On the tile, you should stop your choice, because it has a number of advantages:

  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • color does not change under the influence of sunlight;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • will not be damaged by open fire.

We should not forget that subsequently drilling the tile can be very difficult. It weighs a lot, so it is not convenient for transportation. Porcelain stoneware has a high cost, so not everyone can afford it.

Artificial, natural stone

This material is environmentally friendly. It perfectly resists moisture and is not subject to pollution. If it is necessary to close the foundations with piles or screw piles, then natural stone is the best fit.

This design has the longest service life. The region of residence plays an important role. The climate can lead to occasional salt seepage. If there is such a risk, then it is better to give preference to another material.


Properly selected basement insulation will create optimal conditions not only in residential premises, but also in the basement. The choice of material directly depends on the financial capabilities of the person and the region of residence. With a detailed analysis of these criteria, you can choose the best option for a particular case.

The basement is the upper part of the foundation above the ground, which serves as a support for covering the ground floor and the outer walls of the house. In fact, it can be attributed to the most vulnerable part of the house, since, in addition to the load from the walls, the base is still exposed to a large amount of moisture. But at the same time, it protects against the penetration of cold air and moisture into the house.

External and internal thermal insulation

It has been practically proven that well-executed insulation of the foundation with a plinth gives more than 25% savings on heating.

First of all, it should be noted that high-quality waterproofing with insulation is a complex measure, which includes not only the thermal insulation of the basement walls with the foundation, but also the insulation of the blind area that runs along the entire perimeter of the building. Otherwise, it is most likely not necessary to talk about any high efficiency of these measures.

The soil, if all the insulation work is done correctly, does not freeze at all near the foundation walls.

Why is basement insulation necessary?

Since the base is part of the foundation, this structural element also needs to be insulated for several reasons, and, first of all, this is necessary to increase its strength, and hence durability. Naturally, the operational resources of the entire building will also depend on these factors.

If a massive monolithic foundation made of reinforced concrete or prefabricated foundation blocks is not covered with thermal insulation from the outside, then in winter frosts it will turn into a powerful cold accumulator. This cold will also be transferred to other structures of the building adjacent to the foundation or plinth, which will ultimately lead to unnecessary heat losses and additional heating costs.

Theoretically, it is possible to insulate the basement not only from the outside, but also from the inside, only in this case, the efficiency of maintaining the foundation and walls of the basement will be completely different.

Thermal insulation of the room

When installing internal insulation, it is possible to achieve high insulation from the penetration of cold into the premises of the building, but at the same time the walls will freeze through, and condensate will accumulate between them and the internal insulation, which will gradually destroy the walls of the basement. As a result, microcracks will begin to appear, into which moisture will penetrate and accumulate. In frost, it will freeze and expand the cracks, which will eventually cause the walls to crumble and reduce their strength.

Therefore, internal insulation is sometimes compared to a mine, which has a delayed effect. This method only contributes to the through freezing of the walls, the accumulation of moisture and their slow destruction.

The most reasonable solution would be to block the passage of cold from the outside of the foundation so that its thermal insulation layer is connected to the basement insulation. At the same time, the underground and above-ground foundations will have the same temperature conditions, so that various internal stresses will not arise in it due to the temperature difference.

External work during the construction of the foundation

Due to the external location of the thermal insulation no condensation occurs in the wall itself, as it does not freeze through and is not affected by temperature changes. Due to this, the risks of concrete erosion, which occur under the influence of humidity and temperature changes, are sharply reduced.

The risk of corrosion of the reinforcing cage of the concrete foundation is also greatly reduced. In addition, the outer layer of thermal insulation plays the role of an additional barrier against the penetration of moisture into the basement from the underground part of the foundation into its walls and protects the insulation itself from external mechanical damage.

As a result, by making the external insulation of the basement with the foundation, you can get a warm building and extend its operational capabilities.

Basement heaters

Before you insulate the basement of the house from the outside with your own hands, you should choose a high-quality insulation for this . Material chosen for external insulation basement walls, must have:

  1. minimum thermal conductivity.
  2. Zero moisture absorption.
  3. High resistance against various microorganisms.

Also, an important role in choosing a heater is played by its durability, on which the timing of the periodic repair of the basement depends.

Today, the building materials market offers only two types of insulation for basement walls that fully meet the requirements - these are plate materials and sprayed polymer-based insulation.

Features of polystyrene (polystyrene)

As a heater, this material has been used for quite a long time. Moisture does not accumulate in it, it perfectly retains heat, it is easy to process and, due to its low weight, it can be easily glued to the walls of the foundation and basement on its own.

Styrofoam is obtained by steaming granules consisting of isopentane and pentane. Under the influence of temperature, the pentane evaporates, and the granule increases in size and takes the form of a ball.

The disadvantage of this material is its fragility and ability to pass moisture into the top layer. And if the styrofoam not protected by waterproofing, then the moisture that got into it during freezing will provoke its crumbling.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material has a dense structure with almost zero water absorption and high mechanical strength, is resistant to the effects of microorganisms, does not rot and does not deform under impressive loads.

Extruded polystyrene foam has proven itself for external insulation of surfaces that are in the ground and are constantly exposed to groundwater.

Since this material is almost impervious to air, it is not recommended to use it for insulating wooden surfaces, but for insulating a concrete plinth and brick walls, this material is almost an ideal thermal insulation option.

The disadvantages include the high cost and the release of toxic gases during combustion or smoldering.

Features of the sprayed material

This material includes polyurethane foam, which immediately performs several functions for soundproofing, waterproofing and thermal insulation of the house. It can be used to insulate almost any part of the house, from the roof to the base of the foundation.

Polyurethane foam has high adhesion to almost any building materials. His main advantage over other heaters lies in the fact that after spraying one solid coating is formed that does not have any seams. The coating itself is strong and durable enough.

The only drawback of this insulation is the need to have special equipment for its application and certain skills in working with it.

How to properly insulate a basement

An uninsulated basement without waterproofing cannot be considered a reliable and complete foundation for a residential building. To rule out any reasons for the decrease in strength foundation, you need to insulate its walls only from the outside. This will ensure that such a residential building will not need repairs for a long time.

Even in the case when it is planned to build a basement in which internal, fairly high-quality thermal insulation will be made, this can only be considered as maintaining a certain microclimate in the basement rooms. But the problem of freezing walls and the accumulation of destructive moisture in them will remain.

Basement insulation sequence:

Blind area insulation

Do not forget that the blind area also refers to the insulation of the foundation. It should be at least 200 mm wider than the roof overhang of the house, while its width, regardless of the building, should be at least 600 mm.

The blind area is insulated in this way:

Well-insulated outside will guarantee long-term operation of the house.