Provides a huge number of modern computer games. And many such programs today are simply gigantic in size - the top projects of world leaders in the industry can weigh about 50-60 GB. To download such games, you need a very high-quality Internet connection, as well as strong nerves if you fail to download quickly. Or you should still try to increase the download speed and reduce the waiting time.

Games are downloaded through the official Origin client using a peer-to-peer network data exchange protocol, also known as "BitTorrent". This leads to corresponding problems that may accompany the execution of the download process.

  • Firstly, the speed can be low due to the low bandwidth of the developer's servers. Origin only hosts the games, and the creators themselves take care of the maintenance. Especially often this situation can be observed on the day of release or the opening of the possibility of downloading for pre-order holders.
  • Secondly, flow routing may suffer due to the fact that the servers are located far abroad. In general, this problem is no longer particularly relevant, modern fiber-optic connections allow you to have a huge speed with which possible difficulties will be invisible. Only owners of wireless modems with the Internet can suffer.
  • Thirdly, there are personal technical reasons that lie in the user's computer itself.

In the first two cases, the user can change little, but the last option should be considered in more detail.

Reason 1: Client Settings

The first step is to check the settings of the Origin client itself. It contains settings that can limit the download speed of PC games.

If the speed does not increase immediately, it is worth restarting the client.

Reason 2: Slow connection speed

  • Connection congestion

    Occurs when there are multiple boot processes. This is especially true if the user has a few more downloads via Torrent. In this case, the speed will be predictably lower than the maximum possible.

    Solution: stop or end all downloads, close torrent clients, as well as any programs that consume traffic and load the network.

  • Technical problems

    Often, the speed may drop due to the fault of the provider or the equipment responsible for connecting to the Internet.

    Solution: If the user observes a decrease in connection performance in various sources (for example, in a browser) in the absence of an obvious load, it is worth contacting the provider and finding out the problem. It may also turn out that the problem is purely technical and lies in the malfunction of the router or cable. The service company will then send a specialist to diagnose and correct the problem.

  • Network restrictions

    Some tariff plans from providers imply different speed limits. For example, this can happen at certain times of the day or after a desired traffic limit has been exceeded. Most often this is observed when using wireless Internet.

    Solution: in such a situation, it is better to change the tariff plan or the operator of Internet services.

Reason 3: Slow computer performance

Also, the performance of the computer itself can affect the speed of the Internet. If it is loaded with a ton of processes, there is not enough RAM for anything efficient, then there are only two options left. The first is to put up with it, and the second is to optimize the computer.

To do this, you need to close all current programs and stop using them to the maximum. This is especially true for processes that seriously load the device's memory - for example, installing computer games, running programs for processing large video files, large file converters, and so on.

Ideally, restart your computer afterwards. If the system does not have a long list of programs that open at autoload, then this will finally unload memory.

Now it's worth trying to download again.

In addition, it should be said that the bandwidth of the disk on which the recording is being made can affect the download speed of files. Of course, modern SSDs demonstrate excellent file write speeds, while some old hard drive will grunt and write downloaded materials at a turtle speed. So in this case it is best to download to an SSD (if possible) or to optimized and well-performing disks.


It often comes down to simply adjusting the Origin client settings, although other problems are also common. So you should carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem, and not turn a blind eye to it, cursing the crooked developers. The result will be increased download speed, and maybe computer performance in general.


Mein Download hängt fest oder geht nicht weiter. Was cann ich tun?


Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten beim Download ihres Spiels über Uplay PC haben, gibt es einige Dinge, die Sie probieren können.

Die Lösungsansätze hängen von der jeweiligen Ursache des Problems ab. Wir stellen hier ein paar allgemeine und grundlegende Schritte zusammen, die in den meisten Fällen hilfreich sind.

Um die Downloadgeschwindigkeit in Uplay PC zu verbessern, müssen Sie unter Umständen das Bandbreitenlimit von Keins auf einen anderen Wert anpassen. Gehen Sie dazu wie folgt vor:

- Öffnen Sie mit einem Klick auf in der linken oberen Ecke das Hauptmenü von Uplay.
- Gehen Sie auf Einstellungen und die Rubrik Downloads oder scrollen Sie nach unten, bis Sie einen Schieberegler für das Bandbreitenlimit sehen:

Passen Sie über den Schieberegler das Bandbreitenlimit an. Richten Sie sich dabei nach dem Wert, welcher der Geschwindigkeit Ihrer Internetverbindung am nächsten kommt.
- Speichern Sie die Anderungen.
- Prüfen Sie Ihre Downloads auf mögliche Verbesserungen.

Sofern die Situation nach wie vor unverändert ist, verringern Sie den Wert bitte schrittweise. Wir empfehlen, verschiedene Werte zu testen, um die für Sie optimale Einstellung herauszufinden.

Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Ihr Netzwerk richtig konfiguriert ist

Die Netzwerkkonfiguration kann je nach Hardware und Software abweichen. Folgende Schritte können helfen, gängige Probleme zu beheben:

Wenn Sie über WLAN verbunden sind, verbinden Sie Ihren PC bitte mit einem Ethernet-Kabel zu Ihrem Router.
- Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie mit einem privaten Netzwerk verbunden sind, nicht mit einem öffentlichen.
- Falls Sie ein Smartphone besitzen, können Sie auf dem Gerät über 3G or 4G einen Hotspot einrichten und so herausfinden, ob eventuell Schwierigkeiten mit Ihrer eigentlichen Netzwerkverbindung bestehen. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch, dass beim Wir empfehlen daher, diesen Schritt nur zu Testzwecken zu nutzen und so herauszufinden, ob die bestehende Netzwerkkonfiguration den Download beeinträchtigt.
- Weitere Lösungsansätze bei Verbindungsschwierigkeiten über Uplay PC finden Sie

If we talk about the quality and speed of the Internet connection about ten years ago, then we can recall the depressing expectation of downloading various files. Now, after a while, the speed of the Internet has increased several times compared to the past decade. But there are cases when a user waits a long time for a site to load or an interesting game to download. Speaking of games, we are primarily presenting the platforms through which downloads take place. In practice, it can be observed that some gamers have problems installing games through the EA platform, they often think about downloading from Origin. As a rule, high-profile modern projects take up 40-60 GB after installing the game on a PC. Therefore, many Origin account holders are sad to look at the download speed of 1-2 Mb / s.

Why Origin has a slow download speed

Slow download speeds are caused by several factors. They can be divided into three groups. The first reason lies in the Origin platform itself, because content maintenance and maintenance properly falls on the shoulders of Electronic Arts, and not on the hosting platform itself. Due to the bandwidth of EA servers, regions that are far from the hosted servers mainly suffer. The saddest picture is observed on the day of release, when millions of players download the newly minted game. This problem is observed on all playgrounds, so it will not be possible to increase the download speed both on Origin and on other services (Steam, Uplay,

The second reason is a stumbling block for owners of a wireless connection. High download speeds are provided by a modern fiber optic connection.

The third reason combines all those lists that depend on the user and his PC. These include poor computer performance, poor Internet connection, RAM load by other applications, and other problems.


Before you figure out how to increase the download speed in Origin, you need to understand that the speed on the platform is measured in MB per second. For example, on the Steam platform, data transfer speed is measured in Mbps. Hence the difference is eight times - for one or two MB in "Origin" there are 8-16 Mbps in Steam. But this does not affect the download speed at all, since only the transfer units are different.

Another obvious factor is the mode in which the download takes place. If the download happens in the background (that is, while an application is running in Origin), then the transfer will be significantly less than in normal mode, when no application is running.

Origin Speed ​​Limit

Another interesting fact is that there is a speed limit on the platform. Fortunately, there is no speed limit set by default, but sometimes these settings can change in some cases. To check the download speed limit, the owner of the Origin account needs to find this information in the settings.

To do this, you need to run the platform client and find the Origin parameter in the header. In the list that opens, select "Application Settings". The user opens a window with client settings, in which you can change the language, set up an "overlay", and so on. We need a group of settings called "Upload limit". There are two sub-settings "Maximum download speed outside the game" and "Maximum download speed during the game". In both paragraphs, select "Unlimited" so that the download is carried out at the highest possible speed.

Connection speed

It is logical that the answer to the question of whether in Origin, lies, in most cases, in the speed of the Internet connection. In order to expect fast downloads of programs, you must have an appropriate tariff plan from the provider. The higher the declared speed of the Internet connection from the provider, the faster any product will be downloaded.

Sometimes, especially during rush hour, branches from the main highway begin to load due to the actions of a huge number of users. It is advisable to have a provider that has its own active backbone, as it will not have long peak hour periods.

Connection speed may vary from active downloads and uploads from the Torrent client. In this case, it is enough to simply turn off "Torrent" or remove all active distributions.

Conflicting Programs

In addition to the slow download speed in Origin, other third-party applications are also responsible. The very first contender is antivirus software that limits download speeds. To fix the conflict, you need to add the Origin client to the exclusion registry so that antivirus software does not block packets with an Internet connection.

The division of Internet speed occurs due to the distribution of this speed among programs that require an Internet connection in an active state. To do this, you can disable these programs when downloading the game in Origin.