The Sindika shopping center was insured by VTB Insurance for 4.2 billion rubles, the president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers said in an interview with Business FM. The radio station's insurance company explained what risks were covered and who would receive compensation.

The Sindika building complex was insured by VTB Insurance. Igor Yurgens, president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, announced this to Business FM.

Earlier, the organization said that the damage from a fire in the largest construction market in the Moscow region could amount to 5 billion rubles. According to the president of the organization, Igor Yurgens, Sindika is insured for 4.2 billion rubles.

Igor Yurgens,President of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

"Shopping Center" Sindika "was insured by" VTB Insurance, the amount - 4.2 billion rubles. Expertise, consideration of all the details of the insured event will take some time. This usually lasts for several months, but this company has no doubt about the amount, and after appropriate procedures, it can be paid to the owners. The estimate of 5 billion has not yet been confirmed, but it has not been refuted either, so the main damage by VTB Insurance will be compensated.”

Will Sindika's insurance cover the losses suffered by entrepreneurs working in the shopping center? Alexey Volodin, Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance, comments:

Alexey Volodin, Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance

“All the risks associated with property damage were covered: these are structural elements, interior decoration, equipment. Illegal actions of third parties were also insured. The whole complex of property risks was insured. We are talking about the insured, that is, directly the owner of the shopping complex. It is also possible that the beneficiary will be the bank that appropriately lent this complex and acted as the mortgagee and beneficiary.

Before the fire in the parking lot next to the Sindika construction complex, a pop was heard, the version is being checked that there was an explosion of a gas cylinder in a car. This was told by RBC sources in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is still too early to talk about the intentional arson of the shopping center, since only in the morning they completed the strait of structures, the source added. The fact that the investigation is considering the version of arson was previously reported by TASS, citing a law enforcement source.

According to Yury Savelov, a member of the Presidium of Opora Rossii, if the investigation proves that it was arson, this may partially help the affected entrepreneurs.

Yuri Savelov, member of the presidium of Opora Rossii

“If the investigation proves that it was arson, then, probably, the responsibility can be partially transferred to the arsonists. It is difficult to say how this will help the entrepreneur, but at least he will have such a responsibility to other creditors that he is not to blame. Forgiveness will not be forgiven, but maybe somewhere they will give him a respite so that he can repay this debt, a commodity loan. If there is a version of arson, why not consider it? Yes, competitors, why not? Secondly, there may still be insurers, maybe it’s all insured and someone needs money.”

As for payments for damaged cars, as Igor Yurgens notes, if the car is insured under CASCO, then there will be compensation. “According to OSAGO, if only liability to third parties is insured, if a guilty person in a fire is found, if this guilty person or a group of persons, an individual or a legal entity is recognized as such, then through several trials with him, it is possible that OSAGO can be partially obtained . But such an outcome seems unlikely to me, ”said the president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers.

The State Fire Supervision Authority is studying the version of arson at Sindik and does not exclude the scenario of insurance fraud. The shopping center was insured by VTB Insurance for 4.2 billion rubles. The insurance contract includes the risks of loss, destruction and damage to the property of the insured, including in case of fire. The market is run by several companies associated with the family of the former head of Kabardino-Balkaria and current senator Arsen Kanokov. According to Life, his companies took out large loans from banks.

Fire inspectors are now working on the remains of the Sindika construction market in the northwest of the capital, collecting material samples and interviewing witnesses. It is not yet clear where exactly the fire was located. If, according to their results, it turns out that it was a deliberate arson, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will transfer the documents to the Investigative Committee or the Ministry of Internal Affairs to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case.

The results of the fire-technical examination will be ready in two weeks or a little earlier, - a source in the Moscow Emergencies Ministry told Life.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already begun a pre-investigation check on the fact of causing harm to people's health. Three workers, who were near the fire, received injuries of varying severity. If the police find signs of negligence, they will initiate a criminal case.

The shopping center of building materials "Sindika", in which a major fire occurred on October 8, was insured in "VTB-insurance" for 4.2 billion rubles. According to insurers, the insurance contract includes the risks of loss, destruction and damage to property, including in case of fire.

To decide on payment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the fire and compare them with the terms of the contract. The payment can be made after the examination, which can take from three to six months, - said Alexei Volodin, deputy director of the company. - In case of a positive decision, the approximate amount of the payment will be up to 4.2 billion rubles. According to Volodin, the insurance company has enough resources and such an amount of insurance coverage will not greatly affect the financial condition of the company.

Moreover, VTB Insurance will have to pay only 3 million euros.

The rest of the amount is reinsured by the world's leading insurers, the press service of the VTB Group told Life.

The Sindika market is run by a brood of private companies, many of which are connected to the family of the former head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Arsen Kanokov. Now he is a senator from the parliament of this republic in the Federation Council. According to the SPARK database, the main "management" company of the market is Sindika Holding Company JSC. Its general director is Antemirkan Kanokov. Like a cousin of Arsen Kanokov. The senator himself is still listed as a co-owner of the JSC. Another legal entity - "Sindika-O" - deals with the issues of leasing on the territory of the market. This company is 49% owned by the senator's wife, Fatima. According to Life's calculations, the market is controlled by three companies. Their total profit is 110 million rubles, according to SPARK. At the same time, the company has taken several loans in the last two years. For example, on the security of electrical communications and sewerage, the market took a loan from Sberbank.

Experts believe that, most likely, the market was insured against deliberate arson, but this will be difficult to prove.

Insurers in this situation will focus on the conclusions of the investigation and firefighters, ”Vadim Gorko, a leading expert of the Insurance and Payments Agency, told Life. - It is unlikely that insurance specialists have their own resources to find out the exact cause of the fire.

As for the version of arson, which is now being worked out by firefighters, experts say it will be very difficult to prove it. And even more difficult - to prove who exactly carried out this arson. To do this, at least CCTV footage is needed, on which it will be possible to identify the arsonist. In addition, the fact of arson is not yet proof that the market owners ordered it.

It is still too early to say unequivocally that the owners of Sindika will receive the entire amount of insurance. The decision on payment can be made no earlier than the spring of 2018, - says lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky. - This will happen if the security service of the insurance company and numerous independent examinations establish whether the causes of the fire comply with the terms of the contract. And, for example, the construction market was not set on fire on purpose in order to receive multibillion-dollar insurance.

Senator Arsen Kanokov's competitors could also set fire to the construction market of Sindika.

According to Life, the fire in the construction center of the same name, which belonged to the Sindika holding, did not occur by chance. Allegedly, Senator Arsen Kanokov liked the Kuntsevsky market, located on a land plot of 11.1 thousand square meters. m. On this land there is a building with an area of ​​​​almost 4 thousand square meters. m. The cost of the asset is estimated at about 1 billion rubles. At the end of 2014, the Moscow City Planning and Land Commission approved the decision to build a shopping and entertainment center with an area of ​​68.2 thousand square meters on the site of the market. m.

It cannot be ruled out that someone decided to disrupt Arsen Kanokov's deal to acquire a promising business asset in the west of Moscow, says a Life source in the capital's city hall.

According to him, the Kuntsevsky market can expand the empire of Arsen Kanokov. Now the Sindika holding owns and serves universal markets: Troitsky in Strogino, Usachevsky in Khamovniki, Bratislavsky in Maryina and Tushinsky in the north-west of Moscow. Sindika also owns the construction and clothing Pokrovsky market in Biryulyovo Zapadny, the Sindika-O construction market on the 65th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

Another version of the fire is the negligence of the market management company and tenants.

Back in February 2017, an inspection came to the market and found a giant warehouse in the basement. The management of Sindika was advised to put everything in order in accordance with fire safety as soon as possible. In particular, they asked to remove flammable items. And in September, another inspection revealed all the same violations, - law enforcement sources say.

According to lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky, owners of cars damaged in a fire will also have to face the problem of insurance payments. - In the event that the owner of the car has only an OSAGO policy, he, unfortunately, will not be able to receive an insurance payment for this insured event. This is third party liability insurance. Another thing is the hull insurance policy, which involves such cases, - Ostrovsky explains.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, car explosions were recorded in the Sindiki underground parking lot. According to preliminary data of rescuers, about 30 cars burned down there.

Life contacted one of the co-owners of the Sindika Trade Complex, Beslan Gordogozhev, but he declined to comment.

The court ordered VTB Insurance to pay 766 million rubles. at the suit of the owners of the burnt Sindika market

At a meeting on Monday, the Moscow Arbitration Court decided to recover from VTB Insurance (part of the SOGAZ group) at the suit of the owners of the Sindika market that burned down two years ago (Sindika-O LLC) a total of 766 million rubles, the correspondent reported. "Interfax" from the courtroom.

"To recover from VTB Insurance LLC in favor of Sberbank of Russia on the basis of an agreement on opening a non-revolving credit line 135.9 million rubles of insurance compensation under an insurance agreement (. . .) to recover from VTB Insurance in favor of Sindika-O LLC 489 .7 million rubles of insurance compensation, 15.1 million rubles of losses, 125.3 million rubles of interest for the use of other people's funds, (. . .) as well as expenses for paying state duty in the amount of 184 thousand rubles. refuse," the judge said in his decision.

A major fire in the building materials shopping center "Sindika", located on the 65th km of the Moscow Ring Road, occurred in October 2017. The shopping center was insured by VTB Insurance in the amount of 4.3 billion rubles, in the summer of 2018 the case was recognized as insured, and the insurer paid the organization 3.6 billion rubles.

At the end of June 2019, Sindika-O LLC applied to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a request to recover from VTB Insurance the lost insurance compensation in the amount of 639 million rubles, as well as interest for the use of other people's funds in the amount of 111 million rubles and losses in the amount of 213 million rubles (total 963.4 million rubles). According to the representative of the plaintiff, due to incomplete insurance compensation, the organization had a debt on a loan to Sberbank.

The main discussion at the meeting on Monday between the representatives of the plaintiff and the defendant revolved around the fact that, according to the defendant, after the fire, the insured object had good residues. Defendants also alleged that the owners of the market had demolished insured elements of the building that could be used or sold. The insurer told the court that, taking into account depreciation and remaining usable balances, the full amount of loss of property was paid based on the declared book value.

The plaintiff's side reported that the emergency elements of the burnt building were demolished by agreement of both parties. In addition, the insured object was completely declared dead and there were no usable remains on it, but if the defendant believes that the remains can be of value, then the plaintiff stated in court that he was ready to refuse them and transfer them to the defendant for use.

The decision can be appealed within a month from the date of manufacture.

March 19, 2020 19:26 March 19, 2020 18:50 March 18, 2020 14:35 March 17, 2020 18:26 March 17, 2020 13:26 March 13, 2020 13:46 March 12, 2020 15:09 March 10, 2020 18:19 March 06, 2020 12:56

The fees of Russian insurance companies in 2019 did not change compared to 2018 and amounted to 1.48 trillion rubles. For the first time since 2009, the market has not grown, according to a review of key performance indicators of insurers by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. As noted in the review, stagnation is associated with a change ...

The losses of the owners of the Sindika shopping center that burned down on Sunday amount to at least 5.5 billion rubles, the losses of several hundred tenants - at least another 6 billion rubles. A new shopping center on the site of the burned-out one will be built in a year and a half

Everything is lost

Fire in the construction trade center "Sindika" on the 65th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road 55 thousand square meters. m, reported in the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Moscow region. The fire was recorded on Sunday, October 8, around 15:00; open burning was eliminated only by seven in the morning on Monday, October 9th. The shopping center burned out completely. As one of the versions, there is now a possible explosion of a gas cylinder in one of the cars in the underground parking lot. According to RBC's source in the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, shortly before the explosion, a bang sounded in the parking lot. The same information was voiced by a source in the Central Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. At the same time, it is too early to talk about arson, RBC interlocutors said.

The shopping center was built in 2014 on the site of a construction market and belongs to the Sindika holding, controlled by the family of the senator from Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov (in the latest Forbes rating "200 richest businessmen of Russia" it ranks 191st with a fortune of $ 500 million).

Sindica in numbers

The total area of ​​the shopping center "Sindika" was 131 thousand square meters. m, it occupied 14.8 hectares in the village of Razdory, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, according to a public cadastral map. The land and the complex itself belonged to Sindika-O LLC, according to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. 49% of Sindika-O LLC belongs, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, to Fatima Kanokova, 21% belongs to Artur Kardanov, co-owner of several dozen structures affiliated with the Sindika holding. The remaining 30% belongs to LLC Invest-Maxima, CJSC Invent-Project and Trumark Assets Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands.

The cost of building a shopping center building in 2014 in the Sindika holding itself was estimated at 5 billion rubles. The cost of the facility on the eve of the fire could be 5.5-6.5 billion rubles, Knight Frank analysts believe. In 2016, the revenue of Sindika-O amounted, according to SPARK-Interfax, to 955.6 million rubles. For comparison: revenue according to RAS of CJSC Kashirsky Dvor, the owner of three building trade centers of the same name in Moscow with a total area of ​​146 thousand square meters. m, amounted to 506 million rubles.

The real income of Sindica could be significantly higher. According to Evgenia Khakberdiyeva, Head of the Department of Shopping Centers of the Department of Retail Real Estate at Knight Frank , average rental rates in construction shopping centers like Sindika range from 1.5 thousand to 3 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per month. Taking into account the fact that only about 90 thousand square meters were suitable for rent. m, the annual market revenue could range from 1.6 billion to 3.2 billion rubles. It turns out that the owners of Sindika have already recouped at least a significant part of their investment in construction.

Video: RBC

Who will pay whom

The owner will be able to count on no more than 4.2 billion rubles. insurance payment, told VTB Insurance, where Sindika was insured. At the same time, the insurance contract of the Sindika shopping center with VTB Insurance does not cover the losses of third parties, said Alexey Volodin, Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance. According to him, the payment will be preceded by an examination, which can take from three to six months. “Our real risk for the Sindika shopping center is € 3 million, the rest of the amount is reinsured by the world's leading insurers,” the press service of the VTB Group said in a statement received by RBC.

Tenant losses could be even higher. General Director of "INFOLine-Analytics" Mikhail Burmistrov estimated them at 8 billion rubles. We are talking about retail prices, while wholesale losses can be about 6 billion rubles, the expert added. According to him, this amount is calculated taking into account the goods in retail facilities and warehouses, as well as commercial equipment and repair costs. In total, there were more than 200 tenants in the shopping center, some of which occupied several outlets, Burmistrov knows. There were 876 stores in Sindik, according to the website of the shopping center itself. All of them specialized in goods for construction and repair, furniture, interior items, etc.

The issue of monetary compensation to tenants should be resolved with the owner of the shopping center, Vladimir Posazhennikov, Minister of the Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region, told RBC. At the same time, the affected tenants of Sindika will be able to move to other construction markets in the Moscow region, he noted.

The administration of the shopping center maintains contact with tenants, Jamilya Khagarova, head of the press service of the Sindika shopping center, said in turn. So far, according to her, it is premature to talk about any compensation. At the same time, she promised that the owners of Sindika "won't leave the former tenants in trouble."

It was quite difficult for tenants who wanted to insure their goods to do this, interviewed entrepreneurs told RBC. According to them, this was hindered by the position of the administration of the complex. . “Insurers demanded, for example, fire insulation of the ceiling, but the administration of the shopping center forbade it,” Sergey, manager of the Stroy Alternative store (located on the first floor of Sindiki), told RBC.

The tenant can demand compensation from the landlord in the event that the obligation to comply with fire safety standards for the rented premises lies with the landlord, explains Irina Medvedskaya, partner at DS Law. However, at the moment there is no data on how these relations were regulated in the Sindika shopping center. A claim for damages can be brought against both the landlord and the tenant, if the fire was caused by the fault of the latter, says Anton Babenko, partner at Padva & Epshtein Law Office.

A new shopping center on the site of the burned-out one will be built in 1.5 years, its area will be no less than the burned-out one, Jamilya Khagarova assures. She has not yet been able to assess the size of the investment, as well as the losses incurred.

Not only the Sindika shopping center

According to Sindiki's own data, which RBC previously used, the holding "serves" such universal markets as Troitsky in Strogino, Usachevsky in Khamovniki and Bratislavsky in Maryino, as well as the construction and clothing Pokrovsky market in Biryulyovo-Zapadny. The holding also owned the Tushinsky and Matveevsky markets in Moscow.

Structures associated with Arsen Kanokov not only serve, but also own these markets, follows from the data of SPARK-Interfax. For example, in the disclosure of information by OAO Trading House Usachevsky dated July 1, 2004, it was said that CJSC Sindika-M owns 29.4% of the shares, and in May 2011 75% were transferred to the balance sheet of Rolitex LLC, headed by Timur Kanokov.

, Deputy General Director - Director of the Corporate Risk Insurance Department of LLC IC VTB Insurance
Publication date: 10/11/2017

The fire in the Sindika shopping center on the Moscow Ring Road on October 8-9 became one of the largest insured losses in Russia in 2017. VTB Insurance is the direct insurer of the burned facility. Structural elements, decoration and equipment of the building are insured in the amount of 4.2 billion rubles. A loss of this magnitude cannot but have an impact on the commercial real estate insurance market in Russia. What can he become? What conclusions can be drawn from this situation for the owner or tenant of such facilities?

As of October 10, access to the burned-out shopping center has not yet been opened, so the technical procedures for assessing the condition of the facility have not yet begun. Considering the size of the loss, the company will involve independent specialists - loss adjusters to settle the insured event. The choice of the adjuster will be coordinated with the reinsurers - the leaders of the obligatory agreement under which the object was reinsured. The insurance contract was concluded in the amount of 4.2 billion rubles, of which our liability is 3 million euros, the rest of the risks were reinsured by the world's leading reinsurers.

A loss of this level will, of course, be reflected in the insurance market of this segment as a whole. This fire and its consequences, which attracted the attention of all domestic businesses operating in the field of commercial real estate and trade, will affect the attitude of entrepreneurs towards insuring their risks - perhaps we will see an increase in demand for property insurance for legal entities. The situation with the Sindika shopping center shows that the owners of this kind of real estate, when choosing insurance protection, need to be very careful about Is the sum insured sufficient to cover the cost of restoring the facility?. It also makes sense to insure business interruption loss, including lost rental income until the owner restores the object. The cost of such insurance is low in relation to the potential losses that can be obtained in the event of such serious damage, which we observed on October 8th.

Separately, it is worth noting the need liability insurance - both owners and tenants shopping and business centers. In the event that the cause of the fire is related to the actions of the owner, it is possible that the affected tenants may file claims for damages. The potential amount of claims can be quite serious, also hundreds of millions of rubles. It is difficult to assess the prospects for such lawsuits, but a third party liability insurance policy would largely alleviate this issue for the owner.

Concerning tenant liability insurance, as a condition for providing premises for rent, then this practice exists in business centers, but, as a rule, contracts are concluded with small limits of liability - in case of local damage from leaks, small fires, etc. Recently, they began to abandon it , but it is still advisable to establish at least minimum requirements for liability insurance for tenants. And, of course, tenants should think about insuring their own property risks - fires in the Sindika shopping center and the July fire in the RIO shopping center in Moscow show that the loss from such events can be quite significant.