There are many ways to give the body a break from everyday fatty foods, but one of the most delicious and healthy on fruits, which has a beneficial effect on the body. It should be arranged not only during the diet, but in any situation at least once a week. This will help get rid of excess weight, toxins and toxins, reduce the burden on the stomach, which does not have time to digest food, as well as suppress hunger, fill your body with vitamins and nutrients. This is popular in dietary and clinical nutrition, and is even effective in cleansing the body.

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If you have stomach problems, insomnia, fructose intolerance, diabetes, or a fruit allergy, it's best to skip the day right away and don't risk your health. Preparing for a fasting day on fruit should begin on the evening of the previous day, as you must have dinner before 18:00. It is desirable that the dish be filled with protein food, it is well absorbed and does not allow the stomach to be overloaded.

To consolidate the final result, you need to control moderation in nutrition. Starting the next morning with fried meat or pizza after a fruit day can lead to stomach problems. Fruit per day should be eaten no more than 2 kilograms, dividing the daily allowance into 5-6 doses. Between servings, drink at least 2 liters of clean and filtered water per day.

What fruits are good for fasting day

It is not necessary to eat exotic fruits, those that you are used to are better. Worth highlighting:

  • favorite berries (cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries);
  • citrus fruits (lemons, oranges);
  • seasonal (peaches, strawberries, apricots, watermelon, melons,).

It is recommended to add to them, yogurt, dried fruits and a little cottage cheese. It is forbidden to eat, avocados, grapes, because they increase calories due to the huge sugar content and are poorly absorbed, giving a big load on the liver and stomach.

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All fruits are important to use with the skin, which contains useful vitamins and minerals. If you are tired of fresh fruits, you can bake them in the oven, this will do without any harm to the figure, because baked fruits retain all their properties.

Take into account the recommendations of nutritionists: do not starve yourself, it is better to eat an extra apple until the body gets used to fasting days. During weight loss, such days should be used at least 2-3 times a week and at the same time go to the gym to achieve an amazing figure. It is worth taking note of an excellent variant of a combined salad with fruits and vegetables, seasoned with natural juice.

Fruits have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, improve the tone of the face and give freshness, increase immunity, energize and mood. Abuse of a fruit diet leads to early aging of the skin and bloating. During the required consumption of fruits, you can remove excess fluids and salts from the body, when they are split, extra pounds immediately go away.

Apples - 90% of the total composition is water. Contain 50% more vitamin A than citrus fruits. Needed to improve digestion and reduce blood levels. Often they are used with a lack of vitamins, diabetes, they also remove toxins and toxins, improve metabolism and protect against cancer. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, mineral salts, citric acid, nourish tissues and are indispensable for proper digestion. Good for dressing fruit salads.

Oranges - contain many useful trace elements. Incredibly tone up the body, work on cleansing the blood, improve energy and appetite. Useful for, and also have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Peaches - contain organic acids and are rich in vitamin complex. Easily digested, increase the activity of the stomach and help process fatty foods. Strawberries - have useful substances and contain manganese, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, and many other trace elements. Removes excess water from the body, improves mood and slows down the aging process.

Apricots - their fruits contain starch, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. They remove cholesterol and toxic metabolic products from the body. Helps increase hemoglobin in the blood, increase activity and improve memory. Their juice can replace the daily requirement for vitamins.

Grapefruits - improve metabolism and are reliable in the process of burning fat. With one grapefruit, you can provide your body with a daily requirement of vitamin C. This unique fruit will help slow down the effects of aging, get rid of an unhealthy complexion and skin problems.

Cons of fruits and their alternative

Bananas are high in calories, so it is not recommended for people who are overweight. The insoluble starch contained in this fruit can be hard to digest for the stomach and intestines.

Grapes - considered a heavy food and has a detrimental effect on the teeth.

- an excellent alternative to fruits and an effective way to unload the body with them. At the beginning of the day, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir to saturate your body a little, while relaxing it for the next breakfast. The second breakfast should consist of 200 grams of fruit, you can replace them with several dried fruits.

At lunch, drink a large glass of kefir to prepare the body again for the next meal. Don't forget that we stick to a fasting day on fruit, so prepare a good portion of fruit salad for an afternoon snack. For dinner, a glass of kefir is enough, because you need to take care of your body so that the night goes smoothly.

A fasting day on fruit will only help your body take a break from fatty and junk food. Fruits have a positive effect on the health and appearance of a person, while you will eat what you like. An excellent solution would be to combine fruit and kefir fasting days. Eat fruits, cook your favorite salads, so that along with the result you get endorphins, remaining in a good mood in any situation.

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On the one hand, fruits nourish our body with vitamins and useful minerals, and on the other hand, they cleanse it - we will talk about this side today.

Fruit fasting days are best spent on vacation and on weekends so as not to feel tired. And an important point: as with any mono-diet, it is not recommended to devote more than three to five days in a row to one fruit.

Otherwise, psychologically it will be so difficult to endure (even the most beloved fruit is extremely annoying by the end of the first day) that after the end of fasting days, most of those who want to lose weight break down and start eating high-calorie and heavy foods for the body, reducing all titanic efforts to nothing.

So, our goal is not a diet, but cleansing, during which you can get rid of excess weight, but we will do this for the benefit of the body, without provoking ourselves to breakdowns.

To improve the condition of the skin and intestines, get rid of excess fluid and centimeters at the waist enough 1-2 days a week.


Now comes the moment of choice. Unloading is best done with one type of fruit and eat them together with the peel, which, by the way, contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and coarse fiber, which is responsible for cleansing the body.

Fragrant strawberries, crunchy apples, juicy cherries, fragrant peaches, tender apricots, refreshing watermelon... Don't know what to choose? Choose by color! What color the body responds to, those minerals and vitamins, therefore, are not enough.

Listen to yourself, go to the market, buy the most juicy and beautiful fruits and start your fasting days, which will take away excess volumes, toxins and unwanted salts. So what does the body want?

Apples are a very valuable fruit, which contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as folic acid, sugar, pectins.
To reduce weight, it is advisable to have an “apple day” 1-2 times a week. Eat 1.5-2 kg of apples during the day, infusions of soothing herbs are perfect as a liquid.
By the way, lovers can bake apples in the oven - there is almost no difference.


The antimicrobial properties of strawberries are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. In addition, the tannins included in its composition strengthen the gums.
For a fasting day, 1 kg of strawberries is enough, which you need to eat in four doses of 250 grams.


Grapes have wonderful healing properties, thanks to which the nutritional balance is normalized, and the body is cleansed of toxins. For a diet, choose grapes with seeds: they contain more polyphenols that counteract the aging process.
During the day, you can eat no more than 0.8 - 1 kg, because there are too many sugars in grapes.
Attention! Grape fasting days are not recommended for people with diabetes.

Peaches are very useful due to the large amounts of potassium and iron salts contained in them. As you know, potassium is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, and its lack can lead to disruption of cardiac activity, conduction of nerve pathways.
There is a lot of iron in peach fruits, so peaches are highly recommended for those who suffer from heart disease or anemia.
In addition, peaches contain carotene (provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, PP and C.
Peach contains about 11 percent of carbohydrates, mostly sugar, so the fruits are contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes. Everyone else can eat up to 1.5 kg of fruit during the fasting day.

Apricot pulp contains organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric and salicylic, vitamins C, B1, B2, B15, P and, finally, provitamin A - carotene.
Some scientists even claim that a diet rich in apricots is highly conducive to longevity.
With the help of apricots, we will also prolong the life of a beautiful figure. During the fasting day, you can eat up to 1.5 kg of fruit.

Sweet cherries contain organic acids, sugars (again, attention to diabetic patients!), provitamin A, vitamins C and P, group B, nicotinic acid, a lot of phosphorus, calcium and iron.
Cherry is very useful in diseases of the kidneys and liver - it stimulates their activity; normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension; with arthritis, rheumatism and gout, it helps to endure pain more easily; with atony of the intestine, spastic colitis and other diseases accompanied by sluggish peristalsis, the delicate fiber of the sweet cherry stimulates the activity of the intestine and helps to get rid of congestion in the intestine.
For a fasting day, 1-1.2 kg of cherries will be enough.

Watermelon is very useful for hypertension, circulatory failure, nephritis, gout, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, obesity. Well, the diuretic and dietary properties of watermelons have long been known.

Eat 300-400 g of watermelon pulp 5 times in one day. If you decide to spend five unloading days in a row (no more!), Then the diet is simple: during the day you eat watermelon at the rate of a kilogram of pulp per 10 kg of your weight.

Carefully monitor your condition: in some cases, the body reacts negatively to such a watermelon mono-nutrition. You can not carry out a watermelon diet with kidney stones, diabetes, severe diseases of the pancreas.

However, if on the second day everything is in order with you (there was no heaviness in the stomach, no flatulence, or other unpleasant consequences), feel free to continue eating fresh pulp for all five days.

As practice shows, upon completion of such unloading, about three kilograms of weight are lost. And here the most important thing is not to pounce on ordinary food, but to continue close communication with watermelon, carefully introducing other products for another ten days, during which you can lose a few more kilograms.

Everyone without exception loves fruit. Juicy, fragrant fruits are an excellent dessert and give a great mood. Moreover, fruits are very useful: they saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and also help to quickly part with body fat reserves. Today we will talk about how to spend on fruits. Due to the high fiber content, delicious fruits help cleanse the body of excess accumulations. Any woman will tell you that spending one day on fruit is not difficult at all, on the contrary, you will look forward to the next one.

Are such downloads useful?

It is difficult to answer unambiguously. If we are talking about a person with a perfectly balanced diet, who also goes in for sports, then, probably, fasting days, like diets, are completely useless for him. But if you take the average citizen who sits at the computer all day and eats not always weekly hunger strikes, his body will breathe a sigh of relief and cleanse itself. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to do this often, it is enough to maintain a strict mono-diet once or twice a month.

Basic Rules

Below we will talk about different options for unloading mono-diets, but whichever one you choose, you will definitely need to adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, drink plenty of water - from 2 to 3 liters.
  • Food should be taken fractionally - divide the entire daily allowance into 5-6 servings.
  • This day will be a test of your willpower. Be sure to come up with something to do so as not to think about food. Time this event to coincide with the moment when the stocks in your refrigerator run low, or even better - go to nature, taking with you only what you plan to eat.
  • Doctors say that food restriction causes stagnation of bile, so it is extremely important to drink a decoction of choleretic herbs in the morning.
  • You also need to carefully exit the unloading. It is not recommended to start the next morning with fried meat and cakes.


What will give your body a fasting day on fruit? Reviews say that effectiveness will depend on your persistence and the products that you have selected for yourself. Salt and sugar can negate the whole result, so try to avoid them. On average, a day on apples or cucumbers will help get rid of up to 3.5 kg of excess weight. However, each organism is individual, so it is very difficult to predict the results in advance. If you regularly arrange such mini-diets for yourself, then their effectiveness will be much higher. That is success in the system.

Deciding on the menu

Unloading day on fruit should be held according to certain rules. It is necessary to choose the right product for unloading. Nutritionists say that you need to focus on domestic fruits that grow in your geographical area. Tropical, overseas fruits are very tasty, but most often they ripen on the way, they are processed with various preparations designed to prevent their spoilage. In addition, they are absorbed much worse and can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, summer is the perfect time to spend a fasting day on fruit. Apples and pears ripen in the garden and summer cottages, which will become the basis of your diet.

Choosing fruits

Here, too, there are subtleties. Fasting day on fruit is designed not only to give you the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds. Additionally, you can detoxify, cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Forget about trendy fresh juices, the fruits should be eaten completely, along with the skin. It is she who contains most of the dietary fiber. In addition, it is very important to drink more water - at least two liters per day.

To diversify the diet, you can spend a fasting day on fruits and berries. However, nutritionists do not recommend getting too carried away with variety. The mono-diet gives the greatest effect, so ideally one fruit is chosen and some berries in addition. It is easy to maintain such a regime, because tomorrow you will return to your usual diet.

We're setting the table

Is it possible to eat fruit on a fasting day? Nutritionists answer unequivocally that it is not only possible, but also necessary. It is a source of useful fiber and many essential substances. The most common scheme is a day on apples. These fruits are not too expensive, they are always on sale, and almost all people like them. On the day you will need 1.5-2 kg of fruit. Do not starve yourself, it is better to eat an extra apple.

Not all people tolerate large amounts of fresh fruit well. The result can be bloating, colic, which is not very pleasant. However, this can be easily avoided if you bake fruit in the oven. The benefit will not diminish.

Peaches and apricots are very rich in potassium and iron. If you choose them, then you are invited to eat up to one and a half kilograms of delicious fruits in one day. However, with diabetes, this option will have to be abandoned.

solar basket

Fruits and vegetables are very useful both separately and together. They can complement each other perfectly, as some are sources of amino acids and vitamins, while others contain more nutrients and fiber. A fasting day on fruits and vegetables can be much easier, since low-calorie vegetables are allowed to be eaten with almost no restrictions.

An excellent option for spending such a day is a combined salad. For example, grated carrots and chopped apple sprinkled with lemon juice. Such a dish will saturate more than one fruit. Next time try cabbage with orange, this is a bright and very tasty salad. For an amateur, boiled beets with plums go. All these dishes are very good because they contain the necessary nutrients, while they are very voluminous, which is good for the intestines.

Day - vegetables, day - fruits

Each of us has a different body, not everyone likes combined diets. Then you can, for example, arrange a vegetable day today, and tomorrow a fruit fasting day. Reviews suggest that it is this option that allows you to achieve the most impressive results. On the first day, only vegetables are allowed in any combination, but only raw. You can make salads or amazing smoothies from them, that is, grind them together with the pulp in a blender. The amount can be any, most importantly, divide it into 5-6 servings.

On the second day comes fruit time. The number of meals - 4-5 per day. Each time it is supposed to eat no more than 350 g. But bananas should be discarded. On the third day, you can make a vegetable salad for breakfast, fruits will serve as a second breakfast, make yourself porridge and vegetable salad for lunch. Apples are suitable for an afternoon snack, and stewed vegetables are for dinner. This way you will gradually return to your regular diet.

But what about protein?

Today, only the lazy have not heard about the benefits of protein, including for weight loss. So why aren't we talking about how protein foods pair with fruit? This is exactly what we are now approaching. And the first thing that comes to mind is a delicate yogurt with pieces of fresh fruit. Beauty and benefits for your body. A fasting day on fruits and yogurt is also useful because the bacteria contained in the fermented milk drink help the body cope with coarse fiber.

For the whole day you will need 1 liter of drinking yogurt. It is best to choose a low-fat drink and do not add sugar to it. One fasting day allows you to lose up to 1 kg of weight. If you want to combine kefir with fruits, then you will need half a liter of kefir and 500 g of apples or oranges per day.

We turn to the classic version - "unload" on kefir

A fasting day on fruits and kefir is a universal, budget option, known to almost all women. However, nutritionists recommend following some rules. It is better to start the day with a glass of kefir. Second breakfast - 200 g of fruit or a few dried fruits. For lunch - again a glass of kefir. For an afternoon snack, please yourself with a good portion and end the day with kefir. In addition, you can drink several liters of green tea or plain water. In one such day, you can lose up to one and a half kilograms of weight.

"Curd" days

You are very lucky if you love this product. It is rich in protein, easy to digest, and low in calories. Delicious and healthy, it is also very affordable. There are low-fat cottage cheese options on the market today, which is the perfect diet food. and fruits can be carried out regularly - from 2 to 4 times a month. It's good for your waist and gastrointestinal tract, which gets a breather and can clean up.

It has a calorie content of only 100 kcal per 100 g of product, but at the same time it saturates the body with essential amino acids. By supplementing it with fruits, you provide yourself with fiber and carbohydrates. Apples or oranges are best, you can add one kiwi. The daily menu includes 600 g of cottage cheese, divided into 3 meals, and 400 g of fruit.

Kefir with cottage cheese

Sometimes the individual characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract do not allow combining fruits and dairy products. Then you can choose another option. You will need a liter per day. It should be divided into five meals. During the main meals, 3 tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese are added to it.

This option is very useful for the body, as it restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and allows you to get rid of 1 kg of excess weight per day. If desired, it can be repeated every three days, since such a diet does not harm the body. It is very useful to add to it a decoction of wild rose and an infusion of herbs, such as nettle. For taste, you can add a drop of honey to herbal tea, this will give you strength and give you a good mood.

A fasting day on fruit can perfectly cope with two tasks at once: maintain optimal body weight and ensure excellent health. Plus, it is this kind of unloading that is considered the most useful. The main difficulty lies, perhaps, in the choice of the main product. And this is not surprising, because fruits are very fragrant, juicy and tasty.

A little about the features of the fruit mono-diet

Fruits are filled with valuable vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances, and therefore are able to have a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems of our body. Thanks to such natural products, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, the blood formula improves and metabolism normalizes. Plus, fruits help eliminate toxins and toxins. As a result of their use, we are charged with cheerfulness, energy and excellent mood.

In general, almost all fruit fasting days, regardless of the main ingredient, are incredibly easy to carry out and at the same time promise to be quite satisfying. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. No matter how juicy the fruit you choose, you must follow the drinking regimen. The only thing is that the amount of liquid consumed will vary.
  2. It is advisable to consume the last portion of the fruit mono-diet before 18.00, and before going to bed you should drink a cup of herbal decoction, for example, from nettle, chamomile, fennel or flaxseed.
  3. A fasting day on fruits is carried out no more than once a week - such a schedule is considered quite acceptable so that the body gets rid of accumulated harmful substances in time, the skin condition is always excellent, and the extra centimeters melt gradually.

Important! In order for fruit unloading to bring the expected result, it is also necessary to exit them correctly. Keep this in mind and try not to pounce on food the very next day!

Fruit day options

There are a myriad of options for fasting days on fruit. And all that is required of you is just to choose a favorite and consume about 1.5-2 kg of this product in equal portions from morning to evening. But if fruit alone is not enough for you, then in this case it is quite acceptable to build your unloading on a multi-component salad. Here the assortment of fruits can be extensive, which cannot but rejoice. However, remember that you can fill such a dish with either lemon juice or natural yogurt.

So, what kind of fruit for a fasting day can you choose?


Plum is rich in B vitamins, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, this product takes care of the nervous system, and also exhibits a diuretic and laxative effect. In addition, an appetizing juicy plum helps in losing weight - it contains special substances that bind and break down body fat. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the plum is very often chosen for unloading.

How can a fasting day go on plums?

  • We buy about 1.5 kg of plums and break this amount into 5 servings.
  • During the day we use only these stone fruits and purified water.
  • We don’t remember about other products until the morning.

On a note! If everyone eats 3-4 ripe plums, then you can quickly restore metabolic processes. A good metabolism, as you know, is the key to a beautiful figure!


The pulp of a fresh pear contains a lot of fiber and a small portion of sugars. And near the seed pods, unique substances are concentrated that contribute to the self-purification of our body. Thus, pears can be consumed whole or peeled very carefully in order to preserve this important area for our health.

And in order for a fasting day on pears to bring maximum benefit, it is advisable to remember the following:

  1. Throughout the day, we only eat pears and drink plenty of fluids.
  2. For unloading, only ripe fruits should be chosen without spots on the peel or rotten places.
  3. If you bought fruits in a store, then they must be thoroughly washed with a brush, and out of season, also soaked for a couple of hours in cold water - this technique will free the fruits from nitrates.

On a note! Both ripe and dried pears contribute to the acquisition of the coveted harmony!


Unfortunately, the tropical fruit with the most delicate taste, beloved by many, was not found in most diets. And the reason for this was its high nutritional value, while it is believed that the banana only exacerbates the situation with being overweight. However, this opinion is greatly exaggerated.

In fact, it is useful to arrange a fasting day on bananas, and this product is now very common not only in mono-diets, but also in other low-calorie menus. Here the whole thing is again in its satiety and, of course, in the properties. This fragrant fruit is the most valuable source of "slow" carbohydrates, and therefore quickly and permanently fills our body with energy. In addition, it contains a fairly large amount of vitamins and minerals.

In general, a banana fasting day is a certain shake-up for the body, which allows you to “wake up” it and release it from stress that has arisen against the background of a lack of “correct” carbohydrates and exhausting diets. And it is carried out very simply:

  • per day you will need no more than 1.5 kg of bananas;
  • we drink a lot of liquid - at least 2 liters, and we choose drinks without sugar, and half of the indicated volume of all liquid must necessarily fall on purified water;
  • the main rule is that we eat fruits in small portions and only when we feel hungry.

Important! With sharp jumps in blood glucose, fasting days on bananas are contraindicated!


Grapefruit is considered the richest source of antioxidants, which are very effective in clearing our blood of cholesterol. Thus, there is a prevention of many diseases, including atherosclerosis. And therefore, a fasting day on a grapefruit, which will be held monthly, will help maintain vascular tone in optimal condition. Such unloading is considered a good prevention of bleeding gums and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

On a note! Valuable qualities are possessed not only by the pulp of grapefruit, but also by its seeds - the seeds are able to exhibit antimicrobial and antifungal effects!

Unloading day on grapefruit or, as it is also called, "bitter day" is usually carried out with the addition of green tea to the diet. An example diagram is as follows:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach we drink a glass of green tea and eat half a grapefruit;
  • after an hour we use 170-180 ml of mineral water without gas;
  • an hour later, we repeat the morning menu - half a grapefruit and green tea;
  • an hour later - a glass of water, etc.

In general, you should eat 5 whole grapefruits per day and drink 10 glasses of tea, plus about 2 liters of water.

On a note! Why is this diet one of the most effective? The whole secret lies in the bitter taste of each of the ingredients, which blocks the appetite. Accordingly, you cannot eat a lot, and the body compensates for the calorie deficit at the expense of internal reserves!


Peaches are fruits with amazing properties. First of all, they contribute to the restoration of liver cells, and therefore this product is often recommended for use in the treatment of various diseases of this organ. In addition, peach will bring great benefits to the immune system, especially if you are prone to colds or often suffer from other infectious diseases. It will help with gout, rheumatism and cardiovascular diseases, and a large amount of fiber concentrated in the juicy pulp will take care of the intestines and help in losing weight.

As for the fasting day on peaches, it will be categorically contraindicated in diabetes, allergies and obesity. For the rest, such a mono-diet will bring great benefits. Its essence is as follows:

  • throughout the day we use only fresh peaches and drink enough liquid;
  • you can eat both whole fruits and prepare smoothies, purees and fresh juices from them;
  • the amount of fruit eaten per day should not exceed 1.5 kg - it is advisable to immediately divide them into equal portions.

When planning a fasting day on fruit, it is advisable to visit your doctor, as individual contraindications that you were not aware of are quite possible. And remember that no matter how useful such a mono-diet is, quite often excessive fruit consumption provokes certain problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Recently, more and more people talk about the harmful effects of long-term diets on the body. It is depleted, the work of the organs goes astray, and the results achieved by incredible work quickly evaporate in the very first days after the hunger strike. But the benefits of detox programs are trumpeted at every turn. And one of them is a fasting day on fruits and vegetables, which collects a lot of positive feedback and is becoming an increasingly popular method of losing weight. What are its advantages?


Before losing weight in this way, you need to understand how it works, due to which this extra kilogram is lost. If you think that fat reserves from the sides, waist or buttocks will go away with it, you are deeply mistaken. For the mechanism of weight loss in this case is completely different:

  • vegetable fiber, which is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, is called a soft “brush” for the body, as it removes everything superfluous from it, which, in turn, helps to get rid of several hundred grams in just 1 day;
  • it also improves digestion;
  • thanks to her, bouts of hunger are stopped;
  • metabolism and lipolysis are accelerated;
  • the diet of such days is low-calorie, so the body does not have raw materials for storing fat in reserve;
  • various organs are saturated with vitamins, microelements, amino acids and other useful substances, which is necessary for their smooth functioning;
  • hunger strike is much easier to tolerate than others, as it implies excellent taste qualities of the dishes used, as well as a varied menu.

It turns out that a fruit and vegetable fasting day removes a large amount of excess fluid from the body. Together with it, various substances leave - both harmful (toxins, radionuclides, slags) and useful (calcium and potassium). It is they who make up the mass that you will lose. Fats are not going anywhere, unfortunately. Yes, lipolysis will start at some point, but this is a very long process.

Visually, some changes will be noticeable immediately: as the puffiness subsides, the volumes will appear smaller.

A bit of confusion. In botany, the division of fruits into fruits and vegetables is very arbitrary and sometimes confusing. And if everyone has long known that a watermelon is a berry, then some facts for many can still be a real discovery. For example, strawberries and blackberries are not berries, but avocados, tomatoes, and pineapples are. The only consolation: for a fasting day, this does not matter.


The diuretic effect is unlikely to be avoided. And this means that the excretory systems and some organs will experience increased stress. Therefore, there are contraindications in which a fasting day is undesirable. These include:

  • menstruation;
  • mental or physical hard work;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • any untreated disease;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • elderly age;
  • if there is an allergy to any fruits or vegetables, they must be excluded from the diet;
  • low pressure;
  • bad feeling.

All of the above contraindications are relative, since only a doctor after an examination can give permission for fruit and vegetable weight loss. Still, this is not a complete, but a short-term abstinence from harmful foods. Only a specialist can give recommendations on whether you can lose weight in this way.

Curious fact. Scientists have found a pattern that they still cannot explain. Latex intolerant people are diagnosed with allergies to either kiwi or mango or both.

Choosing products

Someone loses only 500 grams per day, someone manages to lose 2 kg, and some even gain weight. How is this possible? It turns out that it all depends on the products. Potatoes are a vegetable and grapes are a fruit, but they are useless for weight loss, as one contains a lot of starch and the other contains sugar. Therefore, make up your diet wisely. Recommended product lists will help you avoid making embarrassing mistakes.


  • eggplant;
  • bell pepper;
  • : white head, color, brussels;
  • tomatoes;
  • celery;
  • radish;
  • spinach.


  • A pineapple;
  • oranges;
  • watermelon;
  • pomegranate;
  • grapefruit;
  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • plums;

Additional products

  • Dietary meat: chicken breast, turkey fillet, beef;
  • low-fat dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • any berries.


What can you drink:

  • unsweetened green tea with milk, ginger, lemon, cinnamon and other fat-burning additives;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • herbal drinks;
  • homemade vegetable and fruit juices (in no case store-bought).

And do not forget to observe the drinking regime: you need to drink at least 2 liters of ordinary or mineral water without gas per day. Otherwise, the exchange processes will not start.

On a note. If you like to experiment and have access to exotic foods, you can try to include some overseas fruits in your diet. For example, lulo (28 kcal), carambola (31 kcal), Kiwano melon (44 kcal), longan (60 kcal), sapodilla (83 kcal). Just keep an eye on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, to which such food may seem too unusual.

In order for fasting days on vegetables and fruits to help you lose as much weight as possible, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. The day before them, try to eliminate harmful foods from the diet.
  2. The night before, it will be useful to drink a glass of infusion of prunes.
  3. Make the menu in such a way that the daily calorie content does not exceed 1,200 kcal.
  4. The recommended volume is approximately 750 grams of fruits and vegetables.
  5. It should be divided into 5-10 meals (depending on which diet is more convenient for you).
  6. Remember: the smaller the portion, the better result you will achieve in the end.
  7. Try to avoid sugary fruits (grapes, figs, bananas) and starchy vegetables (corn, pumpkins, potatoes).
  8. Salt, sugar, spices are excluded.
  9. Heat treatment is allowed, but undesirable, as vegetables and fruits are deprived of nutrients. For a variety of dishes, you can use stewing, steaming, boiling. Fried food is prohibited.
  10. As soon as you feel that you are breaking down and cannot cope with the approaching hunger, eat a small apple.
  11. Try not to overload your body with intense workouts. Although some physical activity must be present (in the form of walking or morning).
  12. In order not to gain the lost kilograms the next day, it would be nice to hold out for a week without fatty and fried foods.

Spend these days twice a month. You can choose an alternation scheme: fasting day on vegetables - on fruits - on fruits and vegetables. This will not allow the body to get used to the same products. Try to make a varied menu of delicious dishes so as not to break loose.

Life hack. It is believed that during the phase of the waning moon, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, and therefore it is much easier to cope with bouts of hunger. Therefore, try to arrange unloading during such periods of the lunar cycle.

Sample Menus

A lot depends on the menu. The easiest option is to consume 1 raw fruit and vegetable every two hours. The scheme is universal and suitable for everyone:

  • breakfast - 1 carrot;
  • lunch - 1 green apple;
  • lunch - 2 tomatoes;
  • afternoon snack - 2 kiwis;
  • dinner - 2 cucumbers;
  • before going to bed - 1 pear.

The perfect menu for a fruit and vegetable fasting day. However, you will not be enough for a long time: already by the afternoon you will want to chew something more refined, and not sour kiwi. Therefore, you need to properly think over the diet and diversify it to the maximum. Cook your favorite dishes, experiment with recipes, share your experience on the forums. This is the only way to lose the desired 2 kg in just 24 hours and at the same time not suffer from the pangs of hunger.

Several options for sample menus will help you navigate and, based on them, create your own (observing proportions).

First option. Raw fruits and vegetables

Second option. Thermally processed fruits and vegetables

You can start a fasting day with a teaspoon, which is better to drink a glass of warm boiled water. This will start all the necessary processes in the body aimed at getting rid of extra pounds and cleansing the intestines.

For regular cleansing of the body, both doctors and nutritionists recommend fasting days based on various low-calorie foods 2-3 times a month. Fruit and vegetable option - one of the most gentle and effective. And it's easy to endure, and the results can please. So stock up on plant-based vitamins in their natural form and start the fight against excess weight tomorrow.