Planning a child is a responsible business. It must be approached with special attention. That is why it is important to know how the fetus develops throughout all 9 months from the moment of birth. Today we have to find out what 3-4 weeks of pregnancy have prepared. What changes in a woman's body occur at this stage? What kind of events might a future mother face? How is the baby developing at this time? All this will be discussed later.

dangerous period

The first step is to understand that the first trimester of pregnancy in itself is extremely important and even a little dangerous. Until the 12th week of the "interesting situation", a woman can interrupt future motherhood, and also simply face such a phenomenon as a spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, like all the first 3 months of this period, deserve special attention.

The body undergoes changes that play an important role for the unborn baby. There is no way to help or favorably influence them - everything goes on as usual. But it's easy to do harm. Accordingly, it is recommended shortly before planning a child to give up bad habits. This will help to keep the pregnancy at any time, not only at the initial stage of the formation of a new life.

Third week - new life

Week 3 of the menstrual cycle is nothing more than the beginning of the birth of a child. We can say conception. If it did not happen on the 2nd week after the start of a new menstrual cycle, then the 3rd is the most favorable period for this.

It is at this moment that the fertilization of the egg occurs, as well as its movement and attachment to the uterus. The first active development of the unborn baby begins. It is determined exactly how many children a woman will have - the division of the egg occurs.

What happens in the third week

If you carefully understand, then the period under study is the first 14 days of the baby's life. After the release of the egg ready for fertilization, only 24 hours are allotted for conception. If it does not happen, you will have to try again to get pregnant in the next menstrual cycle.

At the very beginning of the week, the zygote is located in the cavity of the fallopian tubes and is not attached to the wall of the uterus. As already mentioned, there is an active movement of the fertilized egg. The embryo at this time feeds on proteins produced by the fallopian tubes. By the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, implantation occurs - the egg is attached to the uterus. From this moment, a strong bond between the baby and the mother begins to be established.

It follows that the greatest achievement of the period under study is the very fact of fertilization of the egg. But this is only if we are talking about the obstetric period. It is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

From the moment of conception

3 weeks pregnant - what happens to the unborn baby? It all depends on what time frame we are talking about. If the life expectancy of the fetus from the moment of conception is taken into account, then you will have to remember that 5-6 obstetric weeks of the "interesting position" are taken into account. This is extremely important.

The thing is that pregnancy 3 weeks (from conception), as a rule, already manifests itself. But more on that later. First, you should pay attention to the development of the unborn child.

If 21 days have passed since conception, then:

  1. The fetus lays the foundations of all body systems.
  2. The brain is being formed. At this stage, it looks like a wide plate.
  3. There is a heartbeat. It can be seen on ultrasound and even heard.

In fact, pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is the period when the fetus can already be called a living person. Often at this moment, the expectant mother is able to understand that a new life has arisen inside her. But more on that later.

fetus at 3 weeks

To begin with, you have to understand what the future baby looks like during this period. 3-4 obstetric weeks of pregnancy - this, as already mentioned, is the beginning of the birth of a new life. The fruit is too small. So far, it is just a bunch of cells endowed with genetic information.

Despite this, the developmental process of the child is in full swing. By the end of the 3rd week of the "interesting position", the fetus will be represented by a small ball with a diameter of about 0.2 millimeters. The number of cells included in its composition will increase to 250.

The embryo at the 3rd week of pregnancy is placed in a water bag with a special liquid. The embryo receives nutrients from there, and not from the mother. The process of hematopoiesis begins.

Feelings at 3 weeks

Symptoms for 3-4 weeks of pregnancy are usually absent. In any case, at the time of the birth of a new life. The fetus is still too small, so it does not manifest itself in any way. The woman's belly does not grow, nothing hurts anywhere.

However, some girls claim that they felt the successful fertilization of the egg. Strange feelings can be caused by long planning and expectation of success. In fact, at 3 weeks (obstetric) pregnancy, the expectant mother is not yet aware of her situation.

If the conversation is about the period that has elapsed since conception, then the body is likely to let the woman know about the pregnancy. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning the fetus is perceived as a foreign body. Therefore, the appearance of the following symptoms is not excluded:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • mood swings.

All this is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. On ultrasound, you can already examine the future baby, listen to his heart.

4 obstetric week

It is clear how the 3rd week of pregnancy manifests itself. What happens on 4? During this period, the embryo is in the process of moving towards its "house" - the place where further development will take place.

4 obstetric week is an extremely dangerous period. This is because of the high risk of ectopic pregnancy. The fetus with it begins to grow and develop in the fallopian tubes. Often in a healthy woman, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is extremely small. There must be prerequisites for this. Accordingly, the examined woman may not worry.

Manifestation of pregnancy

3-4 weeks of pregnancy are periods in which the "interesting position" usually does not manifest itself in any way. Although a week after successful fertilization, a woman may encounter some "bells" - harbingers of the birth of a baby.

Some girls have implantation bleeding at the beginning of the 4th obstetric week. This is a scanty spotting blood discharge that appears when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. Lasts from a few minutes to a couple of hours. There may be no bleeding. It is easy to confuse it with the onset of menstruation.

What else has prepared 3-4 weeks of pregnancy? A test 7 days after conception will most likely show the presence of successful fertilization. The main sign of pregnancy during these periods is usually a delay in menstruation. If you make an appropriate test, with a probability of 98-99% it will show a reliable result.

If a woman goes to the gynecologist, the doctor will note changes in the structure and color of the cervix. But he will not give an exact conclusion about the presence of pregnancy. It makes no sense to do an ultrasound - the fetus is still very small, it has not reached its goal.

About the development of the baby at 4 weeks

It is important to remember - the future baby up to 4 obstetric weeks is a small clot of cells. This is a multilayer disc. From the specified period, it begins to turn into an embryo, and then acquires a human form over time.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is no more than 1 millimeter in width and about 0.35-0.36 millimeters in length. Amniotic fluid and placenta are born.

At this stage, the formation of the head takes place. Several layers are formed - mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. They have a direct effect on the formation of blood, muscles, pancreas, brain, skeleton, thyroid gland.

By life time from the moment of fertilization

Pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is, as already mentioned, the period in which you can go for an ultrasound scan to see the unborn baby. It is generally accepted that a similar period falls on approximately 6 obstetric weeks.

What characterizes such a period? Mom's belly is not growing yet. But the appearance of pregnancy can already be seen. For example, toxicosis begins. All the previously listed symptoms of pregnancy also appear in full swing. The test with a probability of 100% will indicate the presence of an "interesting position".

Pregnancy period 3-4 weeks from the date of the alleged conception? Then we can say with certainty that:

  1. The child develops sense organs (eyes, inner ear).
  2. The pancreas and digestive system appear.
  3. The reproductive system begins to form. But it is still impossible to say who will be born.
  4. Limbs, nails, nervous and circulatory systems are formed.
  5. The fetus develops lips and nasal cavity.

In fact, you won't be able to see an embryo that looks like a human. But a small lump, inside of which a heart beats - easily. In the sixth obstetric week, the formation of facial muscles occurs, the growth and development of the heart is completed. The upper limbs also change - they have the beginnings of fingers and hands. The size of the embryo is about 5 millimeters.

Pain - a reason to panic?

Now a little about the pressing issues that are of interest to expectant mothers. There is a pregnancy of 3-4 weeks. Stomach pain - is it normal? Or will you have to go to the doctor with complaints?

In fact, you should not be afraid of small pulling pain sensations (as before menstruation) at this stage. From the foregoing, it follows that 3-4 weeks of "interesting position" falls at the time of implantation. This is due to the fact that the cells of the uterine epithelium, as it were, are scraped off, preparing a place for a fertilized egg.

Accordingly, there is no reason to panic or worry. In practice, few people feel pulling pains in the abdomen at 3 or 4 weeks of pregnancy. It has already been said that usually during this period there are no harbingers of an "interesting situation."

What other features have 3-4 weeks of pregnancy? "Lower back hurts" - such a phrase can be heard from some women planning a child. In fact, at this stage, such a problem is rare. But it has its place. Slight pain in the lumbar region, as well as in the lower abdomen, is the norm. Usually such manifestations of "interesting position" do not attach importance.

As many girls say, the main thing is that there should be no bleeding. Implantation bleeding is the only normal cause for concern. Otherwise, any suspicious discharge from the genital tract of the future mother should serve as the basis for contacting a gynecologist.

Results and conclusions

Now it is clear what changes occur in a woman's body in the first 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. This period does not require special medical intervention or a drastic change in lifestyle. However, it must be taken very carefully. After all, adverse factors can negatively affect the development of the unborn child.

Often, during this period, the girl can only guess about the "interesting situation." Common signs of pregnancy are rare. They threaten only extremely sensitive women. Therefore, one should not hope that it will be possible to speak with confidence about successful conception in such a short period of time.

The first harbinger of pregnancy is usually a delay in menstruation. If a woman measures her basal temperature, her increase is noted. A pregnancy test will show 2 strips already at 4 obstetric weeks of an "interesting situation." In any case, it is better to wait a bit - literally in 7-14 days it will be possible to speak with confidence about the presence of pregnancy. She will show herself to the fullest.

When is the 4th week of pregnancy - is it felt? How does the expectant mother feel? There are many questions at this time. After all, every day counts.

Calculations using different methods

When doctors work with pregnant patients, they do not go into the details of ovulation and the day of conception. The gestational age will be calculated by the obstetric method: from the first day of the last menstruation.

By the embryonic method, the period is considered from the estimated ovulation and is “late” by two weeks in comparison with the obstetric period.

Sometimes women consider the period from the moment of delay. Then the fourth week will mean the eighth obstetric or sixth embryonic. Is it easy to get confused? Then it's better to stick to the medical point of view. After all, the expectant mother will have to communicate with doctors quite often.

Fruit size: more than one cell

As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, the rapid division of the zygote begins. If you think about it, it's a miracle. One single cell forms many others. They are completely different, and their roles are different. And each cell "knows" where to be and what to do.

If there is a 4th obstetric week, then it is too early to talk about the fetus. The zygote gradually passes into the stage of the embryo. Now the unborn child is an almost invisible ball of cells, which scientists call morula. Under a microscope, it will look like a berry covered with “pimples”. If the fixation of the morula in the uterine cavity has not yet occurred, it will certainly take place. And then the real cellular magic begins.

How is the embryo arranged?

The size of the future fetus at the 4th obstetric week is comparable to a “poppy seed”. Its weight is about 0.5 g, and its height is 0.36-1 mm. However, this is literally momentary data. The embryo grows rapidly due to constant cell division.

Embryo structure

Physicians often use the concept of a germinal disk, which is formed by germ layers. These are special layers of cells:

  • the inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to the digestive tract, liver and lungs, as well as the pancreas;
  • the middle layer (mesoderm) is the future kidneys, muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as the baby's skeleton;
  • the outer layer (ectoderm) is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, head (including eyes, teeth and hair), and skin.

Extra-embryonic organs

It is also a miracle of nature that a single fertilized cell, when divided, provides the baby with everything necessary. Including full meals. This is done by the so-called extra-embryonic organs. There are three of them:

  • chorion: a kind of hairy sac that will later become the placenta;
  • amnion is the future fetal bladder, a strong “packaging” of the fetus;
  • The yolk sac is the source of nutrition for the embryo.

The last extra-embryonic organ is especially important. It is its dysfunction or pathology that can lead to miscarriage. Based on the condition of the yolk sac, the ultrasound specialist will obtain some important information about the pregnancy and the embryo.

Scientists have established a curious fact: the male genes of the embryo are “responsible” for the external germinal organs. We can say that the function of the breadwinner and protector lies at the deepest levels of the human being.

Future mom

In the fourth obstetric week, a woman may still not know anything. The active development of the zygote in the female body can either give the first signs of pregnancy, or not at all affect the condition of the expectant mother.


If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she is full of expectations. The main question now is: did it work or not?? At the 4th obstetric week, the mother's feelings are more emotional.

Physically, a woman may feel a slight malaise. There may be slight weakness, barely noticeable discomfort in the lower abdomen, drowsiness. This condition is almost the same in early pregnancy and on the eve of menstruation.

But the sensitivity of the breast and nipples can increase markedly. The mammary glands sometimes swell from the first days after conception. Also, by the end of the fourth week, the expectant mother may well have the first ones. In this case, someone will simply empty the refrigerator, and someone will run to the store for something “delicious”, special. It may be the other way around: nausea will come, and you will not want to eat at all.

External changes

Even in the fourth week, a woman's waist can increase by 1-2 cm. If all the clothes are tight, a woman will definitely notice this. The main thing is to react correctly. If pregnancy is not planned, the expectant mother may not recognize her condition. Then she will rush to the gym or to a nutritionist. That's why it's important to protect yourself well. And if pregnancy is allowed, you need to be careful. Then even small symptoms will give the right clue.

The expectant mother can be a little "weighty". Weight gain in the early stages is explained, like many other things, by hormonal changes. It, in combination with early toxicosis, sometimes leads to a small weight loss. If the well-being of the expectant mother is good at the same time, you should not worry.

Vaginal discharge

In the normal course of pregnancy, the next menstruation will not come. If for some reason the zygote cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, menstruation will come. In this case, they do not talk about a miscarriage. Often women do not even know that they could become future mothers.

If pregnancy is confirmed, bleeding is an alarm. You should urgently contact the doctors.

implantation bleeding - These are very slight bloody or brown discharge. One or two smears are possible when the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

The female body uses mucous secretions to create a special protective plug. She literally clogs the cervix and comes out normal only before childbirth.

A woman will have to be examined if the mucous discharge is unusual:

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

  • with an unpleasant odor;
  • yellow;
  • too abundant;
  • thick and white;
  • similar to cottage cheese flakes.

Ways to confirm pregnancy

How soon can the expectant mother be convinced of her new condition? How long will it take to get the most accurate result? It all depends on the method.

Pharmacy test: will it show or not?

Some modern tests are able to recognize pregnancy even before the delay. Therefore, if the gestational age is 4 weeks, the test can be applied if there is no patience. And yet it is better to wait until the first day of the expected period. The result will be more reliable.


At the beginning of the fourth obstetric week, the study is unlikely to help. But in the end, on high-quality equipment, a good specialist will already see something. It will be a uterus with a thick layer of endometrium and an embryo - a small black dot. If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist doctor will definitely check the entire female system.

Blood test for hCG

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) during pregnancy increases. Therefore, a blood test at the end of the 4th week will help confirm that conception was successful.

A visit to the doctor: is it time or can we wait?

Modern women are often very busy. Work, family life and hobbies take a lot of time. But now the expectant mother will have to take care of two at once.

In the fourth obstetric week, it is too early to register. The pregnancy itself may not yet be confirmed. But if there is already a positive result, you can go for a consultation. What will the doctor do?

  1. He will examine the woman and externally assess her general condition.
  2. Collect primary data.
  3. He will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex and folic acid preparations.

If the conception was planned and took place under the supervision of physicians, the woman will visit her doctor anyway. The doctor will confirm a successful conception and prescribe measures to preserve the pregnancy. This is especially important if the patient has already had miscarriages.

What to look out for

It's amazing how many aspects of life will have to be evaluated differently when pregnancy comes. Special recommendations for expectant mothers should be followed as early as possible. If this has not happened before the 4th week, it is time to pay attention to many things.


Completeness and balance: these are the main requirements. Unloading days are now in the past. And it is also desirable to abandon canned food, semi-finished products and fast food.

When preparing meat dishes, it is important to monitor the absence of fat. Fish, on the contrary, can be consumed fatty varieties. Is there a contradiction here? Actually - none. Fatty fish contains many useful organic acids, which are completely absent in animal fat. It should be noted: we are not talking about frying in oil. It’s just that some types of fish live in cold seas and oceans, so they acquire a fatty layer for their own warmth. The most famous are salmon, trout and salmon.

If you want sweets, then marshmallows or marshmallows are better than chocolate or cake..

Vegetables and fruits are indispensable components of the "pregnant diet". They can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Plus cereals and dairy products.

Future mothers often ask: what, now nothing “such” is possible at all? And if you really, to the point of dizziness, want sprats, chili compote or chips? If we approach diet issues strictly, then there is only one answer: yes, nothing “such” is really possible. But if some food, even “harmful”, will help the expectant mother cope with nausea or cheer up, then why not? Only it is better to use unwanted foods in microdoses. A pack of chips is “stretched” for a week, and canned food is not eaten with a tablespoon straight from the can.

There is only one absolute “taboo”: alcohol for the expectant mother is strictly contraindicated! And it doesn’t matter how many “degrees” are in the drink. All kinds of homemade liqueurs are also alcohol, albeit as natural as possible. The best strategy for a mom-to-be is to completely avoid alcohol.

Food poisoning is dangerous for the unborn baby. Therefore, it is very important to secure your diet in the 4th week of pregnancy. No need to try exotic dishes and products at this time. The body may not accept them and react with a gastrointestinal upset. And not only the expectant mother will suffer, but also the embryo. Right now he is very unstable to any negative influences.

Protection from harmful factors

The body of a future mother can be very vulnerable. Some protective mechanisms at the 4th obstetric week have not yet been formed. Therefore, it is very important:

  • quit smoking yourself and stay away from people who smoke;
  • be careful during epidemics of viral infections;
  • monitor your mood and let only positive emotions into your life;
  • avoid abrupt climate change.

Additional measures

Stretch marks can seriously spoil both the appearance of the skin and the mood of a woman. One of the skin protection measures is olive oil. It is recommended to rub it into problem areas even before the tummy begins to grow.

Pregnancy and sex

At the 4th obstetric week, the couple may not yet know that someone else has already been born. Therefore, the intimate life of future parents proceeds as usual.. Some women after intimacy feel an unpleasant heaviness in the labia area.

If conception is planned and carried out under the supervision of a doctor, he may advise taking a break from sexual life. This is especially important if a woman has had miscarriages before. In rare cases, uterine contractions during orgasm can prevent the embryo from fully establishing itself in the uterine cavity.

In all other cases, with good health, the couple has no obstacles to sex. There is one psychological moment. Perhaps, over time, the intimate feelings of the expectant mother will change. She may experience awkwardness, discomfort, or simply fear when close to the man she loves. It is highly advisable to warn your partner about this. The future father must be ready and patient. At the slightest negativity in intimate life, a woman should not withdraw into herself, consider sex as a duty and obligation. The father of the child will certainly feel the tension. Without knowing the true cause, problems in family life are possible. Therefore, mutual love, respect, attention and frankness are especially important now.


In the fourth obstetric week, the concept of miscarriage is used extremely rarely. In most cases, a woman does not have time to accurately confirm pregnancy or even fully realize her condition. Therefore, for many, bleeding during a miscarriage is equal to monthly.

Some symptoms may indicate a possible interruption.

  1. It hurts and pulls the stomach. It's pain, not mild discomfort.
  2. Bleeding is profuse, sometimes with clots.
  3. Blood discharge is brown.

But even all of the listed signs do not always signal that a miscarriage has occurred or spontaneous abortion.

Abortion can also be intentional. Every woman has a right to this. However, the decision must be responsible. Nothing can be done in a state of nervous breakdown, out of fear or in revenge on someone. Modern medicine tries to spare women under any circumstances. But no one has yet canceled the adverse physical and psychological consequences of abortion.

Grand total of the 4th week

  1. The fourth obstetric week may be the time to confirm pregnancy.
  2. The embryo is not just dividing, but the functional distribution of cells.
  3. The first, barely noticeable signs and symptoms of pregnancy appear.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman in the fourth week will largely determine the further development of a tiny creature - the unborn baby.

Video guide: 4 weeks pregnant: what is happening, symptoms, sensations, signs

It was described that the New Year was not in the mood to celebrate, so it vomited from everything and from a glass of champagne and a glass of wine in a sip, I couldn’t take it in my hands and my appetite completely disappeared at 4 weeks, but now I feel that I’ll be vomited inside out again, if only the poisoning of the soul . Is it that early toxicosis has gone?

Pregnancy, of course, is the most reverent, tender and exciting event in the life of every woman. Having learned the wonderful news, every expectant mother seeks to learn as much as possible about how the little man develops, and what changes occur in the emotional plane and the body of a woman at each stage. Naturally, expectant mothers will want to know how to recognize 4 weeks pregnant and calculate - when the baby will be born.

poppy seed

0,36–1 mm. height

0,5 g. weight

What happens at 4 obstetric weeks?

On 4 weeks pregnant according to obstetrical calculations, the embryo is just beginning its journey to “its home”. He will have to go through many difficult paths until he reaches his place, and a bubble begins to form in which he will live for eight and a half months.

The danger of this period is that there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. If the embryo does not have time to reach the final point and begins to grow in the birth canal, doctors record an ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, there are certain prerequisites for this. Thankfully this rarely happens. Therefore, in general, you should not worry. It is advisable to calm down as much as possible and take every moment of your pregnancy with joy, unless, of course, it has already been established.

Symptoms at 4 weeks pregnant

Signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks can be recognized in several ways. The first is the delay of critical days. Depending on the woman's cycle. If there is a delay, at least one day, then you can safely do a test: it will show the result with an accuracy of up to 98 percent.

Gynecologist at 4 weeks pregnant may observe changes in the color and structure of the cervix. However, it does not yet give a definite conclusion.

It is still very early to do an ultrasound at this time, since the fetus has not yet reached its goal. Ultrasound will be able to show the result closer to the 8th week.

Fetal development at 4 weeks of gestation

Up to 4 weeks pregnant the fruit is a kind of flat multi-layered disk. But just from that moment on, he undergoes certain changes, gradually “turning” into an embryo. Fetal size at 4 weeks pregnant in width - no more than 1 mm, in length - about 0.36 mm. At this stage, the placenta and amniotic fluid are born.

Surprisingly, but 4 weeks pregnant the head of the future baby is already beginning to form. At the same time, three main layers are distinguished - ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. They have a direct influence on the formation of the brain, thyroid and pancreas, blood, muscles and skeleton.

Feelings at 4 weeks pregnant

As a rule, this is still a very short period for a woman to feel cardinal changes in her body. This only happens at high sensitivity. It often happens that a woman may confuse the feeling of pregnancy with premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnancy 4 weeks may be accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, chest sensitivity, mood swings - all this is also signs of pregnancy, in rare cases, toxicosis is possible at this time. However, as a rule, mothers do not even notice any changes. Such a short gestation period is rarely accompanied by any obvious changes in a woman's body. Sometimes you can see brown discharge at 4 weeks pregnant slightly reminiscent of the onset of menstruation.

Vitamin complexes

The most common medicine in the first weeks of pregnancy is folic acid. It is strongly recommended to start drinking even during planning and preparation for pregnancy and do not stop drinking until the twelfth week. Folic acid has a positive effect on the development of the child, in particular, it helps the development of the nervous system and most organs and tissues.

You can take vitamin complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. They will be useful for both the developing child and the woman herself, strengthening her skeletal system and controlling hemoglobin.

It is worth refraining from any kind of anesthesia. Even dental treatment should be postponed until the second trimester of pregnancy if possible. Other medicines can be drunk only as directed by a doctor. No self-treatment!

How long until childbirth?

Doctors calculate the preliminary date of birth precisely according to the obstetric period. In general, it is 40 weeks. It is by counting them that they set the date of birth. Although, in general, the child is considered full-term and can independently develop outside the woman from 38 weeks. As a rule, babies are born from 38 to 42 weeks. It all depends on the characteristics of the woman's body, emotional and physical factors.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 22 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist.

The age of the child is the second week (one complete), pregnancy is the fourth obstetric week (three complete).

So, four weeks of waiting for the baby. What does this mean?

What does 4 weeks mean?

Very often, women incorrectly calculate the duration of their pregnancy. I would like to clarify a bit the fourth obstetric week is from the onset of conception.

If conception occurred 4 weeks ago, then you are in the 4th week of the actual pregnancy, and in the 6th week of the obstetric calendar.

Signs of pregnancy in the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy - the second week after conception

There is no direct evidence of pregnancy (delayed menstruation) yet, but the woman is already beginning to show signs such as:

  • irritability;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

Although it is worth mentioning that all these symptoms are not unambiguous and indisputable signs, since a woman can experience all this before menstruation.

If you think that conception happened two weeks ago, then you think that you are already pregnant and know the date of conception. Sometimes women know the exact date because they regularly measure their basal temperature, or they do an ultrasound in the middle of the cycle.

On the 2nd week after conception, the estimated time for the onset of menstruation begins. It was at this time that many of the women begin to guess about their interesting situation and buy pregnancy tests. On this line, because modern.

At this time (2 weeks) the future baby has just implanted into the wall of the uterus, and is a small lump of cells. In the second week, spontaneous miscarriages occur quite often, which are not counted, because very often they are not even known about.

A slight delay in menstruation, very heavy or prolonged periods - a woman often takes these signs for ordinary periods, without even knowing that she may be pregnant.

On the 1-2nd week after ovulation, the signs are very weak, but most often the expectant mother already guesses, and sometimes knows.

On the 2nd week from ovulation, the signs that appear are due to a rather high level of hormones that preserve the fetus.

Feelings in the expectant mother at the 4th obstetric week

As a rule, nothing in a woman's condition suggests pregnancy, because the most obvious sign - a delay - is not yet there.

4 weeks is not yet the end of the cycle for most women, and thus a woman cannot yet know about her interesting position.

Only drowsiness, increased fatigue, a sharp change in mood, soreness of the mammary glands can suggest the onset of this wonderful period, like the expectation of a baby.

However, each organism is individual, and in order to understand feelings of different women at week 4, you need to ask them yourself (reviews from the forums):


Unbearable pain in the mammary glands, terribly pulls the lower abdomen, no strength, I became very tired, I don’t want to do anything, I get angry for no reason, I cry, and this is only 4 weeks. What will be next?


I was very sick at the 4th week, and my lower abdomen was pulled, but I assumed that this was premenstrual syndrome, but it was not there. A couple of days after the delay, I did a test, and the result was very pleasing - 2 strips.

The term is 4 weeks. I have wanted a child for a long time. If it weren’t for the constant nausea in the morning and the change of mood, it would be just perfect.


I am very happy with my pregnancy. Of the signs, only the chest hurts, and it feels like it swells and grows. Will have to change bras soon.


The test showed 2 strips. There were no signs, but somehow she still felt that she was pregnant. It turned out that it is. But I am very upset by the fact that my appetite increases like hell, I have already recovered by 2 kg, I constantly want to eat. And there are no other signs.

What happens in the mother's body in the second week of pregnancy - the fourth obstetric week?

First of all, it is worth mentioning the external changes that occur with the body of a happy new mother:

  • The waist becomes a little wider (only a couple of centimeters, no more), although only the woman herself can feel it, and the people around her cannot even notice it with an armed look;
  • The chest swells and becomes more sensitive;

As for the internal changes in the body of the expectant mother, then there are already quite enough of them:

  • The outer layer of the embryo begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which signals the onset of pregnancy. This week you can do home rapid test, which notify the woman of such a pleasant event.
  • This week, a small bubble forms around the embryo, which is filled with amniotic fluid, which, in turn, will protect the unborn baby until delivery.
  • This week, the placenta (afterbirth) also begins to form, through which the future mother will communicate with the child's body.
  • An umbilical cord is also formed, which will provide the embryo with the ability to rotate and move in the amniotic fluid.

It must be clarified that the placenta is connected to the embryo through the umbilical cord, which is attached to the inner wall of the uterus and functions as a separation between the mother and child's circulatory system to prevent mixing of the mother's and child's blood.

Through the placenta and umbilical cord, which are formed at 4 weeks, until the very birth, the embryo will receive everything it needs: water, minerals, nutrients, air, and also discard processed products, which in turn will be excreted through the mother's body.

Moreover, the placenta will prevent the penetration of all microbes and harmful substances in case of mother's ailments. The placenta will be finally formed by the end of the 12th week.

Fetal development at 4 weeks

So, the first month is almost over and the baby is growing very quickly in the mother's body. At the fourth week, the fertilized egg becomes an embryo.

The germinal vesicle is very small, but consists of a very large number of cells. Although the cells are still very small, they know perfectly well what to do next.

At the same time the inner, middle and outer germ layers are formed: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. They are responsible for the formation of vital tissues and organs of the unborn child.

  • Endoderm, or the inner layer, serves to form the internal organs of the unborn baby: the liver, bladder, pancreas, respiratory system and lungs.
  • mesoderm, or middle layer, is responsible for the muscular system, skeletal muscles, cartilage, heart, kidneys, sex glands, lymph and blood.
  • ectoderm, or outer layer, is responsible for hair, skin, nails, tooth enamel, epithelial tissue of the nose, eyes and ears, and eye lenses.

It is in these germ layers that the potential organs of your future baby are formed.

Also during this period, the spinal cord begins to form.

Photo and appearance of the embryo at the 4th week

At the end of the fourth week, one of the most important stages of intrauterine development, blastogenesis, is completed.

What does the baby look like at 4 weeks? Your future baby now resembles a blastula, which has the shape of a round plate. Intensively formed "extra-embryonic" organs that are responsible for nutrition and respiration.

By the end of the fourth week, part of the cells of the ectoblast and endoblast, tightly adjacent to each other, form the germ of the embryo. The rudiment of the embryo is three thin layers of cells, different in structure and functions.

By the end of the formation of the ectoderm, exoderm and endoderm, the fetal egg has a multilayer structure. And now the baby can be considered a gastrula.

So far, no external changes have occurred, because the period is still very short, and the weight of the embryo is only 2 grams, and its length does not exceed 2 mm.

In the photos you can see what your future baby looks like in this period of development.

Photo of the unborn child at the 2nd week of pregnancy

Fetal development - 2 weeks

Ultrasound at the 4th obstetric week

Ultrasound is usually done to confirm the fact of pregnancy and its duration. Moreover, ultrasound may be prescribed in case of an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Also at this time, you can determine the general condition of the placenta (in order to avoid its detachment and subsequent miscarriage). Already in the fourth week, the embryo can please its newly-made mother with a contraction of its heart.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks

Video: What happens in the 4th week?

Video: 4 weeks. How to tell your husband about pregnancy?

If you have not done this before, now is the time to change your lifestyle.

So, the following tips will help you and your unborn baby stay in good health:

  • Review your menu, try to consume foods that contain the most vitamins. Getting all the necessary vitamins plays an important role in the life of every person who wants to stay healthy, and even more so in the life of a newly-made expectant mother. If possible, avoid flour, fatty and spicy products, as well as coffee.
  • Completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to you and your unborn baby.
  • Quit smoking, moreover, try to be as close as possible to smokers, because passive smoking can harm no less than active smoking. If your household members are heavy smokers, encourage them to smoke outdoors, as far away from you as possible.
  • Try to spend as little time as possible in crowded places - thereby significantly reducing the risk of contracting infectious diseases that have a detrimental effect on the fetus. If it so happened that someone from your environment still managed to get sick - arm yourself with a gauze mask. For prevention, also do not forget to add garlic and onions to your diet, which effectively fights all possible diseases and does not harm your baby.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin complex for expectant mothers. WARNING: avoid taking any medication without consulting your doctor!
  • Do not get carried away with x-ray studies, especially in the abdomen and pelvis.
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.
  • Be attentive to your pets. If you have a cat at home, do your best to reduce his contact with street animals and limit him to catching mice. Yes, and try to shift your responsibilities in caring for the cat to your husband. Why, you ask? The fact is that many cats are carriers of Toxoplasma, with the initial ingestion of which the body of the expectant mother will be susceptible to a disease leading to genetic defects in the fetus. The best option is to have your cat checked by a veterinarian. If a dog lives in your house, pay attention to timely vaccinations against rabies and leptospirosis. In general, the recommendations for communicating with a four-legged friend are the same as with a cat.
  • If week 4 falls in the hot season of the year, exclude dishes that include overwintered potatoes to avoid birth defects in the baby.
  • Be sure to include walking in your daily routine.
  • Consider the possibility of exercise. They will help you stay toned and strengthen your muscles. There are special sports sections for pregnant women that you can visit, but calculate your opportunities so as not to overload yourself.
  • To prevent stretch marks after childbirth, rub olive oil on your abdomen now. This method can prevent this unpleasant and so common phenomenon in advance.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

And what did you feel or feel in the 4th week? Share with us your impressions!